Section Editor Alternating hemiplegia of childhood Mitchell S.V. Elkind, MD, MS

Jeffrey R. Tenney, MD, Alternating hemiplegia of childhood (AHC) is a rare tative serum and CSF amino acids, acylcarnitine, lac- PhD disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of hemi- tate/pyruvate (serum and CSF), hypercoagulable Mark B. Schapiro, MD plegia affecting either side of the body, abnormalities studies, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and trans- of ocular movement, movement disorders, and pro- ferrin isoelectric focusing. gressive developmental delay. Children with AHC Address correspondence and often have a delay in diagnosis or are misdiagnosed. CLINICAL CASE, PART II On diagnostic testing, reprint requests to Dr. Jeffrey R. A broad differential diagnosis is necessary when con- MRI, MRA, and 2 routine EEGs were normal. Tenney, Department of Neurology, Cincinnati Childrens sidering this condition. The clinical features of AHC Laboratory testing included normal very long chain Hospital Medical Center, 3333 were first described more than 3 decades ago but its fatty acids; quantitative serum amino acids, acylcar- Burnet Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039 cause remains largely unknown and there is little nitine, ammonia, lactate, and pyruvate; urine organic [email protected] treatment evidence available. Early diagnosis and acids; CSF amino acids; thyroid function studies; multicenter collaboration are necessary to better un- and serum transferrin isoelectric focusing assay. derstand the prognosis of AHC and develop more Based on the clinical history, normal neurologic effective treatments. examination between episodes, and negative testing, the patient was given a diagnosis of AHC. Over the CLINICAL CASE, PART I A 12-month-old boy was next several years, the patient continued to have epi- sent for neurologic consultation after an episode of sodes of alternating hemiplegia and by 2 years old he transient right-sided paralysis. His mother states that began to have episodes of quadriplegia. His attacks during the episode he was fully conscious but half of clustered during the summer months and were trig- his body was paralyzed and he appeared to have a gered by warm ambient temperature and bright sun- stroke. This episode lasted 6 hours and resolved light. As he became older, he was able to verbalize when he slept. He was at his normal baseline upon that he was having headaches either at the time of his waking. His mother states that the patient had a sim- attacks or independent of them. His weakness and ilar episode, although occurring on the left side, headache were frequently relieved by sleep. Analysis when he was 4 months old. There was a family his- of genes that have been associated with AHC, includ- tory of migraines but no other neurologic disorders. ing SCN1A, CACNA1A, and ATP1A2, showed no He achieved normal developmental milestones dur- mutations. The patient was started on nifedipine as ing the first year of life and at 12 months of age was prophylaxis for his attacks, but this resulted in only a walking independently and had some words. Neuro- modest improvement. logic examination, done once symptoms had re- solved, was normal. DISCUSSION Epidemiology. AHC is a rare disorder that was first reported by Verret and Steele1 in 1971. Differential diagnosis. Acute focal weakness in a child It has a reported incidence of 1 in 1,000,000 children has many serious etiologies that must be investigated but this may be an underestimate due to misdiagno- (table 1). The evaluation is focused on excluding se- sis and variability in the clinical presentation.2 Since rious or treatable causes. Evaluation should begin this disease occurs so infrequently and is variable in with MRI, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), presentation, knowledge of the clinical characteris- and magnetic resonance spectroscopy to exclude tics, response to treatment, and prognosis is based on structural, vascular, and metabolic disorders such as a few small cohort studies.3,4 mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic aci- dosis, and stroke (MELAS) and pyruvate dehydroge- Clinical characteristics. The first report of the disor- nase deficiency. Other testing should include EEG, der in 1971 included 8 children with intermittent metabolic screening with urine organic acids, quanti- of varying severity since infancy. Some

From the Department of Neurology, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. Disclosure: The authors report no disclosures.

Copyright © 2010 by AAN Enterprises, Inc. e57 gic attacks occur by 6 months of age in more than Table 1 Differential diagnosis of acute focal 3,4 weakness in childhood half of the patients who have been studied. Motor findings during an attack have been described as flac- Stroke cid, areflexic paralysis.6 Attacks are frequently associ- Vascular abnormality (Moyamoya syndrome, vessel ated with triggers, most commonly environmental dissection) (temperature extremes, odors) but also water expo- Vasculopathy (sickle cell disease) sure, physical activities (exercise, swinging), lights Embolic (sunlight, fluorescent bulbs), or foods (chocolate, Autoimmune disorders food dye).4 Vasculitis (infectious, drug-induced, autoimmune) Pathogenesis. The etiology of AHC remains unclear, Hypercoagulable states but it is likely a symptom complex with multiple Factor V Leiden mutation causes. Neurophysiologic recordings during an at- Prothrombin gene G20210A mutation tack have shown impaired circuits.7 In Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutation contrast, FDG-PET during the interictal period Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome showed low glucose metabolism in the frontal lobes Metabolic disorders and putamen with normal metabolism in the brain- Mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic stem which could explain the progressive neurologic acidosis, and strokelike episodes symptoms reported with AHC.8 Microscopic post- Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency mortem evaluation of patients with AHC has shown Congenital disorders of glycosylation abnormal vascular smooth muscle cells which could Homocystinuria result in a functional vascular disorder causing tran- Neuromuscular sient small vessel dysfunction in the brain.9 Polio-like illness The attacks occurring in AHC and familial hemi-

Compression neuropathy plegic migraine (FHM) are clinically similar, raising

Head trauma the question of a channelopathy as the underlying

Radiculopathy dysfunction for both. FHM has been associated with several ion transport genes including SCN1A (so- Seizure with postictal paralysis dium channel, neuronal type 1, alpha subunit), Familial hemiplegic migraine CACNA1A (calcium channel, voltage dependent, Alternating hemiplegia of childhood P/Q type, alpha-1A subunit), and ATP1A2 (ATPase, Naϩ/Kϩ transporting, alpha-2 polypeptide). AHC, of these children also had developmental delay, dys- in uncommon familial cases, has been reported to be arthria, choreoathetosis, or .1 Clinical diag- associated with mutations in CACNA1A, a calcium nostic criteria of classic AHC have since been channel gene, and ATP1A2, a sodium potassium established (table 2).5 ATPase gene.10,11 These gene mutations have yet to The hemiplegic attacks usually last a few minutes be reported with sporadic AHC but given its re- to several days and are associated with slowly progres- sponse to calcium channel blockers a channelopathy sive neurologic deficits over years.3 The onset of the is possible. syndrome begins with abnormal ocular movements Treatment. Treatment of AHC is divided into acute (, esotropia, exotropia) or dystonia in a management of attacks and episode prophylaxis. majority of patients by 3 months of age.3,4 Hemiple- Acute management consists of removing known trig- gers and the early facilitation of sleep. Some authors Table 2 Diagnostic criteria for alternating have advocated the use of buccal midazolam or rectal 5 hemiplegia of childhood diazepam to provide rapid sedation.2

1. Symptoms before age 18 months Episode prophylaxis should consist of avoiding

2. Repeated attacks of hemiplegia that alternate in known triggers as well as long-term drug treatment. laterality A wide range of medications has been proposed for 3. Episodes of quadriplegia as a separate attack or AHC but in our experience calcium channel blockers generalization of a hemiplegic attack are the most effective. The most commonly used 4. Relief from symptoms upon sleeping medication is flunarizine, a calcium channel blocker, 5. Other paroxysmal symptoms including dystonic spells, 2,4,6 oculomotor abnormalities, or autonomic symptoms either in a dose of 5 to 20 mg daily. This has been re- concurrent with attacks or independently ported to decrease the frequency and severity of at- 6. Evidence of developmental delay or neurologic findings tacks, but not to stop them completely. Other such as choreoathetosis, dystonia, or ataxia proposed treatments have included beta blockers, an- e58 Neurology 74 April 6, 2010 ticonvulsants, and other medications such as methy- REFERENCES sergide, amantadine, aripiprazole, and haloperidol, 1. Verret S, Steele JC. Alternating hemiplegia in childhood: a report of eight patients with complicated migraine begin- but these are not frequently used.2 ning in infancy. Pediatrics 1971;47:675–680. Prognosis. The long-term outcome of patients with 2. Neville BR, Ninan M. The treatment and management of AHC is frequently poor because of associated devel- alternating hemiplegia of childhood. Dev Med Child Neu- rol 2007;49:777–780. opmental delays and stepwise deterioration after se- 3. Mikati MA, Kramer U, Zupanc ML, et al. Alternating 2,4 vere attacks. It is unclear if pharmacologic hemiplegia of childhood: clinical manifestations and long- intervention helps to improve learning, but lessening term outcome. Pediatr Neurol 2000;23:134–141. the severity and frequency of attacks may lead to an 4. Sweney MT, Silver K, Gerard-Blanluet M, et al. Alternat- improved quality of life. ing hemiplegia of childhood: Early characteristics and evo- lution of a neurodevelopmental syndrome. Pediatrics It has been reported in the largest cohort studies 2009;123:e534–e541. that almost half of children with AHC will develop 5. Bourgeois M, Aicardi J, Goutieres F. Alternating hemiple- epilepsy, with seizures that are distinguishable from gia of childhood. J Pediatr 1993;122:673–679. their attacks.2,4 6. Kannavakis E, Xaidara A, Papadimitriou A, et al. Alternat- ing hemiplegia of childhood: a syndrome inherited with an FUTURE PERSPECTIVES AHC is a rare but seri- autosomal dominant trait. Dev Med Child Neurol 2003; 45:833–836. ous disorder in the pediatric population. It can 7. Rinalduzzi S, Valeriani M, Vigevano F. Brainstem dys- greatly impact the quality of life for patients and their function in alternating hemiplegia of childhood: a neuro- families. Health care dollars spent on patients with physiological study. Cephalalgia 2006;26:511–519. this disorder could be substantial given their frequent 8. Sasaki M, Sakuma H, Fukushima A, et al. Abnormal cere- emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and broad bral glucose metabolism in alternating hemiplegia of child- hood. Brain Dev 2009;31:20–26. diagnostic evaluations. 9. Auvin S, Joriot-Chekaf S, Cuvellier JC. Small vessel abnor- The complex and seemingly progressive nature of malities in alternating hemiplegia of childhood. Neurology AHC makes it imperative that continued research into 2006;66:499–504. the pathophysiology and treatment of the disorder is 10. de Vries B, Stam AH, Beker F, et al. CACNA1A mutation performed. This includes randomized, controlled trials linking hemiplegic migraine and alternating hemiplegia of with sufficient numbers of patients. The formation of a childhood. Cephalalgia 2008;28:887–891. 11. Swoboda KJ, Kanavakis E, Xaidara A, et al. Alternating multicenter consortium could help to collect the experi- hemiplegia of childhood or familial hemiplegic migraine? ence of different hospitals and enable a large group of A novel ATP1A2 mutation. Ann Neurol 2004;55:884– patients to be followed over time. 887.

Neurology 74 April 6, 2010 e59 Child Neurology: Alternating hemiplegia of childhood Jeffrey R. Tenney and Mark B. Schapiro Neurology 2010;74;e57-e59 DOI 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3181d7d85b

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