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MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 112 Manchester—A City of Village Charm EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Kissinger Seeking Agreement

On Sinai Troop Withdrawal ft.. . “ I

JERUSALEM (UPI) — Secretary of Kissinger flew to Jerusalem Monday, The key questions at stake are how far nine-nation tour of the Middle East and State Henry Kissinger met with a team of his task to explore the possibility of recon­ Israel is willing to withdraw in the Sinai Europe. Israeli negotiators today to work out a ciling the Israeli insistence on political Desert and what concessions Egypt is ConcesBions Wanted new troop withdrawal agreement in the concessions and the Egyptian desire to get willing to pay for the pullback. Israel wants political concessions, such J W m Sinai Desert. back more of the strategic Sinai Penin­ Kissinger was scheduled to fly to Egypt as a partial lifting of Egypt’s state of Kissinger first shared a 90-minute sula. Wednesday to confer with President belligerency and the opening of the Suez private breakfast with Prime Minister KisBinger Hopeful Anwar Sadat. He was to visit Syria on Yitzhak Rabin, then the full U.S. and Canal to ships carrying Israeli goods, in A senior American official said Thursday before returning for final talks in exchange for troop withdrawals. Israeli negotiating teams met for two and Israel. Kissinger hopes to return in March to help Egypt wants Israel to abandon the a half hours for talks the secretary called A senior U.S. official said Kissinger conclude the actual agreement, which strategic Mitla and Giddi passes as well as “very full and very friendly.” does not expect to work out an Israeli- “Our real talks started this morning,” may lead to full-scale peace talks at the Abu Rodeis oil fields, all captured by Geneva among all parties in the Arab- Egyptian agreement during the 10-day, Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Alton said Israel in the 1967 Middle East war. afterward. Israeli dispute. The Israeli cabinet officially has backed DiscuBB Real Problema Kissinger’s step-by-step approach toward "We discussed real problems of a possi­ peace but a public opinion poll in the Tel ble revival and renewal of the political Aviv newspaper Ha’aretz Monday In­ momentum in the area. I really think that dicated a drop in the secretary’s support. Farmers Promised the talks were very productive.” ’The poll said 25.4 per cent of the Israelis Israeli government sources said the questioned supported Kissinger, com­ negotiations were conducted in general pared to 63.8 per cent after the secretary Fuel Cost Rebates terms, taking up trends and directions of a worked, out a troop disengagement accord possible Egyptian-Israeli disengagement with Syria last year. accord in Sinai. TOPEKA, Kan. (U PI)-PresidentFord “Anyway you look at it, that is a no-win today announced he has ordered a rebate proposition for the American farmer,” program to pay farmers for higher energy Ford said. costs caused by his drive to make America He said he recognizes farmers may be- independent of foreign oil producers. concerned about the immediate impact his Directors Expected to Revise “As long as I am President, the energy program will have on them — his American farmer will receive the fuel he higher taxes on imported oil will bring Block Grant Priority List needs to do his job,” Ford said in a speech higher energy costs to farmers. prepared for delivery to a joint session of There was speculation Ford might an­ nounce the release of 82 billion in federal By SOL R. COHEN proposal to form a Health District with th^ Legislature. the towns of South Windsor, Bolton and “I will not let American agriculture run highway funds to stimulate the economy in an address to a joint session of the Kansas Tolland, the board is expected to take one out of gas. Manchester Board of Directors tonight Legislature in Topeka. is expected to accept as a fact of life of two actions tonight—table the proposal, Details Upcoming Ashes Blessed ES« President Lyndon B. Johnson im­ knowledge that the |470,000 annual federal pending more information concerning the “I have instructed the Federal Energy pounded 811 billion in highway funds o a y ^ block grant anticipated by the town has costs and Manchester’s involvement; or Administrator, Frank Zarb, to design for The rev. Paul Trinque, assistant tributed at Ash Wednesday services at during the late 1960s. Ford has been tINS shrunk to 8301,000. authorize creation of a Health District the agricultural community a rebate pastor of the Church of the Assump­ strongly urged by the nation’s governors the church. (Herald photo by Pinto) R o n Consequently, it is expected to act ac­ only with South Windsor. program to compensate the farmer for in­ to release the highway funds. He has said tion, blesses ashes which will be dis­ cordingly — by amending the town’s creased energy costs caused by our con­ A proposed 810,000 contribution to Hart­ he was actively considering such a move. priority list (based on |470,000 annually) to servation program. We will be announcing ford’s Community Renewal Team, to help fit the available funds (|301,000 annually). the details of this program within the next Explains Program defray its administrative expenses, is few weeks.” Ford conferred with his staff this mor­ Reduction of Manchester’s anticipate expected to be rejected tonight. ’The 11,410,000 over the next three years to an The President came to Kansas to seek ning and later was host at a breakfast ses­ Area Churches Plan proposal ran into considerable opposition amended 8903,000, results from a com­ support for his energy-economy program sion for 65 Southwest newspaper and during a public hearing last Tue^ay. ’The putation error originally made by HUD in America’s breadbasket as he cam­ broadcast executives to explain his an­ allocation would have come from revenue­ (the federal department of Housing and paigned for public backing among energy tirecession package. sharing funds. Ash Wednesday Services Urban Development), which administers producers in Houston Monday. Before attending the breakfast. Ford the Community Development Block Grant ’The board is expected to approve im­ “Unless we start now to achieve energy stopped to shake hands with Leonard C. 8 OZ. Ash Wednesday, which opens the Methodist Church, 7:30 p.m., service with Program. proved pension benefits for policemen and independence, the Americap farmer will Ward, 102-year-old Republican who lives penitential season of Lent, will be film on hunger and poverty. CLAIROL’ After the board amends the priority list table proposals for improv^ benefits for grow more and more dependent on the in a Houston nursing home and had wired observed tomorrow by Manchester area Also, St. ^ r y ’s Episcopal, 7:30 and 10 HERBAL submitted to it Hy the town’s Ck)mmunity other municipal employes. foreign oil cartel for the energy products the President that he had liked to meet churches with special Masses and ser­ a.m.. Holy Eucharist, and 7:30 p.m.. Development Advisory Committee, It wlU he needs to sow and reap his crops,” Ford him. Ward was in a wheelchair. ESSENCE The two-year contract with the police vices. Choral Evensong; South United ask the committee to review it and to said. “His costs, his profits and his The President had a long day scheduled, union already spells out improved benefits Manchester Roman Catholic Churches Methodist, 7:30 p.m.. Holy Communion; SHAMPOOS... make whatever recommendations it productivity will all be at the mercy of including his address to the Kansas for policemen and board action tonight is observing Ash Wednesday include Church and Zion Evangelical Lutheran, 7:30 p.m.. Jormal/dry, Oily, deems advisable. foreign forces.” Legislature, a luncheon with 10 Worship Service with Holy Communion. academic. Midwestern governors and a news con­ of the Assumption, 7:45 a.m., blessing and or Delicate. ’The directors have to March 1 to submit Farmers Caught in Trap Area Protestant churches observing Ash ference at 8 p.m. EST. After the news con­ distribution of ashes, 3 p.m., distribution an application for the federal assistance. Several directors are recommending He said farmers would be trapped Wednesday include Union Congregational ference, he will fly back to Washington. of ashes, and 7:30 p.m.. Lenten Mass and A special meeting may be scheduled this that improved benefits for other town un­ between higher energy costs and lower of Rockville, 8 p.m.. Communion Service; The President has been opposed to gas­ distribution of ashes; St. Bridget Church, month for approving the application. ions be subject to negotiation, when new prices for their produce. Bolton Congregational and the United oline rationing, but in an. address before 7 and 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., imposition of Because of the many ramifications of a labor agreements are being considered. ashes after each Mass only; St. James Methodist Church of Bolton, 7:30 p.m., un­ the Houston Chamber of Commerce Mon­ ion service at United Methodist Church; day he expressed his opposition in no un­ Church, 7 and 9 a.m. and 5:15 and 7:30 p.m., distribution of ashes. First Congregational-Church of Hebron, Oil Price Freeze certain terms: 6:30 p.m., family potluck with Holy Com­ Manchester Protestant Churches munion before dinner; Gilead To Stay In Effect ‘Over My Dead Body’ observng Ash Wednesday are Center Agostinelli Named “The facts are, there will be, if we get Congregational, 8 p.m.. Communion Ser­ Congregational, 8 p.m.. Communion Ser­ vice; St. Peter’s Episcopal of Hebron, By United Press International into gasoline rationing — over my dead vice; (ioncordia Lutheran, noon and 7:30 body — then we would have 140-some 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Our Savior Two top officials of the 13-nation p.m.. Holy Communion; Emanuel million licensed automobile drivers in the Lutheran Church of South Windsor, 7:15 Bank President alliance of major oil exporters said today Lutheran, 7 and 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.. Ser­ p.m., service with theme of United States and we would have 290-some they expect petroleum prices to remain vice of Holy Communion; North United BEAUTY PLUS! million gallons of gasoline a day. “Forgiveness.” By SOL R. COHEN Appeal Board. He is a businessman in the frozen for the time being, despite the re­ LLBERTO VO-5’ “Not many people in this country and Nathan G. Agostinelli. former state Manchester community and is active in cent battering of the dollar on world HAIR SPRAY very few in Texas,” he said, “can go very comptroller and former Manchester many civic and fraternal organizations. money markets. WITH MIRAL’ far in their daily chores or their work on mayor, has been named president and We look forward to a period of growth and Chief Meshach Otokiti Feyide of that, about a gallon and three quarters a Regular or chief executive of the Manchester State fulfillment with Mr. Agostinelli as our Nigeria, secretary general of the day.” Hard-to-Hold Bank, effective immediately. The an­ president and chief executive officer.” Organization of Petroleum Exporting nouncement was made today by Andrew Agostinelli is Republican tovm chair­ Ford wound up his first day in Houston Agriculture Post Countries, said at the cartel’s Vienna- by meeting with five Southwestern gover­ Ansaldi Jr., chairman of the bank’s board man and is the executive coordinator to Austria headquarters he did not think the nors over dinner for several hours. To a of directors. the Republican minority in the State price would rise above the current 810.12 a man they all opposed gasoline rationing, a 175 Senate. He said today he will continue as barrel. Nominee Withdraws widespread sentiment among most of the Agostinelli will replace Joseph Republican towp. chairman but is Kuwait has proposed tying the dollar to governors he has met in his campaign to Schauster, who has been acting president resigning his State Capitol post im­ other major currencies b^ause of the sell his program. HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T. be paid out of federal funds but she doesn’t since Dec. 16 when Edmund A. Parker, mediately. decline in the dollar’s value. Such a step 1 Register, president of the bank since it opened in Grasso said today her candidate for know whether either of them will be Grateful to Bank could raise the price. Mixed Support female. She said she doesn’t know the ex­ atinel. Me- December 1970, resigned. agriculture commissioner, Harold E. He said, “I’m grateful to the bank’s “No one can deny that the dollar Is But the same governors, including Birchall of Roxbury, is withdrawing his tent of credit discrimination. Y Shopper- Schauster will assist Agostinelli for an falling in value,” Feyide said. “But when indefinite period of time, to insure con­ board of directors for it’s confidence in Dolph Briscoe of Texas, opposed the nomination for personal reasons. The investigators, who will undergo four •Town Re- the OPEC ministers at their Vienna tinuity and a smooth transition. me. I’ll do my best not to let them down major part of the President’s energy The New Haven Journal months of intensive training, will examine er, Bristol and not to let our depositors down. ’The meeting in December agreed to freeze the program. With exception of Jerry Courier reported in its morning editions, complaints alleging illegal credit transac­ Transcript An Incorporator Manchester State Bank has a great future price of oil until Sept. 30 they took their Apodaca of New Mexico, all supported a however, that Birchall, a dairy farmer, tions, violations of affirmative action ver, Daily Agostinelli is an incorporator of the and I’m glad I’ll have a part in that future. voluntary decision ^ th the knowledge of 6()-to-90 day suspension of the imported oil was concerned about the discovery five employment programs and questionable Svening Manchester State Bank and was its presi­ “I’ve participated in the Manchester what could happen. tariff increases. The House voted years ago that cows on his farm were in­ mortgage decisions. dent during its organization days and conununity for many years, in a variety of “I do not expect they would change this overwhelmingly for the delay. fected with mastitis, a disorder of the Each investigator, who will be paid 89,- chairman of its board of directors until efforts. I welcome the opportunity to offer decision without substantial reasons, for 'The legislation is now before the Senate 900 a year, must have been unemployed rs udder. January 1971, when he resigned to assume my services in a new field—one I am sure example the devaluation of the dollar. and Ford has served notice he will lobby Birchall, 61, a Democrat, was for at least 30 days prior to application for the post of state comptroller. will contribute to the well-being of the en­ “In December the ministers said this is among the senators after he returns to nominated by Mrs. Grasso Jan. 31. the job, she said. He ran for lieutenant governor on the tire Manchester area.” the price and we won’t change it for nine Washington tonight to keep the increases Fenton Futtner, his predecessor, said he The governor said she was meeting with Republican ticket in November and lost. months...they will not change their minds off until Congress votes a permanent 82 was surprised at the report because state Welfare Commissioner Edward H. Robert H. Steele, who was the Republican for light and transient reasons.” tariff hike. mastitis is a common affliction of cows Maher to discuss ways of paying some 813 candidate for governor, last month was and was surprised that Birchall would million in medical care bills. named vice president of the Norwich resign for such a reason. She said she was surprised that the Savings Society, with the expectation he Futtner, according to the newspaper, League of Women Voters gave her the se­ will Iw its president in June. said that state Agriculture Department cond lowest rating among the Connecticut Ansaldi, in announcing the appointment, School Board Approves tests in 1970 found a high leukocyte count Congressional delegation when she was a said, “Mr. Agostinelli is a life-long resi­ among cows In a herd of 40 on Birchall’s congresswoman. The organization gave dent of Manchester and brings a broad farm, an indication of mastitis. her a 50. base of experience to the bank. In addition $13,320,903 Budget Milk from contaminated cows may not to being a former state comptroller and be sold, nor can they be sold to another former Manchester mayor, he has served dairyman. this year to implement state law which Board Reinstates on the State Banking Commission and the By JUNE TOMPKINS On another matter, Mrs. Grasso an­ State Bonding Commission. A proposed budget of 813,320,903 will be says the municipality shall provide nounced she is hiring two investigators to transportation when 50 per cent or more of Weaver Coach Background Given subm itt^ by the Board of Education to look into complaints about credit dis­ the school population are residents of the “In addition, he has served on the State Town Manager Robert B. Weiss. crimination against women and minorities. HARTFORD (UPI) - Philip Kearney, State of Connecticut. Prior to Uiis year, Finance Advisory Committee, the Retire­ The school board Monday night ap­ Mrs. Grasso said the investigators will the embattled Weaver High school track ment Commission, State Insurance proved the budget, reduced after four the law pertained only to school residents and football coach, has been reinstated. Purchasing Board and the Sales Tax workshop sessions from the 813,356,000 of the town. The Board of Education voted 3-2 early budget proposed by Dr. James Kennedy, ’This new item in the proposed budget today to reinstate Kearney who had been superintendent. will affect busing for students at East fired in November for allegedly using This budget is an increase of 81,220,903’ Catholic High School and ’The Children’s force against a student, 14-year-old Inside Today over the current budget of 812,100,000—or School on Birch Mt. Rd. Michael Tutler. a 10 per cent hike. Not countng this item, Yavis told the The Weather Kearney lost one week’s pay as a result Area Profile...... Pages 5, 6, 8 In tax terms, the new budget reflects board the over-all budget increase this of the incident. Betty’s Notebook...... Page 10 about a four-mill increase. year would be 9.6 per cent. Last year’s Cludy through Wednesday with possible The coach was accused of pushing Business news...... Page 11 Cuts were made in requests for new budget proposal, said Yavls, showed an in­ periods of light snow today. Occasional 'Tutler up against a wall, putting an elbow E.J. McCabe dies ...... Page 18 equipment, supplies and textbooks, said crease of 11.2 per cent over the previous light snow inland and mixed snow and rain under his chin and holding him against the Worker causes own death ...... Page 18 John Yavls, chairman of the personnel and year’s budget. along the coast Wednesday. High wall for several seconds. Herald Angle...... Page 12 finance committee. temperatures this afternoon and Kearney said he would be eager to He referred to a 861,000 Increase In The proposed budget must be presented W^nesday in the 30s. Overnight lows in return to his coaching chores at the Tribe after tourney bid ...... Page 13 to the town manager hy Feb. 21. Niilliun G. AKitHlinelll private school transportation necessary the 20s. school. “Weaver needs me,” he said. PAGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11,1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Cotm., Tues., Feb. 11,1975 — PAGE THREE

NATIONAt WCATHER SERVICE FORECAST to 7AM EST R-iR » 75 Chorale Begins Rehearsals 30.48 30,24 T V T O N IG H T I For May 18 Annual Concert 6 :0 0 9:30 30.00 News...... 33-8-22-30 American Ski Scene ...... 18 BOSTON Bewitched...... 5 Assignment America — 24-57 The Manchester Civic ‘ ‘Lello’’ (The Return to Life) by needed, says Maccarone. 0 ) The Untouchables ...... 9 10:00 29.7] Chorale will begin rehearsals Hector Berlioz. The work The chorale will also offer Secret Agent...... 18 Bamaby J on es...... 3 NEWYORI Feb. 24 in preparation for its requires a large chorus. Male Handel’s Coronation Anthem, The Honeymooners...... 20 News ...... 5 annual concert with the singers will be especially "Zodak, the Eh'iest.” Electric (Company...... 24-57 Marcus Welby...... 8-40 30.( Manchester Civic Orchestra. In addition to its annual Bonanza...... 40 Washington Debates ...... 18 The rehearsals are under the program with the Manchester SAN FRANCISCO 6 :3 0 Police Story ...... 20-22-30 direction of Ralph Maccarone, Qvic Orchestra, the chorale News...... 3-8-20-22-30 Black Journal...... 24 music supervisor at Illing has participated in the I Love Lucy ...... 5 Soundstage...... 57 V. Junior High School. He has led Manchester Sesquicentennial LOS Zoom ...... 24-57 10:30 -SHVIIVIONS ATLANTA the chorale for the past five Performing Arts celebration, Celebrity Tennis...... 9 years. He is also director for and last year sang for the 7 :0 0 News...... 3-22-40 11:00 ■§[}{i(n)iis the St. James Choir. >• I Manchester Conference of Rehearsals will be 7:45 p.m. Andy Griffith Show ...... 5 News...... 3-8-18-22-30^0 LOWEST TEMFERATURES Churches “ Evening of the Per­ at the Keeney St. School. The forming Arts” program. Truth or Consequences...... 8 The Best of Groucho...... 5 32-10 NCWORLCANS ; MIAMI concert is scheduled for Sun­ Mrs. Clara DuBaldo, local Ironside ...... 9 The Lucy Show...... 9 day, May 18, at 7:30 p.m. piano teacher, will accompany Dick Van Dyke...... 18 I Love Lucy ...... 20 Sounding Board ...... 20 r — l e o e n d - ■ w Due to a conflict in the chorale again this year. Captioned N ew s...... 57 scheduling, the location of the Singers from the Manchester Romagnolis’ Table...... 24 11:30 concert has been changed from area interested in joining the To Tell the Truth...... 30 M ovies...... 3-5-8-9-40 Manchester High School to the chorale should have sight Woman Is ...... 57 Johnny Carson ...... 20-22-30 r^SHOWERS ^ Flow Vernon Center laddie School on reading ability and experience 7 :3 0 1:00 UFI WEATHER FOTOCAST ® Rt. 30. in either choral or instrumental Celebrity Sweepstakes ...... 3 Tomorrow ...... 20-22-30 Hogan’s Heroes ...... 5 The major choral work to be ensemble work, says Mac­ 1:30 Let’s Make a Deal...... 8-22 performed with the orchestra is Ralph Maccarone carone. There will be no Joe Franklin Show...... 9 tryouts. Music Place ...... 18 For Period Ending 7 AM EST Wednesday. Tuesday night will find rain or showers across The Fourth Estate...... 24 Masquerade P arty...... 30 the Northwest as well as in the south and mid Atlantic states. Snow is likely to form over Assumption Honor Roll Room 222 ...... 40 TUESDAY MOVIES the upper Rockies, northern Plains and in parts of the Great Lakes region. Mostly fair 1:00 (5) “ Suez” (1938). The honor roll for the second Margaret Sullivan, Daniel Tut­ Martin Agronsky ...... 57 weather is forecast elsewhere. Minimum temperatures include: (approx, max readings in Tyrone Power, Loretta Young. quarter at Assumption Junior tle, Edward Vilga. 8 :0 0 GKANUeSHOE 1:00 (9) “ Please Believe Me” parenthesis) Atlanta 44 (59), Boston 23 (32), Chicago 20 (29), Dallas 35 (66), 25 High School has been an­ Good Tim es...... 3 G rade 7 (1950). Deborah Kerr, Robert (55), Duluth -3 (9), Houston 44 (66), Jacksonville 53 (71), Kansas City 25 (43), Los Angeles nounced. Dealer’s Choice ...... 5 Honors — Sean Byrne, Walker. 49 (65), Miami 65 (81), New Orleans 53 (71), New York 33 (43), Phoenix 42 ( 73), San Fran­ Honor students are as Happy Days...... 8-40 Monique Cormier, Karen 4:00 (9) “ The Proud and the cisco 47 (60), Seattle 37 ( 47), St. Louis 25 (41), Washington 36 ( 53). follows: . American Life S ty le...... 9 Damiata, Joseph Demeo, •Damned” (1973). Chuck G rade 6 This Is the Life ...... 18 Michael Evans, Maureen Conners, Cesar Romero. OPEN 6:30 A. TO MIDNIGHT Honors — Lisa Canapari, M ovie...... 20-22-30 Flavell, Raymond Gagnon, 8:00 (20-22-30) “ Sarah T.: Randall Davison, Sheila A m erica...... 24-57 Lionel Lessard, Michael Pahl, Portrait of a Tennage Dupuis, Mary Evans, Diana Carmen Pellegrino, Jack 8 :3 0 Flavell, Joseph Foley, Jo Ann Alcoholic” (1975). Linda Blair. Sullian. MASH ...... 3 8:30 (8-40) “ The Trial of Cap­ Frechette, Michael Girard, Merv Griffin Show...... 5 tain Jensen” (1975). James FILM RATING GUIDE Alison Grade, Kathleen Hes- Grade 8 M ovie...... 8-40 Franciscus, Joanne Miles. Wednesday, February 12th. For Parents and sion, Linda Landry, Anna High honors — Andrew Knicks vs. Bulls...... 9 MANCHESTER Moriarty. Hagenow, Margaret Laneri, 11:30 (3) "The Best Man” Human Dimension...... 18 (1964). Henry Fonda, Cliff Their Children Also, Donald Murphy, Lisa Sossin. Ascent of Man ...... 24-57 HOSPITAL'NOTES Kathryn Nason, Sonia Ortega, Honors — Elaine Daigle, Nan­ Robertson. 9 :0 0 /5 11:30 (5) “ Man Hunt” (1941). QENIlUL AUOIEPiCUAm Karen Plourde, Jodi Ricci, cy Galligan, Renee Girard, m AIIAfuAd.Afu AdmiitRd Hawaii Five-0 ...... '... .3 Denise Salone, Donna Salone, Eric Larson, Robert Melanson, Walter Pidgeon, George' Discharged Friday: Elsie Kathryn Glenn, West Orange, Great Sports Legends...... 18 Sanders. Free Coffee and Donuts Steven Scutnik, Lori Sossin, Mark Murphy, Karin Shaer. Pagliaro, 32 Crestwood Dr., M.J. rANtNTAi GWOANCt Coventry; Nellie Fay, 343 N. Discharged Saturday: woouno I SmMMralMiyltotM Main St.; Marguerite Ostby, Blanche Malboeuf, 27J ___ lUREMEMBER n E n H E H YDURT SPECIAL S«iUkliF«rii.Tw,M 47A Sycamore Lane; Gloria Bluefield Dr.; Ruby Stred, 85 Shapleigh, East Hartford; Brookfield St.; Bennett War- Linda Blair stars as a Cecile Ducharme, Woodstock; burton, East Hartford; William PUBLIC RECORDS teen-ager tormented by Martha Schmalz, Enfield; Lizotte, 21 Mack Dr., South mm alcoholism in “ Sara T .: Por- RUTNICnO Ufldw 17 rtqittffs KcMipinfinf Judith Courtney, Maple St., Windsor; Henry Couch, 99 business as M and H Company, trait of a Teen-Age Fim i 01 Adult Cuadan Vernon; Joanne Arnold, Trebbe Dr.; Paul Gibson, New Warranty Deed BEAUTIFUL Sol Lavitt to William L. 218 Hartford Rd. Alcoholic,” an NBC-TV Glastonbury; Dorene Spock, 164 Britain; Nicholas Schwalb, 85 movie airing Tuesday (Feb. Candlewood Dr., South Wind­ Conway Rd.; Ann Belanger, Peterson, property at 66-68 EARLY Chestnut St., 334,000. 11) at 8 p.m. sor. Vernon Garden Apts., Vernon. Marriage Licenses Li» Pendens ^ NO ONt UNOCR 17 AIMTTfO Also, Mary McGill, Hartford; Also, Angie Sanderson, 37 Edward Andrew Nogas Jr., AMERICAN iimarvwv Eleanor Venti, East Hartford; Courtland St.; Raymond Ryan, Hartford Federal Savings and Wethersfield, and Andrea Paul Mailloux, 263 Long Hill Windsorville; Michele Dubiel,* Loan Association versus John Jeanne Dean, 173 Spruce St., Rd., South Windsor; Judith 1372 Sullivan Ave., South Wind­ F. Bourke et al, property at 740 Feb. 14. REPRODUCTION! - MPAA Deming St. Manchester Bergeron, Stafford Springs; sor; Jennie Hutchinson, Rt. 4, Jan Christopher Holland and by Seth Thomaa... Mary Horvath, 333 Bidwell St.; Bolton; May Martin, Sycamore T rade Name Maureen Mary Carilli, both Mark Maneggia, 70 Stony Rd., Lane; Christopher Thomas, Ivars E. Ramans, doing Manchester, Feb. 14. Country Club Beautiful Hardwood Bolton; Sally Keeler, 170 School Forest St.; Margaret Arico, Case, Hour and Half MEN’S AND WOMEN’S SHOES St.; Elizabeth Sole, 267 Green 118A Tudor Lane; Salvatore Restaurant Hour Strike, A Personal St.; Eleanor Stephens, Carter Felice, Ross Ave., Coventry. ON Traasural Dr., Tolland. Discharged Sunday: Historical Society Also, Helen Roya, 424 W. Mid­ Elizabeth Brimley, 43 House SOUTH MAIN STREET MORUnni AL PACINO dle Tpke.; Sara Snyder, 99 Nike Dr.; Clara Yvars, Stafford Hears Harpin Sunday On Fridays MO “THE GODFATHER Circle; Marija Ninortas, East Springs; Jesse Bettinger, 50 Bring your clients or SOTURMVS Hartford; Peter Russak, Morse Rd.; James Ritchie, your friends to enjoy Chef 230430-10 PART II" VALENTINE SPECIALS! IN COLOR — R Ordway Dr., South Windsor; East Hartford; Elaine Mathias P. Harpin of Jewett 85 N. Main St., at 2 p. m. and is Paul's Broiled or Fried smoYs l«piilM.SitR30,SKldi LaHouse, Shoddy Mill Rd., An­ City will be the guest speaker at open to the public. Scallops and Stuffed Filet Electric I-30-S-8:30 TRAVEL dover; Anna Cooley, 18 Sunday’s meeting of the His topic is "When Paydays of Sole. WOMEN’S SHOES (li^XTHEATRES EAST SPEED READ Hawthorne St.; Armosa Manchester Historical Society. First Came to Connecticut: The We cater ter banquets, Reg. $22.00 ALARM Beauchesne, East Hartford; It will be held in the Whiton Industrial Revolution.” It is weddings and parties. Reg. $6.95 Styles for every occa8ion...all Famous Challenge Mary French, 82 Ridge St.; Memorial Library auditorium. expected he will trace the t o b e ^ Karen Tuttle, 44 Scott Dr., Ver­ transformation from rural Tel. 646-0103 NOW SJJOO non. conununity life to an urban in­ Service from NOW Brands from our regular stock at free Also, Angelique Metivier, dustrial society in the state. 11:30 a.m, to 3 p.m. Pomfret; Mary Laiuppa, Harpin is a retired newspaper Tremendous Savings...Values to $28.00 .. Bloomfield; Dee Anne editor and publisher. He is MANCHESTER HARDWARE Griswold, Ross Ave., Coventry; 877 Main Street • Phone 643-4425 executive secretary of the — Ff— PirMng Reer ol Our Stan — Mitchell Flynn, Rt. 87, Colum­ Plainfield Chamber of bia; Ellen Boland, 39 Stephen M0N.-TUE8. Commerce and editor-publisher St. of “ Harpin’s Connecticut 99« BOTH WOMEN'S SHOES Almanac,” for which he CIME8 received the Award of Merit of Odd Lots and Broken sizes. Values to $22.00 ...... the Connecticut League of You Will Stop ] / EVES 7:15-B:1S (R) Historical Societies. He also THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL FILM OF OUR TIMEI was given the Distinguished THEATER Citizen Award of the Veterans “IK iHiT pomir of Foreign Wars. Snioking On March 19th / S ^ E D U L E Harpin is the author of WOMEN’S SLIPPERS “ Prophets in the Wilderness,” IF YOU JOIN SMOKENDERS | Daniel Green and Sioux Moc...Many fluffy types. HEBECAMEALEGBD the story of Coventry, R. I., Smokenders Is ttie stop smoking course that has made exsmokers out of 40 - | where he formerly served as YDUUNEVBI FORGET... Burnside Theater — “ The 000 people In seven years. And It can work for you too. But don’t expect any of | Values to $11.00...... imciiiindawEiitDnsijKKtus. maitm Godfather Part II” 8:00 town historian. He has recently contracted to write the bistoi^ those scare tactics or willpower stuff. Find out all about us at one of our free In- I POSITIVELY i c o m i u s i n Vernon Cinema 1 — “ The I' troductory classes. Come smoking as usual. | LAST D A Y _ / MEL BROOKS’ (R) Night Porter” 7:15-9:15 of Rhode Island’s Pawtuxet \ Mathias P. Harpin River Valley. UA CINEMA EAST “ BLAZING SADDLES” 9 P N Cinema 2 - “ Play It Again PLUS WOODY ALLEN’S (PQ) Sam” 7:30; “ Blazing Saddles” MEN'S SHOES MANCHESTER “PLAY IT AGAM S A T 7:30 9:00 LOCATION FREE EXPLANATORY SESSION 6 4 3 ^ S 1 3 t UA East 1 - “ Murder on the Mostly Casuals...Values to $29 ...... SHOW TIMES S:00 7-00 »:00 I PHONE B49-9aaa { Orient Express” 7:00-9:20 VERNON-ROCKVILLE UA East 3 - "Challenge To Howard Johnson’s TUESDAY :sncim:AM ciNtMAf Be Free” 5:00-7:00-9:00 Ma-Ma Mia Feb. 11 12 3 7 Showcase Cinema 1 — 451 Hartford Turnpike 8:00 P.M. • I-84EXIT58-SILVERUNE-ROBERTSST. “ Earthquake” 7:15-9:40 (Route 30»Vernon) MEN'S SHOES 4 • EAST HARTFORD • 24HR.TEL.INFO. 568-S810 NOTE: Special Late Show ; ACRES OF FREE LIGHTED PARKING • Wte Honor MASTER CHARGE • Cuisine Friday and Saturday 12:10 “ The Family Reitaurant” ENFIELD Excellent Selection which includes Freeman & Bass ^ Showcase Cinema 2 — 471 Hartford Rd. Comer of McKee Street “ Towering Inferno” 8:00 G. Fox & Co. WEDNESDAY Dress and Casual Shoes. Values to $40...... PUSH Showcase Cinema 3 — Enfield Square Feb. 12 “ Freebie and the Bean” 7 25- lOOKI here m e HU mu MIA’S WEEKLYl Community Room 8:00 P.M. JiM M 111 M M I 9:45 ^TMOCVN. TOOK HER RON mtlOVIRl'^ INFUTION nSHTER DINNER SPEUALS! Freebie and ■’ i NOTE: Special Late Show MEN'S SHOES 5 n th e B e a n Friday and Saturday 12:25 “ Give Your Family A Treat, and WILLIMANTIC WEDNESDAY Showcase Cinema 4 — “ Ab- Come To Ma Ma Mia's To Eat!" Willimantic Motor Inn Feb. 12 Huge Selection of Freeman Shoes. All types...Excellent ^ by” 7:45-10:00 Rt. 195 Room 557 NOTE: Special Late Show MON., TUES. and WED. SPECIAUI 8:00 P.M. Values. Originally priced to $43 ...... Friday and Saturday 11:50 I SERVED FROM 4:00 T O 9:00 P.M. MANCHESTER THURSDAY • ROAST TURKEY • ROAST BEEF Second Cong. Church Potato and VsgstaUs Potato and VagstsMs Feb. 13 NEIL Simon's 385 No. Main Street 8:00 P.M. preaenta ^ coMiev • MKED MEAT LOAF • ROAST PORK This printhig test pattern isj Potato and VagotoMo Potato and Vtgolablo part of The Herald quality con-1 HANDMGS 50% TO 75% OFF • CHARRROILED CHICKEN FARMINGTON SATURDAY trol program in order to give! Potato and VagaiaMa Corner House Reetaurant Feb. 15 ...plus many other Bargains you one of the finest! 1 Main Street .newspapers in the nation. •SHELLS With MEAT RALLS 10:00 A.M. I • SPAGHETTI wHh MEAT RALL9 i I- WEST HARTFORD MONDAY directed by James E. Pendergaet, Jr. Your Jewish Community Center Feb. 17 ^ MANCHESTER PARKADE ONLY FEBRUARY 21,22,26 and March 1 Choice 335 Bloomf|eld Ave. 7:30 P.M. EAST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL All the above meetinge are open to the public. Tickets on sale at Llggetfs Parkade Drug TIm Abov* Strvsd or call With Roll and Buttar SIN/IOK^^IMOEI^S® LTM Box Office - 643-7465 “THE EASY WAY TO QUIT $MOKINQ“ Monday thru Friday, 6 to 9 P.M. c Children Under 12, Vi ^ice! Witch tw w r Tlw n, F iL t Sat SpscMsI ^ SMOK.ND.R.. 4M ■ A m iv io n s o o o O ' O e e l )0 < K i O O O o o o o o o o o o o MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11, 1975— PAGE FIVE PAGE FOUR — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11, 1975 Renovated East School Considered She Heralb Tolland Adult School iHaiirliPstfr iEiipiiiiia H p k iIiI To Besin Tomorrow HALL FOR RENT For parties, showers, rqfeptions. For Permanent Education Offices meetings. Complete kitchen facilities ROCKVILLE Large enclosed parking lot. Inquire: OPINION Tolland Adult Education winter school vacation will VERNON board has many things to con­ five per cent for equipment and have been trying to stimulate. HOSPITAL classes which were cancelled begin after school Feb. 14 and Lithuanian Haii sider, it was decided to table a contengency fund. It amounts r* BARBARA RICHMOND Mrs. Devra Baum, a member last Wednesday due to the schools will reopen Monday 24 GOLWAY STREET the matter but to send Town At­ to about $35 per square foot. of the committee, suggested the NOTES snowstorm will tegin tomorrow Feb. 24. i:* A recommendation to adopt torney Abbot Schwebel a copy MANCHESTER possbility of renovating the at Tolland High School, from 7 The Board of Education will Call before 6 P.M. “:th e East School (Building A) of the citations for safety c(^e Concerning new construction, building in phase construction. A Tough Decision Admitted Monday: Susan to 9 p.m. hold its regularly scheduled •' rehabilitation approach as the violations for his legal opinion. Houle said that based on She expressed the fear that the Baker, Stafford Springs; Gail Those attending are meeting tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. - permanent solution for A proposal to sublease the average cost data obtained voters will not approve the ap­ Berube, Windsorville; Doris reminded by Frank Lucente, in the Education Administra­ : providing central adminlstra- Grant’s store in Rockville, was from the state Department of propriation for the entire Boyle, Merline Rd,, Vernon; adult education director, to tion building. It is extremely difficult for the But there still remains a dual ques­ • tion space for the school system also considered and evaluated Education, and confirmed by project. "We can’t sit in an Gwendolyn Burk, Jacksonville, bring along materials and thoughtful citizen, or newspaper was made to the Vernon Board by the committee, Houle said, the architect, it places a cost in ivory tower,” she said. tion for us in Indochina. It is both F la.; William Dumas, Fox Hill equipment needed to par­ of Education, Monday night along with estimated costs of excess of $53 a square foot for She said perhaps the first editor for that matter, to arrive at a moral and political in the inter­ Dr., Rockville; Carlton Eiss, ticipate in the various classes. following the presentation of a starting from scratch and such construction. This figure phase could take care of correc­ Ward St., Rockville; Mae We^esday evening classes will clear cut and definitive conclusion on national sense. It is being debated now detailed report. The board building a new building. includes site development, ting the safety code violations. Franc, RFD 2, Tolland; Robert be in. session for ten con­ opted to table action until its Grant’s lease runs through equipment and architect fees, "It may not be the best way but the actions, if any, which we should between the administration and the 4*^ Hathaway, Hillcrest Dr., Ver­ secutive weeks. next meeting. October of 1983 and the offer Houle said. I think we should do what we Schools Closed continue to take to aid the people of Congress over the Ford-Kissinger William Houle, chairman of was for a $25,000-a-year rental can,” she said. non; Rose Krzesicki, South St., Rockville; Concetta Martinez, All public schools will be Vietnam and Cambodia who are recommendation that we appropriate the ad hoc committee appointed charge for the balance of that This, Houle said, would mean closed tomorrow in observance No to study the matter of basic lease. Houle said this would a cost of about $800,000 for the Somersville; Francis Ortyl, resisting the attempts of Communist $300 million for military aid to Viet­ Houle said he feels the total of Lincoln’s birthday. The central administration space cost the board $200,000 for the 15,000 square feet needed. This Thompson Court, Rockville; cost of doing the work in phases Stella Pienick, Mountain St., forces to take control of their coun­ nam and $222 million for Cambodia. F r ’ requirements, said the com­ initial eight-year period plus a would also be one-half reim- would probably be more than if Common mittee, over the past five preliminary estmate of $85,000 burseable. The town has Rockville; Linda Quick, tries. Faced with our own economic he work is done as one project. Evergreen Rd., Vernon; Linda months, conducted a series of for renovations. The lease also already turned down, on He said just to do the work to There has been and is great revul­ problems the amount of money is meetings "to reach the depth of has option periods. None of the several occasions, requests for Scott, E. Main St., Rockville; ' ""'-sat- satisfy the safety code would Karen Tomko, Hartford Tpke., Cold sion in the United States over the large, but in our opinion not understanding that was money spent for this means of appropriatipns^to build a school ccist about 50 per cent of the SPECIAL MICROSCOPE necessary to enable the furnishing space would be reim- administration building. Rockville; Sharyn Weirs, High losses which we suffered in southeast prohibitively so. It is a drop in the ^ a projected total cost. STANFORD, Calif. (UPI) - A report.” burseable. St., Rockville; Frank Wlazlo, Houle said abandonment of license agreement for manufac­ K'- Asia. There is little need of convincing bucket compared to what we spent One of the major problems is Renovations to the East Up to last June the building Enfield. the East School in a critical ture of a scanning acoustical inm the fact that the building, which School or new construction also housed some elementary Discharged Monday: anyone that our commitment of there in the years when we were ac­ section of Rockville, was microscope developed by Stan­ .-a... was the town’s original high would be reimbursed 50 per students but they were phased Catherine Callahan, Enfield; troops, plane and ships there was very carefully weighed. He said the ford scientists lias been signed J i tively militarily involved. school, built in the mid-1800s, is cent by the state, Houle out into other school buildings. Mrs. Donna Cloutier and fundamental question was what daughter. Country Rd., by the University with American unwise. Can we allow the people of these in violation of many state safe­ explained. Board member Robert Dubeau Optical Co. of Buffalo, N.Y. ! ty codes. Commenting on this to do with the building and who commented, "When we had the Ellington; Mary Diaifnond, 4 ^ We entered the Paris Peace talks two nations to be overwhelmed Manchester architect The new device uses ultra 1 Houle said, "While an abate­ would shoulder municipal kids in there we met all of the South St., Rockville; Jamshed ( Richard Lawrence of Lawrence high frequency sound waves to two years ago with the objectives of almost certainly by Communist ment or cease occupancy order liability for it once it was codes anil now just adults are Elavia, Storrs; Anna Hall, Associates has drawn up see into living cells and other has not been served, the Vernon vacated. there and all of a sudden we’re Court St., Rockville; James restoring peace to that torn area, governments against which they have a proposal for renovation of the materials such as semiconduc­ A Cold Winter’s Day in Manchester 1975 (Photo by Reginald Pinto) Board of Education is in a fish East School and by reducing He said it is the sentiment of going to jail.” Masker, Middletown; Mrs. bringing our armed forces home and been fighting so desperately? tors. It can resolve details as tiny bowl situation and is being the scope of original plans has his committee that the abando- Donna Symonds and son. Bald Why? Because it doesnH The next move, after the as one micron, which is 40 Michael Dworidn protecting the people who were Is that a moral decision that the watched for immediate and brought the estimated cost to ment would further undermine Hill Rd., Tolland; Jeffrie board makes its decision on the millionths of an inch. Registered exist! There is no single cold- positive action.” $600,000, half of which would be the Rockville economic base Winchester, Eaton Rd., fighting against the domination of people of the United States is willing committee report, will be to Rockville. Possible uses include early causing agent or a standard Because the report of the reimbursed. and would be counter to the Phermecist take it to the mayor and the Birth Monday: A daughter to detection of tumors and the spiot- cold syndrome. Over 100 their country by forces inspired and to make and live with? MAX LERNER committee was lengthy and the This amount includes about Rockville revitalization process POETS NOOK Town Council. Mr. and Mrs. John Cushma, En­ ting of flaws in electronic cir­ viruses have been implicated supplied by both Russia and China. Politically, how will we look to the 10 per cent for architect fees. that a group of businessmen field. cuits. in one way or another with It has been obvious since the signing rest of the world’s nations which con­ Folk Songs The Saddest Story the sniffles, sneezes, coughs, that the envoys of Hanoi were not in sider us their friend and ally if we aches, pains, fever and all- good faith. Nor had they been in good capitulate to non-interventionists at Of Yesteryears South Windsor To Hire Aide around blahs we call faith ever since accepting the Geneva “colds.” home and coldly allow these nations to Songs Of yesteryears. accord of 1954 which divided the coun­ fall under Red domination? Well known in days gone by, SAN DIEGO — In our pursuit of what witnessed the legitimate use of plea­ that she carried a burden of personal guilt AREA And people catch colds from William James called “the Bitch Goddess, copping to squeeze out information in a for having brought trouble on him, knew try into north and south, and es­ What validity, for instance, will Alexander’s Rag Time Band, In Dispute over Revaluation people who spread these vi­ no way to relieve it and felt caught under And Coming Through The Rye; Success,” we sometimes forget that it great public cause. But using it to push POLICE REPORT ruses one to another. Wet tablished a demilitarized buffer zone. Israel find in our support? In The Vale of Shenandoah, carries a heavy cost with it. Hugh Refer around a sensitive, distraught girl in a pressures she could neither tolerate nor has recently been discovering that success highly conjectural Justice Department escape except by death. JUDY KUEHNEL ‘It’s about time the people of feet and clothing, or drafts do They have waged unceasing guerrilla The chancellories of West Ger­ Home Sweet Home, and Annie Laurie; petition requesting the com­ First however. United Ap­ Let Me Call You Sweetheart, and sustained publicity as a culture sym­ operation which seems to have had no » Another development in the Main St. paid their fair share.’ plete printing of all 1964 and all praisal’s new figures will be not cause colds, although warfare ever since, sometimes It is a harrowing personal story, one of many, Turkey, Iran, even Saudi Oh, Susannah, and Killarney; bol make a man a ready target of attack, base of evidence — that strikes me as a South Windsor assessment con­ At the same time. I’ve had the the new United Appriasal reviewed. Then, Town Assessor they can be contributing fac­ the saddest I have known. It will haunt me in great force, to bring the country un­ Arabia, would have to reevaluate the Take Me Out To The Ball Game, and may carry woe for some who are high abuse of the administrative justice troversy occured Monday night people in Main St. express their assessments. Bert MacNamara will decide VERNON 19 charging him with failure to tors by lowering resistance for a long time to come. But I am also April Showers, and Baby Mine, associated with him. system. when the Town Council went opposition to a new library and Exactly how much an outside whether he accepts the new Nancy E. Bolton of 73 High provide heat. der the control of the northern Com­ strength and support of the United saddened that so few have spoken out to cold germs. The Girl I Left Behind Me, It has meant woe for his former along with a proposal by Mayor the Avery Brook Watershed consultant will cost the town is figures and whether or not he St., Rockville, was charged Police said the arrest was Even more disturbing is the "contract” about the civil liberties aspect of the case. munist government. Cambodia, too, is States as a leader of the free world. Red Wing, and Auld Lang Syne; secretary, Bobbie Arnstein, who got Robert Smith to hire an in­ because they felt these projects still unknown, but it is believed will sign the new Grand List by with failure to grant right of made in connection with the in­ Treatment of a cold is coh- story which Hefner broke in his Chicago In addition to a long, informed piece in Wait Till The Sun Shines Nellie, marginally involved with a heroin case press conference after her death. She was dependent appraiser to review would not benefit them.” that a one-year extension of Feb. 28. way to a vehicle not obliged to vestigation of a complaint that y o u r centrated on relieving the fighting Communist inspired Khmer We are very aware of the un­ ’The Village Voice by Alexander Cockbum Trust health Louise, and Bonnie Doone, and paid the final for her the recent revaluations here. The assessment situation has assessments as well as the Then, the Board of Tax stop in connection with a two- Gardiner failed to provide heat symptoms. Rest in bed. Keep Rouge forces. called in by an assistant prosecutor, told (“Who’s After Hefner?” ), the best com­ popularity of continued support to I’m Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover, weakness. I knew Bobbie for many years that there was a contract out for her death The outside appraiser will sit been one of new developments assistance of the independent Review will determine whether car accident on Vernon Ave., for a tenant at 49V2 Vernon Ave. to your doctor - mentary on this freedom side of the case warm. Drink plenty of fruit In both countries the war has these countries. And we are talking Money Musk, and Old Zip Coon; while she worked for Hefner and had a and advised not to trust "friend or foe.” with the Board of Tax Review almost daily since assessment assessor will still be sought in it can handle what is expected Rockville, Monday. Police said Gardiner is the was a New York Times column by William and his prescriptions juices. Effective products Carry Me Back To Old Virginnie, chance to talk with her whenever I came Since she would be unlikely to trust foes, during the months of March and notices went out at the end of order to assure “That the to be a flood of protests within ’The driver of the second car owner of the building. He is developed along a pattern of the Com­ now only of financial support and Safire, asking why civil liberties liberals are available for relieving Tipperary, and Bonnets of Blue, to Chicago. I write this as an inadequate the implied warning was that some power­ April if the board feels it needs December. taxpayers have been given 30 days, and will also decide was Roxanne L. Peck, 5 Ban­ scheduled to appear in court in to u s. seem ^ so unstirred by the story of Bibbie munist forces holding large land areas arms. We agree that commitment of I Dreamt I Dwelt In Marble Halls, memorial to a delightful, delicate girl, ful "friend” — Hefner? — wouldn’t 60 days, and will pass judgment Over the last two months a every avenue and every means whether it wants outside croft Rd., Vernon. No injuries Rockville bn Feb. 25. “cold miseries.” Arnstein and her fate. while the majority of the population is men in any manner is unthinkable. Danny Boy, and Mary Lou; bruised by life, not strong enough to toke hesitate to eliminate her in underworld in on the job recently conducted massive public hearing with at of assistance to settle this,” assistance and more time. were reported. Ms. Bolton is On The Big Rock Candy Mountain, its buffeting. by United Appraisals of East least 500 people was held, over said Smith. Ironically, the Board of Tax scheduled to appear in Common SOUTH WINDSOR still under the non-communist But, if we do not support them now, fashion. 01 Man River, and Buttons and Bows, I have come in pretty late myself, most­ Hartford. 800 people have called upon Last night’s action, seen as Review consists of three peo­ Pleas Court 19, Rockville, Feb. George Chagnon, 40, of East Her fiance — and one true love — had The prosecutor’s office doesn’t governments. we will show moral weakness, There’s A Rainbow Round My Shoulder, ly because a long friendship with Hefner ’The decision to seek a third- United Appraisals with the most drastic yet in the ple. All of the people on the 25. Windsor, was charged Monday been killed in an auto accident. She later challenge the story but insists that it did When You Wore A Tulip And I Wore A might seem to bias me in some way. But party judgment follows weeks grievances and questions about assessment will be discussed at board are residents with no ap­ Robert C. Gardiner, 47 Hale with reckless driving in connec­ We readily admit that neither coun­ political vacillation and national un­ loved others but not wisely. She walked a get tips about a contract from two Big Red Rose; clearly Hugh Hefner can take care of of controversy and hundreds of their tax notices, and the Town praisal background, and St., Ext., Rockville, was tion with the investigation of an thin dangerline with them in her effort to separate sources. Asked what the sources Monday night’s Town Council try has been governed in a democratic certainty which will inevitably Listen To The Mocking Bird, himself, which he showed when he struck protests by residents irked over Council has complied with a residents who, like everyone arrested Monday on a warrant accident that happened in South fill the aching void in her. One of her men were, the answer is silence. One can un­ meeting. PARKADE PHARMACY style as we know it. And there has Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair, back at the prosecutor’s office and took a skyrocketing assessments. else, have been reassessed. issued by Common Pleas Court Windsor on Saturday. destroy the confidence of other got her tangled with his drug adventures. derstand the reluctance to betray con­ The Darktown Strutters Ball, counteroffensive in his dramatic, United is expected to return 404 West Middle Tpke. been corruption at high levels. nations in the United States. She was arrested, tried and given a 15- fidential information. But where a woman Highland Lad, and The Old Gray Mare; emotional Chicago press statement. He to officials here with its newest year conditional prison term, presumably was harried to her death, and where the When You And I Were Young Maggie, has a good lawyer in Edward Bennett assessments of Main St. — the to be reduced or canceled if she im­ very integrity of the prosecutor’s office is a ' i i t Down By The Old Mill Stream, Williams and resources enough to see him hardest hit of all areas in town. plicated her employer, Hugh Hefner. in question, some way should be found of NEWS Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit through his own problem jf the federal Depending on those figures, Frightened and confused, unable either to satisfying the public that the threat were Bag, task force should decide finally to move the town could decide to seek A Double Standard? give evidence that wasn’t true or face an real and not contrived. against him. introducing... Old Dan Tucker, and The Devil’s Dream; intolerable prison sentence, she locked either a 60-day extension to CAPSULES Undergraduate liberals are making wife are writing books about the af­ I’m Sitting On 'Top Of The World, review tax grievances, or if herself in a Chicago hotel room and ended A reading of the suicide note — lengthy, a pseudomoralistic difference fair. ’Neath The Shade Of The Old Apple ’Tree, her life. But why should a fragile, tortured girl need be, a one-year extension to Tennessee Waltz, and Swanee River, tangled, anguished — shows clearly that have had to pay so fatal a price for do a complete review of Quint Dies livelihood and his wife, all in the space of between accepting former White On the surface the great difference There is also a larger aspect to Bobbie’s ^ b b ie believed in Hefner’s friendship, Golden Slippers, and Rosy Lee; whatever power play the heads of the assessments. CHICAGO (UPI) - The third-born of the one year,” said attorney ’Thomas Patton. story, about the administration of justice believed him guiltless and felt there was House Counsel John Dean and former was that Ziegler remained loyal to his Yes Sir, That’s My Baby, federal task force may have decided they If the State Tax Department Shaf quintuplets died Monday night of a Patton, in a motion asking a review of in America. In the Watergate case we nothing to reveal about him. It also shows could risk? presidential Press Secretary Ron old boss and indeed even went into Gary Owen, and Loch Lomond, does not express a willingness lung ailment, but doctors reported his two Kerner’s three-year term, said the former In The Good Old Summertime, to grant South Windsor a one- sisters and two brothers in stable condi­ governor has suffered four heart attacks Ziegler as campus lecturers. Dean is exile with him, while Dean was stan­ And, Roaming In The Gloaming; year delay, it appears likely tion. Before the death of the infant, the since entering federal prison July 28 and is being received at the colleges and ding trial and being convicted. Old songs are like true friends. that some form of court action parents named the three boys. ’The girls “dangerously undernourished.” ’The mo­ They linger down the years, had been named on Sunday. Doctors said tion came two days after U.S. Attorney paid a high fee, while Ziegler has been Colleges have been notorious for the will ensue. A source of cheer and consolation. In his remarks to the council the remaining four quints were doing so James Thompson recommended Kerner caliber lecturers whom they have in­ turned away from several on the Through hopes and joys and fears. RAY CROMLEY last night Mayor Smith well after the critical first 48 hours of life be released. grounds that it is immoral to pay him vited. Daniel Ellsberg, who released P. F. Mietzner expressed a willingness to do that they hoped to give them their first 24 Trotter St. whatever is necessary to assist graduate feeding of sterile water and money because of his association with the Pentagon papers, has been Manchester Using Honesty As Political Charisma the taxpayers, and at the same regular formula today. Free Eleetion Ordered tsIsE former President Nixon. welcomed on some campuses. Jane time lashed out at United as LISBON (UPI) — ’The first free election Fonda and Rev. Daniel Berrigan have well as various segments of the in nearly 50 years has been ordered by Students at Boston University had 1 2 small businessmen into South Dakota’s Has Paid Debt 3 < S € 7 8 9 WASHINGTON - Larry Pressler, fight with the Republican National Com­ community. President Francisco da Costa Gomes, been others who rode the anti- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Republican party, where power for years CHICAGO (UPI) - Former Illinois signed an agreement to have Ziegler freshman representative from the First mittee, and its chairman, Mary Louise "United Appraisals is ada- although the powerful Communist party 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 has centered in a rather small, tight-knit Gov. Otto Kemer, convicted of bribery, Vietnam fever into speaking 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 District of ^ u th Dakota, is a most un­ Smith. He thinks there’s too much ment in its attitude, and I am wants a delay. ’The election of an assembly open his planned lecture series there 31 group. He attempted unsuccessfully to get mail fraud and conspiracy, has paid his ALMANAC usual young man. emphasis on raising funds from special in­ to write a constitution giving Portugal its engagements. a labor union man to run for the GOP disappointed in their attitude,” debt to society and should be released but the offer was withdrawn. Ziegler He’s decided that as long as he’s in terest groups. And he’s written a letter to said the mayor. At the same first democratic government since 1926 is chairmanship in one of his First District from prison, his attorney said Monday. The conclusion seems almost in­ Congress, his income tax returns, all per­ the editor in the Washington Post, op­ time I am disenchanted with set for April 12. The Communists has since canceled his tour, counties. Friends are now putting together “How could society possibly resent the By United Press International sonal financial dealings and business con­ posing the National Committee’s $2 demanded a delay after polls indicated but the offer was withdrawn. escapable that the factor which is a group of 100 to 200 young men and various segments of this com­ release of a 66-year-old man in ill health, nections will be open to the public. Top million raise-the-GOP image public munity. I’ve actually had some they would get little more than 12 per cent causing the Ziegler turn downs is that Today is Tuesday, Feb. 11, the 42nd day women, 25 to 40 years of age, that they’ve who has lost his money, his honor, his About the sam e tim e John Dean was members of his staff will follow the same relations campaign, holding the dollars of the ballots. of 1975 with 323 to follow. checkmarked as future leaders. Both people come up to me and say. he was one of the few who steadfastly The moon is new. rule. would be better spent if given to beginning his lecture series at the Republicans and Democrats are included. The morning stars are Mercury and Pressler plans to co-sponsor a bill to Republican candidates. In return, For Business People, University of Virginia. Dean, who was stood by the m an who had brought him levy the same requirement on all Pressler plans to meet with this group cas Mars. Pressler’s been threatened with retalia­ several times a year to develop political Nixon’s first accuser and was himself into national prominence. senators, representatives and their staffs. tion in 1976 when he’s up for re-election. Professionals, The evening stars are Venus, Jupiter issues and congressional reforms. and Saturn. He refuses honorariums for speech There is one special point that should be WeWlllhek convicted of a felony, was paid $4,000 We wouldn’t buy a ticket to hear This approach is the only means, making, an important source of income noted in this matter. In the Democratic Those born on this date are under the Pressler believes, by which the image of Individuals, for that appearance and his tour con­ Ziegler or Dean or Magruder or sign of Aquarius. for many congressmen. In his campaign, landslide of 1974, when 36 House YourFaYoijte the Republican party can be meaningfully tinues. he turned back all contributions from Republican incumbents went down in Colson or any of them lecture. Nor, . changed at a time when polls say 60 per Corporations, organizations — business, agricultural, defeat and when GOP strength, in its P k ValeQline's FRIDAY There have been few presidential like President Ford, will we buy their cent of all Americans call themselves con­ labor and educational. 'Three-fourths of his traditional Middle West stronghold was servatives, but less than one out of five ad­ press secretaries that we. have ad­ books. We think most of the story has money came in donations of $25 or less. severely weakened, Pressler was one of Assortment. ''FEBRUARY u M Churches mit to being Republicans. When running for office, Pressler only four Republicans nationwide to upset TELE-CASH is a savings account which puts your your checking account. The balance in your mired, and Ron Ziegler was one of the been told. Pressler is already in an open public M m ih promised to return 10 per cent of his con­ a Democratic incumbent. ■I -, idle cash to work earning top interest. Your funds Heritage TELE-CASH account continues to earn worst of them, in our opinion. Yet But we think it a bit of liberal in­ iEttpnittg gressional salary. Finding he could not legally take a unilateral pay cut, he’s tur­ remain readily available for use — just a phone 5.25% interest. There are no fees for your TELE­ Ziegler never was accused of having tellectual arrogance to ban Ziegler or FOUNDED OCT. 1, 1881 A H E A R T Published by the Published every ning a tenth of his pay over to the govern­ call away. CASH account. By law, no commercial bank can taken any part in the Watergate af­ any of these men if others want to Manchester evening except Sun­ ment of his state. offer this type of account to corporate depositors. Publishing Co., Herald days and holidays. BERRY’S WORLD You write a check for your excess cash and de­ fair. hear them. Square, Manchester, Entered at the The big, fancy, expensive con­ B O X O f Conn. 06040, Manchester, Conn., gressman’s chair that came with his office posit it in your Heritage TELE-CASH account. Opening a TELE-CASH account is easy. Just Dean, who compiled the White The decision ought to be up to the in­ Telephone 643-2711 Post Office as Second (Area Coda 203). Class Mall Matter. makes Pressler nervous. He’s attempting CHOCOLATES Your funds earn 5.25% annually compounded specify that you want a TELE-CASH account. House enemies list, was in the middle to exchange it for a smaller, less preten­ dividual not superimposed by b u r l L. LYONS, PUBLISHER daily and continuously yielding an effective rate tious model. Open your TELE-CASH account NOW- •your of the cover-up attempt. He and his someone who knows what is best. SUGGESTED CARRIER RATES He figures no representative should of 5.47% a year. When you need your funds MADE FRESH IN OUR QWN idle cash will become active today! PAYABLE IN ADVANCE serve more than four terms, and intends to simply phone us. We’ll transfer your money to quit after eight years. KITCHENS FROM OLD ^ngle Copy ... 15« 3 Months ... $11.70 NEW ENGLAND RECIPES. TELE-CASH — Manchester’s newest banking idea from Manchester’s oldest savings institution. ■ '.i,' ' ® Months ... $23 40 In the few weeks he’s been in office, he’s ------ONE Month .. $3.90 One Year... $46.80 become concerned over the huge amounts TODAY’S THOUGHT Mail Hales Upon Request of money easily available to congressmen For The Yoimirslers. • • pm. should telephone from special interest groups this year Her Jirf circulation depari- CHOCOLATE® ^- Herald before 5:30 ment, 647-9946 even though there are no elections. By his estimate, he could pick up an easy $10,000 committed church members still feel the Member Audit Bureau of Circulations for incidental expenses, a few hundred NOVELTY HEART POPS Tomorrow is the beginning of Lent. dollars here, a few hundred there, from Heritage S avii^ need to be there to inaugurate this special Have you been thinking about reac­ The Manchester Display advertising one lobbying committee or another— even RtRular Houw Monday to Saturday 9 A M . to 6 RJR. season of penetance and renewal. Publishing Co. closing hours: Three tivating your involvement with a church? We all have needs; and churches are tull days prior to as a freshman with little political clout on assumes no financial & Loan Association • Since 1891 If so, tomorrow would be a great day to simply organized societies of folk who see publication. the Hill. He’S amazed at the number of start. Most churches will have services at responsibility for Deadline for Herald their prime needs answered by God. typographical errors classified advertising; senators and representatives who snap up \ some time during the day. appearing in adver> Submitted by 12 noon prior today of this money. formerly Manchester Savings and Loan Association Don’t put it off. Go to a church tisements and other publication: 12 noon Rev. David M. Campbell reading matter in The Friday for publication At home, where he goes three weekends Main Office: 1007 Main Street, Manchester 649-4588 K-Mart OMice: Spencer St., Manchester 649-3007 tomorrow. They will be filled with folk, United Methodist Church Manchester Evenlno Saturday and Mon­ out of four, Pressler is attempting to draw Herald. day. t h n i W J n l “' /“ S ' loarned BURNHAM & BRADY BU1DII6 34 Bm sM i Ah . , E |il N irifiri S2I'173I Coventry Office: Rt. 31, Coventry 742-7321 Coming in '75: Toliand Office: Rt. 195 near Merrow Rd. who, even if they are presently active, of Bolton more small farmers, labor union men and tnBt the heelth club / joined has declared ^ bankruptcy!" PAGE SIX — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn^ Tues,, Feb. 11, 1975 — PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER MANCHESTER School Board Meets 729 E. MMdla Turnpike Mon. $ Tues. 8 til 9 P.M. 725 E. Middie Turnpike HEBRON fourth grade class at the Wsd thru Sat. 8 'til 10 P.M. Mon. A Tues. 8 ’tii 9 P.M. “We’re the heart specialists and we Aane Dallaire Hebron Elementary School Correspondent wrote to President Gerald Ford Wed thru Sat 8 ’til 10 P.M. 2 2 8 -3 2 6 7 in conjunction with the Ecology GREEN want to be your one and only.” The Hebron Board of Educa­ Unit in Science. Repeated by STAMPS GLASTONBURY Herald tion will meet ’Thursday at 8 The class made a list of Supermarkets P 2333 Main Street p.m. at the Gilead Hill School. suggestions for fighting infla­ Popular Dema^ “With Valentine’s Ddy (Friday, February 14) approaching, we want to be Area Profile On th e agenda Is ad­ tion and conserving energy. Mon. & Tues. 8 ’til 9 P.M. MEATS ministrative reports and T h e Science Unit was Wed. thra Sat. 8 ’til 10 P.M. Cupid’s Choice and win your heart away. Our desire Is to be the one and only recommendations, adoption of developed in January, and the i grocery store in your heart for all your food needs. We will continue to class received a reply from the tiflrd and Final Week! ^ language arts texts, liability in­ Supermarkets WEST HARTFORD provide you with only the finest food stuffs, quality cuts of USDA Choice Woman’s Club Notes 15th Birthday surance, classroom instruc­ President Jan. 15. ■ * IVo Reserve tional m aterial and supplies, President Ford thanked the The Right 150 South Main St. beef, many weekly low prices, excellent produce and friendly courteous ser­ students for their interest and CANNED GOODS t t S ® To Limit SOUTH WINDSOR Day Top, Norwich State Mrs. Harry Richards, 1969-70; maintenance, transportation Mon. thru Sat. 8 ’til 9 P.M. enclosed a list of suggestions MEATS A ? Quantities vice to strengthen our love affair. And we hope the romance will last forever Judy Kuehnel .Hospital, the American Field Mrs. Arne Oberg, 1970-71; Mrs. reports, school calendar, and for energy conservation and for ; Effective Correspondent Service, the Cancer Fund and Morland Berkm an, 1971-72; continuation of budget con­ with the beautiful gift of S&H Green Stamps with every siderations. fighting inflation. I February 10th - 15th 6 4 4 -1 3 6 4 Heart I^ind. Mrs. Paul Toohey, 1972-73; and purchase. We care about you...How about you?” Women involved during the Mrs. Richard Meier, 1973-74. Other items that will be dis­ ’The letter to the President DOUBLE S&H GREEN past 15 years have contributed The current officers of the cussed will be the appointment was written by fourth grader of a new member, the con- Robin Locassio. The South Windsor Woman’s much time in making birthday Woman’s Club are Mrs. George O R EEhJ 'The Store With The Hearf Frank Club recently observed its 15th cakes for the elderly, assisted Jahrstorfer, president; Mrs. sideratioh of the tentative Cen­ , Confirmation Classes STAMPS STAMPS WEDNESDAY anniversary with a celebration at parties at the Warehouse James Doherty, first vice presi­ tral Office budget for 1975-76, Adult Confirmation classes attended by eight of the club’s Point Receiving Home and dent; Mrs. Allen Pugliese, se­ and the appointment of a Cen­ will begin Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m. past presidents. Mansfield Training School. cond vice president; Mrs. Den­ tral Office Committee alter­ at the First Congregational JESSO BRAND 4 FOR Since its first meeting in 1960, They have co-sponsored five n is Robinett, recording nate. Church. Cut Green or Wax Beans, S.D.A. CHOICE FIRST CUT the Woman’s Club has donated audio-visual testing clinics for secretary; Mrs. Herbert Write President The classes will be held each Whole or Sliced Beets approximately $14,187 in the preschoolers and made baskets Asplund, corresponding Mrs. Nellie ManWarren’s Wednesday during Lent. form of scholarships, English for ’Thanksgiving for the town’s secretary, and Mrs. Carl Zipfel, Sliced Carrots, Green Peas, awards, camperships, fur­ needy. treasurer. Whole Kernel Corn, and nishings for the public health Through the years, the New Memhers Cream Style Com nurses, funds to the Listening Woman’s Club has led three Five new members were in­ Post, and six resuscitators to Mothers Marches for Polio and stalled in a candlelight P U(llVa a Have DEPT. A Notion To Plaata) STORE "Remember... TOO S&H Green Stamps local fire and police Birth Defects, a Salk Polio ceremony at the February Next to Frank’s Suparmarkot with 100 Jesso or Sweet Lite labels. departments. house-to-house campaign, a meeting of the South Windsor East Middle Tpke., Manciiaster In its 15 years of service to Cystic Fibrosis “tea” and four Woman’s Club. the community the club has Cancer Drives. New members welcomed into been sponsors for first aid This year the club will the club by Mrs. G eorge VALENTINE CARDS Libby’s (12-oz. Can) courses, baby-sitting courses, spearhead the Cancer Crusade Jahrstorfer, president, are: and CANDY for youth and law programs, for South Windsor. Rosalie Borst, Annmarie Dina, ALL OUR BEEF career days for high school Past presidents are Mrs. A. Barbara Dword Dworsky, Sweethearts and Friends... WHOLE KERNEL CORN students, and six ballet presen­ Lane, 1960; Mrs. G.A. Dow, Marsha Goldwasser and USDA Choica Shouldar e m A O Our Own Pure Pork, Hot or Sweet NEED SOMETHING? ASK PLAZAI 0 9 IS USDA CHOICE tations. 1960-61; Mrs. A.A. Cross, 1961- Mildred Newman. .lb. The organization, which 62; Mrs. R.A. Hale, 1962-63 RDASTBEEF...... ITALIAN SAUSAGE ‘‘The Finest Sold Anywhere’’ presently consists of 49 Mrs. John O’Briant, 1963-64 Sweef Lite Cut Beets and USDA Choica Shouldar Cut $ ■ BO Colonial Tasty Ten BO NUS BUYS nnuiis Olive members, has been donor to Mrs. Walter Joensuu, 1964-66 FRANKS...... lb. such organizations as FISH Mrs. Joseph Vono, 1966-67 Join The Excitement at our 3rd Annual. LDNDONBRDIL...... ib"1 (Friends in Service Here), the Mrs. William Young, 1967-68 DICED CARROTS 16-o z. ca n USDA Choica Saml-Bonalass California Colonial Child Guidance Clinic, Care, Mrs. Richard Kelley, 1968-69 CHUCK RDAST...... >b. BEEF FRANKS .lb. Del Destino Whole Peeled USDA Choica Laad, Chuck Colonial Beef BEEF S TE W ...... ». KNOCKWURST .lb. TOMATOES 15-o z. can USDA Choica Tandar, Chuck Colonial Assorted GOLD CUTS Kitson Elected CUBE STEAK...... Sweet LHa Frashly BACON lb. To Head Firemen >b. GRDUND CHUCK...... Frozen are Paul Matthews, board of GROUND BEEF SaiB Ct SOUTH WINDSOR 2 -lb . B ag Judy Kuehnel finance and social committee; SMELTS...... Blake Duzak, bylaws; Tony BEEF LIVER The South Windsor Volunteer Jim m y Doan Dworak, sick committee; Dick Capital Farms $ ■ 30 Fire Department recently held Lindberg, investigating com­ its annual dinner, announcing PORK SAUSAGE m ittee; George Long, KIELBASA IK 1 new officers and committee Im ported — FROM THE DELI— nominating committee; Loin Cut chairmen for the current year. Richard Fralick, parade com­ Officers are Richard F. Kit­ PDRK RD AST...... SWISS CHEESE...... mittee; Bill Conley, public son Jr ., Co. 1, president; Walter relations, and Jay Ingalls, in­ Thousands of shoes have been gathered tor Centor Cut Moriarity, Co. 3, vice president, surance. John Samsel Jr., Co. 1, TISDA lb. PDRK CHDPS...... 27 FRUIT COCKTAIL...... 3oz. NESCAFE COFFEE '® feasibility of a presentation to The event is scheduled for 8 j l o < W I T H Sweat LHa Cut Wax Beans or Comstock be held in connection with the p.m. at the church hall, 80 town’s celebration in 1976. Hayes Rd. A light buffet and Cobbles SLICED CARROTS.... .16 oz. BLUEBERRY PIE 2... 6 5 * refreshments will be served. Named to chair coiilmittees Options COUPON B&M BAKED BEANS...... 28oz. CLAM CHOWDER 1 . 0. 3 9 * 20 LBS. U.S. No. 1 POTATOES Shear Laundry Burke Office Hours First Editions Good Through Saturday, February 8th Libby’S 0 9 Limit One Per Customer TOMATO JUICE...... 46 oz. DETERGENT 49 o z. Planned Saturdays DInty Moors Brown ’aSorva CUP N SAVE"— ' CHILDREN’S SHOES BEEF S TE W ...... 7 5 * ROLLS . 12 Pack VERNON students to cross the highway. SwaoTLIfo Stems &^ Pieces Ehler’s State Rep. Martin B. Burke of Dr. Ramsdell said pupils Choose from Play Shoes, School Shoes, Ties, Slip-Ons, Vernon’s 56th District will be have been walking across the WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON MUSHROOMS..... 4 s * 1®® BLACK PEPPER .4oz. a $7.50 PURCHASE holding office hours Saturdays highway despite the fact they Dress. ALL SALE PRICED AT: A $7.50 PURCHASE FROZEN FOODS DAIRY DEPT. Feb. 15 and Feb. 22 from 10 have been informed of the a.m. until noon at 351 Merline change in bus pickup points. Tropicana Bordon’s Rd. He said pupils who continue • Jumping REGULAR VALUES TO >17 50 EXTRA S&H .lb. During those hours Burke will to violate this regulation will be 50 EXTRA S&H f| ORANGE JUICE..... COHAGE CHEESE meet with any resident of Ver­ suspended from bus privileges. Jacks GREEN STAMPS GREEN STAMPS C Corton’c Gordon’s non. He said if the hours are not Auxiliary Meeting wHh purchase of wlUi purchase of convenient for anyone who .2lba. ORANGE JUICE The Ladies Auxiliary to Ver­ S ib. Bag FISH PORTIONS .... wishes to talk with him, he will • Pocos Columbo (Asserted Flavors! non VFW Post 10121 will meet $ IDAHO POTATOES Tasta O’Soa make an appointment to suit Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. the schedule of any constituent. aOOD THROUQH SAT., FEB. 18 .9oz. . 80Z. Following the business meeting • A n tic s. Ona Coupon Por Pamlly HADDOCK DINNER. YOGURT...... Anyone wishing to call Burke there will be a kitchen social. on days when the legislature is THE FRESHEST PRODUCE SOLD: Members are asked to bring a in session in Hartford should $1 item. call the House Message Center Pinochle Winners at 527-0747. MEN’S SHOES MUSHROOMS He said due to a ruling of the Last Tuesday winners in the speaker of the house, Vernon Senior Citizens’ Choose from Slip-Ons, Ties, Casuals, Boots, and WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON Snow pinochle group were: Emily telephones cannot be installed A $7.50 PURCHASE A $7.60 PURCHASE White at the desks of the legislators. Brooks 734; Ed Kreyssig 655; Leisure Shoes. ALL VALUE PRICED AT: TATOES Fashion Show Ann Songailo 655; Ted Leboc lb. 640; Alexina Moreau 637. The Suburban Women’s Club Thursday tournament 50 EXTRA S&H of Vernon, Ellington, and 50 EXTRA S&H winners were: Joe Gessay 574; Idaho Baking Tolland, Inc. will sponsor a REGULAR VALUES TO >33 Ann Morrell 574; Ted Leboc GREEN STAMPS poolside fashion show and wHh purchase of GREEN STAMPS POTATOES...... sib..S9> 571; Bert Edwards 554. • Freeman ^ ^ ^ wHh purchasa at CRISP luncheon March 15 at the 2 lbs. o r more 5-lb. Bag Holiday Inn, East Hartford. GROUND CHUCK RRAPEFRUIT ' CELERY HEARTS...... pkg.39> The theme of the show will be Watch Your GOOD THROUQH SAT., FEB. 19 Frub Crtab CMcon C “ A Touch of Spring.” The dona­ • Manly $ 1 OOOD THRQUQH SAT, FEB. 18 ‘ Ono Coupon Por Family Ona Coupon Par Pamlly , \ ESCAROLE...... ib.a9> tion will be $6.50 for a beef Washington State fioMon lunch and the fashion show. A • Rlrmlnghams Now Crop cocktail hour, starting at 11:30 FAT-GO I DELICIOUS APPLES ...... lb YELLOW ONIOHS...... ib.8> a.m., will precede the lunch which will be served at 12:30. Lose ugly excess weight with the Not all sizes In all stylas...So hurry In for host selection. sensible NEW FAT-GO diet Fashions from Sage-Allen plan. ■ Nothing sensational Just WITtl THld COUPON will be featured. Anyone A $7,50 PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPON O ------steady weight loss for those that A $7.50 PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPOH wishing to purchase a ticket really want to lose. WITH THIS COUPOH wnn THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPOH WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON SORRY, NO MAIL OR A S7.M PUaCHASE a R7M PURCHASE A S .S PURCHASE A S7.00 PURCHASE A S7.N PURCHASE should contact Marilyn Legault, A full 12 day supply only $3,00. Distinctively R7.ao puM h a o e 7 0 872-3428. M Uuett h v( Stsra Asirt the FAT-CO PHONE ORDERS 50 EXTRA S&H Bus Changes raM « pl« mi itot MHg midrt 50 EXTRA S&H WITH WITH Dr. Raymond Ramsdell, His mik. GREEN STAMPS 7 9 ^ COUPON 6 9 * COUPON superintendent of schools, Money back In full if not complete­ W GREEN STAMPS 15* DFF 25* DFF 6* DFF ly satisfied with weight loss from wHh purchase of urges parents to remind their MANCHESTER C l I y purchasa of ^ 10‘15 Oz. OFF Box 100 Count SPkga. 25 Count the very first package. 2 la g s Sweat Ufa children they are not to cross \ y IDozanBakorvIDozanBakory DON'T DELAY POTATO CHIPS FOLGER’S BAGGIES Rt. 83 for school bus pickups. - DONUTS g o ld I m e o a l CHERRIOS TETLEY UPTON’S Dr. Ramsdell said a change 0« t FAT-OO today. PARKADE Qoob THROUOH SAT.. FEB. I I Ona Coupon Por Pamlly OOOD THROUGH SAT., PIB. 1$ COFFEE TEA BAGS CUP O’ SOUP FOOD BAGS been made in the pickup Only $3.00 at Ono Coupon Par Family iF t lk lS iMdTlnFM.lB OoM Thni Ftb. IS Sowl Thru FM. IS edule on both sides of Rt. 83 LIBSEnORUS STORE ONLY am CoNpM pirnkly Om Ca«pM Pi t FiM ly Om CSH|Mli1Ur Fm iHi OntCoupM Pit FmhRi Om CoupM Pi t FMiHy Om Cm ir m Pi t F a n ly it is not necessary for the MANCHESTER PARKAOE The Store With Heart' PAGE EIGHT — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11,1975 ^NCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Tues.. Feb. 11, 1975 — PAGE NINE Lake Residents Protest e h c H e r a l b Bolton Residents To Be Surveyed School Board On Views About Police Protection Excavation of Island Meets Tonight O R C B N ANDOVER Donna Holland The survey (Consists of three The committee meets bi­ A 25 cent donation is being 1 S T A M P S asked. There will be adult i S r ^ J COVENTRY The commission will make an from other towns who had Donna Holland Correspondent types of substantive questions: weekly on Monday at 7:30 p.m. ARMATA’S supervision. Monica Shea on-site inspection Wednesday never attended a meeting. The Board of Education will 646-0375 descriptive items about the in the Community Hall The Correspondent morning at 9:30. Koffee Klatch nature of potential or actual meetings are open to the public Students may bring records. meet tonight at 7:30 in the con­ Within the next three weeks Donations of baked goods will 742-9495 Letters were read from the The Ladies A s^iation of the ference room at Andover crimes, private and public and fe^back is encouraged. SPECIALS Bolton residents will be be appreciated. Residents of Hemlock Point Soil Conservation Service and First Congregational Church Elementary School. preventative steps being taken Anyone not receiving a copy receiving a questionnaire The sponsor will provide and Leo LeMay engaged in the Conservation Commission will hold a Koffee Klatch Included on the agenda will and questions which elicit the of the survey may obtain one at EFFECTIVE designed to identify the con­ games, prizes and 965 SUUIVAN AVE., SO. WINDSOR, CONN heated debate last night at a which stated that the island tomorrow from noon to 2 p.m. be a report on errors and opinions of the citizens about the town hall or from the shouldn’t have been built in the cerns of private citizens about protection. selectmen or any committee refreshments. FEB. 10-15 NOT RESP0N8IBLE.F0R nPOCRAPHICAL ERRORS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Planning and Zoning Commis­ at the church yesterday on omissions, liabiiity insurance, a the adequacy of protection for first place and there would be The descriptive questions ask niember. sion meeting over LeMay’s Main St. report on school buses, a con­ their security needs. no problems with LeMay the people about the types of Committee members are Bulletin Board proposed excavation of an Lunch will consist of tinuation of school organization The questionnaire was com­ proposed to remove it. nuisance or crime which they Dorothy Miller,' Jerry island in front of his property. homemade soup, sandwiches, discussion, standardized testing piled by the recently appointed The Bolton Senior Citizens SMOKED The commission granted ap­ have been confronted with and Chemerka, Gary Mortensen, MARVEL IMPORTED LeMay had built the island dessert and coffee and the dona­ results, use of the school pond Bolton Police Study Committee will meet Wednesday at 1:30 proval to Connecticut Light and how frequently, the degree of Carl Nystrom, Mary Ann about 12 years ago in an tion will be $1.50 per person. for ice skating, a report of stu­ whose job it is to determine p.m. at the Community Hall for Power Co. to replace poles in police protection assistance O’Connor and Pamela Shorey. attempt to clear a small beach The association will hold its dent teachers and a report on whether or not additional police card playing. PORK their existing right-of-way. Board to Meet TURKEY VEAL LEG in front of his property in monthly meeting Feb. 26 at 10 the University of Connecticut they have required in the past The Public Building Commis­ John Ryan, a resident of protection is needed in town. three years, the characteristics Hemlock Point, and within the a.m. study. The anonymous survey has The Board of Education will Coventry and an engineer for of the response to any inquiry sion will meet tonight at 8 at the last six months had removed At 1 o’clock that afternoon been the result of more than a meet Thursday, at 8 p.m. in the SHOULDER the power company, told the Ken Gillen will present slides made, and any reasons for not library at Bolton Center School. Town Hall. most of the island before a month’s work by the com­ PICNIC - WHOLE DRUMSTICKS ROAST cease and desist order was commission that the line was on his trip to Haiti. contacting the police in in­ Included on the agenda will The Zoning Commission will mittee, said Michael O’Connor, Lean, Meaty, Tender issued to him by Ernest built in 1927 and the life expec­ University Club stances when assistance might be a trip request by file Future meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at tancy of the poles was only 30 to chairman. have been needed. the Town Hall. 4-6 lb. Avg. Water Added Wheeler, zoning agent, for He said the survey includes Business Leaders of America 35 years so it was time to Opens Doors The questions concerning violation of the Inland Wetlands suggestions provided to club, a proposed adult educa­ The Planning Commission replace the whole line. To Women prevention ask people if they Act. members and the selectmen by tion program add a proposed will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. The right-of-way runs up have felt any n e^ to take steps Residents claimed that the Chloroform Level numerous citizens and by infor­ overnight trip. ~ at the Town Hall. Flanders Rd. and across land to to protect themselves, their island was created partially HARTFORD (UPI) For the mation collected from the Under new business the board the junction of Snake Hill and Of Water Supply families, home or possessions All schools will be closed with association money and first time in nearly 70 years, Colchester State Police will review the quarterly Rt. 31 where it branches to two and, if so, what these steps Wednesday in observance of that LeMay had no right to To Be Studied women are today eligible to barracks, Robert Peterson, budget report and act on a lines, one going to the might have been. ’They ask if Lincoln’s birthday. remove it. LeMay SHELTON (UPI) - The Trap apply for membership at the resident state trooper, and by teacher resignation. Mansfield substation and the residents feel a visible police All town offices will be open « counterclaimed that he and he Rock Water Reserve has a University Club of Hartford. committee members Raymond Allen, superinten­ other up to Stonehouse Rd. and car is deterrent and if they feel Wednesday. ' alone had spent almost $4,000 to chloroform level which is not Members voted 109-32 at a themselves. dent, has requested an School Rd. to Root Rd. th e town has adequate clear the beach and build the dangerous but worthy of further meeting Monday night to The survey will distributed to executive session following the 2 No roads would be built into patrolling. island. study, says David Wiggin, a accept women members. A all townspeople through the bi­ regular meeting to discuss per­ the area and existing roadways The final questions on the sur­ Most of the island has already two-thirds majority was partisan efforts of the town’s sonnel matters, granting of would be used for the project, Connecticut Department of En­ vey involve the personal opinion been removed and a causeway required. The motion failed in two political parties. It will be tenure and teacher evaluation. which is expected to take until vironmental Protection water of citizens concerning current FRENCH STREET SWEET LIFE BONELESS BEEF built to take the heavy specialist. 1973 and 1974. returned to the town hall in the Valentine’s Parly iuSDA CHOICE BEEF C 4 O O late spring. protection. ST. LOUIS (UPI) - The main machinery out . to the island to The chloroform level is 20 “I think people are generally stamped self-addressed Friends of students in Grades The commission instructed They are asked if there might street of the early French settle­ RIB EYE STEAK or ROAST...... m. ’ ■ SKINLESS MEAT FRANKS... .Ib. 7 9 * CHUCK BEEF FOR STEW... .lb. remove the earth. LeMay is micrograms per liter of water, realizing the trend that women envelopes provided by the 5 and 6 will sponsor a Valen­ Wheeler to conduct a survey of be a need for added security on ment of St Louis was called La now seeking permission from Wiggins said Monday night. are becoming more important Selectmen’s office. tine’s Day party for those PRIDE OF FARM A V « NEPCO (POLISH SAUSAGE) IMPORTED (BONELESS U S) seasonal dwelling in the lake any given days or time of day. Grande Rue Royale. First Street, the Inland Wetlands Agency to Chloroform at higher levels has in the downtown community,” The committee asks students Friday from 7 until 9 9 < area and to record how many of Residents may make additional remove the causeway and to fill Kenneth C. Derrick, newly townspeople return the survey 9:30 p.m. in the all-purpose on the riverfront contains only a TURKEY BREAST4-6 Lb. Avg...... ,b. 0 5 ' KIELBASA...... Ib. VEAL CUTLETS...... Ib. these homes were being used as been blamed for causing comments regarding problems the two lots he owns on the elected club president, said by March 15. room at Bolton Elementary small part of the original French ) year-round dwellings in viola­ cancer. The level in a Cincin­ in their neighborhood. PERRI PREMO HOT OR SWEET A A « BEEF RIB FARMUIND beachfront to make a larger nati, Ohio, water source is 90 after the vote. School. street bathing area in front of his tion of the zoning regulations. Ib. 8 9 < Wheeler is to report back to the micrograms per liter. ITALIAN SAUSAGE...... ib. 9 9 ^ SHORT R IB S ...... SLICED BACON...... lb. home. He also proposes to build The reservoir, one of several a concrete beach wall to pre­ commission next month. FRESH SLICED - IMPORTED A A A (Contains No Mor oThan 25% Fat) Contains No More Than 20% Fat The commission voted to serving the Bridgeport area, is vent further erosion of the land. owned by the Bridgeport S U 0®^ Residents were angry that send a letter to Jim Moore, CALVES LIVER...... ib. 9 9 ^ LEAN GROUND BEEF ...... lb. 7 9 < EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF .Ib. commission representative to Hydraulic Co. and located in the LeMay had purchased 100 feet Huntington section of Shelton of beach front that they had the Windham Regional Plan­ ning agency, and to invite him near Rte. 8. Wiggins said been using as a private beach. maximum-minimum standards LeMay offered to sell the land to attend the next meeting of • GROCERY SPECIALS • the commission to discuss his for chloroform in water have PRODUCE SPECIALS to the association anytime it not yet been developed. appointment. was interested in purchasing it “It looks like we’re not to bad CAMPBELL'S MUELLEG'S for the same price he paid for The commission had received VINE RIPENED PINK 8R WHITE a letter from the town council off,” a spokesman for the water it. company said. VEGETABLE SOUP LeMay said he shouldn’t have asking that they reconsider THIN SPAGHETTI built the island in the first place their appointee in light of his 1 5 10-7-oz. $ 9 0 0 attendance record at the TOMATOES GRAPEFRUIT and that it was a hazard to ARTHUR DRUG V cans 1 3 pig. *1®® boaters and swimmers alike regional meetings. -**^-***!*$7REEI , , t t OivW**'' |40 WESI m a i n ST.I BROAD SIREEI and that is why he had removed Ruth Smith, a resident, spoke BASIC METALS it. in Moore’s favor, saying that ST. LOUIS (UPI) - The St. m S? t? p HOCKVIUE WINDSOR SWEiT LIFE AJAX LAUNDGT 10 4 9 < 5 lb.bag 0 3 ^ The commission could insist she had contacted several agen­ Louis region is the only one in MANCHESTER 643-1505875-9263 688-5283 that the island should be rebuilt cy members who told her that the nation producing six basic SUGAR DETERGENT or halt and further work on the Moore was reasonably active metals - iron, lead, zinc, copper, F site permanently or to permit compared to representatives aluminum and magnesium. EARTH BORN the project to be finished. SHOWER PONDS ICENTURY 5 ll'ai * 2 " * * 4. 0a 8 9 < POTATOES BANANAS SHAMPOO TO Ip o n dIUDRYSKIN TWIN CAMPBELL'S FRANCO AMERICAN GREEN APPLE - 'qjioS’®’ SPAGHEHIO’S 2 0 lb.bag 8 3 * lb. 1 5 * Land Purchase Hearing Set AVOCADO - APRICOT SHOWER CREAM EDGED PORK N BEANS Mfg. 1.89 15-oz. 6V4 oz. Fits all Trac II C $ 1 0 0 BLADES 4 iz *100 W cens 1 FROZEN FOODS DELI SPECIALS E TOLLAND to the town for $50,000. of procedure for the Board of c IC Type Handles The Board of Selectmen will Another public hearing item Selectmen. 8 oz. ______13 oz. LIM IT 1 BIRDS EYE FRENCH CUT OR hold a public hearing tonight at is an allocation from Revenue •Setting of a new date for a Largest Size Mfg. List 89d 50 CT. BOXES NEPCO BONANZA Sharing Fund of $9,944 to Mfg. List 1.79 LIM IT 1 7:30 at the Education Ad­ Charter Revision Hearing. DEODORANT BODY POWDER Mfg. List 2.49 Only 60 per store ^ $ 1 o o GREEN BEANS ministration building on the Streets and Roads Capital Ac­ BOOK MATCHES MINCED BOLOGNA...... , 6 9 ‘ proposed purchase of Southern count for a sand spreader and • Appointments of two TASTE 0 SEA New England Telephone Co. snow plows. members to the Tolland Health SWEET LIFE 17 OZ. KAHAM'S GERMAN STYLE Council. JEAN NATE SCOTCH GILLETTE GOLD SEAFOOD PLATTER property off Old Stafford, Dunn Other agenda items are: JEAN BRANSCHWDGER...... 5 9 * Hill, and Bald Hill Rds. •The proposed formation of •Appointment of a tree FRUIT COCKTAIL MRS. SMITH'S The ten-acre parcel, being an Historic District Study Com­ warden. NATE' SPRAY BATH HAIR HOT LATHER PLATED SNOW’S PASLEY considered for a possible future mittee. •Report from the Middle CHERRY PIE Spray MUENSTER CHEESE...... ,h. 9 9 < town hall site, is being offered •Adoption of proposed rules School building committee. POWDER SET TAPE MACHINE DELUXE MINCED CLAMS 8oz. SWEET LIFE Both 4.5 oz. KRAFT PIZZA 10 pak Pow der The Perfect Gift $ 1 o o Roche Makes Plea For $10 Dues MACARONI & CHEESE 7Va o z Mfg. List 7.50 tion even stronger than it 4.5 oz. VERNON be elected at the meeting Only 24 per store In an effort to help a new scheduled for Thursday at 7:30 currently is.” Mfg. List 79d Reg. 18.95 With Trac II Razor and chajrman start his reign off in p.m. in the First Federal Bank, He said his last request would SAVE «2.00 WITH THESE FANTASTIC COUPONS Foamy Shave Cream the black, James Roche, chair­ Park PL, Rockville. be that the members pay their LIM IT 2 Mfg. List 2.50 BUY NOW AND SAVE LIMIT 2 RAZOR KIT in Handsome Case man of the Vernon Democratic $10 voluntary dues at Model GSM-3 Town Committee is asking all Roche resigned due to Thursday’s meeting so “we can pay off the current deficit of ...... [ ...... T" ...... T...... 1 ...... T ...... r ...... ! ...... members to make their volun­ changes in his work schedule. PANTY HOSE tary dues contribution of $10 at He said, “I leave this position $541 and thereby allow the new REVLON OLD SPICE OLD SPICE the next meeting of the com­ with regret. It is my belief, chairman to start off with a clean financial slate.Please join 30‘ OFF ! 25‘ OFF i 20« OFF i 20^ OFF i 25^ OFF ; 25^ OFF ! 40^ OFF ! 15‘ OFF mittee. however, that our party is 2 pair HAIR SPRAY me in helping the new ad­ OLOGHE STICK Roche has resigned as chair­ enjoying a healthy upsurge and on 4 BARS man and a new chairman will this change will make our posi- ministration to begin in the \ 9’^ oz. 14 OZ. PKG. HEINZ IS OZ. black.” itdeodorant 10 LB. BAG 2 LB. CAN KRAFT DIAL 12 IN. 100 FT. ROLL KEEBLER MIL 13 oz. REG. m CHIP REG or LIME GAINES 1000 ISLANDS t69‘ 1 6 9 BATH HANOI GHERKINS CLING HILLS BROS. 4 YEAR 4 YEAR 4 YEAR Ha ir ' PECAN Buy Her A Couple MEAL DRESSING GUARANTEE spray. Reg. - Super Unscented WRAP FREE GUARANTEE w/fsHO^\'AlSR LARGEST SOAP (DOQ FOOD) PICKLES COFFEE a oz. G / k cffiiu SANDIES 100 % PICTURE TUBE ALL YOU PAY 1$ A NOMINAL TRIP CHARGE. For V A LE N T IN E S DAY Reg. 1.59 (Bath SIza) 1 0 0 % P A R T S SIZE Mfg. List 1.39 ONE COUPON PER FAMILY * COUPON PER FAMILY ONE COUPON PER FAMILY AFTER THE FIRST 90 DAYS SAVE! Mfg. List 2.75 ■iT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY ONE COUPON PER FAMILY ONE COUPON PER FAMILY I ONE CdUPON PER FAMILY I LIM IT 1 LIMIT 2 VALENTINE SPECIAL ONE COUPON PER FAMILY QOOD FEB. 10 : 15 QOOD FEB. 10 - 15 QOOD FEB. 10-15 | QOOD FEB. 10 - 15 QOOD FEB 10-15 I ‘ QOOD FEB. 10 - IS AT ARMATA'S ARMATA'S AT ARMATA'S CURTIS MATHES Techna 3 color TV it to precise, to rolioblo, AT ARMATA'S AT ARMATA'S AT ARMATA'S I AT ARMATA'S I I AT ARMATA'S that we & CM can back it with the longett, lAott complete NICE AYTINAL --- television warranty in the world— tiH 1979. No Douhletalkl N'EASY 19" diagonal Color Portable FORTY VITAMINS HAIR COLORING 800 EXTRA STAMPS WITH THESE COUPONS PIECE ALL SHA DES AYTINAL SET fllinluialMrilt r - » ' HOSTESS SET BAYER ASPIRIN BOTTLE OF 100 [v i t a m i n s f o r THE Mfg. List 10.95 SAVE! Mfg. List 1.37 WHOLE FAMILY Mfg. List 2,65 BOTTLE OF 100 EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS | EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS ■ EXTRA STAMPS ALL 8-TRACK with Huy 3 Lb. With Any Lb. Pfcg. ■ with Lb. Pkg. WlHi Gal. Jug WItb G Lb. lag J Win 1 Lb. Coint FROST f3fici«NTQuiL LILLY INSULIN WN1 1 L11.B 0 X WHhAny or More 10 oz. BACON ! LAND 0’ LAKES CLOROX IDAHO ! COHAGE STEREO TAPES NIIP o Everyday Law PREMIUM 2 D 0 L ROAST SALTINES EGGS ! CHEESE BLEACH POTATOES ! CHEESE PRICES BEEF NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A BRAND NEW 1975 100% SOLID STATE COLOR TV 1 9 ONE COUPON PER PAMILY ONE COUPON PER FAMILY PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER! SELECTIONS WERE NEVER BETTER! ONE COUPON PER FAMILY ONE COUPON PER FAMILY I ONE COUPON PER FAMILY ONE COUPON PER FAMILY ONE COUPON PER FAMILy I ONE COUPON PER FAMILY QOOD FEB. 10 - 15 QOOD FEB. 10 - 15 AltU-40 $ 1 . 0 9 QOOD FEB. 10 - 15 QOOD FEB. 10 - 15 I QOOD FEB. 10 - 15 QOOD FEB. 10 - 15 GOOD FEB. 10-15 | GOOD FEB. 10 - 15 AT ARMATA'S AT ARMATA'S AT ARMATA'S LARGEST AT ARMATA'S AT ARMATA'S ! AT ARMATA'S AT ARMATA'S AT ARMATA'S | MANCHESTER SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION Mfg. List 6.53 Mfg. List 2.89 ALLU-SO $ 2 . 0 8 LIMIT 2 SPECIAL VALUE OPEN PRICED ALL U-100 $ 2 . 5 9 WED.JHURS.,FRI.

'til 9 W ml MONO* ^ SAtf starts to day and runs thru Saturday Night! [master charge] GUciA<^9tywith your NO MONEY DOWN! BankAmericard SAl E ITEM OU ANTITIES LIMITED 10 STOCK IN SI OH I ’ L tM| •N iiatRU D r « a o J BANK AMERICARD or NEXT TO STOP & SHOP ^ ^ 1 ] MASTER CHARGE CARD WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANIIIK V Not 1

A 1 3 - I V S O a D I V PAGE TEN — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11.1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Tugg., Feb. 11, 1975 — PAGE ELEVEN

| . y , y J . Q JYI5 l e y D uplicate Bank Interlocks Uncovered BOSTON (UPI) - First stemming from nationwide cor­ unit, said a computer analysis when the director of one com­ B ridge National Boston Corp., which porate interlocks, or cross of data presented during the pany sits on the board of a se­ BUSINESS owns First National Bank of representation of directors hearings shows that the First cond company. A secondary in­ Karen Trombley of Glaston­ TH E BABY Results FYiday night in the Boston, has direct or indirect between two or more com­ National Boston Corp. has a terlock exists when the board of bury and Kenneth Henry of Andover Bridge Club game at board level connections to panies. primary or secondary interlock one company is linked to the Manchester were married Feb. IS NAMED BETTY’S NOTEBOOK Andover Congregational about 340 companies, including E. Winslow • Turner, chief to the boards of about 344 com­ board of a second company in­ 7 at St. Paul’s Church in By BETTY RYDER Church are: Mr. and Mrs. The Travelers Starts more than 100 other commer­ counsel to the subcommittee panies. directly because both have a Glastonbury. Donald Weeks, first; Mr. and cial banks. which conducted the hearings director on the board of a third The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Henry Samuelson, second; Osier, Jason David and Jessica Leigh, twin son and daughter for the Government Operations company. Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Bike Safety Program ’This and other new informa­ Paul Barton and Glenn Pren­ of Kenneth W. Jr. and Gail Boland Osier of Syracuse, N.Y. They Trombley of Glastonbury. The tion concerning so-called in­ How did the valentine custom get started in America? tiss, third. were bom Jan. 15 at Community General Hospital, Syracuse, bridegroom is the son of Mr. The Travelers Insurance Co. — poor riding skills and faulty terlocks among New England Well, researchers have pinned it down to one of this N.Y. ’Their maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. and Mrs. Thomas P. Henry of 9 of Hartford is adding bicycle equipment. corporations has been un­ Firm Starts Energy Program country’s first career women, Esther Howland of Results Friday night in the Boland of 31 Plymouth Lane. ’Their paternal grandparents are safety to its two-year-old covered by the Senate Com­ Monsanto Commercial Preston Dr. Manchester Bridge Club game The central feature of the Kennedy said the awards, in Worcester, Mass, who inspired the idea of sending “love in Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Osier Sr. of Syracuse, N.Y. Their “Physical Exercise Pays” mittee on Government Products Co. of South Windsor, plants in the last two years. In The Rev. Edward A. Chad- at 146 Hartford Rd. are: North- program is a safety clinic, pop­ the form of U.S/ Savings Bonds, an envelope.” ‘ maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Harold V. Heffron of 512 program, which encourages Operations and will be turned a unit of the Monasanto Co., has the last part of 1973, Monsanto ziewicz of St. Paul’s Church of­ South: Jeanne Raymond and ularly known as a bike rodeo, in will be presented to employes They say in 1847 Miss Howland, a stationer’s daughter, Center St. bicycling and other fitness ac­ over shortly to the Federal launched an energy conserva­ cut its rate of energy consump­ ficiated at the double-ring John Woodman, first; Loren which youngsters are scored on submitting the best e n e r^ con­ decid^ to start making her own valentines after receiving tivities. 'Trade Conunission. tion campaign aimed at com­ tion 5V4 per cent, Kennedy said, ceremony. Bernau and Byron Barclay, se­ their ability to handle their servation suggestions. one from England. With pots of paste, small colored cards, The company said the pany employes. Plant Manager and in the first nine months of The bride, given in marriage cond; Milt Gottlieb and John Stephens, Jennifer Leigh, daughter of Gary and Ellie LaMere bikes over a prescribed course. Kennedy said Monsanto has program was developed in Based on information Gerald Kennedy announced. 1974 energy use was further' scraps of lace, embossed paper and a pair of sharp by her father, wore an eggshell Descy, third. Stephens of Carter Dr., Tolland. She was born Feb. 4 at Coupled with the test of skill is taken several energy conserva­ response to the growing gathered by the committee in The nationwide campaign, reduced 7.1 per cent. scissors, she created her first cards. satin gown designed in Vic­ East-West; William Gordeii, Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are an inspection to spot and cor­ tion steps in its 45 American number of bicycles — nearly 80 hearings last summer, the FTC scheduled to run through April, Armed with her samples she called on stationery shops torian style. Her two-tiered veil Jean Peretti, first; Brian Tan Mr. and Mrs. Clifford LaMere of Collinsville. Her paternal grand­ rect defects in safety and of silk illusion was attached to a million in use and more being operating equipment. has launched its own probe into will be highlighted by awards in Boston and New York and soon had orders for about $5,- and Dennis Robinson, second; mother is Mrs. Josephine Jacobs of West Babylon, L.I., N.Y. She possible anti-competitive prac­ totaling $25,000 availabie to headpiece of lace which added every day — and bicycle * 000 worth of valentines. Fred and Kay Baker, third. has a sister, Kimberly, 4. tices and conflicts of interests Monsanto’s 42,000 employes. rranscendentiafMeditation matched the trim on her gown. accidents. The company cited As taught by MaharlshI Mahash Yogi Later, she assembled a staff of young ladies to cut, snip, She carried a trailing bouquet safety experts’ estimates of one McLean Dividend and stick together the hearts, flowers and cupid’s bows for Results Friday in the Schultz, Philip Eugene, son of Theodore L. and Josephine M. Directors of M'cLean 20 Minutes A Day Qlve — of white roses, carnations and Manchester Nite Time Novice Burgor Schultz of 14 Edgerton St. He was born Jan. 22 at million injuries a year, with her creations. ivy. more than 40,000 serious enough Trucking Co. have declared a kids valentine a IMPROVED HEALTH • MORE ENERQY Through the years. Miss Howland helped others express game at 146 Hartford Rd. are; Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother is regular quarterly dividend of 18 Installing Handshake Miss Suzanne Salach of North-South: William and Mrs. Eugene Burgor of Hartford. His paternal grandmother is to warrant emergency room a CALMNESS a INCREASED ALERTNESS love and affection, but alas, she never found romance In cents per share, payable April 1 Glastonbury was maid Of honor. Simone Calhoun, first; Lilly Mrs. Walter P. Schultz of 40 Olcott St. His paternal great­ treatment, and 1,000 deaths packages a IMPROVED PSYCHOLffOlCAL A marriage. In 1904, at the age of 78, she died a spinster. She wore a royal blue velvet from bike mishaps. to stockholders of record March Richard Schwolsky (left) of Manchester Isxcongratulated i lor OYoniona In the oIomI Crowley and Roger Dionne, se­ grandmother is Mrs. Agnes Fraher of Hartford. He has a brother, 3. - ______SOCIAL WELL REINO ------gown with hooded jacket lined cond; JoAnn Scata and Lauri Theodore Lawrence Jr., 2V2; and a sister, Tracy Lyn, 1. Called “Cycle Safety for by Art S. Leitch, president of the National Association of Th« BwMlIti of TM, Hovo Boon Vorlflod By Sclontific with light blue satin. She PEP,” the program was Listed on the New York Stock m a i t a i Riuorch Al Ovor 60 UnivtriltiM, Including tho Valentine Oddities Darman, third. Realtors, during recent ceremonies in which Schwolsky Harvard Madleal School, Stanford Raaaarch Inatituta, and U.C.LA. carried a nosegay of pink car­ Exchange, the 40-year-old, Heart-warming stories about people go naturally with East-West; Sue Fenton and McCarthy, Meg Veronica, daughter of William J. and Dana prepared in cooperation with nations, pink roses and baby’s North Carolina-based firm was installed as regional vice president of the association. priced FREE PUBLIC LECTURE IN MANCHESTER Inara Larson, first; William Freeman McCarUiy of 413 Parker St. She was bora Feb. 3 at the Amateur Bicycle League of Valentine’s Day. In Los Angeles, a husband reportedly breath. serves the South, Northeast, Schwolsky, president of Maddock and deVos of Hartford, from THURSDAY NIGHT, FEB. 13th, at 6 P.M. and Ann Brendle, second; B.B. Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her paternal grandparents are America, the President’s Coun­ took his wife into domestic relations court complaining Bridesmaids were Mrs. Midwest, and Southwest with will serve as liaison officer between the national associa­ ff the tniirael* of nuliiltYUt I Nice and Ronald Kraatz, third. Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman of 125 Avery St. Her paternal cil on Physical Fitness and at ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL that she’d received 27 valentines from her “circle of James Tillona of Manchester 112 trucking terminals. tion and Realtors in New England. l(B dowrttown manehtrter^ 26 ADAMS STREET, MANCHESTER grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy of 42 Helaine Sports, and the Bicycle 2 9 ^ » 8 8 ^ boyfriends.” In court the woman admitted sheepishly to and Miss Lynn Trombley of Results In the Feb. 6 Nutmeg Rd. Her maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Mary Aceto of 189 Institute of America, and is the judge that one person had sent them all — herself. Glastonbury, sisters of the YWCA game at the Community Oak St. Her paternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Edith McCarthy offered under the sponsorship bride; Mrs. Thomas Proxee of Garry Moore, television personality, is said to have sur­ Y are: Frankie Brown and of Manchester. She has a brother, Ted, 2W. of local Travelers agents. prised his wife some years ago on Feb. 14. He hired four Glastonbury; and Miss Linda Margaret Buths, first; Jane Targets of the effort are two Salach of East Hartford. They sky-writing planes to draw a heart three miles wide, Lowe and Jan Leonard, second; Snyder, Stephanie Dawn, daughter of Stephen H. and Sara A. major causes of bike accidents wore cranberry velvet gowns pierced by an arrow six miles long, with “Garry and Nell” Phyllis Pierson and Judy Pyka, Marr Snyder of 99 Nike Circle. She was born Feb. 5 at with hooded jackets lined with written inside. third. Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are pink satin. They carried Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Marr of Formoso, Kan. Her paternal grand­ nosegays of pink and cranberry Results in the Feb. 3 Nutmeg parents are Mr. and Mrs. Duane Snyder of Mankato, Kan. Her Buy Eggs ; Sweet and Sour carnations, roses, and baby’s YWCA game at the Community maternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Marr of ' Sentimental valentines weren’t the only kind sent during breath. Mrs. Kenneth Henry Y are; North-South; Bette Mar­ Superior, Neb. Her paternal great-grandparents are Mr. and Miss Kristin Lilly of Orchard By Grade the 1800s. Some contained crude caricatures and insulting tin and Elaine Howat, first; Mrs. Hugh Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Palmer, all of Park, N.Y., the bride’s niece, rhymes. Elaine Mitchell and Jan Belleville, Kan. One particular card shows a grotesque sketch of a was flower girl. She wore a pink and James Henry, all of Manchester after which the By State Department Manchester, brothers of the couple left on a trip to Ber­ Leonard, second; Frankie Of Consumer Protection woman with this message beneath: You silly, bad, im­ gown with cranberry velvet Brown and Faye Lawrence, hooded jacket lined in pink. She bridegroom;’ and Thomas muda. They will reside in An­ Buy graded eggs in cartons at modest flirt, you promenade the street — and wink with third. Sole, Brian Frederick, son of Frederick W. and Elizabeth carried a basket of pink and Trombley of Glastonbury, the dover. a store that keeps them in East-West: Eleanor Crafts ’Thompson Sole of 267 Green Rd. He was born Feb. 4 at jonging, wicked eye at every man you meet.” white carnations, roses and bride’s brother. Brian Lilly of Mrs. Henry is employed at refrigerated cases. and Sandy Craft, first; Betty Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are In most cases though, researchers say “love conquers baby’s breath. Orchard Park, N.Y., the bride’s Travelers Insurance Co., Hart­ Grademarks indicate the quali­ The Launi and Mary Warren, se­ Mr. and Mrs. Andrus E. Thompson of Elk River, Minn. His pater­ all,” and such tender messages as these still prevail: “The Robert Viara of Manchester nephew, was junior usher. ford. Mr. Henry is employed ty at the time of grading and if cond; Marj Warner and Bar­ nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William C. Sole of Essex heart that has truly loved never forgets,” “The fickleness was best man. Ushers were A reception was held at with Communication Cable Inc. they have been properly bara Fuerst, third. Center, Vt. His maternal great-grandfather is Glenn V. Thomp­ of the women I love is equallea oy me constancy of the Thomas Henry, Robert Henry, Willie’s Steak House in in Manchester. handled since grading, there son of Reeds Spring, Mo. He has a brother, Andrew, 2. women who love me,” and “It is with true love as it is should be little loss in quality. SATURDAY Grade AA or A eggs are with ghosts; everyone talks of it, but few have seen it.” son of Frank Jr. and Venda Cottom Kos of Pinochle Ko§, John Matthew, excellent for all purposes, but Early folklore suggested that a young girl should even­ Fayetteville, N.C. He was bora Jan. 2 at the U.S. Army Hospital, are especially good for tually marry the first eligible male she would lay eyes on Scores Ft. Bragg, N.C. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Barrera Will Conduct poaching and frying where the that day. This gradually evolved into the day which a loved George Cottom of Terre Haute, Ind. His paternal grandparents BANK is Helping You Top scorers in the appearance of the finished bne would make his proposal of marriage. Somehow, in the >• A B O U T are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kos Sr. of 119 Chambers St. His maternal Manchester Senior Citizens product is important. Grade B Legion Safety Course great-grandparents are Mrs. Anna Cottom and Carson Haase, 18th century, this day became the special opportunity for Pinochle Group game Thursday eggs are satisfactory for use in TOWN both of Terre Haute. His paternal great-grandmother is Mrs. loved ones to show their affections by means of gifts and register immediately at the at the Army and Navy Club are: cooked dishes. cards, and thus it became a “token of affection” day. The Dilworth-Cornell-Quey Sam Schors, 592; A ifreda Martha McCollum of 31F McGuire Lane. Fight Inflation by Post of the American Legion Legion home. Supplies and Good value is not affected by 1 Hallin, 562; Esther Anderson, i will sponsor a home firearms pamphlets for this course must the grade of the egg since lower F 558; and William Messier, 552. I Good News The worship and music com­ safety course on Thursday, be ordered. The course is grades are as high in nutrients The group sponsors a game as top grades. ’The color of the : The rules for buying used cars have changed. These mittee of Emanuel Lutheran March 20 at 7 p.m. in the upper offered free of charge to all Church will meet tonight at 7:30 area residents. each Thursday at 9:45 a.m. at shell doesn’t affect the nutritive REDUCING Dur days, according to facts found in a current book, you don’t hall of the Post Home on the Army and Navy Club. Play Buffet-Theater Night have to take the dealer’s word about the car’s previous in the church reception room. American Legion Dr. The Charles Barrera has been ap­ value or quality of the egg so is open to all senior citizens. buy either white or brown eggs, performance. course is open to the public. pointed post safety chairman by The stewardship comi^ittee Cmdr. John Mayne. Barrera is Planned at MCC , as you please. , A little-known provision of the odometer law requires Because of arrangements of Center Congregational a certified rifle, pistol, shotgun, Eggs are classified by size NEW CAR the dealer to obtain a mileage statement from the car’s that have to be synchronized to Church will have an evaluation registration, applicants must home firearms, and hunter Benefit Ball according to weight per dozen. previous owner. You can look at it, write down the owner’s meeting tonight a 7:30 in the safety instructor. He will be ’The Hotel and Food Service will be served. Tickets for the Incidentally, size is indepen­ E name and address, and ask him yourself. Federation Room of the church. assisted by Mayne, and George Planned By Management Program at buffet are $4.50, per person. dent of quality as large eggs The property committee will Atkins Sr. who are both cer­ Manchester Community Following the dinner, tickets may be of high or low quality LDAN RATES ; Miss Teen-ager Contest also meet at 7:30 in the Robbins tified instructors; and Dale Beta Sigma College is sponsoring a buffet at $1 per person may be and high-quality eggs maybe of Room of the church. Valli, Red Cross instructor. and theater night Thursday purchased at the Student Center any size. Common market sizes ’ Young ladies of the area are invited to enter the fourth The Hartford Area Council of This course is being offered beginning at 6:15 in the HFSM office for “Babbitt and the Fire of eggs and the minimum annual Miss Connecticut Teen-ager Pageant to be held in Beta Sigma Phi will sponsor a Martha’s Circle of Emanuel to familiarize families owning dining room at the Student Bug,” which begins at 8:30. weight per dozen are as llune. The pageant is the official state finals to the Miss benefit dinner-dance on Satur­ Lutheran Church will meet Center, Bidwell St. follows: large, 24 ounces;' firearms with safety, cleaning day, Feb. 22, at the Sheraton To reserve tickets call 646- hilational Teen-ager pageant to be held in Atlanta in Thursday at 2 p.m. in the music and storage procedures of guns Hartford Hotel. A buffet menu including 4900, ext. 259 or pick them up medium, 21 ounces and small, August. room at the church. Madeline and ammunition. assorted hor d’ourvres, stuffed 18 ounces. Proceeds from the ball will when you pick up your dinner , Contestants must be between 13-17 years of age as of Carlson is in charge of Demonstrations to point out tomato, sliced baked ham, hot In recipe cooking the sub­ be donated to the Newington ticket from the college August 30. There is no swimsuit or talent competition. devotions.-Hostesses are Anna general rules for safe handling German potato salad, deviled stitution of one size egg for Children’s Hospital for medical bookstore. For details write to Mrs. Annette Looper, 3333 Hampton T. Anderson, Gerda Orr and of all types of firearms, actual gelatin salad, Hungarian another often makes little equipment. A roast top sirloin pd., Raleigh, N.C. Mildred Noren. manipulatory skills with goulash with spatzel, German Frank P. Lattuca Jr., assis­ of beef dinner will be served at difference in the result. f weapons will be presented. corned beef with cabbage, Ger­ tant professor and coordinator 7:30 p.m. Music will be However, in some recipes, as in Hollis and Dupee Circles of Barreara said, “Figures man apple strudel with cheese, of the HFSM programs, is in sponge and angelfood cakes, the ‘ The Light of Dawn provided by A1 Gentile’s Big South United Methodist Church homemade bread, coffee or tea. charge of the event. , “Yes,” I answered you last night; “No,” this morning, released by the National Rifle Band fi;om 9 to 1 a.m. proportion of egg to other in­ will have a joint meeting Association show that there are Tickets are on sale at G. Fox gredients is very important. sir I say: Colors seen by candlelight, will not look the same tonight at 7:30 at Susannah more fatalities in the home For such recipes, it may be py day.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) Wesley House of the church. & Co. For further information than in the field each year.” or tickets call 289-5040. necessary to increase the The program will include a film number of eggs if you are using sponsored by the American a smaller size. Cancer Society on breast A ^alentim eljr Eggs are generally found cancer. Let us show you how to pack^ with the small end down Charles Barrera and it is wise to store them in ^ m i n d e r approximately the same washyour face without positions. The air cell (air space between shell mem- IN THE SERVICE Henry Hock has brances) is normally in the drying your skin. large end of the egg. l^ e n buying eggs at market, 1 Navy Quartermaster Seaman Mechanic Airman Kimble P. 17 reasons vthy you Many soaps, even those lift the box cover to detect any JAppren. Raymond A. Cote Jr., Elmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. broken eggs with contents pon of Mrs. Barbara J. Cote of with lanolin, glycerine or Paul B. Elmore of 4 Bayberry leaking. A cooking hint: To *15 Hawley St., is participating should (xxne to us cold cream, are alkaline Rd., Bolton, has completed a avoid cracked shells when ^n operational readiness by nature. (The opposite six-month deployment with boiling eggs, pierce the shell at (raining exercises in the Indian of your skin which is Fighter Squadron 102. He for income tax help. the large end of the egg with a pcean as a crewmember of the returned to the Naval Air Sta­ slightly acidic.) Alkalinity pin or other pointed article so iiuclear-powered attack air­ tion, Oceana, Va., after a ^ aso n 14. We’re human, and once can counteract your skin’s that the cell air can escape craft carrier USS Enterprise. Mediterranean cruise aboard m a great while we make a mistake, natural acid balance and tCote has been deployed to the during cooking without bursting the a irc ra ft c a rrie r USS j}. . J^eans you must pay help make it dry and taut. the shell. Western Pacific from his Independence. A 1972 graduate r-in-law homeport at Alameda, Calif., additional tax, you pay only the tax. II of E.O. Smith High &hool in Redken’s Amino Pon Answers to questions of since October. Storrs, he joined the Navy in We pay any interest or penalty. Beauty Bar has been general interest will appear in November 1972. We stand behind our work. □ Grand children Navy Aviation Structural scientifically formulated without soap so you can wash this column. Address questions your face without drying your skin. This non-soap is □ N iece lOdparents to: “Of Consumer Concern,” wheat-based and contains vitamins, natural protein Department of Consumer humectants and other beneficial ingredients. And, like Protection, State Office HAVE YOU AH all Redken products found in our salon, it’s acid- Building, Hartford, Conn. 06115, Superb EVENT SCHEDULED balanced to be compatible with your skin. or dial toll free 1-800-842-2649. THAT CALLS FOR FOOD? Let us introduce you to Amino Pon Beauty Bar and all our other wonderful Redken skin care products including Valentine’s Day Friday, Feb. 14 It may be a wedding, a Amino Pon Moisturizing Lotion and Proderma Cream. Remember all your loved ones with thoughtful banquet or just an informal Hallmark Valentines and gifts. BOLAND get-together of a .'society, Stop by our Redken Retail Center today and discover for lodge or some friendly group. yourself the beautiful things science can do for you. The Fine$t Valentine Candy OIL CO. We Are Prepared to Hearts Available^ Please Place Your IXUlIil EST. 1935 Serve You to Your THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE Order Early for Best Selection,,, Complete Satiifaction Manchester Parkade Gateway Shop Plaza Over 25 Years of Continuous Servtcel Our catering service is set up Manchester Vernon FUEL OIL Savings Bank to be flexible enough to ac-' 366 Spencer St. 2854 Main St. commodate any size 1181 Main St. Glastonbury 38.9* gathering. Why not call us and E. Hartford OTHER AREA OFFICES flEDKEN' 200 Oallcn Minimum talk over the details? Ward & Union Sts Coventry Rockville AUTOMATIC DELIVERY of Manchester Stafford Springs WESTOWM Km SALON OF BEAUTY " ^ PHARMACY , • ^ 24 HOUR SERVICE Member F.D.I.C. Garden Grove Caterers. Inc. Sears TELEPHONE 649-5313 - 649-5314 Also------In------J Manchester Parkade m Hartl«4 M . ManclMstar 14S-B230 MANCHESTER a EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON # ANDOVER Open 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Weekdays, 9-5 Sat. & Sun., Phone 646-5441) e r EAST C E N T E R S T . 846-6320 OPEN TONIGHT ■ NO APPOINTMENT NECMSARV Manchester, Conn. Tel. 643-1939 ■fOUn COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICl STORf MS Cwriar S t, Hanchaatar 6 4 6 - 1 7 0 0 mmmmmmrntmm . People-to-People Banking V

DaD!V. I rnd PAGE TWELVE — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11,1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11, 1975— PAGE THIRTEEN

One-Two HERALD Pair of Batting Champions SPORTS Tribe Needs Win Tonight CENTERVILLE, Mass. ANGLE BRIEFS (IJPl) — Holy Cross and By EARL YOST BASKETBALL Connecticut have held Sports Editor their respective one and Take Cases to Arbitration two rankings in the weekly PEE WEE Piccolo Award To Clinch Tourney Berth With Roger Greenwood New England Division of tossing in a game-high seven CHICAGO (UPI) — Freg Pagac, a tight end, has been the Eastern Collegiate NEW YORK (U P I)-L ast season; Ralph Garr of desire to try and work things points, the Celtics got past named winner of the annual Brian Piccolo Award as the Athletic Conference stan­ Chicago but none is Attorney Jerry Kapstein, By Len Auster triumph in three remaining 23.3 average. Ray Sullivan either East or South Notes from the Black Book season’s two batting cham­ Atlanta, the NL batting scheduled in those cities un­ out with A’s owner Charles Burger King, 17-13, last night at Rookie of the Year on the Chicago Bears. (4-8,4-12), Rham High (162, dings. who is handling eight of the Back in the 1968-69 contests to gain a berth to (15.5) and Mike Quesnel Catholic to get in. 12-4) visits East Hampton pions, the runnerup in the champ; Ferguson Jenkins of til after Wednesday. players going to arbitration, 0. Finley rather than seek the East Side Rec. Tim The award, which is selected by the Bears’ veterans, Holy Cross, 15-3, and It cost $450,000 to erect the special tennis court at Cae­ scholastic basketball the Ciass AA Division. Since (12.8) are the top point Cheney Tech, 12-6 for the High (6-6, 67), Coventry 1974 American League Cy Texas, a 2^game winner; also represents Steve arbitration. Feshler’s six markers were goes to the rookie who "best exemplifies the courage, UConn, 14-3, were sar’s Palace for the recent winner-take-all match between Other players known to best for Burger. season, all three local en­ the Indians revamped their producers for Manchester. season, has been led in High (4-8, 611) faces Bacon Rod Laver and Jimmy Connors. The facility, which seats Young Award voting and 11 and stars Reggie Jackson, Garvey of Los Angeles, the Campaneris, however, is loyalty, teamwork, dedication and humor” of Piccolo, a style to a running attack, followed Monday by have decid^ to seek ar­ Also, Willie’s outpointed Top tries qualified for the CIAC Although it has safely scoring by backcourtman Academy (5-8, 8-9) in 4,000, and the land cost $650,000. It was constructed in two members of the defending Joe Rudi, Sal Bando, Ken NL’s Most Valuable Player, in the minority among the running back signed by the Bears as a free agent in 1966, they’ve won six of eight Boston College, 15-5, Ver­ bitration are pitcher Mike Notch, 27-12, with Paul State Tournament. That feat tucked away a berth to the Tom LeCourt (17.8) and Colchester and Ellington months...Jack Redmond, local Racquet Club pro, spent world champions all have Holtzman, Gene Tenace and in negotiations, but Kapstein A’s replars. Rudi, Jackson, who died of cancer in 1970. decisions. Rebounding is one mont, 14-6, and Cuellar of Baltimore, out­ Tucker’s eight points best for can be duplicated tonight if State Tournament, East is to center Mark Viklinetz High (67, 7-9) entertains several hours before the cameras filming the commercial decided to take their salary Rollie Fingers of Oakland. said Monday night that the Bando, Tenace and Fosse Willie’s and Tim Carmel’s four key topedient to a running Providence 12-6, to round fielder Garry Maddox of San Manchester High upends a “must win” situation (15.8). LeCourt is the new NCCC cellar dweller Somers being used to promote the Aetna World Cup matches at the disputes to arbitration. The A’s, who had nine Dodger first baseman did are all frst stringers and for the Foodmen. Andrews to Japan attack and when the Silk out the top five. Francisco, pitcher Bert CCIL foe Enfield High at against Northwest. The Cheney career scoring High (612, 1-15). Hartford Civic Center next month. The commercial runs 'The deadline for filing for players go to arbitration last not file for arbitration. four of them are taking their BOSTON (UPI) — Mike Andrews, former Oakland A’s Towners didn’t get their The front four teams Blyleven of Minnesota, Clarke Arena starting at Eagles are to fifth position record holder with 802 points 30 seconds...Two tickets for a New England Whaler arbitration ended at mid­ year, were far and away the case to arbitration for the MIDGET infielder who was “fired” by owner Charles 0. Finley share (against Conard and will enter the regional catcher Ray Fosse of “The Dodger ballclub has 7:45. in the HCC at 65 and only thus far while Viklinetz is hockey game will be awarded as a door prize at the Elks night EST Monday and it over-all team leader again. second year in a row. Last Action at the West Side Rec during the 1973 World Series and subsequently filed a $2.5 Wethersfield) they came but playoffs to be held in West Oakland, pitcher Ray expressed a desire for us to Tournament-bolind East the top four clubs after fast approaching the old Sports Night, Feb. 19 at the Elks Home. Kevin Walsh of the was known that at least 27 Arbitration hearings will year an impartial arbitrator last night saw Crispino’s million suit, has signed to play with the Kinetsu Buffaloes on the short end of the Money Troubles Springfield, Mass., March Sadecki of St. Louis, pitcher keep things in the family and 'Catholic and Cheney Tech regular season action wil standard of 761 held by John Whalers and Dick McAuliffe, new manager of the Bristol players were on record as begin in San Francisco ruled in favor of Jackson squeeze by Nassiff Arms, 30-25. scoreboard. It’s now essen­ SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A 6-8 that will decide the Dan Carrithers and catcher we will put our trust in of the Japanese major leagues. The 31-year-old Andrews, are out of town. The Eagles participate in the HCC Tour­ Goodrow. The 64 pivotman Red Sox and former major league infielder, will speak...A having decided to go that W^nesday for the A’s with and Bando but against Rudi Bill Anderson paced the whose suit against Finley is still in litigation, has siped a tial the Indians run to win. tennis teaching company in New England entrant in Bob Stinson of Montreal, that,” said Kapstein, winners with 13 points with will be donning their road nament where the loop has 723 points to date. Bolton hockey team uses 2,000 pucks a season and must be frozen route. two cases being heard. and Tenace. one-year contract after week-long negotiations. which Billie Jean King and her the NCAA National Tour Among the more promi­ Hearings will continue pitcher Randy Moffitt and referring to Garvey’s status. Holtzman and Fingers Tony LeFabre and Kevin Rume blues when they battle Enfield, like Manchester, crown will be annexed. is 4-9 in the COC and out of husband are major nament. before being put into play. A refrigerator is necessary outfielder Von Joshua of San adding four apiece. Joe Panaro Northwest Catholic in a big tournament contention at 6 equipment at a playing site. The pucks are frozen so they nent names on the list are through Feb. 22. Another of Kapstein’s also sought arbitration last is 9-7 in all games needing Northwest and South are stockholders is in financial Francisco and first baseman and ^ o tt Holmes netted nine Miller Ahead HCC contest at the Hartford presently tied for the third 10 with four dates trouble. will not bound around all night. Another interesting Rod Carew of Minnesota, Cases also will be heard in clients, Bert Campaneris of year and both were one victory to attain tourna­ markers each for Nassiff’s. ,NEW YORK (UPI) — Johnny Miller, winner of three Civic Center at 8:45 in the rung at 3-4. remaining. Paul Groves and TennisAmerica, Inc, a statistic on hockey, a pro club goes through 200 dozen the AL’s batting king last Los Angeles, New York and Jim Spencer of Texas. Oakland, also expressed a successful. ment status. The Raiders tournaments thus far on the PGA Tournament Players second half of a P a t Fletcher are the privately held firm, reportedly sticks a season...Rutgers poses a serious threat to UConn’s are 7-7 in le a p e play. In an The Eagles, 11-6 over-all, Division Tour, has pocketed $108,343 already and is doubleheader. Cheney has a Bulldogs’ leading had liabilities of $410,000 and 17-game home winning streak tonight at Storrs. “I know BUSINESSMAN earlier meeting, Enfield are led in scoring by Tim Indiana Holds shootng for the record $353,021 he earned last year. Gary short trip sojourning to marksmen. In an earlier assets of $17,000 last Nov. 30 that we can’t run against a club like Rutgers,” Coach Dee Paced by Ron Riordan (24) overcame a 31-17 halftime turner (13.4) and John Lusa and reportedly is considering Groh, winner of the Hawaiian Open two weeks ago, has Bolton High. meeting, Cheney prevailed, Top Ranking Rowe said. The Huskies looked sharp with a running game and Greg Breen (20), Groman’s deficit to take a 49-44 ver­ (13.2). Northwest is 8-8 with filing for bankruptcy, although taken over the second spot with ^9,473 with Gene Littler Manchester, 9-7 over-all 65-63. against Boston University and UMass last week, both vic­ topped Roberts Electric, 79-63, dict. Six-foot-three senior two games left before the its attorney says an alternative NEW YORK (UPI) - In­ dropping to third with ^9,171. and alone in fourth place in Elsewhere in the area. tories...Bob Zufaletto, whose Boston College Eagles are last night at the Community Y. Jim Hayden paces the tournament qualification method of making up its finan- diana, for the sixth straight Twyman Blasts Don Grundmier ied Roberts the CCIL at 7-6, needs one South Windsor High (63,11- week, was United Press Inter­ rated No. 1 on the college hoop scene in New England this Injury Raiders in scoring with a deadline and must defeat cial liabilities is being with 15 points. 6) entertains Rockville High negotiated. national Board of Coaches’ season, is a former Central Connecticut State College With Sam Talaga and Jim “Slrengtfi” Coach choice as the nation’s No. 1 player and coach at Conard High. Stand of Russell Kelly pouring in 19 and 18 points CINCINNATI (UPI) — Kim Wood, a former University college basketball team. Shelves respectively, the Buzzards And, for the third straight of Wisconsin football player, has been siped by the Cincin­ Worthy of Consideration bested Honda Civic, 69-63. Rick week, the Hoosiers were an un­ CINCINNATI (UPI) — Bill Russell should be enshrined nati Bengals of the National Football L eape as a fulltime Long-time reader of The Herald and a sports fan called Lawrence (16) and Merrill “strength” coach. Wood is an expert on physical fitness, animous selection by UPI’s and asked if Leo Katkaveck was ever considered for a Gold in the basketball Hall of Fame “whether he wants to or Myers (10) were best for Hon­ Straight A Students board of 42 coaches. not,” says Jack Twyman. Lanier according to Bengal Coach Paul Brown, and he will check MCC Win Skein Key award from the Connecticut Sports Writers’ Alliance. da. UCLA maintained its hold on and propam Bengals’ players during the off-season as the second spot, but Maryland Katkaveck, who sparked Cheney Tech (then known as “The game is bigger than any individual,” declares well as the re p la r season. First String Choices Manchester Trade) to its only CIAC Basketball Tourna­ Halted After One replaced Louisville as No. 3 Twyman, a member of the Hall of Fame’s board of Bob Lanier’s knee gave out MIDGET after the Cardinals were upset ment crown later starred at North Carolina State and was trustees that voted to enshrine Russell. early and it was no contest Action at filing Junior High by Tulsa Saturday. Louisville the first state man to play in the Basketball Association of after that. EAST LANSING, Mich. Reggie Barnett, a sociology Russell, former Boston Celtics star and now coach of the Dolphin on Stand last night saw Army & Navy Cepeda Retires Unable to stay on the winning track, Manchester Com­ (UPI) — Four “straight A” major. fell to seventh as a result of the America with Washington. The BAA was the forerunner of Lanier, the 6-foot-ll center of clobber Sportmart, 11656, and Seattle SuperSonics, has said he will refuse induction “for munity College dropped a 7676 basketball verdict to South scholar-athletes were among Oklahoma had the Selmon loss. the NBA. Katkaveck, to my knowedge, was never con­ the Detroit Pistons, left after Westown Pharmacy outlast SAN JUAN, P.R. (UPI) — Orlando Cepeda is finally personal reasons.” Central Community College last night at Cheney Tech. the first string selections to the twins, Dewey and Le Roy, both North Carolina State jumped sidered although he boasts some mighty impressive only four minutes of play Mon­ Fred’s Athletic Club, 8670. retiring after 18 seasons as a pro baseball player. Cepeda, two spots to No. 4, while Twyman said Monday he voted for Russell and would Tim Tilley’s layup with 30 seconds remaining gave the vic­ 1974 Academic All-America defensive tackles, named to the credentials. The Gold Key list of nominees is a long one day night and Kareem Abdul- Charles Stetson (22), Bob released last season by the Kansas City Royals, said Mon­ Southeastern Conference again even in light of Russell’s spurning of the honor. Jabbar took over. Jabbar tory to the visitors. team announced today by second team and safety Randy Carlson (22), Charles Wrinn day he has decided against accepting a $250,(KX) contract to college sports information league-leaders Kentucky and with all candidates richly deserving of the honor...Jim “Whether Bill wants to or not, he will take his place in Briscoe Cites scored 39 points to power the Hughes, a finance major, (21), Norm Burke (20) and Joe play in Japan. Instead, the 37-year-old former National and South spurted to an 18-9 directors. Alabama claimed fifth and Zuccardy, fine volleyball player with the National Division the history of basketball,” said Twyman. “The game is Milwaukee Bucks to a 130-109 named to the first team. Massoloni (17) led the Ser­ American L eape star wili dedicate himself to helping iead behind the shooting of Iverson paced the Cougars For the second straight year. sixth, respectively. leading Latvians, suffered a serious ankle injury last night bigger than any individual and he made one of the biggest rout of the Pistons in one of only The 4.0-grade performers vicemen while Dick Grant and promising piayers as well as running gymnasium he is Tilley and Dennis Flowers with 26 points with Tucker Southern California quarter­ Arizona State climbed past and will be sidelined for the balance of the season. Henry contributions to it.” two National Basketball named to the team were offen­ ‘Rozelle Rule’ Norm Davidson with 19 and 14 building in San Juan. and the rebounding prowess and Peoples adding 20 and 15 back Pat Haden, an English Southern California into eighth Frey, another veteran player with the same entry, was Association games played Mon­ sive end Doug Martin, with a Twyman, a Cincinnati Royals star for 11 seasons, said he markers respectively topped of lanky center Julius Den­ markers respectively. South major, was selected to the first after the Trojans were upset by forced to retire after two games with a leg injury in a day night. double major in physics and had “no idea” if Russell could now be voted out of the Hall Sportmart. Craig Phillips ied Central, now 1612 over-all team. He also won an NCAA Oregon State. North Carolina match against Watkins. ilie Bucks hit 16-of-23 shots in nis. The Cougars came back economics at Vanderbilt; of Fame. MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) — Marlin Briscoe said Monday Westown with 28 points with with Tom Tucker 12-foot and 7-8 in the CCCAA, was scholarship and a Rhodes was 10th. the opening quarter and built a Bill McCarthy (21), Paul 12 Have Agreed defensive end Greg Markow, a “But I sure wouldn’t vote him out,” he added. “As far as he believed the controversial Rozelle rule prevented the jumper and two layups from paced by Anderson’s 21 scholarship. End of the Line I’m concerned he is in the Hall of Fame and he belongs 40-22 first-period lead. The Bushnell (10) and l^ b Harnett CINCINNATI (UPI) — The Cincinnati Reds announced business major at Mississippi; New York Jets from signing him away from the Buffalo closest Detroit came after that Curt Iverson making it 21-19 markers. Also in double defensive tackle Mack Lan­ Ron Ryan, coach of the New England Whalers in the there. If a group votes somebody to an honor, I’m not sure Bills in 1971. (10) also contributing to the Monday night the siping of right-handed relief pitcher was 10 points early in the fourth winning totai. Don Storrs paced with 5:18 left in the first figures for the winners were caster, a pre-med student at World Hockey Assn., recently purchased a new Mercury that honor is dependent upon the reaction of the individual. The Miami Dolphin wide receiver testified on the quarter. Lanier scored just two Clay Carroll, making 12 who have apeed to terms for the half. Tilley 16, Flowers 16 and Tulsa, and defensive back Kings Get Help from Moriarty Bros...Off to Daytona Beach, Fla., Fred’s with 22 tallies with Jack “When I was asked to vote, I was not asked to measure opening day of the second week of an antitrust suit trial points and picked up three fouls 1975 baseball season with 28 players to go. South held a 3629 halftime Dennis 11. Terry Drennan, a pre-med stu­ INGLEWOOD, Calif. (UPI) tomorrow morning for the Daytona Speed Week auto Burg and Bob Belekewicz ad­ the personal feelings of a person. I measured what he did being heard by U.S. District Court Judge Earl Larson. before leaving. ding 18 and 15 points respective­ Carroll was the Reds’ highest paid hurler last year, at edge before the collegians MCC, now 615 over-all dent at Texas Christian. — The Los Angeles Kings, down racing will be Jim McCavanagh, Matt Moriarty Jr. and in 13 seasons for the Celtics. about $65,0(X). He sought $100,000 for the coming cam paip The trial is the result of a suit initiated by 16 former and Bob Dandridge added 23 narrowed the gap to 5655 and 610 in the conference, Martin also was named to the AND to four defensemen because of Bob Price...Ken Morgester reports he’s happy to be No.2 ly. “And what he did was bring titles to the Celtics for 11 of present National Football League players who contend the points for Milwaukee. Howard but the club did not disclose his contract terms.~ with 11:13 left in the second next faces Greater Hartford team last year. injuries, picked up some bench among Manchester rooters of Pittsburgh major league Porter, with 22 points, led the help Monday by buying those seasons. He was perhaps the most outstanding Rozelle rule is monopoiistic. The rule gives NFL Com­ MCC WOMEN Earlier Monday the Reds announced the siping of left- half on hoops by Tucker and Community College Satur­ teams, the Steelers and Pirates. Carl Zinzsser holds the Pistons. Notre Dame was the only defenseman ken Murray from player of the past 15-20 years and that’s why I voted for missioner Pete Rozelle the power to set compensation Gaining its third win against handed pitcher Don Gullett and shortstop Dave Concep­ Iverson. Rich Anderson and day night at Cheney Tech at No.l membership card among Silk Town residents...This him and would do it again.” Milwaukee led, 68-50, at the five defeats yesterday was the cion, ending worries by officials that Gullett might seek school to place two players on the Kansas City Scouts. before a player who plays out his option with one team can Dennis kept the visitors in 7:30. In a prelim, MCC’s the first team — offensive end year’s Nutmeg Bowl football game featuring the outstand­ Twyman, 40, now an insurance company executive here, half but the Pistons closed to Manchester Community salary arbitration. Murray, 27, who is expected to be signed as a free agent by another team. the iead with some timely women’s team will meet its Pete Demmerle, who is TONIGHT join the Kings for their ing senior players from Eastern and Western sections of figures, “Russell can say what he wants and the Hall of within 13 at 95-82 going into the College women’s team, 5622 Briscoe told the court after the Jets failed to sign him, final quarter. Detroit closed to shooting and rebounding but facuity counterparts. majoring in English and 7:30 UConn vs. Rutgers, Wednesday night NHL game the state will be played at Yale Bowl on Saturday after­ Fame can do what it wants.” over Housatonic Community WTIC he went to Miami in 1972 under a three-year contract for a within 10 at 97-87 with just over MCC finaily knotted it at 67- Spanish, and defensive back against Atlanta. noon, Aug.9. Tickets will be a dollar in advance and $2 at Twyman said he doesn’t consider the Hall of Fame “tar­ College at Cheney Tech. HeHl Be Missed South Central (78) No. 1 draft pick. Briscoe, 29, said he was a 14th draft pick 11 minutes left but the Bucks Gail Bartlett paced the all on two free throws by Mat Veteran Tilley the gate. Proceeds will enter the New Haven Register nished or diminished” by Russell’s reaction. CAGUAS, Puerto Rico (UPI) — If Jay Johnstone does OwOflLO'WieC VOLKSWAOCN co*f« by Denver from the University of Omaha in 1968. roused themselves and quickly Cougars with 23 points with Billy Peoples. Fernandez Fresh Air Fund and the Times. well as an outfielder with the Phiiadelphia Phillies next He said he hasn’t talked with Russell in two or three However, the Broncos refus^ to sign him as a quarter­ opened another 20-point lead. Vicky Erikson adding 13 A three-point play by Dennis Husky Leon Thibodeau years. Since voting was conducted by mail, Twyman said The Pistons dropped 1^ season, C apas baseball fans will be happy for him but sad Flowers will be with Manchester back in 1969. He said he was asking about $40,000 but would markers. Elaine Pincince ied MCC’s John Dishaw put the Britt games behind first place for their own team. ‘Connors Winner' there wasn’t a chance for board members to consider what have accepted $35,000. Denver offered $19,000 but after an the board brigade with 16 locals in the lead, 72-71 with Lewis High’s wrestlers against Russell’s reaction might be. Chicago in the Midwest Divi­ “JJ,” as the 26year-old Connecticut native is called Anderson injury, he was sidelined before he signed a contract and he rebounds. 1:38 left. The quintets Smith 1 1 Penney High of East Hart­ SALISBURY, Md. (UPI) - Top foreign seed Die Nastase “When I voted, I didn’t figure he would react this way, sion. The Bucks are still in last The MCC maidens led at the here, was allowed to play with the C apas Criollos during became a free agent. exchanged buckets before ford Wednesday night at Top-seeded American Jimmy is scheduled to face Billy Maze, place, five games out and llA half, 32-6, with reserves playing Totals 36 78 but I must say I’m not really surprised because Bill has Briscoe said the Bills offered him $16,000, about $1,000 the recently completed Puerto Rican winter leape season Manchester (76) 7:30 at the Clarke Arena. Connors swept past Jiri Granat an 18-year-old Californian, behind third-place Kansas City- most of the second half. Flowers and Tilley tossed in THE PRICE OF always been outspoken about things,” said Twyman. “I over his 1968 contract but actually less money because he because he had fewer than 250 at bats with the 1974 B F Pts. It will be a CCIL match. of Czechosiovakia Monday today. Omaha. layups for a 77-74 advantage Iverson 13 0 26 don’t pretend to know Russell’s personal feelings. I only received $6,000 in bonuses from Denver the previous year. Phillies. If he has a good season with the Philiies in night as the U.S. indoor tennis Connors devoured his slower In the only other game, Louie ILLING-BENNET GIRLS with 30 seconds to go. Reynolds 3 2 8 know what my measurement yardstick was. “I didn’t have much leverage to negotiate a position or 1976-inciuding more than 250 at bats-he won’t be back. Dishaw 2 1 6 tournament moved into the opponent Monday in straight Nelson scored a career-high 29 Tucker cut it to one with a Tucker “And that criteria was what Bill did on the basketball Victorious over crosstown The Criolios wili miss him. third day of play here. sets, 6-1, 6-2. money,” he said. points as the New Orleans Jazz rival Illing yesterday was the bucket, 77-76, but Anderson Peoples Middlecoff^ floor. I can’t think of any sport that was so dominated by He became a wide receiver for Buffaio and was named posted its second straight win Clancy LUXURY Bennet Junior High ^ I s ’ team tossed in one charity toss Smith one man as was pro basketball during Russell’s reign with the team’s Most Valuable Player over O.J. Simpson. But over the Atlanta Hawks, 96-89. by a 3626 count. and the buzzer went off Leber Boros Cited the Celtics.” Pete Maravich, the ex- Bills Sign Evan Briscoe said he still had to fight to get a $5,000 bonus for Bennet led at every turn, 8-4, Totals 31 14 76 LAKE PARK, Fla. (UPI) - Atlanta star who scored 47 before ’Tucker could got off a starting more than five games. 1614, and 21-18. Sue Roth led ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (UPI) - The National Football Score at half: South 36-2S Veteran U. S. Open cham­ MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE points against his former team­ shot. Briscoe played without a contract at Buffalo in 1971 after Illing with 16 points while Ellen L eape Buffalo Bills Monday siped their 14th-round draft pionship winners Cary JUST W ENT mates in the Jazz’ last game he refused to sign an offer of $22,500. Donadio to ss^ in a game-high choice, wide receiver Robert Evan. Middlecoff and Julius Boros against the Hawks Saturday 18 markers for Bennet. Wendy Evan, a six-foot, 185 pounder, caught 34 passes for 614 were elected Monday to the “I needed a bigger name, so to speak, to get a better night, scored just 17 and fouled Warren and Sharon Maher yards and two touchdowns last season at Morris Brown Professional Golfers’ Associa­ offer. The Bills’ 1-13 record in 1971 didn’t help either,” he out of the game in the last College,Basketball WINTER WEEKEND added seven and five points tion Hall of Fame, becoming Baseball Hall of Fame said. quarter. College. He was also used on kickoff returns in college. respectively to the winning the first players to be honored A financial adviser helped Briscoe sign the multi-year John Brown was high scorer total. in six years. FEBRUARY 14 through 16 pact with Miami in 1972 but he said he is still trying to for Atlanta with 19 points. Opened to Johnson Evert on Top Middlecoff, 54, won his first recover about $85,000 from that adviser. Dantley Hoops 49 national Open title in 1949, two FRIDAY, FEB. 14 NEW YORK (UPI) — William “Judy” Johnson, whether he be Briscoe said he received $66,500 in the 1972 season and NEW YORK (UPI) — Chris Evert, last year’s leading years after he started on the man or myth, is the newest member of baseball’s Hall of Fame. $73,500 the following year—teth Super Bowl title years for money winner on the Virgina Slims tennis circuit, is once tour. He captured his second A 75-year-old man who played the Dolphins. He played only two games in 1974 because of again on top of the pack. In Irish Triumph Open title in 1956. Now a televi­ 1 pm Ping Pong Tournament — Student Center his entire career in the - FREE and Herman were selected by injuries and received $52,000. Ali Vows All Proceeds Miss Evert, 20, boosted her season’s earnings to $46,600 sion commentator, Middlecoff shadowland of the old Negro In other testimony Briscoe said he was frustrated in his last weekend by winning $15,000 in the Virginia Siims of won 35 tournaments during his 8 pm-12 am "The Flashbacks" Dance (Vets Club) — Baseball Leagues before Jackie the BBWAA’s Old-Timers’ NEW YORK (UPI) - Adrian Dantley is healthy again. If Student Center — $2.00 Committee. attempts to become a pro quarterback. Will Go to Help Needy Akron tournament. there’s any doubt, just check with the Air Force Academy. career. Robinson broke major league Boros, also 54, won his Open 8:30 pm "Babbitt & The Firebugs" (Play) — MAUD baseball’s unwritten color line Johnson’s feats are lost in the “There was a doubt of my ever playing quarterback Dantley, who has been — 50$ MCC Stud., $1.00 Qen. Adm. misty records of the old Negro because of the climate in the le a p e and because there NEW YORK (UPI) — Muhammad Ali, who has been titles in 1952 and 1963. Five in 1947, Johnson was voted into Damage Suit playing for the last week years later, in 1968, he became Continuous Student Art Show — Stairwell Gallery, the Cooperstown, N.Y., shrine Leagues and statistics com­ were no black quarterbacks in the NFL,” Briscoe said. proclaiming that he is the .“champion of the people” since 1971 string to 23 games his season Monday put his money where his mouth has been. with a masklike contraption the oldest man t win the PGA Htfd. Rd. Bldg., Friday, Saturday and Sun­ Monday by the “Black Old piled by such league Briscoe was the third NFL player to testify in the an­ LOS ANGELES (UPI) — The ABC network has no right with its victory over Admitting that he has made covering a deep gash over crown at 48. day - FREE Timers” Committee. statisticians are virtually titrust trial. Others were expected to take the stand as the to delay its regional play-by-play radio broadcasts of Los all the money he ever will need, his eye, erupted against Air Minnesota. Indiana led by A third baseman who is said meaningless in terms of com­ Angeles Lakers games so that other sporting events can be trial continues this week. the world heavyweight cham­ make arrangements with their Force Monday night for 49 just four points early to the SATURDAY, FEB. 15 to have been defensively com­ parison with the organized pion announced that all his manager. aired live, the basketball team said in a $3.4 million points, the biggest output of sccnd half but went on a 104 SCORE parable to white Hall of leagues. profits from his March 24 bout Ali said his plan is to allocate damage suit filed Monday. tear and held the lead the 10 am Chess Tournament — Student Center/ Earners like Jimmy Collins and It won’t make any difference his two-year career at Notre with Chuck Wepner will be his guaranteed money to Since December, local network affiliate KABC radio has rest of the way. BOARD Dining Rm — FREE Pie Traynor (in modem terms, on Aug. 18, however, because on Smith To Head Dame, as the Fighting Irish 10 am-12 pm Ski Tours-Cross Country Skiing — MCC that date he’ll be right up there given to the people of the ghet- money from added Laker broadcasts several times to air live coverage coasted to a 99-66 victory. that means Brooks Robinson), tos, with Atlanta, Philadelphia, circuit showings going to Kevin Grevey scored 37 NBA Campus — FREE Johnson will be formally in­ with the supermen against Sports Writers on behalf of California Sports, Inc., owner of the ABA Dantley, a sophomore Louisville and the state of ye^ious black organizations in points as Kentucky main­ Monday’s Results 12:30 pm Cross Country Race ducted into the Hall Aug. 18. whom he never had a chance to team. from Washington, D.C., hit WETHERSFIELD (UPI) - Alabama the first to gain the cities where they are tained its share of the Milwaukee 130, Detroit 109 12-3 pm SklIng-DownhIII Races — Northvlew Ski Johnson, who waited on compete. The court action against ABC and Atlantic-Richfield Randy Smith, sports editor of through his plan. shown. He mentioned groups his first eight shots and kept Southeastern' Conference New Orleans 96, Atlanta 89 Area, Manchester — FREE tables in order to play winter (ARCO), sponsor of the Laker broadcasts, was filed on the Journal Inquirer, will Coming across alternately as such as the Urban League, the up his shooting heroics until 3 pm-5 pm Snow Sculpture Contest — Main Campus ball in Florida, will be inducted behalf of California Sports, Inc., owner of the NBA team. lead by routing Auburn and ABA succeed Pat Drewry, assistant BOWLING an outrageous promoter for the National Association for the he was removed from the SPECIAL START-OF-THE-YEAR SAVINGS - FREE along with Ralph Kiner, seven­ Players Signed Alabama kept pace as Monday’s Results sports editor of the Waterbury Wepner fight and a sincere Advancement of Colored Peo­ game with nearly eight 6 pm Basketball Game (Women's Team vs. time home run king of the Charles Russell scored 25 Utah 97, Virginia 90 ON THE *74 DASHER.The'7 4 Oashercomeswithsteel- MONTREAL (UPI) - The American, as president of the philanthropist for ghetto peo­ ple, the Muslims and ^ e black MCC Faculty) — Cheney Tech. — FREE HOME ENGINEERS - Gerry minutes left. He entered the points to highlight its romp National League, Buck Harris, Montreal Expos announced Connecticut Sports Writers ple, Ali said that after disposing colleges. Four Suspended WHA belted radials, front-wheel drive, rack-and-pinion steering, power-assisted dual diag­ 7:30 pm Basketball Game (MCC vs. Greater Htfd Earl Averlll and Billy Herman. Tucker 220-552, Agnes Kennedy game with a 30.1 point per over Mississippi State. Both Monday’s Results Monday that three more Alliance. Smith was elected of Wepner he would be able to IOWA CIiFy, Iowa (UPI) - Ohio State basketbali Coach game average. onal brakes, rear window defogger, and an electric clock. It also comes with fully CC) — Cheney Tech. — FREE Kiner was elected to the Hall in players have agreed to 1975 con­ 203-478, Bonnie Lowell 182, Kentucky and Alabama are Indianapolis 4, Chicago 1 Monday to a one-year term. Tlie give $100,000 to Atlanta for a Fred Taylor suspended four Buckeye basketball players The victory was the 13th 8:30 pm "Babbitt & The Firebugs" (Play) - MAUD nationwide voting of the tract terms, bringing to 28 the writers elected John Bozadjian, Renee Gray 184, Phyllis Allen 11-1 in SEC play. reclining front seats, mileage of about 25 mpg* on the open road, and the Volkswagen 467, Jennie Leggitt 471, Linda black bakery, $100,000 to for disciplinary reasons Monday night before their game — 50$ MCC Stud., $1.00 Gen. Adm. Baseball Writers Association of number of players signed for Willimantic Chronicle sports against seven losses for Owner's Security Blanket (which means we pay for ali parts and labor on any repair for Corbitt 458, Alyce McArdle 478, Philadelphia, $300,000 to Los Rich Haws scored 23 9 pm Collegiate CIvltan Club Dance, New Eng­ America while Harris, Averill the upcoming season. editor, as vice president. with Iowa, but refused to elaborate on his action. Notre Dame, which fell Martha Montany 454. Angeles, with all money going Wings Swapped points and helped squelch a 12 months or 20,000 miles except fuel, filters, and regular maintenance services). All at land Jam Band — Manchester Armory — into hlack businesses to supply Taylor would only say the suspensions were of a dis­ from the rankings this week, $3.00 jobs for blacks. ST. LOUIS, Mo. (U P I)-T h e ciplinary measure. while Air Force plunged to Seattle rally as Utah State no extra cost. And now it all comes at Special Start-of-the-Year Savings! PINNETTES - Irene Stone St. Louis Blues and Washington ■ w 40 Tsars s i UasxesOs< Sanrtos Continuous Women's Center - Open House — Student Love on Waivers “I feel guilty about making so Hie suspended players were starters Andy Stiegemeyer, 610. ran its record to 174. Frank Center — Saturday and Sunday — FREE Thre 197-187-533, Ellen Bauer 203-535, Capitals swapped left wings much money so easy,” said Ali. Mark Bayless and Steve Wenner, and reserve Terry In games involving ranked Oleynick had 26 points to O p e n 2 4 Hours Dally Muffler That’8 INGLEWOOD, Calif. (UPI) Dolly Da wood 178, Ginger Monday night, with the Capitals spark a Seattle comeback FOR ENIMEIIGY SERVICE — Forward Stan Love, a fourth- Yourkas 183-505, Pat Twerdy “Now I’m going to spread it Burris. teams. No. 1 Indiana downed around.” giving up their leading scorer, that Just fell short. SUNDAY. FEB. 16 Guaranteed for year pro acquired in 1973 from 175-493, Linda Gustafson 176- Denis Dupere, and the Blues Minnesota, 6654, No. 5 Ken­ ♦Mileage based on German Industry Standards (DIN-70030) the then Capital Bullets, was 183-507, Dolores Dzienis 182-195- Ali then "invited” other black tucky crushed Auburn, 116 In other games, Memphis 11 am Toboggan/Sled Contest (Outing Club) — as long as you entertainers to join him in the shipping off Ace Bailey a d Steve Blass Signs AT PARTICIPATING DEALERS put on waivers Monday by the 528, Sharon Aubert 460, Wanda Stan Gilbertson. 76, No. 6 Alabama blasted State downed UC-^nta Bar­ Wickham Park — FREE own the car... crusade. He cited among Pittsburgh (UPI) - The Pittsburgh Pirates today an­ bara, 74-62, Northwestern 6 pm & 8 pm The Beatles, Film "Magical Mystery Tour" Los Angeles Lakers. Bonadies 463. Dupere this season had Mississippi State, 83-68, and Love, 25, who became others Sammy Davis, Lena nounced the signing of righthanded pitchers Bob Moose upset Purdue, 69-55, Vander­ - MAUD - FREE 875-2517 Home, Flip Wilson and Bill scored 20 goals and 15 assists No. 19 tah State edged Seat­ Oregon’s all-time leading TEETOTALERS - Marie and Steve Blass, catcher Duffy Dyer and minor le a p e out- bilt stopped Louisiana State, OILBURIIEII * Cosby and introduced the for the floundering Capitals. tle, 63-61. Ted Trudon, Inc. scorer during his three-year Ford 456, Pam Quint 175-187- Bailey was the thlrd-leadlug fled outfieldeTTony Armas. 83-74,Ohio State held off HEATINBINSTAU^TION Jackson Five as the first group Ikott May scored 26 points A U T H O R trc O college career, averaged 7.2 508, Judy Sabella 474, Donna Tolland Tpko., Rout* 83 , OLENDER’S MUFFLER SHOP who will go along with the scorer with St. Louis this Blass, ineffective the past two seasons, was 2-8 record- Iowa, 75-69, Wisconsin beat OCALtR points a contest in 30 games and ()uinn Buckner added 18 Talcottvlllo ROUTE 83 ROCKVILLE Magowan 187-454, Linda Goodin program as soon as they can season and had 15 goals and 25 wise with Charleston In the International L eape last year. Hlinois, 7670, Duke upended 643-5135 U CC with the Lakers this season. 212-494. assists. as Indiana ran its unbeaten 316 Cefltsr St. Manchsstsr 4 His earned run average was 9.74. Duquesne, 8673, PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11,1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues.. Feb. 11, 1975 — PAGE FIFTEEN r Appointee INDEX Hornet For Sale I 23 Hornet For Sale 23 Stolen Goods Valued NOTICES I Bennet Project Ahead of Schedule 1 — Lott tnd Found Hearings 2 — P e rion ili At $48,318 for Month 3 — Announcomtntt 4 — Enlorlilnmtnl By JUNE TOMPKINS grant which represents continuous funding Slated 5 — Auclloni BUY SOME INCOME d«M I. rtato realtor Building and renovating progress at since the summer of 1965, said Kennedy. ’The value of property stolen • Police made 129 arrests FINANCIAL MIS Bennet Junior High School is moving along In personnel actions, the board approved HARTFORD (UPI) The B — Bonds-Slockt-Mortgagot in Manchester is increasing last month (84 a year ago). ’This Executive Nominations Com­ 9 — Perionil Loans when you Inveet in this lour famIlyrOne tU-room apert- better than sch^ule, School Superinten­ four resignations and four appointments. January, the total consisted of 10 — Inaurance faster that the national inflation mittee today takes a look a t the ment, one three-room apartment, and two four-room dent James P. Kennedy told the Board of The following teachers have resigned: 61 felonies and 68 mis­ EMPLOYMENT rate, according to the latest nomination of Joseph Gill, a She iieirixtd apartments. Owner would conaider taking a first Education Monday night. • Mrs. Leslie Novak, a science teacher report by Police Chief James demeanors. Last January, it 13 - Help Wanted veteran cabinet member in 14 — Busineaa Opporlunitlet mortgaga. Call for datalls. ^ The Franklin Building will be finished at Bennet Junior High l^hool and present­ was 32 felonies and 52 mis­ M. Reardon. previous Democratic ad­ 15 — Situation Wanted by April 1, possibly before, he said. ly on leave of absence. Value of goods stolen last demeanors. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ministrations who says he’s EDUCATION The hot lunch program wilt begin short­ • Mrs. Nedra Miller, an English teacher • ’There were 206 automobile month was nearly 150 per cent “ no retread.” 18 — Private Instructions REALE’S CORNER ly after the Franklin Building is open, at Bennet, currently on leave of absence. more than the value of goods accidents last month (210 a 19 — Schoolt-Clasaat The committee planned 20 — Insiructlons Wanlad 178 WAIN S T B tn ______FMOHt 646-4S28 Kennedy said. The sandwich menu will Her resignation will be effective May 1 at stolen a year ago. In January year earlier). Injuries resulting hearings on Gov. Ella T. continue until the full hot lunch schedule is which time she will retire after 19 years in 1975, stolen property value was from accidents totaled 43 last REAL ESTATE Grasso’s choice of Gill, a 23 — Homos lor Sale resumed, he said. the school system. estimated at $48,318. A year month, compared to 33 a year former agriculture com­ 24 — Lota-Land for Sale Architect Richard Lawrence of • Mrs. Miriam Thayer, a fourth grade ago, the total was $19,386. ago. 25 — Investment Property PHONE BOWER’S SCHOOL - Center LARGE Seven-room Colonial, 1 Lawrence Associates explained to the teacher at Bentley School. She plans to missioner, as the head of the 26 — Business Property 643-2711 'entrance Garrison Colonial, At the same time, Reardon • Police made 800 motor 1/2 baths, aluminum siding, Environmental Protectidn 27 — Resort Property eat-in kitchen, formal dining board site changes of the Regional Oc­ retire after 29 years in this school system. reported, the value of vehicle arrests aqd issued 30 28 — Real Estate Wanted earage, treed lot, $48,500. Commission. FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD room, front-to-back living room cupational Training School ( R ( ^ ) from • Mrs. Ellen Lawrence, a Grade 5 recovered goods increased by motor vehicle warnings last Hutchins Agency, 646-3166. The committee also planned MISC. SERVICES with fireplace, four bedrooms, the original drawings. teacher at Highland Park School, for fami­ about 250 per cent, from $4,706 month (compared to 983 arrests 31 — Services Offered ... ------to hear testimony on her Help Wanted 13 baths, screened porch, 2-car $19,900 - Five rooms, 1 1/2 The changes were made, he said, as a ly reasons. in January 1974 to $16,719 in and 34 warnings a year ago). 32 — Painting-Papering Help WantiiHl 13 garage, $45,900. Philbrick Agen­ nomination of Gerald Heffer- 33 — Building-Contracting baths, stove, refrigerator, gar­ result of topographical data he received. The following teachers have been ap­ January 1975. • Police received 160 animal 34 — Rooling-Siding HAPPY ADS ADVERTISING cy, Realtors, 6464^. nan as tax commissioner. PART-TIME package store, EXPERIENCED AUTO age, nearly two acres. Hutchins The new plans call for the building to be pointed: Other items in Reardon’s control complaints last month 35 — Heatlng-PlumElng Agency, Realtors, 646-3166. situated parallel to Hillstown Rd. • Mrs. Mary Nice of Manchester to be a G ill, 63, who served as 36 — Flooring Manchester area, evenings and mechanic or mature service DEADLINE MANCHESTER - PRIVATE monthly report (with one-year- (135 a year ago). 37 — Moving-Trucking-Storaga weekends, excellent hourly station attendant to run and The building will fit better on the site, social worker assistant half time for the agriculture commissioner for 12:00 noon the day before SALE - Four bedroom center ago figures in parenthesis) in­ • In a new category, police 36 — Serylces Wanted rate. Please write Box “K’\ manage or lease service sta­ LARGE, 48’ Ranch - Country said Lawrence, and its changed position remainder of the 1974-75 school year. She 16 years under Democratic publication. hall Colonial in prime area of cluded: reported a total of 40 juveniles MISC. FOR SALE Manchester Herald. tion. Call 643-9521 after 6:30 kitchen with screened ltol4’ Govs. Abraham A. Ribicoff and Deadline for Saturday and older homes, baths, large will provide better access for buses. received her B.A. degree from Adrian (20 under age 16) arrested last 41 — Articles lor Sale p.m. deck, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, Lawrence has also provided for a separate College, Adrian, Mich. She was a social John N. Dempsey, denied he is 42 — Building Supplies Monday is 12:00 Noon Friday. fireplaced living room, family finished rec room, 2 fireplaces. BAR Will Hear month. 43 — Pels -Birds- Dogs WAITRESSES - CHEFS - room,eat-in kitchen, 2-car gar­ service drive and additional parking area. worker in Cleveland, Ohio, for five years, another “retread” appointed by 44 — Livestock bartenders, waiters wanted, AUTO-TEUCK Mechanic Prestigious Rockledge area. age. Many extras including Low 40’s. Call us today, Preliminary approvai of the plans has and a counselor in Michigan for two-and-a- Talk on Schools Mrs. Grasso from the Dempsey 45 — Boats 6 Accessories apply Lake House, Inc., Route needed to 1:111 full-time position, PLEASE READ carparpeting, ■ pantry...... with laundry era. 46 — Sporting Goods Jackston Agency, 646-1316. been receiv^ from Manchester Com­ half years. Mrs. Ben D. Sasportas, 47 — Garden Products 44A-Bolton, Conn. 643-9731, 742- experience a must. Call andnd pool. $51,900. 646-4235. “I’m no retread. I feel like a 6531. Under new management, Jobseekerii, 568-1070. YOUR AD munity College and from the state Depart­ • Mrs. Joan Lingard of Manchester to honorary state regent of the A MODERN 46 — Antiques MANCHESTER - Build for the double-belted radial,” he said. 49 — Wanted to Buy start work in two weeks. Classified ads are taken over ENFIELD - New homes by S. ment of Education, said Lawrence.* be a social worker. She received her B.A. Connecticut Daughters of the PHARI the phone as a convenience. future in this comfortable and The project should be open for bid by degree from Central Connecticut State Gill has called for completion RENTALS JOBSEE.KERS- Open 8-8, L. Starr. 7%%, $35,900. Bank American Revolution, will be PART-TIME Clerk, female, Mond^-Firiday. Hundreds of The Herald is responsible for expandable home. Modern mid-March, said Lawrence. College and her master of social work m of Rte. 1-84 from East Hartford 52 — Rooms lor Rent only one incorrect insertion and financing available. Ranches, kitchen, two bedrooms, large guest speaker at the Orford 53 — Apartments for Rent apply in person, at Pine Phar­ immediatfi employment oppor­ The Board of Education approved a from the University of Connecticut Social to the Rhode Island border 54 — Homes for Rant ... Someone then only to the size of the Colonial and Raised Ranches. unfinished second floor, quiet Parish Chapter, DAR, meeting Jamas macy between the hours of 8-5. tunities. Call 5^1070. original insertion. Errors which Each home includes colonial request to the Board of Directors to es­ Work School in West Hartford. because it would help the 55 — Business lor Rent may have Mnt you 664 Center Street, 649-9814. street, $30,500. Keith Real Thursday. F. 56 — Resort Properly lor Rent do not lessen the value of the stained woodwork, selected oak Estate, 6464126, 649-1922. tablish a washout account in the amount of • Mrs. Eleanor Tener of Hartford to teach Members will meet at 7:30 economically depressed area 57 — Wanted to Rent o happy a d l RELIABLE COUPLE - advertisement will not be cor* floors, raised hearth fireplace, $68,103 for the Head Start program for elementary music half time. This is a new D’Amato east of the Connecticut River. 58 — Wise, lor Rent COOK - Nights. Willie’s Steak Superintend, part-time, partial reeled by an additional Inser­ built-in oven and.range, p.m. at the home of Mrs. Arthur tion. 1975. Such costs are to be reimbursed by position. She received her B.A. degree M. Gustafson, 47 Princeton St. BS/R.PH. Mrs. Grasso recently called AUTOMOTIVE House, 444 Center Street, rent paid, flexible hours. Call kitchenl exhaust fan, full con­ avz ROOM COLONIAL 61 — Autos lor Sale Manchester. Call 649-5271. Jobseekers, 568-1070. the Department of Health, Education and from DePauw University, Greencastle, Mrs. Sasportas will speak on for improving relations crete basement, aluminum located in Forest Hills. IVt baths, 62 — Trucks lor Sale •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Welfare. Ind. She taught for a year-and-a-half in John Egan arrives at the Parkade after a 34-mile run from New Britain to raise funds for DAR schools. ’The DAR sup­ between the Environmental 63 — Heavy Equipment lor Sale Happy Birthday siding, amesite driveway. Fully carpeting, aluminum siding, 8' deep Gov. Grasso has signed the grant and Virginia and for two years in Indiana. leukemia research. With him are his children, Tammy, 6, John, 10, and Sue, 14. They met The chemotherapeutic Protection Commission and 64 — Motorcycles-BIcycles MASSEUSE - Licensed, needed CAKE BAKER - Decorator, Homes For Sale 23 deocorated. You pick the pool, trees. High 50's. ports and maintains several to the best DAD ever for spa, part-time. Call 643- excelleni: opportunity for funds can be expected within the next few • Mrs. Clara Smith, presently a half­ him at the Manchester town line for the last leg of the run. He left New Britain at 10 a.m. treatment of serious mental Connecticut’s cities. She said 65 — Campers-Trallers-Moblle colors. City water and city BLANCHARD &ROSSEnO schools throughout the nation illness has shown notable Homes and his doubie. 8076. experienced individual. Call sewers, plus much more. weeks, said Kennedy. time elementary music teacher, will the department and its former 66 — Automotive Service MANCHESTER - Newer 3- Raeltora-MLS 646-2462 Sunday and arrived at 2:35 p.m. (Herald photo by Dunn) for underprivileged children Love you, now. Jobseekers, 568-1070. Prices starting at $35,900. For 169 Waal Canter Street This approval is the school system’s 10th assume full-time responsibility. progress in recent years on commissioner, Douglas M. Cos- 67 — Autos for Rent-Lease bedroom Ranch. Fireplace, and Indians. Debbie, Donna MAN WANTED for floor possible 4th bedroom, con­ information or appointment two fronts...Powerful tie, often acted arbitrarily in Hostesses are Mrs. Samuel J. and Mary McCarthy cleaning duties, mornings 8 MODER^r BALLET, ballroom venient location. $35,900. Paul call Enfield 1-749-2741, 745-4807. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tranquilizers have been dealing with pollution problems a.m. to 10.30 a.m. daily. 646- instructors needed, full, part- Robb Jr., Mrs. Pierre developed for use against W. Dougan Realtor, 643-4535. Lots-Land tor Sale 24 They Raise $3,408 for Leukemia Marteney, Mrs. George Fish, in the urban areas. 4220. tim e , $.4 . hourly. Call CENTER STREET - Older 2- anxiety states, and new Jobseekers, 568-1070. Mrs. Edmund Gorman, Mrs. Gill, mayor of Mansfield MANCHESTER- Center Street, family close to Shopping GLASTONBURY - 1 1/2 acre stimulant drugs have been .X EXPERIENCED ppart-time a r i - u m e A radio marathon and auction his children are healthy. His Gustafson and Mrs. Maurice since 1971 and a consultant to ADVERTISING three family in business zone II, Parkade, 4-4, second floor in­ lot, north side Mountain Road developed for use against j:; Congratulations on your ;$ maid, approximately 4 days per AVON-Alter a Happy New cludes carpeting, stove and conducted by WINF collected three children met him at the to 8 p.m. Sunday, was one of 47 Willey. Yankee Milk, Inc., on en­ ideal for professional offices, or at start of Minnechaug Drive. Bus, Stolen Car Collide; depression...These are the ij: 25th S' week, apply Connecticut Motor Year, who wants a aull job? refrigerator. $26,500. C. E. Edmund Gorman Agency, 64^ $3,408 for leukemia research town line at Wickham Park and radio stations participating. vironmental, legislative and commercial expansion. $75,000. latest steps, and the most im­ RATES S 8 /lA o rii: ^ Tolland Turnpike, Meet people, make your own LaPenta Agency, Realtor, 646- Lamson Agency, 633-0227. 4040. this weekend with a 34-mile run ran the last mile with him. When Egan completed his run, energy problems, was a poultry MARGE and Abortion Views portant to date, in a long 1 day ...... 9c word per day Manchester. hours, be: your own boss. No 2440. through the snow from New he spoke on the national farmer before joining the state 3 days . 6c word per day selling experience necessary. Wrestling Match Canceled Because of snow Sunday, history of drug treatment for BILL CARLIN HEBRON - 200 acres of wood Britain as a main attraction. hookup. Alleged Cause Department of Agriculture in 6 days ...... 7c word per day WAITRESS wanted- I’ll show you how. Call 523-9^1. State Police diverted Egan to mental and emotional Love, Kathy and Kelly BOLTON - Four-bedroom NEW 7 ROOM RAISED RANCH lands and open fields on Route The runner was John Egan, side roads and increased the To boost contributions, 1955. 26 days ...... 6c word per day experienced preferred, part- Ranch set on 3/4 acre treed lot. 85 and Old Colchester Road. A hit-and-run accident in­ police learned that the car had dent, and damages to both Of Opposition problems... On the simplest 15 WORD MINIMUM manager of the show depart­ students ran at the Parkade. While commissioner, he in­ time, days, Saturday included. ABLE CASHIER needed Owner interested in financing. volving a Manchester school been reported stolen earlier in vehicles were relatively minor, distance from New Britain by, a Fireplaced living room, rec Aluminum siding, garage, 2 ment at Sage-Alien in Tri-City Sixty items, donated by ST. PAUL, Minn. (UPI) - level, a cup of coffee, itiated Connecticut’s Clean Happy Ads ■ $2.00 inch Apply W. T. Grant Company, evenings. Over 18. East Hart­ room, dining room, eat-in Edmund Gorman Agency, 646- bus and a stolen car forced the day. police said. few miles. raised hearth fireplaces, 2 Plaza, who volunteered the run merchants, were auctioned off ’The Wanderer, a conservative cocktail before dinner, and Water Program and the Open Manchester Parkade, equal op­ ford company. Call now. kitchen plus garage. High 30’s. 4040. cancellation of a Manchester The car, owned by Allan The Manchester-Hall WINF, which conducted the Jobseeke.TS, 568-1070. baths, carpeting throughout. in appreciation for the fact that over the weekend. Roman Catholic newspaper, cigarette are examples of ^ a c e Program through which Happy 25th Anniversary portunity employer. Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. High School-Hall High School Mazuraitis of Glastonbury, was marathon from 8 p.m. Saturday Oil hot water baseboard heat, wrestling meet hasn’t been says former Connecticut Gov. drug-containing substances in the state acquired more than ANDOVER - Three home sites. wrestling meet Tuesday night. stolen at about 2:30 p.m. while AUNTIE MARGE INSPECTORS - For final in­ EXPERJENCED Bookkeeper - 1% acre treed lot. Only $41, rescheduled. ’Thomas J. MeskilTs judicial everyday use which exercise a 25,000 acres for park and AMBASSADOR DRIVE - Nine high, wooded acres, $16,- A bus carrying 22 members of it was parked at the K-Mart & UNCLE BILL spection, minimum five years With knowledge of automobile Seven-room Condominium, 900. 000. 4 1/2 acres of sprawling nomination is being stalled mild but real effect on the recreation purposes, Mrs. the local school’s wrestling shopping center on Spencer St. In another hit-and-run acci­ Love, Jo e and Billy experience aircraft parts, dealership preferred. Write excellent condition, carport, FIANO AGENCY - 646-5200 oaks, 366’ of frontage, $15,000. because of his opposition to state of the emotions...’The Grasso said. He also im­ Box M, Manchester Herald. team, on the way to Hall in A policeman on rou^e patrol Art Curriculum Expanded n i^ ts and days. All benefits. recreation room, carpeting, 4 4.9 sloping, wooded acres, $13,- dent ’Tuesday, police said a car abortion. new tranquilizer and an­ plemented the Coast Wetlands Dean Machine Products, Inc., West Hartford, was struck by a at about 7:30 p.m. found the car baths. Only $32,900. Goodchild- 500. w arren E. Howland, driven by Bruce E. Litko, 22, of The publication also said tidepressant drugs are more Program, which preserved 14,- 102 Colonial Rd, Manchester. LOOKING for some “Do-it- Realtors, 643-1108. car at about 6:45 p.m. at W. abandoned on Salem Rd. Bartlett, Realtors, 569-1744, 26 Bank St., was dam ag^ in a No longer do art students at in art now can make a choice at MHS in 1955 compared to six MeskilTs support as a con­ potent than any of the drugs 000 acres of tall marshes, and Equal opportunity employer. yourself” job security in these 646-1852. TWO-FAMILY, stucco, second **•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Middle ’Tpke. and Tower Rd., Police said a German 5:30 p.m. crash on Forest St. Manchester High School just from a list of courses including at present. gressman for school prayers is thaUiave_been long in use... established local conservation uncertain times? Local Amway fldor, 7 rooms, first floor, 4 Business Property 26 Manchester Police reported. shepherd dog, inside the car Litko was treated for minor distributor will show you how to learn to draw and paint. sculpture, ceramics, textile In addition to the four art another reason the Senate P ro p e r meoication commissioners. BABYSITTER wanted-part- VERNON - Three-bedroom rooms. Two-car garage, Nobody was hurt. when it was stolen, was still injuries at Manchester Happy 25th Anniversary S time days, five days per week, get it with profitable part-time excellent location, oil heat. After many years of a very design, pewtersmithing and rooms now in use almost every Judiciary Committee has not alleviates a great amount of Heffeman, 35, is vice presi­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ranch, 2 baths, 2-car garage, MANCHESTER - Main Street, The car left the accident with the abandoned car when it MARGE and BILL i Keeney Street area only. 647- business of your own. Phone Upper 30’s. Call 643-7843. Memorial Hospital. His car was limited art curriculum, the pre­ holloware. period, some art classes are yet confirmed Meskill for a seat discomfort. Fill your dent of William F. Connelly Jr., %-acre wooded lot with fan­ business zoned, four family, scene without stopping, police was recovered on Salem Rd. Love, 9072. 643-5998 for interview. tastic view of Connecticut city utilities, level lot, $ ^ towed. Police are still in­ sent revised curriculum offers The student is no longer being taught in the drafting on the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of prescriptions at LENOX Inc., of Bridgeport with respon­ □ NOTICES said. Witnesses to the mishap Police are still investigating vestigating. a variety of courses under the limited by a course in art Mom and Dad jS . T TZ Valley; fully carpeted. $55,900. MANCHESTER - New family monthly Income. $47,900. Hayes room and one of the history Appeals. PHARMACY, 299 E. Center sibility for the management BACKGROUND insurance? - obtained the hit-and-run car’s the case. heading of art. FULL-TIME pm chaser needed Warren E. Howland Realtors, Colonial, aluminum siding, Corp. 646-0131. basics, she said. The rooms. Robert L. Mauro, a New St., Te. 649-0896 for free and coordination of fire and :■(' for evenings and weekends, 48 Office manager, full-time posi­ three bedrooms, bath and marker plate number, and No one was hurt in the acci­ A car driven by Betty C. Mrs. Laverne Kelson, head of augmented curriculum reflects Lost and Found 1 643-1108. The report was one of several Jersey attorney, wrote in an delivery. Open 8-9 Sun. and casualty Insurance premiums. _____ hours per week. Mechanical tion. Typing a must. lavatory, oversized modern Marshall, 40, of 110 Columbus the MHS art department, told an almost doubled student in- Real Estate Wanted 28 school departmental reports editorial column that MeskilTs Holidays 8-8. “Symbol Of Meantime, Mrs. Grasso „ h itp ...... ability a must. Apply to Manchester company. MANCHESTER - West side. kitchen, built-ins, 24’ combina­ St., was in collision with a the Board of Education Monday crease since the new LOST - Black and scheduled for presentation "strong stands in support of Finest Pharmacy Service.” served notice she intends to Alaskan Malamute. “Cleaka”. Personals ...... *2 Manager, Parkade Bowling Jobseekers, 568-1070. Immaculate 7-room aluminum tion dining and play room, gar­ ALL CASH for your property Greyhound Lines bus at 8:45 night that a student interested age, just right lot, conveniently curriculum began in 1974. during the year to acquaint the human life and voluntary school Gift Dept., Film, Cosmetics, M ow through on her campaign Wearing collar. Call 649-1036. Lanes. No phone calls. sided Cape. Charming formal within 24 hours. Avoid red tape, League To Study State Land Use a.m. ’Tuesday at Broad and There were two art teachers board with the activities of a WOMAN WANTED for part- located. Trade of your present prayer” caused “powerful and Candy. We honor Master pledge to abolish the state INCOME tax returns prepared dining room, fireplaced living instant service. Hayes Agency, Columbus Sts., police said. The particular department. articulate voices” to oppose his Charge Cards. LOST - Savings Passbook No. time v'ork. Must be able to type room, garage, rec room and home considered. Donald S. 646- 0131. Public Utilities Commission in theprivacy of your home Call DUTCHMAID Clothing looking and operate Burrough Billining Gale, Realty Co., Realtors, 'The League of Women Voters bus, carrying just one nomination. 038^W)3056-9. Hartford National more. Mid 30’s. Keith Real Janeczekm and Mrs. Amy and replace it with an agency Dan Mosler, 649-3329 or 525- for you. Short hours, good pay, n . w . MLS, 289-7939. passenger, was driven by Bank and Trust Company, Machine. Apply in person. Estate, 646-4126, 649-1922. WE WILL buy your house. Call (LWV) of Manchester will meet Burns. she says will be more responsi­ 8263. will train you. Jessie Dunnack, H. England Lumber Co. Route Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Alexander Mogielnick, 51, of 18 Manchester, Green Office. 423-4216. anytime, Hutchins Agency, The members will reach a ble to the public. 44-A, Bolton Notch. MANCHESTER - 8-room U & R Realtors, 646-3166. home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nye St., Rockville. Application made for payment. INCOME TAX preparation - consensus on the basis of a dis­ The PUC’s five com­ ROLLING PARK ESTATES built executive home. Kiecolt, 156 Mountain Rd. cussion of the plan, land use No injuries were reported in your home or mine. NEWSPAPER CARRIERS for SECRETARY - Full-time, 8:30- Fireplaced family room and the accident. Neither vehicle missioners were asked to LOST - Passbooks Nos. 101990, Reasonable. By Danny Byram, Cape, 7 rooms, new kitchen, 2 SELLING your house? Call us and energy, the role of the the Manchester Herald for 4:30. Shorthand helpful, good living room, 4 bedrooms, 2Vi first and we’ll make you a cash ABOUT TOWN testify at a hearing Monday on 42228, 5-15914, 87791, W9292, 95- 649-5096. Caldor area and all of South full baths, formal dining The subject will be “Land state, regional and local had to be towed. tTOing. Glastonbury company. baths. Prime residential area. offer. One day service. T. J. the goals and purposes of the 128, Savings Bank of Windsor. Call Mr. Griffin, 647- JoDseekers, 568-1070. room, rear dormer, oversized Call Suzanne or Arthur Shorts, Use in the State.” government in land use plan­ Dodge Colt Manchester. Applications made Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. 1974 agency which has been TAX RETURNS and accoun­ 9411. 2-car garage, treed lot, walk 646- 3233. J. Watson Beach Co., A car driven by William W. ning, agricultural land, and criticized for being too sym­ for payment. ting done professionally. An explanation of the ten Davis, 56, of 560 Woodbridge HAIItDRESSERS wanted - to Buckley School. Realtors, Manchester Office, IMMEDIATE CASH for your basic points of the plan of con­ developmental rights. pathetic to the industries it is Reasonable rales. Confidential. EXPERIENCED babysitter in experienced, full or part-time, 647- 9139. Equal Housing Oppor­ Members will also consider St., hit and caused extensive Temple Chapter, Order of the J. Lennon, director of the LOST - pruning shears on Park Experienced. Call Dan Hickey, property. Let us explain our servation and development for supposed to regulate. our Manchester home to care LuJon Salon of Beauty, 61 East F.J.SPILECKI tunity. fair proposal. Call Mr. Belfiore, proposals for the state LWV damage to the front of the Eastern Star, will meet Watkins Funerai Home, will Street or Church Street 649-9145. for newborn 8:30-5:30, Connecticut will be presented only $ ^ Commission Chairman Center St., 643-1939. Realtor 643-2121 647- 1413. Seven-Eleven Food Store, Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the speak on funeral expenses. 2635 between 12-1, Saturday. Call references req^uired. Call for in­ program for 1975-77. MANCHESTER - 5 rooms, IVe by a committee head^ by Mrs. Howard E. Hausman said the 643-4068 anytime. Green Rd., at 8 a.m. ’Tuesday, Masonic Temple. Star Point INCOME TAX returns terview, 646-8490. BE YOUR OWN boss - bath Cape with attached Marie Szetela. police said. commission has had no control MAY WE BUY your home? Night and Obligation Night will prepared in your home. Telephone sales, full, part- MANCHESTER - Duplex, 7-6, breezeway and garage. Well Quick, fair, all cash and no Serving with her are Mrs. Police said the car pulled into be observed. Officers are over the price of oil used to Reasonable, Call H.H. Wilson, MOTHER’S helper part-time, four bedrooms each, enclosed maintains and immaculate. generate electHcity because time. Salary according to abili­ problems. Call Warren E. Harriet Handley, Mrs. Janet a parking space, didn’t stop, reminded to wear white gowns. Legal Notices 649-6506. active toddlers, call 649-7804 ty. Jobseekers, 568-1070. porches, very large rooms, 2- Convenient to everything. Call the price and supply are con­ Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. O’Connor, Mrs. Pam and went over a curb to hit the Mrs. Robert Eells is in charge anytime. car garage. P ric ^ : high 40’s. Suzanne or Arthur Shorts, 646- trolled by the federal govern­ TOWN OF COVENTRY storefront. As the car hit the of refreshments. ’The West Side Old Timers TAX SERVICES for individuals HAIRDRESSER - part -time. By owner. Call after 5,646-0766. 3233. J. Watson Beach Co., CASH FOR HOUSES- Buyers ZONING BOARD OF and corporations. Home ser­ building, it slid into a parked will meet Wednesday at 7:30 ment. OFFICE MANAGER required Apply Duet Beauty Studio, 521 Realtors, Manchester Office, with pedigrees. We Buy for But the price of oil has shown APPEALS vice. Can 563-4643. for general insurance agency. 7 3/4% MORTGAGE available 647-9139. Equal Housing Oppor­ 1965 Class Plans car causing minor damages, Xi Gamma Chapter of Beta p.m. at the home of Nick East Middle Turnpike, 649-3906. Cash. When we bring people to A ngelo, 462 P a r k e r St. up in high fuel cost adjustments At the public hearing on Mon­ Insurance background and to qualified buyei/er. New 7 room tunity. your home, you know they’re police said. Sigma Phi will meet tonight at 8 WANT TO start or join car pool typing reouired. Salary open. Raised Ranch, 2 1/2 baths, 10-Year Reunion Ticket returns for the Saturday attached to customers’ bills, day, Feb. 3, 1975 the Coventry PART-TIME - Dishwasher, serious - not “just looking, MEDICAL CENTER at the home of Mrs. Rita provoking public outcry, he Zoning Board of Appeals from Manchester to the Aetna Ask for Mr. Donovan. Jewell- nighta. Part-time waitresses, fireplace, two-car garage. $52,- Members of the Manchester Other accidents reported by Ladies Night at Willie’s Steak Mencheeter t)7,900 thanks.” Call us for Action! DAVIS, Calif. (UPI) - An Berube, 76 Phoenix St., Vernon. said. granted a special exception to Home Office. Call Mary, 64^ England Insurance, nights. Apply in person. 900. Frechette & Martin, Inc. Keith Real Estate, 646-4126 or High School Class of 1965 will police today included: House must be made at this 1237 or Aetna Ext. 6583. Manchester, 646-4662. award of $52,751 from the Mrs. Sharlet Wirzulis is in Elsewhere at the capitol, a David Robbins, as provided for Tacorral, 246 Broad Street, Realtors, 646-4144. VALUES PACKED CAPE!! 649-1922. have a tenth year reunion Sept. • A 2:50 p.m. accident meeting. California regionai Medical Pro­ charge of the program. William Democratic legislator_says in Section 13.1.3. to recycle Manchester. 13 at ’The Colony in Talcottville. Tuesday on Love Lane in­ CONDOMINIUM - three If you are looking for a Cape gram to the school of medicine the public has little protection motor, vehicles and other Class members are reminded volving a Town of Manchester bedrooms, three baths, rec with a full shed dormer, 2 at the University of Caiifomia against errors made by credit metals on his property located □ FINANCIAL □ MISC. SERVICES to get the addresses of as many dump truck operated by room, den, living room, dining baths, fireplaced living room, here will establish a center for rating companies which can on Old Camp Meeting Road, members as they can. The com­ Edward A. Ristau, 50, of 25 S. b u y in g . room, kitchen, all appliances. screened in porch, alum, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at harm the ability of individuals Coventry, subject to Bonda-Stocka-Uortgagea 8 Mid 30’s. Frechette & Martin, mittee will be appealing to the Hawthorne St., and a station siding and garage, call Joe Services Ottered the Sacramento Medical Center. • PAPER • OLD NEWSPAPERS to obtain credit. stipulations as noted in the Inc, Realtors, 646-4144. 31 public at a later date for infor­ wagon driven by Daniel J. nodge Gordon, 649-5306. It will be one of only two such •TABULATING CARDS • TIME CARDS Save now! Every '74 Colt in stock Is priced to Rep. Gardner Wright, D- Town Clerk’s Office in the MORTGAGES, loans first, se­ BODY SHOP MAN mation on members whom they Deveau, 43, of 322 Oakland St. SHARPENING Service - projects in the country funded by AUTHOmZED DEALERS Bristol, said such agencies can Coventry Town Hall. cond, third. All kinds. Realty PRICE REDUCED - Great lot, EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY cannot locate. Nobody was hurt and damages • MACHINE SHOP TURNINGS AND SOLIDS move. From just $2635? And look at what that Immediate employment (or qualified peraon. Good Saws, knives, axes, shears, the federal R^ional Medical make mistakes “just like George M. Coon statewide. Credit rating un­ possible 8 rooms, 2-car garage. BARROWS & WALLACE were minor, police said. price buys you—adjustable steering column, necessary. Reasonable. Con­ working conditiona and fringe beneflta. Apply in per­ Look at this price, $35,900. skates, rotary blades. Quick Program specifically for the Full information will be sent Chairman Zoning Mmdwtttr New Hrren Hirtfonl • A three-car crash at about STILL VALUABLEI four-speed transmission, inside hood anyone else, but the person fidential, quick arrangements. aon to service department. Frechette & Martin,Inc. service. Capitol Equipment treatment of pediatric arthritis. to class members in April. Board of Appeals 648-5306 387-1S18 728-6818 Co., 38 Main St., Manchester. 5:45 p.m. ’Tuesday at Wood- Call us for sorvlce, or deliver lor more moneyl release... pi us much more. Check all whose reputation they hurt may Alvin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. Realtors, 646-4144. the values at our Dodge Clearance never know how or why it 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart­ Hours daily 7:30-5, Thursday bridge and Jensen Sts. No in­ 7:30-9, Saturday, 7:30-4. 643- juries were reported but all OSTRINSKY Carnival. happened or even who did it.” INVITATION TO BID ford. Evenings, 233-6879. I COVENTRY - New $27,000 MANCHESTER - By owner. Wright and Deputy Ranch, 3 bedrooms, 8 1/2%, 33 7958. three vehicles were towed from 731 PARKER ST., M ANCHESTER • 643-5879 Win a Dodge for 1 year. The Manchester Board of Lovely Ranch - three bedrooms, Democratic Majority Leader MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd years. Possibly no money down wall-to-wall carpeting, the scene. You could win the use of a brand- Education seeks bids for Doors, DILLON FORD under FHA. Builder ^-0486. REWEAVING burns, holes. Robert Vicino, also of Bristol, mortgages — interim financing new Dodge for one year—just by Frames and Finish Hardware. fireplace, paneled living room Zippers, umbrellas repaired. are sponsoring a measure — expeditious and confidentim and dining area. Attached gar­ entering the Dodge Boys' Scaled proposals will be Window shades, Venetian similar to the federal Fair service, J.D. Real Estate SIX ROOM older home, three age, comer lot. Call 646-2984 if Sweepstakes! Just drop in at the received until 3:30 P.M., Assoc. 646-1980. 319 Main Street, Manchester bedrooms, large kitchen with blinds. Keys. TV for rent. HERALD Credit Reporting Act. no answer, call 643-9985. February 24,1975 at which time pantry, completely Marlows, 867 Main St. 649-5221. Dodge Boys! fill out a The measure would cover Sweepstakes entry blank, and they will be publicly opened...... redecorated. Carpeted YESTERDAYS businesses operating within MANCHESTER - Striking 4- MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. you've done all you have to throughout. Verplank School bedroom Contemporary, 2 1/2 PUBLIC NOTICE Connecticut. ’The federal act The right is rescued to reject □ EMPLOYMENT DRIVERS - School bus, will Bualnata Opportunity 14 area. $29,900. Call owner 6 ^ Removal, pruning, lot clearing, do. Nothing to buy. No test any and all bids. Specifications train. Start immediately. baths, panoramic view of Hart­ spraying. Fully insured. covers those in interstate com­ full, 6812, no agents please. ford skyline, sunken patio, 2-car All charitable and non-profit organizations drives to take. and bid forms may be secured 1 3 part-time. Jobseekers, i Licensed. Free estimates. merce. Help Wanted 1070. M/INCHESTER - Clean and garage. 60’s. Warren E. 25 Years Ago wishing to have their Public Announcements at the Business Office, 45 N. modern 2-bay service station MANCHESTER - Raised Phone 646-3437, 633-5354. School Street, Manchester, Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. Robert F. Gorman is elected president 'Sweepstakes ends February 28, TOOL MAKERS - All-around for lease or sale. Call 643-9521 Ranch, 7 rooms on large lot, published free In this space are urged to con­ Rail Commuter Connecticut. Raymond E. TRAINEE OPENINGS after 6:30 p.m. TREE SERVICE (Soucier) of reorganized young GOP. 1975. Void in states where prohibited machinists and Bridgeport 166x252. Two fireplaces, sliding MANCHESTER - Only $1,695 tact Joe McCavanagh, General Manager of by law. Open to licensed drivers 18 Demers, Business Manager operators. Top wages, fringe We will train you to become glass doors to large deck, large Trees cut, trimmed or topped, Line Hearings down, could get you into this 6- stumps removed, fully insured. years of age or older. benefits and overtime. manager of one of our 800 GREETING CARD Shop - family room, 2-car garage, $44,- room, 3-bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, Regal Mufflers of Manchester. Space will be ^Manufacturer's suggested retail price Set for M ar^ Experience preferred. Apply at Excellent location in new, large 900. Philbrick Agency, Got a tree problem? Well worth 10 Years Ago branches. A scheduled full cellar Condominium. All a phone call. 742-8252. alloted on a first come, first served basis. including destination charge. Not included WETHERSFIELD (UPI) - Paragon Tool Company, 121 training program will give Manchester shopping center. Realtors, 646-4200. appliances plus wall-to-wall Board of Education approves 196546 Edmund Gorman, Agency, 646- are state and local taxes, license and title The Connecticut Department of EwratrMK Adams Street. , you training and experience in carpeting. Ask fo r^ ry Judge school operations budget of $5,529,143, Call Thursday between 8 and 12 fees, and Dealer preparation charge. If any 41140. BOLTON - Beautiful Ansaldi CUSTOM MADE Draperies, paring $104,000 off original request of Transportation says public office management, budget at F. J. Spilecki,S| Realtor, very reasonable work to rssarva space for the following PHONE FROM home to ser­ built Raised Ranch, on acre 2121. Superintendent of Schools William Curtis. hearings on improving New vice our customers for super counseling, business promo­ LAMPS and lighting fixtures treed lot, brick front, plastered guaranteed, call anytime. 649- Joe McCavanagh Haven-New York rail com­ Sly it Mm tion and personnel supervi­ James A. MacPherson Jr. receives cer­ SEE US SOONI earnings. Choose ..own hours. business with large wowroom, walls, 4 bedrooms. 2 fireplaces, SUCESSFULLY selling your tificate, medal and $2S bond as winner of muter lines will be held March Call 647-1810. sion. Excellent employe located in Vernon. Edmund one full, two half baths, rec home is as important to us as it TWO HANDYMEN - will clean American Legion Oratorical Contest. M uffler 5 In Stamford, March 8 in West- tnirsMit benefits and regular salary in- Gorman, Agency, 646-4040, room with wet bar, enclosed is to you. Call now - let us port and March 12 in New WANTED - Man with some creases based on your heated porch, 2-car garage, attics and cellars, light Atty. John F. Shea, former Manchester explain the services we offer. trucking, reasonable rates, 643- GOP chairman, is elected as Republican Regal Center Haven. iia Pratt ti Whitney Diaform grin­ progress. Qltuatlon Wanted 15 $59,500. Philbrick Agency, Odegard Realty, 643-4365. 5305. The state will allocate $14 ding experience. This is of a Approved for veteran’s on the Realtors, 646-4200. State Committeeman from Fourth production nature. Please apply Senatorial District. Chorches Motors, Inc. million for the work, for which job training benefits. DEPENDABLE nurse aide VERNON - Three-bedroom We offer convenience along with a superior product. in person: Metronics Inc., HIGHLAND PARK School, CONSERVE FUEL - Chimn^ Arnold Lawrence accepts for the twelfth 80 Oakland Avenue a preliminary application for Call for appointment 233-2111 with references wishes to care Ranch. City utilities, aluminum S I Routes 6 & 44A Bolton. lor elderly person. Manchester Academy St. - Newly decorated siding, storm windows and and fireplace heat reclaimers, consecutive year the chairmanship for Corner of Broad $57 million In federal funds has Franklin fireplace inserts and Manchester, Connecticut been drafted. Plans include pnanc FUUNGE {irea. 643-76ti after 6. 6-room Cape, 1 1/2 baths, one- doors, range, refrigerator, Manchester area Easter Seal appeal. and Center Street Mon.-Frl. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. HAIRDRESSER Wanted - car garage, large dining room, forced air dechillers for home, buying and repairing right of 498 Farmington Ave. built-in dishwasher. Richard Berkman receives Eagle Scout Phone 646-2112 Experienced. Pampered Lady, 'jVOMAN will do housework, living room with fireplace, Convenient, quiet business and industry. Harold Sat. 8 a.m. • S p.m. way and Improving the power Hartford Badge a t ’Troop 133 Family Night Banquet. Glastonbury, 633-5652 after Equal Opportunity Employer experienced, two or three days patio, aluminum siding. $39,900. neighborhood, $29,500. Owner, J. Leese Supplies, Heat syUam and signals. 6:30, 5 6 3 ^ . A week. Cali 647-9072. C. E. Lamson Agency, 633-0227. 875-6814. Reclaimer Division, 649-7627. 1 h^ANCHES’TER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11, 1975 — PAGE SEVENT^RN PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11, 1975

Y b O CAM'T J ----- ••• p u r M o p o f V Articles tor Sale 41 Apartments For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent 53 Autos For Sale 61 BUGS BUNNY OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE FI6»HT r U F m A >iBRY /VSK-S M P K ? 1972 FORD Torino Station 6fCDOQ FIREWOOD for sale. SpUt and GLASTONBURY - Two- ELLINGTON - three bedroom Wagon - V-8, automatic, power Y/HAT H/kPPENEP HOW tX>ES J . NOT A WHATi NE)tT, NAW. TriE MAJOR YE AH, HE CAN aOIN'AFTER A MOUSE r WHY delivered. Call 872-0204 after 5 hedroom garden apartment, duplex, appliances, carpeting, T' V X ), CICERO? u I’VE SEEN THIS 6UYMOVE, /W p ./M P P . 6PeU.FP... weekdays, all day weekends. large rooms and closets, swim­ parking, security required, steering, air, very clean. 5|AH TH’OTHER. MARK NIfiHT NE.W5 ' told me the ASK FOR A STRlWa OUT TH' 0AITT MOVE IAMD HE'S R A»T.' WHEN HE Chorches Motors, 643-2791. KID ^ O N , -A VACATION BUSY B SETS LO/kN IN 10 OVER CLOSER -TO TH* FIRST COMESTHS FAR I RSURE ming pool. $189. 633-4972. $ ^ . m-ms. I SOT INTO ^ E C E OF CHEESE ANP BE A-1 reconditioned color LOOK? HIM,' TO CELEBRATE, THE HONEY'"B* LAN6UA6ES.' SPE AKINS I’LL HAVE TIM E FOR AT AFlSHrAT YOUR i/TANPS FOR ------PONE WITH m LEAST TWO SWATS AT televisions now on display in MANCHESTER - Family sM e FORD Gran Torino, 1972, 2- OF BREAD, L Hh im IM fBEFORE HE SETS MANCHESTER - Two- THE PLAY­ VICTORY BOXER-SET WHERE’S our show room. Most of tnese bedroom, second-floor apart­ two-bedroom Townhouse. Full door hardtop, automatic 302 V- 0 GROUND/ 7 h o m e A6AIN/ 8, power steering, radio, vinyl IT? ME SURE AND he's THE sets are in exceUent condition, ment in four-family. Security basement, private entrances HAS A WAV BEEN ideai for living room or family roof, radial tires. $1,995. 644- PRIZE required. $175, heat included. and patio. Includes heat and WITH WORDS? CALLED A MONEY? 7 room. Modem ’TV Service, 8w Eastern, 646-8250. appliances. $250 monthly. Paul 1750. DEADBEAT HE OWES Hartford Road, next to Gus’s W. Dougan, Realtor, 646-1021 or IN a l l US 1963 PLYMOUTH Savoy II, 2- 2- Pizza, Manchester. 646-2205. FURNISHED two room apart­ 643-4535. 10? aENTY? door hardtop, 1968 440 cubic e H75 by N£A. me.. T.M. Kit. UTS. PH. W. ment, private bath, heat, hot SEASONED HARDWOOD - water, utilities. Apply AVAILABLE March 1st, three inch engine, 4-speed, bucket BENJV •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Split and round for fireplace, Marlow s 869 Main Street. room apartment, centrally seats and extras. Tires and body in decent shape. Needs BV JIM BKIIRY RoofIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 Flooring 36 Articles for Sale 41 $2.50 per trunk load. 78 Erie located, private drive and en­ 2-11 Street, off Keeney Street. 3 1/2 ROOMS with heat, hot trance, security required. $135. minor work. Must sell im­ z-n ROOFING - Installation and FLOOR Sanding - ______FIREWOOD for_ .sale.___ _ $25______half water, cooking gas, stove, Utilities not included. 64^18. mediately. Asking $600. Call Services Offered 31 repairs, gutters, storm win­ (specializing in older floors), cord. $40 full cord. Cali 742-9046. FOUR CHROME wheels, five- refrigerator, wall-to-wall 643-0458 after 6 any day but MICKEY FINN BY HANK LEONARD dows, doors. Experienced Ceilingsngs and inside p a in tin g .______lug fourteens, $65. Bed, dresser, carpet, $175. Centrally located, LARGE DELUXE three-room Fridays. mirror, woman’s vanity, very quality workmanship. Fully in­ John Verfaille, 646-5750, 872- WOODEN PALLE’.TS for sale at adults only. No pets. Securi^ ^artment - Near hospital. _____ Zll ODD JOBS - Carpentry, pan­ 2222 good condition. 6 4 6 ^ 7 , Bob, First floor, heat and 1970 VOLKSWAGEN BUS - eling, rec rooms, offices, sured. Free estimates. circulation department, deposit required. Call 643-9678. Reasonable prices. Rick Manchester Herald. $2.-$5. Robin. appliances. References, securi­ Tan, new brakes, new tires, hedge is^ V you can household repairs. Phone 649- good condition. $1,600. Call 643- 4594. Burnett, 646-3005. THREE ROOM clean apart­ ty, adults, ho pets. $200 HERE— BUT HE'S BUSY | POINT HIM □ MISC. FOR SALE DRESSER, four drawer, ment, including heat, hot monthly. 649-9258. 9262. IWORKIN'ON ACAR/ CAN j OUT TO OLD NEWSPAPEIRS Free - I HELP YA? LA US/ >•• Circulation Dnipartment, 44x20x36. Very good condition, water, stove, refrigerator, gar­ BUILDING and remodeling - Heating-Plumbing 35 1968 FORD Fairlane Station Articles tor Sale 41 Manchester Herald. no scratches. $30. firm. 649- age, laundry facilities, and MANCHESTER - Main Street, Kitchens, bathrooms, family 7867. Wagon - V-8, power steering, rooms, ^rages, roofing and SEWERLINES, sink lines, storage. References, $190I) per0( three rooms, heat, hot water, E X P E ^ S ^ E h1 ^ - l-ll h. r automatic, excellent condition. f r ^ tn 9 7 itn tA .lr« .T IH „ us HI W______"2-11 THE WORRY WART • itnoiW K cleaned with electric cutters, ALUMINUM sheets used as SEASONED firewood, cut, month. Security and lease . Cslall stove, refrigerator, adults, no ra *n III Ni > gutters. Free estimates. Paul 1973 FORD Torino, 17,000 649-2497. $700. 643-4671 before 2 p.m. t i l S. Matarazzo, 875-0509. by professionals. McKinney printing plates, .007 thick, ^ lit, delivered, truck load $30. pets. Security. 523-7047. 23x32". 25 cents each or 5 for $1. Sand, gravel and stnne. 643-9504 miles, power steering. See to MUTT AND JEFF Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ appreciate. Call 647-1787. 1972 FORD Pinto - Excellent CREATED BY BUD FISHER WILL TRUCK most anything, pany, 643-5308. Phone 643-2711. after 6. MANCHESTER - pleasant four FOUR room apartment - first room apartment, modern, cen­ floor, heat, appliances, central, condition, low mileage. Call most anv place for below d o n t / o u LIVING ROOM Furniture QUICK SALE - Everything trally located, avocado no pets, security, lease, $190 643-2866 after 6 p.m. D O IT UP IN A reasonable prices. Free es­ NO JOB too small, toilet NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 goes. Leaving town. Furniture, timates. Call 6464303. made at our own factories the appliances, carpeting, no pets, monthly. 649-3340. LIKE M y repairs, plugged drains, kitchen cents each. Inquire side door. dishes, etc. 1039 Tolland ’Tpke., $2d5 monthly. 6464780. VOLVO 144E, 1974, 4-door b u n a n d t i e Manchester Evening Herald. way you want it, at a price you LONG faucets replaced, repaired, rec an can afford. Wide selection of Manchester. THREE CLEAN ROOMS with orange sedan, excellent condi­ IT WITH A DRESSMAKING - Everything rooms, bathroom remodeling, tion, automatic, transmission. HAIR? from pants to bridal gowns. fabrics. Call 633-1835 days, 649- A’TTRACTIVE 4-room apart­ heat, stove, refrigerator, PINK RIBBON/ heat modernization, etc. Free RENT new portable RINSE-N- parking and cellar laundry Call 646-6770. d ]7 Reasonable rates. Call 643-5973 WE BUY and sell used fur­ 7287, 745-7819 evenings. ment, stove, refrigerator, estimates gladly given. M & M VAC that steam cleans, rinses references, no pets, $145. Call facilities. Convenient. X” weekdays after 5, Saturday St, Plumbing & Heaung, 649-2871. niture. Cash on the line. One and vacuums carpets 1972 FORD Gran Torino Sport - PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER llj Sunday before 1. piece or an entire housefull. SWIMMING POOLS - Luxury 646-3167, 228-3540. References. $165. monthly. Mr. above ground pool' distributor professionally clean. Belfiore, 647-1413. Automatic transmission, power WHAT NO WORRIES'.' /JUST LOAF 646-6432. Furniture Barn, 345 steering, power brakes, air- TOWNE Plumbing Service, Main Street Rear, behind needs warehouse space. Wiil Manchester Wallpaper & Paint WEST SIDE - 4-room heated A S O FT n o t h i n g t o A R O U N D SNOWPLOWING - Commercial repairs, alterations, vanity Company, 185 West Middle first-floor flat, convenient EAST HARTFORD - 21/2 room conditioning. Excellent running TOUCH & DO BU T A LU YOUR Douglas Motor Sales. sell and completely install a - •• 646-4037 v o u ’ve LIFE! '■ n e v e r and residential. Reasonable cabinets a specialty. Call to huge 16’x31’ OD swim pool com­ Turnpike, 646-0143. residential area, $195 monthly. furnished apartment. On bus condition Call EA T A N D m e n t i o n s \ rates. Also available as a.back­ 8;30 a.m , 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 649- Call 649-1914 after 5 p.m. line, all utilities included. anytime. &OT/ I SI_EE:P up rig. 646-3467 or 647-9304. plete with fencing, sun-deck, 4056. CLEAN USED refrigerators, filter and pump. Now only $795. m ^ e Security deposit required. $37 II ranges, automatic washers, and furniture etc. !^e at 25 NEW FIVE room flat, all weekly. Call 528-1998. 1968 DODGE Charger, red with \ Full price financing available. 2.WI CLEANING SERVICE for BOTTI Heating and Plumbing - with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s Call Tony collect, 4,13-732-3158. Oakwood Road or telephone appliances, fully carpeted, black vinyl top. Outside tach, stores, factories, offices, All heating and plumbing Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- 643-7900. basement storage with washer 318 c.i. Best offer. 649-6711 or .4L'^Mif*H----- homes, schools. Also window repairs plus remodeling. Call 2171 MOVING Must sell- 7 1/2 KW and dryer connections. 649-6485 ask for Pvt. Gonsalves, cleaning. "Special rates to 643-1496. 1968 PLYMOUTH Fury III, Convenient to schools and shop­ VILLAGER APARTMENTS CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE Senior Citizens." No job too big Onan generator, 10’ glass spar SEASONED oak wood - Split boat, 1965 Ford Fainane, two good condition, $500. Call 649- ping. First and second floor Five-room townhouse apart­ 1972 MUSTANG Grande, 302, 3- or small. 649-7863, George. FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing and ready for fireplace. $20 9188 after 6:30 p.m. available. Call Mr. Peterman, ment, \Vi tiled baths, 2 air- speed, power steering, vinyl fish tanks, riding lawn mower, TH' ©ALLEY'S TH' PROPER. PLACE AN' HERE'S YER . G -G -S O S H l - Repairs and remodeling, dump truck loads delivered. women’s ice skates, men’s skis, 649-9404, 646-2912. conditioners, wall-to-wall top, new tires. Asking, $19()0; PER A PRISSY/ LAW-ABIPIN' SCUM TWO WOODEN wheels, 57” Call 228-9290. LITTLE MATEL..PUT lI'M NOT SURE Painting-Papering 32 sewer lines cleaned electrical­ 742-7886. poles and boots, drafting table, carpeting, full basement, LIKE YOUiEASYl APRONS ON 'EM/ I CAN EVEN ly. Prompt service on emergen­ diameter, $35. each. Excellent WEST SIDE- 6 room duplex, in­ FUAOi HAW, HAW BOIL AN filing cabinets, toboggan, wheel heat, hot water, appliances. 4-M .^c l4>r3///fsS>. cies. 643-7024. WOOD-Seasoned oak, sawed barrel, 30’ extensioin aluminum condition. Phone 649-7375. cludes garage, many extras. 1957 CHEVROLET, 210 sedan, C 1675 by WEA. me. T M (Uq. U.S. Pil Off —r HAW! EGG! PAINTING and p^erhanging, Adults preferred. No pets. Available March 1st. Adults A-1 body, motor with 30,000 any length, split, $50 per cord ladder, 8’ wood ladder, electric only, no pets. THE BORN LOSER BY ART SANSOM excellent work. References. delivered. John Hutchinson, MAHOGANY dresser and Lease and security. Call 646- miles with car, $550. Call 649- Free estimates. Fully insured. Articles tor Sale 41 Milwaukee hammer, two TV 742-6639. set. Call 742-8490. mirror, good condition, $35. 8379. 649-7620 4046. Martin Mattsson, 6494431. Phone 643-2285. ■ ■ . I ... ' HAm e, m s apem't s o o uoeoov awx Arnw rioN SUB-LET, two bedroom apart- GREMLIN - Free second year J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom ment, carpeting, air- of guarantee (a $99 value) if you TDlVe AfiOONO h e r b ! decorating. Interior painting. Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 conditioning, etc. Call 646-4353. Homes tor Rent 54 buy and take delivery of a new Paper hanging. New Ceilings. 1975 before February 28, 1975. THEM Remodeling. Exterior painting. DOG-CAT boarding reser­ MANCHESTER - Three DeCormier Motors, 643-4165. Gutters and leaders. Carpentry. bedroom Condominium, 2 1/2 Fully insured. For estimate call vations. Combined inside/out- side runs, partitioned privacy, baths, wall-to-wall carpeting 1968 VOLKSWAGEN Karmann 649-9658. PRESIDENTIAL Ghia - In running condition. $200 germicidal lighting. Canine and all appliances includetT bvNtA, ifK TM hap US Ptt Off] VILLAGE APTS. $350 montnly plus utilities. or best offer. 646-5763 after 5 m PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Road, Manchester, 646-5971. Available March 1. Mr. p.m. Five years experience. MANCHESTER Filloramo, 646-6555. Excellent references. Pete, 742- 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AIR, 4- AKC R egistered Mini-Toy One and two bedrooms BY HANA-BARBERA 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. TWO bedroom Ranch for rent. door, good running condition, Poodles. Charcoal, Silver and N ear schools, churches anc Apricot. Shots. Choose now for Ideal for married Couple. No $150. Call 646-0455 after 6 p.m. PETER BELLIVEAU - Pain­ shopping center, on bus delivery in one week. 875-7782. pets. Call 643-0926. , , e im ting, wallpapering, spray/brush line. Call anytime. 1970 CYCLONE GT Fastback, iTiW iai^ lay*. painting. Fair prices, fully in­ excellent condition, 351 ALLEY OOP BY V.T, HAMLIN N e w Manchester dealer is now FOUR room single, rear 940 SMI sured, experienced and depen­ Garden Products 47 6 4 6 -2 6 2 3 East Middle Turnpike, $100 per Cleveland automatic, yellow dable. 643-1671. demonstrating the month, security required. hardtop, black interior, power THERE'S SMOKE UP AHEAD, OSCAR, THEN WE WASTHAT y -----^ BUY YOUR Potatoes direct Inquire 168 Woodland Street, steering, power brakes. Days AND IT SMELLS LIKE SOMEBODVlS . MUST BE GET- OOOLA? /VES-' )' INSIDE - Outside painting, from the potato warehouse, 643-8474. 643-6011, evenings 742-9502. COOKINS m eat! „..cg HNS CLOSE.' fecial rates for people over 65. Fuego III* unit this Saturday and Sunday. Caldor Center, corner Buckland DELUXE ONE - bedroom (T>lllyi^if qIII, o .^..yiijliyQ Fully insured. Estimates given. Fuego III* ... puts the heat in the room Road & Tolland ’Ipke. apartment - Complete THREE bedrooms up, kitchen, 1965 OLDSMOBILE, good con­ Call 649-7863. not up the chimney! appliances, carpeting, air- dining, living down. Large dition, $175. Call 646-2596 after 4 Antiques 48 conditioned, swimming pool. foyer, three porches, yard, p.m. Building-Contracting 33 $175 plus utilities. Robert D. paved drive, washer-dryer >if a i R Murdock, Realtor, 643-2692. WANTED Antique furniture, hook-ups, pantry, modern NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - glass, pewter, oil paintings, or stove, refrigerator, a real Remodeling, repairing, ad­ other antique items. R. SPACIOUS Six Rooms - Cen­ home. $225 monthly. Immediate UP TO MOO ditions, rec rooms, porches and Harrison, 643-8709. tral, quiet, convenient. Stove, occupancy. May be seen JUNK CARS roofing. No job too small. Call refrigerator, porch, cellar, at­ Tuesday, Feburary 11th from 5- □ 649-31M. OLD WASH stand - Cherry tic. $210 monthly. Security. 649- 9. 58 Oxford Street. WANTED 5675, 649-1924. (Sf?dUA£. drop-leaf table. Old glass. WE WILL PAY UP TO $100 X -l I CARPENTRY - Repairs, Hanging Coleman brush 55 ft»g US Pil OH MANCHESTER - Six room Business for Rent FOR YOUR JUNK CAR remodeling, additions, roofing. mirror. Call 872-6758. Depending on Year and Call David Patria, South Wind­ duplex, three bedrooms, rec MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY WIN AT BRIDGE room, garage, adults only. $200. MANCHESTER - East Center Model sor, 644-1796. Street. Modern air-conditioned Wanted to Buy 49 References, security. Write FREE TOW COME ON, HOWIE, Box G, Manchester Herald. office space, from 100 to 2,000 SAME DAY SERVICE LET^GeEVOU WES ROBBINS carpentry square feet, $4.50 per foot. WANTED - , ANTIQUE fur­ PLEASE CALL FOR BUILD A remodeling specialist. Ad^- Hayes Corporation, 646-0131. The bidding has been; 11 ditions, rec rooms, dormers, niture, jewelry, glassware, CHARLES APARTMENTS - CURRENT PRICE LISTS s n o w m a n ! NORTH built-ins, bathrooms, kitchens, paintings, lamps, etc. Call 649- East Middle Tpke., Deluxe 41/2 A AQ752 SINGLE ROOM and three 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. 522-1104 „ IT Two ways to dump a loser 649-3446. 5139. room Townhouse, 1 1/2 baths, after 5 p.m. 247-0910 If A95 West North East South Cut down on those high heating bilis, convert your fireplace so it heats all appliances, carpeted, two rooms available as suite or singles. Air-conditioning, off AAK4 LEON Cieszynski builder - new your housel High fuel prices are here to stay, so why not install an all nevr air-conditioners, neat, hot ALLIED AQ2 water, storage, two garages, street parking. Phone John H. homes custom built, Fuego III* in your fireplace and beat the high cost of heat. □ RENTALS Lappen, Inc. 649-5261. SCRAP METALS WEST EAST Pass 1 A Pass 3 A remodeled, additions, rec SEE THE AMAZING NEW FUEGO III’ IN OUR SHOWROOM sound proofing, washer and 741 WINDSOR STREET A84 A6 North bid this hand with all If West had hopped up with Pass 3 If Pass 4 A dryer hook-up, fireplace, rooms, garages, kitchens OPEN WEEKDAYS 5:00 - 9:00 SHARE OFFICE Space with HARTFORD If 8 If Q J 10 3 the delicacy of a charging the ace of clubs South would Pass 4 N.T. Pass 5 e remodeled, bath tile, cement SATURDAY 10:00 - 6:00 Rooms for Rent 52 fenced-in patio. $280. Charles a Q J 10 9 8 7 A 65 3 2 rhinoceros, but no one can have been able to discard one of Pass 5 N.T. Pass ? Ponticelli, 646-0800, 646-1540. accountant - Ideal location for dummy’s low hearts on the king work. Steps, dormers. Residen­ SUNDAY 12:00 ■ 5:00 Real Estate or Insurance, etc. A A J 10 4 A 9 7 6 S blame him for insisting on a You South, hold: tial or commercial. Call 649- OPEN ALL DAY WED., 2/12, MON. 2/17 THOMPSON HOUSE, fur­ JOMES^I SOUTH (D) slam after his partner opened of clubs. He would have lost a AAQ76v 2 AKJS4 AAQ82 VERNON - Town House 649-1680, 649-3549. R'KtWAiyi 4291. nished rooms, centrally Trucks tor Sale 82 A K J 10 9 3 the bidding with a spade. trick to the ace of clubs but the What do you do now? COME IN AND SEE DISPLAY MODELS Apartments immediately located. Kitchen privileges. 122 EAST CENTER STREET - If K 7 6 4 2 heart loser would have vanish­ A — Just bid six diamonds to available. Apartment com­ ed into thin air. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY Parking. Reasonable rates. Personal size first floor modern 1973 CHEVROLET El Camino - WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI ♦ ----- South’s first look at dummy show your one king. You have no Carpentry and general contrac­ Phone 649-2358. munities of unusual architec­ 350 engine. Caprice dash, 32,000 AK83 suggested that maybe he should reason to do anything more than M&R COMPANY tural design and beautiful office. Merritt Agency, 646- ting. Residential and commer­ 1180. miles. Call 6 4 ^ 2 5 . give up opening 10 high-card respond to his bid. cial. Whether it be a small 218 Hartford Road, Manchester Phone 646-627SI landscaping which feature WELL,TV HAS RNAU-Y Neither vulnerable NEW FURNISHED room for V o f W WUp WUF point hands. A second glance TODAY’S QUESTION repair iob, a custom built home iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii^^ gentleman, near bus and shop­ private entrance, appliances, C O M B U P WITH told him that everything was private patio with sliding glass MANCHESTER - Any size Motorcyclas-BIcycles 64 'Hoof w o ir W '^oop Instead of bidding four notrump or anything in between, call 646- ping. Call 646-0505. manufacturing - warehouse SOMETHIN© 'WORTHWHILE. West North East South going to be all right. I NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. I 1379. door, wall-to-wall carpeting, your partner has bid five clubs over traverse rods, master T v space, 2,000 square feet to 100,- EXPERT bicycle repairs, all O your four spades. What do you do ROOMS FOR rent, clean, cen­ 000 square feet. Brokers makes, models and speeds. Then he played low from ANY TYPE Carpentry and antenna, laundty and storage now? trally located, parking, on bus protected. Call 1-226-1206. Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, ♦ 4 N.T. Pass dummy and ruffed, then led his Answer Tomorrow masonry work, additions and line. Phone 647-9868. facilities, total electric. No three of clubs. This gave West pets. Rentals starting at $155 Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- 'ass 6 A Pass 7 remodeling. Free estimates. A. BARGAIN BOX 2098. 'ass his choice of ways to let South Squillacote, 649-()811. ROOM FOR rent $25 per week per month. For appointment OFFICE SPACE bring home the slam. Actually, Clip Out - Fill In - Mall Today/ plus security. Call 643-4588. call 872-0528, Monday through Opening lead — Q ♦ he chose to duck. Dummy’s Answer to Previous Puzzle Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. FOR RENT BUILDING - Remodeling, m I queen of clubs won the trick, O lio roofing, rec rooms, additions, ROOMS FOR rent, close to 250 square feet, center of| NOW OPEN SAVE OVER 50% THREE BEDROOMS, central, |Manchester, air conditioning trumps were pulled with two garages. All kinds, carpentry Main Street. Reasonable. ★ NEW LOCATION ★ By Oswald & James Jacoby leads and the king-eight of clubs work. For estimates call 649- Phone 646-5489. cheerful, quiet, second floor, and parking. Call; 643-9551. ACROSS 10 Units ol energy HARLEY DAVIDSON SALES discarded on the two high 12 Check 1142. carpeting, stove, refrigerator, 10ne who eats I basement, garage. Adult family 1B2 Wilbur Cross Highway diamonds. South still had to 13 Renovate 12 Words - 3 Days -1 Dollar I' lose a heart trick but he could 6 Gave utterance 18 Collection ol Apartments For Rent 53 only. No pets. Security, lease. to R. E. GOWER Remodeling, ad­ 41, For Sale Only Routo S A IS afford it. quotes ditions, garages, porches, Tenant pays utilities. Available Resort Property Bsrlln Tpho. 11 Speaker 20 Vendor kitchen and formica work. I WE HAVE customers waiting February 1st. 643-6733,649-5051. For Rent 56 ISPeruaer 21 Form a notion Ads must be mailed only No phone orders RERUN, CONN. "SI r r SEEAAS 14Emisaary 22 Knocked repairs. 646-2087 after 4 p.m. ’ ^ I for the rental of your apartment 15 Consuming Payment must accompany ad I m N w m e u i w OUR A4ASCULINE 23 Enchantresses or home. J.D. Real Estate MANCHESTER GARDENS - STRA’TTON-BROMLEY- 667-2275 667-2276 ^ T A R GAXElC*tV> food 24 Soft masses One Item only. Include price and phone Associates, Inc. 646-1980. two-bedroom duplex, $184 MAGIC area - ’Three-bedroom [CHARM WAS IDO MUCH 16 Sigmoid curve 25 Afresh . MASON CONTRACTOR - See the New 1975 -By CLAY R. POLLAN- 17 John (Gaelic) monthly, includes heat, hot Chalet, fireplace, TV, fully F O R H E R , LIRRA 26 Befouled Plastering, custom built stone No refunds for early cancellation For non-commercial users only Line of A«IIS 19 Numbers (ab.) 40 Measure ol 46 Vegetable LOOKING for anything in real water, appliances and parking. carpeted, complete kitchen MAR. Jl H Your Daily ActMly Guide 28 Aunts (Sp.) or brick fireplaces, chimney ^d may be edited to conform to rules 'T According io th» Start, 20 T ranagressors 29 Unbleached paper 47 Concludes repairs, block and cement estate rental — apartments, Superintendant, 646-0090. Equal with dishwasher. 872-3605. Motorcycles • If 24 Undulated 30 From himself 41 Amperes (ab.) 49 Island (Fr.) Ad will appear In the next three Issues of the Herald after It Is received. To develop message for Wednesday, 27 Expected work. New and repairs. E. homes, multiple dwellings, no housing. r>^37-38-70 42-43-51-64^ (law) 42 Put tonight 50 Saul's uncle •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••#•••••• read words correspr^lng to numbers 31 Inflnm (Bib.) Richardson, 643-0889, 649-0608. No delay In publication will be permitted. fees. Call J.D. Real Estate ®'^78-8M8 72-73-74 36 Heron 43She(Fr.) Campers-Trellers of your Zodiac birth sign. 32 Cost 37 Scottish 45 Hops'kilns 52 Operated Associates, Inc. 646-1980. ROCKVILLE - 3-room apart­ y f TAURUS SCORPIO 33 Girl's name (var.j 53 Follower □ AUTOMOTIVE Mobile Homes 85 1 Things 31 W ork 61 Home negative REMODELING jobs needed - ment, heat, hot water, stove, t 2 Act 32 W ith 62 Repairs ocr. 22^ 34 Fruit (pi.) 35 Add sugar to 1 2 3 4 r r r V W Design services included. Call MANCHESTER - Newer one- refrigerator, $145. Adults only. I ^ MAT JO 3 Now 33 On 63 The NOY. 2 1 ^ 34 Think 64 Deolings 38 Follow after * 1 Everett W. VanDyne, 633-0137. hedroom apartment. Quiet Parking for one car. Ideal for Autos For Sale 61 NEW 14’ wide $9,995 not a 1^33-50-53 4 It's 12-15-17-32/(. . l i 13 stripped down model, super 5 Generally •35 Good 65 Lucky 39 Considers n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• location, includes heat, single person. Security deposit 66 Now 39-4061-82'^ 41 Exist 6 Act 36 Business i8 appliances and carpeting. $195 required. Call 643-9678. NEED CAR? Credit bad? house, trades welcome. 20 GIMINI 7 0 n 37 News 67 Tip SAGITTARIUS 44 Scottish RoofIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE sheeplold homes to choose from, $999. 8 May 38 Gives 68 Busineu n o t . 22 / 1, monthly. Paul W. Dougan, Banknmt? Repossessed? 39 Charm 69 Shopping 45 Subdivision ol 16 H 7 i8 i9 Immediate placement. 20 9 Favorable Realtor, 643-4535, 646-1021. MANCHESTER TWO bedroom Honest Douglas accepts lowest TH ANK '^ no w DON'T DOH'T BOTHEIT HlXzPEMNY. ^OKAYTAKE HBr"^ 10 Start 40 Thon 70 You DEC. 21 aphyle ■ BIDWELL Home Improvement Excellent financing. Parts, * duplex, ideal for young couple. down, smallest payments. i 7-11-13 11 Experience 41 Short 71 M ay j14-16-20-2lJ^ 46 City in Illinois Co. Expert installation of BUZ IS GOODNESS, GO SENDING AC K/ 1 I'VE ' ALONG. THGRB'6 NO 72 W ith ONE ROOM and three room >185. No children please. Call Douglas Motors, 345 Main. supplies, and accessories, full­ U i57-46 12 You'll 42 Todoy's 25-44^6 St Ascended aluminum siding, gutters and •YOU'VE ' m o t X T ^ t YOU'RE* , ALREADY BETTER FISHINQ 13 Rather 43 Aspects 73 Top 54 Hen 5 T IT 28 29 30 furnished apartm ent - All “^tween 1-7, 6 4 6 ^ . time service department. Plaza CANCIR CAPRICORN trims. Roofing installation and Homes, 1348 Wilbur Cross HOME! AGAIN, I planned ON EARTH THAN 14 Buy 44 A t 74 People 55 Entangled repairs. 649-6495, 875-9109. utilities. Older persons ’TOYOTA - See us for reliable SOME­ I A RSHIN6 THE GALAPAGOS iJUNf 21 15 Gain 45 Other 75 The O K . 22 ^ 56 Western cattle 3( 8i MANCHESTER - Nice one- Highway, Berlin,Turnpike, i 6 Only 46 Present 76 Develop 57 Arboreal NAME preferred. 272 Main Street. used Toyotas with our 60-day WHERE. » TRIP WITH ISLANDS. ijuir 22 j 7 More 47 Trip 77 And JAN. I f bedroom^ Ranch-type apart­ Berlin, Conn. 1-828-0369. homes a 34 HORACE Tetrault — Siding, 100% warranty. We also buy I .CHRISTY. iy , 5- 9-27-29 18 Let 48 Guy 78 Go-oheod 2- 3- 4-24/ roofing, storm windows, aw­ ADDRESS ment. Includes heat, not water, used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, .^31-36^064 19 The 49 Or 79Finonclol . 16-2864 ' DOWN 35 38 ® h e H e ra t& SELLING YOUR HOME? Call 20W hot so AAoney 80 Home appliances, private entrance. 345 Center Street, Manchester, i AQUARIUS 1 Alms nings. Quality workmanship, CITY ROCKVILLB 3^ ROOMS Plaza Mobile Home Brokers. LEO 21 You 51 Affect 81 W ith 39 free estimates. Fully insured. $185 per month. Paul Dougan, 646-1321. 22 Crozy 52 Fine 62 Force JAN. 20 ^ 2 Angers STATE Buyers waiting. 1-8284)369. ,3 Inferior horses 872-9187, 649-3417. ROCKUND TERRACE Realtor, 646-1021 or 64345%. AUG. 22 23 But 53 M otfers 63 Activities HI. II ^1 42 n r W 48 IT P.O. Box 591 Large and beautiful one and 2- 24 Loter 54 For 84 Corrditions 4 Greek letter w m ZIP AUTO INSURANCE - Compare '.^2-54-59-68 55 Turn 1- 8-10-22/T 5 Decay r. Conn. bedroom apartmenta, heal, hot 25 Need 85 To 48 51 ROOFING - Specializing water, all appllancee Including dla- MANCHESTER - Newer 4 1/2 our low rates. Young drivers Automotive Service 66 j^-77-79-83 26 Than 56 Than 86 Boll to5567-89'^ 6 Multitude PHONE hwaaher, dlapooal, carpeting, pool 27 Day 57 Hunches 87 Out 7 Light touch repairing roofs, new roofs, room, two bedroom apartment, welcome. For quotations call VIRGO PISCES s r (S and your own privata terrace In a heat, hot water, stove, Rod Dolin, 646-6050. 28 You 58 And Act 8 Husband ol gutter work, chimneys, cleaned country aetting. From $180. No peta. LIGHT BODY and rust repair 29 For 59 Employment 89 0.K. Frigg (myth.) _____12 Words • 3 Days • *1 Dollar refrigerator, disposal, in­ 30 Concentrote 60 Carry 90 Now u i1 and repaired. 30 years car painting. Wright ^ t o r MAR. 20 9 Gambling n cluded. Great location, $2% per WE PAY $10 for complete junk Sales, 1135 East Muldle Turn­ game experience. Free estimates. .. MIscollaneous For Sale Only 872-4223 875-7466 ■^18-19-45-48 Adverse D n ?(.1?z1 41-47-4965/0 Howley, 643-5361. month. Blanchard & Rossetto cars. Call Joey, Tolland Auto pike, next to Bolton town line. ./60-63-86-90 Hlo 57-71-76^^ (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.I Realtors, 64^24%: Body, 528-1990. PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Feb. 11,1975

OBITUARIES State Commission Probes Nursing Home Finances POLICE REPORT Arrests made or summonses Eldred J. McCabe Dies; By JUAN TAMAYO "a red herring,” and added, loans to some of the seven other dalism done recently at Foun­ issued by Manchester Police, HARTFORD (UPI) - A West “You are trying to inject the Bergman-linked nursing homes Three Manchester boys were tain Village Apartments on requiring an appearance in Haven nursing home involved in character of the New York in­ in Connecticut — loaned referred to juvenile authorities Once Chamber Officer Breakers $29,000 for five years, Downey Dr. Court of (Common Pleas at East a complicated series of vestigation into these in­ after Manchester Police found Whitten said. The three girls, released to Hartford, included: mortgages arranged for the vestigations.” they had illegally entered the their parents, were blamed for • Joseph Michaud, 19, of 232 Eldred J . McCabe, 76, of 115 firm since 1960, has come under The costs taken into con­ He said on April 8, 1971, on Manchester school system’s a r a ^ of incidents including Main St., Coventry, charged Russell St., former executive examination by state officials sideration by the coimnission the same day Breakers paid off Old Trade School building at 45 wallpaper torn from walls, early this niorning with vice president of the concerned over whether include interests on mortgages the $29,000, the Bridgeport firm School St. Tuesday night. obscenities scrawled on walls, operating a motor vehicle Manchester Chamber of operators are reaping illegal and salaries. Whitten said alraut loaned Breakers another $45,000 The boys — two 12-year-olds and newspapers burned in without a license and failure to Commerce, died this morning profits from the elderly. $3 of the 623 Breakers charged at 12 per cent for five years. and one 15-year-old — were On Sept. 11, 1972, Breakers apartment building corridors. obey stop sign at Spruce and at Manchester Memorial James Whitten, chairman of per day per patient was going to caught inside the building short­ obtained another mortgage for Pearl Sts. Court date is Feb. 24. Hospital. He was the husband of the Connecticut Hospitals and “corporate salaries.” This does ly before 8 p.m. Police said the $100,000, this time for three • Walter N. Talaga, 24, of 161 Mrs. Annie M. Turkington Health Care Commission, led not include staff wages. youths were lying in a hallway, years at 14 per cent interest. Oak St., and Neil P. Donovan, McCabe. the questioning Monday as the Czermack testified that he,< trying to hide. Police found the The money was provided by the 23, of 134 Vernon Ave., Mr. McCabe was executive state regulatory agency traced Frankel and Frankel’s wife, three while checking the Fire Calls Machsikai .Torah Institute and Rockville, both charged early vice president of the family trees and financial tran­ Clara, are also officials of Mil- building after an open window Congregation Beth Pincus, of this morning with speeding. Manchester Chamber of sactions. Nor I^operties, which owns the was discovered. MANCHESTER Brookline, Mass. Court date is March 4. Commerce from 1929 to 1941 Questioned at length was Pond Point Skilled Nursing The boys, charged with third- Tuesday, 12:39 p.m. — False ’The institute is an Orthodox and held similar posts in other Julius Czermack, secretary of Facility in Milford. degree burglary, were released alarm from Box 352, Laurel rabbinical school and temple. Thefts reported to cities before he retired several the Breakers Nursing Home He also said he recently to their parents. Manor Convalescent Home Bergman and Frankel are both Manchester Police Tuesday in­ years ago. He was director of Inc., who said one of its owners bought the Westview Convales­ (Town). rabbis. cluded: Junior Achievement activities was Ben Zion Frankel of New cent Center in Dayville. In another juvenile case TOLLAND COUNTY in Connecticut from its incep­ Whitten said Breakers had On the same day Breakers • Hubcaps worth $25 taken York. Tuesday, Manchester Police Tuesday 7:33 a.m. — Report tion in 1944 until 1947 when he gotten a number of mortgages paid off $40,408 on the $108,000 said three girls were responsi­ from a parked car at the rear of Frankel was recently iden­ of smoke in house at Snipsic was named national field direc­ since 1960, when it was bought mortgage obtained in July, ble for a large amount of van- the Andrews Building, E. tified by the New York Times Lake Rd., Tolland; no fire. tor of Junior Achievement Inc. 1965, from the National Savings Center St. as the brother in-law of Ber­ for $129,000 by the Frankel in­ Tuesday, 10:10 a.m. — He was bom June 20,1898 in Bank and part of the $29,000 • An ivory desk telephone nard Bergman, whose vast nur­ terests from ^Ip h L. Carbone, Ellington Fire Department Manchester, son of the late loan from the Bridgeport firm. stolen in a burglary at a Devon sing home empire in New York of New Haven, and Frank L. called to assist Somers firemen William and Isabelle Crawford Czermack drew a ripple of Dr. home. is under investigation for possi­ Amarante, of Hamden. on house fire. McCabe, and had lived here all On the day of the sale Frankel laughter at the hearing when I / V AbCJT • A Manchester High School ble welfare fraud. ’Tuesday, 6:02 p.m. — Car fire his life. He was a member of Whitten asked him what all ring stolen from a locker at the Connecticut officials want to also took out a $60,000 loan from on E. Main St., rockville. those loans had gone for and he TOWN East Side Rec. the Manchester Salvation Army find out if financial Carbone and Amarante, at 6 per and Manchester Lodge of answered, “For a number of manipulations were used to in­ cent interest a year, Whitten Eldred J. McCabe things.” Masons. flate the homes’ costs on paper, said. The only loan he was asked During World War I, he saw used by the commission to es­ On Sept. 29, 1963, Breakers The Army and Navy Club Other survivors are a son, about in detail was the one from foreign service with the Salva­ tablish rates allowing for 10-15 paid off that loan and took out a Auxiliary will meet Weiiesday Donald E. McCabe of Fair­ Machsikai, which he said went tion Army and was also attached per cent profits above costs. $94,000 mortgage from the at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse.


N 'M SALE! RUFFLED SKIRT special bedspreads purchase! WITH MATCHING DRAPES

. .-x-ws-;' - ' '' '<.^>5'''^

From a top maker. Fashioned of 50% Kodel® polyester and 50% Avril rayon, a permanent press . fabric that's machine washable. Provincial, floral print or patch quilt patterns. Gold, pink, blue, brown.

I ' W f j A #

nd lal ids ►

WE HONOR OPEN /"maste/^harg^ THURSDAY THE INTMO/INK CARD NIGHTS UNTIL9P.M. MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT Rain Checks Given Whan Advertised items Not Availabie Due To Heavy Demand or Not Arriving On Timei We Reserve Right To Limit Quantities. Not Responsibie For Typographicai Errors.

CLEARANCE Girls' Reg. 2.98 girls'reg. 14.98 to 18.98 polo % jackets n' snorkels shirts

2.22 , 0 m save 76^ u P Polyester - cotton blend, r turtleneck polo shirts. Long Waterproof snorkel jackets with nylon qujit lining for sleeves. White, navy, green, extra warmth. Big selection of instructor length ski berry. Sizes? to 14. jackets. Quilt lined to shield her from the cold and wind. In bright, happy colors. Sizes? to 14. I save 1.98 to 2.98 CLEARANCE girls' 7 to 14 g irls ' regular 4.98 famous name BY "BATES" A r l in g t o n " ^ short n' long sleeve slacks heirloom tops H i spreads s reg. tw in ' 10.88 13.98 s I 72x90 SIZE full 13.88 115.98 reg. 6.98 to 7.98 Chatham blankets Add the heirloom look to your home with the fine, distinctive Choose from a large selection of girls’ Cozy warmth without extra ■ ^ ■ '“ A weight is what you get with : handcrafted look of "Arlington" super-looking slacks and jeans. Styles 100% cotton. Bouillon-fringed Big selection of girls' famous-name long and short she'll love in corduroys, polyester and these first quality 100% Acrylic sleeve tops. Perfect for school or play. Many different 5.44 "Chatham" blankets. Solid bedspreads. White and antique orlon knits. Solids, plaids, herringbone, white in twin and full sizes. styles, colors and prints to choose from. Sizes ? to 14. and tweeds. Sizes ? to 14. reg. 6.98 colors, patterns, prints, bor­ ders.

QUILTED 21x27 CUT SIZE DACRON®' RED LABEL polyester fill save 1.54 to 2.54 I mattress flame retardant bed ANCHOR BAND FITTED SKIRTjf^g^ pillows TWIN 4.47 twin 5.47!"'S.49 sleeping reg. White polyester filled bed FULL 5.47 Sis FULl5.47 7.49 pillows in pink and blue for a Protect your mattresses with quilted 100% cotton blankets 1.97 dreamy night's sleep. Corded pads with Dupont Dacron® polyester filling for reg. 2.98 on 4 sides. 4.44 longer, and longer wear. reg. 5.98 to 6.98 COAT DBPT Infants' flame retardant 1-piece, z ip - \^ ^ front sleeping blankets. Non-skid soles coat sale! with large applique. Pink, blue, yellow. Sizes S, M, L, XL.

iiilil save 55c to 1.39 Infants' n Children's hats n' mittens regular prices to O priced values to on all coats 1.29 to 2.39 to Children's and infants' in stock orlon acrylic knit hats and I clear! mittens. Several styles Fantastic savings on fake furs, pant coats, boot length and jacquard prints to coats, Harris tweed coats, untrimmed coats, zip lined .choose from. Infants' coats, quilted coats, man-made fur coats. Regular and half sizes up to 6. sizes. easy-cleaning, long-lasting now's the time to save on ball fringe style muslin enamelware Cape Cod curtains

SALE REG. l^ectiricbrQom SIZE SALE REG. SIZE 5.49 vacininri" 2 4 "length 2.27 3.29 54"length 3.97 11/2 QT. 5.98 DOUBLE BOILER 30"length 2.47 3.49 63"length 4.27 MODEL 6.59 7415 36" length 2.67 3.79 72"length 4.57 UDICO Broilmaster 2.29 45"length 3.77 4.98 valance 1.57 3 QT. WINDSOR SAUCE POT 5: electric broilers 2 PC. SAUCE PAN SET

porcelainware is save battar4ways! 3.44 CLEANS EASY 21.44 COOKS FAST reg. 24.88 Add the warm, country-fresh look to 1 QT. COVERED LASTS LONGER almost any room of your home with SAUCE PAN COSTS SO LITTLE Large size for baking roast, broiling chops, roasting these versatile ball-fringed muslin chickens and baking large cakes. Also, grills, toasts, curtains. Hang them this way or that Good-looking porcelainware, white with black trim, warrns food. Has rich chrome finish, two tubular way . . . they always look fresh in that's easy to clean. Foods can be sponged off. Also, heating elements, 6-position thermostat control, easy-care fabrics. Tie-backs included. cooks faster, the finish stays forever, and costs so little porcelainized tray (with removable nickel-plated grill)| In white and beige. you can afford a matched set. 3 step height adjustment. DACRON®SHEER, SOFT FINISH tailored curtains 2 1 /2 Q t. cherry 2 4 "length 1.77 reg. 2.39 avocado whistling pineapple General Electric three-speed 30'Mength 1.87 reg. 2.59 non-stick Teflon II tea easy-clean porcelain I hand mixers 10" fry pan Lasagne pan kettle 36" length 1.97 reg. 2.79 save save save 1.12 reg. 2.99 reg. 1.99 8.88 45"length 2.57 reg. 3.59 reg. 3.88 1.87 52c 1.47 1.11 2.77 reg. 10.88 Sturdy, even-heating aluminum fry pan What a pan! Easy-clean porcelainware Three speed mixer coated with glossy-smooth color finish 54" length and of a generous size. Ideal for a 10 lb. Whistling tea kettle in kitchen-bright with fingertip control. 2.77 ^ that cleans and gleams like fine din- fowl or a 15 lb. roast, and not to colors of avocado, cherry, and Ideal for mixing, MODEL M24 nenware. Brightens the kitchen — mention, lots and lots of lasagna. pineapple. Handy 2 1/2 Qt. size. stirring or whipping. lightens the cleaning chore. Color styled in 63"length 2.97 reg. 3.98 Model #4067. HOUSEWARES DEPT. avocado and harvest.

20-PIECE GENUINE ^ 72" length SAVE 3.99 3.27 AMERICAN IRONSTONE breakfast sets 81" length 3.57 reg. 4.98 reg. 13.98 valance 1.47 reg. 1.98 Genuine hand-painted ironware is dishwasher safe — oven proof — swag 2.77 ^ fade proof. Sets consist of 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 In soft tints of white, gold, beige, 10" plates, 4 salad ' green and blue. 1 plates, 4 soup bowls. In I popular "Honey Gold" pattern. Also available "Yellow Star" and

(flowers not Included) The don repi c c

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