FEATURED RACES Blender – Instructor Notes 02

LENGTH FEATURED RACES 1 hour 40 minutes UCI Road World Championships, Cyclocross World Cup, Cyclocross TYPE World Championships, Mountain Bike World Championships Endurance FEATURED RIDERS WHAT IT’S ABOUT Nino Shurter, Julian Absalon, Wide assortment Oscar Freire, , of intervals from :20 , Philippe Gilbert, Marianne Vos, , seconds to 10 minutes , ,

© The Sufferfest 2014 Blender – Instructor Notes 03

STRUCTURE 10:00 Warm-up (progressive build) Interval Set 2: 18 Short/Intense 2:00 Recovery Power Intervals at VO2 Max and Anaerobic Capacity Interval Set 1: Mixed Longer • 6 x :40s VO2/:20s Recovery Intervals Threshold/VO2 Max • 2:00 Recovery • 10:00 Threshold • 6 x :30s VO2/:30s Recovery • 2:00 Recovery • 2:00 Recovery • 2:00 VO2 • 6 x :20 Sprint/:40s Recovery • 2:00 Recovery • 4:00 Recovery • 8:00 Threshold • 2:00 Recovery Interval set 3: 3 x 4:00 Threshold / • 4:00 Above Threshold 1:00 Recovery • 2:00 Recovery 5:00 Cool-down • 6:00 Threshold • 4:00 Recovery

© The Sufferfest 2014 Blender – Instructor Notes 04

10 — Flat out sprint. Something you could only hold for EFFORT SCALE 5-15 seconds.

All Sufferfest videos work 09 — Nearly a sprint, but could be held for 15 seconds off ‘perceived effort’. to 1 minute. 08 — Very uncomfortable, with very high heart rate We use a scale from 1 to and breathing. Speaking isn’t possible, but effort 10, where 1 is lying on can be maintained for 3 to 8 minutes. 07 — A ‘base’ effort, this is just slightly below what’s the couch and 10 is a flat called a rider’s ‘threshold.’ Threshold is a strong, out sprint. This table has uncomfortable effort where speaking isn’t pleasant but where the effort could be held more detail on each effort for up to an hour – certainly no more. level so you can describe 06 — A steady effort that requires some concentration, effectively to your class: but where speaking is easy(ish). 05 — Moderate effort that requires little concentration.

04 — Extremely easy range with little to no effort on TO 02 the pedals.

01 — Couch, beer, pizza.

© The Sufferfest 2014 Blender – Instructor Notes 05

MAIN STORY POINTS TO NOTE “Blender will soften you up, take you to the edge of exhaustion, Blender asks riders to do a variety of efforts, from long sneak up behind you and kick you over that edge, down the threshold intervals to sprints to four minute time trials. hill, and then make you run back up while being chased by a Have your riders focus on how their body feels during raving mob, all the while pouring molten lava down toward each kind of effort - which ones do they prefer? Which you. You’ll love it.” Grunter Von Agony, Directeur Sportif, ones don’t they like? Why? Sufferlandrian National Team. Only have an hour to do the workout? Just do the video At 1 hour 40 minutes, Blender is one of the longest up until the Pain Shakes start. You’ll get some great Sufferfest workouts. It’s also one of the most varied, long intervals in and still be done before the hour is out. offering up a concoction of climbing, sprinting, flats and time trials, across the disciplines of track, Designed by elite coach Neal Henderson of Apex cyclocross, mountain bike, road and even snow cycling. Coaching, this is the exact same workout he gives to his It will push you further than you ever thought you could professional cyclists and Olympians. go, and make you fitter, stronger, leaner and generally more badass.

You’ll be taking on some of the best male and female cyclists in the world. You’ll be introduced to Pain Shakes. You’ll encounter a hamster. And if you get through it all in one piece, you’ll earn the title of Sufferlandrian National Champion. Now go forth “TRUE, I AM IN LOVE WITH SUFFERING” and SUFFER! SAINT IGNATIUS

© The Sufferfest 2014 Blender – Instructor Notes 06 BLENDER Section Time Duration RPE Story Instructor Cues

Start 0 5m 45s 3 The Blender workout doubles as the Your riders are going to be on their bikes for Sufferlandrian National Championships. almost two hours. Make sure they’re well set up, have enough hydration available and are looking The Sufferlandrian champion’s jersey comfortable and relaxed as they start to roll is arguably the most feared in the their legs over for a gentle warm-up before the professional peloton. Basically, it indicates carnage – sorry, fun – begins… that the wearer is truly badass and will be harder to defeat than a Sufferlandrian wildebeest.

Warm-Up 0:05:45 2m 13s 4 Your class have been selected to represent We’ve got a nice long warm-up before things Sufferlandria at the Mountain Bike World get serious. Spin the legs over at around 100 Championships. They should use these RPM, in an easy gear. first few minutes to get a feel for the course and their competition. This is a good time to experiment with gears (resistance), as there’ll be lots of pace and intensity changes ahead.

Sprint 0:07:58 25s 8 BOOM - explode out of the gates for a Increase resistance and drive strongly to get Start good start - you don't want your class to a good start. This is the first hard effort of the be too far back! workout; pay particular attention to how your riders' positions change under pressure. Remind them to maintain a strong core, still upper body, relaxed arms and shoulders, and drive a smooth, circular pedal stroke.

Bring It 0:08:23 1m 32s 5 Your class are now into the single track. Reduce resistance and continue pedalling at Back Take it back a notch - this section is all 100 RPM. Maintain a still, strong position on the about holding position. bike (NO BOUNCING!).

More 0:09:55 2m 31s 6 Be careful not to drift back too far on this The intensity here should be equivalent to a Effort tight single track; once a gap opens, it’s hard outdoor endurance ride of 2 or more hours very hard to close down on a course like - not flat out, but not too comfortable either. this.

Up 0:12:26 1m 1s 7 It’s thinning out now and your class are This pace is very important as a benchmark for Another at the pointy end of the field. Keep it the work ahead; your class should be riding at a smooth! solid tempo they could maintain for an hour, but Notch no longer. They'll be coming back to this pace a lot over the next 90 minutes.

Big Push 0:13:27 1m 1s 8 This is the toughest part of the course and Like the previous effort, it helps to get a feel for your class will need to push hard to stay slightly above threshold. Your class shouldn’t with the likes of World Champion Nino find this too terrible yet, but it will catch up Shurter and Olympic Champion Julian with them if they were to maintain it for over 5 Absalon. minutes.

Recovery 0:14:28 1m 26s 2 Ahhh, it’s nice to be off all of those At 1 hour 40 minutes Blender is one of our tree roots, right? Ahem…your class are longest workouts, so correct pacing is vital. Go now racing the Sufferlandrian Road too hard early and your class will blow up and Championships. This is their home ground, not be able to finish the workout; go too easy so they don't want to disappoint the and they won’t get value. Sufferlandrian fans! They should have a feel for the various effort levels by now, so let’s get into the workout proper.

Tempo 0:15:54 15s 7 It's already strung out - sit in behind 10 minutes at threshold another rider to conserve energy. Straight into a solid tempo pace - think back to the pace work we did in the warm-up - followed immediately by an early attack. Attack 0:16:09 31s 8 There’s the first attack! It’s early, but your class need to follow this. This is about sustaining a challenging effort for 10 minutes, with a couple of short spikes designed to apply further pressure. Tempo 0:16:40 5m 23s 7 Lucky your class were so attentive! They Remember there’s still a long way to go, made it into the early break and now so keep an eye on your riders’ form and they're away. Work together as a group breathing. If they go out too hard at this early and this could be the move of the day! stage, they’ll pay the price further into the workout.

Stand 0:22:03 36s 7.5 Up a short climb here - the pressure has increased, but not by much. Keep it smooth and don’t drop anyone in the group - not yet anyway!

Sit Down 0:22:39 3m 16s 7 Great work, the group stayed together over the climb and everyone is continuing to work together. Check out those crowds!

Recovery 0:25:55 2m 2s 2 Uggghhh, damn Minions. They were trying Drink time. It’s hard taking on fluid during to sabotage the non-Sufferlandrians, but intervals so make sure your class make the most accidentally took out your group instead - of the recovery segments. now you'll need to follow the team car to get back up to the peloton.

Attack 0:27:57 1m 59s 9 A Sufferlandrian never sits in the peloton A 2 minute attack at 9/10 is seriously, seriously in their own National Championships. tough; this is one of the biggest efforts A Sufferlandrian ATTACKS or faces the of the workout and requires tremendous wrath of their fans! Drop them! concentration. Encourage your class to put in maximum effort for the entire 2 minutes - they'll have a good recovery interval when they're done.

Recovery 0:29:56 1m 58s 2 Hmmm, they're not letting your group Reduce resistance right back and continue get too far ahead - they clearly fear your spinning at 100 RPM for a fast, effective strength on this course. recovery - there is plenty more suffering to come!

Tempo 0:31:54 1m 15s 7 The tempo is back up, they must want to 8 minutes at threshold keep the pace high to discourage attacks. Pfftt, as if that will keep a Sufferlandrian Back into that solid tempo rhythm. This from attacking! one’s a little shorter, but includes more pace changes - your riders are effectively in a two- man breakaway, so need to work together to Stand 0:33:09 17s 7.5 Short climb - out of the saddle! maintain their lead. At just half an RPE, it’s only a slight change in intensity.

Watch for the standing cues on the climbs; make sure your riders engage their core to Sit Down 0:33:26 47s 7 It split and your class are now off the hold them up strongly, keep the neck and front. Keep opening up that gap! shoulders relaxed, and don’t stomp down on the pedals; they should be focusing on a smooth, full pedal stroke, even when out of the saddle. Your Turn 0:34:13 26s 7.5 Take a pull at the front to help extend the gap. Your group may be getting very tired towards the end of this effort; remind them to stay focused, and continue maintaining the Swap Off 0:34:39 9s 7 Swing off for recovery. intensity all the way to the end.

Your Turn 0:34:48 1m 8s 7.5 Back to the front - this other pretender isn’t contributing much. Try and work together to stay away.

Swap Off 0:35:56 1m 51s 7 Back it off a notch and let the British rider do a turn.

Stand 0:37:47 38s 7.5 Another short climb. Keep the pressure on to help extend the gap. The peloton are chasing!

Sit Down 0:38:25 1m 27s 7 The peloton is back! They haven’t let up over the climb, so your class will have to keep the pressure on to stay in contact.

Recovery 0:39:52 2m 2s 2 Ah, that’s better. All back together - take The next interval is slightly shorter again (4 it easy for a couple of minutes as we re- minutes), however we're taking the effort up group (and some riders take a 'nature one RPE to 8-8.5/10. Prepare your riders for the break'!). pain, misery and agony that awaits…

Racing 0:41:54 1m 9s 8 What a rude shock, somebody has gone 4 minutes above threshold Again to the front and abruptly started racing again! Get up there! Settle into a solid rhythm just above threshold; your group should be riding at an intensity here that they couldn’t hold for Stand 0:43:03 45s 8.5 That’s Philippe Gilbert - one of the best much longer than 5 minutes. It’s SUPPOSED riders in the WORLD - don’t let him to hurt! embarrass your class in their home race! CATCH HIM! Watch how Belgian cyclist Philippe Gilbert rides when he’s out of the saddle; a perfect picture of power and stability, his body doesn’t sway or move unnecessarily. Sit Down 0:43:48 2m 6s 8 It's flattening off but the pressure is still on. Really challenge your riders to drive it all the way to the finish. Strength! Courage! SUFFER!

Recovery 0:45:54 2m 1s 2 Almost had him! Lucky the Championship Enjoy an easy roll around the velodrome - only incorporates more than one tiny little race one more of these longer threshold efforts to go - one must suffer in truly versatile ways to before we mix it up with some speedwork! earn the title of Sufferlandrian National Champion!

Threshold 0:47:55 2m 24s 7 Back on the road - this time we're with 6 minutes at threshold the elite women. Your class are in another breakaway - they'll need to continue riding Straight back to threshold - by now your class aggressively to win this Championship! should have a very good idea about how this should feel. Aerobic threshold is the most important performance factor for a cyclist; Stand 0:50:19 26s 7.5 That's Marianne Vos, she’s a superstar in sustained efforts like this will help increase every form of cycling. Don’t let her get their oxygen uptake, making the process away! more efficient and thereby improving aerobic capacity.

During the standing climbs, make sure your Sit Down 0:50:45 3m 12s 7 She’s not letting up. Your class NEED to riders aren’t hunched over the bars or putting stay with her - she can smell fear, stay too much weight on their arms. They should with her!! be lifting up through the hips and keeping a solid upper body. For the second half of this interval, your class will be required to hold a powerful tempo rhythm for 3 minutes. Make sure they stay focused all the way to the end - a longer recovery awaits!

Recovery 0:53:57 3m 55s 2 Ahhh Pain Shakes - a Sufferlandrian Your riders will be relieved to know that they’ll delicacy. now be having a break from all this threshold work. It’s time for some SPEED! The next block of work will require them to sprint as hard as they can for 40, 30 and 20 seconds on 1 minute intervals. Sound like fun?

Towards the end of the recovery, increase resistance in preparation for the first sprint...

Attack 0:57:52 40s 9 It’s Cyclocross time and your class need Pain Shakes: 1/3 to get a great start to avoid being caught (6 x :40 attacking / :20 resting) at the back. 40 seconds is a long time to hold maximum Cyclocross is an extremely popular winter Recovery 0:58:32 20s 2 effort. After so many threshold intervals, sport in Belgium and the Netherlands. It and with such short recoveries, this first set often features mud, sand and even snow of Pain Shakes will really hurt your class. - definitely a sport for the hardest riders. During the rest intervals they should take the In the off segments, we’ll take a look at a resistance right off, continue turning the legs Attack 0:58:52 40s 9 different type of riding on the snow, on over, and try to slow the breathing as much fat tyre bikes. as they can.

Recovery 0:59:32 20s 2

Attack 0:59:52 39s 9


Recovery 1:01:34 21s 2 BEN OKRI

Attack 1:01:55 40s 9

Recovery 1:02:35 21s 2

Attack 1:02:56 48s 9

Recovery 1:03:44 2m 1s 2 Because we’re not COMPLETELY cruel, you get a 2 minute rest between each set of Pain Shakes. Take in some water or sports drink, roll the legs over, and prepare for round 2 - this time the recovery intervals match the sprints, so it should technically feel a little easier; except that by now you’ve been riding for over an hour...

Attack 1:05:45 31s 9 It's Cyclocross again and your class are Pain Shakes: 2/3 lining up for another World Cup round. (6 x :30 attacking / :30 resting) They'll need to fend off 'cross superstars Sven Nys and Neils Albert in the final This set of Pain Shakes is half recovery intervals of this set - a whole new level of Recovery 1:06:16 31s 2 and half attacking, so your class may feel suffering! tempted to push just that tiny bit harder. But make sure they’re pacing the intervals correctly - it’s common to go out too hard in the first 15 seconds and fade for the last half. Attack 1:06:47 31s 9 We want to see a consistent, all out, brutal, badass effort, ALL the way through!

Recovery 1:07:18 30s 2

Attack 1:07:48 33s 9

Recovery 1:08:21 30s 2 “THE GREATER THE SUFFERING,


Attack 1:09:53 31s 9

Recovery 1:10:24 30s 2

Attack 1:10:54 34s 9

Recovery 1:11:28 2m 2 Get those legs turning over immediately - it will help prepare them for the third and final set.

Attack 1:13:28 22s 10 For our last round of Pain Shakes, Pain Shakes: 3/3 your group is back riding with the (6 x :20 attacking / :40 resting) elite women’s Cyclocross. Remember Marianne Vos from the earlier road This is the final set of Pain Shakes and these cycling segment? Well, she’s here too! Recovery 1:13:50 41s 2 ones are FLAT OUT (10/10)! Make sure your class are in the correct gear to really push With Vos out of sight, your class will need out those first few pedal strokes at a high to fend off Katie Compton in the latter intensity right from the gun, to ensure they part of this set for second place. get the most out of every interval. Attack 1:14:31 21s 10

Recovery 1:14:52 40s 2

Attack 1:15:32 21s 10

Recovery 1:15:53 40s 2


Recovery 1:16:56 40s 2 JANE AUSTEN

Attack 1:17:36 21s 10

Recovery 1:17:57 41s 2

Attack 1:18:38 20s 10

Recovery 1:18:58 3m 48s 2 For the final chapter of the Sufferlandrian National Championships, we're returning to some threshold work - just 3 x 4 minute tempo efforts to go, and then your class can finally rest.

Time Trial 1:22:46 3m 55s 7.5 The . Your class are on For these Time Trial intervals, featuring their own for this segment and will need to American Superstar Taylor Phinney, encourage maintain a very high speed in the classic your group to mimic the aerodynamic position race against the clock! Get down low and of the rider on screen. 4 minutes will seem like DRILL IT!! an eternity to maintain this threshold pace, but they're so close to the end now…they need to drive it all the way to the finish, if they're to become Sufferlandria's new national champion!

Recovery 1:26:41 1m 1s 2 They may be able to recover their legs The finish line is almost in sight…just 2 more of but your class will need to keep their wits those to go, and you're done! about them in this downhill run!

Time Trial 1:27:42 4m 7.5 This effort starts off very fast with a At this stage your riders will be exhausted. downhill section; try to maintain that fast Now would be a good time to remind them of pace when your hit the flat! the benefits of a session like Blender; longer threshold type efforts like this are ideal for building endurance and aerobic capacity, and the high intensity also ensures that calories are burnt at a very high rate. By the end of this session, your riders will be aerobic, fat-burning machines!

Recovery 1:31:42 1m 2 Rest those legs again for a minute, but don’t switch off - this bottom section of the downhill track includes lots of tree roots and rocks!

Time Trial 1:32:42 4m 21s 7.5 Last segment. Your class just need to nail This is the last effort for the entire workout, it and the Sufferlandrian title is theirs - so make sure your class give it absolutely PAIN! MISERY! AGONY! All for HONOUR! everything. They'll need to dig deep, but it's just GLORY! VICTORY! 4 MORE MINUTES OF SUFFERING!! Challenge them to lift the pace even further for the final minute - this is their last opportunity to squeeze every little bit of energy out of their bodies.

Warm- 1:37:03 7m 37s 2 Amazing! Your class did it! The AHHHHHHHH. What an incredible group Down Sufferlandrian title remains at home - with performance. Blender is a long workout and a Sufferlandrian! your class did an amazing job coping with the wide variety of efforts we threw their way… remind them of the importance of recovering properly after such an intense workout. They should stretch, hydrate and fuel well, and enjoy the benefits of conquering the Blender.

Finish 1:44:40