2015 -16 Annual Report Edition Fall 2016 | The Newsletter for Members of CSPF


In this issue State Parks Foundation is a member-supported nonprofit dedicated to protecting and improving our state 4 Your gifts become grants parks and expanding access to their natural beauty, rich for important park projects culture and history, and recreational and educational 5 Your generosity mobilizes volunteers to opportunities for all Californians, now and in the future. keep parks healthy 6 Together we empower With your support, we advance this mission by park partners to make a providing financial and technical assistance for park bigger impact projects and partners, mobilizing volunteers statewide, 7 You are helping restore and create a “park for the people” bringing insight and awareness to pressing park issues, influencing policy and legislation that supports an 8 California youth enjoy park-based learning excellent and sustainable state park system, and rallying 9 CSPF’s Earth Day turns 18! the voices of members, park users and advocates. 10 Your voice in Sacramento for parks 11 2015-16 numbers in review 12 Members and donors make all the difference 15 Get involved

FOUNDER Manuel G. Grace ADVISORY TRUSTEES William Penn Mott, Jr. Sanford L. Hartman Shirley Bogardus, (1909-1992) Wendy James Trustee Emeritus Stephen A. Johnson Michael J. Brill PRESIDENT Gail E. Kautz Kathleen Cochran Elizabeth Goldstein Virginia Chang Kiraly William T. Duff Elizabeth A. Lake, Rhonda Glasscock BOARD OF TRUSTEES Secretary William Randolph David Mandelkern, Rosalind Nieman Hearst, III Chairman John O’Connor Patrick T. Lee Michael U. Alvarez Maidie E. Oliveau Connie Lurie Douglas Beebe Larry Palmer, CFP Mark Manguera Lee Black Robert E. Patterson Gary Polakovic Jimmie I. Cho Patricia Pérez Alexander M. Power Donald E. Cooley Michael J. Pinto, PhD Stuart N. Senator Carolyn DeVinny Donald J. Robinson, William G. Doolittle Chairman Emeritus Diana Lu Evans W. James Scilacci William H. Fain, Jr., Seth Teich, CFA, FAIA Treasurer Catherine M. Fisher, Robert E. Walter Vice Chair Peter H. Weiner

2 Thank you

This special 2015-16 Annual Report issue ofParklands highlights just some of the many ways your California State Parks Foundation membership and contributions have helped strengthen and sustain our state parks for current and future generations of visitors.

Your generous support this year helped provide Californians with rich recreational and educational experiences in our magnificent state parks, from weekend family gatherings and wildlife sightings to first-time campouts and awe-inspiring hikes through pristine habitat. As you know, California’s state parks have weathered significant challenges in recent years. Your voice, your time, your financial support—your contributions have made all the difference. The expanding role of park partners in maintaining and managing park resources and the recently approved 2016-17 state budget, which includes millions of dollars in special funds to advance major park initiatives, are very encouraging signs of the impact we are making together. We hope you’ll read through the following pages to see even more evidence of the vital work you’re making possible—much-needed park improvements ANZA-BORREGO DESERT STATE PARK © CLIFF LAPLANT big and small, thousands of hours put in by volunteers throughout the state, innovative outdoor learning programs for urban youth, and a unified community of park supporters rallying on behalf of our parks, to name just a few. Thank you, again, for your support—we are deeply grateful for your partnership in keeping our state parks vibrant and healthy for all to enjoy, WE LOVE today and in the future. HEARING FROM YOU Contact us at any time at [email protected], sign up for eNews and action alerts at calparks.org, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter David Mandeklern, Chairman for the latest updates and news.

Elizabeth Goldstein, President

3 You help improve parks for millions of visitors


Your gifts become grants for important park projects Park Enrichment Grants provide direct financial support for facility upgrades; restoration of habitat and historic buildings; trail, river and beach cleanups; and other vital projects that keep parks healthy and accessible.

Since 2009, CSPF has awarded able to serve all third-grade classes over $1.2 million to enhance that want to participate in this living “ We are very excited to the experiences of park visitors. history program at El Presidio de receive a grant from CSPF, In 2015-16, 44 grants totaling Santa Barbara State Historic Park. which will ensure that more $225,000 were made possible by Grant funds supported transportation people can experience this the ongoing and generous support of costs for students who wouldn’t wild and scenic recreation CSPF members, donors and funders. otherwise be able to attend. “The area with its spectacular ability to offer free transportation One grant is opening up a world of ocean and mountain views.” not only increased attendance, possibilities at El Capitán State Beach MARK WILKINSON, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, but also raised the visibility of the with improved signage drawing visitor SANTA BARBARA COUNTY TRAILS COUNCIL Early California Days program in the attention to an underutilized 2,500- community,” says Executive Director acre scenic wilderness area. Funds are Anne Peterson. “This year we served partner, Friends of North Bloomfield allowing the Santa Barbara County 85 students from Lompoc and 300 and Malakoff Diggins. “The grant Trails Council to install an entrance students from Santa Maria who would will make it possible for us to do the sign, kiosk, trail markers and maps. not have been able to attend without in-depth strategic planning and These wayfinding tools will not only the support of the CSPF grant.” capacity-building work that is so eliminate confusion about the location This grant was funded by the Margaret essential to successful support of the of the entrance and parking lot, Donner Spencer Endowment Fund, park, both short and long term,” but also provide visitors with hiking which was established by a generous says Executive Board Member Holly options and directions for getting donation from the William H. Donner Mitten. from the main oceanside park to • Foundation. the wilderness area. This grant was Learn more about the impact of other recently funded funded by Anchor Brewing Company, Several recent grants emphasized projects at calparks.org/whatwedo/grants. which has partnered with CSPF since capacity building for park partner 2013 to help fund improvements in our organizations, which play an parks. increasingly important role in managing and stewarding state Although its annual Early California parks. One such grant is revitalizing Days event has grown in recent a remote park that was threatened years, the Santa Barbara Trust for with closure in 2012 by supporting Historic Preservation has not been organizational planning for a new 4 FOLSOM STATE RECREATION AREA © STEPHEN VAN LYDEGRAF STATE PARK © BETTY DI REGOLO

Your generosity mobilizes volunteers KEY VOLUNTEER to keep parks healthy CHAMPIONS PARKS STATEWIDE The Park Champions Program, supported by generous CSPF Stephen Van Lydegraf began his lifelong love affair with the outdoors donors, mobilizes volunteers who want to make a positive impact as a young Cub Scout and Boy Scout. on their state parks. In 2015-16, more than 1,400 volunteers He became concerned several years completed over 10,000 work hours and 180 projects to improve ago when he learned of possible state park facilities and protect habitat and wildlife. park closures, and he joined CSPF to show his support for parks. Since its launch in 2010, Park Champions has grown from just 10 participating Stephen learned about the Park parks to 38. At Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park near Bakersfield, Champions program and was eager dedicated volunteers help steward the important but underfunded site of the to become more involved as he only California town founded, financed and governed by African Americans. thought about approaching retirement. Volunteers from as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Sacramento “I wanted to focus on doing something gather regularly to help maintain the park’s facilities and historical buildings that was fun and rewarding but also so that visitors from the local community and beyond can enjoy relaxing at the made a contribution to society,” park and learning about its rich history. he says. Over the past two years, Stephen has worked at 11 different parks “Volunteers are some of the best people you will meet, and that and is now a Core Leader, roving up starts with their shared interest in making our parks a better and down the state to lend his time place for this and future generations.” and expertise where needed. Core STEPHEN VAN LYDEGRAF, PARK CHAMPIONS CORE LEADER Leaders play a critical role in the Park Champions Program by making an ongoing commitment to plan and lead Volunteers at State Recreation Area in Southern California regular workdays. and Folsom Lake State Recreation Area in Northern California—new sites added in 2015-16—have spent several workdays clearing trails of brush and “In each and every park, you can invasive plants and collecting more than one ton of garbage, among other see the difference. Every volunteer activities. Their work will ensure safer and improved recreational experiences goes home with a feeling of for the thousands of youth and adults who visit the parks each year. • accomplishment,” says Stephen. “As a Core Leader, I look forward Learn more or sign up to help at calparks.org/help/park-champions. to my continuing role in protecting, preserving and improving these special places.” •

5 You help protect parks and their natural and cultural treasures


Together we empower park partners to make a bigger impact Recognizing that park partners are vital to the transformation underway for state parks, CSPF’s Technical Assistance Center (TAC) empowers and professionalizes the grassroots community of park partners that have stepped up to steward state parks.

Since its launch in 2011, and through and more diverse audience of park the support of important foundation users, and strengthen its volunteer and individual contributions, TAC has board. “This work will result in more provided expert, no-cost assistance community connections, more fund- “Technical assistance from to more than 100 nonprofit park ing, more quality programming and, CSPF has helped transform operators, cooperating associations, ultimately, better support for our us from a group of campers and other park partners. state parks,” says the organization’s and surfers to a viable and executive director, Jenny Heckeroth. sustainable business-minded In addition to ongoing convenings, nonprofit—all in one year. webinars and other services, in Mountain Parks Foundation enlisted 2015-16 TAC launched comprehen- TAC’s help to build its capacity to Thank you!” sive wraparound services to provide lead a major campaign to renovate KATHLEEN KOOIMAN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, targeted, high-intensity organizational the much-loved Nature Lodge Muse- FRIENDS OF CARDIFF AND CARLSBAD STATE BEACHES assistance to nine invited park part- um at Big Basin Redwoods State ners. Through the program, Friends of Park. “The new museum will inspire Cardiff and Carlsbad State Beaches a new generation of park visitors conducted an organizational assess- to become stewards of this special ment, adopted its first formal strategic place, making a real difference now plan, redefined its mission statement and for years to come,” notes Brenda and communications plan, and devel- Holmes, executive director of the oped successful fundraising events foundation. and new donor relationships. By ensuring the success of park The wraparound services team of partners in providing the best possi- consultants helped Mendocino Area ble visitor experiences to millions Parks Association more than double of Californians, TAC plays a funda- the number of donations and member- mental role in protecting and ships it receives, expand its social strengthening our state parks. • media presence to reach a younger 6 CANDLESTICK POINT STATE RECREATION AREA © TERI LENFEST COURTESY TOP GRADE CONSTRUCTION

You are helping restore and create a “park for the people” The development of Candlestick Point State Recreation Area is one of the most inspiring stories in state park history. KEY VOLUNTEER TELLING CANDLESTICK’S STORYIDE A group of passionate community members fought to establish San In anticipation of the opening of the Francisco’s Candlestick Point as expanded park, CSPF is collaborating with California’s first urban state park in DPR, longtime community partner Literacy for 1977 as a “park for the people.” Environmental Justice and other local groups In the following decades, state funds and partners to develop rich place-based dwindled and the northern section of educational programs. the park has remained inaccessible for decades. Since 2003, CSPF has partnered with the Department of “For over a decade, we have will help connect local residents to Parks and Recreation (DPR) and open space, protect vital habitat been engaging Bayview- others to develop a comprehensive and wildlife, improve quality of life Hunters Point youth and plan to realize the park’s full in a historically underserved part residents in the restoration recreational, educational, and envi- of San Francisco, and transform a and stewardship of Yosemite ronmental potential. Slough. We are excited to former industrial pollution site into tap local knowledge and Thanks to your generous contributions a world-class urban park. and the sustained collaboration of experience to help develop CSPF Advisory Board Member and key partners, in 2015-16 CSPF former teacher Connie Lurie and interpretive programs at the successfully concluded fundraising her husband, Bob (an owner of the park that will tell the many to launch Phase 2 of the Yosemite San Francisco Giants from 1976 important stories of the Slough Restoration Project. Once to 1993) made a major gift to sup- nature and history of this completed, this major wetlands port the project. “We spent 17 years community.” restoration and park development at Candlestick Park with the Giants, PATRICK RUMP, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, effort will open the northern Yosemite so we feel that we have a real LITERACY FOR ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Slough section of Candlestick Point to connection to this area and to the the public. community,” notes Connie. “We look With its state-of-the-art education forward to seeing schoolchildren, center and programs, waterfront families from the community, and hiking and biking trails, and stunning people from the whole Bay Area natural setting, the park expansion enjoying this park.” • 7 California youth enjoy park-based learning Research increasingly points to the need for children to spend time outdoors in natural settings to maximize their physical and intellectual potential. Since 2009, the Summer Enrichment Program has given nearly 15,000 urban youth the chance to experience state parks—most for the first time—and expand their education by connecting with nature.

In summer 2015, the program careers. Fifth through eighth graders hosted students at 11 parks statewide. participated in citizen science Generous support from CSPF mem- monitoring of seabirds and pinnipeds bers and funders including the at . And a David and Lucile Packard Foundation three-day bilingual family campout and the Kaiser Permanente Northern with Latino Outdoors introduced new California Community Benefit families to hiking, camping and Programs enabled us to engage kayaking in their local state parks. new partners and youth groups and expand to serve over 3,000 students at 13 parks in summer 2016. “Thank you a million times Elementary and middle school chil- for making this opportunity dren from Oceanside and San available for our kids. It was Dieguito Boys and Girls Clubs got to indeed a life-changing apply their classroom knowledge in experience.” the outdoors at the new South TOMMY BREWER II, THINK TOGETHER program site. They learned about marine debris and water quality, ocean flora and And for the first time, students from fauna, and lifeguards and what they Los Angeles area summer programs do. In addition to collecting trash tuned in to PORTS (Parks Online You help and recycling along the beach, Resources for Teachers and Students) the students got to meet veteran at Crystal Cove State Beach. This lifeguards and try some of their equip- live video conferencing component engage ment, watch dolphins and swimmers enabled over 1,300 youth to benefit through binoculars, and use hydrome- from park-based environmental learn- Californians ters and testing kits to measure ing that helps stem the summer salinity and oxygen content in water learning gap, improve academic samples. performance, and increase knowl- in using and edge of their natural environment. Also new to this year’s program was • stewarding a partnership with Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods in Sonoma County. High school students spent our parks two weeks at Armstrong Redwoods State Park in a combined work and educational program focused on habitat restoration and environmental

8 8 CSPF’s Earth Day turns 18! In 2016, CSPF held its 18th Earth Day Restoration and Cleanup on April 16 to engage members of the public in a day of action and stewardship at their local state parks. Over 2,000 volunteers rolled up their sleeves and tackled dozens of improvement projects at 27 state parks from Mendocino down to Los Angeles.

The thousands of work hours contributed by volunteers in honor of Earth Day made much-needed park improvements possible at a time when many state parks continue to face limited staff and budget resources and helped get parks throughout the state ready to welcome more park users during the busy summer “Eighty-five volunteers were season. able to collect over 50 bags Volunteers planted over 1,800 native plants and trees, removed over 2,200 of trash and litter, plant 40 cubic yards of non-native plants, collected more than 450 bags of trash and native oak trees, and replace recycling, built split rail fences, installed new signs and trail markers, refur- over 200 feet of split rail bished campgrounds, removed graffiti, repaired restrooms, built animal-proof fence. What an achievement! food storage lockers, and beautified parks for all to enjoy. I’m proud to be called part of At Bolsa Chica State Beach, 83 do-gooders rehabilitated the Campfire Center, this team.” installed rain barrels and cleared invasives in the native plant garden, and STEVE BARBER, MILLERTON LAKE STATE RECREATION AREA more. “I think a lot of community minds were changed that day as our everyday visitors learned about ice plant and sea rocket and how they are detrimental to the area,” reports the park’s interpretive specialist Elizabeth Bremmer.

At Sonoma Coast State Park, over 80 volunteers renovated Pomo Campground, repaired a bridge, cleared overgrowth, and cleaned up tires, trash, and other debris at North Jenner Beach. “The volunteers can all feel proud that we saved many seabirds and marine life from the dangers of plastic, and the new fence at Pomo will protect the fragile understory plants in the redwood forest from being trampled to death,” says Michele Luna, Executive Director of Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods, the nonprofit partner that operates Sonoma Coast and other nearby parks.

Thank you to our members, volunteers and sponsors for making great things happen for the parks we all love! •

9 You help rally critical support for state parks

Your voice in Sacramento for parks ADVOCATES RAISE AWARENESS Thanks to you and many other park supporters, CSPF lobbies for state parks year- round, but one day each year we CSPF carries a strong voice to Sacramento to advocate bring together park supporters from for park-friendly policy and legislation. throughout California to make a huge impact at the State Capitol. In The 2016-17 State Budget approved by Governor Brown includes several big May 2016, over 150 park supporters victories for park users and the state parks community. joined CSPF in Sacramento for our 14th Annual Park Advocacy Day. n $60 million for deferred n $367,000 will support a pilot Collectively, our advocates met with maintenance will allow DPR to community outreach project to over 120 policymakers, making a make critical repairs necessary engage underserved and compelling statement of support for to preserve visitor safety and underrepresented communities California’s 280 state parks and urging enjoyment and protect our from two of the largest urban their support for legislation that will: natural and cultural resources. population centers in the state, Los Angeles and the Bay Area. • Fund state parks for the future n $3 million will support renovation of the historic hospital at the Angel n $181,000 will enable a pilot • Increase park access and relevance Island Immigration Station. project to develop and implement • Support efforts of state park n $700,000 will enable work to a new model of interpretation of partners begin on a solar electric project California’s rich history and culture • Ensure that the names of public at Malakoff Diggins State Historic through the state parks system. state parks and key facilities Park, a remote and off-the-grid cannot be claimed for private gain park. CSPF has provided financial or purposes and other support for this project since 2012.

Our State Park Action Network In addition, CSPF supported two bills that were passed in fall 2015, strengthen- works with member organizations ing the role of park partners in stewarding parks and serving visitors. Assembly statewide to raise awareness of Bill 549 by Assemblymember Marc Levine (D-San Rafael) encourages the California’s state parks and advocate development of more overnight accommodations in state parks and allows in support of policies that will help DPR to partner with nonprofits to operate the accommodations. Senate Bill 204 achieve state park excellence. Over by Senator Fran Pavley (D-Agoura Hills) acknowledges the important role of 110 member organizations include nonprofit organizations in managing state parks and removes the 2017 sunset businesses, chambers of commerce, on DPR’s authority to enter into operating agreements with nonprofit partners. local governments and nonprofit • organizations. Learn more at Learn more about CSPF’s legislative and advocacy agenda at calparks.org/whatwedo/advocacy. stateparkaction.org. 1010 2015-16 numbers in review


CONTRIBUTIONS: $9.7 million Volunteers Engaged: 4,200 Park Sources of Contributions n Individuals 52% n Foundations and Nonprofits 27% Champions Workdays: 180 (over 10,000 volunteer n Corporations 11% n Legacy Gifts 5% n Government 2% hours!) at 38 state parks Grants Awarded: n Other 3%

Since its founding in 1969, CSPF has raised over $256 million to benefit state parks and 44 grants totaling $225,000 Summer Enrichment park users. Youth Participants: 3,000+ at 13 parks statewide

Member Actions: 4,450 messages from our

advocates were delivered to legislators at the State

Capitol to support important parks legislation

CSPF’s 2015-16 audited financial statements will be posted in January 2017 at calparks.org/ aboutus/financials, where you can also find financial and annual reports from previous years. 11 Members and donors make all the difference

Thank you for your support CSPF members and donors make all our work possible! We truly appreciate the generous support of individuals, foundations, corporations and government agencies and are pleased to recognize contributors of $1,000 or more between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.

$500,000+ REI Southern California The Richard & Emily Levin John Edwards Leslie Smith S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Dr. Helen H. Smith Foundation Alison Elliott & Stephen Blank Pearl Stedman Hellman Foundation SoCalGas David Mandelkern & Mr. & Mrs. Gareth T. Evans Sidney Stern Memorial Fund Connie & Robert Lurie Dale Stancliff Fund Terilyn Hanko Jane & Gary Facente Desiree Stuart-Alexander Francis P. Torino Foundation Carol Marvel Catherine M. & James Fisher Vicki Vitalie $100,000-$499,999 Jim Uebner Tom Maxfield Sanford & Linda Gallanter Robert & Joan Walter Loews Coronado Bay Resort Union Bank of California Ms. Kathryn K. McNeil Foundation Diane Wilsey Pacific Gas & Electric Company Foundation Microsoft Jane Galvan Betty Quayle* Kim Worsencroft & Dennis McEvoy The Cynthia & George Mitchell Bert Gerlitz $1,000-$2,499 Raintree Foundation Margaret Zentner Fund for CA’s Foundation Cornelia Haag-Molkenteller Anonymous (9) Resources Legacy Fund State Parks of the Sacramento The Nature Conservancy Nadine Hack Robert & Elizabeth Adams Subway Restaurants Region Community Foundation John Nootbaar Ben & William Hamilton William & Marsha Adler TI Media Solutions, Inc. John O’Connor Mr. Jerry M. Harrington Jessica Agramonte & $5,000-$9,999 Pacific Acres Ranch, LLC Peter Hiller James Principato $50,000-$99,999 Anonymous (2) Julie Packard Leona Horowitz Jean Aigner Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Michael U. Alvarez Mr. & Mrs. Alexander M. Power Larry & Rita Hunter Megan & Guy Albertelli The Boyle Family Trust* The Applewood Fund at Fund of the El Adobe Mr. David H. Jacobs Madelyn Alfano Edison International Community Foundation Corporation Tony Jeffers John & Maureen Alvarez Kaiser Permanente Northern CA Santa Cruz County Bob Prevaux* Bonnie Kellogg & Tim Cannard Robert & Angela Amarante Community Benefit Programs Robert & Jean Baer Rowland & Pat Rebele Nancy Kittle Liz Ames Toyota Motor Sales USA Steve & Beth Bangert Jesse & Mindy Rogers The Margaret & Jennifer Kress Keith Amidon & Rani Menon Arlin Weinberger Robert & Patricia Biery Elizabeth B. Ross Foundation Inc. Marcia Anderson Brian & Sally Biles The Peter & Mary Russo Michael & Claudia Langley Norman Anderson $25,000-$49,999 Teresa L. Boley & Family Foundation, Inc. Mark Larson & Tina Cole Sigrid Anderson-Kwun & California Coastal Conservancy Joseph D. Markee Kenneth & Marjorie Sauer Renee Linde & Nicholas Sands Michael Kwun The Capital Group Companies Kenneth & Cheryl Branson William J. & Linda Scilacci George Mahshigian Alan & Helen Appleford Charitable Foundation Malinda Pennoyer Chouinard & Ralph J. Staunton* James & Margaret McClenahan Caroline Arakelian The William H. Donner Yvon Chouinard Sungevity, Inc. Cheryl McManigal Peter & Kate Archer Foundation, Inc. Colette Collester The Teich Family Kenneth & Vera Meislin Edward & Sallie Arens Frances Hellman & Ralph Devoto Jim Upchurch Charles Mendenhall Susie Armstrong Warren Breslau The Walt Disney Company John Upton, Jr. & Mark Merritt & Lorena Barrientos Judy & Ron Arrants Thomas J. Long Foundation Dean & Margaret Donaldson Janet Sassoon Upton Susan and Lew Miller Brian Ashe & Cynthia Rigatti Jay Myers Bill & Nancy Doolittle Oldrich & Silva Vasicek Cynthia Mirsky Martha & Bruce Atwater David & Lucile Packard EcoMedia John & Gale Vocke Dean & Lavon Morton Matthew Austern Foundation Facebook Mr. Peter H. Weiner Maidie Oliveau Mr. & Mrs. Guilford C. Babcock Victor & Karen Trione William & Jennifer Fain Nelson & Jane Weller Anne & Charles Olsen Paul & Betty Baldacci Family Robert Fernandez State Park Commissioner Harriett Orchard Foundation $10,000-$24,999 Rose Flahavan Paul J. Witt Larry Palmer Richard & Sharon Barlow Anonymous (5) Martha & Walter Girdlestone Robert & C. Kalina Wong Robert & Christina Patterson Paul A. Bartlett & Anchor Brewing Company Manny Grace & Casey Caffee Thomas Wroblewski Paul Hastings LLP Yumi Nakagawa Blue Shield of California The Richard Grand Foundation Wayne Pfeiffer Pam & Roger Bass Shirley Bogardus Walter & Elise Haas Fund $2,500-$4,999 Michael & Meili Pinto Michele & Travis Beacham Coastal Conservancy Association John H. Harrington & Ida Baugh Anonymous (4) Barbara & Richard Proffitt Nancy & Joachim Bechtle Donald & Diane Cooley Holland & Knight LLP Bryce & Darla Beck Siva Raven Foundation John & Diane Furlan The Humanist Fund Kathleen Becker Kathryn Riddell Elizabeth Behringer The Heller Foundation of Mary Israel Douglas & Tina Beebe Helen & Allan Ridley Grant & Minako Beidelman San Diego Stephen Johnson & Adrian & Penny Bellamy Christine Ries Max & Jean Bell Pat Howard* Josephine Chien Lori Callahan Alan Robinson Eugene Belogorsky Wendy & Michael James Johnson Fain, Inc. Jackie Cegelski Don & Betsy Robinson Thomas Benet Karl Kohler Virginia & Kenneth Kiraly Jennifer Chaiken & Richard Ross Robert Berkley William & Jeanne Landreth KLM Foundation Sam Hamilton Mr. Kenneth J. Ryan Edward Berkowitz Gary Miller LAcarGUY Jimmie & Helen Cho Roger & Delsie Schrimp R. Scott Bevans The Millstream Fund Ms. Elizabeth Lake & James Cuthbertson Nadya Scott Richard Bibeau Gordon & Betty Moore Dr. Daniel Francis Carolyn DeVinny & Shared Vision Charitable Katherine Bishop Oracle Corporation The Leila Fund of InFaith Phillip Williamson Foundation Lee & Victoria Black 12 PSN Family Charitable Trust Community Foundation Joan Edwards David Simon & Lynn Gordon Scott & Karen Blakeley Charmaine Blatt Nancy & Edward Conner Mary Alyce Elwell Brian & Breanna Gooch James Hutchinson Caroline Booth Roberta Conroy Stephen English & Molly Munger Edwin & Donna Gookin Ali & Jamie Imam Thomas Bosserman Robert & Ana Cook David & Sarah Epstein Barbara Grasseschi & Nick Jabbour John & Jennifer Bost Sally & David Cook Gregory & Betty Evans Anthony Crabb David Jacobson Susan & Timothy Bottoms The Honorable Joseph W. Mike & Hilda Evans Nicholas & Mary Graves George & Emily Jaquette Brittny Bottorff Cotchett Frances Farnan Mr. & Mrs. James H. Greene, Jr. James & Linda Jaworski Garrett & Diana Bouton Ciara Cox Alan Feingold Herb & Nancy Greenfield Carolyn Jayne Sarane Bowen Jean Coyne Nancy Fellom Brion Grube Jeffrey & Jeri Johnson Michael & Patricia Brill John Craig Marilyn Field The Garrett Gruener & Bernadine Jones Ralph Britton Lois & John Crowe Virginia Fifield Amy Slater Family Fund The Paula B. & Oliver W. Jones Mary Brodie Phyllis Curtis Anice Flesh John Gunn Family Foundation Inc. Matthew & Tracy Brotze Shirley Daffin Barbara Foltin David & Deanna Gustavson Richard & Patricia Jones Faye Brown David & Christina Dahl Cynthia Forsthoff Peter & Laura Haas Fredrick Jorgensen Wendy Bruss Jeff Dahlgren Karen Fouts Mimi Hahn & Larry Warcken Mary F. Jourdan Peter Bulkley & Johanna Merriss Bryant & Judith Danner Shayne & Michael Frankel Kevin & Julia Hall Jean Kaplinsky Paul Burnett Ronald Davidowski Alexander Frick John Hansen Carole Keim Kris Byrne Richard M. Davis Fund Robert & Michelle Friend Robert & Shirley Harris Family Sharon Keith Andrew & Marilyn Calciano Danny Dawson & Claudine Co Nancy Frost Foundation Michelle Keldorf Martha Campbell & John Beach Daniele & Janine De Iuliis John Ganahl Deidre Harrison & Alisha Keller John Carter Thomas Debley James & Jan Gardner Thomas Crane Iona & Ash Kellison Americo Cascella Colette DeLong Martha Gates & Ken Harrison Peter & Penelope Kenez Noel A. Castellon Larry Delpit Spencer Commons Jeff Hawkins & Janet Strauss Mary Jo Kenny Karin Chamberlain Hadley and Ethan Dettmer Fred Gerson Gina Heng Frances Kent Esmond Chan Renate Deutsch Kathy Gilbert Paul Henkart & Nancy Tomich Bill Kilpatrick Kay Chesnut Trudi Devine Clinton & Mary Gilliland Ralph Herbert Erin Kinikin Ray & Marian Christensen Lynne Diamond Bob Gilliom & Patricia Schifferle Jerre & Nancy Hitz Nicole Klyczek Dean & Wilma Chu Daryl Dichek & Kenneth Smith Andrew Gillis Emily Holton Dr. Bonnie Kneibler & James Chute & Holly McMillon Lisa Dintiman* Cynthia Gingerich & Douglas Hopkinson & Mr. H. R. Downs Susan Clark Jessica Donovan Jeff Needham Sara Lively Jan Kohlmoos Ben Clay Darrell Drummond Jean Gleason Stomberg Nathana Horn Marjorie & Ralph Koldinger Lee & Nell Cliff Howard & Joy Dudley Robert Gleeson Lynda Houghtalin Neil Koris Karen Clingerman Jim Dumanowski W. E. & Traute Gleeson William J. Houston Jeanne & Doug Korns Don Coberly Jim Dunn Madelyn & Bruce Glickfeld Donna Huggins Joseph Kotzin Nancy Coleman Richard Dunn Family Foundation Earl Goldberg Patricia Hughes & John Presley Jeff Krause Catherine & Jeffrey Colin Paul Dybbro William Gonda Ms. Elizabeth S. Hulsey Sandra Krause Michael Conner & Jacque Eccles Kathleen Gonnoud Jeannette Hung & Ashok Singhal Robert Kustel Catherine Dorian-Conner Joan Egrie Jane & Gary Gonsor Joshua & Ruth Hutchins Jill Kustner

Anonymous (3) Christine B. Hayes Neil R. Ringlee Marjorie Alden Patrick Henry Ruth Rollins & Zae Winter* Sally Amorena John Hervey Carlene Rona Robert & Beverly Avery Robert & Jean Houtz Gerard & Candace Roney WILLIAM PENN MOTT, JR. LEGACY SOCIETY Horace & Victoria Baker* Donna E. Huggins Elizabeth B. Ross Michael Bankert Michael W. Irving Alice Ross* Visionary planned gifts protect and preserve our Stella A. Bates Cynthia Jackson Pamela Routh state parks for generations to come. Donors who Mark Beasom Bulent & Gladys Jajuli* Peter Russel have included CSPF in their estate plans are invited Elisabeth Bell* Allen Jamieson Michael J. Rutigliano to join our William Penn Mott, Jr. Legacy Society. Howard H. Bell* Willow B. & Lucille M. Jenkins* Robert Ryon Katherine & Oscar Bernhoff* Lynda Jorgensen Judith G. Scotchmoor & Robert F. Biehler Stan Kamin Roland Gangloff Richard J. Boberg Patricia Kaspar* Judith M. Siegel Shirley Bogardus Bonnie M. Killip Betty Sleeth The Boyle Family Trust* Gladys Q. Knapp* Barbara H. Smith James C. Brice Jeff Krause Carol Smith Carol Brody Laura Leifer Peter* & Helen H. Smith Brenda Brooks Lillian Lessler William Spencer* Brian Callihan Leonard Lipman & Judy Raffel Leslie Stepanek Helga Campbell Christine Lively C. Kaylah Sterling Chase Chakeris Donald N. Lorenz* Duane & Donna Stevens Colette Collester Don Lowrey Georgia Stigall April Cordes* Margaret Mackenzie-Hooson Gaby Stuart* Lorraine & Doug Crawford Calvin Malone* John Sudall* Allen Curtis David Mandelkern & Terilyn Hanko Christine Summers Ruth Devereaux* Danny & Elizabeth Markoe H. Eugene Swantz, Jr.* Carolyn DeVinny & Phillip Williamson Curt & Betty Matyas* James Talbot & Julia Fortado Charles T. DeWoody Virginia McCallum* Ariane C. Thayer Susan J. Dinsmore Ed McComb Holly & Tom Thompson Lisa Dintiman* Linda McDonald John Thompson Meredith Dittmore Kathleen E. McGrath James & Emily Thurber Frank Dority Roger & Holly Meininger Sandra J. Tillin “Our values—including our Steven Dungan Jennifer Miike Henry* & Eileen Trione Naomi Epel Marta Olds Nancy Tronaas love of unspoiled places— Patricia Mae Evans-Bechtold Claudio & Ruth Padres Mari Tustin Lela & Wallace Garard* Larry Palmer Jim Valensi have to be passed on, and J. Geahry Ann Pardini Naomi Wain* R.L. Gehlken Mary Ann C. Parks Richard Watson* that inheritance has to Margaret L. Gensel Sandra Petty-Weeks Suzanne Weakley Debbie Glusker Ronald F. Pierpoint Arlin Weinberger include the parks themselves.” Henry & Jane Goichman Michael & Meili Pinto Daphne & Stuart Wells GERARD AND CANDACE RONEY, MOTT SOCIETY MEMBERS Maureen Gorsen Mark Plasch William C. Williams* Teresa A. Griffin Douglas & Sandra Polett Violet C. Williams* Charles & Ginger Guthrie Elizabeth Prange Alida P. Wind Carlyn Halde* Betty Quayle* Betsy Wood & James Stuart-Smith Kevin Hamilton Delos Ransom & Mary Larsen Ransom Summer Youker Felicity Hammer Simone Renaud Daniel W. Zaklan* Traci & David Hanson Paul Reps Jack & Deyea Harper Carolyn W. Reynolds *deceased 13 Steve Lacher Justin Mozart Rough-J-Ranch Foundation Paul & Elizabeth Tucker We are also deeply grateful to the Joan F. Lane Linda & John Muckel George W. & Kate M. Rowe Frances Tuttle numerous institutions that provide Sharon Lane Jeffrey & Deborah Mulligan Fund Jerry Ulrich matching gifts, employee giving, Whitney Lane John & Christine Murphy Nancy Webb Ruskin Foundation Peri Urvek and donor advised contributions Sally Lash Michael Murphy Robert Ryon Jessica Utts including the following: Kathryn Lawhun Mike Murphy David Sacarelos & Yvette Lanza Mark Valentine James & Sharon Lawrence Jennifer Nagaran & Edmund Sacks Michelle Vanderpool Adobe Systems Incorporated Patricia Lee Randolf Madrid Tom Safran Julie Veitch American Endowment Foundation Patrick & Daranee Lee Kenneth Narahara Salesforce.com Foundation Elizabeth Venrick & Ameriprise Financial Lisa LeJeune & Augie Kuo Maritime Sampson Family Foundation Ronald Patrick Amgen Foundation, Inc. Leslie & James Lessenger Heritage Grant Program Constance Santilli Ann Vercoutere Apple Leonard Leving Amanda Nelson Cindy Scherer Ben & Preeti Verghese The Arbor Fund Dorothy & Donald Lewis A. Jane Neville Evander Schley Anita Vermund & Argonaut Charitable Foundation Louise Lewis Marcie Newby The Schley Family Richard Ferncase The Ayco Charitable Foundation Michael Lingo Susan Nichols Charitable Fund Richard & Joan Volberg Bank of America Charitable Alice Liu Richard Nicoll Schlinger Family Foundation Stacey & Paul Von Berg Gift Fund Andrea London Margery Nicolson Robert Schork Kim Vorrath Benevity Community Impact Fund Eliane Long Ryan Nolan David & Laura Schrier Naomi Wain* Boeing Sarah Loughran Kathleen Nuckles Judy Scotchmoor & Kenneth & Barbara Warner Chevron Lillian Lovelace Peter & Gail Ochs Roland Gangloff Nick Warren & Sally Lappen The Clorox Company Foundation Carolyn & Bruce Lowenthal Carolyn Ockels Robert & Nancy Sheets Allison Watkins College Futures Foundation Gary & Barbara Luboff Nan Ogawa Michael Sheiner Family Dale Weaver Community Foundation of Diane Luders Julia & Tim O’Keefe Charitable Fund Janet Weiss Santa Cruz County Heath & Carrie Lukatch Kathleen O’Kelly Elise Shibles Muriel Wemmer The Walt Disney Company Dana Lurie & Dalila Vargas Olander Family Foundation Stephen & Susan Shortell Robert West East Bay Community Foundation Robert (“Bob”) Lydecker Thomas Olson David & Sandra Siegmund Susan West Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Harold Mackenzie William & Lorelei O’Neill The Singer Family Fund Effie Westervelt Genentech Elizabeth MacLean Erna Ordeman Mary B. Sisk G. Westfall Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Laura Mahanes Linda Oster Kirby & Frances Slate Gregory Whidden Google Paul & Diane Makley Janet Oulton Caitlin Smallwood Linda & Tod White IBM International Foundation Sylvia & Robert Mapel Cathy Page Barbara Smith Charitable Fund Jewish Community Federation Susan Margolis Jeffrey & Trudy Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Smith Steve White Jewish Community Foundation Allan & Donna Martin Diane Parish & Paul Gelburd Jon Snitow & Melissa Solera John Whitmore of Orange County Katharine Martin Michael & Ann Parker Mary Soltis & Joe Giallo David Wickeraad Johnson & Johnson Paul Martin Richard Paterson Joanne E. Spetz Saidin & Chris Wicks Just Give Henry Mauz, Jr. Joan Pauloo Zain K. Saidin Randy Widera & Julie Sidel Kaiser Permanente The May Family Foundation Perry & Lynne Pelos Helmuth & Sigrid Spieler Wesley Wieman Los Altos Community Foundation Stephen McCallion & Katrina Pelto Gary & Frances Spradlin Wiesner Family Grantmaking Marin Community Foundation Christopher Diani Joyce Pennell Peter & Harise Staple Fund Morgan Stanley Global Impact Marilyn McCloskey Barbara Peterson & Harold Stark Wilensky Family Foundation Funding Trust, Inc Heather & Thomas McDowell Elizabeth Hosick Jan Stearns Peter Wiley & Valerie Barth National Philanthropic Trust Kevin McGahan & Sandra Petty-Weeks Rebecca Stecker Rodney Williams Network for Good Naheed Attari John & Nuri Pierce Catherine Steele Donna L. Williams Charitable Orange County Community Ellyn McIntosh David Pietromonaco & Nancy Steinhaus Gift Fund Foundation George & Marie McKinney Rena Takahashi Mark Stevens & Mary Murphy Alida Wind Pacific Gas & Electric Company Nancy McKown Julie Pifer Richard & Diane Stevens Terry & Carol Winograd Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Carmen McReynolds Tak Poon & Mai-Anh Tu Marjorie Stoddard Jon & Susan Wittwer Sacramento Region Community Deborah McReynolds Porter Sesnon Foundation Robert & Teri Strickland Rex Wolf Foundation The Michael & Christie Meehan Alex Posada David Stringer-Calvert Ronald & Pam Woll Salesforce.com Foundation Charitable Foundation Allison & Robert Price Family Daniel & Alisa Stutzbach Rod Wood The San Diego Foundation Rachel Metz Foundation Sidney Suggs Woodward Family Foundation The San Francisco Foundation Candice Miller William Price Takahashi Family Fund at Endowment Fund Santa Fe Community Foundation Kevin Miller Prospect Creek Foundation The San Diego Foundation Mitchell & Wilma Wool Schwab Charitable Fund Rod Miller William & Sandra Puchlevic Audrey Terras Ms. Patricia Woolley Silicon Valley Community Edwina Mindheim Rainbow Investment Company Ashwini Tharval Ronald C. Wornick Foundation Thurldean K. Mitchell Kenneth & Joanne Rankin Richard Thayer Jewish Day School Tahoe Truckee Community The Mitchner Family Joan Ray Michelle Thomsen Gerald Wroblewski Foundation Philanthropic Fund Christine Reitinger Samuel & Julia Thoron Peg Yorkin TRUIST Charlotte Montgomery Jonathan Retsky James Thorsen Rachel Za United Way California Capital Alex Morgan Carolyn Reynolds Charles Thurber, Jr. Jaz Zaitlin & Mark Nienberg Region Michael Morishima Stephen Richards Sandra Timmons & Michelle Zenda United Way of the Bay Area Frederick & Lucy Morris Robin Ridenour Richard Sandstrom Andre Zimmerman Vanguard Charitable Theresa Morrison Christopher Ridley Touchstone Climbing, Inc. Michael Zordan Wells Fargo Ashley Mozart Johnny Rochat Janet E. Traub Gift Fund Richard & Sherryl Zurek Wonderful Giving Heather Mozart Jennifer Roldan Wade Tregaskis John Mozart Herb Rosenthal Roger Trinchero *bequests John Forrest Mozart Richard & Niki Rothman Yu-En Tsai

We are grateful for each donation to CSPF and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing. Please contact us at [email protected] if you believe we have made an error.

14 Get involved We could not accomplish any of our work without the support of our members, donors and volunteers. You make an enormous difference in helping us carry out programs and projects for the benefit of state parks and the millions of Californians who use them. Learn more about the many ways you can help support our work.

CONTRIBUTE VOLUNTEER Our donors enable us to continue Volunteers are critical to the work our steadfast support of California’s we do for state parks. Together, state parks. We welcome and we can accomplish so much to appreciate gifts from individuals, make our parks safe and enjoyable corporations and foundations, as well for visitors and their natural Leave Your Legacy as estate gifts and in-kind donations. inhabitants. For information about CSPF’s volunteer programs, Legacy gifts allow many people BE A MEMBER visit calparks.org/volunteer. to support state parks in a way that they may not be able to do Our power comes from thousands during their lifetime. Their of people like you who have joined SPEAK UP foresight, and yours should you together as CSPF members to choose to join them, strengthens show their support for state parks. Your voice matters! Speak out for and helps ensure the future of As a member, you help protect the parks online, to your legislators or California’s state parks. natural and cultural beauty of our at our annual Park Advocacy Day. parks, and enjoy membership For ways to use your voice to We would be especially grateful benefits too! For information, visit help state parks, visit to you for naming California calparks.org/membership or contact calparks.org/speakup. State Parks Foundation as a us at [email protected] beneficiary of your will, life or (800) 963-7275. CONNECT income gift, retirement account or other planned gift. California’s 280 state parks need JOIN THE CALIFORNIANS you! Please visit them, be inspired, We’ll recognize your commitment LEADERSHIP CIRCLE learn, relax and have fun. To stay by inviting you to join our As a member of the Californians up-to-date about California’s William Penn Mott, Jr. Legacy Leadership Circle, you can help magnificent state parks, connect Society, whose members are shape the future of our magnificent with CSPF by joining our email list recognized in our publications parks as one of their most valued on calparks.org and following us and with invitations to special leaders. Membership begins with on Facebook. events. Anonymity is always a donation of $1,000 or more, an option. and benefits include invitations to special events, a California Explorer For more information, visit annual parks pass, and more. myplanwithcalparks.org Visit calparks.org/leadershipcircle or contact Vice President of for more information or call Development Margie Shurgot (800) 963-7275. at (415) 262-4403 or [email protected].


Remember CSPF in your will

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CALIFORNIA PARKLANDS Fall 2016, Volume 33, Number 2 (ISSN: 0892-0095) is published by the California State Parks Foundation, Copyright ©2016 CSPF. All rights reserved. Editor: Erin McNerney

STAFF Mike Bankert, Gloria Castillo, Cecille Caterson, Debbie Chong, Beverly Clark, Gabriella Davis, Brian Dill, Rebecca Eiseman, Jerry Emory, Linsey Fredenburg- Humes, Elizabeth Goldstein, Travis Hattori, Hilda Hollis, Kate Litzky, Erin McNerney, Phoebe Oelheim, Gabrielle Ohayon, Bella Podolsky, Jonah Punzal, Erland Sanborn, Margie Shurgot, Georgia Smith, Ashley Tittle

CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS FOUNDATION 50 Francisco Street, Suite 110 San Francisco, CA 94133 (415) 262-4400 or (800) 963-7275 [email protected]

CSPF SACRAMENTO 1510 J Street, Suite 220 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 442-2119

CSPF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 448 South Hills Street, Suite 601 Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 542-2450


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