Power and Performance Analysis of GPU-Accelerated Systems

Yuki Abe Hiroshi Sasaki Martin Peres Kyushu University Kyushu University Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique Koji Inoue Kazuaki Murakami Shinpei Kato Kyushu University Kyushu University Nagoya University

Abstract 18.00 16.00 GTX 680

14.00 Graphics processing units (GPUs) provide signifi- 12.00 NVIDIA GPU 10.00 CPU cant improvements in performance and performance-per- 8.00 6.00 GTX 285 GTX 580 watt as compared to traditional multicore CPUs. This GFLOPS / Wa 9800 GT GTX 480 4.00 GTX 280 8800 GTX E7-8870 energy-efficiency of GPUs has facilitated the use of 2.00 7900 GTX Q9650 980XE 0.00 E4300 E6850 X7460 GPUs in many application domains. Albeit energy effi- 2006/3/4 2007/9/15 2009/3/28 2010/10/9 2012/4/21 cient, GPUs consume non-trivial power independently of CPUs. Therefore, we need to analyze the power and per- formance characteristic of GPUs and their causal relation Figure 1: Performance-per-watt trends on representative with CPUs in order to reduce the total energy consump- NVIDIA GPUs [11] and Intel CPUs [6]. tion of the system while sustaining high performance. In this paper, we provide a power and performance anal- ysis of GPU-accelerated systems for better understand- ing for GPUs, while most computational pieces of GPU- ings of these implications. Our analysis on a real system accelerated systems are offloaded on to GPUs. In order discloses that system energy can be reduced by 28% re- to develop energy-efficient GPU-accelerated systems, it taining a decrease in performance within 1% by control- is essential to identify the trade-off in power and perfor- ling the voltage and frequency levels of GPUs. We show mance of GPUs and its causal relation with CPUs. that energy savings can be achieved when GPU core and Despite rapid growth of GPU technology, there has memory clock frequencies are appropriately scaled con- not been much understanding of power and performance sidering the workload characteristics. Another interest- implications of GPU-accelerated systems. According to ing finding is that voltage and frequency scaling of CPUs vendor’s specifications, thermal design power (TDP) of is trivial for total system energy reduction, and even state-of-the-art GPUs is around 200W, while that of to- should not be applied in state-of-the-art GPU-accelerated day’s multicore CPUs is typically below 100W. Because systems. We believe that these findings are useful to de- TDP of GPUs is comparable to or even higher than that velop dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) al- of CPUs, it is hard for system designers to optimize their gorithms for GPU-accelerated systems. energy savings by predicting the power and performance of GPU-accelerated systems without understandings of GPU power-performance characteristics. However, pre- 1 Introduction vious work [4, 3, 7, 9, 10] on the power and performance analysis of GPU-accelerated systems are based on ei- Graphics processing units (GPUs) have been increas- ther simulation studies or limited hardware functionality. ingly deployed in general-purpose application domains None of previous work has ever disclosed a fundamental due to their significant improvements in performance approach to the power and and performance-per-watt. As depicted in Figure 1, The contribution of this paper is to provide a power the performance-per-watt of GPUs highly outperforms and performance analysis of GPU-accelerated systems that of traditional multicore CPUs. Albeit energy ef- using NVIDIA’s Fermi architecture (GeForce GTX 480). ficient, GPUs consume non-trivial power during opera- Specifically, we identify when to scale the frequency and tion. However, commodity system software for GPUs voltage of GPUs and CPUs in order to minimize overall is not well designed to control their power consump- system energy. Our analysis opens up important prob- tion while primarily tailored to accelerate computations. lems of dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) To the best of our knowledge, commodity system soft- algorithms for growing GPU-accelerated systems. We ware does not employ any voltage and frequency scal- also provide an open method and tool to scale voltage

1 300 E0 = 1.7 [kJ] Table 1: Performance levels of GTX 480 (GPU) 250 E1 = 1.4 [kJ] 200 Clock Domains Min [MHz] Low [MHz] High [MHz] E2 = 1.8 [kJ] 150 Core 50 405 700 100 Powre [W] Memory 135 324 1848 50 c-700, m-1848 c-700, m-135 c-405, m-135 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Table 2: Performance levels of Core i5 2400 (CPU) Time [s]

Platforms Min [MHz] Low [MHz] High [MHz] Figure 2: Power consumption and execution time of the Core i5-2400 1600 2700 3300.1 512 × 512 matrix addition program.

the same program binary. and frequency of GPUs. The black box feature of cur- The power and energy consumption of the system rent GPU drivers and runtimes prevents researchers from is measured by the Yokogawa Electric Corporation’s tackling correlative power and performance optimiza- WT1600 digital power meter [1]. This instrument ob- tion problems. We believe that sharing such a common tains the voltage and electric current every 50ms from the method and tool with researchers would further facilitate power plug of the machine. The power consumption is the use of GPUs. calculated by multiplying the voltage and current, while The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec- the energy consumption is derived by accumulation of tion 2 presents our system platform and Section 3 pro- power consumption. vides evaluation results and analyses. Section 4 discusses related work, and the paper is concluded in Section 5. 3 Evaluation and Analysis

2 System Platform We first investigate the impact of GPU core and mem- ory clocks on GPU-intensive workload executing 20,000 We use an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 graphics card and loops of 512 × 512 matrix addition. The voltage and Intel Core i5 2400 with the Linux kernel 3.3.0. frequency of the GPU is changed three times during the Tables 1 and 2 present their available performance lev- operation, while that of the CPU is fixed at the mini- els, respectively. To perform the experiment, we use mum level to focus on the behavior of the GPU. Fig- NVIDIA’s proprietary software [13] and Gdev [8] on a ure 2 shows the power consumption of the system in case by case basis. NVIDIA’s proprietary software does this setup, where “c-*” and “m-*” stand for the GPU not provide a system interface to scale the performance core and memory clocks, respectively, while “E*” rep- level of the GPU. We hence provide the modified BIOS resents the cumulative energy consumption of the corre- files for the GPU that force the binary driver to config- sponding duration. What is learned from this experiment ure the GPU with the specified performance level when is that it is important to cooperatively scale the GPU loaded. This method enables us to choose any set of the core and memory clocks to effectively reduce energy GPU core and memory clocks, but requires the driver to consumption. Lowering the memory clock to 135MHz reload, and the configuration is static while the driver is successfully reduces energy consumption, but the down- running. On the other hand, Gdev allows the system to scaling of the core clock to 405MHz -increases change the performance level of the GPU dynamically energy consumption. This indeed implies DVFS algo- at runtime through the Linux “/proc” file system inter- rithms dominate the power and performance of GPU- face. However, it is available only for the GPU core clock accelerated systems. at the moment, and the GPU memory clock is fixed at We next coordinate the GPU and the CPU using more 135MHz. This is limited due to an open-source imple- realistic workload from the Rodinia suite. To mentation of Linux, but is supposed to be removed in the simplify the setup, we consider only high and low core future release. clocks, meaning that we evaluate four configurations of The experimental workload executes the Rodinia (GPU-L, CPU-L), (GPU-H, CPU-L), (GPU-L, CPU-H) benchmark suite 2.0.1 [2] and our original microbench- and (GPU-H, CPU-H), where “*-L” and “*-H” repre- mark programs of matrix computation. All input data sent the low and high core clocks. The GPU memory for the Rodinia programs use the maximum feasible clock is fixed at 135MHz. In an idle state, however, the size, while the microbenchmark programs vary data size clocks are always down-scaled to the minimum level. We to conduct fine-grained measurements, all of which are also add another configuration (all-H) that keeps at the written in CUDA. We use the NVIDIA CUDA Compiler maximum clocks even though the GPU is idle, in order (NVCC) 4.0 [12] to compile the programs. Note that to see the impact of elementary coordinated DVFS on both NVIDIA’s proprietary software and Gdev receive GPU-accelerated systems. Figures 3 and 4 respectively

2 1.6 GPU CPU the GPU to increase the duration of an idle state. Hence, 1.4 1.2 energy is always wasted when the GPU is idle. We 1 demonstrate how energy consumption is wasted in an 0.8 0.6 idle state, when (i) the GPU is not present and (ii) is 0.4 0.2 present with three levels of a set of voltage and fre-

0 quency. Figure 5 shows the average power consumption

all -H all -H of those four cases obtained by running the system for all -H all -H GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H

Normalized execuon me 60 seconds without performing any computations (idle CPU-L CPU-H CPU-L CPU-H CPU-L CPU-H CPU-L CPU-H backprop heartwall hotspot srad state). The CPU consumes no more than 38W on aver- age, whereas the GPU-installed systems consume a dif- Figure 3: Execution time of the Rodinia programs. ferent scale of power depending on the configured set of voltage and frequency. This observation encourages the 1.6 system not to downscale the voltage and frequency of the 1.4 CPU, unless the idle power consumption of future GPUs 1.2 1 becomes small enough by hardware optimization tech- 0.8 niques. The lesson learned from this experiment is that 0.6 0.4 the power consumption of the GPU is significant even in 0.2

Normalized energy an idle state, meaning that DVFS is strongly desired for 0 the GPU with whatever overhead it has to pay for chang- all -H all -H all -H all -H GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-L GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H GPU-H ing the performance level. CPU-L CPU-H CPU-L CPU-H CPU-L CPU-H CPU-L CPU-H The preceding evaluation indicates that the CPU is a backprop heartwall hotspot srad weak factor for energy savings of GPU-accelerated sys- tems. Henceforth, we restrict our attention to the GPU. Figure 4: Energy consumption of the Rodinia programs. According to the traditional power modeling [5], lower- ing the core clock is often effective for memory-intensive 150 128 workload. Our next evaluation verifies whether the same 84 106 100 38 is true for the GPU. We use matrix addition and multipli- 50 cation programs with varied sizes of data. A small size of 0 Power [W] CPU Gdev Gdev Gdev data reduces memory accesses, while a large size of data Min Low High makes the workload memory-intensive. Figures 6 and 7 show the execution time and energy consumption of Figure 5: Power consumption in an idle state. those matrix computations, where “s-*” represents the number of matrix row/column. A difference between “s- 64” and “s-8192” in Figure 7 shows that memory-clock show the execution time and energy consumption of four scaling is more effective for such computations that use representative programs of the Rodinia benchmark suite. a smaller size of data. This is because the execution Regarding the execution time, “all-H” always takes the time of such computations is not affected by lowering the shortest execution time, as it consistently keeps at the memory clock. Another observation is that energy can- maximum performance level. Other configurations how- not be saved by lowering the core clock, because these ever depend on workload. For example, the execution matrix computations are consistently compute-intensive. time of heartwall – GPU-intensive workload – can If the core clock is downscaled, their execution time is be decreased by setting the high GPU clock, whereas highly increased, which results in an increase in cumula- that of hotspot is rather affected by the CPU clock. tive power consumption. The characteristics of energy consumption is more com- Seen from the above experiments, system energy plicated. For some workload, lowering the clock causes could be reduced by about 28% retaining a decrease an increase in energy consumption, as the duration of ex- in performance within 1%. These experimental results ecution is increased, consuming more cumulative power encourage that DVFS algorithms for GPU-accelerated consumption. In other words, GPU-intensive workload systems should be weighted on the GPU rather than should generally use the high GPU clock so that it com- the CPU, though their energy optimization is very chal- pletes operation as soon as possible to minimize energy. lenging, given many factors of design knobs including Apparently, “all-H” is not a good idea in terms of en- CPU/GPU, core/memory, and workload characteristics. ergy; the clock should be minimized when the device is Finally, we compare NVIDIA’s proprietary software not used. and Gdev. This is an important and practical investi- In the above experiments, we have never observed that gation because NVIDIA’s proprietary software does not energy consumption is reduced by lowering the CPU expose a system interface to change the voltage and fre- clock. This is because lowering the CPU clock causes quency of the GPU dynamically at runtime, and hence

3 80 80 m-135 m-324 m-1848 m-135 m-324 m-1848 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 Execuon me [s] Execuon me [s] 10 10 0 0 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 s-64 s-512 s-8192 s-64 s-512 s-8192

(a) Matrix Addition (b) Matrix Multiplication

Figure 6: Execution time of the matrix addition and multiplication programs.

2.0 2.5 2.8 3.1 2 2 m-135 m-324 m-1848 m-135 m-324 m-1848

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5 Normalized energy Normalized energy

0 0 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 c-405 c-700 s-64 s-512 s-8192 s-64 s-512 s-8192

(a) Matrix Addition (b) Matrix Multiplication

Figure 7: Energy consumption of the matrix addition and multiplication programs.

the development of DVFS algorithms in future work 1.8 c-405 c-700 1.6 will inevitably depend on Gdev. The basic performance 1.4 of Gdev is competitive to NVIDIA’s proprietary soft- 1.2 1 ware [8], but we have to evince that Gdev is also reliable 0.8 for . The test program exploits matrix 0.6 0.4 addition with varied sizes of data. Figure 8 shows the ex- 0.2 ecution time and energy consumption of the matrix addi-

Normalized execuon me 0 Gdev Nvidia Gdev Nvidia Gdev Nvidia tion programs using different scales of GPU core clocks, s-64 s-512 s-8192 where the GPU memory clock is fixed at 135MHz. In this experiment, “s-8192” benefits from lowering the (a) Execution Time core clock, because the workload is memory-bound due to a large size of matrix, and the execution time is not 1.8 much affected by the core clock, while energy is effec- c-405 c-700 1.6 tively saved. The most remarkable observation is that 1.4 1.2 NVIDIA’s proprietary software and Gdev exhibit almost 1 the same results on the execution time and energy con- 0.8 0.6 sumption. This implies that the result of our on-going Normalized energy 0.4 research using Gdev could be easily propagated to the 0.2 0 real product, once energy management interfaces are em- Gdev Nvidia Gdev Nvidia Gdev Nvidia ployed by vendor’s software. Note that tools and docu- s-64 s-512 s-8192 mentations for the power and performance management (b) Energy Consumption of the GPU may be downloaded from our website.1

Figure 8: Comparison of the NVIDIA proprietary and the Gdev open-source runtimes and drivers.


4 4 Related Work 5 Conclusion and Future Work

We have presented a power and performance analysis of Nagasaka et al. conjectured energy consumption of GPU-accelerated systems based on the NVIDIA Fermi GPUs based on hardware performance counters [10]. architecture. Our findings include that the CPU is a weak Their model is not adequate in that we have seen that factor for energy savings of GPU-accelerated systems power consumption rises even in an idle state when volt- unless power gating is supported by the GPU. In con- age and frequency are scaled, though they do not con- trast, voltage and frequency scaling of the GPU is sig- sider it. Hence, this approach would require an addi- nificant to reduce energy consumption. Our experimen- tional model to precisely analyze the power consumption tal results demonstrated that system energy could be re- of GPUs. duced by about 28% retaining a decrease in performance Hong et al. studied energy savings of GPUs, assum- within 1%, if the performance level of the GPU can be ing power gating available to limit the number of ac- scaled effectively. tive cores [3, 4]. In particular, they analyze PTX code In future work, we plan to develop DVFS algorithms to model the power and performance of GPUs based on for GPU-accelerated systems, using the characteristic the number of instructions and memory accesses. We identified in this paper. We basically consider such an consider that an offline PTX analysis for power and per- approach that controls the GPU core clock for memory- formance prediction is a useful approach to the design intensive workload while controls the GPU memory of DVFS algorithms. What lacks in this approach, how- clock for compute-intensive workload. To this end, we ever, is a runtime analysis for input data. In this paper, integrate PTX code analysis [3, 4] into DVFS algorithms we have analyzed the power and performance character- so that energy optimization can be provided at runtime. istics depending on the size of input data. We also consider a further dynamic scheme that scales Lee et al. presented a method to apply DVFS algo- the performance level of the GPU during the execution rithms to the GPU. They particularly aimed at maximiz- of GPU code, whereas we restricted a scaling point at ing performance under the given power constraint [9]. A the boundary of GPU code in this paper. strong limitation of their work, however, is that the eval- uation of power consumption is based on a conceptual References model but not on real-world hardware. 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In addition, we have disclosed that energy con- [9] LEE,J.,SATHISHA, V., SCHULTE,M.,COMPTON,K., AND KIM,N.S. sumption could also be reduced by scaling the memory Improving throughput of power-constrained GPUs using dynamic volt- age/frequency and core scaling. In PACT ’11 (2011), pp. 111–120. clock. This opens up a new insight into DVFS algorithms [10] NAGASAKA,H.,MARUYAMA,N.,NUKADA,A.,ENDO, T., AND MAT- for GPU-accelerated systems. SUOKA, S. Statistical power modeling of GPU kernels using performance counters. In IGCC ’10 (2010), pp. 115–122. Ying et al. analyzed the power and performance of an [11] NVIDIA. http://www.nvidia.com. [12] NVIDIA. CUDA 4.0, 2011. http://developer.nvidia.com/ AMD HD 5870 GPU using a random forest method with -toolkit-40. the profile counter [14]. They revealed that activating [13] NVIDIA. Linux X64 Display Driver, 2012. http://www.nvidia. com/object/linux-display-amd64-295.59-driver. a fewer number of ALUs reduces power consumption. html. 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