Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Mission to the Unknown by John Peel Author: John Peel Read by: Peter Purves and Jean Marsh BBC Audio Unabridged RRP: £12.99 ISBN: 978 1 4084 0998 5 Available 06 May 2010. Stranded in the jungles of Kembel, the most hostile planet in the galaxy, Space Security agent Marc Cory has stumbled across the most deadly plot ever hatched - the Daleks are about to invade and destroy the universe. Cory has to get a warning back to Earth before it’s too late - but the Daleks find him first. Months later, the Doctor and his companions arrive on Kembel and find Cory’s message. However, it may be too late for Earth. The Daleks’ Master Plan has already begun. This novelisation adapts material from the single-part, Doctor-less “Dalek cutaway” episode Mission to the Unknown and the first six episodes of the 12-part William Hartnell epic The Daleks’ Master Plan . At the time of its publication in print (in 1989), publisher Target Books had a maximum page limit that required the mammoth Master Plan to be split into two novelisations. The second volume, The Mutation of Time , comprising material from the final six episodes, is also being released as an audio book. In fact, the story splits quite readily along these lines. Without giving too much away (in case you’re unfamiliar with the plot), the Doctor and his companions manage to escape the Daleks at the end of episode six, “Coronas of the Sun”, and the end of this book - though their victory proves to be only temporary. Peel sticks more closely to the televised plot than he did with his novelisation of The Chase . This is partly because of the numerous changes that had been made to Terry Nation’s original ideas for The Chase for timing and budgetary reasons, which Peel reinstated in his book, and also because The Chase survives intact and so can be seen in its transmitted form, whereas Mission to the Unknown and most of The Daleks’ Master Plan cannot. The author does make some changes, however. As with his subsequent novelisation of The Power of the Daleks , he includes a substantial recap from the previous story, in this case . This is because the ending to ’s novelisation of The Myth Makers differs substantially from the transmitted version in terms of tone, being decidedly casual and comedic. Peel provides a more serious and dramatic take on the departure of the Doctor and the wounded Steven from Troy, accompanied by their new companion, the handmaiden Katarina. The novelist explores the backgrounds and viewpoints of various characters, including Katarina, Bret Vyon, the intergalactic delegates - all of whom are given names - and the prisoners of Desperus. There are also mentions of Alpha Centauri, Draconia and the Movellans, alien civilisations from later eras of the television show. Notably, Peel takes his greatest liberties with the events of the fifth episode, “Counter Plot”, perhaps because the episode survives in the BBC archives (so does the second episode, “Day of Armageddon”, but that would not be recovered until several years after the novelisation, in 2004). His changes include a reduced role for Mavic Chen’s subordinate Karlton (Chen’s Machiavellian scheming works better in prose than prolonged discussions with Karlton) and additional action and dialogue for the invisible Visians (who, on screen, never speak). Presumably because the entire two-book saga is so long, the narration chores are shared by Peter Purves and Jean Marsh (alias Steven Taylor and Sara Kingdom), who take turns reading sections of the story. Their vocal styles are quite different (including varying pronunciations of the word “Mira”), but each is compelling in its own way. Purves provides some neat impersonations of Hartnell’s Doctor and Kevin Stoney’s Chen. The narrative is further enlivened by Dalek voices provided by Nicholas Briggs, and Simon Power’s exciting music. YouTube Review – ‘Mission to the Unknown’ (Recreation) Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley! I’ve at last seen the ‘Mission to the Unknown’ (Recreation) episode on the ‘Doctor Who’ YouTube Channel. It’s a remake episode by the students at the University of Central Lancashire. I’m glad I’ve seen this remake episode and I’ve done a review on it via my ‘Mission to the Unknown’ page on my blog. Continue reading → Share this: Like this: Novelization/Audiobook review – ‘Doctor Who – The Daleks’ Master Plan: Part 1 – Mission to the Unknown’ Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley! At Timelord007’s recommendation, I’ve added my review on the first of two novelizations of ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ by John Peel. The first book is ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan: Part 1 – Mission to the Unknown’ , featuring ‘Mission to the Unknown’ and the first six episodes of ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ . Continue reading → Share this: Like this: ‘Daleks: Mission to the Unknown’ Fan Film. Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley! It is a shame that ‘Mission to the Unknown’ and ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ don’t exist from the BBC archives today. Back in 2010, I saw a fan- made production of ‘Mission to the Unknown’ on YouTube. This fan film in three parts on YouTube was made by Chris Thompson and I was very impressed by it! Continue reading → Share this: Like this: ‘Mission To The Unknown’ and ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ Welcome to ‘Bradley’s Basement’ blog and I’m Tim Bradley! Today, I’ve posted my ‘Doctor Who’ reviews on ‘Mission To The Unknown’ and ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ on ‘Bradley’s Basement’ ! ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ is a 12-part epic story with William Hartnell as the First Doctor. ‘Mission To The Unknown’ is a single-episode story without the Doctor, acting as a prelude to ‘The Daleks’ Master Plan’ . Continue reading → Die größten Hörerlebnisse nur bei Audible. Erlebe Audible auf dem Smartphone, Tablet, am Computer oder deinem Amazon Echo. Auch offline. Die größten Hörerlebnisse. Entdecke genau das, was du hören willst: Wähle aus 200.000 Titeln und inspirierenden Audible Original Podcasts. Natürlich werbefrei. Genieße dein Hörerlebnis ohne Unterbrechung. Einfach ausprobieren. Teste Audible 30 Tage kostenlos. Du kannst jederzeit kündigen. Hör die Welt mit anderen Augen. Mit Audible Originals und exklusiven Geschichten. Wir können dich kaum erwarten! Entdecke Audible einen Monat lang völlig kostenlos. Genieße jeden Monat ein Hörerlebnis deiner Wahl - und so viele exklusive Audible Original Podcasts, wie du willst. Keine Bindung, keine Frist – du kannst dein Abo jederzeit pausieren oder kündigen. Mission to the Unknown (webcast) Mission to the Unknown was a recreation of the missing second serial of season 3 of Doctor Who . The story was notable for being the only Doctor Who television story not to feature the Doctor, any of their companions, or the TARDIS. Carefully remade by students, graduates and staff at the University of Central Lancashire on the basis of whatever scripts and production photos from the original lost version could be located, with original production values of the 1960s. It was released as a webcast on YouTube on 9 October 2019, exactly 54 years after the original Mission to the Unknown first aired. Contents. Summary [ edit | edit source ] On the planet Kembel, Space Security Service agent Marc Cory is investigating a recent sighting of a Dalek spaceship. His suspicion that the creatures may have established a base proves well-founded. He learns of a plot by the Daleks to invade and destroy the Solar System, but he is discovered and exterminated. The Daleks and their allies vow to conquer the universe, beginning with the planet Earth. Plot [ edit | edit source ] A man, Jeff Garvey, is lying on the ground in the jungle on Kembel. He wakes and sits up. His face twists in agony. When the pain passes he stands. He starts repeating, "Kill! Kill!" Meanwhile, two men named Marc Cory and Gordon Lowery are trying to repair their ship from UN Deep Space Force Group 1 with little success. The two men are very hostile to one another, mainly because Lowery wonders why Cory landed on Kembel in the first place due to the fact that it is one of the most hostile planets in the galaxy. They speculate where the third member of their crew, Garvey, has gone. Little do they know that Garvey is hiding in the undergrowth watching them. When Cory goes into the ship for more tools, Garvey sneaks up behind Lowery, drawing his gun. Just before Garvey shoots, Cory returns and shoots Garvey dead. Lowery is initially shocked at Cory's act, but Cory shows Lowery a long thorn from behind Garvey's ear. Cory explains that it is a Varga thorn, one sting from which can render the victim into a homicidal killing machine and eventually themselves become a Varga plant. Cory and Lowery go into the spaceship, leaving Garvey's body. Once inside the ship, Cory reveals to Lowery that he is an agent from the Space Security Service and possesses a licence to kill. He explains they are all there on a mission to stop the Daleks. Lowery states that he is confused due to the fact that the Daleks have not been heard from for a thousand years. Cory reveals that the Daleks have started to seize planets in different galaxies and that a Dalek spaceship has recently been spotted in the Solar System. Cory also informs Lowery that Varga plants are indigenous to the Dalek's home planet Skaro, so he believes that it is proof positive that the Daleks have established a base on this planet. Outside the ship, Garvey's hand begins to twitch and hair starts to grow over his body, as well as Varga thorns; he is starting to turn into a Varga plant. In the Dalek city on Kembel, the Dalek Supreme waits to be updated on the latest developments. He is told that the representatives from the seven planets will arrive soon and their meeting can start. The Dalek Supreme then sends out a troop of Daleks to destroy the human ship. After reaching the conclusion that they will not fix the ship on time, especially now they suspect that the Daleks will be aware of their location, Cory takes drastic measures. He plans to use a small rocket containing a recorded message to report their position to any rescue vessels. They leave the ship only to see a large group of Varga plants slowly descending upon them. As they have this conversation the two men see a large spaceship looming above them. They realise it is nothing that can be seen in the Solar System and decide it must be something hostile. As they start to prepare the message, the Varga plants are the least of their worries — some Daleks start to descend upon them. Unseen, the men hide in the underbrush and watch as the Daleks destroy their ship completely. The two men slink away with their small rocket and their recording device, but as they do Lowery slips and his hand is impaled on a Varga thorn. In the Dalek city, the representatives from the seven planets have gathered in a conference room. They are worried about the humans; they consider them hostile, but the Daleks assure them that the humans will be dealt with. The meeting is held and the seven delegates all agree to join forces in an alliance with the Daleks. The Daleks lay out the plan for seizing the Solar System by attacking Mars, Venus, Jupiter, the Moon Colonies and, finally, Earth. Lowery is in pain and is still trying to suck the Varga poison from his hand. He realises that Varga spines are growing all over his body and quickly covers them when he hears Cory returning. Cory has heard what the Daleks said on the loudspeaker and knows of the plan to conquer the Solar System. When Cory realises that Lowery is becoming a Varga plant, he opens fire and kills him. Cory then picks up the rescue beacon and starts recording his SOS message. However, as he is hastily recounting the new information, some Daleks advance upon him and exterminate him. As he lies dead, the Daleks leave, chanting "Victory". However, both the beacon and the message survive on the planet's surface unscathed. In the Dalek city, the representatives from the seven planets have gathered in a conference room. They are worried about the humans; they consider them hostile, but the Daleks assure them that the humans will be dealt with. The meeting is held and the seven delegates all agree to join forces in an alliance with the Daleks. The Daleks lay out the plan for seizing the Solar System by attacking Mars, Venus, Jupiter, the Moon Colonies and, finally, Earth. Cast [ edit | edit source ] Listed as "Doctor Who - Mission to the Unknown (2019 Remake)" - Marco Simioni - Dan Gilligan - Jacob Marisson — Paul Stenton Alien Delegates - Adam Ian Barry Traill, Benjamin Clarke, Edward Kelly, Gary Tatham, Joseph Burke Voices - Nicholas Briggs - James Burgess, Mike Burgess, Sean Wilson, Timothy McDonagh - Amina Gurjee, Laura Down. The cast of the broadcast was credited twice, the first without the "Alien Delegates" and "Varga Plant Operators", the second without William Hartnell as Dr. Who. Crew [ edit | edit source ] Listed as "Doctor Who- Mission to the Unknown (2019 Remake)" COSTUMES Senior Costume Designer - Christopher Molloy Costume Designers - Audrey Hindle, Susie Thorpe Varga Costumes - Amanda Odlin-Bates, April Unsworth, Christian Partington, Jacob Connolly, Jade Armstrong, Joseph Meadows, Mel Eccleston Sentreal Costume - Francis Neale, Sarah Parker Make-Up & Prosthetics Design - Janette Rawstron Make-Up & Prosthetics Team - Caitlyn McConnachie, Joanne Todd, Lewis Taylor, Meghan Sledden, Olivia Helm, Paul Coppack Senior Set Designer - Nigel Simpkins Set Designer - Ben Hunter Set Design Assistants - Amina Gurjee, Charlotte Dempster, Gemma Fairclough, Katie East, Katie Hendron, Laura Down, Mumtaz Kidi, Timothy Mcdonagh Set Design Construction - Jonnie Meadowcroft Runners - Andrew Deakin, Colin Ashcroft, Daniel Carver, James Richard Best, Oliver Kay Camera Supervisor/Camera 1 Operator - Rajat Darshan Shrestha Camera Operators - Abbie Bradshaw, Adrian Izquierdo Lighting Directors - Declan Shears, Jack Walton Sound Supervisor - Nkosana Tshuma Sound Assistant - Kayleigh Hall Boom Operators - Brad Vaughan, Thomas Williamson Floor Manager - Ryan Mallows Vision Mixer - Sam Moyle VT Operators/Edit Assist - Sophie Townend, Tom Daniels Production Assistants - Elizabeth Moore, Shi Yi Liu Production Manager - Gail Colville Production Coordinator - Chantelle Smith Technical Coordinator - Robert Collier Technical Assistant - Jonathan Charlton Jones Technical Set Assistant - William Finch Assistant to Director - Liam Kershaw- Calvert Props Master - Alison Wolstenholme Model Set Design & Construction - Jim Thompson Sound Design & Music - Josh Horsley, Phil Bush, Phil Holmes Technical Support - Leon Hardman, Paul Critchley, Rob Griffiths, Simon Lovell, Stephen Cooke, Toby Gregory Researcher - Paul Stenton Photography - Jessica Briggs, David Schofield, Karl Hopkinson Sound - Scott Jackson Social Media - Euan Holden Director - Amy Blyth. The crew of the broadcast were credited twice, the first only included the costume supervisor, make-up supervisor, lighting, sound, producer and director credits. Plus it also credited Donald Tosh, Richard Hunt and Raymond Cusick; the script editor and designers respectively on the original production. Doctor Who - Daleks - The Mutation of Time - by John Peel - Audio CD. Peter Purves and Jean Marsh read this exciting novelization od a classic Doctor Who adventure, with Dalek voices by Nicholas Briggs. The Daleks master plan is well underway. With the Time Destroyer, the most deadly machine ever devised, the Daleks will conquer the universe. Only one person stands in their way the Doctor. For he has stolen the precious taranium core which is vital to activate the machine. Traveling through time and space, the Doctor and his companions are forever on the move in case the Daleks track them down. But after several months, to their horror, the TARDIS indicates that they are being followed. The second of two novelizations written by John Peel based on the TV serial "The Daleks Master Plan." The first book, "Daleks: Mission to the Unknown," is also available from the BBC."