Bishops Cannings Parish Newsletter February 2020

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter, February 2020 1

Letter From The Chair At the risk of repeating myself, I wish to stress that it very important for you, our residents, to engage with us over the Neighbourhood Plan consultation exercises that the Parish Council will be undertaking this month. We aim to display maps showing all the housing sites that have been put forward to Council for possible development. Out of seven large plots of agricultural land that have been promoted in consultations for house building, five are to the north east of . Three of the plots are adjacent to each other along Folly Road and would create a continuous block of housing right up to village. The other sites are the one at Coate Bridge adjoining Windsor Drive that Mac Taggert and Mickle tried to get planning for some years ago (yes – it’s back again) and a new site to the north of Nursteed School ,bounded by a track known as Gypsy Patch and our Parish Boundary. Although these sites are in Devizes rather than Bishops Cannings they are either on or close to our boundary and will affect all residents travelling along either London Road or Coate roads. There is only one site being actively promoted in our Parish for housing and that is the former farmyard and remaining meadow owned by the Crown Estate to the rear of Court Farm in Bishops Cannings village. Although Devizes and ourselves have fulfilled all our housing requirements up to 2026, is now looking at the ten years after that (up to 2036). The Devizes Area has been given a target of roughly another 1,000 houses and each possible site is being assessed by Wiltshire Council. It is important for you to come along if possible to our consultations and tell us where you would prefer to see future housing located. In addition, the building of one development right next to another without integrating wildlife corridors, green verges or parks for leisure and wildlife, has left us with very limited opportunities to create these facilities for residents. We need you to help us identify land that

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter, February 2020 2 should be allocated for wildlife areas, formal sport facilities or simply left as a green buffer between town and country. The first consultation will be on Monday 10th February 2020 in the function room of the The Hourglass pub from 6pm to 9pm. There will be a second consultation in Bishops Cannings village hall on Wednesday 12th February from 6pm to 9pm. Maps of the Parish will be available to view and we will have forms for you to leave feedback. Please come along. It is your chance to have your say on the future of where you live.

Access to the Newsletter The Parish Newsletter can be viewed in full colour on-line, either on our Parish Council website: search for- Bishop’s Canning’s Parish Council Web page or on our Facebook page:- Bishop’s Cannings Parish Council Facebook Page

If you would prefer a printed newsletter, please contact Jenny Combe on 01380 860356, giving your name and address to have your Newsletter delivered.

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter, February 2020 3

Your Councillors:

Cllr Diane Carey Chair Woman DC [email protected]

Simon Casey Vice Chair SC [email protected]

Primary point of contact: Richard Miller, Clerk [email protected] RM

Jenny Combe [email protected] JC

Elizabeth Frearson [email protected] EF

Eric Clark [email protected] EC

Paul Robinson [email protected] PR

Kent Baxter [email protected] KB

Chris Callow [email protected] CC

Chris Body [email protected] CB Newsletter Editor

Deadline for next issue is Wednesday, 12th February

Parish Council Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall, Bishop’s Cannings. Next meeting 11th February

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter, February 2020 4

Temporary Closure of Chandlers Lane Wiltshire Council Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Temporary Closure of: Chandlers Lane (Part), Bishops Canning (Ref: TTRO 6393) Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: Chandlers Lane (Part), Bishops Canning; from its junction with Oak Close for a distance of approximately 30 metres in a northerly direction. To enable: Wessex Water to carry out interim to permanent reinstatement. Alternative route: via Chandlers Lane (unaffected length) – West End – A361 - Horton Road and vice versa. The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs. This Order will come into operation on 20 February 2020 and the closure will be required until 22 February 2020. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months. For further information please contact Harry Reed (Wessex Water) on 0345 600 4600. Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN 13 February 2020

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter, February 2020 5

The Bishop’s Canning’s Community Lunch The Lunch Club will not be meeting during February but we will re- group on Wednesday, 4th March at 12.30pm at The Crown Inn, Bishop’s Cannings. The lunch is a great way to meet new neighbours, make new friends and have a good catch up with current friends. Anyone is welcome to join us but please pre-book with Liz Bailey on 01380 860400 or text 07779 900227 (email [email protected] by Monday 2nd March)

Bishop’s Cannings Tuesday Club As I write, we are looking forward to welcoming a regular visitor - Bob Rogers, who is not only an excellent speaker but his presentations are enriched by his superb photography and his passion for the Scottish islands. On a sadder note, we started our Christmas meal in December by remembering our dear friend Shirley Jones. Shirley had been involved as a volunteer almost from the beginning of Tuesday Club. She rarely missed a meeting and was either to be found making the tea, taking the monthly donations, chatting to members or running the raffle at Christmas. She will be greatly missed by us all.

Tuesday Club Programme 2020 Feb 18th John Girvan - ‘Doing Time in Wiltshire’ March 17th Bill King – The Upper Thames Patrol (The Water-borne Home Guard) April 21st Debi Evans - ‘Dragons and Rescue Dogs’ May 19th 20th Birthday Celebration Tea Keith Genever ‘My Journey Through Hell, tracing the owner of a Dog Tag’. June 16th John Farrow ‘Moscow to St. Petersburg By Boat’. Ann Jarvis

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter, February 2020 6

Thank you to everyone in the parish who came along to support our annual Christmas Fayre back in December. Thank you also to all the members of the organising committee for their time and help in putting together this wonderful community event. We are pleased to announce that the Christmas Fayre raised £2,210 which will be shared between St Mary’s PCC, Bishops Cannings Primary School, the Pre-School and the Community Fund. It was wonderful to see so many people enjoying the morning – buying Christmas Trees, visiting the Christmas Market and Santa’s Grotto, cheering on the runners in the Reindeer Dash and exploring the Bell Tower. It really is becoming a popular date in our parish diary -so why not make a note that this year’s Fayre will take place on Saturday, 5th December 2020. We look forward to seeing you all then. In the meantime, if you are a member of, or know a local group within the parish that might wish to apply for funds from the Community Pot – please write to: Bishops Cannings Community Christmas Fayre Fund, c/o 3 Wood Leaze, Devizes, SN10 2FW with details of your request. Thank you, Caroline and the Christmas Fayre team.

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Pop-Up Pancake Supper Sweet and Savoury Pancakes available

Tuesday, 25th February, 2020 6:30-8:30 pm Bishops Cannings Village Hall Cost of Supper – Donation to Church Fabric Fund Organised by the Friends of St Mary’s Church, Bishops Cannings

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter, February 2020 8

St Mary’s Church Floodlighting & Services

Floodlighting 12th February for Douglas and Beryl Hale, married in this church sixty five years ago

for William and Elizabeth Allen

for Andrew Naughton’s birthday

for Neville Combe’s birthday if you would like to commemorate an anniversary, please contact Jenny Combe on 01380 860356 – cost £12 per week

Church Services Sunday 2nd February 8am Communion 10am Informal

Sunday 9th 10am Communion

Sunday 16th 8am Communion 10am Communion

Sunday 23rd 10am Communion

Wednesday 26th Ash Wednesday 7.30 pm Communion with Ashing

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter, February 2020 9

Verge Damage on Bourton Road In Bishops Cannings Village Further wooden posts will be installed along the verges in Bourton Road, as vehicles are still forcing their way off the road to pass each other in places where they should not and this has caused permanent damage that has been made worse by the persistent wet weather. Can all residents and visitors, especially those driving heavy vehicles, tractors and four wheel drives, please slow down and be prepared to reverse and pull in at a suitable place off the road. If you are collecting /dropping children off at the school, please do not park your car on the verge by the field gate. Large vehicles regularly travel up to the farms and cannot pass without driving partly onto the verge which has now eroded so badly that it is almost gone. If you live in Bourton or Easton and are having work done to your property, please can you instruct your contractors to park fully off the road and to drive carefully.

Bishops Cannings Pre-School News The School and Preschool held two Grounds Days in January. Parents and Staff gave up their time to help paint, jet wash the playgrounds, clear the guttering and drains, do gardening and a general tidy up of the outside space. Thank you to everyone who came along and gave up their time to help. Please save the date for the Preschool’s annual Easter Egg Hunt which will be taking place on Saturday 28th March. More information will follow.

Bishops Cannings Parish Council Newsletter, February 2020 10

Minutes of a meeting of Bishops Cannings Parish Council Held on Tuesday 14th January 2020 in Bishops Cannings Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs. D. Carey (DC), (Chair), S Casey (SC) J Combe (JC), C Body (CB), E Frearson (EF), E Clark (EC), P Robinson (PR), K Baxter (KB), C Callow (CC).

In attendance: P Whitehead (PW) (Unitary), R Miller (RM), (Clerk) and 3 members of the public.

1 Apologies for Absence. No absences.

2 Public session. Mr D Cackett reported three matters: He had reported to WC the existence of potholes in Puddles Lane, Coate; they had been inspected by an employee of WC Highways who classified them as non-urgent and closed the report. A resident subsequently fell into one of them. The matter has been reported again to WC but no action taken. PW took details and will progress. He requested a supply of bin liners for the Coate dog waste bin, DC/JC will arrange supply. He reported that the recently installed VETS system is fully operational.

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3 Disclosure of Interest relevant to the business of the meeting. None disclosed.

4 Approval of Minutes. Proposed by CC and seconded by CB it was resolved that the minutes of the meeting of 10th December 2019 be signed by the Chair as a true record.

5. Chair’s Report. The Chair reported that WC Highways department are in the process of repairing the damaged culvert in Bourton Road.

6. Cllr Whitehead (Unitary) Update. PW reported that WC are in the process of purchasing the whole of the residential/commercial site at the junction of Horton Rd. and the A361 from Barclays Strategic. He also advised that the proposed budget increase for 2020/21 would be less than 4%.

7. Clerks report a) No new correspondence from residents received in the period. b) The Clerk requested that consideration be given to providing a debit card on the main bank account with a limit equal to the limit of the Clerk’s discretionary authorisation of expenditure as shown in the financial regulations. The advantages advanced were increased access to competitive online prices and the opportunity to enhance VAT recoveries. All Councillors were in agreement and the Clerk will progress.

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8. Matters arising from previous minutes Minute Action Summary Responsibility point no. 5 1 Transfer of play DC has chased to no avail. areas PW suggested she contact Alan Richell.

5 2 Purchase of verge In hand, DC to meet S posts Peachey this week.

7 3 Repairs to bus RM has given instructions to shelters S Peachey

7 4 Website hosting Agreement reached, quarterly billing now in place.

8 (1) 5 Lay Wood Rubbish now cleared and development WC will impose deadline for outstanding landscaping.

8 (2) 6 H&S Inspections RM has appointed a ROSPA approved contractor. Initial inspection this month.

8 (3) 7 Bourton Road EC has sent the scheme and tree planting its justification to Crown Estate and no response yet received. Enforcement via WC is the remaining option.

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8 (4) 8 TPO test case Response received. TPO will not be granted as the trees in question are maintained by C&RT. Implications to be considered by tree group.

8 (5) 9 Car park and See projects 10 (f) school pathway 8 (6) 10 Le Marchant See projects 10 (c ) amenity site 8 (7) 11 Play areas Costings totalling £8.6K received 14th Jan. Play Area group will meet to discuss.

11 (a) 12 Church pathway See projects 10 (a)

11 (a) 13 Church gates Order placed, completion due end March.

11 (b) 14 Pilot memorial See projects 10 (b)

11 (g) 15 Coate VET Order placed, system now Scheme operational.

11 (g) 16 Coate gates and PR to obtain full costing for speed limits white gates and investigate Area Board funding. Also, to request CATG speed measurement.

14 (c) 17 Precept Submitted in December.

15 18 Legal action No further developments.

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9. Planning applications. a) Delegated decision process for planning applications There has been a recent increase in the number of applications forwarded by Wiltshire Council requiring comment prior to the next PC meeting. In view of this it was agreed that EC would prepare and circulate suggestions for an alternate procedure. RM will continue to forward to EC/DC requests for consultee comments as they arrive if they fall into the above category.

Reference Location Proposed works Broadford, Church 2 x yew trees, reduce 19/12210/TCA Walk crown and shape Townsend House, Replace outbuilding 19/11192/FUL Horton Single storey rear 66 Ferozeshah Rd. 19/11466/FUL extension C60/C50 Works to farm track 19/10845/FUL * Etchilhampton * For information only

The applications shown below were received after publication of the Agenda and all Councillors agreed to consider them at this meeting.

Reference Location Proposed works Replacement of Pound Cottage, conservatory with Coate 19/12010/FUL covered patio Tanglewood Cottage, Single storey and 19/12031/FUL Horton Rd detached annexe Works to trees on Horton 1 Corn Croft Lane 19/11527/TPO Road
