SHORT BOOKS Autumn 2010 CONTENTS First, a questionnaire. Are you: 2 July 4 July 6 July Aged between 35 and 55? Acutely aware that life hasn’t panned out for you quite the way you thought it would when you were 18? 16 October 18 October Scared of cancer? Even more scared of death? Planning your retirement, even though you know it’s going to be a wasteland of impoverished misery? Nervous of all the young people in your office?

8 September 10 October 12 October A lot happier when you’ve had a couple of glasses of wine? Okay, half a bottle? Getting divorced? Consoling friends who are getting divorced? Having, or considering having, an affair? Having, or considering having, an affair with friends who are getting divorced? Stuck with a tattoo you hate? Tired. Just really, really tired? 14 October 16 Backlist 18 Contact Details And depressed? Worrying about what all those drugs you took when you were younger are going to do to you? Aware that The Beatles were only in their late twenties when they split up. They’d made all those records – records that changed the world. And what have you achieved? What?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to more than half of these questions, turn to page 8...

ANDREA GILLIES ‘Important and moving’ The Times KEEPER A book about memory, ‘A wonderful book – honest, upsetting, tender, sometimes identity, isolation, angry, often funny – which takes Wordsworth and cake... us on a journey into dementia and explores what it means to be human’ Deborah Moggach Can our personalities be taken away from us? Are we more than just a sum of our memories? What exactly is the soul? ‘Terrific, terrifying, absolutely powerful in every choice of Three years ago, Andrea Gillies, a writer and mother of three, word, every sentence... took on the care of her mother-in-law Nancy, who was in the completely unflinching’ middle stages of Alzheimer’s disease. This newly extended family Quentin Cooper moved to a big Victorian house on a headland in the far, far north

of Scotland, where the author failed to write a novel and Nancy, ‘Outstanding’ her disease accelerated by change, began to move out of the Alzheimer’s Research Trust rational world and into dementia’s alternative reality. This book is a journal of life in this wild location, in which ‘Deeply moving’ Gillies tracks Nancy’s unravelling grasp on everything that we think of as ordinary, and interweaves her own brilliantly cogent investigations into the way Alzheimer’s works. For the family at ‘Intelligently written and the centre of this drama, the learning curve was steeper and more impossible to classify’ interesting than anyone could have imagined. TLS

Andrea Gillies lives in St Memoir 2009 WINNER OF THE Andrews with her family and 1st July is now writing a novel. Keeper 320pp won the inaugural Wellcome £8.99 Trust Book Prize 2009 – an B format paperback award set up to honour science 978-1-906021-99-3 writing in popular literature. UK & Commonwealth ex Canada: Short Books Foreign rights: Greene & Heaton

2 PAPERBACK JULY 3 Jeremy KEELing JEREMY & AMY One man and his orang-utan

Jeremy Keeling first met Amy, an abandoned orang-utan, when he Jeremy & Amy is the was looking after the private menagerie of music impresario Gordon first book to tell the Mills. Amy had been born to an orang-utan with no maternal instincts story behind Monkey and Jeremy, feeling a connection with the rejected primate, hand- World, which has reared her. A friendship was forged that would become the defining 800,000 visitors a relationship of both their lives. year. The park has a One day in 1984, when Jeremy was driving along with one-year- database of 30,000 old Amy sitting beside him in the passenger seat, he fell asleep at the adoptive parents and wheel and caused a horrific car crash. The first policemen on the scene the television series, were staggered to see amidst the wreckage of the upturned car, a hairy, Monkey Life, is shown non-human hand cradling Jeremy’s head, keeping it clear of the glass in 87 countries. It has and twisted metal: Amy had saved his life. run for 12 years – For Jeremy, it was to be a long convalescence, but three years first on ITV, more later he finally found a way of repaying his debt to Amy, when he met recently on Channel Jim Cronin, a tough-talking primate-lover from the Bronx, who shared Five – during which his vision of creating a sanctuary for abused and abandoned monkeys. time Jeremy has Pooling their meagre resources the two men took on a derelict pig become a cult hero farm in and over the next twenty years, slowly transformed it into around the world. a 65-acre, cage-less sanctuary for beleaguered primates, rescued from poachers and scientists on daring raids all over the world. Monkey World Natural History/ is now internationally famous and attracts some 800,000 visitors a year. Autobiography This book is a story of high-wire adventure, of grit and determination 1st July and at its heart an inspiring and life-changing friendship between one 320pp man and his ape. £17.99 Royal hardback with colour plate section Jeremy Keeling is the Animal Director and 978-1-906021-98-6 co-founder of Monkey World in Dorset. World rights: Short Books

4 NEW TITLE JULY 5 DeBORAH HUTTON WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP? 75 practical ideas for family and friends from cancer’s frontline

Deborah Hutton’s discovery that the niggling cough which had ‘The great strength of this been troubling her for a couple of months was actually an aggressive anthology is that it gives lung cancer marked the beginning of a brand-new learning curve – a clear and supremely practical guidance to the family and personal odyssey that taught her to let go of her super-competent friends of PWC (People With I-can-handle-it-myself persona and gratefully accept the huge amount Cancer), who long to do of help beamed at her by her close-knit family and “world class” something to help but don’t network of friends and neighbours. know how to go about it.’ From her own experience and out of her conversations with fellow The Spectator

members of the “Cancer Club” comes this anthology of supremely ‘A brilliant and unprecedented practical examples of ways in which friends and family, often themselves insight for the four million of reeling from the shock of the diagnosis and feeling just as helpless and us who live with, or around, at a loss to know what to do, can make a real, substantial difference. one of Britain’s 270,000 new “What can I do to help?” you ask. Well, stand by, because the answer cancer patients each year.’ is “Plenty”. Jon Snow

With contributions from Clive Anderson, Deborah Huttton was a journalist Health Sir Elton John, Dawn French, for 25 years, writing for most of the 1st July Gloria Hunniford, Hugh Grant, country’s major glossy magazines and 256pp newspapers – from Vogue, Elle, Marie £8.99 Joanna Lumley, Maureen Lipman, Claire and ’s You Cut down Rabbi Julia Neuberger, Ruby Wax, magazine to The Observer, The Guardian B format ppbck Sam Taylor-Wood and The Sunday Times.This was her sixth 978-1-906021-56-6 and many more... book. She lived in north London with her World Rights: husband, photographer and director, Short Books Charlie Stebbings, and their four children, Archie, Romilly, Clemmie and Freddie.


JOHN O’CONNELL WElcome to MID-LIFE Humour 2nd September If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to more than half of the questions at the INCLUDING... 192pp £12.99 front of this catalogue, then congratulations, you are officially Products that middle-aged home-owners think A5 full-colour ppbck they need – breadmaker, Cath Kidston ironing board experiencing midlife, that is, the autumn years – the beginning of 978-1-907595-05-9 the end. cover, slow cooker, proper wallpaper, really expensive speakers Things you really should have thrown World Rights: Middle age is in many ways crueller than old age. It strikes while out by now – joss sticks, bong, posters in clip frames, Short Books your faculties are intact. You know time is running out, but there’s cheap Ikea sofa, lava lamps Most preoccupying still so much to do, so much clutter to sort through. You’re exhausted financial worry – all your friends having more money from the effort of managing relationships, bringing up children, than you Grooming must-dos – flossing; plucking; dyeing; plumping (something holding down a job etc, yet you still have ambitions... to do with moisturiser and collagen); and masking (wearing enough foundation not to Do not despair! Covering everything from Boden and Blogging, scare the postman) Food you should have learnt to like by now – olives, oysters, Dinner Parties and Divorce, to Radio 4, Rye Bread and Ikea, haggis, herbal tea, salty liquorice, proper martinis, real ale, rare steak, kale Food you Welcome to Mid-life is your very own guide to getting through the really shouldn’t be eating any more – Creme Eggs™, Pickled Onion, Monster Munch, middle years more gracefully. Its aim is to make you feel less alone Slush Puppies, 99 flakesKey midlife warning signs – National Trust ‘membership’; during this testing time. It will make you laugh. It may at times even interest in genealogy, history; self-improvement eg desire to learn new language; be genuinely helpful. renewed enthusiasm for games – taking up bridge, anger at Cluedo redesign; therapy; sheds (and bolt-holes in general); knitting; gardening; keeping chickens and bees, etc. ...AND MUCH MORE

John O’Connell worked for years – far, far too long – at the London listings magazine Time Out, where he was Books Editor. Since being made redundant on the grounds that ‘no-one really reads books anymore’, he has been writing, mostly about books, for The Times, The Guardian, New Statesman and The National. He is the author of I Told You I Was Ill: Adventures in Hypochondria (Short Books, 2005). He is 37 and lives in south London with his wife and two children.

8 NEW TITLE SEPTEMBER 9 Simon Barnes A BOOK OF HEROES Or a sporting half century

Everyone’s life will have been touched by a moment of sporting heroism. Whether it was Ellen MacArthur’s triumphant finish off the French coast in 2005, or Bobby Charlton’s long-range goal that transformed England’s fortunes against Mexico in 1966, we have all witnessed heroic

acts – or indeed moments of epic failure and pain – that have You might say changed our mortal world, and have lifted us, even if only ‘ briefly, out of ourselves. that the provision In this gripping new book, Simon Barnes brings of heroes is together his 50 sporting heroes of the last 50 years and the basic point looks at what it is that elevates them to a state of grace and of sport. If sport greatness. The world of sport is filled with record breakers and medal winners, individuals who have in their way excelled. didn’t provide What Barnes does here is to identify that extra element, that heroes, sport special alchemy that sets these 40 men, 7 women (and 3 wouldn’t horses) apart and places them in their own race – the race command our of heroes. imaginations. ’ Simon Barnes is the multi-award- Non-fiction/Sport BEstselling author OF winning chief sportswriter for The 7th October THE MEANING OF SPORT Times. He is also a novelist, nature 320pp writer and horseman, and the author £20 of a dozen books, including the Royal hardback bestselling How to be a Bad with colour photographs Birdwatcher and The Meaning of 978-1-907595-01-1 Sport (Short Books). He lives in UK and Commonwealth Suffolk with his family. ex Canada: Short Books US & Foreign: Capel & Land


TIM WILLIS ‘ Nigel Dempster was a saint neither in public nor NIGEL DEMPSTER & THE private. But he was a DEATH OF DISCRETIOn phenomenon, of a type now extinct. And through The life and legacy of the world’s greatest gossip his eyes we can view the world – long swept away – If there is any one person responsible for the birth of celebrity culture, it is the that he broached, moved late, great gossip columnist Nigel Patton Dempster (1941-2007). From the early sixties to the mid-eighties as the editor of “Dempster’s Diary” in and reported on. Here, on the Daily Mail, Dempster was the man perfectly placed and qualified to record titles commanded respect, – and accelerate – the end of the age of deference. For many years, for many white tie was worn at people, Dempster was the Daily Mail. His diary, with its scurrilous revelations balls and drinking and about the great, the good, and the not-so-good, was the only page to read. driving was as much a In his kipper ties and natty blazers, he brought a raffish sparkle to a dull challenge as a crime. The decade, exposing the infidelities of Harold Pinter and Lady Antonia Fraser or indiscretions of the Royal and Annabel Birley, paying tipsters like the bouffant Lord Lichfield Family could not be noised with crates of champagne, and sometimes breaking stories of national importance abroad without damaging – the collapse of Princess Margaret’s marriage, the resignation of . But, for all his convivial charm, his canny ability to infiltrate the smart set, national stability. And the Dempster led a rather strange, lonely life, marred by broken relationships and lower orders were kept an on-off battle with drinking. In this riveting book, Tim Willis charts Dempster’s behind the green baize bibulous journey through old Fleet Street and society as a tragi-comic romp. door – until Dempster In so doing, he provides a portrait of an age. threw it open. ’ Tim Willis is a freelance writer Biography ‘Yes I’m trivial. But life’s trivial’ and editor. He has worked for 7th October Nigel Dempster most of Britain’s national 304pp £16.99 newspapers and some of its glossier magazines. He is the Royal hardback author of Madcap: The half-life 978-1-906021-84-9 of Syd Barret (Short Books, World rights: 2002) and Torn Apart (Short Short Books Books, 2005)

12 NEW TITLE OCTOBER 13 BETSY TOBIN ‘ He glances over at her. Her CRIMSON CHINA shoulder length brown hair is matted with wet against the sides of her face, and there are dark circles under her eyes. On a freezing night in February, a woman wades into the He is uncertain of her age. Not waters of Morecambe Bay in a drunken bid to commit young, he decides. Thirty? suicide. Braced for death, she finds herself instead saving Forty? He finds it impossible a man’s life – a young Chinese cockle picker, one of the only to judge with foreigners. Her survivors of a tragic mass drowning. For Wen – now missing, clothes are ordinary enough: jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt, presumed dead – Angie provides an unexpected sanctuary. and a dark green pullover that They share neither language nor experience, but she agrees now smells of wet wool. The to let him stay with her and ‘disappear’. Within a short time enormous coat she was their unlikely pairing blossoms into something darkly wearing lies in a sodden ball passionate. on the floor of the back seat. But Wen’s past soon catches up with him. He is still in debt It was the coat he noticed first to the snakeheads who brought him out of China. And when when she dragged him from his sister, Lili, travels to Britain in search of his memory, she the water: made of heavy black wool, it stretched down below unwittingly seals his fate. Crimson China is a novel that traps her knees and was buttoned the reader at the outset, shining a light on a tragic, hidden up to the neck. No one in their world that runs in parallel to our own. It is a story of identity right mind would attempt to and culture, of the irrepressibility of the human spirit, and the rescue a drowning man in powerful undertow of love. such a coat... ’

Betsy Tobin was born Fiction Praise for Betsy Tobin’s Ice Land 4th November in the American Midwest ‘Tobin’s world pulses with subversion and moved to England in 288pp and unexpected passion.’ 1989. She is the author of £14.99 three other novels, Bone Demy hardback Telegraph House, The Bounce and Ice 978-1-907595-04-2 ‘Triumphant’ World English: Land. She lives in London Time Out with her husband and four Short Books children. Translation rights: ‘A lyrically written epic’ Lutyens and Rubenstein Sunday Telegraph

14 NEW TITLE OCTOBER 15 DREAMING IN CHINESE Deborah Fallows TEACH YOUR GRANNY TO TEXT OPERATION WARD 10 BACKLIST 129x192mm hardback 978-1-906021-55-9 280 x 214 mm paperback 978-1-406320-71-8 Siân Pattenden 978-1-904977-89-6 FICTION FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall THE CRUEL MOTHER Siân Busby PARIS MATCH Siân Pattenden A CHANCE ACQUAINTANCE Charles Chadwick Royal hardback 978-1-904977-76-6 B format paperback 978-1-904977-06-3 978-1-906021-30-6 B format hardback 978-1-906021-40-5 FROM WORKING CLASS HERO TO ABSOLUTE THE DIARY OF MISS IDILIA ed. Genevieve Hill RUBIES IN THE SNOW BENNY & SHRIMP Katarina Mazetti DISGRACE Stephen Foster B format hardback 978-1-906021-81-8 Kate Hubbard 978-1-906021-64-1 B format paperback 978-1-906021-36-8 Demy trade paperback 978-1-906021-21-4 THE FATHER’S BOOK Elma Van Vliet CHILDREN’s NON-FICTION ICE LAND Betsy Tobin GHOUL BRITANNIA Andrew Martin 232x170mm hardback 978-1-906021-69-6 B format paperback 978-1-906021-34-4 B format hardback 978-1-906021-85-6 THE BOY WHO INVENTED CHRISTMAS Andrew Billen THE GOOD GRANNY COMPANION GOING BUDDHIST Peter J. Conradi B format hardback 978-1-906021-82-5 THE DAYS OF JUDY B Rose Heiney Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall B format paperback 978-1-904977-01-8 B format paperback 978-1-906021-35-1 198 x 152mm paperback 978-1-906021-66-5 THE WHO WAS... SERIES – B format ppbks GOING LOCO Dr Tom Smith McNAUGHTEN Siân Busby THE GOOD GRANNY COOKBOOK ADA LOVELACE Lucy Lethbridge 978-1-904095-76-7 B format pbck 978-1-906021-88-7 B format hardback 978-1-906021-68-9 Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall ADMIRAL NELSON Sam Llewellyn 978-1-904095-65-1 HAVE A NICE DAY Justin Webb 164 x 256mm paperback 978-1-906021-44-3 ALEXANDER SELKIRK NON-FICTION B format paperback 978-1-906021-70-2 AMO, AMAS, AMAT...and all that Harry Mount THE GOOD GRANNY GUIDE Amanda Mitchison 978-1-904095-79-8 HAZLITT IN LOVE Jon Cook Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall B format paperback 978-1-906021-15-3 ANNE BOLEYN Laura Beatty 978-1-904095-78-1 B format hdbk 978-1-904977-40-7 B format paperback 978-1-904977-70-4 A Rage for Rock Gardening Nicola Shulman ANNIE OAKLEY Lucy Lethbridge 978-1-904095-60-6 B format paperback 978-1-904095-47-7 HOW TO BE A BAD BIRDWATCHER Simon Barnes THE HORSEY LIFE Simon Barnes B format paperback 978-1-904977-05-6 B format paperback 978-1-906021-94-8 BOUDICCA Siân Busby 978-1-904977-60-5 A ROMANOV FANTASY Frances Welch CHARLOTTE BRONTE Kate Hubbard 978-1-904095-80-4 Demy hdbk 978-1-904977-71-1 HOW TO BE WILD Simon Barnes THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING ETON B format paperback 978-1-906021-48-1 Nick Fraser B format paperback ELIZABETH I Charlotte Moore 978-1-904977-09-4 A SEASIDE PRACTICE Dr Tom Smith 978-1-906021-27-6 B format paperback 978-1-906021-23-8 HOW TO GET THINGS REALLY FLAT Andrew Martin EMILY DAVISON Claudia FitzHerbert 978-1-904095-66-8 B format paperback 978-1-906021-71-9 ALONG CAME DYLAN Stephen Foster THE LAST RESORT Douglas Rogers FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE B format paperback 978-1-906021-41-2 I TOLD YOU I WAS ILL John O’Connell Demy paperback 978-1-906021-91-7 Charlotte Moore 978-1-904095-83-5 B format paperback 978-1-904977-44-5 ...AND SHE LAUGHED NO MORE Stephen Foster THE MEANING OF SPORT Simon Barnes KING HENRY VIII Emma Craigie 977-1-904977-57-5 I’M A TEACHER GET ME OUT OF HERE! 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