Carlos Santana,Ashley Kahn,Hal Miller | 320 pages | 01 Feb 2015 | Orion Publishing Co | 9781409156543 | English | London, United Kingdom The Universal Tone PDF Book

Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. This is not one of them, and you can take a look and see just how many of those others I've read. I admire men who recognize within themselves, that they have what is needed, already available to them for no cost, and further, for what no money can buy. The intimate and long-awaited autobiography of a legend. 's unforgettable memoir offers a page-turning tale of musical self-determination and inner self-discovery, with personal stories filled with colorful detail and life-affirming lessons. Sadly, Santana's gods have failed and my cassettes are warped and won't play. Jan 03, Audrey rated it really liked it. Choose your denomination:. With her signature warmth, hilarity, and tendency to overshare, Leslie Gray Streeter gives us real Santana's journey from obscurity and abject poverty to affluence and superstardom is expressed eloquently via an informal conversational style that captures the cadences of his speaking voice. I listened to 9 of the 16 CD's it's long of this audio book and I just can't finish it. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. This book brings to light Carlos's penchant for creating music for other musicians and not enough for the music buying public. Report incorrect product information. From there he expanded his music by filling vacancies with an adult group playing background tunes in popular strip club. Error rating book. NOTE: I'm stingy with stars. During high school his three month hospitalization for tuberculosis officially kept him from service in Vietnam. He is open about his admiration for Guru Sri Chinmoy, his friendship mixed admiration for Armando Peraza, the man who urged him to take control of his eponymous band Santana. He mentioned something about how the 60s in San Francisco had propelled them into an o This was a fairly interesting read, which has just as much philosophy in it as musical or biographical info. Santana doesn't pull punches I will have a nice little side project here for a few weeks, but I am looking forward to becoming a bit more educated about blues and , neither of which I have ever truly listened to. He tries to help this happen through his music. And please quit mentioning Jesus like he's a buddy of yours who agrees with you about doctrine and theology. It could have been 50 or so pages shorter, at least, but so be it. The Universal Tone Writer

He lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. Additional details. Santana deals with both in the same unflinchingly honest and dignified tone. Carlos is a guy that wears his heart on his sleeve, he is not the "macho" Mexican male stereotype and furthermore, he is a very deep thinker. . Having always been a fan of Carlos Santana, he came across as passionate, charming and spiritual in this book. In The Spotlight. Santana continued to work in these forms over the following decades, and experienced a sudden resurgence of popularity and critical acclaim in the late s. Community Reviews. Carlos is a very spiritual man, but not condescendingly so. A few comments in the book resonate with me Related Reads. As a Chicano I've always one of our guiding lights. For me 2 stars means a good book or a B. Kelly Lawson has given up on dating. Videos About This Book. Cut to , when I was on a sales call with a woman who had a poster in her cubicle of Santana playing guitar. Biblical sources state that Carlos and Jesus are world's apart in their understandings of Divinity and Purpose. I graduated high school three years after Santana and as member of the senior prom committee we looked to book a first class band to play at Castle Hill on the seaside Crane Estate, which we rented for the evening. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Reviewed by rocketjk rocketjk. The Universal Tone is a book examining a lifelong quest for knowledge and some sense of divinity Sometimes in the weeds of words, Carlos presents a bloom of beauty to rest upon until the mind can process. I was super surprised and very disappointed that Santana never mentioned John Mayer despite exhaustive excerpts on blues guitar. Santana's journey from obscurity and abject poverty to affluence and superstardom is expressed eloquently via an informal conversational style that captures the cadences of his speaking voice. In in San Francisco, just a few weeks after the Summer of Love, a young Mexican guitarist took the stage at the Fillmore Auditorium and played a blistering solo that announced the arrival of a prodigious musical talent. Gladly, Carlos kept family a huge issue in this writing. The notion of The Universal Tone really resonated with me. And please quit mentioning Jesus like he's a buddy of yours who agrees with you about doctrine and theology. Write a review See all reviews Write a review. So how surprising is it that Santana, the very symbol of shut-up-and-play spirituality, has turned out one of the most articulate rock memoirs ever? There is more context to those other works. A second marriage begins another circle of opportunity. Related Articles. Sorry everyone, love and peace through music was a myth and a lie - even the musicians just wanted fame and the spoils of war - endless drugs, alcohol and sex for the self-centered hippy cause. I wondered if having omitted his name was a statement. We aim to show you accurate product information. Although there's not a lot of baby seals in Las Vegas, where Santana lives Allnut and Rose, a disreputable Cockney and an English spinster missionary, wend their way down a river in Central Africa in a rickety, asthmatic steam The Universal Tone Reviews

Biblical sources state that Carlos and Jesus are world's apart in their understandings of Divinity and Purpose. Reading this was like starting from scratch. And the sense memories peppering its pages are as frequent and visceral as the notes comprising his best guitar solos. He does not Autobiography with a spiritual thread I dont listen to lot of Santana but I decided to read his autobiography to learn from his spiritual journey. New This Week Shop this week's new arrivals, updated every Tuesday. I loved this book Santana deals with both in the same unflinchingly honest and dignified tone. I'd leave Carlos for just that reason. A story of my times and music. He also talks at length, and quite interestingly at least for me about his musical influences, and how he goes about incorporating their styles into his own. We're committed to providing low prices every day, on everything. He mentioned something about how the 60s in San Francisco had propelled them into an orbit of compassion and grace not yet known before. He goes on at length about his childhood, generally a stumbling block for me, especially in autobiographies, but he does manage to make it mostly interesting, so I mostly give him a pass on that. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. He makes a difference by his gentleness, and has been a magnet to several other men and celebrities who recognize that he has something that they want, which is an inner peace that is so evident on the pages of his life. May 24, Denis S rated it liked it. But when you start adding a more syncopated thing, [like] conga Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Please enter a valid email address. A great read that gave me a glimpse into a uniquely talented and very special soul who is making the world a better place. Shortly afterwards, "Supernatural" and "Smooth" exploded on the airways and I really became hooked. This is an intelligent, thoughtful and thought-provoking book. Not any albums with radio singles, but free flowing music that comes straight from the soul. Jesus — the ultimate multidimensional, multicolor, nothing but love hippie. This would probably make a great read for a fan who is more familiar with the 60's and the hippie movement of the time. Over time, I bought about 15 more CD's. He pretty well wraps up the discography talking about that album, though parts of the book are much less chronological. Advanced Search. The book holds nothing back except maybe why Deborah left him and he shares deep experiences with the reader. I especially appreciated his comments about the U. Although there's not a lot of baby seals in Las Vegas, where Santana lives Specifications Publisher Little, Brown and Company.

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It is enlightening to know where he wa Absolutely loved it! Related Searches. Related Articles. Add to Wishlist. I believe Carlos was completely faithful to his wife as it's not in his personality to be any sort of hedonist player. Lists with This Book. Two years later -- after he played a historic set at Woodstock -- the world came to know the name Carlos Santana, his sensual and instantly recognizable guitar sound, and the legendary band that blended electric blues, psychedelic rock, Latin rhythms, and modern jazz, and that still bears his name. This would probably make a great read for a fan who is more familiar with the 60's and the hippie movement of the time. Sombody needs to show Carlos that all Bob Marley really did was give the stoners some music to smoke pot to, and to help them ignore their children and other priorities. The one thing I disliked about it at first, but I actually found endearing by the end, is how much he mentions the names of the musicians he played with and knew as well as admired throughout his life. This edition uses the British system of terminology for rhythmic values such as crotchet for quarter note. He shared many opinions about society, about trying to be a better person, about the state of the world these days compared to what we of a certain age wanted it to be, thought it could be, still believe it should be. Kelly Lawson has given up on dating. Home 1 Books 2. Santana sidesteps salaciousness for spirituality while taking readers through the touchstone moments of his remarkable life and career. Like his concerts, he w I listened to rock for most of my life, so I had no idea on any of the following things: Santana's influences are blues, jazz, and many, many other kinds of music. Write a review See all reviews Write a review. Quotes from The Universal Ton Carlos doesn't like that idea at all. Thanks for telling us about the problem. I'm sure there was a mutual respect there, but a bonafide friendship I wasn't sold on. Forester's classic romantic adventure is a tale of opposites attracted. Carlos is a very spiritual man, but not condescendingly so. I especially appreciated his comments about the U. Their sound featured his melodic, blues based guitar lines set against Latin percussion such as timbales and congas. Enriched with discipline he gave up experimenting with drugs and entered into spiritual experimentation with the meditation of Sri Chinmoy. He cried when Martin Luther King Jr. Walmart He gives away the vibe of an awestruck fan when he discusses their life, and their music. He wants to make the world a better place. He is open about his admiration for Guru Sri Chinmoy, his friendship mixed admiration for Armando Peraza, the man who urged him to take control of his eponymous band Santana. It includes his recording some of the most popular and influential rock albums of all time, up to and beyond the sensation Supernatural, which garnered nine Grammy Awards and stands as arguably the most amazing career comeback in popular music history. Hurtak: a metaphysical historian and multidimensional archaeologist. On page He is proud of his daughter for mocking her Catholic school religious teachers by stating "You guys don't believe this stuff, do you? Published November 4th by Little, Brown and Company. For me 2 stars means a good book or a B. Refresh and try again. It's a profoundly inspiring tale of divine inspiration and musical fearlessness that does not balk at finding the humor in the world of high-flying fame, or at speaking plainly of Santana's personal revelations and the infinite possibility he sees in each person he meets. Overall, I read this book with many smiles as I turned the pages. View Product. As a youth he played mariachi music attired in fine clothing to both learn music and gather pocket money. Thank you! Page where his father-in-law asks Santana if he believed in the Universal Tone, one note that can connect heaven and flesh. There is more context to those other works. Having always been a fan of Carlos Santana, he came across as passionate, charming and spiritual in this book.