International Isn't It? However, He May Make It on Time, Who Trade and Relations with Developing Countries Knows
88 SECOND DAY’S PROCEEDINGS The G8 summit will take place at Gleneagles in Scotland on July 6-8; and that a major MONDAY, 6TH JUNE 2005 demonstration against G8 policies will be taking MORNING SESSION place in Edinburgh. Congress following on from the devastating effects and human tragedy seen by (Congress assembled at 10.00a.m.) the world of the Tsunami in South East Asia it is clear that the G8 Nations have a Global THE PRESIDENT: Congress, come to order, please. responsibility to consider world poverty, the debt Good morning, colleagues. I hope you are all bright of developing countries, health, climate change, eyed and bushy tailed. We had a lovely evening in the and conflict avoidance. Congress notes that Regions. Thank you all. Oxfam and other NGO’s are promoting a drive to Make Poverty History (though changes to trade (Safety film shown) rules, debt cancellation, more aid). Changes to trade rules and debt cancellation are not, by ANNOUNCEMENTS themselves, adequate policies to tackle ‘Third World’ poverty. We need to support democratic THE PRESIDENT: Let the show begin! Colleagues, I movements, and above all the trade union have a couple of announcements to make. I would like movement, in developing countries. to welcome Colin Burgon, MP. Welcome. Of course, British government policy includes many of you have just seen our European MEP come pressure for the privatisation of public services in, a good friend to the GMB, Stephen Hughes. and ‘liberalisation of markets’ which includes a Stephen, welcome (Applause) race to find cheaper and cheaper labour Yesterday we gave the awards, quite fittingly, to sources.
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