New York Flora Association - New York State Museum Institute Gerry Moore, Catherine Rushworth, and Steve Young, Editors Correspondence to NYFA, 3140 CEC, Albany, NY 12230 Vol. 18 No. 2 Summer 2007 e-mail:
[email protected] Dues $20/Year website: to a successional forest. The soils are mesic and Carex flacca (Heath Sedge) a Non- associated species include Penstemon digitalis, Lonicera morrowii, Galium mollugo, Rosa Native (? Invasive) Addition to the multiflora, Cornus racemosa, and Equisetum Flora of Tompkins County and South arvense. It is colonial and forms a very dense Central New York. monospecific patch. In other parts of North America it is known from abandoned quarries, By David Werier ditches, marshes, and wet forest edges (Standley 2002). In Europe it is known from various habitats Last winter (2005-2006) while walking along a but usually prefers calcareous soils (Chater 1980). gas pipeline right-of-way I became aware of a large Although Carex flacca is only known from a clonal patch of a sedge. I was unable to identify the few locales in North America, it is believed to be species as it was not familiar to me and was in a increasing (Standley 2002). The population in vegetative state. I was particularly intrigued Tompkins County appears to be well established, because it grew in a dense patch about 25 square robust, and dominant to the exclusion of other meters in size, to the exclusion of all other plants. plants. From just seeing this one population I am This spring (May 2006) I returned to the site and obliged to believe that this species could become collected a voucher specimen (DW 2987, to be invasive.