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FIRST TO IMRLIMINT Thursday College of Soc. Sci. MICHIGAN STATI applies CUE report UNIVERSITY of the honors program, also In the report. By AIMEE PATTERSON Some recommendations have already been Stato News Staff Writer approved and will go Into effect next Vol. 60 Number 117 East Lansing, Michigan February 1, 1968 I 0ç The College of Social Science Is the falL The two two-quarter sequence first college on campus to implement courses created w ill give each ju n io r and portions of the Committee on Under senior in the* m ultidisciplinary program graduate Education (CUE) report In their the opportunity to do seminar work in the 75-page report released today, according social sciences. to Baljlt Singh, assistant dean of the The newly created courses w ill enroll college* a maximum of 20 students In each, working The CUE report, released last fall, closely for two terms with two professors. Saigon offensive diminishes; presented an analysis of problems and "This will help the student to clear his proposed possible solutions In the field doubts about a subject through more in of undergraduate education. In the dividual study and we will cover In the "Undergraduate Multidisciplinary Major broadest possible categpryany topic which Programs in Social Sciences" report, can be discussed in social science," said constructive suggestions have been made Singh. extensive fighting elsewhere to "Improve undergraduate education," "W e have the complete cooperation and according to Singh. encouragement from the Honors College SAIGON iff) — The Viet Cong’s offensive p a rt of the country," the hotspot sector be While the MPs struck across the dent. Eleven Americans were wounded. The college's Undergraduate Multi fo r this p ro je c t," he said. in Saigon diminished Thursday but was low the demilitarized zone. grounds, two paratroop platoons landed U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker said disciplinary Program Review Committee, The report also recommends that the able to score successes elsewhere in its Enemy snipers operated at one time by helicopters on the roof of the six-story this attack was obviously premeditated, headed by Jay W. A rtis , assistant dean college take the Initiative to secure a coordinated attacks down the length of Wednesday night as close as 200 yards $2.6 m illion embassy, considered terror planned well In advance and carefully coor of the college, compiled the report during more structured definition of the"Honors South Vietnam. from Westmoreland’s headquarters, the ist-proof when it was dedicated last No dinated with similar assaults elsewhere last summer and fa ll, and modeled it experience" and the admission and reten The Communists captured part of Hue, new "Pentagon East" at Tan Son Nhut vember, and worked their way down. around the country. along the lines of the CUE report when tion policies. "Some students will take the old Imperial capital 400 miles north alrbase northwest of Saigon. U.S. Army Two American servicemen were .shot The threat of a big push by three or that publication was released. easier courses to maintain their average of Saigon, and seized control of half of helicopter gunshlps worked by the light dead by the guerrillas after they blasted four divisions of North Vietnamese regu The social science report must be ap and the c rite ria guidelines set up fo r the Kontum In the central highlands.Two other of parachute flares to erase that threat. a hole in the northern corner of the embas la rs against U.S. M arine and South V iet proved by the college's advisory com program are therefore not strictly fol major cities along the coastline in the U.S. m ilitary policemen and paratroop sy's outer wall and entered the compound namese government posts below the de mittee and then by the Provost before it low ed," Singh said. north, Nha Trang and Qul Nhon, came under ers of the U.S. 101st A irborne Division under the cover of rocket fire from an em m ilitarized zone was cited by the ambas can go into effect. The committee hopes The Honors College advocated the same fresh mortar attacks and ground probes Joined In destroying a 20-man Viet Cong placement south of the compound. sador as a parallel to the guerrilla oper for ".partial implementation by next fa ll," type of study in their report released in for the third straight day. suicide squad which had held part of the In all one Marine, four American MPs ations. President Nguyen Van Thieu declared compound of the U.S. Embassy for six and at least one Vietnamese employe of the Singh said. M arch of 1967. (please turn to back page) The report suggests the creation of a The college also asks that a faculty martial law throughout the nation in the hours starting about 3 ajn. Wednesday. embassy were killed In the embassy inci position of director for the undergraduate committee be set up to approve and re wake of the Wednesday attacks against the social sciences program. "This would view the program of each newly admitted U.S. Embassy and m ilitary and civilian give the students who are m ajoring In Honors student to the program to make installations from Hue to the Meking Delta. The U.S. Command reported shortly aft social sciences a person to identify the sure his schedule of courses Is consistent program w ith,” he said. "R ig h t now they with the program’s requirements, er midnight that the situation in Saigon was under control, but soon afterward the Viet can only say that they are In the College (please turn to back page) o f Social Sciences In Pee H all but have Cong blew up a power station in the Cholon no one person they can name as di section and attacked two national police rector," Singh added. stations there. , The director would carry out his func Honors group There were several minor attacks on tion from the college in Fee Hall. The U.S. installations in Saigon, where at least office there, ¿however, would still con 12 U.S. soldiers and Marines were killed tinue as an administrative unit advising to evaluate in fending off a guerrilla onslaught at the students as it does now, according to U.S. Embassy and other installations Wed Singh. nesday. A second major suggestion Involves the The U.S. Command announced that 45 creation of a social sciences methods its program U.S. soldiers had been k ille d and 313 wounded in the last 24 hours of fighting in course. This would teach students how to By LINDA GORTMAKER the Saigon area but outside Saigon Itself. carry out research In the fields of social State News Staff Writer science. In the western suburbs, 300 Viet Cong Most departments have at least two or Considering recommendations made in attacked the headquarters of the South three such courses at the present time, the Committee on Undergraduate Ed Vietnamese 25th Infantry Division. according to Singh. The report recom- ucation (CUE) report, the new University Communist mortars hammered the big , mends two-quarter sequence courses Honors ProgramsCqmmittee is still “ get U.S. airfield, the 1st Field Force Artillery which would satisfy student requirements ting organized and educating itself." headquarters and the 5th Special Forces and would give them the multidisciplinary William W, Kelly, newly appointed di headquarters at Nha Trang, on the coast focus which the college advocates. rector of the Honors College and acting 190 miles northeast of Saigon, in another phase of a Red drive launched Tuesday at The multidisciplinary program Involves committee chairman, said the new stand A ttack target teaching a course from two or three dif ing faculty committee has been meeting the outset of the greatest of the Vietnamese » ferent angles. - For example., sociology regularly sfnco- foe lunaAgwtfcwr. Yetu VleT Cong guerrillas carried ttr*>r b ig g e s t «.".V •iifsC- of** the war Into the heart o f Serfgort M o n d a y, They might be foMgbt by a sociologist, psy Academic: rv i« w il IfclWsarn. Pursing Saigon area operations that in cluded a fin a lly crushed attack on the U.S. battled allied troops (n the streets and launched a mortar and ground attack on the U.S. embassy com- chologist and economist. The 1600 stu K&ily SuiJ the group .... s ¡m . no specific pound, shown here. dents majoring in social science are timetable for completingany type#report Embassy, the Viet Cong opened up w ith UPI Telephoto machine-gun and small-arms fire against classed in the multidisciplinary majors but is "taking time to deliberate." program (MMP). Areas the committee is now discussing another of the U.S. m ilitary billets that were among their targets Wednesday. This multidisciplinary focus is also in for possible change are admission re The Viet Cong claimed "resounding vic cluded in the strengthening and expansion quirements for the Honors College, par ticipation requirem ents once a student tories" in statements relayed from Hanoi. gains admission, and what kind of re Speaking for the allies, Thieu declared: Johnson remains si I ent wards or recognition Honors students "The Communists' general offensive at should earn at graduation. tempt has been completely fo ile d ," Concert Tickets " Is it enough to just have ‘Honors M ilitary spokesmen said allied forces College’ stamped on the diploma, or had killed 2,643 Communist troops across About 250 tickets are left for should there be more specific recognition, the country in the 48 hours up to noon concerning terror attacks The Lovin1 Spoonful concert at say at the departmental level?" Kelly Wednesday, more than are usually killed 8 p.m.