The Comparative Stratigraphy of Palaeolithic Palestine with Special Emphasis on the Flint Implements

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The Comparative Stratigraphy of Palaeolithic Palestine with Special Emphasis on the Flint Implements Wilfrid Laurier University Scholars Commons @ Laurier Theses and Dissertations (Comprehensive) 1979 The Comparative Stratigraphy of Palaeolithic Palestine with Special Emphasis on the Flint Implements Kenneth Edwin Guenter Wilfrid Laurier University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Classical Archaeology and Art History Commons Recommended Citation Guenter, Kenneth Edwin, "The Comparative Stratigraphy of Palaeolithic Palestine with Special Emphasis on the Flint Implements" (1979). Theses and Dissertations (Comprehensive). 1411. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars Commons @ Laurier. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations (Comprehensive) by an authorized administrator of Scholars Commons @ Laurier. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE COMPARATIVE STRATIGRAPHY OF PALAEOLITHIC PALESTINE WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON THE FLINT IMPLEMENTS By KENNETH EDWIN GUENTER B.A. University of Saskatchewan, 1971 THESIS Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the plaster of Arts degree Wilfrid Laurier University 1979 Property of trTe Library Wilfrid Laurier University •i *>• 7 0 43 UMI Number: EC56334 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent on the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI EC56334 Copyright 2012 by ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This edition of the work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 THE COMPARATIVE STRATIGRAPHY OF PALAEOLITHIC PALESTINE Kenneth Edwin Guenter ABSTRACT Since World War I the Palaeolthic industries of Palestine have been the subject of a considerable amount of investigation and discussion. The results of this work have been made available to scholars of the Ancient Near East primarily in isolated journal articles or publications of single sites. The present writer intends, therefore, to present an account of those Palaeolithic industries in which this data is collected, systematized and interpreted in such a way that scholars working in this area of Near Eastern studies may have at their disposal a foundation which is readily meaningful and broadly factual. This foundation is divided into four major sections. In chapter I the history of studies in this field is re­ viewed so that our intentions may be set within this per­ spective. Chapter II introduces us to the information which is crucial to the development of a chronology and typology for this period. The typology is set forth s- :stically and then it is explained much more fully ir. , hapter III. With the construction of the chart in chapter II outlining the Palaeolithic typology, and with its detailed explanation in chapter III we concentrate most ii keenly on the synthesis of this data which has not been widely available to scholars. Finally, in chapter IV we go beyond the tools to look at the men who made them. Our emphasis is on the implications of these tools in under­ standing the tool-makers. Inasmuch as there are many terms and related concepts which are not used widely outside of the study of prehistory, we have included in the text many figures, and we have at­ tached a glossary of terms at the end of this work. The final chapter is intended to point the way to further research arising out of the work which we have pre­ sented. iii CONTENTS Chapter I. INTRODUCTION 1 History of Studies 1 Current Problems 6 Author ' s intent 8 II. TYPOLOGY AND CHRONOLOGY 9 The Problem of Chronology 9 The Typology Chart 17 The Development of Technioue 20 III. THE PALAEOLITHIC INDUSTRIES 28 The Lower Palaeolithic Open Sites 28 The Lower Palaeolithic Cave Deposits 45 The Middle Palaeolithic 63 The Upper Palaeolithic 76 IV. PALAEOLITHIC LIFE IN PALESTINE 100 V. AREAS OF FURTHER RESEARCH 117 MAP OF MAJOR PALAEOLITHIC SITES IN PALESTINE 119 GLOSSARY 120 BIBLIOGRAPHY 123 V LIST OF CHARTS 1. The Typology Chart 19 2. The Lithic Data from Ubeidiya 35 3. Stratigraphy of Jisr Banat Yaqub 38 4. Lower Palaeolithic Open Sites 41 5. Lower Palaeolithic Cave Deposits 46 6. Typology for Qatafa Within the Acheulian .... 31 7. Hand-axes of Tabun, Layer E- 55 8. Percentage of Racloirs at et-Tabun 59 9. Jabrud I, Levels 10-2 69 10. Occupation Chart from Mount Carmel 105 11. Occupation Chart from the Judaean Desert .... 105 vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Pebble Chopper 20 2. Flake Characteristics 20 3. The production of broad and triangular Levallois flakes 23 4. Punch technique and pressure technique 24 5. Blade and Core 25 6. Production of a hand-axe using a "soft hammer" . 26 7. Pressure flaking 30 8. Core Choppers 30 9. A Spheroid 30 10. Proto-Trihedral, trihedral and quadrihedral picks 31 11. Pointed Hand-axe and Proto-cleaver 33 12. Common outlines for hand-axes 36 13. Lava Hand-axes from Jisr Banat Yaqub 39 14. Tabunian flake tools 50 15. Hand-axes from Layer F of et-Tabun 50 16. Hand-axes from et-Tabun, layer Ea 53 17. Hand-axes from Various Horizons of layei E of et-Tabun 53 18. Resolved or Step-flaking 56 19. End-bulb Type and Oblique-bulb Type Racloirs . 56 20. End-bulb, one-sided Racloirs from Tabun, layer E 57 21. Racloirs 58 22. Racloirs 59 23. Pre-Aurignacian tools from Jabrud 64 24. Chatelperron Knives and Blades with nibbled edges from Tabun, layers Ec and Eb 64 25. Levallois Points from et-Tabun, layer D .... 67 26. Racloirs from et-Tabun, layers D and C 68 27. Elongated Mousterian tools from Abou-Sif .... 71 28. Emireh Points 78 29. Tools from the Upper Palaeolithic, Stage I . 80 30. Worked blades from Stage II 81 31. Scrapers from Stage II 81 32. Burins from el-Wad, layer E 84 33. El-Wad Points 86 34. Scrapers from Stage III 86 35. Polyhedric Burins from el-Wad and Kebara .... 89 36. Ordinary or Bec-de-flute Burins from Kebara and el-Wad 89 37. Ordinary Burins on thicker flakes from el-Wad. 90 38. Angle Burins from Kebara and el-Wad 90 vii Single Blow Burins from el-Wad, Erq el-Ahmar and Kebara 91 Flat Burins from el-Wad and Europe 91 Beaked Burins from el-Wad 92 Steep or Semi-steep Scrapers from el-Wad, layer D 93 End-scrapers, fromKebara and Erq el-Ahmar ... 93 Flake Scrapers ' . 94 Nose Scrapers 95 Tools from Stage VI 96 A Chatelperron Knife with a Groove for the Second Finger Ill Skulls of Individuals V of Skhul and I of Tabun 114 viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTIOil The History of Studies in Palaeolithic Palestine The systematic study of Palaeolithic Palestine began with the excavation of three large caves in the Wadi el Mughara of Mount Carmel by D. Garrod in 1923. The results published in 1937 and 1939 revealed not only a continuous occupation stretching from the Lower Palaeolithic through the Upper Palaeolithic, but also a rich store of fossil human remains from the Middle Palaeolithic. The magni­ tude of this find still commands serious attention due to the quantity of material from many of the layers. In the Tabun cave alone over fifty-five feet of occupational de­ bris contained well over 55,000 tools. Garrod's division of layer E has been criticized as subjective and her tech- nique as primitive.' This coupled with the Tayacian prob­ lem and the Pre-aurignacian problem have prompted new D.A.E. Barrod and D.N.A. Bate, The Stone Age of Mount Carmel, vol. 1. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1937) and McGowen and-Keith, The Stone Age of Mount Carmel, vol 2 (Oxford: Claredon Press, 1939). 2 David Gilead, "Early Palaeolithic Cultures in Israel and the Near East" (Ph.D. dissertation, Hebrew University, 1970), pp. 329-330. 1 2 excavations which are still in progress. While the work on Mount Carmel was in progress, R. Neuville began excavation in the Judean desert south of Bethlehem at the Lower Palaeolithic cave of Oumm Qatafa. Within the surrounding wadis more caves were excavated and as at Mount Carmel a continuous sequence of occupational levels was established, stretching from the Lower Palaeo­ lithic through the Upper Palaeolithic. Here at least seven caves are involved and occupation, therefore, moved from cave to cave with fewer remains than at Mount Carmel. The discoveries led to a further development of the typology for Palestine by correlations with the finds at Mount Carmel. R. Neuville's work Le Prehistorique de Palestine (Rev. Bib., 1934, pp. 237-259) was followed by the work of R.P. de Vaux, La prehistoire de la Syrie et de la Palestine d'apres les recherches recentes (Rev. Bib., 1946, pp. 99-124). Finally Neuville completed his publica­ tion of material from the seven caves in 1951, "Le Paleo- lithique et le Mesolithique du desert de Judee." This work has had a considerable influence in establishing the sequence of the Upper Palaeolithic in more detail. Meanwhile in Syria two Palaeolithic rock shelters at Jebrud near Damascus contained a third Palaeolithic se­ quence which paralleled those of Mount Carmel and the 1Ibid., pp. 330-339. 3 Judean desert. This was published in 1950 by A. Rust (De Hohlenjunde von Jabrud (Syrien)). Although the quantity of tools catalogued was much smaller than that of Carmel the attention shown by Rust to stratigraphy has made his work somewhat of a standard in this aspect of Palaeolithic research in Syria Palestine.
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