CHARTUBLE WORKS FUND APPEAL NEXT WEEKEND: The Charitable Works of our Sydnelr ST PATRICK'S PARISH MORTLAKE - are 33 Gnle St. Mortlake 2137 Telephone (02) 9743 1017 Fax: (02) 9739 6474 Church vital aspects of our church's Mission in this city. Faith without "good works" is an "errpty three E-mn il: p ari s h@stp fl ls m o rll a ke. o re. au faith". Every parish in Sydney is asked to make a contribution to these charitable works on Paris h l4tebsite: www.stpolsmottlake. oru, flu occasions each year. We, the good people of St Patrick's Parish Mortlake, aro geuerous contributors to the Parish Priesl: Mons. John Uslrcr charitable works of the church. In particular we support the special works for children in need of care, victims of . MASSES: Saurday 9.00am - (Wgil) 6.00pn - Suntury 9,00an and 6.00pm violence, distressed families, people with disabilities, dislocated and homeless young people and tlrose who are not Mondoy: Communion Semice; Tuxday to Friday 8,00om Mass Iiving a dignified life. Any support you can offer again next week-end will go a long way to improve the lives ol' Frirlny: Rosnrylor peace ofler Morning Mass many people who depend on us. RECONCILIATION: Saturday 5.j0 pm to S.4Spm Parish Administtation: TuesdaJ) ond Friday 9.00am to 3,00pm - Brendt DIARY DATES ST PATRICK'S SCHOOL Mondav l0.00am BINGO in the Parish Hall - All Welcome l2 Herberl Slreel Morllflke Phone: 9736 1797 All enquifies: [email protected],au ll/ednesdav I l.00am Christian Meditation in the Ladv Chaoel - All ll/elconte

FE4.II DAYS THIS WEEK: Monday: St Leonard of Limoges (559 - Patron of Captives); Tuesday: St Willibrord RECENTLY DECEASED: Greg McGrath; Fr John Lyne; Rayleen Marr; Jack Chan; Anna Manno. (739 - Patron of Holland); Wednesday: St Geoffrey (115'); Tharsday.' Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome ANNIVERSARY AND SPECIAL INTENT'IONS: Caterina & Pietro Archetti; Grazia Coco; Viucenzo Coco; (324); Friday: St Leo the Great (461); Salurday: St Martin De Tours (397 - Patron ofSoldiers). Bess & Berl Cooper; Margaret, Alister & Gregory Smith; Rev Fr Kevin English; Mary & Agnes Venn; Gus MESSAGE FROM MONS JOHN: Today we read in St Matthew's Gospel a criticism of the Harding; All Deceased members of the English, Cooper and Smith Families; Grace Felettigh; Wendy & Robert religious leaders of Jesus' time, the Pharisees, for not practicing what they preached. The Alfano; Gil Cocco; Deceased members of the Di Giglio, Tesoriero, Lo Schiavo, Calea & Michallef Families: Vincent Timothy Driscoll; Mary Noel Swain; Luigi Ernestina Ninni; Deceased members Di inference was that people should heed what the Pharisees say, but don't do what they do. & & & of the Domenica Family; Flora, Olga, Maria Nicolino & Ninni; Teresa & Dominic Alvaro; Vassall Family; The warnings that are placed on the lips of Jesus in today's Gospel are not so much directed Domenic Cardillo; Giuseppe & Isabella Lasorsa &,Family; Giovanni & Carmela llluzzi & Family; Alvaro against any particular historical group in the past. They are actually directed at any form of Evelina Narciso Bianchi; Rita Orsi; Rina Cossettini; Guido & Nanda Rovere; Jean & Nadia Gamra; Nadia Sartini; Gaspare Faverol Peruzzi & Favero Families; Mario Favero; Paul Jackson; Baby Isabella Polilroni; Pharisaism at any time or in any place. Pharisees are still around today in all sorts ofguises. Muir Family; Walter Goh; Chong Family; Angelo, Concetta & Domenico Piccin; Tesoriero Family; William & Our Christian faith must be a lifestyle that we embrace freely and happily. It must never be a Mary Samuel; William & Winifred Chamberlain; Bill Chamberlain; Chamberlain Farnily; Salvatore Ferlauto; Michele & Giuseppa Goffredo; Nancy Bonanova; Zacca; Gussy Fausti; Michael, Tony, Sadie & burden. It must always be a joy. That's the message we are invited to pass onto our children. Yousef Abdallah & Family; Paul Zahia; Odette Whalic; Sarkis Assad; Joe Betros; Bill & Doris Young; Kevin Furthermore, is a it much more than message. It is a lifestyle that we should live everyday of & Jean McGettigin; Kathleen, Maurice, Paul, Henry, Geoff, Elizabeth Bartlett; Elsie, Frederick, Helen Sheldon; our lives. Iris & Doug Grant; Stella & Frederick Steadman; Betty & Bill Owens; Norm Roll; Elizabeth & Frank Flint; Tony Rafferty; John Power; Tony Clyne; Rev Mons Bartlett; Rev Br Maurus; Nadia & John Gamra; Doris Christ'smessageistheoppositeofPharisaism. Itisneveraburdenanditalwaysevokesjoyin Akle; Guido Rovere; Veneranda Rovere; Clarke & O'Heam Families; Shore, Mclnerney, Johansen, McCulloch, give our hearts and minds. We are invited to thanks today for the wonderful sense of liberation Canno, Moore & Foster Families; . MORE NOVEMBER MASS INTENTIONS NEXT WEEK and happiness that is ours because we are followers ofJesus Christ; notjust yesterday; notjust PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS OF OUR COMMUNITY: Join rhe Prayer Group today; but etemally. after Sunday's 9am Mass to say one decade of the Rosary and the Memorare for petitions received: Greg EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF COMMUNION TO THE SICK: All members are asked to please McGrath; Margaret Howland; Graham McGrath; Bemice; Marisa; Christine; Carl; Mary; Gladys Northey; collect your special invitation envelope in the Narthex. Brian; Hilda; Francesca Betty: Patrick Morris; John Coulson; Sandra Penning; Rosa Santos; Charles Chow; Lily; Bede Bendeich; Annette; Karen; Sr Jean; Margaret Love; Domenica: Dannie; Diane; Kristen. To have SUPPORT FOR OUR ON GOING PARISH PROGRAMS: We are extremely grateful to our lour own petitions included, please see one of the gtoup, or phone Carmel Molilerno 9736 1718 or See parishioner, Mike Bailey, who will speak to us for a Short while at all Masses this week-end. Mike will Mons John be extending an invitation to any of our new parishioners to join one of our planned-giving programmes to support our ongoing parish works - especially the new works recommended at the Parish Assembly NEXT WEEK 1 1 &12 NOVEMBER 2OI7 - IYEEK TTTO earlier this year. Sat.6.00 om Sun.9.00 am Sun.6.00 pm Readers Kevin Casey Wendy Ballesty Sinead Kent MENS GATHERING ON FRIDAY EVENING 24rH NOVEMBER: All the men and boys of the Parish Maureen Casey Paul Ballesty Maryellen Ottaway are, once again, invited to the presbytery on Friday 24th November (from 7pm) for our annual informal BBQ, refreshments and "convivium". Keep the date free as'it will be another opportunity to greet some Acolvtes Barrv Coffey Eric Kent Kevin Nelson-Smith Communion at Mass Mabel Bianchi James Redrup old and new faces. New gentlemen in the parish are especially welcome. SAVE THE DATEI Margaret Dix Crrmen Hollv Marsaret & Gil Vella .lulienne McCnrthv ST VINCENT DE PAUL: The next monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th November at Communion to the Sick Luisa Camoasne end Libhv Cook 6.00pm in the hall. Chitdren's Litursv The Children Litursv Team Altar Society - 2,d Saturday Luisa Camoasna. Anne Gaul & Marsaret Leundv YOUTH MASS AND GATHERING THIS SUNDAY: Young people are gathering at our Mass at 6PM Monev Counters Carol Gordon, James Redrup, Allan & Christina Marshall this Sunday evening followed by a get-together in the presby,tery with Fr John. COME ALONGI Altar Servers Please see Mons John