, UP? iet-Cong Attackers Overrun Paratroops SAIGO, t!I - Pushing women and After breaking the cordon. the enemy troop!! battled enl'my soldiers along key children in front of them as hields, Viet disappeared into the darkness. leaving 48 infiltraUon routes to the city. Cong troop tormed out of the darkness bodie behind but carrying olf some d ad About 10 mil north of the paratroop into a company of U.S. paratroops early trappPC! to bamboo pol . Six enemy battle. South Vietnamese forees reported Friday. killinl: 33 Americans and wound· were reported captured and 118 civilianl killing 39 enemy in a sweep of the Boi iIIg 41. th U.S. Command reported. held for questioning. Loi woods. long an enemy trong hold and The baltered company Crom the U.S. It was not known it any oC the women tarioclkawa agreed, explainIng she cn e was closed in t Wednesday" the cUr.1t - the Soviet German problftn the principle national sovereignty Ind w(,re takl1l1 from demon. (ra(ol'S who lowing the Hev. Martin Luther King Jr. would not be under hypno ~ during the The jury then retumed listening to a and the question of mutual conlultatlonl 0' independence" in r~ations between c\ashC'd with police Aug. 28 in front of ,iaying. The judge o\'l'rrul!'d a motion to marriagl' ('eremony at Our Lady Queen of len'lthy re·rending of Gri r's courtroom on political and military decillons. Communi It countries. the Conrad Hilton hotel. <'IU an in(1i 'Imenl ('harging fWy with HC:lvcn chapel. testimony that h saw ewton draw a pis­ Romania is the 0 n I y Communist bloc LI. Petcr DueJlman, custodian oC evi· Referring to the occupation or Cz cho- the ('ivil rilthl. lead ,'s murd r. BatUe 'l'hl' Very Rev. Albert G. Allen head of tol lind shoo I officer F'rey. who hud stop­ lovakia, Ceausescu expre cd concern dl'nce, aid most of the w('apon' IV I' r e aid it was his consld rro opinion that the D troit Archdiocc::10 farriage Tri· ped ewton" car. about the "d epentng or differences and takt'n in Grant Park on Aug. 28 and in Hay would r('('riv(' II fair and impartial hunal .. aid there is nothing wrong with ACter more tban three hours of re·read­ the use of c rlain methods." His speecb Linroln Park on Aug. 27. ll'lal. The tr I i. schl'(luled to starl Nov. the po t·hYDnotic sugge tion al(8in t we p- ing, the jury wns se to lunch and told McCarthy Drive sounded Ie aggre 've than earlier "Some of these weapoM. 11th ns a 12. 109, but added that if • he wer actually to re ume deliberation, . statements in which he blamed Moseow pla,til' ball ",·ith 'plkes llIrk in it, wC've WASHINGTON - The' Pre ident·s Con· in II hypnotic trance a the time o[ he 1t receivro the case Thursday a f t e r for violating Communist principl' and d nev r ('en before," Duellman . aid. ·ul'lWr Advl ory Council i. ucd a broad w ddinl(. the ceremony would not be ap. ei ht weeks or trial. manded withdrawal of the occupation The we pon indudro ba.cbajj hats. cond mnatlOl1 of r;iveaw8Y games. notably proyed. A f.w black·lacketed. bllck·b.r.t.d In Nebraska Has brooms! ick \\ ith fill'll tl'(l spike aI­ forces. th",t' of j(asoline compani ' . which do not In the pnst, she was hypnotized to per· Panth.rs stood nllr .. sid ••nk.nct to tal'hed to one end, a hand grenade. short tdl con.umer· th ir ch

1st "enue. Don't tum right, bCC"dusc lovely residential district havo been last presidential elec- choic4 i Chandler twice .over. Mrs. Klng s letter said, Ray Henningsen said the f 0 u r the bridge is still out. carved away to make· room for a tion the South Vietnam- ~ • , • "Though I am honored, I regard were arrested in a field IOUIh ese ch ose Nguyen Van BUCHWALD the proponl as less a personal west of Belmond an.....- a fartnef Just after going llnder the railroad three.lane thoroughfare that undoubt­ Thieu as their president, and he w a I tribute than as a wholesome eC. and he saw them pickinC D1IJi. tracks, ou will be detoured rather ab­ edly should be four Ian s and on Ben­ duly sworn in. But the man who ran fort to enlarge black political juana. The deputy sald IeftII against him and came in second, Truong representation with which I am $lCks filled with marijlUll\i ruptly - and without warning - onto Ion Street, not (drose. Dinh Dzu, was given five years in jail. in strong sympathy." were found along the road aDd a dirt tr ek that leads to the parking Then turn left on Grand venue The reason Dzu was given five years "It is as well, an expres ion were confiscated. lot of Hawkeye Co u r t Aparhnent . Court (nl'ar th, Fieldhouse) and was that he ran on a peace ticket and oC people's de ire for candidates The three older boys, Hennln" From there you be detoured to right on Grand Avenue, where au advocated some sort of detente with the who unqualifiedly oppose the war sen said, attend the University will Viet Cong. in Vietnam." of Virginia while the 16-year-old the parking lot of Haw)..cye Drive will again be driving through a heavy Synhorst also received affidav- is a student at T aft SclIooI, I President Thi.u's way of dealin, with Apartments. construction area on a hazardous, two­ its of withdrawal from Demo. private school, at Wal.ertoWll, his oppolitian could .asily b. adapted Ie Suddrnly, you will approach },Irl­ lane track. Once on Riverside Drive, crats Jack A. Kraus of Keokuk Conn. our own political system. and Leland L. Carmichael of Vi!. rose venue, or what i~ left of it. To you will nutice that the Burlington If we applied the Thieu election method, the right, ~lelro e Avenue disappears Street Bridge is closed, so tum either it woulc.: nol only eliminate many ca ndi­ \~~~. ~~~e~S candidates for the MRS. CORETTA KING Area Schools into lhe comllelcl~ in all its narrow, Mt or right - if the streets aren't dates who weren·t serious about the of· The vacancy created by Car· I Out of the lowl Race ficc, but it would add a lot of excitement chuckholed splendor. To the left, go­ c1o~ed - and try to get back across to the presidential race. A candidate fnr e To Request ing back into ]owa City, th re i a the river as hest you can. Preside nt would know that he would eith· one-lane dirt track that looks ljke tile Thl'll stop at a gas station, eh ck er wind up in the White House if he won, or behind bars if he lost. This w 0 u I d N,xon Favors U.S. $75 Million Oregon Trail, but blocked occasion­ your tires, get your windshield wash­ give him an added incentive to light (or ally by trucks and heavy quipment ed, and imagin : what if this were a the job. DES MOINES (AI! - Most of Iowa's area school superintend. working on the "road." Straight ahead rainy football Saturday? I hay, always believed that we In the United States have let our lasers off tao Giving Israel Jets ents agreed Friday to back a you wiII see, siLhouctt d in the dust eed I say more? - Roy Petty ItIslly .ft.r a presidential election. Ev.n proposal tha t the 1969 legisla. --- though a man has be.n illnominiously HOUSTON L4'I - Richard M. Nixon said Friday he strongly Cavors ture allocate $74.5 million in supplying Israel with Phantom jet fighters if the planes are neces- state funds to the schools for 'Eh - what say?' defeated It the polls, he Is still treated by his party IS • It,tesman. sary to mainlaln a military superiority over her Arab enemies. the next biennium. We saw in Miami Beach where the Re­ Th.e Republican candidate for I The 16 vocational. technical publicans not only cheered Barry Gold· pre~dent ~ad~ the statement Iwith Jewi h aCCairs in the Unit- schools and community coUegts water, a man who took them down the durlllg an m·Dight n.ews con~er- ed States. received $33.5 million {rom t be long road to defeat in 196<1. but gave a ~nce as he cCroarrl~a';;~ ca.mpaJgn Friday was the thiJ'd day of state treasury [or the current standing ovation to Thomas Dewey, the mto Texas m orma . INixon's firsl campaign lour. two·year period. two-lim losel' who showed so much cour­ Nixon . a Iso disclo ed that: From Texas, he g~s to Oklah~ Paul F. Johnston, Itale IUper. aile in J948 when he refused to shave oCC I. William W. Seanton,. form~ I rna and Pennsylvarua. intendenl of public instruction, his mustache, knowing it would cost him A. B. CHANDLER governor of Pen.n~lvarua, w~l In the news conference, Nixon proposed II $74.5 million budget the election. Relaxing In Frankfort rest.urant cOllduct /I fact.fmdmg . tour 10 was asked about a newspaper aCter reviewing the expected en· And this yea I', the Relluhlicans wenl so he partly ownl W~ern Europe on his behalf, J'epOlt that he would SUpply Is- rollments and money needs 01 fer as to renominate Richard Nixon, a leaVUlg}1 ~Pt.t18. . oth rael with Phantom jets if he II the institutions for the next few man who not only lost a presidential elec· nor of Kentucky and former ~'. e IS 0 receive an er elecled president. years. tion, but a governor's contcst as well. baseball commissioner. bl'lefIDg from Secretary of State. " . Johnston called for an increase Chandl 1', 70, decilned com- Dean Rusk Sunday on develop- !"lxon repl~ed: I dJd ~o~ and This could never have hlPpened If ment. but said it was aU right to ments in Ea tern Europe, par_ WlIl not go inI.o the specifIcs. of in general slate aid from $2.25 we used the South Vi,tnlme.. demo­ ...... th th g t Ph nt m Jct to $2.65 per student per day and keep his name in speculalion. l1.iCUlarly in Czecho lovakia . WlIe er ey ~ II .a 0 , cratic system of electinll national fig · He and Wallace conCen'ed for 3. Pre,ident Johnlon t.l.. or any other kllld .o[ Jet. I do~ t substantial boosts in state a j d urel. If they lived in Vietnam, Dewey several hours at a Louisville phones him rf'gularly to keep know a Phantom Jet from t hIs for vocational education pro. would have received 10 years, Gold­ motel last Friday, the Courier. him abreast of foreilln eNvelop. ~ .". T .h e Phantom is the gra~ s an~ ~~ilding pro~ec~;,. water Sand Nixon wou Id probably stili Journal said. manls. ClTsOln~ Interceptor plane of the .' urg II • ar.. sc.. . bo bruklng rocks on a chain lIanli. Wallace plans to announce 4. He wiU aUernl tbe tl'iennial U.S. AIr Force. fl.clall to luppa,t tht I. m~, The Republicans, like it or not, would Tuesday his choice of a running convention of B'nai B'rith in I "r have the general principle fIgure, right d~wn the Illll, have had to come up with somebody new. mate on his American lnde- Washington next Sunday night. that to maintain the uneasy a~. the next .Iegl. • letlve "alien. The Democrats would also be on a pendent Party ticket. The organization concerns itsel! I peace in the Middle East it is vi, We can Justify, the ar,nounl spot. 1 wonder iI presidenlial candidate tal that Israel maintain a supe- needed on the baSIS of pro~l~l Hubert Humphrey would talk as m u c Ii I rio1'ity against its neighbors and I enrollments . an~ , other. studIes, about the "politics of joy" if he knew IA .if it takes Phantom jas they Johnston Sat~. And, ~ we c~ he'd have to do 5 years at Leavenworth . HH H to PIay nswer Man should have Phantom jets." go to the leglslatur~ wlth a urut. And Gene McCarthy certainly wouldn't ed goal, all speaking the same · th Nixon said U1e prinCipal ob- language, I'm sure the le..&.l·~ have taken this campaign so lightly bad WAVERLY, Minn. (.4'1 - Vice On each 0 f t h e fIrst ree ( I" .- · h h h·" led jeclive 0 us appearance In tOl'S will agree." he been aware that his Dovish stand on Pre ident Hubert H. Hump hrey mghts, Hump rey as c ""U T . to II l the d'ff Vielnam would earn him a court-martial. is emphasizing question·and·ans· question - and - answer sessions. exas betIS spah ' ou li' 1 ander- Johnston sal'd general s tat e Even Gcorgc McGovern would h a v e wer Iormats on his first week's and only one of these is com· •enceI.. .. f Hween hr IS po cles al'd should be boosled from •"12 eu""" 0 ump ey. ~;1fI'on thl'S bl'enol'um to $28 mil. thought twice pbout getting into the pres­ campaign schedule in an effort bined with a speech. Like Re· uu Idential sweepstakes if he had a prison to get away from the old em. publican nominee Richard M. "Not the difference between lion in 1969-7l, aid for buildings sentence hanging over his head. phasis on set speeches. Nixon, he is trying to concen. Nixon and Johnson but between from $9.5 million to $24 million, President Thleu hal been criticiled Humphrey (eels such sessions trllte major speeches at mid- Nixon end Humphrey," he said. and aid for vocational education for whet he did to his opponent DIU. produce greater rapport with an day in order to get good expo- For several reasons, Nixon's from $12 million to $22.5 million. But in retrospect h. has shown us that audience and are especially ef· sure on the evening television advisers say they believe he has Although the '967 leglll.ture political campaigns can have a'..... Iective on television. Speeches, news shows. a good chance of winning Texas authorlIed a general aid ItvtI deal more suspense to them if you he thinks, can be very eCfective On 'Monday, after a ticker tape in November. of ~2.2S per student per dIY, treat your opposition with the harsh­ within the room - provided parade and speech in Philadel- They poinl to the special elec. lawmakers did not fully fund ness they dllerve. everybody can hear - but don't phia's JFK Plaza, Humphrey lion victory oC Republican Jim the program. Th, aid will hen There are many in this country wh o carry too well over the media. will tape a television interview Collins on Aug. 24. He was elect- to be prorated to the schotls are sick and tired of seeing politicians The new emphasis was shown with a group of political science ed to Congress from the 3rd Tex· at betwHn $1.54 and $1M "" get off scot-free aIler a presidential elec­ clearly Friday when aides re- students from the University o( as District which includes part the coming scflool ye.r. I. tion . If the issue in this campaign is law leased additional de t a I I s of PennsylvarJa. of Dallas. Johnston said administrators and order, we have to stop coddling our Humphrey's campaign p I a n s Later that day, he has anoth· "There is a que lion , too, as to expect a tolal enrollment in the losers. Five years in the clink is a cheap whlle the Vice President rested Ier question period planned in how much help Humphrey will area schools of 21.357 Cull~ime price Lo pay for running Cor President of here at his lakeside home and Denver with a group of precinct get from Texas Democrats," a equivalent studenls this comin, lhe United States, not counting what he met with members o( his staf!. and registration workers. top aide sa id. school year, 26,331 in 1969-1970, , could get oC( (or good behavior. ------and 31,375 in 1970-1971. (opyrl,ht (c) 'Ut, The W.shln,lon 1'011 Co. William F. Baley, associate Is Cultural Revolution Fading Out? state superintendent of public in­ Reader despairs struction. said the school super· elna Seen Selmmerleng Down proposal~e~~~~~~~' at ·~;~~~s~e~et~~:~a meeting FTlday. of street .repairs Ch "We're hopeful all of the m . even tuaUy will join in a united Ih~ 'Daily Iowan editor: To the By WILLIAM L. RYAN The cultural revolution Is not Tlb~t, both so·called autonomous \ Cront," he said. The Daily Iowan is writtcn and edited by students and is governed by a board of five In the next few weeks more than 18 ,000 There is a good chance that yet aver, nor I. there any aure regJOns, where, thc broadcast' student trustecs elccted by the student body and four trustees appointed by the prcsident studenbs will be returning to thc Iowa City China's turbulent, two-year-old ailln of the public degradation claimed, new revolutionary com­ of the University. Thc opinions expressed in the editorial columns of the paper should be Brea. They will encounter difficulties in Great Proletarian Cultural Revo- of Liu Sh ...chl , who, aa China's mittees are in control. Candidate Gains considered those of the writers o[ the articles concerned and not the expression of policy driving to their residences thanks to the lulion will not end with a bang, prelident, eccupled the role of If th is II 10, the Maoist lead. to t: o( the University, any group associated with the University or the staff of the newspaper. street repair and construction being done but rather will fade away, with party Chairman Mao T ..·tunll 's .rship h.. patched up samt Enough Support Ul by the Cit y of Iowa City and the Iowa the military emerging as the key chief foe and was given the kind of peace with .rmy end Published by t',dent Publlcallon., Inc., Com· Trusties, laird of Itudont I'ubll,etlons, Inc.: sen. munlcatlon! Center, Iowa City, Jowa, dally Bob Reynold on, A2; Mike Doherty, G; Jer· State Highway Commission. factor in the political future of label of " China's Khrulhchev." party le.ders in both areal. CLINTON, N.C. (AI! - Republ· act! except Sunday and Monday, and legal holi· ry Patten, A2; Mike ~'Inn, A3 ; Dlwn WII· A number or strects and highways in that vast country. China now Liu indeed may be finished al· Signl thet th is was about to ican candidate Herbert Howell's days. Entered as Fecond cllss maller at the son, A3; Fred L. Morrison, CoUe,e of Law; or Ilost oWce It Iowa City undcr the Act ol John B. Bremner, SchOOl Of Journalism; this area are either partially or complete­ may be headed toward a meas· ready, but behind all the bombas.1 happen have been surllcing stock has gone up in his Third slaI: Con,re s or March 1, 1879. WllUam C. Murray, Department of EngUsh; ly blocked l>tx:ause of the repair and con­ ure oC internal stability. tic language of the denunciations I from time to time. District congressional race. HiI ------and William P. Albrecht, Department of Eco­ gen Tho Auo"II'ad Proll Is entitled ucluslvelY to nomic •. struction activity, and in the next few The result can be the develop. of Mao's enemies, something in There likely would be a price livestock, that is. F. ttle use lor republlcaUon ot III IOCII news I'ublilher ...... Wllilim tlml wecks a great number of vehicles will be mont oC a regime gradually be· the nature of a compromise ap- for whatever internal stability Three housewives, tourin, the rllS{ printed In thl. newlplper II well as .n AP new. and dlopltche. Idltor ...... Choryl Arvidson attempting to travel in Iowa City. Many pears to be emerging, pushing Mao wins through cooperation oC farmlands of Sampson COODty the Now. Idltor ...... lowell Forto of the driver will be from out of town aside the extremists of both left those commanding the PLA . The for contributions to Howell's lubscrlptlon 11.'0" By corrler In Iowa CUy, Copy Idltor ...... Olve Mar,.Ihu and would ha ve a hard enough time if the ASSOCIATED PRESS and right. There Is every indio price may include sacrifice of campaign, came home with U T , 10 per yeor In .dvance; sIx months $5.50; rip three months fl. All mill 8ubscrlpllons UJ Unlvorslty Idlto ...... Miry Cllrk streets were all open. cation tha t the PLA - People's some of his stormiest supporters, hogs, two calves, one cow, per year; .Ix month., ,15; three month. '10. CItV Editor ...... Llndl Artllp [ I1Qpe that in the future the clty and the NEWS ANALYSIS Liberation AmlY - is playing a including his wife, Chiang Ching, two goat and $8 worth of feed. join Sports Editor ...... Mike .ebbln, state will pay more attention to he seas­ ------strong role In this. the former Shanghai actress who But it wasn't all a IUCceI! 19tit DI.I m ..", from noon \0 mldnlllht to report Edltorlll 1'1,0 Idlto...... , .. lIoy I'etty forc news items Ind announcement. to n'e Dally Chle' I'hot ..raphor ...... Dive Luck o n a I movemens oC students as well as coming more moderate, so far Radio Peking asserted Friday rose meteorically to prominence say the campaign worken. Iowan. EdJtorlll ofncea are In the Communt· football fans and attempt to have repairs as its internal policies are con· that the supporters of Mao are on the wave of the cultural revo­ T Ii e y used a truck to haul the "aU ooUon. Center. A"I,tlnt Newl Idltor ...... Debby Donovln app AIII.'"n' University Idltor ...... luo Ilnde .. and con~uction done at Umes that would cerned, though it seems unlikely in control now of all China's lu tion. contributions and 011 each aide DI.I »7-4191 If you do not receIve your DI Allillent City Idllor ...... Choryl Turk not inconvenience the many people who to become reconciled to the So- provinces, autonomous regions If the dust clears and the out· of the vehicle was a large sip 'I" by 7:30 I.m. Every eHori will be mlde to AIIII'ent SpOrti Idllor ... .. Chuck "olber, correct the error wllh the next blue. DI clr. Idltorl.1 Advisor ...... l .. Irown travel to Iowa City. viet Union and equally unlikely and municipalities. It 8ald the line of compromise emerges, it reading: "Herb Howell fer Ihe _cul.tlon office houro are 8 I.m. to 11 I.m. AdvertiSing Director ...... Roy Dunlmor. Eliot A. Kener, A' to veer away Crom its hostile at· final act in the takeover was the may show Liu and his allies Cin· CongreSs. " Co _ MondAY throulh Friday and 1:30 to ' :30 • .m . Clullflod Ad M.n"" ...... 1111 Deckl ..., _Saturday. Clrcul.'lon M'nI,er ...... J.mo. Conlin Holiday Gardin Aptl. titude toward the United States. seizure of Slnklang·Uighur and ally discredited. The goats ate both 11aM. uni for I. C. by JDhnny Hart BEETLE BAILEY 1:Iy Mort W.\k" N clv \Va ., DON"r '((NOW WIoIAT IT :r tlOr 114&fl&" A LOT MOlle M~A"'S, SlIT' I'LA'TO _Alt' IT r thE: WOIJ~D S'T'OP TH!M COLl1 1tJ IIt'I 9TLJP'''ITy sui n4AN ')t)O T/,m~t(/ r Wo abo f th< r in ' ~ ed

• ~ I :«---.....:..:...... ---_..J .. .,:

. -- ~------fHI DAILY IOWAN-I.. a City, la.-set.. Sept. 7, 1~ ... t' 'Bug' in Platform -Killer .Given Belonged to NBC Life Imprisonment BOO E ~ - A Ttxan was aentenced to ure impri501llnent Friday \VA HINGTO I,f! - A Hidden microphone. found accidentally in a hotel room being used for a closed sesslon of the Democratic Plat· on each of three murder counlS Slemming from a 1967 killing spree.. Huben. V. (cClelland. 43, ex-convict from Beaumont, Tex.• form Committee in (''''i~ago. was traced 10 NBC recording faeililie , an it II' announced Friday. showed no emotion when District Court Jud e Harvey Ublenhopp of Hampton ued the maximum ------Rep. Hale Bogg I D·La.1 , who "An officer (uniclontlfled I ef II a eha irman or the commillee. tho National BroMc ..tln, Com. eentence. I(arm to helP. dicussed the incident after NBC pany ..ked to '" m. and dis. The judge caUed McClelland a Irs. Schwab'll' a s shot to News announced in ell' York CUll the ml".r," B.. ,s said. "miserable wretch" who wen t death on the spot, authorities thllt it was providing the Chi· "I r.edlty allr"d. NBC 's r .. through "unbelievcble depriv. said, and two U·yearo(Jld girls cago office of the Justice De· I.... af thl ..I .. ram bafor. tlon" a a youn, boy. in her car were foreed to ac- partment with information about that meeting which they hid "the placing of an BC micro· McCleDand earlier had plead. company the gunman as he ~ requesled cemls a. a compl.,. eel guilty to murder charges th~ two .farmers to • shaele UI phon ... " in the hotel room. sunwi..... Boggs s.iel h. h.d uked for stemming from the June 1. 1967, \n~lghborlng Tama County and I, an investigalion and h.d n. Boggs, however, Mid h alayings of Mrs. Charles Shwab, k.illed them. original int@nlion of makin, I>cen asked for comment 41 . of Belle Plaine, Leland McClelland was captured In • ny slal@m@nt until tIM Inquiry Be released Its telegram . Skoog, 55. of rural Elberon, llId Cedar Rapid the next day. The "'.. compl.ted. H[ fee l that it is thl' duty oC hi, son, Garith, 24. two girll were found unharmed "During the executive deliller· every citizen to assist in enrorc· Sentence was Issued (ollowin, in the trunk of the car he W. I alions of the Platform Commit· ing the la ws of our land." he drivlnl. IcC in a private room in the said. "To me laws apply equally • thr~ay hearlnl d uri n I Uhlenhepfl ...... Blackstone Hotel in Chicago we to 1111 men and to all grOUD . '0 which the Judge heard evidence accidentally found a hidden mi· one can select which law to obey on McClelland's de,ree of guUt. ,"ychlatri.t J...... Dickinson 11M rftemmencl... McClelland crophone taped under a cushion and which to disobey. Wire·tap· BROWN BAG LUNCH - Th.se ar. not park bench habitult" fln.nclal district .ntl wa. lelMti by huntfrech wile ...... VII Uhlen_ reiectM the .... lie IncamraW at the Men'. bebind a curlain," he said in a ping, bugging and e8'·e. droppinll but Itaiel busineum.n •• tlnll lunch FridlY from paper IS • fen .. cententlon that the kill. IN,. th.lr usu.1 comfort.ble tllnlnt ,lace•• Th. brewn bat ",cltt, Ittfwma..,.,. .. An...... statement relea ed through his by electronic de"ice~, except in protest to the tn S.n Francisco i... eklnll to coll-« from elm· dlrKtM a,linlt rest.urlnt.r. who m.ke ,I.nty from the e_ 'ntl were net ~aW. that he ceuW rectlve ,"yehl.t. office. matters of security to our natIOn muter. who work In the cilV. The clemonltr.tlon. sort af an " e ... mute,., wa. or •• nllM by ....,...,1 ..,. frem filii .ay Area CeIIn­ lawyer Rebert Mathes ef C.... "The microphone was attached and against organized crime, arc In," took pilei at St. Mary's Squlr. adioinln, the B.y City'. tie. Idjolng the city .nd ceunty of San Fr.ncIKa.-lA'I WlrtIIhote ar Itlphl... hi McCI.llend w.. tic tt'htmlnt. to a cable leading directly to the direct "iolalions of federal and a mental ""..... blo." Becau of the severity of the recording facilities of the Nation· sLa te stalutes. The mailer now i ------The jUcek. Kriegel tbus joins on the side· Une such otber leading expO· nents of Czecho lovakla's liber. Call-Up BI?ck Classrooms Remain Empty aliUllion drive as Ce tnir Cisar, NATIONWIDE TELECAST MONDAY Cor mer party aecretary, lind De­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I despife • ,f.f. r.w prohibifl", Five white teacher have Join- Ichools. A court ha. orelereel puty Premier Ota U<, aU tar. By Reservists ge/3 of Soviet critlcJ m. WASHINGTON t.fI _ Chief Teachers' s t r ike s emptied 'nch., ,'rib,. 00 in the attempt. School Com· \ tho system to tran.for 12 white SEPT. 9 t ••ch ... to pr• ..,iously .ll·bl.ck The interior mini ry ordered JustJce Earl Warren turned classrooms in communities in The Upper Peninsula. commun· miUec Chairman Thoma Eis· [ndiana, Michigan. Tenne e ity of Adams Town hIp was ex- enstadt sairl: "l~ IiCems to me Ichools, but .Ix .ay they will disbanded the preparatory com· down Friday a plea lihat be keep anJ other spots around the co un- pec(.ed to remain clo ed for me that these teachers will not be resl,n fl,.t. mitte of K-23t and KAN. K·23t was an organization at th05e re­ KCRG-TV 113 Army Reservists {rom Viet· try Friday as the nation's big- lime because th dispute there employed by thIS lIy tem any A teacher trike ovcr !lerson­ Dam combat while lihey chal- ,est school system, New York brought resignations from 1 h e , longer." habilitated after being sentenced n I policy and lalary e 1 0 led under Act 231 In laHni t days loog(' PresIdent's Johnson's rigbt Oity's, moved a step closer to a the entire school board. Two elementary &chools In Pat­ schools in Carhon COU'lty. Ulah, Cor hiJih trea on Bnd pylng. Channel 9 to call them up in tile {i r s t strike. Fourteen thou and children !!rson. .J .. both in a predom­ and 200 leach r have been out KA a a nonparti n political place. The delegate assembly of New were arrecled in the Clarksville. inanlly black area. were bo),cot· since the !!Cheduled Au,. 28 club. WatTen, back at his desk York City's powerful teachers Montgomery County school sys. ted fOr a second day. 80m 700 opening. 8:00 p.m. at the Supreme Court while the un~on voted o~e~whelm lnglY to tern in Tennes ee w hen 500 pupiLs did not allend e1abSes In A court order was served on Senate st.alls ()ll a suecessor, strike the l.l:mllhon student sys· teachers Called 10 report for reg· the dispute over greater com­ U e Ea Hav n Education As­ tem the openmg day Monday un· istralion in protest over 1 h e munlty control. MOVING UP? sociation telling the Connecticut e- less a rebel school district in school budget, which the teaCh- I Boycotts hy various factions leachers, who have been out P' . P" . A. , . ~c .... e. W"I... ~ ..I •• " HI."I ...... I . AI. . Yl'tI'T""," IIC~ " " Brooklyn reinstates 10 leachers. ers said left the system "jntoler- in racial dis put e s affected three days, 10 return Monday. r------~CoY.mor Ceo,.. C. Walilee I I P. O. eo_ 1961 I Black students boycoUed a able." schools In North arolina's J-Iyde Some 275 leachers failed to show @ I Montlomtry, AI.b.m. 3610' . Boston elementary school and The ew York City (eachl'rs' County, Pill CoM\y and in Pen­ up for a third doy in II contract Ga Natth American I I .... nt you to conl,nue \0 elrry 'YOU' "'1'1\ I." I .... ,I\d 11M', ."d 1 two schools In Paterson, N.J. union, the AFL·CIO Uniled Fed· mark. One man wa (me ted in di pule cent ring on medical in­ , loe.1 loY.,nmlnt 10 IU Amlncan" And I w.nt 10 http. My GO/Itr,bullon I Racial pro b I ems disrupted eraUon of Teachers. hilS threal· a demonstration at a n wly.inle- surance. Som 6,000 pupils In 14 Thompson , " .ncloltdl , ....ion. schools in North Carolina. cned a strike for opening day grated high chool in Lilllng!on. public !!Chools were affected . I Naml I amounl A teacher strike in East Chi- Monday in disputes l'(~ llItL'