The Broadview Anthology of


Volume 6 The Twentieth Century and Beyond


Joseph Black, University of Massachusetts Leonard Conolly, Trent University Kate Flint, Rutgers University Isobel Grundy, University of Alberta Don LePan, Broadview Press Roy Liuzza, University of Tennessee Jerome J. McGann, University of Virginia Anne Lake Prescott, Barnard College Barry V. Quails, Rutgers University Claire Waters, University of California, Davis

broadview press CONTENTS



THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY: FROM 1900 TO MID-CENTURY xxxv The Edwardian Period xxxvi The World Wars XL Marx, Einstein, Freud, and Modernism XLIV The Place of Women XLVII Avant-Garde and Mass Culture L Sexual Orientation LII Ireland . LV Ideology and Economics in the 1930s and 1940s LVII The Literature of the 1930s and 1940s LX Literature and Empire LXII The English Language in the Early Twentieth Century LXIII


THOMAS HARDY '. 1 Hap 2 Neutral Tones 3 The Darkling Thrush 3 The Ruined Maid 3 A Broken Appointment 4 Shut Out That Moon .' 4 The Convergence of the Twain 5 Channel Firing 5 The Voice 6 Transformations 6 In Time of "The Breaking of Nations" 7 The Photograph 7 During Wind and Rain 7 The Oxen 8 Going and Staying 8 IN CONTEXT: Hardy's Reflections on the Writing of Poetry 9

ALICE MEYNELL (Website) A Father of Women The Threshing Machine Reflections: (1) In Ireland Reflections: (2) In Othello Reflections: (3) In Two Poets

BERNARD SHAW 10 Mrs. Warren's Profession 11 IN CONTEXT: Shaw's Prefaces (Website) from "Preface" to Plays Unpleasant from "Preface" to Mrs. Warrens Profession IN CONTEXT: The Profession of Prostitution (Website) from William Acton, "Prostitution Considered in its Moral, Social, and Sanitary Aspects," in London and Other Large Cities Selected Illustrations

JOSEPH CONRAD 48 An Outpost of Progress 50 "Preface" to The Nigger of the "Narcissus" 62 The Secret Sharer 64 from "Some Reflections on die Loss of the Titanic" 84 IN CONTEXT: "The Vilest Scramble for Loot" in Central Africa 88 from William G. Stairs, Diaries 88 from Henry Morgan Stanley, "Speech Given to the Lotus Club, New York" ... 89 from Henry Morgan Stanley, In Darkest Africa 90 from Joseph Chamberlain, "Speech to the House of Commons" (6 August 1901) 91 from Roger Casement, Congo Report 91 IN CONTEXT: Conrad as Seen by His Contemporaries (Website) IN CONTEXT: Miscommunication at Sea (Website) from Joseph Conrad, The Mirror of the Sea: Memories and Impressions

A.E. HOUSMAN 93 Loveliest of Trees 94 To an Athlete Dying Young 95 Terence, This Is Stupid Stuff 95 The Chestnut Casts His Flambeaux 96 Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries 97

EDWARD THOMAS 98 Tears 99 The Owl 99 Rain 100

SIEGFRIED SASSOON 101 They 102 Glory of Women 102 Everyone Sang 102 from Memoirs of an Infantry Officer 103 RUPERT BROOKE 105 Clouds 106 . The Dead 106 > The Soldier 106 The Great Lover (Website)

ISAAC ROSENBERG .• 107 Break of Day in the Trenches 108 Dead Man's Dump 108 Louse Hunting 109 Returning, We Hear the Larks 110

WILFRED OWEN Ill Arms and the Boy 112 Dulce et Decorum Est 112 Anthem for Doomed Youth 112 Strange Meeting 113 Futility 113 Letters ". 114 To Susan Owen, 7 January 1917 114 To Susan Owen, 10 January 1917 114 To Susan Owen, 16 January 1917 115 To Colin Owen, 2 March 1917 116 To Susan Owen, [?16] May 1917 117 To Susan Owen, 18 May 1917 118 To Susan Owen, 23 May 1917 118 To Susan Owen, 22 August 1917 119 To Tom Owen, 26 August 1917 120 To Mary Owen, 29 August 1917 120 To Susan Owen, 4 (or 6) October 1918 120 To Susan Owen, 8 October 1918 121 To Susan Owen, 29 October 1918 121 To Susan Owen, 31 October 1918 122

CONTEXTS: WAR AND REVOLUTION 124 from Anonymous, "Introduction" to Songs and Sonnets for England in War Time . . 125 "In Flanders Fields": The Poem, and Some Responses 126 John McCrae, "In Flanders Fields" . . . 126 John Mitchell, "Reply to In Flanders Fields" 128 J.A. Armstrong, "Another Reply to In Flanders Fields" 128 Elizabeth Daryush, "Flanders Fields" 129 Anonymous, "I Learned to Wash in Shell-Holes" 129 J.P Long and Maurice Scott, "Oh! It's a Lovely War" 129 from Rebecca West, "The Cordite Makers" 130 from Francis Marion Beynon, Aleta Day 132 from Chapter 24, War 132 Ivor Gurney, "To His Love" 133 Vance Palmer, "The Farmer Remembers the Somme" 133 from Robert Graves, Good-Bye to All That 135 from Chapter 17 135 from May Wedderburn Can nan, Grey Ghosts and Voices 138 from "Proceedings" of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers', and Peasants' Deputies 141

WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS 144 The Lake Isle of Innisfree 146 When You Are Old 146 Who Goes with Fergus? 147 Adam's Curse 147 No Second Troy 147 Easter 1916 148 The Wild Swans at Coole 149 In Memory of Major Robert Gregory 149 Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen 151 A Prayer for My Daughter 153 An Irish Airman Foresees his Death 154 - The Second Coming 155 Meditations in Time of Civil War 155 Leda and the Swan 158 Among School Children 159 Sailing to Byzantium 160 The Tower 161 A Dialogue of Self and Soul 163 Byzantium 164 For Anne Gregory 165 Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop 166 Lapis Lazuli 166 The Circus Animals' Desertion 167 Under Ben Bulben 168 IN CONTEXT: Yeats on Poetic Inspiration 170 from "The Symbolism of Poetry" 170 from "Four Years" 171 from "Introduction" to A Vision 172 IN CONTEXT: The Struggle for Irish Independence 174 Poblacht na h-Eireann: Proclamation of the Irish Republic 174 Pidraic Pearse, "Statement" 175 H.G. Wells (Website) The New Accelerator The Star IN CONTEXT: Wells's Non-Fiction from H.G. Wells, The Extinction of Man: Some Speculative Suggestions

SAKI (H.H. MUNRO) (Website) Tobermory

DOROTHY RICHARDSON 177 About Punctuation 178 Journey to Paradise 181 "Foreword" to Pilgrimage 185

ROBERT SERVICE (Website) The Cremation of Sam McGee

E.M. FORSTER 188 The Machine Stops (Website) The Road from Colonus 189 from "What I Believe" 195

P.G. WODEHOUSE 200 Honeysuckle Cottage 201

VIRGINIA WOOLF 213 The Mark on the Wall 215 Blue & Green 219 Kew Gardens 219 Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street 223 Modern Fiction 227 A Room of One's Own 231 from "A Sketch of the Past" 279 IN CONTEXT: Woolf and Bloomsbury 285 IN CONTEXT: Woolf as Writer 288 from Virgina Woolf, A Writers Diary 288 from E.M. Forster, "Review of 'Kew Gardens'" 290 from unsigned "Review of'Kew Gardens'" 291 from W.L. Courtney, "Review of Jacob's Room" 292

CONTEXTS: GENDER AND SEXUAL ORIENTATION 293 from Edward Carpenter, Love's Coming of Age 295 "The Intermediate Sex" 295 from Havelock Ellis, Sexual Inversion 297 from Chapter 3, Sexual Inversion in Men 297 from Chapter 4, Sexual Inversion in Women 298 from Chapter 5, The Nature of Sexual Inversion 298 from Grant Allen, "Woman's Place in Nature" 299 from Cicely Hamilton, Marriage as a Trade 299 Female Suffrage 302 Anonymous, ["There Was a Small Woman Called G"] 302 from Emmeline Pankhurst, My Own Story 303 from Marie Stopes, Married Love 305 from Virginia Woolf, Orlando 307 from George Orwell, "Boys' Weeklies" 308 from Frank Richard, "Frank Richard Replies to George Orwell" 309 from Robert Roberts, The Classic Slum 311 from E.M. Forster, "Terminal Note" to Maurice 312 from Virginia Woolf, "Old Bloomsbury" 312

JAMES JOYCE 314 Eveline 317 Araby 319 The Dead 322 Ivy Day in the Committee Room (Website) A Little Cloud (Website) The Boarding House (Website) - from Ulysses 343 Chapter 13, Nausicaa 343 IN CONTEXT: Joyce's Dublin 366 IN CONTEXT: Beckett and Joyce 368 from Samuel Beckett, "Dante ... Bruno. Vico ... Joyce" 368

D.H. LAWRENCE 375 Tortoise Shout 377 Snake 378 Bavarian Gentians 380 The Prussian Officer 380 Odour of Chrysanthemums 391 The Hopi Snake Dance 401 Why the Novel Matters 410

CONTEXTS: WORK AND WORKING-CLASS LIFE 414 from George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier 414 from "A Debate Between G.B. Shaw and G.K. Chesterton, Chaired by Hilaire Belloc" 418 from Robert Roberts, The Classic Slum 420 KATHERINE MANSFIELD • 424 Bliss 425 The Garden Party 432 Miss Brill 439

T.S. ELIOT .442 The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 444 Preludes 447 Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar 448 Gerontion 449 The Waste Land 450 Journey of the Magi 461 Marina 462 Burnt Norton 462 Tradition and the Individual Talent 465 The Metaphysical Poets 469 IN CONTEXT: T.S. Eliot and Anti-Semitism 474

CONTEXTS: ELIOT, POUND, AND THE VORTEX OF MODERNISM 477 from Jules Huret, "Interview with Stephane Mallarme'," L'Echo de Paris 478 Imagist and Futurist Poetry: A Sampling 479 T.E. Hulme 479 Autumn 479 Ezra Pound 480 In a Station of the Metro 480 Alba 480 L'Art, 1910 480 H.D 480 Oread 480 The Pool 480 Mina Loy 480 from "Three Moments in Paris" 481 1. One O'Clock at Night 481 from "Love Songs" 481 Imagism and Vorticism 482 from F.S. Flint, "Imagisme," Poetry Magazine 482 from Ezra Pound, "A Few Don'ts By an Imagiste," Poetry 482 from Ezra Pound, "Vorticism," Gaudier-Brzeska 483 from Virginia Woolf, "Character in Fiction" 485 Reactions to the Poems of T.S. Eliot 489 from Arthur Waugh, "The New Poetry," Quarterly Review 489 from Ezra Pound, "Drunken Helots and Mr. Eliot," The Egoist 490 from unsigned "Review," Literary World 491 from unsigned "Review," New Statesman 492 from Conrad Aiken, "Diverse Realists," Dial 492 from May Sinclair, "Prufrock and Other Observations: A Criticism," Little Review 492 from "Review of the First Issue of The Criterion," The Times Literary Supplement 493 from Gilbert Seldes, "Review," The Nation 493 from LA. Richards, Principles of Literary Criticism 495 from Douglas LePan, "Personality of the Poet: Some Recollections of T.S. Eliot" 496

HUGH MACDIARMID (Website) from In Memoriam James Joyce We Must Look at the Harebell In the Children's Hospital Another Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries

JEAN RHYS 499 Let Them Call It Jazz 500

DAVID JONES 509 from In Parenthesis 510 from "Preface" 510 from Part 7, The Five Unmistakable Marks 511 from The Sleeping Lord (Website)

ROBERT GRAVES 514 The Cool Web 515 Down, Wanton, Down! 515 Recalling War 515

NANCY CUNARD 517 {mm Jamaica: The Negro Island 518 from The White Man's Duty 521 from "Preface" 521

ELIZABETH BOWEN 523 The Demon Lover (Website) Oh, Madam 524

STEVIE SMITH 527 Mother, Among the Dustbins 528 The River God 528 Not Waving but Drowning 529 The New Age 529 Away, Melancholy 529 The Blue from Heaven 530 Pretty 531

GEORGE ORWELL 532 from Homage to Catalonia 533 Politics and the English Language 539 Shooting an Elephant • 546 IN CONTEXT: Elephants in Asia 550

SAMUEL BECKETT 551 Whoroscope 553 from Texts For Nothing 555 The Calmative 559 Imagination Dead Imagine 566 Krapp's Last Tape 568

W.H. AUDEN 573 [O what is that sound] 575 [At last the secret is out] 575 [Funeral Blues] 575 Spain 1937 576 [Lullaby] 578 [As I walked out one evening] 578 Musee des Beaux Arts 579 In Memory of W. B. Yeats 580 September 1, 1939 581 from The Sea and the Mirror [Song of the Master and Boatswain] 582 The Shield of Achilles 583 "The Truest Poetry is die Most Feigning" 584 IN CONTEXT: Auden on the Nature and Craft of Poetry 586 from Writing 586

CONTEXTS: WORLD WAR II 588 Winston Churchill, Speeches to the House of Commons 590 from "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat" (13 May 1940) 590 from "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" (4 June 1940) . 590 from "Their Finest Hour" (18 June 1940) 591 from Harold Nicholson, The War Years: 1939-1945 593 from Charles Ritchie, The Siren Years 595 Ross Parker and Hughie Charles, "We'll Meet Again" 598 Nat Burton and Walter Kent, "The White Cliffs of Dover" 599 Anonymous, Fucking Tobruk (Website) from John Lehmann, "Foreword" to The Penguin New Writing 600 David Campbell, "Men in Green" 600 Keith Douglas, "Vergissmeinnicht" 601 from Henry Reed, Lessons of War 602 1. Naming of Parts 602 Douglas LePan 602 "Below Monte Cassino" 602 "The Haystack" 603 Life at Home 603 Anti-Semitism and World War II 608 from Ezra Pound, "Speech to the English" 609 from George Orwell, "Anti-Semitism in Britain" 610 from Rebecca West, "Greenhouse -with Cyclamens" 611 from George Bernard Shaw, "The Unavoidable Subject" 614

THE LATE TWENTIETH CENTURY AND BEYOND: 1945 TO THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY 617 The End of the War and the Coming of the Welfare State 617 The End of Empire 620 From the 1960s to Century's End 622 Ireland, Scotland, Wales 626 The New Millennium 629 The History of the English Language 631

LEONORA CARRINGTON 634 - The Debutante 635

DORIS LESSING 637 To Room Nineteen 638 from The Golden Notebook 655 from "Introduction" to the 1971 edition 655

DYLAN THOMAS 657 The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower 658 Fern Hill 659 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night 660 A Refusal To Mourn The Death, By Fire, Of A Child In London 660 IN CONTEXT: Dylan Thomas in America (Website) from John Malcolm Brinnin, Dylan Thomas in America: An Intimate Journal

JUDITH WRIGHT 661 Woman to Man 662 The Bull 662 Woman to Child 663 At Cooloola 663 Sports Field 663 Two Dreamtimes 664 from A Human Pattern: Selected Poems 665 "Foreword" 665

P.K. PAGE 666 The Stenographers 667 The Landlady 667 Ecce Homo 668 Stories of Snow 669 Young Girls 670 After Rain 670 ' Nursing Home 671 from "Address At Simon Fraser" 672 Planet Earth 673 Calgary 674


GRAHAM GREENE 681 The Basement Room 682 IN CONTEXT: Reflections on Writing and Filmmaking 695 "Preface" to The Fallen Idol 695 from "Interview with Marie-Francoise Allain" 696

PHILIP LARKIN 698 Days 700 Church Going 700 Talking in Bed 701 Dockery and Son 701 Annus Mirabilis 702 High Windows 702 This Be The Verse 702 Vers de Societe 703 The Old Fools 703 Aubade 704


ALAN SILLITOE 705 The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner 706 IN CONTEXT: "Angry Young Men" 726 from John Osborne, A Better Class of Person: An Autobiography 726 Passing Looks at Christmas 728 THOM GUNN 730 The Wound 731 Tamer and Hawk 732 To His Cynical Mistress 732 The Hug 732 The Missing 733

HAROLD PINTER 734 The Homecoming 735

TED HUGHES 765 The Thought-Fox 766 Pike 767 Wodwo 767 Theology 768 A Childish Prank 768 The Seven Sorrows 768 Heptonstall Old Church 769 You Hated Spain 770 Daffodils 770

A.S. BYATT 772 - The July Ghost 773

CONTEXTS: PUBLIC VOICES: THE END OF EMPIRE AND A NEW BRITAIN 782 The "Quit India" Movement 784 from Mohandas K. Gandhi, "Speech to the All India Congress Committee" . . 784 from Sir Stafford Cripps, "Statement on India" 786 from Martin Luther King, "The Birth of a New Nation" (Website) from Harold Macmillan, "Speech Made to the South Africa Parliament" 788 from Manmohan Singh, "Acceptance Speech on the Occasion of the Awarding of the Degree of Doctor of Civil Law, Honoris Causa" 789 from Winston Churchill, "Campaign Speech" 792 from Clement Attlee, "Speech on the King's Address" 793 from Enoch Powell, "Speech on Race and Immigration" (Website) from Margaret Thatcher, "Speech to the Conservative Party Conference" 796 from Tony Blair, "Speech to the Labour Party Conference" 799 from Tony Blair, "Speech on the War in Iraq and Global Terrorism" (Website)

CHINUA ACHEBE 805 The Sacrificial Egg 806 from "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness" 809 DEREK WALCOTT 814 A Far Cry from Africa 815 Ruins of a Great House . 816 A Letter from Brooklyn 817 from Midsummer 817 52 817

SEAMUS HEANEY 819 Digging 820 Thatcher 820 The Wife's Tale 821 The Grauballe Man 821 Punishment 822 Casualty 823 Seeing Things 824 Englands of the Mind 825

ALICE MUNRO 834 Silence (Website) The View from Casde Rock 835

NGUGI WA THIONG'O 852 from Decolonising the Mind 853 Chapter 3 853 Chapter 4 855 Chapter 5 857

LES MURRAY 859 An Absolutely Ordinary Rainbow 860 Bent Water in the Tasmanian Highland 861 The Quality of Sprawl 863 Pigs 864 The Mare out on the Road 864

MARGARET ATWOOD 866 Further Arrivals 868 Deadi of a Young Son by Drowning 868 The Immigrants 869 Later in Belleville: Career 869 Daguerreotype Taken in Old Age 869 Thoughts from Underground 870 A Bus along St. Clair: December 870 We are hard 871 [you fit into me] 871 " The Handmaid's Tale and Oryx and Crake in Context" 872 IN CONTEXT: Susanna Moodie (Website) from Susanna Moodie, Roughing it in the Bush from Susanna Moodie, Life in the Clearings versus the Bush

MICHAEL ONDAATJE 877 Letters & Other Worlds 878 Travels in Ceylon (from Running in the Family) 879

TOM STOPPARD 883 Professional Foul 884

CARYL CHURCHILL 914 Top Girls 915

ANGELA CARTER 952 The Bloody Chamber 953

JOHN CLEESE AND GRAHAM CHAPMAN 975 from Monty Python's Flying Circus 976 Dead Parrot Sketch 976 Pet Conversion 977 Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook 978 - Spam 979

SALMAN RUSHDIE 981 Is Nothing Sacred? 982

IAN MCEWAN 990 Last Day of Summer 991

PAUL MULDOON 999 Good Friday, 1971. Driving Westward 1000 Our Lady Of Ardboe 1001 The Sightseers 1001 Cherish The Ladies 1002 Milkweed And Monarch 1002 The Plot 1003 Anonymous: Myself And Pangur 1003

KAZUO ISHIGURO 1004 A Village After Dark 1005

HANIF KUREISHI 1012 My Son the Fanatic 1013 DAVID DABYDEEN 1019 Slave Song 1020 Coolie Odyssey 1021 from Turner: New and Selected Poems 1023 "Preface" 1023 Turner 1024

CAROL ANN DUFFY 1027 Stealing 1028 Adultery 1028 The Good Teachers 1029 Drunk : 1029 Mean Time 1030 Mrs. Lazarus 1030 Wish 1031 Rapture 1031

DIRECTIONS IN LATE TWENTIETH- AND EARLY TWENTY-FIRST-CENTURY POETRY .... 1032 Geoffrey Hill 1034 from Mercian Hymns 1034 A Short History of British India (2) 1035 from The Triumph of Love 1036 Tony Harrison -...•..- 1037 Them & [uz] 1037 t'Ark 1037 from V 1038 from Sonnets for August 1945 1038 The Morning After 1038 Tom Raworth 1039 Out of A Sudden 1039 Looking for Language 1039 David Harsent 1039 Art 1039 Craig Raine 1040 A Martian Sends a Postcard Home 1040 Eavan Boland 1041 Night Feed 1041 Anna Liffey 1041 Listen. This is the Noise of Myth 1044 Against Love Poetry 1045 Veronica Forrest-Thomson 1046 Identi-Kit 1046 Phrase-Book 1046 James Fenton 1046 A German Requiem 1047 Grace Nichols 1048 Skanking Englishman Between Trains 1048 Epilogue 1049 Love 1049 White 1049 Medbh McGuckian 1049 Slips 1049 The Sofa 1050 The Dream-Language of Fergus 1050 Maggie O'Sullivan 1051 from "Starlings" 1051 Linton Kwesi Johnson 1051 Inglan Is a Bitch 1051 Moniza Alvi 1052 And If 1052 How the World Split in Two 1053 Jean Binta Breeze 1053 earth cries 1053 Gwyneth Lewis 1053 Mother Tongue 1053 Jackie Kay 1054 In My Country 1054 High Land 1054 Simon Armitage 1055 The English 1055 It Could Be You 1055 Alice Oswald 1055 Wedding 1055 Woods etc 1055 Caitriona O'Reilly 1056 Hide 1056 A Brief History of Light 1056

BERNARDINE EVARISTO 1057 from Lara 1058 One (1949, Taiwo) 1058

JEANETTE WINTERSON 1061 Lives of Saints 1062

ZADIE SMITH 1065 Hanwell in Hell 1066 APPENDICES


MAPS 1094