International Journal of Open Medicine and surgery Review | Vol 1 Iss 1 Parasitic Lung Diseases Death and Dilemma Raghavendra Rao M.V*1, Abrar A khan2, Vijaya Kumar C3, Badam Aruna Kumari4, Mohammed Khaleel5, Mohammed Ismail Nizami6, Jithendra K.Naik7,Mahendra Kumar Verma8 *1Scientist-Emeritus, and Director of Central research laboratory, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Hyderabad, TS, India. 2Dean, American University School of Medicine Aruba, Central America. 3Professor, Department of Pulmonology, Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. 4Associate Professor, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Apollo Institute of Medical sciences and Research, Hyderabad, TS, India. 5Professor of Microbiology, Clinical & Diagnostic Microbiologist, Department of Microbiology, Deccan college of Medical Science, Hyderabad, TS, India. 6Department of Emergency Medicine NIMS, Punjagutta, Hyderabad, TS, India. 7Department of Zoology, University college of Science,Osmania University. 8Department of Biotechnology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, AP, India *Corresponding author: Dr. M. V.Raghavendra Rao, Scientist-Emeritus and Director of Central research laboratory, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India, E-Mail:
[email protected] Received: 14 July 2020 Accepted: 19 July 2020 Published: 25 July 2020 Abstract Warm countries are the worm countries. We are living in the"Wormy world" "Delays have dangerous ends" We take our breathing and our respiratory health for granted, but the lung is a vital organ that is vulnerable to airborne infection and injury. The parasites produce toxic metabolites and increase eosinophilic eosinophils induce tissue damage. protozoans, Nematodes and Trematodes affect the lungs. Echinococcus produces hydatid cysts.