True Mistletoes spp.

True mistletoes are commonly known as the Christmas or leafy mistletoes. There are eight species in the Southwest, all within the genus Phoradendron. Three species occur on hardwoods, the other five infect conifers. Phoradendron macrophyllum has a very broad host range, occurring on most riparian species, while the other true mistletoes are genus specific. Figure 253. Phoradendron Hosts: See table coryae in December. Symptoms/signs: True mistletoes are flowering with thick green stems. Plants are often round in form and up to 1 meter in diameter, depending on the species. Hardwood true mistletoes have thick green leaves that are nearly oval in shape, contrasting with conifer true mistletoes, which have small thin leaves or are nearly leafless. The small, sticky, berries are white, pink or red and are ripe from October to January, depending on the species. Evergreen clumps of are readily observed on bare deciduous in winter. Figure 254. Phoradendron juniperinum Biology: Fruit- with pink ripe berries. eating birds distribute the

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seeds in their droppings or by wiping their beaks. Some bird species swallow the fruit whole and disperse the seeds to another tree, while other bird species pick out the seed, leaving it on the host , and swallow only the pulp. When the seeds germinate a modified root Figure 255. True mistletoe on . penetrates the bark of the host and forms a connection through which water and nutrients pass from the host to the mistletoe. It takes approximately 2 to 3 years for shoots to develop, following initial infection, and another year before the plant is producing berries. Effects: Young or small trees are seldom infected by true mistletoe. In nearly all cases, initial infection occurs on larger or older trees because birds prefer to perch in the Figure 256. Phoradendron macrophyllum tops of taller trees. Severe on sycamore. buildup of mistletoe often occurs within an infected tree because birds are attracted to and may spend prolonged periods feeding on the mistletoe berries. True mistletoes are not aggressive pathogens. They use the host xylem as a water source and do not cause mortality until water availability to the host is limited. In some hosts, infected portions of the tree often exhibit galls on branches or

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burls in the trunk. On oaks, sycamores, and cottonwoods, branch dieback is associated with galls formed by the corresponding mistletoe. Similar Insects and Diseases: Deformities caused by canker and rust fungi can resemble those caused by mistletoe.

References: 26, 36, 85, 93

Figure 257. Phoradendron californicum has red berries that ripen in winter.

Figure 258. Desert mistletoe plants are red when full of fruit.

Figure 259. True mistletoes are easy to spot on deciduous trees like this mesquite tree.

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Principal Hosts and Distribution of True Mistletoes in Arizona and

Common Species Name Principal Host Distribution Name Bigleaf Phoradendron Most riparian Throughout lower mistletoe macrophyllum hardwood species, elevation riparian (Engelm.) except oaks areas of both Cockerell states Southwestern Phoradendron Oak species Throughout live oak mistletoe coryae Trel. oak woodlands and lower elevation gambel oak areas of both states Desert Phoradendron Leguminous trees Throughout the mistletoe californicum Nutt. and (e.g. ranges of host Mesquite (Prosopis types in Arizona spp.), Acacia and extreme (Acacia spp.), Palo southwest corner Verde (Cercidium of New Mexico spp.), and ironwood (Olneya spp.)

Figure 260. Phoradendron densum on Arizona cypress.

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Juniper Phoradendron All juniper species Throughout mistletoe juniperinum juniper Engelmann woodlands of Arizona and New Mexico Hairy juniper Phoradendron , alligator and Southern Arizona mistletoe capitellatum Torr. red- juniper and southwest ex Tel. New Mexico juniper Phoradendron Alligator and one- Southeastern New mistletoe hawksworthii seed juniper Mexico Wiens & CG Shaw Dense Phoradendron Arizona cypress Central Arizona mistletoe densum Torr. ex Tel. White fir true Phoradendron White fir Santa Catalina mistletoe pauciflorum Torr. Mountains of southeast Arizona

Figure 261. Phoradendron hawksworthii on juniper in New Mexico.

Figure 262. Phoradendron pauciflorum often kills tops of infected white fir.