Colonel Edward Buncombe, Fifth North Carolina Continental Regiment
E 275 .B94 Copy 1 ,Mllll ill ill llll llll lllllnlllll llllll„lll!lll,,!llllll,>lllll llll lllllnlllhlh.lllll ill llllli.lllll ill llll illm.llllk. 3 COLONEL I 1 EDWARD BUNCOMBEJ i FIFTH NORTH CAROLINA f 5 Continental Regiment. f ^ i- 1 HIS LIFE, MILITARY CAREER, AND DEATH WHILE A f J WOUNDED PRISONER IN PHILADELPHIA DUR- L 4 ING THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. %- "f f" "j ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE THE; NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY OF | THE CINCINNATI AT ITS MEETING HELD IN HILLS- "l f JULY 4, 1901. "l BOROUGH, f" J • BY L 4 Marshall DeLancey Haywood. r I PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. |_ |||ll"ll||||l"ll||illHM|||ll"ll|||llHII||| |||I"'I1!||II"'I|||II"M||| I||M"I|||||1'HI||| i||II"rli|| I||| ||||| H|IIIMl|p- ^|l ||| ||| 1|| ||| |{| COLONEL EDWARD BUNCOMBE, FIFTH NORTH CAROLINA Continental Regiment. HIS LIFE, MILITARY CAREER, AND DEATH WHILE A WOUNDED PRISONER IN PHILADELPHIA DUR- ING THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI AT ITS MEETING HELD IN HILLS- BOROUGH, JULY 4, 1901 Marshall DeLancey Haywood. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. RALEIGH: ALFORD, BYNUM & CHRISTOPHERS, PRINTERS, 1901. r^^ ^m N'04 — ADDRESS, Mk. President and Gentlemen of the Society: It is no small privilege which the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati enjoys when it meets in this ancient Revolutionary capital, for here our organiza- tion was first brought into being. The year of grace 1783, which is the date of its birth, was one of mingled joy and depression to the people of America.
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