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° GL IDE number: N/A Activation ID: EMS R 388 9 3 Int. Charter call ID: N/A Product N.: 01ONT INY ENT , v1 Ontinyent - Flood - Situation as of 13/09/2019 Delineation - Overview map 01

Castellon / Castello Cuenca T uri N a " 0 ' 0 0 0 ° 0 0 9 0 0 3 Comunidad 0 0

2 2 Ca 3 3 briel Valenciana 4 4 BaBleaayr iocf SBeisacay

N J ucar France " 0 ' 0 ° 9 3 Valencia / Portugal Albacete Valencia Madrid Bale aric ^ Se a Castilla-La (! Spain Mancha 01 Ontinyent Me dite rran e an Se a

NORTH Albo ran / ATLANTIC Se a Algeria Alacant OCEAN Morocco

Murcia Me dite rran e an Se a

egura e S E d

a Region de

N 30

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s 0 ' k m

5 c b e

5 Murcia B °

a n 8 e u 3 l a n 0 l s 0 ) l r i

0 C 0 UT ú e r 0 6 Ri 0 :0 s o a V 0 9 18 0 1 01 V B a 1 N 2 e l 3 / rn 3 " /09 is a 4 4 0 6 ' (1 5 at2 Carto graphic In fo rm atio n 5 rs ° da 8 R a iu 3 R s o le an y e rpis 1:130000 Full color A1, 200 dpi resolution C e i o S Riu d ’Alco n a Riu d Mice 0 2.5 5 10 k m B arr d an c Grid: W GS 1984 UT M Z one 30N map coordinate system e l L lup T ick mark s: W GS 84 geographical coordinate system ± ls e m ba e l E n s a ! e d e lm a ls e d e A Almansa ba d s r A R Le ge n d d m t l i E ue a la b u q t P i a s n N o e u i "

B x d a 0 i u g l ' Crisis Information Hydrography Transportation o i a de 0 M n 5 R co ra ° Flooded Area A n n e 8 ' a li 3 R iver Primary R oad l arr al (13/09/2019 18:06 UT C) o B e G n ll d a a General Information S tream S econdary R oad 0 i B V 0

0 r 0 N

" a 0 a 0 Area of Interest 0 l ' r 0 0 L ak e Helipad 0 C l' r

0 E a 0 5 a

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3 n n n 3 8 Ontinyent Ro 4 4 3 c c u Image Footprint Sur a Ri R eservoir e n d là d t e ca a e à l u n Placenames als 'A i o b s d R ir ! m rré Placename E n ia G Be Built-Up Area Land use - Land Cover B O

a Built-Up Area Features available in the vector pack age n


t r e a i n n o i c e lc Consequences within the AOI o n s A i Total in t ' p d e d r Unit of measurement Affected e e AOI u i S Flooded area ha 1612.2 R o Estimated N

" Number of inhabitants 354 353197 0 ' population 5 4

R ° Settlements Residential ha 9.9 7805.0 8 F iu 3 Other non-residential ha 4.0 1745.0 r a Transportation Highway km 2.2 451 i Riu ! n de km 2.8 323 o Primary Road N " s Secondary Road km 0.2 547 0

' Fam o rca 5 0 0

4 Local Road km 5.8 2980.5 0 0 ° 8 0 0

3 Cart Track km 61.9 9075.1 0 0

9 9 Long-distance railway km 3.0 619.1 2 2 4 Bas s R 4 Land use Heterogeneous agricultural areas ha 1560.5 167618.2 a iu Forests ha 0.2 29712.2 a Val de l Re d le s Shrub and/or herbaceous vegetation association ha 37.6 90638.5 c Majo r gu t e n an ta vi c A la A B d' as e s e Ba Map In fo rm atio n a d s r Alcoi / Alcoy id T ra ! Avi e n a ! re n i n gud v ci n c o B a Heavy rainfall, hail, winds up to 100k m/h and huge waves are affecting the S outheast of the A e n c d lc B C e n ido al a e -A e V-7 rm V Caudete ca a n i 0 Iberian Penisula, causing floods in many villages with numerous damages to infrastructures p lo b llo b Riu s n il a-Alco i and buildings in the provinces of Valencia, Alicante, Murcia and Albacete. According to Be S pain’s meteorological agency AEMET , the extreme weather w ill intensify affecting many o lo p P N other areas in the next hours/days. " 0 ' 0 4 ° T he present map shows the flood delineation product in the area of Ontinyent (S pain). T he 8 3 C thematic layer has been derived from post-event satellite image using a semi-automatic d a e r a approach. T he estimated geometric accuracy (R MS E) is 12 m or better from native positional d A r u e g a l t in n accuracy of the back ground satellite image. N m e v le " a il r 0 V ' a a e 0 n e d 4 d ° s

8 a a s 3 al a 0 B s 0 0 Ca 0 Re le van t date re co rds (UTC) 0 a re 0 0 l ad 0 8 l P 8 Event 11/09/2019 12:00 S ituation as of 13/09/2019 18:06 2 e 2

4 d 4 Gil Calle Activation 12/09/2019 13:37 Map production 14/09/2019 io Os o r ! Onil ! te ra Carre ! Data s o urce s Ye cla is Pre-event image: S entinel-2A (2019) (acquired on 24/08/2019 at 10:50 UT C, GS D 10 m, b ó Ibi ra p approx. 10% cloud coverage in AoI, 0° off-nadir angle) provided under COPER NICUS by the C T lo European Union and ES A. all a e Post-event image: R adarsat-2 Data and products © MacDonald, Dettw iler and Associates Re in ! al V L td. (2019) (acquired on 13/09/2019 at 18:06 UT C, GS D 6.0 m) – R ADAR S AT is an official ida e n o Av í mark of the Canadian S pace Agency – provided under COPER NICUS by the European Yecla N az "

P 0 Union and ES A, all rights reserved. La R ! ' 5 3 °

R 8 ío 3 Base vector layers: OpenS treetMap © OpenS treetMap contributors, W ik imapia.org, V GeoNames 2015, Corine L and Cover (CL C) 2012, refined by the producer. e rd Inset maps: J R C 2013, EuroBoundaryMap 2017 © EuroGeographics, Natural Earth 2012,

N e

" CCM R iver DB © EUJ R C2007, GeoNames 2013. 0 ' 5 3 °

8 Population data: GHS Population Grid © European Commission, 2015 3 http://data.europa.eu/89h/jrc-ghsl-ghs_ pop_ gpw4_ globe_ r2015a. Digital Elevation Model: EU-DEM (25 m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 2 2 4 4 Dis claim e r Products elaborated in this Copernicus EMS R apid Mapping activity are realiz ed to the best of our ability, within a very short time frame, optimising the available data and information. All geographic information has limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of the original sources. No liability concerning the contents or the use thereof is assumed by the producer and by the European Union. Please be aware that the thematic accuracy might be lower in urban and forested areas due

N to inherent limitations of the S AR analysis technique. " 0 ' 0 3 °

8 Delivery formats are L ayered Geospatial PDF, GeoJ PEG and vector (ES R I shapefiles, 3 Google Earth KML , GeoJ S ON).

Map produced by e-GEOS released by S ER T IT (ODO). N " 0 ' 0 3

° For the latest version of this map and related products visit 8

3 http://emergency.copernicus.eu/EMS R 388

[email protected] © European Union

0 0 For full Copyright notice visit http://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/ems/cite-copernicus- 0 0

0 0 ems-mapping-portal 0 0 6 6 2 2 4 4 N " 0 ' 5 2 ° 8 1°10'0"W 1°5'0"W 1°0'0"W 0°55'0"W 0°50'0"W 0°45'0"W 0°40'0"W 0°35'0"W 0°30'0"W 0°25'0"W 0°20'0"W 0°15'0"W 3 660000 670000 680000 690000 700000 710000 720000 730000 740000