SPARTANS SLIGHT FAVORITES WEATHER Partly cloudy, no change in temp- UNBEATEN erature. Gentle variable winds. Jobs TO TOPPLE ELEVEN Max. yest., 63 deg. Min. yest., 42 deg. :anis IN GAME AT STADIUM TODAY San Jose Slate College Weather Bureau

YOU A shy on tackles, but. apparently still riding tulle on the thoOrk,:, them a 20-6 of Inspiration that brought upset victory over Nevada , - LI State's Spartans will enter last week, San Jose this afternoon's game tI to be ill Spartan Stadium slight favorites to topple Charlie Erb's Humboldt ladle* from the un- State Lumberjacks Ice repr, defeated class. lel offio invaders, who have beaten Veterx, The Cardinal LAST DAY FOR State, the PHOTOS: Francisco so men nty Califor- Athletic Club of Oakland, alorY Aggies, Santa Clara Frosh, igbjegt nia TEN SENIORS Rosa J. C. and Santa MISSING

Chico State, PPIlebyt scores and have only !mber k by decisive Saint Mary's La Torre issued a call today for a scoreless tie with ten December graduates to drop in Fresh to mar their record, arrived Pen It yesterday and at the A.W.S. room and have their in town at noon 60 year, in pictures taken in cap and gown VOLUME 24 indulged in a light work-out SAN JOSE, CALIFORNI . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1935 his rat, today. Number 41 Spartan Stadium in the afternoon any tint, As this is the last to get the kinks out of their train day that .d by rk. pictures will be taken, legs. Kathryn Burt Watson Epps, La Torre editor, asks that Slides Into Popularity Contest Lead Over MARTIN, WILSON DOUBTFUL ontrol the graduates who have not had Jack Martin, first string left men onk their pictures taken yet respond tackle who has been confined to Kay Epps As Voting Shows Rapid dory gal at once. Increase Near End the health cottage since the night ist belted Included on the list of December before the Nevada game with a graduates who should take care FINAL SPURT EXPECTED bad stomach, and Jess Wilson, his CLUB WILL HEAR Contest Leaders of this today are: Albert J. Cox, Jr., Control substitute, are the chief A S CONTRIBUTIONS sophomore Eugenia M. Cunan, Are men 0:] James Hay, HERBERT C. JONES Announced members of DeGroot's doubtful ealarv Beatrice Evelyn Kelley, Nellie TAKE PICKUP $n afternoon's fracas. list for this Louise State Senator Herbert With one day to go- lust be Ce Mueller, Helen Elizabeth C. Jones Wilson is suffering from a bad Burt Watson, Sparta's crooning Burt Watson, 551. Saystrom, Caroline Adell Schrader, will be guest speaker at a meeting ankle, and probably will be un- Arlene Sommers, Thomas I. halfback, shot into the lead in the Kathryn Epps, 398. Control 0' of the Pre-Legal club Monday at to go the whole route if Dolores Freitas, 363. able Starks, and Johann Else Burket. popularity contest yesterday with a men otk 12:30 in room 11, when he will DeGroot sees fit to play him. As the A.W.S. room will be va- Dee Shehtanian, 295. salary Da discuss the good deal more enthusiasm being Elizabeth Simpson, 291. To remedy the situation, Bruce cated today by the photographers, future possibilities of! 1st be Ed shown. Kathryn Epps, who was Mickey Gallagher, 260. Daily, giant junior, will probably all those who have not yet seen law practice as a source of income, ahead after Wednesday's voting, Joyce Grimsley, 209. fCorrtinued on page three) their proofs may call at the pub- and describe some of his exper- lications I dropped to a close second place. Bill Lewis, 151. trip se office next week, where lences. The total amount contributed Rinaldo Wren ,68. date they will be available. All San Jose State stu- Senator Jones is a graduate of sofar is $130.45. Of this $28.23 has Howard Burns, 60. San Jose High School and Stanford come in through the medium of Bill Moore, 50. dents please gather in front NOTICE Horace Laughlin, of Fourth street entrance at University, and for the past thirty tthe popularity contest, $28.55 from 36. Will the following see either Kay campus societies, $15.75 was col- Mary Youngren, 26. 11:05 to welcome Humboldt years has been practicing law In Epps or me regarding La Torre lected in senior orientation, and Kay McCarthy, 26. State college rooters and stu- John F. Baker, Johann E. Bucket, San Jose. A state senator for $57.92 from the freshman class. dents. Al J. Cox Jr., Eugenia M. Cunan, twenty-two years, he is at present: SOCIETIES GIVE Irnomaptu rally will be Bldg. James Hay, Beatrice E. Kelley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary. The societies whose contributions $2.00. held, assisted by Spartan Helen Savstrom, Carotin A. Schrad- Committee. came in yesterday were: Kappa George Downing states, "There band and Howie Burns and ket er, Arlene Sommers, and Thomas I. Anyone interested in hearing the Delta Pi, $7:00; Delta Phi Upsilon, has been a definite upswing in the ,mastants. Starks.Paul Jungermann, Asst. Senator's talk is cordially invited $5.00; Japanese Club, $5.05; Iota spirit demonstrated by the atu- Editor, to attend the meeting, Sigma Phi, $2.50; and Kappa Phi, (Continued on page four) WELCOME HUMBOLDT STATERS STUDENT BODY TO Praises We Sing RALLYCOMMITTEE WELCOME 7 YOU HONOR GRIDDERS Praises we sing. our noble Gold and White, PLANS STUNTS I In Thee, our Alma Mater, is wisdom, truth and light. LUMBERJACKS AT FINAL DANCE To Thee will be strength. all honor, power and might. FOR HOLIDAY OF QUARTER Forever will be praises in the Gold and White. COMBAT StudentPrexy Receives Praises we sing, for lo! the sun shines bright Gold YouseWith Plans are being made to accom- Upon the glorious colors, the College and White. With the invading San Diego Friendly And when at last we reach that final goal, modate the visiting Humboldt State Aztecs furnishing the last Greeting Note All glory will be due to the Gold and White. home opposition for the Spartan State students at the student body gridiron forces on Thanksgiving WELCOME, HUMBOLDT STATE tonight from 9 o'clock until dance Hail, Oh Alma Mater! Day, the rally committee is work- LUMBERJACKS. Hail to Thee! midnight in the men's gymnasium, Hail! Oh Alma Mater, Hail, ing furiously to complete the plans San Jose State college welcomes announces Paul Becker, social af- Hail to thy tower rising gloriously. for the first "big-time" game YOU whole-heartedly and wishes all All thy chilren praise thee on sea and land, of fairs chairman. stunts in the history of the college you to enjoy the game; and ROOTERS TRAIN Hail, three times Hail, Alma Mater grand. to add to the holiday color. have a pleasant time in the hos- hundred Humboldt stu- Hail thy halls of learning. Thy quad so fine, pitality Several RABBITS IN HATS which we try to offer you. dents are expected to arrive this Hail beauteous campus crowned with palm and pine. Althoagh several spectacular Bill Moore, president, noon on a special train to attend How our memories cluster round Washington Square! surprises are wrapped up in sec- Associated Students, the football game this afternoon at ' Hail, three times Hail, Alma Mater fair. recy until game time, according to San Jose State. Spartan Field which sees their Cal Sides, in charge of stunts, college meet the Spartan eleven. , Hail, Spartans, Hail definite plans are worked out for Hail, Spartans, Hail! Hail, Gold and White! For the convenience and in- The most popular man or woman I the card stunts, and these card We pledge our hearts and hands to keep thy colors ever bright. formation of our guests: on the campus--the winner of the! stunts depend on the full support Forward we go! We shall not fail! Humboldt-San Jose game community chest popularity con- of the rooting section for success. at Sing to our Alma Mater, Hail! Hail! Hail! Spartan Stadium, 2 p.m. test-will be announced for the I A series of four huge colored Spartans, Hail! All Hail to thee! To Stadium: take 7th and first time at the dance tonight. Hail, pictures, made by the manipulation Keyes ear, Hail to thy cloister'd halls and Tower standing straight and free. of the orange and blue cards, are Jim Dark's 9-piece orchestra,' Student Thy Gold and White, Long may they sail! tentatively scheduled, and the rally Body Dance: at just returned from the Orient after Men's gym. 9-12 To thee we sing forever, Hail! Hall! Hail! men emphasize the point that white p.m. a round-the-world cruise aboard IL FREE to all shirts for men and white blouses Humboldt stu- a Dollar liner, will play for the be dents upon presentation Spell Yell Railroad Yell or dresses for coeds must be worn of bop, the last student body dance student body - Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! son cards. Out- quarter. 5 -A -N -J -0-5-E to give the desired contrast and siders of the -AN -JO-SE our accompanied by stu- S effect. DANCE BAND (fast) dents, 25 cents. No stags. Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! DIRECTIONS ON CARDS tee' its first ap- San Jose! Since it is making San Jose! (repeat twice more getting faster' !gilt The handling of the cards is pearance on the campus, the well- Jose State! San each succeeding time). simple, states the committee, for idlown dance band will be a major i 0 directions are printed on every ,II 'Action of the dance. "SP" Yell Walsh's Group Tea Spartan Double "S" card. the policy of last "S-P! A -R! T-A! N -S! Continuing (slow and whisper first time) A solid rooting section of 500 Members admitted. Rah! Rah! Rah! of Mrs. Walsh's Kind- year, no stags will be S-S-SPAR -T-T-TANS students is blocked out on the ergarten-Primary Students will be admitted free upon group, women Spartans! Spartans! Split Six east side of the stadium, and all whose names student body begin with 9 through presentation of their Rah! Rah! Rah! (sloAo students are requested to sit in the Will Spartans! be guests cards, and outsiders accompanied at a tea Sunday time yelling faster San Jose Varsity designated section to aid the rally afternoon be charged 25 (second from 4 to 6 at her home, by a student will Rah! (fast) committee. 104g and faster) Rah! Rah! Sherwood avenue. cents. PAGE TWO SPARTAN DAILY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1935 SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE FOR YOUR I NOTEBOOK NOTES SPARTAN DAILY Edification ten o'clock students Between nine and interested Is Dedicated to the best interests of San lose State this evening a dress rehearsal will money. THEATERS he held as preparation for the Published every school day by the Associated Students of San Jose State College "The World Waits", a melodram- big ordeal Saturday evening. With While wandering about Entered a. second class matter at the San Jose Postoffice. atic three act spectacle of the tbt of Meadows, it is hoped Economics the aid building. I drOpp, Pries ea Globe Printing Co., Inc. antartic, will be staged by the Columbia as 141143 So. Fbot Street that the collar button will give Dr. Berry's office. Clay M. Green players of Univ- There 1 at in and behave as fashion demands. that the good doctor EDITOR DOLORES FREITAS ersity of Santa Clara Thursday Sy k To those not acquainted with completed his book on he, Phone S. C. 1R1 night, November 21, under the the D.T.O. formal at Devonshire Literature, and it is BUSINESS MANAGER JACK REYNOLDS direction of Fenton McKenna, ad- tate this corning Saturday evening, all hands of a typist, Phone Bal. 5338J mission 35 cents. this preparation may seem trivial, Just why the old SPORTS EDITOR STEVE MURDOCK PADRE as, but they tell me that the dance tune, "Seven Years Phone Bal. 6732W "His Night Out," with Edward Vita will be worth it. Wrong Woman," came Everett Horton, Irene Harvey, and Is Carmen Dragon will be there to will have to be solved EDITORIAL BOARD Jack LaRue. Also, it furnish the dansapation. According De Voss- -maybe it's just t Assistant Editor Louis Walther "Guard That Girl," with Robert to his talkative press represent- eident, or because Dr. Ben Managing Editor Charles Leong Allen and Florence Rice. ative, Carmen is in the big time, spent more than ten Copy Editor Helen Rector AMERICAN years and he will give the boys and ing material. Feature Editor Thelma Vickers "She Married Her Boss", with gals a treat to some of the sweetest After taking one of , Claudette Colbert and Melvin Doug- in NEWS EDITORS orchestrations and intermission inations, one cannot dota Monday, Ellen Steven; Tuesday, Frank Brayton; Wednesday, Orrin Matheny las, also: Thursday, Lela (j'(onnell; Friday, Dick Bertrandiaa; number's they have heard for some point. Lovely day, isn't it. "The Return of Peter Grimm". time. JUST FOR THE BUSINESS STAFF with Lionel Barrymore and Helen Burton Abbott, Don Walker, Velma Gilardin, Howard Person, Francis Cauhape. Those who attended the Junior RECORDS, SIR Mack. Foot Ball insist Carmen is a boy "Dear Mr. Engfer: SPORTS STAFF LIBERTY Gil Bishop, Dick Bertrandias, Dick Edmonds, Gene Gear, Walt Peterson. James Millais to watch. He has definitely shelved "Your problem is in the "Trails of the Wild", with Ken it the loud numbers for the sweet Economics and not pay,, 'WOMEN'S DESK , Maynard. Catherize Gunn, Editor; Muriel Hood, Society; Lela O'Connell, Women's Sports; arrangements, which is always a You are to approach a Reinhild Hoerle, Organisations CALENDAR sign of improvement. Too many scientist and not as a jounk COPY DESK bands suffer from blowing "Your paper should treat Ellen Steven, Ora Lindquist, Walt Peterson, *,ank Brayton, Richard Lucky, Eugene coast Robert Kelly. Bunker, often it is an easy "1. The gold standard Gear, James Modals, Jo Frank Hamilton. TODAY too hard, and cover up a lack of tone now (what is going on) Feature Staff Sigma Delta Pi meeting Friday way to "2. The theoretical penal Charles Leong, Randolph Fitts, Raymond Wallace, Rudolph Engfer, Jessie Alford. night at home of Elizabeth Ghio, quality. where art thou! (your 7 under 11.) 345 South Ninth street. Oh, Meadows, Cartoonist, John Knight Artist, Michael Angelo "3. The practical yolks club meet 12:15, both Special Contributor, Dr. T. W. tunes has a (compromises.) MacQuarrie women and men. One of the newer "Love Makes the World Go "4. Do people care? Ith Reporters MONDAY title, amen 'Round." Quite true, but a good satisfy the artist in year Wilma Dresia, Myer Ziegler. Esther Popham, Dorothy Root, Richard Lucky, Apbeei Noon day bracer in women's will do the same Such reads the comment( WHE Harvey, William Gambell, Victor Carlock, David Loehwing, William Ryan, Robert gym. chew of tobacco Kelly, Leona Pruett. outline handed in to Mr. It corm club meet from seven job for me. TEXTBOOK last week. No comment as to nine p.m. in pool. REPURCHASE PLAN NEEDED AT STATE other than if I were Dr. De; Phuannt(11 Just what happened to the Tau I should ask why psycho* yards , NOTICES I D-Its repurchase plan for text- not capitalized? Just Among Ourselves books? It is a problem that de- Meadows, bring Stevens, Editors of El Toro: serves the combined effort of all along. I am practically rent asunder Note: This column is personal week. In fact, ti; i .;ere a little with proper remorse, for the vision between the president and the col- ahead on Tuesday. But this effort of a mother's tears is a regrettable TRAVELOGUE IS H. Gillis Conti lege. Outsiders are requested not is of more importance to the one indeed. Know you that I am DINNER FEATURE Chapter To Play Be' to make use of the material. students than to the older folks. deeply touched. Most deeply. Mr. Hugh Gillis, direct, It is a learning situation more Dr. Dorothy Kaucher, of the RE BUT, I hasten to add, if your has written; a Jose Players, BY DR. T. W. important for good citizenship than Speech department, presented MacQUARRIE grief is authentic, if that spot on on directing plays in a Replying to a wail in most of our activities. I believe it travelogue at the Commerce Club yesterday's the wall where you intend to hang just off the press, "Tc, would be a good idea for the col- dinner held last night at 6:30 at Daily, which perhaps I shouldn't, Baby El Toro is as empty as you ectors", edited by Janice lege to put on a miniature Com- say, I am the Hotel Italia. I'll just say that there is no auth- sure you will not hes- president of the Drama headed munity Chest next year, possibly Further entertainment was pro- itate to meet the ransom as de- association of . ority anywhere for closing the every year thereafter. This problem Charlie manded. A copy of El Toro for the vided by Mr. H. A. Binder, form- college for a football game. is going to be with us right along and Of ensuing school year. How's about erly general agent of the Massa- gave a short talk, course, if your work is sup a cut and it might be well for the stu- it, Toots? chusetts Mutual Life insurance Brown, who gave an int(' iSPatrtajpoles dent body to elect or appoint a might not hurt very much, but if Diabolically yours, company of San Francisco, who (lance. In aver Community Chest chairman as one It isn't, you'd better stick around I. Aman Abductor. of their regular officers. It would and give it a boost. A football the Hi be the duty of that chairman to Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh is having game today won't help much on organize the campaign each year. What A Party! 1 year,pwroitdhu tea for the Kindergarten -Primary such an idea is worth December 20. It's hardest, of I believe group at her home, 1048 Sherwood although some other course, on faculty members who considering, street. from 4-6 o'clock this Sun- might like to go. Perhaps the may be better. day afternoon. very students they have worked ALONZO BAKER --- BIG GAME nl with most all the quarter are the San Jose State pre-medical stu That was about the best talk enhfosatbaliii ones who will keep them tied down dents must signify to their inten- wit I ever heard on world conditions today. tion to take the medical aptitude year, I when Mr. Alonzo Baker of Mount- test before 4 o'clock this NITE Anyway, if you feel truly afternoon. ain View spoke to the freshmen ht aggrieved, just take it out on the Application should b made in Dr. recently. I wish all of you could iced Phy. Ed. people. They planned the Jay C. Elder's office, room 103. have heard him. More than 1,000 has pu game for today, and I am suspic- There is a one dollar fee. were present. His talk was clear, basis ious that they are going to the Students intending to enter any f up to the minute, and presented now recognized medical college Make your date r Stanford-Cal. game tomornow. Fact manner. must i in an interesting ol is, however. I believe we shall take the test when offered Decem- for the Night The Noise in the hall is a serious ber An evening have more students out there if 6, at 2 o'clock in room 107. Nights! "I of disturbance for programs in the entertaining they have to cut classes than we full of tpheeoeneed auditorium. If you know a pro- would If the classes were dis- CROSS STREETS AT THE surprises! alinnds:n: gram is going on, will you please missed. INTERSECTIONS do the best you can to limit your COMMUNITY CHEST It has been proved that the Infer activities in the hallway? If you are not in sympathy with pedestrian who crosses in the *A*n**i the Community Chest, it's just be- If this popularity contest isn't middle of the block has 20 DANCE that g cause you don't know about it. the success you hope for, why more chances of being in- DINE teuani w I wish any of you who feel critical don't you put on one for faculty jured and 60 more chances of under of this method of handling ben- members? I believe OF Bill would being killed than the one evolences would take the oppor- go out and vote $100 on himself who crosses at the inter- tunity of attending a couple of I might even risk a nickel or tw(( section. luncheons. I am sure ( n the old boy myself. mDEadt:eer'ys:1:1 those report you would he inspired by the fine At* effort now be* made by so many good citizens to raise the money pbore:Dedaic::IP:e' which will be needed so badly dur- CNVEN CITY ing the coming year. College employees have been CHEVROLET CO. pretty close to their budget ail 6th and E. Santa Clara Sts. Opp. Medico-Dental Bldg. tra flea asrht, San Jose's Biggest New and Used Car Market No SPARTANS! ;111 Herai Always Bargains in Our Huge Stock of Used Cars 10' , DISCOUNT Cover or Minimum Charge! With Student Body Card 30 DAY WRITTEN GUARANTEE SPARTAN DRUG CO. On all Cars Bearing the Red 0. K. Tag tor jp EASY TERMSTRADES OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS Tonight Night 51 E. Santa Clara St. Is College 4444tatw 111 HUMBOLDT IS MYSTERY TEAM TODAY


(Continued from Page One.) move over from the right side and team with Harry Hardiman S \N juSE, (' 11.011N1.1, FR1DAN, NOVI,,IBER 22. 1935 in the starting line-up. Glenn e DuBose, regular right rs wit guard and handy man of all rame to trades, may see some work at Shin-Kickers To Vie With Dons tackle solved ts by way of helping out ti juitt WWW*****WWWWWWWWW*WWWwWw In Last Game Tomorrow Morn Dr, Bit. * PROBABLE LINE-UPS * n year' gn AStill smarting from that Stan- Humboldt San Jose quarians Meet fie'd defeat of Wednesday but un- of hil Nygard L.E.R. Laughlin, c discouraged, Spartas soccer war- lot dOd( Simas L.T.R. Hardiman riors participate in n't it Gould L.G.R. DuBose Olympians Here their last Sievert C. Swartzell tussle of the year tomorrow morn- Harris R.G.L Cannel! Sparta's rejuvenated water dogs, ing with the Coviness c R.T.L. Daily iresh from a 6-1 victory over the at 10 o'clock on Spartan Field. in Nielson R.E.L. Lantagne Dolphin Club, will hit the water of the h. Having cinched themselves the peri, Smith Q. Carpenter cellar spot in the conference, the nich it Ferin L.H.R. Watson i a Pura_ Mede R.H.L. Pura DRAPER CAPTAIN Staters will have little incentive lid treatit W. Moore F. Hines Bill Draper, stellar center- against the S.F.U. outfit except a indard ai * back from Palo Alto, was chance to wind up the season g on.) ************************ * last night elected captain of I with a bang. Mark Masson, goalie, cal pox. Lloyd Jackson, the lone remaining * San Jose's team. reserve for the post. Carl Robinson and Bob Doerr, ************** .1 pciaLi Charles Baracchi, regular left ***** 414-444/ wingmen, and Mel Hickman, vet- end who was out of the Nevada Spartan plunge tonight to battle eran center half, will terminate ire? it game with a bruised left ankle, the highly touted Olympic club their careers in this has practically recovered but is septets in a conference double- you.0 argument that looms as pretty comment WHEREVER SAN JOSE football fans gather, they talk in very doubtful if DeGroot will risk re- header starting at 8:30 p.m. much all S.F.U. The Senors from to Mr 1, complimentary ton'es of the way Francis "Franny" Pura runs back injury by playing him in view of ' Still remembering the tough 5-4 the hilltop town are just the re- intent IF ! punts. Against Nevada he averaged over fifteen yards on six kicks the Thanksgiving Day game with struggle they lost amid Sparta in the league set- re Dr D. handled in addition to piling up an individual total of over forty (Continued on Page Four.) the icicles of the Olympic Club verse of up, with first place over the Bears psychic I yards from scrimmage. quite comfortably ensconced in Bente! Photo Courtesy satchel. Steve's c Mercury Herald. their SCRIBE UNEARTHS UNUSUAL Roman Plunge, the Spartan first tring, generally known as the ontriii INVADING TEAM HAS Specimen In Form Of Six Day Bike Racer .,unior varsity, are pointini for the Play Bo scalp of the invading jayvees. d REMARKABLE RECORD Who Has Retired While Is Still Alive

By GENE ROCCHI By DICK BERTRANDIAS example. Where, in the latter 7.,-t. in trothcr's "Six clay Bicycle a traveller of a Racer," and if you IIALE The Tunderbolts of the north, Bruco Risley is sports one must be on edge and sort, and doea it on a bicycle. He remember the picture you may headed by their "miracle man", in trim, in bike racing the lads has clicked off as many as 2500 remember Bruce. He was the lad less about that period before Charlie Erb, invade the lair of the worry, on the bike with the green RHOS miles in six days and gotten exactly shape Spartan this afternoon with a no place at afi, which is a paradox- the race, and work into wheels spotless record and an ambition ical assertion if there ever was one, while the contest is in progress. Bruce is now interested in box- Bruce also mentions that when ing, although he admits it hasn't to keep in such. but the entire situation is cleared up without difficultyfor Bruce, , there is a lack of customers, the the thrill of racing. He finds, how- Since taking over the reins of let it be known, is a six-day , competitors, being frivolously in- ever, a certain amount of satis- the Humboldt State outfit this bicycle racer. clined at times, will indulge in a faction in blocking off whatever , Y! year, Erb has worked wonders A six-day pedler right in our bit of a party with all the trim- rameone throws at him-- so let's with the northerners. Besides midst and has been for over three mings. hope he keeps up the good work seems that Mr. Risley also and doesn't lead with his chin, but producing an unbeaten team, he 7,ears without anyone ever bring- It ing the subject to light before. made his debut in pictures on a if he does there is one consolation has made those lumberjacks That doesn't speak well for our bicycle, which is novel to an I to he considered, there are no 4E football minded. Out of an elev- news-hounds, does it? extreme. He had an "active" splinters in canvas. en which was unheard of last TOUGH GRIND year, the former California cap- No. Bruce doesn't profess to lie to champion, or anything out- tain has completely revolution- standing in his line, but even a ized the pigskin situation and mediocre six-day racer is sensa- has put It on a money making tional in my estimation. Think of basis for the first time In the It- it makes me tired--grinding to now school's history. around a wooden track, hour after ht of hour, mile after mile, and always The Erbmen employ a variation 'ening winding up at the same spot from of offensive formations but de- aining which you started. Pend chiefly upon the short punt And you can depend on it and single wing hack which were the there are thrills. Picture yourself ones used by Erb during his knocking off some 45 miles per under graduate days at Cal. hour and a couple of lads tangle An interesting thing to note is the track that and sprawl all over Erb captained the California dead ahead. What do you do? team Which played Stanford, then sprawl under It's simple enoughyou the leadership of our own with 'em, gathering a very pain- Dudley DeGroot. Duel and Charlie are ful collection of oak splinters in good pals, nevertheless, but the process. Still don't Your Christmas ROC how their alma rode a viten' Bruce claims he never are going to Irlise Saturday. bike until he was 15, and two years DeGroot sees a $tanford victory race, a 20 Card Problem bY later entered his first a 10-16 score while his rival mile handicap affair at the local Predieta a 7-0 is easily solved with this verdict either way. McKinley grammar school. He selection of 50 beautiful fold- didn't finish. ers with your name im- His first six-day grind was in ROC CHI ADDED printed on each one. Envel- I; A the introduction of that sport in Welcome addition opes to match. to the some years back. Spartan San Francisco, Daily sports staff Gilmore 4, Is He also performed at the Gene Rocchi, Mercury stadium in L.A., and his last race Herald RISLEY, former six day bike racer, now a student at 50 for 1.00 !! staff writer, and it' 1934 BRUCE freshman was there in the summer of fea- football State, whom Dick Bertrandias makes the object of his latest * star, who DIFFERENT TRAINING Will do a story. Risley rode in the history making race held in the San series of articles bike competition ture Main Floen fOr these It seems that introduced the six pages. Francisco Auditorium in April of 1934 which demands a different kind of train- day event to western fans. Mercury Herald Photo. ing than or swimming, for 44414444440.441441441*******: immig111111 PAGE FOUR SPARTAN DAILY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1935 Seniors Learn How To Get Jobs, SPARTANS AND SANTA FORMAL DANCE USE OF LIQUID AIR 10 Sophs, Dance, Frosh Entertained ORA ARRIVE AT NO BE DEMONSTRATEB Musical Organizations Newmans Entertain IN.D T.0.DG14OIVIIFS Present At Fireside Party AFTER BOUT ENGINEER Programs DECISION C. Dragon To Play CLUB II. At orientation The friendly informality of a Liquid For Winter Formal , air and its applicat 'large fireplace, with crackling logs College Debaters Meet will be demonstrated Diversified entertainment kept will provide at the fey and glowing embers At Devonshire meeting of the orientation groups happy yester- In Quad For League Engineers' Club day, with Dr. Heber A. Sotzin December 4. Fir eside Dan cing" party to he Sanctions Debate In honor of the new Delta Theta speaking to the seniors, a dance Dr. E. C. held at the clubhouse Friday eve- Omega pledges, the fraternity will Watson of the Calg, attracting crowds of sophomores, The League of Nations came ornia ning. Big Game Formal School of Technology , and three of Sparta's finest artistic give its annual k I dditi t t hi the in for a thorough going over in assistant Devonshire Country to the world famous organizations performing for the the Quad yesterday at noon when Dance at the Cr orange flames curl over the logs, Millikan, will be freshmen. Club tomorrow night at 9:30. the primp; , the club members and guests will the San Jose State varsity debate speaker and will conduct the dee "Perseverance and hard work team, represented by George Carmen Dragon and his 12-piece enjoy dancing to the music of onstrations, according to as with breaks will bring employment Downing and Frank Hamilton, orchestra will furnish the rhythms tBill Thurlow's orchestra. Artistic nouncement by Mr. Frank Peter to the individual," hopefully voiced entertained the Santa Clara var- for the tuxedo and formal clad Stt , decorations and shaded amber sen, adviser for the club. Dr. Sotzin, head of the Industrial sity. Donald Brown and George State students who attend the big !lights will add to the fireside The meeting dance. will be held in Rot Arts department, to the senior theme. Scott were the Bronco orators S112, main lecture room class at the regular weekly orient- upheld the negative side of The pledges in whose honor the of tt. , Bids for tlie 'no-stag affair may who Science building. ation in the Little Theater yest- the question; "Resolved, that the dance is given are Fred Ayer, Tie be purchased for one dollar at thq The erday. Cauhape, Harvey Green, December 4 meeting mll , Catholic Women's Center. United States should agree to Victor t o a sot nTi DR. SOTZIN SPEAKS open to everyone, Mr. cooperate with the League of Na- Robert Jacobus, and Arthur Van Peterc loan states. He particularly The seniors were addressed in son of the Music department, sang tions in enforcing sanctions." Horn. Bids may be obtained from urges a theysifu gineering, forceful fashion by Dr. Sotzin on three numbers in Freshman Orient- any member or at the door. mathematics, an! NO DECISION science a timely subject, "Problem of Em- ation Thursday morning, "Thy majors to attend. The debate, which was sponsored The officers of the fraternity are ployment," in which the conflicts I Praise We Sing," "Spanish Christ- by the Spartan Senate in their in charge of plans for the dance. and effects of the modern indust- mas Carol," and "Beautiful Savior." NOTICE effort to bring before the student total rial civilization has on the people. The Verse Speaking choir, under Will the members of body prominent questions of the the bac The remainder of the meeting the direction of Miss Elizabeth please meet in uniforms day, was presided over by Mr. Women Complete at e Oni was turned over to a community Jenks of the Speech department, o'clock today at the Fourth Ralph Eckert, debate coach, and k fore chest offering and a reminder by presented several poems: "Chinese entrance to welcome the lasted most of the noon hour. It Tournament Numb* the senior president Rinaldo Wrenn to Music," by Don Bhuiding," "John's Play team. dose welcome the Humboldt team at History Lesson," "The Turtle and was a. no-decision affair. "That the United States should I It bee 11:05 today in front of the campus. the Flamingo," "Peter Piper Picked Final results of the first of the over those led by Virginia Peri en- ren SOPHS EXCLUSIVE a Peck of Pickled Peppers," "I've keep out of foreign political Round Robin tournaments in the Coral Kluge, and Bernice Here until Meyer Ziegler and his three-piece Known Rivers," and "Passing the tanglements, is a fundamental women's classes have Captains chosen for the next toe himsc orchestra played for the two-hour Buck." principle which cannot be experi- been announced and new teams !lament are Esther Anderson his 121.01 dance the sophomore class held Orchesis presented a dance pro- mented with," emphatically stated have been chosen for the second Englehorn, Constance Ftaitannat singh yesterday from 11 to 1 o'clock in gram, directed by Miss Margaret Brown of Santa Clara, tournament, which will be played Beatrice Stentiford, from Room 1 of the Art wing. Jewell, instructor and adviser for STATE DEFENSE off in the next two weeks. Frank Hamilton, San to rev Carrying out their policy of last Orchesis, in which they gave a Jose's sec- The team captained by Eleanor ond speaker, was year, the class of '38 continued to technical demonstration of walk- equally forcefu nganecker won first place in the Geei in his CRUSTY chains be "exclusive" and made an effort ing, running, letiping, relaxation, statement that, "If the Monday, Wednesday 11 o'clock attacks Soto to bar all freshmen and upper jumping, and falling. In closing on weak nations by their section, defeating the teams led ROLLS beaus classmeq, from their hop. they presented a drum study with more powerful neighbors are to be by Lorena Morrill, Clara May Four different kinds, delic- feelis A CAPPELLA CHOIR the use of percussion drums. stopped, sanctions must be en- Hanna, and Beatrice Chandler. ious for Sunday suppers. The A Cappella Choir, under the forced." He Patricia Struve, Kathleen Fitz- clircettor. of Mr. William J. Erlend- Brown and Downing were form- place RALPH ECKERT TO gerald, Katherine Williams, and erly team-mates when spot Downing Marie Balanchini are the new cap- BE FEATURED ON was in attendance at Santa Clara CHATTERTON on Watson Takes Hurdle tains in that class. University and at one time spoke numb MUSIC HALF HOUR In the Tuesday, Thursday BAKERY ' As Contest Nears End over a national radio broadcast these F --- ,*clock class Angela Hernandez' together. 221 So. 2nd. - Opposit YWCA Proving again the versatility of !nt wag As (Continued from page one) victorious, winning out San Jose State professors, Mr. Miss dents, but even yet we will not sweat, come anywhere near making Ralph Eckert, baritone and in- SCENIC BLACK MOUNTAIN our Roos quota unless there is a good deal structor in the Speech department DESTINATION OF HIKERS more enthusiasm shown today. will be featured in a program of ABSOLUTELY FREE vocal selections at Musical Half On I Groups are beginning to get behind Black Mountain, above Los Hour today at 12:30 in the Little IC their favorites in the contest and Altos, will be visited Sunday by Theater. A Thorough Protective Lub Job I hope that today's voting will the Hiking club wider the leader- Alfred Smith, pianist and stu- OR AN put us over the top. Remember, ship of Mr. Elmo Robinson of the dent, who played the our quota is $360 and with only one orchestra Psychology department. Oil Drain of Excellent Quality si day to go, we will have to dig part to the "Bach Concerto in F Anyone interested in hiking is with Each Purchase of only Minor" with Mr. Erlendsen last down." Invited to join the group, which quarter, will accompany The faculty and other employees Mr. will meet at 8:30 Sunday morning 65 GALS. OF GAS contributed $140 dollars yesterday, Eckert. at Seventh and San Antonio START TODAY AND SAVE $20 YEARLY The bringing them up to within $100 program is as follows: Still streets. Bring lunch, an also a Wie of their goal of $2500. Die Nacht, Bohm; Serenade, small container of water if pos- Come in and get Service Card your free lVhe BIG MONEY Tosselli; The Tale of a Shirt from sible. A few large contributions were Rogue's Song, by Mr. Eckert. A charge of 20 cents will be responsible for most of the $19.60 By the Lake, Paimgren; Valse made for transportation to Los II con- Oubliee, Liszt, as contributed yesterday in the by Mr. Smith. Altos and return. Those who bring RICHFIELD SERVICE Jose Si test. One in particular for five 0'1 Man River from Show Boat their own cars will be paid ex- 6th & San Carlos dollars was split between two of and Glory Road, by Mr. Eckert. pense money. the candidates; Watson and Sheh- tanian. $2.50 was collected in the Spartan Daily office, the votes go- ing to Dolores Freitag. with vote FINE Bulletin will be posted FOODS -LOWEST PRICES -EVERY DAY at elevenpolls close at one. ey:aeiAtent(11 tit s 1:1e dtlect: hn: Football Ing of

(Continued from page three) fair a which will be the stellar San Diego O temp wingman's last before local fans. no nend Jimmy Stockdale, triple threat Moss left halfback who also was not , Parade shape to play against Nevada, F in 11 alter- COMPLETE Proceed will be set to flash today, ncesMRRKETS... with diminutive "Franny" nating of the Pura, hero of the Nevada struggle. FRANCO'S NO. 1 FRANCO'S NO. 2 PRANCO'S NO. 3 being The ace of the invading attack MU% and Santa Clara Streets l'hirteenth and Washington Sts. Hester Market vIcinity named Jack Open Daily Till Is a Midnight Opi,n Daily 7:30 to 7 " OM DAILY I A. It TO IC P. II noyan, Smith, and it is he who directs All "Panther the visitor's dread mmfm- offense. WE GIVE Prowl" GREEN STAMPS fails f Their greatest weapon, however, defense which Coach FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE is the strong FRANCO'S FIFTH STREET MARKET bY the Erb has concocted. Only nineteen OPEN EVENINGS, SUNDAYS N1801 scored on the AND HOIADAYS TILL MIDNIGHT points have been fused E northerners this year. POnliele Timiszimmommolo In the and tr,
