Annual Parish Meeting – 19 MARCH 2019 Notes from a presentation by John Allan, Managing Director Legal and General Homes on the Buckler’s Park Development in Crowthorne. Quick update on topics requested last year: Housing  27 Legally Completed; 9 Exchanged; 8 Reserved; 9 Pre-Sale Options TOTAL: 53 Off-Site Works  All completed  Silt buster remaining in situ  Traffic – avoided over 10,000 lorry movements by re-using 410,000m3 of crushed concrete as base for roads, footpaths etc School  2 form entry; 14 classrooms could be 3 form if Broadmoor developers contribute  PA registered 17/01/19 – Decision Expected 18/04/19  Beard Construction: selected as builder - 12 month build programme  Target completion Sep 2021; backstop trigger is 385th occupation  Dual campus with Crowthorne CoE school Community Hub  In accordance with S106, designed in consultation with Parish and BFC  PA registered 18/03/19 – Decision Expected 20/06/19  Beard Construction selected as builder  Hall, café, nursery, tennis courts, allotments Care Home  PA Registered 10/01/19 – Decision Expected 09/04/19  3 storey maximum  72 bed: 62 standard, 5 respite & 5 couple’s accommodation SANGS – Last year Minutes recorded that the SANGS would be open in June 18 but it took us until 21/08/18 to open it!  Planting of 20,000 new trees and saplings complete  Broadleaf trees: Lime, hornbeam, apple, willow, beech, sweet chestnut and evergreens including Yew & Western Hemlock used to replace Scots Pine  3.5km walkway fully open  Cycleway to High Street now open  Bewley cycleway on their side awaited Retail  Hall & Woodhouse pub  Pre-application discussions underway – PA soon  Shops to move to site opposite school Surgery  Talking with NHS and Ringmede Surgery  Scouts have also requested the land  Remains priority for LGHC to deliver Medical Centre on site if possible Social Value – only private developer in UK to sign Social Value Charter. We aimed for £5.4m local economy cash injection and 12 months ago had reached only £300k. The target is now well within our grasp, with 99 local people employed by LGHC and our contractors. Emphasis on local community benefits e.g. our purchasers receive a Home Welcome Pack on move-in – breakfast supplied by Dopsons, the High Street butcher Social Value Initiatives  Crowthorne Christmas Lights  Big Red Bus  JDRF & Pilgrim Hearts Trust were our office charities for 2018 Quarterly Visitor Centre Charity vote  Completed: British Legion, Sebastian’s Action Trust, COATS  Completed: Alexander Devine Hospice, Gangshow, Homestart  Underway: Youthline, Involve, Ark Project 73  Next selected: The All-Night Café, Autism , CAB & District LGHC Staff Participation  Project Herbivore Hatch Ride Primary School – weather proofing outside area  Charity of the Year – Mencap  Monthly litter pick  Monthly Foodbank drop offs  TLC day at Park School  Easthamspstead Park School Year 12 work experience: Jun 24-28 – 5 places  Easter Egg hunt for local charities  Friends of Birch Hill – shed for storage Future Events Supported  Bracknell Together Walk 19 May  Crowthorne Summer of Fun 21 August  Bracknell College student visit site vouchers  2020 Crowthorne Carnival