• ' ^ r 'J «<|, ' - t "> «•»>,- ,

gimuilipi 11,1 III III IIUMUIK. UMIAMMIITEMLFLII g^g^jggiJgMlgi NORWALK, CConn.) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1819- TVOL. I NO. 47. Tivo Dollars per annum ] Betts & Cannon, Public Auction. v Sale, HA!VE FOR SAI.E , published every Wednesday, by :: ILL be sold at Public Auction, on ^X valuable Farm, Thursday, 25th inst. at 2 o'clock,^ :: NICHOLS <$' PRICE, j: Timothy and Glover Seed, YING in South-, Putnam county, slate" | p. M. (if not previously disposed of at' IT Near, the Bridge, NORWAXK, Conn. ;; of New-York, about 20 miles from Singsing and Griswold's Ploughs; private sale,) a valuable Homestead, handsomely Land Peekskill Landings, and about io miles from A small supply of which they have just receiv­ situated in the town of New-Canaan, about fifty; "• TERMS.—.Town subscribers, and :: Norwalk Landing. The Farm contains 68 acres ed from Washington. _• - .i March 6. rods south of the Meeting-House, and within : twelve rods of the Academy, on the Post Road 4 those who receive their papers by Post, ;; of excellent Land, proportioned with meadow, v - S3 per annum, payable quarterly. :: plough, pasture, and wood land, with a good pro­ Cheap Cash Store. from Stamford to Danbury ; consisting of about six acres of Land, with a good Dvveiling-House Mail subscribers, S2» in advance. :: portion of orchard. On the premises are a good V STEVENS # STREET, ; and Barn thereon.—Also an excellent well of du­ Dwelling-House, Barn, and other out houses.— No. 2, Cheap Side, li Ailvertiscmentsconspicuouslyinsert- :j rable water within a few feet of the door. It is i: cd, on moderate terms. :: The fences are iri good repair, and land in a good HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF state of cultivation. The price will be reasona­ an excellent stand for almost any kind of mer-i cantile business ; the land is of a superior qual­ ble, and payments made easy. Groceries, Fruit, &c. WEEKLY ALMANACK. LEGRAND DOOLITTLE; Among which are the following articles. ity, and under high cultivation, with a fine young, R. 5 Jamaica Spirits, by the Southern Flour, by the orchard on it. Conditions made known at time, MARCH. 0 s. s. N. B. The subscriber would sell his stock and hhd. barrel or less quantity of sale. JOEL HOYT. .^"Wednesday 5 55 6 5 5 33 farming materials with the farm, if it,,should suit sets St. Croix Rum do. Rye and Buck-Wheat New-Canaan, March 15, 1819. : *46 25 Thursday 5 53 6 7 A the purchaser. 7 13 South-East, March 1, 1819. " 45 ; < Molasses do. Floor 26 Friday 5 51 6 9? 8 26 Cogniac Brandy, and Smoked Hams 27" Saturday 5 49 6 11 J ' For Sale,'.-;' t'i' ' . 9 35 Holland Gin, by the Smoked Herring 28 Sunday 5 48 6 12 : , / For Sale, A valuable FARM, in Fairfield, two and 5 47 6 13 ! 10 41 barrel • - Codfish, " a half miles west of the Court-House, 29 Monday Liverpool Liquid Black­ 5 46 6 14 11 43 A valuable Farm, Wines ' on the turnpike road leading to New York. The 30 Tuesday Noyai; '• ing, wholesale and re­ IN the town of Patterson, Putnam county. Said Farm contains about 45 acres, proportioned with Cordials, of all kinds tail. ' Farm is situated about half a mile from thevillage, Meadow, Plough and Pasture Land. On the ; ; William J. Street, Teas do. ; Fruit. : ; containing about 30 acres of land,well proportion­ premises are a good dwelling House, Barn and Loaf,-lump and brown Oranges, Limes Has this day received an additional supply, ed with meadow, plough, pasture, and wood land o^her out-houses. Also, a Grist Mill with two Sugar Madeira Nuts, Peanuts • consisting of DRY GOODS', CROCKE­ excellent Orchard, and plenty of almost ev­ run of good Burr Stones, and a good run of cus­ an Coffee, Choccclate Almonds, Prunes RY, GROCERIES, &C. &c. ery kind of fruit, together with a Dwelling-House tom. The fences are in excellent repair, and Gin Drum Raisins This addition makes his assortment equal, if and Barn. The price will be low, and payments Pepper, Allspicej the land in a good state of cultivation. The not superior to any in the place. It will be alto­ made easy. Any person wishing to purchase, ger Figs, Cocoanuts price will be low and payments made easy^4- Hand & paper Tobacco Dried Currants gether superfluous to say his Goods are Cheap ; can call and view the premises. For further par­ Apply to the subscriber on the premises. Candles by the box Box and keg Raisins, such as will do him the favor to call and buy, may ticulars, apply to the subscribers. SAMUEL KELIOGG. Powder and shot See. &c. &c have a convincing proof of the fact. JOEL JVEIVNURR, EXC>RG. Fairfield, Nov. 18th, 1818. 6m 30 Among his articles just received, will be found JOHN NEIVBURT, $ The above articles are all of a superior quali­ ty, and will be sold on terms which will render it XTRA svperfine blue, black, and mixed Patterson, N. Y. Feb. 18, 1819. 5w44 Volatile Aromatic ffead-Ache E Cl'.'ths and Cassimeres an objcct for their friends to call. Bombuzetts, black and assorted colors Cheap Cash Store. Norwalk, Jan. 25. 39 Sviuff. A Calicoes and Ginghams of various qualities More Cheap Goods. Prepared by John P. Whitwell, Chemist and Black Tabby Velvets and Canton Handkerchiefs BETTS & CANNON, Druggist—Boston. Black and scarlet Canton Crapes . , Havejust»received afresh supply of Lewis Mallory fy Co. CComposed principally of Roots, and Aromatic Gassimere merino and imitation Shawls Are openipg, and oflering for sale, Herbs)—Patented and M'arr anted. Fine sai cinct Cambric and jackoDet Muslins Fallfy Winter Goods, EW or none of the snuffs in ordinary use- new and choice selection of Fine Lenoes and book Muslins Which makes their assortment equal, if not su­ F unite those advantages as an elegant sternu­ Green, black and changeable Florences , perior, to any in town, which they are selling at Dry Goods, Groceries, and tatory, which Tobacco, combined with other in­ Cambric and common Dimities BLACK-ROCK PRICES, and of which, the follow­ gredients,is capable of producing. The conjmon ' S'eam Loom and cambric Shirtings ing are a small part :— / Crockery> Scoth snuff is not only destitute of fine flavor, Domestic shirting and sheetings, from 20 to 35 Black, blue, bottle green, drab and mixt Broad -AMONG WHICH ARE—- but is universally allowed to be injurious to the ; els pr yard cloths EAL superfine blue, black, olive brown, head and stomach, and sooner or later effects the Large supply of India Muslins, from 18 to 33 - and mixt Cloths transparency, and colour of the skin. The coarse Black, blue, drab and mixt Cassimeres, . R ;S§m cts per yard Pelisse Cloths, Sattinetts Extra superfine blue, blacki mixt, and drab black snuffs, instead of:clearing and stimulating; Silk and cotton Flag Handkerchiefs Lvon-skin Coating, Rose Blankets • _ Cassimeres , ^ ^J the olfactory nerves, serve but to obstruct andi^WJ Ladies best silk and kid Gloves Florentine, Merseilles, swansdown and toil- Sattinets, Flannels, (a good assortment) deaden ; and in process of time, by jstop-A^-^ Common do. undrest, at 18 cts per pair.. net Vestings Black and colored Boufibazelts ping the passages, has an evident effect upon the Mens best Beaver Gloves Manchester Velvets and Cords Black and red figured Rattinetts speech. The, Volatile Aromatic Snuffy will, by Aproh-check of superior width and quality Red, white, yellow, blue and black Flannels " Imported and Ame'rican .Ginghams - .; . perience, be found riot liable to these objections—-^ Jl Common do. at 18 cts per yard. : " Figured and plain Bombazetts, assorted colors Black,brown,plumb,and crjnison tabby Velvets its flavor is fragrant "and delightful—-the-?£fiy6t| Silk and Toilinet Vestings Italian and French Crape, figured Rauinett Black silk, and oliye Manchester Do.. . pleasing and salutary—it opens and puige'&lhe|||| ^ Swansdowii, very good, at 31 cts the pattern Black and changeable Florence and Levantines Florentine, Marseilles, and toilnet Vestings head—sensibly stimulates the spirits, sati'd re-|" 12 doz. stout India Shawls; from 10 to 12 1-2 cts Figured Levantines, 1White Sattin , American cotton Sheeting moves that drowsiness which on some otcasionsTV;5% each White and green Sarcenet American and India Muslins will prevail in spite of our utmost efforts to baffle,. 20 doz. Madrass and mapt Hdkfs, from 3 to 6 cts Cotton wadding, for Ladies' Great Coats Plain and figured Jaconet Do. it. By repeated experiments, it is known td be^v^^ LIKEWISE, • • [each Merino,^silk,.and cotton imitation Shawls^ Sarcenet Cambrics and Mul Muls of essential service to those \Vho are troubled '.witii; Blue and printed Tea setts Leno, book, cambrick, and mulmul Muslins Irish Linen, Linen Cambrics [trings long, dull, nervous head-aches, and will he found Do. cups and saucers, half pint Tumblers, wine Good Italian Crapes, black Levantine and Lus- far superior for thispurpose to theCephalic snuff". Cambric Dimities, sarcenet Cambrics , .f^-i Glasses, Goblets, &c. Etc. j* Beaver, kid, and silk Gloves, In cases of catarrh, or what is commonly called ' , ALSO, . '/:• • Corded Cambrics Wire Cotton and Floss Threads .. i Green and white Florences a cold in the head, a pinch or two taken aftnigh- , Teas, lump and brown Sugars, Molasses, (new Silk, cotton, and worsted Hosiery , Pink and buff Ginghams on going to bed, will, by moistening the mucus, jj crop,) Clover and Timothy Seed, Stone Lime, English and French silk Gloves ^ , Canton and Flag Handkerchiefs effectually remove all obstructions before morn-';.; wrought and cut Nails, Bridgeport and Boston Washed Leather, Beaver, and Kid Gloves ^ American and India Checks ing. All those troubled with the hypochondria ; |j|| Crackers, at the factory price, by the quantity. Men's Deer-skin Gloves and Mittens Worsted and cotton Hose or vapors, will find in this chemical preparation March 8. . - Merino Trimmings, Irish Linens Dutch Blankets, Bedticking, &c. &c. Sic. a complete antidote. During a tedious confmer. American 8c India cottop Sheeting & Shirting Likewise, , ment in a crowded house, or a warm atmosphere,^ Spring Establishment. Linen and cotton Bedticking A good assortment of GROCER1ES, and a a fatiguing walk, or a long ride, a pinch;-or American and English Check large assortment of CROCKERY^ (very cheap, two of this snuff will by its grateful and ehiivenf;! Cotton Candlewick among which are Dining Plates, at 2s. 3d. per ing qualities, richly repay the purchaser the,. r J. An assortment of HARDWARE and CROCK- dozen, or 14 cents per sett. trouble of constantly having it in his pocket, and ||| ACCOMMODATION PACKETS, r ERY. The above articles comprise but a small part which, when well secured, wilU for a long time, - fi y To sail on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from Eb of their assortment Perstons wishing to pur­ answer air the purposes of a smelling bottle.-^ ^ ' ene&er D. Hoyi's Landing at Norwalk, - : •' ALSO—- Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, chase will do well to call and lookfor themselves.. From its great antiputrescent qualities, no com­ for Peek Slip, Nbw-York. ^ ,\ ; Norwalk, Oct. 27. . -• v- position is better qualified to resist contagion ; the American and French Brandy n Sloop Eliza, Pennoyer, Do. and Holland Gin ' , ,{£PNew Cash Store. use of it therefore is indispensable for all those Madeira, Teneri He, who watch with, or visit the . All sedentary s WINES..; Sloop Mechanic, Bryant, American and Port and studious persons of either sex, will find by it& ' Eli B. Bennett, occasional use, a cheap and cheering relief from Sloop Union, Brown. Hyson, Young Hyson, Has just returned from New-York, with a Hyson Skin, and tTEAS. that lassitude which invariably accompanies a One of the above Packet s will leave here eve­ : new supply of V- Souchong ;;i J . ^ long sitting, or much reading. This snuff, the ry Tuesday and Saturday, for New-York, com : Loaf and Lump Sugar * ! Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardr fragrance of which is derived altogether from the mencing this day. Muscovado do. by thebarrei,or retail natural flavor of the principal articles of which it For freight or passage apply to the subscriber, v 'Coffee and' Spices ' ware, and Crockery, ^ is composed, is well stopt in a handsome square or to either the .Captains oni board of their re i Indigo and Dye Woods y ! ' Purchased at very reduced prices, and together bottle, made expressly for the purpose, and which spective vesselsi E. D. HOYT. Cotton, of superior, and ordinary qualities with his former assortment, will be sold accord­ will be found to unite all the advantages of a snuff p Norwalk, March 16. V Box. ' ... *" Salt, &C. ' . . ;V„ T '• ingly. ;—ALSO— Norwalk, Oct. 27. , ^ 26 CODFISH and SALT, of superior qualities. Certificate from Doct. Benjamin IVaterhoune, Fel­ Winter Arrangement. iieing determined to sell CHEAP, it will be low of the American Academy of Arts and Sci­ PACKET, for the interest of those who are desirous of ences—-and of the Medical Society in London—• _ To Sail every other Tuesday* from ; 'No. 1. Front-Street.' ^ and of the JVational Medical ~-hool of France— purchasing, to call.; ..'.v.. ' and late Professor of the Theory and Practice cf liuri'all $ HtibbeU's Landing at Nor­ Lewis Mallory p. ; \ JVbrjbatk, a Jew rods east ^ ' , Jf; .' ' , / walk, for Peck-Slip, New-Fork. of the Bridge, Dec. \. S i - ; " 31 '• Physic in the University of Cambridge. , Have just received from New'-York, a new ^Boston, Milk-Street, March SO, 1813. § HE new and very fast sailing sloop ORION and fresh supply of . , TB. KEELER, master, having 16 superior and Ground Plaster. Sir—In answer to your letter containing an en­ elegant births, will leave Norwalk fo'r New-York Dry Goods, Groceries, and OR sale, Ground Plaster, (not sweepings, umeration of the articles composing your snuff, every other week on Tuesday, commencing this : nor North-River Plaster,) at nine dollars together with a sample of it, 1 would remark, that, F although I have found no reason for .changing my day, (9th inst.) 1 • o" -•.. '• Crockery, ^ K-.-r per ton, t>r fifty cents per bushel, at the Mill ad­ well known opinion of the pernicious effects of For freight or passage, apply to the suhscri Purchased for CASH,at very reduced prices. joining the Bridge. bers, or to the Captain on board. . , Molasses, Wanted a quantity of CORN, to be, delivered the inordinate use of tobacco, in any form, I ne3'- gx-f> Every attention will be paid to the ac­ bv the first of March, or srtoner. ; ertheless cannot perceive the same objection to Of a very superior quality, at 5s. per gallon, and yours. The articles are certainly innocent in commodation of Passengers. • . ^.^SAMUEL CANNON.;;.' other articles in proportion. Dec. 30. their qualities. Those liable to nervous and oth­ BURRALL Sc IIUBBELL. Nonvalk, Jan. 19. 38 Norwalk, Feb. 9. 28 er head-aches weir know, that fiti of these dis­ ALMANACKS,, for \ • ' • • Lost, "• tressing affections, most comnionly 'sr.bside 6n a HE Hon. Court of Probate for the district spontaneous sneezing towards ni^ht, and if this N Wednesday, March 10, between Silas of Danbury, hath limited six months trom relief can be expedited by a sternutatory, I should- Gregory's and Norwalk Bridge, a new the date hereof, for the creditors to the estate of O give the preference to your snuff over that of SADDLE. Whoever will leave said Saddle at L widow Mary Jones, late of Ridgefield, deceased powdered tobacco, or even the imported Cephalic to exhibit their claims against said estate for set' this Office, or give information where it may be % found, will receive a reasonable satisfaction from Snuff, the ingredients of which are unknown to V,." tlement. Those who neglect to present their ac- . WTith this view I have-used your compo?i» ; For sale at this Office, by the doz. or single. the subscriber. WM. WILCOX. x lir \ ,v counts properly attested within said time, will be tion myself, and recommended it to others;. i t Norwalk, March 11, 1819; 46 debarred a recovery. All persons indebted to Blank Certificates and Pow­ Jvvl am yours, See. WATERHOtfsiji^i said estate, are requested to make immediate BLANKS To J. P. IVhitweli, Chemist aad Drugght- payment, to .. ers of Attorney, iW. j ? For sale by ST. JOHN & ISAAC h RI XX-T-A'"': R JAMES SEYMOUR, Executor, '• iWi - . '•i ; ~ ^ 7 i ' m For sale at this 'W' Z>1 For Pensioners, for sale at this Oflicc. ' Norwalk, March 4th, 1819. v • ;'v^ i'- •'•v -y ? • / - " ' ' * . 'i « - 1 r 1 - 'A. V. ' * ' ^7' v'\ • ~ \'J ' , P V R V. • 'J.' V ii J { s. Vf *\ Y

'"7 ' •• ;: •• -si

whom the blow has immediately fallen, fcill fefef .. eiecutiGiiy oH Friday, the sixteenth day of April was disc&veied <5h the? Surface! of the caftiij a lump of which, they brought'with them to Eng­ it most sensibly. This part of Blanford was in* V ••}&% nextj and there be hung by the vecky between the habited chiefly by poor people— and many of this-;'"" Patriot Office^ Goshen, March 14, 1819. •..- hours of two and three in the afternoon, vhjtilthey land, %hich has since been analysed by some Trials for Murder.—In former papers we have scientific gentlemen at the royal institution and class have lost every thing, and all of themhav6. '? were dead.—-An additional sentence-was passed 4 stated that Jack Hodges had been convicted as a found to be composed of three per cent nickel, lost more than they can afford to lose.' ;^e \ upon Jack, that after death, his body was to be de­ fear very little of the property destroyed has principal in the murder of Richard Jennings . - livered to the president of the Medical Society °f the rest iron. From the circumstance of nickel 'L^i James Teed ac­ insured." ^ iS had been convicted as an this comity for dissection. Ilis duty as a magis­ having never been found in iron, but in one ins­ cessary to the murder, before the fact, and tl a trate, was then performed—but the Judge did not tance, viz. alu^ip brought by professor Pallas NORWALK GAZETTE.^ the summing up of counsel in the tm of Da, stop here—he addressed them in the language of lrom Russia, .which the royal Academies of" Lon­ -vid Conklmg, also an accessary before don and Paris pronounced to be meteoric and fall­ a fellow being—the language of a christian ; ex­ WEDNESDAY, MJIRCH 24, 1819. commenced on Saturday evening. ^Monday horting them to improve the lew remaining days en from the clouds, there remains no doubt of ad es ed morning, Mr. Ely and Mr. Puce, ^ * ^ they had to live, in preparing for death and eter­ that brought from Baffin's bay being of a simi­ STATE OF CONNECTICUT. : iury in behalf of the prisoner ; and Mu.Duei m lar kind. This extraordinary fact, perhaps the nity. It was indeed a solemn and effecting scene. * •: . -"BY HIS EXCELLENCY / behalf of the prosecution. The cause went to The wretched victims of despair stood before most important result of the expedition, may > , OLIVER WOLCOTT, ^ the jury about half after three-P. M. and they re­ the tribunal of justice, an awful spectacle of hu­ not only teach us Ultimately how to explain the mained out until eight o'clock on Tuesday morn­ phenomena of the northern lights, from which Governor and Commander in Chief in and over'- man depravity. ing, when they returned a verdict ot GUILTY. it is possible meteoric iron may be produced to the State of Connecticut, v ^ ' • Mrs. Hannah Teed being called to the bar, • "From the Mational Advocate of the 12th inst. an extent hitherto unimagined, but also to ac­ A PROCLAMATION. ' was arraigned as accessary to the murder ot count for the remarkable variations of the com­ ~~ The Plague.—Accounts from the Barbary Although the government of GOD is directed in' Richard Jennings after the fact, and with the ad- States, as late as Dec. continue to represent the pass in these latitudes, if not to unravel the en­ immutable wisdom, justice and ; yet/" , vice of Messrs. Fisk and Price, her counsel with plague as making frightful ravages. A letter tire mystery of magnetism and the needle. drew h£r former plea, and openly pleaded-guilty as the contemplation of his perfections and be­ from Mr. Rolsom, Charge des Affaires of the U, nevolence, with sincere penitence for our own : , From the Washington City Gazette. „ to the indictment. States at Tunis, dated November 2d. has been sins and those of our race, are prescribed Mr. Betta, district attorney, then addressed the Seminole War.—Gen. Lacock, in the Senate, received here, by which we learn,.that upwards means of elevating the affections, and reform­ court, and remarked, that the Grand Jury had al- on the Seminole war, presents two facts which 700 persons a day have died at Tunis j that the ing the conduct of imperfect men, thereby in­ , so preferred a bill against the prisoner, as acces- Christian residents are quarantined in their hou­ came not jnto the discussion in the House of Rep- ary to the murder of Richard Jennings, belorfe creasing their happiness, and rendering them ses, and placed in the most trying and danger­ nesentatives, viz. Gen. Jackson's order to Gen. more acceptable to their Creator : the tact; if he obtained the assent of the court, Gaines to enter St.-Augustine, and the receiv­ ous situations ; and,'by a later account, wc Icain I have, therefore, thought proper to appoint, \ he should enter a nolle prosequi upon that indict­ ing volunteers into, the service, there being no with sincere regret, that Richard Oglander, Esq. and I.do hereby appoint Friday the ninth day of ment. The prisoner was represented to be a his Britiannic Majesty's Consul General at that law authorising it. April next, to be observed throughout this state ' person of weak understanding—-and was the wile The order to Gen. Gaines was, that he should place, a man of great , and in the prime of as a CHRISTIAN FAST. And I do hereby ; of one, and sister of the "other, of the criminals ascertain strictly the existence of the facts sta­ life, had fallen a victim to this dreadful malady. invite the Ministers and Teachers-of all denom-> - convicted of the same offence, ihe proof in ted by Major Twiggs, to wit—that the Indians The plague had1 not reached Tripoli, but there inations, with all the good people thereof to pre* those cases, showed that she rather acquiesced— were armed, fed, and incited to hostility by the is no doubt, from the fanaticism of the Mussel- sent, on said day, their united and devout suppli­ and was rather a passive member in the atrocious Governor of St. Augustine, and in that event to men, that it will soon reach that place ; it may ETERNAL BEING confederacy, than that she was an instigator or m- cations to that , from whom? then extend to Derne and B^omba, when it will take possession of' the post. If, then, the order , fluential, or active in producing it. She might nothing is concealed ; who has established insep­ be arrested by the Ly.bian Desert. It appears had been executed, it would have stood on the well be considered as controlled by her husband arable connexions between virtue and happiness, that this dreadful contagion first broke out at O- same defensible ground, precisely, as St. Marks in yielding the aid she did, to the murder ; and vice and misery j to whom insincere oblations: ; ran, from thence it extended to Algiers, and so and Pensacola, involving the same principlesj and although her conduct was deeply criminal, prob are unavailing ; and to whom the homage of the-:: on across the Atlas mountains, into the heart of to be determined in the same way. v ably the ends of public^ustice would be better heart will be acceptable;. imploring him to Morocco, and eastward to Tunis; it has also As regards the acceptance tif volunteers, all subserved by punishing her for the minor of­ forgive aH our sins, especially the great offence spread to the westward and reached Constantine, that can be said, is, that there was no law which fence, than in exposing her to a public and inta of mankind in disregarding the divine precepts-. • Kairwan, and other populous towns. It is some­ authorized it; though none will pretend that moas death. An additional reason of much and perfect example of His SON, our Saviour what surprising, that with all the improvements they are not a more efficient and less expensive weight was, the information communicated to and Judge; to intreat Him to enable us, with- and discoveries in the healing art, with all the sci­ force than militia : they are, in fact, militia, the court, thaj. the prisoner was now in a delicate sincere contrition, to review the mistakes of our entific researches and experiments, which have differing only in name and efficiency. During situation, and oiie which must forbid her^ execu past conduct; and to recommence the labors of taken in their range every disease incident to the late war these troops were received, and their tion for many months, if she was convicted.- a new year, with firm resolution of amendment ; • man, that no cure, no effectual remedy has ever able exertions under Gen. Coffee, in the Creek manifesting our penitence and hopes of forgive­ He stated to the court, he had the assent of the war, and at New-Orleans, shew their value ; been discovered for this sweeping pestilence.— ness and'favor, by performing acts of justice, re­ Attorney General, and of the Counsel associated As the most stubborn diseases have yielded to there was no law then, any more than now, which conciliation and mercy to our fellow men : At in the prosecution, to the course he proposed a- authorized their "being taken into service. There skill and proper remedies, so we believe that this the same time, to render thanks to ALMIGHTY dopting. , r disorder could be cured, as it certainly could he was a law passed in 1813, which admitted them, The Court declared their full approbation of GOD for his innumerable favors to our State and prevented. Unfortunately the religious preju­ volunteering for five years; but Gen. Coffee and the measures and the district attorney enieied a Nation; to intreat his guidance and protection in; dices of Mahometans prevent the adoption of the Tennessee volunteers, who rendered such nolle prosequi upon the indictment against Mrs. behalf of the President of the U. States, and all measures which may tend to check the progress essential services to their country, were not of others intrusted with rule, counsel and authorj- Teed, for the capital offence. of this dreadful malady. It is a contagion and this description, and yet no question in relation > ' David Dunning was then brought up and put ty ; that they may be directed in the right way ; not an epidemic disease. When a part of a city to them was ever made, but the whole proceed­ and that the consequences of every eri or may on his trial as a principal in the murder. Mr. ing was approved by the Executive, and even by is affected, and it is surrounded and carefully be averted from us, and our posterity. Betts opened the cause. The circumstances of guarded to prevent any connexion with it, the dis­ Congress ; for the thanks of the nation were vo­ All aervile labor and vain recreation, on said the murder were first proved, Jack Hodges was ted them. \ : the principal witness.—He swore that he went to ease expires of itself; but, the Turks take no day, are by law forbidden. ; , precaution, and apply no remedy. That empire We are happy to state, that the report of Mr. Given under my hand, at Litchfield. (he first day the house where the prisoner at the bar and Lacock was not the united sentiment of the com­ f|||- James Teed lived—had a short conversation with is fast decaying. Pestilence will do more than of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand the sword, and religious intolerance and bigotry mittee. Mr. King and Mr. Eaton were opposed tight hundred and nineteen ; and in the forty \ v Dunning in his own room—they then went out to it, and had intended, we understand, to have of the "house together, and there made arrange- unite with other causes to promote its downfall. third year of the Independence of the 0dtt4^ The sooner the better. The friends of human­ offered a counter one, but that the session was States of America. v •- ' • • " t* <- ments to execute the murder the..first opportuni- loo near a close to attempt any think like discus­ OLIVER WOLCOTT. " •, ty. Dunning was to decoy the old man to a cer- ity are tired of this despotism which prohibits sion. •v \$,- tain place where they had been cutting wood, and the use of those specifics, which Providence has By his Excellency's Command, . . pointed out for the use of man, and which con­ THOMAS DAY, Secretary. RTV;); I was to shoot him. This arrangement was ^ R NEW-YORK, March 18. tinues to cover a.noble quarter of the world with " ~ made on Saturday evening, the 19th December A Boat race took place yesterday for a purse the shield of darkness and superstition. We do '. • last.—On Monday morning, Mr. Jennings went of 1000 dollars, between two boats owned by gen­ CONNECTICUT ELECTION, H^ - not, however believe, that 700 persons die in a past the house, and Dunning followed and ovei- First Monday in April. day at Tunis ; at that rate, the inhabitants would tlemen at Brooklyn. They were each manned - , * took him. Jack then took the gun, and hasten- by four rowers and a setter, and started between ->#*'^.""ed-by a different - route to the place agreed on, sw'on be swept away ; besides there is no mode of Toleration Ticket, ascertaining the exact number,but it will be read- 12 and T o'clock from the upper part of the where he observed them coming towards him.— Wallabout, to row round Governor's Island and At a numerous meeting of the friends of tol- v ly conceived, that 150,000 inhabitants, cribbed in v ' , Mr. Jennings asked Jack if he had- lent a hand to back, a distance of about 8 miles. I he wind eration and equal, rights from different parts of- a city one third the size of New York, with nar­ ' V cut the timber that there lay on the ground ?— blew a gale from the west and caused a very the State, convened at New Haven in October , Jack replied, that he had, raising his gun, and: row and filthy streets, and a confined atmosphere, last: It was resolved to support the following-v. must suffer greatly. The foreign agents rriust rough sea. The winning boat, however, perfor­ " cocking it at the same time. Mr. Jennings ask- med the route m 61 minutes, to the admiration gentlemen for the offices respectively affixed to be deplorably situated ; 4ie is fortunate who is ed him if his gun was loaded ? Jack replied it of numerous spectators, on the wharves and their names, at the election to be hQldtn on the was not. At that instant Dunning stepped off honored by his country with that trust, but he first Monday of Apiil next, unci respectfully to. who escapes it is more fortunate; and, we can­ shores. This boat was built by Mr. WM. E. . i 'i from the side of the old man, and Jack took aim Chambers about 10 years ago, and was lately re­ recommend them to the Electors for their sup-:' / not but feel indebted to government, under pre­ Ktflt! at his head and fired. The old man fell on his port—viz. sent appearances, for the permission granted us built on her old keel. The losing boat was new, v:; seat, his head dropping forward. Jack then turn- aiid gave out before she had doubled the island. of leaving this inhospitable part of the world. -Oliver Wolcott, ed round to'go-away, when Dunning, the prison- / ;FOR GOVERNOR. % Stlfer'at the bar, ran up to him, saying, « Damn the New-York Legislature—On the 8th inst. in From late London pafiers. - oliLsavage, he's not dead yet, why. will you un- Assembly," the question whether the state of The hopes long entertained of acquiring an Joriathiah Ingersoll, ^ - ' " % dertake to do a job and not finish .it Dunning New-York should make the whole of the Great intimate knowledge of the interior of Africa, arc FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR. &|| then seized the gun and beat it over the old man's Western Canal, from the Hudson to the Lakes, likely to be soon realized. A very intelligent jfs'A'A'C SPENCER, for Treasurer. 'V - 'head and breast until he broke it—he then took was passed in the affirmative—80 to 25. A me­ and enterprising gentleman, named Bodeck, un- THOMAS DAY, for Secretary. , \ '$^the broken pieces to Jack, who carried them to morial of the" representatives of the society of y appalled by the danger and difficulties of the un­ . AND FOR SENATORS, ; . V ' . -J Teed's and thence to Conkling's—Various at- Friends, of the city of New-York, has been read, dertaking, and the failure of many adventurers JONATHAN BRACE, > Hartford ' .'v--.tempts were made to prove that Dunning was praying legislative aid to reclaim the Indians in to penetrate into the heart of that continent, has SYLVESTER WELLS, $ County. iC-< r.4: V: * not there, and could riot have assisted in the mur« that state, to instruct them in mechanic arts, ag­ ! recently returned to England, after having over­ WILLIAM BRISTOL, ) SSew-Uavcii ' - ders : but the testimony of the black man was come those difficulties, and successfully explored riculture, &c.—Dutchess Observer. DAVID TOMLINSON, $ County. ... so remarkably corroborated by circumstances—• In the Senate on' the I Uh inst. 51r. Bates from the kingdom of the Ash^ntees, in which he resi­ ELI AS' PERKINS, ) New-London ' / . i. by other witnesses—and by Dunning's own con­ the joint committee, relative to the sales ot real ded for six months. . During the first half of this ENOCH BURROWS. $ County. fessions, that the Jury having been out five hours estate by execution, made a report, wherein the interval, he was incarcerated in a dungeon, and DAVID HILL, Fairfield County. ^returned a verdict of GUILTY. - injuries experienced by both debtor and creditor l iA expected hourly to be put to death. The. king PETER WEBB- WindliamCounty. • ; ' y ,Hannah Teed was next called up—The Judge un'der our present system, are pointed out in a v of the Ashantees was greatly interested by this FREDERICK WOLCOTT,) Litchfield A • stated to her in substance : that in consideration and forcible manner. The debtor suffers stranger, and hacl him. often brought from his ELIJAH BOARDMAN, $ County.: • [T '-,of her sex—of the probability, that the mandates _ by the sacrifice of his property under the ham­ cell to the palace, ior the purpose of inquiring JOSHUA STOW Middlesex<"ouniy. : > "of a stern and inflexible husband, might have in- mer, and such is the state of the times that no from whence he came, and the purpose of his JOHN S. PETERS, Tolland Cotmty, li^fluenced her conduct in relation to the murder— visit. These interviews always took place in the competition takes place,and the creditor can pur­ It will be observed that the candidates for the ' Iu consideration of her peculiar situation, as re- chase at his own price. Seeing this partial apd dead of the night, and upon one occasion, liis Senate, are selected.from the several counties w " . presented to the court—and also in consideiation unjust operation, and anticipalinS its results} the majesty met Mr. "Bodeck half way in the dark, the State—and that ten of them now hold' the W of the destitute situation of her children, already is sometimes rendered desperate and After repeated conversations, liis majesty be­ debtor fice of Assistants by the suffrages of tlie free-^ , ^ j • deprived of a father—that she was now to be makes a conveyance to secure a part of his credit­ came quite satisfied w,ith respect to the intentions men at the last spring election. their only protector—the only parent to whom ors, while others are wholly cut off. 1 he report of the stranger, who was liberated, and for the -y&sJP. they must in future look for support—tl\at these, concludes by submitting a bill directing the mode last thrfe'e months.of his stay, he resided at court, The following is the Federal Nomination for ! ;• and a variety of other considerations pressed of levying executions on real estate, which pro­ 7rfe and was treated with ^reat kindness. 'Among Senators, Treasurer, and Secretary. ^ No candi-.. ; themselves upon the minds of the Court, who vides for the appraisal of lands and tenements the curious and valuabl'e articlcs brought dates, it will be seen, appear on the Ticket for the , ...-4^^. with the advice and consent of the Counsel for on which execution shall be levied, by three dis­ the people, had thought proper, to extend to her by Mr. Bodeck, is a geographical history of the Offices of Governor and Lt. Governor. interested persons.—Columbian., FOR SENATORS. - V all the mercy the lay/ would allow—She was Ashant'ee kingdom, in the native language, and and an account of the travels and death of Mun- Samuel B» Shcrwofifo ' therefore sentenced to'thirty days confinement in .Common Schools.—By the report of the Super- Timothy Pitkin, go Pai k. He represents the king of the Ashan­ Jonathan W. Edwards, William Perkins, ; the County Jail. Her crimes the Court^ remark- intendant of Common Schools, it appears that tees as a most abl^ arid intelligent man. His Sim(on Baldwin; _ Fi ederick Wolcoft, ed, would justify a severer punishment, but they there are 4,615 school districts in the state of t observations and-questions, which were inces­ Noah B. Biiiedict, >''had a greater regard for' hei* children ..than for New-York that have made returns} and that the Charles Uenison, ^ sant, 'displayed strong natural discernment and Calvin Goddarri, v-;: Elijah Hubbard^ ,r Jier and Would therefore forbear. r ,,.. ; amount of monies paid to them, is 93,010 dol­ intelligence, and lie was particularly anxious in Samuei W. Johnson, Asa Willty. . James Teed, David Conning, David Dunning lars and,64 cents ; the number of children taught his inquiries respecting the policy ,of the Euro­ SOU TREASURER. ^ and Jack Hodges, were next called up, anc, ad- in said districts, is 210,31.6. •- iif Mi ' : dressed with great solemnity by Judge Van Ness. pean governments. ,, •Andrew Kingsbury. FOR SEwe have un­ agine either that they must at some period have point the presiding officer/v< i\r - ; V giving disposition towards all men, 8cc. &c. He derstood that nearly all of this article was taken had traffic with other hations, which seemed al­ 2d— then pronounced their sentence, which was, that The presiding officer is to call the meet- most impossible, or that iron must be produced out of Mr. Boiling's Warehouse. . :v they all be taken from the place where they then ine to order, and cause to be read the 12th, 13th there. A dilieent search, however, satisfied Petersburg as a town will suffer but little by ^ " » .f A1/1 olartiAn low. . ^stood, to the prison froth -whence they last came ; Bat Wividoals «pon 1 l«h paragraph:, of . indented Girl, 13 years old, about 4 feet 9 inches - C.i,' took the mail-bag, horsej saddle, bridle, blanket, Samuel Daskam, Master, . 4th—The presiding officer is next to call up- high, light complexion, stout and robust in her ! ; NTENDED solely for the accommodation of - the Electors for their ballots for Senators. spurs,Sec. io^- V > LEWIS MALLORY CO. retary, respectively, are then to be made out, Business, 18 years old, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inch­ considerable, amount, and -the shop set on fire, W. & B. ST. JOHN. - : Signed and Sealed, strictly agreeable to the forms es high, ruddy complexion, dark eyes, sandy hair, but was discovered in season by Mr. Jones to :pte- , Norwalk, March 23. < - 47 v transmitted to the town Clerks the present year, and speaks rather quick. Had on when he went vent its destruction, and also the extensive estab­ and directed to the Secretary of the state. away, a bottle green Surtout, black Coat, partly lishment of Mr. JabezM. Gilbert, as a Tannery, One certificate of each is to be lodged within For Albany and Troy. worn, dark colored Pantaloons, bottle green Vest, standing contiguous. The fact was early made - three days after the election,with the town clerk. , The Sloop ORBIT, and napt HaN Also, took with hitn a flew blu^ known on Tuesday morning, by Mr. Jones,-to jhe One, within ten days after the meeting, to be de- DANIEL K. NASH, Master, Coat, mixt Colored Pantaloons, ahd a light Mer- members of Ridgefield Union Society, who by livered, without fail, to the Secretary of state, or L positively sail for Albany and Troy, seilles Vest. Likewise, several small articles of -their characteristic activity, diligence, ahd perse­ to the Sheriff of the county. (and touch at any other place on the river, clothing, such as Shirts, Stockings, Cravats, &c. verance, apprehended the villain in less than six to accommodate Passengers and Freighters,) on Whoever will take up said Boj,' and return him, hours, and recovered the property. After an in­ A letter from Liverpool of the 22d of Janua- Thursday, the 1st day of April next. Those or secure him and give information to the sub­ 4 quiry or examination before Justices Stebbinsand ay states, that on the previous day upwards of who wish to send for Lumber, are requested to scriber, shall receive $10 reward, a>^d all reasona­ Hyatt, he was committed, on the most unequivo­ 30 vessels had sailed from that port to the East forward their orders as soon possible. ble charges. All persons are forbid harboring Indies, in order to purchase Cotton, and that they cal testimony of his guilt, to Danbury jail, to a- or employing him on penalty of the laWv wait his trial before the September term of the WM. J. STREET. were expected to return in the course of this Norwalk, March 23.. 47, SAMUEL B. GRUMMX^. year. The writer states that this speculation Superior Ceurt. Such are the benefits resulting _ . Ridgefield, March 9th, 1819.; - 47 N, is likely to be very unprofitable, as some ships to Society from similar associations. have arrived loaded with the above freight, since Ridgfield, March 17, 1819. For Sale, the other vessels were afloat, and the cotton fetch- HE situation, late the property of ed no more than 6d. per lb. the cost price in the ^MARUIED, T THOMAS' CORNWALL, deceased, : East Indies; consequently the expences of the In North-Stamford, Jeremiah Stevens, Esq. to consisting of about 5 acres of Land, on voyage, freight, &c. will fall heavily upon the Miss Tamur Stevens. In Ridgefield, Mr. Joseph which is a good two story Dwelling-House, with merchants.' Valden, to Miss Mary Stevens ; Mr. Chauncey a well of excellent water within 10 feet of the An extensive and alarming combination of Lee, to Miss Anna Stevens. door. On the premises are a great variety Mechanics and Artists, has taken-place in Eng- Fruit Trees, a Barn, &c. The above is situated Danbury and Norwalk land. Their professed object is to prevent any DIED, in Norwalk, one and a half mile from the Bridge ' innovation of their rights and privileges by their In this townj on the morning of the 22d inst. on the east side of the river. ' If not disposed of Accommodation Stage, employers. The number regularly enrolled, a- after a long and distressing sickness, the Rev. before the 12th day of April next, it will then be ILL commence running on the 20th of mounts, it is said, to upwards of 60,000, which Roswell R. Sv)an$ aged 40. The death of tnis sold at Public Auction, . For further particular March, by the way of Bethel, to perform number was to be augmented the last week by a truly excellent man is deeply felt, and will be apply to WILLIAM CORNWALL, or W .great body of men employed on the banks of the long lamented. Society is deprived of one of its regular trips through the season. JOSIAH CORNWALL, To leave Danbury every Tuesday, Thursday, river. Delegates are appointed at every manu­ her firmest supporters—Religion mourns the living on the premises. March 22, 1819. 47 facturing town in the kingdom, and the subscrip­ loss of one of her brightest ornaments. He has and Saturday, and arrive in season to take Pack­ left a family in deep affliction, and a people in ets at Norwalk—and to leave Norwalk on the fol­ \ • v tion for each person is one penny per week, which,taken at 60,000 amount to upwards of2401. tears. His funeral will be attended this day, New Books, lowing days. weekly.—JV. Y. Spectator. (Wednesday, 24th inst.) at 2 o'clock, afternoon. Just received and for sale at this Office, by Extra Carriages will be furnished on the In New-Canaan, on Saturday morning, the NICHOLS Sf PRICE. shortest notice. *, v V; Coasting Trade.—By the recent modification 20th inst. Mr. Matthias St. John, in the 86th year ATTS on the Mind ; Views of England C. WORRELL, Norwalk, ? Proprie *"of the system, vessels are authorised to pursue of his age. His funeral was attended at 3 o'clock, by Maj. Gen.- Pillet; Ramsay's Wash A. SEELEY, Danbury, 3 tors. W ; the coasting business between any ports of the in the afternoon of that day, by a large concourse ington ; A Topographical Description of Ohio Feb. 23. ^ vr 4$ union lying in the Atlantic without undergoing of his friends and neighbors—a pathetic and ap­ Indiana, and Louisiana; Sansom's Canada; Mil the expense and trouble of clearance at the Cus- propriate discourse was delivered on the occasion, ler's Letters ; Edwards on the Will; Portraitur For Sale* tom-House, by the Rev. Wm. Bonney, from the 4th chapter of Methodism ; Mackay's Navigator, Elements 7 A small Farm, and 9th verse of Hebrews—' There remaineth, of War, by Isaac Maltby, &c. &c. • - ' Green Peas.—This vegetable, syas the Charles­ therefore, a rest to the people of God.' .Also, The Weaver's'Assistant, containing up ITUATED in Ridgebury, about one mile". ton City Gazette of the 8th inst. was brought to He was a kind Husband and an indulgent-Par­ wards of 100 different drafts, price 75 cents. S north of the Meeting-House, containing, si- our ^market on Saturday last for the first time ent, ancfin his death, that, town mourns the loss f tCT Orders for any description of Books, not bout nine acres of excellent Land, together Wttl-i; this year. They were sold at the rate of twelve of one of its useful and benevolent citizens—the hand", will receive immediate attention. a new two story Dwelling-House, standingthe^ dollars a bushel. church of Christ a zealous and pious supporter "March 23. 1 on. The place is an excellent stand for a Me­ —and society at large a valuable and respectable chanic, particularly a Tanner and Currier. Ati Superstition.—A Plattsburgh paper of the 29th member.—Communicated. At a Court of Probate holden at Norwalk, March indisputable title will be given. For particulars, ult. relates an instance of superstitious credulity In Danbury, on Saturday last, Mrs. Ann White, 18 th, 1819, inquire of the subscriber. $> •very rarely to be met with in modern times. At aged 69. PON the Petition of DANIEL NASH, of said MOSES NOftRIS.p Chazy, on the 23d ult. the body of a Mr. Stephen U Norwalk, as he is Guardian to Dennis Han Ridgebury, Feb. 25, 1819i 47 •-*' Woodward, who was buried about 18 months AUCTION. ford and Sally Harford, both of said Norwalk since, and who died of a consumption, was taken minors, undefc the age of 21 years, praying fo To Let, up and his remains placed on a pile of fuel, set T110 be sold at Public Auction, on the liberty to sell and convey two certain tracts of feW 1 on fire, and consumed. The object of the au- [• •«[ JL 3lst day of inst. March, at 1 o'clock Land, one of which" lies in New-Canaan, at f 11 HE Place formerly owned by Col. ; thors of this disreputable transaction, it appears, . afternoon, if not previously disposed of Whortleberry Hill, in quantity five acres, and the Ozias Marvin, dee'd, in Norwalk, 'was tt> prevent the further progress of the con­ at prizate sale, a Dwelling-House and Barn, and other in said Norwalk, at Cramberry Plain, and on the Post-road from New-York to- sumption in the family, of which Mr. W. was a about Fifty acres of Land, lying in the northeast contains two acres, belonging to said minor chil Boston, about two miles east of the Church, con­ member. part of NeW-Canaan. Said Farm is suitably di­ dren, in common and undivided with Mary-Aash taining 12 acres of excellent Land, principally vided into plough, pasture, meadow, and wood HanJ'ord, a minor of said Norwalk. and descend Meadow, with a fine orchard of ingrafted fruit. Melancholy Accidents.—Two unfortunate la­ Land, and is well watered, with a good otchard ed to them from their late Father Ifezekiah Han There is on the premises, a good Dwelling borers engaged in making a turnpike road near thereon. Conditions will be liberal, and will be fordt deceased, hounded) and described in said House, Barn, Carriage-House and other out-hou<- Chambersburgh, were recently killed by the cav­ made known at the time and place of sale, which Petition on file, dated this 18th day of March ses j an excellent well of water hear the door!—. ing of a bank. will be on the premises. A. D. 1819: The above will be let from the first of April On the 27th ult. the house of Orris Goodrich, JOSEPH EVERITT. Ordered, that the further consideration of said next. ,Apply to WM. BENNETT. ^ m of' Livonia, Ontario connty, N. Y. took fire du New-Canaan, March 23. 47 Petition be postponed to a session of this Court Saugatuck, March 11,1819. , ; ring the absence of himself and wife, and was to be holden at the Probate Office, in said Nor entirely consumed, together with two small chil­ School Books, fyc. walk, on the 4th Monday of May next, at 10 For Sale, dren. The father arrived to hear their dying HE Young Lady and Gentleman's Monitor, o'clock, forenoon, when such order will be made In Norwalk* about 40 rods north of the bridge, >• shrieks, without being able to relieve them. T price 75 cents ; A Catechetical Confpend in the premises, as sh&H be deemed expedient, On the 5th inst. at Auburn, N. Y. as a number of General History, 37 1-2 cents ; Murray's and the Guardian is ordeJ*cd to give notice there­ THE Premises, where Mr. Phineas Hill of persons were chopping timber for fuel, a tree English Grammar, large ; do. abridged ; Morse's of as the law directs. now lives, consisting of a Lot of ground* was chopped nearly off and left by the choppers Geography; Willet's do. with Atlas; Daboll's 47 WM. M. BETTS, Judge. 6 rods front andTo deep, with a Dwelling lor a few moments—when it fell and killed .Mr Arithmetic; Root's do; Columbian Orator; A- House, Barn, Well of water, and a number-of- Thomas Wansor, and severely wounded another merican Orator ; Walker's Dictionary ; Amer­ At a Court of Probate, holden at JVortvalk, March thrifty apple and peach trees. &c. For terms, 18th, 1819, person. Mr. Wansor was near sixty years of ican Reader ; English Reader ; American "Pre apply to JONATHAN KNIGHT, Esq. 1 age, and has left a family in indigent circum ceptor ; Introduction to the English Reader; PON the Petition of SAMUEL HARFORD, of Who is authorised to give a good and sufficient^ 1 stances. • .• ,y. • cA Murray's Exercises; do. Sequel; Key to the U said Norwalk, as he is Guardian to Mary title for the same. /? J. CRISSEYi ^ ..On the 26th ult. Mr. Simeon Mayo, of the Exercises j Child's Instructor ; Spelling Books, JVash Hanford, of said Norwalk, a minor, under Sep?. 30. . - ,.r." -F.v:; town of Harmony, aged 26, was instantly killed &c. &c. " ' .' ; the age of 21 years, praying for liberty to sell and by the fall of a tree. Bibles, Testaments, Psalm Books, Common convey two certain tracts of Land, one of which To be sold at private sale, A Mr. Foster, of MonsonVille, N. Y. and a girl Prayer Books, Hartford selection of Hymns. lies in New-Canaan,' at Whortleberry Hillj and an accomplice, who liyed, in the house, have been Episcopal Catechism, New-England Primer contains five acres, and the other piece in Nor­ BOUT forty acres of LAND, handsomely taken into custody on suspicion of having poison- Dr. Watts' Catechism, History of Little Henry walk, at Cramberry Plain, (so called,) containing situated on Belden's Hill, ab%ut 3 miles s ed Foster's wife. She survived but a short time and his Bearer, History of Simeon Wilhelm, to­ two acres, belonging to said minor, in common from Norwalk Bridge; The above Land is of ' aft^r taking the poisonous draught. • : , , gether with a great variety of Toy Books, for and undivided with Dennis Hanford and Sally an excellent quality, and under good improve­ children. Hanford, minors, of said Norwalk, and which de ment. An indisputable title and immediate pos­ * About 22 months since, PHILIP, aged about Dean's much approved Copy-Plates. " scended to them from their late Father Hezekiah session will be given. For terms, applv to ' S years, son of Mr; Asscyrel Flint, of Middlebu- Day-Books, Ledgers, Common-Place Books, Hanford, deceased, bounded and described as in HANNAH B. SKIDDY, or : ry, Vt. drank, through mistake, a quantity of Cyphering and Writing Books. . ? said Petition on file, dated this 18th day of March, SAMUEL BURR ALL. '7 . carbonite of potash (pearlash) which-prevented Ink Powder, Lead Pencils, Wafers, Sealing 1819 : * V Norwalk, Oct. 13. . , 24 his swallowing any thing but milk; which he Wax, Ink Stands, Writing Paper, &c. &c. . Ordered, that the further consideration of said ' , continued to drink until the third.of last month, . . Just received and for sale by Petition be postponed to a session of this Court, Wanted, when he became wholly unable to swallow any to be holden at the Probate Office, in said Nor­ v NICHOLS # PRICE. N active, industrious LAD, about "15 or 16 nourishment, and continued to languish for 30 March 23. walk, on the 4th Monday of May next, at 10 days, gradually losing the use of his limbs and o'clottk, forenoon, when such order will be made A years of age, as an apprentice at the Coop­ er's trade. Also, one or two Journeymen at the senses, till he became senseless, and lost to feel­ OTICE is hereby given that seven months in the premises as shall be thought expedient, ing, his flesh mostly dried up.—Upon examina­ N from this date are limited, by the Hon. and the Guardian is ordered to give notice there­ above business, by ELIJAH MARSHALL, tion after death, it was found that the oesophagus Court of Probate for Stamford District, for the of as the law directs. near the Bridge. : " v-Hv, Norwalk, March 16. / ' i 46* If-'- (throat) from tpe larynx to the stomachi was ve­ exhibition of claims against the estate of Daniel 47 WM. M. BETTS, Judge. ry much coated, and in two places almost closed, Selleck, late of Stamford; deceased, v : so that it was thought nothing could have passed . - 'ISAAC SELLECK, £ OTICE is hereby given, that, the Hon. Apprentices Wanted., Exe'rs. into the stomach. The left lobe of the lungs THOMAS SELLECK, 2RF£ Court of Probate for the district of Stam­ N ANTED immediately, two active indus­ riv'S was very much affected i the lights, the heart Statnford, March 15, 1819. • *48 ford, has limited seven months from this date, for W trious Boys, from 14 to 16 years of age, - •- ;V and the liver were perfectly sounds although it was the creditors to the estate of Drake Seymour, late as Apprentices to the Blacksmithing Business.. presumed not a pint of blood could be found in ' No. 1, Market* Street. Of Greenw.ichj deceased, to exhibit their claims Good recommendations will be required. Ap*. tlie Whole system. , ' , against said estate. ; Those who do not ekhibit ply to A. Es* N. BEERS. . Salt and Codfish. t their claims within that period, will be debarred Norwalk, Inarch 16, 1819. 46 : ; m The loss of Cbnd. Aury's squadron is contra­ UST received, and for sale by the subscriber a legal recovery. . ; dicted.,, .. a quantity of superior Turks-Island S ALT . MART SETMOUR,' \ ' :V J j. Blank Executions, ^ ' • - —Also, CODFISH, of an excellent quality. - DELIA R. SETMOURAARA R / v:' i Another Mail Robbery.—A letter from the j JEBEN. D. HOYT. Greenwich, March 17, 1819. •. 47* : Tor the Collection of Military Fines, just postmaster at St. Genevieve, to the postmaster I March 23.1 s WV*' 47 ;':••• printed ana or sale at this I ' *' . • ...... ,i' :r?'" XeX,. •, MMX' . r v • .- . _ - .? v."- •;* •• ••> f r ... '•: ., 1 ' '*" ; .-.'•• ,-K m: u-r Xf'j; > - i- .-r 's^intnolation.—:The following acicpuh.t of-bury«- is the final executioner of the bull, and is consid­ and its mysteries resolved! The phenomena ing. a woman alive, with her„deceased; husband* ered a man of great importance, in sustaining a which bewilder—the prejudices w(hich deb'aserr- From Paulson's Daily Advertiser. ^ is from the Calcutta Gazette of ,9th July last.. most difficult and dangerous part. The caval­ the superstitions which enslave, vanish before "A hole being dug for the purpose,; about 8 The reader will probably recollect tTie late unfoi- cade first made a profound obeisance to the Gov­ education. Like the holy symbol which blazed tunate circumstance which is here alluded to. ernor then to the Alcadeand his officers, and fi­ on the cloud before the hesitating Constantine, or-9 feet deep, and 3 in diaxheter, the- bodies nally to the whole company ; after which they if man follow but its precepts purely, it will not were placed upright therein—upon .which their Oh! where is the grave, where the widow is relations threw in the earth, and the eldest son, in retired. Another gate opened and all the bulls, only lead him to the victories of this world, but weeping? L S open the very portals of omnipotence for his about 19 years, of age, .dancing over the- bodies Where is the grave where the warrior is sleep- amounting to six or seven, rushed out headed by admission. Cast your eye over the ornamental in .the hole, and .treading the earth^dpwn as it So low? a man leading a tame bull, with a bell around his map of ancient grandeur, once studded with the was thrown in, until it came above the heads, Does the passenger bless, as he wanders around neck. The audience, at the sight, shouted forth stars of empire, apd the splendours of philoso­ when a general shout closed the monstrous cer­ 1 applause, and the bulls somewhat alarmed, rush­ , it ? . S ' • phy. What erected the little state of Athens in­ emony. No complaint orci y ivas iittered by the And o-ather the laurels with which'Awior crown d ed round the ring ill great confusion ; and it was to a powerful commonwealth,placing in her hand patient sufferer. The- -abor©,< shgGkingj;jnst.ance : : iv Oh no! with difficulty, that the man and his tame leader, the sceptre of legislation, and wreathing round of superstition and depravity," took placd abut 10 Humanity shudders! the Duellist's graven enticed away the furious animals. The Bande- her brow the imperishable chaplet of literary miles from Calcutta, arid.iB the^nle place, du­ Shall never be blcss'd by the lips of the brave. rillos entered, with their cloaks hanging on their arms, and concealed themselves behind strong fame I What extended Rome, the haunt of a ring the preceding wese:;burflt O fame ! why so swift was tliy story of sorrow ? wooden pallisadoes, affixed to the boxes, as a se­ banditti, into universal empire ? What animated alive with their deceased ,husbands! j Could not charity's mantle, oblivion borrow Sparta with that lygh, unbending, adamantine 1 curity against the pursuit of the animal. An For thee ? • awful pause ensued, and at the sound of the courage^ which conquered nature herself, and , An insane man in Canada^ recently murdered But no I the dread tidings of murderous war, trumpet, the bolt was drawn from the gate and has fixed her, in the sight of future ages, a mod­ his child, aged 3 years,,by cutting itfe throat.-* t " Resounded, (we hope, as a warning,) afai, one of the bulls rushed into tha Arena. He el of public virtue, and a proverb of national in- to flee, . paused, darting his fiery glances around, as if un­ dependence ? What, but those wise public in­ " Delicacy.'—The most amiable and pleasing in-> From the Duellist's path, for he never shall decided where to make the first attack. He sud­ stitutions, which strengthened their minds with gredient in the best and purest.vfriendship on denly made it at the first Picadore, and unhorsed early application, informed their infancy with the earth, is true delicacy. That ^corinfexioD re* The blessings or smiles of the virtuous fair. him in a twinkling ; he buried his horns in the principles of action, and sent them into the quires infinite. candotfr and cofidesGension, indefatigable patience and forbearance from" Exiled from his home, and each tender connex­ bowels of the poor animal—when the ban^deril- world, too vigilant to be deceived by its claims, Jos rushed from their concealment, ancf with and too vigorous to be shaken by its whirlwinds ? both parties.—Without delicacy, all those sweet ion, and delightful interchanges of soul and senti­ Flow bitter indeedjniust the heart s retrospection their cloaks diverted the attention of the bull.—' Butj surely, if there be a people in the world, to The horseman slowly released himself from his whom the blessings of education are peculiarly ment, all that luxury of heart which makes one :-P z / Now be— ' friend so happy in another would degenerate in* When relatj^s mournfully call for the dead ; dangerous position, and took shelter behirid the applicable, it is the Irish people. I think I know ? palisadoes ; the bull then darted furiously at'the my countrymen—lively, ardent, intelligent, and to mere familiar rudeness and vulgarity. There O where,.the murderer gone ? has he fled ? is nothing in 4he whole circle of human life, Yes he, other horse, but the spear, well directed, entered sensitive, nearly all their acts spring from im­ the fleshy part of his nefck, and turned him off ; pulse ; and no matter how that impulse be giv­ says an Elegant .writer, I so-much either want or AsXwanderer, roves, and an outcast—apart wish-, as a friend of this sort. ,He would, supply rom the blessings of friends, from the ties of with the third horse he was more successful, and en ; it is immediately adopted, and the adoption and the execution are identified. It is this prin­ my necessities without mortifying my pride; the heart. killed him. The horses were then dragged off, but not without some danger. The banderillos ciple, if principle it can be called, which renders correct my foibles, without alarming my seBsibil- Oh ! mistaken indeed, is thy glory, Ireland the poorest and proudest country in the ity ; and guard my innocence yfithbut suspect- commenced their part, by affixing the Bmall y When charity weeps at thy heart-rending story spears and hooks, wrapped round with p#)per, in­ world—now chaining her in the very abyss of ing myvirtue. 'i ' Of woe ; to the neck of the bull. This was a difficult arid crime—now lifting her to the very pinnacle of v Yes ! mistaken'indeed, are thy false-feeling calls, dangerous experiment; custom rendered it ne­ glory which, in the poor, proscibed, peasant Ca­ EverseasonableReftection£^' When by hands that are blood-stain'd, thy vota­ cessary, that the bull should have fair play,'and. tholic, crowds the jail, and feeds the gibbet ; How dependent is man upon his fellow-man I ry falls the audience generally .took his part, applauding which, in the more fortunate, because more edu­ how vain the boast of the most powerful, weal­ • • " So low; him with shouts, and the vibrations of innumera­ cated Protestant leads victory a captive at' her thy, great, that he is independent. The most But the rose shall not grow where the Duellist ble handkerchiefs. To affix these banderillos, car, and holds echo mute at her eloquence ; making minute circumstance of life will soon convince stood,. . [ . ~ . = • therefore, it was necessary to face the bull; and, a national monopoly of fame, and, as it were, at­ him of the absurdity of his opinions. ' As a so­ Nor the lily ere blooiii, where was sprinkled as he rushed towards the man, it required the tempting to naturalize~the achievements of the cial being, how. requisite is society to his happi­ his blood. utmost dexterity to effect his object, while he es­ universe. ness. As ndedy, how great his requisitions > caped his horns. These machines, some ol on his neighbor. As oppressed with cares ..... which concealed fire works, exploded ; aud tor­ ANECDOTE.—The following is a fact, says the troubles, how necessary the attention and solici* tured the bull evert to madness. The sound of Baltimore Telegraph, within our own observa­ tude of friends, to lighten his sorrows and sooiii his grief. On the temjiWfiJ^pujs ocean, the mast Extract from " TRAVELS in England, France, the trumpet announced the conclusion, and the tion. It is one, of a nature to lower the self-suf­ Sjiain and the Barbary States, in the years 1813. matadore made his appearance carrying in one ficiency of man, and to elevate the other crea­ supported by shrouds, eftaCJres the strongest \vinds, and flits with out-spread sails through the 14, and 15, bu Mordecai M. jVoah, late Consul harid a long and finely tempered sword, and in tures of the earth, to some participation in his of the United States for the kingdom of Tunis, the other, a flag of red^ worsted, which he placed dignity. Such anecdotes ought to be remem­ foaming surge, carrying a weight immense.— Member of the New- York Historical Society"— before the eyes of the bull, whose attention Mas bered and collected. There are hundreds on The vessel encounters an enemy—is attacked ^ opposes him till every stay is destroyed—ever/ . and now Editor of the National Advocate, New immediately attracted by it. The animal darted the same subject—all tending to show a wonder­ shroud shot away. The naked mast can no long­ York. at the red flag, and changed his position several ful attachment of dogs to small children. It is er stand ; the first blast of wind sweeps it from shall next accompany this interesting times ; finally the matadore finding him in a fit even a fact, confirmed by much observation, that Sijgle,,We the deck, and it is whelmed on the roaring waves. 'traveller into Spain, and take a seat beside him at posture,.placed his sword over the handle of the this attachment diminishes with the helplessness Thus man, supported by his friends around him, ^§||:the national spectacle of a bull fight. Singular flag, and the bull rushing towards it, received it up of the child. We know of dogs that have suc­ uninjured supports the-shocks of time—the per­ Iff as it may appear, yt-t this cruel sport is still kept to the hilt in his neck, staggered for a while and cessively transferred their affections, from one child to.another, through a large family ; always plexities of the world—-the wiles of angry foes, I!;-up, and is of so fascinating a nature to the natives then fell. Three horses ornamented with flags3 and freighted with the cares and duties of his "£^4 of the country, that even the softness of female entered the ring, to which the dead animal was adhering in fjoul weather and in fair, to the young­ attached by a rope wound round his horns, an{! est—sleeping by it—playing with it—and guard­ station,, rides o'er life's, troubled sea, with ease , delicacy is unable to resist the temptation to be ®nd comfort. But deprive him of his friends— tied to swingle-tree, and was thus dragged oft' qp,, ed it forever, with something more than a brute : 1> resent' at the exhibitions. We have seen sev- sever the cord which connects them together—- - : midst the shouts of the spectators, and the sound consciousness of its helpless dependance.— 740^1 er^al desciiptions of these sports, but we recollect let all desert him—like the unsheltered spar, the , of music. The flesh was immediately cut up, These anecdotes are delightful to people of all nbne so particular and so lively as the following. winds of adversity will sweep him away, and bu­ A* Y. Eve. Post. and sold to the poor at a reduced price. From ages and conditions—old and young, the simple and the wise; and volumes might be produced, ry him in oblivion. lC« i left the ramparts after enjoying a pleasant the overflowing audience, and the enthusiasm ex­ were they collected in season, of anecdotes, each Thus much for woi'ldly dependence.—We ' afternoon's walk, to attend to the exhibition. of hibited on the occasion, it wili be readily perceiv­ almost miraculous in itself, but mutually con­ hate displayed the fairest side, 'tis true ; and Bull fights at the Plata del Toro This is a vast ed, that bull fights constitute the most important t firming and establishing each other. But they many who have experienced the perfidy of amphitheatre, built of wood, open at the top, and and national species of amusement. The great­ are generally passed over, only talked about in a friends, and the vanity of all things temporal, ' • having several tiers of boxes and seats, capablc est part of this audience was composed of ladies limited circle ; -and when recorded, frave lost, all may say , ^ ? „ '•. • of accommodating near 10,000 people. It is of fashion and elegance, and who, from habit, hat circumstantialcharacter which stamps fideli­ ' Lean not on earth ; twill pierce thee to the heart ; . situated near the walls of the city, to the- north- could tranquilly view the torture of poor anim­ ty upon a story. , A.broken reed at beat, but ojt a spear v, : west, in sight of the Castle of Santa Catalina.— als for their amusement; nay, feel delighted if The fact is as follows:—During the late cer­ ' On which peace, bleeds, and hope expires*'' B'Xt: On my way thither I passed by a noble park of the savage fury of the bull destroyed all the hpr- emonies in honor of Gen. Jackson, an unfortu­ —Man rests upon his fellow, as a prop at hand, brass artillery, consisting of near 800 pieces, ol ses, or threatened the lives of the men. So much nate little girl, incapable of taking care of itself, and which nature gives him; but there is in­ v various calibre, dismounted, and piled on each for custom, blunting feelings, which, otherwise, got among the crowd, and was separated from deed a rock of help, one which is permanent, other transversely, without any covering, or ap­ are rather humane than callous. Ihesiqht of the servant that attended it. Inquiry was made, and will endure beyond the 'wreck of matter/ ' parently any guard. From the immense crouds this amphitheatre, crowded with well dressed in all directions but to no purpose. The day pas­ 'Tis here the Christian turns in all his. afflictions. " of ladies of fashion and elegance, who were persons, animated with the rapid sports of the sed off, night came, and no tidings were heard of On . --4 " '• v '* • bending their steps with eager haste, to the bull ring, is really grand. The applause bestowed is it. At length it happened that two gentlemen, ' This Friend^ who never fails the fust^ilM • ' together with the hurried gate of officers, by shaking the handkerchief, and the simultane­ whose walk had led them some distance from ' When other friends must, quit their trust,' •, , ; rj" and gentlemen with rapid strides, and the anx- ous movement of many thousands, appears like the city, between one and two o'clock that night, he rests implicitly ; for He is; constant; He. is! ious expedition of the million, an idea may be a heavy and rapid fall of snow, or the gathering near all who call upon )iim,.and vyill hear their of white clouds. The enthusiasm of the audi­ were furiously attacked by two dogs. The an­ tv- ^ formed of the attachment to this amusement, imals seemed to be neither vicious nor mischiev­ cries, answer their petitions^nd heal the wouftds ;; and the national character, which, for centuries ence, at the spirit of the bull, ov the dexterity of of his suffering creatures with the balm of.JRi-, the actors, knows no bounds j they indiscrimin­ ous but exhibited a certain whining, anxious ' . .V past, it has acquired. I paid about three shil- manner, that is known to be peculiar to them­ vine mercy—Bost. E\>. Qaz. ' lings for one of the best seats, and found the am- ately, applaud one, with as. much violence as they do the other. I recollect a small black bull, selves, when they would excite you to follow - phiiheatre nearly filled. The ring was crowded them. One of the gentleman proposed to exa­ s with rabble, intermixed with soldiers, Water-car- which, when let into the arena, killed five horses., Fish, Lumber, u and having^pleared the ring? he remained sole mine into the cause of this, but the other refused 1 Quintals best quality Codfish,' " "" !«. ^ riers, cake-sellers, peasants and sailors. A large for some timeV thinking it too romantic, or ' " , box, over the entrance, was reserved for the rau- master, glaring his fiery eyes around, with a « bWs -pickled Sword-fish childish, to hunt for an "adventure^ on such a slight ! {•••£ nicipality, who entered with extreme gravity, proud look of defiance- 1 he audience shouted > 20,000 feet Mercht. Boards ' "J" ^ invitation. But th'e other persisted : they: fol­ % wearing large cocked/hats. Another box, hand- forth applause, the ladies shook their handker­ 2,000' do. reffuse , . do. '? ' V * lowed the dogs, and were'conducted to a sort of 1 somely decorated, belonged to the governor and chiefs with violence, and when silence ensued, a 2,000 do. clear' do. ' " . V, quagmire, wliere the little girl vyas found nearly i" his suite ; and the sports did not commence un- peasant arose in his seat and with looks of delight 1,000 do.r yellow pine do. suffocated, and. completely. exhausted, with, he^ ;' til he entered. A fall band of music was sta- and congratulation, screamed out, ' Gentlemen, 1,000 do. Clapboaid (siding)' struggling and cryihg. Thus was she saved by ' ' tioned near him, playing national airs. A com­ that bull is my countryman,frorri Tariffa.' Noth­ RUMand MOLASSES, by the bhd, or refail,.: v the providential agency of dogs. ^ . ^ pany of soldiers, headed by an officer, made their ing could be more droll to. a,.stranger, than hear­ for sale by., ...... WM. J. STREET, • - appearance from the arcadi; they entered the ing a Spaniard claiming consanguinity to a bull.' N. B. ' Tbo& mdebted for Lumber will During the American revolution, while Gen. ring, filed to the right and left, and passed a- please to remember, that 60 days was the long- ' ' ; : Reed was president of Congress;—the. British round singly* facing the entrance. -They then EDUCATION* ," ? - est'credit given on that article. Accounts notv . commissioners offered him a bribe of 10,000 ' • ' formed the line, marching very slowly by beat of From a late Speech of Counsellor Phillips. punctually paid, are entitled to interest frotn date* guineas to desert the fcause ojf his country. His '•: drum ; and as the line extended from one end to '' Of all the blessings which it has pleased The interest will riiost certainly be required on y reply was, 4 Gentleman, 1 ani^fioor, very poor y ~ the other, the rabble retreated as they advanced; Providence to allow us to cultivate, there is not such accounts as are tairly'due, unless they are # ' but your King is not rich enough to^ buy tt^e. „, and finally, the crowd having made their way out, one which breathes a purer fragrance, or bears immediately^attended^^t°^^ •'^ *>• i the gate was closed, leaving the company of sol- an heavenlier aspect than education. It is a com­ ;.' Norwalk, Jan. 15. f , A little boy seeing a gentleman in the street, dier's alone in the ring, and the rest of the house panion which no misfortune can depress—no placed himself in a convenient place to speak crouded at all points. This was handsomely con­ clime destroy—no enemy alienate--no despot­ Domestic Maniifactur^s^t with him ; when the gentleman came up, the ducted, without noise or confusion. The com­ ism enslave-*—at home a friend-—abroad an intro­ nrl HE subscriber offers for' sale,- (Wholesale., boy pulled off his hat, held it out to the gentle­ pany then went tlirough their exercise and were' duction—in solitude a solace—in society an or­ JL and Retail,) at his establishment in Npriy,-,,- man, and begged for a few cents. 'Money! dismissed ; each soldier clambering up into the nament—it chastens vice—it guides virtue--it walk, Sheeting and Shirting Muslin of a superior ; said the gentleman,' you had better ask for man­ boxes, to find a place to see the exhibition. Af­ gives at once, a grace and government to genius. quality, Stripes and Chambrays,. \»ith a'general ners than money.' *.I asked, (said the boy) for ter a pause, a large gate was thrown open, and Without it what is man? A splendid slave I a assortment of Yarns, suitable for Bedticking anc^ what I thought you had the most of. ; • • - V'•' ;; a forth issued a procession, consisting of the dra- reasoning savage ! vascillating between an intel­ : other purposes, of the yery best qu^Uty^botlij;; I mat is persona. FourPicadores entered,on horse­ ligence derived from God, and the degradation Elopement Extaordinary.—John Oxley, aged blue and white, from No. 6 to 18. ^ back, their legs and thighs cased in leather, lined of passions participated,with brutes.; and in the 70, and Nelly Mountain, aged 74, eloped frop Also, Patent Composition for the axles of Qar:^| 1 with tin or sheet iron, a large white sombrero, accident of their alternate ascendency, shudder­ Doncaster, about' 12 o'clock on Sunday night, riages, an excellent substitute for tar, grease* .8cc»v?\: or hat, tied under their chin- by a ribbon, and ing at the terror of an hereafter, or hugging the v and entered into the bands of matrimony at for sale as abo e. . AARON N-ASH. tastefully placed on one side ; a silk jacket and horrid, hope of annihilation. What is this wond­ Sheffield, the following morning, each for the waistcoat,ornamented with gold and silver frogs, rous world of his residence t . fourth lime T : J;, [London paper. Tlio Coaklin streng^nijigg " and a sash around their waist, with a long spear ' A mighty maze, and all without a filan* i <; 5 in their hands, tipped with- iron then followed A dark and desolate and dreary cavern, without r ; James Monks who was executed in Pennsylva­ * six banderillas, so called, whose task was to annoy wealth, or ornament, or order. But light up f /i N acfmfra^le remedy for >ferypuS, Rheu^F nia, in January last, for murder, has been seen • 1 the bull, by fixing small sharp hooks in his flesh, within, it the torch of knowledge, and how wond­ _LJL. mauc or Gouty pajns, and the T'ooth Ache,^ >'^,',1 alive since that time. Suspicion having been ornamented with paper, and sometimes conceal- rous the transition 1 The seasons change—the at­ for sale by the subscriber in Norwalk nea? the. i^j entertained by some that he was not duly execu­ 'K ing fire works : these men were dressed in silk mosphere breathes—the landscape lives-—earth bridge, at 12 1-2 cts. the roll. A reasona^ al|IJj{ ted, search was.made, and it was found that tlie I; jackets and small clothes, with light shoes and unfolds its fruits—ocean rolls in its magnificence lownnce made to those who. buy the heavens display their constellated canopy coffin in which it was supposed lie was buried, AARON NASH. •v,' cloak"* of various colors, > which they used in was empty / and that holes was bored in the col- throwing at the bull to,divert him from any fixed —and the grand animated spectacles o£ nature N ov-vvaii^'FeS.' 1 The Mat adore brought up the rear j he rise revealed before him, its varieties' regulated, fin, probably tp let^^air.