Teaching, Coaching and Mastering the Mental Game of Hockey

Dr. Wayne Halliwell University of Montreal Today’s athletes are different

- Understand them - Empathize with them - Communicate with them - Connect with them - Inspire them HEAD (Mental)

HEART BODY (Emotional) (Physical) MAKE


ACHIEVE The Journey

Passion “It is a terrible human waste to have sight without vision”

Helen Keller Keys to Success


Control Knowledge

Choices Awareness


Situational awareness Self-awareness “ What are my strengths ? ” “ What do I need to improve ? ” “ What kind of player am I ? ” “ What chair do I sit in ? ” Identity as a Player

Offensive Defenceman – Green, Rafalski Defensive Defenceman - Pronger, Foote 2-way Defenceman - Lidstrom, Markov Offensive - Savard, Satan Defensive Forward - Draper, Helm 2-way Forward - Crosby, Datsyuk Power Forward – Franzen, Holmstrom Identity as a Person

Commitment Work ethic Attitude Responsible Leadership Humility “ You can fool the fans You can fool the media You can fool the coaches You can’t fool your teammates because they know ” “ You can’t fool yourself ”

“ Satisfy the man in the mirror “” Help them GROW - grow as athletes

- grow as players

- grow as people Daily Decisions Determine Destiny M.E.D.C.

“ Make Every Day Count ” Olympic Mindset

Confidence and Consistency

Constantly searching for ……

Improvement ! “ Set stretch goals ”

Improvement is a process C O N F I D E N C E

P T T A H M E C C Y E H T S N N I I T I C C A C A A A L L L L “ Train Your Brain ”

“ Unchain Your Brain ” Thinking habits

- We are all creatures of Habit - Be aware of your thinking habits - Break old thinking habits - Create new thinking habits Thinking Habits – awareness ?

“ I have to have a good game ” “ I better start scoring ” “ I have to get a ” “ I hope I have a good game ” “ I hope I don’t screw up ” "Mind vitamins" Self-talk Visualization Focusing Breathing N.H.L. Mental skills

 99, 87, 77, 48, 37,

 26, 19, 17, 9, 1 Anecdotes

“ Have a store of stories ”

Harvey Dorfman Coaching the Mental Game “Consistency, work ethic, and pride are the keys to success”

Wayne Gretzky #99 “ Control what you can control”

Sidney Crosby # 87 Breathing

O2 # 77 1 3 2 3

 Take deep breaths between shifts on the bench  Steve Thomas - "Get pucks in, get pucks out, and take deep breaths" A,B,C’S FOR GOALIES Alert Big Calm "Trigger words"

Alert – Big - Calm Square Challenge Battle See the puck "Trigger words"

Move your feet Drive the net Stay on rebounds Track back hard Win the battles Stay with it “SUCCESS IS A CHOICE” “Success doesn’t happen by chance Success happens by choice !” “We are not born as winners or losers, we are born as CHOOSERS” “How good can I be ?”

“What will I do today ?” Train with a Purpose

Practice with a purpose ATTITUDE “Work ethic is a skill”

Harry Sheehy

“Raising a Team Player” “ If you aren’t working hard, someone else is, and one day, the trwo of you will meet ” HAVE TO


GET TO Adapting and Adjusting

- Quick feet = foot speed

- Quick hands = hand speed

- Quick brain = mind speed ‘‘ Focus control ’’


Past Present Future Relax Ready Review


Release Regroup


"Bouncing back" – using the R's Thoughts, emotions, focus, breathing,

body language, effort, battle level,

reactions, attitude, communication, leadership, hydration, nutrition, sleep

perspective, balance, decisions Other Can’t Controls

Coaching decisions : - ice time - not dressing - linemates - position - team systems Coping skills

1. Don’t point fingers 2. Deal with it ! 3. Focus on what you can control 4. Stay in the solution 5. Figure it out ! “Struggle and Emerge”

Notre Dame College

Wilcox, Saskatchewan Short Focus Sharp

Compete Battle Intensity

On-ice Discipline Off-ice Mental Preparation

Be in the moment

Stay in the moment

Own the moment In The Moment Immersed Absorbed


Connected Emotional preparation

Enjoy the moment

Savour the moment

Embrace the moment PRESSURE

“ You can FEEL pressure ”


“ You can APPLY pressure ” PRESSURE

“ Be Comfortable being …….

Uncomfortable ” Finding ways to lead Out front

Help 19 Beside Care



Young guys need to : - bring energy - leave an impression - grab opportunities - not sit and wait - be proactive and have a plan Motivational R’s

Recognize Reinforce Reward “ Use effort-based language when giving praise to athletes ”

Carol Dweck “ MINDSET ” “IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ____ME !”