16th January, 2007 Ordinary Council Meeting

Meeting Commences 8:30am

Minutes • Ordinary Council Meeting held on 19th December, 2006 • Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group Meeting held on 14th December, 2006

Correspondence for Information

Administration & Finance 1. School Survey on Community Pass partnership with the Museum of Tropical 2. Investigation on the practicalities and costs of relocating the Clare Hall Building from its current site to the Clare School 3. Adoption of 2005-06 Annual Report

Engineering 1. Proposed acquisition of land for construction of road, SS Yongala Drive, at Lynch’s Beach 2. Proposal for purchases of transportable site toilets and/or commercially available site toilets for use/hire within the Burdekin community

Development & Environment 1. Application for conversion of Non-Competitive Leases 44/2279 & 44/2280 to freehold tenure at Foreman Walsh Road, Dalbeg – Mr W. Granshaw 2. Application for Permit to Occupy Beachmount Hill, Wunjunga – Mr E. Minuzzo 3. Development Application for operational works (excavation and filling) at 70 Norham Road, Ayr – G. & M. Poli 4. Development Application for Reconfiguration of lot at 49 Spiller Street, Ayr – Two Brown Dogs Pty. Ltd. 5. Development Application for Reconfiguration of lot at 9A-27A Chippendale Street, Ayr – Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged Society 6. Development Application for Reconfiguration of lot at 45 Cameron Street & 48 Burke Street, Ayr – A. & J. Troy

In Committee Discussions

11.00am Presentation by Development Officer, Cherie King on 2007 edition of Bountiful Burdekin Magazine BURDEKIN SHIRE COUNCIL


Held in the John Drysdale Chamber Commencing at 8.30am


Crs. L.A. McLaughlin (Mayor), M.J. Haynes (Deputy Mayor), R.J. Marriott, J.R. Gist, M.A. Castelanelli, L. Loizou, T.P. List, L.D. McCathie, R.J. Gambino and P.M. Dalle Cort

Mr. K. Holt - Chief Executive Officer Mr. D.P. Mulcahy - Director of Administrative Services Mr. T.G. Williams - Director of Engineering Services Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director of Development and Environmental Services Mr. S. Great - Manager Planning and Development

Miss T.M. Cornford - Minutes Clerk

Leave of Absence - Cr. R.H. Lewis .


The meeting prayer was read by Rev. Paul Clark of the Uniting Church.

Cr. Castelanelli attended the meeting following the meeting prayer. .


753961 * 03-06-11 - Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services - Report - Proposed establishment of Lawn Cemetery at the Home Hill Cemetery - Amended Recommendation.

Moved Cr. Gist, seconded Cr. Dalle Cort that Council configure the Home Hill Lawn Cemetery as a double row cemetery.


Moved Cr. Gist, seconded Cr. Gambino that Council display plaques at the Home Hill Lawn Cemetery on a flat continuous concrete strip with the plaques being laid flat on the cement strip . Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006

Cr. Marriott foreshadowed the following motion:

"that the Home Hill Lawn Cemetery consist of a flat continuous concrete strip with individual angled headstone and plaque units being placed on the flat cement."

Cr. Castelanelli foreshadowed the following motion:

"that the Home Hill Lawn Cemetery consist of a double row angled plinth unit made of cement, with consideration to be given to the possibility of having several walk through areas in the plinth."

VOTING ON MOTION FOR: Crs. Gist, Loizou, Gambino, Haynes and McLaughlin AGAINST: Crs. Marriott, Castelanelli, List, McCathie and Dalle Cort


Moved Cr. Marriott that the Home Hill Lawn Cemetery consist of a flat continuous concrete strip with individual angled headstone and plaque units being placed on the flat cement.

Motion lapsed - no seconder

Moved Cr. Castelanelli that the Home Hill Lawn Cemetery consist of a double row angled plinth unit made of cement, with consideration to be given to the possibility of having several walk through areas in the plinth.

Motion Lapsed - no seconder

Moved Cr. Marriott, seconded Cr. McCathie that the Home Hill Lawn Cemetery consist of a flat continuous concrete strip with individual angled plaque display units to be placed on the concrete strip (back to back with no space) as required.

FOR: Crs. Marriott, List, McCathie, Dalle Cort and McLaughlin AGAINST: Crs. Gist, Castelanelli, Loizou, Gambino and Haynes


It was resolved that further discussions on the report on proposed establishment of the Home Hill Lawn Cemetery be held over until the Ordinary Council Meeting to be held on 23rd January, 2007.

2 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006



Development Officer, Mrs. King attended the meeting at this stage and tabled a draft copy of the Burdekin Sport and Recreation Plan.

Moved Cr. McCathie, seconded Cr. Dalle Cort that at the time of budget review, Council consider providing a dedicated human resource in the area of Sport, Recreation and Community Development.

FOR: Crs. List, McCathie, Dalle Cort, Haynes, Gambino and McLaughlin AGAINST: Crs. Marriott, Gist, Castelenelli and Loizou


Moved Cr. McCathie, seconded Cr. Gambino that pending grant approval, Council supports the implementation of masterplans for the development of Alva Foreshore.


Moved Cr. Dalle Cort, seconded Cr. Gambino that Council supports further development of the PCYC and Anzac Park masterplans including budgetary implications.


Moved Cr. Gist, seconded Cr. Loizou that Council assist Senior and Junior Soccer with the development of new amalgamated facilities.



At this stage of the meeting Mr. John Bullock and Mr. Michael L'Huillier attended the meeting and addressed Council on the Burdekin Barra Rush fishing competition to be held on 10th & 11th February, 2007 and seeking Council's support for advertising this event.

Mr. Bullock and Mr. L'Huillier undertook to speak with Council's Development Officer, Mrs. King in relation to this matter and further discussions in relation to Council's support will be held at the next Ordinary Council Meeting to be held on 16th January, 2007.

3 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006



Moved Cr. Loizou, seconded Cr. Marriott that the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 19th December, 2006 be received as a true and correct record.


NOTE - It was acknowledged that the Mayor, Cr. McLaughlin returned to the meeting following Clause 12. .


Moved Cr. McCathie, seconded Cr. Gambino that the Minutes of the Burdekin Cultural Complex Board Inc. Meeting held on 9th October, 2006 be received.



Moved Cr. Haynes, seconded Cr. Loizou that the Minutes of the Burdekin Road Safety Advisory Committee Meeting held on 22nd November, 2006 be received.



Moved Cr. Dalle Cort, seconded Cr. Gambino that the Minutes of the Burdekin Road Safety Advisory Committee Meeting held on 22nd November, 2006 be adopted.


4 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006



Moved Cr. Gambino, seconded Cr. Haynes that the Minutes of the Workplace Health and Safety Committee Meeting held on 13th December, 2006 be received.



Moved Cr. Marriott, seconded Cr. Loizou that the Minutes of the Workplace Health and Safety Committee Meeting held on 13th December, 2006 be adopted.



1. 753033 * MPF-01 Hon. Andrew Robb Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs

Copy of the 2007 Calendar of Cultural and Religious Dates celebrated by communities throughout Australia.

2. 753034 * MPF-01 Canegrowers - Brisbane

2006 Canegrowers Annual Report and Public Environment Report - 2006.

3. 753035 * MPF-01 Powerlink - Northern Regional Office

Powerlink Queensland Annual Report 2005/2006 - 'Making the Connection'.

4. 753599 * MPF-01 International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives – Local Governments for Sustainability

Thanking the Mayor for her continued support during 2006 and providing a report on the key achievements and advancements of ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability - Australia/New Zealand (ICLEI-A/NZ) for 2006.

5 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006

5. 753600 * MPF-01 Opera Queensland Ltd

Forwarding a copy of the Opera 2007 brochure detailing the 2007 Queensland season.

6. 753036 * MPF-03 McDonald's Ayr

Expression of appreciation for the Mayor's participation on McHappy Day.

Moved Cr. Loizou, seconded Cr. Dalle Cort that the correspondence tabled for Council's information be received.




752504 * 01-04-05B Mr. D.P. Mulcahy - Director of Administrative Services Report - Request from Groves and Clark, on behalf of Mr. D. Res, for Council's consent to transfer his leases on land at the Ayr Industrial Estate to Brickworks Queensland Pty. Ltd. (also known as Austral).

Moved Cr. Dalle Cort, seconded Cr. Haynes that Council offer no objection to the transfer of the leases at the Ayr Industrial Estate over land described as Lot 44 and 45 on RP910243, County of Gladstone, Parish of Antill from Denny Res to Brickworks Queensland Pty. Ltd. provided that the lessee and assignee enter into a Deed of Covenant whereby the assignee covenants to be bound by the obligations on the part of the lessee contained in the Lease, with such document being prepared by Council’s solicitor at the expense of the lessee or assignee.



753310 * 01-07-09 - Mount Isa City Council - Invitation and Accommodation Schedule - 2007 Local Government Association Conference - 10 & 11 May 2007 - Mount Isa.


6 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006



753965 * 01-10-26 - Mr. D.P. Mulcahy - Director of Administrative Services - Report - Suggestion from The Burdekin Be Active Committee that it become an AdvisoryCommittee to Council.

Moved Cr. McCathie, seconded Cr. Haynes that Council appoint the Burdekin Be Active Committee as an Advisory Committee to Council in accordance with the Local Government Act Section 453(1), noting that the Mayor, Cr. L. McLaughlin is the Council's representative on this Committee.



1. Cr. Gambino gave a brief overveiw on his attendance at the Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting held on 13th December, 2006.

2. Mr. Vaccaro attended the meeting and gave a brief update on the progress of the new Shire Promotional DVD. Mr. Vaccaro advised that further filming will be conducted over the Christmas school holiday period and it was hoped that the DVD would be completed prior to June 2007.

3. Mayor, Cr. McLaughlin advised Councillors that she would again be nominating to be a member of the Ministerial Regional Community Forum for the next 3 year term. .


Moved Cr. Haynes, seconded Cr. Loizou that the 2006/2007 Burdekin Sport and Recreation Plan as tabled by Development Officer, Mrs. King, be received.



753975 * 03-08-11F - Mrs. C. King - Development Officer - Report - Request from the Jerona Citizens Association for Council's support for the Barratta Creek Boat Ramp and Pontoon Project.

7 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006

Moved Cr. Dalle Cort, seconded Cr. Haynes that Council support the Barratta Creek Boat Ramp and Pontoon Project by:

l Conducting survey and design work for the boat ramp expansion; l Applying for all required permits and funding associated fees (estimated value $5000); l Providing supervision, inspections and evaluation of the works; l Providing funding for hire of an excavator and purchase of some materials for the ramp expansion (estimated value of $6350); and l Taking ownership and responsibility of the pontoon once constructed.



Moved Cr. McCathie, seconded Cr. Loizou that the Development Officer's Report for July - December, 2006 be received.



753929 * 01-04-05A - Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services - Report - Request from Mr. S. Szendrey for Council's views - Re-issue of Permit to Occupy 2987- Plantation Creek.

Moved Cr. Haynes, seconded Cr. Gist that Council offer no objection to the application from Steven Szendrey for the surrender of the existing Permit to Occupy over land described as Lot 1 on PER2987, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone, in the name of Gary James Halliday, and for it to be re-issued on the same terms and conditions in the name of Steven James Szendrey and Raymond Thomas Connor.


Cr. Castelanelli left the meeting at this stage. .


753974 * Sub 06-45 Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services Report - Development Application received from Cleve McGuane Surveys on behalf of S. & M. Prior - Reconfiguration of land at Old Clare Road, Ayr.

8 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006


Moved Cr. Marriott, seconded Cr. Loizou that Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot at Old Clare Road, Ayr (Lot 29 on SP100490 and Lot 21 on RP888168, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions:

1. Bear the cost of all alterations necessary to public utility mains, services or installations;

2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full;

3. Pay the sum of $119.50 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for each new valuation;

4. The construction of any crossovers to give access to proposed Lot 5 is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. Any proposed purchaser of the land is to be advised accordingly;

5. The access to the proposed easement off Old Clare Road is to have an Industrial Crossover, 150mm thick, 32MPa concrete and F720 Mesh for a minimum width of 6 metres from the property boundary to a 4 metre alignment and shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services:

6. Provide standup kerbing and channelling for the full length of the Old Clare Road frontage of proposed Lot 5, connecting to the proposed industrial crossover outlined in Condition 5, to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services;

7. Provide bitumen widening from the proposed kerbing in Condition 6 to the existing bitumen on Old Clare Road. Such widening is to be a two coat (16mm – 10mm) seal on 150 compacted base, type 2.2 Gravel and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services;

8. Provide RPEQ Certified Engineering plans for the abovementioned Conditions 5, 6 and 7 showing design and existing levels with a 1:50 section through the easement access from the centreline of Old Clare Road to the property boundary;

9. A contribution in terms of Council’s Headworks Policy is payable for the additional 4 lots created by this development. The amount will be calculated at the time of payment based on the charge applicable at that time. As an indication only, the total amount payable for the development is currently $5,436 for Water;

10. The applicant will be required to extend the existing 100mm dia. water main in Old Clare Road to the south-western boundary of Easement ‘B’. A new fire hydrant will be required at the end of the proposed extension. The connection to the existing main shall be carried out by the Burdekin Shire Council at the applicant’s expense;

9 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006

11. The applicant will be required to provide a separate water connection for each of the proposed lots. The meter for each of these lots shall be installed at the Old Clare Road boundary;

12. The applicant is required to provide a certified statement from a licensed plumber that no existing interconnecting water supply plumbing crosses the boundaries between the 5 lots;

13. The applicant or any of their agents or contractors shall not commence construction work on the site on any day before 7.00am nor continue any such works after 6pm. Neither shall any works be undertaken on a Sunday or Public Holiday. Adequate precautions to the satisfaction of Council shall also be taken to ensure that dust does not cause an annoyance during construction work on the site. This may mean cessation of work during periods of adverse climatic conditions, if directed by Council;

14. All wastes and rubbish shall be stored, collected and disposed of to the satisfaction of Council, and in accordance with the Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000, with full costs borne by the applicant. No wastes or rubbish shall be burned on-site;

15. Wheelie bins shall be collected from Council’s road reserve kerbside unless approval is arranged with Council for collection on the individual property;

16. Where the waste collection vehicle is required to enter the property and/or leave the dedicated road reserve, the driveway and access areas must:-

- Be an adequate length and width for the vehicle to access - Allow for the waste collection vehicle to leave the site in a forward direction - Minimise the need for reversing Be constructed to carry the weight of the vehicle

17. Provide Council with written evidence that the owner of Lot 26 on SP100490 consents to accepting stormwater drainage emanating from proposed new lots (1, 2, 3, and 4);

18. Before release of the formal plan of subdivision, provide Council with evidence that access easement B (as demonstrated on proposal plan 28309-1) includes provisions that stipulate a fully sealed and maintained driveway along the entire frontage of each new proposed lot.

19. Approval of this proposal Plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. Please note that in terms of SECTION 3.5.22 (1) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the currency period can only be extended if the request is received before the approval lapses.

10 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006

Amendment (1) to the Motion

Moved Cr. McCathie, seconded Cr. Dalle Cort that condition no. 16 be deleted and no. 15 amended to read as follows:

l Wheelie bins shall be collected from Council’s road reserve kerbside.


Amendment (2) to the Motion

Moved Cr. Dalle Cort, seconded Cr. Gambino that conditions no. 13 & 14 be deleted, and an information sheet be attached with such details to this Development Permit and future Development Applications as required.


Voting on the Motion with approved amendments (1) & (2) to Condition Nos. 13, 14, 15 & 16.



753928 * Sub 06-46 - Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services - Report - Development Application received from Brazier Motti on behalf of Mr. D. Res - Reconfiguration of land at 7 Cornford Crescent, Ayr.

Moved Cr. Dalle Cort, seconded Cr. List that Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot at 7 Cornford Crescent, Ayr (Lot 1 on RP739034, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions:

1. Bear the cost of all alterations necessary to public utility mains, services or installations;

2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full;

3. Pay the sum of $47.80 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for each new valuation;

4. The construction of any crossovers to give access to the land is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. Any proposed purchaser of the land is to be advised accordingly;

5. The applicant is required to provide a certified statement from a licensed plumber that no existing interconnecting water supply

11 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006

plumbing crosses the boundary between the two lots;

6. A contribution in terms of Council’s Headworks Policy is payable for the additional lot created by this development. The amount will be calculated at the time of payment based on the charge applicable at that time. As an indication only, the total amount payable for the development is currently $1,359 for Water;

7. The applicant will be required to provide a separate water connection for the proposed Lot 26;

8. The approved use shall be undertaken so that no undue disturbance is caused to neighbouring properties by virtue of noise, bright lights, dust or traffic movements;

9. A Material Change of Use (Environmentally Relevant Activity) application for the concrete product manufacturing plant must be approved by Council prior to sealing of the survey plans;

10. The operator of the ERA business must hold a current certificate of registration under the Environmental Protection Act 1994; and

11. Approval of this proposal Plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. Please note that in terms of SECTION 3.5.22 (1) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the currency period can only be extended if the request is received before the approval lapses.



753930 * Sub 06-50 Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services - Report - Development Application received from Cleve McGuane Surveys on behalf of M. & J. Nicolaides - Reconfiguration of land at 46 Gordon Street, Ayr.


Moved Cr. Dalle Cort, seconded Cr. Marriott that Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot at 46 Gordon Street, Ayr (Lot 9 on RP708893, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions:

1. Bear the cost of all alterations necessary to public utility mains, services or installations;

2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full;

12 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006

3. Pay the sum of $71.70 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for each new valuation;

4. Widening of the existing concrete invert to a minimum of 6.0m;

5. Construct an industrial crossover from the boundary line to the invert outlined in Condition 4. The crossover shall be a minimum width of 6.0m, 150mm 32MPa concrete reinforced with F72 mesh;

6. A contribution in terms of Council’s Headworks Policy is payable for the additional lot created by this development. The amount will be calculated at the time of payment based on the charge applicable at that time. As an indication only, the total amount payable for the development is currently $2,718 for Water and Sewerage.

7. The applicant will be required to provide a separate water connection for the proposed Lot 11. The meter for this lot shall be housed in a trafficable pit within Easement ‘A’ at the Gordon Street boundary;

8. The applicant will be required to provide a new connection to the sewer for the proposed Lot 11;

9. The applicant is required to provide a certified statement from a licensed plumber that no existing interconnecting water supply plumbing crosses the boundaries between the 2 lots;

10. The applicant or any of their agents or contractors shall not commence construction work on the site on any day before 7.00am nor continue any such works after 6.00pm. Neither shall any works be undertaken on a Sunday or Public Holiday. Adequate precautions to the satisfaction of Council shall also be taken to ensure that dust does not cause an annoyance during construction work on the site. This may mean cessation of work during periods of adverse climatic conditions, if directed by Council;

11. Refrigeration and air conditioning plant and motors and other noise generating machinery shall be located and housed so as not to cause noise nuisances beyond the property boundaries and shall be sound proofed and suppressed in accordance with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy and/or Environmental Protection Regulation 1998;

12. All wastes and rubbish shall be stored, collected and disposed of to the satisfaction of Council, and in accordance with the Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000, with full costs borne by the applicant. No wastes or rubbish shall be burned on-site;

13. Wheelie bins shall be collected from Council’s road reserve kerbside unless approval is arranged with Council for collection on the individual property. Industrial bins shall be collected on site;

14. Where the waste collection vehicle is required to enter the property and leave the dedicated road reserve, the driveway and access areas must:-

13 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006

·Be an adequate length and width for the vehicle to access ·Allow for the waste collection vehicle to leave the site in a forward direction ·Minimise the need for reversing ·Be constructed to carry the weight of the vehicle

15. Approval of this proposal Plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. Please note that in terms of SECTION 3.5.22 (1) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the currency period can only be extended if the request is received before the approval lapses.

Amendment (1) to the Motion

Moved Cr. McCathie, seconded Cr. Loizou that condition nos. 10 & 12 be removed and condition no. 13 amended to read as follows:

l Wheelie bins shall be collected from Council’s road reserve kerbside.


Voting on the Motion with approved amendment (1) to Condition nos. 10, 12 & 13.



Moved Cr. Loizou, seconded Cr. Marriott that Council adopt the jobs discussed in the Works Implementation Project Committee Meeting for the 2007/2008 financial year.



Moved Cr. Marriott, seconded Cr. Gist that Council approve the closure of the Ayr and Home Hill Transfer Stations from 11.00am on 25th December, 2006.


14 Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 19th December, 2006



Moved Cr. Gambino, seconded Cr. Gist that Council meet in-committe under Section 463.1(f) of the Local Government Act 1993. .


Moved Cr. Loizou, seconded Cr. Gambino that the Ordinary Meeting of Council be resumed.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at approximately 2.30pm.

These Minutes were confirmed by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 16th January, 2007.




Held in John Drysdale Chamber Commencing at 12.00 noon


Crs. L.A. McLaughlin (Chairman) and R. H. Lewis - Burdekin Shire Council Mr. T.G. Williams - Executive Officer Mr. K. Royal - Local Controller, Burdekin SES Snr. Sgt. M. Isles - Qld Police Services Mr. J. Power - Burdekin Shire Council Mr. B. Bermingham - Burdekin Community Association

Observers Cr. L. Loizou - Burdekin Shire Council Mr. W. Preedy - Regional Disaster Management Officer, CDRS Mr. L. Steger - Qld Ambulance Services Mr. D. Jackson - Lower Burdekin Newspaper Co. Ms. S. Collier - Burdekin Community Association

Miss. T.M Cornford - Minutes Clerk

Apologies for absence - Cr. R. Marriott (Burdekin Shire Council), John Winn (Ayr SES), Mr. W. Bridson (EMQ), Mr. L. Skinn (QFRS), Mr. R. Simpson (QFRS), Mr. S. Brennan (QFRS), Mr. S. Schifilliti (QPS), Mr. B. Payne (EMQ), Mr. D. Greenough (QPS) and Sgt. S. Barton (QPS) .


Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Mr. Power that the Minutes of the Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group Meeting held on 9th November, 2006 be received as a true and correct.




1. 751222 * 01-04-05 & 01-10-03 Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water

Advising that the Department offers no objection to the proposed construction of a shed on Lots 15 &16 CP C2028 for the Clare State Emergency Services and Clare Rural Fire Brigade. Minutes - Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group Meeting - 14th December, 2006

2. 748383 * 01-10-03 Office of the Director-General Department of Emergency Services

Advising that Council has received a payment of $3 740.00, representing the 2005-06 State Emergency Service (SES) Annual Local Government Subsidy. The payment recognises some of the costs incurred by the Council in providing support to SES Units throughout the year.

3. 748618 * 01-10-03 Department of Emergency Services

Announcing the successful nominations for Regional Member of the Year, Unit of the Year, Operational Response of the Year and SES Award Certificates.

4. 749226 * 01-10-03 Department of Emergency Services

Forwarding copy of an invitation for the 2006 Cyclone Summit - 'Living with Cyclones - Queensland Prepared' to be held at the James Cook University Cairns Campus on 7/8 December 2006.

NOTE - Executive Officer, Mr. Williams gave a breif overveiw on the attendance at the above summit by himself and the Mayor, Cr. McLaughlin

5. 750124 * 01-10-03 Department of Emergency Services - Counter Disaster & Rescue Services

Forwarding an agenda for the District Disaster Management Group meeting to be held on 30 November 2006 at 12 Wickham Street, Townsville.

6. 751496 * 01-10-03 Department of Emergency Services

Invitation to an Evacuation Planning Workshop to be held on Friday 8 December 2006 at the James Cook University, Cairns Campus.

NOTE - Regional Disaster Management Officer, Mr. Preedy have a brief overveiw on his attendance at the above Workshop.

7. 751803 * 01-10-03 Emergency Management Queensland

Council's request for extension of time approved - Application under the 2007-08 Round of funding of the SES Non-Recurrent Subsidy Program.

8. 753602 * 01-10-03 Emergency Management Australia

Information on the Australian Government's 'Working Together to Manage Emergencies' Initiative Programs - Local Grants Scheme and the National Emergency Volunteer Support Fund. (Brochure given to Minutes Clerk.)


1. 747681 * 01-10-03 Emergency Management Queensland

2 Minutes - Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group Meeting - 14th December, 2006

Applying to the Department of Emergency Services for an extension of time until 15 January 2007 in which to submit applications under the State Emergency Service Subsidy Program 2007/08.

Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Snr. Sgt. Isles that the inward correspondence be received and the outward correspondence adopted.



Discussions were held in relation to the roles and responsibilities of Emergency Services Personnel during both mandatory and volunteered evacuations.

Moved Cr. Lewis, seconded Mr. Royal that in accordance with Section 75 (1)(d) of the Disaster Management Act 2003, a list of authorised class of persons who can be Declared Disaster Officers be developed and included in the Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Plan.


It was further resolved that correspondence be forwarded to Mr. Warren Bridson of Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ) seeking further information in relation to the liability of Declared Disaster Officers during the event of mandatory evacuation. .


1. Welfare Co-ordinator, Mr. Bermingham advised that he had recently held a meeting with all relevant welfare service providers from the Welfare, Health and Infrastructure Sub-Group and noted their were 12 different organisations represented at the meeting.

Mr. Bermingham advised that the Sub-Group resolved to update the current Community Recovery Sub-Plan and submit the revised Sub-Plan to the Committee for adoption in early 2007.

2. Regional Disaster Management Officer, Mr. Preedy advised that in 2007 he would be attending local schools and speaking with students in relation to cyclone awareness. Mayor, Cr. McLaughlin advised that she would be interested in attending the schools with Mr. Preedy also.

3. Manager Water and Waste Water, Mr. Power reported on the progress with the Disaster Management CD which will be distributed to local residents. Mr. Power advised that Council is currently waiting on a draft CD to be received for approval and it was hoped that the CD would be distributed in early 2007.

4. Executive Officer, Mr. Williams advised that he is currently working with

3 Minutes - Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group Meeting - 14th December, 2006

the Mayor, Cr. McLaughlin, Mr. Royal and Mr. Preedy in order to complete the new Disaster Management Plan which will have a new structure and format. Mr. Williams advised that the new Plan will be tabled for approval of Disaster Management Group in January, 2007 and then forward to Council for adoption.

5. Mr. Preedy provided information in relation to current grants that may be available to the Disaster Management Group. Mr. Preedy provided further information in relation to another shire that has developed a CD with their Disaster Management Plan, and suggested that the Burdekin should investigate this option. Mr. Preedy explained that the plan is very detailed on CD and can be used by outside personnel with little training, if required. Mr. Preedy undertook to provide the group with any further details in the near future.

6. Mr. Williams notified the group that Dr. Andrew Johnson from Qld Health will be invited to give a presentation on pandemics to Council in early 2007 and advised that the Local Disaster Management Group members will be invited to attend this presentation also. .


It was resolved that in 2007 the Burdekin Shire Council Local Disaster Management Group Meetings be held on the third Friday of each month commencing at 12.00 noon. The following dates were noted for the Local Disaster Management Group Meetings to be held in 2007:

l 19th January, 2007 l 16th February, 2007 l 16th March, 2007 l 20th April, 2007 l 18th May, 2007

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 1.15pm.

Cr. Lyn McLaughlin CHAIRMAN .



1. 756356 * 01-05-01J Environmental Protection Agency - Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services

Copy of 'The State of Waste and Recycling in Queensland 2005' - Electronic version also available at www.epa.qld.gov.au.

2. 755211 * 01-07-08 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Local Government Circular 2006-342 - Cairns City Council to host the 2008 LGAQ Annual Conference from 1 to 4 September 2008.

3. 754410 * 01-07-08 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Program and Registration Form - 'These Turbulent Times' - Local Government Infrastructure Symposium - Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre - 18 to 20 April 2007.

4. 756358 * 01-07-08 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc. & 01-07-09

Acknowledgement of Council's approach regarding Senator Macdonald's speech to North Queensland Local Government Association Conference concerning proposal for Upper House for Queensland Parliament composed of elected Mayors.

5. 756627 * 01-07-08 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Local Government Circular 2006-357 - Announcement by State Government of a Drought Rate Rebate Scheme - Comments being sought from Councils before end of January 2007.

6. 757533 * 01-08-11A Australian Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Copy of Overview of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Report commissioned by the Australian Local Government Association, 'National Financial Sustainability Study of Local Government' - Councils urged to consider recommendations of the report to assess their applicability to Council and the community and assist ALGA in its Federal Government campaign, `Fair Funding'.

7. 757782 * 01-07-08 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Local Government Circular 2007-004 - Advice that new service has been established to provide public liability and other insurance covers to community groups - Local Community Insurance Services will operate on a national basis and provide necessary scale of operations to minimise premiums for individual groups. 2

8. 755005 * 01-07-09 Douglas Shire Council & 01-10-03

Minutes of the November North Queensland Local Government Association Conference 2006 & Cyclone Larry Presentation now available on the Douglas Shire Council website.

9. 756619 * 01-08-01 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Local Government Circular 2006-349 - Lobbying by LGAQ achieves significant wins for Local Government in amendments to State Development and Public Works Organisation Act.

10. 756357 * 01-08-11 Market Facts (Qld.) Pty. Ltd.

Appointment of Catherine Flaherty as new Council Liaison Manager - LGAQ biennial Community Satisfaction Survey of all Councils to be conducted again in 2007.

11. 755210 * 01-10-03 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Local Government Circular 2006-341 - Text summaries and audio files from the selection of forums at the 2006 Cyclone Summit - Living with Cyclones - Queensland prepared are now available on ABC Online.

12. 754188 * 01-10-15 Burdekin Church Leaders' Association & 01-10-25

Thank-you to Council for its ongoing support and commitment to Carols in the Park and requesting Council to consider a donation of $500 towards the provision of a sound technician for the event in future years.

13. 757535 * 01-10-51 Jerona Citizens Association Inc. & MPF-03

Request for letter of support to accompany grant application for development of Jerona Township emergency helicopter landing pad.

14. 756639 * 02-02-03 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc. & 05-03-01

Town Planning: Councillors' Training Program - Workshop to be held in Townsville on Monday, 5 February 2007 subject to minimum attendance numbers.

15. 756958 * 02-02-05 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

First Asset Sustainability Regional Meeting for 2007 set down for Monday 29 January 2007 at Learning Centre, 113-123 Dalrymple Road, Garbutt, Townsville from 9:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. 3

16. 755689 * 02-04-10 - Queensland's 150th Celebrations 2009

Information Kit - events and activities already planned for Queensland's 150th Celebrations in 2009.

17. 756101 * 03-03-01D Andrew Fraser MP – Minister for Local Government, Planning and Sport & MPF-24

Acknowledgement of Mayor's correspondence seeking extension of approval for completion of works - Burdekin Theatre Festival Piazza.

18. 755149 * 03-03-03 Mr. T.G. Williams - Director of Engineering Services

C/c of letter to T. Dezolt regarding the upgrading and sealing of Corica Road, which is listed on Council's WIP as a low priority.

19. 755300 * 03-04-02 Mr. T.G. Williams – Director of Engineering Services

C/c of letter forwarded to Groves & Clark, Solicitors for Mr. & Mrs. R.Sgroi, regarding the proposed alteration of a drainage easement on their clients' property at Ramsden Road, Home Hill.

20. 756896 * 03-06-01 Keep Australia Beautiful Council Qld. Inc.

Copy of 2006 Ergon Energy Tidy Towns Reports for Alva Beach, Ayr, Brandon, Clare, Giru, Groper Creek, Home Hill and Wunjunga forwarded for Council's information and feedback. Reminder that nominations for 2007 Ergon Energy Tidy Towns open in January.

21. 756102 * 03-08-02H Australian Sugar Industry Museum Inc. & MPF-25

Proposed relocation of Colonial Class Tractor from Australian Sugar Industry Museum to the Burdekin for restoration by Burdekin Machinery Preservationists.

22. 755690 * 03-08-11F Hon. M. Vaile - Minister for Transport & Regional Services & 03-08-11R

Outcome of DOTARS review - overturning the Department's original decision not to fund the development of an Economic Development Plan for the Burdekin Enterprise - Regional Partnerships programme.

23. 757785 * 03-08-11M State Library of Queensland

Congratulations to Burdekin Library staff on launch of digital images in 'Picture Queensland' - Queensland State Library staff currently finalising a joint Agreement between the State Library and Queensland public libraries that wish to continue contributing to 'Picture Queensland', in form of annual membership and fees for storage of digital files. 4

24. 754384 * 03-08-11T Hon. M. Keech MP – Minister for Tourism, Fair Trading, Wine Industry Development and Women

Queensland Tourism Strategy now released and available for download from www.qld.tourismstrategy.com.

25. 757784 * 03-08-18 Local Government Grants Commission - Queensland Government

Copies of 2006 Report on distribution of Commonwealth Financial Assistance Grant - report provides overview of methodology used by the Commission to allocate the 2005-06 Grant and includes summary of the year's activities, including the status of the research program.

26. 754189 * 03-08-28 North Queensland Sports Foundation

Information on 2007 North Queensland Sports Foundation activities.

27. 755209 * 06-09-18 Local Government Association of Queensland Inc.

Local Government Circular 2006-340 - Queensland Police Service New Traffic Complaints System - QPRIME - Councils are encouraged to make complaints to the Qld Police Service about dangerous drivers as well as hot spots where dangerous driving behaviours have been observed.

28. 754792 * MPF-01 Museum of Tropical Queensland - Queensland Museum & 01-11-03B

Museum of Tropical Queensland 'Free Entry' television campaign - Sample of advertisement aired in December 2006 and advertisement to be aired during February/March 2007. (Refer to Minutes Clerk to view media files)

29. 754677 * MPF-01 Hon. M. Keech MP – Minister for Tourism, Fair Trading, Wine Industry Development and Women

Release of the Queensland Tourism Strategy (QTS) - four-year $48 million funding package - available for download at www.qldtourismstrategy.com.au.

30. 757534 * MPF-01 The Scout Association of Australia, Queensland Branch Inc.

Copy of 97th Annual Report 2006 'Scouting in Queensland ' - 2007 marks centenary of scouting worldwide and participation in celebration of this milestone is invited.

31. 754187 * MPF-01 Office of the Director-General - Department of Emergency Services

Department of Emergency Services Annual Report 2005-06. 5

32. 754385 * MPF-03 Andrew Fraser MP – Minister for Local Government, Planning and Sport & MPF-24

Acknowledgment of receipt of Council's Regional Centres Program Funding Assistance Application and thanking the Mayor for extending her congratulations on his Ministerial appointment.

33. 754678 * MPF-16 Queensland Events Regional Development Program

Round 12 of the Queensland Events Regional Development Program (QERDP) now open - applications close 2 February 2007.

34. 757536 * MPF-19 Australian Government – Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Copy of December 2006 issue of 'It's an Honour' magazine which focuses on the Public Service Medal, its recipients and the nomination process.

35. 754409 * MPF-19 Department of Transport and Regional Services

2006 National Awards for Local Government Winners Book listing names and contact details of national winners, category winners and those who received commendations.

36. 757157 * MPF-19 National Heart Foundation of Australia – Queensland Division

Acknowledgement of Local Government initiatives supporting and improving heart health through the Heart Foundation Local Government Awards - enclosed Profile of 2006 National Award Winners highlights National Category Winners, National Highly Commended and National Finalists for each award category.

Circular: LGAQ Annual Conference 2008


LGAQ Annual Conference 2008

The venue for the 2008 LGAQ Annual Conference has been determined

Due to no nomination being received for the 2008 LGAQ Annual Conference, the Executive at its meeting held on 7 December 2006 determined that Cairns City Council would host the event from 1-4 September 2008.

Circular Authorised by: Greg Hallam PSM Executive Director

Date: 14 December 2006

Issued from Local Government House 25 Evelyn Street Newstead QLD 4006 PO Box 2230, Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006. Tel (07) 3000 2222 Fax (07) 3252 4473 Email: [email protected]

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printthisp...anner=0&circular=1&publishDate=14%20December%202006 [14/12/2006 9:04:22 AM]

Circular: Drought Rate Rebate Scheme Consultation


Drought Rate Rebate Scheme Consultation

The State Government have announced a Drought Rate Rebate Scheme.

The Drought Rate Rebate Scheme will provide a 50% rebate on Local Government rates levied during 2006-07 and 2007-08 to eligible farmers with properties in Exceptional Circumstances areas. LGAQ has met with State Representatives and will be seeking comments from Councils on a proposed rebate process once it has been drafted by the State.

It’s expected that the draft will be available by January and responses will be required before the end of January 2007

Currently any Council seeking information about the scheme should contact the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries Drought Call Centre on 13 25 23.

Should your Council staff wish to discuss matters in relation to the scheme, contact Mr Derman Roughead, Manager, Concessions Unit, Department of Communities on 3247 9125

Affected Areas

Aramac, Balonne, Banana, Barcaldine, Barcoo, Bauhinia, Beaudesert, Belyando, Bendemere,

Biggenden, Chinchilla, Clifton ,Cloncurry, Dalby, Diamantina, Duaringa, Eidsvold,

Emerald, Esk, Jericho, Jondaryan, Kilcoy, Kilkivan, Kingaroy, Kolan, Laidley,

Livingstone, Longreach, Mackay, Murweh, Nanango, Nebo, Paroo,Peak Downs

Perry, Pittsworth, Quilpie, Richmond, Rockhampton, Waggamba, Wambo, Warroo

Warwick, Whitsunday, Winton ,Wondai, Woocoo.

The contact on this matter is Mark Johnson, Finance & Governance Policy Officer

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printt...r=0&circular=1&publishDate=22%20December%202006 (1 of 2) [29/12/2006 10:30:17 AM] Circular: Drought Rate Rebate Scheme Consultation

Ph 3000 2242, [email protected]

Circular Authorised by: Greg Hallam PSM Executive Director

Date: 22 December 2006

Issued from Local Government House 25 Evelyn Street Newstead QLD 4006 PO Box 2230, Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006. Tel (07) 3000 2222 Fax (07) 3252 4473 Email: [email protected]




Circular: Insurance for Community Groups


Insurance for Community Groups

A new service has been established to provide public liability and other insurance covers to community groups.

Jardine Lloyd Thompson with the support of the LGAQ has established a new service specialising in provision of insurance to community groups. The new service operates under the name Local Community Insurance Services and will provide public liability and a range of other insurance covers to not for profit organisations that have the following characteristics:

● provide services to the broader community ● have turnover/funding of up to $5 million per annum ● do not distribute profit to members ● consist mainly of volunteers ● provide a public benefit or serve a charitable purpose.

Insurance covers provided by the new service are:

● public liability ● associations and officials liability ● personal accident – volunteer worker insurance ● business pack (comprised of optional covers for fire/damage, burglary/theft, business interruption, machinery breakdown, money, glass and marine).

Local Community Insurance Services will operate on a national basis and so provide the necessary scale of operations to minimise premiums for individual groups. The very broad range of activities able to be covered will also address the difficulty experienced by many groups of insurers being reluctant to provide cover.

The service is internet based and a large proportion of community groups will be able to obtain an immediate quote online. The website is located at www.localcommunityinsurance.com.au

Further information on Local Community Insurance Services can be obtained from Matthew Laggan at Jardine Lloyd Thompson on phone 3000 5504 or email [email protected]

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printthi...nner=0&circular=1&publishDate=05%20January%202007 (1 of 2) [8/01/2007 8:33:06 AM] Circular: Insurance for Community Groups

Circular Authorised by: Greg Hallam PSM Executive Director

Date: 05 January 2007

Issued from Local Government House 25 Evelyn Street Newstead QLD 4006 PO Box 2230, Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006. Tel (07) 3000 2222 Fax (07) 3252 4473 Email: [email protected]

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printthi...nner=0&circular=1&publishDate=05%20January%202007 (2 of 2) [8/01/2007 8:33:06 AM] file:///S|/Image%20Scratch%20-%20Council%20Info/755005_(755005)_Minutes_of_November_NQLGA_Conferen.htm From: Marie Lawson [[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, 19 December 2006 4:23:30 PM Subject: Minutes of November NQLGA Conference 2006 & Cyclone Presentation


I am writing to let you know the minutes and a copy of the presentation on Cyclone Larry are now available on the Douglas Shire Council website (or will be very shortly!). Due to the size of the documents, it was deemed better to post on the site and advise you where to access.

If you go to www.dsc.qld.gov.au and on the left scroll down to the NQLGA option. In this option it lists the November 06 conference. Go into this option and the two documents are there:

Minutes_November_06_Cardwell.pdf & Cyclone_Larry_ Presentation_Cr_Neil_Clarke.pdf

Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year!


Marie Lawson Acting Assistant to CEO Douglas Shire Council

64-66 Front Street, Mossman PO Box 357, MOSSMAN, QLD 4873

Tel: 07 4099 9409 Fax: 07 4098 2902 Email: [email protected]

NOTICE This email (including any attachments) contains confidential information and may be the subject of legal professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure or use of this email is unauthorised and prohibited.

Please inform us by email at [email protected] immediately if you receive this email in error and delete this email and any copies of this email from your computer and/or your computer system network. While we take all reasonable precautions to ensure that our computer system is free of viruses, we take no responsibility for any damage to the computer system of a recipient of communications or documents originating from us and recipients receive communications from us at their own risk.

file:///S|/Image%20Scratch%20-%20Council%20Info/755005_(755005)_Minutes_of_November_NQLGA_Conferen.htm11/01/2007 3:38:13 PM Circular: State Development and Public Works Organisation Act


State Development and Public Works Organisation Act

LGAQ achieves significant wins in amendments to the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act.

The LGAQ has undertaken extensive lobbying over recent weeks to ensure that amendments were made to legislation recently tabled in Parliament.

The LGAQ’s concerns in relation to the proposed amendments were that:

● The State Government would have the powers to intervene on approvals for small council projects such as toilet blocks and boat ramps. ● The amendments would have resulted in unprecedented powers being given to a senior public servant without any of the normal checks and balances the Westminster parliamentary systems provide. ● The State could direct councils to do certain works, irrespective of the cost to ratepayers and whether the community supports them or not. In other words, Councils could have been forced to spend funds on projects not budgeted for and not supported by their communities.

The LGAQ lobbied extensively to have the proposed legislation amended. Numerous meetings were held with Ministers and senior Government officers and extensive legal advice was obtained.

These efforts have been well rewarded and the results have been good for Local Government. The legislation has now been amended as follows:

● A $50 million threshold as sought by the LGAQ has been established, which means that projects with a total capital value of less than this amount will not be caught up in the new legislation. ● The Coordinator-General is now required to impose any lawful infrastructure charges received in a recommendation from a local government at or prior to the time of issuing conditions following a decision to step in. ● The Coordinator-General is also required to impose a condition recommended by a Local Government in relation to the prescribed decision.

For further information in regard to this matter, please have no hesitation in contacting Steve Greenwood, Manager, Planning and Environment, on 3000 2237, email

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printt...r=0&circular=1&publishDate=21%20December%202006 (1 of 2) [22/12/2006 8:07:57 AM] Circular: State Development and Public Works Organisation Act [email protected]

Circular Authorised by: Greg Hallam PSM Executive Director

Date: 21 December 2006

Issued from Local Government House 25 Evelyn Street Newstead QLD 4006 PO Box 2230, Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006. Tel (07) 3000 2222 Fax (07) 3252 4473 Email: [email protected]

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printt...r=0&circular=1&publishDate=21%20December%202006 (2 of 2) [22/12/2006 8:07:57 AM]

Circular: Outcomes of Cyclone Summit


Outcomes of Cyclone Summit

Text summaries and audio files from a selection of forums at the Living with cyclones - Queensland prepared Summit are now available on ABC Online

The 2006 Cyclone Summit: Living with cyclones – Queensland prepared, was conducted in Cairns on 7/8 December 2006. The Summit was held in response to the accelerating impact of climate change in Queensland that means the severity of cyclones is likely to increase. It was conducted at James Cook University's Cairns campus.

The summit heard from local disaster management specialists, members of the defence force, government ministers, international guests and the Premier.

ABC Local Radio, as part of its commitment to emergency broadcasting, has aired speeches, interviews and information from the summit and included a number of audio files of the presentations. Text summaries and audio files can be found at the following address: http://www.abc.net.au/backyard/cyclonesummit/

In addition, a number of media releases from the Summit are published on the Premier’s website at the following address: http://www.thepremier.qld.gov.au/news/initiatives/cyclonesummit/index.shtm

While the focus of the summit was on cyclones, the information provided at the above websites are generally applicable to many disaster scenarios and should be of interest to Councillors and staff with an interest in disaster management.

For more information contact Rai Whitten, Disaster Management Project Officer, LGAQ on 3000 2249 (email [email protected]).

Circular Authorised by: Greg Hallam PSM Executive Director

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printt...r=0&circular=1&publishDate=13%20December%202006 (1 of 2) [14/12/2006 8:49:11 AM] Circular: Outcomes of Cyclone Summit

Date: 13 December 2006

Issued from Local Government House 25 Evelyn Street Newstead QLD 4006 PO Box 2230, Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006. Tel (07) 3000 2222 Fax (07) 3252 4473 Email: [email protected]

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printt...r=0&circular=1&publishDate=13%20December%202006 (2 of 2) [14/12/2006 8:49:11 AM]

ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO: Burdekin Shire Council THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, P.O. BOX 974, AYR, Q. 4807 145 Young Street, AYR Phone: (07) 4783 9800 ABN: 66 393 843 289 Fax: (07) 4783 9999 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.burdekin.qld.gov.au/

Enquiries to: Trevor Williams

Your Ref: JBJ:AL:2601079

Our Ref: 3/4/2 TGW:KLR

Letter No: 748391

20th December, 2006

Groves and Clark, Solicitors, P.O. Box 586, AYR. Q. 4807

Dear Sir,


I refer to your letter dated 13th November, 2006 regarding the proposed alteration of the drainage easement, and associated works, through and adjacent to property owned by your clients, Mr and Mrs Sgroi. I also refer to my letter to you dated 18th September, 2006 regarding the same matter. I apologise for the delay in responding to your correspondence.

As previously advised, Council is prepared to remove the headwalls from the existing culvert on Ramsden Road after the new drain has been constructed. Council shall also provide some road pavement material at the culvert location after your client has filled the drain. All other costs are your client’s responsibility.

Although the existing culvert located on Ramsden Road has less than desirable width, the culvert is performing adequately for the volume of traffic using the road. Council have not placed any priority on widening the culvert, and are prepared to allow the culvert (and associated existing drainage easement) to remain. If your client is not prepared to fund the proposed changes as outlined above and previously, then the proposed changes will not occur.

Please contact me on 47839920 if you wish to discuss this matter further.

Yours faithfully,


B/C to Mayor and Councillors – For Your Information

Burdekin Shire Mayor, Councillors and Staff wish you a joyous Christmas, Peace, Health and Happiness in the New Year file:///S|/Image%20Scratch%20-%20Council%20Info/756896_(756896)_Judges__Reports_-_Ergon_Energy_Tid.htm From: Sarah Yip [[email protected]] Sent: Friday, 5 January 2007 3:48:41 PM To: Email Registration CC: Allpress, Mark; Allpress, Mark; Brock, Robyn; Buono, Gaetano Subject: Attn: CEO - Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 - Reports for Burdekin Shire

Dear Ken

Thank you for participating in Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006. It has been a very successful year for the program. Congratulations to our regional and state winners and finalists and to all program participants for your energy, enthusiasm and commitment to keeping Australia beautiful.

Please find attached the judge’s reports for Alva Beach, Ayr, Brandon, Clare, Giru, Groper Creek, Home Hill and Wunjunga. You may notice some changes to the report format this year. Judges have reported on each town's strengths against the Ergon Energy Tidy Towns criteria and detailed some opportunities for improvement. We welcome your feedback on the reports.

We encourage you to circulate the reports to interested community members and groups, including those involved in the judging process.

A reminder that nominations for Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2007 open in January. We look forward to receiving your entries.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year,

Cheers Sarah

Sarah Yip | Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland | Program Manager

Suite 2, 168 Barry Parade, Fortitude Valley, Queensland 4006

PO Box 201, Fortitude Valley, Queensland 4006

T 07 3252 2886 | F 07 3852 1186 | M 0408 898 028

E [email protected] | W keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/qld

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Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 North Queensland Region

Judges' Report for Wunjunga

Please note this report is forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer and the primary contact person listed on the entry form. Please consider forwarding this report to others who may have been involved with your entry. Before printing this document please think of the environment. Judges: George and Kathleen Williams Local Government Area: Burdekin Shire Council Report Date: 9 May 2006 Strengths: Of special note in Wunjunga were the: • scenic approach from the . At the time of judging, the recent rains had resulted in a wetlands landscape with a wide range of birds. In dryer times, the area is one of salt flats and heat waves. In both cases, the natural setting, unsealed road, cattle grids, cattle and wildlife gives the visitor a sense of adventure and expectation; • growing maturity of Funny Dunny Park and its success as a destination for caravanners; • number and sophistication of the predominantly weekender residences throughout the township; • consistent community involvement in the directions and management of the township, including the successful relationships between the community, the local Indigenous people and the Shire Council; and • protection of Indigenous middens and the foreshore.

Opportunities: 1. Consider including the distance (15 km) from the highway to the township on the Wunjunga direction sign at the highway junction to assist visitors. 2. In Funny Dunny Park, it would be advisable to upgrade the fire notice and ensure inclusion of an emergency telephone number. Consider further reinforcing the signage and message about not emptying chemical toilets into the bio-toilet on site to prevent contamination. Also consider amending the donations sign to correct the spelling and encourage more contributions. This could be achieved by including information about the establishment of the park and its management by the community. A suggested donation amount could be included to prompt park users.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 1

3. The information on the notice board would benefit from an update – perhaps a local resident could be approached to take on this task. 4. Visitors would welcome additional information about the middens and their cultural value. As funds allow, this information could be added to the existing signs. 5. To enhance safety and encourage cooperation with fire bans, consider installing an electric barbecue in the township park to replace the current open fire facility. 6. Encourage the installation of bio-toilets or similar in all new residences and investigate the reuse of grey water wherever possible, as these environmentally sensitive actions will help to conserve water. 7. Thank you for taking the time to prepare an Entrant's Booklet. To further assist in the judging process, please date all clippings and when preparing a single submission covering a number of nominated towns, please identify town-specific information. 8. Wherever possible, involve community members in the judging visit to support your entry. It may be useful to prepare an itinerary to make best use of the limited visiting time. 9. Consider becoming involved in other Keep Australia Beautiful programs such as Adopt-a- Road. For more information visit www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/qld or contact our office at [email protected] or (07) 3252 2886.


Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland thanks Ergon Energy, Burdekin Shire Council, and the community of Wunjunga for their support of Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006.

George and Kathleen thank Tano Buono for sharing his wealth of knowledge about the Shire and its communities and for his company during their judges' inspection of Wunjunga.

We look forward to seeing Wunjunga back in the program in 2007.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 2

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 North Queensland Region

Judges' Report for Home Hill

Please note this report is forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer and the primary contact person listed on the entry form. Please consider forwarding this report to others who may have been involved with your entry. Before printing this document please think of the environment. Judges: George and Kathleen Williams Local Government Area: Burdekin Shire Council Report Date: 10 May 2006 Strengths: Of special note in Home Hill were the: • appearance and success of the Eighth Avenue revitalisation project, which includes the Comfort Stop, sensitive retention of Pioneers' Avenue, roadworks, stopping areas for caravans, and artwork; • attractive work by school students to paint power poles and street furniture, which adds to the revitalisation of Eighth Avenue; • generally high quality appearance of public and private open space and buildings including Lloyd Mann Gardens, Kilby's Gully, the cemetery, Aged Hostel and all education establishments; • number of large trees throughout most areas of town; • interesting exhibits within the Historical Society's Power Station Historic Photo Gallery, Museum & Water Interpretative Centre; • success of the Zaro Cultural Gallery and extension of its involvement in the community; • extent of formal and informal recreation opportunities; • use of the former show grounds by a range of community organisations and groups; • strong relationship between the Shire Council and the community, which ensures community participation in decision-making, as illustrated by recent forums on information signage for the stopping area adjacent to the Comfort Stop and for reuse options for the old railway station.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 1 Opportunities: 1. Consider enhancing the town’s appearance by using empty shop fronts for display purposes. Schools, community groups, churches, welfare groups and the Shire Council could use these windows to present information and displays which would be of interest to both residents and visitors. 2. An audit of trees could be undertaken to determine not only individual rare and prime examples but also the overall contribution of trees to the character of the town, with the objective of establishing a policy of protection and management. 3. Ensure care is taken when sealing the ground surface around tree trunks in roadways and other hard-standing areas, as this can result in tree stress. Ensure that trees in car parking areas are protected from damage by structures or distance. 4. It would assist visitors if the protective fencing in the Power Station's Historic Photo Gallery (which obstructs the view of the lower photos) was lowered or if the photos were raised. 5. Directional signage to the Transfer Station would be useful at the relevant junction with the Bruce Highway, unless the Council has reasons for not signposting the station. 6. Consider seeking accreditation for the Information Centre. See http://www.tq.com.au/resource-centre/industry-assistance/growing-your-tourism- business/visitor-information-centres.cfm for details. 7. It is suggested that directional signage to the Information Centre be erected at the Comfort Stop. 8. Thank you for taking the time to prepare an Entrant's Booklet. To further assist in the judging process, please date all clippings and when preparing a single submission covering a number of nominated towns, please identify town-specific information. 9. Wherever possible, involve community members in the judging visit to support your entry. It may be useful to prepare an itinerary to make best use of the limited visiting time. 10. Encourage Home Hill State School to join the Keep Australia Beautiful’s Green & Healthy Schools program in 2007. This curriculum-based program would give students ideas for improving the school and their town’s environment. The program features a competitive element similar to Ergon Energy Tidy Towns, which recognises and rewards outstanding achievement. See www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/schools to register. 11. Consider becoming involved in other Keep Australia Beautiful programs such as Adopt-a- Road and Clean Site. For more information visit www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/qld or contact our office at [email protected] or (07) 3252 2886.


Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland thanks Ergon Energy, Burdekin Shire Council, and the community of Home Hill for their support of Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006.

George and Kathleen thank Mark Biffanti (Ergon Energy) – for his welcome and hospitality. They also thank Cath Robson (Ergon Energy) and Mark Allpress (Burdekin Shire Council), Bernice Zaro (Zaro Cultural Gallery), and Gary and Val (Information Centre) for their contributions. Many thanks to Tano Buono (Burdekin Shire Council) for sharing his wealth of knowledge about the Shire and its communities and for his company during their judges' inspection of Home Hill.

We look forward to seeing Home Hill back in the program in 2007.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 2

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 North Queensland Region

Judges' Report for Groper Creek

Please note this report is forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer and the primary contact person listed on the entry form. Please consider forwarding this report to others who may have been involved with your entry. Before printing this document please think of the environment. Judges: George and Kathleen Williams Local Government Area: Burdekin Shire Council Report Date: 10 May 2006 Strengths: Of special note at Groper Creek were the: • attractive form of the township – the first impression is of a solid row of elevated houses fronting a green and shaded caravan park, and this is reinforced later by further streets of larger separated elevated homes, a form dictated primarily by flood levels; • generally high quality of public and private open space and buildings, which generates a feeling of community pride and welcome; • involvement of the community in the management and maintenance of the township, including the caravan park, and the strong relationship between the community and Burdekin Shire Council; • Environmental Reserve as an excellent adjunct to water recreation activities.

Opportunities: 1. Consider installing a town name sign at the township entrance to create a sense of arrival. Perhaps investigate a distinctive and unified form of signage to be used for all Shire communities. 2. As funds allow, the provision of hard standing and drainage at the boat washing area above the boat ramp would improve the amenity and appearance of this area. 3. A tree planting scheme could be implemented on the esplanade/foreshore area so that there will be replacements of a good size available when the existing trees no longer provide sufficient cover. 4. It would be advisable to protect the surrounds of trees in the esplanade/foreshore area from extreme ground consolidation and physical damage from vehicle use. Dieback is occurring in some trees, especially near the boat ramp.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 1

5. Consider encouraging the reuse of grey water wherever possible to relieve the pressure on the potable water supply. Consider promoting the installation of bio-toilets in all new developments. 6. It would benefit visitors if a more welcoming access (turnstile, perhaps) was installed at the Environmental Reserve. This access way could include a map showing walking paths and other information about the area’s development and characteristics. 7. Thank you for taking the time to prepare an Entrant's Booklet. To further assist in the judging process, please date all clippings and when preparing a single submission covering a number of nominated towns, please identify town-specific information. 8. Wherever possible, involve community members in the judging visit to support your entry. It may be useful to prepare an itinerary to make best use of the limited visiting time. 9. Consider becoming involved in other Keep Australia Beautiful programs such as Adopt-a- Road and Clean Site. For more information visit www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/qld or contact our office at [email protected] or (07) 3252 2886.


Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland thanks Ergon Energy, Burdekin Shire Council, and the community of Groper Creek for their support of Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006.

George and Kathleen thank Tano Buono (Burdekin Shire Council) for sharing his wealth of knowledge about the Shire and its communities and for his company during their judges' inspection of Groper Creek.

We look forward to seeing Groper Creek back in the program in 2007.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 2

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 North Queensland Region

Judges' Report for Giru

Please note this report is forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer and the primary contact person listed on the entry form. Please consider forwarding this report to others who may have been involved with your entry. Before printing this document please think of the environment. Judges: George and Kathleen Williams Local Government Area: Burdekin Shire Council Report Date: 11 May 2006 Strengths: Giru is a community with a wealth of large trees formed around the railway and the sugar mill. Of special note were the: • high quality of open space throughout the town, especially Lions Brolga Park, the ‘Motor Home Rest Stop’ and school grounds; • information centre and the role of the community in its formation and management; • extent of recreation opportunities and the number of community groups and organisations active in the town; • new infrastructure works, including the resurfacing of all roads and the installation of new playground equipment - specifically designed groups of equipment have also been installed in other Shire towns; • intensive use of the Cromarty Creek boat ramp and standing area (at the time of judging there were several boat trailers and occupied caravans and tents, some of which were there for a duration - a real camping community); • role of the Shire Council in establishing and maintaining facilities in town and at Cromarty Creek.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 1 Opportunities: 1. Consider installing a town name sign at the township entrance to create a sense of arrival. Perhaps investigate a distinctive and unified form of signage to be used for all towns in the Shire. 2. It would assist visitors if a direction sign was erected at the southern entrance from the Bruce Highway. 3. A donation box could be installed at the ‘Motor Home Rest Stop’ with signage detailing the relevant role of community groups and organisations, including the need for ongoing project and maintenance funding. Perhaps suggest a level of donation (caravaners are generally used to contributing to the communities they visit in this way). A display highlighting local projects and activities would complement the donation box. 4. Encourage users of the Cromarty Creek area to drop off their rubbish (recyclables and other) at the transfer station (they pass it on their way out) rather than overloading the bins at the boat ramp. This measure will not only reduce the maintenance pressures but also improve the quality of the environment. To achieve this result, it is suggested that signage be erected at the boat ramp and that some bins be placed inside the transfer station fence with access holes in the fence. 5. The Council may wish to encourage the reuse of grey water throughout the town as a way to conserve potable water supplies. 6. For the convenience of residents, the community notice board could be relocated to a more central position in the town. 7. Encourage Giru State School to join Keep Australia Beautiful’s Green & Healthy Schools program. This curriculum-based program would give students ideas for improving the school and their town’s environment. The program features a competitive element similar to Ergon Energy Tidy Towns, which recognises and rewards outstanding achievement. See www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/schools to register. 8. Consider becoming involved in other Keep Australia Beautiful programs such as Adopt-a- Road and Clean Site. For more information on any of these programs visit www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/qld or contact our office at [email protected] or (07) 3252 2886.


Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland thanks Ergon Energy, Burdekin Shire Council, and the community of Giru for their support of Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006.

George and Kathleen thank Ennio Gazziola (local resident) for his contribution. Also thank you to Tano Buono (Burdekin Shire Council) for sharing his wealth of knowledge about the Shire and its communities and for his company during their judges' inspection of Giru.

We look forward to seeing Giru back in the program in 2007.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 2

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 North Queensland Region

Judges' Report for Clare

Please note this report is forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer and the primary contact person listed on the entry form. Please consider forwarding this report to others who may have been involved with your entry. Before printing this document please think of the environment. Judges: George and Kathleen Williams Local Government Area: Burdekin Shire Council Report Date: 9 May 2006 Strengths: Of special note in Clare were the: • scenic approach to the town through the rural/agricultural areas; • overall high quality of maintenance of public and private open space, gardens, grounds, and buildings and the extent of large tree cover, resulting in a pleasant and welcoming town appearance. This town is evidence of the successful working relationships between the community, the Council, Education Queensland and Sunwater; • extent of recreation and socialising opportunities; • main street with its large width of asphalt, which adds to the town’s character; • new playground equipment - specifically designed groups of equipment have recently also been installed in other Shire towns; and • creative touches to the Transfer Station - a little piece of fantasy in an otherwise organised and productive landscape.


1. To create a sense of arrival and assist visitors, consider installing a town name and welcome sign at the township entrance.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 1

2. To promote Clare’s unique aspects, it may be helpful to produce information (signage and/or a brochure) about the town, its establishment, the associated irrigation scheme (rapidly becoming less visible as the channels are piped), the Australian Agricultural College, and their relationships. Signage could be included within the entry park adjacent to the Pioneers' Memorial – perhaps brochures could also be made available here and also at the caravan park and commercial outlets. Consider seeking the support of the school and the agricultural college in the research and preparation of material for the brochure, perhaps as part of their academic programs.

3. To enhance the appearance of the front of the transfer station, trees could planted to form groups.

4. When preparing an Entrant's Booklet: a. please ensure that all clippings are dated; b. within a single submission covering all nominated towns, identify town-specific information to assist the judge with their report writing and award decisions. 2. Thank you for taking the time to prepare an Entrant's Booklet. To further assist in the judging process, please date all clippings and when preparing a single submission covering a number of nominated towns, please identify town-specific information. 3. Wherever possible, involve community members in the judging visit to support your entry. It may be useful to prepare an itinerary to make best use of the limited visiting time.

5. Consider becoming involved in other Keep Australia Beautiful programs such as Adopt-a- Road and Clean Site. For more information visit www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/qld or contact our office at [email protected] or (07) 3252 2886.


Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland thanks Ergon Energy, Burdekin Shire Council, and the community of Clare for their support of Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006.

George and Kathleen thank Tano Buono (Burdekin Shire Council) for sharing his wealth of knowledge about the Shire and its communities and for his company during their judges' inspection of Clare.

We look forward to seeing Clare back in the program in 2007.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 2

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 North Queensland Region

Judges' Report for Brandon

Please note this report is forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer and the primary contact person listed on the entry form. Please consider forwarding this report to others who may have been involved with your entry. Before printing this document please think of the environment. Judges: George and Kathleen Williams Local Government Area: Burdekin Shire Council Report Date: 11 May 2006 Strengths: Of special note in Brandon were the: • interesting heritage precinct, which includes the former railway station (now used for storage), the glorious former church (now used as a hall), the functioning machinery museum, the old cinema (now a closed store of historical memorabilia), an old café (now used by Landcare), and the small park with a war memorial. It is wonderful to see disused buidings being given a new lease on life in the community; • new playground equipment - specifically designed groups of equipment have been recently installed in other Shire towns; • high quality and extent of large trees throughout town; • facilities for motorcycle sport - the ‘flat track’ and the speedway; and • potential of the Heritage Precinct, variety of industry, history of the town, and Phillips Lagoon as strong educational and visitor interest elements.

Opportunities: 1. The new welcome/farewell sign on the north side of town may be difficult for a driver to read as words are vertical. Consider some market testing to see whether this is the case. It would assist visitors if a town name sign could be installed at Brandon’s entrances. Burdekin Shire may wish to consider developing a new signage theme for its communities and, as funds allow, using a common style of signage in its towns to create a Shire identity. 2. Consider re-instigating discussions about a highway bypass to reduce heavy vehicle traffic and improve road safety.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 1 3. The Council could undertake a vegetation survey to determine not only specific rare or prime examples but also the overall contribution of trees to the character of the town, with the objective of establishing a policy of protection and management. 4. The reuse of old buildings is a great way to bring a heritage precinct to life. Consider ways to bring all buildings within the precinct into community use. 5. Perhaps reduce the width of the northern arm of Spiller Street, in order to increase the size of the associated park. This will strengthen the relationship between the park and buildings. 6. Investigate the possibility of the adjacent foundry becoming a ‘partner’ with the heritage precinct, perhaps by offering industry visits. 7. Promote Brandon’s heritage by publishing a history of the precinct elements and the town. School students could be involved in this project, with the help of a local historian. 8. To improve the appearance of the town, consider auditing industrial sites within Brandon to determine the extent of unwanted machinery and equipment, which could then be removed. 9. Phillips Lagoon could be investigated as a potential recreation destination for local and Ayr residents. 10. Thank you for taking the time to prepare an Entrant's Booklet. To further assist in the judging process, please date all clippings and when preparing a single submission covering a number of nominated towns, please identify town-specific information. 11. Wherever possible, involve community members in the judging visit to support your entry. It may be useful to prepare an itinerary to make best use of the limited visiting time. 12. Encourage Brandon State School to join Keep Australia Beautiful’s Green & Healthy Schools program. This curriculum-based program would give students ideas for improving the school and their town’s environment. The program features a competitive element similar to Ergon Energy Tidy Towns, which recognises and rewards outstanding achievement. See www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/schools to register. 13. Consider becoming involved in other Keep Australia Beautiful programs such as Adopt-a- Road and Clean Site. For more information visit www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/qld or contact our office at [email protected] or (07) 3252 2886.


Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland thanks Ergon Energy, Burdekin Shire Council, and the community of Brandon for their support of Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006.

George and Kathleen thank Tano Buono (Burdekin Shire Council) for sharing his wealth of knowledge about the Shire and its communities and for his company during their judges' inspection of Brandon.

We look forward to seeing Brandon back in the program in 2007.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 2

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 North Queensland Region

Judges' Report for Ayr

Please note this report is forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer and the primary contact person listed on the entry form. Please consider forwarding this report to others who may have been involved with your entry. Before printing this document please think of the environment. Judges: George and Kathleen Williams Local Government Area: Burdekin Shire Council Report Date: 10 May 2006 Strengths: Of special note in Ayr were the: • success of the Queen Street streetscaping, the positive flow-on effect on the quality of the commercial experience and business revitalisation, and the continuation of further stage in the project; • range of methods being used to effectively reduce road widths, resulting in a scale more in keeping with the adjacent land use and, often, reduced public maintenance; • extent of recycling through a well organised transfer station, the use of resource- minimisation techniques and structures, development of a more efficient solar lighting system, and the breadth of resource conservation and waste management awareness and education methods; • contribution of large trees in public and private open space, gardens and grounds to the overall character of the town; • strong participation of community groups, including the Gudjuda Reference Group, Youth Council and various social support organisations; • excellent appearance of the recently consolidated medical and aged care facilities; and • continuing development of Plantation Park (with special reference to God's Cathedral - the bush chapel) and other public open spaces, benefiting residents and visitors.

Opportunities: 1. Consider undertaking an audit of trees to determine not only individual rare and prime examples but also the overall contribution of trees to the character of the town, with the objective of establishing a policy of protection and management.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 1 2. Take care when sealing against tree trunks (in Mackenzie Street, for example) and encouraging the close parking of vehicles to ensure tree health and prevent vehicle damage. 3. In Plantation Park, the Council may wish to name the trees within the Bush Tucker area to allow their use as an education resource. 4. Consider updating the Juru Walk brochure or amending on site information to remove inconsistencies between the two. 5. In God's Cathedral, perhaps install an appropriate hard surface beneath the seats to reduce both wear and maintenance effort. 6. At the Information Centre, as funds permit, arrange for wheelchair access to the written information to enable all visitors to benefit. 7. It would be beneficial to maintain the Nature Display (understood to be currently in limbo due to death of its owner) as part of the cultural experience of the town. 8. Encourage the reformation of a Friends of the Cemetery group to aid in the site’s management and maintenance. 9. Consider measures to ensure the safety of users of the medical and aged care facilities, as it is located by a major intersection. 10. Determine appropriate use/s for the old race course so that the land may continue to contribute to the life of the community. 11. Thank you for taking the time to prepare an Entrant's Booklet. To further assist in the judging process, please date all clippings and when preparing a single submission covering a number of nominated towns, please identify town-specific information. 12. Wherever possible, involve community members in the judging visit to support your entry. It may be useful to prepare an itinerary to make best use of the limited visiting time. 13. Encourage Ayr’s schools to join Keep Australia Beautiful’s Green & Healthy Schools program. This curriculum-based program would give students ideas for improving the school and their town’s environment. The program features a competitive element similar to Ergon Energy Tidy Towns, which recognises and rewards outstanding achievement. See www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/schools to register. 14. Consider becoming involved in other Keep Australia Beautiful programs such as Adopt-a- Road and Clean Site. For more information on any of these programs visit www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/qld or contact our office at [email protected] or (07) 3252 2886.


Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland thanks Ergon Energy, Burdekin Shire Council, and the community of Ayr for their support of Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006.

Thank you to Cath Robson of Ergon Energy for joining the judging visit.

George and Kathleen acknowledge with thanks the welcome and hospitality of Mayor Lyn McLaughlan and Shire Councillors, and the contributions from Mark Allpress and Tracy Jenkins (Burdekin Shire Council), and Joe Henaway and other members of the Gudjuda Reference Group.

They also thank Tano Buono (Burdekin Shire Council) for sharing his wealth of knowledge about the Shire and its communities and for his company during their judges' inspection of Ayr.

We look forward to seeing Ayr back in the program in 2007.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 2

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 North Queensland Region

Judges' Report for Alva Beach

Please note this report is forwarded to the Chief Executive Officer and the primary contact person listed on the entry form. Please consider forwarding this report to others who may have been involved with your entry. Before printing this document please think of the environment. Judges: George and Kathleen Williams Local Government Area: Burdekin Shire Council Report Date: 11 May 2006 Strengths: • Alva Beach is a very well maintained community. The township has a welcoming "beachy" character, with generally low-key development of foreshore areas. The small size of the township and its confining edges of salt flats and the beach are vital contributors to its sense of physical community. • There has been a resurgence of the community-based Sports, Recreation & Community Association and this organisation is very involved in the direction and management of the town. • Local youth have been involved in the development of a skate park, including its approval by the Council. • There are strong and effective relationships between the community and the Council as evidenced by the maintenance contract between the Council and the Surf Lifesaving Club and the attendance of a Councillor at monthly meetings of the Sports, Recreation & Community Association. • New works in Alva Beach include the installation of new playground equipment (and the fact that it is a specifically designed grouping, as in other Shire towns), the extension of road sealing beyond the cricket ground, erection of new fencing, installation of street name signs and provision of accommodation cabins in the Tourist Park. Proposed new work includes the extension of the front road to form a stable beach access and continued upgrading of the road from Ayr.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 1 Opportunities: 1. As funds permit, consider developing the area adjacent to the existing beach access and toilet block with day-visitor facilities. Works could include the stabilisation of the foredune, pedestrian access to the beach and shade planting. 2. To improve safety, consider establishing a turn-around at the end of the road above Rotary Park and adjacent to the Volunteer Marine Rescue. The Council may also wish to consider planting suitable species of shade trees in the vicinity of the Athel pines so that the pines can be removed at a later date as the new trees mature. The Athel pine is categorised as a Weed of National Significance. It is regarded as one of the worst weeds in Australia because of its invasiveness, potential for spread, and economic and environmental impacts. 3. The Entrant’s Booklet greatly assists the judging process. It would aid the judge if press clippings were dated and if town-specific information could be identified when providing a single submission for multiple communities. 4. To make the most of the limited judging timeframe, it is recommended that a judging itinerary is prepared which includes visits to key community elements and enables the judge to meet with community groups and council staff. 5. Consider becoming involved in other Keep Australia Beautiful programs such as Adopt-a- Road or Clean Site. For more information visit www.keepaustraliabeautiful.org.au/qld or contact our office at [email protected] or (07) 3252 2886.


Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland thanks Ergon Energy, Burdekin Shire Council, and the community of Alva Beach for their support of Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006.

George and Kathleen thank Sue Thelen (Sports, Recreation & Community Association) and Tano Buono (Burdekin Shire Council) for accompanying them on their judges' inspection of Alva Beach.

We look forward to seeing Alva Beach back in the 2007 program.

Ergon Energy Tidy Towns 2006 Judge’s Report Page 2

Circular: Queensland Police Service New Traffic Complaints System: Qprime


Queensland Police Service New Traffic Complaints System: Qprime

Councils are encouraged to make complaints to the Qld Police Service about dangerous drivers as well as hot spots where dangerous driving behaviours have been observed.

The Queensland Police Service (QPS) now uses a software system called QPRIME to record and action traffic complaints. The system which went live in May 2006 replaces the TRACs system. The new system essentially links all entities to the complaint such as informants, occurrence addresses and suspect persons and vehicles. The system accommodates generalised complaints such as speeding or hooning activity as well as specific type complaints. The new system enables police to improve analysis and detection in the traffic complaint area especially with repeat offenders and direct resources where they are needed the most.

For Council’s interested in improving local road safety this is a useful service for addressing behavioural issues as part of an overall road safety strategy. The QPS is interested in continually improving their working relationship with Councils and requested assistance from the Association in getting advice on QPRIME out to local government. The QPS is a critical part of any local road safety strategy and we would encourage councils to contact their QPS representatives to identify what other measures could be undertaken locally and collaboratively.

If a person wants to make a traffic complaint they can phone their local station, although sometimes a personal visit to the station is required in order to verify the informant’s details. The informant’s details are recorded onto QPRIME along with the location of the complaint and any suspect and vehicle. All information recorded onto QPRIME is confidential and informants are not identified to any other party. An electronic task is created to a supervisor to check the complaint details and the traffic complaint is detailed to an officer to action. Enforcement may take place over a period of days or even weeks and Officers are required to continually update action taken by electronically updating reports attached to the complaint. Where a suspect has been identified as being subject to a complaint every police officer on checking that person’s name or the vehicle or even the location will know that the person is subject to a traffic complaint file. This information is of immense assistance to police in the field.

If a suspect has been identified they are usually spoken to by police about their driving behaviour. Sometimes there is insufficient evidence to prefer charges against a nominated suspect due to a number of reasons. It could also be that it is not in the public interest to proceed against a person. After a period of time the complaint is checked by a supervisor and considered finalised, the informant is advised of the outcome and the investigation is filed.

When you make a traffic complaint ask to be given the QPRIME number. This number is

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printt...r=0&circular=1&publishDate=13%20December%202006 (1 of 2) [14/12/2006 8:45:35 AM] Circular: Queensland Police Service New Traffic Complaints System: Qprime generated by QPRIME can be given to you later, even by telephone or email. The number will enable police anywhere in Queensland to locate the file when you inquire about progress on your complaint at a later date. If the activity recommences after a complaint has been filed then a fresh complaint is generated.

If you would to like to find out more about making a traffic complaint please contact your local police station. For further information about the QPrime system please contact Inspector Paul Priest, QPS State Traffic Support Branch (Policy) on 3238 6606 or email: [email protected]. Alternatively, please contact Bettina Cruise, Roads, Transport and Infrastructure Policy Officer on 3000 2295 or email: [email protected]

Circular Authorised by: Greg Hallam PSM Executive Director

Date: 13 December 2006

Issued from Local Government House 25 Evelyn Street Newstead QLD 4006 PO Box 2230, Fortitude Valley BC QLD 4006. Tel (07) 3000 2222 Fax (07) 3252 4473 Email: [email protected]

http://www.lgaq.asn.au/LGOnline/includes/printt...r=0&circular=1&publishDate=13%20December%202006 (2 of 2) [14/12/2006 8:45:35 AM] file:///S|/Image%20Scratch%20-%20Council%20Info/754792_(754792)_Museum_of_Tropical_Queensland_Free.htm From: Schultz, Dianne [[email protected]] on behalf of McLaughlin, Lyn Sent: Tuesday, 19 December 2006 8:51:40 AM To: Email Registration Subject: FW: MTQ Free Entry campaign TVC

Please register on MPF/1.

Please note that the files attached are warnings only. The original files were blocked by our system. I requested IT to release the files to me and have now saved them to my computer for future reference.


Refer to Minutes Clerk to view media files

Dianne Schultz Executive Office Burdekin Shire Council P.O. Box 974 Ayr, 4807. Phone: 07 4783 9810 Fax: 07 4783 9999 Email: [email protected]

From: Tiffany La Gerche [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, 8 December 2006 10:39 AM To: McLaughlin, Lyn Subject: MTQ Free Entry campaign TVC

Dear Lyn,

How are you going, can’t believe Christmas is just around the corner!

Thank you so much for your assistance in relation to MTQ’s Free Entry television campaign.

The advertisement attached went to air on Monday 27th November with WIN Television and will run until mid-December 2006. We have also booked a more comprehensive (longer duration) advertising schedule for the February/ March 2007 period to feature this ad again. The second ad in this free entry series (also attached), which has just been completed, will feature during this early 2007 period.

Please note that the attachments are low resolution for emailing purposes, please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like a DVD/ VHS copy and I will arrange this as soon as file:///S|/Image%20Scratch%20-%20Council%20Info/754792_(754792)_Museum_of_Tropical_Queensland_Free.htm (1 of 2)11/01/2007 4:08:02 PM file:///S|/Image%20Scratch%20-%20Council%20Info/754792_(754792)_Museum_of_Tropical_Queensland_Free.htm possible.

You did a great job in the ad and we really appreciate your’s and your committee’s ongoing support.

Have a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year.

Kind Regards, Tiffany

Tiffany La Gerche Marketing and Public Programs Manager Museum of Tropical Queensland 70 - 102 Flinders Street Townsville, Queensland 4810 t 07 4726 0603 f 07 4721 2093 m 0408 186 874 [email protected] www.mtq.qm.qld.gov.au

file:///S|/Image%20Scratch%20-%20Council%20Info/754792_(754792)_Museum_of_Tropical_Queensland_Free.htm (2 of 2)11/01/2007 4:08:02 PM


1. 754337 * 01-11-03B Mr. D.P. Mulcahy - Director of Administrative Services

Report - School Survey on Community Pass Partnership with the Museum of Tropical Queensland.

2. 754255 * 03-08-02 Mr. D.P. Mulcahy - Director of Administrative Services

Report - Investigation on the practicalities and costs of relocating the Clare Hall Building from its current site to the Clare School.

Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Administration & Finance

Referring Letter Number: N/A File Number: 1/11/3B

SUBJECT HEADING: School Survey on Community Pass Partnership with Museum of Tropical Queensland

Name of Applicant: N/A

Location: N/A

Author and Officer's Title: Dan Mulcahy, Director of Administrative Services

Executive Summary: Council has a current agreement with the Museum of Tropical Queensland (MTQ) whereby for an annual fee of $8,600 (ex GST), unlimited free access to MTQ is provided to Burdekin Shire residents. The agreement is commonly referred to as the Community Pass Partnership. The official end date of the agreement is 31 December, 2007. Recent consideration has been given to promoting the use of the Community Pass.

Officer's Recommendation: That the Council correspond with the Museum of Tropical Queensland as follows: 1. forwarding a copy of the Burdekin School Survey on Community Pass Partnership with Museum of Tropical Queensland and requesting they take into consideration the comments of the schools; and 2. requesting an outline on how they intend to market their product and the Community Pass Partnership to the Burdekin.

Background: Council at its meeting held on 19 September, 2006 considered letter no 735444 from MTQ advising of visitation results for 2005-06. Discussions were held in relation to the community use of free admission into MTQ. It was suggested that Council further promote free admission for local residents into the Museum as well as encourage school and community groups to visit the Museum.

It was further stated that the Director of Administrative Services would investigate the use of the Museum by local Schools.

A survey was forwarded to local schools on 22 September, 2006. Results of the survey are tabulated in the attached Burdekin School Survey on Community Pass Partnership with Museum of Tropical Queensland (MTQ) – 2006. The survey was forwarded to 16 schools of which 13 replies were received.

2 Report on School Survey on Community Pass Partnership with Museum of Tropical Queensland

The main results of the survey are as follows:

™ 7 schools have used the Community Pass. ™ 9 schools have not used the Community Pass but 7 of these 9 said they would participate. ™ The main suggestions for improving the value of the Community Pass were: o Subsidised bus travel; and o Reminders or notification of displays on offer.

Council further resolved at its meeting held on 26 September, 2006 as follows:

“that Council correspond with the Museum of Tropical Queensland requesting information on action taken by the Museum to promote the Council Community Pass Partnership which enables free admission to the museum for local residents.”

Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: 6.5 – Plan, develop and facilitate the provision of services, facilities and infrastructure to cater for present and future community needs.

Consultation: Survey of local Schools

Legal Authority or Implications: N/A

Policy Implications: Nil

Financial and Resource Implications: Annual fee for participation in Community Pass Partnership is included in Budget.

Report prepared by: Dan Mulcahy, Director of Administrative Services 15-12-2006


The following are schools which have NOT participated in the Community Pass with MTQ. (Question 2)

School Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Q.6 What are the Q.7 Do you have any Name Can you provide a reason Will your If No, can you provide a benefits to your suggestions for for not participating in School reason? School of improving the value the Community Pass? continue to participating in of service offered by participate the Community MTQ? in the Pass? community Pass? Brandon • Hasn’t fitted into our Yes Relevant to some State units of work in 2006, years depending on School but that doesn’t mean it the units of work. won’t in coming years. A great learning • Sometimes transport environment for cost is a killer for our students. excursions to Townsville. Burdekin Probably lack of awareness I will promote the Catholic plus cost of transport. community pass to High teachers. After that, participation is a matter for them and the way this will support the curriculum. Home Hill No Students have already State visited in primary school. High - 2 -

School Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Q.6 What are the Q.7 Do you have any Name Can you provide a reason Will your If No, can you provide a benefits to your suggestions for for not participating in School reason? School of improving the value the Community Pass? continue to participating in of service offered by participate the Community MTQ? in the Pass? community Pass? Jarvisfield Budget had not allowed for Yes The reduced cost State it this year. of the overall Primary excursion for school and students. Kalamia Wasn’t aware of it until Yes – We Useful for camps State now. will take & excursions – Primary advantage activities to include of it now. and link to units of study. Maidavale Our last trip occurred Yes It will provide the No State before this Community students with great Primary Pass came in. educational experience at no cost. Millaroo New to school & was Yes Museum is a great Discounted or State unaware of programme educational supported bus or train Primary learning place & travel to Townsville it’s enjoyable for for schools, as cost for all ages. school to go to Townsville is quite expensive.

S:\Image Scratch - A & F\754938_Word_Attachment_to_L_N_754337.doc - 3 -

School Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Q.6 What are the Q.7 Do you have any Name Can you provide a reason Will your If No, can you provide a benefits to your suggestions for for not participating in School reason? School of improving the value the Community Pass? continue to participating in of service offered by participate the Community MTQ? in the Pass? community Pass? Osborne It hasn’t come up as a Yes As we have never State possible excursion for one been/participated, I Primary of our units. cannot comment here. St Have not had the Yes Subsidized buses to Colman’s opportunity. The bus costs MTQ would assist us Primary have been prohibitive. greatly.

The following are schools which HAVE participated in the Community Pass (CP) with MTQ. (Question 2)

School Question 2 Question 4 Q.6 What are the benefits to Q.7 Do you have any suggestions Name If Yes, which Year Will your your School of participating in for improving the value of service Classes have School the Community Pass? offered by MTQ? participated? continue to participate in the community Pass? Airville Principal advised by phone State school has never used it, Primary however Mayor advised Airville attended first year of operation. S:\Image Scratch - A & F\754938_Word_Attachment_to_L_N_754337.doc - 4 -

School Question 2 Question 4 Q.6 What are the benefits to Q.7 Do you have any suggestions Name If Yes, which Year Will your your School of participating in for improving the value of service Classes have School the Community Pass? offered by MTQ? participated? continue to participate in the community Pass? East Ayr Year 3 participates in an Yes A reduction of cost of excursion & State excursion to Museum therefore allows more students to Primary every year. Approximately participate. 70 students. Ayr State Year 8 Studies of Society Yes Due to high transport costs (i.e. Perhaps a reminder every year to High & Environment (SOSE) due to petrol prices) CP has schools to remind them of this offer. Year 9 SOSE enabled school to take students to Year 10 SOSE Museum for a cost that’s not too Year 12 Chemistry high – often taking students to Townsville means costs of more than $20 – and allows students to access this resource. Ayr State Year 3 Yes A visit to MTQ links in with many Primary Year 4 units of work we do in the class room. The students also enjoy the science discovery room. Burdekin 2003 – Yrs 4-7 Yes It becomes a community source to As long as we are informed of what Christian 2005 – Preschool & access for the college’s integrated is available, we can access it when College Years 1-3 units. required. Years 4-7 Burdekin All classes - Yes Children are able to access For our students - need more things School Early Childhood to Museum. Families from a low for them to investigate, feel, smell (Special Year 12 socio-economic background and touch. School)

S:\Image Scratch - A & F\754938_Word_Attachment_to_L_N_754337.doc - 5 -

School Question 2 Question 4 Q.6 What are the benefits to Q.7 Do you have any suggestions Name If Yes, which Year Will your your School of participating in for improving the value of service Classes have School the Community Pass? offered by MTQ? participated? continue to participate in the community Pass? Home We go every second year Yes Excursions are more in families’ An area away from water and street Hill State with all students in Years range for costs. for 90+ to sit and eat lunch. Primary 4-7. We cover various aspects of the exhibits there – so can cover more than 1 exhibition in depth each visit then refer back at various times later in other units.

The survey was forwarded to nineteen (19) schools with sixteen (16) replying.

Question 1. 7 schools advised they have used the Community Pass. 9 schools advised they have not used the Community Pass but 7 of the 9 indicated they would participate.

S:\Image Scratch - A & F\754938_Word_Attachment_to_L_N_754337.doc Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Administration & Finance

Referring Letter Number: 751483 File Number: 3/8/2

SUBJECT HEADING: Relocation of Clare Hall

Name of Applicant: N/A

Location: Nelson Street, Clare

Author and Officer's Title: Dan Mulcahy, Director of Administrative Services

Executive Summary: Council held a public meeting in Clare in March, 2006 to discuss the future of the Clare Hall building. Currently, the building has received little or no use by the community. Council has to consider whether future maintenance and repair of the building is warranted.

Officer's Recommendation: That in respect of the Clare Hall building, the Council: 1. note the recommendation from the Council’s Building Certifier that the building remain at its present site as it would not be viable to relocate; 2. advise the Clare State School accordingly; 3. suspend any future maintenance or repair work (other than public safety work) on the building until a recommendation is provided on the building out of the Asset Rationalisation Plan (refer Operational Plan – Administration & Finance – Target 31 March, 2007).

Background: A public meeting was held in Clare on 27 March, 2006. Discussion was held on the use of the building. Current use was only for South Pacific Tae-Kwon-Do lessons which may be able to be conducted elsewhere.

The meeting was advised that rationalisation of land and buildings under Council’s control has been identified as a project that Council will be undertaking. Estimates of future costs to be considered in relation to the repair and maintenance of the Clare Hall were tabled as follows:

Short Term Estimate

1. Broken Louvres, damaged wall cladding $ 2,000 2. Electrical Upgrade unknown 3. Kitchen Upgrade $ 15,000 4. Kitchen Plumbing $ 10,000 5. Replace Windows $ 10,000 6. Repaint Doors & Hall $ 12,000 7. Replace thirteen (13) wall sheets $ 2,000

2 Report on Relocation of Clare Hall

Long Term Estimate

1. Replace Roof $ 20,000 2. Polish Floor unknown

The meeting agreed that the Council investigate the practicalities and costs of relocating the Clare Hall building from its current site to the Clare School and liaise with Education Queensland in relation to the receiving of the building and its use by the community.

A copy of the Report on the Public Meeting is attached for Councillors convenience.

Relocation Investigations

Council’s Building Certifier, Mr. T. Maltby inspected the hall together with a Registered Practicing Engineer of Queensland, Mr. A. Maltby.

The recommendation is that the building remain at its present site as it would not be viable to relocate.

For further details of the inspection please refer to Letter No 751483 attached.

Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: 2.6 – Implement an Asset Rationalisation Plan for building and land assets to determine strategic need.

Consultation: Public Meeting at Clare; inspection by Building Certifier and RPEQ Engineer.

Legal Authority or Implications: Nil

Policy Implications: N/A

Financial and Resource Implications: Future maintenance and repair of the building to upgrade it to a more usable and functional state will incur future expenditure.

Report prepared by: Dan Mulcahy, Director of Administrative Services 15-12-2006 DAS - Relocation of Clare Hall - Nelson Street, Clare From: Webber, Laura [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, 4 December 2006 8:32:15 AM To: Mulcahy, Daniel CC: Email Registration Subject: DAS - Relocation of Clare Hall - Nelson Street, Clare

Enquiries to: Trevor Maltby

File: 03/08/02

1st December, 2006


In conjunction with a Registered Practicing Engineering of Queensland (RPEQ) Mr Andrew Maltby, I have carried out an inspection of the Clare Hall. No cost to Council was incurred to carry out this inspection. Given that no records exist with regard to the building and structural plans of this Council building, the following was noted during the inspection:

The concrete columns which appear to be a major structural part of the building would have to be removed to relocate the building. This would mean that temporary bracing would have to be installed inside the building whilst it was being removed.

Due to the height of the building, the roof would need to be removed, and as such, further tie down rods would have to be installed to hold the building together.

Because of the size of the building, it is envisaged that it would have to be cut into three sections. In my opinion, and with the backing of the engineer, this initiative would be too costly and would reduce the structural integrity of the building.

In summary, given the abovementioned constraints, the costs associated with the relocation and upgrade works to this particular building would be cost prohibitive and would reduce the structural integrity of the building.

It is therefore recommended that the building remain at its present site as it would not be viable to

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Held at Clare Club, Clare On Monday, 27th March, 2006 commencing at 7.30pm


Councillors Lyn McLaughlin, Lou Loizou, Treena List, Pierina Dalle Cort, Lyndy McCathie, Ross Gambino, Mark Castelanelli, Robert Marriott and Jim Gist.

Catherine Patroni, Scott Harness, Mark Homewood, Alba Minuzzo, Carl Marino, Joanna Marchioni, Maria Joyner, Cheryl McNee, Shane McNee, Angie Fabbro, Aurora Minuzzo, Shanelle Fry, Shelli Auer, John Ross, Shane Schifilliti, Ben Micallef, Paul Hatch, Chris Hesp and Julian Cervoni.

Apologies – Councillors Ross Lewis & Mark Haynes; Messrs Patric Brady & Anthony Cardillo.


Cr. McLaughlin welcomed all in attendance and advised that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the future of the Clare Hall Building. Other points mentioned by the Mayor, Cr. McLaughlin included the following :-

• Council is involved in Asset Management & Asset Rationalisation and therefore has to look at shire buildings, such as the Clare Hall. • The joint project from the Clare SES and Rural Fire Brigade has brought forward consideration of the future of the Clare Hall. • The Mayor asked those in attendance to think about what they would do if they owned the Clare Hall. • It was advised that the community hub of Clare now appears to be the Clare Club and not the Clare Hall.

The Director of Administrative Services, Mr. Mulcahy provided further background to the issue as follows:

• Basically the Council is required to ensure effective utilisation of assets. • The Council are the stewards for over two hundred million dollars ($200M) worth of shire assets. • All local authorities in Queensland are now being pushed strongly into Asset Management and Council is preparing itself for where it should be in the future. • Rationalisation of land and buildings under Council’s control has been identified as a project to be undertaken. This is linked with Asset Management.

Mr. Mulcahy provided an idea of future costs to be considered in relation to the repair and maintenance of the Clare Hall as follows:


Short Term Estimate

1. Broken Louvres, damaged wall cladding $ 2,000 2. Electrical Upgrade unknown 3. Kitchen Upgrade $ 15,000 4. Kitchen Plumbing $ 10,000 5. Replace Windows $ 10,000 6. Repaint Doors & Hall $ 12,000 7. Replace thirteen (13) wall sheets $ 2,000

Long Term

1. Replace Roof $ 20,000 2. Polish Floor unknown

Cr. McLaughlin questioned what usage the Hall was receiving. It was advised the Hall was used two (2) nights per week of 1 hour durations for South Pacific Tae- Kwon-Do (1 student).

The Mayor raised the question, could these classes be run somewhere else, preferably indoors.


Listed below are comments and suggestions offered by members attending the meeting. The list is not intended to be a verbatim transcript of proceedings but a summarised version of the comments of the meeting.


Chris Hesp • Question: What are the costs to run the building? • Mr. Mulcahy advised that there could be a minimum electricity charge in addition to future repairs & maintenance. • Need to check if there is any heritage connection re. cenotaph. John Ross advised that he was of the opinion there was no actual connection between the building and the cenotaph.

Cheryl McNee • The building is not functional – the kitchen is downstairs, needing repair. The Hall is not child friendly – if it were on ground level it would be more useful. • Question the cost to remove the building versus refurbishing the building.

Joanna Marchioni • If the building were moved into the school grounds, the State Government would need to determine if it were viable. This would still enable the building to be used by the community.


Cr. McLaughlin • The kitchen is in disrepair. An application has been submitted for approximately $70,000 in funding for the joint Clare SES/Rural Fire Brigade facility. • What is the impact on the community if the building were removed? • If Education Queensland were not receptive to the idea of receiving the building, is there any other land in Clare available for it? Chris Hesp advised that neither the Club nor the Church was able to take on the Clare Hall building. • If the Hall were relocated to the school grounds this would allow daily use by the school. Mark Homewood • Question the ability for the Clare Hall building to be relocated due to the structure of the building and positioning of the concrete pillars. Mr. Mulcahy advised that comments from the Building Surveyor indicated that relocation was a possibility. • Question the use of the Health Clinic building situated near the Clare Hall building. • Advised that he had held the key to the Clare Hall building for 22 years and in that time there had only been three (3) socials – 1 firemen’s ball and 2 fancy dress socials. • Thanked the Council for calling the meeting and involving the community in this type of issue. Mr. Homewood’s comments were supported by acclamation from the Meeting.

Paul Hatch • Advised that the SES will be bringing some equipment to Clare if premises were available. The new fire truck will be turning up shortly and also will need to be housed. • Prefer to keep the cenotaph in its current location. Scott Harness • Believed that a better choice would be to relocate the building, not to have it disposed of. Cr. List • Advised that the Hall has a timber floor and that this can be an important benefit for the Hall.


The Meeting agreed that the Council investigate the practicalities and costs of relocating the Clare Hall building from its current site to the Clare School and liaise with Education Queensland in relation to the receiving of the building and its use by the community. It was noted that this course of action would allow the proposed SES Rural Fire Brigade facility to be relocated on the existing Clare Hall building slab.

Cr. Gist advised that depending on the cost of relocation, one option may be to sell the building for removal and use the funds for an extra bay to be added to the existing SES/Rural Fire Brigade shed for community use.



Cr. McLaughlin requested the Meeting to advise of any other issues of concern in the Clare area.

Cheryl McNee advised that the public toilets located behind the Clare Hall are dark and dingy, paint is pealing off and there are no toilet roll holders.

Cheryl McNee asked what was happening with the centre strip opposite the Clare Hall. Council and Sunwater were in previous discussions in relation to beautifying this area. It was noted that Council will have to raise this matter with Sunwater to progress the matter.

Paul Hatch requested any advice on what may be happening with possible closure of pools as a result of non-supervision. It was also clarified in discussions there had been media coverage of some pools closing because there was lack of supervisory coverage at the pool with the appropriate certificate or qualifications.

Cr. McLaughlin advised that there has been no decision by the Council to close any pools in the shire.

The Meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.


29th March, 2006


1. 757068 * 03-03-01 Mr. T.G. Williams - Director of Engineering Services

Report - Proposed acquisition of land for construction of road, SS Yongala Drive, at Lynch's Beach.

2. 756980 * 08-01-23 Mr. J. Power - Manager - Water & Wastewater

Report - Proposal for purchase of transportable site toilets and/or commercially available site toilets for use/hire within the Burdekin community.

Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Engineering Services Date: 8th January, 2007

Referring Letter Number: N/A

File Number: 3/3/1


Name of Applicant: N/A

Location: Alva

Author and Officer’s Title: Matthew Ingle – Senior Technical Officer

Executive Summary:

Department of Natural Resources and Water (DNR) has indicated that it will require Council to acquire the land for construction of SS Yongala Drive at Lynch’s Beach.

Officer’s Recommendation:

1. Council acquire land from the State for the purpose of constructing a road to be named SS Yongala Drive. The proposed road reserve would be up to 20m wide, in accordance with the attached Plan R-342.


The Design Office has been preparing the design for SS Yongala Drive and the IDAS application form. Before lodging the IDAS form, concurrence to the construction was sought from DNR and the application form forwarded to them. DNR have to sign the form and provide a resource allocation number. After several telephone enquiries to DNR regarding a reply to the concurrence, the Design Office was informed that Council would need to acquire the land needed for the construction, as the area’s current status was Unallocated State Land. We are still awaiting written confirmation from DNR.

Link to Corporate/Operational Plan:




Page 1 of 2 Legal Authority or Implications: (statutory basis – eg. Act, Local Law, legal risks)


Policy Implications:


Financial and Resource Implications:


Report prepared by: Matthew Ingle – Senior Technical Officer


Report authorised by: Trevor Williams – Director of Engineering Services


Page 2 of 2

Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Engineering Services Date: 5/01/2007

Referring Letter Number: N/A

File Number: 8/1/23

SUBJECT HEADING: Portable Toilet Facilities

Name of Applicant: NA

Location: NA

Author and Officer’s Title: John Power - Manager Water & Wastewater

Executive Summary:

Council at it's meeting held on 21st November 2006, requested Council Officers to investigate the proposed costs associated with the purchase of transportable site toilets and/or commercially available site toilets for use/hire within the Burdekin community.

Officer’s Recommendation:

It is recommended not to proceed with the purchase of transportable site toilets and that organisations continue to use the services provided commercially by Townsville based hire companies.


Investigations into the purchase of portable toilet blocks were carried out as follows:

Facility Type/Purchase Costs:

1. Semi-trailer mounted toilet blocks - These facilities are fully self contained with storage tank mounted under the trailer. They are custom built and no firm information on prices were able to be obtained although a figure in excess of $200,000 is likely depending on the standard of construction and the semi-trailer used.

2. Transportable toilet blocks (Donga Type) - These facilities need to be transported to the site on a semi-trailer and temporarily connected to sewerage or have a storage tank placed nearby that requires pumping out. The costs for this type of facilty are as follows:

• Toilet Block Male/Female and Disabled 8.4m x 3.0m - $26,000 • Toilet Block Male/Female and Disabled 12.0m x 3.0m - $37,000

On-going Costs:

• Depreciation of asset • Storage • Maintenance

Page 1 of 2 • Cleaning • Transport to and from venues


• The semi-trailer mounted toilet block allows flexibility in location and would require a prime mover for transport to and from venues. • Location of donga type transportable toilets is restricted to points that have ready access to water and sewerage infrastructure. This is not always possible and storage tanks for water and sewerage (including pump-out) would then be required. Transport to and from venues would require a semi-trailer or low loader and a crane for loading/offloading.

Link to Corporate/Operational Plan:




Legal Authority or Implications: (statutory basis – eg Act, Local Law, legal risks)

NA Policy Implications:


Financial and Resource Implications:

• There are no funds available in the current budget for purchase of portable toilets. • Hire rates taking into account all costs of operation/ownership are dependant on usage. Should the usage be limited, then the hire rates would be high and most likely substantially higher than those of commercial hire companies that provide these services. • Operation of the service would need to be undertaken by Council Officers adding extra work load.

Report prepared by: John Power – Manager Water & Wastewater


Report authorised by: Trevor Williams – Director of Engineering Services


Page 2 of 2


1. 757498 * 01-04-05 Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services

Report - Application received from Mr. W. Granshaw for conversion of Non-Competitive Leases 44/2279 & 44/2280 to freehold tenure - Foreman Walsh Road, Dalbeg.

2. 757496 * 01-04-05A Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services

Report - Request from Mr. E. Minuzzo for Council's views - Issue of a Permit to Occupy - Beachmount Hill, Wunjunga.

3. 757503 * Cons 06-10 Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services

Report - Development Application received from G. & M. Poli for operational works (excavation and filling) - 70 Norham Road, Ayr.

4. 757798 * Sub 06-51 Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services

Report - Development Application received from Two Brown Dogs Pty. Ltd. - Reconfiguration of land - 49 Spiller Street, Ayr.

5. 757502 * Sub 06-54 Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services

Report - Development Application received from Brazier Motti on behalf of Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged Society - Reconfiguration of land - 9A-27A Chippendale Street, Ayr.

6. 757500 * Sub 07-01 Mr. M.D. Allpress - Director - Development & Environmental Services

Report - Development Application received from A. & J. Troy - Reconfiguration of land - 45 Cameron Street and 48 Burke Street, Ayr.

Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Development and Environmental Services

Classification: N/A Date: 8th January, 2007

Referring Letter No: 753060 File No: 1/4/5

Subject Heading: Conversion of Non-competitive Leases 44/2279 & 44/2280 to Freehold Tenure

Name of Applicant: William Granshaw

Location: Foreman Walsh Road, Dalbeg (Lots 22 & 29 on GS332, Parish of Dalbeg, County of Gladstone)

Author and S. Great Officer’s Title: Manager Planning and Development

Executive Summary: A request has been received from William Granshaw seeking Council’s views with regard to an application to convert Non-Competitive Leases 44/2279 & 44/2280 held over land at Foreman Walsh Road, Dalbeg (Lot 22 & 29 on GS332, Parish of Dalbeg, County of Gladstone) to freehold tenure.

Officer's Recommendation: That Council offer no objection to the application from William Granshaw to convert Non-Competitive Leases 44/2279 & 44/2280 held over land at Foreman Walsh Road, Dalbeg (Lot 22 & 29 on GS332, Parish of Dalbeg, County of Gladstone) to freehold tenure.

Background: William Granshaw has lodged an application with the Department of Natural Resources and Mines to covert Non-Competitive Leases 44/2279 & 44/2280 at Foreman Walsh Road, Dalbeg to freehold tenure and as part of the application process has requested Council’s views and/or comments to comply with the Departments requirements.

The leased land currently forms part of a 400 acre productive cane farm owned by the Granshaw family and the applicant has indicated that the land will continue to be used for agricultural purposes.

Council’s Land Protection Officer, Mr. Merv Pyott, has inspected the site and advised that the area is good quality agricultural land with no visible signs of erosion, weed management or other environmental issues and has recommended that Council offer no objection to the application.

Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: N/A

Consultation (internal/external): N/A

Legal Authority or Implications: N/A

Policy Implications: N/A

Financial and Resource Implications: N/A

(Signature) Report prepared by: S Great - Manager Planning and Development

(Signature) Report endorsed by: M.D. Allpress – Director of Development and Environmental Services

Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Development and Environmental Services

Classification: N/A Date: 8th January, 2007

Referring Letter No: 749922 File No: 1/4/5A

Subject Heading: Application for Permit to Occupy

Name of Applicant: Enzo Minuzzo

Location: Beachmount Hill, Wunjunga (Part of Lot 1 on AP2858, Parish of Upstart, County of Salisbury)

Author and S. Great, Officer’s Title: Manager Planning and Development

Executive Summary: A request has been received from Enzo Minuzzo seeking Council’s views in respect of a Permit to Occupy over part of land described as Beachmount Hill, Wunjunga (Part of Lot 1 on AP2858, Parish of Upstart, County of Salisbury) in accordance with the Department of Natural Resources and Mines’ requirements.

Officer's Recommendation: That Council offer no objection to the application from Enzo Minuzo for a Permit to Occupy over part of Lot 1 on AP2858, Parish of Upstart, County of Salisbury, subject to the following conditions:

1. Access to the land is via boat only, except during emergency situations;

2. The Permit to Occupy is to be withdrawn should the dwelling sustain major damage or total destruction during natural disasters or fire (all debris to be removed and site left in tidy condition); and

3. The area of the Permit is to be a minimum of 500m2 to comply with the Burdekin Shire IPA Planning Scheme.

Background: Correspondence has been received from Enzo Minuzzo advising that he has made application to the Department of Natural Resources for a Permit to Occupy over an area of land located at Beachmount Hill, Wunjunga (part of Lot 1 on AP2858, Parish of Upstart, County of Salisbury).

The Permit is for a small allotment to cover a beach house that is located on a rocky outcrop adjacent Wallace Creek and Council’s views in respect of Permit to Occupy are requested in accordance with Department of Natural Resources and Mines’ requirements.

Supporting evidence from a registered builder has also been provided with the application, stating that the dwelling is of solid construction that has withstood previous cyclone and tidal surge events, and that it also has a suitable effluent disposal system that has been designed to be environmentally friendly with no pollutant discharge.

Council’s Land Protection Officer, Mr. Merv Pyott has inspected the property and advised that the dwelling has been professionally built and is well maintained with minimal impact to the environment and it is recommended that Council offer no objection to the application, subject to conditions. (Refer letter No. 755670)

Legal Authority or Implications: N/A

Policy Implications: N/A

Financial and Resource Implications: N/A

(Signature) Report prepared by: S Great - Manager Planning and Development

(Signature) Report endorsed by: M.D. Allpress - Director of Development and Environmental Services

ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO: Burdekin Shire Council THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, P.O. BOX 974, AYR, Q. 4807 145 Young Street, AYR Phone: (07) 4783 9800 ABN: 66 393 843 289 Fax: (07) 4783 9999 Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.burdekin.qld.gov.au/

Enquiries to: Merv Pyott

Your Ref: N/A

Our Ref: 1/4/5A MJP:RB

Letter No: Link to L/N 749922

21st December, 2006



Background Mr. Enzo Minuzzo of 43 Albert Crescent, Ayr, has written to Council requesting support for a permit to occupy for a small allotment at Wunjunga where his family has owned a beach house since 1984.

Field survey of the area reveals that eight buildings still remain on the rocky outcrop at the Wallace Creek end of Wunjuinga approximately 500 metres north west of the freehold village. These are dwellings that withstood cyclone Charlie. At the time DNR policy was that structures that needed major repairs or rebuilding following severe storms or natural disasters, had to be removed. It appears the remaining eight were allowed to remain but no legal land tenure was granted.

Observations My observation during inspections on 28/11/06 was that only 3 or 4 of the eight remaining dwellings would stand up to a major storm event. Mr. Minuzzo’s beach house is a professionally built construction, well maintained with minimal environmental impact.

Issues (a) Supporting Mr. Minuzzo’s application may create a precedent unless Council decides to treat future applications on a case by case basis. (b) Waste disposal systems need to meet environmental guidelines. (c) It is obvious that some hut owners are using 4WD vehicles on the foreshore to access dwellings. (d) Rebuilding following a natural disaster would impact heavily on the environment as building materials and workers were transported to the jobsite. (e) On the other hand, removal of the dwellings at this point without good reason would also impact heavily on the environment.

S:\Image Scratch - D & E\755670_(755670)_Permit_to_Occupy_Over_Lot_1_on_AP2.doc

Officer Recommendation That in light of the fact that Mr. Minuzzo’s beach house is of solid construction, well maintained with modern waste disposal systems and that supporting documentation from a registered builder has been provided, Council support the proposal.

Condition: (a) Boat access only except during emergency situations (b) Permit to Occupy withdrawn should the dwelling sustain major damage or total destruction during natural disasters or fire (all debris to be removed and site left in tidy condition) (c) Permit mimic minimum legal allotment area under Burdekin Shire zoning Laws.


S:\Image Scratch - D & E\755670_(755670)_Permit_to_Occupy_Over_Lot_1_on_AP2.doc - 2 -

Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Development and Environmental Services

Classification: N/A Date: 4th January, 2007

Referring Letter No: 716143 File No: Cons 06-10

Subject Heading: Lodging a Development Application for Operational Works (Excavation and Filling)

Name of Applicant: G. & M. Poli

Location: 70 Norham Road, Ayr (Lot 22 on SP194090, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone)

Author and S Great Officer’s Title: Manager - Planning & Development

Executive Summary: An application has been received from G. & M. Poli seeking approval for Operational Works (Excavation and Filling) at 70 Norham Road, Ayr (Lot 22 on SP194090, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone). A Development Application (Code Assessable) has been triggered in accordance with the Burdekin Shire IPA Planning Scheme.

Officer's Recommendation: That Council approve the Development Application for Operational Works (Excavation and Filling) at 70 Norham Road, Ayr (Lot 22 on SP194090, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions:

1. All alterations necessary to public utility mains, services or installations is to be completed at no cost to Council;

2. Works are to be completed in accordance with the Contour Survey (Proposed) and Cross Section Drawing No. 05053/3 submitted as part of this application;

3. The construction of any crossovers to give access to the land is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. Any proposed purchaser of the land is to be advised accordingly; and

4. Approval of this proposal Plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. Please note that in terms of SECTION 3.5.22 (1) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the currency period can only be extended if the request is received before the approval lapses.

Note Only:

If the level of the existing sewerage manhole located on the land is to be altered it must be raised above the level of the fill and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services.

Background: The following comments are from the Manager of Planning & Development, Mr Shane Great:

The land is zoned ‘Residential’ under the provisions of Council’s IPA Planning Scheme. The proposal seeks to carry out filling of an existing lot for the purpose of increasing the level of the land. The applicant has provided detailed contour survey plans that outline the “before and after” levels that demonstrates the fill will not adversely impact on drainage into adjoining properties. The applicant has also constructed a retaining wall to further mitigate drainage flows.

Council’s Design Manager, Mr. Gary Pappalardo has assessed the proposal and inspected the site and is satisfied that adequate measures have been taken to ensure drainage flows will be directed to the kerb to minimise the impact on the existing amenity.

Given that the proposal complies with the provisions contained in Council’s IPA Planning Scheme, it is recommended that Council approve the application subject to the abovementioned conditions.

Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: N/A

Consultation (internal/external): N/A

Legal Authority or Implications: N/A

Policy Implications: N/A

Financial and Resource Implications: N/A

(Signature) Report prepared by: S. Great - Manager Planning & Development

(Signature) Report endorsed by: M.D. Allpress - Director of Development and Environmental Services

Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Development and Environmental Services

Classification: N/A Date: 4th January, 2007

Referring Letter No: 752714 File No: Sub 06-51

Subject Heading: Lodging a Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot

Name of Applicant: Two Brown Dogs Pty Ltd

Location: 49 Spiller Street, Ayr (Lot 1 on RP709714, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone)

Author and S Great Officer’s Title: Manager - Planning & Development

Executive Summary: An application has been received from Two Brown Dogs Pty Ltd seeking approval for reconfiguring a lot at 49 Spiller Street, Ayr (Lot 1 on RP709714, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone). A Development Application (Code Assessable) has been triggered in accordance with the Burdekin Shire IPA Planning Scheme.

Officer's Recommendation: That Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguration of a Lot at 49 Spiller Street, Ayr (Lot 1 on RP709714, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions:

1. All alterations necessary to public utility mains, services or installations is to be completed at no cost to Council;

2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full;

3. Pay the sum of $47.80 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for each new valuation;

4. The construction of any crossovers to give access to the land is to be the owner’s responsibility and to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. Any proposed purchaser of the land is to be advised accordingly;

5. Details of accesses to proposed Lot 1 and Lot 2 are required to be submitted to Council for approval prior to construction;

6. Access to proposed Lot 1 shall require alteration to existing garden bed and bikeway in Macmillan Street and these alterations shall be approved by Council;

7. A contribution in terms of Council’s Headworks Policy is payable for the additional lot created by this development. The amount will be calculated at the time of payment based on the charge applicable at that time. As an indication only, the total amount payable for the development is currently $2,718.00 for Water and Sewerage;

8. The applicant will be required to provide a separate water connection to proposed Lot 1;

9. The applicant will be required to submit RPEQ certified plans and specifications for concurrence by Council of the proposed sewerage infrastructure required to service proposed Lot 2. The applicant shall bear all costs associated with such works and the connection to Council’s existing infrastructure;

10. The applicant is required to provide a certified statement from a licensed plumber that no existing interconnecting water supply plumbing crosses the boundary between the two lots; and

11. Approval of this proposal Plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. Please note that in terms of SECTION 3.5.22 (1) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the currency period can only be extended if the request is received before the approval lapses.

Background: The following comments are from the Manager of Planning & Development, Mr Shane Great:

The land is zoned ‘Residential’ under the provisions of Council’s IPA Planning Scheme. The proposal seeks to realign the boundary at 49 Spiller Street, Ayr to create an additional residential lot.

The existing land is located on the corner of Macmillan and Spiller Streets and comprises an area of 1012m2. It is the applicant’s intent to reconfigure the boundary of existing Lot 1 to create two (2) separate lots (Lots 1 & 2). As proposed Lot 1 will have frontage to Macmillan Street, conditions have been imposed to provide access via the existing streetscaping in this area.

Following the proposed realignment both lots will comprise an area of 506m2 each. All proposed lots will be in accordance with Council’s Planning Scheme in that they will have areas greater than 500 square metres and frontages greater than 15 metres.

The Director of Engineering Services has recommended conditions in relation to access provisions and water and wastewater services and these are reflected in the abovementioned conditions.

Given that the proposal complies with the provisions contained in Council’s IPA Planning Scheme and the fact that this application creates additional lots for future residential development, it is recommended that Council approve the application subject to the abovementioned conditions.

Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: N/A

Consultation (internal/external): N/A

Legal Authority or Implications: N/A

Policy Implications: N/A

Financial and Resource Implications: N/A

(Signature) Report prepared by: S. Great - Manager Planning & Development

(Signature) Report endorsed by: M.D. Allpress - Director of Development and Environmental Services

Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Development and Environmental Services

Classification: N/A Date: 4th January, 2007

Referring Letter No: 755699 File No: Sub 06-54

Subject Heading: Lodging a Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot

Name of Applicant: Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged Society

Location: 9A-27A Chippendale Street, Ayr (Lots 1 & 2 on RP725411, Parish of Jarvisfield, County of Gladstone)

Author and S Great Officer’s Title: Manager - Planning & Development

Executive Summary: An application has been received from Brazier Motti, on behalf of the Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged Society, seeking approval for reconfiguration of land at9A-27A Chippendale Street, Ayr (Lots 1 & 2 on RP725411, Parish of Jarvisfield, County of Gladstone). A Development Application (Code Assessable) has been triggered in accordance with the Burdekin Shire IPA Planning Scheme.

Officer's Recommendation: That Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguration of a 9A-27A Chippendale Street, Ayr (Lots 1 & 2 on RP725411, Parish of Jarvisfield, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions:

1. All alterations necessary to public utility mains, services or installations is to be completed at no cost to Council;

2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full;

3. Pay the sum of $47.80 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for each new valuation;

4. The construction of any crossovers to give access to the land is to be the owner’s responsibility and must be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services. Any proposed purchaser of the land is to be advised accordingly; and

5. Approval of this proposal Plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. Please note that in terms of SECTION 3.5.22 (1) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the currency period can only be extended if the request is received before the approval lapses.

Background: The following comments are from the Manager of Planning & Development, Mr Shane Great:

Existing Lot 1 is zoned ‘Residential’ and existing Lot 2 is zoned “Public Purpose” under the provisions of Council’s IPA Planning Scheme.

The intent of the applicant is to realign the boundary between Lots 1 & 2 to allow for the provision of an internal road at the rear of the Lower Burdekin Home for the Aged that will link with Council’s existing road infrastructure to improve traffic access/egress for this site. This proposal will create a mixed use in Lot 2 (Residential & Public Purpose), however this will have minimal impact on the existing use of the land.

The Director of Engineering Services has recommended conditions in relation to access provisions this is reflected in the abovementioned conditions.

Given that the proposal complies with the provisions contained in Council’s IPA Planning Scheme and the fact that Council has supported similar type applications, it is recommended that Council approve the application subject to the abovementioned conditions.

Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: N/A

Consultation (internal/external): N/A

Legal Authority or Implications: N/A

Policy Implications: N/A

Financial and Resource Implications: N/A

(Signature) Report prepared by: S. Great - Manager Planning & Development

(Signature) Report endorsed by: M.D. Allpress - Director of Development and Environmental Services

Burdekin Shire Council

Programme Category: Development and Environmental Services

Classification: N/A Date: 8th January, 2007

Referring Letter No: 756641 File No: Sub 07-01

Subject Heading: Lodging a Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot

Name of Applicant: A. & J. Troy

Location: 45 Cameron and 48 Burke Streets, Ayr (Lots 1 & 2 on RP714472, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone)

Author and S Great Officer’s Title: Manager - Planning & Development

Executive Summary: An application has been received from A. & J. Troy seeking approval for reconfiguring a lot at 45 Cameron and 48 Burke Streets, Ayr (Lots 1 & 2 on RP714472, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone). A Development Application (Code Assessable) has been triggered in accordance with the Burdekin Shire IPA Planning Scheme.

Officer's Recommendation: That Council approve the Development Application for Reconfiguration of a Lot at 45 Cameron and 48 Burke Streets, Ayr (Lots 1 & 2 on RP714472, Parish of Antill, County of Gladstone), subject to the following conditions:

1. All alterations necessary to public utility mains, services or installation is to be completed at no cost to Council;

2. The Council will not release the formal Plan of Reconfiguration until all rates and charges in arrears in respect of the land, the subject of the application, are paid in full;

3. Pay the sum of $47.80 calculated on the basis of a charge of $23.90 per lot to be levied on the Council by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for each new valuation;

4. Approval of this proposal Plan shall lapse and become of no effect unless an accurate plan of survey is submitted to the Council within two (2) years from the date of notification of this decision. Please note that in terms of SECTION 3.5.22 (1) of the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the currency period can only be extended if the request is received before the approval lapses.

Background: The following comments are from the Manager of Planning & Development, Mr Shane Great:

The land is zoned ‘Residential’ under the provisions of Council’s IPA Planning Scheme. The lots in question are adjoining and it is the applicants intent to realign the boundary between the lots to increase the area of Lot 1 and decrease the area of Lot 2. Following the proposed realignment Lot 1 will comprise an area of 1081m2 and Lot 2 will comprise an area of 1196m2.

All proposed lots will be in accordance with Council’s Planning Scheme in that they will have areas greater than 500 square metres and frontages greater than 15 metres.

The relevant Council Officer’s have assessed the application and have recommended conditions and these are reflected in the abovementioned recommendation. Given that the proposal complies with the provisions contained in Council’s IPA Planning Scheme and the fact that Council has supported similar type applications, it is recommended that Council approve the application subject to the abovementioned conditions.

Link to Corporate/Operational Plan: N/A

Consultation (internal/external): N/A

Legal Authority or Implications: N/A

Policy Implications: N/A

Financial and Resource Implications: N/A

(Signature) Report prepared by: S. Great - Manager Planning & Development

(Signature) Report endorsed by: M.D. Allpress - Director of Development and Environmental Services