Public Disclosure Authorized IMPROVEMENT OF LAMPUNG Address : Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No. 220 Tel/Fac. (0721) E-mail pemeliharaanlampung@yahoocom


Public Disclosure Authorized (Land Acquisition and Resettlement Action Plan)


WEST LAMPUNG REGENCY LAMPUNG PROVINCE 2011 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized










Annex 2: LOCATION MAP ...... 16














I. INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Background. The Biha – Krui road preservation is a sub project of the Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (WINRIP). The Biha – Krui project (herein referred to as “the Project”) is located in West Lampung regency, Lampung Province. A location map is included in Annex 1. The Project runs along 25.040 km of National roads that connects 3 (three) sub- in West Lampung Regency: Pesisir Tengah Sub-, Krui Selatan Sub-district and Pesisir Selatan Sub-district. Detailed information of these sub-districts is included in Table 1.1. A summary of information on the planned activities along the Project is included in Table 1.2

Table 1.1 Sub-Districts and in the Biha – Krui Road Preservation Project No Name of Sub-district Name of /Urban Village Pasar Krui Urban Village I Pesisir Tengah Pekon Barat Pekon Serai Pekon Way Redak Pekon Pemerihan Pekon Sukajadi Pekon Lintik Pekon Padang Haluan II Krui Selatan Pekon Way Napal Pekon Padang Raya Pekon Way Suluh Pekon Mandiri Sejati Pekon Balai Kencana Pekon Tulung Bamban Pekon Ratu Negri Tenembang Pekon Sukarame III Pesisir Selatan Pekon Pelita Jaya Pekon Sumur Jaya Pekon Pagar Dalam Pekon Tanjung Setia Pekon Biha

Table 1.2 Planned Activities in the Biha – Krui Road Preservation Project Description Existing Planned Activities Segment Length 25,040 km 25,040 km Pavement Width 4 – 6 m 7 m RUMIJA 7,0 – 12,0 11,000 – 13,000

2. Based on the Loan Agreement document signed by the World Bank with the Government of Indonesia (GOI), in the event of any road development that requires additional land acquisition, a Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARAP) will be prepared following gthe relevant World Bank policies. The purpose and objectives of the LARAP are to:  Gather information on the social and economic conditions of Project Affected Persons (PAPs) whose land or other assets are affected by the project, and to determine the aspirations of local inhabitants regarding the Project as well as their requested compensation for assets affected by the Project or land acquisition;  Prepare policy alternatives for land acquisition and resettlement toward PAPs;  Prepare a workplan for land acquisition and resettlement as guidance as well as planning efforts for the land acquisition and resettlement process for PAPs.



3. Identification of Project Affected Persons and Assets. The census survey was conducted from 12 to 16 January 2011. This date will be the cut of date to record the affected persons in the project area who are entitled to compensation, resettlement assistance and livelihood restoration assistance. In case there is a gap between LARAP approval and the implementation of WNRIP project/sub-project under WINRIP, the Land Acquisition Committee will do verification of the current situation based on the list of affected people and assets from the survey. A detailed summary of the local residents and assets affected by the project is included in Table 2.1. 156 plots of land are affected. On average, 3.2% of each plot – mostly considered unproductive – is affected by the Project. There are 35 plots with an area of wetland where the affected land averages 2.83%. There are several households that will lose more than 10% of their current landholding, and most of the affected area is considered unproductive, ie. the front yard facing the road. Of the 156 affected plots, 111 have certificate letters, 20 have traditional (Type C) letters, and 25 are uncertified.

Table 2.1 Summary of Residents and Assets Affected by the Project No Description Unit A Number of Residents Affected by the Project 155 HHs B Land to be acquired : 1. Land area 6.345,17 m2 2. Plots of land to be acquired ; 156 plots a. Individually-Owned 144 plots b. Publicly/Generally-Owned 12 plots 3. Number of land owners whose land will be: a. Acquired wholly 0 b. Acquired partially 156 plots C Affected buildings : 15 units (70,3 m2) a. Wholly 0 b. Partially 15 units 1. Individual Ownership of buildings 15 units (56,3 m2) a. Permanent 11 units (46,71 m2) b. Semi permanent 1 unit (2,5 m2) c. Non Permanent / Emergency 3 units (7,09 m2) d. Permanent Fence / Concrete Wall 39 units (422,7 m2) e. Semi Permanent fence 1 unit (4,98 m2) f. Non Permanent fence / Wooden 3 units (37,4 m2) 2. Institutionally/Publicly-Owned buildings - a. Permanent fence / Concrete Wall 12units (480 m2) 3. Plant/Vegetation a. Jambu Air 10 trees b. Banana 2 trees c. Sirsak 2 trees d. Belimbing 8 trees e. Avocado 3 trees f. Lengkeng 1 tree g. Mango 4 trees h Coconut 1 tree i. Paddy 6.711 clumps

4. Of the 15 affected buildings, 7 are residential buildings (houses considered places of residence) and have an average affected area of 4.84% of the total amount of the plot. 4 are business buildings (in the form of small food stalls and workshops). Of these 4, 2 are considered „permanent‟ buildings, 1 is „semi-permanent‟, and 1 is „not permanent‟, with an average affected area of 9.72%. The buildings are used as a residence and businesses (used in business workshops, book stalls etc.) and 4 units have an average affected area of 2.90%. The remainder of the buildings affected could


feasibly be used to perform economic activities, meaning residents do not have to move. Of the total affected buildings, 3 are non-permanent buildings (buildings made of wood and already in decrepit condition), 1 unit is a semi-permanent building (some form of wood and partly of brick) and the rest are permanent (made of brick). All of the affected buildings are owned by individuals.

5. Other assets owned by individuals that are affected are in the form of fences and plants (mango, rice, guava, soursop, etc.) Affected assets owned by institutions or the state (government offices, houses of worship, schools and others) are in the form of fences. Other affected assets are power lines with a total 20 pieces and have to be removed. Detailed data on residents and assets affected can be seen in the Annex 3.


6. The preparation of this LARAP refers to policies mutually agreed to by the Government of Indonesia and World Bank concerning land acquisition and resettlement as set out into Guidelines for Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF).

7. The Land Acquisition Committee (LAC) of the West Lampung Regency offers various forms of alternative compensation to Project Affected Persons (PAPs), namely cash, substitute land with lots ready for construction, and building replacement. There are other forms available in accordance with request made by PAPs. It was determined following a census survey that all residents preferred cash reimbursements.

8. The amount of compensation offered to residents by the LAC will follow these guidelines:

 Compensation is in full accordance with a Government agreement with the World Bank that the amount of compensation for affected land is replaced by the market value of that land. This is in accordance with Presidential Decrees No. 36/2005 and 65/2006. Further, the Head of BPN (National Agrarian Office) Decree No. 3 / 2007 establishes that market pricing will be done using the price determined by the Land Appraising Team established by the Regent (Bupati) of West Lampung Regency. The order establishing the team is included in Annex 5. For this case, the Land Appraising Team created an Assessment of Land Prices included in Annex 6. This land valuation will become the basis for negotiations and discussions between Government and PAPs. Costs of any registrations and transfer taxes will be paid by Government.

 For land in the form of rice fields, compensation is not only provided for affected lands, but also for affected rice clumps with a value of IDR 5,000/- per clump (based on prices determined by the West Lampung Regency Agricultural Office, see Annex 7). Calculations of the price of the rice clumps affected area based on the area of the paddy fields affected multiplied by sixteen (16). Sixteen represents the number of clumps per m2 (1 m2 = 16 clumps).

 Compensation for buildings is given in accordance with building conditions and follows market prices of building materials. This includes construction and investment costs of residential buildings, business buildings, and fences. Calculations are done without taking into account the value of building depreciation. Each building affected will be dismantled only after compensation payments are finalized. The remains of the demolition become the property of the PAPs if they so choose. Assessment of permanent buildings and fences (buildings and fences made entirely of concrete); semi-permanent buildings and fences (partly made of concrete and partly of wood); and non-permanent buildings and fences (all made of wood) shall be by virtue of the Letter from the Department of Public Works of West Lampung Regency, included as Annex 8.


 Compensation for affected crops shall be determined by the type of plant issued by the Department of Agriculture of West Lampung (Annex 7).

 The Government assets such as 20 units of power lines affected will be removed with removal with a value of IDR 5 million/unit.

 The Government will bear the splitting cost of the remaining land, the cost of the certification process of the remaining land, and costs for the certification of uncertified land with a value of IDR 750 thousand/plot


9. There was a socialization meeting on Friday, 17 December 2010 in the form of a Workshop on Land Acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework (LARPF). This fell within the preparation process for WINRIP in West Lampung Regency. The meeting was attended by the Provincial Secretary of West Lampung, staff of related offices in West Lampung, and the existing sub-district heads along the Biha – Krui road segment. Minutes of the 17 December meeting are attached in Annex 9.

10. The Government of the West Lampung Regency also conducted socialization meetings on 13 January 2011 in three (3) districts through which the road segment of Biha - Krui is located. These meetings were attended by the Village / Urban Village Heads (pratin), who provided guidance and assistance in the implementation of the Project. Minutes of these meetings are included in Annex 10.

11. During the survey, the Government consultants also socialized the road building plans for Biha - Krui and consulted briefly about the desired type of compensation to PAP.

12. Local Government will explain later in the socialization process the complete expected positive and negative impacts of the development of this project. They will also explain how the handling of the existing negative impacts will be carried out, including providing information on the project objectives and purposes. The socialization and consultation process will be organized with all categories of PAPs, not only land owners. Government has prepared an alternative compensation scheme and shall seek inputs from PAPs during the public consultation process (dissemination and consultation) carried out before land acquisition. During the consultations, Government will explain to PAPs that they are entitled to adequate compensation and that they should select their desired form of compensation.

13. The local Government will conduct further consultations on the land acquisition plan; the schedule of land acquisition; compensation calculations and payments; and seek agreements with the PAPs on implementation of the project, including the scheduling and the measurement and calculation of assets in the field. The Government will also conduct further deliberations on PAPs if the price of the deal has not been agreed in a single consultation and requires further consultations. Finally, the Government will socialize all grievance and complaint mechanisms related to the Project.

14. All socialization, consultation and deliberation activities will be documented using the appropriate forms. A sample form contained in Annex 12 requires that the Government note the location and purpose of the meeting; persons attending and which society groups or institutions they represent if any; and details of the groups, including leadership, membership amount, issue and desired actions they are calling for in relation to the Project.

15. Government has requested the relevant agencies to announce the inventory result is some places that are accessible for affected people and the announcement has been conducted (annex 14) 6


16. The LAC, Bappeda and Specific Non-Vertical Unit (SNVT) for the Biha – Krui Project will be responsible for the implementation of each activity contained in the land acquisition, resettlement, and empowerment plans. Other agencies within the West Lampung Regency Government will also be involved in certain aspects of the Project.

17. The Regent of West Lampung will be in charge of the program and will functionalize the LAC. For this activity the elements involved include: the Secretary of the Regency of West Lampung; the Assistant for the Secretary of the West Lampung Regency (Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten, or Setdakab); the Public Works Department of the West Lampung Regency; the West Lampung Regency Agriculture Office; the Legal and Organizational Setdakab of West Lampung; the Section of Public Administration Setdakab West Lampung; and the Head of Sub-districts affected by the Project.

18. Tasks of the Land Acquisition Committee include:

 Socializing plans, objectives, benefits, and potential negative impacts of the Project to PAPs;

 Conducting research on the legal status of the land, buildings and other assets affected by the Project;

 Carrying out measurements and fixing costs of the affected asset;

 Performing calculations and making inventories of assets to be compensated;

 Announcing the results of research and the inventory of assets for PAPs;

 Receiving results of the evaluation of land prices of buildings, plants and other assets affected by the Project from the Land Appraising Team and other officials responsible for assessing assets affected by the Project;

 Carrying out consultations to reach agreements with PAPs about the kind and amount of compensation they desire;

 Setting the amount of compensation for affected assets;

 Implementing compensation payments to PAPs on affected assets;

 Facilitating the implementation of changes to the legal status of land and buildings affected by the project;

 Accommodating complaints, objections and proposals from PAPs to keep for later meetings and deliberation efforts;

 Making reports on the implementation of LARAPs every month over the span of the Project‟s tenure;

 Submitting reports on the implementation of LARAPs, monitoring and reporting activities, and WINRIP to the Regent of West Lampung.


19. PAPs who are not satisfied with the implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement process can lodge complaints, objection or suggestion to the Government of West Lampung regency in charge of the program.

20. Complaints, objections and proposals can be submitted directly or through correspondence to the address of Bappeda, to LAC and Supplies Section in the Office of the Regional Secretariat Regent of West Lampung, Jalan Raden Intan II No. 1 Way Confess, Liwa 34 811, tel / fax: (0728) 21 147 and to the Head of the Non-Vertical (SNVT) for Roads and Bridges of Lampung Province, Jalan Wolter Mongonsidi No. 220. Tel / Fax: (0721) 487102, Email: [email protected].

21. The mechanism for handling complaints, objections or suggestions on the implementation of LARAP shall be processed through the following stages (see Annex 11).

a. Based on the complaints, objections and proposals submitted by the PAP, the Local Government and WINRIP through the Head of Bappeda, Head of SNVT for Roads and bridges construction of Lampung Province and the Monitoring and Reporting Team to conduct research. The results of research and investigation will be informed to PAPs within 12 days for subsequent meetings and deliberation.

b. Problem solving or the handling of complaints, objections and proposals will be documented and made accessible to the public. The results will be disseminated through available public space, such as bulletin boards in offices, government offices and village (pekon) offices. This process is documented in Annex 11.

22. In case of no consensus about the sum of compensation between the PAP and Local Government after more than a year, the sub-project will be excluded from WNRIP Program or the sub-project will seek alternative to do realignment.


23. The Monitoring and Reporting Team is formed by the Government of West Lampung Regency at the time of the commencement of the implementation work plan (action plan) for Land Acquisition. This team consists of representatives from the West Lampung regency government (Bappeda), representatives of higher education institutions or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and members of the community, including PAPs.

24. Monitoring and reporting activities shall be carried out in order to oversee the implementation of land acquisition for the program carried out in accordance with the plans, objectives and expected outputs.

25. Tasks of the Monitoring and Reporting Team:

 Conducting surveillance activities on the implementation of the program, as stated in the Work Plan. Activities include information dissemination, public consultations, and land acquisition;

 Coordinating with the LAC, Bappeda and other Project authorities to discuss problems and constraints faced by the Project and ways to overcome these issues, particularly those related to the settlement of complaints and objections from PAPs;

 Preparing monthly reports (using Annex 13) on the progress of the Project implementation using the attached template and sending the reports to WINRIP with a copy to the Bappeda


and Non-Vertical Unit (SNVT) for Roads and Bridges of Lampung Province, and the Social Safeguard Unit of the World Bank. Monitoring activities will continue until all RAP activities have been met, including certifications.


26. Land acquisition activities started in March 2011 to October 2011. The total cost for this acquisition is Rp 2.701.649.799 Estimated land acquisition costs are calculated using market prices created by the Land Appraising Team in West Lampung Regency. These costs were used for determining the value of buildings and fences prices issued by the Public Works Department of West Lampung Regency. For the assessment of crop prices, the price issued by the Agriculture Office of West Lampung Regency was used. Funding comes entirely from the Local Government of West Lampung Regency. More details can be seen in the matrix of Work Plan, contained in Annex 1.


Annex 1: WORKPLAN OF LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT Work Plan for the Provision of Land, Resettlement and Empowerment of Residents Affected by the Project (known as WTP) Biha-Krui (R. 053), West Lampung Regency, Lampung Province, Fiscal Year 2011 Other Responsible Time for Cost Regency No. Program Location Activities Unit sources of Parties Implementation Requirements Budget Remarks Funds PROCUREMENT A OF LAND 1 Functionalization of West Committee for the 1. Functionalization of Lampung Procurement of Committee for the Procurement Regency Procurement of Land 1 package Committee for 5,000 5,000 Land (known as PPT) (known as PPT) in the Land, Mar„11 interest of the project P2JJ or

2. To develop a work plan for the implementation of SNVT Building of road and bridge of Lampung procurement of land as many as 52 plots or at an area of 829,01 m2.

3. To carry out activities based on the work plan that has been developed. 2

Socialization of In each Procurement of village 1. To invite prospective Committee for the Land to Residents residents whose land will 1 package Procurement of Mar-Apr‟11 82,400 82,400 affected by Affected by the be affected Land , the project Project. 2. To conduct socialization again on the , P2JJ or plan for procurement of land. SNVT Road and


Bridge building in Lampung 3. To conduct a special socialization with the prospective residents who

are affected in Krui Urban Village.

4.To socialization on the procedure for the calculations of the compensation and method of payment.

5. To agree on the implementation schedule, measurement and calculation of assets on site.

6. Signing of Minutes of


1. To carry out Committee for the Measurement and measurement on the Procurement of In each staking out together border ti acquired together Land, P2JJ or village to be 3 with the Residents with the residents to be 1 package SNVT. Apr – May‟11 39,000 39,000 affected by Affected by the affected and urban village Building of roads the project. Project (WTP) personnel /village and bridges in personnel. Lampung.

2. To conduct calculation of the residents‟ assets to

which compensation will be given. beri kompensasi

3. Joint determination of a

border point to be marked 11

with the stake.

4. Implementation of staking out on the agreed borders. 7. Preparation of Minutes of Measurement and Staking out.

1. Special meeting with Meeting on In each residents to be affected by Calculation of the village to be Land Procurement 4 the project (known as 1 package May-Jul‟11 7,800 7,800 Compensation affected by Committee, WTP) of Pasar Krui urban Value. the project village. , P2JJ or

SNVT Building of 2. Agreement on the value road and bridge in and form of compensation. Lampung

3. Calculation of Compensation Value based on the measurement

and staking out with the Residents Affected by the Project based on results of measurements and staking out.

4. Agreement on Payment Schedule for Compensation Right

5. Preparation of Minutes of Negotiation on Compensation.


1. Setting up of In the offices Command Post for of sub- Payment of The granting of Land Procurement 5 districts Compensation in Lumpsum Jul-Agt‟11 2,701,650 2,701,650 Compensation Committee affected by each sub-district the project belonging to this project. Procurement of . Land 2.Implementation of the

granting of compensation. 3. Dokumentation of the process of granting of

compensation. 4. Signing of Letter of Release of Rights (known as SPH)

In the Sub- district offices affected by Arrangement to Agrarian Affairs of the project 1. Splitting of land 6 obtain certification 1 package West Lampung Agt-Sept„11 117,000 117,000 In sub- certificates for the WTP Regency district offices affected by the project

2. Preparation of new certificate on the portions

of land that have not been certificated.

Removal of assets In villages 1. Removal of buildings West Lampung 7 affected by the affected by and assets affected by the 1 package Regency Sept„11 15,600 15,600 project the project project Government


2. Removal of other assets (non permanents) affected by the project

At a strategic Installation of name board West Lampung Installation of Name location 8 on Prohibition from using 1 package Regency Sept„11 10,000 10,000 Board affected by the acquired land. Government the acquisition


West PPT to develop the entire Committee for the 1 Reporting Lampung results of activities in a 1 package Sept-Oct‟11 50,000 50,000 provision of Land, Regency report containing : P2JJ or a. Minutes of SNVT Construction Socialization of of Road and Bridges Addition in Lampung b. Pengadaan Tanah

b. Minutes of Meeting and Deliberation

determining the compensation c. Minutes of Measurement and Fixity d. Minutes of Agreement

On Land e. Minutes of the Granting of Compensation f.. Letter of Release of Rights of WTP


Monitoring and West 1. Setting up of reporting on the 2 Lampung Monitoring and Reporting 1 package Bappeda Mar– Oct‟11 92,106 92,106 Implementation of Regency Team Program 2. Setting up of Monitoring Regency Government of

West Lampung Team (internal and external) 3. Monitoring activities

4. Implementation of RK-


a. Preparation of

Monthly Report b. Preparation of Final Report on Activities 5. Recommendation of follow-up activities to be carried out

Liwa, ………………………,

2010 Regent of West Lampung





Buildings (m2) Fence

Land (m2)

% Price / % Price/

Functio Harga/m Before Affected Remainder Affected m2 Before Affected Remainder Affected m2 Condition Function Affected Condition Jumlah NO NAME OF WTP n 2 (Rp000) (Rp000) (Rp000) (Rp000)


1 State Junior School 1 * 2000 16.065 1983.935 0.8% 600 TT 17.85 P 1,284.7 22,932

1,326. 2 Akmal 150 3.99 146.01 2.7% 600 TT 150 3.99 146.01 2.7% 5 NP TT - -

3 Muzakir 200 6.375 193.625 3.2% 600 TT 200 6.375 193.625 3.2% 2,653 P TT - -

4 Iskandar Batubara 732 34.77 697.23 4.8% 600 TT 150 14.25 135.75 9.5% 2,653 P TT

5 Kejaksaan Negri* 700 5.8 694.2 0.8% 600 TK 21.75 P 1,284.7 27,942

TT&T 1,326. TT&T 6 Matbarazi 150 2.08 147.92 1.4% 600 U 150 1.6 148.4 1.1% 5 NP U

7 Anwar Yahya 230 12.32 217.68 5.4% 600 TT 23.1 P 1,284.7 29,677

8 Siti / Tanjung Ahsan 120 8.47 111.53 7.1% 600 TT 120 8.47 111.53 7.1% 2,653 P TT

9 H Riprin Buhsir 400 14 386 3.5% 600 TT 10 H Johan 154.5 18.54 135.96 12.0% 600 TT


11 Drs H Rosidi 93 5.58 87.42 6.0% 600 TT 12 Subartini 90 3.24 86.76 3.6% 600 TT 23.187 13 Sutoyo 132.5 5 109.3125 17.5% 600 TT 7.4 P 1,284.7 9,507

14 H Yahya 90 2.7 87.3 3.0% 600 TT 15 Hendra Turing 63 6.72 56.28 10.7% 600 TT

16 UPT Dinas Pendidikan* 245 6.25 238.75 2.6% 600 TK 12.5 P 1,284.7 16,059

17 H Dahlan 400 3.1 396.9 0.8% 600 TT 6 P 1,284.7 7,708

18 Yulita Ningsih 300 4.8 295.2 1.6% 600 TT 6 P 1,284.7 7,708 19 Aria Lukita Budiman 350 8.8 341.2 2.5% 600 TT TT&T 20 Nusirwan 450 12 438 2.7% 600 U 30 2.76 27.24 9.2% 2,653 P TU

21 Ali Muhtar 300 18.75 281.25 6.3% 600 TT 12.5 P 1,284.7 16,059

137,591 Total 7,350.0 217.5 7,132.5 3.0% 800.0 37.4 762.6 4.7% 107.1 .4 Pekon Kampung Jawa 22 Kasdik 210 12.6 197.4 6.0% 300 TT 4.98 SP 906.29 4,513 23 Palepi 684 11.7 672.3 1.7% 300 TT

24 Patomi 200 5.2 194.8 2.6% 300 TT 90 2.6 87.4 2.9% 2,653 P TT 25 Nasrunawan 119 7.73 111.27 6.5% 300 TT 26 Siti 160 10.4 149.6 6.5% 300 TT 27 Janati 100 6.5 93.5 6.5% 300 TT

28 Sarjono 150 6.5 143.5 4.3% 300 TT 4.5 P 1,284.7 5,781

29 Cici Sofiah 147 6.37 140.63 4.3% 300 TT 14.7 NP 647.35 9,516


30 Alip Padli 147 6.37 140.63 4.3% 300 TT 17.7 NP 647.35 11,458 31 Pahrowi 135 10.8 124.2 8.0% 300 TT 32 Fauzan 153 12.24 140.76 8.0% 300 TT

33 Firli 151 6.06 144.94 4.0% 300 TT 15.15 P 1,284.7 19,463 34 Wahid 120 9.6 110.4 8.0% 300 TT

35 Agus Waluyo 123 9.84 113.16 8.0% 300 TT 85 5.52 79.48 6.5% 2,653 P TT

36 Syukur Yakub 172 10.32 161.68 6.0% 300 TT 12.9 P 1,284.7 16,573

37 Nurmal 262 15.72 246.28 6.0% 300 TT 12.9 P 1,284.7 16,573 38 H Nizar (Alpha Mart) 414 16.56 397.44 4.0% 300 TU 39 Abdul Sani 157.5 10.5 147 6.7% 300 TT 40 H Junaedi 234 11.7 222.3 5.0% 300 TT

41 Hasan Bakri 250 5 245 2.0% 300 TT 15 P 1,284.7 19,271

42 Palian 720 12 708 1.7% 300 TT

43 H Yarni 700 22.4 677.6 3.2% 300 TT 16.8 P 1,284.7 21,583

44 H Muhlis 200 5.5 194.5 2.8% 300 TT 16.8 P 1,284.7 21,583

45 Hasan Daulai 150 4.2 145.8 2.8% 300 TT 1.65 P 1,284.7 2,120

46 Belpan 236 40.85 195.15 17.3% 300 TT 40.85 P 1,284.7 52,480

47 Rudi Halmin 300 23.25 276.75 7.8% 300 TT 3.75 P 1,284.7 4,818 48 Stahaba Sutaryo 250 20.74 229.26 8.3% 300 TT 49 Akwaludin 250 4.1 245.9 1.6% 300 TT

50 Perijadi 360 8 352 2.2% 300 TT 8 P 1,284.7 10,278 19

51 iskandar Lazim 350 8 342 2.3% 300 TT 8 P 1,284.7 10,278 52 Syarif Ridwan 300 11.7 288.3 3.9% 300 TT 53 Syamsu Hilal 140 8.55 131.45 6.1% 300 TT

54 Majida 150 12.45 137.55 8.3% 300 TT

55 Suheri 250 5.95 244.05 2.4% 300 TT 17.85 P 1,284.7 22,932 56 Iskandar Anas 200 13.05 186.95 6.5% 300 TT 57 Junot 200 9.75 190.25 4.9% 300 TT

58 Mosque Asobiriah* 1000 11.25 988.75 1.1% 300 TT 33.75 P 1,284.7 43,359

59 Supoyo 300 8.5 291.5 2.8% 300 TT 25.5 P 1,284.7 32,760

60 Ikrom 250 3.75 246.25 1.5% 300 TT 3.75 P 1,284.7 4,818 TT&T 61 Hendrik 230 5 225 2.2% 300 U 7.5 2.5 5 33.3% 1,867 SP TU

62 Kamiso 200 2.75 197.25 1.4% 300 TT 63 Badraini 300 5.1 294.9 1.7% 300 TT 64 Sudirman H 150 5.15 144.85 3.4% 300 TT 65 Baharudin 150 3.75 146.25 2.5% 300 TT

66 Fahrul Rozi 210 4.25 205.75 2.0% 300 TT 8.5 P 1,284.7 10,920

TT&T TT&T 67 Azmil 200 6 194 3.0% 300 U 8 0.6 7.4 7.5% 2,653 P U 68 Ridwan 175 2.1 172.9 1.2% 300 TT 69 Nurul Ahmad 150 3 147 2.0% 300 TT 70 Thamrin 150 3 147 2.0% 300 TT

71 Muzakir 220 5 215 2.3% 300 TT 10.5 P 1,284.7 13,489


72 Amirudin 200 3.75 196.25 1.9% 300 TT 9.5 P 1,284.7 12,205

73 M Barza 225 4 221 1.8% 300 TT 8.0 P 1,284.7 10,278

12,954. 377,045 Total 5 478.6 12,476.0 3.7% 190.5 11.2 179.3 5.9% 311.0 .6 Pekon Seray :

74 Tri Heri 210 1.47 208.53 0.7% 250 TT 75 0.92 74.08 1.2% 2,653 P TT

75 H Asrul Sani 200 12 188 6.0% 250 TT 12.0 P 1,284.7 15,416 76 Jauhari 240 12 228 5.0% 250 TT 77 Surawan 336 47.04 288.96 14.0% 250 TT 78 Katimum 160 22.4 137.6 14.0% 250 TT 79 Bilhusni 208 29.12 178.88 14.0% 250 TT 80 Mat 260 32.5 227.5 12.5% 250 TT

81 Ruslan 175 25 150 14.3% 250 TT 82 Wahidin 140 20 120 14.3% 250 TT 83 Abdul Syukur 780 32.5 747.5 4.2% 250 TT

84 Masri Efendi 135 22.5 112.5 16.7% 250 TT 13.5 P 1,284.7 17,343 85 Anazir 170 21.25 148.75 12.5% 250 TT 86 Abdul Syukur 237.5 23.75 213.75 10.0% 250 TT 87 Riswar 135 9 126 6.7% 250 TT

88 Rasnun 157.5 10.5 147 6.7% 250 TT 89 Sukandar Jaya 140 7 133 5.0% 250 TT 90 Fahroni 106 5.3 100.7 5.0% 250 TT

TT&T TT&T 91 H Firdaus 260 57.75 202.25 22.2% 250 U 20.8 2.04 18.76 9.8% 2,653 P U


92 Muprin 200 30.1 169.9 15.1% 250 TT

TT&T TT&T 93 H Nurdin 225 42 183 18.7% 250 U 24 1.64 22.36 6.8% 2,653 P U

94 Masjid Oniaturahman* 175 20.8 154.2 11.9% 250 TI 16.0 P 1,284.7 20,555 95 H Asrul Sani 255 66 189 25.9% 250 TT 96 H Azuiardi 219 54 165 24.7% 250 TT 97 Nazri 180 28.5 151.5 15.8% 250 TT 98 Tambat Ihwan 350 28.5 321.5 8.1% 250 TT 99 Harmain 215 27 188 12.6% 250 TT 100 Hasan Nuralip 400 53.4 346.6 13.4% 250 TT

53,315. Total 6,269.0 741.4 5,527.6 11.8% 119.8 4.6 115.2 3.8% 41.5 1

Total Number of Sub- 26,573. 1,437. 1,110. 567,952 districts 5 5 25,136.0 5.4% 3 53.3 1,057.0 4.8% 459.6 .0

KRUI SELATAN SUB- DISTRICT Pekon Pemerihan 101 Suwardi 5,250 73.1 5,177 1.4% 150 SWH 102 Zulfikar 4,500 210.7 4,289 4.7% 150 SWH 103 Zulfikar 5,400 55.9 5,344 1.0% 150 SWH 104 Zezali 4,950 120.0 4,830 2.4% 150 SWH

105 H Bustaman 5,250 105.0 5,145 2.0% 150 SWH 106 H Rudin 4,780 122.5 4,658 2.6% 150 SWH 107 Thamrin 4,000 122.5 3,878 3.1% 150 SWH 108 Yub Bahar 3,500 119.0 3,381 3.4% 150 SWH 109 Syafi'i 4,200 119.0 4,081 2.8% 150 SWH 110 H Husni 3,300 67.5 3,233 2.0% 150 SWH 22

Total 45,130 1,115 44,015 2.5% - - - - - Pekon Mandiri Sejati 111 M Razi 5,250 246.0 5,004 4.7% 150 SWH 112 Edi Sumaryadi 3,200 150.0 3,050 4.7% 150 SWH

113 Sarpan AR 5,000 51.0 4,949 1.0% 150 SWH 114 Amar Hakim 5,400 111.0 5,289 2.1% 150 SWH 115 Fatimah 4,900 45.0 4,855 0.9% 150 SWH 116 M Bakri 3,500 240.0 3,260 6.9% 150 SWH 117 H Sidik 4,850 357.0 4,493 7.4% 150 SWH 118 Sajumrat 5,600 48.0 5,552 0.9% 150 SWH 119 Syarifudin 4,500 96.0 4,404 2.1% 150 SWH

120 Nurmal 4,750 81.0 4,669 1.7% 150 SWH 121 M Puani 5,200 132.0 5,068 2.5% 150 SWH 122 Sudirmansyah 3,500 123.0 3,377 3.5% 150 SWH 123 Fuani 3,800 54.0 3,746 1.4% 150 SWH 124 M Zaili 3,950 30.0 3,920 0.8% 150 SWH 125 Zumrah 4,150 84.0 4,066 2.0% 150 SWH 126 Iskandarsyah 3,500 210.0 3,290 6.0% 150 SWH

Total 71,050 2,058 68,992 2.9% - - - - - Pekon Padang Raya

127 Mosque Athohiriah* 1568 24.5 1,544 1.6% 150 TI 0 73.5 P 1,284.7 94,425

94,425. Total 1568 24.5 1543.5 1.6% 73.5 45 Pekon Way Suluh

State Elementary School Way 128 Suluh* 1800 45.0 1,755 2.5% 150 TI 90.0 P 1,284.7 115,623


Total 1800 45.0 1755 2.5% 0 90 115,623

Total Number of Sub- 119,54 districts 8 3,243 116,305 2.7% - - 164 210,048

PESISIR SELATAN SUB- DISTRICT Pekon Tulung Banban 129 Parni 4,300 105.0 4,195 2.4% 90 SWH 130 Ali Akbar 5,200 37.5 5,163 0.7% 90 SWH 131 H baidal 4,150 165.0 3,985 4.0% 90 SWH 132 Joni 3,850 142.5 3,708 3.7% 90 SWH 133 Widawati 4,250 33.0 4,217 0.8% 90 SWH

134 Mosque Al Amal* 750 20.0 730 2.7% 90 TI 45.0 P 1,284.7 57,812

Total 22,500 503 21,997 2.2% - 45 57,812 Pekon NR Tenembang 135 M Razi HR 5,600 240.0 5,360 4.3% 100 SWH 136 Rahman hakim 4,500 240.0 4,260 5.3% 100 SWH 137 Al Qodri 4,750 150.0 4,600 3.2% 100 SWH

138 Mosque Nurul Iman* 1,200 20.0 1,180 1.7% 100 TI 60.0 P 1,284.7 77,082

Total 16,050 650 15,400 4.0% - 60 77,082 Pekon Pelita Jaya 139 Iskandar Hasan 3,750 150.0 3,600 4.0% 75 SWH

140 Mosque Nurul* 1,400 35.0 1,365 2.5% 75 TI 105.0 P 1,284.7 134,894

Total 5,150 185 4,965 3.6% - 105 134,894 Pekon Sumur Jaya 141 Mesjid Al Manar* 1250 25.0 1,225 2.0% 100 TI 75.0 P 96,353 24


96,352. Total 1250 25.0 1,225 2.0% 0 75 5 Pekon Pagar Dalam

142 Mosque Ar Rohman* 700 7.0 693 1.0% 100 TI 21.0 P 1,284.7 26,979

26,978. Total 700 7.0 693 1.0% 0 21 7

Pekon Biha 143 Jasmi 250 25.0 225 10.0% 125 TT 144 Surya 225 22.5 203 10.0% 125 TT 145 Ihsan 375 25.0 350 6.7% 125 TT 146 Iskandar 525 33.8 491 6.4% 125 TT 147 Rizal 150 8.0 142 5.3% 125 TT 148 Sumantri 150 10.0 140 6.7% 125 TT

TT&T 149 Syamsu Munir 120 6.0 114 5.0% 125 U 25.0 1.5 24 6.0% 2,653 P TU 6.0 P 1,284.7 7,708 150 M Nur 500 21.3 479 4.3% 125 TT 151 Ismail Nawawi 350 17.5 333 5.0% 125 TT 152 Mut 200 30.0 170 15.0% 125 TT 153 Aswandi 135 9.0 126 6.7% 125 TT TT&T 154 Syarif Hidayat 450 42.0 408 9.3% 125 U 22.5 1.5 21 6.7% 1,327 NP TU 5.0 NP 647.35 3,237 155 Mat Nur 450 30.0 420 6.7% 125 TT 156 Nurul Sanusi 300 15.0 285 5.0% 125 TT

10,944. Total 4,180 295 3,885 7.1% 47.50 3.00 44.50 6.3% 11.00 95 Total Number of Sub- 49,830 1,665 48,165 3.3% 47.50 3.00 44.50 6.3% 317.0


districts 404,063 .2

195,95 6,345. 189,606. 1,157. 1,182,0 General Total 2 17 3 3.2% 8 56.3 1,101.5 4.9% 940.1 64 Remarks

TT = Dwelling Place

TU = Place of Business

TI = Place of Worship

SWH = Paddy Fields



Assets of Plants Affected by the Project NAME OF RESIDENTS AFFECTED BY THE NO PROJECT (known as WTP) Plants / Vegetation Type Number Unit Price Amount (Rp) PESISIR TENGAH SUB-DISTRICT Pekon Kampung Jawa 1 Syarif Ridwan Manggo tree 1 100,000 100,000 2 Junot Belimbing tree 1 50,000 50,000 3 Ikrom Jambu tree 1 75,000 75,000 4 Badraini Belimbing tree 2 50,000 100,000 5 Sudirman H Belimbing tree 2 50,000 100,000 6 Ridwan Belimbing tree 1 50,000 50,000 Total 475,000 Pekon Seray : 7 Ruslan Jambu Air tree 1 75,000 75,000 8 Wahidin Jambu Air tree 1 75,000 75,000 9 Abdul Syukur Banana tree 1 50,000 50,000 Sirsak tree 1 25,000 25,000 10 Anazir Belimbing tree 1 50,000 50,000 Avocado tree 1 100,000 100,000 Jambu tree 1 75,000 75,000 11 Abdul Syukur Avocado tree 1 100,000 100,000 12 Riswar Lengkeng tree 1 75,000 75,000


Banana tree 1 50,000 50,000 13 Rasnun Belimbing Tree 1 50,000 50,000 14 Sukandar Jaya Jambu Tree 1 75,000 75,000 Mango Tree 1 100,000 100,000 15 Fahroni Avocado Tree 1 100,000 100,000 16 H Nurdin Belimbing Tree 1 50,000 50,000 Jambu Tree 1 75,000 75,000 17 Nazri Jambu Tree 1 75,000 75,000 Coconut Tree 1 150,000 150,000 18 Hasan Nuralip Sirsak Tree 1 25,000 25,000 Jambu Tree 1 75,000 75,000 Total 1,450,000 Total Number of SubDistricts 1,925,000 KRUI SELATAN SUB-DISTRICT Pekon Pemerihan 19 Suwardi Rice Clump 1170 5,000 5,850,000 20 Zulfikar Rice Clump 3371 5,000 16,855,000 21 Zulfikar Rice Clump 894 5,000 4,470,000 22 Zezali Rice Clump 1440 5,000 7,200,000 23 H Bustaman Rice Clump 1200 5,000 6,000,000 24 H Rudin Rice Clump 1400 5,000 7,000,000 25 Thamrin Rice Clump 1400 5,000 7,000,000 26 Yub Bahar Rice Clump 1360 5,000 6,800,000 27 Syafi'i Rice Clump 1360 5,000 6,800,000 28 H Husni Rice Clump 1080 5,000 5,400,000 Total 73,375,000 Pekon Mandiri Sejati 29 M Razi Rice Clump 3936 5,000 19,680,000 28

30 Edi Sumaryadi Rice Clump 2400 5,000 12,000,000 31 Sarpan AR Rice Clump 816 5,000 4,080,000 32 Amar Hakim Rice Clump 1776 5,000 8,880,000 33 Fatimah Rice Clump 720 5,000 3,600,000 34 M Bakri Rice Clump 3840 5,000 19,200,000 35 H Sidik Rice Clump 5712 5,000 28,560,000 36 Sajumrat Rice Clump 768 5,000 3,840,000 37 Syarifudin Rice Clump 1536 5,000 7,680,000 38 Nurmal Rice Clump 1296 5,000 6,480,000 39 M Puani Rice Clump 2112 5,000 10,560,000 40 Sudirmansyah Rice Clump 1968 5,000 9,840,000 41 Fuani Rice Clump 864 5,000 4,320,000 42 M Zaili Rice Clump 480 5,000 2,400,000 43 Zumrah Rice Clump 1344 5,000 6,720,000 44 Iskandarsyah Rice Clump 3360 5,000 16,800,000 Total 164,640,000 Total Number of Sub-districts 238,015,000 PESISIR SELATAN SUB-DISTRICT Pekon Tulung Banban 45 Parni Rice Clump 1680 5,000 8,400,000 46 Ali Akbar Rice Clump 600 5,000 3,000,000 47 H baidal Rice Clump 2640 5,000 13,200,000 48 Joni Rice Clump 2280 5,000 11,400,000

49 Widawati Rice Clump 528 5,000 2,640,000 Total 38,640,000 Pekon Negri R Tenembang 50 M Razi HR Rice Clump 3840 5,000 19,200,000


51 Rahman hakim Rice Clump 3840 5,000 19,200,000 52 Al Qodri Rice Clump 2400 5,000 12,000,000 Total 50,400,000 Pekon Pelita Jaya 53 Iskandar Hasan Rice Clump 2400 5,000 12,000,000 Total 12,000,000 Pekon Biha 54 Rizal Jambu 1 75,000 75,000 55 Syamsu Munir Belimbing 1 50,000 50,000 56 M Nur Mango 1 100,000 100,000 57 Ismail Nawawi Mango 1 100,000 100,000 Jambu 1 75,000 75,000 Total 400,000 Total number of Sub-districts 101,440,000

Total Requirements 341,380,000





Considering : that within the framework of the implementation of the Regulation of the Head of National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2007 on the Implementing Provisions of the Presidential Regulation Number 38 Year 2005 on Land Procurement for the Implementation of Development for Public Interest As it has been amended by Presidential Regulation Number 65 Year 2006 on Amendment of Presidential Decree No.: 36 Year 2005 on Land Procurement for the Implementation of Development for Public Interest, it is deemed necessary to establish a Land Price Assessment Team for the Activities of Land Procurement for the Interest of Development of West Lampung Regency Government established by the Decree of the Regent;

With a view to : 1. Law No. 5 of 1960 on Basic Agrarian Regulations (State of Indonesia Year 1960 Number 104, Supplement to the Republic of Indonesia No. 2043);

2. Act No. 6 of 1991 on the Establishment of the Regency of West Lampung (Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1991 Number 64, Supplementary Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3452); 3. Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government (Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia, Year 2004 Number 125, Supplement to Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia, Number 4437) as has been several times amended the latest by Law Number 12 Year 2008 regarding the Second Amendment to Law No. 32 of 2004 on Local Government (Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2008 Number 59, Supplementary Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4844); 4. Government Regulation No. 6 of 1998 on the Coordination of Vertical Office in the ; 5. Government Regulation No. 38 of 2007 on the Division of Government Affairs between the Government, Provincial and Local Regency / Municipal Government District (Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2007 Number 82, Supplementary Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4737); 6. Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Year 2005 on Land Procurement for the Implementation of Development for Public Interest as amended by Presidential Regulation Number 65 Year 2006; 7. West Lampung District Regulation No. 8 of 2004 on Spatial Planning Areas of West Lampung Regency.

In due observance of : Regulation of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2007 on the Implementing Provisions Presidential Regulation Number 65 Year 2006 on Land Procurement for Implementation of Development for Public Interest.


To lay down :

FIRST : the setting up of a Land Price Assessment Team For the Activities of Land Procurement for the Interest of the Development of West Lampung Regency Government with the arrangement of personnel as contained in the attachment to this Decision. 31

SECOND : the Land Price Assessment Team referred to in the dictum FIRST shall conduct an assessment of land price based on the Tax Object Sale Value (NJOP) or real / true value with regard to NJOP of the current year, and can be guided by the following variables: 1 The location of land; 2. Status of land; 3. Designation / Allotment of land; 4. Conformity with land use planning or spatial planning of urban space or that has been there; 5. Facilities and infrastructure available; 6. Other factors affecting land prices. THIRD : The results of the assessment by the Team of the Land Price Assessment as defined in the above dictum One, shall be submitted to the Land Procurement Committee of West Lampung Regency to be used as the basis of consultation between government agencies that need the land with the land owners. FOURTH : All costs arising from the enactment of this decree is chargeable to the Regional Budget (APBD) of West Lampung Regency and / or agencies that require land for implementation of development for public interest, FIFTH : At the time this Decision shall come into force, the West Lampung Decision of the Regent of the West Lampung Regency No. B/98/KPTS/01/2010 March 12, 2009 on Land Price Assessment Team of West Lampung Regency Government shall be revoked and declared invalid. SIXTH : This decree shall come into force on the date specified provided that if in the future there are mistakes will be amended properly.

Stipulated in Liwa On February 3, 2010. REGENT OF WEST LAMPUNG



Copied to Yth. 1. Governor of Lampung 2. Head of the Regional House of People‟s Representatives of West Lampung Regency 3. Head of Regional Office of the National Land Agency of Lampung Province 4. Head of Bappeda of West Lampung Regency 5. Head of Agrarian Office of West Lampung Regency 6. Committee of Land Procurement of West Lampung Regency 7. The Set of Decisions of West Lampung Regent




Chairman : Advocates of the Legal Aid (LBH) of West Lampung

Secretary : Sub-section Head, Thematic and Potential of Land of West Lampung Regency Land Office

Members : 1. Notary / PPAT of West Lampung District

2. Secretary of the Agriculture Service of West Lampung Regency

3. Field staff of Cipta Karya (Directorate of Housing, Planning and Urban Development)

within the Public Works Department of West Lampung Regency





Liwa, 19 January 2011 To

No. : 01/TPT_LB/1/2011 The Regional Secretary of West Lampung Regency Encl. : One (1) duplicate Subject : Notification of land price

Further to the Letter of the Regional Secretary - West Lampung Regency Number: 050/24/III.02/2011 concerning requests for data on prices of land that is affected by the program of implementation of the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework (LARPF) and Western Indonesian National Road Improvement Project (WINRIP) which is west highway construction activities at the Krui-Biha segment above, we herewith submit a list of prices of land affected the above-mentioned program, based on the results of the inventory on the highest price based on most recent sales-purchases, sociological and cultural assessment and evaluation based on results from a secondary data source (Interpretation of price of Bank Danamon, Liwa branch, based in Liwa), the list of which is hereto attached.

List price of this land is the result of assessments that can be subject to change according to developments in the field.

So for their cooperation we thank you.



Ir. Lingga Kusuma, MP NIP. 19620125 19990 1 005


No. Sub-districts Pekon The Highest Price The Lowest Price (Rp.) (Rp.) 1. Pesisir Tengah 1. Pasar Krui 600.000 500.000 2. Kampung Jawa 300.000 250.000 3. Seray 250.000 125.000 4. War Redak 250.000 125.000 2. Krui Selatan 1. Mandiri Sejati 150.000 100.000 2. Balai Kencana 150.000 100.000 3. Padang Raya 150.000 100.000 4. Way Suluh 150.000 100.000 5. Wa Napal 150.000 100.000 6. Padang Haluan 150.000 100.000 7. Lintik 150.000 100.000 8. Sukajadi 150.000 100.000 9. Pamerihan 150.000 100.000 3. Pesisir Selatan 1. Tulung Bamban 90.000 70.000 2. N.R. Tanabang 100.000 75.000 3. Sukarame 90.000 70.000 4. Pelita jaya 75.000 45.000 5.SUmur jaya 100.000 95.000 6. Pagar Dalam 100.000 95.000 7. Tanjung Setia 175.000 100.000 8. Biha 12300.000 100.000



Ir. LINGGA KUSUMA, MP NIP 1962015 199903 1005



WEST LAMPUNG REGENCY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Jln. Teratai No. 6 Komplek Perkantoran Pemda Telp. (0728) 21115 LIWA 34812

Liwa, 14 Janury 2011 No. : 521 /25/II.07/2011 Encl. : one (1) copy Subject : Submission of Data

To : The Regent of West Lampung Cq. the Head of Bappeda In Liwa

Further to the Letter of the Secretariat of Regency of West Lampung Number: 050 / 24/III.02/2011 dated January 13, 2011 concerning the request for Data in connection with the implementation of the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework (LARPF) and the Western Indonesian National Road improvement Project (Winrip) which is the Development Activity of West Cross National Road at the Krui-Biha segment, we hereby submit the data referred to, from our work unit. Thus the above has been submited, thank you for your attention.

For and on behalf of the Head of Service Secretary Signed and Sealed Ir. Lingga Kusuma, MP NIP 196 2015 199203 1004


Office : Department of Agriculture of West Lampung Regency Data : Crop Replacement Price

No. Type of Plants Volume Price (Rp) A Hard Plant Group / Plantation I. 1 Coconut per stem (per batang) 150.000 2 Cacao per stem (per batang) 150.000 3 Clove per stem (per batang) 150.000 4 Sugar palm per stem (per batang) 100.000

II. Fruit Crop Group 1 Avocado per stem (per batang) 100.000 2 Belimbing per stem (per batang) 50.000 3 Duku per stem (per batang) 100.000 4 Durian per stem (per batang) 150.000 5 Pineapple per clump (per rumpun) 20.000 6 Jambu Air per stem (per batang) 75.000 7 Orange per stem (per batang) 50.000 8 Kedondong per stem (per batang) 50.000 9 Kelengkeng per stem (per batang) 75.000 10 Mango per stem (per batang) 100.000 11 Sirsak per stem (per batang) 25.000 12 Manggis per stem (per batang) 100.000 13 Nangka per stem (per batang) 100.000 14 Petai per stem (per batang) 50.000 15 Pisang per stem (per batang) 50.000 16 Rambutan per stem (per batang) 50.000 17 Sukun per stem (per batang) 50.000 18 Sawo per stem (per batang) 100.000

C Food Plant Group 1 Jagung per stem (per batang) 5.000 2 Padi sawah per clump (per rumpun) 5.000 3 Padi Ladang per clump (per rumpun) 5.000 Remarks : Price per stem / clump is based on the price of seed; the cost of maintenance and production estimates as well as the local price.

For and on behalf of the Head of Service Secretary






Liwa, January 2011

To : The Regent of West Lampung Cq. Bappeda of West Lampung Regency In - Liwa

COVERING LETTER No. : 600 /019/II.08/I/2011

No. Description Number Remarks

1. Based on the letter from the Regent of West 1 Sheet Lampung No. : 050/24/III.02/2011 on the subject of Request for Data (Data attached hereto)


Signed and Sealed

Drs. AZWAR MIZA NIP 19560704 197703 1 001



Office : Public Works Department Data : Transfer / Replacement Price for Building Construction

NO. TYPES OF GOODS / BUILDINGS VOLUME PRICE (Rp.) I Building 1 Permanent M2 2.653.000 * 2 Semi-permanent M2 1.857.000 ** 3 Non-permanent M2 1.326.500 ***

II FENCE 1 Permanent M2 1.284.700 * 2 Semi-permanent M2 906.290 ** 3 Non-permanent M2 647.350 *** Source : Unit Prices of State-Owned Buildings (known as HSBGN) of Lampung Province 2010.

Remarks : * Permanent Building Unit Price is the price of state houses per m2 ** Semi-permanent Building Unit Price is 70% of the price for permanent building. *** Non-permanent Building Unit Price is 50% of the price of semi-permanent building.


Signed and sealed

Drs. AZWAR MIZA NIP.19560704 197703 1 001



Minutes Workshop Regarding Land Acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework (LARPF) For Purposes of Preparatory Process for the Western Indonesia National Road Improvement Project (WINRIP)

Day /Date : Friday, 17 December 2010 Place : Meeting Room of the Regional Secretariat of West Lampung Regency Time : 09.30 Local Time to finish Chairman : Regional Secretary of West Lampung Regency Attendees : Attached Agenda : Workshop on Land Acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework (LARPF) For the Preparatory Process for Western Indonesia National Road Improvement Project (WINRIP).

Events on Friday, is a continuation of LARPF Workshop For the Preparation Process of Western Indonesia National Road Improvement Project (WINRIP) especially for the Province of Lampung. The meeting was opened by Mr Nirlan - Secretary of Regency of West Lampung.

Broadly speaking the course of the meeting discussed about Overview of Western Indonesia National Road Improvement Project (WINRIP) presented by Mr. Ir. Slamet Mulyono, MengSe of Sub Directorate of General Planning Program. Presentation on ISMR by Ir. Agung of Sub Directorate of Environmental Engineering and Road Safety - Directorate of Engineering. After a brief opening by the leader of the event it was followed by question and answer session, and the majority of participants asked about the Acquisition of land. The input and the points of our discussion are summarized as follows:

a. Public Works Department Asked for explanations related to the role of local government specifically with the presence of the sub- district heads they would understand and could implement the work program for the future in giving supports for this project plan. West Lampung regency is a disaster-prone area so that this project requires special attention.

b. Lemo Sub-district Related to Tau Way bridge construction plan, it was suggested that the Project Affected People (PTP) should not be made as the losers. In addition, the input for the construction of the Way Tau bridge of which the condition requires immediate handling given its existing conditions.

c. Environment Agency of the provisions that have been presented by resource persons, who later that will do the related documents and environmental studies should not only be conducted per segment, but at the macro level of cross-west.


d. General Government Section It is needed to socialize to the PTP (project-affected residents), as well as questioning who is going to socialize the project plan related to the public. Related to the social aspect, that people need to be given employment opportunities in the project plan. e. Sub Directorate of Environmental Engineering, Directorate of Technical Guidance The study would be conducted with the model per segment because it was a mutual agreement. That input from BLH West Lampung District to study at a macro way was a good input. f. West Lampung Regency Secretary Local Government fully supports the plan in order to succeed in this project. What needed to be discussed later on is how the work plan and implementation time of follow-up activities should be conducted Local Government.

Thus we have submitted the above and thank you for your attention.



On Friday, December 17, 2010 a Workshop on Land Acquisition and Resettlement Policy Framework (LARPF) was held To Process Preparation for the Western Indonesia National Road Improvement Project (WINRIP) taking place in the Meeting Room of Secretariat of West Lampung Regency. The meeting was opened by Mr. Nirlan, Secretary of Regency of West Lampung. The meeting was attended by representatives from the Public Works Department of Lampung Province, Representative of the Directorate General of Highways, Large Hall (Balai Besar) for the Implementation of Roads II, Representative of the Department / Related Agencies of West Lampung Regency, sub district officials around the Krui-Biha region (List attached).

Broadly speaking the course of the meeting discussed about Overview of Western Indonesia National Road Improvement Project (WINRIP) presented by Mr. Ir. Slamet Mujono. MengSc. of Sub-Directorate of the General Planning within the Directorate of Program Development. Presentation of ISMR by Agung, ST from the Sub- Directorate of Environmental Engineering and Road Safety. After the presentation, the event was followed by a question and answer session, and the majority of participants asked about the Land Acquisition (Meeting Minutes attached).

Thus the above has been conveyed.

Head of Planning and Supervision Division West Lampung Regency Secretary BBP JN II Signed Signed

Ir. Harry Laksmanto Nirlan



WEST LAMPUNG REGENCY GOVERNMENT REGIONAL SECRETARY Jl. Raden Intan II No. 1 Way Mengaku, Liwa 345811 Telephone (0728) 21747 Fax (0728) 21139 OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM Dear. : Mr. Regent of West Lampung Through Mr. Regency Secretary From : Head of the Public Administration of the Regional Secretariat of West Lampung Number : 590/033 / 01/2011 Date : January 27, 2011 Subject : Reports on the Socialization of the planned expansion of Road

Based on the West Lampung Regent‟s Instruction Number B/Sprint/0.a/01/2011 dated January 13, 2011, regarding the Socialization of Roads Expansion plans, herewith we report the results of the socialization as follows: I. Materials for socialization on Road Expansion along 25 km from Pasar Krui of Pesisir Tengah Sub-district up to the Krui Selatan Sub-district areas dan Pesisir Selatan of West Lampung Regency. II. Socialization Objectives 1. Provide information about the planned expansion of the road in three (3) Sub-districts whose territory would be affected by the program. 2. To raise awareness amongst the public that with the addition of an area of the road in their area there will be benefits to the welfare of the community. 3. Provide information to Pekon (village) authorities that with the addition of the Krui- Biha road area along the 25 km of their area there will be many buildings affected by the program. 4. Provide information about the impact caused by the road expansion program along Krui-Biha road. III. Follow Up 1. The price of land compensation will be discussed by the Land Price Assessment Team of West Lampung Regency based NJOP, market price and the price set by the Bank. 2. The requirement for land for widening the road will still be reviewed by the Ministry of Public Works in terms of managing / straightening the road with an area of 6.5 meters from Axis of road to the left and 6.5 meters to the right of the road with the overall width of 134 M, along 25 km o which would be released. 3. Status of land which is planned for the local community Freehold, the data on the ownership and the extent of each land owner will be inventoried by the BPN and assisted by the Sub-districts and the local village device. 4. The location of along 25 km represents land for Plantation, yards, homes, rice fields and a shop / place of business community. IV. Thus this has been the report we have submitted to you. Thank you.



IMTIZAL S. Sos BUILDER NIP 19570710 198003 1006



Agenda : Socialization Sub-district : Pesisir Selatan Day /Date : Thursday, 13 January 2011




Day : Thursday Date : 13 January 2011




Agenda : Socialization Sub-district : Pesisir Selatan Day /Date : Thursday, 13 January 2011 No. NAME POSITION SIGNATURE



Day : Thursday Date : 13 January 2011




PMU WINRIP Grievance redress mechanism of LARAP implementation Process

PAPs - Bappeda M - Head of Satker P2JJ (Sub project

O manager) N - LAC - Monitoring Team I Within 12 working T O Investigation conducted by days Bappeda & Satker R I N Consultation G with PAPs

Agreement with PAPs

Local disclosure




No Description Explanation

A. Venue of Meeting

B Objective of Meeting

C Those present from the project (the proponent)

D Community members in attendance:

• Community leaders who attended

• Residents

• The number of those present

E Issues that arise (can be any question or whatever)

F Agreed follow-up



LARAP IMPLEMENTATION OF MONTHLY MONITORING FOR Regency / : ……………… Sub-project: …………………… Reporting period : …………….

Aktivities Work Plan of LARAP Progress Report 1 Notes Date Target Progress/ status Issues & follow-up plan on field CONSULTATION Compensation2 Attach : copy of minutes of agreement IMPLEMENTATION 1. Payment for compensation / Attach :copy of receipt insurance compensation/severance pay including relocation expenses 2. Location and relocation preparatory works for : Number of houses Number of Kiosks / Stall

3.other activities

1 If the column is not sufficient, please use additional sheet. 2 Consultation for compensation has to do with (i) market price, (ii) compensation payment schedule, and (iii) ownership of assets, magnitude and form of compensation



The Government of Lampung Barat District Secretary of the District Jl. Raden Intan II No. 1 Way Mengaku, Liwa 34811 Phone (0728) 21747 Fax (0728) 21139 Liwa, March 11, 2011

No.: 590/375/01/2011 Attachment: 1 (one) bundle Re : Announcement of Project Affected People

Head of Sub-District Krui Selatan In Lampung Barat District

With regard to the implementation of land acquisition for the Biha-Krui road betterment for 25 km under WINRIP AWP 01, we request your assistance to announce the list of people affected by the road betterment project as attached, which details the affected asset of land, building, plant or others.

Please put the list on the announcement board in your sub district office.

Thank you for your assistance.

On behalf of the Bupati of Lampung Barat For the Secretary of the District Assistant of Economy and Develpoment

Signed and sealed

Ir. Khairul Anwar NIP. 19560412 197903 1 010

Cc: Bupati and Vice Bupati of Lampung Barat (as a report)


The Government of Lampung Barat District Secretary of the District Jl. Raden Intan II No. 1 Way Mengaku, Liwa 34811 Phone (0728) 21747 Fax (0728) 21139 Liwa, March 11, 2011

No.: 590/375/01/2011 Attachment: 1 (one) bundle Re : Announcement of Project Affected People

Head of Sub-District Pesisir Selatan In Lampung Barat District

With regard to the implementation of land acquisition for the Biha-Krui road betterment for 25 km under WINRIP AWP 01, we request your assistance to announce the list of people affected by the road betterment project as attached, which details the affected asset of land, building, plant or others.

Please put the list on the announcement board in your sub district office.

Thank you for your assistance.

On behalf of the Bupati of Lampung Barat For the Secretary of the District Assistant of Economy and Develpoment

Signed and sealed

Ir. Khairul Anwar NIP. 19560412 197903 1 010

Cc: Bupati and Vice Bupati of Lampung Barat (as a report)


The Government of Lampung Barat District Secretary of the District Jl. Raden Intan II No. 1 Way Mengaku, Liwa 34811 Phone (0728) 21747 Fax (0728) 21139 Liwa, March 11, 2011

No.: 590/375/01/2011 Attachment: 1 (one) bundle Re : Announcement of Project Affected People

Head of Sub-District Pesisir Tengah In Lampung Barat District

With regard to the implementation of land acquisition for the Biha-Krui road betterment for 25 km under WINRIP AWP 01, we request your assistance to announce the list of people affected by the road betterment project as attached, which details the affected asset of land, building, plant or others.

Please put the list on the announcement board in your sub district office.

Thank you for your assistance.

On behalf of the Bupati of Lampung Barat For the Secretary of the District Assistant of Economy and Develpoment

Signed and sealed

Ir. Khairul Anwar NIP. 19560412 197903 1 010

Cc: Bupati and Vice Bupati of Lampung Barat (as a report)












1. Background.

In the Sub-district of Pesisir Selatan, the numbers of population are approximately 21,107 people; while in the sub-district of Krui Selatan are 9,256 people. The main economic activity of the majority of the villagers in both sub-districts is the agriculture, they work in their own plantations (cacao, pepper, coffee) and rice field (which receives water from the rain), a small number of people work as fishermen. Improvement of roads condition is these sub-districts is a very important need, not only for facilitating the transportation for access to basic services; but also for preventing traffic accidents and improve safety measures. On this regard, under the plan to widen the existing width of Krui-Biha link which will be financed by a loan from the World Bank under WINRIP project to widen the carriageway width from 4.5 m to 7 m, thus an adjustment to the Way Magnai bridge is necessary. The construction of the new bridge is required due to the existing bridge condition is not sufficient anymore to handle the traffic. Existing bridge is categorized as Class C with 4.5 m carriageway width (see Annex 1 Map of Bridge Plan).

The construction for the duplication of Way Magnai Bridge with a carriageway width of 7 m, sidewalk 1 m on each side, length of span of 2 x 40 m, concrete pile foundation with a diameter of 0.40 m, and precast concrete span, located in the border of Pekon (village) Tulung Bamban in the sub-district of Pesisir Selatan and Pekon Mandiri Sejati in the sub-district of Krui Selatan is a connection for the national road of Krui-Biha link (with a length of 25.040 km). The construction of the new bridge requires land acquisition.

2. Land Acquisition Process. The process started since September 2010 when the DIPA proposal for FY 2011 was issued, where the new construction of the duplication was proposed. Socialization and coordination were done continuously between DGH with the local government official in sub-district and village, while at the same time also to the community. Based on several meetings and visits in coordination done with the head of the village, information was obtained that there will be 3 land owners affected by the 58

project. It was also identified that no building in the location will be affected, either permanent or semi/non permanent, and no people need to be relocated. The sub- project manager (PPK) reconfirmed the ownership of the land with the land owners. The payment was planned to be done in the fiscal year 2010 so that no remaining issue for the implementation in the fiscal year 2011, however the lengthy process due to administrative internal processes, made the plan went beyond 2010 and continued in February 2011 with the negotiation of the price until consensus was achieved with the project affected people on March 8, 2011. Payment for the land was conducted on April 11, 2011 and received by the project affected people on April 19, 2010 through Bank BRI from the KPKN. Detail of chronology is shown in Annex 2.

3. Inventory/Socialization of Affected Asset Due to the Bridge Construction. In accordance with the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 58/PMK.2/2008 regarding the cost for Land Acquisition Committee for Construction of Public Oriented Purposes with an area of less than 1 hectare (small scale) can be done directly through direct purchase, exchange or other method agreed by all parties involved. The inventory was started by contacting the head of sub-districts of Pesisir Selatan and Krui Selatan, continued by contacting the head of Tulung Bamban and Mandiri sejati villages to schedule a meeting with the community who lives in the surrounding area of the Way Magnai bridge. After the meeting with the community has been done, a land survey was conducted in the field which measured a 5,926 m2 of land will be required for the construction of the bridge and that land belongs to 3 owners, namely bapak Hi. Buyon, ibu Yeni Elya (Widawati) and bapak Hasnal. The project affected land lies in parallel on both side of the river. The land that belongs to bapak Hasnal is a vacant and non-productive land which has several coconut trees, the land is not suitable for agriculture since no other plant of economic value can be cultivated. The land that belongs to bapak Hi. Buyon and ibu Yeni Elya is a rice/paddy field which receives water from the rain and is usually harvested 2 times a year, however frequent flooding have been experienced during high tide and heavy rain. Other than his rice fields, Bapak Hi. Buyon also owns coffee and coconut plantation in other location. While ibu Yeni Elya (Widawati), besides owning her rice fields, she 59

is a civil officer in the sub-district of Pesisir Selatan, while bapak Hasnal has a profession as a fisherman.

4. Compensation Process. The price for land compensation was agreed after several meeting/negotiation with the 3 project affected people and some community leaders, which was facilitated by the Peratin Pekon Tulung Bamban, Peratin Pekon Mandiri Sejati and from the sub- district office was represented by the Secretary of the Sub-districts. The meeting was held in the house of the head of Tulung Bamban village. We asked the people around the location for the market price of the land, the official value of tax object (Nilai jual Obyek Pajak, NJOP) from the village/sub-districts and we compare with the price provided by the LARAP consultant where the range of land price is between Rp 45.000 to Rp 500.000 on that location, thus we can accept the requested price of Rp. 50.000,-/m2 from the project affected people. Please refer to annex 6 of the LARAP Krui – Biha for the land estimate price. Therefore, on March 8, 2011 we reached agreement for the land compensation price of Rp. 50.000,-/m2 Several witnesses who attended the agreement are some people from the local community, DGH staff from the Balai, and a representative from the sub-district office. The 3 project affected people signed a letter about their acceptance to the negotiated price. Minutes of meeting and the list of participants are provided in Annex 3.

Summary Table of Project Affected People and Assets No. Description Unit

A. Number of PAPs 3 person

B Land Acquired

1. Area 5.926 m2

2. Owner if the land

a. Individual 5.926 m2


b. Government/Public -

3. Number of land owner whose land:

a. Wholly acquired 1 person

b. Partly acquired 2 person

C. Affected building:

a. Whole -

b. Part -

1. Individual Building Owner

a. Permanent -

b. Semi Permanent -

c. Non Permanen/Termporary -

d. Permanent Fence/Wall -

e. Semi Permanent Fence -

f. Non Permanent/Wooden Fence -

2. Institution/Public Building Owner

a. Permanent Fence/Wall -

3. Plant

a. Jambu Air -

b. Banana -

c. Soursop -

d. Starfruit -


e. Avocado -

f. Longan -

g. Mango -

h. Coconut 12 trees

i. Rice -

5. Responsible Institution The land acquisition team consists of 5 people namely the head of the sub-district (as the leader), head of the village, community leader, and 2 staff of the project, each as the team member. The task of the team is to conduct socialization, inventory, negotiation and payment to the project affected people.

6. Grievance Mechanism should be the same as stipulated in the LARAP of Krui – Biha.


1. Characteristics of DED drawings/ Project location map 2. Chronology of main events 3. Minutes and list of participants 4. Receipts and letters of agreements 5. Letter on the Establishment of the Land Acquisition Team.







1. 02 December 2010 Socialization to the community in the location of Way Magnai bridge House of the Head of Village Tulung Bamban

2. 08 December 2010 Site visit to Way Magnai bridge followed by land measurement and field Way Magnai bridge identification together with the land owners, community leaders, head of villages of Tulung Bamban and Mandiri Sejati. House of the Head of Village Tulung 3. 15 February 2011 Meeting on the Negotiation of Compensation Price Bamban

4. 08 March 2011 Meeting on the Agreement of Compensation Price House of the Head of Village Tulung Bamban

5. 11 April 2011 Payment of Compensation to Land Acquisition House of the Head of Village Tulung Bamban and house of the Head of Village Mandiri Sejati

6. 13 April 2011 Request for Payment from Sub-project Manager to the Satker Bandar Lampung

7. 14 April 2011 Payment order from Satker to KPKN Bandar Lampung

Bandar Lampung, 12 April 2011 Sub-project Manager

SUPARDJONO, ST., MT NIP . 19580831 1989 1 004



Minutes of meeting on consensus and agreement of unit price and total compensation value for each property In the process of land acquisition for the construction of Way Magnai bridge No. 01/BA-HMK/GR-PL/2011

Today, Tuesday, the eight of March year two thousands eleven, a consensus has been conducted and an agreement has been reached on the unit price and compensation value for the land area for the construction of bridge in the Province of Lampung (Way Magnai bridge) with the implementation detail as follow: 1. The Parties involved in the meeting: 1.1. Name : Supardjono, ST, MT Position : Sub-project Manager of P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak-Sp. Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding Status in the meeting : Representative of the agency that required the land Address : Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No. 220 Teluk Betung – Bandar Lampung to be addressed as FIRST PARTY 1.2. Name : Hi. Buyon Place/Date of birth : Liwa, 07 July 1956 Status in the meeting : Individual, as the land owner to be compensated Address : Pekon Negeri Ratu Tenumbang, Pesisir Selatan To be addressed as SECOND PARTY 1.3. Name : 1.3.1. Raswan, SH, MM (Head of Sub-district of Pesisir Selatan) 1.3.2. Mas Agus (Head of Pekon Tulung Bamban) 1.3.3. ……………. (Community leader) To be addressed as THIRD PARTY 1.4. Name : 1.4.1. Misladi (from the project) 1.4.2. Effendi Kswari, SE (from the project) Status in the meeting : Witness of the meeting To be addressed as FOURTH PARTY 2. The legal umbrella for the meeting 2.1. Minister of Finance Regulation No. 58/PMK.02/2008 dated 23 April 2008 regarding the fee of Land Acquisition Committee/Team for the purpose of public interest 2.2. Head of the National Land Agency Regulation No. 3 year 2007 dated 21 May 2007 regarding Land Acquisition for the purpose of construction for public interest 2.3. Decree of Sub-project Manager No. 20/KPTS/P3KJJN-BPGLB/IV/2011 dated 01 April 2011 regarding the Establishment of team personnel for the identification and inventory of each compensation 2.4. Data from the identification and inventory of compensation of the land owner (Second party) 3. Time and venue of the meting 3.1. Meeting was conducted collectively on Tuesday, 08-03-2011, starting at 11.00 WIB until finished 3.2. Venue of the meeting is in the office of the head of Tulung Bamban village 4. Agenda of the meeting


4.1. FIRST PARTY provided information/explanation on the Way Magnai Bridge Duplication Plan, which required land acquisition in the first stage of the activity. 4.2. Land Acquisition process in the fiscal year 2011 is urgent considering the land requirement for the Way Magnai bridge is less than 1 (one) hectare, therefore the compensation process implementation is conducted directly. 4.3. All Compensation payment process will be paid directly to each of the land owner (SECOND PARTY) 4.4. Unit price for the land compensation must be agreed/negotiated between the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY to reach an agreement. 4.5. From the FIRST PARTY presentation and explanation which was responded by the SECOND PARTY, and the comments received from the THIRD and FOURTH PARTY, the issue of unit price for the compensation for the land 4.6. Result from the dialogue between parties involved in the meeting, FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, and suggestion/input from the FOURTH PARTY, therefore a consensus ha been reached with the detail as mentioned below. 5. Conclusion of the meeting 5.1. SECOND PARTY (Land owner) agree to the unit price for the building. Plant, and land unit price reached from the consensus and specifically is agreed by all parties (from the community, the project, sub-district, village, and all participants with the detail of compensation unit price on the land owned by the SECOND PARTY as follow: No Compensation Description Agreed Unit Price Signature of Owner 1. Land Rp. 50,000/m2 (signed)

5.2. The unit price and total value of compensation which will be received by the SECOND PARTY and FIRST PARTY is in accordance with the table above. No Compensation Volume Agreed Price Second Party Desciption Unit Quantity /M2 Total Agreement (Signature) 1. Land M2 1,326.00 50,000.00 Rp 66,300,000.00 (signed) Agreed total amount of compensation to be paid Rp 66,300,000.00 In words : (Sixty six million three hundred thousand rupiah)

5.3. The SECOND PARTY (land owner) agrees to points 5.1 and 5.2 above without force or under pressure from no one. 5.4. SECOND PARTY agrees to the Compensation Payment Process by the FIRST PARTY to be paid in cash/through bank account without any deduction. 5.5. SECOND PARTY is legally responsible if there will be any claims from other party on the status of ownership of the land which received compensation as mentioned in point 5.3 without involving or imposing burden to the FIRST PARTY. 5.6. SECOND PARTY will submit the administrative requirements related to land ownership or personal data (land certificate and photocopy of ID card)

This minutes is prepared and signed by each party, without any enforcement, threat or pressure from other party and to be used properly. Pesisir Selatan, on the above mentioned date SECOND PARTY FIRST PARTY (land owner) (agency that required land) Sub-project Manager Signed on stamp duty signed and stamped 67

Hi. Buyon Supardjono, ST. MT NIP 19580831 198903 1 004 THIRD PARTY 1. Raswan, SH, MM (Head of Sub-district of Pesisir Selatan) signed and stamped 2. Mas Agus (Head of Tulung Bamban Village) signed 3. Armen Q (Community Leader) signed FOURTH PARTY 1. Misladi (from the project) signed 2. Effendi Kuswari, SE (from the project) signed


Minutes of meeting on consensus and agreement of unit price and total compensation value for each property In the process of land acquisition for the construction of Way Magnai bridge No. 01/BA-HMK/GR-PL/2011

Today, Tuesday, the eight of March year two thousands eleven, a consensus has been conducted and an agreement has been reached on the unit price and compensation value for the land area for the construction of bridge in the Province of Lampung (Way Magnai bridge) with the implementation detail as follow: 1. The Parties involved in the meeting: 1.1. Name : Supardjono, ST, MT Position : Sub-project Manager of P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak-Sp. Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding Status in the meeting : Representative of the agency that required the land Address : Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No. 220 Teluk Betung – Bandar Lampung to be addressed as FIRST PARTY 1.2. Name : Yenni Elya Place/Date of birth : Tl. Bamban, 06 November 1964 Status in the meeting : Individual, as the land owner to be compensated Address : Sukajadi I Pekon Way Mengaku, Balik Bukit Kabupaten Lampung Barat To be addressed as SECOND PARTY 1.3. Name : 1.3.1. Raswan, SH, MM (Head of Sub-district of Pesisir Selatan) 1.3.2. Mas Agus (Head of Pekon Tulung Bamban) 1.3.3. ……………. (Community leader) To be addressed as THIRD PARTY 1.4. Name : 1.4.1. Misladi (from the project) 1.4.2. Effendi Kswari, SE (from the project) Status in the meeting : Witness of the meeting To be addressed as FOURTH PARTY 2. The legal umbrella for the meeting 2.1. Minister of Finance Regulation No. 58/PMK.02/2008 dated 23 April 2008 regarding the fee of Land Acquisition Committee/Team for the purpose of public interest 2.2. Head of the National Land Agency Regulation No. 3 year 2007 dated 21 May 2007 regarding Land Acquisition for the purpose of construction for public interest 2.3. Decree of Sub-project Manager No. 20/KPTS/P3KJJN-BPGLB/IV/2011 dated 01 April 2011 regarding the Establishment of team personnel for the identification and inventory of each compensation 2.4. Data from the identification and inventory of compensation of the land owner (Second party) 3. Time and venue of the meting 3.1. Meeting was conducted collectively on Tuesday, 08-03-2011, starting at 11.00 WIB until finished 3.2. Venue of the meeting is in the office of the head of Tulung Bamban village 4. Agenda of the meeting 69

4.1. FIRST PARTY provided information/explanation on the Way Magnai Bridge Duplication Plan, which required land acquisition in the first stage of the activity. 4.2. Land Acquisition process in the fiscal year 2011 is urgent considering the land requirement for the Way Magnai bridge is less than 1 (one) hectare, therefore the compensation process implementation is conducted directly. 4.3. All Compensation payment process will be paid directly to each of the land owner (SECOND PARTY) 4.4. Unit price for the land compensation must be agreed/negotiated between the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY to reach an agreement. 4.5. From the FIRST PARTY presentation and explanation which was responded by the SECOND PARTY, and the comments received from the THIRD and FOURTH PARTY, the issue of unit price for the compensation for the land 4.6. Result from the dialogue between parties involved in the meeting, FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, and suggestion/input from the FOURTH PARTY, therefore a consensus ha been reached with the detail as mentioned below. 5. Conclusion of the meeting 5.1. SECOND PARTY (Land owner) agrees to the unit price for the building. Plant, and land unit price reached from the consensus and specifically is agreed by all parties (from the community, the project, sub-district, village, and all participants with the detail of compensation unit price on the land owned by the SECOND PARTY as follow: No Compensation Description Agreed Unit Price Signature of Owner 1. Land Rp. 50,000/m2 (signed)

5.2. The unit price and total value of compensation which will be received by the SECOND PARTY and FIRST PARTY is in accordance with the table above. No Compensation Volume Agreed Price Second Party Desciption Unit Quantity /M2 Total Agreement (Signature) 1. Land M2 2,683.00 50,000.00 Rp 134,150,000.00 (signed) Agreed total amount of compensation to be paid Rp 134,150,000.00 In words : (One hundred thirty four million one hundred fifty thousand rupiah)

5.3. The SECOND PARTY (land owner) agrees to points 5.1 and 5.2 above without force or under pressure from no one. 5.4. SECOND PARTY agrees to the Compensation Payment Process by the FIRST PARTY to be paid in cash/through bank account without any deduction. 5.5. SECOND PARTY is legally responsible if there will be any claims from other party on the status of ownership of the land which received compensation as mentioned in point 5.3 without involving or imposing burden to the FIRST PARTY. 5.6. SECOND PARTY will submit the administrative requirements related to land ownership or personal data (land certificate and photocopy of ID card)

This minutes is prepared and signed by each party, without any enforcement, threat or pressure from other party and to be used properly. Pesisir Selatan, on the above mentioned date SECOND PARTY FIRST PARTY (land owner) (agency that required land) Sub-project Manager Signed signed and stamped 70

Yenni Elya Supardjono, ST. MT NIP 19580831 198903 1 004 THIRD PARTY 1. Raswan, SH, MM (Head of Sub-district of Pesisir Selatan) signed and stamped 2. Mas Agus (Head of Tulung Bamban Village) signed 3. Armen Q (Community Leader) signed FOURTH PARTY 1. Misladi (from the project) signed 2. Effendi Kuswari, SE (from the project) signed


Minutes of meeting on consensus and agreement of unit price and total compensation value for each property In the process of land acquisition for the construction of Way Magnai bridge No. 01/BA-HMK/GR-PL/2011

Today, Tuesday, the eight of March year two thousands eleven, a consensus has been conducted and an agreement has been reached on the unit price and compensation value for the land area for the construction of bridge in the Province of Lampung (Way Magnai bridge) with the implementation detail as follow: 1. The Parties involved in the meeting: 1.1. Name : Supardjono, ST, MT Position : Sub-project Manager of P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak-Sp. Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding Status in the meeting : Representative of the agency that required the land Address : Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No. 220 Teluk Betung – Bandar Lampung to be addressed as FIRST PARTY 1.2. Name : Hasnal Place/Date of birth : Tl. Bamban, 12 February 191 Status in the meeting : Individual, as the land owner to be compensated Address : Negeri Ratu Tenumbang Pesisir Selatan To be addressed as SECOND PARTY 1.3. Name : 1.3.1. A. Zulqoini Syarif, SH (Head of Sub-district of Krui Selatan) 1.3.2. Azhari Syafi‟ie (Head of Mandiri Sejati Village) 1.3.3. ……………. (Community leader) To be addressed as THIRD PARTY 1.4. Name : 1.4.1. Misladi (from the project) 1.4.2. Effendi Kswari, SE (from the project) Status in the meeting : Witness of the meeting To be addressed as FOURTH PARTY 2. The legal umbrella for the meeting 2.1. Minister of Finance Regulation No. 58/PMK.02/2008 dated 23 April 2008 regarding the fee of Land Acquisition Committee/Team for the purpose of public interest 2.2. Head of the National Land Agency Regulation No. 3 year 2007 dated 21 May 2007 regarding Land Acquisition for the purpose of construction for public interest 2.3. Decree of Sub-project Manager No. 20/KPTS/P3KJJN-BPGLB/IV/2011 dated 01 April 2011 regarding the Establishment of team personnel for the identification and inventory of each compensation 2.4. Data from the identification and inventory of compensation of the land owner (Second party) 3. Time and venue of the meting 3.1. Meeting was conducted collectively on Tuesday, 08-03-2011, starting at 11.00 WIB until finished 3.2. Venue of the meeting is in the office of the head of Tulung Bamban village 4. Agenda of the meeting 4.1. FIRST PARTY provided information/explanation on the Way Magnai Bridge Duplication Plan, which required land acquisition in the first stage of the activity.


4.2. Land Acquisition process in the fiscal year 2011 is urgent considering the land requirement for the Way Magnai bridge is less than 1 (one) hectare, therefore the compensation process implementation is conducted directly. 4.3. All Compensation payment process will be paid directly to each of the land owner (SECOND PARTY) 4.4. Unit price for the land compensation must be agreed/negotiated between the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY to reach an agreement. 4.5. From the FIRST PARTY presentation and explanation which was responded by the SECOND PARTY, and the comments received from the THIRD and FOURTH PARTY, the issue of unit price for the compensation for the land 4.6. Result from the dialogue between parties involved in the meeting, FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, and suggestion/input from the FOURTH PARTY, therefore a consensus ha been reached with the detail as mentioned below. 5. Conclusion of the meeting 5.1. SECOND PARTY (Land owner) agrees to the unit price for the building. Plant, and land unit price reached from the consensus and specifically is agreed by all parties (from the community, the project, sub-district, village, and all participants with the detail of compensation unit price on the land owned by the SECOND PARTY as follow: No Compensation Description Agreed Unit Price Signature of Owner 1. Land Rp. 50,000/m2 (signed) 2. Coconut Trees Rp. 75,000/tree

5.2. The unit price and total value of compensation which will be received by the SECOND PARTY and FIRST PARTY is in accordance with the table above. No Compensation Volume Agreed Price Second Party Desciption Unit Quantity /M2 Total Agreement (Signature) 1. Land M2 1,917.00 50,000.00 Rp 95,850,000.00 (signed) 2. Coconut Tree each 12.00 75,000.00 Rp 900,000.00 Agreed total amount of compensation to be paid Rp 96,750,000.00 In words : (Ninety six million seven hundred fifty thousand rupiah)

5.3. The SECOND PARTY (land owner) agrees to points 5.1 and 5.2 above without force or under pressure from no one. 5.4. SECOND PARTY agrees to the Compensation Payment Process by the FIRST PARTY to be paid in cash/through bank account without any deduction. 5.5. SECOND PARTY is legally responsible if there will be any claims from other party on the status of ownership of the land which received compensation as mentioned in point 5.3 without involving or imposing burden to the FIRST PARTY. 5.6. SECOND PARTY will submit the administrative requirements related to land ownership or personal data (land certificate and photocopy of ID card) This minutes is prepared and signed by each party, without any enforcement, threat or pressure from other party and to be used properly. Pesisir Selatan, on the above mentioned date SECOND PARTY FIRST PARTY (land owner) (agency that required land) Sub-project Manager Signed on stamp duty signed and stamped


Hasnal Supardjono, ST. MT NIP 19580831 198903 1 004 THIRD PARTY 1. A. Zulqoini Syarif, SH (Head of Sub-district of Krui Selatan) signed 2. Azhari Syafi‟ie (Head of Mandiri Sejati Village) signed 3. M. Sohir (Community Leader) signed FOURTH PARTY 1. Misladi (from the project) signed 2. Effendi Kuswari, SE (from the project) signed


List of Participants of Project Affected People for the Construction of Way Magnai Bridge Day : Tuesday evening, 8-3-2011

Requested price from the land owner is Rp 50,000/m2



Statement from Land Owner to be compensated on the area of road and bridge construction in the Province of Lampung

The undersigned as the candidate to receive compensation with personal identity: Name : Hi. Buyon Place/date of birth : Liwa, 07 July 1956 Occupation : Entrepreneur Address : Negeri Ratu Tenumbang Pesisir Selatan Lampung Barat

With regard to the plan of compensation payment in FY 2011 and as a candidate to receive the compensation, I hereby declare and confirm the following: 1. Up to the signing of this statement, I, as the legal owner of the land to be compensated in the construction of road and bridge in the province of Lampung in kabupaten Lampung Barat, have never received any compensation payment from other parties. 2. If during the payment implementation of compensation in the FY 2011, I received the compensation and other party claims or sue, thus I promise that: 2.1. I will take the responsibility to complete all claims or sue until finish without involving other party. 2.2. If in the future it is proved that I am not eligible to receive the compensation payment, I promise to return all the compensation payment that I receive during the FY 2011 to the Government in accordance to the regulation. 2.3. Ownership status, total volume and compensation price in the payment administrative data on my piece of property which has been measured and proposed, I will read and confirm for the correctness and if they are found to be correct then I will sign (I will receive the payment) but if they are not correct I will not sign (I will refuse the payment). 3. I sign this statement in healthy condition, without any enforcement from any party and if in the future it was found that my statement and promise above is not true then I am ready to be sued in the court and pay the relevant cost according to the law and regulation.

I sign this statement in healthy condition and to be used properly.

Pesisir Selatan,….. The person making statement and promise

Signed on stamp duty

Hi. Buyon


Head of Pesisir Selatan Sub-district Head of Tulung Bamban Village

Signed and stamped signed and stamped

Raswan, SH, MM Mas Agus


Ministry: Ministry of Public Works Proof No: Organization Unit: Directorate General of Highways Fiscal Year: 2011 Working Unit: National Road Implementation Region Sub Activity: 2409.08.411 III Province of Lampung Account: 531111 Activity: P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Bank: BRI Unit Krui Kotabumi Tampak-Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the Account No: 5659-01-012838-53-8 surrounding

RECEIPT Received from: Activity Authorized Budget User P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak-Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding

Total amount: Rp. 66,300,000.00

In words: Sixty six million three hundred thousand rupiah

For the payment of: Land compensation (land, bulding, plant) for the purpose of road and bridge construction in the Province of Lampung Tulung bamban village Pesisir Selatan sub- district Kabupaten Lampung Barat

No Compensation Volume/Unit Price Remarks Description Unit Total 1 Land 1,326 m2 Rp 50,000.00 Rp 66,300,000.00

TOTAL Rp 66,300,000.00

Pesisir Selatan,……

Witnesses, Head of Pesisir Selatan sub-district Head of Tulung Bamban village Land owner

Signed and stamped signed and stamped signed on stamp duty

Raswan, SH, MM Mas Agus Hi. Buyon NIP 19630625 198603 1 014

Paid by Authorized Budget User P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak-Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding

Signed and stamped

Supardjono, ST, MT NIP 19580831 198903 1 004


Minutes of handover and property release No:…/BAPPH/PL/BPGLB/III/2011 For the land and all things on the surface To support the implementation of road and bridge construction Province of Lampung

I, the undersigned:

Name: Hi. Buyon Place/Date of Birth: Liwa, 07 July 1956 Occupation: Entrepreneur Address: Tulung Bamban Village: Negeri Ratu Penumbang Sub-district: Pesisir Selatan Kabupaten: Lampung Barat

With this I submit and release the right on land property and all things on the surface with the compensation that I received for the Compensation unit price as agreed in the negotiation without enforcement from any party. The payment is witnessed by the head of Tulung Bamban village and the head of Pesisir Selatan sub-district in the Kabupaten Lampung Barat and the before mentioned land will be used by the Central Government to implement the construction of road and bridge in the kabupaten Lampung Barat, province of Lampung, and I as the receiver of compensation declare the following: 1. The detail of land compensation: No Compensation Volume/Unit Price (Rp) Remarks Description Unit Total 1 Land 1,326 m2 Rp 50,000.00 Rp 66,300,000.00

Total Rp 66,300,000.00

2. I promise that I will vacant the land and building within 7 (seven) calendar days starting since the signature of this minutes of handover and property release or since the receipt of compensation for the land. 3. With this I submit the land property rights and guarantee that the land as mentioned is free from any form of dispute with other party and my heirs will not have rights to claims the property of the land which have been compensated by the Government, the Implementation of Road and Bridge Construction Province of Lampung. 4. If in the future other party claims for the rights of the land as mentioned, it will be my full responsibility as the receiver of compensation to respond and complete the claims. 5. With regard to my statement in point 2 above, if on the deadline of 7 (seven) calendar days I have not vacant the mentioned lot, I have no objection to be resettled by the government or other party related to the implementation of Road and bridge construction province of Lampung. 6. The total amount of compensation that I receive as mentioned in point 1 above is the price of land which have been agreed between myself as the land owner with the representation from the project implementation of Road and bridge construction province of Lampung and witnessed by the head of Tulung Bamban village and the head of Pesisir Selatan sub-district.


7. I as the land owner to be compensated in the implementation of Road and bridge construction province of Lampung in the kabupaten Lampung Barat will not submit any claim which will change the unit price or total amount of compensation as mentioned in point 1 above. 8. In accordance with the minutes of agreed price that I have agreed that the compensation process will be conducted to the land, building and plant, and I as the valid land owner and have the right to receive the compensation promise that I will not claim other than the agreement. 9. If in the future any mistakes are found in the process of compensation payment that I receive (if it is not my right) than I promise that all the compensation amount that I receive will be returned back to the state treasury. Pesisir Selatan, To receive to release the right P3KJJN Activity Bts. Prov Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak Project affected person to receive Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding compensation (land owner)

Signed and stamped signed on stamp duty

Supardjono, ST, MT Hi. Buyon NIP 19580831 198903 1 004

Witnesses, Head of Pesisir Selatan sub-district Head of Tulung Bamban village

Signed and stamped signed and stamped


Statement from Land Owner to be compensated on the area of road and bridge construction in the Province of Lampung

The undersigned as the candidate to receive compensation with personal identity: Name : Yenni Elya Place/date of birth : Tulung Bamban, 08 November 1964 Occupation : Government officer Address : Sukajadi I Pekon Way Mengaku, Balik Bukit, Kabupaten Lampung Barat

With regard to the plan of compensation payment in FY 2011 and as a candidate to receive the compensation, I hereby declare and confirm the following: 4. Up to the signing of this statement, I, as the legal owner of the land to be compensated in the construction of road and bridge in the province of Lampung in kabupaten Lampung Barat, have never received any compensation payment from other parties. 5. If during the payment implementation of compensation in the FY 2011, I received the compensation and other party claims or sue, thus I promise that: 5.1. I will take the responsibility to complete all claims or sue until finish without involving other party. 5.2. If in the future it is proved that I am not eligible to receive the compensation payment, I promise to return all the compensation payment that I receive during the FY 2011 to the Government in accordance to the regulation. 5.3. Ownership status, total volume and compensation price in the payment administrative data on my piece of property which has been measured and proposed, I will read and confirm for the correctness and if they are found to be correct then I will sign (I will receive the payment) but if they are not correct I will not sign (I will refuse the payment). 6. I sign this statement in healthy condition, without any enforcement from any party and if in the future it was found that my statement and promise above is not true then I am ready to be sued in the court and pay the relevant cost according to the law and regulation.

I sign this statement in healthy condition and to be used properly.

Pesisir Selatan,….. The person making statement and promise


Yenni Elya


Head of Pesisir Selatan Sub-district Head of Tulung Bamban Village

Signed and stamped signed and stamped

Raswan, SH, MM Mas Agus


Ministry: Ministry of Public Works Proof No: Organization Unit: Directorate General of Highways Fiscal Year: 2011 Working Unit: National Road Implementation Region Sub Activity: 2409.08.411 III Province of Lampung Account: 531111 Activity: P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Bank: BRI Unit Krui Kotabumi Tampak-Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the Account No: 5659-01-012838-53-8 surrounding

RECEIPT Received from: Activity Authorized Budget User P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak-Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding

Total amount: Rp. 134,150,000.00

In words: One hundred thirty four million one hundred fifty thousand rupiah

For the payment of: Land compensation (land, bulding, plant) for the purpose of road and bridge construction in the Province of Lampung Tulung bamban village Pesisir Selatan sub- district Kabupaten Lampung Barat with the detail of compensation payment as follow:

No Compensation Volume/Unit Price Remarks Description Unit Total 1 Land 2,683 m2 Rp 50,000.00 Rp 134,150,000.00

TOTAL Rp 134,150,000.00

Pesisir Selatan,……

Witnesses, Head of Pesisir Selatan sub-district Head of Tulung Bamban village Land owner

Signed and stamped signed and stamped signed

Raswan, SH, MM Mas Agus Yenni Elya

Paid by Authorized Budget User P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak-Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding

Signed and stamped

Supardjono, ST, MT NIP 19580831 198903 1 004


Minutes of handover and property release No:…/BAPPH/PL/BPGLB/III/2011 For the land and all things on the surface To support the implementation of road and bridge construction Province of Lampung

I, the undersigned:

Name: Yenni Elya Place/Date of Birth: Tulung Bamban, 08 November 1964 Occupation: Government officer Address: Sukajadi I Pekon Way Mengaku, Balik Bukit Kabupaten Lampung Barat Village: Way Mengaku Sub-district: Balik Bukit Kabupaten: Lampung Barat

With this I submit and release the right on land property and all things on the surface with the compensation that I received for the Compensation unit price as agreed in the negotiation without enforcement from any party. The payment is witnessed by the head of Tulung Bamban village and the head of Pesisir Selatan sub-district in the Kabupaten Lampung Barat and the before mentioned land will be used by the Central Government to implement the construction of road and bridge in the kabupaten Lampung Barat, province of Lampung, and I as the receiver of compensation declare the following: 1. The detail of land compensation: No Compensation Volume/Unit Price (Rp) Remarks Description Unit Total 1 Land 2,683 m2 Rp 50,000.00 Rp 134,150,000.00

Total Rp 134,150,000.00

2. I promise that I will vacant the land and building within 7 (seven) calendar days starting since the signature of this minutes of handover and property release or since the receipt of compensation for the land. 3. With this I submit the land property rights and guarantee that the land as mentioned is free from any form of dispute with other party and my heirs will not have rights to claims the property of the land which have been compensated by the Government, the Implementation of Road and Bridge Construction Province of Lampung. 4. If in the future other party claims for the rights of the land as mentioned, it will be my full responsibility as the receiver of compensation to respond and complete the claims. 5. With regard to my statement in point 2 above, if on the deadline of 7 (seven) calendar days I have not vacant the mentioned lot, I have no objection to be resettled by the government or other party related to the implementation of Road and bridge construction province of Lampung. 6. The total amount of compensation that I receive as mentioned in point 1 above is the price of land which have been agreed between myself as the land owner with the representation from the project implementation of Road and bridge construction province of Lampung and witnessed by the head of Tulung Bamban village and the head of Pesisir Selatan sub-district.


7. I as the land owner to be compensated in the implementation of Road and bridge construction province of Lampung in the kabupaten Lampung Barat will not submit any claim which will change the unit price or total amount of compensation as mentioned in point 1 above. 8. In accordance with the minutes of agreed price that I have agreed that the compensation process will be conducted to the land, building and plant, and I as the valid land owner and have the right to receive the compensation promise that I will not claim other than the agreement. 9. If in the future any mistakes are found in the process of compensation payment that I receive (if it is not my right) than I promise that all the compensation amount that I receive will be returned back to the state treasury. Pesisir Selatan, To receive to release the right P3KJJN Activity Bts. Prov Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak Project affected person to receive Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding compensation (land owner)

Signed and stamped signed

Supardjono, ST, MT Yenni Elya NIP 19580831 198903 1 004

Witnesses, Head of Pesisir Selatan sub-district Head of Tulung Bamban village

Signed and stamped signed and stamped


Statement from Land Owner to be compensated on the area of road and bridge construction in the Province of Lampung

The undersigned as the candidate to receive compensation with personal identity: Name : Hasnal Place/date of birth : Tl. Bamban, 12 February 1951 Occupation : Farmer Address : Negeri Ratu Tenumban Pesisir Selatan Kabupaten Lampung Barat

With regard to the plan of compensation payment in FY 2011 and as a candidate to receive the compensation, I hereby declare and confirm the following: 1. Up to the signing of this statement, I, as the legal owner of the land to be compensated in the construction of road and bridge in the province of Lampung in kabupaten Lampung Barat, have never received any compensation payment from other parties. 2. If during the payment implementation of compensation in the FY 2011, I received the compensation and other party claims or sue, thus I promise that: 2.1. I will take the responsibility to complete all claims or sue until finish without involving other party. 2.2. If in the future it is proved that I am not eligible to receive the compensation payment, I promise to return all the compensation payment that I receive during the FY 2011 to the Government in accordance to the regulation. 2.3. Ownership status, total volume and compensation price in the payment administrative data on my piece of property which has been measured and proposed, I will read and confirm for the correctness and if they are found to be correct then I will sign (I will receive the payment) but if they are not correct I will not sign (I will refuse the payment). 3. I sign this statement in healthy condition, without any enforcement from any party and if in the future it was found that my statement and promise above is not true then I am ready to be sued in the court and pay the relevant cost according to the law and regulation.

I sign this statement in healthy condition and to be used properly.

Mandiri Sejati,….. The person making statement and promise

Signed on stamp duty



Head of Krui Selatan Sub-district Head of Mandiri Sejati Village

Signed and stamped signed and stamped

A. Zulqoini Syarif, SH Azhari Syafi‟ie NIP 19580914 19921221 1 001


Ministry: Ministry of Public Works Proof No: Organization Unit: Directorate General of Highways Fiscal Year: 2011 Working Unit: National Road Implementation Region Sub Activity: 2409.08.411 III Province of Lampung Account: 531111 Activity: P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Bank: BRI Unit Krui Kotabumi Tampak-Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the Account No: 5659-01-012838-53-8 surrounding

RECEIPT Received from: Activity Authorized Budget User P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak-Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding

Total amount: Rp. 96,750,000.00

In words: Ninety six million seven hundred fifty thousand rupiah

For the payment of: Land compensation (land, bulding, plant) for the purpose of road and bridge construction in the Province of Lampung Mandiri Sejati village Krui Selatan sub- district Kabupaten Lampung Barat Village: Pekon Mandiri Sejati Sub-district: Krui Selatan Kabupaten: Lampung barat with the detail of compensation payment as follow:

No Compensation Volume/Unit Price Remarks Description Unit Total 1 Land 2,683 m2 Rp 50,000.00 Rp 95,850,000.00 2 Coconut trees 12 trees Rp 75,000.00 Rp 900,000.00 TOTAL Rp 96,750,000.00

Pesisir Selatan,……

Witnesses, Head of Krui Selatan sub-district Head of Mandiri Sejati village Land owner

Signed and stamped signed and stamped signed on stamp duty

A. Zulqoini Syarif, SH Azhari Syafi‟ie Hasnal NIP 19580914 19921221 1 001

Paid by Authorized Budget User P3KJJN Bts. Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak-Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding

Signed and stamped

Supardjono, ST, MT NIP 19580831 198903 1 004


Minutes of handover and property release

No:…/BAPPH/PL/BPGLB/III/2011 For the land and all things on the surface To support the implementation of road and bridge construction Province of Lampung

I, the undersigned:

Name: Hasnal Place/Date of Birth: Tl. Bamban, 12 Februari 1951 Occupation: Farmer Address: Pesisir Selatan Village: Negeri Ratu Tenumbang Sub-district: Pesisir Selatan Kabupaten: Lampung Barat

With this I submit and release the right on land property and all things on the surface with the compensation that I received for the Compensation unit price as agreed in the negotiation without enforcement from any party. The payment is witnessed by the head of Mandiri Sejati village and the head of Krui Selatan sub-district in the Kabupaten Lampung Barat and the before mentioned land will be used by the Central Government to implement the construction of road and bridge in the kabupaten Lampung Barat, province of Lampung, and I as the receiver of compensation declare the following: 1. The detail of land compensation: No Compensation Volume/Unit Price (Rp) Remarks Description Unit Total 1 Land 1,1917 m2 Rp 50,000.00 Rp 95,850,000.00 2 Coconut Tree 12 trees Rp 75,000.00 Rp 900,000.00 Total Rp 96,750,000.00

2. I promise that I will vacant the land and building within 7 (seven) calendar days starting since the signature of this minutes of handover and property release or since the receipt of compensation for the land. 3. With this I submit the land property rights and guarantee that the land as mentioned is free from any form of dispute with other party and my heirs will not have rights to claims the property of the land which have been compensated by the Government, the Implementation of Road and Bridge Construction Province of Lampung. 4. If in the future other party claims for the rights of the land as mentioned, it will be my full responsibility as the receiver of compensation to respond and complete the claims. 5. With regard to my statement in point 2 above, if on the deadline of 7 (seven) calendar days I have not vacant the mentioned lot, I have no objection to be resettled by the government or other party related to the implementation of Road and bridge construction province of Lampung. 6. The total amount of compensation that I receive as mentioned in point 1 above is the price of land which have been agreed between myself as the land owner with the representation from the project implementation of Road and bridge construction province of Lampung and witnessed by the head of Mandiri Sejati village and the head of Krui Selatan sub-district Kabupaten Lampung Barat. 86

7. I as the land owner to be compensated in the implementation of Road and bridge construction province of Lampung in the kabupaten Lampung Barat will not submit any claim which will change the unit price or total amount of compensation as mentioned in point 1 above. 8. In accordance with the minutes of agreed price that I have agreed that the compensation process will be conducted to the land, building and plant, and I as the valid land owner and have the right to receive the compensation promise that I will not claim other than the agreement. 9. If in the future any mistakes are found in the process of compensation payment that I receive (if it is not my right) than I promise that all the compensation amount that I receive will be returned back to the state treasury. Krui Selatan, To receive to release the right P3KJJN Activity Bts. Prov Bengkulu-Pugung Tampak Project affected person to receive Sp.Gunung Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding compensation (land owner)

Signed and stamped signed on stamp duty

Supardjono, ST, MT Hasnal NIP 19580831 198903 1 004 Witnesses, Head of Krui Selatan sub-district Head of Mandiri Sejati village

Signed and stamped signed and stamped



Ministry of Public Works Directorate General of Highways Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan nasional III Satker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II Province of Lampung P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung-Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding Address: Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No. 220 Telp/Fax (0721) 487999 Bandar Lampung 35215 Email: [email protected]

Decree of the Sub-project Manager of P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung- Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding in the Satker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II Province of Lampung Number: 21/KPTS/P3KJJN.BPGLP/III/2011

Regarding the honorarium for the Land Inventory Team for the Implementation of Acquisition of P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung-Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala- Liwa-Biha and the surrounding in the Fiscal Year 2011

The Sub-project Manager for the of P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung- Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding

Considering : That for the continuity of Land Acquisition Implementation on the Satker Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II Province of Lampung of P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung-Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding on Way Magnai bridge, a decree from the sub-project manager needs to be formalized.

Remembering : 1. The Minister of Public Works regulation No. 641/KPTS/M/2010 dated 30 December 2010 regarding the appointment of Atasan Kepala Satuan Kerja, Pembantu Atasan I, Pembantu Atasan II, Atasan Langsung Kepala Koordinator Wilayah, Kepala Satuan Kerja/Satuan kerja Sementara, Atasan Langsung Kepala Satuan Kerja/Satuan kerja Sementara, Pejabat Inti Satuan Kerja/Satuan Kerja Sementara, Penanggungjawab Unit Akuntansi dan Struktur Organisasi Satuan Kerja located in the region, Satuan Kerja Sementara located in the region and Satuan Kerja located in the Central within the Ministry of Public Works in 2011, 2. DIPA of Satuan Kerja Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional Wilayah II Provinsi Lampung No: 2705/033-04.1.01/7/2011, dated 20 December 2010


First : to provide honorarium for the Land Inventory Team for the Implementation of Acquisition of P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung-Tampak- Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding with the personnel as mentioned in the attachment to this letter. Second : The main function of the land inventory team is to coordinate with the related dinas/institution and perform inventory of the land owner, area, and plant to be compensated to the project affected people in the road link of P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung-Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding on the Way Magnai bridge 88

Third : All fee occurred as the result of this decree will be charged to the DIPA of Satuan Kerja Pelaksana Jalan nasional Wilayah II Province of Lampung P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung-Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala- Liwa-Biha and the surrounding on the Way Magnai bridge in the fiscal year 2011, as long as the fee is possible. Fourth : This decision applies from the date of signature with the condition that all can be revised and corrected as required if any mistake is found.

Decreed in : Bandar Lampung On the date : 17 march 2011 Sub-project Manager

Signed and stamped

Supardjono, ST. MT NIP 19580831 198903 1 004


Attachment I : Decree of the sub-project manager P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu- Pugung-Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding Number : 21/KPTS/P3KJJN- BPGLB/III/2011 Date : 17 March 2011

Honorarium for the Land Inventory Team for the Implementation of Acquisition Sub-project Manager of P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung-Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding Way Magnai Bridge Fiscal Year 2011

No Name Kab/Kota Remarks

A. Responsible Team

1. Raswan, SH, MM Rp. 350,000.00 Team Leader 2. Mas Agus 3. Armen Qodar Rp. 250,000.00 Secretary

Rp. 250,000.00 Member

B Technical Team Measurement and Inventory

1. Misladi Rp. 250,000.00 Member 2. Effendi Kuswari Rp. 250,000.00 Identification

Bandar Lampung, 17 March 2011 Sub-project Manager Signed and stamped Supardjono, ST. MT NIP 19580831 198903 1 004


Attachment II : Decree of the sub-project manager P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu- Pugung-Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding Number : 21/KPTS/P3KJJN- BPGLB/III/2011 Date : 17 March 2011

Honorarium for the Land Inventory Team for the Implementation of Acquisition Sub-project Manager of P3KJJN Activity, Batas Prov. Bengkulu-Pugung-Tampak-Sp.Gn. Kemala-Liwa-Biha and the surrounding Way Magnai Bridge Fiscal Year 2011

No Name Kab/Kota Remarks

A. Responsible Team

1. A. Zulqoini Syarif, SH Rp. 350,000.00 Team Leader 2. Azhari Syafi‟ie 3. Mesrawan Rp. 250,000.00 Secretary

Rp. 250,000.00 Member

B Technical Team Measurement and Inventory

1. Misladi Rp. 250,000.00 Member 2. Effendi Kuswari Rp. 250,000.00 Identification

Bandar Lampung, 17 March 2011 Sub-project Manager Signed and stamped Supardjono, ST. MT NIP 19580831 198903 1 004