Local Government Boundary Commission For Report No. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND


Sir Nicholas Morrison KCB


MEMBERS Lady Bowden Mr J T Brockbank Mr R 3 Thornton CBS. DL Mr D P Harrison Professor G 3 Cherry To the Rt Hon William Whitelaw, CH MC MP Secretary of State for the Home Department


1. The last Order under Section 51 of the Local Government Act 1972 in relation to electoral arrangements for districts in the county of Isle of V.'ight was made on 10 October 1976. As required by Section 63 and Schedule 9 of the Act we have now reviewed the electoral arrangements for that county, using the procedures we had set out in our Report No.6.

2. We informed the County Council in a consultation letter dated 1 December 1976 that we proposed to conduct the review, and sent copies of the letter to all local authorities and parish meetings in the county, to the MP representing the constituency concerned, to the headquarters of the main political parties and to the editors both of local papers circulating in the county and of the local government press. Notices in the local press announced the start of the review and invited comments from members of the public and from interested bodies.

3. On 16 December 1977 the County Council submitted to us a draft scheme in which they suggested 43 electoral divisions for the county, each returning 'one member in accordance with Section 6(2) (a) of the Act.

4. We considered this scheme together with the views expressed by local interests. On 17 August 1979 we issued draft proposals which we sent to all those who had received our consultation letter, or commented on the county council's draft scheme. Notices were inserted in the local press announcing that the draft proposals had been issued and could be inspected at the County Council's offices.

5. We based our draft proposals on the County Council's draft scheme, though we made certain modifications to reflect social and geographical links and to achieve consistency in the naming of divisions. Some of these modifications were derived from local comments made about the county scheme.

6. The modifications we made were as follows:- (a) Medina Borough'. We noted that in the draft scheme the names for the four Hyde divisions did not follow a consistent pattern. We decided that the divisions should be named South East, Ryde North East, Ryde South West, and Ryde North West. (b) South Wight Borough We adopted the name Lake for the Sandown West division ' . in- the light of comments of a local ratepayers1 and residents' association. In order to meet local wishes, we also adopted the 3 original .divisions for the parish of which had been put forward by the County Council during their. initial consultation period but subsequently had been abandoned in favour of the 3 divisions contained in 'the draft scheme. This modification was dependent on the making of an Order by the South Wight Borough Council for the parish of Ventnor to provide for parish wards consistent with our draft proposals.

7. We received comments in response to our draft proposals from the County Council, one District Council, one' county councillor, one district councillor and one ratepayers1 and residents' association. A •"- . list of those who wrote to us 'is given at Appendix 1.to this Report. " '.. . -.- .:._ ; .-•;. -.

8. The comments we received can be summarised as follows: (a) Medina Medina Borough Council submitted no observations on our draft proposals. The County Council, the ratepayers' and residents' association and the county councillor suggested an adjustment in the boundary between the Northwood and Gurnard divisions so as to include properties on both sides of Pal lance Road, . within Northwood division. Additionally the County Council and the district councillor made a similar suggestion for an adjustment to the boundary between the Parkhurst and Carisbrooke West divisions so as to include properties on both sides of Gunville Road within Carisbrooke West division. The County Council also suggested that Park Road, Station Road and the Park View area should be transferred from Fairlee division to Wootton division. This suggestion was supported by-:a petition, bearing the signatures of 57 local residents. (b) South Wight Borough ; The County Council and South Wight Borough Council suggested that part of the boundary between the Sandown South and Sandown Lake divisions should be amended so as to follow the railway line, and that the two divisions in Freshwater parish should be renamed Freshwater Afton and Freshwater Norton.

9- We reassessed our draft proposals in the light of the comments which we had received and decided as follows;- '

(a) Medina Bojcough •' ~ None of the boundary amendments suggested ty the County Council in the Wedina district had any appreciable effect on the balance of representation and we decided to modify our draft nroT)osals to take account of them. •• (b) South Wight Borough..

We noted .that tie suggested amendment to the boundary between Sandown South and Sandown Lake divisions would not produce as satisfactory a standard of . representation as that achieved by our draft proposals. It was clear, however, that the alternative boundary both followed a better line and avoided the division of an established community. We concluded that it would be desirable in the interests of effective and convenient local • government to adopt that alternative boundary. We agreed that the two ' divisions in the parish of Freshwater should be renamed Freshwater Afton and Freshwater Norton."

10. As noted in paragraph 6(b) above, the adoption of the three divisions for the parish of Ventnor was dependent upon the making of an Order by the South Wight Borough Council to provide for parish wards which reflected the intentions of our draft proposals. We invited the Borough Council to make the necessary OrdflK. They informed us however on 1? March 1980 that the Ventnor Town Council had certain alternative proposals in'mind and regarded the establishment of a separate parish council for Wroxall, following the parish review currently being carried out by the Borough Council, as a prerequisite for the creation of new county electoral divisions. The Borough Council in the circumstances felt unable to proceed with the Order.

11. To obviate further delay which might adversely affect the implementation of revised electoral arrangements in the county as a whole for the 1981 elections, we decided to revert to the three Ventnor divisions which had been suggested originally by the County Council in their draft scheme and which were based on existing parish wards, : ' - " '•-.*'

120 We are, however, conscious that our draft proposals for this area achieved a more even standard of electoral representation. If, as we would hope might be the case, the Borough Council should decide to re-ward the parish of Ventnor in line with the arrangements set out in our draft proposals, the Order could then be made with the appropriate modification.

1J. Subject to the modifications referred to in paragraphs 9 and 11 above, we have decided to confirm our draft proposals as our final proposals. 1^. Details of the final proposals are set out in Schedules 1 and 2 to this report and on the attached map. Schedule 1 gives the names of the electoral divisions. A detailed description of the boundaries of the proposed electoral divisions, as defined on the map, is set out in Schedule 2.


15- In accordance with Section 60(5)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, a copy of the report and a copy of the map are being sent to the Isle of Wight County Council and will be available for inspection at the Council's main offices, Copies of this report (without map) are being sent to those who received the consultation latter and those who made comments.

.: - L.S.

Signed: NICHOLAS MORRISON . (Chairman)

JOHN M BANKET (Deputy Chairman)







1 May 1980 APPENDIX 1

ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY COUNCIL DIVISION Northwood/Gurnard Parkhurst/Carisbrooke 'ff Sandown South/Sandown Lake Palrlee/Wootton Afton Norton


Northwood Ratepayers and Residents Association Northwood/Gurnard

County Councillor B H Drake C.Eng.

Councillor J H Kenchington JP Parkhurst/Carisbrooke West


South Wight Borough Council Sandown South/Sandown Lake Afton Norton SCHEDULE 1





Ashey Binstead Carisbrooke East Carisbrooke West Castle Cowes Central Cowes Medina Bast Cowes Fairlee Gurnard Mount Joy Nettlestone and St Helens Newport Central Northwood Osborne Pan Parkhurst Ryde North East Hyde North West Hyde South East Ryde South West St Johns Seaview and Appley Wootton

DISTRICT OF SOUTH WIGHT Arreton and Newchurch Brigh stone and Shorwell Calbourne, Shalfleet & Yarmouth Chale and Niton Gatcombe and Godshill Freshwater Afton Freshwater Norton Sandown Lake Sandown North Sandown South Central Shanklin North Shanklin South St Lawrence and Lowtherville Totland Ventnor Central • ffroxall and Bonchurch

The proposed electoral divisions are shown on a map which can be inspected at the council's offices. A description of the boundaries of the proposed electoral divisions shown on the map is attached at Schedule 2.



DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED COUNTY ELECTORAL DIVISION BOUNDARIES o NOTE: Where the boundary is described as following a road, railway, canal or similar feature, it should be deemed to follow the centre line of the feature unless otherwise stated.



That part of Ryde Ashey and Binstead Ward of Medina Borough bounded by a line commencing on the western boundary of said ward at a point in .line with the northwestern . boundary of Firestone Copse, thence northeastwards to and along - said boundary to Firestone Copse Road, thence generally southeastwards along said road to Newnham Farm Lane, thence northeastwards along said lane to Newnham

Lane, thence generally eastwards along said lane and Newnham Road to the path south of No 10? Newnham Road, thence southeastwards along the said path to the track leading to Dame Anthony's Common, thence eastwards, southwards, eastwards and southwards along the said track to the path which runs adjacent to the northern boundary of Dame Anthony's Common, thence northeastwards along said'path to the eastern boundary of Ryde Ashey and Binstead Ward, thence generally southeastwards along said boundary to the southern boundary of the Borough, thence generally southwestwards and westwards along said boundary to the western boundary of said ward, thence generally northwards along said boundary to the point of commence- ment .


That part of Ryde Ashey and Binstead Ward of Medina Borough not included '.ja/Ashey" ED.


That part of Newport Carisbrooke Ward of Medina Borough bounded by a line commenc- ing at the point where the eastern boundary of Newport Carisbrooke Ward.meets the path adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Playing Fields, leading from Recreation Ground Boad to Wellington Road, thence southwestwards along said path to Wellington Hoad, thence northwestwards along said road to the access road to . * Archbishop King (EC) Middle School, thence southwestwards along said access road to National Grid Reference SZ 4875^8851^, thence southwestwards in a straight line to National Grid Reference SZ ^857588^95, thence northwestwards along the track being on the alignment of the dismantled railway to a point due south of the southeastern corner of No 86 Gunville Road, thence due north to said southeastern corner and continuing northwards along the rear boundaries of Nos 86 to 90 Gunville Road to the northeastern corner of last mentioned property, thence due north to Taylor Road (L A Name), thence westwards along said road to Gunville Road, thence northwards along said road to a point opposite the southern boundary of No 118 Gunville Road, thence eastwards to and along said boundary to the rear boundary of said property, thence north- wards along said boundary and the rear boundaries of Nos 120 to 1^4 and 140, 1^2 aM146 Gunville Road, the eastern end of the access road and continuing generally northwards and northwestwards along the rear boundaries of Nos 152 to 156 and 162 to 206 Gunville Road and northwestwards and northeastwards along the western boundary of Parcel No 0?18 as shown on OS 1:2500 Plan SZ 48A9&9 edition of 1968 to the northeastern boundary of Newport Carisbrooke Ward, thence generally eastwards southwestwards and southeastwards along the north- eastern and eastern boundaris of said ward to the point of commencement.


That part of Newport Carisbrooke Ward of Medina Borough not included in Carisbrooke

East ED and that part of Newport Parkhurst Ward of Medina Borough bounded by a line commencing at a point on the southern boundary of said ward where it meets

Forest Road, thence northeastwards along said road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Parcel No 9271 as shown on OS 1:2500 microfilm SZ ^789 edition A (1973), thence southeastwards to and along the said boundary to the northern boundary of Parcel No 0065 as shown on said microfilm and OS 1:2500 Plan S2 U8A9&9 edition of 1968, thence northeastwards southeastwards and southwestwards along the northern, eastern and southern boundaries of said parcel to the eastern boundary of Parcel No 0058, thence southeastwards along said boundary and the eastern boundaries of Parcel Nos 0048, 0037 and 0027 to the southern boundary of Newport Parkhurst Ward, thence southwestwards and northwestwards along said boundary to the point of commencement.

COWES CASTLE ED Medina Borough Ward of:- Cowes Castle

COWES CENTRAL ED Medina Borough Ward of:- Cowes Central and that part of Cowes Medina Ward bounded by a line commencing at the point where

Stephenson Road meets the northwestern boundary of said ward, thence northwards and northeastward along said ward boundary to Newport Road, thence southwards along said road to Stephenson Road, thence westwards along said road to the point of commencement.


That part of Cowes Medina Ward of Medina Borough bounded by a line commencing at the point where the southeastern boundary of Cowes Central ED meets the western boundary of Ward, thence southwards along said Ward boundary to the northeastern boundary of Cowes Northwood Ward, thence generally westwards along said boundary to the path leading from Newport Road to Love Lane, thence north- wards along said path and Love Lane to the southern boundary of Cowes Central ED, thence generally eastwards along said boundary and northeastwards along the southeastern boundary of said ED to the point of commencement.


Medina Borough Ward of:- East Cowes FAIRLEE. ED

That part of Newport Wootton and Fairlee Ward of Medina Borough commencing at a point on the northwestern boundary of said ward where it meets Park Road, thence southeastwards along said road to Palmer's Brook, thence generally southwards along said brook to staplers Road, thence northeastwards along said road,

Whiterails Road and Station Road to a point in line with the southern boundary of Woodmans Arras (PH)T thence southeastwards to and along said boundary and continuing northeastwards along the eastern boundary of said (PH) to Littletown

Lane, thence northwards along said lane to Packsfield Lane, thence eastwards and generally southeastwards along said lane to the railway of the Isle of Wight

Steam Railway Centre, thence southeastwards along said railway to the eastern boundary of Newport Wootton and Fairlee Ward, thence generally southwestwards along said boundary to the southern boundary of Medina Borough, thence generally northwestwards along said boundary and continuing northwestwards and northeast- wards along the southern, western and northwestern boundaries of Newport Wootton • and Fairlee Ward to the point of commencement.


That part of Cowes Northwood Ward of Medina Borough bounded by a line commencing at the point where the western boundary of the Borough meets the northwestern boundary of the County (being Mean Low Water), thence northeastwards along said county boundary to the northeastern boundary of Cowes Northwood Ward, thence southeastwards, southwestwards and southeastwards along said boundary and continuing southwards and southwestwards along Place Road to Cockleton Lane, thence northwest- wards along said lane to a point in line with the rear boundary of No 2 Pallance

Road, thence southwestwards to and along said boundary and continuing southwestwards and westwards along the rear boundaries of Nos A- to 42 Pallance Road to the southwestern boundary of Parcel No 371? as shown on OS microfilm SZ ^89^ edition

A(1975)i thence northwestwards along said boundary to the unnamed stream running westwards through Ruffins Copse, thence generally westwards along said stream to the point where it crosses the linear feature within Ruffins Copse, thence southeastwards along said linear feature and the western boundary of No 84 Pallance

Road to the rear boundary of No 86 Pallance Road, thence southwestwards along said boundary and the rear boundaries of Nos 88 to 106 Pallance Road to the western boundary of Parcel No 0081 as shown on OS microfilm SZ V?93 edition A (197*0, thence northwestwards along said boundary to the northern boundary of Parcel No 8076, thence generally westwards, southeastwards, eastwards, southwards and eastwards along the northern, western and southern boundaries of said Parcel to the access road leading from Comforts Farm to Pallance Road, thence southwards along said access road to Pallance Road, thence southwestwards along said road to a point in line with the eastern boundary of No 110 Pallance Road, thence northwestwards to and along said boundary to the northern boundary of said property, thence south- westwards and southeastwards along the northern and western boundaries of said property to Pallance Road, thence southwestwards along said road to Hillis Gate

Road, thence southwards along said road to Rolls Hill Road, thence southwestwards along said road to the western boundary of the Borough, thence generally northwest- wards along said boundary to the point of commencement.


Medina Borough Ward of:- Newport Mount Joy


That part of Ryde St Helens Ward of Medina Borough bounded by a line commencing at the point on the western boundary of said Ward where"it meets Calthorpe Road, thence southeastwards along said road to Oakhill Road, thence generally northeast- wards along said road to the path-leading to Holiday Camp, thence southeastwards along said path and continuing southeastwards along the southern boundary of Flamingo Park to the western boundary of Parcel No 2139 as shown on

OS microfilm SZ 6291 edition A1 d979)i thence generally southwards along said boundary to its southernmost point, thence southeastwards in a straight line to the northernmost point of Parcel No 1300, thence southeastwards along the northern boundary of said parcel to the northwestern boundary of Parcel No 311^» thence

northeastwards, southeastwards and southwestwards along the western, northern

and eastern boundaries of said parcel to a point in line with the southern boundary of Parcel No 5317, thence southeastwards to and along said boundary to

Seaview Lane, thence northeastwards along said Lane and Old Seaview Lane to a point opposite the path at the rear of Nos 1-11 Solent View Road, 1-9 Solent

View Close and Nos 35-^9 Solent View Road, thence southeastwards to and southeast-

wards and eastwards along said path to a point on the path opposite the northeastern

corner of No ^9 Solent View Road thence continuing eastward, northeastwards and

southeastwards along said path to the stream to the northwest of Cully Road,

thence northeastwards along said stream to its outlet and in prolongation north-

eastwards to the northeastern boundary of the Borough, being mean low water, thence

generally southeastwards and westwards along the northeastern and southern boundary

of the Borough to and northwards and northeastwards along the western boundary of

Ryde St Helens Ward to the point of commencement.

NEWPORT CENTRAL ED Medina Borough Ward of: Newport Central and that part-'of:'- Newport. Pah Ward-of Medina Borough-bounded by a line

commencing at the point where meets the southwestern boundary of

Newport Pan Ward, thence generally northwestwards and northeastward along the

southwestern and northwestern boundary of Newport Pan Ward to the River Medina,

thence generally southwards along said river to the point of commencement.


That part of Cowes Northwood Ward of Medina Borough not included in Gurnard ED

and that part of Cowes Medina Ward of Medina Borough not included in Cowes Central

ED or Cowes Medina ED. OSBORNE ED

Medina Borough Ward of: Osborne


That part of Newport Pan Ward of Medina Borough not included in Newport Central



That part of Newport Parkhurst Ward of Medina Borough not included in Carisbrooke

West ED.

RYDE NORTH EAST ED That part of Ryde East Ward of Medina Borough bounded by a line commencing at a point where St John's Road meet the western boundary of said ward, thence gener- ally northwards along said ward boundary to the northern boundary of the County, being Mean Low Water, thence generally southeastwards along said boundary to the eastern boundary of Ryde East Ward, thence generally southwestwards along said boundary to the road known as St John's Hill, thence northwestwards along said road and St John's Road to the point of commencement.

RYDE NORTH WEST ED That part of Ryde West Ward of Medina Borough bounded by a line commencing at

the point where the eastern boundary of said ward meets Green Street, thence

northwestwards along said street to Mount Street, thence southwestwards along

said street to Arthur Street, thence westwards along said street to West Street,

thence southwards along said street to a point opposite the southern boundary

of No64 West Street, thence westwards to and generally westwards along said

boundary and the northern boundary of Ryde Cemetery to Pellhurst Road, thence

northwestwards along said road to and northwestwards and southwestwards along

Binstead Road to the western boundary of Ryde West Ward, thence generally north-

wards along said boundary to the northern boundary of the County, being Mean

Low Water, thence generally northeastwards along said boundary to the eastern boundary of said ward, thence generally southwards along said boundary to the point of commencement.


That part of Ryde East Ward of Medina Borough not included in Ryde North East


RYDE SOUTH WEST ED That part of Ryde West Ward of Medina Borough not included in Ryde North West



That part of Ryde St Johns Ward of Medina Borough bounded by a line commencing at the point where the western boundary of Ryde St Johns Ward meets the north- eastern boundary of the County, being Mean Low Water, thence generally northwards along said county boundary to a point due north of the junction of North Walk and Appley Lane (path), thence due south to said junction and generally southwards along Appley Lane (path) to Appley Roadt thence westwards along said road to High Park Road, thence southwestwards along said road to its crossroad junction with Great Preston Road and Arundel Road, thence continuing southwest- wards along High Park Road to Great Preston Road, thence southeastwards along said road to the eastern boundary of Ryde St Johns Ward, thence southwards along said boundary to the southern boundary of the Borough, thence northwestwards along said boundary to the western boundary of Ryde St Johns Ward, thence generally northwestwards and northeastwards along said boundary to the point of commencement.


That part of Ryde St Johns Ward of Medina Borough not included in St Johns ED and that part of Ryde St Helens Ward of Medina Borough not included in Nettlestone and St Helens ED. WOOTTON ED

That part of Newport Wootton and Fairlee Ward of Medina Borough not included in

Fairlee ED.



South Wight Borough Ward of: Arreton and Newchurch


South Wight Borough Ward of: Bembridge


South Wight Borough Ward of: Brading


South Wight Borough Ward of: Brighstone and Shorwell

CAL30URNE SHALFLEET AND YARMOUTH ED ft South Wight Borough Wards of: Calbourne and Shalfleet Yarmouth CHALE AND NITON ED

South Wight Borough Ward of: Chale and Niton


The Afton Ward of the Parish of Freshwater


The Norton Ward of the Parish of Freshwater


South Wight Borough Ward of: Gatcombe and Godshill 10


That part of Sandown Ward of South Wight Borough bounded by a line commencing at the point where the northern boundary of Sandown Ward meets the Efyde to

Shanklin Railway, thence southwestwards along said railway to the western boundary of Sandown Ward, thence generally northwestwards and northeastwards along the said western and northern boundary of Sandown Ward to the point of commencement. and that part of Lake Ward of South Wight Borough bounded by a line commencing at the point where the Ryde to Shanklin railway meets the southern boundary of

Lake Ward, thence generally northwestwards southwestwards northeastwards, southeastwards and southwestwards along the southern, western, northern and eastern boundaries of Lake Ward and continuing southwestwards along the Hyde to

Shanklin railway to the point of commencement.


That part of Sandown Ward of South Wight Borough bounded by a line commencing * at the point where the northeastern boundary of Sandown Ward meets the southeastern boundary of the county, being Mean Low Water thence southwestwards along said county boundary to a point due southeast of the War Memorial on the

Esplanade, thence due northwest to said memorial and northwestwards in a straight line, crossing the Esplanade, to Esplanade Road, thence northwestwards along said road to High Street, thence northeastwards along said street to Albert

Road, thence northwards along said road to Station Avenue, thence northwestwards along said avenue to its end, thence due northwest to Hie eastern boundary of

Sandown Lake ED, thence northeastwards along said boundary to the northwestern boundary of Sandown Ward, thence generally eastwards, northeastwards and southeastwards along the northwestern and northeastern boundaries of said Ward to the point of commencement. SANDOWN SOUTH ED

That part of Lake Ward of South Wight Borough not included in Sandown Lake

ED and that part of Sandown Ward of South Wight Borough not included in

Sandown Lake ED or Sandown North SD.


That part of Shankliu North Ward of South Wight Borough bounded by a line

commencing on the southern boundary of said Ward where it meets course of old

railway on Landguard Road, thence northeastwards along said railway and

continuing northeastwards along Shanklin to Ryde Railway to a point in line

with the southwestern boundary of No 70 Wilton Road, thence southeastwards to and along the said boundary, crossing Wilton Road in a straight line, to

Maida Vale Road, thence southeastwards along said road to Sandown. Road> thence

southwestwards along said road to Howard Road, thence southeastwards and .

northeastwards along said road and continuing northeastwards along the path

leading to Cliff Walk (path) to its junction with Cliff Walk (path), thence

due east to the southeastern boundary of the County, being Mean Low Water,

thence southwestwards along said boundary to the southern boundary of Shanklin

North Ward, thence generally westwards and northwestwards along said boundary

to the point of commencement.

and that part of Shasiklia South Ward of South Wight Borough bounded by a line

commencing at the point where the western boundary of Shanklin South Ward

meets the northern boundary of said ward, thence generally southeastwards,

northeastwards and southeastwards along said ward boundary to Collingwood Road,

thence westwards along said road to the eastern boundary of the Allotment

Gardens, thence westwards, northwards and westwards along the eastern and

northern boundaries of said allotment gardens to the path that leads to Batts

Road, thence southeastwards along said path and Batts Road to Orchard Road, 12

thence southwestwards and southwards along said road to Victoria Avenue, thence westwards and northwestwards along said avenue to the western boundary of

Shanklin South Ward, thence northwards along said boundary to the point of commencement.

SHANKLIN NORTH ED That part of Shanklin North Ward of South Wight Borough not included in Shanklin

Central ED.

SHANKLIN SOUTH ED That part of Snanklin South Ward of Soth Wight Borough not included in Shanklin

Central ED.

ST LAWRENCE AND LOWTHERVILLE ED The Lowtherville Ward and the St Lawrence Ward of the Parish of Ventnor.


South Wight Borough Ward of Totland

VENTOR CENTRAL ED The Ventnor Ward of the Parish of Ventnor.


The Bonchurch Ward and the Wroxall Ward of the Parish of Ventnor.