th 24 Friday 09 July | 28 Zul Qadah | 1442 Hijri | Vol:24 | Issue: 160 | Pages:12 | Price: `3 DIPK-NB-1668/21 DIPK-NB-791/21 To place an advertisement CALL +91-194 2502327 KASHMIR Monday - Saturday (9am - 6pm) OBSERVER No 5- Dal Lake Boulevard Srinagar, 190001, Kashmir Friday| 09-07-2021 Jk01J .0455 r Public Notice I have applied for the issuance of "D Class" Contractor Card . If anybody having any objection in this regard he/she may file his/her objection in the office of the Block Development Officer Lalpora within a period of seven days from the date of publica- Public Notice tion of this notice. After that no objection shall be entertaiend. I have lost the RC of my vehicle bearing Regd No: DL4CAV445 somewhere. Now I have applied for the duplicate of the same. Mohammad Ramzan Rather If anybody haiving any objection in this regard he/she may file S/O Ab Salam Rather his/her objection in the office of the Regional Transport Kup- R/o Barzulla Tehsil Karhama BMG_r wara wihtin a period of seven days from the date of publication of this notice. After that no objection shall be entetain. Bilal Ahamd Khan S/O Nasarullah Khan Public Notice R/o Tingroo Qaziabad Kralgund sul I have lost my Provisional-cum Character Cer- tificate bearing Roll No: 860311, Session An- OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER nual 2001 . Now I have applied for the duplicate Public Notice of the same . If anybody having any objection in I want to change the name of my daughter from Sabira Mo- ELECTRIC DIVISION (KPDCL) GANDERBAL this regard he/she may file his/her objection in hammad To Zehra Mohammad in school records as well as on the office of the Iqbal Memorail Institute Bemina Phone/Fax no: 0194-2416236 E-mail:
[email protected] other documents .