h a u s p u b l i s h i n g JL–DECEMU Y BER 2016 Cabinet’s Finest Hour The Hidden Agenda of May 1940

David Owen

£18.99 | HISTORY, POLITICS HBK, TRADE AUGUST 2016 9781910376-55-3 304pp

Using the Cabinet papers from the National Archives, former Foreign Secretary David Owen has written a new history of the pivotal British War Cabinet meetings of May 1940. Eight months into the war defeat seemed to many a certainty. With the United States and Russia over a year away from entering the con ict, Britain found herself in a perilous and lonely position.  e Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax was pushing Churchill, his Prime Minister, to explore the possibility of a negotiated peace with Hitler, using Mussolini as a conduit. Ignored in Churchill’s later account of the con ict, the question before the War Cabinet was straightforward: should Britain  ght on in the face of overwhelming odds, sacri cing hundreds of thousands of lives, or seek a negotiated peace?  e minutes of these meetings reveal just how close Halifax came to convincing the Cabinet that negotiations should be sought.

David Owen (Lord Owen) served as Foreign Secretary under James Callaghan from 1977 until 1979, and later co-founded and went on to lead the Social Democratic Party (SDP). He is the author of many books, including e UK’s In-Out Referendum (2015) and e Hidden Perspective (2014).

NEW TITLE Breaking Point The UK Referendum on the EU and its Aftermath

���� ����������� ������ Gary Gibbon

£7.99 | POLITICS PBK, A FORMAT SEPTEMBER 2016 9781910376-62-1 120pp

Into a year teeming with global volatility, David Cameron introduced another giant unknown, rolling the dice on Britain’s most important economic relationship: its 43-year-old membership of the EU. In European capitals this was seen as an existential threat to the entire European project, while Eurosceptics across the UK saw it as the perfect moment to pull up the drawbridge.  e political establishment  red back with a barrage of government data, third country endorsements and world bodies’ opinions, unsure whether these long-trusted political weapons weren’t  ring blanks. Breaking Point explains where post-referendum Britain is heading, how we got here, and what lessons might be learned. It combines analysis of o cial and o -the-record meetings with senior politicians as well as with ordinary voters. Just how will the UK truly ‘leave’ a set of relationships on the country’s doorstep? And will the decision to leave prove a lethal blow to the EU, spurring copycat secession movements?

Gary Gibbon is Political Editor of News. He has reported on UK politics for the programme since 1997. He won the RTS Home News Award in 2006 with Jon Snow for revealing the Attorney-General’s legal opinion on the Iraq war. In 2010 he was awarded the ’s Specialist Broadcaster of the Year.

NEW TITLE Reluctant Meister Germany and the New Europe

Stephen Green

£12.99 | HISTORY, GERMANY PBK, B FORMAT AUGUST 2016 9781910376-57-7 300pp

 e Euro crisis has served as a stark reminder of the fundamental importance of Germany to the larger European project. But the image of Germany as the dominant power in Europe is at odds with much of its recent history. Reluctant Meister is a wide-ranging study of Germany from the Holy Roman Empire through the Second and  ird Reichs, asking not only how such a mature and developed culture could have descended into the barbarism of the Nazi years but how it a erwards rebuilt itself within a generation to become an economic powerhouse. Perhaps most important, Stephen Green examines to what extent Germany will come to dominate its relationship with its neighbours in the European Union, and what that will mean for the continent as a whole.  is new paperback edition includes more on the troubles in the Eurozone and the ongoing migrant crisis.

Stephen Green was an international banker and later Minister for Trade and Investment between 2011–13. He sits as a Conservative peer in the House of Lords and is the author of e European Identity (2015).

NEW EDITION China Rediscovered The Benaki Museum Collection of Chinese Ceramics

George Manginis

£25 | ART, CHINA PBK, 245x243 mm JULY 2016 978-1-910376-58-4 104 COLOUR ILLUSTRATIONS 144pp SALES RESTRICTION: GREECE

 is richly illustrated book showcases a previously unseen and virtually unknown historical collection of Chinese ceramics, formed in the early twentieth century by George Eumorfopoulos, a pivotal  gure in the appreciation of Asian art. Taken together, these artifacts, now located at the Benaki Museum in Athens, are a rare time capsule of Western tastes and preoccupations with the East in the decades prior to World War II.  e years between the collapse of the Qing dynasty in 1911 and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 marked an opening up of China to the rest of the world and coincided with the  rst archaeological excavations of the country’s early cultures.  is groundbreaking exploration of approximately one hundred artifacts is not only an important account of Eumorfopoulos’s work, but also a story about China and the West.

George Manginis is an archaeologist. He has taught Byzantine, Islamic, and Chinese Art History at the University of Edinburgh, SOAS, and the New College of the Humanities. In 2013 he was a Stanley J. Seeger Fellow at Princeton University. Manginis is the author of Mount Sinai: A History of Traveller and Piligrims (2016).

NEW TITLE An Armchair Traveller’s History of Beijing

Jonathan Clements

£12.99 | TRAVEL, HISTORY CLOTH HBK, 115x210mm SEPTEMBER 2016 9781909961-27-2 280pp

As China’s global in uence continues to rise, its capital, Beijing, has become increasingly important and a popular tourist destination, greeting close to  ve million international visitors each year. An Armchair Traveller’s History of Beijing presents the capital from its earliest beginnings as a prehistoric campsite for Peking Man through its uctuating fortunes under a dozen dynasties. rough Beijing, we can experience Chinese history itself, including its more famous residents: Khubilai Khan, Mulan, and Marco Polo. Special emphasis is placed on Beijing’s precarious heritage in the twenty- rst century, as modern construction continues to wipe out much of the old city to make way for homes for twenty million people. An Armchair Traveller’s History of Beijing is an essential introduction to one of the world’s most remarkable cities.

Jonathan Clements is visiting professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University in China. He is the author of many books, including Modern China: All at Matters (2013) and An Armchair Traveller’s History of the Silk Road (2015).

NEW TITLE Farewell to Salonica City at the Crossroads

Leon Sciaky


‘It is nostalgic, beautifully written and illuminating...’ – e Sunday Times

In this enchanting and moving memoir, Leon Sciaky describes his childhood before the First World War in a prosperous, loving Jewish family in the cosmopolitan city of Salonica (now  essaloniki in Greece). Under the Ottoman Empire, the city’s diverse communities – Sephardi Jews, Muslim Turks, Orthodox Greeks and Bulgarians – met, traded and lived alongside each other day-to-day in an atmosphere of tolerance. Farewell to Salonica o ers a fascinating insight into a lost society in which an older tradition of mutual respect was  nally overcome by the pressures of nationalism and war, the a er-e ects of which are felt in the region to this day.

Leon Sciaky was born in 1894 in Salonica. His family le their homeland in 1915, settling in New York City. Sciaky lived in America with his wife, Frances, and son until his death in 1958.

NEW EDITION Re:viewing Egypt

Image and Echo

Xavier Roy Text by Gamal Al-Ghitani

£15 | PHOTOGRAPHY, EGYPT HBK, 25x25 NOVEMBRE 2016 9781910376-61-4 144 pp 160 B&W PHOTOGRAPHS

‘...al-Ghitani [is] now perhaps Egypt’s leading novelist.’ —TLS

Xavier Roy’s breathtaking photographs of Egypt o er us a haunting vision of a country and its people. Roy draws us into Egypt’s mystique, its scintillating waters, bucolic vistas, ruins, and places of worship. We observe the correspondences of shape and texture, perspective and repetition, light and shadow, and the vitality in the mundane and commonplace. A photograph of an acacia tree is juxtaposed with one of birds in ight, their formation and movement echoing the outline and feather-like aspect of the tree.  e sea, both formless and metallic, can be an expression of the emotions of the woman who looks at it, or an image of ambivalence and uncertainty, of life and death.  e photographs are accompanied by an essay by the renowned Egyptian novelist Gamal al-Ghitani.

Xavier Roy is an internationally acclaimed photographer. He lives in France.

Gamal al-Ghitani was born in 1945 and is the author of the Mahfouz dialogues (2007), Zayni Barakat (1988), Pyramid Texts (2007) and e Zafarani Files (2009).

NEW TITLE Tasting Spain

A Culinary Tour

H. M. van den Brink Translated by Yne Hogetoorn

£10 | TRAVEL, FOOD, SPAIN PBK, B FORMAT JULY 2016 9781909961-27-2 170 pp

Whether it is in Madrid’s cafés or in Barcelona’s  sh markets, van den Brink takes you on a trip through Spain where tasting and smelling are the key occupations. You will see the shop windows in Madrid displaying pig’s trotters, the famous Serrano ham, or typical Spanish sweet cakes. You will taste crispy pig’s ears but also a rich soup of chickpeas. You will smell the strong co ee and the damping tortilla when breakfasting out of doors. With historical background alongside personal memories and associations, van den Brink gives a lively description of Spain, its culture and traditions both in the city and the countryside.  is story focuses on enjoying various Spanish dishes in both exquisite restaurants and more commonplace settings and will leave you wanting to try his recipes for yourself.

H.M. van den Brink was born in 1956 and lived in Spain as foreign correspondent for the newspaper NRC Handelsblad. He retained international fame with the short story On e Wa t e r (1998).


Abdelkrim Ghallab Translated by Roger Allen

£12.99 | FICTION PBK, B FORMAT NOVEMBER 2016 9781910376-40-9 304pp

is pioneering post colonial work, originally published in 1966, was the  rst break- through Moroccan novel to be written in native Moroccan Arabic, rather than in French. Written a er the country gained independence, the story follows the trajectory of two generations of al-Tihamis – a well-to-do family residing in Fez’s ancient medina – whose members characterise distinctive aspects of Moroccan society, and whose lives re ect the profound social changes taking place during the period. Bridging two worlds, We Buried the Past begins during the quieter days of the late-colonial period; here we are introduced to a world of seemingly timeless tradition, in which the al-Tihami household is presided over by the family patriarch, al-Haj Muhammad, and where religion is unquestioned and all-pervading. However, the coming upheaval, and imminent social transition, is re ected through the lives of al-Haj’s three sons – in particular his second son, Abderrahman, who will defy his father and come to symbolise the break between the old ways and the new.

Abdelkrim Ghallab is a Moroccan political journalist and novelist. He is the author of  ve novels and three collections of short stories. In 2004 he was awarded the Maghreb Culture Prize of Tunis. Ghallab’s novels have been translated into many languages.


Mamdouh Azzam Translated by Max Weiss

£12.99 | FICTION PBK, B FORMAT NOVEMBER 2016 9781910376-36-2 120pp

Ascension to Death is a heartbreaking love story set against the backdrop of a conservative Druze region of southern Syria. It recounts the story of an orphan girl named Salma who falls in love with a boy from her village but is forced into an arranged marriage. Salma’s fate is controlled by her tyrannical uncle and guardian, a powerful community leader with connections to the government, who is only too pleased to unload the burden of his brother’s daughter onto the  rst man to propose. A romantic tragedy, the novel follows Salma’s attempt to escape with her lover, her family’s collusion with the authorities against her, and her anguishing ordeal of imprisonment, torture and abandonment. Dark, challenging and inventive, Ascension to Death is one of Syria’s most beloved novels of the twentieth century. Originally published in 1987, and adapted into an acclaimed  lm in 1995, it is the  rst work of Mamdouh Azzam to be published in English.

Mamdouh Azzam is a Syrian novelist. His most celebrated and controversial novel is e Palace of Rain (1998), a powerful and daring treatment of taboos in the conservative Druze religion.

NEW TITLE Morocco In the Labyrinth of Dreams and Bazaars

Walter M. Weiss

While much of the is now engulfed in con ict and repression, Morocco remains a curious anomaly: peaceful and open to the West. In Morocco Walter M. Weiss brings extensive knowledge of the region to bear as he travels the breadth and depth of the country’s social and £10 | TRAVEL WRITING geographical contrasts, from the Berber villagers of the PBK, B FORMAT MAY 2016 mountains to the two medieval centres Fès and Meknès. 9781909961-25-8 118pp

Seeking Provence Old Myths, New Paths

Nicholas Woodsworth

Nicholas Woodsworth lovingly recounts vivid details of life in Provence, providing a welcome antidote to the typical rosé-tinted, romantic view of the perennially sunny destination for tourists.

‘Like Tuscany, Provence has been trampled over by too £12 | TRAVEL WRITING many writers in recent years. But Woodsworth, a Provençal PBK, B FORMAT JULY 2016 by marriage, looks as though he could break the curse of 9781909961-26-5 320pp Mayle.’ –New York Times

RECENTLY PUBLISHED Old Puglia A Cultural Companion to South-Eastern Italy

Desmond Seward and Susan Mountgarret

Old Puglia combines in-depth writing on Puglian history with an appraisal of the region’s contemporary culture. A fascinating look at an area whose ancient roots continue £12 | TRAVEL WRITING to delight modern enthusiasts, Old Puglia will entertain PBK, B FORMAT JULY 2016 travellers, history bu s, and everyone with a taste for Italy. 9781909961-20-3 120pp

The Road to Santiago Walking the Way of St James

René Freund

‘A wonderfully wry and amusing account of what it is like to be a modern-day pilgrim. The author describes looking up and seeing a  ghter jet screaming overhead. “It would take a jet less than an hour to get to Santiago,” Freund cannot help re ecting, “and we still have six weeks ahead

£10 | TRAVEL WRITING of us. We are walking anachronisms.” Yet it is precisely the PBK, B FORMAT anachronistic quality of what he is doing that makes it so JUNE 2016 9781909961-22-7 fascinating.’ –Independent 132pp

RECENTLY PUBLISHED Turkey Rediscovered A Land Between Tradition and Modernity

Klaus Reichert Translated by Eugene Hayworth

£12.99 | TRAVEL, TURKEY HBK, 166 x 123 mm SEPTEMBER 2016 9781909961-08-1 120pp

Without a guide, driven only by his own curiosity, Klaus Reichert travels to Anatolia, Istanbul and the Aegean coast. He explores the strip of land where Adam and Eve are said to have settled a er their expulsion from Eden and where Moses struck water from a stone. He talks to an old stonemason and a young teacher, following in the footsteps of the brilliant architect Mimar Sinan, and probes the mysteries of his mosques. He visits one of the last remaining colonies of a rare breed of ibis and walks the wide expanses surrounding the archaeological sites of western Turkey. Finally, he draws parallels between kilim weaving, minimal music, and modernity as a whole. Under Klaus Reichert’s gaze, what is seen, questioned and learned is compacted like warp and we into colourful and provoking images and patterns. is is a book that uncovers hidden depths to a land we thought we knew, but it shows that we have much to learn.

Klaus Reichert, born in 1938, is a literary critic, author, translator and publisher. He taught English and American Literature at the University of Frankfurt and was president of the German Academy for Language and Literature. He has written books on and translated works by James Joyce, Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll and Virginia Woolf.

NEW TITLE Reflections Conversations with Politicians

Peter Hennessy and Robert Shepherd

Re ections collects the best interviews from the BBC Radio 4 series of the same name, including interviews with political heavyweights such as John Major, Clare Short, Nigel Lawson and David Owen.

£20 | POLITICS ‘The art of the interview is to caress, coax and cajole your HBK, TRADE subject into revealing more about themselves than they ever MAY 2016 planned to. Peter Hennessy does just that with verve and 9781910376-48-5 panache’ –Nick Robinson 290pp Mount Sinai A History of Travellers and Pilgrims

George Manginis

This comprehensive and complete history of Mount Sinai examines the complex history of a mountain peak above the Monastery of St Catherine at South Sinai in Egypt, known for centuries as the place where Moses is said to have received the Ten Commandments from God. £20 | HISTORY, TRAVEL HBK, ROYAL ‘Lucid and original; a veritable feast of interesting stories MAY 2016 about Mt Sinai’s extraordinary past’ –Peter Frankopan 9781910376-50-8 308pp


Thomas Bell

‘A wonderfully discursive account of the personal discovery of a great city.’ –William Dalrymple

Kathmandu is the greatest city of the Himalaya; where cultural practices still survive that died out in India a thousand years ago. Tom Bell tells the story of a decade in the city, unravelling its history through successive

£17.99 | TRAVEL, MEMOIR reinventions of itself. Erudite, entertaining and accessible, HBK, ROYAL it is a fascinating chronicle of a unique place. APRIL 2016 9781910376-38-6 500pp | UK & NORTH AMERICA

Two Gentlemen on the Beach Michael Kölhmeier

Translated by Ruth Martin

Two icons of the twentieth century, the unlikely friendship between Winston Churchill and was based on a dark secret. With the eye of a masterfully subtle narrator, Michael Köhlmeier imagines a startling friendship of unique understanding between this extraordinary pair; a friendship £17.99 | FICTION HBK, TRADE of the twentieth century between art and politics, humour NOVEMBER 2015 and seriousness, but which at heart remains an understanding 9781910376-46-1 260pp between two men – the poor tramp and the grand statesman – who bring together the history of the century.

RECENTLY PUBLISHED 28 June / Sharp, Alan (editor) / £30 / 9781908323-75-0 / History / hbk. Abduction / Benmalek, Anouar / £12.99 / 9781906697-33-4 / Fiction / pbk. Adam the King / Lewis, Jeffrey £8.99 / 9781-906598-66-2 / Fiction / pbk. Admiral Togo / Clements, Jonathan / £14.99 / 9781906598-62-4 / Biography, History / pbk. Afonso Costa: Portugal / Meneses, Filipe R. / £12.99 / 9781905791-87-3 / History, WWI / hbk. Aleksandur Stamboliiski: Bulgaria / Crampton, R. / £12.99 / 9781905791-77-4 / History, WWI / hbk. Alexander the Great / Cawthorne, Nigel / £9.99 / 9781904341-56-7 / Biography / pbk. Almost Like Spring / Capus, Alex / £7.99 / 9781908323-33-0 / Fiction / pbk. Along the Ganges / Trojanow, Ilija / £7.99 / 9781906598-91-4 / Travel Lit. / pbk. Along The River That Flows Uphill / Starks & Murcutt / £12.99 / 9781906598-32-7 / Travel Lit. / hbk. Apple In The Dark, The / Lispector, Clarice / £12.99 / 9781906598-45-7 / Fiction / hbk. Apulia, An AT History of / Seward & Mountgarret / £9.99 / 9781907973-76-5 / Travel, History / hbk. Ascension to Death / Azzam, Mamdouh / £12.99 / 9781910376362 / Fiction / pbk. Asian Absences / Buscher, Wolfgang / £12.99 / 9781906598-76-1 / Travel Lit. / hbk. Asquith / Bates, Stephen / £9.99 / 9781904950-57-8 / Biography, History / pbk. B as in Beirut / Younes, Iman Humaydan / £8.99 / 9781906697-20-4 / Fiction / pbk. Bach / Geck, Martin / £14.99 / 9781904341-16-1 / Biography / pbk. Baldwin / Perkins, Anne / £9.99 / 9781904950-60-8 / Biography / pbk. Balfour / Green, Ewen / £9.99 / 9781904950-55-4 / Biography / pbk. Balzac’s Omelette / Muhlstein, Anka / £12.99 / 9781907973-22-2 / Travel Lit. / hbk. Banker, Traitor, Scapegoat, Spy? Speyer / Lentin, Antony / £14.99 / 9781908323-11-8 / Biography / pbk. Barbarian Spring / Lüscher, Jonas / £9.99 / 97819083238-3-5 / Fiction / pbk. Being Abbas el Abd / Alaidy, Ahmed / £6.99 / 9781906697-05-1 / Fiction / pbk. Bel Canto Bully / Eisenbeiss, Philip / £30 / 9781908323-25-5 / Biography, Opera / hbk. Benes & Masaryk: Czechoslovakia / Neville, Peter / £12.99 / 9781905791-72-9 / History, WWI / hbk. Berlin Cantata / Lewis, Jeffrey / £8.99 / 9781907822-43-8 / Fiction / pbk. Bhutan, The History of / Phuntsho, Karma / £30 /97819083235-8-3 / History / hbk. Bible Hunter, The / Gottschlich, Jürgen / £16.99 / 9781908323-47-7 / History, Biography / hbk. Bismarck / Ullrich, Volker / £12.99 / 9781910376-09-6 / Biography, History / pbk. Blair / Temple, Mick / £9.99 / 9781904950-73-8 / Biography / pbk. Bonar Law / Taylor, Andrew / £9.99 / 9781904950-59-2 / Biography / pbk. Book of Doubt, The / de Loo, Tessa / £12.99 / 9781906598-94-5 / Fiction / pbk. Brendel’s Fantasy / Freitag, Günther / £8.99 / 9781907822-53-7 / Fiction / pbk. Britain in a Perilous World / Shaw, Jonathan / £7.99 / 9781908323-81-1 / Politics / pbk. Britten / Matthews, David / £9.99 / 9781908323-38-5 / Biography / pbk. Brunel / Gillings, Annabel / £9.99 / 9781904950-44-8 / Biography / pbk. Budapest / Clapton, Nicholas / £12.99 / 9781904950-96-7 / Travel Lit. / hbk. Buddha and Dr Fuhrer, The | Allen, Charles / £9.99 / 9781906598-90-7 / Biography, Archaeology / pbk. Building a New World Order / Müller, Harald / £9.99 / 9781906598-16-7 / Sustainability / pbk. Cairo Swan Song / Said, Mekkawi / £8.99 / 9781906697-18-1 / Fiction / pbk. Callaghan / Conroy, Harry / £9.99 / 9781904950-70-7 / Biography / pbk. Calligrapher’s Secret, The / Schami, Rafik / £8.99 / 9781906697-28-0 / Fiction / pbk. Cambridge, An AT History of | Tames, Richard / £12.99 / 9781907973772 / Travel, History / hbk. Campbell-Bannerman / Hattersley, Roy / £9.99 / 9781904950-56-1 / Biography / pbk. Caravaggio / Hunt, Patrick / £14.99 / 9781908323-23-1 / Biography, Art / pbk. Casement / Mitchell, Angus / £9.99 / 9781904341-41-3 / Biography / pbk. Cell Block Five / al-Azzawi, Fadhil / £6.99 / 9781906697-03-7 / Fiction / pbk. Central America / Streeter, Michael / £12.99 / 9781906598-25-9 / History / hbk. Certain Woman, A / El-Badry, Hala / £8.99 / 9781906697-07-5 / Fiction / pbk. Chamberlain / Macklin, Graham / £9.99 / 9781904950-62-2 / Biography / pbk. Chamberlain Litany, The / Marsh, Peter T. / £20 / 9781906598-63-1 / History / hbk. Che Guevara / Niess, Frank / £14.99 / 9781904341-99-4 / Biography / pbk. China: The Culture and People / Strittmatter, Kai / £7.99 / 9781907973-17-8 / Travel / pbk. Churchill / Haffner, Sebastian / £14.99 / 97819043410-7-9 / Biography / pbk. Cities Without Palms / Eltayeb, Tarek / £6.99 / 9781906697-12-9 / Fiction / pbk. Clem Attlee / Beckett, Francis / £10.99 / 9781908323-77-4 / Biography / pbk. Cleopatra / Jones, Prudence J. / £12.99 / 9781904950257 / Biography / pbk. Climate Change / Latif, Mojib / £9.99 / 9781906598-14-3 / Sustainability / pbk. CLR James / Renton, Dave / £16.99 / 9781905791-01-9 / Biography / pbk. Colonel, The / Dowlatabadi, Mahmoud / £9.99 / 9781906598-89-1 / Fiction / pbk. Commons and Lords / Crewe, Emma / £7.99 / 9781910376-07-2 / Politics / pbk. Conference of the Birds, The / Lewis, Jeffrey / £7.99 / 9781906598-79-2 / Fiction / pbk. Consequences of Peace, The / Sharp, Alan / £25 / 9781905791-74-3 / History, WWI / hbk. Cornflower Blue / Schünemann & Volić / £12.99 / 9781908323-96-5 / Fiction / pbk. Costing the Earth? / Meyer, Bernd / £9.99 / 9781906598-12-9 / Sustainability / pbk. Crossing Jerusalem / Woodsworth, Nicholas / £10 / 9781906598-82-2 / Travel Lit. / pbk. Curie / Dry, Sarah / £9.99 / 9781904341-29-1 / Biography / pbk. Dali / Salber, Linde / £9.99 / 9781904341-75-8 / Biography / pbk. Damascus Nights / Schami, Rafik / £12.99 / 97819066973-5-8 / Travel, Memoir / pbk. Damascus, Taste of a City / Schami, Rafik / £10 / 9781906598859 / Travel Lit. / pbk. Dark Side of Love, The / Schami, Rafik / £9.99 / 9781906697-24-2 / Fiction / pbk. David Lloyd George: Great Britain / Sharp, Alan / £12.99 / 9781905791-61-3 / History, WWI / hbk. de Beauvoir, Simone / Appignanesi, Lisa /£14.99 / 9781904950-09-7 / Biography / pbk. Decision, The / Böhler, Britta / £14.99 / 9781910376-13-3 / Fiction / hbk. Dickens: London into Kent / Clark, Peter / £9.99 / 9781907973-80-2 / Biography, Travel / hbk Dickens: London / Clark, Peter / £9.99 / 978-19079731-9-2 / Biography, Travel / hbk. Dostoevsky / Freeborn, Richard / £9.99 / 9781904341-27-7 / Biography / pbk. Douglas Home / Dutton, David / £9.99 / 9781904950-67-7 / Biography / pbk. Duke Ellington / Bradbury, David / £9.99 / 9781904341-66-6 / Biography / pbk. Dvorak / Honolka, Kurt / £9.99 / 9781904341-52-9 / Biography / pbk. E A Poe / Morton, Brian / £14.99 / 9781905791-52-1 / Biography / pbk. Earth, The / Schmidt-Bleek, Friedrich / £9.99 / 9781906598-12-9 / Sustainability / pbk. East Winds, West Winds / al-Saqr, M. I. / £12.99 / 9781906697-22-8 / Fiction / pbk. Eden / Wilby, Peter / £9.99 / 9781904950-65-3 / Biography / pbk. Edward William Lane / Thompson, Jason / £25 / 9781906598-72-3 / Biography / hbk. Egypt, A History of / Thompson, Jason / £17.99 / 9781906598-04-4 / Biography / hbk. Einstein / Smith, Peter D. / £12.99 / 9781904341-15-4 / Biography / pbk. Eleftherios Venizelos: Greece / Dalby, Andrew / £12.99 / 9781905791-64-4 / History, WWI / hbk. Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart / Muhlstein, Anka / £18 / 9781904950-85-1 / History, Biography / hbk. Ellen Terry / Melville, Joy / £18 / 9781904950-14-1 / Biography / hbk. Elsewhere / Rabinovici, Doron / £12.99 / 9781908323-49-1 / Ficiton / hbk. Energy / Wagner, Hermann-Josef / £9.99 / 9781906598-08-2 / Sustainability / pbk. Ends of the Earth, The / Willemsen, Roger / £20 / 9781909961-02-9 / Travel / hbk. English Garden, The / Trotha, Hans von / £9.99 / 9781906598-20-4 / Travel / hbk.

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