Rr Democrats Back Schools, Police
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2<^MANCHESTER h e r a l d , Wednesday, A p r i l 25,1990 HOMES CONDOMINIUMS CONDOMINIUMS LOTS/LAND CARS l£il FOR SALE FOR SALE l££j FOR SALE CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS n o 1 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT I ^ F O R RENT 0 FOR SALE Alive Charge f r e n c h r75TTMTDv M a TIc HESTER SO UTH - ^AST HARTFORD- Future N E W LISTINGrPrImelot MANCHESTER- 1 CAR GARAGE-Storage CHRYSLER 1971 N ew MANOR-T^alint tmrf GREEN-Enlov Bellcourt, unlta.Affor- MANCHESTER NEW In Pondview 2,3,4,5,and 6 room only. $40 per month. port Royal, Good run •xqulsltc car* an filtn the Carefree living Of 0 doble 2 bedroom firsf LISTINGI G ood 1st Subdivision-sacrifice apartments for rent. Rose 647-8400 or 646- ning condition. $600. the con.??uM?«n ♦'*'0 bedroom Town- tloorunlf.$68,900.Cen- time buyer Investment sale-$90,000. Cen tury 21 646-2426 w eekdays, 9-5. 8646. 643-5047._____________ vour house wifh tennis tufy 21, Epstein Realty, In this spacious 5 room Canadiens stave off Faulty locks blamed Epstein Realty 647- CHEVY 1987 Nova- ‘Plan for tomorrow’ des^lon eusfor^^huiirtlll* court, pool and o view 647-B895.0_____________ townhouse with lower 8895. MANCHESTER-2 b e d 10 o?^s'ro!filIl*^ain2^' of Manchester Country CONDOMINIUMS-Sunnv level rec room and room apartment. Im I GENERAL 4DR,FWD,AT,PS,AM- N E W LISTINGI P rim e in attack on guard/4 ous tdfowonTM Club trom the spoclous Ranch Condo, private office. $99,900 Sentry m a cu la te . $650 plus ___ ^SERVICES F M , 27k, gray. $5850. :r will be discussed/3 playoff elimination/11 lot In Pondylew Subdl- ocrts oi^EnHr; ^onrt '»’» entrance. RENT WITH Reol Estate, 643-4060.Q utilities. 647-1491 after 289-2087 afte r 5:30. ylslon. Sacrifice sale. 6pm. _______________ “nTolton Con UnSn D W. OPTION TO BUYI SOUTH WINDSOR AF $90,000. Century 21, E p MAIN STREET CHRYSLER 1987 Srow"?,"; amir.": .5, ,00 IM«ACU- F O R D A B L E LUXURY- stein R ealty, 647-8895.Q 3 BEDRDDMS. Appllan- MANCHESTER-2 CONQUEST-31,000 RE/MAX East of the MALLARD VIEW- ^ ^ Immaculate 2 bedroom ces. Laundry hook-ups, room Apartment for miles, dark red, leather R iv e r, 647-1419.P Distinctive Homes r ,« iX« unit with loft In wond deck, garage. No pets. rent. 529-7858 or 563- Interior and loaded 2 ~ FAM ILIES-»173 900 5 from $139,900. No osso- t erful complex featur oc I BUSINESS $700 plus utilities. 649- 4438. with extras. Excellent PLUS 5 2 fomllvwlth elation fees. One floor f NO UNIT. Pool 8. ing Indor and outdoor iPROPERTY 0613. Condition, $8500. Call f l- ^ ™>y'"y *”•] iiwina uniaue 9 bed- Tennis, Charming vll- dlnlng rooms and vinyl living, unique z pea laoe settina pools-clubhouse with MANCHESTER-Dne bed 649-6680 between 9:00- sauna and exercise C D M M E R C I A L - room , heat, hot water [ m ] FURNITURE 11:00am or after room. A neat way to Industrial condo with a n d appliances In 7:00pm.______________ r room,,lr.Dl.e.d 11, 10, live. $100,900. Century 1600 sq. ft. $149,900. cluded. No pets. No 1986-MAZDA-626. 2 door bath* • oon room, 1st floor SOUTHFIELD GREEN- 21 Epstein Realty 647- waterbeds. Security re- CHAIRS-2 Colonial style C o m m e rcia l B1 zone. swiyel rockers. Perfect delux. Automatic, Al- ALUMI n iim <lnpn loundry, custom kit- Manchester. Enloythe 8895._________________ qu lred $475. 646-2970. High Visibility! condition. $150 for pair, r,A M /F M Cassette. d u p l e x and ®ben, gorgeous carefree living of a 2 EAST HARTFORD- $229,900. H om e busl- MANCHESTER-Very 645^8274._____________ Only 26,000mlles. $6300. pletelv renovated In- porches, attached gar bedroom Townhouse BELLCOURT- ness/nursery poten nice 2 bedroom , on 1st 657-2625._____________ FD R SALE Used furnl- sidel Anne Mmer Real ®f ®®“ S''!!’ ^S""v?ew“of Affordable 2 bedroom tial. 11.34 acres also floor of 4 fam ily house. 1981 Datsun 210, 5 speed, iManrhpalpr ilpralh AA7 flOAA n ALSO/ 3 b6clrooms» ono q v I®w of tno first floor unit. $68,900. a y a I I a b I e I Mixture of wall to wall ture. Dressers $20, Cathedral celling, sky- Manchester Country headboards $10. 646- hatchback,$800 or best Century 21 Epstein $244,900.Anne Miller carpeting and hard offer. 646-8468 or 649- ,37 GARDEN GROVE- light, tireplaced living Club trom the spacious R e alty 647-8895. Real Estote, 647-8000.a w ood floors. I'/a baths 2300. Manchester VII- llage Motor Inn. 1285._________________ Large 4 bedroom Co- room, dining room, deck. Easy living at Its must be seen $650 plus lo n la l. Beautiful view custom kitch en , I'A best I $164,900. D.W . MANCHESTER-HANDY CDMMERCIAL-$149,900 HONDA-1989-ACCORD Industrial Condo with u tilitie s c a ll 645-8201. ®t the hills. _Quality baths, attached garage Fish Realty, 643-1591.□ D A N D Y LOCATIONIII y- no I SPORTING LX1, 5 speed, loaded Thursday, April 26,1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents, This spotless 4 room 1600 square feetl; low m iles $13,200. 645- Iw'win* basementi MANCHESTER-New llst- Condo at WELLS- $229,900. c o m m e rc ia l VERNDNlll Large 1 and « I goods rau Blanchard & Rossetto ingi Good 1st time 0409. WEEP Is only steps B1 zone. High visibil 2 bedroom apartments i^fnrmnHnn ip/MAV Reoltors," We're Sel- buyer Investment In away from shopping, ity!; $244,900. Home from $550-$635/month. G D L F CLUBS Used. Star NISSAN-1986-300 ZX F^«t !h . H ouses" 646-2482f) th is spacious 5 room banking, churches and business/nursery po Laundry facilities, wall ter and full sets with Turbo, leather, loaded 14^9 ^ Townhouse with lower morel 2 bedrooms, 1.5 tential, 11.34 acres also to wall carpeting or bags from $35.00 649- $9,400. 645-0409. ______ I____________ _ ________________________ level rec room and Democrats back baths, private base avallablel Anne Miller hardwood floors, dis 1794._________________ Possible cut leaves PROBE students guessing NOTICE TO CREDITORS ment with laundry Real Estate, 647-8000.O hwasher, extra stor 2 Men's, 12 speed Peugot CAR D IN AL NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF Real Estate, 643-4060.Q hook-ups, ample park age. Swimming pool, 4 A IR CDNDITIGNED bikes, 1 m en's 3 speed. BUICK, INC. The PROBE program began eleven years ESTAtEOF CLAIRE E GREENE n ing, reasonable fee and DFFICES Are availa B B Q pits, HEAT IN Excellent condition By Nancy Foley Racchel became so interested in the subject RAYMOND J. DAILEY a/k/a CIAIRE ELIDA Amato Drive. Attorda- It's priced at ble In M anch ester the CLUDED. Call IM 646-1352. 1069 Olds Calais Sed $8,995 schools, police Manchester Herald that she started a campaign in the school and ago, Nicholson said, following an outcry by T ,. , , u , G R E E N E ble luxury. Immacu- $107,000.Jackson & square feet are, PACT Management 1989 Buick Regal Coupe $10,980 The Honorable William E. mneewe ^ bedroom unit SNDWMDBILE- raised about $70 for the homeless. parents for a program for the gifted. At that Jackson Real Estate, 600,480,300,240. The O f G rou p at 1-800-562-9550. 1966 Chevy Cavalier $6,990 FitzGerald, Judge of the Court The Honorable William E. w ith loft In w onderful , 647-8400.D MERCURY 644 CC Since she was a good reader and anxious to Gail Myers, the parent of a student who par time, it had two teachers and served only the fices are centrally lo MARK 1 Runs great 1968 98 Reg Brougham $13,490 of Probata, D istrict of FitzGerald, Judge of the Court com plex featuring In- cated with ample park know how the story turned ouL Barbara ticipates in PROBE at Martin School, said, fifth and sixth grade. Manchester at a hearing held of Probate, D istrict of door and outdoor EAST HARTFDRD-NEW $450. C a ll 645-1242. 1968 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier $8,980 LISTINGI Like new, 6 ing. Ideally suited for ASHFORD Nicholson used to read ahead in books in her “This is a special education program just like But over the years, Manchester has on 4/19.90 ordered that all Manchester at a hearing held pools. Clubhouse w ith GUN Show usually at 1968 Pontiac Sunbird Coupe $7,895 budgets in full room Townhouse. 2 an attorney or accoun 2 BR Duplex, private set we have special education for children who developed one of the strongest programs in the claims must be presented to on 4/16/90 ordered that all sau na and e x e rcise 1967 Buick Cent LTD Sedan $8,280 elementary school reading group. Being ahead bedrooms, p a n e lle d tant. C a ll 649-2891. ting, parking and laundry. Glastonbury High the fiducia^ at the address claims must be presented to room . A neat way to moyed to H a d d a m - 1967 Buick Park A /e C oupe $ 1 1 4 9 0 of other students, however, often meant getting need extra help.” state.