PIEnvISFSIPEm Resource From: Keegan, Elaine Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 3:36 PM To: Trefethen, Jean Subject: Prairie Island Section1-8 Correspondence.doc Attachments: Prairie Island Section1-8 Correspondence.doc Hi Jean, The attached file is Section 1.8 from the Supplement 39 to NUREG-1437, the SEIS for Prairie Island license renewal. The list is everyone who received letters about license renewal, including the Indian tribes. I will also send a copy of the letter transmitting the draft to the licensee, which has the addresses of all who received letters. Elaine 1 Hearing Identifier: Prairie_Island_Env_ISFSI_Public Email Number: 77 Mail Envelope Properties (94A2A4408AC65F42AC084527534CF41673F3343347) Subject: Prairie Island Section1-8 Correspondence.doc Sent Date: 3/27/2012 3:36:20 PM Received Date: 3/27/2012 3:36:21 PM From: Keegan, Elaine Created By:
[email protected] Recipients: "Trefethen, Jean" <
[email protected]> Tracking Status: None Post Office: HQCLSTR01.nrc.gov Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 376 3/27/2012 3:36:21 PM Prairie Island Section1-8 Correspondence.doc 60526 Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date: Recipients Received: 1.8 Correspondence During the course of the environmental review, the NRC staff contacted the following Federal, State, regional, local, and tribal agencies. Appendix E to this report contains a chronological list of all documents sent and received during the environmental review. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Washington,