TEACHER’S GUIDE 100 Years of Loss The Residential School System in Canada Second Edition Second Edition ©2014 Legacy of Hope Foundation Design and Production: Nation Media + Design Ltd. / Origin Studios Published by: ISBN: Legacy of Hope Foundation 978-1-77198-000-5 275 Slater Street, Suite 900 Ottawa, ON K1P 5H9 T: 613-237-4806 or toll-free: 877-553-7177
[email protected] www.legacyofhope.ca All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any information retrieval system without the prior written consent of the Legacy of Hope Foundation. Permission to photocopy Student Worksheets and Student Resource Sheets for classroom use only is granted by those who have purchased this publication. Unauthorized use of the name and logo of the Legacy of Hope Foundation is prohibited. The Legacy of Hope Foundation wishes to acknowledge the support of the following institutions: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Advocacy and Public Information Program Canadian Heritage, Museums Assistance Program Aboriginal Healing Foundation Royal Bank of Canada Ce document est aussi disponible en français. Cover Image: Old Sun Indian Residential School, Gleichen, AB, 1945. General Synod Archives, Anglican Church of Canada, P75-103 S7-184. Welcome One hundred years is an arbitrary number with respect to the history and legacy of the Indian Residential School System in Canada. More accurately, over 100 years of cultural and spiritual loss have been experienced by successive generations of Aboriginal peoples as a consequence of residential schools—without action, these losses will continue to affect generations to come in addition to the estimated 80,000 Survivors alive today.