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Preview Fuelphp Tutorial (PDF Version) FuelPHP About the Tutorial FuelPHP is an open source web application framework, designed for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. The development of FuelPHP started in 2010 and it was initially developed by a small team of Philip Sturgeon, Harro Verton, Jelmer Schreuder, and Dan Horrigan. This tutorial introduces you to FuelPHP framework and makes you comfortable with its various components. Audience This tutorial has been prepared for professionals who are aspiring to make a career in FuelPHP framework. This will give you enough understanding on how to create and develop a website using FuelPHP. Prerequisites We assume that the readers of this tutorial have a basic knowledge of HTML, PHP, the fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming. Copyright & Disclaimer Copyright 2017 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher. We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or in this tutorial, please notify us at [email protected] i FuelPHP Table of Contents About the Tutorial .................................................................................................................................... i Audience .................................................................................................................................................. i Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................ i Copyright & Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. i Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... ii 1. FUELPHP ─ INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 FuelPHP ─ Features ................................................................................................................................. 1 FuelPHP ─ Advantages ............................................................................................................................. 2 2. FUELPHP ─ INSTALLATION ................................................................................................... 3 System Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 3 Command Line Installation ...................................................................................................................... 4 Composer-based Installation ................................................................................................................... 7 3. FUELPHP ─ ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 10 4. FUELPHP – SIMPLE WEB APPLICATION .............................................................................. 13 Structure of the Application .................................................................................................................. 15 Add a Controller .................................................................................................................................... 15 Routing ................................................................................................................................................. 16 5. FUELPHP ─ CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................. 17 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Type of Configuration Format ............................................................................................................... 17 Environment ......................................................................................................................................... 18 ii FuelPHP 6. FUELPHP ─ CONTROLLERS ................................................................................................. 20 Controller Methods ............................................................................................................................... 20 before( ) Method ................................................................................................................................... 21 after( ) Method ..................................................................................................................................... 22 Extending Controllers ............................................................................................................................ 23 Generate Controller .............................................................................................................................. 23 Type of Controllers ................................................................................................................................ 23 7. FUELPHP ─ ROUTING ......................................................................................................... 25 8. FUELPHP ─ REQUESTS & RESPONSE................................................................................... 28 Request ................................................................................................................................................. 28 Response ............................................................................................................................................... 29 Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 30 9. FUELPHP ─ VIEWS .............................................................................................................. 33 forge ..................................................................................................................................................... 33 auto_filter ............................................................................................................................................. 33 set_filename ......................................................................................................................................... 34 set ......................................................................................................................................................... 34 get ......................................................................................................................................................... 35 render ................................................................................................................................................... 35 Create a View ........................................................................................................................................ 35 Passing Data to View ............................................................................................................................. 36 View Filter ............................................................................................................................................. 37 Nested views ......................................................................................................................................... 38 Template Controller .............................................................................................................................. 39 Generate View Page .............................................................................................................................. 41 iii FuelPHP 10. FUELPHP ─ PRESENTERS .................................................................................................... 43 11. FUELPHP ─ MODELS & DATABASE ..................................................................................... 45 Creating a Model ................................................................................................................................... 45 Access a Model...................................................................................................................................... 45 Database Overview ............................................................................................................................... 46 Database Configuration......................................................................................................................... 46 DB-based Toolkit ................................................................................................................................... 46 DB API ..................................................................................................................................................
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