4—THE TIMES Friday, Nov. 16,1956 ‘Peaceful Coexistence ’ hist AMONG The Washington Letter OURSELVES pws.no Co""**’** Hungary’s Freedom Bld Co-«d«T

WASHINGTON — Soviet East which diverted some of Stefan Cardinal W y s z y n ski, Russia brutally crushed Hun­ the world’s attention from of Poland, was releas­ •• gary's heroic bid (or freedom Hungary. ed from detention in that coun­ because it w$s certain that, left The two events can have ram­ try. The paper pointed out that alone, the satellite country ifications extending far into the atheistic communism was not would have voted out commun­ future. They can be of such va­ fighting the Cardinal alone but Thanksgiving Day will soon be proclaimed by 48 golem* ism in a free election. This riety that one could spend all the in statements of 48 solemn Governors. The old holiday always brine* would have been the first in­ hours in speculation. Poland. a reminder of sacred rights of individual states. These rights ar* stance of such humiliation for Right now, observers here There seems no doubt that under constant threat, not so much because bad men are plotting the Reds among the satellites, are trying to foresee what ef­ Soviet Russia has suffered a se­ against them as because they present an inconvenience, to th* and it was worth almost any fect they will have upon the vere propaganda setback as a lads who like to put through measures for all the people. price to the Kremlin to stop it. United Nations, which has taken result of its slaughter of Hun­ * * * That is a belief widely held action in both instances, and garians, many of them mere There is, however, no inconvenience or difficulty in the matter here. It is also thought that the upon the future of NATO and youths, seeking freedom- As of Thanksgiving Day. All the states are for it. The only point liberation of His Eminence the relations between the Unit­ was pointed out. many of those of diversity among states was injected into the business in 1938 Joszef Cardinal Mindszenty, Pri­ ed States, Great Britain and slain belonged to a generation when the President tried to set the celebration of Thanksgiving mate of Hungary, and his tri­ France, both of which could be which has known nothing but Day for the third Thursday of November instead of the last umphal entrance into Budapest, hurt by the action in Palestine. communism, and they rejected Thursday. Not all the states went along with this plan which, convinced Moscow that com­ It was never thought here it. we were told, was designed in the interest of merchants, for munism could not possibly win that Soviet Russia intended to But, having risked this bad it gave them an extra week or so to promote Christmas selling; if an unfettered ballot were write off Hungary as a loss to opinion of people round th* permitted It was traditional that the Christmas push should not begin the communist empire. From world, Moscow may well decide before Thanksgiving Day. Once determined that it the start, it was advised that to go much further in its re­ * ♦ * t would go all out to crush Hun­ one wait and see what develop­ pression of satellites. A new The new order lasted but three years. In 1942 it was changed gary’s fight for freedom, Mos­ ed. This was in line with ad­ “get tough” policy could well again, not to the original plan of observing Thanksgiving Day cow presumably hastened to vices given hy L’Osservatore result, and there could be a on the last Thursday of November, but to an observance of th* take advantage of the sudden­ Romano. news­ shake up in the Kremlin to in­ fourth Thursday. Frequently indeed the fourth Thursday is th* ly arisen crisis in the Middle paper, when His Eminence sure its being carried out. last Thursday, but by no means always. This present November, for example, has five Thursdays. ♦ ♦ ♦ And still there are some states which stick like glue to th* last Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day. These state* Making Marriage Click will celebrate this year on the 29th; most of us will observ* the festival on the 22nd. Well, states rights ar* vindicated, even if the turkeys are all mixed up. ♦ * • How to Stay Married Traditions, like everything human, are subject to chang*. Thanksgiving Day was long a time for a trip “over the river and through the woods” to grandmother’s house. It was a day By Msgr. Irving A. DeBlanc for snow and sleigh-bells. It is not so now. There are no-sleigh­ bells and precious few sleighs; usually there is not much snow either. And, likely enough, grandmother now lives in an apart­ ment in the city, and is ill equipped for entertaining two or- How tn get married, like ly go together and are in­ compose certain prayers and three generations of offspring at the matriarchal board. how tn tackle a runner, is be separable. For it is almost im to originate a kind of personal Over the Earth • ♦ ♦ ing discussed constantly. But possible to have children and Office. Some join During nearly twenly centuries generat’on great tree, spreading its branches over the world. Nowadays the trip, if any, is made by car. This fact is, if educate them successfully for equally important is the dis­ organizations and promise to after generation has heard the Gospel parables The figure of the leaven “which a woman advertisers are to be credited, an amazing and exciting thing in cussion how Io slay married— heaven if the couple are not recite daily the whole or parts that compare Christ’s kingdom--His Church and took and buried in three measures of flour” has itself. For your modern car is one of these long, low, powerftif how to stop the runner! themselves happy. of the Office of (he Blessed His teachings—to the mustard seed and to been carried out, too; the ferment of the word engines of destruction, with "fins” on the back which make it Reputable Dr. Bossard of Union of Soul* . Prayers said together, leaven; and with the passage of time the com­ of God has worked its way and through society, look exactly like an old time farm wagon with side-boards up. the University of Pennsylvania Is it not necessary, then, one answering the other, will parisons become more arrestingly impressive. stirring men’s hearts and souls, raising them No more will Thanksgiving travelers resemble a Currier and anxiously indicated that our that a husband and wife ar­ influence the life of a couple II was as a prophecy, or rather as a promise, from the slavery of sin, filling them with the Ives print, muffed and mittened and swathed in bear-skiffi, staggering divorce rate of one range I heir every day so that beyond all proportion tn the that Christ said "The kingdom of heaven is like brightness of hope and grace. gliding past an old red barn to the roomy hospitality of a wide- in four (400,000 annually) is there is a period for religion? lime devoted to it. Nor should a mustard seed . . . when it grows up it is It is the teachings of Christ and His presence built farm house. -- not the whole picture. In his At least one member of the monasteries today be buying larger than any herb and becomes a tree, so that that form the living, life-giving principle of His ♦ * ♦ research, he estimates another family can go to Mass on week up all the holy-water fonts! the birds of the air come and dwell in its branch­ Church, and these parables remind us that it is Rather, the typical Thanksgiving carful will buzz along * one million couples who are days — yes, as a delegate. Nor should our Catholic es," and how literally true has been the fulfill­ His will that the Church, like the seed and the concrete highway to fetch up a half-mile from some concrete separated but not legally di­ Many parishes now have later be so securely hiding their ment of His words! leaven, is to grow and spread. From the very staadium where shoulder-pads will clash and helmets rattle a* vorced. He also indicates that Masses in the morning, even blessed candles! They are for Unnoticed, like the insignificant mustard beginning of Christianity it has been a vibrant, muscular young men shove each other around in the interests maybe another 12 million cou­ in the evening, for the con­ frequent use. seed, was the beginning of His kingdom on multiplying force; its missionaries, faithful to of college culture. The stadium will be bright with colors ples consider themselves mis­ venience of housewives. Many Some more advanced cou­ earth: the handful of Apostles, cherishing the the mandate of the Savior, have continued to of cheering thousands. Not much chance of crying, as the mul­ mated and unhappy. churches ring their large ples are reading the same precious teachings He had entrusted to them and teach and to baptize; its roots have sunk deep­ titude is scanned, “Now grandmother’s cap I spy.” Yet, come to Two Point* Inseparable church bells al the Consecra­ books together, commenting on the tremendous mission on which He had sent er. its branches have grown stronger and more think of it, grandmother probably will be there,—in cloche and Behind this problem of mar­ tion inviting parishioners to them, and laying the' founda­ them, faced, the world would say, an impossible widespread. mink stole. ital unhappiness there is, of fall on their nees and to unite tion of a common spirituality. task. People wore set in their ways, and how True, there have heen violent storms of evil * * ♦ course, much ignorance and their day to the Holy Sacri­ More and more are reviewing could they be changed? Customs and traditions which have broken off some of the branches of Citizens who are not gamesome and do lack some part of meanness of soul. Primarily fice. the daily Gospel of the Mass. were firmly established, and how could they be the great tree which is the Church; other that quick spirit, which is in Antony, will gather somnolent before there is an absence of true Pray Together Even if they are unable Io at­ set aside? Evil practices were entrenched and branches have become diseased nr have withered the TV screen where every channel will present a jiggling pic­ love There arc those whn In order to share spiritual tend the next morning’s Mass, evil men were in power: where could the away because of lack of sustenance. In places ture of a crowded stadium with shoulder-pads clashing and hel­ would share physical intima intimacies in worship, in pray­ going over the text in their strength be found to overcome them, Men as a the leaven of truth has seemed unable to pene­ mets rattling as muscular young men etc., etc. The-pigskin rank* cies in marriage with a Spouse, er, in spiritual reading, one Missal keeps them in contact whole were indifferent, reconciled to injustice, trate the materialism and indifference into level with the turkey in today's celebration of the Thanksgiving but not share spiritual intima­ married party must constantly with the daily life of the so that to bring the freedom of truth into which men’s lives have degenerated. But these festival. cies. That attitude can lead Io help the other as hoth grow Church. their lives seemed impossible. Yet the seed conditions are due to the failings of men: the • * • the lowest forms of degrada­ together in their spiritual life. Where there are children in planted by the Savior did germinate and take divine inspiration is everlastingly present and But the turkey is part of the tradition that does not readily tion. Two souls must also be God cannot become a competi­ the family, prayers together, root; the plant grew and spread, and became a the divine guidance is always available. change. Food is always associated with nation-wide celebrations, united, and it should be done tor in marriage, nor does He especially the , have tre­ and while the march of civilization or progress or time brings deliberately, consciously, not want to. It must be agreed up­ mendous lasting value, but constant alteration in the schedule and nature of commemora­ left to chance. on within reason by both that, there are dangers. These pray­ tive events, traditional dishes are the very last things to change. .Sometimes we priests lay too on certain days there will have ers should not last too long, Do You Want To Help? Even in homes where turkey is not particularly relished, th* much emphasis on marriage Io be early rising and there­ they must be well chosen. power of this food-tradition is likely to prevail. Turkey with being for the procreation of fore, sometimes, early retire­ They should often be chosen The first of his fellow clergymen to greet more than seventy million pounds of clothing, cranberry sauce is the main item of a real Thanksgiving dinner, children and neglect Io empha­ ment. That on certain “Mass by the children themselves, Hungary’s indomitable Cardinal Mindszenty aft­ blankets, shoes and other relief material—rep­ and all people who can afford it will have it. size that marriage should also days’ both will share the work and never imposed without er Hungarian army forces had freed him from resenting 170 million items of used wearing ap­ expressly and separately con­ of the home. wise motivation. Insipid for­ his Red jailers and a ten year , was parel — have been shipped from America and Turkey is best enjoyed in families that bring many to the tribute to the happiness of a *It is not unusual (or out­ mulas. muttered prayers and the Rev. Fabian Flynn, field director in Austria distributed to the stricken people and refugees festive table. If only a few are sharers in the feast, the pesky couple. The two points actual­ standing couples to select or to anything that lacks dignity, for Catholic Relief Services—National Catholic of Europe, the Near and Far East, many of the and persistent fowl will be served up in one form or another for Welfare Conference. countries of South America and . a week following the holiday. Cold slices, hot chunks, in cro­ quettes, and en casserole, that turkey will seem to follow you "The Cardinal’s first words,” reports Father In this mounting annual accomplishment, all the days of your life till you dwell in the house of the Lord Flynn, who crossed the border to pay his respects the Catholic Relief Services—NCWC have con­ forever. And the nadir of human experience is struck when it to this courageous man in Budapest, "were of ducted a practical and vital service to suffer­ The Yardstick appeal for aid to the suffering people of Hun­ makes a final appearance in the form of a watery and mal­ j ing humanity—no matter the race, color or gary.” creed—and have demonstrated as well an effic­ odorous soup. Since that time, the treacherous Russian kid­ iency that is outstanding in charitable opera­ There must be many hungry diners to make turkey reaUy nap of the revolutionary leaders and the organ­ tions. Today’s critical and growing need for enjoyable. There must be a full circle, like that of the Cratchit* i Labor and Politics ized massacre of the patriots who dared to meet the things-you-do-not-need strongly suggests that about their goose, to insure the pleasing fact that this turkey Red armor with bare fists have made the Card Americans of every faith clean out their closets is for this day and meal only. There will be true satisfaction of inal’s plea one of the most urgent and tragic in nod—and ask their Catholic friends how to add soul as of appetite when, at the dinner’s end, you can imitate By Msgr. George G. Higgins the bloody history of human freedom. their contribution to the Catholic Bishops’ It is against this heart-rending background Thanksgiving Clothing Collection. the admirable Cratchits and survey but one small fragment of a of brutality and need that the Catholic Relief bone upon the plate, and tell one another laughingly that Those who do will know their outworn, out­ Services here in America launch the eighth an­ you haven’t eaten it all at last But nearly all, by golly! This column, although writ­ ation, in the unlikely eyent of nual Bishops’ Thanksgiving Clothing Collection grown shoes and suits and dresses, old sweaters, 1. American unions “will re­ The purpose of Thanksgiving Day is. like most festivals civil ten before November 6, was a disastrous political or eco­ sist becoming the pawn of a which will take place throughout the US during used overcoats and blankets will get where they deliberately withheld for pub­ nomic crisis of national propor­ governmental administration, the week of November 18th and 25th. are needed most—and promptly. And perhaps and religious, an educational or disciplinary one. The day i* lication until after the national tions. Since this drive was inaugurated in 1949, those who do will sleep better. meant to be a notable reminder of the duty,—bindingI however friendly its impulses.” and every hour,—of giving thanks to Almighty God for life and election lest I he writer be mis­ Now that the AFL-CIO have (Page 10) takenly accused of getting in its opportunities temporal and eternal. A good many editorial* come together in a single fed 10:29) but He did not intend volvcd in partisan politic*. Ix*t 2. “What has happened in re­ will apprise you of this fact, at least in some measure To ba eration, it is more important cent years is that politics, al­ that we should be vegetarians sure, most of the editors will omit mention of the One to be up hope that those of our read­ than ever before to understand in order to spare them nor did ers who disagree with the col­ though secondary to collective thanked; they will talk, as in a void or vacuum about the need their political philosophy as bargaining as a means of Father Healey’* He expect us to deny the nec­ of being thankful; somehow they dare not say to Whom. umn will be guided according summarized, however briefly essary experimentation which ly m the composition of their achieving goals, is not now re­ and inadequately, in the above is designed to protect and ad­ letters to the editor. garded as a necessary evil but from Confession for a long four points. A more adequate rather as an integral part of vance human life and health. basis or reason for taking any So much for partisan politics! particular course of action. To time the confessor will help summary is provided in a new the labor movement’s store of Q. Who was St. Cornelius’ , Even before the election and follow advice, direction or him prepare. He is not expect­ hook entitled, AFL-CIO: LA­ means.” (Page 214) St. Ralph? regardless of its outcome, sev­ BOR UNITED, hy Arthur Gold­ warning given in a dream ed to give an exact account; 3 “There has been no funda­ A. St. Cornelius is a com­ eral things can be said with berg, former General Counsel would be superstitious unless it ordinarily he gives the approx­ Almost absolute certainty about mental deviation from the tra­ mon name among the but of the old CIO and one of the ditional labor movement pol­ is clearly from God. imate number or the approxi­ • the subject of labor and polit­ one of the most famous is the Q. What if a person cannot principal architects of the re­ icy of ‘reward your friends mate number of times per ical action. In the first place, cent merger of the AFL-CIO of that name who was remember all his sins because Inrganrzcd labor in the United and defeat your enemies'.” Q. 1 always thought. Cath­ that the pastor must urge the banished and died for the Faith week for certain sins. If th* (McGraw Hill, $5). (Page 213) of long absence from confes­ penitent in such cases (fre­ jbtates is in politics Io slay. olics were duty bound to at­ faithful "to visit their in the third century. He died in sion? Can he still go to Com quent communicants do not of­ In the opinion of the pres 4 “The conspicuous support tend the parish church tn church frequently . . . and to 255 A.D. and his feast day is Jbecondly, political action will mi in ion .if he remembers lat­ ten forget to confess a mortal he regarded by organized la­ ent writer, Mr. Goldberg is one of Democrats nationally has ob­ whose boundary they resided, assist al the divine services and September 14th. The convert er id the day a mortal sin he sin) remembers a mortal sin bor in the future, as it has of the truly great statesmen scured the considerable extent but lately I've heard of many hear the Word of God.” There who was a Roman centurion, forgot to confess? he forgot to confess he may been in the past, as secondary associated with the American to which the labor movement who seem to go where they will be exceptional cases but baptized by St. Peter (Acts of A. Ordinarily it is necessary still go to Communion but h* to collective bargaining as a labor movement, and certainly, has established working rela­ please. What ts the teaching the pastor should be consulted; the Apostles 10:44-48) was the to confess all mortal sins but should mention the sin in hi* means of achieving its basic by any standard one of the tionships with Republicans in of the church on this sub­ no good Catholic will go “where first bishop of Caesarea, the no one is bound to the impos­ next confession. goals. T hirdly, organized labor, most authoritative experts on traditionally Republican states, ject? he pleases” to Mass on Sunday. scene of his . His feast sible. Sorrow for sin with no while favoring one party more the background and future im­ on the practical ground that la­ In practice, consult your con­ day is February 2nd. St. Ralph deliberate holding back on the Send questions to Father Ed­ hor organizations will work A. Canon No. 461 states that than another in any given elec­ plications of the merger. His fessor about the obligation. (Radulphus) was a of no­ part of the penitent is neces­ ward F. Healey, Inquiry Cor* with whatever party is in power tion. has been and will con­ book is enthusiastically recom­ “the pastor assumes the care ble birth who became archbish­ sary for a good confession. ner, The Catholic Times, Box t