Read by Martine Tonnessen hen Simon Peter first meets , he is fishing (Matt 4). A normal Who is Jesus to you? Write down 5 things He has done in your life, and how Wthing to do when you first meet someone is to introduce yourself. The that has affected your view of Him. doesn’t say anything about it, but maybe this happened: “Hello, my name is Simon!” “Hey dude, I know who you are! My name is Jesus!” So, now Simon Peter knows who Jesus is… Jesus! Simon Peter was one of the first disciples, and you have read about some of what he experienced during his time with Jesus earlier. So when we get to chapter 16, and Jesus asks Peter “Who do you say I am?” Peter answers according to what he knows, what he has learned during his time with Jesus. “You are the Christ, the son of the living God.” Peter has met Jesus twice. Once as a human, when they met at the beach and introduced themselves, and once when the Holy Spirit revealed to Peter Have you met Jesus once or twice? If you have not, I want to give you some who Jesus really is. It is important for us too, to meet Jesus twice. Our first challenges! First, find a church to attend. Second, join a small group. Third, encounter is when we are introduced to Jesus and learn who and what he is. find a mentor or someone to talk to about your life with Jesus. (This could be However, our second encounter with Jesus is equally important. This is when your small group!) we get to know Jesus, and we form a relationship with him.

Remember: Before you go out and tell the world about who Jesus is, you need to know Him.

72 73 Read by Teresa De Leon n verse 20 Jesus said, “You don’t have enough faith. I assure you, even if How does this chapter affect your personal life? Iyou had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” In this chapter, Jesus tries and shows his disciples to exercise their faith; that they shouldn’t be afraid even when they saw things happen right in front of them. Jesus told the people not to be so stubborn, and so faithless, but to believe … to have faith. All they had to have was faith; even it was the size of a mustard seed. If they did, anything that was impossible, would be possible with their mustard seed faith. Jesus was trying to make them understand that if they didn’t believe soon, it would be too late. If they didn’t understand the act of faith, he would soon be delivered into human hands. You just have to Do you believe you are walking in faith or fear? walk in faith.

What will you do with your mustard seed of faith?

74 75 Read by Tommy Gray The parable of the unmerciful servant Matthew 18:21-35… Do you need to forgive someone? If so write their names, what you need to esus came and forgave us of our sins (Col 2:13-15) and he tells us to ask forgiveness for and put a date to forgive them by. Jbe like Him. This means to tell others of God’s forgiveness as we also forgive others (Col 3:13-15). Jesus says that if you don’t forgive others, then he won’t forgive you! He also teaches us to pray for forgiveness. What is forgiveness? It’s an action, not a feeling. It’s a restorative action that allows the forgiver and the victim to move forward in life. When we wrong someone, we hurt everyone involved. Anger, bitterness, self-hatred, hard heartedness, among many other things, can happen to us. If we don’t ask for forgiveness we hurt others and ourselves. For example, you see a car diving by you with a flat tire. You see the diver having a difficult time driving but he doesn’t stop to fix it, he just continues to drive. There’s a problem with the car What kind of influence does forgiveness have in our lives and in others? and it can be fixed. We often drive through our lives with our own flat tires, broken windows and mirrors. But that’s not the way it has to be: Jesus tell us how to keep our ‘car’ in good condition to help us get the most out of our car’s life.

Pray, for the courage to confront these people, pray that people you have offended come and talk with you about it, Pray for God’s will to be done.

76 77 Read by Kay Charlotte McClurg he Kingdom of Heaven is mentioned a number of times, but I especially Write down a time when you needed a miracle: Tlike verse 23 where it describes the rich man entering the kingdom. I’ve often wondered why Jesus said, "It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom." It makes me think about a literal camel being squeezed through the hole of the needle. It makes no sense for Jesus to say that, but when he finishes His statement, “with God all things are possible,” it makes total sense. That was what He was trying to get us to understand. He took an absolutely impossible task in our realm of thinking and said, “All things are possible with God.” God CAN do what can NOT be done. He is NOT limited. Yet, we continue to limit Him. I wonder if that makes Him angry? Explain whether you expected this miracle or how you were surprised.

List things in your life that seem impossible to be fulfilled or accomplished.

Now, pray and ask Jesus if He is willing to make this seemingly “impossible” situation, possible.

78 79 Read by Danielle Roberts here are many times I pass by a beggar on the roadside, and don’t speak How do you think you can apply the Isaiah verse to your time at Mission Tkindly or take time to lend a helping hand. In the hustle and bustle Adventures? What about at home? that consumes our every moment, I am afraid I’ve lost track of how Jesus has sent us on mission. Jesus gives an example of how we should live in Matthew 20:32-34. Hearing two men shout his name, “he stopped” (verse 32). Jesus had just explained to his followers his death in Matthew 20:17-19. Although Jesus was focused on the huge life event coming up, he stopped! Verse 34 says “Jesus had compassion on them.” Jesus made a difference in the lives of two people; we are sent to do the same. Isaiah 61 says this: “because the Lord has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor.” We have that ability to preach the good news of Jesus. Maybe a person you come in contact with is not monetarily poor but sad, What is a small way to make a difference? lonely or afraid. The message that Jesus sacrificed everything is a message to be shared. It is a message of joy. We are sent on a mission to share the message that changes and touches lives.

Who is one person you can talk to about Jesus? Take a moment and pray for them and opportunities to be Jesus to that person.

80 81 Read by Dave Dubrall want you to go into the next town and get a piece of junk car so that Who is the God you serve? I the President of the United States can ride in it to greet his fans. That’s basically what Jesus told his disciples to do when he told them to get him a donkey to ride into . Instead of coming in with trumpets blaring with a huge parade riding a beautiful horse (or a sweet car), he gets a donkey. Who does that? The Lord we serve is a humble, loving, jealous God. He has the power to wipe out the planet and start over; in fact, he did once. God to me is my best friend, Lord and Savior. He has pulled me through a lot of thing and has put me through a lot of things so that I may grow with him. It’s this relationship that he wants from us, not just a weekend Sunday service. What does he mean to you?

Why do you serve him?

82 83 Read by Wade Gadsby don't know about you, but I love weddings. There is always heaps of free, What type of metaphorical garment do you think Jesus is talking about? I good food and everyone is happy because it’s a celebration. It doesn't matter what part of the world you come from, every culture has a celebration for this type of event. So why did the king's friends not come to his wedding celebration? People of importance (like kings or presidents) usually have a lot of cash to spend on these things! Could you imagine being invited to Obama's wedding? I would do all I could to be there - and I live 8200 miles from the US! The reason these people didn't turn up is because it was an analogy of people being invited into God's kingdom. If you have your brain connected, of course you would want to be there. But even today, people are denying Do you need to extend this type of grace to someone in your community Jesus' invitation. In the parable, when the king's friends don't RSVP, he that may be dirty, annoying, or unwanted? extends the invitation to anyone, including the unwanted. Jesus has invited us all to His celebration, it doesn't matter what we have done or how we look. However, we do need to accept this invitation and be prepared to stand in front of the king with the right garment on.

What could be a potential area in your life that may lead you to not RSVP to God's call for you?

84 85 Read by Andrew Ramsey esus really does not like religious people. Normally when we read the What do you get out of this passage? Jwords of Christ, we tend to picture Him as a mild-mannered person. However, in the context of Matthew 23:16-22, Jesus gets angry with the religious readers for their self righteous heart attitudes. I was once walking through an airport where a coffee stand advertised their fall coffee products with the tag line, “Take comfort in rituals.” I found it interesting because as Christians, we too can take comfort in our own religious rituals if they are not done out of relationship with Christ. For example, it is easy to lift our hands in worship without having our hearts right with Jesus. However, the religious people in the time of Christ found it more In what way have you been self righteous in your heart attitude in your important to swear by the gifts than to worship the God that the sacrifice was walk with Christ? meant for. Jesus properly calls them blind men because these religious people do not see the difference in importance between what they give and to whom they worship with that gift.

In what areas of your life have you been focusing too much on religion and not enough on your relationship with Christ?

86 87 Read by Ashley Chen ver since I was a middle school pre-teen, I was told that the world was What does heaven look like on earth? Egoing to end. I didn’t really care because, since I was a Christian, I would automatically go to heaven. Therefore, it didn’t really matter what the world was going to be like in a certain amount of years; I wouldn’t even be old enough to make any change, right? Not my problem. But there is one clear fact that I missed: Heaven is already here! God has created all of these things to share just a little bit of what heaven is going to be like. God loves us so much that He created this world for us to experience His glory. Take, for example, your worship time. Humans had to learn how to make music, think of lyrics, and play the music. All of these require biological functions to make, think, sing, everything! Who else could have even Are you living just to go to heaven, rather than focusing on bringing heaven designed something so magnificent for us? When you see people worshipping to earth? Jesus however they want to, do you realize that heaven is going to be like that, 24/7? God has given us a small piece of heaven, and it is our job to take care of it.

What can you do to bring more of God’s kingdom to earth?

88 89 Read by Beth Konrath ake a closer look at the Parable of the Talents (verses 14-30). Read What are some giftings that God has entrusted you with? Tthrough this parable again, but now think of the story in terms of us being the servants and God being the master. In verses 14-15, the master gave each servant a certain amount of talents (currency), according to their abilities. The master would have had to have known his servants in order to give them money according to their abilities. In the same way, God knows us, His servants, and knows our abilities just like the master knew his servants. He has given us all “talents” (giftings) according to our abilities. God has entrusted us with gifts; gifts that He wants us to use to glorify Him. When we do use our gifts to glorify God, it brings Him great How can you use your giftings to further God’s Kingdom on earth, now? joy; Matthew 25:23b “Come and share your master’s happiness.”

In what ways have you let fear hold you back from walking in your gifting?

Pray against those fears, and ask Jesus to help you glorify Him.

90 91 Read by Samuel Henderson am like the woman who loves Jesus so much, I’d waste all my worth and Have you ever been ridiculed for trying to love God in a radical way? (Like I money on Him. I am also like the disciples, who yelled at her. I am like the lady with the perfume) Judas, who for money handed over a friend, a leader and an innocent man. I am like the disciples who fall asleep while Jesus is praying, and I am like them who also run at the first sign of danger when they come to take Jesus away. In verse 6, a woman comes and pours very expensive perfume on Jesus. She is immediately criticized by everyone in the house. Everyone in the house thinks the money that the perfume was worth could be better used to feed the poor, to build a church or to clothe the naked. But Jesus says not to worry, for she is loving Him as much as she can while Jesus was still on earth. In verse 14 there is a scared and very needy man. He is just like us in that, when we are nervous, we don’t always make the best decisions, even Have you ever been too weak to fight for those that need help? Too tired to sometimes turning on God. pray for them or too exhausted to ask someone how they are?

Have you ever made the decision to go against God’s will to make life easier; like Judas?

92 93 Read by Samuel Henderson he most important part of this chapter, and arguably the Bible, happens What exactly did Jesus’ death of the cross really do? Tbetween verses 45-55. Jesus has accomplished everything He came to earth to accomplish but one thing…the bridge. In verse 50 Jesus finally gives up…and dies. Our savior dies. At this moment it says the “curtains tore in two from top to bottom”. This is the atonement or rather “the fixing” of what happened in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3 we made a mistake and we lost our connection with God; literally we put a gap, or a curtain, between God and us (man). Because Adam and Eve sinned against God, our “holiness” or “godliness” was taken from us. Ever since then, talking to God, seeing God, walking with God (Adam and Eve did) was never the same! The closest man got to God was when hid Pray and thank God for what was done on the cross, that the curtain is now behind a rock and peeked over and saw just the backside of God’s head (Ex. torn! 33:2). Even more, man could barely be in the presence of God without being struck dead (2 Samuel 6:6). When Jesus died on the cross, He literally made up for the mistakes made in the Garden. The curtain is now GONE, we can finally walk, talk and see Him again!

94 95 Read by Marty Meyer n our study of Matthew we have been learning a lot about “the kingdom Jesus calls us to bring those living under the dominion of darkness into Iof heaven”. Jesus talks about this 30 times which means it’s pretty His kingdom of light. (See Colossians 1:9-14.) In this section and in verse 18, important to him! The word “kingdom” simply refers to a place where a what has Jesus given us to accomplish this mission? king reigns. Jesus is the “King of Kings and the Lord of Lords”. The King came to establish His kingdom and desires that all hearts would bow to His lordship. In this final chapter of Mathew Jesus calls upon his followers to “Expand Heaven Here”! The way that we expand Jesus’ kingdom is to “go and tell”. The gave this command in verse 7 and Jesus repeated it in verses 10 & 19. There are some who are not living under the Lordship of Jesus. They are under the dark deception of a false king who gives a similar command: “go and tell lies”. (See verses 11-15.) Jesus tells us to go and make disciples of all nations. What does this say about expanding his kingdom on earth?

Jesus calls us to teach others to obey him in every way. What would the world look like if we obeyed this command? What would the world look like if everyone were living in obedience to the King?

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