The Aleutian Islands Unitis Part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Established to Protect Migratory Birds, Marine Mammals, and Their Habitats

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The Aleutian Islands Unitis Part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Established to Protect Migratory Birds, Marine Mammals, and Their Habitats The Aleutian Islands Unitis part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge established to protect migratory birds, marine mammals, and their habitats. The unit comprises some 200 islands that extend over a thousand miles. TAKE PRIDE IN AMERICA The refuge is an important resting and feeding The National Wildlife Refuge System in Alaska stop for many migratory birds. Over 250 species Seabirds are a primary reason for the richness comprises 16 units which together cover a wide of birds have been observed along the chain of the ocean and a vital link in its nutrient cycle. spectrum of scenic, scientific, cultural, and recrea­ and new species from Asia are added to the list These birds return thousands of tons of organic tional values. Alaska's lands are a vast but delicate almost annually. matter (droppings) to the ocean. Droppings habitat — its protection is essential to wildlife of na­ contain phosphates and nitrates needed to pro­ tional and international interests. Be careful your RECREATION duce phytoplankton, tiny marine plants that are actions do not alter the character of the landscape the basis of the marine food chain. Without The flora is rich and diverse, a wonderful mix or disturb biological processes. of plants from both North America and Asia. — A visitor center is located on Adak island these nutrients fewer fish and other marine offering displays and information. In addition, Grasses, sedges, lichens, mosses, and heath organisms would be produced. It is in the best the refuge staff provides interpretive programs plants carpet the landscape. Bountiful and interest of all of us to protect these special birds. and educational assistance to schools and other colorful wildflowers include chocolate lily, groups. monkshood, lupine, buttercup, iris, fireweed, and several species of orchid. Large beds of WAR ON THE REFUGE kelp are found along the shorelines and wildrye — Recreational activities include wildlife obser­ vation, photography, hiking, camping, hunting, grows near the beaches. The islands are treeless fishing, trapping, cross-country skiing and Little known to many Americans, an impor­ except for a few introduced spruce. WEATHER PARADISE FOR BIRDS beachcombing. Check with the refuge staff prior tant phase of World War II occurred on refuge to a visit to determine which activities are allow­ The Aleutian climate is characterized by lands. Following a carrier attack on Dutch Har­ Brightly colored puffins, swarming flocks of ed and what regulations apply. precipitation, fog, high winds and frequent, bor in June 1942, Japanese forces seized posi­ auklets, noisy murre colonies, thousands of often violent cyclonic storms. Clear, sunny days tions on Attu and Kiska islands. U.S. forces ALEUTIAN ISLANDS - flapping gulls; together they represent the vast — Motorized vehicles are allowed only on are rare. Weather along the chain is very local. responded by establishing bases on Adak and THE CHAIN OF LIFE marine resource for which the Aleutians are established, hard-surfaced, maintained roads on It can change dramatically over a short distance Amchitka. These bases were used for bomb­ known. The islands provide nesting habitat Attu, Shemya, and Adak islands. or even within a span of a few minutes at one ing the Japanese and launching an assault that resulted in a hard won U.S. victory at Attu A bridge between two continents, these islands for some 10 million seabirds. The world's location. Summer temperatures average only followed by the evacuation of Japanese forces are some of the most forbidding and scenic largest known colony of crested and least — All trash must be packed out. "Minimum around 50 degrees but winter temperatures from Kiska. Much of the war's aftermath can places in the world. Plush green tundra, brilliant auklets is found on Kiska and nearly a million impact" camping techniques are required. average 30 degrees which is relatively mild for still be seen today as quonset huts, old run­ wildflowers, soaring eagles, and spawning northern fulmars nest on Chagulak. Tiny Alaska. Warm clothing and rain gear are ways, metal dumps, gun posts, and other salmon are common. Breathtaking landscapes, Kaligagan supports Alaska's largest colony of — Destroying, disturbing, digging or removing necessary year-round. military debris litter the landscape. Military fantastic mammal and bird colonies, earth­ tufted puffins, over 100,000 individuals. Native artifacts, World War II debris, and other installations are presently located at Adak, quakes, and unpredictable weather are part of Seabirds spend most of their life at sea but historical items is prohibited. Shemya, and Attu. the uniqueness of these wonderful islands. return to the islands each spring to raise their young. The islands offer opportunities to see birdlife VISITING THE ISLANDS The Aleutians are actually the peaks of a sub­ Few oceans are as productive as those sur­ not found elsewhere in North America. marine mountain range. Most of the islands are rounding the Aleutians. The cold, turbulent Whooper swans, tufted ducks, Siberian — It is difficult to visit many islands because Aleutian mountainous with numerous lakes, ponds, and waters provide a fisheries resource important rubythroats, wood sandpipers, far eastern of remoteness, rough seas, winds, and rocky streams. Fifty-seven volcanoes (13 over 5,000 to foreign and domestic fleets, sport anglers, curlews, and gulls are shorelines. Some islands have restricted access feet high) are visible in the chain and many are FOR MORE INFORMATION Islands subsistence users, and wildlife. Pollack, herr­ a few of the more regular Asiatic visitors. Com­ in order to protect wildlife. active. ing, sole, cod, halibut, shellfish, and salmon mon terrestrial birds include the bald eagle, CONTACT: Unit are plentiful. Dolly Varden and salmon spawn raven, rock ptarmigan, peregrine falcon, snow — Permission from the appropriate military in streams throughout the chain. Pink salmon bunting, song sparrow, lapland longspur, command is required to visit Adak (U.S. Navy), Alaska are the most abundant but chum, coho, and winter wren, and rosy finch. All except the Shemya (U.S. Air Force) and Attu (U.S. Coast Refuge Manager sockeye salmon are also found. lapland longspur are year-round residents. Guard). Regularly scheduled airlines serve Aleutian Islands Unit Maritime Rock sandpipers and black oystercatchers are Dutch Harbor, Adak and Shemya from Anch­ Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge National found on the beaches and shoreline rocks. orage. Air travel is often delayed because of Box 5251 NASAdak, AK Terns, puffins, cormorants, and guillemots can the weather. Commercial lodging is available FPO Seattle, WA 98791-0009 Wildlife often be seen on nearshore ocean waters, har­ only at Dutch Harbor. Telephone: (907) 592-2406/2407 Refuge bors, and bays. — Portions of several islands are owned by Native corporations. These lands should be THE FIRST INHABITANTS respected as private property. Contact the refuge office if you are uncertain about land The Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge The people native to the Aleutians are known status. is part of a nationwide system of wildlife refuges as Aleuts. They refer to themselves as under the administration of the U.S. Fish and UNANGAN which means "people." The rich Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior. As flora and fauna of the islands once supported PROTECTING SPECIAL WILDLIFE the nation's principal conservation agency, the between 15,000 and 25,000 Aleuts. They built Department of the Interior is responsible for villages along the seacoasts and lived on the Aleutian wildlife faces threats from many human most of our nationally owned public lands and abundant marine mammals, fish, seabirds, activities. These include predation by intro­ natural resources. The Department fosters wise marine invertebrates, and seaweed. Evidence duced animals, entanglement in gillnets, use of our land and water resources, protects A HOME FOR WILDLIFE of these villages still exists on nearly every overharvest of fish resources, pollution, and fish and wildlife, preserves the environment and island. The Russians arrived around 1745 disturbance by photographers and hikers. cultural values of national parks and historical The islands and coastal waters are home to bringing violence, slavery, and disease to these Seabirds are especially vulnerable because most places, and provides for enjoyment of life marine mammals, seabirds, waterfowl, land proud and resourceful people. By 1831 the of them nest colonially and lay only one or through outdoor recreation. mammals, and other wildlife. Sea lions and har­ Aleut population had dwindled to less than Waterfowl most easily seen are the green- two eggs each year. Disturbance by aircraft, bor seals inhabit the shorelines. Sea otters are a thousand persons. Today villages exist only winged teal, mallard, greater scaup, harlequin boats, and humans can cause these birds to on Atka, Umnak, Unalaska, Akutan, and abundant, especially from Adak to Kiska. They duck, and common eider. Emperor geese, abandon their nests. They often panic and the Department of the Interior Unimak islands. were once nearly eliminated because of their which nest on the Yukon Delta National resulting confusion causes eggs and young to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service valuable fur but are now protected. Whales Wildlife Refuge, visit the Aleutians during the be knocked off the cliffs. The remaining young and porpoises are found in coastal waters. winter months. The refuge is also the nesting and eggs are exposed to predators. Repeated Introduced mammals include the caribou/ stronghold of the endangered Aleutian Canada disturbances can eliminate breeding activities reindeer and arctic fox. goose. entirely. The Aleutian Islands Unit Thick-billed Murres Arctic Tern Parasitic Jaeger Arctic Fox Bald Eagle Least Auklet Gareloi Northern Pintai Spring Beauty Chocolate Lily Black-legged Kittiwakes Parakeet Auklets Caribou Chuginadak and Carlisle Glaucous-winged Gulls Horned Puffin Red-faced Cormorant Kanaga Volcano Starflower Northern Sea Lion Mt. Moffett on Adak .
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