Signature of 7 :12mo :1641


O one is more aware of the shortcomings of this family history N than its author. There are many omissions, and doubtless as many mistakes and wrong guesses. A work of this kind, depending upon family, and even printed, records, can never hope for com­ pleteness; always there will be something more to be said. It repre­ sents the labor of years, and from start to finish is the work almost of one hand. I am deeply appreciative of the help accorded me by the various members of the clan who have contributed their family records. Many have not responded. I need only add that long perusal of the subject convinces me that the three New England branches of the Hawes name,-that of Edmund of Cape Cod, of Edward of Dedham, and of our Richard, represent three distinct groups, with no near relationship even in the mother country. Warwickshire, Edmund's habitat, and Bucking­ hamshire, our ancestral home, as they are not far apart, might incline one to suppose that these two had a common origin. A Virginia family, dating back to Early Colonial times, in my opinion, is trace­ able to the Suffolk region of England. It has been claimed in print that Edward's ancestor was a John Hawes of . But there is not a particle of evidence to bear out this statement. A Robert Hawes of Salem and Roxbury, with no descendants numerically important, only adds diversity. The later migrations of the last century have brought an Irish element into the Hawes blood here, which has been still more compounded by those arriving through Canada and the Provinces. In Pennsylvania and States farther West we may look to find some German stock, beginning as Haas, &c. but gradually assimilating to our ways of spelling the name. As a matter of precaution, in studying my own problems, much material has accumulated that relates to all these "outsiders." The late James W. Hawes, Esq., aside from his own immediate line, carried the Edmund story in America only through three genera­ tions. My findings of Edmund's and Edward's descendants, enough of each to fill a larger volume than the present one, only await the financial backing of some loyal descendant, or descendants, to bring them before the public.

FRANK M. HAWES, 1244 North Main Street, West Hartford, Conn.


Abbreviations used in this work are easily understood, since they pertain to most works of this kind, as b. born; bapt. baptized; d. died; Gen. Reg., The New England Historical and Genealogical Register; g.s., gravestone record; Jr., Junior; m. married; MS, manuscript; Pro., Probate Record; Sen., Senior; St. Ho., recorded at State House; VR, Vital Records (printed).


The compiler of these pages, in articles contributed to the New England Historical and Genealogical Register (July 1929 and July 1930) has shown that Richard Hawes of Dorchester, Mass., was the son of a Richard Hawes of Great Missenden, Co. Bucks, England, whose will of 9 September 1665, on which date our American ancestor was not living, speaks of two grandchildren, Obadias and Hana Hawes, in New England. They had come in the "Truelove''. with their parents in 1635 and were enumerated in the passenger hst. Wills and parish registers show that the Hawes clan of this section of England was numerically prominent and dwelt at Princes Risborough, Great and Little Missenden, Wendover, Stewkley, Great or High Wycombe, and other adjoining parishes, all within a few miles of each other and located near the southern central part of the county. Great and Little Missenden, about two miles apart, are five miles and seven miles respectively from Wen dover; Princes Risbor­ ough, which lies between these extremes, is still nearer; Stewkley is farther away. High Wycombe is twenty-five miles from Oxford. The birthplace of our ancestor, once the seat of a rich abbey, is only thirty-one miles from London. The Hawes family of Bucks probably does not date far back, but to the north, in Warwickshire, at Solihull (near Birmingham) was a more numerous branch of the Hawes with records as early as 1300. (Consult "Ancestors of Edmond Hawes", by the late James W. Hawes, Esq., historian of the so-called Cape Cod Branch in this country.) Both the Buckinghamshire and the Warwickshire families were antedated by Suffolk-Norfolk lines that evidently had their origin at W alsham-le-Willows, near Bury St. Edmunds, a perfect nesting place for Haweses. As shown in "County Visitations", one branch removed from here to Cornwall where they retained for their name an earlier spelling of "Haweis". Another old form much in vogue, "Hawys", would seem to show that our name was pronounced as a word of two syllables. At the time when migration to New Eng­ land set in scarcely any county of England fails to show our name, and the same may be said of the numerous parish registers of old London. It would be safe to affirm that the name of Hawes was more fre­ quently met with in the England of 1600 than at any subsequent time in this country. For the origin or meaning of the name one is again referred to the work of James W. Hawes, Esq., whose re­ searches were extensive. The name, however spelled, has not a Norman-French ring, and if not antedating the coming of the Saxons to England, may have originated with the Angles who after overrunning the flat, marshy country of Eastern England gradually made their way westward, like all wander-loving people before and since. As far back as the time of King John (1215) a feminine form of the name, Haweisa, was the baptismal appella­ tion of a lady and is met with in old records. 2 RICHARD HAWES

Burke's Landed Gentry gives not less than seventeen varieties in the coats of arms of Hawes families, but the Buckinghamshire Branch seems to have laid no claim to such distinction, being satis­ fied with the plain title of yeomen. Of the seventy-eight or more Buckinghamshire wills found at Somerset House, London, relating to the name of Hawes ( with their various spellings) and deposited by me with the New England His­ toric Genealogical Society at Boston, some thirty-nine were printed in their Register for July 1929. As helping to place Richard Hawes, the immigrant, in his line of descent, we subjoin here some of the more significant wills, abbreviated for convenience and with modern­ ized spelling and retaining the arbitrary numbering as already printed.

2. The will of Bennett Hawse, Great· Wycombe, dated 20 October 1545. To my son George Hawse; to John Bussell, my kinsman; the rest to my wife Elizabeth Hawse who is to see my debts paid, my children kept, and my body honestly buried. Wit­ nesses: Robert Wade, priest, William "Awys", clerk and "orgayne player". Overseer: John Greene, my neighbor. Proved 3 December 1545.

4. The will of Thomas Hawies, parish of Prince's Rysborowe, yeoman, dated 27 May 1554. To Richard my son all my horses, cart gear, and plough gear, and all things belonging thereunto ; to Richard's wife all my brass and pewter, save one little brass pot. I give her the house and all things within the same. To Thomas, the son of Henry Hawies, one quarter of wheat and another of barley and the little brass pot aforesaid. To my daughter Mary a bushel of wheat and another of barley, to be paid at Christmas. To Henry Cocke of Pen a bushel of malt and another of wheat, to be paid at Christmas. To all my godchildren 4 s. apiece. To Robert Hawies, my son, two bushels of wheat, two bushels of barley and my best coat. To the mending of the "hye wayes" 20 d. I make Richard, my son, and his wife Alis, my only executors; the rest of my goods I give to them to bestow for my soul's health at my burial as they think good. Overseer: Henry Hawies. Witnesses: William Blike, Henry Hawies, Sir John Stalworthe, priest, Alice Coker, and Agnes Loosley. Proved at Myssenden 3 October 1554.

9. The will of Henry Hause of Smalde, parish of Sanderton, dated 17 January 1562. To Hugh Hause, my son, a bushel of barley. To (illegible) Winter a bushel of barley. To Agnes Hause, ~Y daughter, a bushel of wheat and another of malt. To Rafte Hause, my son, a bushel of wheat. To William Hause, Sr., a bullock. To John Hause, my son, a red steer and two sheep. To my son William Hause, Jr., a red steer and three sheep. To Joan Hause, my daughter, a red cow and three sheep. To Mary Hause, my daughter, a cow and three sheep. To Helen Winter a bushel of barley. The rest of my goods to Margery, my wife and executrix. She shall deliver to the two children of Elizabeth Stevens 20s. Overseers: John Hause IN ENGLAND 3 and Rafie Hause, my sons, and they are to have for their pains 20d. Witnesses: Sir William Grene, parson, Thomas Ford, Thomas Wingrave. Proved 8 April 1562. 10. The will of William Hawse, West Wycombe, dated 26 August 1570. All my lands in Bucks and all appurtenances belong­ ing to the same, in the parish of Hutchenden, to the heirs of my body lawfully begotten; and lacking such, Richard Hawse, my brother, shall have and enjoy the same for the term of his life; after his decease the said tenement in Hutchenden ( wherein one John Wright ( ?) now dwelleth) all lands and woods and appur­ tenances to remain to William Hawse, son of said Richard Hawse, my brother, and his heirs forever. The other tenement, now in the tenure of said Richard Hawse, my brother, in Hutchenden, I give to my brother Richard Hawse for the term of his life, and after his decease to his son George Hawse and his heirs forever. To Richard Hawse, my brother, a horse worth 33s., a colt coloured grey and two years old, one old long cart, the best bedstead and the mattress, a bolster, a pair of sheets, a coverlet and a blanket. To William, George, and Henry Hawse, sons of said Richard, six sheep apiece. To Jane and Catherine Hawse, daughters of said Richard, a quarter of barley, and to either of them a pair of sheets, two pewter platters, and a kettle holding two gallons. To my sister Alice Bowley; to my sister Margery Lane a great chest; to my sister Pernell ViTingrave my biggest chest; to Edward Shrimpton, my sister's son, to his two brothers ( names illegible), to Elspeth and Agnes Shrimpton, sister's daughters; to Albert, Thomas, Hughe, John, William and Jane Bowley; to sister Jan Clarke's (?)children; to Susanna, my sister Lane's daughter, and William Spatkin; to John Lane, my sister's son; to George Dawe; to every of my house­ hold servants a lamb. Residue to my wife Margery, sole executrix. Supervisors: Robert Hunt, Davy Toomer. Witnesses: these and William Shrimpton and William Wilkinson. Proved 10 October 1570.

12. The will of Thomas Hawse of Prince's Risborough, dated 5 June 1574. To Humphrey Howes, my son, 10 pounds, to be paid him by Jone Howse my wife and executrix, when he attains the age of twenty-four years. If she die before, then her executor shall pay that sum into the hands of Richard Hawse, my father, the Elder, of Alscote, and Richard Hawse, the Younger, my brother, of Alscote, they to have the use of it for my son until he come to the said years. To Alice, my daughter,-to be paid on her marriage. If she die, said sum shall remain to my wife Jone, executrix. Overseers : Philipe Longford, curate, John Cooke, Thomas Roose. I owe to John Hawse, my brother, 25s. To said John I give seventeen bushels of malt. I owe Richard Hawes, my brother, 17s. 8d. Proved 5 July 1574.

17. Will of Thurston Hawse of Wendover, 20 November 1588. 4 RICHARD HA WES

To Raffe Hawse, my son, and Margery Hawes, my wife; to Margery Hawse, my daughter; to John Hawse, my son; to Michael Hawes, my son; to Thomas Hawse, my son; to Richard Hawse, my son. Proved by the wife, 26 September 1591.

18. Will of Richard Hawes of Allscot in Princes Risborough, husbandman, dated 14 June 1590. To William Hawes, my son, half a quarter of wheat and half a quarter of malt. To Richard Hawes and Robert Hawes, sons of said William, to each of them. To Agnes, daughter of said William, a pewter platter on her day of marriage. To William Hawes, son of the late John Hawes, a heifer when he is twenty-one. To Frances, daughter of Humfrey Caternell, a pewter platter on the day of her marriage. To William Hawes, the late son (sic) of John Hawes and to Richard Hawes, the late son (sic) of John Hawes, when they reach the age of twenty-one. To Alice Hawes, daughter of Thomas Hawes; to Humphrey Hawes, son of said Thomas, a bushel of malt. To Amey Hawes, daughter of Richard Hawes, a calf-and a pewter platter, at marriage or at the age of twenty-one. To the poor of Princes Risborough. All the rest to Richard Hawes, my son, executor. Overseer: my cousin Ralphe Hawes, also Richard Lowsleye the Younger and William Pettipace. Signed Richard Hawes the Elder. Witnesses: William Pettipace of Long Wick. Richard Lowsley, Robert Hooker, Ralphe Hawes. Proved 17 February 1594.

19. Will of John Hawes of Sanderton, dated 6 August 1593. To son Ralph Hawes my house in Stow-. To my son Henry Hawes, two closes by Stow pitte, which John Winter holds by lease. To my youngest son, John Hawes, a close called Long Croft. To Ralph, Henry, and John 30 pounds each. To Anne Hawes, wife,-towards the bringing up of the children; she executrix. To the poor of Sanderton and of Princes Risborough. Overseers : my brother Ralph Hawes and my brother William Hawes the Younger, with John Winter and Julian Foorde to help my children to their stocks-. To my servant Margaret Timberlake a bushel of barley. Witnesses: Thomas Wingrave, John Winter, Julian Foorde, Wm. Bastian, Wil­ liam Hawes the Younger, Richard Reynolds. Proved 24 September 1593.

21. The will of Ralphe Hawes of Prince's Risborough, husband­ man, dated 1 November 1598. To Alice Hawes, my natural daughter; to Margaret, daughter of my son Thomas Hawes, when twenty-one; to my servant now dwelling with me; to the poor of Princes Ris­ borough. Residue to Thomas my son and executor. Witnesses: John Rene, clerk, Thomas Rose, Will. Hawes, Humfrey Hawes, John (illegible). Proved 19 March 1598.

22. The will of William Hawes of Lowsley Rowe in Prince's Risborough, husbandman, dated 22 November 1600. To Thomas \Vinter of Speene. To Mary and Frances, daughters of said Winter. IN ENGLAND 5

To Mary, daughter of Edward Winter of Speene. To John and Bennet sons of said Thomas Winter. To Hugh Hawes, my brother, of Gre~t Missenden. To Margaret, daughter of my cousin Thomas of Risborough. To my brother Thomas Hawes, dwelling at Kingshey. To John Hawes, now dwelling at Kingston-on-Thames. To Mary Gowde, my sister, dwelling at Brightwell in Oxfordshire. To (Illegible) Cutler, my sister, dwelling at Renne near Henley-on­ Thames ( ?). To my sister Winter. To the wife of Edward Raunce living at Bledlowe, my goddaughter. All other goods to Joane Hawes, my wife, executrix. Overseers: Thomas Hawse, my cousin, to whom I give 2s. for his pains. Witnesses : John Rowe, curate, John Wade, Thomas Hawse. Proved 15 December 1600.

23. Will of Hew Hawse of Great Missenden, dated 17 April 1602. To Kynggam that married my daughter Isabell, for money I am indebted to him, and to his wife, &c. and to his two sons and to his daughter (one platter marked with two keys). To my daughter Elline all the rest of my moveables, except one sheet which I give to Susan Hore; and to Elline's three children three sheep. To Pettever Hoge­ kins, husband of daughter Elline. He my executor. Overseer: Thomas Ives. To Thomas Hawse, son of Henry, my son that is deceased, all my land, with my house and other commodities, in the parish of Little Hamden, after the ending of the lease which I made with one William Black, for the rent of 13s. 4d. per annum, which shall be paid to Thomas Ives for the space of thirteen years to the children of Henry Hawse, viz.: Thomas, Henry, and Susan Hawse, and after that for six years to the eldest of these, Thomas Hawse, whereby, when he cometh to the age of twenty-one, he may have some stock to begin the world with. The mark of Hew Hawse. Witnesses: Thomas Ives, Edward Edkins, Thomas Pemberton, Thomas Lorimer. Proved 26 October 1607.

24. The will of William Hawes of Smalden in Sanderton, dated 1 April 1602. To John Hawes of Smalden ten sheep, when twenty­ one. To Agnes (illegible) my sister-in-law, ten sheep and 10 pounds. To Edward Bristowe, my servant; to Margaret East, my servant. If said John Hawes die before he is of age, all bequeathed to him shall remain to Ralph Hawes of Smalden in Sanderton, also my meadow land in Chinor, Oxfordshire, lately purchased of Thomas Bovington. All the rest to said Ralph Hawes, sole executor. Wit­ nesses: John Winter, Julian Foorde, Thomas Pentres. Proved 31 March 1604.

25. Nuncupative will of Henry Hawse of Hutchenden, dated 22 ~ebruary 1603. Henry Hawse in his last sickness spake these words in the presence of (illegible) and George Hawse, Thomas Aliborne, and Margaret Hawse his wife, and in the hearing of his children: I give to my wife my house & lands during her life and afterwards to Richard, my son-and I would have my three daughters some- 6 RICHARD HAWES what given to them. Proved 26 March 1604 by Margaret to whom power was granted. 27. Will of Richard Hawes of Long Wicke in Prince's Ris­ borough, diocese of Lincoln, dated 5 August 1610. My wife, the executor. To Thomas, my son; to son Richard, 8 pounds; to daughter Anne; Thomas to have his money at twenty-one, Richard and Anne also. My wife shall not fell any trees either for her own use or to sell, but she may lop for her use of hedgings and not otherwise, nor may she top "noe trees". Proved 30 May 1611.

29. Will of Richard Hawes of Alsecott in Princes Risborough, husbandman, dated 29 March 1627. To Cisley, my wife. To Alice, my eldest daughter. To Amey, second daughter. To Mary, third daughter. To Faythe, fourth daughter. To Henry Hickes, my daughter Mary's eldest son. To Richard Hawes, son of Bennett Hawes, 10s. To Ann Gifford, daughter of Robert Gifford. To Mary Burthell, daughter of John Burthell. All my other goods to Bennetl: Hawes, my son, whole executor. Overseer: Thomas Coker the Elder. Witnesses: Thomas Coker, Robert Aptenn. Proved 7 June 1627. 30. Will of John Hawes of Little Missenden, 1 December 1629. To daughter Martha Child, wife of John Child. To Elizabeth, daughter of John Child. Residue to Elline Hawes, my wife, and John Hawes, my son, executors. Overseers: Son-in-law, John Child, and Nathaniell Bisco. Witnesses: the same. Proved 23 April 1630.

35. Will of John Hawes of Speene in Princes Risborough, dated 19 May 1638. To son Henry; to wife Agnes; to daughter Agnes; to daughter Frances, when twenty-one or at marriage; to daughters Mary and Joane likewise ; to daughters Elizabeth, Sarah, and Abigail ; likewise to John, youngest son; to Edward Ayre, godson, my daughter Agnes's son; to the rest of my god children; wife sole executrix. Edward Preston a witness. Proved 25 June 1640.

36. Will of Thomas Hawes of Wendover, laborer, dated 30 November 1639. To son John the house and land where he now dwells. To daughter Elizabeth the house and orchard where I now dwell. To Alice, my daughter, the house and land where Daniel Wells now dwells ; Alice to maintain a mound between the two houses, but Elizabeth, her sister, shall have at the "pitt" water so often as occasion shall serve. Alice shall pay her sister Prissilly, wife of Michael Clarke, 3 pounds: Elizabeth to pay her sister Clarke, &c. To my brother Richard Hawes. To John Gurman, Richard Allen, and the widow Tomes 12d. each. Executors, Elizabeth and Alice, my, daughters. Overseers: Jonas Humfrey the Elder and John Humfrey, his son. Witnesses: Jonas Humfrey, Sr., and Thomas Humfrey. Proved 22 May 1640.

38. The will of Richard Hawes of Missenden Magna, Co. IN ENGLAND 7

Bucks husbandman, dated 9 September 1665. (This is the will of th; father of Richard, the immigrant.) "Being weake but of sound memory." "I give-to the five children of my Cozens Eliza­ beth hatch my sisters dagter of the parish of Adnum in the County of hartford six pounds a piece to be paid to them within halfe a yeare after my decease and noe soner: except my executo~ please but if any of them should happen to die before the money 1s to be paid then my will is that it should remaine among the survivors of them. I give-to my grand Child obadias hawes in new England twenty pounds.-I give-to my grand Child Hana hawes in new England twenty pounds.-I give-to the rest of my grand Children in new England ten pounds to be Equaly devided amongst them.­ I give-to the poore of great misenden fourty shillings to be paid within halfe a yeare after my decease.-I give towards my funerall Charges forty shillings.-I give to my Cozen Ane francis of Adnum in the County of harford my great brasse pan durii:ig her life and after her decease I bequeath it to my Cozens Elizabeth hatch afore­ said second sone.-I give to bennet hawes of Alscut in the parish of Prince Risbourow fourty shillings to be paid within halfe a yeare after my decease I give to my Cozen bennet hawes the sone of bennet hawes abovesaid the sum of forty shillings &c.-I give to my sone in Law ten shillings my will and meaning is that if my grand Children in new England shall within seaven yeares after my decease lawfully demand their legacies given above mencioned then my will is it should be paid without further delay-all the rest of my goods and Chattells I give-to my Cozen Elizabeth hatcq aforesaid and of this my last will and testament I make her-my sole executor.-I give-to mary Collingridg of wendor deane the daughter of William Collingridg the sum of forty shillings to be paid within halfe a yeare after my decease.-I give-to thomas honner the sane of John honner of prestwood in the parish of misenden magna the sum of forty shillings to be paid within halfe a yeare after my decease.­ I give-Elizabeth guilford the wife of John wace (Ware?) of Chesham the sum of twenty shillings these three legacies were given before my hand was set to this my will." Witnesses Edward Hoare, Edward Hoare, Jr. Proved 11 January 1665 (1665-6) by Elizabeth Hatch, wife of John Hatch, niece of the testator. (Archdeaconry of Bucks, original will.) 39. Will of Benedict Hawes of Alscott in the parish of Princes Risborough, dated 9 March 1666 ( 1666-7). "Beinge sicke & weake in body but of sounde & perfect memory". To Richard Hawes, my eldest son, my cow called Blackett. To my son Benedict Hawes­ lands in Moncks Risborough, abutting upon West Meade and ad­ joining the land of John Goodchild, the condition being that said Benedict-shall discharge all my debts which I Owe unto John Goodchild of Longwicke in Princes Risborough and others, being in all 31 pounds besides interest. To ~on Benedict my black cow called Nancy. To my daughter Mary Hawes. To my daughter Frances Hawes. To my grandson John Hawes. To my grandson Richard 8 RICHARD HAWES

Hawes. To my grandson Henry Hawes, son of my late son Henry, when twenty-one. Executors : Benedict, my son, and Mary and Frances, my daughters. Witnesses: William Blicke alias Pettipace, Jo. Lacey, scrivener. Proved 10 May 1667. Besides wills, I contributed to the Genealogical Register for July 1930, extracts from Buckinghamshire parish registers, of bap­ tisms, marriages, and deaths. I quote the following.

GREAT MISSENDEN BAPTISMS 1575 Thomas Hawes, son of William Hawes, 25 February ( 1575- 6). 1594 Robert Hawes, 22 September. 1600 Thomas Hawes, son of Samuel Hawes, 29 September. 1600 Richard Hawes, son of William Hawes, 14 December. 1606 Richard, son of Richard Hawes, 2 November (Baptism of Richard, the immigrant to New England.) 1610 Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Hawes, 3 April (Perhaps a sister of the immigrant.) 1631 Frances, daughter of Richard Hawes, 10 July. 1632 Anne, daughter of Richard and An Hawes, 17 December ( daughter of the immigrant). 1635 Obadiah, son of Richard and Anne Hawes, 25 March (son of the immigrant). 1604 Jean Cocke, daughter of Richard Cocke, 5 April. 1606 Mary, daughter of John Stevens, 19 June. 1609 Ellinor, daughter of Richard Cocke, 11 March (1609-10). 1611 Luke, son of Reginald Capen, chorister, 27 October. 1620 George, son of Richard Cocke, 16 July.

MARRIAGES 1600 Tho: Honor and Ann Hawse 11 January ( 1600-01). 1613 George Wright and Anne Hawes 27 Septerpber. 1628 Richard Hawes and Sibbell Eldridge 29 January (1628-9). 1629 Thomas Gregory and Elizabeth Hawes 22 June. 1632 Richard Hawes and Margaret Baily 12 March (1632-3). 1634 Michael Clarke and Priscilla Hawes 4 August. 1611 John Moudie and Elizabeth Capen 25 November. 1620 Thomas King and Elizabeth Saunders 19 June. 1624 Thomas East and Elizabeth Clarke 29 July.

BURIALS 1600 Richard Hawes 20 January ( 1600-01). 1618 Elizabeth Hawes 13 September. 1619 William Hawes 31 May. 1630 Sibbell, Wife of Richard Hawes 15 June 1632 Maudlin, wife of Richard Hawes 18 January (1632-33). 1634 Margery Hawes, widow, 13 May. 1664 Margaret, wife of Rich. Hawes 28 January (1664-5). IN ENGLAND 9

LITTLE MISSENDEN BAPTISMS 1607 Henry, son of Richard Hawse 13 October. 1628 Martha Hawse, daughter of Richard Hawes, 15 March 1628-9). 1631 Jonas, son of Richard Hawse-December. 1634 Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Hawse, 29 June. 1635 John, son of the same, 15 February ( 1635-6).

MARRIAGES 1586 Rich. Hause and Susane Dene 10 October. 1592 John Shrimptoti and Anne Hause 14 September. 1599 John Hawes and Ellen Mortimer 22 October. 1599 Ralfe Hawes and Sibbel, daughter of Rich Haelye, 29 October. 1612 Richard Hawes and Mary Clarke 1 February (1612-13). 1615 Thomas Baldwin and Ann Hawes 15 May. 1628 Richard Hawse and Agnes Stevens 28 April. 1630 Benjamin Winch and Dennis Hawes 28 November. 1634 Henry Fox of Missenden and daughter of Hawes of the same-

BuRIALS 1601 Joane Hawse, widow, 7 July. 1612 Susanna Hawes 3 June. 1627 Thomas, son of Richard Hawse, 15 May. 1629 Mary, daughter of Richard Hawse, 23 July. 1629 John Hawse 14 March (1629-30). 1636 Elizabeth Hawes 13 July. 1639 Elenor Hawse 27 April. 1639 Richard Hawse 18 June.

PRINCE'S RISBOROUGH BAPTISMS 1600 Thomas, son of Thomas Hawes, 1 June. 1600 Thomas, son of Thomas Hawes, 16 Mar ( 1600-01). 1602 Thomas, son of Richard Hawes, 18 April. 1603 Elinor, daughter of Richard Hawes, Alscot, 9 May. 1604 Richard, son of Richard Hawes, 27 December. 1605 Ralphe, son of Thomas Hawes, 24 April. 1608 John, son of Thomas Hawes, 23 October. 1613 Edward, son of Thomas Hawes and Sara, his wife, 13 March (1613-14 ). 1615 Anne, daughter of John Hawes and Anne, his wife, 27 De­ cember. 1616 Mary, daughter of Thomas Haws and Sarah, his wife, 29 Septem. 1617 Henry, son of John Haws and Anne, his wife, 28 September. 1619 Frances daughter of John Hawes, 19 September. 1624 Frances, daughter of Robert Hawes, 21 November. 1625 Richard, son of Bennet Hawes, 15 January (1625-26). 1627 John, son of Robert Hawes, 8 April. 10 RICHARD HA WES

1627 Elizabeth, daughter of John Hawes, 8 April. 1628 Benedict, son of Benedict Hayes, March (1628-9). 1630 Henrie, son of Bennet Hawes, 2 May. 1632 Ann, daughter of Bennet Hawes and Ann, his wife, 21 October. 1637 Faith, daughter of Bennett Hawes, 24 January (1637-8). 1640 Frances, daughter of Bennett Hawes, 24 May. 1604 Em, daughter of Thomas Coker, 30 September. 1630 Alice, daughter of John Burtholl, 27 February ( 1630-31). 1637 Elizabeth, daughter of William Burthall, 17 September.

MARRIAGES 1600 Hughe Bampton and Anne Hawes 4 October. 1600 Timothy Kent and Mary Hawes 5 October. 1601 Edmunde Dossett and Joan Hawes 26 October. 1605 Edmunde Haines and Elizabeth Hawes 27 January (1605-06). 1610 Robert Gifford and Alice Hawes 8 October. 1610 Robert Hawes and Joyce Graunt 2 November. 1613 John Hawes and Anne Meade 31 January (1613-14). 1615 Christopher Hicks of Chinnar, co. Oxford, and Marie Hawes of this parish 1 May. 1621 Robert Hawes and Clement Hazely 21 January (1621-22). 1624 John Burfold and Frances Hawes 15 April. 1640 Edward Hawes and Hannah Gold 26 November. 1615 John Haux of this parish and Susan Wingrave of Bradnam 7 April.

BURIALS 1600 William Hawes 2 December. 1602 Agnes, daughter of Humfrey Hawes, 17 December. 1605 Humfrey Hawes 10 July. 1606 Edmund Hawes 10 May. 1608 the wife of Richard Hawes 19 June. 1610 Richard Hawes, husband of Anne, 21 August. 1620 Thomas Hawes his son 25 January (1620-21). 1627 John, son of Robert Hawes, 21 April. 1628 Benjamin, son of Benedict Hayes-(1628-9). 1630 John, son of Thomas Hawes, 24 June. 1630 Mary, daughter of Thomas Hawes, 25 June. 1616 Mary, daughter of Richard Loosely of Alscott, 15 February. IN ENGLAND 11

PEDIGREE (TENTATIVE) CONSTRUCTED FROM THE PRECEDING WILLS AND PARISH REGISTERS Because of the recurrence of the name of Benedict (Bennett) Hawes in the line which we wish to establish, we may assume that Bennet Hawse (will 2) and Thomas Hawies (will 4) were brothers, and that the names of Bennet's children (referred to, but not given in his will) may be supplied from that of William Hawse (will 10) of the same locality. 1. Children of ...... Hawes: 1. BENNETT HAWES, of Great Wycombe; will dated 20 Oct., 1545. It names wife Elizabeth, kinsman John Bussell. Among the witnesses was William "Awys", clerk and "orgayne player". Children are referred to, but the only one named is 1. GEORGE. The will of William Hawse of West Wycombe, dated 26 Aug., 1570, names wife Margery, but no children. It speaks of an estate in the parish of Hutchenden, occupied by one John Wright, and bequests of this and other property are made to his brothers and sisters : 2. RICHARD, whose children (named) were: William, George, Henry, Jane, and Catherine. Of these Henry left a nuncupa­ tive will (no. 25), dated 22 Feb., 1604. 3. ALICE, m. Bowley; children named, Albert, Thomas, Hugh, John, William, Jane. 4. A SISTER; m. William ( ? ) Shrimpton; children named, Edward, Elspeth, Agnes, and two other sons. (William Shrimpton witness, will 10.) 5. MARGERY; m. Lane; children named, Susanna, John ( Susanna, or another daughter, m. William Spatkin.) 6. PERNELL; m. Thomas ( ?) Wingrave. (His name appears in will 9.) 7. JANE, m. Clarke. 8. WILLIAM, the testator (will 10). 2. 11. THOMAS ( whom we will designate as Thomas1 Hawes) (Hawies in will).

2. THoMAS1 HAWES, of the parish of Prince's Risborough, yeoman, left a will (no. 4) dated 27 May 1554; proved at Myssenden. The will is interesting. Bequests are made to son Richard and Richard's wife Alice (the executors); to Henry Hawies's son Thomas; to daughter Mary; to Henry Cocke of Pen; to all his godchildren (not named); to son Robert. Constructed, the family was as follows: 3. i. RrcHARD2 Hawes, probably eldest son; wife Alice. 4. ii. HENRY; overseer of his father's will. iii. MARY; probably the wife of Henry Cock of Pen, whose name in the will follows Mary's. (At Chesham is the marriage of Adiell Hawes and Marie Cock, 1623; at High Wycombe, 1624, that of Henry Cock and Frances Hawes ; and at Great Missenden, four children of Richard Cock appear on the records.) iv. RoBERT; living, 1554. 12 RICHARD HAWES

v. ALicE (probably). As Alice Coker she was a witness of this will. (See will 29 for Thomas Coker the Elder, 1627; Em, daughter of Thomas Coker, was bapt. at Prince's Risborough, 1604.) vi. AGNES (probably). As Agnes Loosley she witnessed this will. In wills 15 and 22 a place in Prince's Risborough is spoken of as Loosley Rowe ( Rowes) . Richard Lowsley the Younger was overseer and witness of will 18 (1590), and Mary, daughter of Richard Loosley, of Alscott, in Prince's Risborough, was buried, 1617-18.

3. RrcHARD 2 Hawes (Thomas) and wife Alice settled his father's estate in 1554. Richard's will (no. 18) dated 14 June 1590 and probated 17 Feb., 1594, locates him, husbandman, in Allscot, Prince's Risborough. Wife Alice was not living. The will mentions his son Richard ("full executor") ; son William and his children Richard, Robert, and Agnes; William and Richard, sons of the late John Hawes; Frances, daughter of Humphrey Caternell; Alice and Humphrey, children of Thomas Hawes; Amey, the daughter of son Richard; the poor of the parish; overseers:* cousin Raphe Hawes, Richard Lowsleye, and William Pettipace of Long Wick. The witnesses, besides these three, included Robert Hooker. This Richard was known as Richard Hawes the Elder. His family constructed: 5. i. RICHARD', probably the eldest son, executor and residuary legatee of his father's estate, and with a daughter Amey, not yet twenty-one and unmarried. ii. WILLIAM; with these three children named (1690) : 4 1. RICHARD ; perhaps he of will 27, dated 5 Aug. 1610; proved 1611, of Long Wicke in Prince's Risborough. It names sons Thomas and Richard and daughter Anne, all under twenty­ one, and makes his wife the executrix. (This son, Richard, Jr., could not be the father of the immigrant ( will 38), for he must have been more than twenty-one in 1610.) 2. ROBERT; perhaps he of Prince's Risborough who m. Joyce Graunt in 1610, and had Frances and John baptized there. 3. AGNES; "to receive at marriage". iii. JoHN; living in 1674 ( will 12) ; deceased (1590), with sons; 4 1. W ILLIAM ; not yet twenty-one. 2. RICHARD ; not yet of age. 6. iv. THOMAS; not living in 1690, but with children, Alice and Humphrey. v. A daughter, wife of Humfrey Caternell, with a daughter, 1. FRANCES CATERNELL, unm. * Note. The names of overseers and witnesses in this will of 1590, "cousin Raphe Hawes, Richard Lowsleye, William Fettipace", help to confirm other wills. Cousin at that time generally meant nephew or niece.

4. HENRY 2 Hawes (Thomas). He was an overseer and witness of his father's will (1554). His own will (no. 9) 1562, styles him Henry Hause of Smalde in the parish of Sanderton. It makes wife Margery sole executrix, and among the children names two Williams ("senior and junior"), perhaps of dif­ ferent mothers, but not an unusual occurrence in wills of that period. The family as constructed from the will was as fol­ lows: IN ENGLAND 13

i. THOMAS'; named in his grandfather's will (1554). In will 22 (1600) this Thomas was living at Kingshey. Perhaps he had a son 1. JoHN', of Kingston-on-Thames (1600) 7. ii. HuGH; in will 22 (1600) of Great Missenden. iii. HELEN, who m. John Winter. He witnessed will 19 (1593) and will 24 (1603). She is mentioned in will 22 (1600), in which appear the names of Edward Winter ( with daughter Mary) and Thomas Winter (with four children, Mary, Frances, John, and Bennet). iv. AGNES; perhaps the wife of Thomas Ford, or Julian Foorde, as both figure in these wills. 8. v. RALPH (Raff); an overseer of his father's will (1562), of will 18 1590) and of no. 19 (1593). 9. vi. WILLIAM (senior). 10. vii. JoHN; an overseer of his father's will (1562). 11. viii. WILLIAM (junior) ; named in will of 1593. ix. MARY; unmarried (1562); in will 22 (1600) she was Mary Gowde of Brightwell, Co. Oxford. x. JoAN; unmarried in 1562; in will 22 (1600) she was Joan Cutler of Renne, near to He ...... -on-Thames. x1. ELIZABETJ-I, perhaps deceased; in 1562 as wife of ...... Stevens, the mother of two children.

I 5. R1cHARD3 Hawes (Richard, Thomas), executor of his father's will ( 1594), was mentioned in the will of his brother Thomas ( 1574) as Richard Hawes the younger of Alscote. His will, dated 29 March, was proved 7 June 1627 (no. 29). In it he is styled husbandman. It mentions wife Cisley; Thomas Coker, the elder, overseer and witness; and the fol- lowing children : 12. i. BENNETT', executor of his father's will; son Richard mentioned (1627). ii. ALICE, "eldest daughter"; m. 8 Oct., 1610, Robert Gifford (Prince's Risborough). A daughter, 1. ANN GIFFORD, named in this her grandfather's will. iii. AMEY, "second daughter"; named in her grandfather's will (1590). In this will : "If Amey die without children, her portion shall remain among her sisters". iv. MARY, "third daughter". She m. at Prince's Risborough, 1 May, 1615, Christopher Hickes of Chimar, Oxfordshire, and had 1. HENRY HICKES ; named in this will. v. FAYTHE, "fourth daughter"; living 1627. vi. FRANCES (perhaps). She m. at Prince's Risborough, 15 April 1624, John Burfold. Mention is made in this will of 1. MARY, daughter of John Burthell. (Thomas Burchard, name spelled variously, came to New England with a fam­ ily, 1635, in the "Truelove".) Note. If a son Richard, son of this Richard•, had been mentioned in this will, it would have simplified matters in explaining relationships in will 38, that of the father of our immigrant. But since we were not so favored, we must look to Richard, son of the above-named Bennett Hawes.

6. THOMAS3 Hawes (Richard, Thomas); mentioned as deceased, in his father's will (1590). He left a will (no. 12), dated 5 June 1574; styled Thomas Hawes of Prince's Risborough. It names wife Jone (executrix); refers to Richard Hawes the Elder as his father, and to Richard Hawes the Younger as his brother, who are to have the upbringing of his two children in case their mother does not live; refers to a small 14 RICHARD HA WES

debt owed to his brother John. John Cooke was a witness of the will. Children : 4 i. AucE ; living in 1590. ii. HUMFREY; not 24 years of age (1574); mentioned in his grand­ father's will (1590); a witness of will 21 (1598); buried at Prince's Risborou~h, 10 July 1605. He was married and had a \laughter, 1. AGNES ; buried 17 Dec., 1602.

7. HUGH 3 Hawes (Henry, Thomas); named in will 9 (1562); in will 22 ( 1600). His own will, signed 1602, was proved in 1607 ( no. 23). In it he is styled "Hew Hawse of Gteat Mis­ senden". No wife is mentioned; speaks of having given to Susan Hore. (Was she the Susan Hawse below?) Children: 4 i. HENRY ; deceased in 1602. His children were: 1. THOMAS', "eldest", but not twenty-one; to have house and lands in Little Hamden. 2. HENRY. 3. SUSAN. ii. ISABEL; m...... Kynggam ; with sons and daughters. iii. ELLEN (executrix); m. Pettever Hogekins; three children. (Thomas Ives was overseer and witness of this will.)

8. RALPH 3 HAWES (Henry, Thomas) was mentioned in wills 9, 18, 19. His own will (no. 21), husbandman of Prince's Ris­ borough, dated 1598, was proved the next year. No wife was mentioned. The witnesses were Thomas Rose, Will. Hawes, Humfrey Hawes. Children:

4 i. THOMAS ; mentioned in will 22, and its overseer. Children: 1. MARGARET', not yet twenty-one in 1598; in will 22: "to Mar­ garet, daughter of cousin Thomas Hawes of Risborough". ii. ALICE.

9. W1LLIAM 3 HAWES (Henry, Thomas), "William, senior" was named in will 9. His own will (22) of 1600 shows that he left no children, but it throws light on his father's family. He styles himself of Lowsley Rowe, in the parish of Prince's Risborough. (Will 17 refers to this place.) His wife Joane is named executrix, and bequests are made to the children and grandchildren of his sister Winter, to his brother Hugh Hawes, to Margaret, daughter of his cousin Thomas Hawes (named overseer), to brother Thomas Hawes and his son John, to sister Mary Gowd, to sister Cutler. Doubtless he was the William Hawes who was buried at Prince's Risborough, 2 Dec., 1600.

10. JoHN 3 HAWES (Henry, Thomas), named in some of these wills, in his own will ( 19) styles himself "of Sanderton"; signed 1593. Wife Anne is named executrix; brother Ralph, brother William (the Younger), John Winter, and Julian Foorde to be the overseers; Thomas Wingrave, Winter, Foorde, Wm. Hawes, and Richard Reynold, witnesses. Chil­ dren: IN ENGLAND 15

i. RALPH'; to have the house at Stow, the home close and the orchard. In will 24 ( 1603) he is styled of Smalden, in the parish of Sander­ ton. ii. HENRY; to have two closes by Stow pitte which John Winter holds by lease. iii. JoHN, "youngest son"; to have a close called Long Croft. In the will of 1603 (no. 24) this John, not twenty-four, is of Smalden.

11. WILLIAM 3 HAWES (Henry, Thomas). This was William the Younger, mentioned in wills 9 ( 1562) and 18 ( 1590). His own will (24), signed 1604, calls him of Smalden in Sander­ ton. No wife or children mentioned. John and Ralph, sons of his brother John, deceased, seem to have been his favorites, perhaps because of proximity. It is interesting to note that he speaks of their mother Anne as his sister-in-law "Agnes" Hawes. (These two names were interchangeable at that time.) He gives to his servants, Edward Bristowe and Margaret East; makes Ralph Hawes his executor and gives him meadow land in Climar, Oxfordshire (purchased of Thomas Boving­ ton). The witnesses were John Winter, Julian Foorde, Thomas Prentis.

12. BENNETT 4 HAWES (Richard, Richard, Thomas). By will 29, his father's, he was living in 1627 and had a son Richard. Unfortunately, we have no settlement of his estate. Without doubt, he was of Prince's Risborough. By calculation, Richard, father of this Bennett, to be able to administer in 1590 ( will 18), must have been born before 1570, say 1565, and old enough to have son Bennett, and a grandson Richard, the latter born by 1586. Richard5, father of the immigrant (b. 1606) must have been born about 1586. From will 38 (1665) 4 we can construct, partially, the family of this Bennett : 13. i. BENEDICT' ("Bennett") ; father of a Benedict" ( wills 38, 39). 14. 11. RICHARD; mentioned in his grandfather's will (29) as living in 1627. iii. A daughter, mother of 1. ELIZABETH, wife of John Hatch, of Adnum, Hertfordshire, and mother of five children; executrix of will 38 ( 1665). 2. ANE, wife of one Francis, also of Adnum ( will 38). iv. (perhaps) A daughter Anne ; m. at Great Missenden, 11 Jan., 1600- 01, THOMAS HONOR. He may have been son of John Honor, of Prestwood, parish of Great Missenden ( will 38). v. (perhaps) A daughter, who m. William Collingridge of wendor deane (Wendover?), with a daughter, 1. MARY CoLLINGRIDGE (will 38). (Wendover records give a Mary Collingridge, daughter of Edmunde, bapt. 17 Oct., 1613.) vi. {perhaps) A daughter, who m. Guilford (Gifford?), with a daugh­ ter, 1. ELIZABETH GUILFORD, wife of John Wace (Ware?) of Ches­ ham (will 38).

13. BENEDICT 5 HAWES (Bennett, Richard, Richard, Thomas); men­ 6 tioned in will 38 ( 1665), together with his son Bennett • He was of Alscott in Prince's Risborough, and his will ( 39) was 16 RICHARD HA WES

dated 1667. No wife was mentioned. William Blicke, alias Pettipace, was a witness. Children :

6 i. RICHARD ; perhaps father of two sons, named in this will : 1 1. J OHN HA WES. 2. RICHARD HA WES. ii. BENEDICT; executor of his father's will, and the "cousin Bennet" of will 38 ( really nephew). His wife was Ann, and children named were: 1. RICHARD', bapt. 15 Jan., 1625-6. 2. ELIZABETH, bapt. 27 June 1627. 3. BENJAMIN, son of Benedict "Hayes", bapt. March 1628-9; buried the same year. 4. HENRY, bapt. 2 May 1630. 5. ANN, bapt. 21 Oct., 1632. 6. FAITH, bapt. 24 Jan., 1637-8. iii. MARY; unmarried, 1667. iv. FRANCES; unmarried, 1667. These sisters were joint executors with their brother. v. HENRY; deceased in 1667; father of 1. HENRY'.

14. RrcHARD 5 HA WES ( Bennett, Richard, Richard, Thomas), bapt. probably, in Prince's Risborough, about 1585; died at Great Missenden, between 9 Sept., 1665 and 11 Jan., following, about eighty years of age. He was of the latter place as early as 1606, when his son Richard6 was born. We know not the name of his wife, or wives, for Great Missenden burials give several from which to choose. If there were other children than our Richard, the father had survived them all. In his will he makes mention of a son-in-law, an appellation which in those days sometimes referred to a step-son. Constructing his family, we have: 15. i. RICHARD', bapt. at Great Missenden, 2 November 1606; evidently known to be deceased, for will 38 makes no mention of him, but gives to the grandchildren in New England, his only descendants. ii. (perhaps) Elizabeth, bapt. at Great Missenden, "daughter of Rich- ard", 3 April 1610. She may have been the Elizabeth Hawes, buried there, 13 Sept., 1618. Will 38 was witnessed by Edward Hoare and Edward Hoare, Jr., and proved by Elizabeth Hatch, wife of John Hatch, "Niece of the testator".

15. RrcHARD 6 HAWES (Richard, Bennett, Richard, Richard, Thomas) migrated to New England in 1635. As the king in whose reign he was born was known as James VI of Scot­ land, and then as James I of England, so Richard VI Hawes of England becomes henceforth Richard I of the new coun­ try. We never can know just the reason for his leaving home and fatherland, but the step was a momentous one for him and later generations. Born ten years before the death of William Shakespeare, it is doubtful if our Richard ever heard of the great dramatist. The poet Milton living nearer yet, at Chalfont St. Giles, in Bucks, had not risen to great fame before Richard had sailed to America. The poet Cowper, later, was of this County; John GRAVES OF RrcHARD3 AND Hrs WIFE


Hampden, the patriot, may have walked the roads and lanes of Great Missenden, less than five miles from his home ; and Isaac Walton, another famous son of the County, perhaps wen~ fishing in the neighboring streams. Indeed, he had a stram of Hawes blood in his veins. (Consult "The Com­ plete Angler", London: Chatto and Windus, 1875, pp. XXXII, CXXXIII). Stoke Pogis and the immortal "Elegy" have added lustre to the region, and Beaconsfield, once the home of Edmund Burke, more recently rounded out the familiar title of Disraeli. In our own day, Chequers Court, home of England's prime ministers, and at present occupied by Ramsay MacDonald, is reached by a lane from Great Missenden. This little town of about 4000 inhabitants had a Saxon origin. The end of the name "dene" means a place for feeding swine. The "Mis" seems to come from the name of the stream which rises at Missenden. Thus the name would mean "the dene on the Mis". Missendene is mentioned in Domesday Book. Walter Giffard was William the Conqueror's tenant there. He, or his son, was created Earl of Buckingham. An abbey was founded there in 1133, of the Black Canons, a Benedictine Order. After the Dissolution (1539) it became the property of the Crown, and in 1612 King James granted it to Sir William Fleetwood, Jr. The Abbey church was de­ stroyed long ago. An illustration of the Parish church, through the kindness of the present Vicar, the Reverend Henry Bad­ ham, appears as our frontispiece. FIRST GENERATION

1. RICHARD1 HA WES, baptized in Great Missenden, Bucking­ hamshire, England, 2 November 1606, was the son of a Richard of that place, whose will of 9 September 1665; proved 11 January following, establishes the identity of our emigrant ancestor. At Great Missenden the baptisms of two children of Richard, by wife Anne, are recorded. The next that is known of this little family of four is their embarking on the "Truelove", at London, 19 September 1635, for New Eng­ land. The sailing list gives the ages of all four. ( Consult Hotten's Sailing Lists.)

RICHARD HA WES, age 29 years ANN HA WES, age 26 years ANNE HAWES, age 2¼ years OBEDIAH HA WES, age 6 months. Landing in Boston, they soon appear in Dorchester near by, drawn there, probably, by friends who had preceded them and by some of their fellow-passengers, who also selected it as their new home. Dorchester church records have the names of Richard and Anne, opposite to each other, in two long columns, being "a list of such as since the constituting or gathering of the church has been added to the church and joyned thereunto as members of the same body, by profession of faith & Repentance & taking hold of the Cov'ent before the Congregation". This is dated 23 :6 mo :1636. From Vol. IV, Boston Commissioners' Reports, relating to Dor­ chester, we learn nearly all that is possible to know of Richard Hawes during the short period, about twenty-one years, that it was per­ mitted him to live in the land of his adoption. Dorchester Records, 16 Jan., 1636-7. "William Sumner and good­ man Hawes appointed to view the feild where they dwell". 10 Sept., 1637. "Ordered that Will: Sumner and Good: Hawes shall have the p'te of the swamp before their

2 May 1638, the same day with Major Humphrey Atherton and others ( Gen. Reg. for 1849, p. 95), Richard Hawes became a free­ man in the Colony. ("Besides the right of suffrage, freemen enjoyed advantages in the division of land, and before the representative system all were members of the General Court. The principal quali­ fication seems to have been church membership".) 15 :1 mo :1642 "Agreed by a town meeting that Richard Hawes shuld have one acre of grownde aded to his first devision in the cow wolke on consideration of on acore that were given him above the bureinge place which hee is not to have now". 7 :12 mo: 1641. Richard Hawes, with other Dorchester pro­ prietors, signed a writ with reference to the assigning of Thomson's Island for school support. Drake's History of Dorchester gives a fac-simile of these signatures to a most interesting document. ( Con­ sult Gen. Reg., V: 391.) 2 :12 mo: 1646. A list of those interested in the fence ar.ound the great lots, has the name of Richard Hawes, where it stands next after James Humphrey's and before William Sumner's. 27 :11 mo: 1645. "Nycho. Clap & Robert Pond to view the feild behind bro. Hawes". 23 :12 mo: 1646. A true account of the fence of the "great lotts and the manner of lynge of itt", assigqs to our Richard 2 rods 12 feet. 8 :10 mo: 1651. "For the feilde behind Richard Hawes: Nicholas Clap and Tho : Andrues". 25 :10 mo: 1652. Goodman Williams, Richard Hawes, Jasper Rush, "to view the feild behind Richard Hawes". 10 :1 mo: 1656. To view the fence "in the Camon feldes" for the year 1656, the lot behind Thomas "Burds" is assigned to Richard Hawes and Jasper Rush. Plymouth Court Files (printed) 2 March 1651-2. "Thomas Lucas complaineth against Richard Hawes in an action of the case to the damage of three pounds, 12 shillings. The jury find for the plain­ tiff and give him his bill and charges of the court". The records throw no light on this case, but later court proceedings show up this Thomas Lucas in a way not altogether complimentary. Suffolk Deeds, Vol. I. Nicholas White, Nath. Rude, and Walter Baker, in a deed to John Gill and George Badcock, sell land in Dorchester, six acres of meadow formerly purchased of Goodman Hewes & Goodman Farman; dated 16 :6 mo: 1652. ( On the records, early and late, the name of Hawes is spelled variously, that of Hewes appearing frequently.) Gen. Reg. Vol. XL: 257, rehearses a deed from Minot to Humphrey, 4 Dec., 1656, of land bounded by the Humphreys; by Richard Hawes on the South, &c. This is the last date found in connection with Richard's name. He probably died the last of December, 1656, or early in January, 1656-7, when he was a little past fifty years old. Probably the cause of his early death never will be known. Richard's earlier years, before coming to New England, may or 20 RICHARD HAWES may not have been eventful. George Cabell Greer, in "Early Virginia Immigrants", printed in 1912, gives a list of Head Rights, 1623-1666. It seems to be compiled from various counties of that Colony. A RICHARD HAwEs, 1639, is named in Lower Norfolk Co. A RrcHARD HAWES, 1651, in Northampton Co. ANN HAWES, 1654, Northampton Co. These citations may refer to another Richard and Ann Hawes, but it is significant that the records of Dorchester, Mass., in giving references to him, show several long gaps without his name, espe­ cially at or near the time of his death. Suffolk Probate (also Gen. Reg. IX: 138). At a meeting of the magistrates, 22 Jan., 1656, power of administration to the estate _of Richard Hawes, late of Dorchester, deceased, is granted to MaJ?r Humphrey Atherton and Leiftenant Roger Clap, they bringing m an inventory ( Gen. Reg. V: 400) of ye estate unto ye Court. Edward Rawson, Recorder. Suffolk Probate (also Gen. Reg. XI: 342). "At a county co?rt held in Boston, 29 April 1662. The Court being informed that MaJor Athert'bn & Capt. Clap as friends to the deceased Richard Haws of Dorchester, took some care about the estate, binding & placing out the children, the Major being since dead & Capt. Clap rendering to Obadiah Haws sone to ye late Richard an account thereof on requ_est of sd Obadiah, The court judgeth it meet to grant Administrat10n to the estate &c. to Obadiah Hawes his sonne in behalf of himself and the rest of his Brothers & Sisters so as he give security accord­ ing to lawe". The same day Obadiah deposed that an inventory presented was a true one, to the best of his knowledge, &c. This inventory was signed 27 :11 mo: 1656, by jonas Humphrey and Hopestill £foster. Inventory ( from the original document). Imprimis His wearing apparell 01 :10:00. It. in ye fire roome I grt joyned chest 12 :00 It. an old chaire & 3 or 4 meane stooles 02 :00 One Pr of Andirons 06 :08 2 smalle pot hangers, a spit & friing pan 07 :06 1 lamp 2 smoothing irons 03 :00 1 iron pott, & Pr pot hookes OS :00 1 brasse pott, 10/- 2 small skellets, 6/ 16 :00 2 old brasse kettles 08 :06 1 small brasse candlestick, 1/6 & pewter of severall sorts to ye value of 20/6 01 :02:00 1 paile & dishes & spoones 04:00 earthern pans or cups, 1/- books, 3/ 04:00 2 muskets, 2 swords, 1 paire of bandeleirs 01:10:00 (Query: Had our ancestor seen military service?) 1 sithe & old ax; old haims & other iron implements 10:00 In the inner Roome one old flock bed, 6/- 1 coverlid 20/-, 3 £ether pillows, 6/-, 1 £ether bolster, 8/­ 02:00:00 a paire pillow cotes & other linnen 12:00 one chest & a boxe 06:00 one wheele 05:00 In the cellar I Beare barrell, one poudering Trough 05:00 in flesh· salted to the value of 01 :10:00 in the chamber one £ether bed, bolster & blankets 02:00:00 some hemp, 10/- a keeler, 2/- some Indian come, 25/- 01 :17 :00 FIRST GENERATION 21

come in the barne to the value of 04:00:00 ye halfe of 3 weather lambes 15:00 for hay, 40/- 02:00:00 2 old oxen at £9 09:00:00 2 younger oxen at £9 09:00:00 one cow 03:15:00 3 swine at 12/-apiece 01 :16 :00 one mare 14:00:00 ye house, barne, home Jot & plot before the house 35 :00:00 a neck of land about 6 acres 09:00:00 medow in ye calves pasture about 6 acres 12:00:00 Land by Tolemans 05:00:00 land by fresh marsh upland & medow about 18 acres 20:00:00 land in the (12) divisions 06:00:00 chart, plow & husbandry implements 02:00:00 in small debts 01 :12:00 Some Total! is £151 :12 :08 "Debts dew to be paid out of the estate as followeth: To Wm. Billing £22:00:00 Mr. Patten 05 :00:00 Sarni Jones 05:00:00 Mrs. Stoughton 04:00:0

That Richard Hawes had influential friends is shown by the names of those connected with the settlement of his estate. The list of creditors includes substantial citizens who stoo.d ready to help. His inventory is a sample of many of that time and shows that he was in fairly good circumstances. He is nowhere styled husband­ man, like many of the passengers of the "Truelove", nor is his occupation hinted at. Doubtless he was a small farmer and like his neighbors in Dorchester cleared the virgin soil that was allotted to him. On the records he is generally "goodman Hawes", certainly 22 RICHARD HAWES not because of his age. The appellat_i9n seems to have been a fashionable one in Dorchester among the well-to-do, for we read of goodman Way, goodman Rockwell, goodman Humphrey, good­ man (George) Minot, and many others. We have no knowledge of Ann ( Anne, Anna), the wife of Richard Hawes, after the birth of her daughter Constant ( 1642). From the administration of Richard's estate, we might infer either her death or a second marriage by 1662, when, without mention of her, Obadiah, the son, took charge. Savage's Dictionary states that the widow Hawes died in Roxbury in 1662, but a more recent read­ ing of the record gives the name "widow Homes" (Holmes). Capt. Roger Clap's interest in the family is evident. This may be a clue to reveal who Ann was. His closest tie is revealed in his will where he mentions his "cousins'' ( meaning nephews or nieces), Thomas Swift, Esther Bissell, and our Constant (Hawes) Dewey. Children of Richard and Ann Hawes, the two oldest born in England, three daughters recorded in Dorchester, and the rest not recorded.

2 1. ANNE ; bapt. in Great Missenden, Bucks, 17 Dec., 1632; living 9 Sept., 1665 ( date of her grandfather's will). Like her sisters, she may have married and found a home in Connecticut or the Spring­ field region. 2*. ii. OBADIAH; bapt. in Great Missenden, Bucks, 25 March 1635. 3. iii. ELEAZER; bapt. in Dorchester, 9 March 1645. iv. JEREMIAH (perhaps). We have no authority for placing him here, but one or two references on the Dorchester records (Gen. Reg. V: 395) seem to establish a claim to such parentage. His biblical name accords well with Obadiah and Eleazer. Obadiah's admini­ stration speaks of "brothers". "The sabbath before the day of fasting, 19 Feb., 1659-60, Jeremy Haws, servant of Mr. Patten, and Thomas Lake. servant & kins­ man of our brother Thomas Lake, for bad behavior in the meeting in the forenoon, were called before the Assembly in the afternoon and publicly reproved". Oct. 1664, Jeremy's name is on a petition in connection with that of Eleazer Hawes. His name also is on a list of those in Dorchester who had reached the age of 21 previous to 1700. Town records (printed), p. 237. A list of the several persons that are "lookt upon as desp'at debts of what should have been paid to Mr. Flint for the several! years. As followeth"; Administration of Maj. Atherton's estate Nathaniel Wales for the year 1672 Susanna Breck; Jeremiah Haws for the year 1673, one shilling 6 pence. 3a. v. BETHIAH (Bethel), recorded in Dorchester as b. 27 July 1637. 3b. vi. DELIVERANCE, recorded in Dorchester as b. 11 June 1640. 3c. vii. CONSTANT, recorded in Dorchester as b. 17 July 1642. These three dates were entered on the Dorchester records all at the same time, but their births may have been elsewhere. That Eleazer and Jeremiah lacked birth records, might help us to con­ jecture that they were born away from Dorchester. As their names are on a petition of 1664, they must have been of age then, hence born by 1643. Eleazer's baptism was not until 1645. Jeremiah, probably, was not of age Feb. 1660, and was born, therefore, after 1639. • Numerals, like this one, placed before a name, correspond with the same number in the next generation, where a fuller account of the person will be found. Hollrn oF JonN' HAWES, No. STOUGHTON See pp. SO, 111


2. 0BADIAH2 HA WES (Richard), bapt. at Great Missenden, Bucks., 25 March 1635, arrived with his parents in New England in the fall of that year. The next we know of him was 19 April 1662, when he assumed the management of his father's estate "for himself, his brothers and sisters". His mother may have married again, but we infer that she was not then liv­ ing. He was admitted into full 'communion, 29 :9 mo: 1665 ( Dorchester church records). The next year, 23 May 1666, he was made freeman of the Colony (Gen. Reg. III: 239). Obadiah's name appears often on the town books, but most of the entries are of a minor nature. The following are samples. 8 :1 mo: 1658-9. "Fence viewers for the feild behind John Black­ man: sd Blackman and Obadiah Hawes". For the year 1661, field behind Thomas Bird: James Humphrey, Obadiah Hawes. 9 :12 mo: 1662. Fence viewers, behind Thomas Bird: James White, Obadiah Haws. 13:11 mo: 1667. List of acres of land at the Neck being rated at a half penny per acre, for the plow land only, Obediah Haws, 2 acres. Fence viewers, 9: 1 mo : 1667-8, for the neck of land, J no. Homes, Obediah Haws. 9 :1 mo: 1669-70. Chosen for constables, Thomas Davenport, Obediah Haws. At a meeting of the selectmen, 13 :9 mo: 1671, Constable Haws came to make up his account, but it was not fully "cleered". From Suffolk Superior Court Files, 162089. To the Constables of Dorchester, an order to send six persons to serve on the grand jury for the 3d Tuesday in Sept. Dated at Boston, 16 Aug., 1670. (On the back) Chosen: Thomas Toulman, Wm. Pond, Mr. Nathaniel Patten, Anthony Fisher, Samuel Rigbe, John Capen. "Summoned by me, Obadiah Hawes, Constable". (Original signature.) 17 :12 mo: 1672. The proprietors of great lots & six acre lots meet and vote concerning fences. Signed by thirteen men, including James Humphrey, Obediah Haws. 14 :2 mo: 1673. "Ordered that Obediah Haws & Robert Spur are appointed to look after Boggs that are unyoked & unringed. If they find any, they are to demand & receive 4d per swine". 14 :7 mo: 1674. "As to the vote that the selectmen order the fencing in of the burying place, the selectmen do appoint John Homes & Obediah Haws to see that it be done by calling upon such men as have teemes and hands, and keepe an accompt of what is done and to be paid out of the towne rate and that the outside be done first and then the sid next to the feild and that it be made fower foot and half high and faced both sides." ( It is supposed that this wall, or a portion of it, was still standing at the Uphams Corner cemetery, as recently as the building of the present en­ closure.) (Consult Holmes Genealogy, by Gray.) 15 Dec., 1675. Obadiah contributed towards a bell for the First 24 RICHARD HAWES

Ch. of Dorchester ( Gen. Reg. Vol. 59 : 106). His offering was only one shilling, 2 pence, but the largest amount was but 5 shillings. On the death of his brother Eleazer, Obadiah was appointed his administrator, 23 May 1676. This involved a suit at law to recover for the heir a share in the Haynes estate. 12: 1 mo: 1676-7. "Granted to Obediah Haws 1400 Clabords on condition that he bring in his former order for gitting Clabords and not to get any more but what is abovesaid without any further order." In 1682 Obadiah helped run the line between Roxbury and Dorchester, and again in 1685. In -1683 and 1686 he was appointed tithing man. In 1686, with John Withington and John Tolman, he was empowered to lay out a highway from the country road, by widow Wyets house, thence as far as the 20 acre lots. Later these commissioners were given authority to extend this road past Samuel Summer's. In Jan., 1685-6, with Lieut. Hall and John Withington, he was engaged to lay out to Mr. Stoughton 50 acres in the 500 acre lot. In March 1687-8 his land at the 20 acre lots has 23 rods taken from it for a highway. In 1687 and again in 1689 we find him contributing in a small way to a needy charity. Obadiah Hawes died in Dorchester, 5 Oct., 1690, when he was in his 56 year, and was bur. in the yard at Uphams Corner, where the ancient stone is still standing ( Gen. Reg. IV: 168). As he died intestate, administration was granted to his son, Obadiah, Jr., 20 Dec. following. Hopestill Humphrey (nephew of the deceased) and Ebenezer Withington were bondsmen in the sum of 600 pounds (Suffolk Pro. Vol. VIII: 176.) An inventory was taken, 14 Nov., by John Bird, Samuel Topliffe, and Eben. Williams. The admr. took oath as to its correctness 9 Dec. The following is a copy from the original. Wearing apparel £6:19:0 bolster, corde, straw bed 9:0 bed, bolster, 3 pillows 3:00:0 coverlid and gray blanket 2:00:0 white blanket, wainscot chest 1 :08:0 1 plain chest 1 carved chest 7:0 1 plain box & 5 yds kersey 1 :04:0 1 yd kersey & 1 yd druget 4:0 1 yd plain cloth 2:6 1 lanthorne, cushion 4:0 16 table napkins, 2 table cloths 15:0 3 pillows, 5 towels 4:0 fine paire sheets, 1 brush, 2 bottles 1:09:0 2 pillows, 1 blanket 9:0 1 pewter dish & drinking cup & chaire 4:0 2 small chaires, 3 old sieves 3:0 2 feather pillows, arms & ammunition 2:06:8 1 lining wheele & 6 pewter platters 1 :01 :6 1 pewter basin, 1 qt. pot & candlestick 3:6 1 pt pot, sucking bottle & 1 saw 1 :8 6 spoones, 5 porrangers, brass kettle 1:12:5 1 pewter dish, 2 brass skellets 5:3 1 iron pot & hooks, brass kettle 10:0 SECOND GENERATION 25

1 iron trammel, 18 lbs linin yarne 1 :10:0 12 lbs yarne and 12 brushes 1:04:0 4 lbs woolen yarne, 2 pailes 07:0 earthern ware, beer barrels 05:0 iron lamp, spit, hooks 04:0 1 woolen wheel, small table 07:6 2 hows, 1 brass kettle 18:0 2 old brass kettles, 1 iron kettle 9:6 1 iron pot & hooks, tramel & tongs 16:0 1 pr andirons, gridiron & chafing dish 6:6 1 table, 1 warming pan 13:0 1 box, andirons, 3 sithes &c 6:0 2 sickles, sheep sheers 3:0 1 pr iron fetters &c 3:9 1 beer glass & earthern cups 1 :0 2 cheese vats, 3 wooden trays 2:6 5 wooden dishes & 1 small keler 1 :6 1 frying pan, 5 earthern pans 2:6 1 window curtain, wool sack 3:0 1 corne fan, pigeon nets & line 08:0 1 new sable 18:0 10 lbs sheepes wool 08:0 5 yds kersey 18:0 1 bush. malts 2:6 axes, stone hamer & trowils 7:0 plows, pitchforks 7:0 cart wheeles &c 2:02:0 gelding tools 9:0 gemlet, pincers, all & cumpasses 1 :0 1 brass morter and pestel, 1 flesh hooke 2:6 1 saddle & 6 wooden dishes 5 :3 1 linen towel & pans 1 :4 books several 15:0 1 window curtain, bottles & a cup 2:4 9 paire of sheets 4:06:0 lining cloth 10:0 2 table cloths 6:9 2 pillow beers 4:0 1 table cloth, 6 lining towels & sacking 1 :06:0 I fether bed, straw bed, bolster 1 :10:0 1 bed cord, one coverlid 1 :02:0 I pillow, I coverlid 10:0 1 bedstead, cord & bed & 3 blankets 05:0 cotton wool 04:0 1 pine chest 03:6 12 barrels sider, with ye barrels 5:00:0 old tubs & barrels 06:0 l half bushel, 1 pillow beer 02:0 swine 3:06:0 yoke oxen 4:00:0 3 cows 5:00:0 4 heifers 4:10:0 1 horse 2:00:0 4 sheep 1:00:0 8 loads of hay 6:00:0 English come 2:03:0 Indian come 8:10:0 dwelling house & all other housing with a young orchard & a small parcel of meadow adjoining 105:00:0 to several parcels of land 175:00:0 to provisions in the house 1:09:0 old iron 1:6 26 RICHARD HAWES

1 hide 7:2 hemp & flax 15:0

sum total, errors ex- cepted £377 :08 :7 to be added : a pillow beare 02:0 17 yds cloth 40:6 cart rope & hamers 3:2 debts due the estate 4:06:4 whalebone & buckeram 3:0 total 384:03:07 Obadiah Hawes married first, probably in 1662, Mary, bapt. in Dorchester, 2 :1 mo: 1645; d. 21 April 1676, daughter of Elder James Humphrey. Her mother's name was Mary. She was admitted to full communion, together with Sarah, the wife of John2 Holmes, 3 :9 mo: 1667. They were neighbors, perhaps more nearly connected. Mrs. Hawes died the same day that Eleazer Hawes, the brother, was killed in battle. She was mother of seven children, the eldest of whom was not thirteen when the mother died. James2 Humphrey, his father, Jonas1 and other members of the family, came from Wendover, Bucks, a short distance from Great Missenden. The Humphrey and Hawes families seem to have been acquainted in the old Country and drawn to Dorchester by a com­ mon impulse. (Note will 36, of my Buckinghamshire quotations.) Like his father, James was a tanner, and occupied the homestead on Humphrey street, Dorchester, so long identified with this family. James was best known as ruling Elder of the church, from 1651 to his death, in 1686 (Gen. Reg. Vol. 2:383). He left a will ( Suffolk Probate) which, in the enumeration of bequests first mentions his son-in-law, Obadiah Hawes, and the five living chil­ dren, Obadiah, James, Desire, Richard, Sarah. It "entreats his lov­ ing friends, James Blake and Obadiah Hawes to be the overseers". Hopestill Humphrey, brother-in-law of Obadiah, in his will of 1728, mentions a parcel of land that he purchased of Richard8 Hawes, being five acres bounded on Thomas Bird, John Bird, &c. Isaac Humphrey, another brother-in-law, in his will of 1734, speaks of land near a place called "Haweses neck". Near the home of Obadiah Hawes lived John2 Holmes (George), who was associated with Obadiah in building the wall around the burying place, and in other ways. Holmes died 17 May 1676, less than a month after the death of Mary (Humphrey) Hawes. The date of the marriage of Obadiah and Sarah, widow of John Holmes, does not appear on the records, but a court record ( Mass. Archives, Vol. XVI: 78) places it before 7 Oct., 1678. The Honorable General Court grants the petition of Nathaniel Holmes of Roxbury, eldest son of George, deceased, showing that his father's will makes his brother John of Dorchester, now deceased, a partner with him in certain deeds, as were his other brothers and sisters. John's widow, now wife of Obadiah "Hause", acknowledges full payment, and the petitioner prayeth that the said wife of "Hawes" be empowered to make & sign deeds accordingly. It was allowed the relict of John SECOND GENERATION 27

Holmes, now wife of Obadiah "Haws" of Dorchester. This is dated 7 Oct., 1678, and is a fair sample of the liberty which recorders exercised in copying surnames. As the Dorchester records of that time are quite explicit, I infer that the death of a Sarah Hawes, 9 April 1697, refers to the daughter of Obadiah, otherwise it would have said "widow". One Sarah Hawes, widow, died 28 Dec., 1717, aged about 85, in Billerica (printed VR). There was no other Sarah of this description, at that time. Her age, however, is probably exaggerated, as Obadiah would have been but 82 at that date. She was the mother of five children by her first marriage ( consult Holmes Genealogy). Children of Obadiah and Mary (Humphrey) Hawes, recorded in Dorchester :

3 4. i. OBADIAH , b. 20 Aug., 1663; bapt. 10: 10 mo : 1665, "between 2 & 3 yrs". 5. ii. JAMES, b. 18 Dec., 1664; bapt. 10: 10 mo: 1665. iii. MARY, b. 3 Oct., 1666; d. 13 April 1668. iv. EBENEZER, b. 15 Dec., 1668; bapt. 20: 10 mo: d. 25 Dec., 1668. v. DESIRETH, a son, b. 30 Aug., 1670; bapt. 13: 10 mo: 1671. "Desier" d. 27 June 1691 (in his 21st yr.) 6. vi. RrcHARD, b. 19 Dec., 1672; bapt. 22: 10 mo: 1672. vii. SARAH, b. 29 Oct., 1674; bapt. 18: 1 mo: 1674-5; d. probably, in Dorchester, 9 April 1697.

3. ELIAZER2 HAWES (Richard) was bapt. 9:1 mo: 1645. He must have been of age in Oct., 1664, when his name appears in a list of those who signed a petition (Gen. Reg. V: 395) in reference to a change of government. He became a freeman, 7 May 1673 ( Gen. Reg. III: 242), and owned the church covenant, 4 :11 mo: 1672. Administration of the estate of Jonathan Bragg, who died at the "Castell", was granted to Capt. Roger Clap, and the inventory was taken by Nicholas Baxter and Eliezer Hawes. It mentions looms, cloth, &c. and is so much like that of Eliezer Hawes, taken a short time after, that we may infer the two young men practised weaving. Roger Clap, in his "Wonder Working Providences", speaks of the godliness of Baxter. Eleazer Hawes had a shorter earthly career than his father and brother. He was killed in the memorable Sudbury Fight, 21 April 1676. For an account of the battle, consult Hodge's "King Philip's War". On p. 231 the author gives the names of the slain, and adds: Suffolk Probate furnishes the name of Eleazer Hawes of Dorchester. These, with Capt. Samuel Wadsworth and Capt. Brocklebank, make in all 21 slain. p. 452: "The heirs of Eleazer Hawes, 24 Oct., 1676, received nine shillings which was due him." p. 222: Capt Samuel Wadsworth with his company of seventy men, some of them mere boys, stationed at Marlborough, went to the relief of Sudbury. The Indians came creeping in there April 20. Wadsworth's men had marched through Sudbury the evening of the 20th, on their way from Boston to Marlborough, and even then a great body of the 28 RICHARD HA WES

enemy was lying about the town and its approaches. He reached Marlborough at midnight, when he heard that the Indians had gone to Sudbury. He turned hastily back-Miserably tired from march­ ing, they were drawn into ambush by 1000 Indians. The English fought from a hill for four hours. But the Indians set fire to some woods to windward and forced them from their position. In the retreat they killed all but a few who escaped to a mill. "Inventory of the estate of Eleazer Hawes of Dorchester who was slain in ye warres, 21 April 1676, taken 16 May 1676, by James Humphrey, John Bide (Bird) Robe Seawell, Stephen Hoppin". The amount was small, but among things enumerated was a house with land and cattle. Obadiah Hawes acknowledged its correctness and was appointed administrator, 23 May that year. (Gen. Reg. Vol. XX: 341-353) Eleazer Hawes m. 23 Feb., 1669-70, Capt. Clap officiating, Ruth, b. 27 April 1646; d. in Dorchester, 16 Aug., 1672, dau. of Edmund and Hannah Haynes (Gen. Reg. V: 400). They were of Springfield, where he d. in 1646, and his widow m. George Lankton (Laughton). Both had d. before 1678. (Consult Hampshire Pro. at Northampton, Vol. I: 193.) Enos Kingsley (married Sarah, sister of Ruth Haynes) acted as attorney for Obadiah Hawes, admr. of Eleazer's estate, and plaintiff contra John Langton of Farmington, Ct., exor. to George Langhton, sen., deceased. The action was to recover property belonging to Ruth Hawes, alias Haynes, dau. of the widow Haynes. Kingsley obtained judgment for the plaintiff. Eleazer Hawes left no male descendant, but his name was per­ petuated through several generations. It is doubtful, however, if many who bore the name knew the tragic history of the first Eleazer. Children of Eleazer and Ruth (Haynes) Hawes: 1. RUTH', b. in Dorchester, 2: 9 mo: 1670 (another account, 22 Nov.) ; bapt. 16: 12 mo: 1672; d. 25 March 1700-01; m. 2 Jan., 1695-6, Rev. Mr. Danforth officiating, Nathan Bradley, Jr., b. 12 March 1674-5, son of Nathan and Mary (Evans) Bradley. This couple had a dau. b. 2 Dec., 1700, named Mary Bradley. Nathan m. (2) in 1702, Lydia ...... by whom he had nine children. He d. 13 Dec., 1750 (grave in the Uphams Corner cemetery). "His body was found in the water, and it was supposed that he fell from his canoe." (Consult the Bradley Genealogy.)

3a. BETHIAH 2 HAWES (Richard) was b. 27 July 1637, as recorded at Dorchester. 23 May 1659, she was living in the family of Zachariah Whitman of Milford, Ct. (Hoadley, Vol. 2: 263- 289). He and his wife Sarah were passengers on the "True­ love", 1635, and natives of Bucks. Bethiah m. Obed Seward (Suard), 1 Oct., 1660, or 1661, both dates recorded at Mil­ ford; Robert Treat, magistrate, officiating. At Milford is the record of a son, 1. OBEDIAH' SEWARD, b. 1 Nov., 1661, or 1662 (both dates given). SECOND GENERATION 29

The next we know of this couple is that they were living at Brookhaven, Long Island,' where he was one of the early comers of that settlement. References to the name of Seward there have been gleaned from the (printed) records, and from Mr. Osborn Shaw .of Bellport, who has kindly furnished advance information from other volumes of Brookhaven records which he has in preparation. Because the following items, unimportant in themselves, throw light on early pioneer life in that region, they have been thought worthy of a place here. Perhaps the Sewards were in Brookhaven as early as 1664, for he drew lot 49 "in the old purchase, South Fireplace", bought that year. 1666. Obediah Suard, plaintiff, Thomas Thorp, defendant; a case of trespass, "for striking me & setting his dogg upon me, which did so biet my legge to my great damage, &c." The case was settled out of court. But 1668, concerning further trouble, "To bind Thorp & his wife to good behavior". 17 June 1667. "Obed Suard has taken the colored cow of Henery puering (Perrin) to have half the incre

Old Mans with Mr. Richard Smith of smithtowne, senyer, for his 6 aker Iott in the ould field". 1 May 1702. The Trustees agree to give "a pattent to Obadiah Seward for all that comon land which was taken by his father Big's". (Perhaps this refers to Obadiah, Jr., who may have m. a daughter of Biggs.) From Jacobus's New Haven Papers, p. 1612. Samuel Seward of Brookhaven, L. I. ( ?) m. 15 Oct., 1724, Mary, dau. of Thomas and Judith (Bunnell) Hodge, b. 5 Nov., 1707 (N. H. VR). Obadiah Seward (Jr.?) was on the Brookhaven tax list in 1741; Joseph Seward also. Abner and Samuel Seward were on the tax list for 1749. Book C. 1748. Controversy concerning care of Samuel Seward's parents ( not named). A road is mentioned as passing the house of Joseph Seward in Middle Island, in 1762. Note. Munsell, in his History of Sussex Co.,. N. Y., says: "A tradition lingers that Obadiah Seward was the ancestor of the statesman, William H. Seward, but no evidence is at hand to confirm or disprove its truth. The name has for some time been extinct in this town." ·

3b. DELIVERANCE2 HAWES (Richard) was b. 11 June 1640, as recorded at Dorchester. Previous to 1871 there was no correct mention of her. But the New York Genealogical and Bio­ logical Record, Vol. 2 :99, in that year, showed that she m. 18 Aug., 1662, as his second wife, John2 Rockwell. Savage says this wife was Deliverance Haynes; so also the Rockwell Genealogy of 1873, p. 22. Stiles's "Ancient Windsor", which, however, adds that she was dau. of Richard and Ann, and m. in Dorchester ( as above) gives her name Hayes; so also the New England Gen. Register (Vol. V: 361). Other writ­ ers since, following these examples, have failed to give her correct name. The article in the Genealogical and Biographical Record is based on an old manuscript of 1731, being the early genealogical attempt of Matthew4 Rockwell (Dea. Samuel, Samuel, William) of East Windsor, Ct., b. 1707- 8, who may have seen and known the sub­ ject of this sketch, as he was a lad of ten years when Deliverance died ( wife of his grandfather's brother, or his gt. aunt by marriage.) J ohn2 Rockwell, eldest son of Dea. William1 an,d Susanna (Capen) Rockwell, of Dorchester, and Windsor, Ct., was b. in England. His mother, dau. of Barnard Capen, who came to Dor­ chester, married as his second wife, in 1645, Matthew1 Grant, an­ cestor of Gen. U. S. Grant, "the model town clerk" of old Windsor. He seems to have been exemplary in every way, and no doubt more than fulfilled his duties to his step-daughter Deliverance and her children. John2 Rockwell d. 3 Sept., 1673, "buried at sunsetting, 45 yrs ould". Hem. (1) Sarah, dau. of James and Sarah Ensign, of Hart­ ford. Shed. in 1659. Administration of John Rockwell's estate (Man- SECOND GENERATION 31 waring, I: 195, 197) was given to his widow (Deliverance) 1 April 1674. Thomas Bissell and Matthew Grant were of those who took an inventory. In a division of the property the children, with their ages, are mentioned : i. SARAH; ii. RUTH; iii. LYDIA. (These m. David Hall, Daniel Mix, and Joshua Atwater, respectively). Children by second wife, Deliverance (Hawes): 1v. JoHN3 RocKWELL, b. 6 Sept., 1663. A son of John Rockwell d. in 1663 (Old Windsor records). v. HANNAH RocKWELL, b. 30 March (May?) 1665; d. unmarried (MS of 1731). vi. JosEPH ROCKWELL, b. 8 July 1668; to be mentioned later. vii. ELIZABETH ROCKWELL, b. 5 Feb., 1671; d. 28 July 1721; m. 1 Feb., 1694, Lieut. James Ward, of Middletown, Ct. There were six chil­ dren, all recorded. Stiles, in his account of the Rockwell family, states that Deliver­ ance, widow of John2, married, 2 Feb., 1674, Robert Warrener of Middletown, Ct. From the foregoing we learn that she was thirteen years younger than her first husband, and was left a widow at the age of 33. Andrew1 Warner (name spelled variously) appears in "Good­ win and Morgan Lines"; first of Hartford, later of Hadley, Mass. The name of his first wife, mother of Robert2 Warner, is not known. Robert, b. about 1636; freeman, 21 May 1657, lived in Middletown, Ct. He was sent as a deputy to the General Court. He d. in 1690. His first wife was Elizabeth Grant, who d. in 1673. The ad­ ministration of his estate (Manwaring, 1 :516) was given to his widow (Deliverance) and eldest son Seth, 4 Sept., 1690. Among those to take an inventory was William3 Sumner, who had come from Dor­ chester to Middletown. In a division of the property, the children, with their ages, are mentioned:

i. SAMUEL 8. ii. SETH m. Mary Ward. He d. 1713, and Joseph Rockwell helped to take an inventory, and acted as guardian of a son. iii. ELIZABETH. iv. JoHN, who d. 1711, when Joseph Rockwell helped take an inventory. v. MARY. vi. SARAH. vii. MEHITABLE. Children by second wife, Deliverance (Hawes) Rockwell: viii. RUTH WARNER, b. Nov., 1675; d. 1 March 1733, "in her 59th yr." She m. her step-brother, David' Bissell; to be mentioned later. ix. BETHIAH WARNER, b. 8 Oct., 1680; m. 12 Oct., 1699, Nathaniel" Grant (Samuel, Matthew), b. in Windsor, 14 April 1672. They owned the covenant, (East Windsor), 25 Aug., 1700, and were early settlers of the Ellington parish. Eleven children of this couple are recorded in Stiles's Windsor. x. SAMUEL WARNER, b. 19 May 1683; d. at East Middletown, Ct., 6 May 1732. His age (27 yrs.) as given in the settlement of his father's estate, is doubtless a mistake, for 7 yrs. He m. 13 Dec., 1712, Susanna Hall. Of their five children recorded, a daughter was named Deliverance. From the foregoing we learn that Deliverance was left a widow a second time, at the age of 50. About 1692 she married a third 32 RICHARD HA WES time, a Bissell, as is to be inferred from the Gen. Reg. (XIV: 135). This was Nathaniel2 Bissell of Windsor, b. there, 24 Sept., 1640, 1 son of J ohn , one of the early inhabitants of the town and a man of prominence. Nathaniel removed with his father to the east side of the Connecticut, below the mouth of the Scantic, "being prob­ ably the first family to reside on that side of the town." Nathaniel was ferryman there and the place was long known as Bissell's Ferry. His first wife, Mindwell, dau. of Dea. John Moore, d. 24 Nov., 1682, and he m. (2) Dorothy, said to be the dau. of Rev. James (Thomas) and Abigail (Whitefield) Fitch. Nathaniel Bissell d. 12 March 1713-14, in his 74th year. From his will (Manwaring, Vol. II: 157) it is evident that he was survived by a widow (not named), who received a share of the property. One of the overseers was a Matthew Grant. Children by wife Mindwell (Stiles's Windsor) were: 8 i. MINDWELL ; m. Daniel Griswold. ii. NA THANIEL; not named in his father's will (Is Stiles wrong in his account of him?) iii. JONATHAN; d. young. iv. HANNAH; m (1) about 1690, Tahan• Grant (Tahan, Matthew); m. (2) Nathaniel Bancroft. v. ABIGAIL, d. young. vi. JoNATHAN; m. Bridget' Fitch. vii. ABIGAIL; viii. £LIZABETH ; ix. DAVID, b. 1681; d. 1733. He was a lieutenant, and executor of his father's will. His own estate was administered 1 April 1734 (Manwaring, Vol. III: 141). Hem. 24 Feb., 1703, his step-sister, Ruth Warner. Of their six recorded children, Rev. Hezekiah Bissell, b. 30 Jan., 1710, preached at Wintonbury (Bloomfield) Ct. Children by wife Dorothy: x. A son, who d. young. xi. DOROTHY (1686-1761). xii. ANNE; not mentioned by Savage or Stiles; living, 1713-14. xiii. MARY; not mentioned by Savage or Stiles; living, 1713-14. "Mrs. DELIVERANCE BISSELL, formerly wife of Robert Warner, cl. 12 June 1718" (Middletown VR), when he age was 78 years and a day. Administration of her estate (Manwaring, Vol. II: 358) was given 5 Aug. following, to Capt. Joseph Rockwell, "son of the deceased". In the court record she is called Deliverance Bissell of "Windsor, "widow of Nathaniel". An inventory (small) was taken, 6 Oct. that year. From the foregoing it is seen that N ath

Doubtless, of this large family circle, her son, Joseph8 Rockwell, was her chief reliance. Born in 1668, he was SO years old when his mother died. He was a cooper by trade and spent his life, most of it indeed, in Middletown, Ct. He was captain of the militia, and went by that title; town clerk there from 1708 to 1734. Court records show that he was much in demand among his townsmen as a wit­ ness of their wills, for taking inventories, administering estates, and acting as guardian of their children. References in Manwaring alone give eighty or more transactions of this nature in which he was interested. His grave is marked by this epitaph: "Here lies interred the Body of Capt. Joseph Rockwell, who was chosen Deacon of the First Church in Middletown May 31 1704, and having served his own generation by the Will of God, fell on sleep Oct. ye 27, 1742, in the 75th yr. of his age." Eight children are recorded, by wife Elizabeth, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth (Harris) Foster, who d. his widow, 13 Aug., 1753, ae. 80. Of the children, William4 Rockwell, b. 1702, succeeded his father as deacon; town clerk ( 1735-1765). Note. Hist. of Windsor, by Stiles (Vol. 2: 101) "Deliverance (alias Warner) Bissell, dismissed by the First Church of Middletown with her daughter Ruth Bissell (alias Warner) to Windsor Scantic church, 22 Aug., 1708".

3c. CoNSTANT 2 HAWES (Richard), b. as recorded in Dorchester, 17 July 1642; d. in Westfield, 26 April 1703 (town record), but 27 April 1702, ae. 58 (grave record). If either date is correct, certainly the age is wrong. She was m. 1 June 1663 (Dorchester VR) to Thomas2 Dewey, b. in Windsor, Ct., 16 Feb., 1640; d. in Westfield, 27 April 1691. (The Genealogy says, 27 April 1690, ae. 50, but grave record, "in his 52d yr." Thomas1 Dewey, first of Dorchester, removed early to Windsor, Ct. He m. the widow Frances Clark. Thomas2 Dewey was in Windsor as late as Jan. 1660. First at Northampton, where he had a home lot, Nov., 1662, he was next at Waranoak, then a part of Springfield, and mentioned there 6 July 1666, being on a list of twenty grantees. Westfield was incorporated in 1669. He was a miller and farmer. Like his father, he was known as Cornet Thomas Dewey. Children of Thomas and Constant (Hawes) Dewey ( from the Dewey Genealogy, the first three recorded as of Northampton): i. THOMAS8 DEWEY, b. 26 March 1664; d. 8 March 1690, at Westfield. His only child d. 1689. He m. Hannah, dau. of John and Abigail (Hannum) Sackett (1669-1749). She d. at Windsor, Ct., where she had m. (2) Capt. Benjamin2 Newberry. ii. ADIJAH DEWEY, b. 5 March 1666; d. March 24, 1742; a captain and a man of influence. He m. 1688, Sarah, dau. of John and Mary (Ashley) Root; b. 1670. Among their ten children were Esther, Bethiah and Anne. iii. MARY DEWEY, b. 28 Jan., 1668; d. 1757, at Westfield; m. 1688, David, son of David and Hannah (Glover) Ashley. They had nine children. iv. SAMUEL DEWEY, b. 25 June 1670; d. 11 May 1734, at Sheffield; m. 1695, Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel and Deliverance (Hanchett) 34 RICHARD HA WES

Weller (1677-1709); m. (2) Rebecca, dau. of David and Hannah (Glover) Ashley. They had 6 children. v. HANNAH DEWEY, b. 21 Feb., 1672; d. after 9 July 1745; m. 1690, Matthew, son of Thomas and Hannah (Warrener) Noble (1668- 1744). There were nine children, among th~m an Obadiah Noble. vi. ELIZABETH DEWEY, b. 10 Jan., 1676 (7?); d. 12 Oct., 1757; m. 1695, Dea. Thomas' Noble (1666-1750). They had eleven children. vii. }AMES DEWEY, b. 1678; d. 1682. viii. ABIGAIL DEWEY, b. 14 Feb., 1681; d. 1747; th. 1699, Joseph, son of David and Hannah (Glover) Ashley (1671-1706). She m. (2) Thomas, son of J edadiah and Sarah (Orton) Dewey; six chil­ dren. iic. ]AMES DEWEY (again), b. 1683; d. 1686. JC. IsRAEL DEWEY, b. 9 July 1686; d. 26 Jan., 1728, a farmer of West­ field; m. Sarah, dau. of Thomas Root, b. 1683. Of their children was Constant• Dewey, b. 1716. ' Note, Besides the Dewey, Ashley, and Noble Genealogies, consult the New York Genealogical and Biog. Record, Vol. VI: 63, &c. THIRD GENERATION

4. 0BADIAH3 HAWES (Obadiah, Richard) b. in Dorchester, 20 Aug., 1663, was bapt. "between two and three years of age", 10 :10 mo: 1665. In 1676, at the age of twelve, we read that he was one of those "to be catechised". His early religious training, therefore, seems not to have been neglected. After marriage he probably lived in or near Milton (set off from Dorchester in 1662), as two of his children were recorded in Milton. In the last of his life his home was in that part of Dorchester which became Stoughton, and in the Sharon precinct. In 1717 he was appointed constable. Like his father and grandfather, he did not live to a great age. He died in the winter of 1718-19, when he was 55 years old. He left a will (Suffolk Probate, No. 4156) dated 22 Jan. and proved 16 March 1718-19. In it he styles himself husbandman, and appoints his wife and eldest son as executors. The preamble is after the fashion of that time: "Being sick in body but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be given to God therefor, calling to mind the mor­ tality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for men once to die-Principally and First of all I give & Recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, hoping through the merits, Death & Passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins and to Inherit everlasting Life, and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried-nothing doubt­ ful but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the mighty power of God. "First. I will that all my debts & Duties as I do owe in Right or Conscience to any manner of Person or Persons whatever shall be well & truly contested and paid or Ordained to be paid in Con­ venient time after my decease." To his wife Rebeka he gives one half the house and the house­ hold goods; also one third of the "House Lott", that is one third "of all my Lott in the twelve Divisions where my house stands, also two cows & two swine". To son Obadiah he gives "all my new lot in the 12 Divisions lying at the west end of my First lot; containing 75 acres, with the Over-plus be the same more or less; I give him my yoke of Steers that have been Wrought, also ten acres of Swamp in the 24th Lot." To daughter Rebekah, "five & twenty Pounds more besides what I have given her upon her marriage". To daughter Sarah, "one half of the household goods to be set out to her whenever she is married".; also two black heifers, &c. and ten pounds in money to be paid at her demand, and house room in the house so long as she shall live unmarried, and land for a garden. To son Eleazer, "all my land at home in the 24th lot in the 12 Divisions, except ten acres of swamp lying next to the land of Joseph Hewins of Dorchester (given to son Obadiah), and all the rest in said lot & elsewhere not given away in this my last will, 36 RICHARD HA WES when he shall attain the age of one and twenty years". The witnesses were Joseph Hewins, Benjamin Esti and Jos. Hewins, Jr. At Suffolk Registry, Vol. 45 :295, is an interesting deed, which I have abbreviated. The 24th lot in the 25 Division in Dorchester, but now in Stoughton, laid out by the proprietors of Dorchester and Stoughton unto the Rights of Elder Withington, Richard Withington, Ezra Clap and his father, Ebenezer Withington, Philip Withington, Ephraim Newton & William Pond, in the 8th range on the west of Dorchester Swamp, being all of the 9th and part of the 10th next to the Colony line ; or 600 acres with 244 acres as allowance for bad land, making 844 acres. The other part of said 24th lot which was laid out with the rights of Obadiah Hawes and Obadiah Hawes, Jr., being in Waste land contiguous to the 12th lot in the Twelve Divisions; said tract is now owned by Benjamin Bird, yeo­ man, Jonathan Capen, clothier, Philip Withington, blacksmith, all of Dorchester, and John Withington of Stoughton, smith, John Newton of Milton, Samuel Tolman, blacksmith, of Dorchester, John Vose of Stoughton, innholder, & Joseph White of Boston (the last in right of the Pond heirs) &c. Signed 16 Jan., 1729. Six of the persons herein named are ancestor of the compiler of these pages, viz: Elder Henry Withington, Richard, his son, Philip, grandsoni John, great grandson, William Pond, and Obadiah Hawes, sen. An inventory of the estate of Obadiah3 Hawes, taken 13 June 1719, by Hewins, sen., Esti, and Joseph Tucker, amounted to £320 :06 :06. An account rendered gives the name "Hawes", but in both will and inventory it is spelled "Haws". Some of the items are interesting ( in account rendered) : Pd for Probate of will, recording, &c. 19:06 for recording Inventory & oath 3:06 to witnesses coming down to Boston 12:00 to men to appraise the estate 9:00 to Dr. Wares 1 :00:00 to wine at the Funeral 17:00 for coffin, 1 :05 :00, for digging 2 graves, lOsh. 1:15:00 to David Colson for Gloves and 2 Funerals 2:14:00 for more wine 1:12:00 to Dr. Philip Tompson 14:00 for drawing, allowing, and recording this account 11 :06 This account was sworn to, 24 Nov., 1720. Obadiah Hawes, married in Boston, Samuel Sewall, Esq., officiating, 19 Dec. 1693, Rebecca, b. 10 May 1666, youngest dau. of John and Rebecca Cowen of Scituate. We have not the date of her death, but Dorchester church record after 10 Nov., 1728 has this: "Two aged widows, Mrs. Haws lately deceased & old widow Hensha a little before in Dec." This probably refers to Rebecca (Cowen) Hawes. By the records of the Canton church, she was admitted to full communion there, 23 Feb., 1718. The baptism of her son Obadiah and dau. Sarah, "before ordination", was 2 Feb., 1718. Her son Eleazer owned the covenant there, 27 June 1730. From Deane's "Scituate": John Cowen (Cowing), a native of Scotland, purchased estates in Scituate, and m. "last of March" THIRD GENERATION 37

1656, Rebecca, the widow of Richard Man. There was a son, John, Jr. who seems to have been the father of John Cowing, b. 9 Oct., 1692, whom. Desure3 Hawes (John, Edmund), the widow of Josiah Hatch. (Consult "Edmond Hawes and Some of his Descendants"). A curious evidence of the Scottish spirit of J ohn1 Cowen is reported by Deane: "In 1670 he was accused in Court of contemptible words against royal authority. He had said that he scorned to be in sub­ jection to an Englishman, and that there never was any king in England that was an Englishman, save one crooked-back Richard, a crooked rogue, just like such an one (mentioning a certain hunch­ back of Scituate.)" Children of Obadiah and Rebecca (Cowen) Hawes: 6a. i. REBECCA', b. 6 July 1695 (Dorchester VR). 7. ii. OBADIAH, b. 27 Jan. (June?) 1696-7 (recorded at Milton); iii. MARY, "dau. of Obadiah, bapt. (Dorchester church) 2 Oct., 1698 ;" probably d. young. iv. SARAH, b. 10 Sept., 1700 (recorded at Milton); bapt. (Canton) 2 Feb., 1718-19; living at the time of her father's death, but died, probably, before 24 Nov., 1720, when an account rendered men­ tions two graves dug and the expenses of two funerals. 8. v. ELEAZER, b. in Dorchester, "last of June, 1707"; bapt. (Canton) 2 March 1718.

5. JAMES 3 HAWES (Obadiah, Richard), b. in Dorchester, 18 Dec., 1664; bapt. 10 :10 mo: 1665, and to be catechised, 1676, "aged 11 yrs." ( with others), was named for his grandfather, Elder James Humphrey. In the last of his life he lived in that part of Dorchester called Punkapaug (Canton). Suffolk Registry, Vol. 23 :89. James Hawes, cordwainer, of Dorchester, 22 Dec., 1702, sells land to John Stiles. Damaris Hawes, the wife, joined in the signing, and of the witnesses were Samuel and John Bird. Vol. 24 : 141. James Hawes sells to Henry Bailey of Dorchester 22 acres in the 12 Divisions, formerly belonging to Obadiah Haws, and now in the possession of his sons, Obadiah, Jr., James and Richard Haws; his rights, signed with wife Damaris. Edward Bailey, a witness. Vol. 28:18. James Hawes to Joshua Pomroy, tailor, of Dor­ chester, 4 acres with house, barn, well, etc. Signed with wife Damaris, 29 Oct., 1713. Vol. 34:20. James Hawes to John Beighton, webster, of Dor­ chester; meadow land for 50 pounds; signed 15 May 1717. In the 25 Divisions (Dorchester), the eleventh lot, of 250 acres, was laid out to John Bird, John Bird, Jr., Abiel Bird, Samuel Bird, Stephen --- and James Haws. James Hawes died (Dorchester VR) 12 April 1718, when he was in his 54th year. Administration of his estate was given to his son, Desire Hawes, 6 May following; John Bird, tanner, and John Beaton, weaver, sureties, and the witnesses included Nathaniel Parfram (Parkman?) and John Baydall (Biddle?). The inventory 38 RICHARD HAWES of 14 July was taken by Peter Lion, Benjamin Blackman, and John Withington. It amounted to £242 :13 :6 ( Suffolk Pro. Vol. 21 :60 &c.) Small debts were due to Joseph Tucker, John Fenno, Edw. Chapin, and John Beighton. Guardians were appointed to the chil­ dren under age. James Hawes m. about 1692, Damaris, b. 18, bapt. 19 Sept., 1675; laid hold of the covenant, 21 July 1695; d. 7 Nov., 1715. She was daughter of J ohn2 and Elizabeth (Williams) Bird, of Dor­ chester. Thomas1 Bird, b. in England, about 1613, joined the Dorchester church in 1642. He was a tanner and lived on what is now Humphrey St. The Humphreys were also tanners, at the southern end of the same street. Thomas Bird d. 8 June 1667, leaving a will. His widow. Mrs. Ann Bird, d. 21 Aug., 1673. John2 Bird, b. 11 March, 1641; d. 2 Aug., 1732. A clause in his will reads "I have done what I judg suffi­ cient for my daughter Damaris Hawes, deceased, and I give to each of her children 12 pence." Elizabeth, a younger sister of Damaris, m. John Beighton ; John 3 Bird, her brother, m. Mary3 Royal ( Isaac, William). Elizabeth (Williams) Bird, mother of Damaris, and dau. of Richard Williams of Taunton, d. 20 Oct., 1724, ae. 77. Children of James and Damaris (Bird) Hawes, recorded in Dorchester : 9. i. DESIRE4 (son), b. 9 April 1694; bapt. 11 Aug. 1695. 9a. ii. DAMARIS, b. 25 (15?) July 1696 (former date from VR, latter from church rec.) . 9b. iii. MARY, b. 26 Sept., 1698; bapt. 2 Oct. following. iv. ELIZABETH, b. 24 June, bapt. 29 June 1701. The Boston Commis­ sioners' Reports give the marriage of William Montgomery and Elizabeth Hawes, he of Rowsick (Maine), she of Milton, 24 March 1717-18, Rev. Peter Thacher officiating. But the Milton record reads: William Mount Gomery and Elizabeth Harcy, places and date the same as above. Nothing further found. v. }AMES, b. 11: 2 mo: 1705 (21 April, printed VR); bapt. 11: 1 mo: 1705-6; d. 6 Sept., 1706, ae. "16 months", g. s. at Uphams Corner Yard. vi. HANNAH, b. about 1707. On 14 March 1719-20, being 12 yrs. of age, she chose Thomas Bird as her guardian. She m. in Boston, by Rev. John Webb, 8 July 1736, William Whittle. The New North Church, Boston, has Hannah Hawes admitted, 28 April 1728. Suffolk Pro. (Vol. 49: 375). Power is given to Hannah Whittle of Boston, widow, to administer the estate of her husband, Wil­ liam Whittle, mariner, deceased, 24 May 1754. Nothing further found. vii. AMITY, b. 22 April, bapt. 14 Aug., 1709. John Beighton (uncle), weaver of Dorchester, was made her guardian, age 10 yrs., 14 March 1719-20. She m. in Boston, by Samuel Checkley, Esq., 9 Feb., 1726, Nathan Bradley, Jr., probably son of Nathan• by his second marriage. If so, he was b. in Dorchester, 5 Jan., 1703. (What connection, if any, was there between this Amity and Amity, wife of Abijah Smith of Milton, who, as recorded, d. his widow, 30 April 1791, ae. 85 ?) Children of Nathan, Jr. and Amity (Hawes) Bradley, recorded in Dorchester: 1. NATHAN BRADLEY, b. 6 May 1726-7. (Did he die, 27 March 1752?). THIRD GENERATION 39

ii. WILLIAM BRADLEY, b. 26 Nov., 1729. m. GEORGE BRADLEY, b. 16 Oct., 1732. iv. JAMES BRADLEY, b. 1 July 1735. 10 viii. ]AMES, b. 18 Nov., 1711; bapt. 4 May 1712. ix. JANE, b. 29 Oct., 1715; bapt. 29 April 1716. She was put under the guardianship of her uncle, John Beighton, at the age of 4, March 1719-20. She was m. in Boston, by Rev. Joshua Gee, 24 Aug., 1738, to Peter Miers, probably the son of Peter and Mary Meers, b. in Boston, 21 June 1715. Suffolk Probate (Vol. 30: 324) Peter Miers, a minor, aged upwards of 18 yrs., son of Peter, late of Boston, mariner, deceased, chose for his guardian, Elias Parkman, mast maker, 17 June 1734. Various Suffolk deeds throw light on the Miers (Meers) family.

6. RrcHARD 3 HAWES (Obadiah, Richard), b. in Dorchester, 19 Dec., 1672, unlike his brothers, seems to have lived and died near his grandfather's home, and perhaps on the same spot, in old Dorchester. For a brief time he may have resided in Roxbury, his wife's home. He was only three and a half years old when he lost his mother, and but eighteen at the time of his father's death. Baptized when three days old, he received the usual religious training of the time, and 22 :12 mo: 1701-02, with several others, "Layd hold of ye Covenant". March 1727-28, he was proposed for full communion and was admitted 10 March following. As a child, he had the care of a step-mother, who brought into the Hawes house­ hold a son still younger than Richard ( Samuel Holmes, b. 1675). Consult deed, Vol. 24:141, under James3 Hawes. Vol. 37 :266. Richard Hawes sells to Thomas Lion woodland in Dorchester, at Duncan Hill, 1 May 1701; John and Sarah Daven­ port, witnesses. Vol. 24 :203. Richard Hawes and wife Elizabeth, of Roxbury, for 50 pounds, deed land in Dorchester to Samuel Jones, said lot being anciently drawn by George Weeks; signed 4 March 1708-9. Vol. 32 :149. Richard Hawes, husbandman, Dorchester, conveys land, in the 3d division of lots, the 20th lot (mentioning "the cow walk") to Ebenezer Williams, Jr., cooper, signed 31 Jan., 1716-17, and witnessed by John and Hopestill Humphrey. These deeds are samples of his transactions, but the following, as throwing light on his wife's family, is most important. Vol. 30 :88. Jonathan Peake, Jr., of Woodstock and wife Hannah, Christopher Peake and wife Mary, Hannah Wales, widow, of Dorchester, Thomas Bugbee and wife Sarah, Richard Hawes and wife Elizabeth, of Dorchester, convey land valued at 150 pounds, consisting of orchard and mowing, about 8 acres, located in Roxbury, at Gamlin's End, to Ebenezer Newell; dated, 6 July 1715. In 1727 Richard Hawes was appointed constable of Dorchester. He and his wife lie buried in the old cemetery at Uphams Corner, where their ancient headstones of slate record : "Here lies the Body of Mr. Richard Haws who died June 29 (town record says 25 40 RICHARD HA WES

June) 1737, in ye 65th yr. of his Age" (in the 64th, VR). And "Here lies ye Body of Mrs. Elizabeth Haws, widow of Mr. Richard Haws. She died Nov. 13 1747, in ye 67th of her age." Suffolk Probate (No. 7049). Administration of Richard's estate was given to his widow, 27 Sept., 1737, and an inventory, taken by Stephen Williams, J. Wales and Nathaniel Topliffe, amounted to £1519:11:6. Among the items of interest are,, books, 1:4:6; hus­ bandry tools, dwelling house, barns, land on both sides of the way, salt marsh, wood lot, land by Thomas Howes (Hawes?), land in Pigeon swamp in Stoughton. Richard Hawes and Elizabeth Peake were m. about 1705 or 1706. She was b. in Roxbury, 9 Aug. 1680, youngest child of Jona­ 1 than2 (Christopher ) Peake and his wife, probably, Sarah (French) Peake. Christopher1 Peake and Dorcas French were m. 3 June 1636. She was from Assington, Co. Suffolk, England; admitted to the First church of Boston, 10 :6 mo: 1634. He d. in Roxbury, 22 May 1666, leaving a will. Jonathan2 Peake, b. 17 Dec., 1637; m. 15 Aug., 1660, Sarah, dau. of Lieut. William French of Billerica, whose will (Middlesex Probate, Vol. V: 276) was dated 5 June 1679. He d. 20 Nov., 1681. In the will appears the following: "Whereas I have already given to all my children that have been already married their portions, I only add to them as followeth: To the eldest son of John French, to William, son of Jacob French, to Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Ellis, to Jonathan, son of Jonathan Hides, to the eldest dau. of Jonathan Peake, to Marah, ye dau. of Jno: Brackett, which are all my grandchildren, to each person aforesaid, 20 shillings". But Elizabeth (Peake) Hawes may have been dau. of Jonathan by a second wife, also named Sarah, for between her birth and that of the child preceding there is more than the usual interval. Children of Richard and Elizabeth (Peake) Hawes, recorded in Dorchester : 4 11. i. STEPHEN , b. 3 Nov.; bapt. 9 Nov., 1707; recorded also in Roxbury. 12. ii. JoHN, b. 27 July; bapt. 31 July 1715. 12a. iii. ELIZABETH, b. 2 Oct., 1717. (It might seem that there were other children, but great-aunt Gill, a great grandchild of Richard and Elizabeth, assured me these were all.) FOURTH GENERATION

6a. REBECCA 4 HA WES ( Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) by 6 July 1695 (Dorchester VR); d. a widow, 18 Feb., 1780 (Sharon VR); m. 19 Jan., 1718-19, Samuel Estie (Rev. Joseph Morse officiating), who d. in Sharon, 25 Dec., 1779. From Publications of the Essex Institute, 1900, p. 135 et seq. J e:ffrey1 Esty ( name spelled variously) was granted land in Salem in 1636; of Long Island by 1651, first at Southold, then at Hunt­ ington, and later at Little Neck, where he d. in 1657, leaving a will in which his son Isaac is mentioned. IsAAC2 ESTEY, b. in England; a cooper; settled in Topsfield before 1660. He d. 1712, leaving a will. He m. Mary, dau. of William and Joanna (Blessing) Towne. In 1692 Mary fell a victim of the Salem Witchcraft delusion. Her sister, Rebecca Nurse, had been accused and executed. Mrs. Estey was arrested 21 April, kept in jail until 18 May. Released for a few days, she was arrested on a second warrant and put in chains. She was tried, found guilty, and executed, with seven others. She was "the mother of nine children, a woman of sound judgment and exalted Christian character. In intelligence she was far in advance of her age, as is shown by her petition written in prison." Her husband did not weakly submit, but did all in his power to rescue her. JosEPH 3 ESTEY, b. 1657-8, removed about 1705 to Dorchester new settlement, where he purchased land of the indians, and died ( Canton Precinct) 1739. He m. Jane Steward. Of their children, Samuel4 Estey was bapt. May 1691. His wife Rebecca survived him about six weeks. She was admitted to the Canton church, 9 March 1729, and dismissed thence, with many others, to the church in the Sharon ( Stoughtonham) Precinct. Children of Samuel and Rebecca (Hawes) Estey: 5 i. PELATIAH EsTEY, bapt. (Canton) 24 April 1720; m. Jane Cobb of Taunton, 1749. ii. SAMUEL ESTEY, b. 19 April 1721. iii. SARAH ESTEY, b. 4 March 1725-6; m. in 1772, Noah Johnson. It was at the Johnson home that the aged parents of Mrs. Johnson died. iv. REBECCA ESTEY, b. 6 June 1729. v. HANNAH EsTEY, b. 4 March 1730-31. And perhaps others.

7. OBADIAH 4 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard), b. 27 Jan., 1696-7, lived with his parents in that part of Dorchester which became Stoughton. Church records of the Canton Pre­ cinct show that he was of that section, or more exactly, of the part which became Sharon. He was admitted to the Canton church, 2 Feb., 1718-19. This was about the time of his father's death. In the "12 Divisions", laid out in 1696-7, lot no. 24 containing 286 acres was laid out to Obadiah Haws, Jacob Hewins, and John Robinson. In the "25 Divisions", 42 RICHARD HA WES

assigned later, lot 8 and part of lot 24 were laid out to Jacob Hewins, Joseph Hewins, Obadiah Haws, and Obadiah Haws, Jr. The late Solomon Talbot, of Sharon, once pointed out to me where this Obadiah lived in that town. According to him, Obadiah's name disappeared from the tax list in 1750. He may have moved away with some of his children to New Hampshire. Suffolk Registry gives his several land transactions : Vol. 49 : Obadiah Haws of Stoughton, to James Howard, physician, land described as Hawes's meadow near Misery Brook where Masapog Pond meets in Benjamin Esty & Ebenezer Esty's lines; signed with wife Mary, 16 Jan., 1732-3, and witnessed by Eleazer and Mary Hawes. Vol. 49:160: Obadiah Haws, yeoman, to John Nixon, bricklayer, land in lot no. 24 of the 12 Divisions; signed with wife Mary, 25 Nov., 1734. Vol. 50:102: Obadiah Haws, yeoman, to Ebenezer Man of Wren­ tham, land in Spruce Swamp on the left to Wrentham; 16 April 1733. Vol. 70 :213: Obadiah Haws to John Traill, 75 acres, with house, barn, etc. "Said land was given me by my father by his will". Signed 7 Aug., 1745. . Vol. 97:172: Obadiah Hawes of Stoughton, yeoman, to Jacob Estey, brickmaker, 24¼ acres, with some allowance for a rocky hill included, being part of the northern side of the 8th lot in the 25 Divisions, and including Obadiah's dwelling house, &c.; bounded on Rocky Hill, the land of Samuel Tolman, deceased, Timothy Tolman's home lot, Capt. Joseph Weld' s lot ; also by land sold to Stephen Hawes of Stoughton. Signed with wife Mary, 14 March 1747-8, and witnessed by Daniel Richards and Stephen Haws. Obadiah served as constable in Dorchester South Precinct: ( Can­ ton Records.) "Constable Haws to collect &c., 29 June 1720''. "30 Oct., 1721, to gather Obadiah Haws is erears of Mr. Morse ( the minister's) Rate". "6 Feb., 1726-7. Then Mr. Joseph Morse gave a full & final Discharge for that years Sales ( 1717) which was en­ trusted to Constable Obadiah Haws for to collect, unto John Fenno, Peter Lyon, Joseph Tucker." I find no settlement of Obadiah's estate. He d. (no place given) 3 Jan., 1755. (Canton church rec.) Obadiah Hawes and Mary Cobb of Dedham were m. by Rev. Samuel Dexter (Dedham VR) 19 May 1726. Sharon church gives the death of a widow Hawes, 16 May 1766. John Cobb, "eldest son", b. 3 March 1678, son of John of Taunton and Jane his wife, who was the widow of Israel Wood­ ward and dau. of Richard and Jane (Turner) Godfrey; m. 20 Dec., 1700, Mary, dau. of John and Mary (Jaynes) Farrington of Ded­ ham. In his will of 10 Sept., 1741, this John Cobb mentions his wife Mary, son John, daus. Mary Hawes, Judith Ingraham, Martha White, and Hannah Thorp. FOURTH GENERATION 43

Children of Obadiah and Mary (Cobb) Hawes, b. and bapt. at Canton, all except Nathaniel : i. MARY 5 b. 13 May, bapt. 9 Dec., 1727; m. "Mary Hawes, 2d and John Martin, both of Stoughton," 20 Dec., 1750, by Rev. Jedediah Adams. A dau. was recorded there: i. MARY MARTIN, b. 30 Sept., 1751. Suffolk Deeds (93: 157). Daniel Talbot sells land to John Martyn, both of Stoughton; 13 March, 1748. As John Martin suffered severely from fire, a contribution was taken up for him, 8 Jan., 1758, amounting to £33: 18 :5 (Canton church rec.) Another deed (97: 64) signed 2 July 1760, relates to an agreement concerning land owned by Martin with others. I have no definite knowledge of him after that. He may be the John Martin, late of Boston, whose inventory (Suffolk Pro. 78: 362) was taken by Moses May, Tho: Bailey, and Benjamin Cobb, 20 May 1779; Susanna Martin, the administratrix. Through the help of Mr. R. I. Farrington, of Boston, I am able to add the following: This John Martin was probably the one b. in Dorchester, II Aug., 1719, son of John, Jr., and Debo(rah) Curtis Martin, who were m. in Dedham, 17 Sept. 1718; gr. son of John Martin (wife Abigail) of Wrentham and Dorchester, who d. in Dorchester, 20 Dec., 1711, as stated in an inventory (Suf. Pro. 17: 399). Abigail, the widow, m. Josiah Whitney of Wrentham, 3 Nov., 1713.

5 13. 11. OBADIAH , b. 12 June 1729; bapt. 15 June following. 13a. iii. SARAH, b. 28 June; bapt. 2 July 1732. 13b. iv. REBECCA, b. 21 May; bapt. 1 June 1735. v. ABIGAIL, b. 6 July 1738; bapt. that month. The Medfield VR (printed): "Abigail Hawes ( ?) of Walpole and Nathaniel Gay, Jr., m. 9 Aug., 1759". The printed intention of marriage has Nathaniel Gay, Jr., and Abigail Haze, 1 July 1759. The Gay Genealogy throws no light on the subject. vi. RICHARD, b. 24 March 1740-41; bapt. 26 April 1741. From Massa­ chusetts Archives, 95 ; 442 : Richard Haws, on a list dated, Stough­ ton, 1 Aug., 1757; Capt. Curtis's Co., Col. Miller's reg. Also, (96: 100) his name appears on a roll dated at Milton. 19 May 1758, Capt. Samuel Billings; Col. Timothy Ruggles. Also, (96: 465) on a roll, dated at Boston, 10 Feb., 1759, as to an expedition for the reduction of Canada, Richard Hawse, from Stoughton, is reported as dead 3 October; endorsed 1758. Administration on his estate was given to John Martin of Stoughton, 20 July 1759 (Suffolk Pro. 54: 465). vii. NATHANIEL, b. 4 Oct., 1743; bapt. (Sharon) 9 Oct. Like his brother Richard, he served in the Colonial Wars. ( Archives, 99 : 125, 98: 224) His name appears on a roll of 1 April 1762, serving from Stoughton, where the record is "a substitute for Capt. Samuel Capen." Nathaniel paid his tax in Stoughton for the year 1765, 1766. With his brother Obadiah, he removed to New Hampshire, and the Census of 1790 locates him in Goffstown, with a family, be­ sides himself and wife, of one son under 16 and 3 females. (This record could not apply to his nephew, Nathaniel" Hawes). The findings concerning this man and his family are so conjectural, that I have omitted them altogether, viii. (perhaps) Lucv; Wrentham VR give the marriage of William Wetherbee and Lucy Hawes, 1 May, 1775. There was no recorded Lucy among the Wrentham Haweses (line of Edward) to fit this date.

8 ELEAZER4 HA WES ( Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard), b. in Dor­ chester "last of June" 1707, was baptized (Canton church) 2 March 1718-19. He owned the covenant 27 June 1730, and was added to the church, 25 Dec., 1731. His wife joined the 44 RICHARD HA WES

church, 4 Aug., 1734. With her and several others he was dismissed to the Sharon church (probably without change of residence) 17 May 1741. Colonial Archives, Vol V : 1445. Charles Wentworth, John Shepard, Obadiah Hawse, Eleazer Hawse, and others, appear on a petition for the division of the town of Stoughton, for the formation of Stoughtonham, 10 March 1739-40. Eleazer's name appears on the tax list for the last time in 1752. After that he and his wife removed to the western part of Massachusetts, probably to Sutton, with some of their children. No settlement of his estate appears, but Suffolk Deeds throw light on his possessions. Vol. 49:161. Eleazer Hawes, yeoman, to John Nixon, 100 acres; signed with wife Mary, 1731. Vol. 65 :117. A deed for 18 acres, same parties; 6 Feb., 1732-3, with Obadiah Hawes a witness. Vol. 123 :73. Eleazer Hawes, husbandman, to Clifford Belcher, 12 acres, bounded on Jeremiah Belcher, the road from Boston to Taunton, &c. Signed with wife Mary, 30 Sept., 1734. Vol. 70:147. Eleazer Hawes to Jedediah Rice, land and home­ stead on the Milton and Attleborough road, for 550 pounds. The deed mentions the "Hawes" lot; signed with Mary, 1744. Worcester Co. Deeds, 31 :363. Perez Rice of Sutton for 400 pounds, 0. T., to Eleazer Hawes of Stoughton, yeoman, land in the south part of Sutton, 149 acres; signed 4 Nov., 1751. Vol. 32 :422. Eleazer Hawes of Stoughton, for love and good will, to his beloved son, Eleazer, Jr., of the same, 60 acres in the south part of Sutton, &c., bounded on land of Noah Rice; signed with wife Mary, 6 Dec., 1752. Acknowledged by the grantor at Medfield. Eleazer Hawes and Mary Belcher, both of Stoughton, were m. by Rev. Samuel Dunbar, 9 July (9 Oct?) 1729. For account of the Belcher family, consult The Gen. Reg., Vol. 60. The supposition in the Glover Genealogy, of course, is wrong. Mary Belcher, b. in Lynn, 22 Nov., 1713, was the dau. of Edward3 (Jeremiah, Jeremiah) and Mary (Clifford?) Belcher. Edward and family removed from Lynn to Milton, and thence to the Sharon Precinct of Stoughton. where he d. 1 March 1744-5, and his widow, 5 March 1752. Children of Eleazer and Mary (Belcher) Hawes: 14. i. ELEAZER•; b. 19 June, bapt. 27 June, 1731. 15. ii. ELIJAH, b. 30 Nov., 1733; bapt. 2 Dec. following. iii. MARTHA, b. 3 Nov., bapt. 9 Nov., 1735; m. (Boston Commissioners' Report) 14 Feb., 1764, Solomon Nash, by Rev. Joseph Sewall. Nothing further found. 16. iv. SAMUEL; bapt. (Canton church) between 8 June and 12 June 1738. 17. v. JACOB, b. 3 May 1740. 18. vi. EBENEZER, b. 22 Nov., 1743. vii. (perhaps) ABIJ AH. (Vol. 96: 100, Colonial Archives) Abij ah Hawse, on a roll dated at Milton, 19 May 1758; in Capt. Samuel Billings' Co., Col. Timothy Ruggle$ ; enlisted 2 May; reported from Col. Miller's reg. An Abijah Hawes d. in Foxboro, 1801. Nothing further found. 19. viii. WILLIAM, b. 19 May 1753; bapt. ( Sharon) 27 May 1753. FOURTH GENERATION 45

9. DESIRE4 HAWES (James, Obadiah, Richard), b. in Dorchester, 9 April 1694, like his father, lived in the Canton Precinct of Stoughton, where his name disappears from the tax lists in 1730. He may have resided after that in Dorchester, where references to his family are found in the First Church records as late as 1737. Desire administered his father's estate in 1718. I find no account of him in the Suffolk Pro­ bate. I am of the opinion that he ended his days in Boston, previous to 14 July 1742. In the City Clerk's Office of Boston is "A Book of Indentures relating to the Overseers of the Poor". On a leaf, number 32, but not dated, appear these items, whether contributions from outsiders, or assignments to internes, is a question. "124. Desire Hawes 125. Sands Gibbon ( 3 beds, 6 rugs & blankets, 3 sheets, 126. Christopher Thornton ~ 6 shirts." (Note). From Boston VR. Sands Gibbon and Abigail Jackling, m. 2 Aug., 1709, by Rev. Benj, Wadsworth. Christopher Thornton & Esther Rea (Int. 26 March 1735); also, he m. 10 Aug., 17 49, Prudence Geagan. The land of Desire Hawes bounded that of Isaac and Israel How, at Duncan's Hill, 25 Dec., 1700 (Suffolk Deeds, 50:255). I have not found the marriage of Desire Hawes and his wife Jerusha. She owned the covenant (Canton church) 22 Sept., 1723, the same day that their eldest child was baptized. "The wife of Desire Haws died 16 April 1737 (Dorchester church). After a careful examination of all the possible J erushas of that neighbor­ hood, she would seem to be no other than J erusha Bird, b. 10 June, bapt. 16 June 1700, dau. of John, Jr., and Mary (Royal) Bird, of Dorchester, and first cousin of Desire Hawes. Children of Desire and J erusha Hawes: i. JESSE", b. 10 June, bapt. 22 Sept., 1723. "Died, the son of Desire Haws (bur.) 22 Sept., 1734." (Dorchester church) 20. ii. DESIRE; bapt. between the 7 and 14 July 1728. (Canton church) iii. DAMARIS; bapt. 6 April 1729; "Damaris, infant dau. of Desire Haws (bur.) 26 April 1729". (Canton church) iv. }ERUSHA; bapt. 13 Dec., 1730. "A child of Desire Hawes d. 9 Feb., 1732-3". (Dorchester church) v. RrcHARD, b. about 1737. I place him here because of the following record, in the Book of Indentures referred to above, p. 32: "14 July, 1742, the Overseers of the Poor of Boston placed & bound out Richard Hawes, a poor child, to Timothy Winn of Reading, until the 6 June 1758, when said apprentice will be 21, he to be taught the art & mystery of good husbandry, also to read, write & cypher". Henry Dyre and Samuel Laycock witness the signa­ ture of Winn.

9a. DAMARIS4 HA WES (James, Obadiah, Richard), b. 25 July 1696 ( printed VR) or 15 July ( church record) ; d. in Stoughton (Canton) 7 (8 ?) Dec., 1739. She m. in Boston, Samuel Sewall, Esq., officiating, 11 April 1717, Shubael3 Wentworth (John, Elder William). Shubael m. ( 2) 10 Sept., 1741, Mrs. Hannah Andrews. He was clerk of the Precinct 46 RICHARD HAWES

and a man well respected. He owned the covenant in 1717 and d. in 1759. ( Consult the Wentworth Genealogy) Children of Shubael and Damaris (Hawes) Wentworth. i. DAvrn5 WENTWORTH, b. 13 Jan., 1717-18; d. 1759; wife Abigail sur- vived him. ii. HANNAH WENTWORTH, b. 12 Aug., 1719; m. 1742, George Talbot, Jr. iii. CATHERINE WENTWORTH, b. 18 May 1721; m. 1745, John Nixon. iv. EZEKIEL WENTWORTH, b. 26 May 1723; living in 1760 at Livingston Manor, N. Y. He m. Mary Gibbons; d. 1772. v. SroN WENTWORTH, b. 31 May 1725; d. in Warren, 1776; m. Han­ nah Pettingill. vi. ]AMES WENTWORTH, b. 13 April 1727; lived at one time in Norwich, Ct.; d. 1800, in the State of N. Y. He m. Letitia Tilden. vii. BATHSHEBA WENTWORTH, b. 15 Nov., 1728 (record torn); m. Francis Moore of Dorchester. viii. AMY WENTWORTH, b. 26 March 1731; d. 1802, at Lebanon, N. Y.; m. 1753, Andrew Kennedy (Canada) Jr., of Milton. ix. LEMUEL WENTWORTH, b. 20 Feb., 1732-3. x. BENJAMIN WENTWORTH; d. in Stoughton, about 1760 (from the Genealogy) . A Benjamin Wentworth of Norwich, Ct., left a will dated 15 April 1760; proved 23 June 1764, leaving to wife Mary, sons Jared and Edward, daughters Zerviah, Elizabeth, Mehitable and Mary. xi. SYLVANUS WENTWORTH, b. 8 Nov., 1737; d. unm.

9b. MARY 4 HA WES (James, Obadiah, Richard), b. 26 Sept., 1698, bapt. 2 Oct. following; m. 16 May 1717, Joseph Smith of the Canton Precinct, Rev. John Danforth officiating. A Mary Smith of that place d. 7 April 1760. Various efforts have been made by genealogists to place this Joseph Smith, thus far without perfect satisfaction. Two theories have some foundation. Milton records give the marriage of a Richard Smith and Mercy Reedman, 13 Jan., 1676. She d. early in 1699 and Richard m. (2) Thankful Lion. A son, Joseph Smith, was b. there, 18 Feb., 1683-4. It will be noticed that Mary (Hawes) Smith named her first child Mercy, a new name among Hawses. Richard Smith and family left Milton and came to Stoughton ( Can­ ton Precinct). They were among those who formed the church there in 1717. Joseph owned the covenant, 2 Feb., 1718-19. The chief objection, as I see it, is the discrepancy between the ages of this Joseph and Mary, but a difference of more than fourteen years is not improbable. Joseph Smith and wife were dismissed, with others, to the Third Precinct, 29 July 17 44. They were of the section, prob­ ably, known as "Dry Pond", where Smiths have been numerous. A second theory would make Joseph's line as follows: HENRY1 SMITH, with wife Elizabeth and two sons, John and Seth, was from England in 1637. This Seth2 m. Mary Thurston in Medfield, 1660, and d. 1682. Seth3 Smith, b. in Medfield, 1669, was in Boston 3 before 1692, when he acted as guardian of his brother, Joseph ; m. thet,fc'. in 1693, Mehitable Heath. J oseph4 Smith, named per­ haps for his uncle, who had died the year before, was b. 12 Oct., 1694. Other children of Seth3 were Mehitable, Samuel, Abigail, FOURTH GENERATION 47 and Mary. Might there not have been an unrecorded Seth', or better yet, a Seth5 son of Joseph and Mary (Hawes) Smith (b. be­ tween Hannah and Jesse) to account for that name in later Stough­ ton records ? Children of Joseph and Mary (Hawes) Smith, four recorded in Dorchester, the rest in Stoughton (Canton): i. MARCY 6 SMITH, b. 19 Feb., 1717-18; bapt. 1718-19; m. 19 Sept., 1744, John Wentworth, Jr. ii. JosEPH SMITH, b. 24 March 1719-20; bapt. 29 May 1722; m. 29 Oct., 1749, Experience, dau. of George Talbot, the first of that name in Stoughton. He d. 15 Nov., 1799, and his wife, 15 Jan., 1800. There was a Joseph• Smith (1752-1823) and a Jesse Smith, who m. Lois Everett of Dedham, of this family. 111. ]AMES SMITH; bapt. 6 May 1722; d. 16 April 1741, "in his 19th yr." iv. MARY SMITH, b. 2 April 1725; bapt. 4 April 1726; said to have moved to Easton ( authority of Mrs. Mary Swan Jones). v. WILLIAM SMITH, b. 14 April 1727 (bapt. 24 May that year with h;s cousin James, son of Shubael Wentworth, by Rev. Peter Thacher of Milton, who was visiting the Canton church that day.) He m. 23 Sept., 1747, Catherine, dau. of William and Elizabeth With­ ington. He d. 23 Oct., 1819, in his 93d yr; she d. 17 March 1794, ae. 65. Their children seem to have been: James', William, Nathaniel, Jesse, Elijah, Catherine, Lemuel, and perhaps others. Of these William' m. Rebecca Tilden, and left Rebecca' 2nd Cynthia, the former of whom m. Richard Talbot. These were par­ ents of the late Hon. Newton Talbot, a schoolmate of my father, to whom I was indebted for genealogical information. Nathaniel' and Jesse' removed to Maine. Lemuel', unm. served in the Revo­ lutionary War. Catherine", wife of Jesse Pierce, was mother of Col. Jesse, and gr. mother of the late Henry L. and Edward L. Pierce of Milton. vi. HANNAH SMITH, b. 8 Dec., 1729; bapt. 4 Jan., 1730-31; m. Na­ thaniel, son of Dea. Nathaniel Holmes, 3 April, 1751. Of their daughters, Hannah m. Jeremiah, son of Robert Vose, and d. 13 May 1843, ae. 91. The statement has been made that she had 14 children, 90 gr. children, and 104 gt. gr. children, 11, 73, and 83 of whom, respectively, were living when she died, and also one of the fifth generation. vii. JESSE SMITH, b. 15 June 1737. (Note the hiatus between his birth and that of his sister Hannah.) His name, perhaps, was from Jesse Hawes, nephew of Mary (Hawes) Smith, who had died in 1734. The name was kept in later Smith families.

10. JAMES4 HAWES (James, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 18 Nov., 1711 and bapt. 4 May 1712. At the age of eight years, on the death of his father, 14 March 1719-20, he had Thomas Bird, his mother's cousin, for guardian. A Colonial war service (Mass. Archives, Vol. 95 :327) probably refers to him, when a James Hawes of Stoughton, 27 April 1757, was serv­ ing in Capt. Ebenezer Man's Co., Col. Miller's regiment. The will of John Dunkin (Duncan), Worcester Co. Probate, No. 17929, dated at Worcester, 30 Nov., 1739, gives to his son-in­ law, James Hawes, 10 shillings, and mentions his granddaughter Rebecca, child of his daughter Joanna. Worcester Deeds (Vol. 48 RICHARD HA WES

14:51) recites a deed from the Duncan children, including James Hawes, cordwainer, to their honored mother, Sarah Duncan, widow of John Duncan, weaver; signed 15 Sept., 1740. Worcester town records (1714-1806) give the death of Joanna, wife of James Hawes, 14 March 1737-8, aged 23. Hazen's Billerica has a John Dunkin (d. in 1690) who m. Joanna, dau. of Henry Jefts. Shem. (2) Benjamin Dutton. With two of her children she was killed by the indians in 1692. John2 Dunkin, b. 28 Oct., 1678; m. Sarah3 Dutton (John, Thomas), 16 June 1701. Their children, recorded at Billerica, correspond with those of the Worcester deed of 1739. Children of James and Joanna (Dunkin) Hawes: i. REBECCA"; mentioned in 1739. From the First Baptist Church rec­ ords of Boston, we learn that she was admitted, 7 June 1742; m. Mr. Goodwin; dismissed to another locality.

11. STEPHEN4 HAWES (Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Dorchester (perhaps in Roxbury, as the record is in both places) 3 Nov., 1707. He lived in the part of Stoughton later known as Sharon. He was serving as constable in 1741. He was a partner in the so-called Land Bank, 1740 (Gen. Reg. Vol. 50; 197). Suffolk Deeds, 66 :177. Stephen Hawes, his wife Sarah, and Elizabeth Hawes (his mother) are grantors of land, 14 Dec., 1742, to Increase Sumner, said land being in Roxbury, and the dowry of Elizabeth, the mother; Elizabeth Hawes, Jr., a witness. Vol. 69 :268. Stephen Hawes of Stoughton to Benjamin Bird of Dorchester "for 285 oz. of coined silver, troy weight, of sterling alloy", together with "the Pigeon Swamp", house, barn, and 46 acres of land in Stoughton; dated 2 April 1745, and witnessed by Samuel and Ebenezer Withington. The late Solomon Talbott of Sharon told me that Stephen Hawes bought his home place there, a house and 40 acres, of Isaac Cum­ mings, in 17 42 ( Suffolk Deeds, Vol. 66 :44). This farm was located one half mile north of the North schoolhouse, on the Canton road, where an old cellar-hole was lately to be seen. Information con­ cerning this large family was gathered from several sources : the late Mrs. Solomon Talbott and Miss Rebecca Hawes, both descend­ ants of Stephen; from my grandparents and gt. aunt Gill, who called Stephen their great-uncle; from a deed, dated 1782, and given under Stephen5 Hawes; and from the voluminous will of John, son of this Stephen. Stephen Hawes d. (Sharon records) 26 April; bur. 28 April, 1774. He m. in Dorchester, Rev. Mr. Bowman officiating, 3 Dec., 1736, Sarah, b. 4 Oct., 1716; d. a widow, in Sharon, 4 June, bur. 7 June, 1782, "in her 68th yr." (g. s.) She was the dau. of Benjamin3 (Thomas, Thomas) and his wife Johannah (Harris) Bird. Ben­ jamin Bird was a man of prominence in Dorchester, served at differ- FOURTH GENERATION 49 ent times, as constable, selectman, and representative. In his will he mentioned his dau. Sarah Hawes. She was admitted to the Canton church, from another, in 1747. Children of Stephen and Sarah (Bird) Hawes, the first four recorded in Dorchester, the rest in Stoughton: i. STEPHEN', b. 3 Nov. bapt. 13 Nov., 1737; d. 16 July 1756 (Mass. Archives, Vol. 94 and Vol. 95) His name is on a return, dated at Milton, 23 July 1756, in Col. Samuel Miller's reg. in the Crown Point expedition; also on a descriptive list, age 20, dated at Fort William Henry. On another list, reported dead. It states that he served to 16 July. ii. SARAH, b. 13 July, bapt. 15 July, 1739; m. (Roxbury VR) 24 Jan., 1771, William Bosson. They were both living, per deed of 1782 (Vol. 146: 147) when he was styled "barber, of Roxbury". They had: 1. NANCY BossoN; m...... Shaw, with a son, Sampson Shaw, named in the will of his gt. uncle, John" Hawes, 1813. 21. iii. JOHN, b. 29 Dec., 1740; bapt. 4 Jan., 1741. 21a. iv. MARY, b. 29 June, bapt. 4 July 1742. 21b. v. HANNAH, b. in Stoughton, 14 Feb., bapt. 29 Feb., 1743-4. vi. JosEPH, a twin, b. 5 Dec., bapt. 18 Dec., 1745; d. in Sharon, 5 May 1774, "in his 29th yr". (g.s.) 22. vii. BENJAMIN, a twin, b. and bapt. as above. 22a. viii. ELIZABETH, b. 20 July, bapt. 26 July 1747. ix. SusANNA, b. 23 May, bapt. 28 May 1749; d. at Petersham, 1819; m. as his second wife, Amos Stone, 8 Jan. 1789 (Newton VR). He was son of Capt. and Dea. Jonas Stone, b. in Watertown, 6 May 1753; d. at Petersham, 19 June 1802, "ae. 50 yrs". (g.s.) In the deed of 1782 she was styled "spinster, of Newton"; in the will of 1813, "to my sister Susanna Stone". 23. x. JoNATHAN, a twin, b. 30 June, bapt. 8 July 1751. x,. J oHANN A, a twin, b. as above, and bapt. the same. She m. ( Rox·• bury VR) 11 June 1789, Isaac Bradley. In the deed of 1782 she is "spinster, of Stoughtonham". Neither she nor any heirs are men­ tioned in the will of 1813. Alexander• Bradley (John, Nathan) b. in Dorchester, 26 Jan., 1718-19; d. 1765; m. and lived in Braintree. 19 July 1765, Mary Bradley of Braintree, widow of Alexander, cordwainer, was made admx. of his estate, and Moses Baker was appointed guardian of Joshua, Daniel, Ebenezer, and Mary, the children, all minors. On 11 March 1768, the widow was made guardian of her son, Isaac Bradley, aged 14, Nathaniel and Ebenezer Niles of Braintree being on her bond. Isaac Bradley, Roxbury, a private in Capt. Ebenezer Battles' Co., Col. Jonathan Titcomb's reg., had a brief war record in 1777. (The above from Suffolk Probate Vol. 64: 399, Vol. 66: 342 and Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolu­ tion.) xii. ANNA; bapt. 8 July 1753; m. (Dorchester VR) 29 Oct., 1772, Capt. Henry Hoskins, of No. Carolina. Both are mentioned in the deed of 1782, but not in the will of 1813. They lived in the South. The name of Hoskins was early in Dorchester, John Hoskins being of the church in 1631; freeman, 1634. In the Genealogical columns of the Boston Evening Transcript, 1901 (x4572), the statement is made that Christopher Hoskins m. 1727, Susanna, dau. of Thomas and Mary Millens, of Boston. Among their chil­ dren enumerated is Henry, who m. (above date) "Mrs". Ann Hawes. (Her title appears in the marriage record.) 23a. xiii. PATIENCE, b. 17 May, bapt. 18 May 1755. 24. xiv. STEPHEN (again), b. 13 Dec., bapt. 23 Dec., 1757. so RICHARD HA WES

12. JoHN4 HAWES (Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Dor­ chester, 27 July 1715. He was nearly eight years younger than his brother Stephen, and about twenty-two when his father died. He may have. been early in Stoughtonham, like others of his relatives, but finally settled in the Canton sec­ tion, in what is now the village of North Stoughton. When Canton became a separate town in 1793, his home was still in Canton, but a change of town lines after his death put the homestead (later known as the Jeremiah Tucker place) in Stoughton. The writer has in his possession old deeds whereon his signature is "John Haws". Because another 3 John Hawes (John ) of Edward's line and his son, John4, the former with a wife Margaret, the latter with wife Amy Morgan, both figure on the Stoughton records at this time, it is often difficult to distinguish them. Suffolk Deeds ( 75 :5). John Hawes, Stoughton, to Eliakim Pitcher, for 250 pounds, land bounded west by the Indian line (Rackoon swamp mentioned); dated 1747 and signed with wife Sarah Hawes; Peter Niles, a witness. Vol. 106 :98. John Haws, yeoman, to Jonathan Capen, SO acres ; bounded by George Talbot, west by Indian land, north by Monk's meadow; by Capt. Wales. Signed with wife Sarah, 21 May 1754. This SO acres was acquired by deed ( 105 :258) from Eliakim and Esther Pitcher, 1 May 1751. An earlier deed shows the acquire­ ment of the Hawes homestead (105:260), dated 7 Nov., 1740; ackn. before Benjamin Bird, 30 May 1748. Thomas Clap, cord­ wainer of Dorchester, for 300 pounds, to John Hawes of Dor­ chester, 120 acres in Stoughton, bounded north by John Baker, east on Bear swamp, south by land of Ebenezer Clap & the 9th lot in the 25 Divisions, west by the 16th lot and the Indian line; said land is described by an indenture of division, but not on record. Signed by Thomas Clap, and Elizabeth, wife of Thomas. As old age came on, John Hawes assigned his property to son Elisha who was to care for his parents ( Suffolk Deeds, 151 :76). This deed describes the place "on the road from York to Bridgewater"; recorded, 16 Sept., 1785. Two years later the son met a tragic death. His widow cared for the old people fifteen years and more, according to the agreement of the deed. The amount in this deed, 10,000 pounds, sounds large, but it will be remembered that after "the War" money was greatly depreciated. The date of the death of this John Hawes is not recorded. The late Ellis Ames, Esq., of Canton, from tax lists, judged that it wa,s in 1799. Family tradition that he died from an infected hand, aged 84, would seem to confirm this date. John Hawes and Sarah Niles were m. 6 Nov., 1744. She was b. 31 May 1717, and survived her husband some seven years. She was dau. of John3 (Increase, John) and Margaret (Nash) Niles, of the Randolph Precinct of Brain­ tree. Mr. and Mrs. Hawes were buried in the old Canton ceme­ tery. FOURTH GENERATION 51

Stoughton town records give a war record to this John Hawes, father, and John, his son. As the other John Hawes (Dedham family) was not living in Stoughton so late, there can be little doubt about it. Mass. Archives (95-341) may refer to this John Hawes, "on Training band list", dated, Stoughton, 3 May 1757, in Stephen Miller's Co., Col. Miller's regiment. John Hawes owned the covenant (Canton church) 16 June 1745, and his wife Sarah was added to the church the same day. Children of John and Sarah (Niles) Hawes (Canton VR): 25. i. JoHN 5 b. 19 March 1744-5; bapt. 16 June 1745. 25a. ii. ELIZABETH, b. 14 Oct., bapt. 7 Dec., 1746. 26. 111. ELISHA, b. 5 Feb., 1747-8. 27. iv. LEVI, b. 29 March, bapt. 3 June 1750. v. JUDAH, b. 26 Oct., 1751; bapt. 29 March 1752; d. unm., Dec., 1772 ( church record). 27a. vi. SARAH, b. 2 Nov., bapt. after 18 Nov., 1753. vii. An infant ; d. 17 55 ( church rec.)

12a. EuzABETH 4 HAWES (Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Dorchester, 2 Oct., 1717; d. there 8 Sept., 1747. "in her 30th yr." She m. 23 Dec., 1742, Rev. Jonathan Bowman officiat­ ing, Abijah, b. 23 Jan., 1716-17; d. 6 Oct., 1804, "aged 88"; son of Edward3 (James, Edward) and Patience (Bird) White, of Dorchester. This Dea. Abijah White m. (2) Mary Holmes, 2 Feb., 1748-9. She d. 23 April 1784, "in her 81st yr." On his grave in the Uphams Corner Yard, is the pious quotation: "Blest are the dead that die in the Lord accord­ ing to His holy word". Much might be inserted here concerning these Whites, a well known family of early Dorchester. Everett Park White, a descendant of this line, A. B., 1873, Tufts College, and a college mate of the writer, d. in Melrose, 14 April 1882. Children of Abijah and Elizabeth (Hawes) White: i. SAMUEL5 WHITE, b. 20 Nov., 1743; d. 30 May 1784. ii. JAMES WHITE, b. 10 Feb., 1745-6. iii. ABIJAH WHITE, JR., b. 4 March 1746-7; d. 6 Oct., 1817, "ae. 70". His wife, Mrs. Lois White, d. 4 May 1829, "ae. 77". FIFTH GENERATION

13. 0BADIAH5 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Sharon district of Stoughton, 12 June 1729. After his marriage he removed to New Hampshire, where I trace his career by means of recorded deeds. State Archives, Vol. 64 :36. Obadiah Hawse of Derryfield ( old name for Man­ chester) to James Vose of Bedford ; land in Goffstown described; dated at Bedford, 24 March 1761; witnessed by Matthew Patten, J. P. Vol. 99 :489. Obadiah Hawes of Goffstown to James Vose, Bedford, land in Goffstown; signed 4 March 1762; witnessed by Samuel Richardson and Ebenezer Johnson. At Nashua Registry, Vol. 10:460. Samuel Griggs of Roxbury to Obadiah Hawse of Goffstown, land in Goffstown, 140 acres; signed 16 Feb., 1773. Vol. 5 :394. Obadiah Haws of Goffstown, husbandman, to John Richardson of Woobarn, part of lot no. 5, in the 7th range of Goffstown, and on the north side of Piscataquay River, 40 acres; signed 22 Dec., 1777. Vol. 10 :45. Obadiah Hawes of Weare, Hillsborough Co., for 558 pounds, to John Caldwell McNeill, of the same, "all my lands and half of my interest in a sawmill on the Piscataquay." Signed with wife Tabethey Hawes, 15 June 1780. Vol. 11 :459. Obadiah Hawse of Alexandria, Grafton Co., yeo­ man, to Samuel Rowell of New Boston, land in Weare, 40 acres; signed alone, 1 Oct., 1781.; Nathan Hawse, a witness. After a short stay in Weare and Alexandria, Obadiah probably returned to Goffstown, where the Census of 1790 records him as Obadiah Flaws (but alphabetically among the H's), with a family of 2 males over 16 and one female. At that date he would be 61 yrs. of age. The marriage of Obadiah Hawes and Tabitha Richardson, "both of Stoughton", as recorded, was 10 May 1750, by Rev. Philip Curtis (Sharon VR). From the Richardson Memorial, by Vinton, we learn that Dea. Nathaniel Richardson m. as his second wife, 3 July 1729, Tabitha, dau. of Samuel2 Kendall. Of the children, were Tabitha Richardson, b. in Woburn, 14 April 1730, and John Richardson, b. 5 Feb., 1731-2. (Observe deed of 1777, above.) Obadiah may have survived Tabitha and married again, as the N. H. records at Concord have: Obadiah Hawes and Hannah Woodward, both of Wendell, were m. by Whittier Perkins, J. P.,. 25 March 1800. She was probably related to Squire Woodward, to be mentioned later. A grandson informed me that Obadiah and Tabitha had but three sons, Nathan, Nathaniel, and John. From the long line of Obadiahs we might expect a son of that name, who would account better for this marriage with Hannah Woodward. Another member of this family named three daughters. With the addition of a "FA11:ILY AFFAIRS"


Tabitha and a Deborah, both somewhat conjectural, we construct the family as follows, without reference to order of birth: 28. i. NATHAN', b. about 1761 or 1762 (Family account). 29. ii. NATHANIEL. 30. iii. JOHN. 30a. iv. TABITHA. 30b. v. LucY, b. 14 April 1757. 30c. vi. LYDIA, b. in Fishersfield, N. H., 12 Nov., 1769. vii. MARY; rn. Abram Wells, of Hatley, P. Q. Perhaps he was a con­ nection of Moses Wells ("Forest and Clearings", p. 181). The late Mrs. Sophronia Hawes, of Hatley, P. Q., informed me that Nathaniel' came to Canada when his older children were small, and that he had three sisters, one of whom m. Christopher Wood­ ward, one m. Mr. Rowell, and the third m. Abram Wells. There was a brother John, and all these m. before coming to Hatley. viii. DEBORAH ( ?) The Diary of Matthew Patten, of Bedford, N. H. (1754-1788), whose name appears in connection with the deeds quoted above, under date of 22 Dec., 1770 (p. 257) has the fol­ lowing: "I finished a pair of Timbles for Debb Haws for which she is to spin cotton." Minor references to Obadiah Haws appear through the Diary, as on pp. 92, 104, & 124.

13a. SARAH 5 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard), b. 28 June 1732; m. by Rev. Jason Haven, 3 Nov., 1757, Samuel Lauchlen, both of Dedham. For a time their home was in Roxbury; later, judging from deeds at Nashua, they lived in New Hampshire. Suffolk Pro., Vol. 33 :546. John Metcalf, Esq., of Dedham, was made guardian of Samuel Louchlen, aged about 4, son of Thomas, late of Boston, mariner, de­ ceased, 28 June 1738. From Vol. 50 :600, it appears, 10 Oct., 1750, that the young Samuel had received a legacy of 50 pounds from Thomas Steele, Esq. Samuel was admitted to the Dedham church, 19 June 1757, and his wife Sarah, 6 June 1760. The children, recorded there were: i. SAMUEL LAUCHLIN, b. 10 Oct., bapt. 15 Oct., 1758. ii. MARY LAUCHLIN, b. 15 May, bapt. 18 May 1760. iii. SARAH LAUCHLIN, b. 15 Dec., bapt. 19 Dec., 1761. 1v. ANNA LAUCHLIN; bapt. 2 Feb., 1766. (From History of Littleton, N. H., Vol. 3: 77) William, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Brack­ ett, b. in Dedham, 7 May 1762; m. 22 Nov., 1784, Anna Lauchlin, b. 26 Dec., 1765, dau. &c.; removed to Sudbury. v. NATHANIEL LAUCHLIN; bapt. 19 June 1768. Deeds in Suffolk Registry show that Samuel was a tanner. He or his son, or both, had a Revolutionary service. Hillsborough Co. Deeds (23 :113). Samuel Lauchlin of Sudbury, tanner, to Willis Hall of Medford, land "that was my honored mother's, the widow Ann Lauchlin, one of the heirs of Samuel Allen"; 1784. Vol. 23 :291. Samuel Lauchlin of Concord, tanner, "agent of the heirs of Samuel Allen, Esq."; 1786. Consult also Vol. 22 :29, 198, 319.

13b. REBECCA 5 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 21 May 1735. She m. Probably (Wrentham VR) Jan., 54 RICHARD HAWES

1761, Isaac Richardson. Of the Wrentham Haweses there is no one to whom this marriage can apply. Her brother Obadiah (above) m. a Richardson. Wrentham records give Isaac, son of Samuel and Sarah Richardson, b. 22 June 1735. Suffolk Deeds, 100 :131. Samuel Scott, Esther Scott, Mary, widow of Joshua Smith, Sarah, widow of David Wight, and Elizabeth Scott, to Isaac Richardson of Wren­ tham, 70 acres; 19 July 1758. Vol. 104:184. Isaac Richardson of Wrentham, bricklayer, to Ebenezer Messenger; a deed signed with wife Rebecca, 10 Jan., 1765; Jeremiah Cobb and Samuel Scott, witnesses. Norfolk Deeds, 1 :257. John Hawes, Wrentham, from Isaac Richardson & Rebecca, his wife. Revolutionary War Records: Isaac Richardson, private in Capt. Lemuel Kollock's Co., Col. John Smith; marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; also a private in Capt. Child's Co., Col. Bond's reg. He was reported dead, 10 Oct. If so, it was another Isaac, for the Gen. Reg. for 1911, among Foxborough "Warnings", has Isaac Richardson, his wife Rebecca, and his children, Isaac, Unice, Lois, and Olive; 4 April 1783. The following, which may relate to Isaac, Jr., is interesting for certain names in the account: Suffolk Pro., Vol. 94 :576 and Vol. 95; 106. John James, Boston, rigger, admr. of estate of Isaac Richardson, late of Boston, mariner, 8 Nov., 1796. An account rendered, 14 March 1797, includes payments to John Martin and Polly Martin; a watch reserved for his father. Children of this couple, recorded at Wrentham : i. REBECCA RICHARDSON, b. 21 D~c., 1761; d. 15 April 1830. ae. 68: 5: 4. She m. 27 Dec., 1781, Jeremiah, son of Thomas and Sarah Hartshorn, bapt. 24 Nov., 1754; d. 15 Dec., 1840. ii. IsAAc RICHARDSON, b. 28 March 1764. iii. EUNICE RICHARDSON, b. 5 April 1766. iv. Lowis (Lois) RICHARDSON, b. 5 Nov., 1768. v. OLIVE RICHARDSON, b. 17 March 1771.

14. ELEAZER5 HAWES (Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard), b. in Stoughton, 10 June 1731 (Canton Precinct), served in the Colonial Wars, as several references in the Massachusetts Archives reveal. Vol. 92 :146. Eleazer Hawse, on a roll, dated at Boston, 12 Nov., 1748 (when his father would have been over 40); served as "cen­ tinel" 28 weeks, S days; also, Vol. 93 : 1, serving S weeks, 2 days at Arundel. Later, Vol. 95 :32. Eleazer Haws, from Sutton, on a roll dated at Boston, 17 Feb., 1757, with rank of sergeant, on the Crown Point Expedition. Vol. 97 :121. Reported as age 27, from Sutton, 1759. Other references give his company, his commanding officers, and other terms of service. FIFTH GENERATION 55

Turning to Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 42 :383, we have, Stebins Comins of Sutton, husbandman, for :£213 :6 :8, selling to Eleazer Haws, of the same, 40 acres, with house, barn, etc. Signed 19 Dec., 1759. In a deed of 23 Feb., 1767, his wife Ruth signs with him. Several other deeds might be given. Worcester Probate, No. 28372, has the will of this Eleazer, signed 28 June 1776 and proved 1 June 1778, he of Worcester. It gives to his wife, and on her decease, to his surviving children in equal portions, except a double share to the eldest son ; to three daughters, Molly, Hannah, and Ruth, when 21; to the three younger sons, David, Stephen, and Ebenezer, when 21; they to dwell and labor with Elijah (eldest), until the age of 14, when they are to go to a trade and choose guardians; Elijah the exor. Witnesses, Levi Lincoln, James and William Trowbridge. 4 July 1780, Ebenezer Lowell was appointed guardian of David, aged 17, and William Trowbridge, of Ebenezer, aged 17, 3d March 1787. From the Sutton records: Eleazer Hawes and Ruth Comings were married 1 May 1753. She seems to have survived her husband. From the Cummings Memorial, p. 17, Stebbins Cummings, son of John and Susanna (Town) Cummings, of Ipswich and Topsfield, b. 1706; m. Ruth Giles of Salem Village. They removed to Sutton in 1732. His will of 1760 mentions his dau. Ruth Hawes. The His­ tory of Sutton says that Mr. Cummings was the first teetotaler in town, but his full temperament and florid complexion led strangers to think otherwise. His dau. Ruth was b. 16 May 1732. Children of Eleazer and Ruth (Cummings) Hawes, three recorded in Sutton, the rest in Worcester: 31. i. ELIJAH', b. 26 Aug., 1755. ii. MOLLY, b. 19 Oct., 1757; living in 1776. 32. iii. DAVID, b. 10 July 1763 (bapt. that date). 33. iv. STEPHEN, b. 13 March 1768. 34. v. EBENEZER, b. 1 April 1770. 34a. vi. HANNAH, b. 11 July 1773. vii. RuTH, b. about 1765. From Braintree, Vt. records: Ruth, dau. of Mr. Eleazer Hawes, d. 21 April 1811, in her 49th yr. (g. s.)

15. ELIJAH 5 HAWES (Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Canton section of Stoughton, 30 Nov., 1733. His home was in the Sharon precinct. Mass. Archives, Vol. 94 :8. Elijah Hawes, Stoughton, on a list dated 30 Sept., 1755; in Capt. Jeduthan Baldwin's Co., Col. Josiah Brown; in the Expedition against Crown Point; also, on a list (Vol. 95 :279) dated 18 April 1757, in Capt. Benj. Johnson's Co., Col. Miller; also, (Vol. 96 :465) on a roll, dated at Boston, 10 Feb., 1759, in Capt. Samuel Billings' Co., Col. Timothy Ruggles; a "centinel" from Stoughton; endorsed 1758. Several deeds relating to this Elijah may be found in the Suffolk Registry. Suffolk Probate, Vol. 68 :335, has the will of Elijah Hawes, 56 RICHARD HA WES yeoman, of Stoughtonham, dated 25 Sept., 1769; proved 27 Oct. following. It gives to wife Abigail, to Elijah ( only son), and to his three daus., Chloe, Eleanor, and Silence. He d. 8 Oct. (bur. 10 Oct.) 1769, "in his 36th year" (g. s.) His name was perpetuated in the families of later members of the clan. He m. 9 Oct., 1760, Rev. Philip Curtis officiating, Abigail, b. 25 Dec., 1740; d. 26 June (VR) or 27 June (g. s.) 1781, "in her 41st yr." She was dau. of Joseph4 (John, John, Richard) Everett and his wife Hannah, the dau. of James Richards. Elijah and wife Abigail were admitted to the church, 6 Sept., 1761. As the widow Hawes she m. (2) 16 Dec., 1773, Dea. Jacob Hewins of Sharon, who d. 20 July 1803, in his 75th year. By this union she was the mother of five children (recorded) and survived the birth of the youngest a little more than a month. Her sister, Catherine Everett, was the wife of Micah Allen, exor. of the will of Elijah Hawes. Her brother, Oliver Everett, was the father of Nancy, wife of Col. George Hawes, of the Wrentham line of Hawes. The estate of Elijah was not closed for some years, and his widow continued as guardian. Children of Elijah and Abigail (Everett) Hawes, b. in Stoughtonham: 6 i. CHLOE , b. 2 Nov., bapt. 8 Nov., 1761 (church), but 1762 (VR); m. Daniel Pratt. From Vol. 92: 177, of the Probate: Received of Micah Allen, exor. of the will of Elijah Hawes, &c. in full of our portion, including what has been received from Mr. Jacob Hewins and the widow of Elijah. Signed 23 March 1783, by Daniel and Chloe Pratt; Katy Pratt, a witness. ii. ELIJAH, b. 4 Sept., bapt. 12 Sept., 1763; d. 9 Nov. (Bur. 12 Nov.) 1769, "in his 7th yr." (and a month after his father's death) 34b. iii. ELEANOR, b. 19 July 1766. iv. SILENCE; bapt. 27 Aug., 1769; d. 7 Jan., following, "in her 5th month."

16. SAMUEL5 HAWES (Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard), bapt. Canton Church) between the 8th and 12th June 1738, like his brothers, Eleazer, Elijah and Jacob, served the King in Colonial Times. Mass. Archives, Vol. 94 :281. Sam Hawes, on a return, dated at Milton, 23 July 1756; in the Expedition against Crown Point of Col. Samuel Miller's regiment; called of Stoughton in a note. Vol. 94 :384. Samuel Haws: on a descriptive list of Capt. Nathaniel Blake's Co., Col. Jonathan Bagley's reg., dated at Fort William Henry, 9 Aug., 1756, a private, aged 18, a native resident of Stoughton. Vol. 96 :451. Samuel Hawes, on a roll, dated 19 Feb., 1759, of Stoughton, and endorsed 1758. There are other similar entries. A Samuel Hawes and Mary Scott were married (Dorchester VR) 17 April 1766. She was dau. of Ebenezer and Mary Scott of Milton, b. 24 Dec., 1748. Perhaps the Dorchester record refers to her: "--- Hawes, wife of --- Hawes, d., 8 Aug., 1801, residing in this town." FIFTH GENERATION 57

In the Revolutionary service I find no Samuel Hawes who seems to fit his case. He may have been the Samuel Hawes (Dorchester VR) who d. there, of small pox, 22 March 1775. But the Census of 1790, for the town of Plainfield, where his brother Jacob was living, gives a Samuel Hawes, with a family consisting of 2 males, over 16, 4 males under 16, and 2 females. I can find no other Samuel to whom this record could apply so well. Perhaps the small pox victim was a son, and another Samuel was born the same year. This account of the family, that follows, is most unsatisfactory. No doubt there were other children.

Children of Samuel and Mary (Scott) Hawes :

6 i. EBENEZER , b. Milton, 14 Dec., 1766; probably the Ebenezer Hawes who was drowned, 27 Oct., 1812, "ae. 45." (Dorchester VR). He was named both for his grandfather Scott and his father's brother. 35. ii. ELEAZER ( ? ) . 35a. iii. SALLY (Sarah), b. in Dorchester, 1773. 1v. SAMUEL(?) who d. of small pox, 22 March 1775. 36. v. SAMUEL. The Sherborn records state that he was b. in Dorchester, 1775: d. 29 Ang., 1852, "aged 78: 1 : 4." A descendant gave his birth, 14 July 1775, which would make his age at death more exactly, 77 : 1 : 15. 36a. vi. NATHANIEL(?) vii. "A child of Samuel Hawes d. 29 Feb., 1792. (Plainfield VR). viii. "A child of Samuel Hawes, d. 29 June 1794. (Plainfield VR). A Lucy Hawes ( unaccounted for), according to the Boyden Genea­ logy, p. 28, "of Stoughton", d. 12 Aug. 1855, in Gardner, age 72 (b. 1783). She m. Samuel• Boyden ( Samuel and Rachel Fales) b. 25 Sept., 1781; d. 30 Apr., 1824; m. in Boston, 15 Feb., 1807. They had a son, Samuel H. Boyden (Suffolk Pro. 175: 144).

17. JACOB 5 HAWES (Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stoughton (in the part which became Sharon), 3 May 1740. He too had a Colonial War record. Massachusetts Archives, Vol. 96: 100. Jacob Hawse, on a roll dated at Milton, 19 May 1758, Capt. Samuel Billings' Co.; enlisted 4 Apr. and served 49 days. Also, Vol. 96:465. Jacob Hawse, on a roll dated at Boston, 10 Feb., 1759; from Stoughton, "centinel"; served 2 mos. 26 days. Jacob Hawes of Stough­ tonham served in the Revolution ( Consult Mass. Soldiers and Sailors, Vol. VII). As a private, he marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775. In Col. Gill's reg., he marched with a company from Stoughtonham to Braintree, 22 March 1776. Jacob Hawes, "of Boston", married, 7 Feb., 1764, Rev. Philip Curtis officiating, Miss Elizabeth Hewins of Stoughton, b. 1737, dau. of Dea. Joseph and Catherine (Bird) Hewins ( intention, recorded in Boston, 6 Nov., 1763.) The births of six children are recorded at Sharon, after which ( date not found) this family re- 58 RICHARD HA WES

moved to Plainfield, in the western part of the State. The Census of 1790 gives a family of 2 males over 16, one male under 16, and 2 females. Mrs. Elizabeth Hawse, wife of Jacob, d. 19 March 1801. He m. again, 25 Nov., 1801, Mrs. Anne Carr, both of Plainfield. He d. there, 19 Aug., 1809 (These dates are from Plainfield records.) A deed at the Norfolk Registry, Vol. I :134, fixes the date of removal from Sharon to Plainfield later than I had supposed. Jacob Hawse of Sharon, yeoman, to Oliver Curtis, of the same, land bounded by Rev. Philip Curtis, a country road, &c. Signed with wife Elizabeth, 12 Jun 1786 and witnessed by Sarah and Lois Hawse. Children of Jacob and Elizabeth (Hewins) Hawes: 6 37. i. JACOB , b. 23 July 1766; bapt. 19 April 1767, at which date the parents were admitted to church membership. ii. SARAH, b. 8 March; bapt. 13 March 1768; m. in Plainfield (int. 12 July 1789), Joshua Shaw, Jr. of that town. Children recorded: i. RHODA SHAW, b. 28 Nov., 1790. ii. SALLY SHAW, b. 25 July 1795. iii. VARDIS SHAW, b. 27 July 1798. iv. PoLLY SHAW, b. 29 Nov., 1800. v. RODNEY SHAW, b. 25 Oct., 1803. iii. Lors, b. 1 April; bapt. 8 April 1770; m. 28 May 1795, at Plainfield Stephen Town of Windsor (recorded as Lucy Haws). iv. ABIGAIL; m. at Plainfield, 22 Sept., 1795, Peter Burroughs. 38. v. ELIJAH, b. 4 April 1775; bapt. same day. 39. vi. EBENEZER, b. 19 May 1781; bapt. same day.

18. EBENEZER5 HAWES (Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stoughtonham, 22 Nov., 1743. In the Census of 1790 he was of Brattleboro, Vt., when the family consisted of 1 male over 16, 3 males under 16, and 6 females. In the Census of 1800 there were 4 males and 6 females in the household. The late Mr. James Locke, of Baltimore, Md., was my informant concerning this family. He obtained the following record from a Mr. Akeley, of Brattleboro. In 1921 Mrs. C. P. Akeley was living there, at 224 Canal St., a descendant of Polly (Hawes) Harris. The first Brattleboro deed relating to Ebenezer Hawes, 2 Nov., 1768, records him of Sutton. Another deed, 27 Feb., 1809, con­ veys land from Ebenezer to his son, Samuel B. Hawes. On 4 April 1814, Ebenezer and Samuel B. Hawes deed house­ lot to Francis Orvis. After that Ebenezer seems to disappear from Brattleboro. He may have gone to live with some of his children. At that time he was 71. The name of his wife has not been learned, but the Harris Bible gives her death, 4 Sept., 1803, ae. 55, and that of Ebenezer Hawes, 17 Jan., 1823, aged 81. (On that date he would have been in his 80th yr.) Children of Ebenezer Hawes: 39a. i. PoLLY6 b. 16 Oct., 1773 (Bible rec., 9 Oct.) ii. HANNAH, b. 1 May 1775; d. unmarried in 1833, leaving a will, dated 1 May; proved 8 Aug., 1833, she of Brattleboro. The heirs FIFTH GENERATION 59

are to appear at the Inn of Paul Chase, where the will was ex­ hibited by Noah Harris, the exor. It gives to sister Polly, wife of Ezra Harris; to Eleanor, wife of Ezra Carpenter ; to Nancy, wife of Abner Carpenter; to Charlotte Harris; and the remainder to be in six equal shares, namely, for Polly Harris; Susan Haws; the children of Ebenezer Haws; Submit, wife of David (sic) Church­ ill; Eleanor Carpenter; and the five sons of Abner and Nancy Carpenter. m. SAMUEL B., b. 25 Aug., 1776; d. 1 July 1826, ae. 49: 10: 5. His heirs, if any, were not mentioned in the will of 1833. 1v. THANKFUL, b. 25 Oct., 1779; d. 12 Nov., 1787. v. SusANNAH, b. 25 April 1781; unm. in 1833. 40. v1. EBENEZER, JR., b. 6 Oct., 1783. vii. SUBMIT, b. 23 March 1785. By the will of 1833 she was the wife of David Churchill, but the Genealogy of that family makes her wife of Daniel Churchill. viii. ELEANOR, b. 25 Jan., 1787; living, 1833, wife of Ezra Carpenter. 0 The Genealogy, p. 587, calls him Ezra' , of Hanover, N. H. ix. NANCY, b. 17 Dec., 1788. As the wife of Abner Carpenter, she was the mother of five sons in 1833. The Genealogy, p. 260, states that Abner, son of James', m. "Hannah" Hawes in Brattleboro, Vt. and migrated to Penn., where he died, but not before marrying(2) "a widow, whose farm adjoined his". x. GARDNER, b. 3 Dec., 1790; not mentioned in the will of 1833. xi. RoxA, b. 17 May 1793; d. 24 Dec., 1794. The old Bible referred to was printed and published by Holbrook & Fessenden, Brattleboro, Vt., 1826.

19. WILLIAM 5 HAWES (Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Sharon section of Stoughton, 19 May, and bapt. 27 May 1753. We first find him in Milton, the home of his mother's people, with a military service. (Vol. VII of Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolution.) William Haws, private in Capt. John Robinson's Co., Col. Benj. Gill; serving in March 1776, guarding stores at the mouth of the Milton River. Also, a private in Capt. John Spur's Co., Col. Thomas Nixon's (6th) reg., being the Continental Army pay account for service from 1 Feb., 1777 to 31 Dec., 1779, for the town of Milton. Also, on a return signed at camp near Peekskill, 16 Feb., 1779. Also, on a pay account for service from 1 Jan., 1780 to 14 Feb., 1780. These entries will serve as samples. At Milton William married, about 1773, Esther Smith, b. there, 12 April 1758, dau. probably, of Abijah and Amity Smith. Abijah d. 14 Dec., 1790, and his widow, 30 April 1791, ae. 85. The births of two children of William and Esther are recorded at Milton. Like his brothers, he moved to the westward, and we find him next in Bernardston, near the Vermont border. (Consult Kellogg's History of Bernardston). In a church meeting there, he voted in 1783. His residence may not have been continuous, for in 1790 William Hawes, "a transient person", is mentioned on a list of warnings. The family next removed to Brookfield, Vt., where some of the younger chil­ dren were born. Mr. Hawes d. in the adjoining town of Braintree, Vt., 21 April 1804. Mrs. Esther Hawes, his widow, m. Icabod Hyde of Brookfield, where she d. 13 Nov., 1814. Most of the dates in 60 RICHARD HA WES this sketch c!,re from family records, which seem to agree that she d. 31 Nov. that year. One account names Joshua Hyde as her second husband. Probate District of Chelsea, Vt., has the administration of William's estate, he of Braintree, granted 27 April 1804 to Job Mann. The widow and four small chn. are mentioned, Elisha, Electa, Harve, and Calvin. Children of William and Esther (Smith) Hawes: 40a. i. POLLY', b. in Milton, 12 June 1775 (VR). 40b. ii. ESTHER, b. 12 March 1777 (Milton VR). 41. iii. WILLIAM, b. 1 Sept., 1779 (family account). 41a. iv. EUNICE, b. 11 Aug., 1781 (family account). v. THANKFUL, b. 7 Oct., 1783; nothing further found. 41b. vi. HULDAH, b. 24 Dec., 1785 (or 25 Dec.) 42. vii. ELEAZER, b. 7 Feb., 1788. 43. viii. ELIJAH, b. 22 June 1790. ix. CALVIN, b. 4 May 1791; had Justin Bigelow for his guardian, 9 Apr., 1811, at Brookfield; nothing further found. 43a. x. CLARISSA, b. 10 June 1794. xi. ALPHEUS, b. 29 June 1796; nothing further found. xii. ELISHA, b. 20 April 1798; had Nathaniel Wheatley, Brookfield, for his guardian, 2 June 1805; nothing further found. 43b. xiii. ELECTA ("Leety"), b. 4 (6?) July 1800. 44. xiv. HERVEY, b. 18 (19?) June 1802. The Census of 1790 locates this William Hawes in Bernardston, when the family consisted of 1 male over 16, 3 males under 16, and 3 females.

20. DESIRE5 HAWES (Desire, James, Obadiah, Richard) was bapt. (Dorchester church) 7-14 July 1728, but perhaps not in extreme infancy. As his mother d. nine years after this date, and his father, supposedly, in 1742, it would be interesting to know how and where the young Desire passed his boy­ hood. The next we know of him he was living in Boston, had married, and was a father in 1746. As a young widower, he m. again, 6 Oct., 1748, by Rev. Andrew Eliot. Silence5, b. in Dorchester, 21 Oct., 1728, dau. of James4 and Silence (Butt) Swift. There may have been some connection between the families of Hawes and Swift, for Capt. Roger Clap, in his will, calls Thomas2 Swift and Constance (Hawes) Dewey his cousins. We have no record of the death of Desire or of Silence, but as he was not engaged in Colonial or Revolutionary service, the inference is that they d. soon after the birth of their sixth recorded child ( 1761). In Suffolk Court Files we find allusions of a minor character to this Desire Hawes. From these we learn that he was a "caulker", engaged, probably, by some of Boston's merchants in their mari­ time ventures; in 1757 he was living near Lyman St. at the North End, with Hannah Young, widow, for a landlady, who gave him "access to a piece of garden adjoining". Widow Young seems to have kept a shop, and some of her charges, "taken from the chalk FIFTH GENERATION 61 score", were for bread, sugar, tea, etc., and in payment Desire was credited "by cash of Mr. Rudduck", by 5 ft. of wood, by 4 yds. taffaty, etc. In 1760 he had an unpaid account with Wm. Wingfield, mariner, and his wife Abiel, who, the previous year was Mrs. Abiel Page. Desire had patronized the "hugster's" shop of another widow, Sarah Bomer, who acknowledged full satisfaction on a charge of six pounds, "for sundries for the use of his family". Children of Desire and Mary --- Hawes : 6 i. ]AMES , b. 26 Oct., 1746 (Boston VR); probably d. young. Children of Desire and Silence (Swift) Hawes, as taken from the New North Church of Boston, where she owned the Covenant, 3 Sept., 1749: ii. MARY; bapt. 29 Oct., 1749. A Mary Hawes was admitted, 5 July 1772, to the First Baptist Church; dismissed later. From Boston Directory of 1800: Mary A. Hawes had a shop on Fish St. Edward Hawes (her brother?) was living there in 1798. iii. ]AMES; bapt. 16 June 1751; probably d. young. iv. ]AMES; bapt. 9 Sept., 1753. Did he m. 6 Feb., 1776, Sarah Trout (Boston VR)? v. WILLIAM; bapt. 30 May 1756. I give him a Revolutionary War rec­ ord: William Hawes, also William, Jr., Boston, a private in Capt. Hawes's Co. of harness makers, serving from 1 April 1778 to 31 Dec., 1779; also, harness maker, on a return, dated at Spring­ field; residence, Boston, enlisted 1 June, 1778; also, in Capt. Hawes's Co., serving from 1 June 1780 to 31 Dec., 1780. (His captain was William Sargent Hawes, Boston, of the Edmund Hawes line.) There are other entries like these. He was called "Jr." probably, to distinguish him from his cap­ tain, who also was his employer in ca;-riage making. Certainly Capt. Hawes; bapt. in Boston, 29 Dec., 1745 and m. there, 30 Jan., 1766, could not have been this soldier's father. This William, after the War, may have continued to reside in Springfield, and a court record (Superior Ct. at Boston, 160141) may refer to him: James Latham of ye Manor of Livingston Co. of Albany, physi­ cian, recovered judgment of \;Villiam Hawes, late of Springfield, "chaze maker", dated 3 Tues. Nov., 1784. Another court file, No. 67815, records a warrant to attach the goods of William Hawes, coachmaker, dated 20 Aug., 1792. He had neglected to pay his board (at 9 shillings per week) amount­ ing to eleven pounds, to one Charles Gavet, hairdresser of Boston; time covered from Feb. to Aug., for "Meet, drink, washing & lodging". This could not apply to the elder William, who was then married and living in his own house. 45. vi. EDWARD; bapt. 5 March 1758. vu. SILENCE; bapt. 25 Jan., 1761; nothing further found. 21. JoHN 5 HAWES (Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Dorchester, 29 Dec., 1740, and is deserving of more than an ordinary notice in these pages. He has been distinguished from the many other Johns as the philanthropist of South Boston, where his benefactions are still being applied, from the fund which he established. One may find there the Hawes Place Church and the Hawes School. A eulogistic sermon was preached on the Sunday after his funeral, 1 Feb., 1829, by Rev. Lemuel Capen (of the Hawes Place Society). We 62 RICHARD HA WES

quote from it the speaker's estimate of the man: "Naturally retiring and unobtrusive, Mr. Hawes sought neither influ­ ence, favor, nor promotion from any quarter. He carefully attended to his own concerns without busying himself at all with those of others. Still, he was neither morose in his temper nor unsocial in his manners". On the removal of his parents and the rest of the family to Sharon, he remained in Dorchester, where he lived with his maternal grandfather, Benjamin Bird. In his will he styles himself yeoman. A nephew, in a letter, speaks of him as a farmer. It is certain that he owned much land, especially in South Boston ( set off from Dor­ chester), and much of it was disposed of to advantage. The Registry of Deeds records so many transactions in connection with the name of this John Hawes, grantor or grantee, that it would be a hope­ less task to abbreviate them. These are at Boston ( Suffolk Reg.) and at Dedham (Norfolk Reg., which was set off from Suffolk Co. in 1793). Extracts from Boston City Documents (1818-1822), Vol. 39. At a meeting of the Selectmen, 23 June 1819, John Hawes, Esq., having presented a lot of land, 100 feet on Broadway, at So. Boston, and 145 feet deep, for the purpose of a public market-place, the Board accepts and instructs the chairman to have a deed drawn. 29 July he reported that Mr. Hawes had executed a deed. Mr. Hawes's will, dated 23 Oct., 1813, contains many bequests, both public and private. The bulk of the property was left to be managed by a board of trustees, for the benefit of the church where he worshiped. It was witnessed by Abraham Gould, Micajah Pope, and Cyrus Alger. The executors and trustees named were Ebenezer Everett, Henry Gardner, and James Humphrey. The first and second named declined to serve. The will was contested by Joseph Hawes, of Walpole, an heir-at-law, and others. The court decided against them and they paid the costs. An inventory was taken by Horatio M. Willis, William Clap, and Richard Clap. Bequests to his brothers and sisters will be referred to under their names. His wife was remembered generously, but she died before him. Of her relatives, mention is made of Mrs. Beba Bird, widow of Jonathan and sister of Mrs. Hawes; of Hannah Beals, wife of Jacob and dau. of Thomas Bird, deceased, a brother of Mrs. Hawes; of Ezekiel and Samuel Bird, her brothers; of John Hawes Houghton, son of John Houghton; of the children of his wife's deceased sister, Ann Wil­ liams; of Eunice, wife of Caleb Williams; of John Hawes Bird, son of Jonathan, deceased, 4 acres at Little Neck and 4 acres on the road to Fort Independence (he not yet 21). To Abel Hewins of Boston, a lot of 18 acres in So. Boston, "on an old way leading to Powow Point". After his death this lot shall be held in trust by the three trustees as a place for a hospital, or any other similar institu­ tion and the income to collect for the same. (Has this provision ever been carried out?) To the three trustees ( in trust) eight acres where his house stands, one half the income of which is for the Gospel ministry of the Congregational denomination (he had in FIFTH GENERATION 63

1807 given the land on which the church was built), and one half the income for the public schools ; the chosen trustees to be followed by their successors. Several other bequests of a minor nature follow. It is more than probable that the subject of this sketch saw service in the Revolutionary struggle. References in Vol. VII, Mass. Soldiers and Sailors, &c., can apply to no other John Hawes so well. John Hawes, Dorchester, a private in Capt. Oliver Billings' Co., which assembled 19 April 1775; a service of 4 days. John Hawes, a private in Capt. Lemuel Clap's Co., Col. Benj. Gill; enlisted 14 March 1776; also, same Co., enlisted 13 June that year (both short services) ; also, the same Co. was ordered to Castle Island, 1 March 1778 (short service); and in same Co. he enlisted again, 11 April 1779; discharged, 31 Jan., 1780; also, same Co. he enlisted 1 Aug., 1780; discharged 16 Oct. ( stationed at Dorchester Heights, right in his own neighborhood). "Mr. John Hawes died 26 Jan., 1829, ae. 88 yrs. Mrs. Sarah Hawes, his wife, died 13 Aug., 1822, ae. 81 yrs. (Interred in the family tomb at Uphams Corner) John Hawes m. 17 Oct., 1782 (he was then 42) Mrs. Sarah Clap, both of Dorchester, Rev. Moses Everett officiating. She was Sarah4 Bird, b. 7 Apr., 1741, dau. of Thomas3 (James, Thomas) and Mary (Clap) Bird. She m. (1) 17 June 1773, Elisha5 Clap, son of Ebenezer and Hannah (Pierce) Clap, b. 10 June 1743; d. 14 Aug., 1775. The following tablet is on the Hawes Place Church:


21a. MARY 5 HA WES ( Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Dorchester 29 June 1742; d. (Walpole VR) 15 April 1789 ; m. ( Boston VR), by Rev. Jonathan Bowman, 9 Jan., 1762, John Day, of Walpole, b. 16 Nov., 1734; d. 19 Oct., 1771, the son of Jeremiah, Jr., and Mary (Aldridge) Day. In the deed of 1782 she is styled widow, of Walpole. From the will of her brother John ( 1813) : "To the children of my sister Mary Day, as are living". Children of John and Mary (Hawes) Day (Walpole VR): i. SARAH 6 DAY, b. 28 Nov., 1764; d. 20 Nov., 1775. 11. MARY DAY, b. 31 March 1766; m. Silas Fairbanks (intention at Franklin, 1 July 1784). iii. SusANNA DAY, b. 9 Nov., 1767. iv. NANCY DAY, b. Dec., 1769. v. JoHN, b. 28 Oct., 1771. v,. Lucy (not recorded; perhaps a twin of one of these). vii. BENJAMIN DAY, b. 13 July 1773; d. 1 Nov., 1775. viii. JEREMIAH DAY, b. 25 May 1775; d. 15 April 1777. 64 RICHARD HA WES

ix. SARAH DAY, b. 18 March 1777. A settlement of John Day's estate, after the death of his widow, 19 April 1791 ( Suffolk Pro., Vol. 88: 259, 90: 687) states that John, the only son, is to pay the other heirs, viz : Mary Fairbanks, Sus­ anna, Nancy, Lucy, and Sarah Day. John, as eldest son, is to have a double portion, "the father having died before the enacting the late law, which deprives the eldest son of a double share." 30 Sept., 1830, when an attempt of some of the heirs-at-law of John Hawes was made to get more, these of the Day family were in­ cluded: Amos Lovering, Medway, in the right of his wife, Lucy Lovering, and Dyar Clark, in the right of his wife, Nancy Clark; Warren Lovering, of Medway, their attorney.

21b. HANNAH 5 HAWES (Stt;.phen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stoughton, 14 Feb., 1743-4; d. 3 Feb., 1829, ae. 85 (bur. in the tomb of her brother John, at Dorchester). She m. ( 1) 17 Jan., 1765, Samuel Maxfield, both of Dorchester. He was b. there, 21 Oct., 1727, the eldest son of John3 (John, Samuel) and Ruth (Blake) Maxfield. With his mother he was an exor. of his father's estate, 1758-1760. Hannah m. (2) Benjamin5 Boyden, 25 April 1785. In her brother John's will, of 1813, she was Hannah Boyden, and received her legacy 8 April 1824, before John's death. Children of Samuel and Hannah (Hawes) Maxfield : i. HANNAH 6 MAXFIELD, b. 29 Nov., 1765. ii. SAMUEL MAXFIELD, b. 4 Oct., 1767; d. at Dorchester, 19 Sept., 1855, ae. 88 (Uphams Corner Graves). iii. RUTH MAXFIELD, b. 20 April 1769. iv. LYDIA MAXFIELD, b. 11 March 1771. v. SusANNA MAXFIELD, b. 17 Sept., 1774. v1. Lucy MAXFIELD, b. 10 Oct., 1776. In the effort of 1830 to break the will of John Hawes, five of the Maxfield family were interested: Susan Kingsbury and Lucy Baker (Blake?), both widows of Walpole; Lydia Maxfiela, single, of Boston; Ruth Wellington, widow of Norton; Samuel Maxfield and wife of Roxbury.

22. BENJAMIN 5 HAWES (Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard), a twin with Joseph, was b. 5 Dec., 1745, in Stoughton. The family lived in what is now Sharon, and here and in \i\Tal­ pole he spent his life. He seems to have had a brief war record as corporal in Capt. Oliver Clap's Co., which marched on an alarm at Warwick, R. I., 8 Dec., 1776. Deeds in his name appear at Suffolk Registry, as Vol. 143 :210. In 1779, he of Walpole conveys land in Stoughton, on the Neponset River. Vol. 154:110. He and wife Mary convey land in Fowle Meadow on Massapoag river to Nathaniel Colburn and others, 29 March 1785. Vol. 127:44, from Philip Robbins and wife of Walpole, 1776, marks the removal of Benjamin and family to that town. Consult FIFTH GENERATION 65

deed of 1782, under the name of his brother Stephen. Also, Norfolk Registry, Vol. 41 :137, a deed from Benjamin and wife Mary to Benjamin, Jr., of Roxbury, innholder, and to Joseph Hawes, Boston; signed 1812. Deeds at Wiscasset, Me. (Lincoln Co.) show that he had five lots, of 200 acres each, at Sandy River, later described as in the town of Strong, 1795. Some of these lots were disposed of as late as 1807 (Deeds at Augusta, Me., Vol. 10 :238). Benjamin, his brothers and sisters received legacies from their brother John's estate, some of them, or their heirs receiving their amounts before the death of the testator. Benjamin Hawes d. 7 Aug., 1817, "ae. 71" (g. s. at Walpole). He m. ( 1 ) in Roxbury, Dec. 1770, Elizabeth, dau. of John Holbrook. She d. in Sharon, 8 Feb., (bur. 11 Feb.) 1774. On 7 April 1775 he was appointed guardian of his two sons, Benjamin, Jr. and John H., both under 14, who had inherited from their gr. father Hol­ brook. Benjamin m. (2) 5 Dec., 1775, Mary, dau. of Dea. Nathaniel Sumner of Dedham (now Norwood). She survived her husband many years and d. 1 Sept., 1833, "ae. 86" (g. s. at Walpole). Administration of Benjamin's estate (Norfolk Pro. No. 9015) was given to Joseph Hawes of Boston, with the two oldest sons as sureties; inventory dated 20 April 1818. Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Holbrook) Hawes, b. in Sharon: 6 46. i. BENJAMIN , b. 4 March 1771. 47. 11. J mm HOLBROOK, b. 20 (21) Sept., 1772. Children of Benjamin and Mary (Sumner) Hawes, b. in Walpole: iii. JOSEPH, b. 9 Jan., 1776; d. in Walpole, 15 Sept., 1779 (g. s.). 1v. NATHANIEL SUMNER, b. 28 July 1778; d. unm. at sea, "in the West Indies", 20 Sept., 1802. 48. v. TIMOTHY, b. 10 Feb., 1780. vi. ELIZABETH, b. 13 Jan., 1782; d. 29 Oct., 1870. Elizabeth H. Hawes and Jesse E!Es were m. in Walpole, 25 Jan., 1815; he of Medfield. Their children were : i. ELIZABETH 7 ELLIS; a teacher (Consult Dedham Hist. Pub- lications, Vol. X: 113). She m. Albert, son of Dr. Daniel Stone; five children recorded. (Consult The Stone Gen.) ii. MARY ELLIS ; m. Edmund Everett ; no issue. m. MARTHA ELLIS ; m. Samuel Ellis ; four children that lived. 49. vii. JosEPH, b. 13 May 1783. 50. viii. INCREASE, b. 24 April 1785. 50a. ix. MARY, b. 15 April 1787. 51. x. LuKE, b. 14 Aug., 1789.

22a. ELIZABETH 5 HA WES ( Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 20 July 1747. The little "Eliza" who bought for her mother half of a skein of thread at Hewins' store. She m. 9 Aug., 1770, both of Dorchester, Ebenezer Maxfield (brother of Samuel). He was b. 24 May 1743; d. 1 Jan., 1825, ae. 82 (Dorchester VR). She d. Nov., 1777, and he m. (2) 13 Sept., 1781, Mrs. Sarah Langley. The will of her brother John 66 RICHARD HA WES

reads: "to the children of my sister Elizabeth Maxfield, de­ ceased, &c." Children of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Hawes) Maxfield, recorded in Dorchester : i. AMos' MAXFIELD, b. 23 Oct., 1770. . ii. ELIZABETH MAXFIELD, b. 8 Feb., 1772; d. 9 March 1832, ae. 60 (bur. in the tomb of her uncle John Hawes.) iii. ANN MAXFIELD, b. 13 Nov., 1773. iv. JOHANNA MAXFIELD, b. I Aug., 1775. In the attempt of 1830, to break the uncle's will, these were men­ tioned: Ann Maxfield, single, and Joanna Ryan, widow, both of Boston; Elizabeth Maxfield, single, of Quincy.

23. JoNATHAN 5 HAWES (Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Sharon section of Stoughton, 30 June 1751. He served as a private in Capt. Samuel Payson's Co., Col. Joseph Read's (20th) reg.; return dated Oct., 1775. He was in Col. John Brooks' reg. with service from March 1777 to 3 Dec., 1779; also, on a certificate, at Cherry Valley, 16 March 1779, for three years, &c. The Pension Bureau, at Washington has his complete record, filed when he was of Augusta, Me., age 64. He states: "I was in the battle of Trenton and both battles at the taking of Burgoyne". His small pension of $8. per month began April 1818. This family was of the Canton section of Stoughton, as is shown by church records and by deeds: "Added to the church (Canton), Lucy Hawes, 16 April, and Jona Hawes, 19 April 1795; bap. Jona­ than, son of Jonathan Hawes, 14 June 1794; bapt. Thomas, Stephen, Lucy, Anna, and Moses, of the same, 28 June 1794; John, son of Jonathan, bapt., I Nov., 1794. Norfolk Deeds, Vol. 9:218 and Vol. 36 :131, place him in Canton in 1798 and 1807. In both deeds Lucy, his wife, signs. The Census of 1810 and of 1820 place him in Augusta, Me., when (latter date) the family consisted of three males and four females. After that Jonathan was of the town of Sidney, and lastly of Belgrade, Me., where he died. Letters of admn. were granted, he late of Belgrade, 8 Jan., 1828 (Kennebec Co. Probate). Deeds at Augusta relate to him : Vol. 19 :322. Jonathan Ballard to Jonathan Hawes, both of Augusta; signed 5 June 1811, and last of these, Vol. 48:497. Samuel Hoag to Jonathan Hawes; signed 1823. Jonathan Hawes and Lucy Tower were m. by Rev. Philip Curtis, 12 Feb., 1776. She evidently survived him, for the Census of 1830 for Belgrade has a girl, under 10, and Lucy Hawes, under 80, as the only members of a family. Benjamin6 Hawes, in 1847, stated that his uncle Jonathan had a family of five sons and two daughters, and among the former included a son William, but omitted Stephen. But Miss Rebecca Hawes, late of Norwood, in her account more correctly omitted William. Jonathan was given a legacy in the will of his brother John, but died before him. FIFTH GENERATION 67

Children of Jonathan and Lucy (Tower) Hawes: 6 i. JoNATHAN ; bapt. (an adult) 14 June 1794 (Canton ch.) He d. in So. Dedham, 6 Oct., 1856., ae. 74; a farmer and unm. His name appears in deeds of 1830 and 1832. ii. JOHN; bapt. (an adult) 1 Nov., 1794. In the will of his uncle John this namesake was given a house and 7 acres, "which I purchased of Ezra Clap". In deed of 1830 (Norfolk Reg.) and of 1832 (Suffolk Reg.) he was styled yeoman, of Dedham, with wife Naomi. He d. 8 May 1833, ae. 50 (So. Dedham ch.). From deeds at Augusta, Me., I am inclined to think he was for a time of Sidney, Me. See Vol. 26: 354, signed in 1818, and Vol. 48: 37, signed 1822. His will (Norfolk Pro. 9052) leaves everything to wife Naomi (there were no children). Increase Hawes was named, but Jeremiah Draper served as executor. iii. THOMAS ; bapt. with his brothers and sisters, 28 June 1794; d. 23 Oct 1813 (Dedham First ch.) "at J. Dean's, aged 31". 52. iv. STEPHEN; bapt. at Canton, with Thomas. v. Lucy; bapt. with her brothers; m. Joel Mason of Augusta, Me. ( Consult deeds of 1830 and 1832). vi. ANNA; bapt. with the preceding; probably d. 12 Dec., 1818 (Augusta VR). 53. VII. MosEs ; bapt. with his brothers and sisters. viii. PoLLY; Deeds differ, for in 1830 she was the wife of James Wills; in that of 1832, the wife of James Willis, of Belgrade, Me. Her name appears as Polly and Patty.

23a. PATIENCE5 HAWES (Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 17 May 1755, and d. 16 Aug., 1833, "in her 79th yr". (Richards Gen.) She m. 31 July 1775, both of Stoughton­ ham, Jeremiah Richards, who was b. 7 Dec., 1753; d. 4 Feb., 1828, ae. 74, the son of Daniel and Mary (Harkness) Richards. They are named in the deed of 1782, and in her brother's will of 1813. Children of Jeremiah and Patience (Hawes) Richards, recorded at Sharon: i. KITTY6 RICHARDS, b. 23 Oct., 1775; bapt. "Kattie", 24 Oct., 1784. ii. JEREMIAH RICHARDS, b. 27 Feb., 1779; d. (Dea. Jeremiah) 5 Feb., 1844, ae. 65 ; m. (Jeremiah, Jr.) Susanna Hewins, 1 Dec., 1808. iii. BETSEY RICHARDS, b. 4 Nov., 1780. iv. SALLY RICHARDS, b. 29 May 1783. v. POLLY RICHARDS, b. 24 June 1785. vi. ZEBIAH RICHARDS, b. 14 June 1787; d. unm., 30 Aug., 1836, ae. 49. vii. HANNAH RICHARDS, b. 18 June 1790; d. 5 Jan., 1848, ae. 57; unm. viii. JosEPH RICHARDS, b. 6 July 1792. ix. AcHSAH RICHARDS, b. 17 Nov., 1794. x. FRANCIS RICHARDS, b. 16 Aug., 1796; d. 14 Feb., 1833, in his 37th yr.

24. STEPHEN 5 HA WES ( Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stoughtonham (Sharon) 13 Dec., 1757. Like his broth­ ers, he had a war record. He was in Capt. Samuel Payson's Co. of Minute Men (Col. John Graton's reg.) that marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; also, same Co., enlisting 27 Apr. that year; also, on a certificate, dated at Roxbury, 15 Jan., 1776. 68 RICHARD HAWES

The following abstract of a deed (Suffolk Reg. Vol. 146:157) is given here, because it throws light on the brothers and sisters of Stephen, who was the youngest of the family: John Hawes and Hannah Maxfield, both of Dorchester; Benjamin Hawse and Mary Day, widow, both of Walpole; William Bosson, barber, and Sarah his wife, of Roxbury; Jonathan Hawes, husbandman, Jeremiah Richards and Patience his wife, and Joanna Hawes, spinster, all of Stoughtonham; Susanna Hawes, spinster, of Newton; --­ Hauskins, mariner and Anna his wife; for 330 pounds paid to Stephen Hawes of Dedham, all rights to land in Stoughtonham and Stoughton that Mrs. Sarah Hawes ( their mother) died possessed with ( several parcels of land described). Signed, 13 Oct., 1782. Several other Suffolk deeds are on record, which this Stephen, as grantor, signs with his wife Mary. Norfolk Regjstry gives even more, as Vol. 1 :173, whereby Stephen Haws of Roxbury and William Bent of Stoughton convey land in Stoughton (described) to Ephraim Mann, said land having been set off to them by the executors of the late Capt. John Wentworth in 1785. Signed, 16 Jan., 1792. Lincoln Co. Deeds at Wiscasset, Me., show that Stephen had lots at Sandy River in 1795 (land later described as in Reedstown). This Stephen also sold 108 acres in Farmington, Me. Registry at Augusta, Me., Vol. 4:277. Mary Hawes of Roxbury, widow, grants land in the town of Strong; 1802. Stephen Hawes d. 17 Aug., 1799, ae. 44 (Roxbury VR). Ben­ jamin Hawes, Jr., in March 1792, deposed that he received one half of a house, barn, and 60 acres of land in Roxbury, since occupied by Stephen Hawes, innholder, and 70 pounds, as his portion of his grandfather's (John Holbrook) estate. Drake's History of Roxbury falls into an error, when it states that the Benjamin Hawes house of Roxbury was built by "Samuel" Hawes in 1761, "who inherited a portion of the Holbrook estate". John Hawes, of So. Boston, in his will, leaves to the children of his deceased brother Stephen. Stephen Hawes and Mary Gannett, both of Sharon, were m. 6 June (Bible rec. 7 June) 1781, by Rev. Philip Curtis. She was dau. of Benjamin Gannett, and was b. 25 Nov., 1765 (Bible rec.); bapt. in Sharon, 1 Dec., 1765. From this old Bible, at Salem, we learn that as the widow Hawes she m. (2) Benjamin Knowers, who d. 18 Nov., 1806. They had a dau., Eniily Knowers (b. 7 Nov., 1806, Salem VR). She survived her mother, who d. after 25 April 1807. Roxbury VR: Benjamin Knowers and Elizabeth Weld, m. 26 July 1773. She d. 7 Sept. 1802, ae 49. Benjamin d. 9 Nov. (sic) 1806, ae 52; m. (2) Mary Howes, 27 Apr. 1806 ( of course a mistake for Hawes). FIFTH GENERATION 69

Children of Stephen and Mary (Gannett) Hawes, b. in Sharon and Roxbury: 6 i. MARY , b. 28 Sept., 1783; d. 3 Oct., 1819; m. 22 April 1813 (Rox- bury VR) Reuben Randall, who d. 7 Feb., 1817. Their children: i. MARY' RANDALL, b. 24 May 1813. ii. REUBEN RANDALL, JR., b. 1814; d. 27 March 1815, ae. 8 mos. (Dates are from the Hawes Bible, at Salem.) 53a. ii. SALLY, b. in Roxbury, 4 July 1785. 54. iii. BENJAMIN, b. 20 April 1787. iv. JOSEPH, b. 5 March; d. 7 March 1789. 55. v. JoHN A., b. 12 May 1790. vi. STEPHEN, JR., b. 2 Nov., 1792; d. ( Salem VR) "Ensign Stephen Hawes, 28 Jan., 1821, of consumption, ae. 28". He m. 11 Feb. 1816, Sally Stevens of Salem, Rev. Wm. Bentley officiating. Shed. there a widow, 20 Feb., 1825, ae. 30. Essex Co. Pro. (Vol. 19: 47). John W. Proctor, Danvers, at the request of the widow, was made admr. of the estate of Stephen Hawes, currier, late of Salem. An inventory mentions cash received of Benjamin Hawes, on account of adventure to New Orleans. 25. JoHN 5 HAWES (John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Canton section of Stoughton, and bapt. 16 June 1745. Like his father, he had a military service (Vol. VII, Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution). John Hawes, Jr. of Stough­ ton, a private in Capt. Azahel Smith's Co., Col. Samuel Robinson's reg., which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; also in a camp before Boston, 11 Nov., 1775; also, on a descriptive list of men to reinforce the Continental Army for six months, dated at Springfield, 14 July 1780; age 35 ; 5 ft. 6 in. in height ; complexion, light ; engaged for the town of Stoughton; and on another list, discharged 7 Dec., 1780. Suffolk Registry has two deeds, Vol. 131; 168, 170, from John Hawes, Jr., to Ezra Tilden, both of Stoughton, one of 17 acres and one of 20 acres, with dwelling house, and signed, 27 March 1775, with wife Ammy Hawes; Levi, his brother, a witness. John Hawes of Stoughton and Amme (Amy) Thayer of Brain­ tree were m. 25 Feb., 1769 (Braintree VR). She d. in Stoughton (Canton), 28 Feb., 1823, "aged 74". She was b. in Braintree, 20 Oct., 1748, the dau. of Zachariah5 (Zacheriah, Nathaniel, Richard, Richard) Thayer and his wife Lydia, dau. of Joseph and Lydia (White) Pray. As there was another John Hawes in Stoughton (of Edward's line) with wife Amy (Morgan), there is danger of confusing the two, but the latter came upon the scene somewhat earlier than our John. John, whom we are considering, is said to have removed to the western part of New York State, where he was lost to the rest of his family. He may have married again. In the Census of 1790, he of Stoughton is given a family of 1 male over 16, and 2 females. Children of John and Amy (Thayer) Hawes, of Stoughton, but with no record: ( Contributed by my grandparents and Rebecca (Hawes) Gill) 6 i. SARAH (SALLY ); m. 12 March 1795, Shepard Keith of Bridge- 70 RICHARD HA WES

water, b. 3 Nov., 1756, son of Abiah and Mary (Snell) and gr. son of Timothy and Hannah (Fobes) Keith. Children recorded there: i. RowENA7 KEITH, b. 11 April 1795. ii. Am KEITH, b. 23 Oct., 1796. iii. MELINA KEITH, b. 23 July 1798. iv. OLIVE KEITH, b. 18 Sept., 1799. v. SALLY KEITH, b. 6 Dec., 1802. vi. SCEPTER KEITH, b. 1 June 1809. vii. MARY KEITH, b. 8 Feb., 1813. 55a. ii. RELIEF. iii. AMY; m. (no date) as second wife, Oliver, son of Jacob Packard (from B. W. Kingman's History). Their children: i. NATHAN PACKARD, b. 1 July 1801; m. Emily, dau. of Eleazer Morton. Their son, Lucius H. Packard, b. 25 Sept., 1829 ; of No. Stoughton. His widow, Mrs. Emeline (Snell) Packard, became the second wife of Emory7 Hawes, of that place. ii. AsA PACKARD, b. 18 Oct., 1803; m. Patience Allen, of Han­ son. m. CHARLOTTE PACKARD, b. 1 Jan., 1868; m ...... Belcher. 1v. PHEBE; d. unm., 8 July 1821, "ae. 49". v. CHARLOTTE; intention of mar. at Roxbury, 25 Sept., 1801, of Char­ lotte Hawes, Canton, and Stephen Goddard, Roxbury; m. (Can­ ton VR) 27 Sept. 1801. He was admitted to the Roxbury church, 28 Nov., 1802, He was a carriage maker; lived at Worcester. There were two sons, one of whom was located in Boston. i. STEPHEN GODDARD, JR., b. Roxbury, Nov., 1802. ii. A son.

25a. ELIZABETH 5 "BETSEY" HAWES (John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Canton Precinct of Stoughton, 14 Oct., 1746; d. there, 29 May 1821, "ae. 75". She m. (Rev. Samuel Dunbar officiating) 31 Oct., 1765, William, b. in Wrentham, 13 Sept., 1744; d. in Canton, 22 Aug., 1811, "ae. 67", son of Michael and Phebe (Blake) Henry. These dates of death are on headstones to the memory of this couple, in the Canton cemetery. William Henry served in the Revolu­ tionary War as a private in Capt. Peter Talbot's Co., Col. Lemuel Robinson's regiment; marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; also in the Co. of Capt. Robert Swan, Col. Benjamin Gill's reg., 1776. The home of this family was in the village of what is now No. Stoughton. Children of William and Betsey (Hawes) Henry, recorded at C_anton: i. ELIZABETH 6 HENRY, b. 22 April 1766; m. (church rec.) 2 April 1809, Charles Page, of Stoughton; no issue. ii. WILLIAM HENRY, b. 11 July 1768; bur. 17 July 1789 (Church rec.); unm. iii. JuDAH HENRY, b. 16 July 1773; d. in Stoughton, 27 June (bur. 29 June) 1820; "ae 47", g. s. Hem. 1800 (int. 23 June), Elizabeth Blake. These two sons, their father also, were mentioned in the will of their gr. father Henry, 1782. Judah, in 1802, purchased of Lemuel Gay land that Gay had acquired from the heirs of William Smith. Of Judah's children was William' Henry, b. 1801. m. Lucy Tilson, b. 1806. These were the parent of William Warren' Henry, to be mentioned later. FIFTH GENERATION 71

iv. SARAH HENRY, b. 22 Nov., 1778; m. 3 July 1809, Aaron Gay, son of Aaron and Obedience (Fisher) Gay, b. 13 Nov., 1777. No chil­ dren recorded in Stoughton. v. PHEBE HENRY, b. 28 Oct., 1782; bapt. 3 Nov., following; m. 1800 int. 23 June), John Shepard, b. 21 April 1777, son of William' (Thomas, Jacob, Thomas, Ralph). Children recorded in Stough­ ton: i. N ABBY' SHEPARD, b. 22 Sept., 1800. ii. HARRIET SHEPARD, b. 9 May 1802. iii. AsA BILLINGS SHEPARD, b. 2 April 1805. iv. MARY SHEPARD, b. 9 May 1807. v. CHLOE SHEPARD, b. 17 Feb., 1810. v1. CLARINDA SHEPARD, b. 24 Dec., 1811. vi. NATHAN HENRY, b. 6 Oct., 1787; m. 26 Aug., 1810, Lucy Battles. Children recorded in Stoughton: i. ELIZABETH' HENRY, b. 11 Dec., 1811. ii. NATHAN HENRY, b. 17 Sept., 1813.

26. ELISHA 5 HAWES (John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stoughton (Canton), 5 Feb., 1747-8. He was a farmer, a worthy and respected citizen, and lived where he was born, in what is now North Stoughton. He carried on the farm of his father, by a mutual and legal arrangement. But the father survived the son. According to family tradition, Elisha served about eight months as a Revolutionary soldier and at one time was at Ticonderoga. Later he had the rank of lieutenant of the militia. To be more explicit, the printed War Records (Vol. VII: 569) state that Elisha Haws, Stoughton, was sergeant in Capt. Asahel Smith's Co., Col. Lemuel Robinson's reg., which marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775; also, Elisha Hawse, sergeant, in Capt. Wm. Bent's Co., Col. John Greaton's reg., enlisted 27 April 1775; served 3 mos: 12 days; also, same Co., 36th reg., his name appears on a return roll, dated Fort no. 2, 5 Oct. that year; and again when the soldiers of Stough­ ton mustered, 4 March 1776, for the fortifying of Dorchester Heights; and again when his regiment marched to Moon Is., the occasion being "when the British fleet was driven out of Boston Harbor". Later, Elisha House was corporal in a Co. that served 2 mos. 5 days, including travel home. It was raised 10 May 1777, "for service at Ticonderoga," and discharged 8 July following. Various deeds at the Suffolk and the Norfolk Registries are interesting as showing his land transactions and naming the neigh­ bors who bounded these acres. The following abstract (Norfolk, Vol. 33 :55) throws light on his wife's family: Elijah Wentworth of Weston, Sarah Hawes, Seth Wentworth, and Oliver Wentworth, all of Canton; Hannah and Samuel Little­ field, N abby and John Blake, all of Stoughton; Stephen Blake, Elizabeth Henry and Judah Henry, her husband, of Canton; and Phineas Blake,-sell to Joseph Wentworth, Canton, their rights in an old dwelling and lot of land, being part of the real estate of Amariah Wentworth, deceased, and assigned to Charles Went­ worth, one of said Amariah's heirs. Signed by all, 24 Feb., 1801. 72 RICHARD HAWES

When Elisha, with son John, was out in his woodlot, he was crushed by the tree that he had felled, and d. before help reached him. This was on 26 Jan., 1797 (church rec., bur. 28 Jan.), when in his 49th yr. Benjamin Tucker was appointed to administer his estate, 7 Feb., 1797 (Norfolk Pro., no. 9034), and the same date, the widow was named guardian of the six children ( the seventh being yet unborn). An inventory, taken by Jabez Talbot, Samuel Tucker, and Joseph Henry, mentions part of a pew in the meet­ ing house (First Canton) and a stable near the church. The admr. rendered a satisfactory account 1802, signed by the widow, now guardian of Elijah, Enos, and Elisha; by Simeon Thucker, guardian of John, Samuel, and Ruth; and by Rebecca, wife of Elijah Gill, Jr. Elisha Hawes and Sarah Wentworth were m. in Canton, 18 June 1782. She was b. there, 21 Dec., 1759, and was nearly eleven years younger than her husband. She was the dau. of Amariah4 Wentworth (Charles, John, Elder William) and his wife Rebecca, dau. of Capt. John and Rebecca (Fenno) Shepard. Left a widow at the age of 38, with seven children, the eldest of whom was not 14, she long survived her husband, and d. in Aug., 1821, ae. 62. Her estate was administered by her son John, 4 Sept., 1821 (Nor­ folk Pro., No. 9085). In the inventory mention is made of the pew in the old meeting house, also, of a round table, now in the posses­ sion of the writer, called by some a "Molly Pitcher", by others, "of the Queen Anne period." Children of Elisha and Sarah (Wentworth) Hawes, b. in Canton: 55b. i. REBECCA", b. 29 July ; bapt. 7 Oct., 1783. 56. ii. JoHN, b. 20 Jan., 1786. 56a. iii. RuTH, b. 23 May; bapt. 6 July 1788. 57. iv. SAMUEL, b. 29 Sept.; bapt. 7 Nov., 1790. 58. v. ELIJAH, b. 5 Dec., 1792. 59. vi. ENOS, b. 13 March 1795. vu. ELISHA, b. 21 April (but 24 April, town clerk) 1797, posthumous child; "d. when 12 yrs. old", 31 Aug., 1810 (church rec.)

27. LEVI 5 HA WES (John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 29 March; bapt. 3 June 1750, in Stoughton (Canton). "The Southeastern Massachusetts Collection of Genealogies" makes a bad mistake in ascribing the ancestry of Levi to John and Amy (Morgan) Hawes of Stoughton, and thus a de­ scendant of Edward1 Hawes of Dedham. Like most of the young men of his period, Levi Hawes had a Revolutionary record. (From Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors, &c., Vol. VII) Levi Haws, Stoughton, private in Capt. Frederick Pope's Co., Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's reg., enlisted 25 June 1775, and on a roll, dated 1 Aug., that year; also, Levi Hawse, a private in Capt. Asahel Smith's Co., Col. Benj. Gill's reg., when the company marched from Stoughton, 4 March 1776, for the fortify­ ing of Dorchester Heights; also, of Capt. Theo. Lyons' Co., enlisted 1 March 1778; a short service of 40 days at Castle Island, under Lieut. Col. Samuel Pierce. HAWES TABLE


Norfolk Registry, Vol. 25 :12. John Niles to Levi Hawes, both of Stoughton, 40 acres with dwelling house, barn, &c., signed with wife Hannah Niles, 9 Oct., 1772; Ebenezer Niles, a witness. Vol. 25 :11. Ezra Tilden, Canton, Admr. of estate of Elijah Tilden, late of Stoughton, to Levi Hawes, yeoman; signed 1 April 1783. Vol. 25 :11. John Wadsworth, Stoughton, to Levi Hawes, same, 38 acres with house and barn; signed 30 March 1785. Norfolk Probate, no. 9065. As the widow refused, Jabez Talbot was made admr. of the estate of the late Levi Hawes of Stoughton, 3 Dec., 1805; John Capen and George Wadsworth, sureties. A divi­ sion of land was made and set off to the widow, Phebe Hawes, and sons Levi and Simeon, 31 Mar., 1806. John Capen was appointed guardian of Simeon, Levi, Jerusha, and Phebe, minors above 14, and Judah and Polly, under 14. In the Census of 1790 Levi Hawes of Stoughton was accorded a family of one male over 16, one male under 16, and three females. He died, per record, 14 Nov., 1805, but grave in Stoughton (Pearl St. Cemetery) says "11 Nov. ae. 56." Intention of marriage between Levi Hawes and Mrs. Jerusha Wadsworth, both of Stoughton, was 2 Oct., 1779. They m. (Canton church) 19 Oct. following. (There was at this time a Jerusha, widow of John Wadsworth, and the mother of children, living in Stoughton.) The date of her death is not found. Levi m. (2) 1 Sept., 1785, Phebe Henry, b. 1 Sept., 1755, dau. of Michael and Phebe (Blake) Henry, of Wrentham and Stoughton, and sister of William Henry, who m. Elizabeth5 Hawes. Mrs. Levi Hawes, widow, d. Aug. 1842, ae. 93 yrs. (g.s.). Children of Levi and Phebe (Henry) Hawes, b. in Stoughton (Canton):

6 i. SIMEON , b. 20 Aug., 1785; d. in young manhood, unmarried, "18 Jan., 1812, ae 26" (g. s.). Admn. of his estate (Norfolk Pro. No. 9087) was given to Richard Talbot, 4 Feb., 1812, and a distribu­ tion followed, to his mother, to brothers Levi and Judah, to his sisters, Jerusha Southworth, Phebe Manley, and Polly Hawes. 59a. ii. JERUSHA, b. 23 June 1787. iii. PHEBE, b. 2 June 1789; m. (1) 7 Oct., 1810, Nathaniel Manley; m. (2) ...... "Reed." 60. iv. LEVI, b. 25 May 1791 ( 1792?). 60a. v. MARY ("PoLLY"), b. 3 April 1794. 61. vi. JunAH, b. 14 June 1796.

27a. SARAH 5 HAWES (John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) b. in Canton, 2 Nov. and bapt. after 18 Nov., 1753; m. (Canton church rec.) 30 Sept., 1779, Simeon Spear of Braintree. Their home was in the village now known as North Stough­ ton, where she survived as his widow. Administration of his estate (Norfolk Pro.) gives the date of his death, 31 Jan., 1825 (aged 66): An inventory mentions "original farm of 56 acres; farm pur- 74 RICHARD HAWES chased of William Page, 33 acres; the Wales farm with dwelling house, 5 acres (purchased of Dr. Ephraim Wales); the Capen lot, 8 acres; the Joseph Henry lot, 7 acres; the Judah Henry lot, 4 acres ; the Timothy Tucker lot, 4 acres ; Turnpike land, 2 acres ; a pew in the meeting house" Children of Simeon and Sarah (Hawes) Spear: i. SIMEON° SPEAR, JR.; d. 13 Nov., 1825, ae. 46. He m. Miss Esther Wales, of Randolph, 28 Nov., 1805; no issue. Inventory of his estate mentions "the homestead, 96 acres, in Stoughton and Can­ ton, with buildings ; 13 acres of wood and meadow in Canton; the Page farm of 29 acres; orchard of 2½ acres; pew in the Bap­ tist church of Randolph"; also a share in his mother's estate. ii. JESSE SPEAR; d. 7 Feb., 1825, ae. 43 yrs. The inventory of his estate, 30 April 1825, mentions "the Leeds lot, with house; the Wales lot, the Capen lot; the Turnpike lot". He m. 3 June 1805 (Canton VR) Mehitable0 "Hitty", Dunbar, dau. of Jesse• (Solo­ mon, Joshua, Robert) and his wife Mary (Stone) Dunbar, he of Hingham, she of Stoughton. Mrs. Hitty Spear d. 12 July 1845. Their children : !. MARY' SPEAR. ii. ELIZABETH SPEAR; m. 8 Nov., 1837, Roswell Dunnakin. iii. JESSE (Perhaps Jesse Stillman) SPEAR; "a physician, d. in Boston, 20 June 1849, ae. 44". (Stoughton VR.) iv, JOEL SPEAR, v. MARIA SPEAR. vi. OLIVE SPEAR; m. 8 July 1837, Joseph Mann. iii. LEVI SPEAR; d. young. iv. SARAH SPEAR; m. David' Linfield, b. 7 March 1786 (David, David, David, William, ...... ) . They had a large family. i. LEVI' LINFIELD. ii. SIMEON LINFIELD, b. 31 Dec., 1809; d. 8 March 1884; m. 30 July 1828, Mary L. Dunbar. iii. DAVID LINFIELD; m. (1) 6 Nov. 1836, Susan A. Comsett; m. (2) 15 Feb., 1848, Nancy A. Woodbury. iv. Ons LINFIELD, b. 8 June 1812 ; d. 8 Oct., 1875 ; m. ~ April 1835, Betsey Caswell. v. MosEs LINFIELD, b. 12 Aug., 1814; d. 14 Oct., 1896; m. 2 Aug., 1840, Catherine S. Clark. v1. SARAH ANN LINFIELD ; m. 6 March 1836, Lemuel Clark. vii. ELIZA ANN LINFIELD; m. 29 July 1838, Joseph Broad. viii. HARRIET LINFIELD, b. 12 Aug., 1822; d. 16 Aug., 1904; m. 13 Oct., 1844, George Minzey. ix. ADELINA LINFIELD; m. 14 April 1842, Sherman A. Nourse. x. LEWIS LINFIELD; d. unm. v. ESTHER SPEAR; m. 26 April 1812, William, b. 20 May 1793, son of Charles and Mary (Wales) Page, gr. son of Thomas and Sarah (Robbins) Page of Walpole. She d. 18 June 1850; he d. 8 April 1852, ae. 58. Their children, b. in Stoughton were as follows : i. ELISHA' PAGE, b. 10 Jan., 1813; d. 16 April 1848; m. 1834 (int. 31 Aug.) Almira Ann Maria Wightman, of Boston, sister of a former mayor of that city. The living members ( 1931) of this family are: Hon. Joseph M. Page, of J er­ seyville, Illinois, editor of "The Jersey Co. Democrat", a man of prominence throughout that State, and Mrs. Annie (Page) Hawes, wife of Elisha S. Hawes, of North Stough­ ton. ii. SARAH PAGE, b. 29 Aug., 1814; m. 12 Oct., 1836, George Marden. FIFTH GENERATION 75 iii. EsTHER PAGE, b. 18 Feb., 1816; m. 8 Sept., 1839, Martin Randall. iv. WILLIAM PAGE, b. 3 Nov., 1817; m. 1843 (int. 3 Sept.) Nancy C. Bessey, of Marshfield. v. CYRUS PAGE, b. 25 Nov., 1819; "went to N. Y." v1. MARY WALES PAGE, b. 7 Oct., 1821. vii. Sr:MEON SPEAR PAGE, b. 4 Aug., 1823; d. 19 April 1851; unm. viii. ELEANOR PAGE, b. 22 May 1826 ; d. 9 March 1829. ix. CHARLES PAGE, b. 29 Nov., 1827; "went to California". x. LEVI PAGE, b. 18 Feb., 1830; d. 26 Oct., 1855; unm. xi. LucINDA GAY PAGE, b. 11 Jan., 1832; d. 3 May 1855; unm. xii. JosEPH ALBERT PAGE, b. 20 May 1834. SIXTH GENERATION

28. NATHAN 6 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. about 1760, or 1762, in New Hampshire, probably at Goffstown. The History of Antrim, that State, (by Rev. W. R. Cochrane, 1860) says that Nathan came from Goffstown soon after the close of the Revolution, and settled on the Butman farm, where he built his house in 1788. He resold to Butman in 1784 and returned to Goffs­ town. "In great old age he found a home --- on Hooksett Hill, in Hooksett, where he d. in 1853". As far as date of death is concerned, this is incorrect ( unless he is speaking of another Nathan Hawes). Cochrane goes on to say that Nathan was sixteen at the Battle of Bennington. In that battle "he lay down in a hollow while the Hessian bullets cut the grass above him. Springing up he got behind a shelter, and there, in connection with Capt. Richards of Goffs­ town, he kept shooting away at the enemy until the battle was over". Cochrane probably abridged this adventure from a History of Goffstown that appears in the History of Hills­ borough Co., p. 311. For an account of this battle, consult "American Fights and Fighters", by Cyrus T. Brady. Nathan Hawes brought home from this campaign one of the dragoon swords captured from the Hessians. It is still with a descend­ ant, in Maine. In the Pension Bureau, at Washington: Goffstown, 7 Aug., 1778. "We, the subscribers, acknowledge that we have received each of us Ten Pounds as a Bounty from the town of Goffstown, to enable us to go to Providence in Rod island to do a short tower of duty as Volunteers in the Continental Army under Genr Sullivan. Witness our seperate hands." The 18th signature is that of Nathan Hawes. On the pay-roll of Capt. Duncan's Co., Col. Daniel Moor's reg., which went from Goffstown and towns adjacent, for Ticonderoga, on the alarm of 1777, is the name of Nathan Haws, private. They marched as far as Charlestown, N. H., when they were recalled. Nathan's length of service is given and the pay he received. After Ticonderoga was evacuated, and General Burgoyne began to move south, the Committee of Safety arranged for General Stark to march with four companies of rangers to the frontier. With five hundred men he reached Manchester, Vt., on 7 August, and Ben­ nington on the 9th, for the battle of the 16th. On the pay-roll of Capt. Samuel McConnell's Co. (Col. Thos. Stickney), which marched from Pembroke, N. H., and joined the forces at Bennington and continued at Stillwater, is Nathan's name, with length of service, his pay, and his discharge. When his father was living in Alexandria, N. H., Nathan wit­ nessed a deed, dated 1 Oct., 1781. Several deeds at the Nashua Registry relate to him, as Vol. II :368 James Moor (wife Hannah) of Goffstown, to Nathan Haws, of New Chester, Grafton Co., for SIXTH GENERATION 77

50 pounds, 50 acres in Goffstown on the south side of Piscatiqua River; signed 3 Dec., 1783; Benjamin Stevens ( father-in-law of Nathan) a witness. Vol. 19:311, records a deed signed by Nathan and wife Phebe, dated 27 Dec., 1786; another of 6 April 1801 (Vol. 59:185) signed by the same. A deed (Vol. 101 :251), because it throws light on the wife's family, is worth mentioning: Nathan Hawes and wife Phebe, Benjamin Stevens, Jr., Joseph Stevens, Jr., Benjamin Stevens, 3d, Jesse Stevens, Samuel G. Stevens, Eunice, Martha, and Abigail Stevens ( all single), of Goffstown, heirs of Benjamin, Sen., deceased, convey to Jonathan Stevens. (Other heirs referred to, as John and Mary Q. Dimond, of Concord, Ebenezer Stevens, of Plymouth, Vt., Plummer Hadley and wife Abigail, Daniel Lincoln and wife Anna.) Benjamin Stevens, father of Phebe, d. 29 Jan., 1811, per record. Late in life Nathan and Phebe removed to Maine, and 18 Dec., 1840 (per deed), he purchased a farm in Farmington, where he died, shortly before 7 Nov., 1845, on which date his son, Stephen J. Hawes, was given the admn. of his estate. (Family account states that he d. 1 Nov., that year.) Nathan Hawes m. Phebe Stevens, of Goffstown, N. H. They became church members there, 5 Oct., 1783, which relation ended, for him, with death. Family record gives her death as at Farm­ ington, Me., 28 June 1828. State Archives at Concord give the birth of Phebe, dau. of Benjamin (Jr.) and Abigail (Johnson) Stevens, 5 Sept., 1760, at Hampstead; also recorded at Goffstown, without name of the mother, as 29 Aug., 1760 (Consult Hadley's History of Goffstown, p. 217). Children of Nathan and Phebe (Stevens) Hawes, the first six recorded at Concord, as of Goffstown: 1 i. ABIGAIL , b. 26 May 1783; m. John Cain (family record). 62. ii. STEPHEN Jo1rnsoN, b. 6 Dec., 1784. iii. HANN AH KIMBALL, b. 30 Sept., 1786; m. 6 March 1806, John Tag­ gart, Jr., b. 10 May 1779; served in the War of 1812. The late George F. Hawes gave the following information : This couple moved to Farmington, Me. Of their children were: i. GILBERT TAGGART, lived and d. at Vernon, Me. ii. JoHN TAGGART, JR.; a Methodist minister, at one time of Madrid, Me. He m. a Miss Stowers. They were parents of Charles Taggart, a physician, perhaps of Winthrop, Me. iii. GEORGE TAGGART, of Vassalboro, Me. iv. BETSEY TAGGART (From the Dows, Dowse Genealogy), b. 22 Apr., 1812; m. 6 March 1832, in Temple, Me., Joseph Storer, Jr. They lived at River Point, Minn. Four children given. iv. MARY, b. 27 April 1789; m. 14 April 1812, John Stevens, of Dun­ barton, N. H. A daughter, i. BELINDA STEVENS; lived (unmarried) at Lowell (From Mrs. Martha J. Hawes). 63. v. NATHAN RrcHARDSON, b. 27 Feb., 1791; bapt. July 1791. 64. vi. JosEPH, b. 5 March 1793. vii. BENJAMIN STEVENS; bapt. Jan., 1796; d. 11 Nov., 1817; unm. 65. viii. JOHN; bapt. 5 Nov., 1797. 66. ix. DAVID; b. about 1798 (per death rec.). 66a. x. BELINDA, b. 19 April 1808. 78 RICHARD HA WES

29. NATHANIEL6 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, 5 Richard), named for his uncle N athaniel , was b. in New Hampshire. He probably was first of Goffstown. The records of Fishersfield (now the town of Newbury, N. H.) have on the tax list for 1794 the names of Nathaniel and Obadiah Haws; for 1795, Nathaniel only; for 1798 the names of Nathaniel and John appear, and the next yr. John only. Also at Fishersfield is this record: "This is to certify that Mr. Nathaniel Hawes and Mrs. Sally Dodge, both of Fishersfield, have this day been joined in marriage by me, Job Leamans, Pastor of the church in New London: 30 June 1796". After the birth of some of the older children this family moved to the Eastern Townships of Canada and settled on the south-east part of No. 16, 2d Range, of Hatley. Consult "Forest and Clearings", by Hubbard, which says that Mr. Hawes d. in 1841, and his widow, in 1851. But records at Sherbrooke state that Nathaniel d. 24 Oct., 1837, and that Mrs. Sally Dodge Hawes d. 1855. He was a farmer. p. 282 gives a meagre account of the children, who, generally, have spelled their name "Hawse".

Children of Nathaniel and Sally (Dodge) Hawes: 67. i. WILLIAM\ b. in New Hampshire, about 1797. 68. ii. NATHAN, b. same, about 1800. iii. NATHANIEL, b. same, 20 April 1802; d. about 1882. He was a well to do farmer of No. Hatley, P. Q. He m. (Sherbrooke rec.) 27 Oct., 1831, Sophronia Hovey, of that township, dau. of Chester and Olive (Rexford) and gr. dau. of Capt. Ebenezer and Rebecca (Simmons) Hovey, natives of Connecticut, and among the first settlers of Hatley. There were no children, but without adoption they reared several, among them one John Johnson. Mrs. Hawes long survived as a widow. In a letter written many years ago she stated that Nathaniel, sen., came from Goffstown, N. H., to Hat­ ley, when some of the children were small; that he had three sisters, one of whom m. Christopher Woodward, another m. Abram Wells, and the third m. Mr. Rowell. There was a brother John also. iv. SARAH, b. 1804; m. Holland Stevens. This couple moved to the West. There was a daughter, i. PLUMAS STEVENS. 69. v. PERKINS, b. ab. 1806. vi. SQUIRE, b. ab. 1808; named for 'Squire Woodward, who had m. his aunt Lucy Hawes. His wife was Mary Wells, perhaps a gr. dau. of Moses Wells, of Hatley, who came from Chester, N. H., with his wife, Mary Moore, a native of Goffstown. My informant, Mrs. Cornelia Hawes, mentioned a daughter, i. MARIA8 HA WES. vii. TABITHA, b. ab. 1810; m. James Moulton; lived in Sherbrooke, P. Q. There were two sons, i. ]OSEPH8 MOULTON. ii. Lucrus MouLTON. viii. LYDIA, b. ab. 1812; m. Hoel Moulton, brother of James. I had hoped to have a fuller account of this family. The children, as told me, were: i. EDWARDS MOULTON. SIXTH GENERATION 79

ii. MARY MOULTON; m. Richard Smith, an inventor. They lived at one time in Worcester, where he became wealthy. He d. in Sherbrooke, P. Q. His widow is living there ( 1931), perhaps the last descendant of Nathaniel and Sally (Dodge) Hawes, of her generation. iii. FREDERICK MOULTON. iv. LU.CINDA MOULTON. 1x. OBADIAH; b. ab. 1814. "Forest and Clearings" states that he m. (1841, Sherbrooke rec.) Diana Sampson, dau. of Joseph and Rhoda (LeBaron) Sampson. They moved to the West. If he had not been included in this family, I would conjecture that Obadiah, son of John• and Hannah (Wells) (which see) and this Obadiah were one and the same. 69a. x. HEPZIBAH, b. ab. 1816. 70. xi. EDWARD, b. ab. 1818.

30. JoHN6 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Hampshire, about 1765, and was early of Fishersfield (taxed there, 1798 and 1799). His wife was Hannah Wells, perhaps a sister, or near relative, of Moses Wells, of Hatley, P. Q., where this couple resided for a time and where some of their children were born. If they removed to Sheldon, and later to Enosburg Falls, Vt., as I was informed, he certainly ended his days in Canada. "John Hawes, farmer of Hatley, d. 17 Dec., 1834, ae. 69" (Re­ corded at Sherbrooke). According to a gr. son, she d. 1850, or 1851. Children of John and Hannah (Wells) Hawes (not in exact order): i. FANNY', b. in Concord, N. H., 20 June 1805, "eldest of six children"; d. at No. Bennington, Vt., 2 June 1901, at the home of her son Henry. She m. Allen Rosier, b. at Enosburg Falls, Vt., 22 Dec., 1806; d. in Bennington, Vt., June 1884, son of Charles and Eliza Rosier. The marriage of this couple is recorded at Enosburg, Vt., 20 Feb., 1836, "she of that town". The following is from an obituary notice (abridged) : When she was two years old the family moved from N. H. to Canada, and later to Sheldon, Vt., but soon after to Enosburg Falls, where she m. at the age of 28 (sic). At the time of her death Mrs. Rosier was the oldest person in No. Bennington and the second oldest in the county. She had been in her usual health up to within a few days of her decease. In her last years she found diversion in making fancy quilts and other such needlework. She was a great reader and was well posted in current events, and could relate many anecdotes pertaining to her early life. The wedding trip of Mr. and Mrs. Rosier, she used to tell, was to St. Albans, Vt., thence down Lake Champlain to Whitehall ; through the Champlain canal, to Albany, and then by stage to Sage City, as No. Bennington was then called. She was mother of two children : i. ANGELINE' RosrnR, b. 1 May 1834; d. at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., in 1902; m. 1859, and had seven children. ii. HENRY RosrER, b. at Hoosick Falls, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1839; lived at No. Bennington, Vt. He m. 25 Jan., 1864, and was father of two children. I was indebted to him for this ac­ count. 80 RICHARD HAWES

71. ii. DANIEL, b. in Hatley, P. Q., 6 Jan., 1813. iii. OBADIAH, b. (Sherbrooke rec.) at Hatley, 2 Oct., 1817, "son of John and Hannah", bapt. 2 Aug., 1840. Nothing further found. It would not be strange if he were confused with Obadiah (son of Nathaniel, above) as to baptism and, perhaps, marriage. iv. FRANKLIN. His marriage, recorded at Sherbrooke: "Franklin Hawes, farmer, of minor age, and Judith Woodward, spinster, both of Hatley, were m. 14 July 1833, by C. Jackson, minister; Betsey Webster and Christopher Woodward, witnesses." Probably she was dau. William and Jane (Harvey) and gr. dau. of Squire and Lucy ( Hawes ) Woodward. Nothing further found. v. HuLDAH; b. in Hatley, P. Q. Mr. Rosier wrote of her: "She never married, and d. within a week of my grandmother Hawes, June 1850 or 1851, both of the same distemper, diphtheria, then known as putrid sore throat". vi. SARAH, b. in Hatley, P. Q. She m. as his first wife, 2 Oct., 1831, Kendrick Rowell, b. 12 Nov., 1806, son of Thomas and Lucy (Hawes) Rowell. He m. (2) Pluma Rowell (per Sherbrooke records).

30a. TABITHA6 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard). (From an account of the Hoyt Family) Jacob6 Hoyt, son of Abner and Hannah, b. 15 Feb., 1754; m. (1) Tabitha Hayes or Hawes, of Concord, N. H. (intention, 30 Mar., 1776). Hem. (2) 11 Nov., 1813, Mrs. Mary Towner. Before moving to Livonia, N. Y., about 1815, the home was in Hop­ kinton and Henniker, N. H. He d. in Lincoln, N. Y. Children by first marriage : i. BETSEY1 HoYT; m. Josiah Jewett, of Hopkinton, N. H. ii. MosES HOYT; m. (1) Sally Piper; m. (2) ...... iii. DoRCAS HoYT; m. 21 April 1805, Philip E. Chase. iv. JACOB HoYT, JR.; m. (1) Betsey Aikins; rn. (2) ...... Tyler. v. ABNER HoYT; m. Abigail Dodge. He lived, as well as his two brothers, in New York State. vi. TABITHA HoYT; m. Samuel Frazier. vii. PoLLY HoYT; m. 21 April 1812, Zebulon Ferren. viii. HANNAH HoYT; d. young.

30b. LuCY 6 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Hampshire, 14 April 1757. This date is from a statement signed by her mark, to be found at the Record Office, Sherbrooke, P. Q. From "Forest and Clearings", p. 281, we learn the following: Squire Woodward ( really his name was Christopher Woodward) m. Lucy Hawes. From New Hampshire, they settled on No. 8, 2d Range of Hatley, P. Q., in 1800. He d. in 1846; she d. the same year, aged 92 (sic). This follows the usual exaggeration, as she was but 89. The children were: i. ABIATHAR1 W ooDw ARD; m. Hannah Hadlock; eleven children named. ii. JORN W ooDW ARD; rn. Mary Webster; five children named. iii. WILLIAM W oonw ARD ; m. Jane Harvey ; ten children named. iv. CHRISTOPHER WoonwARD; b. in Wendell, N. H., 19 Dec., 1792; m. Judith Harvey, who d. in Hatley, 1864; seven children named. SIXTH GENERATION 81

30c. LYDIA6 HAWES (Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard). The following is from "Forest and Clearings", p. 283. Thomas Rowell, b. in Goffstown, N. H., 13 Dec., 1765; m. Lydia Hawes, b. in Fishersfield, N. H., 12 Nov., 1769. They settled in Hatley, P. Q., in 1802, where he d. 20 Dec., 1833. She d. 15 Oct., 1856. Of their recorded children six were b. in N. H., the rest in Canada: i. BETSEY7 ROWELL, b. 10 April 1789; m. Joseph Bean. ii. LYDIA RowELL, b. 30 July 1791; m. William Harvey. iii. PoLLY RowELL, b. 26 Jan., 1794; d. young. iv. THOMAS ROWELL, JR., b. 20 May 1796; m. Lydia Leavitt. v. MARY ROWELL, b. 20 Oct., 1798; m. Leonard Fish. vi. NATHAN RowELL, b. 4 March 1801; m. Anna Leavitt. vii. Lucy RowELL, b. 15 Aug., 1803; m. John Leavitt. viii. KENDRICK ROWELL, b. 12 Nov., 1806; m. (1) 2 Oct., 1831, Sarah Hawes, his cousin, dau. of John" Hawes. The Sherbrooke record says the witnesses were Luke and Phebe Wadleigh. He. m. (2) Pluma Rowell. ix. PHEBE RowELL, b. 4 March 1809; m. Luke Wadleigh.

31. ELIJAH 6 HAWES (Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sutton, 26 Aug., 1755. As eldest son, he was made executor of his father's will, 1 June 1778. He was serving in a minor office in Worcester, where the family had removed, in 1780, and again in 1786. Elijah had a Revolutionary War record and received a pension for services. His application was made at Union, Ct., 26 Sept., 1832, when he was 77. It states that he entered service immediately after the battle of Lexington, when he enlisted, 24 April, for eight months. In 1776 he went as substitute for Jonathan Phillips of Worcester. "When I was about eleven father moved with his family from Sutton to Worcester, where I lived until 1789, when I moved to Union." His signature is a good one; amount of pension, $17.05 yearly. Worcester Registry, Vol. 113 :269. Elijah Hawes, yeoman, for 275 pounds, to ·William Trowbridge, 80 acres in Worcester (described), with all the appurtenances thereon and being all the homestead of Eleazer Hawes, deceased; signed 29 Sept., 1789, and wife Rebecca joins; John Clark and David Hawes, witnesses. The History of Union, Ct., states that David Hawes, Worcester, in 1787 purchased of Lot Hutchinson land in Union, near Bush­ meadow Brook, which he later sold to his son (sic) Elijah Hawes. This should read, to his brother. The will of this Elijah (at State Library, Hartford), signed 8 May, was exhibited by Luther Bass, 3 June 1835. The heirs named were Jason Hawes, of the town of Triangle, Broome Co. N. Y., Sally, wife of Ebenezer Sessions, Betsey, wife of Luther Bass, Ruth, wife of Hiram Watkins. Elijah d. 21 March 1835. He m. "Mrs" Rebecca Clark, 25 March 1784 (Auburn VR). She was b. 13 Jan., 1757; d. 15 Feb., 1824 ( family record). 82 RICHARD HA WES

Children of Elijah and Rebecca (Clark) Hawes, the three eldest b. in Worcester: (Taken from the History of Union) i. BETSEY1 "Betty", b. 12 Dec., 1784; d. 20 Feb., 1859; m. 19 Sept., 1822, Luther Bass. Their home was in Ashford, Ct. A daughter, i. LORETTA BASS; m. Holstein Brown; lived on the home place in Ashford. There was a son, Luther Bass Brown. 71a. ii. SALLY, b. 23 (13?) Oct., 1786. 72. iii. ]ASON, b. 11 Oct., 1791. iv. RuTH, b. 12 Sept., 1793; admitted to the church (Union), 3 May 1828; m. 9 Oct., 1834, Hiram Watkins of Ashford. They lived and died in Union, Ct., leaving no children. She d. 1879. v. AMos, b. 25 Jan. 1796; d. 25 Sept. 1800 (b. 1795, family rec.). vi. PoLLY, b. 23 Aug., 1798; d. 27 March 1800 (d. 1799, family rec.).

32. DAVID6 HAWES (Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sutton, 10 July 1763; moved early with his parents to Worcester. On 4 July 1785, then "aged17", he had Ebenezer Lowell for his guardian. Of several deeds at Worcester Reg­ istry, we select a few. Vol. 126 :455. Daniel Goulding and John Stanton to David Hawes, all of W., land with buildings; signed 9 Nov., 1792. Hampshire Deeds, 48:163. David Hawes of Worcester to Noah Harris, land in Holland, Mass. Signed 17 Sept., 1806. And again by deed ( 49 :465) to said Harris in 1811. Also Worcester Deeds, 161 :9, and 166 :570, in which Hawes disposes of land purchased of Noah Harris to Jacob Rich of Charlton. Worcester Deeds, 288 :44. David Hawes to John F. Clark, both of W., "together with my wife in token of her right of dower"; signed 12 April 1832, but without her, whose name is not given. David Hawes "a farmer, of old age", d. at Worcester, 19 April 1842, aged 79, and was bur. at Leicester. Worcester Probate, No. 28370: Sewall Hawes, as sole heir, took out administration papers, 25 April following. David Hawes had served as surveyor of high­ ways, and in 1819 was collector of taxes. He m. ( intention at Charl­ ton, 2 March 1801) Hannah Rich, perhaps dau. of Jonathan and Abigail (Barton) Rich; bapt. at Charlton, 7 Feb., 1773. Children: i. JusTus F.1 b. 7 Nov., 1801. By an act of the Legislature his name seems to have been changed to Milton J. Adams, and, 22 March 1834, Adams's name became 73. SEWALL HAWES. If correctly interpreted, this seems an unusual transac­ tion.

33. STEPHEN 6 HAWES (Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in Worcester, 13 March 1768; appointed hog reeve there, 1795. Worcester Deeds (Vol. 142:243). Stephen Hawes, yeoman, of Braintree, Vt., to Philip Donahew, Worcester, land near Oxford Bridge, so called; also two other parcels; signed 7 May 1796, and SIXTH GENERATION 83

wife Relief joins. Other deeds appear. From Records at Chelsea, Vt. (Randolph Dist.) Whitman Howard, at her request, was made guardian of Relief Hawes, widow, of Braintree, 12 June 1838. From the will of a son, Clark Hawes, we get the names of the family. Children of Stephen and Relief (---) Hawes: i. DAvrn'; living, 7 Oct., 1836; bur. in Pierrepont, N. Y. ii. RUTH; m. George Bagley, and was living at this date. "Both David and Ruth lived many years with their sister Amanda." iii. RELIEF; unm. in 1836. iv. AMANDA; d. 10 March 1893 in Pierrepont, N. Y. She m. at Shore­ ham, Vt., 10 Sept., 1838, Benjamin Franklin' Northrup (Jeremiah, Samuel, Joseph, &c.) of Shoreham. The Northrup Genealogy states that he was b. 23 Nov., 1806; removed to Pierrepont, N. Y., where he d. 30 June 1874. Children: i. MARION NORTHRUP. ii. CYNTHIA NORTHRUP. iii. NAZRO N. NORTHRUP; m. Eliza Cowan. He died 29 Nov., 1922 and she m. (2) John Flint, living 1931 at Lakewood, N. J. v. MARY; living in 1836. She m. (but date in Genealogy must be wrong) Nazro' Northrup (Jeremiah, &c.), b. at Shoreham, Vt., 28 Aug., 1805 ; d. 12 July 1880. Children: i. BUSHNELL HARTWELL NORTHRUP, b. 1838. ii. SAMUEL JEREMIAH NORTHRUP, b. 1841. iii. MARY ELIZABETH NORTHRUP, b. 1846. iv. HERBERT FRANKLIN NoRTHRUP, b. 1850; a graduate of Mid­ dlebury College, 1873; of Yale Sheffield, 1882. vi. CLARK; d. unmarried, between 7 Oct., 1836 and 15 October following (dates of will at Chelsea, Vt.) at Braintree. The will leaves be­ quests to his brother David, to sisters Ruth Bagley, Relief, Amanda, Mary (Hawes), and his mother, Relief Hawes; Selah Benton, of Braintree, exor. The sister Mary, on giving receipt for her portion, 21 Feb., 1838, signs herself, Mary H. Northrup.

34. EBENEZER6 HAWES (Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in Worcester, 1 April 1770. At the age of 17 he chose Wm. Trowbridge as his guardian, 3 March 1787. He was the Ebenezer Hawes of Lenox, who m. in Lee, 30 Oct., 1794, Electa Northrup. This couple removed to Shoreham, Vt., where members of the Northrup family had previously settled. She was b. in Lenox, 1775, dau. of Samuel and Phebe (Beecher) Northrup, her mother being a great­ aunt of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Registry at Pittsfield (Vol. 34: 105). Ebenezer Hawes with wife Electa, of Shoreham, Vt., to Jacob Washburn of Lenox, land in the same, being part of the home farm of Samuel Northrup, deceased, with houses, barn, &c. Signed, 5 Nov., 1794. Vol. 38:385. Thomas and Phebe Gates ( ?) of Lenox, Jeremiah and Samuel Northrup, Amos and Anna Stanley, Ebenezer and Electa Hawes, all of Shoreham, Vt., Thirza Northrup of Lenox, to Jacob Washburn, of the same; being all the lands possessed by Samuel Northrup, deceased, "our rights in the same". Signed, 18 Jan., 1799. 84 RICHARD HAWES

According to a descendant, Ebenezer Hawes d. at Shoreham, 21 Jan., 1813, in an epidemic of "spotted fever". Electa, the widow, remained in Shoreham until the marriage of her dau. Olive. About 1825 she m. (2) John Fobes of Potsdam, N. Y., where he d. 22 July 1842. She survived him and d. 20 Aug., 1854. Children of Ebenezer and Electa (Northrup) Hawes, b. in Shoreham, Vt.: 74. i. SEWALL', b. 1796. 74a. ii. OLIVE, b. 2 Sept., 1800. iii. ANNIE; d. ae. 2 yrs. 75. iv. CAssrM BusH, b. 18 Feb., 1812; less than a yr. old when his father d.

34a. HANNAH 6 HAWES (Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in Worcester, 11 July 1773. From "Old Fam­ ilies", of Braintree, Vt., by H. Royce Bass, p. 135: Rufus Flint, son of Silas, b. 3 April 1768; m. Hannah Hawes, b. 10 (sic) July 1773; d. 12 July 1842. This couple moved to Madison, Ohio, where he d. 12 May 1837. Children: i. ELECTA7 FLINT, b. 1798; m. Daniel D. Robinson, of Northfield, Vt. They removed to Claridon, Ohio. ii. RuFUS FLINT, JR., b. 1811; m. and a dau. became the wife of Wallace C. Flagg, of Boston, Mass. iii. EBENEZER HAWES FLINT, b. 21 Aug., 1803; d. 1848; m. 1828, Sarah E. DuBois; children b. in Northfield, Vt. iv. HANNAH FLINT, b. 18 July 1806; d. 1883; m. 1845, Joseph Hol­ brook; a Mormon of Salt Lake City, Utah. v. FREDERICK FLINT, b. 9 Dec., 1809; about 1830 removed to Madison, Ohio; later removed to Nebraska, where he d. in 1880. vi. MARY FLINT, b. 27 March 1812; m. Anson Call, of Ohio, later of Salt Lake City, Utah.

34b. ELEANOR6 HAWES (Elijah, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in Stoughtonham (Sharon) 19 July 1766. She of Norton and Samuel Glover of Stoughton were m. at Nor­ ton, 17 Jan., 1787. He was b. 5 Feb., 1763, son of Thomas, Jr., and Rebecca (Pope) Glover, and d. at Stoughton, 23 April 1855, in his 93d year. Eleanor (Hawes) Glover d. at Stoughton, 11 May 1846, in her 80th year. Their children, b. in Stoughton, were: i. ELEANOR' GLOVER, b. 7 Oct., 1788; unm. in 1867 (Consult p. 381 of "The Glover Memorial"). ii. THOMAS GLOVER, b. and d. 1790. iii. JARVIS GLOVER, b. 21 June 1792; d. in Springfield, 1864; m. Fanny Fuller of Dalton. iv. ANNA (Ann) GLOVER, b. 27 June 1801; d. unm. She was the compiler if "The Glover Memorial". In tracing the ancestry of Mary Belcher, mother of Elijah5 Hawes, her maternal grandfather, Miss Glover, like all genealogists, at times, makes a bad guess. On the whole, her Family History is a very commendable one. Apologies for slovenly work on my next subject will be demanded, I fear, of me. SIXTH GENERATION 85

35. ELEAZER 6 HAWES ( ?) (Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard), with a name suggestive of Richard's line, is some­ what of a mythical character. Information is based on a letter of 1912, received from the late Charles H. Hawes, of St. Albans, Me., a grandson, who stated that Eleazer lived in Troy, Me., but went West and d. many years ago; that Seth Hawes of Troy was his father's uncle, hence a brother of Eleazer; that his grandmother's name was Margaret Evans. She d. in 1846, the year my informant was born. As to the children of Eleazer and Margaret, he named only Hiram, his father. I find no mention of an Eleazer in Troy, but a Nathaniel, Seth, and Asa Hawes were there early, when the town was called Joy. Assuming Seth and Asa to be sons of Nathaniel, I would consider Hiram and Seth to be cousins. But Seth was considerably older than Hiram. The Pension Office at Washington, under Soldiers of the War of 1812, No. 26610, furnishes us with an Eleazer Hawes, who may be the person under consideration, or his son. This Eleazer d. 29 March 1874. Application for a pension was made by his widow, Eleanor Hawes, of Kilbourne City, Columbus Co., Wisconsin. From papers filed, we learn that Eleazer Hawes enlisted from Maine and served in Capt. Cummings' Co., Massachusetts Militia. Several testified in the widow's behalf, among them, one Rebecca Lee, of North East Erie Co., Penn., aged 68, who stated that she had known Mrs. Hawes 54 years (testimony of 19 Dec., 1878) and was present at her marriage. Eleazer Hawes and Eleanor Campbell (b. 1805, and aged 73 on 5 June 1878) were m. 17 Feb., 1824, at Harbor Creek, Penn., by Squire Bawley, J. P. No reference was made as to children of this couple. Children of Eleazer and Margaret (Evans) Hawes: 76. i. HIRAM' ("Hiram B."), b. in Albion, Me., 19 May 1817.

35a. SALLY6 HAWES (Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Dorchester in 1773, and m. Seth Clap of that town, at Roxbury, 10 Sept., 1793. (Consult Boston Commissioners' Reports, Vol. 36 :93). Mr. Clap's pedigree is easily established from the "Clap Memorial". Mr. and Mrs. Clap lie buried in the Uphams Corner Cemetery, where their graves are sur­ rounded by many of his immediate family. Mrs. Sarah Clap, wife, &c., d. 19 Dec., 1826, ae. 53. He d. 8 March 1836, ae. 68. They had at least a daughter : i. SARAH' CLAP, b. in Dorchester, 20 March 1794. The Gen. Reg., Vol. 43 :449, says that Mrs. Sarah Davenport, widow of Josiah Daven­ port, d. in Needham, 16 Aug., 1889, ae. 95 yrs. She was b. in Dorchester ( above date), the dau. of Seth and Sarah (Hawes) Clap. Shem. in 1841, for her first husband, Thomas Lyon. Because of a remarkable memory, she was of great assistance to the com­ piler of "The Clap Memorial". 86 RICHARD HAWES

36. SAMUEL6 HAWES (Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard), according to a descendant, was b. in Dorchester, 14 July 1775. His death record at the State House reads: Samuel Hawes, Sherburn, son of Samuel; shoemaker; d. a widower, of old age, 29 Aug., 1852, ae. 78 :1 :14. From Dorchester VR: Mr. Samuel Hawes and Miss Hannah Stratton, both of Dor­ chester, were married 13 March 1800. Town History of Sher­ born, under the name of their son, Jeremiah R., states that Hannah was dau. of Daniel Stratton of Natick. The record of her death reads: "Hannah Hawes, wife of Samuel, died 15 June 1846." The Stratton Genealogy makes her the dau. of Daniel6 and Susanna (Morse) Stratton, b. in Natick, 28 Feb., 1776. It is not known when this ,couple left Dorchester. He had the migratory habit of some of his relatives. He next appears in West­ minster, Vt., not far from Brattleboro, where his father's brother, Ebenezer, had settled. Records at Westminster give the birth of four children. Soon after, the family crossed the Connecticut and took up their abode in Surry, N. H. Two children are recorded here. In later life they settled in Sherburn. Children of Samuel and Hannah (Stratton) Hawes : i. SAMUEL', b. in Westminster, Vt., 9 Feb., 1801. He was a sailor; supposed to have been lost at sea, and was never heard from (family record). 77. ii. DANIEL, b. same, 21 Nov., 1802. iii. ABIGAIL, b. same, 8 Jan., 1805. Sherborn records : m. Loring Brown of Boston and Abigail Hawes, 2 Oct., 1837. They lived in Boston, where Mr. Brown died, after which, with her one dau. she moved to San Francisco, where mother and dau. died. Children: i. SARAH 8 BROWN ; m. Horace White. They had several children, of whom (1911) was Miss S. C. White, care of Dr. Arthur L. White, The Anglo Bldg., 16th & Mission Sts., San Francisco, Cal. 78. iv. JEREMIAH ROBBINS, b. same, 5 June 1808. v. JONATHAN, b. in Surry, N. H., 2 Oct., 1810; d. Jan. 1811. 79. vi. SETH C., b. same, 1 Feb., 1812. vii. WILLIAM, b. same, 16 March 1816; d. Jan., 1817.

36a. NATANIEL 6 HAWES (Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard). The Census of 1790, for Maine, has at Littleborough, Lincoln Co., one Nathaniel Hawes (Horse?) with a family of two males under 16 and three females, besides himself and wife. The Census for 1820 locates him at Joy, with a family of six. The late Charles H. Hawes, of St. Albans, Me., stated that Nathaniel6 Hawes, was his father's uncle, hence 6 a brother of the preceding Eleazer • The late Henry E. Hawes, Dixmont, Me., son of Luther, mentioned below, gave me the names of the children of Nathaniel, probably not a complete list, and some of them may be doubtful. But the genealogist often has to be thankful for what he can get. SIXTH GENERATION 87

I have assumed, from what I have been told, that Seth and Asa, given below as sons of this Nathaniel, may really have been his brothers. With this statement, which shows my in­ ability to settle the matter, I let it stand as printed here. 0 Id Hancock Co. Registry ( at Belfast and also at Ellsworth), Vol. 2 :154, has the deed of Elisha Bolton, of Goshen, so called, to Nathaniel Hawes, of Frankfort, same Co., for 100 acres in Sulli­ van; signed, with wife Rachel Bolton, 10 July 1791. Vol. 12: 152, same, shows that Nathaniel Hawes, Frankfort, yeo­ man, conveys the same 100 acres to one Conant, 11 March 1802. Registry at Skowhegan, Vol. 28:123. Nathaniel Bickford, Hart­ ford, Oxford Co., to Nathaniel Hawes of Harmony, joiner; deed signed, 13 May 1830. Other deeds appear here in Nathaniel's name, which probably refer to NathanieF. Kennebec Co. Registry, at Augusta, Vol. 52 :281. Nathaniel Hawes, Seth Hawes, and Asa Hawes, all of Joy ( now called Troy), for $1.00, paid by Benjamin Joy of Boston, our rights in said town; acknowledged, 26 March 1825. Where and when Nathaniel and his wife died has not been learned.

Children of Nathaniel Hawes, as far as mentioned: 80. i. SETH\ b. in Roxbury, 1793. 81. ii. AsA. 82. iii. NATHANIEL. iv. RICHARD; very doubtful, though named by the late Henry E. Hawes, of Dixmont, Me. Certainly this was not the Richard Hawes of Cas­ tine, Me., who must have been born much earlier, although this Henry thought his father considered the Richard, of Castine, a connection of some kind. Neither have I reason to think that he was the Richard Hawes who m. Hannah Goff, of Bedford, N. H., although that couple are said (History of Bedford) to have lived in Maine. v. AsENETH; m. Winthrop Smart. Their children, all deceased, were: i. JAMES H. SMART; m. in Thorndike, Me., 23 May 1852, Lovina• Hawes, sister of Henry E., b. 1829. No issue. ii. MARY SMART. 111. WINTHROP SMART. 83. vi. LUTHER, b. in Albion, Me., 4 March 1800.

37. JACOB 6 HAWES (Jacob, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard), b. at Sharon, 23 July 1766, migrated with his parents to Plainfield, where we find recorded, Jacob Hawes, Jr., and Lydia Blanchard, of Monson, published, 16 June 1793. They lived in Plainfield, and later in Monson. His will, dated at Monson, 24 Aug., 1830; inventory, 8 Jan., 1831, had Orrin Hovey for exor. (Hampden Co. Pro.) It gives to wife Lydia; to son Joseph H. Hawes; to the heirs of his dau., Elizabeth Canterbury, deceased; to his five daughters, Deborah Burley, Lydia Hovey, Martha Hawes, Mary Hawes, Ruth Hatch. 88 RICHARD HA WES

Children of Jacob and Lydia (Blanchard) Hawes: 84. i. JosEPH HEwrns', b. Plainfield, 24 Nov., 1794. ii. DEBORAH, b. same, 8 Jan., 1797. Consult Burley Genealogy, p. 135. Abner, son of Samuel and Rachel (Roberts) Burley, b. Union, 2 April 1776; d. 1860; m. (2) Deborah Hawse, b. in Sharon (sic) as above, 1 Feb., 1826. He was a farmer of Monson. Her children: i. JosEPH HAwEs' BURLEY, b. 11 Jan., 1827; m. in Palmer, 14 April 1853, Nancy Ann Whitney. ii. ELIZABETH HAWES BURLEY, b. 1829; d. 1845. m. JACOB HA WES BURLEY, b. 1834; lived at Holland, Mass. iii. ELIZABETH, b. same, 12 Dec., 1798; d. before 1830; m...... Canterbury; survived by five children, named in her father's will: i. HENRY8 CANTERBURY, ii. SALLY CANTERBURY. iii. LYDIA CANTERBURY. iv. MARY CANTERBURY, V. NATHAN CANTERBURY. iv. LYDIA, b. Monson(?) ; m ...... Hovey; living, 1830. v. MARTHA, b. same; unm. in 1830. vi. MARY, b. same; unm. in 1830. vii. RuTH, b. same; m ...... Hatch; living, 1830.

38. ELIJ AH 6 HA WES (Jacob, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. at Sharon, 4 Apr., 1775. We find him in Plainfield with his parents, where he m. and lived for a time. About 1806 he removed with his family to northern Ohio, where I lose track of them, but through letters of M. L. Gillett, a de­ scendant, to Miss Adelle Keyes, a genealogist, I have learned somewhat, after the recorded birth of son Elon. Elijah Hawes and Sally Snow, both of Plainfield, were m. 15 Dec., 1797. A descendant thinks, however, that her name was Mary, or Polly Snow, perhaps of a Cummington family. She is known to have had a brother, James Snow, living, about 1850, at Poolville, N. Y., where he died. Elijah and family first moved to Madison Co., N. Y., and later to Ashtabula Co., Ohio, where he and his wife both died. Children of Elijah and Sally (Snow) Hawes: i. EuoT', b. Plainfield, 17 Aug., 1798. 11. An infant; d. 6 Feb., 1800, and again, d. an infant, 2 Feb., 1801 (These dates may refer to the same.) iii. SARAH, b. 23 Sept., 1802. Informant stated that Sarah P. Hawes m. Lucius D. C. Dean, of Harpersfield, or Unionville, Ohio; d. at Jefferson, Ohio, about 1883. . iv. ELON, b. 15 Nov., 1804; "Died, a son, about 2 yrs. old, Dec., 1806." v. AMARANSA; m. John Prentice; d. about 1850, in Ashtabula Co., Ohio, perhaps at Jefferson. vi. SusAN, said to have been b. in Plainfield, 27 Oct., 1806; d. in Shef­ field, Ohio, 11 April, 1891; m. 11 April 1831, Reuben Gillett, and had a son, i. M. L. GILLETT; the informant. vii. HARRIET; m. Charles Ball, of Madison Co., N. Y. She d. at Ches­ saning, Mich., about 1874. viii. AMANDA; m. Henry Prentice, of Jefferson, Ohio; d. probably, at Unionville, Lake Co., Ohio. SIXTH GENERATION 89

ix. MATILDA; m. Jared Merrill, of Jefferson, Ohio. She and Amanda, informant thought, were m. there, or at Unionville. E. H. Ball, of Monet, Mo., and Clara Prentice, Jefferson, Ohio, might give in­ formation. x. MARK; d. at Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, about 1880; m. Rachel (Cushman?). xi. JAcon; d. at Chessaning, Saginaw Co., Mich., 1872; m. about 1849, Mary Gleason. (Julius H. Bloedel, White Bldg., Seattle, Wash., can give information about this family.)

39. EBENEZER6 HAWES (Jacob, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. at Sharon, 19 May 1781; removed with the family to Plainfield. A descendant, Mrs. VanHusen, wrote that Ebenezer died when the children were small, perhaps in Pennsylvania, and his widow m. again and returned to Middlefield. Ebenezer Hawes and Celena Bird, "both of Plainfield", were m. 26 Oct., 1803. The record of her death, at the State House, states that she was b. at Cummington, the dau. of Enoch and Celena Bird. Ebenezer d. before 7 Sept., 1813; when his widow m. (2) at Middle­ field, as his second wife, Andrew Meacham. He was b. July 1768 (grave record). Mrs. Celena Meacham d. of apoplexy, 19 July 1849, ae. 63 :1 :11. Children of Ebenezer and Celena (Bird) Hawes: 85. i. HENRY', b. March 1807, at Meredith, N. Y. (g. s. at Middlefield) 86. ii. JACOB, b. 1808, at Middlefield (g. s. at Middlefield). iii. CHARLES, b. (May?) 1811; d. 29 Aug., 1814, ae. 3 yrs. 3 mos. ("son of the wife of Andrew Meacham"). By her second marriage, Mrs. Meacham had, iv. AMANDA MEACHAM, b. Middlefield, 6 April 1816; d. 13 Oct., 1896; m. at Springfield, 7 May 1839, Lyman Church. They had: i. MYRON LAWRENCE CHURCH, b. 16 Sept., 1840; m. 7 June 1865, Lida Belle Hawes (adopted), dau. of Henry and Emerancy (Loveland) Hawes, b. 26 June 1841.

39a. PoLLY6 HAWES (Ebenezer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard), eldest of a family of eleven children, was b. 16 Oct., 1773 (Bible record, 9 Oct.). She m. Ezra Harris of Brattle­ boro, Vt., b. 25 July 1769. She and her dau. Charlotte were named in the will of her sister, Hannah Hawes, 1833. The following dates were taken from the Harris Bible, and fur­ nished me by the late Mr. James Locke, of Baltimore, Md. Children of Ezra and Polly (Hawes) Harris: i. PATIENCE' HARRIS, b. 9 Oct., 1795. ii. NoAH HARRIS, b. 22 March, 1797; inherited the family Bible. Note deeds under the name of David" Hawes. iii. PoLLY HARRIS, b. 31 Oct., 1798; d. 21 Aug., 1888, nearly 90; m. (1) Dudley; m. (2) Clark. iv. TRACY HARRIS, b. 22 March 1800. v. EZRA HARRIS, JR., b. 28 Oct., 1801. vi. WINDSOR HARRIS, b. 5 April 1803. vii. HANNAH HARRIS, b. 4 May 1805. 90 RICHARD HA WES

viii ...... HARRIS, b. 9 Jan., 1807. ix. BARTHOLOMEW HARRIS, b. 18 Nov., 1810, a twin. x. THANKFUL HARRIS, b. same, a twin. xi. EBENEZER HARRIS, b. 9 April 1813. xii. CHARLOTTE HARRIS, b. 28 Jan., 1815; bapt. 8 Nov., 1816. xiii. RoswELL H. HARRIS, b. 26 Aug. 1817.

40. EBENEZER6 HAWES (Ebenezer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Brattleboro, Vt., 6 Oct., 1783. The Census of 1810, for that town, gives Ebenezer Hawes, Jr., a family of two males and three females. The will of his sister Hannah, 1833, gives "to the children of Ebenezer Haws". About 1812, or 1813, Ebenezer removed with his family to New York State, where he was one of the early settlers of Darien, Genessee Co. Here he purchased and cleared land near what is known as Griswold station, on the Erie railway. He and his family resided there until 1830, after which they removed to a farm in the north-east corner of Bennington, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Ebenezer m. Sarah Howe, a lineal descendant of Jemima Howe, taken captive by indians, of Hinsdale, N. H. This account is taken from The History of Wyoming Co., N. Y. ( 1880), p. 159, which was contributed by the youngest son of this couple. At the time but five of the family were living. Children of Ebenezer, Jr., and Sarah (Howe) Hawes, the older ones b. in Brattleboro, Vt. i. ELEANOR7 ii. HENRY H. He lived in Darien, Wis. iii. SAMUEL. iv. JANE. V. EBENEZER. VI. ALEXANDER MOSES ; went west. vii. ALLEN RoYAL; d. unm. in Cowlesville, N. Y. viii. IRA. ix. GEORGE W. x. LAFAYETTE. xi. SARAH J. 86a. xii. WARREN L., b. 11 Nov., 1833.

40a. PoLLY 6 HAWES (William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. (Milton VR) 12 June 1775 (family account says 12 July 1774). From Bernardston, where her family lived at one time, she seems to have gone to the neighboring town of Guilford, Vt., where the Cong. church has her marriage (with date) to Philip Wheeler, son of Thomas Wheeler. William Hawes, her father, had purchased land directly on the Ver­ mont line, and only a mile from property of Daniel Wheeler ( son of Col. Philip, of Rehoboth). Philip and Polly removed to Gowanda (later Lodi), N. Y., in 1826, and he d. 1829. Shem. (2) --Record, "a ne'er do well", and d. aged 86. SIXTH GENERATION 91

Children of Philip and Polly (Hawes) Wheeler: i. DANIEL' WHEELER, b. Guilford, Vt., 1797; d. probably, at Elgin, Illi­ nois, ab. 1898. ii. RHODA WHEELER; m. Byron Warren, of Deerfield; d. ab. 1898. iii. SYLVANUS WHEELER; m. Eunice Torrey, Guilford, 22 Feb., 1823. He d. 19 Oct. 1852, ae. 49 (g. s.) iv. MARY WHEELER; m. v. EUNICE 'WHEELER; m. Capt. Isaac Noyes, Guilford, 27 Jan. 1834; d. 20 Sept., 1859, ae. 60. vi. SYLVIA WHEELER; d. 16 May 1878, ae. 82; m. (1) 17 Sept., 1818, Ezekiel Daniels; m. (2) ··········-·-··· W etherhead. vii. Lucrus WHEELER; m. ----·------Sprague. viii. LucINDA WHEELER, b. 13 May 1808; d. 19 Dec., 1889; m. 1830, James Locke ; lived at Gowanda, N. Y. ; grandparents of the late James Locke, of Baltimore, Md., my informant. He also added that Polly lived for a time with his people, but d. in Illinois, at her son Daniel's, who had moved from Gowanda about 1850.

40b. EsTHER6 HA WES (William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. (Milton VR) 12 March 1777 (Family Bible says, 12 Feb., at Boston); d. a widow, at Hartford, Ct., 20 Jan., 1857, ae. 80. She m. (Bernardston VR) 28 May 1795, Amos3 Slate, a miller, son of Capt. Joseph (Daniel) and Mary (White) Slate, b. 13 April 1773; d. at Gill, 3 March 1830, ae. 57. For an account of his family, consult History of Bernardston, pp. 494-5. Children of Amos and Esther (Hawes) Slate: i. JOEL AMos' SLATE, b. 14 March 1796; d. Northampton, 6 Aug., 1866; m. 16 April 1828, Wealthy Sykes. ii. ERASTUS SLATE, b. 12 Feb., 1798; lived at Northampton. iii. ALMEDA SLATE, b. 13 April 1800; m. 12 (22?) April 1818, Reuben Sykes; lived at Brattleboro, Vt. vii. CAROLINE SLATE, b. 18 Aug., 1808; d. 26 Aug. 1810. v. WILLIAM SLATE, b. 16 July 1804 (soon after the death of his gr. father Hawes); m. 19 March 1827, Harriet Hill. v1. PATRICK SLATE, b. 17 Aug., 1806. vii. CAROLINE SLATE, b. 18 Aug., 1808; d. 26 Aug., 1810. viii. CAROLINE SLATE, b. 22 Oct., 1810.; d. 26 Aug., 1897, at Hartford, Ct. She m. Nov., 1831, Samuel W. Sykes (Her mother d. at their home). ix. LYDIA EMELINE SLATE, b. 20 July 1812; d. in Brattleboro, Vt., 5 March 1861; m. William Brooks. x. ESTHER ADELINE SLATE, b. 8 Aug., 1814. xi. CALVIN SLATE, b. 11 Oct., 1815; d. 21 Feb., 1823. xii. HARRIET AMELIA SLATE, b. 19 Jan., 1818. xiii. ORREN SLATE, b. 4 Nov., 1820; m. 28 Aug., 1844, Catherine Miller; of Brattleboro, Vt., and later of Waterbury, Ct.

41. W1LLIAM 6 HAWES (William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. (Bible record), perhaps at Bernardston, 1 Sept., 1779. He was in his 25th year when his father died. Probate records at Chelsea, Vt., state that Michael Jackson and Samuel 92 RICHARD HA WES

Mann, 5 July 1822, asked to be appointed guardians of William Hawes, of Randolph, Vt., a distracted person. But 21 Nov., 1828, the court found that he, now of Brookfh!td, Vt., had regained his sanity; guardians discharged. My in­ formant, Mrs. Lettie (Hawes) Corey, thinks that he d. in Canada. He m. (Brookfield VR) 4 March 1808, Sophia, sister of Olivia Hyde, who m. his brother Eleazer. Children of William and Sophia (Hyde) Hawes: i. HANNAH'. b. in Brookfield, Vt., 13 Dec., 1806; d. (Ballou Genealogy) a widow, in Royalton, Vt., 10 June 1876, "nearly 70". Shem. Chel­ sea VR) at Tunbridge, Vt., 18 July 1826, Joseph Ballou; she of Chelsea. Joseph" Ballou (William, Maturin, John, Maturin), b. in Smithfield ( now Lincoln), R. I. ; moved to Tunbridge, Vt. Their children ( from Ballou Genealogy) : i. SIDNEY BALLOU, b. 1826; d. 1862. ii. MATURIN BALLOU; d. young. iii. MARGARET BALLOU, b. 1829; d. unm. in Royalton, Vt. iv. NELSON BALLOU, b. 1831; d. 1851. v. ADA BALLOU, b. 1833; d. 1835. vi. HORACE BALLOU, b. 1835; m. 1866, Mary E. Houston. vii. EDMUND BALLOU, b. 1837; lived at Royalton, Vt. viii. HARRISON BALLOU, b. 1840; lived at Royalton. ix. CHURCH BALLOU, b. 1840; d. 1862, in the Union Army. 87. ii. EuJAH, b. (recorded at Poultney, Vt.) 18 April 1811, "of parents b. in Brookfield". iii. A daughter, said to have been b. at Brookfield, Vt.; not found. But see under Horace' (Eleazer•).

41a. EuNICE6 HAWES (William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. 11 Aug., 1781; m. (family account) a Mr. Treadwell, of Maine. From the Memoir of her brother, Rev. Hervey Hawes: "I purchased a horse, and for the first time came to Maine, to visit a sister in Waterford, who I found to be the wife of Moses Treadwell, a deacon of the Congrega­ tional church of that town." Wyman's "Charlestown" gives the intention of marriage between Moses Hobson Treadwell and Eunice Hawes, 13 Oct., 1805. The Jewett Genealogy, p. 159, and The N. E. Genealogical Register, for 1906, p. 193, both err in stating that he m. Jane Hawes. He was son of Thomas5 Treadwell (1745-1796), b. 29 July 1784; d. prob­ ably, in Waterford, Me., before 1842. He had served as a cap­ tain in the War of 1812. Lists of children in these two pub­ lications differ somewhat. The following are from the Register:


41b. HuLDAH 6 HAWES (William, Eleazar, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. 24 (25 ?) Dec., 1785. She m. at Brookfield, Vt., 29 Aug. 1805, Joel Flint, at which time she was of Randolph, Vt. The Woolson-Fenno Genealogy gives this family. Joel6 Flint (James, Samuel, John, John, Thomas) was b. in Wil­ liamstown, Vt., 13 March 1786; d. 2 Jan., 1857. The children were: i. LoAMMI BRAINARD1 FLINT, b. Williamstown, Vt., 10 Oct., 1810; d. at St. Johnsbury, Vt., 3 Oct., 1888, and was father of i. MARTHA WASHINGTON FLINT, b. 24 Nov., 1844; m. 25 May 1867, Marcellus Taylor Fenno. ii. RICHARD FLINT; m. ( 1) ...... and had: i. WILLIS 8 FLINT. ii. GEORGE FLINT. He m. (2) M ...... Hopkins, and had: iii. ELLA FLINT; m. David C. Horner; of St. Johnsbury, Vt. (Mrs. Lettie (Hawes) Corey, my Informant.)

42. ELEAZER6 HAWES (William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. probably in Bernardston, but recorded in Brook­ field, Vt., 7 Feb., 1788, where he lived and died. He was but 16 when he lost his father. He served in the War of 1812 as a musician. In the Census of 1810 his family consisted of four females, and next ot him lived Ichabod Hyde, whom Eleazer's widowed mother had married. Ichabod's twin daughters, Olivia and Sophia Hyde, m. Eleazer Hawes and William Hawes, respectively. Olivia survived h~r husband many years, and died at the home of her daughter (Mrs. Lee). From an unsuccessful attempt to secure a pension, be­ cause Eleazer was incapacitated in the war, the record at the Pension Office in Washington furnishes some valuable information. Olivia Hawes, widow, aged 71, residing at Shelburne, Vt., on 20 June 1855 made application for a pension, in accordance with a law, passed 3 Feb., 1853. Eleazer was a private in the 11th U. S. Infantry; d. at Brookfield, Vt., 29 Nov., 1830, from disease con­ tracted while in the army. They were m. 13 March 1806, both of Brookfield, by Elijah Lyman, minister. Jared Hyde (her brother?) of Randolph, Vt., testified that he knew Eleazer in his youth, that he was in good health when he entered the service, but contracted dropsy then, and died of it. Calvin Hyde, Randolph, testified that he attended said Eleazer in his last illness as his nurse, for a long time, &c. Asahel Hyde gave similar testimony. That Eleazer was in Capt. Hale's Co., enlisting 6 June 1812, for three years; discharged, 30 April 1815, was all found correct, but the rolls bore no evidence of his being disabled while in service. 94 RICHARD HA WES

Children of Eleazer and Olivia (Hyde) Hawes, b. in Brookfield, Vt.: i. SELINA'; ni. Peabody Hurlburt. Their children (contributed by Mrs. Corey) were : i. ALVIN 8 HURLBURT. ii. NANCY HURLBURT. iii. GEORGE HURLBURT. iv. EMELINE HURLBURT. 87a. ii. EMILY; d. 14 Feb., 1869. 87b. iii. FANNY, b. 26 July 1809. 88. iv. WILLIAM c., b. 1815. v. MARY; m. Perry Lee, first of Northfield, Vt., later of Marshfield, Vt. Their children were : i. ANDREW' LEE; d. ab. 5 yrs. of age and before his sister was born. ii. LucELIA ("Celia") LEE; m. Charles Adams, of Marshfield, Vt. 89. v1. JAMES MONROE, b. ab. 1820. 90. vii. CALVIN, b. 29 April 1823. viii. HORACE, b. "ab. 1825,'' said my informant, but see below. He lived most of his life in Manchester, Vt., but for a time, in Rutland, Vt. He was considered eccentric and unaccountable. He ·enlisted in the Civil War, but was never heard from afterwards. At Manchester are deeds relating to Horace, dated as late as 1852. Mrs. Cunningham, a relative, on whom I called in 1911, gave an incident of his oddity. He purchased the old schoolhouse, with the intention of changing it into a dwelling. While it was being moved to a new site, he became so disgusted with the work­ men, who "went off and got drunk", that he left the building standing in the middle of the road and would have nothing to do with it. Noah P. Perkins purchased it for a trifle, fitted it up and later rented it to Horace, where he lived with his widowed mother for some years. Mr. Perkins's home adjoined (next on the south) the famous Equinox Hotel. Mrs. Cunningham, when I called, was living in the Horace Hawes house, in this lovely village, considered by some the most beautiful in Vermont. The Census of 1850 for Manchester, has, Horace Hawes, har­ ness maker, b. Vt.; age 34 (Hence b. ab. 1816; with a family con­ sisting of Clarissa Hawes, 25 ( who but the unnamed dau. of his uncle William?) and Sophia Hawes, 65 ( who but her mother?). 90a. ix. SOPHIA, b. ab. 1824 or 1825 ("six years old when her father died").

43. ELIJAH 6 HAWES (William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. 22 June 1790 (recorded at Brookfield, Vt.) Thus he was but 14 when he lost his father. By probate record, Chelsea, Vt., he was put under the guardianship of Nathaniel Wheatley, 3 June 1805. He d. in Brookfield, 12 March 1865, ae. 71: 9 mos. (g.s.). He received an injury, 4 March, which resulted fatally a few days after. (From Miss Sarah B. Hawes). His will, dated 3 June 1864, names Lucius B. 1=,yman, exor. It bequeathes to his gr. son, George Kings­ bury; the rest to his wife, Huldah Hawes. Elijah's first wife was Lydia Lyman. Consult deed (Grafton Co., N. H., Vol. 74:270). Sarah Lyman of Lebanon; Clarissa Lyman, Richard Lyman, Elijah and Lydia Hawes, all of Brookfield, Vt., SIXTH GENERATION 95 quitclaim to Asa Lyman, of Lebanon, N. H., their rights to land in Lebanon, as heirs of Richard Lyman, late of the same, deceased; signed, 28 Feb., 1815, and witnessed by Noah Paine, Stephen Paine, Sarah Lyman, Philomela Lyman (widow of Richard). Elijah Hawes m. (2) "a widow with seven children, of Randolph, Vt." (From Mrs. Corey). "One of her children was the wife of Dr. Davenport, of East Randolph. Mrs. Huldah P. Hawes, wife of Elijah, d. 13 Sept., 1893, ae. 88 :6 mos. (Brookfield VR and grave­ stone at the center of that town). The Peabody Genealogy (Descend­ ants of Francis), p. 97, states that John7 Peabody, b. 1768; d. at Tunbridge, Vt., 1835; m. Edith Braman, who d. in Brookfield, Vt. Their dau. "Hannah", b. Tunbridge, 26 Feb., 1805; m. ( 1) Samuel Smith of Brookfield; m. (2) Elijah Hawes, of Randolph. She d. 15 Sept., 1893. Evidently the Genealogy is mistaken in her name be­ ing Hannah. Children of Elijah and Lydia (Lyman) Hawes: i. EMELINE R:; d. in the spring of 1859; m. 20 April 1842, Joseph B. Kingsbury. This record at Brooksfield states that she was b. there, the dau. of Elijah, "b. in N. Y." and Lydia Lyman, b. in Brookfield. Mr. Kingsbury was living in 1865, when his father­ in-law died. A son, i. GEORGE8 KINGSBURY: living, 1864.

43a. CLARISSA6 HAWES (William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. Probably in Brookfield, Vt., 10 June 1794. I have but a meagre account to offer, the contribution of Mrs. Corey. I have not the date of her marriage or of her death. She m. a Mr. Carpenter, but the voluminous genealogy of that family does not help. Her children, as given me, were: i. CHARLES1 CARPENTER, who m. and was father of three or four chn. ii. ]AMES B. CARPENTER was thrice married and had three sets of chil­ dren, twelve in all. Of these were : i. ELLA" CARPENTER (Mrs. Tillotson). ii. HARRIET CARPENTER (Mrs. Hill). iv. EMMA CARPENTER (Mrs. Baxter). iv. BERT CARPENTER, v. FRED CARPENTER. vi. GEORGE CARPENTER; at one time of 7 Milton Avenue, Dor­ chester, with business address at 112 Pearl St., Boston. vii. CHARLES CARPENTER.

43b. ELECTA ("LEETY") 6 HAWES (William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Brookfield, Vt., 5 (6) July 1800. She m. Ralph Freeman. Her brother, Rev. Hervey Hawes, of Maine, in letters to members of the family, under date of 7 March 1864, asks, "Can you tell me whether any of our family is yet living, beside Sister Electa ?" And under date of 29 April 1865, when he sends his photograph, he adds, "I also send one to my Sister Freeman." 96 RICHARD HA WES

The children of Ralph and Electa (Hawes) Freeman, as far as known: i. CHARLES FREDERICK' FREEMAN; d. in Ashburnham, Aug., 1890, leav- ing a widow, Mrs. Sarah Freeman, "living, 1890, in Brookfield, Vt." ii. GEORGE W. FREEMAN, b. Brookfield, Vt., 3 Dec., 1833; m. 25 Jan., 1855, Oulla Hamblin. The Cleveland Genealogy, p. 648, located him at one time in No. Montpelier, Vt., a farmer. iii. WILLIAM FREEMAN, of Brookfield ( ?) iv. MARY ANN FREEMAN, of the same ( ?) (Mrs. Corey, my inform­ ant).

44. HERVEY6 HAWES (William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in Brookfield, Vt., the youngest of fourteen chil­ dren, 18 ( 19 ?) June 1802. He lost his father when barely two years old, and his motper died when he was twelve. We give extracts from an autobiography, loaned by his grand­ daughter, of his useful life of sixty-six years. "I was permitted to remain at home with my dear mother and enjoy her tender affection and religious instruction until I was past ten years old.-I took all my effects and travelled on foot and alone, some three miles, where I heard an honest, faithful boy was wanted. -Arrangements were made to remain there until I was of age.­ After seven years I had a dsire to enjoy more privileges-and pur­ chased the remainder of my minority, but with the consent of my guardian.-At this time I became interested in religious subjects, though from my early boyhood I had at times been the subject of conviction.-It was no uncommon thing for me to work more than half the night, in order to gain time to attend meeting the next day. -I cherished an ardent desire to be useful, and I was encouraged to think of the ministry. This seemed quite beyond my sphere, espe­ cially as my education was limited.-I united with the Congrega­ tional church, though I had a severe trial as to baptism.-When I became of age, for the first time I attended the Academy at Ran­ dolph, Vt. Later I purchased a horse and came to Maine.-I decided to remain during the winter and engaged a school in the town of Lovell. There I made many acquaintances, among them the family of Joseph McAllister, from which I subsequently married my wife. At the close of the term I returned to Vermont ( on foot and in bad travelling), spent the season in farming, and in the fall went back to Maine; engaged in teaching again that winter. In the spring I began studying for the ministry, with Rev. Mr. Douglas, pastor of the Congregational church at Waterford, and the following fall attended the Academy at Hebron, where I found myself for the first time among Baptists, and had the ministrations of the pious and devout Elder John Tripp, by whom I was afterwards baptised. Studying and teaching was my business for some time until I became connected with-Waterville College ( now Colby University) . I was invited by the church there to preach the Gospel, and soon was ordained. At the SIXTH GENERATION 97 ordination Eld. Green of Waterville preached the sermon, Prof. Newton gave the hand of fellowship, and Dr. Chapin (the Presi­ dent) gave the charge. Continuing my College course, at the same time I took the pastoral care of the church in Fairfield.-At the fall term of 1832 I was called to Hampden for the five weeks of College vacation-but these proved to be five years.-The First church there was soon able to build a beautiful brick house of wor­ ship." (His labors were not confined to that locality, but extended to adjoining places, especially Bangor and Etna.) "A revival was held at Etna for twelve days and evenings, the first one of that length. Such was the power of Divine Grace displayed, that in­ dividuals who came to scoff, went away to weep and to pray. In one instance I was called up at midnight to go and converse and pray with the anxious and distressed."- In the summer of 1837 Bro. Hawes was appointed Agent of the Maine Baptist Convention.-The Feb. following he removed to St. Albans, Me. (now Hartland) and there witnessed three extensive revivals in the next three years. One hundred and thirty in all were added to the church, and it was resolved to build a church, for up to this time they had used the Academy building. At this time Mr. Hawes was employed to assist in raising $50,000 for Waterville College. He next was called to Damariscotta, where a revival soon commenced, and continued for some months. "It was a work of grace long to be remembered on account of the powerful effect upon all classes". Here he continued five years. Over one hundred and sixty were added to this church, and a large and beautiful house of wor­ ship was built. At Damariscotta he was succeeded by Rev. S. A. Kingsbury, and we next hear of Mr. Hawes in Richmond, Me. At the request of the Maine Missionary Society he was induced to remove to Union, where he divided his time with that church and the one at Appleton. "The cause was strengthened in both places." He next was at Augusta, over the Second Church, which had been formed a few years previous, somewhat against the wishes of the First Church. Mr. Hawes says: "Bro. Amariah Kellogg, pastor of the First Church, and myself pledged each other to work together, to effect a reconciliation between the two.-Soon all past differ­ ences were laid aside, and the Second Church was admitted to the Association, to the riches of God's grace be it acknowledged." After another two years he next removed to Bath, where his labors were blessed, more being added to the church in two years than had joined in the five years previous. He next accepted an appointment from the Maine Missionary Society, and travelled widely, but soon accepted a call to Addison (Washington Co.) . While there he min­ istered to the people of Columbia and other adjoining places, But the people of St. Albans, from whom he had been absent twelve years, invited him to return to them, and he did so. After three years there, he divided his time with the churches in Stetson, Ply­ mouth, and the First Church of Hampden. While there he was called to the church in Searsport, where he remained four years. "And many were added to the church". Next he went to Belfast 98 RICHARD HA WES

(This was in 1862-3). From here he was called to Surry. "I was greatly encouraged to find this people in a prayerful state of mind. They had built them a beautiful house of worship, with a good bell, and a fine choir of singers. I was encouraged to work and not with­ out some profit, I trust, to the cause. "From Surry he went to Monmouth Ridge, to have charge of the church there and at East Monmouth also. A writer says: "Little did our departed Brother think here were to be his last labors on earth. He entered upon his duties with the same zeal and devotion which had characterized him throughout his entire ministry. Not content with the labors of the pulpit and even his own parish, he was ever ready to visit adjoining neighborhoods and preach the Gospel of Christ. Well done, good and faithful servant." Rev. Hervey Hawes d. in Monmouth, Me., 20 Sept., 1868. He had m. in Lovell, Me., Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Sarah McAllister; b. there, 2 Jan., 1797; d. in Hallowell, Me., 1 March 1887. Another account gives her birthplace as Paris, Me. This date of birth, in the family Bible, would make her age 90 years. She always insisted that the Bible record was wrong, that really she was b. in 1795. (This from her gr. daughter.) I called upon Mrs. Hawes, then a widow, and living in Augusta, Me. She could tell me little about her husband's family, except that he had a sister Huldah. (F. M. H.) Mr. and Mrs. Hawes were presented with their oil portraits by devoted parishioners. These are now in the keeping of their gr. daughter, Miss Sarah B. Hawes, of Springfield. Maine Deeds show that he was living in St. Albans in 1838; in Hartland, in 1853. The Census of 1850 locates him, age 45, in Augusta; that of 1860, in Searsport, age 57. Children of Hervey and Sarah (McAllister) Hawes: 91. i. JoHN Qurncy ADAMS', b. in Lovell, Me., 28 Jan., 1829. ii. SARAH; d. when 4 yrs. of age. 92. iii. HERVEY K., b. in Damariscotta, Me., 24 Sept., 1842.

45. EowARD6 HAWES (Desire, Desire, James, Obadiah, Richard) was bapt. at the New North Church of Boston, 5 March 1758. He had a war record. Edward Hawes, Boston, a private in Capt. Joshua Parker's Co., Col. Wm. Prescott's (10th) reg.; roll dated 1 Aug., 1775; enlisted 26 April; served 97 days; also, on company's return, dated 27 Sept., 1775, "on com'd for Quebec, with Col. Arnold"; also, on an order at Hull, 27 June 1776; also, Edward Hawes, sergeant, in a detachment, engaged 23 Jan. 1878; discharged 1 May 1778, under Major Gen. Heath, to serve as guards on board prison ship "Kingston", in Boston Harbor. Suffolk Deeds (190 :199). Edward Hawes, shipwright, for $700, sells to Elizabeth and Joseph Hambury two parcels of land at the SIXTH GENERATION 99 north end of Boston, one bounded by Freeman; on Kirkwood's land, &c.; the other on Charles St. He signed with wife Esther Hawes, 8 Oct., 1798. In the Census of 1790 for Boston, besides himself and wife, Edward Hawes had a family of four males under 16, and three females. In Boston Directory for 1798, he appears as shipwright, living on Fish St. In 1800 he was living on Back St. In 1803, on Hinchman's Lane. The following marriages ( Hollis St. church records) explain themselves : Esther Oliver and John Gardner were m., 18 Dec., 1774. Left a young widow, Esther Gardner m. Benjamin Newell, 22 Aug., 1776. He was b. in Boston, 26 April 1749, the son of David and Elizabeth Newell. Her third venture is thus recorded: Edward Hawes, bachelor, and Esther Newell were m. 2 Aug., 1784 (by Rev. Samuel Stillman). Esther Oliver, dau. of Edward Brattle and Esther (Parkman) Oliver, b. in Boston, 19 Jan., 1755 (1754?), was descended from Thomas1 Oliver and Elias1 Parkman. She survived her third husband, and d. in Boston, aged 74, 23 Jan., 1828 (Burial, 74 Granary). Records of First Universalist church: "4th Sabbath in January, 1828, attended funeral of Mrs. Esther Hawes, age 74." Edward Hawes d. in Boston, 8 Jan., 1806, ae. 48. Children of Edward and Esther (Oliver-Gardner-Newell) Hawes, b. in Boston: i. ELIZA (probably the oldest); d. 31 Oct. (bur. 1 Nov.) 1815 ae. 31, "dau. of Edward Hawes" (Hollis church rec.) Burial' was in Copps Hill, new part. 93. ii. EDWARD W! 94. iii. GEORGE T. 95. IV. EBENEZER OLIVER, b. 23 Oct., 1791 (1790?). v. ABIGAIL NEWELL; m. (same records) 13 Oct., 1816, Thomas Mansir. My informant stated that she m. (2) a Mr. Hyatt, and lived in Louisville, Ky. An examination of records there, through the kindness of Miss L. J. Kinkead, of The Filson Club, Curator, would seem to show that it was a dau. of this couple who m. Hyatt: "Abby Mansir, dau. of ...... Mansir, deceased, of lawful age, m. Francis Hyatt; license issued 17 Jan., 1832". (Bk. 2 :77, Jefferson Co. Marriages). City Directories of Louisville show a John H. Mansir and Frank Mansir living there later, in the neighborhood of the Hyatts, the former a coppersmith. Children of Thomas and Abigail N. (Hawes) Mansir, as known: i. LucRETIA MANSIR (See account under George T. Hawes, her uncle and adopted father.) vi. A daughter, says my informant, m. a Mr. Huse (Hughes) and lived in Louisville, Ky. Miss Kinkead gave me the following: "John L. Hyatt m. Eliza Ann Hughes, of lawful age; license is­ sued 2 Oct., returned 2 Oct., 1837.

46. BENJAMIN 6 HAWES (Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sharon, 4 March 1771, but lived in early life at Walpole. Later he removed to Roxbury, where he was an innkeeper. He was made blind from the blasting of a 100 RICHARD HA WES

rock. The late Madison Hawes ( of the Edward Hawes line) visited this Benjamin in 1847, and in a letter to me ( 1883) he speaks of the wonderful memory of Benjamin, then an old man. I was thus furnished, first hand, with accounts of the family of Stephen4 and his descendants, taken down from the lips of this man. Benjamin inherited property from his gr. father Holbrook. Suffolk Deeds (Vol. 91 :85). Roxbury, 8 March 1792, Received from my honored father, Mr. Benjamin Hawes of Walpole, my guardian, ¼ of a house, barn and 6 acres of land, situated in Roxbury and occupied by Stephen Hawes, innkeeper; also one moiety of all the securities amounting to 50 pounds in full of my grandfather, Capt. John Holbrook, late of Roxbury, signed, Benjamin Hawes, Jr. A History of Roxbury (Boston Commissioners' Report, Vol. 34), states, p. 219, that "Donald Kennedy's residence, between Waverly and Clifford streets, was built abo11t 1764, by Samuel Hawes (sic), who inherited a portion of the Holbrook estate, and where son Benjamin occupied it until 1836. It was then bought by the Roxbury Land Co. for a mulbeny plantation, to raise silk­ worms. The solid oak timber in the frame was cut from the place itself." My comment on this account would be that no Samuel Hawes in­ herited from the Holbrook estate. If the writer mistook the name Samuel for Stephen\ I would say that the latter never lived in Roxbury; and if for Stephen5, but seven years old in 1764, that would not apply. If a Samuel Hawes really had the building of the old house, it could have been no other than Samuel5, pp. 56, 57 of this book, and a statement very acceptable to me. "Roxbury Church": Pew No. 13, lower floor, belonged, 15 Nov., 1832, to Benjamin Hawes (b. 1771). Maine Deeds ( Lincoln Co., Vol. 10:72) Jacob Clapp and Hawley Clapp, both of Walpole, to Benjamin Hawes of Roxbury, innholder, and Joseph Hawes, of Boston, victualler, land with buildings in Strong, Me. Signed, 28 Sept., 1819, together with their wives, Hannah and Nabby Clapp. Vol. XI :514, gives the disposal of property in Strong, 30 April 1821, that had belonged to the elder Benjamin ( d. 1818), the grantors being his heirs, namely, Benjamin Hawes, John H. Hawes, both of Roxbury, Timothy Hawes, of Bolton, Jesse Ellis and wife Eliza­ beth, of Medfield, Joseph and Luke Hawes, both of Boston, Increase Hawes and Mary Hawes, single, both of Walpole. Mr. Hawes d. in Roxbury, 16 Oct., 1857, aged 86 :6. His will (Norfolk Pro. No. 9017) was dated 3 July, that year. C. M. Win­ ship and George B. Winship were two of the witnesses. It names Wife Mary, son, John H. (exor.), Benjamin, "eldest son", and his two daughters, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Proctor. Benjamin Hawes m. in Roxbury, 6 Nov., 1814, Mary Pillsbury Shannon, of Hampstead, N. H., dau. of Thomas and Sarah Shannon. She must have been considerably younger than her husband, judging from death record, in Boston, 8 Jan., 1866, "ae. 76 yrs. 9 mos." SIXTH GENERATION 101

Children of Benjamin and Mary P. (Shannon) Hawes, b. Roxbury: i. MARY SHANNON\ b. 21 May 1815; d. before 1883; m. in Boston, Lewis Jones. Children : i. EMMA8 JONES. ii. LEWIS JONES, JR. 96. ii. BENJAMIN, b. 9 Feb., 1817. iii. JULIA ANN; m. in Roxbury, 31 Dec., 1843, Franklin Proctor. Their chn.: 8 I. BENJ AMIN PROCTOR. ii. JULIA PROCTOR. iii. MARION PROCTOR. iv. LOUISE PROCTOR. V. FANNY PROCTOR. vi. Susrn PROCTOR. iv. JOHN HOLBROOK, b. Oct., 1824; d. (State House rec.) 14 June 1877, aged 53 :11 :10, in Boston, of typhoid fever; merchant. He m. in Roxbury 24 (29?) April 1855, Fidelia Pierce. From the Whitney Genealogy we learn that she was b. in Leominster, 19 Aug., 1826; d. 9 July 1878, dau. of Augustus and Eliza Dexter (Whitney) Pierce. There were no children. v. SARAH ELIZABETH ; d. young. vi. (adopted) HARRIET REBECCA, b. ab. 1832; m. in Dorchester, 14 Dec., 1852, John Pierce Beals, b. 14 Dec., 1828, son of Thomas and Mary (Pope) Beals (Consult Blake Family, p. 101). Children: i. MARY ELIZABETH BEALS, b. 1853; m. Edward Hanson. ii. CHARLES HENRY BEALS, b. 11 Sept., 1855. iii. GEORGE EDWARD BEALS, b. 26 Aug., 1857.

47. JoHN HoLBROOK 6 HAWES (Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sharon, 20 Sept., 1772. He was a farmer. Like his brother, Benjamin, he inherited property from his grandfather Holbrook's estate (1775). He lived for a time in Roxbury. "Roxbury Church", Pew no. 8, lower floor, belonged to John H. Hawes, 10 May 1804. He was a communion member, 1807, and in 1820 contributed towards a new church organ (Not Joseph H., as reported). He and his brother Benjamin were members of the Horse Thief Society, a noted organization of Walpole, Wrentham, and vicinity. Consult Maine deeds, under his brother's name. Mr. Hawes d. in Walpole, of apoplexy, 21 July 184-6, ae. 73 :10:1. His will, a long one (Norfolk Pro., No. 9055) was signed 28 March 1845; Ebenezer Stone and Edmund W. Clapp, exors. It gives to wife Sally; to his two sons-in-law, Ebenezer Stone and Edmund W. Clap, Esq.; to gr. son, William C. Hawe.s, "till 21", or to William's mother, Merriam H., wife of Alexander L. Monroe; to his two daughters, Elizabeth H. Stone and Achsah B. Clap. Among the witnesses was John A. Gould (appointed guardian of William C. Hawes). Mr. Hawes m. (1) in Medway, 1 Jan., 1807, Achsah6 Barber, b. 24 (29?) July 1784, dau. of George" (George, John, Zachariah, George) Barber. She d. in Roxbury, 8 Sept., 1822. About 1830 he 102 RICHARD HA WES removed to Walpole and m. (2) 13 Jan., 1833, Mrs. Sally (Clap), widow of Dr. James Messenger, of Walpole, where she d. 10 June 1862, ae. 86: 10 :0. She was b. in that town, the dau. of Oliver and Susanna Clap. Her will of 15 Oct., 1860 has Edmund C. Clap as exor. It gives to the children of Dr. Ebenezer Stone, and to Edmund W. Clap, merchant, to him and his heirs. Children of John Holbrook and Achsah (Barber) Hawes, b. in Roxbury: 97. i. JOHN HOLBROOK', b. 2 Oct., 1807. 97a. ii. ELIZABETH HOLBROOK, b. 10 May 1809. iii. JULIA ANN, b. 19 Sept., 1811; d. 22 May 1818. iv. AcHSAH BARBER, b. 17 Dec., 1814; d. 2 May 1887; m. 1 Jan., 1835, Edmund Wright Clap, b. Walpole, 15 Jan., 1811; d. 10 Oct., 1874, son of Henry and Nabby (Polly?) Clap. They had: i. ABBY FRANCES" CLAP.

48. TIMOTHY6 HAWES (Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Walpole, 10 Feb., 1780. We trace his places of residence by deeds. In March, 1804, and in 1813, he was of Walpole, and again in 1825. The deed of 1813 records a sale of land there to Joseph Hawes, Jr., of Rox­ bury, and is signed by wife Hannah. By deeds, we learn that he was of New Marlborough, N. H., in 1814. In 1819, with wife Hannah, he was a resident of Bolton, Worcester Co. This deed ( 60 :130) conveys land in Walpole. 157 acres, to Joseph Hawes, of Boston. In 1816, he had sold a farm of 100 acres in Bolton to Isaac Whitney of Stow, he and Hannah being then of New Marlborough. By 1847, or earlier, he was living in So. Dedham (Norwood), where he d. 7 Sept., 1851, "ae. 74, a farmer, of heart trouble". As early as 1824 he was known as Capt. Timothy Hawes. He m. in Walpole, 3 Feb., 1805, Hannah, dau. of John Ellis, of that town. She survived as his widow, and d. 16 May 1858. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hawes left wills (Norfolk Pro., No. 9089 and No. 9042). His was signed at Dedham, 23 May 1850. It mentions wife Hannah, son Sylvester Hawes ( exor.), son William Hawes, dau. Mary E., wife of George W. Win­ ship, son Nathaniel S. Hawes, son Benjamin Hawes, and Adelaide, dau. of the Winships; witnesses, Colburn, Lucy, and Hannap. Ellis. Her will, signed 9 Oct., 1854, gives to son Nathaniel "my great Bible"; to dau. Mary; to son Sylvester; to dau. Margaret (sic) ; to gr. dau. Hannah C. ( dau. of William). Colburn Ellis was to be exor. but George W. Winship served. Children of Timothy and Hannah (Ellis) Hawes: 98. i. NATHANIEL SuMNER', b. in Walpole, 23 Sept., 1805. ii. NEWMAN ELLIS, b. 16 Jan., 1807; d. 2 Nov., 1833; unm. iii. TIMOTHY, JR., b. 24 Dec., 1808; d. 18 Dec., 1842; m. Louisa, dau. of Joseph and Sally C. Cobb, of Wrentham. There were no chn. As SIXTH GENERATION 103

his widow, she m. (2) 1 Jan., 1868, he 84, she 52, both of Franklin, Dr. Oliver Dean, the founder of Dean Academy in that town, Rev. A. A. Miner, D.D. officiating. Dr. Dean was son of Seth and Edena Dean. Timothy Hawes, Jr., of New Bedford and Louisa Cobb were m. Feb., 1836 (Wrentham VR). She was b. there, 18 Aug., 1815, her mother being Sally (Cooper) Cobb. Bristol Co. Pro., 85 :178. Inventory of the late Timothy Hawes taken, 29 Dec., 1842. Henry H. Crapo, admr., 7 Feb., 1843. iv. BENJAMIN, b. 5 Feb., 1811; d. at Walpole, 16 Oct., 1866, aged 46; unm. In his will (Norfolk Pro., No. 9018), signed 4 Oct., 1866, styled "farmer" his brother, Nathaniel S., is named exor. and resid­ uary. His brothers William (of Providence) and Sylvester (of Dedham) and sister Mary Winship (of Dedham) are left bequests. Petition says that he d. 10 Oct. v. JOSEPH C., b. 11 Feb., 1813; "left home in 1833 and was never heard from". Could "daughter Margaret", of his mother's will, refer to the wife of this Joseph? 99. vi. WILLIAM, b. 14 Feb., 1815. vii. MARY E., b. 19 Nov., 1817; m. in Dedham, 27 Oct., 1839, by Rev. Massena Ballou, of Stoughton, George W. Winship, of So. Ded­ ham. Another account calls him, of Medfield. Children : i. ADELAIDE E." WINSHIP, b. June 1842. ii. CAROLINE WINSHIP. 100. viii. SYLVESTER, b. 5 Jan., 1820. ix. CAROLINE, b. 10 March (May?) 1823; d. 14 July 1845, ae. 22; unm. (b. in Dedham, State House rec.) x. An infant (So. Dedham ch. rec.) "child of Capt. Timothy Hawes, bur. 9 May 1824 in the new burying ground".

49. JosEPH 6 HAWES (Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in Walpole, 13 May 1783. He was associated at one time with his brother Luke in the meat business in Boston. The History of Walpole (by I. N. Lewis) has sev­ eral references to Joseph Hawes: He was on the ordination committee of the minister, 2 Oct., 1826. His name is on a list of those who were instrumental in forming the Wal­ pole Social Library. p. 204, his name appears as a repre­ sentative to the General Court. He seems to have held that office from 1827 to 1831, inclusive, and again in 1835. Later he was candidate for State Senator. In 1828 he was a donor towards building an addition to the Second Meeting House in Dedham. On the records he is called "farmer" and "Es­ quire", and in the settlement of his son's estate, he is spoken of as "Hon. Joseph Hawes" ( late of Walpole). He d. there, 24 July 1849, ae. 66 :2 : 12 ( St. Ho. rec.) Admin. of his estate (Norfolk Pro., No. 9059) was given to John A. Gould, sen. He left a widow and two children. Mr. Hawes m. 3 Dec., 1837, Mrs. Olive (Turner) Clap, of Walpole; b. in Franklin, dau. of Calvin and Olive Turner. She d. in Walpole, 10 Oct., 1863, a widow, ae. 66 yrs. On the death of Mr. Hawes she was made guardian of the two chn. She left a will (Norfolk Pro., No. 9079), signed 27 Nov., 1862, of which Joshua Stetson, Jr., Walpole, was the executor. Bequests were left to her 104 RICHARD HA WES daus., Josephine A. Clap, Sarah E. Stone, and to her son, Joseph Hawes. Children of Joseph and Olive (Turner) (Clap) Hawes, b. in Walpole: i. SARAH ELIZABETH', b. 20 Aug., 1839; d. 27 May 1911; m. in Wal- pole, 6 Oct. 1861, Silas Emlyn Stone, M.D., son of Dr. Ebenezer Stone. His mother was Elizabeth H. Hawes. For a full account, consult The Stone Genealogy. He was b. 10 Aug., 1838; d. 29 Jan., 1887. In the obituary notice of this Dr. Stone, a man very much beloved in his community, we read: "Speaking one day of the lost companionship of his only son, who died in his arms last April, which he had anticipated from the hour of the boy's birth, he said with inexpressable sadness, I must learn to live without it." Children: i. ELIZABETH HA WES 8 STONE, b. 23 Sept., 1875; m. in Walpole, 4 June 1902, Louis Ellis Vose, b. in Milton, 21 April 1875; Harvard College, A.B., 1898. They had four children. ii. GREGORY STONE, named for his first (Stone) ancestor in this country, b. 16 Sept., 1877; d. 14 April 1886. ii. JosEPH A., b. 18 April 1843 (another account, 25 April) ; d. in Pepperell, 4 July 1911, aged 67; unm. In 1873 (Pro., No. 9061), he had Warren A. Gorham as his trustee of a fund from Dr. Silas E. Stone and wife, of all that came to him as an heir of his late father.

50. !NCREASE 6 HAWES (Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Walpole, 24 April 1785. He lived most of his life in So. Dedham (Norwood), where he d. 7 April 1864, ae. 79 ( St. Ho. rec.). In the admin. of his father's estate ( 1818) he was styled captain. In Lincoln Co. Deeds ( 5 :48), signed 10 July 1815, he was of Strong, Me. And earlier still (Vol. 2:104) he was living there, 26 Aug., 1809. Numerous deeds at the Norfolk Registry relate to his land transactions, which show that he was of Dedham by 1822. His will of 5 Dec., 1857 (Norfolk Pro., No. 9047) names Increase, Jr., as his executor. Bequests, after the death of his wife, were made to his four children. Later the son-in-law was made exor. Witnesses : John A. Gould, Lydia Pratt, and Hannah Gould. Increase Hawes m. Betsey, dau. of Zephaniah and Rebecca (Peirce) Morton, of Middleboro. She d. before him, 25 March 1858. Children of Increase and Betsey (Morton) Hawes: 101. i. JosEPH7, b. in Strong, Me., 29 Nov., 1813. 102. ii. INCREASE, JR., b. same, 3 Jan., 1815. iii. BETSEY ("Elizabeth"), b. 14 May 1816; d. a widow, 27 June 1886; m. (Walpole VR) 14 May 1843, William Kingsbury, of Dedham (Walpole?) He was living in 1864. Children: i. MARY ELizABETH 8 KINGSBURY, b. 27 July 1844; d. Sept., 1866. ii. ABBY JEANNETTE KINGSBURY, b. Nov., 1847; d. July 1861. iii. EMMA REBECKAH KINGSBURY, b. 22 Feb., 1850; m. Deacon Joshua Crocker, of Provincetown. iv. WILLIAM LYMAN KINGSBURY, b. 6 April 1855. SIXTH GENERATION 105

iv. WILLIAM, b. 13 Aug., 1818; d. 16 June 1824 (Rec. of So. Parish, Dedham). v. REBECCA, b. in So. Dedham, 11 Oct., 1824; d. unmarried, at Nor­ wood, 14 Oct., 1892, ae. 68 :3 :0. She was the family genealogist and helped me materially with this line of Stephen•. Her estate was administered by William K. Hawes, of Canton, 10 Nov., 1892. Somewhat of a humorist, she wrote in 1883, speaking of herself, "the only old maid of the lot, altho there were several narrow escapes."

S0a. MARY 6 HAWES (Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. 15 Apr., 1787, and d. 20 June 1861. She was named for her mother, Mary Sumner, b. in Dedham, 8 July 1747, dau. of Dea. Nathaniel Sumner, b. in Roxbury, 1720; Harvard College, class of 1739. Her mother was Hannah Bullard of Walpole. Dr. Daniel Stone, of Sharon and Mary Hawes were m. 18 Dec., 1823. He was b. in Framingham, 18 Nov., 1773, son of Elijah6 Stone. He graduated from Harvard College in 1797; located in Sharon ab. 1800; d. 27 Aug., 1842. This was his third marriage. He had a son, Albert, by his first marriage, who m. Elizabeth7 Ellis, niece of Mary (Hawes). Consult The Stone Genealogy. Children of Dr. Daniel and Mary (Hawes) Stone: i. MARY ELIZABETH' STONE, b. 8 April 1825; d. unm., at Sharon, 20 July 1868. ii. CHARLES ELIJAH STONE, b. 13 April 1828; following the family custom, he too was a physician. The Genealogy has a long account of him. iii. ALFRED BENJAMIN STONE, b. 7 June 1830; d. 3 June 1853. He located as a physician in Medfield.

51. LuKE6 HAWES (Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in Walpole, 14 Aug., 1789. He and his brother Joseph were in the meat business in Boston, when, in 1820, called "victualler", he was living at SO Myrtle St. with place of business at "the old market". In 1822, called "trader", his home was on Poplar St. He d. at Worcester, 4 April 1826, in his 37th yr. Hem. Miss Ann B. Crow, of Baltimore, Md. She d. his widow, at Worcester, 9 Aug., 1847, "ae. 51". Norfolk Deeds (58:134). Luke Hawes, Vanceville, Prince George Co., Md., to Benjamin Hawes, Roxbury, and Joseph Hawes, Boston, one fourth part of lands in Walpole, of Benjamin Hawes, deceased, being 170 acres; signed, 1 Jan., 1818. Children of Luke and Ann B. (Crow) Hawes : i. MARY JANE1, b. in Boston, 30 Aug., 1817. (From Vol. X of the Dedham Hist. Soc. Publications) She was of Walpole; educated in the home of her uncle, Hon. Joseph Hawes. She taught school in the Clapboard Trees (now Fisher) school, &c. She d. in Fitz­ william, N. H., 7 Aug., 1854; bur. in Walpole. She m. 1841, in Dedham, Edward Dexter Bent, of that town. Children: 106 RICHARD HAWES

i. JENNIE8 BENT. ii. JULIA BENT. 111. A son. ii. JULIA ANN, b. in Boston, 22 Feb., 1819; m. E. Daggett Clap, of Walpole. There was a son, i. EDMUND D.' CLAPP. 103. 111. EDMUND CRow, b. in Boston, 11 Dec., 1820. 103a. iv. EMILY ELIZA, b. 20 Oct., 1822. v. GEORGE HENRY, b. in Boston, 7 Oct., 1824; d. unm., in Walpole, 10 May 1849, ae. 24 ( St. Ho. rec.) His brother was appointed admr. when the peition names Edmund C. and the three sisters as co­ heirs.

52. STEPHEN 6 HA WES (Jonathan, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard). My account of this man and his family is some­ what uncertain. By Census returns, he was b. in Mass., probably at Canton, about 1788 or 1789, bapt. there, the old­ est of a group, 25 June 1794. As he was not named by Benjamin°, his cousin, among the children of Stephen5, it is evidence that the memory of the aged is not always infallible. In the settlement of Jonathan's estate (1828) a claim of this Stephen was allowed. Augusta, Me., Deeds ( 52 :326). Stephen Hawes of Augusta to Henry Doe, of the same; signed, 1823; P. Hawes (wife?), a wit­ ness. In the deed of 1830 (Nor folk Registry) already cited, Stephen and wife Dorcas were of Mercer, Me. In deed of 1832 ( Suffolk Registry) both Stephen and Dorcas sign. Consult a deed given under the name of their son John ( 1858). In the Census of 1840, Stephen's name on the Mercer list is crossed off. In the Census of 1850 ( Mercer) , his age is 62 ; farmer ; b. in Maine (sic) ; wife Dorcas, 48; John, 20; Phebe, 20; Martha D., 23; Betsey, 16; Wilson, 5 ( all b. in Me.). In Census of 1860, for Sidney, in the family of Jonathan Hawes, 36, we find Stephen Hawes, aged 71 (b. in Mass.), and in the town of Belgrade, in the family of Benjamin and Hannah Ricker (same year) is Dorcas Hawes, aged 55. The Town Clerk of Rome, Me., wrote that Stephen Hawes lived in Mercer and d. there after 1857. Town Clerk of Mercer wrote: "There is no one of the Hawes name on our records". Mrs. Sawtelle, my informant, thinks that Stephen d. in Belgrade, Me. Stephen Hawes was twice married. The name of first wife, per­ haps Phebe, is not found. "Mrs. Stephen Hawes cl. March, 1823, aged 20 yrs." (Augusta VR). Hem. (2) in Belgrade, Me., 26 Aug., 1828, Dorcas Dutton, b. ab. 1805 ; living in 1860. Children of Stephen and Dorcas (Dutton) Hawes: i. (perhaps) WILLIAM'; d. in Belgrade, Me., 9 May 1838 (VR). ii. (perhaps) MARY ANN; d. same, 8 Nov., 1838 (VR). 7 104. iii. JoHN , b. ab. 1830 (Census of 1850). iv. PHEBE, b. ab. 1830 ( same Census). According to Mrs. Lucerne Hawes, Phebe m. Thomas Rollins, of Smithfield, Me. v. MARTHA DUTTON, b. ,per record, at Belgrade, 5 July 1829 ( But age SIXTH GENERATION 107

23, in Census of 1850); m. (Augusta VR) 10 June 1861, John Page, of Sidney, Me. "She was not living in 1893". vi. BETSEY; b. ab. 1834 (Census of 1850); m. her cousin, Thomas' Hawes, son of Moses•. There was a divorce. My informant thinks that Betsey d. 22 March, about 1900. vii. WILSON, b. ab. 1845 ( Census of 1850). Augusta records give his death, 31 Jan., 1904, "single, ae. 59, b. in Mercer," also, his two marriages: (1) with Marion Holt, 6 Feb., 1866; and (2) 17 April 1886, with Miss Mary E. Snow, both of Augusta. From Records, State House, Boston: i. ANGIE E.8 HAWES; d. 2 April 1893, ae. 23; single; b. at Augusta, Me., of Wilson and Anna (Holt) Hawes, "both b. in Augusta." viii. (perhaps) STEPHEN. The wife of a Stephen Hawes d. at Augusta, Me., 7 May 1853, "ae. 25". ix. (perhaps) ELIZABETH; of Sidney, Me., who m. there, 11 Aug., 1843, Elbridge G. Whitehouse.

53. MosEs6 HA WES (Jonathan, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. probably in Canton, where he was bapt., young­ est of five, 28 June 1794. Hem. at Augusta Me., 20 (30?) Nov., 1820, Rebecca Rollings (Rollins), dau. of John5 (Nathaniel, John, Thomas, James). John, the father, settled finally in Sidney ; m. three times, and was the father of fifteen children. He d. at Sidney, Me., 14 April 1843. Rebecca, eighth child, was b. ab. 1804-. In deed of 1830 (Nor folk Registry) and of 1832 ( Suffolk Regis­ try) Moses is styled of Augusta, Me. Deeds may be found there relating to him. In the Census of 1930, he was living in Sidney, with four males and one female, all young, besides himself and wife. In 1840, still of Sidney, the family consisted of three males and six females. The Census of 1850 (Sidney) has: Moses Hawes, 50, farmer, b. in Mass.; wife Rebecca, 46; Jonathan, 26; Thomas, 24; Lucy, 18; Clarasy, 16; Paulina, 10; Moses, 1. Sidney Center, for 1860, has: Moses, age 64; Rebecca, 56; Moses T., 10; John, 29; Clarissa A., 26; Henry A., 5. In a separate family was Jonathan, 36, farmer; wife Lydia, 39; and four children, Frank, 8, Angenette, 5; and in this family, Stephen Hawes, 71. An attempt of the widow to claim a pension for Moses Hawes's services in the War of 1812, failed because of insufficient service. From an inspection of the case (No. 13115), it appears that he was in Capt. Stephen Jewett's Co., Col. John Stone's reg. (Mass. Militia). Testimony showed that Moses d. in Sidney, at his son's house, 12 Feb., 1870. Rebecca testified that they were m. 19 Nov., 1819 (sic). There were two applications, one, 9 March 1878, when she gave her age as 73, the other, 14 Sept., 1882, aged 78. Jonathan testified as to his father's death. Witnesses, 1878, included Nettie Hawes and Jarusha Hawes; and in 1882, John Hawes, of Sidney, and Henry Faught. Mrs. Sawtelle wrote that Moses was a shoemaker and also carried on a small farm; lived and cl. in Sidney, Me. 108 RICHARD HA WES

Children of Moses and Rebecca (Rollins) Hawes (from Mrs. Lucerne Hawes, in 1883: 105. i. JONATHAN•, b. ab. 1824. ii. ABIGAIL; living in Rome, 1883; m. perhaps, Stephen Frost of that town; mother of children, some of them living in Smithfield, Me. (Was James Alfred Frost, 1912, one of these?) 106. iii. THOMAS, b. ab. 1826. iv. Lucv, b. ab. 1832. v. CLARISSA A., b. ab. 1834; perhaps became the wife of her cousin, John• Hawes. vi. PAULINA, or Pluma, b. ab. 1840. 107. vii. MosES, b. ab. 1849. "Moses O."

53a. SALLY6 HAWES (Stephen, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Roxbury, 4 July 1785; d. 23 Jan., 1820; m. in Roxbury, 23 Feb., 1812, David Burt, b. in Taunton, 25 June 1781 (Danvers VR) ; d. 7 Feb., 1843, ae. 61. Information concerning this couple was obtained from the Hawes Bible in Salem. Children: i. DAVID WARREN< BURT, b. in Roxbury, 10 March 1813; d. in Salem, 12 March 1884 ; unm. ii. SARAH HAWES BURT, b. in Salem, 29 Sept., 1817 (Danvers VR) ; d. 6 Jan., 1870, in her 53rd yr.; unm. This brother and sister lived together on Beaver St., Salem. She was a school teacher. Emily Knowers, previously mentioned, made her home with them.

54. BENJAMIN 6 HAWES (Stephen, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Roxbury (Danvers VR), 20 April 1787. From a deed of Sept., 1830 (Norfolk Registry), wherein he is styled "merchant, of Danvers and only child of Stephen Hawes, late of Roxbury", he seems to have survived all his brothers and sisters. After marriage he lived at Salem and then at Danvers. Later he was engaged in trade ( shoe and leather) in Arkansas, where he d. His wife and children were with him there. Suffolk Pro. (No. 30815). David Burt of Danvers states that Benjamin Hawes, late of Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., Arkansas Terri­ tory, an inhabitant of Boston, d. there in June 1833. His appoint­ ment as admr. is requested by the widow, Mrs. Nancy Hawes, now of Danvers. The inventory included land in So. Boston; 24 acres in Dorchester (known as the Humphrey lot and Savin Hill pasture); 2 ¼ acres ( called the Pope lot, near Rev. Dr. Harris' s church) ; the Glover lot ( near Grove Hall), of five acres; the Capen lot in Dorchester (near Upper Mills), of 14 acres; the Clapp lot, five to six acres (in Dorchester); the Withington lot, 18 acres (in Dor­ chester). Benjamin's share in these lots was a one seventh undivided part. Burt's final account bears date, 15 April 1839. Henry Hawes, age 20, John Q. Hawes, age 17, and Caroline Hawes, age 11, all of Salem, were put under the guardianship of their mother, of SIXTH GENERATION 109

Danvers, 3 Dec., 1839 (Essex Co. Pro.); David Burt and David W. Burt, sureties; Sarah H. Burt, a witness. Benjamin Hawes and Nancy Morse of Foxboro were m. (Danvers VR) 17 Jan., 1809. She was b. in Foxboro, 12 June 1790; d. in Salem, 24 April 1878, ae. 88 :10 :12, and was dau. of Simeon and Ann (White) Morse. The Boston Commissioners' Report more cor­ rectly gives date of marriage, 29 Dec., 1808. Children of Benjamin and Nancy (Morse) Hawes, recorded at Danvers: i. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN', b. in Roxbury, 4 Dec., 1809; "d. in the South, the same year as his father, unmarried ; a fine young man", says my informant. ii. ANN, b. in Salem, 14 June 1812; d. there, 22 Aug., 1813. iii. WILLIAM, b. in Salem, 20 July 1814; d. there, 21 March 1885, ae. 70 :8 :1. He was a cabinet maker and carpenter. He m. in Salem, 7 Nov., 1843, Alice C., dau. of Michael and Ann Hogan. She d. his widow, 12 March 1888, ae. 67 :11 :10. Their home was on Avon St., Salem. There were no children. iv. CHARLES, b. in Salem, 8 Feb., 1817; is thought to have d. in Arkansas. He probably married, for St. Ho. rec. gives : i. FRANCES M., dau. of Charles W. Hawes, b. Salem, Sept., 1844. v. MARY, b. in Salem, 15 July 1819; d. there, 16 Sept., 1884, ae. 65 :2 :1. of apoplexy; unm. vi. HENRY; age 20, when he had his mother as his guardian, in 1839. 108. vii. JOHN QUINCY, b. in Salem, 10 April 1822. viii. STEPHEN AUGUSTUS, b. in Salem, 3 April 1825; d. young. ix. CAROLINE ELIZABETH, b. Danvers, 1 May 1828; d. at her son's in Boston; m. in Salem, 1 June 1851, Samuel Bishop Harrington, both of Danvers. Children: i. GEORGE' HARRINGTON; d. ab. 1913. ii. FRANK BISHOP HARRINGTON; A.B., Tufts, 1877; Harvard Medical 1881; d. in Boston, 8 June 1914. He was a rising young physician who already had gained eminence in his profession; located on Beacon St., Boston. He was married and with a small family. iii. EDWARD HARRINGTON, iv. HERMAN HARRINGTON ; d. young. x. ANN MARIA, b. Danvers, 2 May 1831; d. in Arkansas.

55. JoHN6 A. HAWES (Stephen, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in Roxbury, 12 May 1790. The first of his married life was spent in Roxbury, the last, in Salem, where he d. in 1820. From Essex Co. Pro. records: Elizabeth S. Hawes, his widow, administered his estate, 3 Oct., 1820, when he was styled "currier" deceased; David Burt of Danvers, cordwainer, and Stephen Hawes, Salem, currier, sureties; Benjamin Hawes and Hannah Curwen, witnesses. John Hawes of Roxbury and Elizabeth S. Vose of Dorchester were m. 23 Feb., 1814, she d. at Roxbury, 27 May 1862, ae. 66 :4 :0, the dau. of George and Mary (Glover) Vose, b. Dorchester, 6 Jan., 1796 ("fhis from the Glover Genealogy). But gravestone at Uphams Corner gives her age, 66 :5 :21. She was made the guardian of her four children, 26 Nov., 1831 (Norfolk Pro., No. 9072). llO RICHARD HA WES

Children of John and Elizabeth S. (Vose) Hawes, recorded at Dorchester : i. MARY GLOVER', b. 5 May 1815. From Dorchester First Church: "John Hawes, Jr., owned the covenant, 7 May 1815. He and his dau., Mary Glover Hawes, were bapt. 5 May 1815." She m. 24 May 1838, William H. Harlow, of Roxbury, and d. 24 June 1843, ae. 28. ii. CATHERINE, b. 25 March 1816; d. 29 June 1816. iii. CATHERINE RussELL, b. Salem, 1 June 1817; d. in Boston. Her will was probated, 6 Sept., 1886. She m. 16 Feb., 1845, as his second wife, her bro.-in-law, William H. Harlow. He was b. in Sandwich, son of Andrew Harlow, and d. in Roxbury, 31 Dec., 1860, ae. 49 :1 :0. Their children: i. THEODORE L.8 HARLOW. ii. MYRON W. HARLOW. iii. ELLEN A. HARLOW. iv. JOSEPHINE E. HARLOW; m ...... Brockway; exor. oi her mother's will. v. (adopted) LOUISA A. HARLOW. iv. ELIZABETH, b. 19 Oct., 1818; d. in Dorchester, 25 Aug., 1845, ae. 26 yrs. 109. v. JoHN, JR., b. 25 Aug., 1820; bapt. (Dorchester ch.) 25 Aug., 1822.

SSa. RELIEF 6 HAWES (John, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard). I have not the dates of her birth and death. She m. (Canton) 20 March 1796, Noah7 Withington, (Henry-Bailey, Edward, John, Philip, Richard, Elder Henry), b. Stoughton, 4 Sept., 1771; d. in Dorchester, 17 July 1820. An account of the Withingtons, N. E. Gen. Reg. Vol. 75 :259, erroneously states, but with a question mark, that she was the dau. of Henry and Charlotte (White) Hawes. There was no such couple. Children of Noah and Relief (Hawes) Withington, b. Dorchester : 8 1. RELIEF WITHINGTON, b. 24 Aug., 1796; d. unm. 14 April 1842. 11. MARY WITHINGTON, b. 24 Nov., 1798; m. James Pierce, b. Dorches­ ter, 23 Sept., 1786; d. 1 March 1827, son of Benjamin and Hannah (Badlam) Pierce. iii. CHARLOTTE HAWES 'WITHINGTON, b. 12 Oct., 1800. 1v. SARAH BENT WITHINGTON, b. 27 Feb., 1803; m. (1) 20 April 1826, Bartholomew B. Worley, of Roxbury; probably m. again. Children: i. HENRY HAWES WORLEY, b. 28 Jan., 1827. ii. CHARLOTTE WHITE WoRLEY, b. 19 May 1828. v. LOUISA WITHINGTON, b. 23 June 1805. vi. CLARISSA WITHINGTON, b. 31 March 1807; m. in Dorchester, 1 March 1836, David L. Davis, of Boston. vii. EMILY WITHINGTON, b. 16 March 1809; m. 9 Oct., 1838, Dr. John Heard, of Scarborough, Me. viii. ELIZABETH DAVIS WITHINGTON, b. 24 March 1811; d. unm. 25 May 1878. ix. NoAH WITHINGTON, JR., b. 3 April 1813; d. in Dorchester, 30 April 1854; m. in Boston, 1 July 1840, Martha Newmarch (1815-1893); four chn. recorded, of whom was Alonzo Thayer Withington. x. JoHN BURT WITHINGTON, b. 16 April 1816; m. in Dorchester, 4 April 1852, Frances L. Rowe (1830-1862) ; four chn. recorded. x1. HANNAH FALES WITHINGTON, b. 20 Feb., 1818; d. unm. at Shrews­ bury, 17 Aug. 1849. The record here given is on the authority of the printed Withington Family. 8 REBECCA" (Hawes) GILL FRANK MORTIMER HAWES See p. 111 See p. 209


55b. REBECCA 6 HAWES (Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Canton Precinct of Stoughton, 29 July; bapt. 7 Oct., 1873; d. in Stoughton, 3 March 1876. She m. 17. May 1802, Elijah, Jr., son of Elijah and Abigail (Fisher) Gill, and gr. son of Col. Benjamin and Bethiah (Went­ worth) Gill. This Bethiah was sister of Amariah4 Went­ worth, maternal grandfather of Rebecca Hawes. Elijah Gill, Jr., was b. 11 April 1779; d. 30 Jan., 1855. In early married life this couple lived in Maine, but they had acquired the old Hawes homestead, later sold to Jeremiah Tucker, and after that the home of Jeremiah Tucker, Jr. It was stand­ ing in 1865, but was soon after burned. Mr. and Mrs. Gill both d. in Stoughton. "Aunt Rebecca Gill" was possessed of a remarkable memory, and many came to her to learn of "old times" and their family history. By her mentioning to me her gt. gt. gr. mother, Mary Humphrey, the writer of these pages was afforded a clue which established our line of descent from the first Richard Hawes and not from Edward1 of Dedham, through John and Amy (Morgan) Hawes, of Stoughton. Mrs. Gill was a fine type of the early New England matron. Hei: features might have been considered masculine. When with her, one felt the presence of a strong character. She and her husband had the strict religious views of the old school, and they brought up their large family in a serious, God-fearing way. But an apparent austerity had its genial side, certainly in her old age. Children of Elijah and Rebecca (Hawes) Gill: i. ELISHA HAWES' GILL, b. 31 Dec., 1802; d. in Chesterville, Me., 12 Sept., 1873; m. 5 June 1825, Adeline D. Talbot; seven children. 11. MATILDA FrsHER GILL, b. 20 Jan., 1805; d. 10 Jan., 1908, within a few days of 103 years. She m. 20 Nov., 1823, Capt. Elisha Capen, Jr. (Dea. Elisha, Samuel, Jonathan, Samuel, Capt. John, Barnard). He was b. 10 April 1799; d. 20 July 1864. Their children, b. in Stoughton: i. LouISA c.• CAPEN, b. 2 Dec., 1824; d. 16 May 1918, ae. 94. She m. 23 April 1854, Calvin Thayer, of Braintree; no issue. ii. SARAH M. CAPEN, b. 16 Feb., 1827; d. 9 July 1887; m. (1) 19 Sept. 1849, Wendall Monk; m. (2) 26 June 1866, Henry M. Capen (Benjamin, Edward, Jonathan, Samuel, Capt. John, Barnard). Their son, William H.9 Capen, has helped me very materially. iii. ELIJAH GILL CAPEN, b. 23 Aug., 1829; m. 1 Jan., 1859, Sarah Azubah Swan. He d. 18 Jan., 1901. iv. ELISHA CAPEN, b. 12 March 1832; d. 26 March 1896; m. 10 July 1853, Chloe Frances Wood, of Middleboro. v. LORAN US C. CAPEN, b. 21 May 1836; d. 12 July 1921; m. Rhoda Tyler, of Warren. v1. SANFORD EMERY CAPEN, b. 13 Aug., 1839; d. 10 July 1910; unm. vii. LucRETIA E. CAPEN, b. 20 July 1845; d. 7 Aug., 1847. iii. JASON GrLL, b. 4 July 1807; d. 17 July 1893; m. 15 Oct., 1828, Mary Ann Talbot. 112 RICHARD RA WES

iv. ]OHN WILLIAMSON GILL, b. 26 Nov., 1809; d. 3 Jan., 1868; m. (1) 17 May 1834, Elizabeth Davis Johnson; m. (2) 27 June 1841, Clarissa Gay. Their home was at No. Stoughton, There were three children by the first union, one of whom was Watson Gill, and seven by the second: i. HENRY" GILL; m. Ellen Madden; 3 chn. ii. GEORGE GILL; m. Augusta Cobb ; 3 chn. iii. Mary Gill; m. Henry C. May. IV. HERBERT GILL. v. FRANCIS GILL. vi. LORING GILL. vii. CHARLES GILL. Some of these were my schoolmates. v. EMELINE GILL, b. 13 Aug., 1812; d. 10 Aug., 1884; m. late in life, 2 March 1859, Isaac May, then 80 yrs. of age. vi. SARAH GILL, b. 16 Jan., 1816; d. 4 May 1907, ae. 91; m. 23 June 1841, Rev. Ichabod Marcy. vii. ELVIRA GILL, b. 14 June 1819; d. 20 Nov., 1859; m. Joseph Sylvester. Their children : i. ELVIRA FRANCES' SYLVESTER; m. Minot Raymond. ii. LAVINIA SYLVESTER; m. Joseph Adlington. iii. ANNA SYLVESTER; m ...... Alden. iv. JOSEPH SYLVESTER, JR. v. AZEL SYLVESTER. vi. HENRY SYLVESTER. vii. LAURA SYLVESTER. Of these, Frances was one of my early teachers, Joseph and. Azel, my schoolmates. viii. CHARLOTTE GILL, b. 20 March 1822; d. 11 Feb., 1919, ae. nearly 97; m. 3 Nov., 1840, Nathan May. Of four chn., Charlotte' May, the eldest, m. Abner Tilden; parents of Caroline M. Tilden. ix. MARY GILL, b. 22 Feb., 1826; d. 8 May 1872; m. 16 June 1844, Emory Monk. They lived and d. in No. Stoughton. Children: i. REBECCA8 MoNK; m. Abram Dyer. ii. LORING MoNK, b. 9 Aug., 1849. These were my schoolmates. There were two younger daughters.

56. JOHN6 HAWES (Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Canton section of Stoughton, now No. Stoughton, 20 Jan., 1786, probably in the same house to which his grand­ parents came when they were married and where his father and mother lived and died. After the death of his father the old homestead passed into the hands of John's sister, Mrs. Elijah Gill. Fortunately, a photograph was taken about 1865, soon after which the old house was burned. John Hawes m. the evening before he was twenty-three, the 19 7 Jan., 1809, Eunice , b. in Canton, 26 Nov., 1790; bapt. 29 July 1792 (Canton Ch. rec.), the dau. of Mather Withington (Edward, John, Philip, Richard, Elder Henry). Her mother was Abigail Clap of Walpole, dau. of Stephen and Abigail (Robbins) Clap. My grand­ father d. 10 Dec., 1877, aged 91 :10 :20. He had had a paralytic stroke which confined him to the house and his chair for a number of years. Grandmother, always of a more active temperament, sur­ vived him three years, and d. 14 Dec. (Bible record) or 16 Dec., 1880, aged 90 yrs. and some days. EUNICE (Withington) HAWES JOHN" HAWES See pp. 112, 113


My memory of them begins with their old age. They were the "uncle John" and "aunt Eunice" of the neighborhood. He was a lover of nature, and before his infirmity was much in the woods, and was fond of fishing. He had his favorite resorts to the neigh­ boring ponds in Canton and Sharon. At "York Pond", the nearest, is a large boulder on the edge of the water, long known as "John Hawes's rock". He was an ingenious man, ready with tools, could "hoop" a barrel, and understood the grafting of trees. Of a quiet demeanor, he never meddled much with politics or with religious matters, though in regard to the former he had voted with the Whigs, and as to religion he held liberal views. Grandmother had long been a member of the Baptist church of Randolph. Even in her last years she could be seen on Sunday mornings trudging off alone, two miles or more, to occupy the pew that had been willed her by her brother. For his age and his advantages, Grandfather was well informed and had seen considerable of his country. During the War of 1812 he drove an ox team from Boston to New York, as during the Embargo nearly all goods were transported across country in that way. The route led, I have been told, regardless of hills, through Charlton and Hartford, Ct. A round trip would consume about six weeks. About the time his youngest child was born we hear of him in the forests of Maine, near his sister Ruth's home. Here he hewed out the timbers for framing "the new house" (long the home of my uncle Alpheus). How this lumber was transported, I can not remember to have heard. His meagre diary, kept while he was "down East", is in the writer's possession. Later, when his brothers Elijah and Enos had gone to Ohio, he visited them in their homes. In his prime he was large-framed and not far from six feet in height, the tallest of his family. His complexion was fair, his eyes a grayish blue. In features, he resembled his sister Rebecca, and both, perhaps, "took after the Wentworth side of the house. "A family reunion was held in Grandfather and Grandmother's home in No. Stoughton, on the anniversary of his 88th birthday and of their wedded life the 65th. The Stoughton Sentinel, for 31 January 1874, gives a very satisfactory account of the occasion. An original poem was read. Of the 64 descendants, 35 were present and sat down to dinner, at 3 :30 P. M. In the evening the circle was enlarged when old friends and neighbors came in to add their greetings. Norfolk Deeds and Probate apply to this couple, but need not be quoted here. Children of John and Eunice (Withington) Hawes, b. in No. Stoughton, though by a change of town lines the record may be in Canton: 110. i. ALPHEus', b. 19 Dec., 1809. 111. ii. WILLIAM WITHINGTON, b. 19 April 1812. 112. iii. ELISHA, b. 19 April 1814. 113. iv. MATHER, b. 29 May 1818. 113a. v. ABIGAIL ROBBINS, b. 9 Sept., 1820. 114. vi. ELIJAH, b. 18 (19?) Feb., 1823. 115. vii. EMORY (recorded "Amory"), b. 6 Oct., 1826. 114 RICHARD HA WES

56a. R UTH 6 HA WES ( Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 23 May; bapt. 6 July 1788; m. 1805 (intention, 15 Sept.) to Abijah7 Upham (Abijah, Abijah, Abijah, Thomas, Phineas, John), b. 7 Jan., 1782. His mother was Rebecca, dau. of Col. Benjamin Gill. This couple removed early from Stoughton to Lincolnville, Me., and later to Readville (Read­ field?) that State, where their life was of the usual pioneer sort. She d. in 1846, and he in 1855. The following accoupt of their family, taken from the Upham Genealogy, p. 265, differs somewhat from family records kept by the late Abbie A. Upham, of Stoughton. Children of Abijah and Ruth (Hawes) Upham: i. SARAH HAWES 8 UPHAM, b. Lincolnville, Me., 1806; d. 1847; m. Baldwin Muzzey, of Searsmount, Me. There were seven chn. ii. ABIJAH UPHAM, JR., b. 24 Dec., 1808, at Lincolnville; m. Eliza Muzzey, who d. · i853. He migrated to California in 1854. iii. ENos HAWES UPHAM, b. 6 April 1811; d. 1842; unmarried, says the Genealogy, but Miss Upham says that he m. Mary Shepard and had a dau. i. AMIE MARION UPHAM. iv. ANNA C. UPHAM, b. 7 May 1813; d. 1840; m. Nov., 1838, Richard H. Ford. v. ANSEL UPHAM, b. 17 Feb. 1816; m. Jane Lovejoy; lived at Dixon, Cal. vi. LEMURA (LEMIRA?) UPHAM, b. 19 March 1819; m. 23 May 1840, Joseph F. Wendall. They moved to California in 1854, where he d. 1860. Shem. (2) John A. Baxter, of Waterville (Watsonville?), Cal. There were five Wendall chn. vii. Lucy ANN UPHAM, b. 6 July 1821; m. Feb., 1840, Joseph A. San­ born, who d. in Hallowell, Me., 1877. She d. there, March 1888; five chn. He was better known as Appleton Sanborn. viii. EDWIN E. UPHAM, b. 18 June 1824; m. 1844, Anna Thacher Lovejoy; lived at Plymouth, N. H. There were seven chn. ix. WILLIAM UPHAM, b. 20 Nov., 1826; m. 1849, Martha Lunt. They removed to California, where he d. 1852; no issue.

57. SAMUEL6 HAWES (Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Canton Precinct of Stoughton, 29 Sept., 1790. He was a butcher and had his market in what was known later as the Harrington house, No. Stoughton. He d. sud­ denly ("killed by a horse", St. Ho. account), 22 Feb., 1849, ae. 58 :4 :23. His estate was settled, 12 May, that year, by his widow, with Enos Hawes and John H. Mitchell on her bond (Norfolk Pro., No. 9082). Samuel Hawes m. 24 Oct., 1813, Hannah, b. 1 March 1794; d. 22 May 1859, dau. of Joseph and Lydia Henry of Canton. Joseph, son of Michael and brother of William Henry, was b. 29 May 1749. Lydia, mother of Hannah, was a second wife. Settlement of the estate of the late Mrs. Hannah Hawes (Norfolk Pro. No. 9043) 6 Sept., 1859, was by her son-in-law, John H. Mitchell. Nine of the children are named, and six gr. children made the admr. their attorney. SIXTH GENERATION 115

Children of Samuel and Hannah (Henry) Hawes, b. in No. Stoughton:

7 i. HARRIET , b. 11 March 1814, survived all but one of a large family of brothers and sisters, and d. 20 Nov., 1902, in Brockton, aged 88 :8 :9. She was unusually vigorous in her old age, and seldom had an ill day during a long and active life. Of strong intellect, she exhibited a retiring, home-loving personality. The writer was indebted to her for this account. She m. 1838 (intention, 28 Oct.), Willard Howard of No. Bridgewater (Brockton), b. 22 Aug., 1811; d. 3 Sept., 1877. There was a son, i. RuFus EMORY8 HowARD, b. Brockton, 20 Feb., 1839, and re- siding there, unmarried, after April 1889. 115a. ii. ANSELINE (but recorded EMELINE), b. 22 July 1815. 116. iii. HENRY, b. 4 Nov., 1817. iv. HIRAM, b. 29 June 1819 (but informant said, 29 Jan., 1820) ; lived at Mattawaumkeag, Me., most of his life. Deeds at the Bangor Registry relate to him. In 1859 he was said to be in California. Informant gave his death, 4 Nov., 1874, in Nevada. He probably m. and may have had children, as the following, named in the settlement of their grandmother's estate, 1859: i. JOSIAH w.· HAWES, of Mason City, Iowa. ii. SAMUEL E. HA WES, Oshkosh, Wis. 117. v. ENos, b. 25 Feb., 1821. vi. HANNAH, b. 11 July 1823 (Informant gave 12 July 1824); d. in Stoughton, 6 April 1851; m. 20 July 1845, William Hayden, boot­ maker, b. 28 March 1824, son of Barnabas and Ruth Hayden. They had: i. CLARENDON HowARD8 HAYDEN, b. 1 Aug., 1847; d. 1 Sept. 1848. 118. vii. SAMUEL, b. 14 July 1825 (1826?). viii. SARAH, b. 3 Nov., 1828; m. 18 June 1848, John H. Mitchell, b. Centerville, Me., 30 June 1826, son of John and Eliza Mitchell. This couple lived in No. Stoughton, later in Brockton, where both died. Their children : i. CLARA HowARD8 MITCHELL; d. 18 Sept., 1851. ii. WILBUR MERRILL MITCHELL, b. 12 July 1850; m. 6 Aug., 1881, Henrietta Snow, b. Sharon, 6 June 1857, dau. of Samuel N. and Angelina E. Snow. He was living, 1931, in Brockton. iii. CLARENCE WILLIAM MITCHELL, b. 12 Sept., 1852; m. (1) 24 Feb., ...... Mrs. Sarah A. (Hawes) Stetson, dau. of Henry7 Hawes, a cousin. She d. in Brockton, and he m. (2) 4 April 1913, Susanna W. Revere, a gt. gt. gr. dau. of Paul Revere. An account of the wedding stated that they were at­ tended by Miss Lucy Revere, and Miss Lucy Mitchell, dau. of the groom. iv. LouIE IDA MITCHELL, b. 1854; d. 1855. v. STELLA ARDELLE MITCHELL, b. 1855; d. 1873. vi. GEORGE ALBERT MITCHELL, b. 1862; d. 1865. ix. LYSANDER, b. 7 Nov., 1832; of Boston in 1859. Informant stated that he went away as a young man and did not appear again. It was understood that he resided in Darien, Ga., for a time. Litchfield, Ct. Pro. (Vol. 28 :64, 276, 277) has the following: Mary E. Hawes, widow of Lysander Hawes. Trustees give an account of her estate, 19 Nov., 1860, derived from that of Adam Bentley, late of Goshen, Ct. Further accounts appear as late as Nov., 1872. Could there be another Lysander Hawes? 119. x. CHARLES, b. 3 Feb., 1835. 120. xi. .ELLISON, b. 7 June 1837. 121. xii. ALBERT, b. 18 Sept., 1839. 116 RICHARD HAWES

58. ELIJAH 6 HAWES (Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Canton Precinct of Stoughton, 5 Dec., 1792 ( 1793 ?) . When a young man he learned the carpenter's trade in Warren and Ware. He was a member of the Baptist church in Canton, but in later life he held the more liberal faith of Universalism. On their way to a home in the West, Elijah and wife lived for a brief period at Waterford, N. Y. They finally located at Newbury, Ohio, in 1830, where he was a farmer. From time to time Mr. and Mrs. Hawes made visits to the East, the last time being in 1865. He d. at the Newbury home, 15 March 1870. He m. at Ware, 27 June 1824, Sarah C. Shaw, b. in Plymouth, 28 Feb., 1806, a descendant of Gov. Bradford through both parents who were Lucas and Mehitable Shaw. She d. in Newbury, Ohio, 26 Jan., 1887. "All seven of her children were with her during those last days." Children of Elijah and Sarah C. (Shaw) Hawes: i. An infant son, b. and d. 19 Jan., 1826. 122. ii. LUTHER CRANE7, b. in Ware, 31 July 1827. iii. SARAH ANN, b. Waterford, N. Y., 20 July 1829 (1828?); d. summer of 1916 in West Virginia at the home of her dau. She m. in Windsor, Ohio, 7 July 1853, Horace D. Lansing, b. in Clay, N. Y., 26 Dec., 1830; d. in Newbury, 0., 1910, at the home of Charles Beswick. This family lived on the Elijah Hawes homestead, where, before 1893, from a nervous shock, caused by being pursued by a cow, Mrs. Lansing became blind. Children: i. WILLIAM c.• LANSING, b. Newbury, Ohio, 21 Nov., 1855; m. (1) 12 Jan., 1879, Lillian D. White, b. Brookfield, N. Y., 12 July 1855; m. (2) Cora Lacy, of Aurora, Ohio. He is not liv­ ing-, but his widow lives (1931) in his last home, Chagrin Falls, Ohio. A son, i. GLENN HoRACE9 LANSING, b. in Newbury, 26 Jan., 1883; d. about 1897. ii. MAUDE. LANSING, b. Newbury, 5 Dec., 1857; m. 16 March 1879, Cyrus M. Shaw, her grandmother's nephew, b. New­ ark, N. J., 20 June 1848. He d. in their home at New Martinsville, W. Va. She is living 1931. Children: i. NELLIE M. SHAW, b. Chagrin Falls, Ohio, 23 Feb., 1880; m. Harry Harris; living (1931) in Hudson, Ohio. ii. NORA M. SHAW; m. (1) Thomas McKnight. He and one son d. and she m. (2) Harry Finch. Their home is in Steubenville, Ohio. iii. JENNIE E. LANSING, b. in Russell, Ohio, 8 March 1860; m. 16 Nov., 1881, William G. White, b. Brookfield, N. Y., 25 May 1868. Shed. Oct., 1906, at Newbury; he d. 1929, in Chagrin Falls. Two children : 9 1. JENNIE LETA WHITE, b. 3 Feb., 1883; ,n. (1) Ray Hunt; m. (2) William Fair. They are living (1931) in Cleveland, Ohio. Chn. i. JENNIE LEONA HUNT. ii. WILLIAM HUNT. ii. LESLIE WHITE, b. ab. 1885; m. Jennie Hunt, cousin of Ray; living in Hudson, Ohio, with a dau. Cecil Hunt. 123. iv. HoMER BARTLETT, b. in Newbury, Ohio, 6 March 1832. v. Lucv JANE, b. same, 14 Feb., 1834; d. in Cleveland, Ohio, 4 Jan., 1907; m. in Newbury, 8 July 1862, Samuel Crobaugh, b. Bearytown, Seneca Co., N. Y.; a photographer of Cleveland, where he d. SARAH (Shaw) HAWES ELIJAH,; HA WES Seep. 116


(funeral, 11 Oct., 1890.) "Cousin Lucy" was a woman of warm sympathies, of wide reading, and gifted at letter-writing. In her church and club life she was an enthusiastic worker, and those who knew her best found in her a valued friend. She was much interested in the genealogy of the family, and helped me in my work. A son, i. FRANK LINCOLN' CROBAUGH, b. in Cleveland, 7 Aug., 1866; graduated at the Case Scientific, Class of 1889. His scientific knowledge has brought him into prominence and has won him the higher degrees of his profession. He m. (1) May 1890, Ida F. Stoddard, of Cleveland, a graduate of the City and Normal schools, and for several years a teacher. She d. in the summer of 1923. Later he m. (2) Mrs. May Martin. They have their winter home in St. Augustine, Fla. A son, i. SAMUEL CHESTER9 CROBAUGH, b. June 1892, living in Cleveland; m. Miss Margaret Malone, and has a son and a daughter. vi. CLARA LITTLEFIELD, b. in Newbury, Ohio, 20 Oct., 1835; d. 14 June 1909; m. 29 Dec., 1853, in Ravenna, Ohio, Benjamin Franklin Luther, son of Benjamin and Nancy Luther, b. in New York State, 22 Jan., 1830; d. 22 Nov., 1914. Their home was in Geneva, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Children: i. ETHELLE MAY8 LUTHER, b. in Chagrin Falls, 31 Jan., 1855; m. 3 March 1872, Selden J. Olmsted, who d. in Harpersfield, Ohio, 6 Aug., 1900. She lives with her sister, Mrs. Beswick (1931). ii. GRANT WARD ( adopted son), b. 7 April 1867 and lives in Geneva, Ohio; m. Alma H. Bennett, 25 Dec., 1886, in Shef­ field, Ohio. She d. 7 July 1910. Their seven children: (LUTHER) i. BERNARD A.; m. Bessie Whipple. They are living (1931), also a son, Donald. ii. CLARA HELEN; m. Walter Holcomb; living in Cleve­ land, Ohio. iii. ETTA G.; m. Louis W elten; living in Austinburg, Ohio; two children: Alma and Donald. iv. ISABELLE L.; m. John P. Lynch; living at Ashtabula, Ohio; a son, John P. Lynch, Jr. v. WARD BENJAMIN; d. in Austinburg, 22 June 1918, aged 19 years; "A wonderfully fine boy". vi. GEORGE B., m. loNE ScovILL; living in Geneva, Ohio. They have 2 chn., Ward and Dorothy. vii. MARIAN V.; m. Millard Joseph; living in Pensacola, Fla. Children : i. MILLARD JOSEPH, JR. ii. ALLIE MAY JOSEPH. 111. ROBERT WALLA CE JOSEPH. iii. CLARA BELLE LUTHER, b. 23 Jan., 1874; d. 4 Oct., 1874. iv. MABELLE V., b. 19 Oct., 1877; m. her cousin, Harry H. Bes­ wick. Their home is at Austinburg, Ohio. 124. vii. ADDISON WINSLOW, b. in Newbury, Ohio, 12 March 1837. viii. FRANCES MARIA, b. same, 9 June 1841; d. a widow, 14 Oct., 1912, in Newbury, Ohio; m. Charles Beswick, b. in Mass., but at the age of two yrs. his people moved to N. Y., near Batavia. When a young man he settled in Ohio. He d. at the home of his son, 3 March 1917. Mrs. Beswick had in her home the old loom which her mother used, and practised weaving herself. Their children, b. in Newbury: i. HIRAM VINTON' BESWICK; d. in infancy, 20 March 1861. ii. Rrno BESWICK, b. 1862; d. 24 Feb., 1873. iii. HARRY HAWES BESWICK, b. 9 May 1875; m. his cousin, 118 RICHARD HA WES

Mabelle V. Luther, 5 June 1905, at Buffalo, N. Y. Their home is in Austinburg, Ohio, but the winter season is spent at Fairhope, Ala. They have a foster daughter, i. HoPE IRENE MATHEWS; m. Ed. Leavins, of Fairhope, Ala. Of their four children only Harry William Leavins is living, the others having d. in infancy.

59. ENos6 HAWES (Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Canton Precinct of Stoughton, 13 March 1795. By those who knew them, he was considered the finest looking one of the family. He was a gunsmith, and at one time was employed at the Arsenal at Springfield. He first went West on a visit to his brother Elijah, and finally located near him in Ohio, as a farmer. He removed with his family, about 1866, to Michigan, and d. there, 2 March 1882. He m. ( 1) 5 Sept., 1826, Clarissa L. May, of No. Bridgewater (Brock­ ton, b. 3 Jan., 1810; d. 22 Feb., 1834, the dau. of Jonathan May. (The May Genealogy, p. 147, has different dates.) He m. (2) 26 Sept., 1838, Betsey Moulton, b. 16 Sept., 1812 ( 1813 ?) , at Smithfield, R. I. She survived as a widow and was living in 1885. Children of Enos and Clarissa (May) Hawes: i. CASSANDER7, b. in No. Bridgewater, 11 Sept., 1827; d. 3 Aug., 1829, "ae. 1 :11 :O". ii. MARTHA, b. same, 5 July 1830; d. 31 Jan., 1834, "ae. 3 :7 :0". Children of Enos and Betsey (Moulton) Hawes: 124a. iii. ELLEN ("NELLIE"), b. in Newbury, Ohio, 26 Aug., 1839. iv. EDWIN, b. same, 29 Sept., 1841. His sister, Mrs. Hodges, wrote in 1894, "I know nothing about my brother Edwin. If living, I think he is in the U. S. service." v. JULIA A., b. same, 19 Feb., 1843; m. 13 March 1862, Lucius K. Lawton, b. 28 Aug., 1833, in Ware. Their home was in Hamilton, Illinois, where their children were born. Later, Mrs. Lawton was living in Cleveland, Ohio. Children: i. MARY F. LAWTON, b. 29 Dec., 1862. ii. Lucy A. LAWTON, b. 2 Feb., 1866. iii. PLINY H. LAWTON, b. 17 Nov., 1868. iv. JENNIE W. LAWTON, b. 15 Dec., 1873; d. 15 Feb., 1876. vi. CLARISSA MAY ("Clara"), b. same, 14 Oct., 1845; m. 13 Aug., 1862, William Ferris, b. Genessee Co., N. Y., 16 April 1833. Their home was in Carson City, Mich., in 1884-5. Children. i. LIZZIE FERRIS, b. 12 June 1866. vii. LoursA, b. same, 17 April 1847; m. 8 June 1866, Edward Hoadley, b. at Burton, Geauga Co., Ohio, 18 April 1847. Children : i. FRANK HOADLEY, b. at Tar Farm, Venango Co., Penn., 8 June 1867; d. 28 May 1882. ii. GEORGE HoADLEY, b. same, 24 April 1869. iii. CHARLES HOADLEY, b. same, 16 April 1876. iv. CLARA HOADLEY, b. Carson City, Mich., 10 Sept., 1881. 125. viii. DENNIS, b. same, 26 July 1848. 126. ix. WARREN, b. same, 14 Nov., 1849.

59a. JERUSHA 6 HAWES (Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stoughton (Canton) 23 June 1787; m. 1807 (Inten- Lucy ]ANE7 (Hawes) CROBAUGH See pp. 116, 117


tion, 23 May) Constant7 Southworth (1783-1860) (Jedediah, Constant, Edward, Nathaniel, Constant, Edward). The Southworth Genealogy, p. 113, states that Jerusha was daughter of Simeon Hawes, which, of course, is wrong. After her death, 13 Oct., 1834, hem. (2) Sarah Pitts. Again a widower, hem. (3) Eliza Moore. Children of Constant and J erusha (Hawes) Southworth: JEDEDIAH 8 SOUTHWORTH, b. 1809; d. 1811. ii. PERSIS MILES SouTHWORTH, b. 11 March 1811. iii. OzRo SOUTHWORTH, b. 12 Feb., 1814; d. Oct., 1836. iv. PHEBE HAWES SOUTHWORTH, b. 15 Aug., 1816. v. JEDEDIAH SOUTHWORTH (again), b. 1818; d. young. vi. MARY TILTON SOUTHWORTH, b. 15 Sept., 1820. vii. GEORGE WASHINGTON SouTHWORTH, b. 22 Aug., 1823; m. Jane G. Boyington, dau. of Cyrus, of Westboro.

60. LEVI 6 HAWES (Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Canton District of Stoughton, 25 May 1791 (but family record has it, 1792). He lived at Stoughton and at New Bedford. A deed at Norfolk Registry ( 54 :306) shows that he was of the former place, 5 April 1817; another deed, dated 18 June 1817, places him in New Bedford. These dates verify the family tradition that his home was at Tarkiln Hill for 62 years. He d. in New Bedford, 9 (8 ?) April 1880; "ae. 88:10:15. He was a farmer. His first wife, whom he m. 22 May 1813, was Harriet Pierce, b. in Stoughton, 16 June 1796 (another account, 3 July); d. in New Bedford, 21 Feb., 1820 (or 10 Feb.?). She was dau. of Seth, Jr., and Alice (Gay) Pierce. He m. (2), by Rev. Ebenezer Gay, 16 July 1820, Azubah Capen, b. in Stoughton, 15 Nov.,. 1792 (Glover Gen. says, 17 Nov., 1790); d. in New Bedford, 4 Aug., 1879 (per record), "ae. 87 :9 :O". She was dau. of Jona­ than and Hannah (Glover) and gr. dau. of Jonathan and Jerusha (Talbot) Capen. Her mother was dau. of Thomas and Rebeckah (Pope) Glover. Levi Hawes was a member of the Congregational church "at the head of the River", and its deacon for fifteen years. ( Consult the Pierce and Glover Genealogies, and State Records in Boston, for the fol­ lowing account. His estate was administered (Bristol Pro­ bate) by his sons, Simeon and Jonathan C. Hawes. Children of Levi and Harriet (Pierce) Hawes, b. in Stoughton: i. LEvI', b. 15 May; d. 13 July 1815. ii. HARRIET N., b. 25 April 1816; m. Calvin Marshall, of No. Easton. Chn.: i. THOMAS R.8 MARSHALL. ii. JOHN MARSHALL. iii. ALICE MARSHALL. 127. iii. SIMEON, b. 14 Aug., 1817. iv. JASON LEE, b. 15 Nov. (family rec.) or 19 Nov. (Glover Gen.) 1818; d. 23 March 1825 (sic). From the Rhode Island American, issue 120 RICHARD HA WES

of 22 March 1825." Jason Lee, of New Bedford, son of Levi Hawes, ae. 6 yrs. 4 mos., at play at the door of his father's house, where his elder brother was chopping wood. While the ax was in the air the child ran beneath it and received a blow in the small of the back. He lived about an hour." Children of Levi and Azubah (Capen) Hawes, b. in New Bedford (but recorded in Stoughton): v. ELEANOR C., b. 23 Nov., 1821; m. at New Bedford, 13 Oct., 1844, James Webb, Jr., age 25, of that town. Their home was in Sacramento, Cal. Children: i. GEORGE8 WEBB. ii. ARTHUR WEBB. vi. AzuBAH, b. 7 May 1923; m. Elphinstone M. Smith, of Newton. Their home also was in Sacramento, Cal. Children: i. ARMOND W.8 SMITH. ii. ADDIE R. SMITH. iii. MERRILL SMITH. vii. LEVI, b. 4 Dec., 1824. He m. 17 Jan., 1849, by Benj. Pomeroy, J. P., Abby 0. Macomber of Bristol, R. I. (Recorded at Stonington, Ct.) The Glover Gen. states that he d. early, and his widow m. his brother, Elisha Hawes. 128. viii. JoNATHAN CAPEN, b. 8 May 1826. 129. ix. THOMAS R., b. 2 March 1828. x. ELISHA, b. 6 Oct., 1829; lived at Sacramento, Cal.; d. about 1901; m. as above, Abby 0. (Macomber) Hawes, his brother's widow. 130. xi. DAVID Conn, b. 15 June 1832.

60a. MARY6 "PoLLY" HAWES (Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stoughton (Canton) 3 April 1794. In Norfolk Deeds ( 54 :282), dated 18 June 1817, she is styled "mantua maker", Boston. She m. there ( family record) 20 April 1821, Jefferson Clark, of Andover. After her death, 20 Aug., 1828, Mr. Clark went South and at Charlotteville, Va., m. (2) a Miss Spencer. He d. soon after that. Children of Jefferson and Mary (Hawes) Clark: i. JEFFERSON' CLARK, JR., b. 25 April 1822. ii. GEORGE HAWES CLARK, b. 27 Nov., 1825. (See below). iii. WILLIAM DODGE ADAMS CLARK, b. 11 Aug., 1827; d. 25 Aug., 1827. iv. MARY JANE CLARK, b. 8 Jan., 1826; d. 18 Aug., 1828. This George Hawes Clark d. 28 March 1892. He m. in Nashville, Tenn., 15 Jan., 1862, Barbara Shaw Dashiell, dau. of John Snyder Dashiell, b. Baltimore, Md., 25 Nov., 1805, who m. 25 Aug., 1830, Barbara Shaw Graham, b. at Castle Douglas, Scotland, 12 Feb., 1816. Barbara S. Dashiell, the second of ten children, was b. at Nashville, 17 April 1840. By this marriage, George Hawes Clark was the father of six children, three of whom d. in infancy. The following were living in 1908: i. \VrLLIAM CLENDENNING8 CLARK, b. 4 May 1865; m. Beatrice McGuire, in N. Y. 4 May 1899. She d. July 1906, leaving one child, John Ryan Clark, named for his uncle, Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia. ii. MARY ALLEN CLARK, b. 8 Feb., 1870; m. E. Hunt Maddux, of Mem­ phis, Tenn. Their children: i. ELEANOR B. MADDUX. ii. MARY HUNT MADDUX. iii. SARAH DASHIELL MADDUX. SIXTH GENERATION 121

iii. EMMA THOMPSON CLARK, b. 1 Oct., 1873; m. Frank Swan Howard, at Nashville, 17 Oct., 1900. He was b. in No. Andover (Mass.) Children: i. FRANK SWAN HOWARD, JR. ii. BARBARA DASHIELL HOWARD. Mrs. Howard was my informant concerning this family, and was living, 14 Dec., 1908, in Lombard, Illinois.

61. JuDAH 6 HAWES (Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in the Canton section of Stoughton, 14 June 1796. By this time it was Canton proper. Later he moved to New Bedford, where he lived near his brother Levi. A friend writes that the Stoughton home was in the "Tilden neighborhood". Judah d. of a tumor, at 31 Pleasant St., New Bedford, 4 Nov., 1863, ae. 67. He m. S May 1817, Sarah (Sally) Mansfield, b. in Boston, 24 Feb., 1795; d. in New Bedford, 19 Apr., 1861, ae. 66. She was the dau. of John and Sally Mansfield, both b. in Boston. Suffolk Deeds ( 447 :84). Estate of the wife of Judah Hawes to Elias Hook. This deed recites that John Mansfield, late of Canton, by his last will gave of his estate to his dau. Sally, wife of Judah Hawes, land in Boston; John Gay, trustee; signed 18 June 1839. Children of Judah and Sarah (Mansfield) Hawes: i. BRADFORD', b. 27 Oct., 1817; d. unm. in New Bedford, 14 Oct., 1845, ae. 27 :11 :17; a musician and teacher of dancing. He was also somewhat of a singer ; played the bass viol. Not long before his death he visited my parents, then living in Fitchburg. ii. NATHANIEL MANLEY, b. 1819; d. 12 Oct., 1821, "ae. 2 :5 :O", being badly scalded from a kettle in front of the fireplace. 131. iii. LEVI, b. 23 Feb., 1821. iv. JUDAH HENRY, b. 17 Dec., 1822; d. of pneumonia, in Cleveland, 0., soon after 1866; unm. Early in life he followed the sea. v. JULIA ANN, b. 26 Jan., 1825; d. 25 July 1827. 132. vi. JONATHAN, b. ab. 1827. vii. JEFFERSON C., b. in Stoughton, 31 March 1828; d. 25 Aug., 1889 (St. Ho. rec.) at Natick, "ae. 61 :5 :0 (bur. at New Bedford) ; early a seaman with home in Boston; resided in various places; of Chicago in the employ of a Mr. Gallup. He m. 8 Aug., 1861 at the age of 33, Mary Frances, dau. of William C. and Sarah Durfee, she 14, b. in Tiverton, R. I. There was a separation, but fortunately no children. 133. ix. WILLIAM, b. in New Bedford, 25 Oct., 1839. SEVENTH GENERATION

62. STEPHEN JoHNSON 7 HAWES (Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Goffstown, N. H., 6 Dec., 1784. He was a farmer and in middle life moved to Weld, Me., where he d. 26 Jan., 1865. Deeds throw some light on his movements. At Nashua (Vol. 87:334). He was of Goffstown in 1810. (Vol. 96:438). Stephen J. Hawes to Nathan Hawse, joiner, both of Dunbarton; except 30 acres sold to George H. Laughlin; signed by Stephen J. and John Hawse, March 1813. Vol. 88 :129). Stephen J. Haws, of Dunbarton, to Nathan Hawse, Goffstown; land in Dunbarton; signed 28 Jan., 1820; Lyman and Sally Hawes, witnesses. Who were they? (Vol. 126:338). Stephen J. Haws of Dunbarton to Nathan H. Goff; signed with wife Betsey, 28 Jan., 1820, and witnessed by the same Lyman and Sally Hawse. (I have found three of the name of Lyman Hawes living in New York State about this time; one of the Edmund Hawes line, one of the line of Edward of Dedham, and a third, unidentified, at or near Kinderhook. Could it be this man?) Oxford Co., Me. (26:187). Dated 3 Dec., 1825, Stephen J. was then of Weld. ( 30 :299) . Stephen J. Hawes, Weld, for $600. paid by Gilman Hawes, "my farm, being lot 5 and 7th Range, containing 180 acres" ; signed 1828; John Haws, a witness. Deeds relating to Stephen J. may be found at Farmington. The Census of 1820 locates him earlier still at Weld, with a family of six. That of 1830 gives him seven males ( including himself) and three females. In 1840 the family consisted of twelve persons. In 1850 (Weld): Stephen J., 65, farmer, b. in N. H.; wife, Maria M., 43; Phebe M., 18; George F., 16; Alpheus P., 14; Isabella, 13; John M., 10; William A., 8; Charles E., 6; all b. in Maine and all attending school within the year. Census of 1860 gives his age, 75; Maria's 52; Isabella E., 23 (teaching common school); William A., 18; Charles E., 16. Probate at Farmington, Me., (Docket 1325) gives administration of Stephen's estate, 1865, to Ansel Houghton, of Weld. From Miss Lillian B. Hawes. "This family dwelt on Center Hill, in a house that later was occupied by Stephen's brother Joseph. About 1839 Stephen built a new house on the site of a later home­ stead. It caught fire and was burned. The wife rushed into the bed­ room in time to rescue John, then the baby of the family. Mr. Hawes was in the habit of marketing his produce at Hallowell. Here, with good taste, he purchased such things as dress materials and bonnets for the women of the neighborhood. He served for a time in the War of 1812, but was not a pensioner. The death of his son Charles was a great blow, and the father survived him but a few months, dying in his 81st year. His daughter Maria, at Augusta, SEVENTH GENERATION 123 died the very hour of the funeral, but she was not told of his death." Married three times, Stephen J. Hawes was father of twenty children, five by the first union, seven by the second, and eight by the third. State record, at Concord, N. H., has his marriage to Betsey G. Stearns, both of Goffstown, 10 March 1807. She d. in 1816. Hem. (2) Betsey Maria Dalton, both of Dunbarton, 20 June 1816. She d. in Weld, Me., 4 June 1829. He m. (3) at Weld, 4 Sept., 1831, Maria, dau. of Marmaduke and Phebe (Nichols) Mas­ terman, b. there 7 June 1807, "22 yrs. younger than Stephen." She d. in Weld, Me., 10 Feb., 1884. (Dows, Dowse Genealogy) Children of Stephen J. and Betsey (Stearns) Hawes: 134. i. GILMAN", b. N. H., 18 Aug., 1807. ii. LEONARD, b. N. H., 12 Dec., 1808; graduate of Bowdoin, class of 1836; a fine mathematician; entered Andover Theological School. "But his mind became unsettled, which incapacitated him for professional work. He returned home, and the promise of useful­ ness was blasted." He d. 3 Nov., 1877, ae. 69; unmarried. In the Census of 1850 he was in his brother Benjamin's family, in Read­ field, Me. In 1860 he was in the family of James and Maria Masterman, of Weld. iii. JOHN LANGDON, b. 24 Aug., 1811; d. while in college, of consump­ tion, June 1837. Of Amherst college, "he was studying for the ministry and had begun to preach. He d. at the early age of 25, engaged to be married, and after his death the young lady went into a decline, as was customary in those days, and did not sur­ vive many years." iv. NELSON, b. ab. 1813; d. young. 135. v. ROBERT WALLACE, b. 3 Jan., 1816. Children of Stephen J. and Betsey M. (Dalton) Hawes: 136. vi. BENJAMIN S., b. 21 Jan., 1817. vii. NELSON (again), b. ab. 1818; d. young. viii. BETSEY, b. 9 April 1820; d. at Presque Isle, Me., 15 Nov., 1904. She attended the Seminary at Kents Hill; m. in Weld, 10 Feb., 1845, Azel E., son of Ephriam and Sarah Sprague (Masterman) Houghton, b. Weld, Me., 29 June 1819; d. at Brooks, Me., 26 Apr., 1899. He admin. estate of his father-in-law, 1865. Children: i. ALPHONzo LuzERNE• HouGHTON, b. Weld, Me., 3 May 1847; d. 2 Oct., 1881 ; entered Bates college, 1866; pastor of Free Baptist church of Lawrence, 1872; in 1876 declined appoint­ ment to the Roger Williams church in Providence, R. I., on account of his health ; went to Europe, and then to Colo­ rado, but returned to Weld, where he died. He m. 1 Jan., 1873, in Bath, Me., Harriet B. Mallett, who d. 2 Sept., 1876. ( Consult the Dowse Genealogy) They had : i. ARTHUR SEWALL10 HOUGHTON; d. an infant. ii. LUELLA ELIZA HOUGHTON, b. 25 July 1852; m. 1882, Tilton A. Elliott; lived at Brooks, Me. iii. FRED HAWES HouGHTON, b. 3 Feb., 1858; a physician and surgeon ; m. and had a son : i. LEWIS AZEL10 HOUGHTON; d. 1905. 1x. DAVID S., b. 19 Jan., 1822; served in the 7th Maine Battalion in the Civil War. In early life he was a sailor. After the War he lived in Troy, Me., with his brother Robert. Later he went West 124 RICHARD HA WES

and engaged in the lumber business in Michigan, where he d. about 1882; unm. 137. x. STEPHEN, b. 2 March 1824. 138. xi. LAFAYETTE, b. 12 Feb., 1826. xii. MELVINA LEWELLYN, b. Weld, Me., 24 May 1829; attended the Kents Hill school, and taught school for a time. She m. 19 March 1851, Simon Robinson Parlin, b. 25 Aug., 1827; d. 1891. Their home was in Norwich, Ct., where she d. 24 July 1889. He was son of Oliver and Sibyl S. (Adams) Parlin. Mr. Parlin earlier had made the journey around the world, visiting China, Japan, &c. He was in California in the early days of gold dis­ coveries, but was robbed of a large part of his gains on his way home. He sailed again to China where he invested in tea, which he brought back in quantities to New York, and sold at a good profit. Returning to Norwich he entered the jewelry business and continued it for thirty years. He and his wife are buried in the Y antic cemetery there. Children : i. FRANK HAWES 9 PARLIN; d. an infant, 1855. ii. FRANCES EVELYN PARLIN, b. same, 4 Feb., 1859; graduate of the Norwich Free Academy; m. 28 Oct., 1885, George F. Duysters, a lawyer; d. in New York, 25 Dec., 1909. She d. 5 March 1925. Chn: i. GEORGETTE10 DUYSTERS, b. New York, 6 Oct., 1887; m. there, 1 March 1917, Arthur E. Sliper. ii. RALPH F. DuYSTERS, b. same, 12 Feb., 1894; m. 10 Sept., 1930, Winifred Robinson. iii. CHARLES ADAMS PARLIN, b. Norwich, Ct., 8 April 1866; a graduate of the Norwich Free Academy, 1888; living, 1926, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children of Stephen J. and Maria (Masterman) Hawes : xiii. PHEBE MARIA, b. Weld, Me., 30 May 1832; attended the Kent Hill Seminary, and taught school in Readfield, Me. She d. in Augusta, Me., at the home of her brother, George F. Hawes, 29 Jan., 1865, ae. 33. She was remembered as a sweet singer. 139. xiv. GEORGE FRANKLIN, b. same, 25 Jan., 1834. 140. xv. ALPHEUS PACKARD, b. same, 7 Sept., 1835. xvi. ISABELLA EVELYN, b. same, 27 March 1837. In girlhood she lived for a time with the Parlins, in Norwich, Ct.; later she taught school in her home town. She m. 6 Oct., 1867, Major Augustine Phillips. As a widow, she kept her home in Weld for many years. She d. at the home of her niece, Mrs. Jennie (Hawes) Newman, 19 Aug., 1918. There was a son : i. HARRY AuGUSTINE10 PHILLIPS, b. Weld, Me., 15 Nov., 1868 (9?); d. 15 Oct., 1888; unm. 141. xvii. JOHN MILTON, b. same, 7 Aug., 1839. 142. xviii. WILLIAM ALPHONSO, b. same, 18 Oct., 1841. xix. CHARLES EDWARD, b. same, 18 Aug., 1843; served in the Civil War, in the 2d Maine Cavalry, sent to New Orleans. Here he d. Aug., 1864; bur. in Monument Cemetery, grave No. 829. Unmarried. xx. LEANDER ALBERTUS, b.'same, 28 June 1947; d. 28 Jan., 1849.

63. NATHAN RrcHARDSON 7 HAWES (Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Goffstown, N. H., 27 (29?) Feb., 1791. He m. at Littleton, N. H., (Nathan Hawes, Jr.") 2 Nov., 1814, Clarissa, b. there, 12 (14?) Jan., 1797, dau. of Joseph Wheat and Susanna (Bemis) Morse. The SEVENTH GENERATION 125

History of Littleton states that Nathan resided there, a farmer, until 1830, and d. in Wisconsin. But I am informed that he d. at Good Thunder, Minn., 1 June 1897. Mrs. Hawes d. 1 Nov., 1862, ae. 65 :9 :17, at Lowville, Wis. Sev­ eral deeds at Farmington, Me., he of Weld, relate to Nathan R. (Vol. 24 :479). This deed throws light on the Morse family. It is addressed to the Judge of Probate and represents that Silas Morse is heir at law with Samuel T. Morse, Nancy Carpenter, Clarissa Hawse, Annie Bickford, in the estate of Joseph W. Morse, deceased; signed 14 Nov., 1842. The Census of 1830, at Littleton, N. H., has N. R. Haws with wife and four children. Also, at Weld, Me., he is recorded that year, alone. In 1850, at Farmington, Me., the family is as follows: Nathan R. Hawes, farmer; wife Clarissa, age 54; Sarah M., 25, b. in Vermont (This was Silas's wife); Silas M., 26, farmer; and these, b. in Me.: Susanna M., 18; Joseph W., 12; George H. H., 10; Almina S., 4 ( dau. of Silas). A descendant writes that the family moved from Maine to Wisconsin in 1853, by the Erie Canal and part of the way by ox team, and from Maine to Boston by water. They took up government land in Columbia Co., Wisconsin. "All worked hard to make the home." This farm was taken over by Joseph Wheat Hawes, then recently married. He remained there several years. It has since passed into other hands, but still remains "a beautiful tract of land." The reader will notice that descendants ,of Obadiah5 and of Eleazer" became somewhat numerous in the new States of Wisconsin and Minnesota, and lived not very far apart. But there is no evidence that they were on a familiar footing, or even understood their rather near relationship.

Children of Nathan Richardson and Clarissa (Morse) Hawes, the first four b. in Littleton, N. H., the rest in Maine:

8 i. RUTH MoRSE , b. 10 April 1815; d. 5 March 1841, ae. 25 :10 :6. unm. 142a. ii. ANN MARIA, b. 21 Jan., 1817. 143. iii. BENJAMIN STEVENS, b. 20 (21 ?) Oct., 1818. 144. iv. SILAS MoRSE, b. 9 Oct., 1822. 144a. v. SUSANNA MORSE, b. in Weld, Me., 6 March 1832. 145. vi. JOSEPH WHEAT MORSE, b. in Maine, 5 June 1838. vii. GEORGE H. H. b. same, ab. 1840 ; d. soon after the family went West.

64. JosEPH 7 HAWES (Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard), was b. in Goffstown, N. H., 6 March 1793. He also moved to Maine, after a sojourn in Vermont, where their home was in Farmington and Weld, Me. At the former (Vol. 12: 192) he conveyed by deed, 27 March 1847, his one ninth interest in his father's estate to Silas M. Hawes; 126 RICHARD HAWES

wife Sally signing also. In the Census of 1830 he and a family of seven were living in Hooksett, N. H. In the Census of 1860, he was of Weld, Me., a farmer, age 66, and wife Sally B., age 64. She was Sally Brown. I have not the dates of their deaths. Children of Joseph and Sally (Brown) Hawes, but not m correct order; b. probably, in N. H. and Vt. 146. i. ALVIN', b. ab. 1820. "Alvin H." 147. ii. WILLARD WILBERT, b. in Vermont, 14 March 1836. iii. ]ANE; m. Joel Pierce; lived in Weld, Me. They had a dau., i. Lucy' PIERCE. iv. LYDIA, b. (Vt.?) 7 Jan., 1830; d. 12 March 19.12; m. Thurston Jones, b. in Weld, Me. ; lived in Pittsfield, Me. Children: i. LAURA9 ]ONES, b. 1849; d. 1861. ii. ]EN NIE JONES, b. 15 June 1853; d. 21 Dec., 1922; m. Ronnells Conant. They had : i. VERA10 CONANT, b. 21 Sept., 1890; m. Frank Brown. 111. FLORA E., b. 18 May 1862; unmarried (my informant). v. ELIZABETH T., b. 25 Feb., 1826, at Hooksett, N. H.; d. 1895. (These dates are from the Parlin Genealogy, p. 172.) She m. (1) 26 July 1848, Alpheus' Parlin (Almon, Oliver, Joseph, John, Nicholas) b. in Sumner, Me., 26 Feb., 1823; d. 16 Jan. 1851. His widow m. (2) Frank Annis, of Weld, Me. He enlisted (Civil War), and as she heard nothing from him for a long time, and supposing him dead, she m. (3) Silas Chamberlain. Afterwards Annis re­ turned, and finding his wife married, he left, a second Enoch Arden, for the unknown West. Children : i. EDWARD9 p ARLIN. ii. WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN. vi. AcHSAH; m. Henry Chandler. Children: i. M YRA9 CHANDLER; m. Hanaford. ii. EDITH CHANDLER; m. vii. HANNAH ELVIRA; m. James E. Howard, of Weld, Me. Children: i. ELVIRA9 HOWARD; m. Thomas Blaisdell. ii. SHERMAN HowARD; of Weld, Me.; m. Daisy Horn. iii. HATTIE HowARD; m. Kendall Billington, of Dixfield, Me. iv. JosEPH HowARD; m. Ada Cooper; living in Conway, N. H. A son, i. RAY10 HowARD; living in Portland, Me., m. and with chn. v. HIRAM HOWARD; m. (1) Elsie Austin; m. (2) ...... ; of East Wilton, Me. i. HANNAH 10 HOWARD. ii. GRACE HOWARD. iii. KENNETH HOWARD. iv. WILLIAM HOWARD. viii. OLIVIA ("Oliva"), b. 6 May 1838, in Weld, Me.; d. 30 Aug., 1877, in Carthage, Me. She m. Seth Pratt, b. in Carthage, 1826; d. 1907. Their children : i. W ALLACE9 PRATT. ii. FRED PRATT ; deceased. iii. IDA LovINA PRATT; m. Fred Gagnon, of Randolph, Me. iv. EvA PRATT; m. George Virgin. v. OLIVA PRATT; b. ab. 1870 (my informant) ; m. John W. Goodwin, of Randolph, Me. Children: i. LAURA B.10 GOODWIN, b. 9 March 1887; d. 3 Feb., 1888. 11. GRACE M. GooDWIN; m. Sumner F. Josselyn; of Ran- dolph, Me. iii. WALTER E. GooDWIN; of Randolph, Me. SEVENTH GENERATION 127

vi. ELIZA ETTA PRATT; m. Newell Goodwin; Bethel, Me. vii. HATTIE LoIS PRATT; m. Herman Prescott; of Boston. viii. BELLE PRATT; m. Guy Moulton; of Brockton. (There were eleven children in Joseph's family, but three d. in infancy.)

65. JoHN 7 HAWES (Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard) was bapt. in Goffstown, N. H., 5 Nov., 1797. After marriage he removed to Vermont, where he was located, first, in Walcott, and next in Morrisville, where he d. "in 1886, ae. 96", says one of his descendants, which would place his birth in 1790, too early, probably. From Registry of Deeds, Farmington, Me., (Vol. 16 :272), John Hawes of Walcott, Vt., carpenter, to Silas M. Hawes, of Charlestown, disposes of his one ninth interest in his father's estate; signed with wife Eunice Hawes, 31 May 1849; B. B. Hawes, a witness (This family spelled their name "Hawse".) N. H. records at Concord: John Hawes, b. in Goffstown, and Eunice Brown, b. in Chester, were m. 4 June 1816, by Rev. Nathan Bradstreet. Eunice d. at Morrisville, Vt. "two years before her husband, in 1884" ( family statement.) "She had a sister Judith (m. --- Hill) and there was a William Brown". She used to speak of her grandfather as "Massa" ( Amasa ?) Brown. She had Brown relatives living at Ellmore, Vt., or vicinity. Children of John and Eunice (Brown) Hawes: 8 i. EuNICE ; d. young. ii. MARY ANN; m. per record, 25 June 1838, John W. Hunt, of Mor­ risville, Vt. The administration of her brother Benjamin's estate, 1905, when she was not living, gives her children at that time : i. LoRENZO D.' HUNT; living, 1912, at Twin Lake House, Me., with a son, Charles10 Hunt. ii. AsA P. HUNT. iii. ORLo HuNT, deceased in 1905, but the father of i. FLORA H.10 SPAULDING. ii. CORA H. CHURCHILL, iii. DORA H. BISHOP, iv. GEORGE HUNT. 1v. PHEBE HUNT, wife of .... Sheppy, not living in 1905; mother of i. FRED B.10 SHEPPIE. ii. DELIA L. SHEPPY, deceased, but mother of Gertrude" Kennedy. v. EuNICE HUNT; wife of ...... Morrill; not living, 1905; mother of i. CARROLL10 MORRILL. vi. MARY HUNT; m ...... George; deceased in 1905; mother of i. ABBIE10 GEORGE. vii. JOHN HUNT; deceased in 1905; father of i. EMMA (HUNT) 10 WILKINS. 148. iii. ]OHN, JR. iv. BENJAMIN BROWN; the genius of the family. Being of an inventive turn of mind, he secured many patents on his inventions, which caused him to travel extensively in this country, as well as abroad, 128 RICHARD HAWES

especially in England. Like so many inventors, he came near to becoming very wealthy, "but just missed it". Most of his life was spent in Morrisville, but in his last years his home was in Barre, Vt., where he was a contractor and builder, in company with George H. Ellmore, of Montpelier, the admr. of Benjamin's estate, 30 Dec., 1905. Besides a widow; those mentioned to inherit were, William E. Hawes (brother), the heirs of a sister, Mrs. Mary Ann Hunt, and the heirs of his brother, John Hawes. He m. (1) 14 Nov., 1850, he then of ,Walcott, Vt., Mary Jane Spaulding, only dau. of Barnas and Mary Spaulding, of Morris­ town, Vt. On the petition of her brother Dan C. Spaulding, her estate was admin. by George A. Chesney, Morristown, in 1906. She d. at Barre, Vt., and he m. (2) Mrs. Cornelia C. Tibbetts, a widow ( cousin of the first wife). After his death she made her home in Holyoke (Fairview), Mass. 149. v. AsA "PERNO". vi. JOSEPH, b. 1837 ( ? ) , m. per record, at Morristown, Vt., 29 Nov., 1869, Louisa Windley, of Waterbury, Vt., when his age was 22; a carpenter. He d. about 1867 or 1868, of "bone cancer, because of which a leg was amputated." Admin. of his estate, at Morris­ town, was given, 28 July 1870, to P. K. Glead. There was a dau., i. ELLA BELLE9 HA WES, who had L. B. Boynton for guardian in 1868; later, George W. Gates was guardian. 150. vii. WILLIAM EDWARD.

66. DAVID7 HAWES (Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in N. H., ab. 1798. By deeds, his home was in Goffstown, Hooksett, and last of all, in Wilton, N. H. At Nashua (Vol. 145 :430). David Hawes and Benjamin Poor, both of Goffstown, to Thomas S. Poor, land in same town; signed 1 July 1823, with wife, Peggy Hawes. (Vol. 136 :491). David Hawes, of Hooksett, to Benjamin Poor; signed, 21 Nov., 1832. (Vol. 206:368). Nahum Childs with wife Elizabeth, of Wilton, to David Hawes of Wilton; 1840. Middlesex Pro., No. 4973. Martha J. Hawes of Lowell, in her petition states that David Hawes d. 8 Nov., 1877 ("ae. 79 :5 :26", St. Ho. rec.) in Lowell, leaving a widow; next of kin, John Hawes of Morrisville, Vt., and Nathan Hawes of Wisconsin, his brothers, Belinda Holt, Manchester, N. H., a sister, and the chn. of seven (sic) brothers and sisters (Names and addresses not known), Wil­ liam H. Hawes and Ira M. Hawes, both of Lowell, sons of Ira P. Hawes, "supposedly an adopted son of David"; dated 10 Dec., 1877. A second petition: Harriet Hawes, of Amherst, N. H., states that she is the widow of said David Hawes, leaving a sister, Belinda, wife of Enoch Holt. She asks to be made admx. Signed, with Belinda Holt, 1 Jan., 1878. The widow was appointed. David Hawes m. ( 1) Margaret ("Peggy"), dau. of Matthew and Elizabeth (Fulton) McCurdy, of Dunbarton, 27 Jan., 1820. She d. 15 April 1866, ae. 68 (at Goffstown, per record), "A fine woman". He m. (2) 6 Aug., 1866, Harriet Taylor, of Mt. Vernon, N. H., who survived him. This was considered an unhappy union. The SEVENTH GENERATION 129 home in Wilton was broken up, and Mr. Hawes came to Lowell, and d. at the home of Mrs. Martha J. Hawes. David was a member of the Goffstown church, 1826. He and his wife were dismissed from it, 22 Nov., 1837. In 1848 (Farmington, Me., Deeds) he relinquished his one ninth interest in his father's estate to Silas M. Hawes, Charlestown. At that date David is quoted as trader, of Lyndboro, N. H. A child, when a mere babe, was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Hawes: 8 151. i. IRA PooR •

66a. BELINDA7 HAWES (Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Hooksett, N. H., 19 April 1808; d. in Goffstown, 1896. She m. ( 1) Merrick Shattuck; m. (2) Enoch Holt, b. and lived in Hooksett, N. H. In 1849 (Farm­ ington Deeds) Belinda and Enoch conveyed their one ninth interest in her father's estate to Silas M. Hawes (a farm lying on the west side of Sandy River). Her children (from Hadley's Hist. of Goffstown, N. H. and from M_rs. C. W. Fowler, of Concord, N. H., a descendant): i. MARY ELIZABETH ("Betsey") 8 SHATTUCK. ii. Lucy SHATTUCK. "They left no descendants". iii. EMILY J. HOLT, b. 15 Feb., 1836; d. 1910; m. Martin VanBuren Wyman, 28 Feb., 1858. Their eight children, one of whom is Mrs. Fowler, will be found in Hadley's Hist. of Goffstown. 1v. MARTHA ANN HOLT, b. 1837; m. (1) Westly Ely; m. (2) George Harriman, of Hooksett, N. H. v. DrANTHA HoLT, b. 1830; m. ( 1) John Atwood, of Hooksett; m. (2) Alphonzo Wheeler, of the same. vi. MANDANA C. HOLT, b. 1840; m. (1) 30 March 1864, George W. Potter, of Grafton, N. H. He d. 22 March 1880. and she m. (2) Charles Morgrage ( a second wife) b. 1832; served in the Civil War; a prominent citizen of Goffstown. vii. ENOCH H. HoLT (twin), b. 8 Aug., 1842; m. 10 Aug., 1863, Nancy E. Tennant; lived in Hooksett. viii. BELINDA H. HoLT (twin), b. same; m. William Morgan. ix. LUCINDA TAGGART (Lucina?) HOLT, b. 1844; m. Newell R. Bixby ; served in the Civil War; d. 18 Jan., 1890, in Manchester, N. H. x. MARY HoLT; d. young.

67. WrLLIAM 7 HAWES (Nathaniel, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in N. H., ab. 1798; with his parents moved to No. Hatley, P. Q. His marriage (Sher­ brooke Co. records): "a bachelor and farmer, of major age, with Eliza Jonhson, spinster, of minor age, by bans, 10 Feb., 1820; in the presence of his father and mother" ; Thomas Johnson, minister. She was dau. of Jonathan Johnson, Jr., who settled in Hatley in 1802. His father was of Westfield, Mass. An interesting account of Eliza's father, who was captured by the Indians in his Revolutionary service, appears in "Forest and Clearings", p. 63. 130 RICHARD HA WES

Eliza was b. 1804; d. 9 Jan., 1851, ae. 51 (family account). He m. (2) Malvina Bean, of Hatley. About 1860 William went to Ohio and never returned. He d. about 1881. Children of William and Eliza (Johnson) Hawes, b. in No. Hatley, P. Q. i. SusANNA" HAWES, b. 1822; d. 13 Dec., 1849, ae. 27; unm. ii. SANFORD; no record. He went away from home and was never heard from. 152. iii. JoHN WILLIAM, b. Oct., 1826. 153. iv. NEWELL, b. 22 Oct., 1837. 154. v. WELLINGTON, b. 22 May 1835. v. ESTHER; m. Lucius Emery, son of John and Fanny (Chamberlin). Consult "Forest & Clearings", f· 284. Children: i. ELIZA FRANCES ("Fanny") EMERY; m. John Knight, an Eng- lishman; lived at Ayers Cliff ; children : i. EvA1° KNIGHT; m. George W. Barton. ii. HELEN MARR KNIGHT; m. \il/indsor W. Swallow of Sherbrooke, P. Q. A son, i. WALLACE11 SWALLOW. iii. HERBERT KNIGHT; m. Alice Carter. iv. ETHEL KNIGHT; d. ae. 17. v. SANFORD KNIGHT; m. Mabel Thompson. ii. ETHEL EMERY; m. Alba W. Parker. They have three children. iii. SANFORD EMERY; of Ayers Cliff; m. Edna Ellis; no children.

68. NATHAN 7 HAWES (Nathaniel, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in N. H., about 1800, and migrated with the family to Hatley, P. Q. His mar. (Sherbrooke Rec. Office) : "a bachelor and farmer, of minor age, with Abigail Harvey, spinster, of major age, both of Hatley, 14 Nov., 1819, by Rev. Thomas Johnson, by bans, in the presence of his brother and sister, William Hawes, Sally Hawes". The Harveys were among the earliest settlers of that region, and the name is perpetuated in "Harvey's Landing", on Lake Memphremagog. The late Mrs. Cornelia Hawes told me that Abigail was dau. of David Harvey. From "Forest and Clear­ ings", p. 246, we learn that he was b. in Dracut, Mass., in 1757; m. Abigail Elliott, of Portsmouth, N. H., b. 1770; settled on the shore of Lake Memphremagog in 1805. Nathan Hawes d. ab. 1836, "when his son George W. was ten years old". He was murdered on his way home from Quebec, where he had been with a drove of cattle. He had a sum of money on his person; a case of robbery with violence. He was a quiet, inoffensive, and highly respected citizen and a well to do farmer. Abigail, his widow, m. (2) a Mr. Kenneson, and had a son, Horace D. Kenneson. She d. before 1852. Children of Nathan and Abigail (Harvey) Hawes, b. in Hatley: i. CHARLOTTE', b. 1824; m. at Sherbrooke, P. Q., Capt. John Boyd, of the U. S. Army; a native of Scotland. Before enlistment at SEVENTH GENERATION 131

Portland, Me., he was a tailor. She was last living in Decatur, Texas. 155. ii. GEORGE WASHINGTON, b. 22 April 1826. iii. WILLIAM, b. ab. 1830.

69. PERKINS 7 HAWES (Nathaniel, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in No. Hatley, P. Q., 8 May 1806; d. there, 6 Sept., 1881. He was a prosperous farmer and was generally known as "Perk" Hawes. He m. ( 1) Lydia Bean, of a family that came early into that section. After her death he m. (2) Nancy (Lynn), the widow Ingraham, b. 20 April 1827; d. 29 July 1917. Children of Perkins and Lydia (Bean) Hawes, b. in No. Hatley, P. Q. i. A child, b. 5 June 1831. ii. A child, b. 6 July 1832. 8 iii. Lucy LucELIA , b. 16 March 1834; d. 5 Aug., 1928; m. Carlos Little. 156. iv. EDGAR, b. 4 April 1837. v. CoRNELIA, b. 8 Feb., 1839; m. Orin Turner. vi. A child, b. 13 April 1846. Children by Nancy (Lynn) Ingraham: 157. vii. CHARLES NELSON, b. 25 Dec., 1863.

69a. HEPZIBAH 7 HAWES (Nathaniel, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) b. ab. 1816; m. Philip Bean, of Hatley, b. May 1807. Children: i. CoRILLA8 BEAN, b. 1835; m. (1) William Emery, who d. 13 Sept., 1871; m. (2) John Johnson, who had been brought up in the family of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel and Sophronia (Hovey) Hawes. She d. without children, 8 April 1814. ii. SALLY ANN BEAN, b. 1839; d. 30 May 1878; m. William Mears. iii. NATHANIEL BEAN, b. 8 May .... ; d. 13 Dec., 1911; m. Mary Ann Turner, b. 29 March 1861; d. 30 June 1928; no children. iv. CHARLOTTE BEAN; d. March 1931; m. James Jackson; d. 1929. A daughter, i. CoRA9 JACKSON; m. (I) Granger; m. (2) Fox.

70. EDWARD 7 HAWES (Nathaniel, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Hatley, P. Q., about 1818. He m. Melinda Wadleigh in 1843 (Sherbrooke rec.) From "For­ est and Clearings", p. 260: She was b. 19 Aug., 1822, dau. of Taylor Wadleigh, b. Fishersfield, N. H., 1799; came with his parents to Ca. There is a long and interesting account of him and his activities in the. Radical Reform Party, and the agitation that resulted in the Rebellion of 1837-39. He was arrested and confined in Montreal jail, but liberated. His wife, Malinda Hovey, of a family that early settled in Hatley, was sister of Sophronia, wife of Edward's older brother, Nathaniel Hawes. 132 RICHARD HA WES

Children of Edward and Melinda (Wadleigh) Hawes: i. ALICE MALINDA": m. ab. 1871, Lucius N. Williamson. Their home was in Janesville, Wis., where she d. in 1905, leaving two sons: i. GEORGE HIBBARD9 WILLIAMSON. ii. EDWARD Lucrus WILLIAMSON.

71. DANIEL7 HAWES (John, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Hatley, P. Q., 6 Jan., 1813 (family rec.). I was indebted to him, through his dau., Miss Sarah Hawes, for letters that straightened out the early relationships of descendants of Obadiah's family. He stated that Obadiah\ his grandfather, had three sons, Nathan, Nathaniel, and John 7 (his father) who was second cousin of John , of Morris­ ville, Vt. Daniel lived in various places in Vermont, finally at Waterville, where he seemed to have had little of this world's goods. He d. in Cambridge, Vt., 11 Jan., 1892, "ae. 70". He m. Fanny Brown, b. "on King's Hill, Bakersfield, Vt., dau. of Josiah and Charlotte (Whitley) (Wheatley?) Brown". She d. of consumption, 17 Sept., 1866, ae. 48: 11 :0. ( Grave rec. at Bakersfield). Children of Daniel and Fanny (Brown) Hawes: i. NANCY AMANDA8, b. 8 Jan., 1840; d. 21 Sept., 1855, of typhoid fever, at No. Bennington, Vt. ii. HARRIET CORDELIA, b. 11 March 1842; d. 28 Nov., 1855, of the same fever, at No. Bennington, Vt. iii. SARAH JANE, b. Franklin, Vt., 29 Nov., 1844; unfortunate in being deaf and having impaired speech from lack of a palate. She was much interested in genealogy and wrote me frequently on the sub­ ject. In the summer of 1911 I called upon her. She was then living with a maternal cousin, Dexter R. Pierce, Waterville, Vt. She was a refined woman, and with better advantages would have made a superior woman. She d. in the early spring of 1921. 158. 1v. ALANSON WESTON, b. Franklin, Vt., 16 Jan., 1848. v. JAY HUNTINGTON, b. No. Bennington, Vt., 20 July 1861; d. at No. Cambridge, Vt., 16 Jan., 1895; unm.

71a. SALLY 7 HAWES (Elijah, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Worcester, 23 Oct., 1786; d. Springfield, Wis., 6 Feb., 1866; m. in Union, Ct., 21 Nov., 1805, Ebenezer Sessions, 3d, son of Ebenezer and Huldah (Haywood) b. 7 May 1782; d. at Upper Lisle, 31 May 1857. They had a large family, and about 1827 migrated to Upper Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y. Children (recorded, except the three youngest, at Union, Ct.) : i. 0RREL' (Orilla) SESSIONS, b. 6 July 1806 (7?); d. 19 Nov., 1853; m. 7 March 1828, Leonard Stockwell. ii. GILBERT SESSIONS, b. 25 May 1809 ; d. 13 March 1835 ; killed by the bursting of a grindstone. iii. ELIJAH SESSIONS, b. 31 May 1811; d. in Upper Lisle, N. Y., 7 April 1880; m. 1837, Sarah Sherwood. iv. CAROLINE SESSIONS, b. 20 Feb., 1815; d. Lexington, Neb., 18 Oct., 1888; m. 7 Sept., 1837, at Lisle, Russell Smith. Children: SEVENTH GENERATION 133

i. ROBERT BRUCE9 SMITH, b. 23 Aug., 1840; d. in Tioga, Penn., 1907; m. 2 Aug., 1866, Ellen Share. Their dau., Winifred L." (Mrs. William F. Alcorn, of New Haven, Ct.), was my informant, 1931. ii. ELBERT BURKE SMITH, b. 1843. v. MARY ANN SESSIONS, b. 9 July 1817; d. Weatherford, Texas, 3 March 1897; m. 5 March 1836, Hilas Meacham. vi. AMOS SESSIONS, b. 17 July 1819; d. Williamstown, Iowa, 1879; m. 7 Jan., 1844, Maria Hess. vii. ELBERT SESSIONS, b. 17 Oct., 1821; d. 4 April 1910, m. in Woodstock, Illinois, 2 Oct., 1841, Amelia Losee. viii. SALLY REBECCA SESSIONS, b. 2 Feb., 1824; d. 19 July 1864, in Auburn, Iowa; m. 30 April 1846, Abner Strickland. ix. ELIZA MARIA SESSIONS, b. 16 Oct., 1826; d. 8 Jan., 1916, in Auburn, Iowa; m. 19 Sept., 1853, Ebenezer Strickland.

72. JAsON 7 HAWES (Elijah, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Worcester, 11 Oct., 1791, and early re­ moved with his parents to Union, Ct. Soon after marriage he and his wife migrated to Triangle, Broome Co., N. Y. This was in 1816. He d. there, 1861, ae. 70. Hem. in Union, Ct., Lurana Coy, 10 (16?) March 1815. She was b. 1 March 1798, dau. of David and Lucy (Kenney) Coy, and d. in Triangle, 10 May 1866, ae. 68. Nancy, sister of Lurana, told the story that when Jason and wife left Ct., they loaded what few household goods they had onto an ox sled and drove from Union to Lisle, N. Y., taking some thr_ee weeks for the journey. I am indebted to Mr. Miner H. Corbin, Town Clerk of Brimfield, whose mother was Nancy, sister of Lurana Coy. Jason Hawes Baker also was helpful. Children of Jason and Lurana (Coy) Hawes: 8 i. CELANA , b. Lisle, N. Y., 1 Aug., 1820; d. 18 March 1905; m. 7 Sept., 1845, Guy E. Baker. Children : i. NANCY M.9 BAKER, b. 10 Jan., 1847. ii. JASON HAWES BAKER, b. 14 April 1850; living, 1912, at Whitney's Point, N. Y. (Chenango Forks, R. F. D.) iii. ALFRED E. BAKER, b. 5 Sept., 1853, a twin, and IV. ALICE BAKER, twin, b. same; d. 22 Aug., 1854. v. CHARLES BAKER, b. 11 Sept., 1861; d. 5 July 1891. ii. DAVID C., b. same, 22 Oct., 1822; d. 18 June 1824. iii. NANCY, b. 14 April 1825; d. 7 March 1845. IV. AMos, b. at Triangle, N. Y., 16 March 1830; d. 3 Sept., 1834. v. LURANA MARIA, b. same, 6 Dec., 1832; m. (1) 20 Feb., 1850, Nelson Baker, who d. 10 Oct., 1867, and she m. (2) Elymus Hackett, and lived at Sweden Valley, Porter Co., Penn. Shed. 9 Nov., 1893. i. SEMPRONIUS 9 BAKER, b. 24 Nov., 1850. ii. FRANCISCO D. BAKER, b. 21 Feb., 1853; d. 1 Feb., 1912. iii. HERBERT E. BAKER, b. 20 Jan., 1858; of Coudersport, Porter Co., Penn.

73. SEWALL 7 HAWES (David, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Worcester ( although death notice of dau. states that he was b. in Holland, Mass.), 7 Nov. 1801. As an adopted son, he entered the Hawes clan, 22 March 134 RICHARD HA WES

1834. Before that his name was Milton J. Adams, and first he may have been called Justus F. Hawes. He d. at Leicester, of consumption, 23 Dec., 1859 ( St. Ho. rec.), aged 59, and "married". He admin. the estate of his father, David Hawes, in 1842. Hem. (Thompson, Ct. VR) June 1839, Miss Sarah Rich, "both of Worcester". The will of this man (Worcester Pro. No. 28411), signed 5 Dec., 1859, gives to wife Sarah the homestead that was purchased of Silas Gleason. After her death it is to go to his son, Edward Augustus Hawes. To his three daus., Mary, eldest, Nancy E., and Zilla Cecilia, among other things, 93 acres in Clark Co., Indiana; Jason Hawes's name mentioned. Children of Sewall and Sarah (Rich) Hawes, recorded in Worcester: i. MARY8 b. 11 July 1840; m. as second wife, at No. Brookfield, 10 Oct., 1869, Hiram G. Thompson, of that town, son of Avery and Fanny Thompson; she of Leicester. ii. CILENA, b. 8 Nov., 1841; d. 29 April 1842. iii. SARAH JANE, b. 12 Feb., 1842; d. 1 Oct., 1843. iv. NANCY E., b. 28 May 1844; d. Leicester, 22 Feb., 1866; unm., ae. 21 :8 :28. (Her mother said to be a native of Charlton.) v. DAVID C., d. 9 July 1845, ae. 6 mos. vi. EDWARD AUGUSTUS, b. 24 April 1847; d. of consumption, at Leices- ter, 1 April 1866, ae. 18 :11 :8, a farmer; unm. vii. ARTHUR, b. 1849; d. 4 Sept., 1850. viii. ELLEN; d. 24 Sept., 1850, ae 15 days. ix. ZILLA CECELIA; "youngest dau." b. 24 Feb., 1853. The Census of 1850, for Ward 2, Worcester, has Sewall Hawes, 49, farmer; Sarah, wife, 38; Mary, 10; Nancy, 6; Edward, 3; Arthur, 1.

74. SEWELL NoRTHRUP 7 HAWES (Ebenezer, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Shoreham, Vt., 15 Jan., 1797. He m. there, 15 Sept., 1819, Fannie Smith, b. 24 March 1802, dau. of Joseph Smith; d. 9 Jan., 1868. About 1848 this family removed to the neighborhood of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. He was a farmer, and d. there, 14 Oct., 1867. My informant, Mrs. DeVoe, a granddaughter, pro­ cured these dates and the names of the children, all b. in Vermont. Children of Sewell N. and Fanny (Smith) Hawes: 8 i. CLARIUS ; d. in infancy. 159. ii. ADOLPHUS GusTAVUS ("Adolphus"), b. 5 March 1821. 160. iii. V Asco SMITH, b. 10 May 1823. iv. ANGELIA, b. 13 Nov., 1828; d. a widow, in Wisconsin, 4 Jan., 1854; m. 3 Aug., 1849. Azro Benton Taylor. He was killed by a R. R. train. Children : i. LILLIAN 9 TAYLOR, b. 18 Dec., 1850; m. Lewis Azro Emerson, 18 Aug., 1869. They have four children. ii. CHARLES HARRISON TAYLOR, b. 8 July 1852; d. 15 April 1878. (Both were of Fond du Lac.) 161. v. CoRIOLANUS, b. 7 March 1830. vi. FLAvrns JosEPH, b. 29 June 1837; d. 11 April 1841. SEVENTH GENERATION 135

74a. 0LIVE7 HAWES (Ebenezer, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Shoreham, Vt., 2 Sept., 1800; d. at Potsdam, N. Y., 29 May 1875; m. 16 June 1823, Loren Barnum, b. 28 Nov., 1796; d. Potsdam, N. Y., 30 June 1874. Children: i. SARAH NORTHRUP' BARNUM, b. 7 May 1824; d. 31 May 1915, ae. 91; m. Thomas L. Hawley, b. Rome, N. Y., 5 April 1824; d. Pots­ dam, N. Y., 13 April 1900. They were m. 11 Feb., 1846. Of their children were : i. EMMA9 HAWLEY. ii. BERTA HAWLEY; Mrs. George E. Wilmarth, my informant, of Potsdam, N. Y. iii. FRANK BARNUM HAWLEY. iv. MARY HAWLEY; Mrs. B. E. Squires, of Sanford, Fla. ii. MARCIA ELECTA BARNUM, b. 26 March 1828; d. Sept., 1910; m. ab. 1849, or 1850, Julius Anderson. Both d. in Decatur, Mich. There were six children. iii. ZELIA BARNUM, b. 1829; d. 1831. iv. HERBERT LoREN BARNUM, b. 8 Nov., 1841; living in 1916; m. ab. 1862, or 1863, Louisa Pinney; d. 1892, or 1893. They had, i. EDITH LourSA9 BARNUM.

75. CASSIM BusH 7 HA WES (Ebenezer, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Shoreham, Vt., 18 Feb., 1812, and was less than a year old when his father died. He m. at Braintree, Vt., Ruth Hutchinson, 5 Jan., 1837, recorded there, although the family hold that the date ought to be, 25 Jan., and at Randolph, Vt. Ruth was b. 8 May 1813, in Braintree, the dau. of John (1766-1845) and Lucy (Kenney) Hutchinson (b. 1771). Both parents were from Sutton, Mass. Like his mother, this couple moved to Potsdam, N. Y., where they lived for twelve years. My informant, Mrs. Lindsay, stated that the family in the summer of 1850 settled on a farm in Randolph, Columbia Co., Wisconsin. The His­ tory of Dodge Co., Wis., gives an account of Mr. Hawes: He attended school at Castleton, Vt., and later, at the New­ ton (Vt.) Academy. At the age of 17 he taught school, and for seventeen terms after that. On account of a physical weakness he retired at one time to the seaside, near Boston. Because of a fall from a building, he was crippled. His Wisconsin farm of 240 acres, in 1862, was given up, and he removed to Fox Lake, Wis., where he was known as Dr. Hawes, an hydropathic. Here he had an extensive practice. Mrs. Hawes d. 12 March 1862, and he m. (2) 25 Aug., that year, Mrs. Julia A. Hubbard. They lived together forty years. He d. 23 Oct., 1902, in his 91st year. He was an old-fashined anti-slavery advocate. His widow d. in the home of Mrs. Lindsay, 28 Aug., 1912. Children of Cassim Bush and Ruth (Hutchinson) Hawes: 8 162. i. ALBAN HuTCHINSON , b. 5 Jan., 1838, at Shoreham, Vt. ii. MARIA LucY, b. 11 Jan., 1840; d. 4 Dec., 1860, ae. 20 yrs :11 mos. 162a. iii. CELIA ELECTA, b. 26 Aug. (But printed account, 21 Aug.) 1841. 136 RICHARD HA WES

76. HIRAM 7 HAWES (Eleazer?), Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Albion, Me., 19 May 1817, and d. 16 Jan., 1912, nearly 95 years of age. His name appears on record as Hiram Bradford(?) Hawes. Most of my informa­ tion was obtained from Census reports and from his son, the late Charles H. Hawes. About the year 1907 the Boston Post presented aged men of several New Eng. towns with gold-headed canes. Hiram Hawes received the one sent to St. Albans, Vt. He m. 27 March 1839, Sarah Clough Vining, dau. of Josiah Vining, b. in Durham, Me., 25 Dec., 1812; d. in St. Albans, 1 June 1889. He m. (2) Nancy Avery, b. in Harmony, Me.; d. in St. Albans, Me., 1901, ae. 84 ( State rec.). Mr. Hawes lived, practically, all his long life in St. Albans. By Census reports we trace him, as follows: In 1840 Hiram B. Hawes and wife, both under 30, had an infant dau. ( St. Albans) ; in 1850, same town, age 33, oilcloth manufacturer, with wife Sarah C., age 35, they had Lucy M., 10; Abby C., 8; Ella L., 7; Vesta A., 5 ; Charles H., 3. In the next family, that of Israel Vining, a brother of Sarah C., was Rosetta Hawes, 16, b. in Me. In 1870 ( same town) Hiram Hawes, farmer, was 53; wife Sarah, 57; Charles, 23; Sarah, 20; Sarah F., 15. In 1880, St. Albans, Hiram Hawes, farmer, was 63; wife Sarah, 67; Charles H., 33 (mar.) ; Maria S., 34; Sarah F., 24; Addie L., 8, gr. dau. Children of Hiram and Sarah C. (Vining) Hawes, b. in St. Albans, Me. 8 i. MARIA , b. 1840 (the Lucy M. age 10, in 1850?); m. in Lawrence (VR) 26 Sept., 1861, Maria F. Hawes, 21, of St. Albans, Me., and George A. Wright, 22, b. in Palmer, son of George and Hannah Wright; she dau. of Hiram and Sarah Hawes. My recent in­ formant gives Maria's middle name, "Fowler". She d. in Worces­ ter, 1930. There were six children: i. GEORGE H.9 WRIGHT. ii. J. MANTER WRIGHT. iii. JOSEPHINE WRIGHT, iv. ALBERTA H. WRIGHT. v. CHARLES w. WRIGHT. vi. CHAUNCEY WRIGHT, ii. ABBY VINING, b. 3 March 1842; d. in St. Albans, Me., 28 Oct., 1918; m. (I) George Goodwin; killed in the Civil War; m. (2) Charles A. Southard, 8 Nov., 1864. iii. ELLEN Lour SA, b. 6 April 1843; d. 15 Oct., 1928; m. (I) Ruel Farnham, who d. ab. 1894; m. (2) Henry Moore, ab. 1897. iv. VESTA A., b. 21 Jan., 1845; d. 26 Aug., 1878. 162b. v. CHARLES HIRAM, b. 30 Dec., 1846. vi. SARAH FRANCES, b. 28 March 1854; d. 31 March 1921 ; m. ab. 1890, Charles F. Moore, who m. again. Children: i. ARTHUR H.' MooRE, b. 23 March 1895. ii. ETHEL M. MooRE, b. 31 June 1902.

77. DANIEL7 HAWES (Samuel, Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Westminster, Vt., 21 Nov., 1802 ( family record, 1801). My informant, Miss Elsie M. Hawes, SEVENTH GENERATION 137

of Tacoma, Wash., stated that this Daniel lived most of his life in Potsdam, N. Y., and d. there, 30 July 1885, ae. 82 :9 :0. He m. 18 July 1833, Miss Amanda Pierce, b. 2 Sept., 1812; d. 24 May 1888, the dau. of Timothy and Hannah (Hunting) Pierce, supposed to have been born, both of them, in Vt. Middlesex Deeds (Vol. 361 :493). Daniel Hawes of Marshall, Calhoun Co., Mich., to Abigail Hawes of Sherburn, single woman (his sister), land in S. (southwest part) in Brown's meadow; bounded by the Lelands; signed, 25 June 1837. Children of Daniel and Amanda (Pierce) Hawes: i. AMANDA c.•, b. 21 Feb., 1835; m. John A. Snell. ii. DANIEL DANA, b. 9 June 1837; m. Effie Billings. Her address in 1912 was Crookston, Minn. iii. ADALINE LOUISE, b. 24 March 1839; m. George L. Hitchcock. iv. JANE ARABELLA, b. 9 June 1841; m. Ezra Frenette. 163. v. WILLIAM SETH, b. Potsdam, N. Y., 26 May 1848. vi. FANNIE ABIGAIL, b. 26 Aug., 1850; m. Charles E. Sayers, of So. Colten, N. Y., 14 miles from Potsdam.

78. JEREMIAH RoBBINs 7 HAWES (Samuel, Samuel, Eleazer, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Westminster, Vt., 5 June 1808 (record at Concord, N. H.). With his parents he next lived in Surry, N. H., but most of his life was spent in Sherborn, where he was a farmer. He d. from the effects of a fall, 1 June 1882, ae. 73: 11 :27 ( St. Ho. rec.). Jeremiah R. Hawes, shoemaker, and Nancy Whiting, both of Sher­ born, were m. 11 May 1847. She was the dau. of Nathaniel and Nancy (Richards) Whiting, b. 1815; d. a widow, in Sherborn, 6 Nov., 1896, ae. 81 :1 :2 (St. Ho. rec.). She was b. in Washington, N. H. By Census of 1850, Nancy Whit­ ing, 69, the mother, was living with them. Mr. Hawes served as postmaster in Sherborn for some years. His estate was administered (Middlesex Pro. 21787) by his son, Alfred Hawes, of Sherborn, 23 Feb., 1887. The Petition names the widow and the six living sons below. Children of Jeremiah R. and Nancy (Whiting) Hawes, b. in Sherborn: 164. i. ALFRED", b. 15 March 1848. ii. JoHN ABBOTT, b. 8 June 1849; d. 22 Aug., 1850. 165. iii. AsA CLARK, b. 8 Dec., 1850. 166. 1v. EDWARD WHITING, b. 5 Aug., 1852. 167. v. WILLARD, b. 26 March 1854. 168. vi. LORING BROWN, b. 2 June 1857. 169. vii. ALBERT HENRY, b. 23 Feb., 1859.

79. SETH CLAP 7 HAWES (Samuel, Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Surry, N. H., 1 Feb., 1812 (per record). He was captain of the Militia, at Holliston or Fra- 138 RICHARD HA WES

mingham, 1838 or 1839. Hem. (1) (Holliston VR) 24 Oct., 1833, Catherine, dau. of Timothy Rockwood. She d. 25 Feb., 1837, "ae. 24" (g. s.). He m. (2) 12 June 1838 ( Sherborn VR) Lucy Rice Kendall, b. there, 18 July 1816, eldest child of Timothy Burbank and Polly (Flagg) Kendall. She d. a widow, in New Haven, Ct., at the home of her dau., 28 Oct., 1908. The Census of 1850 places Seth C. Hawes, shoemaker, age 38, and wife, Lucy R., 34, in "Sherburne", with his six children named below. "Business took him to Waterville, Me., where he lived some eight years, up to the time of his death." The will of his widow ( Middlesex Pro. 79726), signed 13 April 1907, gives to her dau., Mary A. Woods, widow, of New Haven; to son Frank T. Hawes (exor.), of Cambridge, and to seven gr. children, viz: Charlotte Hawes Smith, Charles Arthur Hawes, Frank Aylmer Woods, Alice May Woods, Ellen May Hawes, Frank Daniel Hawes, and Alvin Seth Hawes. Children of Seth C. and Catherine (Rockwood) Hawes, b. in Holliston: 170. i. WILLIAM RocKwoon' b. 10 Feb., 1837. Children of Seth C. and Lucy R. (Kendall) Hawes, b. in Sherborn: 171. ii. DANIEL CLAP, b. 14 March 1839. iii. Lucy KATHERINE, b. 9 March 1841; d. in Cambridge, 14 Feb., 1907; unm. (Ae. 65 :11 :0, St. Ho. rec.) 1v. MARY ABIGAIL, b. 22 March 1843; d. a widow, in Holyoke, ab. 1930; m. 3 May 1870, Jarvis U. Woods, a physician, b. ab. 1843, in Augusta, Me., son of Uriah and Lucinda Woods ; located in Hol­ yoke and New Haven, Ct., where he d. I April 1906. Mrs. Woods and her dau. have been most helpful with this account. Children: i. FRANK AYLMER' Wooos, b. 12 July 1871; a physician at Holyoke. ii. KITTIE ELIZABETH, 1873 :1875. m. ALICE MAY Wooos, b. 8 Jan., 1879; of Holyoke. 172. v. FRANCIS THOMAS (''Frank"), b. Framingham, 9 Oct., 1846. vi. GRACE HoYT, b. 12 Nov., 1848; d. 5 Oct., 1852, in Sherborn.

80. SETH 7 HAWES (Nathaniel ( ?) Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard). It seems well substantiated that he was b. in Roxbury. Census reports fix the year, 1793. He and his wife lived to a good age in Troy, Me., where they died. She was Mary Snow, of Thomaston, Me. The History of Thomaston, Rockland, and So. Thomaston, p. 402, stat~ that Joseph Snow and family came from New Meadows and lived at So. Thomaston. Their son Benjamin, b. 1764, m. ( 1) Lucy Davis, of Warren, Me. Their dau. Polly m. Mr. Hawes of Joy (early name of Troy). Old Camden, Me., records: Mr. Seth Hawes of Fairfax and Miss Mary Snow of Camden m. 1816 (int. 29 March). Seth and wife Mary SEVENTH GENERATION 139

give a deed of their right to land in Joy to Benjamin Joy, of Boston, acknowledged, 26 March 1825. Seth may have served in t}1e War of 1812. In the Census of 1820, Seth Hawes, of Joy, had a family of six, or four besides himself and wife. In 1830, he and wife, both under 40 yrs., at Troy, have three sons and a dau., all under 15. In 1840, their family included three males, all under 30. In 1850, the first Census to give the names of a family, we read: Seth Hawes, Troy, age 57, mariner; wife Mary, 57; William H., 19; Hiram H., 15. Seth's name disappears from the 1860 Census, but Mary Hawes, 63, was living in Troy, in the family of her son, William H. Children of Seth and Mary (Snow) Hawes, b. in Troy, Me. 173. i. CHARLES", b. ab. 1819. ii. JULIA ANN. b. ab. 1820; m. Francis A. Hillman, of Troy. My in­ formant, Miss Annie E. Hawes, Northport, Me., in 1912, in giving statistics, named these children : i. ALPHONS09 HILLMAN. ii. FRANCIS ALLEN HILLMAN, JR. iii. WALTER R. HILLMAN. iv. CHARLES HILLMAN; d. an infant. 174. iii. ELEAZER, b. ab. 1821. 175. iv. LUTHER, b. ab. 1825. v. WILLIAM; d. young. 176. vi. WILLIAM HENRY, b. ab. 1830. 177. vii. HIRAM, b. ab. 1835.

81. AsA 7 HAWES (Nathaniel ( ?) Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard), by my informants, was a brother of Seth and like him disposed of his title to land in Troy, to Benjamin Joy of Boston, by deed, signed with wife Elizabeth, 25 Feb., 1825. In the deed Asa is styled "joiner." Consult also deeds at Bangor, Penobscot deeds. Vol.65 :276. Asa Hawes of Levant, from Asa N. Smart, 5 acres for $100, lot no. 9 in 2d range. Signed 28 March 1835. Vol. 98 :473. Asa Hawes of Levant to Richard P. Harding, 5 acres for $150, land in lot No. 9, 2d range. Signed alone, 11 Apr., 1835. Vol. 111 :105. Asa Hawes to Wm. E. Pinder and Benj. Pinder, both of Bangor, 19 Aug., 1839. They recovered judgment against Asa Hawes of Levant, to amt. of $64.00. (Old Waldo Co. Deeds, at Belfast, Me., Vol. 87:234), Asa Hawes of Pierpont, in Ashtabula Co., Ohio, to Richard W. Ward of Troy, land in Troy that was sold in 1830, or 1831; this being a deed to confirm ; dated 1851. The Census of 1830 places Asa Hawes perhaps Asa, Jr., in Troy, with a wife, both under 30, and two sons, under 5. After that date he seems to disappear from Maine, and we must look for him in Ohio. In 1931 I am informed by the clerk of Pierpont township 140 RICHARD HA WES that three descendants of this man live in that neighborhood, Alvin Hawes and Alonzo Hawes, of Conneaut, and John Hawes, Kings­ ville. Genealogical letters of inquiry have brought no answers.

82. NATHANIEL7 HAWES (Nathaniel ( ?) Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard), I am informed, was b. 18 Feb., 1805. In the Census of 1830 for Harmony, Me., he is recorded alone and under 30 yrs. of age. Several deeds at Showhegan are in his name, one ( 35 :427) being from him to Amasa Bigelow of Bloomfield, and witnessed by Joanna Bigelow. He m. 23 May 1833, Joanna Bigelow, of St. Albans, Me., b. 21 Sept., 1808. He died 5 July 1836. The settlement of his small estate. (Probate at Skowhegan) was given to his widow Joanna that year. She m. (2) Israel Vining of St. Albans, and d. there, 26 Dec., 1876. i. RosETTA8 was b. 1 March 1834; age 16, Census of 1850; m. Hoyt; d. ab. 1890.

83. LuTHER7 HAWES (Nathaniel ( ?) Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Albion, Me., 4 March 1800 ; d. Monroe, Me., May 1884. This and other information was gained through his son, the late Henry E. Hawes, Dixmont, Me. That he belonged to the Troy group of Nathaniel, Seth, and Asa, is shown by deed (Vol. 43 :387) at Augusta, Me., in which Luther Hawes of Joy conveys his rights to land there to one Benjamin Joy of Boston, 22 April 1823. About 1825 he moved to Monroe, Me., where the family lived for twenty years. After a short stay in Dixmont, we next find him in Jackson, Me., where he resided until about 1865, when he returned to Monroe. He was a farmer and a preacher. Deeds recorded at Belfast, Me., are of minor interest. He m. ( 1) about 1825, Sally, dau. of Daniel Pattee, the mother of the children. She d. in 1845, ae. 47, and he m. (2) in 1848 or 1849, Miss Eliza Knight, of Jackson, Me., who d. June 1879. Luther Hawes was appointed to admin. her estate. Children of Luther and Sally (Pattee) Hawes, as given by Henry E. Hawes : 178. i. JAMES DAR.rus", b. ab. 1826. ii. RICHARD, a twin, b. 1828; probably d. young. iii. LOVIN A, b. a twin, 1828; m. 23 May 1852, James Smart, her cousin (Thorndike, Me., VR); no issue. iv. lsRAEL, b. 1830; m. and left a son and a dau.; lived in Monroe, Me. v. HANNAH, b. 1832; m. Henry Hall, of Belfast, Me. i. MINNIE' HALL; m. Erastus Mason, of Monroe; parents of Dr. H. B. Mason, of Portland, Me. SEVENTH GENERATION 141

vi. LUTHER, JR., b. ab. 1832; enlisted as a drummer in 1862. "Sitting up so much with the sick and wounded, added to the noise and excite­ ment, brought on insanity. He d. in an asylum, ab. 1877.'' vii. NATHANIEL, b. 1835; never mar. viii. SAMUEL, b. 1837; lived in Minn., where he m. a Miss Hurley. ix. HENRY ELDRIDGE, b. 15 Aug., 1839; m. 2 March 1881, Nellie Evans, b. 20 April 1850, dau. of America and Louisa (Packard) Evans. Their home was in Dixmont, Me. He was a farmer; later in trade. He was my informant in 1912, when he was an invalid, and suf­ fered the last years of his life, from rheumatism and a complica­ tion of diseases. He was very patient, and through his letters I learned to admire his fine character. His wife, also in delicate health, survived him a short time. They had no children. x. MARY ANN, b. 1841; m ...... Benson; three children: i. VINA' BENSON; m...... Hill; lived in Sabattus, Me. ii. CHARLES BENSON. iii. BERT BENSON. xi. ALVIN NELSON, b. 1843; living, 1912, in Cove, Minn., the father of 9 i. BERT • ii. CHARLES. iii. GEORGE. iv. MARY.

84. JosEPH HEWINS 7 HAWES (Jacob, Jacob, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Plainfield, 24 Nov., 1794 (per record). He was mentioned in the will of his father, 1830, and in 1848 administered the estate of his son. His own will (Hampden Pro., No. 5454) in the petition filed, states that he d. in Monson, 16 Jan., 1851. It gives to Abigail McFarland (wife of Daniel) and her children, Mary and Charles E. Hawes. Will mentions a water privilege in the town of Warren, of which he was half owner. Of this he gives to Dwight Blanchard, Alden Kimball, and Obed Blanchard one third each; to his wife, Seba Hawes; the residue, after her death, to go to his grandchildren, Mary and Charles E. Hawes; Obed Blanchard, exor. He was a farmer and 56 yrs. of age. He m. ( 1) name not found. She d. 29 Dec., 1842. His second wife, who survived him, was Mrs. Seba Hawes. Children of Joseph Hewins Hawes: 179. i. ERASTUS", b. ab. 1813.

85. HENRY 7 HAWES (Ebenezer, Jacob, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Rochard) was b. at Meredith, N. Y. (grave rec.) March 1807. He d. at Middlefield, 1 Feb., 1880, ae. 72 :11 :3. He was a farmer, Mrs. VanHeusen, of Springfield (1907) wrote that this brother of her gr. father m. 29 Oct., 1829, Emerancy, dau. of Pain and Phebe (Graves) Loveland, both natives of Hebron, Ct. Grave record at Middlefield states that she was b. Dec., 1805, and d. 15 Nov., 1885, ae. 79:11 :0. But town record gives her birth, 2 April 1809. 142 RICHARD HA WES

Henry Hawes was admr. of his brother Jacob's estate, 1851. Hampshire Co. Pro. has the petition to adopt Isabella Fowler, of Middlefield, dau. of Daniel and Isabella, with the request that her name, with the consent of her parents, be changed to Lida Belle Hawes. Mr. Hawes left a will (Vol. 60:435), signed 31 March 1875. It gives to his dau., now the wife of Myron L. Church, and to his wife Emerancy (Executrix). Children of Henry and Emerancy (Loveland) Hawes: i. LIDA BELLE' (adopted), b. 26 June 1841 (1842?); m. 20 Jan., 1865 (another date, 7 June), Myron L. Church, both of Middlefield. He was b. in Springfield, 16 April 1840, son of Lyman and Amanda Church. In 1878 this couple were living in Huntington; no issue ( Consult Treman Family, p. 491).

86. JAcoB 7 HAWES (Ebenezer, Jacob, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Middlefield in 1808 (per grave rec.). He d. in Chester ( St. Ho. rec.), 7 Oct., 1851, ae. 43 yrs. He was a farmer, and his estate was settled by his brother, Henry Hawes. My informant, Mrs. A. C. VanHeusen, stated that her grandfather and his brother Henry were b. in Penn. But I think this is doubtful. "Jacob Hawes taught school in Central New Yark, where he met and married Sarah A. Hazleton. He was a scholarly man, a man in ad­ vance of his time; one who had a ready command of language and the ability to speak on almost any subject." He m. in 1837. His widow m. (2) in Middlefield, 1 Jan., 1856, Ebenezer Smith, a farmer, b. there, son of Calvin and Anna Smith. At that time Mrs. Hawes was 36 (b. in Nelson, N. Y.). Mr. Smith d. 30 March 1869, and she m. (3) 4 June 1873, Harvey Root, of Middlefield. In 1890 she was living in Mitteneague, Mass. The family account states that she was b. 24 Oct., 1819; d. in California, 5 Nov., 1900, nearly 82 (sic). She was mother of three or four Smith children. (Consult "Tremain, Tremaine Family", p. 347.) Children of Jacob and Sarah Ann (Hazleton) Hawes, b. m Middlefield: 180. i. JACOB' ("Jacob Henry") ("Henry J."), b. 17 Aug., 1838. ii. SARAH JANE ("Jane"), b. 16 Oct., 1840. She was a teacher when she m. (probably in Boston) 29 April 1863, Daniel Alderman, Jr., a farmer, b. 11 March 1828, son of Daniel and Electa (Root) Alder­ man. In 1907 she was living in Worcester, later, in Springfield. Children: 9 1. CHARLES HENRY ALDERMAN ; of Springfield. ii. CLARENCE E. ALDERMAN; of Worcester. iii. Eowrn H. ALDERMAN; of Middlefield. iv. ANNA E. ALDERMAN; of Springfield. iii. SERAPH ANN, b. Nov., 1842; m. in Middlefield, 29 Sept., 1865, Cephas George Kelley, supt. of a mine, Jacksonville, Cal. He was b. ab. 1837, in St. Johnsbury, Vt., son of Daniel and Lydia Kelley. In SEVENTH GENERATION 143

1907 she was living in San Francisco, Cal. There were five children, b. in Cal., only one of whom was living in 1907 : v. CLARA ESTELLE' KELLEY (Mrs. Sterling P. Bent, Berkeley, Cal.). iv. HELEN AMANDA, b. in Chester, 30 Aug., 1845 (1844, St. Ho. rec.). She m. Robert McClellan, of San Francisco, where she resided in 1907. No issue. v. MARIA S., b. in Chester, 14 Feb., 1847; d. 22 March 1906; m. (1) 31 Dec., 1864, at Middlefield, Albert Pease, 21, a farmer; b. there, son of Eldredge and Persis Pease. After his decease, she m. (2) a Mr. Danforth. She was mother of i. ANNIE ALBERTA' PEASE, b. 1 Jan., 1866; in 1907 the Mrs. A. C. VanHeusen, of Springfield, to whom I am indebted for this account. vi. GEORGE HAZELTON, b. Middlefield, 4 Dec., 1849; lived in Oakland and San Francisco; d. unm. Oct., 1901. From "Workers in the Vineyard" (Spiritualist) : "George Hazel­ ton Hawes, a short-hand reporter of the Pacific coast, youngest of six children; his father, a school teacher, d. of an accident, when George was but two years old. His mother m. again, Ebenezer Smith, a Baptist deacon. When about 18 he left for California, by water, arriving 2 Sept., 1868. He published in 1880, "Light for All".

86a. WARREN L. 7 HA WES (Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard). This account is taken from the History of Wyoming Co., N. Y., p. 159. He was b. in Bennington, that County, 11 Nov., 1833, the youngest of twelve children. p. 148 has a likeness of this man and a picture of his home in Cowlesville. In early manhood he learned the carriage busi­ ness, and with his brothers, Allen R. and LaFayette, carried it on extensively at Bennington Centre for a number of years. In 1864 he removed to Cowlesville and entered into partnership with A. H. Hoskins, brother of Hon. G. G. Hoskins, a lieut. governor of the State. After nine years the firm became Sargent and Hawes, his partner being J. M. Sargent. 25 Sept., 1870, Mr. Hawes m. Harriet M., youngest dau. of Godfrey Lake, of Pembroke, Genessee Co., b. 11 March 1847. Mr. Hawes (1880) had been thrice the clerk of his town; twice post­ master of Cowlesville; serving his third term as county coroner; an ardent Republican in politics; "of the progressive school of thought in all social, scientific and religious questions". Their daughter wrote that both parents d. in 1893, two months apart. i. LETHE ELEANORE8 HAWES, b. 24 Oct., 1872; m. 1895 William Hart Boughton, of Buffalo, N. Y., where they had their home. In 1917 Mrs. Boughton was connected with the Department of Voice, Shorter College, Ga. Their children : i. MARIAN ANGELL' BouGHTON ; d. ae. 13 months. ii. WARREN VICTOR BouGHTON, b. 6 March 1900; living, 1917. 144 RICHARD HA WES

87. ELIJAH 7 HAWES (William, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Randolph, Vt., 18 April 1811, "of parents b. in Brookfield". His mother d. when he was five years old. In early life he was under the guardianship of a Mr. Lyman, in Randolph. Mr. Hawes lived most of his life in Poultney, Vt. The history of that town, p. 272, states that hem. Eliza Hoar, 12 Nov., 1837 (Family account makes the date, 2 Nov., 1836), and was there as early as June 1833. Here he d. 16 March 1878. He may have lived for a brief time in Montpelier, Vt. He was a farmer and his farm was between Poultney and Hampton. He was Justice of the Peace for several years ; selectman five years, and in other ways was a prominent and useful citizen. From the Pierce Genealogy, p. 104. Angellette Pierce (Nathaniel, Seth, John, &c.), b. 1782; d. in Poultney, Vt., 1846; m. 9 Jan., 1803, David Hoar (1773-1862). Of their children was Eliza Hoar, b. 7 April 1810, who became the wife of Elijah Hawes. Children of Elijah and Eliza (Hoar) Hawes: 181. i. Lucrns A.' b. 12 Oct., 1837. ii. MARTHA A., b. 24 July 1849; d. 28 Jan. 1852.

87a. EMILY7 HAWES (Eleazer, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard); d. 14 Feb., 1869; m. 2 Feb., 1830, David Hubbell, of Burlington, Vt., who d. 25 June 1884. Both lie buried in Green Mountain cemetery there. Their chil­ dren: i. ELIZABETH" HUBBELL, b. 30 Dec., 1830; m. 26 March 1863, Alfred Smith. i. A dau.• was b. 9 March 1867. ii. MARIA HUBBELL, b. 4 Aug., 1832; m. John Murray, 19 Aug., 1869. iii. ADELAIDE HUBBELL, b. 9 Nov., 1834; d. 10 Nov., 1848. iv. LESTER HUBBELL, b. 2 Nov., 1836; d. 14 Nov., 1848. v. EDWARD L. HUBBELL, b. 15 Jan., 1848; d. 12 Aug., 1851. vi. EMMA HUBBELL; m. 29 Oct., 1874, John Ledgett.

87b. FANNY 7 HAWES (Eleazer, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard), b. in Brookfield, Vt., 26 July 1809; d. 19 Nov. 1874. She m. (Shelburne, Vt., VR) 22 May 1831 (Levi Comstock, J. P. officiating) Bishop7 Comstock, b. 20 Sept., 1808, son of Elisha6 of Shelburne, Vt. Children b. there: i. DANIEL T." COMSTOCK, b., 3 Aug., 1832; m. in Burlington, Vt., 4 March 1860, Emma Blood. ii. EDWIN (Edward?) S. CoMSTOCK, b. 12 May 1842; d. in infancy. iii. (adopted) JAMES COMSTOCK, b. 9 May 1845; m. Jennie McMullen; lived in Hyde Park, Vt. iv. GEORGE W. COMSTOCK, b. 14 May 1847; d. 1 Sept., 1864; enlisted in Co. H, 12th reg.; killed at the battle of Welden R.R. v. THIRZA COMSTOCK, b. 29 Sept., 1849; m. 8 July 1868, Hiram Egleston. They were the parents of i. HATTIE9 EGLESTON, b. 1869; m. Charles Hamilton. ii. NELLIE EGLESTON, b. 1871. iii. FANNY EGLESTON, b. 1874; at one time a teacher in Sara­ toga, N. Y. SEVENTH GENERATION 145

88. WILLIAM C. 7 HAWES (Eleazer, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Brookfield, Vt., ab. 20 Nov., 1814. He was a painter and the family lived in Shelburne, Vt., where he d. (VR) 30 Dec., 1882, ae. 68 :2 :10. He m. ( 1) and lived, perhaps, in Lowell, where wife and children d. Hem. (2) (recorded at Stockbridge, Vt.) 30 Nov., 1855. Olive Arvilla Cady, who d. at the home of her dau. (Mrs. Cory) in Burlington, Vt., 26 Dec., 1918. She was dau. of Henry Cady, and b. in Granville, Vt., 27 April 1834. Her people were of Gaysville, Vt., This couple may have lived for a time in Pittsfield, Vt. Children of William C. and Olive Arvilla (Cady) Hawes: i. LETICE THIRZA8 ("Lettie"), b. 31 Jan., 1863; m. 10 Oct., 1888, Ashley Spencer Cory, of Burlington, Vt. I have been much indebted to Mrs. Cory for information concerning descendants of William• Hawes. Soon after the death of her mother, the Corys removed from Burlington to New Jersey. Children b. in Burlington, Vt.: i. LESTER SPENCER9 CoRY, b. 5 July 1889. ii. JOSEPHINE CORY, b. 22 June 1890. iii. HARRY HA WES CoRY, b. 14 Dec., 1891. ii. EDWARD, b. 24 April 1865; d. Jan., 1867.

89. JAMES MoNROE 7 HAWES (Eleazer, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Brookfield, Vt., ab. 1818, or 1819, being 15 yrs. of age when he lost his father, and chose Ariel Burnham, Brookfield, as guardian, 27 March 1835 (Randolph Pro. Dist.). He m. in Williston, Vt., 26 Oct., 1843, by the Rev. Alex. Campbell, Miss Emily M, dau. of Lowell (Lovell?) and Amanda (Bushnell) Brown, "both of Williston". This couple lived in several places. She d. (Con­ cord, N. H., State rec.) at Portsmouth, N. H., 2 April 1891, ae. 66; burial, at Berwick, Me. She survived her hus­ band who d. in Summersworth, N. H., 23 Oct., 1883, ae. 66 :8 : 1. He was a machinist. Children of James Monroe and Emily M. (Brown) Hawes: 182. i. EUGENE M.• b. ab. 1845. ii. EMMA; m. Mr. Dow, of Tilton, N. H. iii. ADDIE; not living in 1909; m. Mr. Tarbox, of Saco, Me. iv. AucE; m. Mr. Pinkham, of Portsmouth, N. H. v. JENNIE; m. Mr. Marden, of Bristol, N. H. vi. ORVILLE E., b. ab. 1857; m. in Somersworth, N. H., 31 July 1882, age 25, Lilla M. Clark, age 23, of Berwick, Me., a teacher, dau. of John C. and Martha. At the time he was recorded as a machin­ ist; b. in Northfield, Vt. (Recorded at Concord, N. H.)

90. CALVIN CHARLES 7 HAWES (Eleazer, William, Eleazer, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Brookfield, Vt., 29 April 1823. Hem. in Williston, Vt., (town record.) 24 Oct., 1849, 146 RICHARD HA WES

Letice Bliss. She was a sister of George and John Bliss, and was b. 14 June 1831 (Name "Letice" a word of three syl­ lables). Calvin and his brother Monroe were carpenters and cabinet makers. This family moved from Williston to St. Albans, Vt., where Calvin d. 18 May 1877, ae. 54, survived by his widow. Children of Calvin C. and Letice (Bliss) Hawes: i. BYRON B.", b. Williston, Vt., 9 (10?) July 1850; d. in St. Albans, Vt., 26 Nov., 1872, "ae. 22 yrs. 16 days" (g.s.); unm. He was injured while on duty as a fireman. ii. MARY MARTHA ("Minnie"?), b. St .Albans, Vt., 13 May 1852; m. 15 March 1874, at Hartford, Vt., Samuel Head, of Hookset, N. H. There was a dau., i. W INIFRED9 HEAD, b. 1897. 183. iii. CHARLES CALVIN, b. 27 May 1855. (Mrs. Cory) iv. HATTIE LouisE, b. 13 Feb., 1859; m. in St. Albans, Vt., 19 Sept., 1877, George Hastings Green. In 1909 they were living in Concord, N. H. i. EDITH HANNAH LouISE9 GREEN, b. ab. 1891. (Mrs. Cory). v. WrLLIAM ELEAZER, b. per grave rec., 9 July 1864, in St. Albans, Vt., and d. there, 28 Oct., 1886. Hem. 16 July 1883, Carrie Amelia Cavanaugh. Their two children: i. LEON Roy•; d. ae. 7 mos. ii. BURNEY Buss; d. ae. 3 yrs.

90a. SoPHIA 7 HAWES (Eleazer, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard), b. ab. 1828, was "six years of age when her father died". She d. at her home in Manchester, Vt., 27 July 1897. She m. in Williston, Vt., 21 Oct., 1852, Truman Perkins, b. in Sunderland, Vt., son of Noah Phelps and Mary (Millett) Perkins. His home was in Manchester ever after he was ten yrs. old. Children of Truman and Sophia (Hawes) Perkins (from Mrs. Cory): i. FREDERICK" PERKINS, b. 5 Jan., 1856; d. 21 Feb. following. ii. MINNIE A. PERKINS, b. 2 March 1857; m. 23 Oct., 1877, H .B. Cunningham. Their three children : i. ETHEL A.' CUNNINGHAM, b. 1878. ii. HARRY B. CUNNINGHAM, b. 1880. iii. CARL P. CUNNINGHAM, b. and d. 1882. iii. FANNY R. PERKINS, b. 4 Dec., 1859; m. 21 Oct., 1886. George Reed; lived in Oil City, Penn. Children : i. FREDERICK REED, b. 1888. ii. KENTON REED, b. 1891.

91. JoHN Qurncv ADAMS 7 HAWES (Hervey, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Lovell, Me., 28 Jan., 1829. In early life he taught school in various parts of Maine. He graduated from the N. Y. Medical College in March 1857, and took up the practice of medicine at Hallo- SEVENTH GENERATION 147

well, Me., where he spent the rest of his life, except when in the army. He was a member of the State Medical Asso­ ciation and of the Kennebec Medical Association. In the Civil War he served as surgeon of the 19th Maine regiment of volunteers. He d. suddenly, at his home, 17 March 1889, ae. 59. Dr. Hawes m. (1) in Hallowell, 30 April 1857, Hannah, dau. of John Lowell, Esq. She d. 14 Aug., 1874, ae. 48. She was b. 7 Jan., 1826. For her ancestry, consult the Lowell Genealogy, p. 551. He m. (2) 16 Nov., 1875, Miss Milicent P. Lord, dau. of John D. Lord. She d. 13 Sept., 1888, ae. 55 :4 :0. After the war, Dr. Hawes opened a drug store, which he main­ tained the rest of his life. "He was a man of generous social im­ pulses and was ever ready to aid in ministering to others in time of need. He was much interested in music, and was associated with the leading singers in the County and State. He was a member of the Masonic order and a Knight Templar. He had served his city as clerk and on the school committee". At the time he departed for war service his friends presented him a valuable sword, at a public gathering. In 1889 his brother gave it back to the city of Hallowell. There were no children.

92. HERVEY K.7 HAWES (Hervey, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard ( was b. in Damariscotta, Me., 24 Sept., 1842. He was educated at Colby. At the early age of 15 he was teaching school, and so continued, falls and winters, for ten years. After leaving college he began the study of law, in the office of Hon. Lewis Barker, of Bangor, Me., and completed his studies in the firm of Hale & Emery, Ellsworth, Me. He was admitteed to the bar in 1866. In 1874 he removed to Holyoke, where he formed a partnership with the late W. B. C. Pearsons, first mayor of Holyoke. Mr. Hawes was city solicitor there for ten years, and served two years on the Common Council. After practising in Holyoke for twenty years, he removed to Springfield. He was an active member of the Baptist church and was inter­ ested in all social affairs. He was a Free Mason. He d. in Spring­ field, 29 June 1903, ae. 60 :9 :5. He m. in Surry, Me., 12 Dec., 1865, Annie, dau. of Capt. William G. and Nancy (Jarvis) Treworgie, his father performing the ceremony. She was b. in Surry, 26 Dec., 1843 ( Consult the Millikin Gen., p. 81) and d. in Springfield, 5 Aug., 1928. (The death notice of Mrs. H. K. Hawes states that she was b. in Paris, Me. In 1903, when estate of H. K. Hawes was administered, the older son was in Alaska.) Children of Hervey K. and Annie (Treworgie) Hawes: 8 i. WILLIAM HERVEY , b. Orland, Me., 9 March 1869; living, 1931. ii. EDWARD JARVIS, b. Surry, Me., 23 May 1872; living, 1931. 148 RICHARD IIA WES

iii. SARAH B., b. in Holyoke, 8 Jan., 1878; a kindergarten teacher for several years; living, 1931, on Yale St., Springfield; unm. I am greatly indebted to Miss Hawes for information concerning her grandfather and his family.

93. EDWARD W.7 HAWES (Edward, Desire, Desire, James, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Boston, ab. 1784 (per death rec.), probably the eldest son of his parents. By Boston Directories we trace him there as late as 1827: on Mill Lane in 1806; of Ship St., 1807; in 1810, tobacconist, Mill Lane, with place of business at 79 Broad St. In 1813 his brother, George T. was associated with him, Tobacconists, Marshall Lane. From 1823 to 1827 he was located on Sun Court. In the Census of 1810 he was living on Back St. (between Cross St. and Middle St.), with a family, besides himself and wife, of one male and two females, and in the same house with David Adams and Joseph Wilder. Edward W. Hawes and Betsey White were m. by Rev. Samuel Stillman, 12 Aug., 1804. He d. 14 Feb., 1830, ae. 47 (Boston Com­ missioners' Reports). Of the children, I have learned of but two : i. "A dau. of Edward Hawes, ae. 1 mo., 11 Aug., 1812; bur. at Copps Hill, old ground." ii. ADELINE'. At the time she m. the Unitarian divine, Rev. Theodore Clapp, D.D., of New Orleans, La., 30 May 1822, at Louisville, Ky., she was living there, probably with her Hyatt relatives. The marriage record adds : "with the consent of her guardian, John H. Hawes". A John Hawes, ropemaker, was living in Louisville as late as 1843-4. Others of the name, same occupation, were living there also, as Henry W. Hawes, Jacob Hawes, Andrew Hawes. From the "Clapp Memorial" and from his biographical sketch, I condense as follows: Theodore7 Clapp (Thaddeus, Joseph, Jonathan, Roger, Preserved, Roger) was b. 29 March 1792. His mother was Achsah Parsons. He was of the class of 1814, Yale; studied later at Andover, and was licensed as a Congregational minister, 1817. In 1822 he succeeded Rev. Sylvester Larned as pastor of the First Presbyterian church of New Orleans, but in 1834, from a change of religious views, he became a Unitarian. Dissolving connection with his charge, he became pastor of nearly the same people, as he wrote later, "not more than half a dozen left me." His preaching was very popular and crowded houses listened to him. He continued in this field for 35 years, resigning in 1857 on account of ill health. In 1847 he was near death's door, but recovered in a measure through rest and a voyage to Europe. About 1857 he published his autobiography, which is most inter­ esting, especially because of his experiences and ministrations through several epidemics of yellow fever that visited and de­ vastated New Orleans. He finally removed to Louisville, Ky., where he d. 17 May 1861, just before the Civil War. His widow, Mrs .. Adeline H. Clapp was living there as late as 1872, at 271 Green St., per Directory. There were no children.

94. GEORGE T.7 HAWES (Edward, Desire, Desire, James, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Boston, ab. 1789 (per death rec.) and d. ANGELINA' (Hawes) FrsBEn Seep. 200

Enr,NJ,:zEn Or.rvr,,n' HA IVEs See p. 149


there. In 1813 he was in the employ of his brother, Edward W. He was a sailmaker, and Boston Directories trace him from 1820, when he was on Otis' Wharf, with residence opposite to Rowe's Wharf. Later he was on India Wharf. After 1828 his home was at 7 Oliver St. In 1820 his house­ hold consisted of four persons. His will ( Suffolk Pro.) gives "to my adopted dau. Lucretia Hawes Mansir, dau. of my sister, Abigail Mansir, one eighth of my estate". If she die, then all is to go to his beloved wife, Lucretia Hawes; signed, 29 May 1826; proved, 10 Dec., 1832. The widow was appointed, and in a petition stated that he d. 18 Oct., 1832 ( Confirmed by City records), "ae. 43". Hollis St. Church rec. : George T. Hawes and Lucretia Symonds were m. 15 Oct., 1815. (He was bur. 22 Copps Hill, new ground.) Children: i. LUCRETIA HAWES8 MANSIR (adopted), b. probably after 1815; liv­ ing, 1826. (A Mrs. Lucretia Hawes was living, 1843-4, in Louis­ ville, Ky., corner of Jefferson and Third Sts., per Directory.)

95. EBENEZER 0LIVER7 HAWES (Edward, Desire, Desire, James, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Boston, 23 Oct., 1791. His gr. daughter, Mrs. Wood, was my informant for this family. He was a coppersmith and resided in Boston until 1830. Soon after he removed to Waltham, where he d. 9 Nov., 1850 ( date from inscription, lot 398, Grove Hill Cemetery). In Boston, his place of business was at 157 Broad St., and his home at 17 Purchase St., Ward 9. A deed of 1836 places him in Waltham and is signed with wife, Cynthia Hawes. His will of 1850; probated, 14 Jan., 1851 ( Middlesex Co.) names his wife, his two married daus., and son Ebenezer 0. Jr., and has this phrase, "If my son survive his present wife". Ebenezer 0. Hawes m. (Hollis St. church) 28 Aug., 1817, Cynthia, b. in Cambridge, 10 Aug., 1790; d. in Waltham, 18 Oct., 1872, the dau. of Seth Ingersoll and (second wife) Sarah (Godding) Browne. For this Browne ancestry, consult N. E. Gen. Reg., Vol. 44:285. Children of Ebenezer 0. and Cynthia (Browne) Hawes: i. EsTHER PARKMAN", b. 12 Nov., 1819; d. 7 Dec., 1890 (g.s. at Waltham; m. 1 Nov., 1840 Evelyn Milton Hutchinson. Children: i. EsTHER9 HUTCHINSON; d. 18 Dec., 1841, "ae. 10 weeks". ii. ANGELINA HUTCHINSON; b. 18 June 1843; d. 14 April 1883; m. George Wooley; no issue. iii. GEORG_E M. HUTCHINSON, b. 17 May 1847; d. 1916; m. twice; no issue. ii. EBENEZER OLIVER, JR., b. 4 March 1821; d. 11 April 1822, ae. 1 :1 :0". 184. iii. EBENEZER OLIVER, JR., (again), b. 10 Jan., 1823. iv. ANGELINA, b. 3 (30?) May 1824; d. 7 Sept., 1825 (Boston rec.), ae. 1 :3 :0: 150 RICHARD HAWES

184a. v. ANGELINA (again), b. 8 April 1827. vi. GEORGE R., b. 3 July 1828 ; d. 5 July 1829. vii. GEORGEANNA, b. 10 July (Jan.?) 1830; d. (Waltham VR) 22 Dec., 1839.

96. BENJAMIN 7 HAWES (Benjamin, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Roxbury, 9 (19?) Feb., 1817'. He was a carpenter and lived in Braintree, where he d. 12 Sept., 1885 (St. Ho. rec.), ae. 68:7 :13. He m. 1844, Caroline T. Quinnam, b. Wiscasset, Me., 12 March 1820, dau. of Daniel and Phebe (Albee) Quinnam. She d. a widow, in Braintree, 17 Feb., 1886, ae. 65 :11 :5. Mrs. M. E. Hawes, of Braintree was my informant. Children of Benjamin and Caroline (Quinnam) Hawes: 185. i. BENJAMIN", b. Boston, 19 April 1845. ii. CAROLINE S., b. Roxbury, 5 Aug., 1846; d. there, 16 Sept. 1847. iii. JOHN HOLBROOK, b. Roxbury, 27 Nov., 1849; lived and d. in Braintree, 15 Dec., 1883; unm. He was 35 yrs. of age. Benjamin Hawes, Jr., was the admr. of his estate (Norfolk Pro.), with Joseph Q. Hawes on his bond. 186. iv. JosEPH QuINNAM, b. Roxbury, 30 Jan., 1852. v. JAMES WARREN, b. Greenland, N. H., 22 Oct., 1857; d. in Brain­ tree, 17 July 1879, ae. 21 :8 :25. He was a stenographer and unm.

97. JOHN HOLBROOK 7 HAWES (John H., Benjamin, Stephen, Rich­ ard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Roxbury, 2 Oct., 1807. He d. before 1845 ( date of his father's will). From the Barber MSS (N. E. Hist. Gen. Library, Boston) we learn that he m. in Boston, 8 May 1833, Miriam Hewes Clark, b. 15 April 1815. She m. (2) in Sharon, 30 Nov., 1837, Dr. Alex­ ander LeBaron Munroe, of Medway, whose first wife was Louisa W. Barber. Mrs. Munroe d. in Medway, 20 Nov., 1881. From the will of this John H. Hawes, Jr., signed 15 June; proved 5 July 1836, we get nearer to the date of his death (Nor folk, No. 9054) ; styled of Walpole. The will is in favor of his wife and son. Children of John Holbrook and Miriam H. (Clark) Hawes: 187. i. WILLIAM CLARK", b. in Roxbury, 29 Nov., 1834.

97a. ELIZABETH HoLBROOK 7 HAWES (John Holbrook, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Roxbury, 10 May 1809; d. in Walpole, 18 Aug., 1860; m. 23 Nov., 1831, Dr. Ebenezer7 Stone (Silas, Silas, Ebenezer, Nathaniel, Elder John, Gregory) of Walpole, b. in Sherburn, 10 (16?) Oct., 1797; A.B. of Brown, 1820; A.M. 1822; Harvard Medical, 1824; d. in Walpole, 13 Aug., 1869, in his 72d yr. "He was a useful citizen; labored in the cause of education SEVENTH GENERATION 151

and of temperance; a Whig in politics; a Unitarian; Coun­ cillor of the Mass. Medical Soc., and President of the Nor­ folk Co. Med. Soc. ( Consult the Stone Gen. for a more complete account.) Children of Dr. Ebenezer and Elizabeth Holbrook (Hawes) Stone: i. JoHN EnwARD8 STONE, b. 20 Aug., 1832; living in 1860. ii. MARY ELIZABETH STONE, b. 5 Jan., 1834; d. 16 April 1857; m. 11 Nov., 1852, Henry S. Clark ( 1830-1881). iii. HENRY AuGUSTUS STONE, b. 1 Nov., 1836; d. in Pennsylvania, 7 April 1880; m. in Stoughton, 29 Nov., 1860, Laura J. Swan (1841- 1867). iv. SILAS EMLYN STONE, M.D., Harvard, 1860; surgeon in the Civil War; d. in Walpoe, 29 Jan., 1887. For his marriage and children, see later. v. WILLIAM EBENEZER STONE, b. 27 Nov., 1845; Brown University, 1860; much interested in genealogy, as the Stone Genealogy shows. He was a mining engineer; retired, 1902; member of the Somer­ set Club and several other organizations; lived in Cambridge, and summered at Fishers Island; m. Katherine Maria Fay, b. in New Orleans, La. Four children. v1. AcHSAH HAWES STONE, b. 13 Dec., 1847; living, 1916; m. in Wal­ pole, 29 Jan., 1875, George Augustus Kendall (1840-1897).

98. NATHANIEL SuMNER7 HAWES (Timothy, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Walpole, 23 Sept., 1805. He was named in the will of his father (1850) and of his mother (1854). The late Miss Rebecca Hawes was my informant of this family. He lived and d. in Walpole; the exor. of his brother Benjamin's will (1866); d. 9 May 1872. He m. Mrs. Catherine Milliken, b. in Freedom, Me., dau. of James and Harriet -----. She d. in Sharon, 8 March 1877, ae. 65, a widow. Children of Nathaniel S. and Catherine Milliken Hawes: i. IDA"; m. Bragdon Sheppy; living in Killingly, Ct., 1878. Note. (Norfolk Pro., 21020) The settlement of the estate of Mrs. Catherine Hawes. 1878, was given to Sarah E. Hewins. The heirs named in the fol­ lowing order were her children : Susan I. Milliken, of Parsonsfield, Me. ; Mary, wife of John Rogers, of Iowa; Catherine, wife of Frederick A. Burlingame, of Providence, R. I.; Harriet Clark, widow, of Medfield; William Milliken, resi­ dence unknown; Sarah E., wife of Benj. L. Hewins, of Sharon; Ida, wife of &c.

99. WrLLIAM 7 HAWES (Timothy, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Walpole, 14 Feb., 1815; d. in Providence, R. I., about 1890, according to my informant, the late Edson S. Hawes, a nephew of William. He m. Sophia Boutelle, "who d. early, leaving him with three children". Sophia Hawes d. in Providence, 2 Feb., 1853, ae. 27; b. in 152 RICHARD HAWES

Dedham, dau. of William and Sophia. William was named in the wills of his father and mother, and in that of his brother, 1866. "Uncle Bill" was a wheelwright in So. Wal­ pole, a poor man until he went to Providence. He leased a place on University Hill for a term of 99 years, and built a shop there. This afterwards became valuable. After the death of his wife his life seemed to change. He was regarded as eccentric and at times unaccountable, but "honest as the day is long". He adopted the ways of a so-called religous sect, known as Christian Israelities. They held to strange doctrines, went bare footed, never shaved or cut their hair. He d. alone in Providence, and would have been buried in the Potter's Field, had not a brother reached there in time to give him decent burial. Children of William and Sophia (Boutelle) Hawes: i. CAROLINE HANNAH ("Hannah C.")', b. in Foxboro, 30 Sept., 1847; as a namesake, mentioned in her grandmother's will (1858), and the next year (1859) had Lemuel Fuller as her guardian (Nor­ folk Pro.). "She m. and lived in Foxboro". 11. TIMOTHY; after his mother's death, went to live with his uncle, Sylvester Hawes. In 1912 he was living in Killingly, Ct. iii. JosEPH W. (From the Hist. of Adams Co., Illinois, p. 472 :) "Joseph W. Hawes, agent for the T. W. and W. R.R., lives at Clayton, son of William and Sophia Hawes, both b. in Mass. His mother d. in 1854 (sic). He was b. in Providence, R. I., 4 May 1852. He came West for a Grain Shipping Co. ; settled at Tolono, Illinois, in 1871, then to Decatur, and finally to Clayton in 1876."

100. SYLVESTER7 HAWES (Timothy, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Bolton, 5 Jan., 1820; named in the wills of his father and mother and of his bro. Benjamin. He was a farmer, and d. a widower, in Norwood, 1 July 1896. His estate was admin. (Norfolk, 31993) by George H. Morse; burial at East Walpole. He m. 10 June 1846, Harriet Willet, dau. of Roland and Sophia Willet, b. Walpole, ab. 1822. She d. at Norwood, 18 Dec., 1886, ae. 64 :5 :13 ( St. Ho. rec.). Children of Sylvester and Harriet (Willet) Hawes, b. in Norwood: 188. 1. EnsoN SYLVESTER', b. 5 (6 ?) May 1847. 11. CLARA OLIVIA, b. 26 Nov., 1848; d. 18 Dec., 1883; m. 1874, George Edmund Frost, b. Franklin, ab. 1849, son of George H. and Susan M. Frost; lived in Neponset. A son, d. in infancy. iii. CHARLES ELLIS, b. 22 March 1851; m. 23 June 1874, Mary Augusta McLanathan ( St. Ho. rec.). She was b. ab. 1853, in Searsport, Me., the dau. of Bradford and Elizabeth McLanathan. They lived at Hyde Park. Children: i. CHARLES B.', b. Cambridge, 10 May 1875(?). ii. A dau.; d. young. SEVENTH GENERATION 153

iv. GEORGE HENRY, b. 19 Dec., 1853; m. 20 April 1880, Addie L. Park, dau. of George C. and Angeline Park, of Wal pole. He was a farmer; living in 1912. Children: i. EDMUND HENRY', b. 10 Dec., 1880, a twin ( ?) with ii. GEORGE. Both d. ae. 22 days, 2 Jan., 1881.

101. JosEPH 7 HAWES (Increase, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Strong, Me., 29 Nov., 1813; d. in Norwood, 4 Sept., 1895, ae. 81 :9 :6 ( St. Ho. rec.). He was a farmer. He m. in Dedham, 17 June 1850, Miss Lucy Chamberlin, dau. of Isaac and Sarah (White) Chamberlin. At the time he was of Walpole, she of Norwood. She d. a widow, 8 Nov., 1897, ae. 79 :8 :4. His estate was admin. (Norfolk, 31306) by William K. Hawes, Canton; sureties, Increase and Sarah A. Hawes. The estate of the late Lucy C. Hawes (Norfolk, 33261) was settled by Samuel E. Chamberlin of Norwood. Her heirs were nieces, grand­ nieces, and grand-nephews, fifteen in number, all of the Chamberlin side.

Children of Joseph and Lucy (Chamberlin) Hawes, b. 111 So. Dedham: i. JosEPH FRANcrs•, b. 31 May 1851; d. 10 Oct., 1852. ii. GEORGE MORTON, b. 24 Sept., 1852; d. 23 Dec., 1857.

102. INCREASE 7 HAWES (Increase, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Strong, Me., 3 Jan., 1815. He lived at one time in Somerset, Me. He d. in Norwood, a widower, 7 Feb., 1897, ae. 82 :1 :4. He m. 16 May 1841, Caroline, dau. of Hugh Stewart, of New Vineland, Me. His estate was admin. (Norfolk, 32407) by John Everett, of Canton. Children of Increase and Caroline (Stewart) Hawes: 8 i. WILLIAM KINGSBURY , b. 10 April 1842. He administered the estate of his aunt, Rebecca Hawes, 1892, and that of his uncle, Joseph Hawes, 1895. His own estate was settled by John Everett, of Can­ ton. Probate record states that he d. 2 March 1910, in Canton, a jeweler, leaving a widow, Sarah A. Hawes, but no children. He m. 1 Jan., 1871, Sarah A., dau. of Corydon Spaulding, of Canton. ii. EMELINE S., b. 19 Aug., 1847; d. 16 Oct., 1847.

103. EDMUND CRow 7 HAWES (Luke, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Boston, 11 Dec., 1820. In 1849 he administered the estate of his brother, George Henry Hawes. He d. in Walpole, 14 Aug., 1901, ae. 80 (St. Ho. rec.). Hem. (1) in Walpole, 15 Oct., 1846, when he was living in Newton, Mary Jane, dau. of Richard Hartshorn, 154 RICHARD HA WES

of Walpole. She was b. ab. 1822. He m. (2) 6 June 1855, in Walpole, but of Newton, Ann M. Clapp, b. Walpole, ab. 1826. She d. his widow, in Walpole, 17 Sept., 1906, ae. 80:4:10 (St. Ho. Rec.). She was b. in Wrentham, dau. of Simeon and Mary Bacon Clapp. Another account gives Hannah Clapp as her mother. The will of Anne M. Hawes (Norfolk, 41381) makes George E. Hawes, exor., of Woon­ socket, R. I. She devised to her three sisters, Emma C. Tisdale, of Needham; Elizabeth J. Hartshorn, of Needham; Helen E. Clapp, of Walpole; to her bro., Aaron E. Clapp, of Brockton; to three nieces, to her step-son, George Edmund Hawes and to his wife, Hattie Hawes; and to her step-dau. Jennie Hawes Darling. Children of Edmund Crow and Mary Jane (Hartshorn) Hawes, b. in Newton : i. EMMA JANE', b. 20 Nov., 1850; m. Charles Darling. ii. GEORGE EDMUND, b. 20 March 1852; m. Hattie Wilder, of Woon­ socket, R. I. iii. JULIANA, b. at Newton Upper Falls, 28 March 1854; d. young. (The late Mrs. Solomon Talbot, of Sharon, was my informant.)

103a. EMILY EuZA7 HAWES (Luke, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Boston, 20 Oct., 1822; m. in Sharon, 26 Nov., 1843, Solomon Talbot, of that town, but b. in Stoughton. He was much interested in local history and genealogical matters and both were very helpful to me. Their home life, in one of Sharon's oldest houses, seemed ideal and presented a picture of the New England of an earlier day. They reared a large family. Children of Solomon and Emily E. (Hawes) Talbot: i. HENRY FRANCIS' TALBOT, b. 17 Sept., 1844. ii. EUGENE SoLOMON TALBOT, b. 8 March 1847. iii. MARY ELIZABETH TALBOT, b. 3 Nov., 1848. iv. SusAN ANN TALBOT. v. LAURA }ANE TALBOT. vi. EMMA ELIZA TALBOT; d. young. vii. CHARLES FREMONT TALBOT; d. young. viii. HATTIE MARIA TALBOT. ix. SAMUEL LINCOLN TALBOT. x. EDMUND HAWES TALBOT, b. Sharon, 4 Nov., 1864.

104. JoHN 7 HAWES (Stephen, Jonathan, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard), in the Census of 1850 was 20 yrs. of age, living in his father's family, Mercer, Me. In the Census of 1860, for Sidney Center, Me., his age was 29, and he was a member of his uncle Moses's family, with wife, Clarissa A., age 26, and son Henry A., age 5. The town clerk of Rome, Me., in 1884 wrote that this John was still living in Sidney (From SEVENTH GENERATION 155

St. Ho. rec., Augusta) John, son of Stephen Hawes, d. in Sidney, 21 Nov., 1903, ae. 72 yrs. Hem. (1) Clarissa A., b. ab. 1834, his cousin, dau. of Moses Hawes. (Her brother Thomas had m. John's sister Betsey). He m. (2) 4 July 1864, Laura E. Hayes, of Augusta, dau. of Elihu and Eliza­ beth (Davis) Hayes, all of Hallowell, Me. She d. in Sidney, 11 Oct., 1901, ae. 51 (St. Ho. rec.). Children of John and Clarissa A. (Hawes) Hawes (not a complete list) : i. HENRY A.", b. Sidney, Me., ab. 1855; m. Ada D. Merrick (Merritt?), b. Pittsfield, Me., dau. of Levi J. and Cynthia (Eldridge); (her mother a native of Hollis, Me.) Ada Hawes, wife of Henry, d. in Hallowell, Me., age 40. They had several children, their 5th, a son, b. 29 May 1893, in Sidney, Me. Children of John and Laura (Sarah?) E. (Hayes) Hawes: ii. FRED E., b. in Augusta, Me., d. in Sidney, Me., ae. 24 :6 :11 ( St. Ho. rec.). iii. AUGUSTUS ("Gunny") ; of Sidney, in 1903. iv. EDWARD T., of Sidney, in 1903. v. MARY A.; m...... Wentworth; of Vassalboro, Me., in 1903. (Kennebec Pro., 9185) Petitions for the admn. of estate of this John Hawes, late of Sidney, deceased, filed 14 Dec., 1903, and an­ other, filed earlier, state that there was no widow, the heirs being, Edward T. Hawes, Mary A. Wentworth, and Henry A. Hawes.

105. JoNATHAN 7 HAWES (Moses, Jonathan, Stephen, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. about 1824, per Census of 1850, when he was living in Sidney, Me., in his father's family. In Census of 1860, age 36, he was a farmer in Sidney, with wife, Lydia, age 39, son Frank, age 8, dau. Angenette, age 5. Lydia, the wife, was dau. of Washington and Nancy (Googin) Mosher b. in Rome, Me. She d. in Sidney, 1901, ae. 81. Jonathan d. there, 19 May 1905, ae. 81 (St. Ho. records, Augusta). Children of Jonathan and Lydia (Mosher) Hawes, b. m Sidney, Me. 8 i. FRANK , b. ab. 1852; living in Sidney in 1912 and mar. ii. ANGENETTE ("Nett"), b. ab. 1856; m. (Augusta rec.) in Sidney, George P. Ellis, 4 Dec., 1882; living in 1912, said my informant.

106. THOMAS 7 HAWES (Moses, Jonathan, Stephen, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. ab. 1826 (in 1883 his age was 57). He d. (St. Ho. rec.) 9 June 1907, ae. 81 :2 :19. He m. (1) his cousin, Betsey7 Hawes, dau. of Stephen of Belgrade, Me. After the birth of four children there was a divorce. He m. (2) Miss Lucerne Eldridge, whom I called upon in Augusta in 1883. At the time she was surrounded by a brood of young 156 RICHARD HA WES

children. Thomas was a carpenter, and the family must have lived in various places, judging by birth record of the chil­ dren. Their names, number, and order of birth, as obtained from Mrs. Hawes (1883), Mrs. Sawtelle (1910), and James A. Hawes (1912) are not wholly satisfactory. Children of Thomas and Betsey (Hawes) Hawes: 189. i. JusTUs (Justin?)', b. Rome, Me. ii. MARY; not living, 1883. iii. WILLIAM; living, 1912, in Augusta, Me. iv. CHARLES E., living in Fairfield Center in 1885, and mar. "His first wife was Martha Warren, of Rome." Children of Thomas and Lucerne (Eldridge) Hawes: v. SAMUEL (the oldest of these children), b. ab. 1859, in Sidney, Me. He d. (St. Ho. rec.) 18 Feb., 1899, ae. 40. I was told that Samuel m. in Fairfield, Me. a Miss Hayes, who later was of Oakland, Me. She was not living, 1912. vi. ELNORA ("Nora"), b. ab. 1864. In 1910 she was 46, "and older than Virgil B." She was then Mrs. Sawtelle, of Oakland, Me. vii. VIRGIL BALLARD; lived in Winslow, Me., where he m. Mary Donna, of that town. State records give these children : 9 i. RoYAL VIRGIL , b. 25 April 1893, "first child". ii. MARJORIE S., b. 31 June 1899, "second child". viii. HENRY T. ("Thomas Henry"), b. ab. 1868. "Thomas Hawes, b. China, Me., m. (1) Myrtle Green, b. Waterville, Me." (This from my informant of 1912). "Thomas Henry Hawes, age 35, she 21, m. second for each, Bertha May Weeks (?), 13 April 1903, at Waterville, Me. She was dau. of Llewellyn Green and Angeline Bessing." ( St. Ho. rec.) Children: i. HAZEL", b. 1905. ii. ERNEST; living, 1912, in Augusta. 190. ix. }AMES ALFRED, b. China, Me., 25 July 1861. x. LoVINA; "married Selden Reynolds, of Winslow, Me." xi. WALLACE R. The town clerk of Winslow, Me., in 1910, stated that he and the preceding five lived with their parents in Winslow at one time. "He m. in Oakland, Me., Maud Swett." xii. WATSON; not living in 1912. xiii. RuEL; d. young (statement of James A., 1912).

107. MosEs 0.7 HAWES (Moses, Jonathan, Stephen, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. ab. 1849 (Census of 1850). He was living in 1910, wrote Mrs. Sawtelle, "the only one of his father's family". He m. (St. Ho. rec.) at Sidney, Me., 7 July 1872, Nancy J. Mosher. The town clerk of Rome, in 1884, wrote me. "Moses 0. Hawes has received your letter of inquiry and means to answer you." But he neglected to write. In 1912, I understand, two sons were then living in Rome, Me. Probably there were other children. i. BERT A.', b. ab., 1876; m. there, 1903, he 27, she, 16, Lettie, dau. of Winslow and Josephine (Groves) Jones. ii. LAFOREST ("Foss") ; b. ab. 1877; m. 1906, he 28, she, 21, Beatrice Clement. (These are St. Ho. records). 7 7 ABIGAIL RoBBINS (Hawes) UPHAM ET.ISHA HA WES See pp. 161, 162 See p. 159


108. JoHN QuINCY7 HAWES (Benjamin, Stephen, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Salem ( Danvers VR), 10 April 1822; d. in Salem, 1 Nov. (bur. 4 Nov.) 1884, ae. 62 :6 :20. He was a carpenter and cabinet maker. He m. 22 May 1845, Nancy Hodgdon Wilson, b. 28 March 1820, in Newfield, Me. (Was she dau. of Samuel Wilson?) In Salem their home was on the corner of Grove and Boston streets, where she d. 28 Dec., 1886. Children of John Q. and Nancy H. (Wilson) Hawes: i. CHARLES AuGUSTus', b. 8 Feb., 1846 (Danvers VR); d. 14 Oct., 1864, ae. 18 yrs. 4 mos., of consumption. ii. HELEN AUGUSTA, b. 2 Feb., 1849; living, unm. in 1915, at 25 Pros­ pect St., Salem. It was there I saw their old family Bible, the oil portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Burt, and learned much about this branch of the family. 191. iii. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, b. 7 Aug., 1852 (1851?). iv. WILLIAM HERBERT, a twin, b. So. Danvers, 14 Nov., 1855; d. unm. in Montana ab. 1898. v. HARRIET BOWMAN, a twin, b. same; d. 29 May 1914. vi. ]oHN Q., ]R., b. 30 April (1 May?) 1857; unm. in 1915. vii. FREDERIC ELMER, b. Salem, 7 April 1863; d. ae. nearly 2 yrs. viii. FREDERIC ELMER (again), b. 21 Feb., 1865; d. young.

109. JoHN 7 HAWES, JR. (John, Stephen, Stephen, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. 25 Aug., 1820, in Salem but resided in Dorchester; bapt. First ch. Dorchester, 25 Aug., 1822; d. in Boston, 1 Aug. 1883, ae. 62 :11 :6 (bur. in Uphams Corner yard). Hem. Miss Louisa A. Harlow, b. in Turner, Me., (sic) the adopted dau. of William H. Harlow and wife (a sister of this John Hawes). Mrs. Hawes d. a widow, 15 March 1892, ae. 67:11 :10 (St. Ho. rec.), "b. in Mexico, Me., dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (Huckson) Harlow". (Miss Ellen F. Vose, of Mattapan, my informant.) Suffolk Pro., 69848 and 89816, record the wills of Mr. and Mrs. Hawes. Children of John and Louisa A. (Harlow) Hawes, b. in Dorchester : i. NELLIE L.', b. 5 Aug., 1850; living, unm. in 1915. ii. EMMA BRITTANIA, b. 4 July 1851; m. 21 July 1874, both of Boston, Stephen J. Moulton, age 23, b. in Lawrence, of Stephen and Emily Moulton; a dau., i. ANNA S.' MoULTON; mentioned in 1885 (Grandmother's will). iii. JoHN FRANKLIN, b. 22 Dec., 1853; d. in Dorchester, 3 Sept., 1866, ae. 12:8:19 (diphtheria). iv. MARIA WARDWELL, b. 24 June 1855; m. 31 Aug., 1874, both of Boston, Moses W. Child, 19, of Medford, but b. in Hartford, Ct., son of Thomas and Frances B. Child. v. (Was there a fifth child, Frank, who was drowned?) 158 RICHARD HA WES

110. ALPHEUS 7 HAWES (John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 19 Dec., 1909; d. in Stoughton (St. Ho. rec.) 28 Feb., 1891, ae. 81 :2 :9. He m. (1) 15 June 1835, Lucy Ann Stevens, of Newbury, Ohio. She d. 20 Oct., 1936, ae. 19 :5 :23. He m. (2) 10 May 1841, Jane, dau. of Jeremiah and Charlotte (White) Tucker, of Stoughton. Shed. in No. Stoughton, 31 May 1879, ae. 68 :5 :4. His will (Norfolk Pro., 27951) had Jabez Talbot as exor. It left bequests to Emma E. Snell and her three children, to his sister, Abigail R. Upham and her dau. Abbie Upham; to his nephews, Melville M. Upham and George W. Hawes; to his bro.-in-law, Ben­ jamin Tucker; to Edwin A. Taber of Randolph; names his adopted dau., Emma E. Snell, residuary. A codicil made some changes, and introduced the name of Carrie A. Upham, wife of Melville M. Admn. of estate of Mrs. Jane Hawes (No. 21546) was given to her husband, 1879, with Frederick Snell on the bond. Before going to Ohio the last time, where he lived in the family of Mrs. Frances Beswick, Alpheus sold his Stoughton property, including the home­ stead, built in 1826 by his father. Children of Alpheus and Jane (Tucker) Hawes: i. (adopted) EMMA E.• (Emma E. Dole, b. in Danvers, ab. 1862) She m. 20 June 1879, Frederick Snell, b. ab. 1855, in Canton, son of Brimsley C. and Mary E. (Low) Snell. There was a divorce. She m. (2) ...... Chamberlain; living after 1924 in Needham. Children: i. FRANK 9 SNELL. ii. ALICE T. SNELL. iii. FRED E. SNELL.

111. WILLIAM WITHINGTON 7 HAWES (John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard), named for a maternal uncle, was b. in Canton (No. Stoughton) 19 April 1812. He d. there, 27 Nov., 1851, in his 40th year. He was a bootmaker. Hem. 31 March 1835, Miss Charlotte George, b. in Boston, ab. 1817, dau. of William and Lydia George. Admn. of William Hawes's estate was given to his widow, who later m. (2) 9 Nov., 1855, Jefferson Fitts, b. ab. 1820, in Braintree, Vt., son of Amos and J erusha Fitts. He brought into the Hawes circle his aged father and a dau., Emma Fitts. Mrs. Charlotte Fitts d. 27 July 1895, ae. 78 yrs., 6 mos. She had three sisters living near her, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Lydia, the eldest of whom, Elizabeth, m. Elnathan Withington, cousin of this William Hawes. Children of William W. and Charlotte (George) Hawes:

8 i. GEORGE WrLLIAM , b. (Canton VR) 18 Dec., 1836. He m. 30 March 1856, Lucy Maria, dau. of Hiram and Lucy Jones, of the York sec- LAURA (Bond) HAWES MATHER E.' HA WES See pp. 160, 161


tion of Canton. Their home at first was in No. Stoughton. On the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted, serving from the town of Stoughton. After his return the family lived in Ran­ dolph, where both died, she, 17 July 1890, and he, a widower, 4 Feb., 1910, ae. 74 :1 :17 (St. Ho. rec.) Children: i. GEORGIANNA MARIA', b. Stoughton, 12 Oct., 1857; m. in Ran- dolph, 9 Jan., 1884, Charles H. Howard, b. in N. Y., 18 Dec., 1852; d. 2 Feb., 1890, son of Charles H. and Ellen (Speck) Howard. Georgianna received a musical education and for many years has served as organist in one or the other of the Randolph churches. She also served as accompanist at one time of the Old Stoughton Musical Society, the oldest organization of its kind in this country, of which she, her father and mother were members. She is living in her Ran­ dolph home, 1931. ii. CAROLINE AUGUSTA, b. same, 8 July 1859; d. 1861. 192. ii. MATHER EDGAR ("Edgar"), b. same, 3 March 1842. iii. CHARLOTTE ELDORA ("Dora"), b. No. Stoughton, 13 Aug., 1848; m. 2 Dec., 1866, Henry Dyer, b. ab. 1845, in Quincy, son of Abraham and Harriet Dyer. She d. early (childbirth). iv. LYDIA EUNICE, b. same, 28 Aug., 1850; d. 18 April 1854.

112. ELISHA 7 HAWES (John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in Canton (now No. Stoughton), 19 April 1814. He, his brothers, William and Emory, d. in their native village. He was a master carpenter and contractor, and in town affairs represented his section as selectman, and was a highly respected citizen. He attended regularly the Universa­ list church at the "Centre", and named a son after his old-time minister, the Rev. Massena Ballou, son of the celebrated Rev. Hosea Ballou. He was six feet or more in height, the tallest member of the family, but in later life had not the erect carriage of his brother Mather, both of whom resembled the Withington side of the house. Vigorous to the last, and outliving all of his father's family, Mr. Hawes d. in Berkle:;,1, while on a visit at his daughter's, 23 Jan., 1910, nearly 96 years old. His will (Norfolk, 45176), signed 1901, was pre­ sented by William Curtis, exor. When interviewed by a newspaper reporter in the spring of 1906, Mr. Hawes was the oldest voter in Stoughton, and at his death its oldest resident. "My first contract to build was the North Stoughton schoolhouse, still standing but used as the village engine house.-­ I erected the first of the wooden structures to show its roof on the ruins of the Boston Fire, November 1872, near Purchase St. At N antasket I constructed many cottages, among them the first summer homes on Gunn rock." The interview goes on to his personal views as a voter through his long life, to the religious changes in his native town, and other interesting matters. The present church bell (at the Center) was a gift from Mr. Hawes in 1905. Elisha Hawes m. (1) in Roxbury, 24 Jan., 1837, Hannah Ann, b. there, 9 June 1816; d. No. Stoughton, 25 Dec., 1853, the dau. of Seth and Hannah (Fowler) Tucker. Elisha's Bible states that this 160 RICHARD HA WES couple were m. 26 April 1807; that shed. in Roxbury, 1 July 1858 ae. 71, and that Seth d. 21 Feb., 1866, ae. 82. Elisha m. (2) Eunic~ Packard Swan, b. Stoughton, 2 Feb. 1823; m. 21 Feb., 1855; d. 26 March 1891, ae. 68. She was dau. of James and Betsey (Cobbett) Swan, and widow of Elijah Glover. She brought into the Hawes household a dau., M. Rebecca Glover, b. 1848; d. 12 Jan., 1873; m. M. R. Harrington, and left a young son. Elisha Hawes m. (3) 12 Nov., 1891, Mrs. Susan (Herring) Bailey, a relative of the first wife, dau. of Daniel and Susan (Fowler) Herring, and widow of Calvin Bailey, Needham. She d. in No. Stoughton, 1 Oct., 1903, ae. 70 (St. Ho. rec.) and left a will (Norfolk Pro., 38351). Children of Elisha and Hannah A. (Tucker) Hawes: 8 192a. i. Lucy ANN , b. 22 Jan., 1828. ii. MASSENA BALLOU, b. 18 April 1839; attended the Green Mt. Insti­ tute, Woodstock, Vt., and may have had aspirations to enter the ministry, but with the coming on of the Civil War, he enlisted in Co. E. 35th Mass. and rose to the rank of lieutenant. In a violent storm he was struck by a falling limb of a tree and was killed, in Kentucky, 7 July 1864. He was a young man of more than ordinary promise. 192b. iii. ELLEN MARY, b. 27 May 1841. 193. iv. ALVAH TUCKER, b. 11 July 1843. 193a. v. HANNAH ALTHEA, b. 1 April 1847. v1. ALLA SoPHIA, b. 7 Aug., 1851 (St. Ho. rec.); d. 1 Nov., 1852. 194. vii. ELISHA SETH, b. 21 Feb., 1853. By second marriage: viii. ALLA JusTINA, b. 5 Sept., 1858; d. 20 Nov., 1884 ,ae. 26 :2 :15; m. 5 July 1881, Havelock W. Anderson, age 26, of New York, a native of St. John, N. B., son of James S. and Mary Ann (Belyea) Addison.

113. MATHER E.7 HAWES (John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) ( middle initial assumed) was b. in No. Stoughton, 29 May 1818. After attending the district school of his native town he took a few terms at the Hancock (N. H.) Academy, which then had a good standing. He was an at­ tendant, early, with his mother of the Baptist church, but the liberal preaching of that clay, especially that of Rev. Massena Ballou, decided him to be a Universalist minister. As it was the custom to study for such a life work with some divine in good standing, he associated himself with the cele­ brated Rev. Hosea Ballou of the 2d church of Boston, then on School St. Mr. Ballou was accustomed to have a few students in his family. Later Mather went to Whitingham, Vt., to be under the tutelage of Rev. Hosea Faxon Ballou, son of the Boston divine. Here he met his future wife, Laura, eldest dau. of Capt. William Bond and Polly Taft (Mur­ dock) Bond. They were m. 25 Aug., 1843 (town rec., but 24 Aug., Bible rec.). At that time Mather was settled over a small parish in Sippican ( now Marion). Laura Bond was b. in Whitingham, Vt., 17 March 1822, and d. in Somerville, 21 July 1893, ae. 71 :4 :4. \1/ILLIAM BOND8 HAWES See p. 161


From Sippican the young couple went to Scituate and lived in the section now known as Hanover. The next settlement was at Fitch­ buro-, where he was instrumental in establishing a Universalist church in that city, being its first pastor. The next pastorate was in Warren. After Warren came Charlton. About this time a change of work became desirable, and as my mother had relatives in Charlestown, there was a residence there of a year, when my father was in the employ of the Universalist publishing house, then at 37 Cornhill, Boston. In 1854 the family moved to Chatham, where there was a pastorate of four years over the parish there. On account of a nerv­ ous dispepsia, he decided to give up pastoral work for a time and removed the family to No. Stoughton, his birthplace, where he had a small farm of fifty acres. He had also purchased the home place of his late uncle and aunt, James and Betsey (Withington) Tucker. Here we lived until coming to Somerville, Oct., 1861. During these years my father was a supply preacher in various pulpits, the most con­ tinuous being at No. Weymouth, and at Kensington, N. H. The Stoughton property, or some of it, was exchanged with a Mr. Benjamin Page for a newly built house at 44. Marshall St., Winter Hill. From this time on, Somerville, as a suburban town and city, was growing very rapidly, almost phenomenally, and my father engaged in the real estate business. After the death of his wife, he m. (2) 15 Oct., 1894, Jessie C., MacLeod, a most estimable helpmate, and there was a happy union of some ten years. He d. 31 Dec., 1904, in his 87th year, at Jefferson Hill, Newbury (near So. Ryegate, Vt.). Up to the last he was remarkably vigorous and had never known any serious illness. The funeral was from his son's home, in Somerville, and the interment in the family lot at Mt. Auburn. His widow married in March 1919, Dr. George W. Stimpson, of Hingham Center, where she d. 29 Feb., 1928, ae. 81. Children of J\father E. and Laura (Bond) Hawes: 195. 1. FoREST GREENLEAF', b. Hanover, 27 Dec., 1845. 196. ii. FRANK MoRTIMER, b. Warren, 26 July 1850. iii. WILLIAM BoND, b. Chatham, 30 Aug., 1857. He was educated in the Somerville schools. As was the custom of his mates, he procured a clerkship in Boston, but his business career was mostly in connection with his brother Forest, in the tobacco business. The firm of Ellwell, Brackett and Hawes made the well-known "Matchless" and other brands of plug tobacco. The factory was in the Tudor building, at Charlestown City Square. ·Will's posi­ tion was at this end of the enterprise, which had its office at I 6 Central Wharf, Boston. After his brother's death William was a commission merchant. In early life he was lieutenant in the old Charlestown Cadets. He never married. He d. 5 Nov., 1908, ae. 51 :2 :6. His estate was administered by his brother (Suffolk pro., No. 143362).

113a. ABIGAIL RoBBINS 7 HAWES (John, Elisha, John, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard), b. 9 Sept., 1820; d. in Stoughton, 17 March 162 RICHARD HA WES

1900. She was named for her mother's maternal grandmother Abigail Robbins, of Walpole, wife of Stephen Clap of that town. Their dau. Abigail, wife of Mather Withington, of Canton, passed the name on to later generations. My aunt Abigail m. in Stoughton, 29 May 1838, Charles Upham, son of Charles and Polly (Tilden) Upham, and nephew of Abijah whom. Ruth6 Hawes. He was b. in Canton, 21 Oct. 1810; d. in No. Stoughton, 6 April 1859, ae. 48 :5 :10. Thei; married life was spent in her native village and the children were b. there. During her long widowhood Mrs. Upham spent many years in her home in California, but returned to Massachusetts a few years before her death. The children were: i. CHARLES EMORY8 UPHAM, b. 20 Oct., 1839; d. 4 June 1848. ii. MELVILLE MERRITT UPHAM, b. 8 May 1843; d. in Stoughton, 1910; m 3 Nov., 1872, Carrie A., dau. of Felix and Eveline (Thayer) Curran, b. 14 Oct., 1851, in Quincy or Braintree. Children: i. BERTHA MERRITT UPHAM, b. 23 Nov., 1878; living in Stoughton (1931) ; unm. ii. CHARLE~ MELVILLE UPHAM, b. 6 March 1886; Tufts College, B.S., 1908; M.S., 1925; C.E., University of No. Carolina, 1924; m. 1912, Ina E. Hutchinson, of Stoughton. Their home is in Raleigh, N. C., and there are two sons. For his many activities, clubs, &c., consult "Who's Who in America". iii. EUNICE ELLEN UPHAM, b. 14 Aug., 1848; d. in Stoughton, a widow, 24 March 1929; m. 13 Feb., 1876, William Warren Henry, b. Stoughton, 29 March 1845, son of William and Lucy (Tilson) and gr. son of Judah and Elizabeth (Blake) Henry; a dentist. Their home in California was in Sacramento, but before that and later, in Stoughton, where he d. Their three children all d. in infancy, iv. ABBIE ANNA UPHAM, b. 15 Feb., 1856; d. in Stoughton, 10 Nov., 1925; unm. After residing in California she made long visits there in later life. She was somewhat of a clairvoyant and success­ ful with her seances for visitors who consulted her. Although liv­ ing to a good age, she was always in delicate health. By her will, as the last possessor of an armchair that had belonged to her grandmother's grandmother, she passed it on to her cousin, the writer of these pages.

114. ELIJAH 7 HAWES (John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in No. Stoughton, 18 ( 19) Feb., 1823. He was brought up to the trade of bootmaker, like most of his brothers and the young men of his time and neighborhood. After a brief residence in his native town, he removed with his young family to California, not long after the "gold ex­ citement". As there was an estrangement between him and his wife, ab. 1865, his people in the East lost track of him and the date of his death is not definitely known, but prob­ ably in the 1880's. He was the finest looking one of the six brothers, remarkably quick and successful at his trade, and a general favorite among his mates, perhaps too popular. 3 IDA FRANCES (Hawes) BARTON See p. 163


He m. in Roxbury, N. H., 30 Sept., 1845, Betsey, b. 1 April 1822, dau. of Capt. Samuel and Betsey (Lawrence) Wadsworth. The wedding was at her sister's, Mary Wadsworth, whom. Farwell Craig, later of Hartford, Ct., where James Craig, the last of his family, left a handsome property to his twenty, or more, cousins. (Part of the estate included the old American hotel of Hartford, torn down in 1926). Betsey Lawrence, dau. of Joshua and Ruth (Nims) was mother of nine children, of whom Mrs. Hawes was the seventh. After the death of Elijah Hawes, his widow, late in life, m. (2) B. W. Black, of Santa Clara, Cal. This was an unfortunate union also and Betsey resumed the name of Hawes. Children of Elijah and Betsey (Wadsworth) Hawes: i. ELLA FRANCES 8 b. 1 March 1847; d. 22 Feb., 1850; bur. in Stoughton. ii. ALVIN LAWRENCE, b. 14 Aug., 1850; at one time a photographer's apprentice in Boston; returned to California, where he d. 21 March 1884. iii. JoHN, b. Worthington, 7 Sept., 1854; d. there, 23 May 1855; bur. in Stoughton (The only namesake his grandfather Hawes ever had). iv. MARY ELLA, b. Santa Clara Co., 1 March 1858; m. a Mr. Buswell. She was the only member of our immediate family to journey around the globe, her voyage being westward from California, with the usual stopping places. At one time she was a successful milliner in San Francisco. A long hospital experience, the re­ sult of an accident, left her a cripple and flattened her purse. Financial troubles were vanishing through the generous provision of her cousin Craig, when shed. suddenly in San Francisco, 21 June 1822. She visited her eastern relatives twice. There were no chil­ dren. v. IDA FRANCES, b. 13 Nov., 1859; d. 10 Nov., 1887; m. June 1886 Hiram M., son of Dr. Barton, of San Bernardino, Cal. This family was one of the early comers (from Missouri) to this valley, and among other possessions acquired the ranche which included the ruins of the old Spanish Mission there. Children: i. BESSIE FRANCES 9 BARTON, b. 25 Sept., 1887; m. Sherman D. Batchelor. Their home is in San Bernardino, where the writer visited them in 1915. Children: i. BRENDA10 BATCHELOR, b. 14 June 1915. ii. O'NEIL BATCHELOR, b. 10 Dec., 1917. vi. CHARLES WADS WORTH, b. 9 Sept., 1863. He is married and the father of two sons, with whom he made a visit to Massachusetts, after 1922.

115. EMORY 7 HAWES (John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in No. Stoughton, 6 Oct., 1826, in a room finished off in the barn, while "the new house" was building (later Alpheus's homestead). Emory used humorously to declare that, like our Lord, he was born in a manger. In early life, as it was the prevailing occupation of the neighbor­ hood, he was a bootmaker. In those days it was the usual thing to see a little side shop, or a finished off L to one's dwelling, where that trade was carried on. Often three or four benches in a shop would be occupied by men who dis- 164 RICHARD HAWES

played a friendly rivalry at their work. Such a scene empha­ sizes the difference between labor conditions then and now as nothing else can. In later life Emory kept the village store and was postmaster. He d. highly respected, 21 Oct., 1904, ae. 78. His estate was admin­ istered by A. Perry Curtis (Nor folk Pro., 39541). He m. ( 1) 28 April 1850, his second cousin, Lucy Abby, b. 1830, dau. of Seth and Prudence (Tilden) Wentworth, of York precinct of Canton (Con­ sult Wentworth Genealogy). She d. at her home, 15 July 1894, ae. 64 :11 :0. He m. (2) 25 Aug., 1895, Emeline W. Snell, widow of Lucius H. Packard, b. West Bridgewater, dau. of Edward and Emeline S. (White) Snell. She was the mother of three children. She d. after a painful illness, during which she displayed wonderful courage and cheerfulness, 18 March 1904, ae. 74 :2 :3. Children of Emory and Lucy A. (Wentworth) Hawes: i. FRANK EMORY', b. 25 April 1863; d. 23 Sept., 1865 ( St. Ho. rec.).

115a. ANSELINE 7 HA WES ( Samuel, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard), b. 22 July 1815; d. the last of her father's family, aged, in the home of a descendant, after 1905. Shem. 5 Aug., 1834, M. Luther Turner, Jr., b. in Bucksport, Me., 9 Sept., 1809; d. in Lawrence, 15 Dec., 1881. They moved to Lincoln, Me., where most of their married life was spent. Children: i. J osEPH8 TURNER, b. Stoughton, 21 Aug., 1835; d. in Lincoln, Me., 28 Oct., 1837. ii. HARRIET ELEANOR TURNER, b. 16 Feb., 1838; m. 14 March 1858, Jonathan R. Spencer, b. Howland, Me., 16 March 1828: i. ELLIS JONATHAN' SPENCER, b. 17 Dec., 1858; d. 23 Sept., 1864. ii. CHARLES WILLIAM SPENCER, b. 10 May 1861. iii. HESTER ALBERTA SPENCER, b. 22 Jan., 1864; m. 20 July 1882, George W. Haskell, b. Garland, Me., 3 June 1858; lived in So. Lincoln, Me. IV. NATHAN BARLOW SPENCER, b. 29 March 1867. v. LUTHER EUGENE SPENCER, b. 17 Jan., 1870. vi. ALICE WILHELMINA SPENCER, b. 12 Jan., 1873. vii. ANGIE ESTELLE SPENCER, b. 6 Nov., 1876. viii. EDITH MAY SPENCER, b. 10 May 1880. iii. JosEPH OscAR TURNER, b. 4 Feb., 1840. IV. ADRIAN ELBINAS TURNER, b. 30 Jan., 1842; m. 26 Oct., 1871, at Pueblo, Col., Maggie F. Lely; lived at Delta, Col. Children: i. CHARLES H.' TURNER, b. 5 July 1872. ii. FRANK L. TURNER, b. 22 Nov., 1874; d. 1 July 1880. iii. ADRIAN E. TURNER, JR., b. De!Norte, 6 May 1877. iv. LOTTIE M. TURNER, b. Rico, 6 Dec., 1879. v. BERTIE TURNER, b. San Miguel, 28 April 1882. v. LUTHER lANTHUS TURNER, b. 10 Feb., 1844; d. 28 Nov., 1862. vi. FLORA AN SELINE TURNER, b. 18 April 1846; m. 2 April 1870, at Pueblo, Robert A. Gilmore, b. 16 Oct., 1842 ; lived at N epesta, Col. i. ADRIAN ALLINGHAM 9 GILMORE, b. 18 Feb., 1871. ii. MARGARET VIOLA GILMORE, b. 15 Oct., 1872. iii. GEORGE HE"l'RY GILMORE, b. 6 Nov., 1874. 7 Lucy A. (Wentworth) HAWES EMORY HA WES See pp. 163, 164


iv. WALTER FRANK GILMORE, b. 21 Oct., 1878. v. ELLEN ANsELINE GILMORE, b. 28 July 1880. vii. HANNAH HAWES TURNER, b. 26 Aug., 1848; m. 7 Aug., 1869, George N. Spates, b. Eastport, Me., April 1845; lived in Lawrence. i. MINNIE E.' SPATES, b. Lewiston, Me., 1 April 1871; d. Lincoln, Me., 18 Aug., 1871. ii. GEORGE N. SPATES, JR., b. Lewiston, Me., 17 June 1879. viii. HIRAM HAWES TURNER, b. 2 Jan., 1851; m. 3 Oct., 1875, Mattie E. Bartlett, of Springfield, Me. They lived near Del Norte, Col. i. FRED L.' TURNER, b. 9 Nov., 1878. ii. AMY E. TURNER, b. 27 Sept., 1880. iii. BESSIE M. TURNER, b. Summitville, Col., 20 Aug., 1882; d. 1883. iv. HIRAM J. TURNER, b. 9 Aug., 1885. ix. MADISON RUDOLPH TURNER, b. 19 Feb., 1853; lived at Placerville, Col. x. ELLA VIOLA TURNER, b. 9 July 1856; m. 2 Dec., 1876, John H. Bedell, of Lawrence; b. Weld, Me., 7 June 1855. Children: i. ELLA ANsELINE9 BEDELL, b. 24 Dec., 1878. ii. JoHN HIRAM BEDELL, JR., b. 11 Feb., 1881. iii. VIOLA H. BEDELL, b. 26 Oct., 1884; d. 21 July 1886. 1v. FRANK MELVIN BEDELL, b. 14 Sept., 1886.

116. HENRY 7 HA WES ( Samuel, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 4 Nov., 1817. Hem. in Stoughton, 23 Nov., 1843, Rebecca Tilden Guild, b. 26 June 1824. (Consult the Dickerman Gen., p. 49). This couple moved to Mattawaum­ keag, Me., where they reared a family of eight children. Deeds at Bangor, Me., the County seat, as well as the Guild Genealogy, would make this a fuller account. He was a farmer, and d. 28 March 1897, ae. 79 :4 :24. She d. before him, 24 Jan., 1893, ae. 68 :7 :0. She was dau. of Israel and Polly (Dickerman) Guild, of Stoughton. Children of Henry and Rebecca (Guild) Hawes, four b. in Stoughton, the rest in Maine:

8 i. GEORGE HEN'.RY , b. 20 Sept., 1845; d. in Stoughton, 8 Aug., 1912, at his sister's (Mrs. Mitchell). Hem. 8 April 1869, in Randolph, Mrs. Mary Jane Whitmarsh, dau. of Nathan and Hannah (Hobart) Freeman (St. Ho. rec.), but Dickerman Gen. gives her maiden name, Fillmore. From deeds, they were living in Mattawaumkeag, 1872-1875. She d. in Stoughton, just before her husband, 16 July 1912, ae. 80 :2 :2. She was b. in Abington, 14 May 1832. ii. MARY EuzA, b. 26 Aug., 1847; m. 27 (28 ?) Nov., 1872, Abial Lan­ caster Thompson, of Mattawaumkeag, Me., b. there, 21 Oct., 1846. A dau., i. NINA s.• THOMPSON, b. 19 June 1873, was living there, 1912. iii. SARAH ABBY, b. 9 Feb., 1850; m. (1) in Stoughton, 2 June 1872, Seth Walter Stetson, b. 1850, in Canton, son of Seth and Lucia A. Stetson. He d. in Mattawaumkeag, 24 March 1873, and she rn. (2) her cousin, Clarence W. Mitchell, 24 Feb., 1887, of Stough­ ton. iv. ELLEN REBECCA, b. 11 Aug., 1851; d. 9 Sept., 1852. v. ELMER lsRAEL, b. 4 (9?) Oct., 1854; living at Mattawaumkeag, Me., in 1912. He m. there, 1904, Mrs. Maria E. York, dau. of Moses M. and Susan (Fowles) DuBeck (Maine State rec.). 166 RICHARD HA WES

vi. ELLEN REBECCA (again), b. 3 May 1857; d. 13 July 1899; m. 17 June 1883, Wellington Nason Ingalls, b. 29 Sept., 1849, son of Nason and Susan (Dennis) Ingalls, of Woodville, Me. Their home was in Mattawaumkeag, where he was selectman, and held other offices. Consult the Ingalls Genealogy, where children are recorded. vu. HARRIET MARIA, b. 14 May 1859; m. 14 Nov., 1875, J. Henry Trask (The Dickerman Gen. gives his name, J. Henry Treat.) They lived in Mattawaumkeag. He was b. in Augusta, Me., 5 March 1855. They seem to have lived in Charlestown also. Children : i. HOWARD HENRY' TRASK, b. 3 July 1876. ii. ELLA MAY TRASK, b. 22 June 1878. iii. LOTTIE SusAN TRASK, b. 16 Feb., 1880. viii. ADA POLLY, b. 29 Jan., 1861; m. 25 July 1883, Otis Burrill Torrey, of So. Weymouth, where he was b. 6 Aug., 1862, son of Prescott S. and Lizzie A. (Burrill) Torrey (St. Ho. rec.) Children: i. ARTHUR CLIFFORD9 TORREY, b. in So. Weymouth, 14 June 1884.

117 ENos7 HAWES (Samuel, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. 25 Feb., 1821; d. 20 Nov., 1851. The St. Ho. rec. gives his age, 29 :9 :1; cause of death, typhoid fever; a me­ chanic. He m. 8 Feb., 1842, Patience Maria King, of Rochester (Mass.), dau. of Nathaniel and Betsey (Douglas) King. She lived a widow many years and d. in Stoughton, 27 Jan., 1907, ae. 84 :9 :0. Children of Enos and Patience (King) Hawes: i. ANNA KING', b. in Rochester, 13 Nov., 1843; m. 11 Jan., 1870, Eugene Drew, of E. Stoughton (now Avon). They had, i. CLARA H.9 DREW, b. 4 Dec., 1881; living in Avon, 1912. ii. FREDERICK H., b. Stoughton, 10 Jan., 1850, and always lived there. He m. 3 June 1875, Mira Anna, b. ab. 1855, dau. of Stoney and Hannah Burnham, of Stoughton. His father d. before his remem­ brance of him, and in 1863 George Talbot was his guardian. They have a dau., i. EDNA LoursE', b. Stoughton, 20 Dec., 1880; m. 5 Feb., 1901, Raleigh Melvin Nevins, b. ab. 1871, son of Lebbeus L. and Caroline E. (Soule) Nevins.

118. SAMUEL7 HAWES (Samuel, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 14 July 1825 ( or family account, 1826). He d. at Mattawaumkeag, Me., 20 (23 ?) May 1857, ae. 30 :10 :9. Deeds in his name appear at the Bangor Registry. He m. 1852, Susan Rebecca Goodwin, of Stetson, Me., who was left, a young widow, with two small children: i. JosEPH GooDwIN", b. June 1853. ii. SAMUEL ENos, b. Sept., 1856. Both children's names appear in the settlement of their grandmother's estate, 1859.

119. CHARLES 7 HAWES (Samuel, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in No. Stoughton, 3 Feb., 1835. He d. a SEVENTH GENERATION 167

widower, in Randolph, 13 Nov., 1894, ae. 60 :9 :10 (which would bring his birth in 1834). He m. 29 Aug., 1860, "ae. 25", Mary E. Small, of Quincy, dau. of Warren E. and Abby Small. Shed. in Stoughton, 15 Nov., 1876, ae. 41 :S :21, b. in Orleans ( St. Ho. Rec.). His estate was administered by his dau., Minnie H. Southwick. Children of Charles and Mary E. (Small) Hawes : i. HARRY', b. Stoughton, 3 Jan., 1861. ii. WINIFRED, b. 21 June 1863; m. in Brockton, 24 Oct., 1891, George B. Fenner, b. in Boston, son of Charles Fenner. iii. MINNIE, b. 17 Feb., 1867; m. 27 April 1887, Charles H. Southwick, of Delavan, Wis. iv. HERBERT, b. 2 Nov., 1872 (St. Ho. Rec.).

120. ELLISON 7 HA WES ( Samuel, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in No. Stoughton, 7 June 1837. He d. in Holbrook, 24 Feb., 1893, ae. 55 :8:17 (St. Ho.). The Census of 1860 places him in Mattawaumkeag, Me., age 22, living in the home of John Glover, age 38. Ellison m. 1 Dec., 1869, Anna Augusta Taber, of Randolph. She d. in Holbrook, a widow, 27 March 1908, ae. SO :7 :16. She was dau. of Albert M. Taber, of Fairhaven, and his wife, Eliza A. Clark, who was of W. Bridgewater. Mrs. Hawes administered her hus­ band's estate, 12 April 1893 (Nor folk Pro., 29476), with Albert Hawes and Wm. A. Taber on her bond. Her estate was settled by son, Arthur M. Hawes (Norfolk Pro., 43348). Children of Ellison and Annie A. (Taber) Hawes:

8 197. i. HOWARD WESTLEY , b. in Randolph, Jan., 1872. ii. ARTHUR MILTON, b. in Stoughton, 19 July 1876.

121 ALBERT 7 HAWES (Samuel, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in No. Stoughton, 18 Sept., 1839. He m. in Braintree, 13 Jan., 1862, Susan Louise, b. 6 Nov., 1838, dau. of Daniel E. and Mary W. Harris. Their home was in Randolph. Children of Albert and Susan L. (Harris) Hawes: 8 i. HARRIET ALBERTA , b. in Randolph, 5 May 1864.

122. LUTHER CRANE 7 HAWES (Elijah, Elisha, John, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Ware, 31 July 1827. With his parents he moved to Newbury, Ohio. He was a farmer, and d. in Harpersfield, that State, 26 March 1901. He m. ( 1) 9 July 1853, Martha L. Wilder, dau. of Freeborn and Lucy 168 RICHARD HAWES

(Beswick) Wilder, of Newbury, 0. She d. 27 Aug., 1858, ae. 25, and he m. (2) 5 Feb., 1864, Jenny L. Blanchard, of Warren (Mass.), b. 1839; d. in Harpersfield, 0. By the first marriage there were two children, and one by the second. Children: 198. i. ARTHUR w.•, b. Newbury, 0., 23 Feb., 1854. ii. MARY; d. in infancy. iii. FRANCES SARAH, b. same, 23 Aug., 1865; not living (1931); m. William James Gleason; four children: i. CLAIRE9 GLEASON; m. Otto Buck. Their dau., i. BLANCHE10 BucK; m. William Mitchell ("all of Har- persfield, O.") ii. CLYDE GLEASON; m. Wilma ...... ; living in Geneva, 0. Their children : 0 I. WILLIAM J.' GLEASON. ii. CARL GLEASON. iii. CLAIRE GLEASON. iv. LILLIAN JOYCE GLEASON. iii. ARTHUR GLEASON; m. Capitola Craige; two sons, i. RALPH 10 GLEASON. ii. DONALD GLEASON. iv. DEAN GLEASON; m. and lives in Geneva, 0.

123. HoMER BARTLETT 7 HAWES (Elijah, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Newbury, Ohio, 6 March 1832. He was a farmer, and like his brother Luther, a blacksmith. He d. in his home in Harpersfield, 0., about 1908. He m. in Batavia, Illinois, 2 May 1857, Martha M. Harris, b. in Canada, 11 March 1838. She d. in St. Louis, Mo., at her grandson's, Dec., 1909. Children of Homer B. and Martha (Harris) Hawes (b. in Newbury, Ohio): 8 199. i. FRANK HARRIS , b. 25 March 1859. 200. ii. FREDERICK WILLIAM, b. 3 July 1861. iii. Lucy A., b. 11 June 1864; d. 29 (30?) Dec., 1886, in Thomasville, Georgia, "where she had gone in search of health". She m. 5 Jan., 1882, George Q. Thornton, b. in San Francisco, Cal., 10 Dec., 1853. Their children : i. FANNIE9 THORNTON, b. Indianapolis, Ind., 5 Nov., 1882; d. in Cleveland, 0., 20 Aug., 1883. ii. GEORGE HAWES THORNTON, b. Harpersfield, 0., 11 Feb., 1884; m. Florence Quarrells, of St. Louis, Mo. They have had eight children. iv. CHARLES ERNEST, b. 20 Oct., 1867; d. in Harpersfield, 0., 5 Jan., 1875.

124. ADDISON WrnsLOw 7 HAWES (Elijah, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Newbury, Ohio, 12 March 1837 (1838?). He was a farmer, and d. in Harpersfield, 0., in March 1894. Hem. in Newbury, 0., 27 Aug., 1868, Eliza­ beth ("Lizzie") Myers, b. in Switzerland. She d. Feb., 1910. SEVENTH GENERATION 169

Their children, b. in Newbury, were: i. WILLIAM ADDISON", b. 17 Nov., 1869; d. in Burton, 0., ab. 1925; m. in Newbury, Nora Walters (still living, 1931). Children: 9 i. GEORGIANA ; m. Bert Wright; living in Cleveland, 0. ii. CARL; m. Ethel Olds; living in Cleveland, 0. They have a son, i. WILLIAM10 HAWES. ii. HARRIET URSULA, b. 3 Aug., 1875; m. (1) Henry Drought. After his death she m. (2) Robert C. Ewing. Her children: i. VIVIAN 9 DROUGHT; m. and mother of three children. ii. ALLEN EWING. These people live in California. iii. CAROLINE ELENA, b. 24 Oct., 1877; m. Ward Allen. She is living, a widow, in Geneva, 0., where she has been postmistress for several years. Her children : i. DoROTHY9 ALLEN; m. and with a family; lives in Washington, D. C. ii. ROBERT ALLEN; of Washington, D. C.

124a. ELLEN ("NELLIE") 7 HAWES (Enos, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Newbury, Ohio, 26 Aug., 1839, and d. in Nebraska. She m. at Chester, Ohio, 15 Sept., 1863, William Cullen Hodges, a farmer and stock raiser, at LeRoy, Neb. He was L. in Mentor, Lake Co., Ohio, 14 Sept., 183,1, son of Erastus and Lavinia (Utley) Hodges. He en­ listed in 1861, in an Ohio regiment; came home, 1865. He was postmaster at Ford, Geauga Co., Ohio, for eighteen years; removed to Adams Co., Neb., in 1884; a State Repre­ sentative, a member of State Convention, 1888; township supervisor; Justice of the Peace; served on the school Board; living, 1894 (Consult Hodges Gen., p. 434). Children of William C. and Ellen (Hawes) Hodges: i. Lou MARIE8 HODGES, b. 22 Oct., 1864; living, 1894, at Fowlers Mills, Ohio; m. 14 Oct., 1888, at Eureka Springs, Ark., Lucius Randall Fowler, son of Lucius H. and Martha (Randall) Fowler, b. 21 Apr., 1854; living at Munson, Ohio. One son. ii. LEON ERASTUS HODGES, b. 4 Dec., 1866; living 1894, in Cleveland, 0. Hem. 4 March 1889, at Hastings, Neb., Nellie Gertrude Rosen­ burgh, dau. of Alonzo and Emily R. Rosenburgh, b. 30 Sept., 1866, at Port Byron, Illinois. They have a son. iii. WILLIAM C. HoDGES, JR., b. 6 Feb., 1876; living, 1894, in Cleveland, 0. iv. LAVINIA MERRIE HODGES, b. 9 March 1878; living, 1894 at Fowlers Mills, Ohio.

125. DENNIS 7 HAWES (Enos, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Newbury, Ohio, 26 July 1848. He m. ( 1) 16 July 1873, Alice Fowler, b. in Sumner, Gratiot Co., Mich.; d. 30 May 1874. He m. (2) 24 May 1876, Maggie Shaffer, b. 9 Nov., 1855, in Fulton Co., Ohio. By his second marriage : 170 RICHARD HAWES

i. LETA AucES, b. 30 July 1883, at Elm Hill, Gratiot Co., Mich. 11. Susrn; m. Rev. Harold Garfield Gaunt. In 1913 he was settled over the second Presbyterian church in East Liverpool, Ohio.

126. W ARREN 7 HAWES (Enos, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Newbury, Ohio, 14 Nov., 1849. He m. 3 Oct., 1872, Philena ("Phena") Slong, b. 4 April 1854, at Russel, Grange Co., Ohio. Children: i. FLORA M.', b. 30 July 1873, in Carson City, Mich.

127. SrMEON 7 HAWES (Levi, Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Rich­ ard) was b. in New Bedford, 14 Aug., 1817; d. there 7 June 1896, ae. 78 :10 :0. He was a farmer, and later engaged in the ice business. Hem. (1) 25 April 1841, Almira (Myra) E. Brightman, of Westport, b. 2 June 1818; d. in New Bedford, 26 May 1880, the dau. of Joseph and Polly Brightman. At 70, he m. (2) Mrs. Cornelia (Palmer) Baxter, of Little Compton, R. I., 3 Nov., 1887. This was her third marriage. She d. his widow, 29 Dec., 1904 (St. Ho. rec.), dau. of Benjamin and Clarinda (Wilbor) Palmer. This family lived at Tarkiln Hill. Rowland's History of Acushnet, pp. 47, 147, 174, refers to Simeon Hawes. Childre~ of Simeon and Almira E. (Brightman) Hawes: i. A male child, b. 17 May 1844 (St. Ho. rec.) ii. CHARLES S.', b. 16 Aug., 1845; d. 30 Sept., 1881, ae. 36 :1 :16, at Tarkiln Hill; a farmer. His estate was settled by his father ( Bristol Pro.) 201. iii. SYLVANUS T., b. 5 Dec., 1848. 202. iv. GEORGE WALTER, b. ab. 1850. v. HARRIET E. (twin), b. 20 May 1851 ; d. at Smith Mills; m. 31 Dec., 1882, Smith Harding, b. in Yarmouth, son of John S. and Emily Harding. vi. LEVI (twin), b. same; d. 21 Aug., 1852. vii. CYNTHIA A., b. ab. 1852; m. 16 July 1874, William R. Read, hatter, b. ab. 1855, in New Bedford, son of Isaac Read. 203. viii. JoHN F., b. ab. 1854. ix. MARY A., b. 11 Sept., 1857; m. 2 Sept., 1876, Alden L. Read, b. ab. 1856, son of Isaac Read. x. A son, b. 20 Oct., 1859 (perhaps Andrew S.) ; no record found. 204. xi. JosEPH BRIGHTMAN, b. 5 Dec., 1861.

128. JONATHAN CAPEN 7 HAWES (Levi, Levi, John, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in New Bedford, 8 May 1826. The Glover Genealogy has a full account of him and Rowland's History of Acushnet, p. 300, has his portrait, and, p. 174, a genealogical record. At the age of 13 he began the trade of sailmaker. At 16 he went on a sailing voyage, with Capt. Alexander Barker, in the "Roman 2d". This was 25 June SEVENTH GENERATION 171

1842, and the trip lasted just two years and three days, when 2200 lbs. of whale oil and 28,000 lbs. of whalebone were collected. He led this sort of life until 1860, some fourteen years of it as master mariner. In 1854 he was given com­ mand of the ship "Eliza Adams". This was a voyage of 31 months, when they took 138 lbs. of sperm oil, 2737 lbs. of whale oil, and 31,700 lbs. of whalebone. His next ship, the "Emma C. Jones", sailed 10 Aug., 1858 and returned 28 Aug., 1860, with a large cargo. In the "Milo" he left New Bedford 26 Nov., 1863 and returned 7 May 1869, with one of the record cruisings in the Arctic ocean. Capt. Hawes had the reputation of being one of the successful master mariners sailing out of this famous port. He next was identified with the Acushnet Saw Mill, in that village, where he resided the rest of his life. He was a Mason; served on the Common Council of New Bedford in 1879; alderman; trustee of the First Congregational church, and in various ways showed himself a useful and valuable citizen. His home was at Lunds Corner, where he d. 3 Sept., 1908, ae. 82 :3 :25. He m. ( 1) at Stoughton, 19 June 1854, Jerusha C. Blake, dau. of Stephen and Rachel Blake. She d. at sea. He m. (2) 20 Nov., 1869, Mrs. Sylvia R. (Tucker) Leonard, of Dartmouth, the dau. of James and Phebe H. Tucker. She d. in New Bedford, 14 June 1876, ae. 43 :10 :0. Hem. (3), 10 April 1877, Mary W. (Collins) Davis, of Fall River, dau. of Noah and Hannah (Vvordell) Davis, and gr. dau. of Aaron Davis; b. 14 July 1840; d. 1 July 1912 ( St. Ho. rec.). Children of Jonathan C. and Jerusha (Blake) Hawes, b. in New Bedford: i. ADA RoBBINs', b. 23 (22?) Feb., 1858; m. 15 Sept., 1877, John W. Leonard, b. ab. 1855, son of John and Sylvia R. Leonard (They were step-brother and sister). ii. ELLSWORTH L., b. 15 Aug., 1861. 205. iii. FREDERICK B., b. 8 April 1863. Children of Jonathan C. and Sylvia (Leonard) Hawes: iv. AucE T., b. 22 Jan., 1871; d. 17 Dec., 1879, ae. 8 :10 :25. Children of Jonathan C. and Mary W. Collins (Davis) Hawes: v. JONATHAN C., JR., b. 3 Aug., 1878; d. 12 April 1879. vi. MARY ALICE, b. 18 Jan., 1880; m. 17 Dec., 1900. Frank E. Sisson, of Fairhaven, son of Frank W. and Mary E. (Westgate) Sisson. i. ELLIOT HAWES9 SISSON, b. 8 Dec., 1901. ii. Lucy LIVINGSTON SISSON, b. 28 Dec., 1903. iii. NATALIE SISSON, b. 23 Dec., 1907; d. 24 May 1909. vii. GRACE WINIFRED, b. 28 April 1882; m. 22 April 1905, LeRoy A. Sturgis, of New Bedford, b. ab. 1877, at Woods Hole, son of Almon P. and Rebecca G. (Hamblin) Sturgis. Children: i. MALCOLM CAPEN 9 STURGIS, b. 6 Jan., 1909.

129. THOMAS RoACH 7 HAWES (Levi, Levi, John, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in New Bedford, 2 March 1828 ( recorded in Stoughton). He removed from his native city, 172 RICHARD HAWES

and finally resided in Taunton, where he d. 1904 (Glover Gen.). Hem. (1) at Acushnet, 22 April 1866, aged 38 (sic) Mrs. Elizabeth T. (Sisson) Ward, b. ab. 1836, dau. of Job and Phebe Sisson. He m. (2) 8 Oct., 1879, when he was of Raynham, Alvira 0. Sweet, b. ab. 1841, in Norton, dau. of James M. and Sophia J. Sweet. She d. at Raynham, ae. 46, 18 Feb., 1887 (St. Ho. rec.). Hem. (3) 7 Jan., 1888, when 60, Sarah E. (Jordan) Horton, both of Taunton. She was b. ab. 1842, at Easton, dau. of Stephen P. and Lavinia (Borden) Jordan. The Glover Gen. is wrong in the date of his death, which is given at the State House as occurring at Raynham, 8 Nov., 1908, when his age was 80 :8 :6, and survived by his wife. I have learned of but one child : i. EMMA LINDEN', who became Mrs. Burke Johnson, of Taunton. A newspaper clipping of several years back had the following : From the court of an empire to a New England farm was the unusual fate of Mrs. Emma Burke Johnson, formerly Emma Linden, an actress who d. on a farm outside of the city of Taunton. She was at one time the friend of Dom Pedro, Emperor of Brazil ...... At the age of 16 she went on the stage, and soon married M. Balbrigga, a magician, in South America. While playing in Rio she fell one day in front of the Emperor's carriage. She was picked up by a guard, and Dom Pedro noticing her beauty learned her name. That night he occupied a box at the theatre. This was the beginning of their friendship.

130. DAVID CoBB 7 HAWES (Levi, Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Bedford, 15 June 1832 (recorded at Stoughton). The Rockingham Co. Biographical Records, p. 313, make some misstatements as to David's father's family. "At the age of 18, with his brother Thomas, David went to California, a journey of sixty days by the Isthmus; remained there till 1857, when both returned by the same route. In 1863 David came to Hampton Falls (N. H.), and purchased the Melcher farm of 130 acres. He m. Mary Hannah Sanborn (b. in Kensington, N. H.), 28 April 1858, dau. of Caleb Sanborn, who had m. Polly, dau. of Joseph Melcher. David C. Hawes left a will (Exeter Pro., 14366), dated 18 Oct., 1902, which names his sons, Levi M., Henry W., David E., Samuel E. (sole exor.), his dau. Mary E. Hawes, and his wife Mary H. Hawes. The births of his children are recorded in New Bedford, or in Concord, N. H., Archives. Children of David Cobb and Mary Hannah (Sanborn) Hawes : i. LEVI M.", b. Tarkiln Hill, New Bedford, 22 March 1859; living, 1902, in California. ii. A son (Henry W.?), b. New Bedford, 18 Nov., 1860. Henry W. Hawes was also of California in 1902. vVILLIAM7 HAWES See p. 173


iii. DAVID E. ("Edwin D.") b. 18 Nov., 1861; of Lynn, in 1902. His birth is recorded in both places. iv. FRANK SANBORN, b. 18 Jan., 1863; a student at Brown University, class of 1886; not mentioned in the will. His mother had the settlement of his estate (Exeter Probate, 14370). He, "late of Hampton Falls, N. H., d. 13 May 1901; unm." v. SAMUEL E., b. 23 May 1865, at Hampton Falls; exor. of his father's will. vi. A son, b. same, 29 Oct., 1867; not accounted for. vii. MARY A., b. same, 2 March 1870; living 1902; unm.

131. LEVI 7 HAWES (Judah, Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stoughton, 23 Feb., 1821. He d. in New Bedford, a widower, 12 Aug., 1895, ae. 74 :6 :0. He was a confec­ tioner of many years standing, with place of business on Purchase St. Hem. (2) in Boston, 2 Oct., 1850, Aseneth H. Weeks, b. in Dartmouth, d. in New Bedford, 23 Jan., 1875, ae. 40. From the Weeks Genealogy, p. 112, we learn that she was dau. of Hiram and Cordelia (Studley) Weeks, b. 15 Nov., 1832. This record gives date of death, 26 Jan. Levi was appointed to administer her estate, 6 Nov., 1875. Children of Levi and Aseneth (Weeks) Hawes: 8 i. SuSAN P ARKER , b. 6 Oct., 1851 ; living, 1912, a nurse, in New Bedford. 206. ii. ARTHUR CLIFFORD (Clifford A.), b. 13 April 1861.

132. JoNATHAN 7 HAWES (Judah, Levi, John, Richatd, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stoughton, ab. 1827; d. in New Bedford, 23 March 1881, at 173 Grinnell St., ae. 53 :3: 10. He m. ( 1) 27 Nov., 1850, Abby M. Emery, b. ab. 1833, in New Bed­ ford, dau. of Peleg and Abby R. Emery; d. 15 July 1866. Hem. (2) Nov., 1880 (when his age is given as 55) Amelia T. Stoddard, b. in Fairhaven, dau. of Alden D. and (Lucy L. Stoddard?). She d. a widow, 20 March 1907, in Fair­ haven, ae. 83 :7 :14. (This record gives her mother as Mary Tilston. Levi was recorded early as a confectioner, but later as a photographer, in business with his bro. William.) There were no children, but a boy, relative of Mrs. Hawes, was adopted:

8 i. CARROLL ; d. young.

133. WILLIAM 7 HAWES (Judah, Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was born in New Bedford, 28 Oct., 1839. He en­ listed, July 1863, in Co. K., 32d Mass. Infantry; was trans­ ferred to the navy, on board the "Flambeau", 5 guns, of the South Atlantic squadron. In December 1864, he was pro- 174 RICHARD HA WES

rooted to seaman, on the "Macedonia", 14 guns ; honorably discharged, 1865. He was in the battle of Manassas, at Rap­ pahannock Station, &c. As a G. A. R. veteran he was a popular member of the William Logan Rodman Post, and for a time its senior commander. In private life he was a photographer. He d. in hospital at Taunton, 8 Nov., 1910, ae. 71. He m. 11 June 1866, Lydia F. Swift, b. ab. 1845, the dau. of Thomas W. and Elizabeth P. (Mosher) Swift. She d. in 1921. Children of William and Lydia F. (Swift) Hawes, b. m New Bedford: i. ALVAH MANSFIELD", b. 4 Sept., 1866; d. 19 Jan., 1867. ii. FREDERICK PRESTON, b. 1 May 1868; m. 29 June 1904, Abbie C. Steele, b. in Rochester, N. Y., dau. of Joseph H. and Lucy A. (Tobey) Steele. She d. in May 1915. Mr. Hawes and his two sisters make their home together, 436 Union St., New Bedford. They are much interested in family genealogy and have been a help to the com­ piler of these pages. iii. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. 2 July 1871 ; d. in infancy. iv. HELEN WEBSTER, b. 14 Oct., 1872; unm. v. WILLIAM LESLIE, b. 11 Jan., 1880; d. 27 May following. vi. EDITH MANSFIELD, b. 15 Feb., 1881; unm. EIGHTH GENERATION

134. GILMAN 8 HAWES (Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Goffstown, N. H., 18 Aug., 1807, perhaps in that part later set off as Hooksett. He re­ moved with his father's family to Maine, and located early in Phillips, Me. Hem. there, 2 March 1831, Eliza Ann, dau. of Thaddeus and Sarah (Blethen) Richardson, b. in Read­ field, Me., 13 Feb., 1810. Her father (State record) was b. in Standish, Me., and her mother, in Unity, Me. Mrs. Hawes d. 13 Dec., 1895, ae. 85. By deed, this couple were of Phillips, 1837. Gilman Hawes was a farmer and was much interested in State Farm Associations. By the Census of 1840 he was living in Weld, Me., with a family of five; in 1850, the family as recorded below were all living in Readfield, where he d. 5 ( 6?) May 1891. Their children: i. MARY AMANDA9, b. in Phillips, 8 Feb., 1835 (1836?); d. unm., in Readfield, 23 Jan., 1902, ae. 66 ( State rec.). ii. SARAH MARIA, b. in Weld, 8 Nov., 1838; d. 3 Oct., 1869, at Kents Hill, Me. She m. 6 Sept., 1862, Alden Packard, b. 18 July 1834; d. 19 Dec., 1870. A son, i. ALBERT HAWES 10 PACKARD, b. 7 Oct., 1865 ; lived with his grandparents in Readfield. Later he went to Denver, Col. He was living, 1931. 207. iii. SEWALL JACOBS, b. in Readfield, 10 Nov., 1842. (18 Nov., family record). iv. ISADORE ALTHEA, b. in Readfield, 1 March 1847; d. in Presque Isle, Me., 1 Nov., 1880; m. 6 Aug., 1865, in Mt. Vernon, Me., Rev. George Melville Park, b. 16 July 1838; d. ab. 1927. A son and a daughter both d. in infancy.

135. ROBERT WALLACE 8 HAWES (Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Goffstown, N. H., 3 Jan., 1816. He was a farmer and in the Census of 1850 the family was recorded in Albion, Me. In 1860 their home was in Troy, Me., where he d. 1 Oct., 1897, ae. 81 :8 :28 ( State rec.). He m. 31 ( 30 ?) March 1843, Emily, b. in Albion, 13 April 1822, dau. of Timothy and Abigail (Blake?) Wentworth. She d. in Troy, 11 Sept., 1888. (Consult the Wentworth Genealogy.) The children, all recorded in Albion, except the youngest, were : 9 i. TIMOTHY WENTWORTH , b. 31 Jan., 1844; d. in Troy, Me., 12 March 1924; m. 4 July 1874 (1875?), Etta H. Wright, in Burnham, Me. She d. 20 Feb., 1924. There were no children. In 1908 I re­ ceived from him an accurate account of his father's family. ii. CHARLES WALLACE, b. 7 Dec., 1846; living, 1931, in the Dorchester section of Boston, unm. iii. ELIZABETH E. ("Lizzie"), b. 17 Aug., 1848; d. 2 March 1930; m. 25 Oct., 1876, in Plymouth, Me., John H. Smith, who d. in Troy, Me., 16 July 1924. A son,


i. WILMOT HAWEs10 SMITH, b. Troy, 27 Nov., 1883; m. 19 Sept., 1919, Laura A. Parker. They have in Troy, Me., i. ELIZABETH EMILYu SMITH, b. 4 July 1920. ii. EVERETT CROWELL SMITH, b. Oct., 1921. iii. HELEN ARDELL SMITH, b. 10 Jan., 1923. iv. GEORGE E., b. 8 Aug., 1850; m. at Salem, but both of Lynn, 8 Feb., 1887 (St. Ho. rec.) Bertha G. Tate, b. Corinth, Me., ab. 1866, dau. of Joshua R., and Amanda M. Tate (Rev. E. C. Bolles officiating). They live, 1931, in Lynn. v. WALTER E., b. 3 May 1852; d. 25 Jan., 1927. Hem. (1) in Chelsea, 29 Aug., 1877, Inez A. Gates, b. in Lincoln, Me., dau. of Alfred and Eliza J. (Bussell) Gates. She d. in Chelsea, 13 May 1905, ae. 46:5:20 (burial at Troy, Me.). Hem. (2) in Chelsea, 27 (25?) Nov., 1912, Louisa A. List, b. ab. 1877, in Lawrence, dau. of Frederick and Augusta (Ebert) List. She is living, a widow, in 1931, in Chelsea. vi. ABIGAIL MARIA, b. 1 Oct., 1855; d. 28 June 1875. vii. FREDERICK MARION, b. 9 Sept., 1858; d. 3 Feb., 1931, in Bridgeport, Ct. At one time he was a detective, connected with the Pinkerton Agency. He m. 2 June 1906, in New York, Helene A. Giroud, who has been most helpful in furnishing me material. Her home is in Bridgeport. A daughter. i. HELEN ELIZABETH'°, was b. 1 Sept., 1915; living with her mother. viii. EDWARD EVERETT, b. in Troy, Me., 5 March 1861, received a liberal education, attending the Maine Central Institute and Bowdoin College. He received his preparation as a physician at the Medical school of the University of New York and of the University of Vermont, graduating from the latter in 1886. Before that he taught school for several years, first at Detroit, Me., in 1877, when but sixteen years of age. He began medical practice at Harwich, but soon removed to Hyannis for eight or nine years. In 1909 he was located in Boston, but returned to Hyannis, his present residence (1931). He m. 8 March 1887, Emily C. Crowell, of West Yar­ mouth, dau. of Capt. Elkanah and Susan (Crowell) Crowell. She accompanied her father on two voyages around Cape Horn. Dr. Hawes is a Mason (Scottish Rite), a Son of the American Revolution, member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, &c. A son, 10 i. EVERETT CROWELL , b. 2 March 1894; d. in infancy.

136. BENJAMIN S.8 HAWES (Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Hampshire., 21 Jan., 1817. In 1840, in the Wm. Henry Harrison cam­ paign, he was much interested, and used to narrate that he sat up all one night braiding a whiplash long enough to reach the leaders of his four-horse team, which he drove to a celebration at Farmington, Me. In later life he lived in the Granite Avenue section of Dorchester, not far from the home of our first ancestor in New England. In the Census of 1850, he was living, cordwainer, with his family in Read­ field, Me. He d. in Dorchester, 18 Nov., 1880, ae. 63 :9 :28 ( St. Ho. rec.). He m. 2 Oct., 1844, Emily Parlin, b. 29 Aug., 1823; d. 2 May 1888, sister of S. R. Parlin ( Consult the Parlin Genealogy). EIGHTH GENERATION 177

Their children were : 9 208. i. ALBERT OzRo , b. in Weld, Me., 30 Dec., 1846. ii. EMMA M., b. Readfield, Me., 1849; d. 30 May 1857, ae. 8 :0 :28, at Milton.

137. STEPHEN 8 HAWES (Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 2 March 1824. As a young man he was in the shoe business in Augusta, Me., where he is said to have invented copper-toed shoes for children, once much in vogue. In 1861, in connec­ tion with a Boston furniture concern, he became one of the first travelling salesmen to go out of Boston. Later he was located in Indianapolis; still later in New York city. With failing health he returned to Maine. At one time also he was a teacher. Given to study, he was the compiler and editor of several books of reference, the most important being "Syn­ chronology of the Principal Events in Sacred and Profane History", published in 1869; "A New Testament Manual", in 1871. He was editor of the Public School Advocate, one of our first educational periodicals. His "Historical Charts" included our Civil War period, then quite recent. Under date of 27 Dec., 1871, as a sample of his style, we read: "Tweed disappears and a dozen detectives after him." Dec. 1: "A sudden water famine in Boston, by the freezing of Cochitu­ ate." Mr. Hawes d. in Chesterville, Me., 13 May 1879. He m. ( 1) 20 Oct., 1852, at Wilton, Me., Eliza Ann Houghton, dau. of Ephraim and Sarah Sprague (Masterman) Houghton, b. 26 April 1827; d. 9 Feb., 1853; sister of A. E. Houghton ( Consult the Dows, Dowse Geneal.). He m. (2) at Chelsea, 3 Jan., 1867, Augusta, dau. of Otis C. and Abby M. Sewall, b. 1 March 1833; living in 1925, at Bowdoinham. For a number of years she taught in the higher grades in Brooklyn, N. Y. She was a fine French scholar, and a great help to her husband. There were no children.

138. LAFAYETTE W.8 HAWES (Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 12 Feb., 1826. In 1840 he was living in his father's family. Later his home was in Oakdale (West Boylston), where he d. 10 Feb., 1874, ae. 47:11 :24 (St. Ho. rec.). Hem. 1 Jan., 1852, Julia A. Gilman, b. ab. 1830, in Phillips, Me., dau. of Samuel T. and Hannah (Bickford) Gilman. She d. in Worcester, 7 Oct., 1905, ae. 71 :1 :20 (St. Ho. rec.). Their children: 9 i. FREDERICK ANTON , was b. 17 Jan., 1859. As a young man he entered upon a business career in Worcester, where he rose to be a mem­ ber of the firm of Barnard, Sumner & Putnam. Unmarried. 209. ii. ARTHUR WATSON, b. 23 March 1868. 178 RICHARD HA WES

139. GEORGE FRANKLIN 8 HAWES (Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 25 (28?) Jan., 1834. At the age of 19, in Abington, he learned the shoemaking trade. Returning to Maine, he en­ tered the employ of his brother Stephen, in Augusta. In 1856- 58 he was living in Norwich, Ct. Returning to Augusta, he engaged in the shoe business for himself, and continued at it for fifty years. As the store was burned, he and Mrs. Hawes removed to New Jersey, to be with their daughter. He was a Mason; served on the Common Council of Augusta; a member of the South Congregational church, where he was superintendent of the Sunday school for seven years, for twenty years a deacon, and a member of the choir. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Hawes was fittingly ob­ served by fellow members of this their religious home. He m. 18 April 1858, Emma Gilpatric, adopted dau. of Francis and Amanda M. F. Lyford. Her own parents were Thomas and Amanda (Hinckley) Gilpatric. Thomas was b. in Limerick, Me., of Scotch-Irish parents, Amanda was a lineal descendant of Gov. Hinckley. Mrs. Hawes was b. in Gardiner, Me., 10 March 1837, and d. New Jersey, 19 Aug., 1918. Deacon Hawes did not long sur­ vive her, and d. there, 29 Jan., 1919 (burial, at Lafayette Cemetery, Birmingham, Pa.). By a personal interview with Mr. Hawes, in Augusta, I learned much concerning his branch of our family. An only daughter, i. EDITH MARIA", b. 9 Jan., 1859; m. 2 Dec., 1885, Thomas Elwood Parker, M.D. He was a Friend, a graduate of the Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia. First of Clairmont, N. H., they removed to Woodbury, N. J., where he d. 29 Dec., 1913. There were no children. Since the death of her parents Mrs. Paker has made her home in Norwich, Ct., with her cousin, Lillian B. Hawes.

140. ALPHEUS PACKARD 8 HAWES (Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 7 Sept., 1835. He was a co~ton operative and d. in Augusta, Me., 14 (11 ?) Oct., 1861, ae. 26 yrs. Hem. 21 Aug., 1858, Mary Elizabeth ("Lizzie") Proctor, b. probably, in Belfast, Me., and d. in Hancock, Me., 29 Jan., 1867. They had an only daughter, i. NoRA AucusTA9 b. in Augusta, 30 June 1859; m. Wilmot Grant; lived in Waltham (Mass.).

141. JOHN MrLTON 8 HAWES (Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 7 Aug., 1839. He was a farmer and lived and died in his native town. According to my informant, he d. 21 (22?) May 1895, but the State record (Augusta) says that he d. of consump­ tion, 20 May 1896, ae. 56 :9 :14, which would seem to be EIGHTH GENERATION 179

correct. He lived on the family homestead. He m. 21 Sept., 1862, Kezia Parker Howard, b. in Phillips, Me., 16 July 1835; d. in Weld, 12 Nov., 1900, the dau. of Seth and Rachel (Parker) Howard. Their children:

1. JENNIE MARIA', b. 14 March 1866; m. Nov., 1890, Lineous M. ("Lin") Newman, of Weld, b. 2 Feb., 1865, son of Eben and Maranda (Newman) Newman. Their home (1931) is in West Farmington, Me. I had the pleasure of meeting this couple at a family reunion. Their children: i. HARRY EBEN 10 NEWMAN, b. in Weld, 29 Dec., 1892; m. 19 June ...... Frances M. Davis, who d. 1924 (1925 ?) . He m. (2) 19 Aug. 1928, Frances Hazel True; living in Farm­ ington, Me. ii. LINA BELLE NEWMAN, b. 18 Aug., 1895; m. 29 Nov., 1916, Conie A. Masterman ; living in Dixfield, Me. Children : i. DOROTHEA MAXINE" MASTERMAN, b. 7 April 1919. ii. BARBARA NEWMAN MASTERMAN, b. 15 March 1921. iii. ARLENE NEWMAN MASTERMAN, b. 29 Aug., 1924. iii. WILMA HAWES NEWMAN, b. in Weld, 3 June 1907; a gradu­ ate of the State Normal School, 1926.

142. WILLIAM ALPHONZ0 8 HAWES (Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 18 Oct., 1841. In 1861 he left home for Norwich, Ct., where he joined his brother-in-law, S. R. Parlin, learning the trade of watchmaker and jeweler, in which business he continued for sixty years. He m. there, 2 Sept., 1868, Harriet Rosilla Loomis, b. in Norwich, 29 April 1848; d. 14 Jan., 1878, the dau. of Joseph Nelson and Martha Ripley (Bromley) Loomis. Mr. Hawes d. 7 March 1925, having lived a widower many years. The local paper, among other things, had this to say of him: "In politics he never sought public office, but he was a staunch Republican, casting his first vote for President Lincoln ( second term). He had the distinction of voting for every Republican candidate after that, including President Coolidge. He took a personal pride in going to the polls and carrying out what he considered was every man's duty." At his death he was one of the oldest members of the Broadway Congregational church. A daughter,

9 i. LILLIAN BELL , b. in Norwich, Ct., 22 Jan., 1870, was a graduate of the Broadway school in 1883; of the Normal Free Academy, 1887. The compiling of these pages has been greatly aided by her complete account of her grandfather's family. Her home, 1931, is in her native city.

142a. ANN MARIA 8 HAWES (Nathan R., Nathan, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) b. Littleton, N. H., 21 Jan., 1817; d. 16 Oct., 1897; m. ( 1) Thomas McLaughlin; m. (2), about 1852, John, son of Andrew Patten, b. 16 March 1815, in New York State. He served in the Civil War, and d. from its effects, in St. Louis, July 1863. Children: 180 RICHARD HAWES

i. GEORGE" McLAUGHLIN, b. 15 June 1840; brought up by his Hawes grandparents, taking the name of Hawes. He was in the Civil War; wounded, 1 July 1863, at Gettysburg, and d. 26 July follow­ ing. ii. JosEPHINE PATTEN, b. 31 Aug., 1853; m. Morris W., son of John Westley Horton, b. in Hebron, Illinois, 17 Aug., 1853; d. 17 Feb., 1923, in Fergus Falls, Minn. Mrs. Horton is living there ( 1931) and has furnished this record. Children : i. RuBY10 HORTON, b. 13 Aug., 1880, in Rio, Wis.; m. 18 Feb., 1910, Charles Stewart; living at Deer Creek, Minn. 11. FRANK HORTON, b. Fergus Falls, Minn., 18 Sept., 1884; unm. iii. WANDA HORTON, b. same, 12 April 1892; m. 11 Nov., 1917, Philo Hollister; d. Kansas City, Mo., 2 Feb., 1920. i. HELEN 11 HOLLISTER; lived with her gr. mother. iv. ARLINGTON HORTON, b. same, 16 Jan., 1896; served in the World War, losing a leg; unm. iii. NATHAN PATTEN, b. 3 March 1856; d. unm. 25 July 1917.

143. BENJAMIN STEVENS 8 HAWES (Nathan R., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. ( recorded in Littleton, N. H.) 20 (21 ?) Oct., 1818. A deed ( 155 :365) locates him in Littleton in 1839. By birth record of the eldest son, he and his wife were in Weld, Me., in 1844. By 1845 he had moved to Portland, Wis., and in 1856 to Lowville, that State. He was next to be found, 1865, in Columbia, Wis., and from there he moved to Good Thunder, Minn., in 1869. Here he d. 9 Feb., 1888. He was a Republican in politics and a member of the M. E. church. Hem. 21 March 1844, Rachel S. Storer, b. 18 March 1821, in Weld, Me.; d. in the West, 1893. She was dau. of Joseph Storer, 2d, b. 21 March 1777, and Betsey Newman, b. 9 May 1786. (Con- sult the Dows, Dowse Family, p. 133.) The children: 210. i. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN', b. in Weld, Me., 16 Dec., 1844. 211. ii. ALFRED ERNEST, b. in Portland, Wis., 31 March 1848. 212. iii. CHARLES, b. same, 3 June 1850. 213. iv. GILMAN, b. same, 3 Jan., 1853 (1852?). 214. v. ELWIN LAMONT, b. same, 4 Nov., 1855.

144. SILAS MoRSE 8 HAWES (Nathan R., Nathan, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Littleton, N. H., 9 Oct., 1822. By the Census of 1850 he, his wife, and daughter were living in his father's family, in Maine. On their migration to Wisconsin Silas took up a farm adjoining his father's. He moved to other localities, and d. in Sherburn, Minn., 15 Aug., 1889. (Mass. State rec.) "Silas M. Hawes, of Somerville and Sarah M. Coulton, of Waltham, were m. in Malden, 3 Oct., 1843." She was b. 1827 and d. at Blue Earth, Minn., 1 Jan., 1875 ( ?). Silas M. Hawes m. (2) a Mrs. Skinner, mother of children, one of whom was R. M. Skinner. EIGHTH GENERATION 181

i. ALMINA S.,• b. in Farmington, Me., 25 Nov., 1845; d. at Wahken, Minn., 30 Jan., 1922; m. 16 July 1861, George Allen Oothoudt. He was b. in Murry, Orleans Co., N. Y., 15 July 1840, and is living (1931), aged 91, at Randall, Minn. There were four children: i. ARVIN W.10 OoTHOUDT, b. in Leads, Wis., 4 Feb., 1863; m. Ida E. George, my informant. ii. SARAH M. OoTHOUDT, b. in Verona, Minn., 22 Feb., 1865; d. 1890; m. 1883, Henry Sager. iii. CARRIE MAY OoTHOUDT, b. same, 20 May 1868; d. 13 Apr. 1929; m. 1883, Charles Paro. iv. ALTA W. OoTHOUDT, b. same, 4 Feb., 1877; m. Ansel Peterson. 214a. ii. A foster son, WILLIAM, b. Wisconsin, 11 July 1857.

144a. SUSANNA MoRSE 8 HAWES (Nathan R., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 6 March 1832; came with her parents to Wisconsin in 1853; m. in Madison, Wis., 3 Dec., 1861, Charles John Linquist. Before marriage Susanna had been a teacher. She d. in Rio, Wis., 13 April 1918, ae. 86 yrs. Mr. Linquist was b. in Sweden, 11 July 1839, of John and Christena Linquist; d. in Rio, Wis., 14 May 1927, in his 88th year. With his father, brothers and a sister he migrated to America when fourteen. On his marriage day he enlisted in the Civil War, and three weeks later was ordered to the front, his wife go­ ing with him. She followed the soldier's life until "The march to the Sea", and was known as "the bride of the Regi­ ment" (Co. G., 12th reg., 16th Army Corps, Wisconsin In­ fantry). He was in the Grand Review before Lincoln, at Washington. After the war Mr. Linquist located at Rio and built a home. He was postmaster for many years ; president of the First National Bank for twenty-five years; and in demeanor, a gentleman of the old school. A bronze statue of Abraham Lincoln was placed in the village library by him as a memorial of his deceased wife, who passed away after many years of invalidism. He survived her some eight years and d. 28 March 1927. Children: i. CHARLES" LINQUIST, b. 1863, Columbus, Wis.; d. from an accident. ii. VERNETTIE C. LINQUIST, b. 6 May 1866; attended Milwaukee Col­ lege and the old Spencerian Business College, conducted then by Robert C., son of Platt R. Spencer, originator of the system. She received also a superior musical education. She m. 10 Sept., 1912, Rev. Robert Cross Bennett, b. in Fitchburg, Wis., 4 June 1852, son of Robert C. and Rosina (Gilbert) Bennett; ordained a Presby­ terian minister, 17 Feb., 1897; later engaged in the Congregational Body. They reside in the Linquist homestead at Rio, Wis. I am indebted to Mrs. Bennett for a fuller account than appears here.

145. JosEPH WHEAT MoRSE 8 HAWES (Nathan R., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Maine, 5 June 1838. Migrating to the West with his parents, 182 RICHARD HA WES

he succeeded to the homestead farm in Lowville, Wis., about 1863, the time of his marriage with Caroline C. Coffin b. in Corning, N. Y., 18 July 1839; d. 24 July 1887, the dau'. of Dr. James L. Coffin of Rochester, Wis. After the War he removed to Rio, Wis., where he took up medicine and graduated from the Hahnnemann Medical College, Chicago. He d. at Good Thunder, Minn., 13 Dec., 1878. 1. PERCY LAMBERT', b. 28 March 1870; m. (1) Elizabeth Sallady, in 1901, who d. March 1921; m. (2) Margaret Sturman, 6 July 1922 • living in Boone, Iowa. ' ii. ERNEST RICHARDSON, b. Delevan, Wis., 20 May 1876; m. Naomi Metzger 1 July 1899. She was b. Dillsbury, Penn., 26 Nov., 1880, dau. of Lieut. John B. Metzger; living, 1931, at Wauwatosa, a suburb of Milwaukee, Wis. Children: i. RuTH ERNESTINE", b. DeWitt, Iowa, 21 July 1900; m. Francis M. Hengel, 26 Sept., 1921; living in Pierre, S. D. 11. VERNA LUCILE, b. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 24 March 1908; m. Leon A. Carey, 4 Aug., 1928; living in Milwaukee.

146. ALVIN 8 HAWES (Joseph, Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Hampshire, ab. 1821 ( death record). His name, Alvin H., appears in deeds at Farmington, Me. First of Weld, Me., he was next of Boston, but returned to his Maine home. Later he and his wife moved to Brockton, where a dau. was living. He d. there, 20 July 1901, "of old age", ae. 79:11:13 (St. Ho. Rec.). Hem. Eleanor Bryant, "b. in Palmyra, Me., dau. of Thomas, a native of Farmington, Me., and his wife, Eliza (Webber) Bryant, a native of Richmond, Me." Mrs. Hawes d. in Brockton, 3 Oct., 1889, ae. 65 :6 :18 ( St. Ho. Rec.) Their children: 9 i. ELLEN ; d. 15 Jan., 1846, ae. 1 mo. :5 days; bur. 59 St. Matthews (Boston VR). ii. ALVIN; perhaps the son who was b. in Boston, 27 Jan., 1855 ("father a carpenter; mother, Eleanor A. Hawes"). He m. Julia York, of Weld, Me.; lived in the West many years, and d. in Chicago, Illinois. There were three children : i. ALBERr•. ii. ALVIN, JR. iii. MABEL. iii. SusIE, b. 27 Feb., 1848; lived in Weld, Me., and later in Farmington, Me., where she d. 21 Jan., 1918; m. Church Pratt. Children: i. WILLIAM10 PRATT, b. 12 Sept., 1869; living (1931) in Tem- ple, Me. He has m. twice. ii. LIZZIE PRATT, b. 30 March 1872 ; m. Leland Lamb; living (1931) in Farmington, Me. Children: i. ELSIE 11 LAMB (Mrs. Porter). Her two sons are 12 i. LEwis PoRTER , b. ab. 1918. ii. DoNALD PORTER, b. ab. 1922. ii. ETHEL LAMB (Mrs. Cedric L...... ). 111. EDITH LAMB (Mrs. Tardy); three chn. iii. ALVIN PRATT, b. 19 June 1874; a farmer in Weld, Me. Un­ married. iv. MABEL PRATT, b. 14 Jan., 1880; not living (1931); m. Walter Witham. v. GERTRUDE PRATT, b. 14 July 1885; d. 30 April 1899. EIGHTH GENERATION 183

iv. CHARLES, b. 5 Feb., 1856; d. in Weld, Me., 18 Feb., 1927; lived for a time in Boston; married ( ? ) . v. GEORGIA; m. George P. Randall, of Phillips, Me. They lived in Brockton, but returned to Me., where shed. in Weld, 24 May 1930, ae. 68 :7 :3. Children: i. PEARL10 RANDALL; a farmer, living (1931) in Weld, Me. Un- married. ii. SHEPARD RANDALL. iii. SYBIL RANDALL; m ...... Strout; living (1931) in Brockton.

147. WILLARD WrLBERT 8 HAWES (Joseph, Nathan, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Vermont, 14 March 1836. He was a farmer, first in Weld and later in Temple, Me., where he d. 15 March 1915. Several deeds (Farmington Registry) relate to him and his wife. He m. 10 Oct., 1860, Abigail W. Staples, b. in Avon, Me., 14 March 1837; d. in Temple, Me., 28 Feb., 1911, dau. of Rev. Nathaniel K. and Susan S. (Conant) Staples ( a Methodist minister). Their children, b. in Weld, were:

9 215. i. CHARLES SYLVESTER , b. 14 Dec., 1862. ii. ELIZABETH ("Lizzie"), b. 22 May 1867; m. 30 Aug., 1890, Alverd J., son of Rufus and Dora Dunsmoor, of Temple, Me.; a carpenter. Their children, the three oldest b. in Temple: i. VERA10 DUNSMOOR, b. 19 Aug., 1893; m. 18 Aug., 1922, Lester Burhoe, of Canton Point, Me. ii. JAMES DUNSMOOR, b. 16 Oct., 1897; d. 16 April 1900. iii. HAROLD DUNSMOOR; d. 1900, in infancy. iv. AGNES DUNSMOOR, b. in Rangeley, Me., 2 Feb., 1903; m. 5 Dec., 1923, Frank Dill; children: i, THELMA11 DILL. ii. WALLACE DILL. iii. DONALD DILL, v. ISABELLE DUNSMOOR, b. same, 22 March 1905; m. Ernest Burhoe, of Canton Point, Me., 6 July 1827; children: i. RICHARD11 BURHOE . . ii. RONALD BuRHOE. iii. ETTA, b. 28 Nov., 1870; m. in Temple, Me., 9 Jan., 1897, Carl A. Weston, son of James (b. 1844) and Mae (Willard) Weston (b. 1854). Their home (1931) is in Anson, Me., where Mr. Weston has a collection of Indian relics gathered from different parts of the State. Mrs. Weston has been of great help in filling out this account of her grandfather's descendants. We may state here that annual reunions of this branch of the Hawes family have been held a number of years. The writer was present at the gathering in the summer of 1931. Children: i. 0TTo10 WESTON, b. in Temple, Me., 25 June 1901; m. 5 Sept., 1923 Thelma Davis; living (1931) in Winthrop, Me. A son, i. LEON WARREN11 WESTON, b. 2 May 1927. ii. RuTH WESTON, b. 14 Feb., 1911; living (1931) in Springfield.

148. JoHN 8 HAWES (John, Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Walcott, Vt., where he lived and died. Administration of his estate, 13 March 1848, was given to his widow, Mrs. Hannah Hawes. She was Hannah Brackett, and as a widow, age ab. 40, m. (2) --- Kelley. 184 RICHARD HAWES

She was not living in 1912. Their children, b. in Walcott, Vt.: i. Lucy' ("Lucy B.") was b. ab. 1844 (she was 63 in 1907); m. (1) 8 Oct., 1865, David Brainard Poore, carpenter, b. 8 Dec., 1837; lived in Walcott (Consult the Poore Genealogy, p. 248). She m. (2) C. F. Searle. In the administration of her uncle Benja­ min's estate she is called Lucy H. Searle. As far back as 1907 she favored me with information. Children: i. CARROLL FREDERICK10 PooRE, b. 1867; d. 1874. ii. NATHAN W. was named in the settlement of his uncle Benjamin's estate, 1905. The Cleveland Genealogy, p. 1467, has the following: Elvira Jane Tenney, b. 25 Oct., 1842, dau. of Truman and Philinda B. (Cleveland) Tenney, m. Nathan W. Hawes, blacksmith, of Morrisville, Vt. My informant, William E. Hawes, 1912, stated that this nephew had two daughters, and was living, perhaps, in California. iii. DrLLINGTON ; d. in young manhood, of consumption. iv. ELIZABETH L., d. at ·waicott, Vt., 12 Dec., 1859 (per record) of the same disease.

149. AsA "PERN0" 8 HAWES (John, Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b., probably, in Walcott, Vt. Like his brothers, he was a carpenter, first in Morrisville, later in Barre, Vt. He d. in Calais, Vt., about 1902 (Family account). He m. (1) per record, 19 Feb., 1851, Laura R. Griswold. There was a divorce. He m. (2) Mrs. Almira Allen, a widow. They adopted a boy who took the name of i. AsA w.•; m. in Manchester, N. H., per record, 15 Dec., 1886, Alice M. Russ. From the History of Royalton, Vt., p. 940: "Mary Alice, b. 30 Aug., 1864, dau. of Stephen Thomas Russ and his wife, Mary F. (Luce) Russ." Concord, N. H., archives, in connection with his marriage record, state that he then, age 20, was b. in Derby, Vt. Their home was in Manchester, where he d. 2 May 1925, "a well­ known resident, of heart disease, and for many years assistant fore­ man of Manchester Union composing room; survived by a son, Lester Hawes, of Melrose." Children: i. A child; probably d. young. 10 ii. LESTER BENJ AMIN , b. 15 June 1893; living in Melrose, 1925.

150. WILLIAM EDWARD8 HAWES (John, Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Walcott, or Morris­ ville, Vt. Like his brothers, he was a carpenter, first at Morrisville, later of Barre, Vt. I met him at his son's home, in Upper Cabot, Vt., in 1912. He 111. Delia C. Jones, of Waterbury Center, Vt., dau. of Samuel and Sarah Jones. ("Samuel Jones, a government expert, was drowned in Cali­ fornia.") From 1902 they resided in Cabot. He d. there, 1915, "ae. 76"; his widow, d. 1925, "ae. 83." Their children: EIGHTH GENERATION 185

i. CHARLES MUNROE", b. in Morrisville, Vt., 21 Oct., 1859; m. Mary Little, of Waitsville, Vt. He was located in Boston, but in 1912 was the proprietor of the hotel in Plainfield, Vt. It had a good reputation and patronage under his management. He is living, 1931, in Barre, Vt. No children. ii. GmDEN ]oHN, b. 24 July 1871, in Morrisville, Vt., has lived a num­ ber of years in Cabot. In 1909 and later his business was the manufacture of fish and game bags. In 1914 he was agent also for the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Co. He favored me with an account of his ancestry, and was much clearer in his state­ ments than most people who keep no family records. He m. Ruth Amy Boyse, dau. of Mason and Amy Boyse of Faystown, or Moretown, Vt. Children: 0 i. GoLDIE DELIA ' , b. in Barre, Vt., graduated from Goddard Seminary, class of 1912. She was b. 23 Sept., 1893; m. 1913, Paul E. Hopkins; living in Cabot, Vt. A son d. 1915, in infancy. ii. LouRENE RUTH, b. 11 July 1910; graduate of the Cabot High and Burdette Business College, Boston; m. 19 July 1930, Ralph Glidden; living (1931) in Boston. iii. FREDA MERLE, b. 11 May 1912; graduated from the Cabot High and the Harper School of Rochester, N. Y.; m. Oct., 1930, Charles Pierson; living in Lynn.

151. IRA PooRE8 HAWES (David, Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Goffstown, N. H., ab. 1824. He m. in Roxbury, 12 Sept., 1850, Martha J. Hildreth. The record of her death, at Lowell, 1 Feb., 1911, ae. 86 :11 :12, states that she was b. 20 Feb., 1824, in Londonderry, N. H., dau. of Jacob and Lucy (Reed) Hildreth. He was a tailor in Lowell where they made their home, but before that had lived in Cleveland, Syracuse, and Little Falls. I called on Mrs. Hawes at her home, 39 Canton St., in 1907; a very sweet and gentle old lady, and her home, from its surroundings and furnishings was far above the average. Children:

9 i. IRA MuNROE , named for a friend of his father's, was b. in Nashua, N H .. , ab. 1849; d. after an illness of twelve years, of consump­ tion, 1891. He m. Miss Elizabeth Stevens. No issue. ii. WILLIAM HULL, b. 1852; living with his mother in 1907; m. in Lowell, 30 Dec., 1879, when 26, Nellie L. Curtis, b. in Vt., ab. 1857, the dau. of Wells and Elizabeth Curtis; no issue.

152. JOHN WILLIAM 8 HAWES (William, Nathaniel, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 27 Oct., 1826 (in New Hampshire, according to his dau.). At the age of 24 (1850) he went to California by the way of the Isthmus, and passed the rest of his life there. He d. in San Francisco, 28 May 1908. He m. ( 1) Miss Eleanor Pugh, 20 Sept., 1860. After her death, 10 June 1865, he m. (2) 1869, Mrs. Charlotte Collins, who d. 10 April 1882. Eleanor's mother was Jane Moody, cousin of Dwight L. Moody, the Evangelist. There were two children by each marriage. Children : 186 RICHARD HA WES

i. ]ENNIE EuzA', b. 24 April 1863; m. 21 Dec., 1884, Albert Younger Werner. His parents, both Germans by birth, were married in this country. He d. in Reno, Nevada, 8 Dec., 1926. I am indebted to his widow, living at Gardnerville, Nevada (1931), for this account of the family. Children: 10 I. ALBERT RAYMOND vVERNER, b. 24 Nov., 1885; m. (1) 9 Nov., 1914, Audrey Atcheson, who d. 31 May 1929, and he m. (2) 26 July 1930, Laura May Gallagher. Children: i. MARIAN KATHERINE 11 WERNER, b. 9 Oct., 1915. ii. GORDON ATCHESON WERNER, b. 10 March 1917; d. 18 Sept., 1926. iii. JEAN MARGARET WERNER, b. 22 Feb., 1922. iv. WILLIAM EDWIN WERNER, b. 19 July 1924. ii. ELEANOR KATHERINE "WERNER, b. 13 Jan., 1889; m. 26 Oct. 1911, Arthur James Cliff. Children: ' i. RuTH ELEANOR11 CLIFF, b. 20 May 1913. ii. ARDIS JEAN CLIFF, b. 6 March 1917. iii. EDITH VALERIE WERNER, b. 22 Oct., 1890; m. 10 Aug., 1915, Ralph Arthur Springmeyer. Children: i. LESTER RALPH 11 SPRINGMEYER, b. 6 Aug., 1916. ii. MELVIN FREDERICK SPRINGMEYER, b. 29 July 1919. iii. ALBERT ARTHUR SPRINGMEYER, b. 3 March 1921. iv. ROBERT LANE SPRINGMEYER, b. 5 March 1922. v. MYRA ]DYCE SPRINGMEYER, b. 14 March 1924. iv. RoDNEY WERNER, b. 10 Dec., 1893; m. 1 May 1917, Vera Vivian Persicoe. Children : i. ]ANE11 WERNER, b. 20 Dec., 1918. ii. BETTY WERNER, b. 20 Dec., 1921. ii. JOHN WILLIAM, ]R., b. 10 April 1865; d. 20 Feb., 1912. He m. 17 Dec., 1891, Zoe Schwatka. Children: 10 i. W1LLIAM , b. 19 June 1894. ii. ANNIE FLOY, b. Aug., 1896. iii. HELEN MARIAN, b. 19 Jan., 1870; d. 21 June 1877. 1v. CHARLES ALFRED, b. 5 July 1872.

153. NEWELL8 HAWES (William, Nathaniel, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) b. Hatley, P. Q., 22 Oct., 1837; d. Lennoxville, Que., 23 Dec., 1887, m. in Ascot, Canada, 29 Nov., 1858, Viora Elizabeth Fisher, b. 7 March 1836 in Ascot; d. Lennoxville, 7 July 1910, dau. of Joshua and Minerva (Vance) Fisher. Their home was in Lennoxville, near Sherbrooke, P. Q. Their children.

9 i. HELEN MAY , b. 23 Oct., 1860; d. 12 May 1878. 11. EvA M., b. 22 April 1864; d. in Lennoxville, from a railroad accident 14 July 1866. iii. WILLIAM FISHER, b. and d. 1866. 215a. iv. HERBERT NEWELL, b. 10 May 1868. v. ]ULIA E., b. 6 Dec., 1870; d. 13 April 1872. vi. EDITH ESTELLA, b. 8 May 1876; m. 27 April 1903, Frank Octave St. Pierre of Stanstead, P. Q., b. 29 Oct., 1866; d. 9 July 1923, son of John 0. and Sophia (Noel) St. Pierre. I am indebted to Mrs. St. Pierre for this family record. Her home in is Sherbrooke, P. Q. Children: i. VIORA SoPHIA'0 ST. PIERRE, b. Johnville, Que., 19 Dec., 1905; m. 6 June 1927 Leo Bernard Mayotte. A son Clayton Ernest Mayotte. ii. ]OHN FRANCIS ST. PIERRE, b. 18 Sept., 1908. EIGHTH GENERATION 187

iii. HELEN MAY ST. PIERRE, b. 12 Feb., 1910. iv. GENEVIEVE EDITH ST. PIERRE, b. Stanstead, P. Q., 18 April 1911. vii. EoLA ELIZABETH BROOKS, b. 14 Sept., 1880; m. 1913, John Baker, of Lennoxville. i. NEWELL10 BAKER, b. 1 May 1914.

154. WELLINGTON 8 HAWES (William, Nathaniel, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Hampshire, 22 May 1835; came with his parents to No. Hatley, P. Q., in his 8th year. He was a farmer, and d. 11 July 1897, ae. 62 :1 :20. He m. Oct., 1859, by Rev. C. P. Mallory, in Huntingville, P. Q. (per record at Sherbrooke), Henrietta Smith, b. Can­ ada, 12 July 1835; d. 28 Oct., 1904, ae. 69 :3 :15, dau. of William Smith, M. D., b. Scotland about 1800 and Cath­ erine (Arelle) Smith ( 1817-1862). Their children, b. in No. Hatley, P. Q.: i. CATHERINE ELizA9 b. 28 March 1863; d. 2 July 1882; m. Dec., 1881, Willis Clarence Bassett, b. 20 Sept., 1856; d. 23 Feb., 1927, son of Thomas b. in England and Angeline (Jackson) Bassett, who d. in 1918, ae. 83. ii. MARY ESTHER, my faithful correspondent, b. 13 Jan., 1872; m. Wil­ liam 0. Raymond, 3 Feb., 1904. He was b. in Hatley township, 22 June 1865; a farmer, son of Olesim (b. 1833; d. 16 Aug., 1901) and Philomena Poulin, (b. 1843, d. 16 Nov., 1923). Their home is beautifully located on the lower shore of Lake Massawippi, not far from the village. Children: i. CATHERINE HAwEs'0 RAYMOND, b. 7 Feb., 1907; a graduate nurse. ii. WELLINGTON HAWES RAYMOND, b. 18 July 1912.

155. GEORGE WASHINGTON 8 HAWES (Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in No. Hatley, P. Q., 22 Feb., 1826 and d. in Janesville, Wis., 27 Oct., 1885. He m. 1 July 1852, in Danville, P. Q., Cornelia Josephine, b. in Concord, N. H., dau. of Judge Enoch and Hannah (Crown) Baker. Her gr. father, Jesse, was brother of Mark Baker, the father of Mary Baker Eddy, the well­ known Christian Scientist. Before removing to the West in 1869-70, this couple lived in Portland, Me. Deeds in the Portland Registry ( 1861-1870) relate to them. An episode of his young manhood was when the Prince of Wales, afterwards King Edward VII, visited Sherbrooke. Mr. Hawes drove the coach and six horses that conveyed the royal visitor about town. Mrs. Hawes d. in Medford (Mass.) 29 May 1918. Her will (Middlesex Pro.) names her nephew, Robert S. Ormsby, sole heir and her exor. In 1907 she was living in West Somerville, where I called upon her. Besides helping me genealogically, she entertained me with many intimate reminiscences relating to her distinguished relative. Children: i. GEORGE EDWARD', b. in Canada, 1855; d. 1856. 188 RICHARD HA WES

156. EDGAR8 HAWES (Perkins, Nathaniel, Obadiah, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in No. Hatley, P. Q., 4 April 1836. He was a farmer, and d. 22 Jan., 1922. Hem. 7 June 1858, Phebe Ann Turner, b. 11 Jan., 1842; d. 23 March 1922, dau. of Orrin and Polly ( Call) Turner, thus surviving her husband but two months. Consult "Forest and Clearings", p. 279. Their children: i. LYDIA EMILE', b. 29 March 1859; m. 20 Jan., 1888, Wesley Wilder Reed, b. 24 April 1861, son of Wilder (b. 28 Feb., 1834; d. 25 March 1916) and Almira Alice Beane, b. 19 Jan., 1836; d. 24 May 1913. Mr. Reed has been prominent in township affairs. Their home is in the section of No. Hatley sometimes called Reed's Crossing. Mrs. Reed has been a great help in connection with her family history. No issue. 216. ii. EDMUND NATHANIEL, b. 30 April 1863.

157. CHARLES NELSON 8 HAWES (Perkins, Nathaniel, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in No. Hatley, P. Q., 25 Dec., 1863. He is a farmer and lives on the old Hawse place, above the shore of Lake Massawippi, and by the sale of house sites has promoted materially the growth of the summer colony of visitors there, principally from Baltimore, Md. He m. 1885, Nellie Bell Loveland, b. 20 March 1870, dau. of Francis, b. 1831 in the U. S. and Rosella (Jackson) Loveland b. 1835. Their son,

0 217. i. CHARLES ALBERT , was b. 11 Dec., 1886.

158. ALANSON WEsToN 8 HAWES (Daniel, John, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Franklin, Vt., 16 Jan., 1848. His home was in Rensselaer, N. Y., where he d. after Jan., 1907. He m. 18 Feb., 1869, Nellie B. Rice, b. 8 Aug., 1850, dau. of Alonzo (b. 1820) and Sybil (Britton) Rice (b. 1822), at Berlin, N. Y. Mrs. Hawes survived her hus­ band, and furnished this account of the family. i. NELLIE FRANCES', b. 25 Dec., 1869; d. 3 Feb., 1870. ii. ADELBERT W., b. 20 March 1871 ; d. 8 May 1894; unm. iii. CLARENCE A., b. 21 Dec., 1872; d. 16 March 1891. iv. MINNIE E., b. 2 Sept., 1875; d. 23 April 1911; m. 5 May 1902, Bud­ dington B. Britt; no issue. v. HATTIE M., b. 22 March 1877; m. 27 July 1897, William Sherman; no chn. vi. FANNIE L., b. 14 June 1880; d. 27 Dec., 1909; m. 23 Feb., 1899, Myron E. Odell. They had, i. EARL WESTON'° ODELL, b. 27 Jan., 1900; living in 1911. vii. WILLIAM A., b. 23 March 1886; d. 27 Sept., 1889.

159. ADOLPHUS GusrAvus8 HAWES (Sewell N., Ebenezer, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Shoreham, Vt., S March 1820 ( 1821 ?) . "Adolphus" Hawes d. Fergus Falls, EIGHTH GENERATION 189

Minn., 24 Dec., 1895. He was an unordained Methodist minister during the last twenty-five years of his life. He was a thorough student ( but without a liberal education), "and a fine Christian gentleman, honest and kind, and had the respect and esteem of all who know him ; a most ardent worker for temperance." For four years before coming to Fergus Falls he was located at Pine Island, Minn., and near the Fergus Falls home he preached to several country con­ gregations with success. Hem. at Fort Ann, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1846, Ellen Rich, of White­ hall, N. Y., b. 20 Dec., 1823, at Fort Ann, the dau. of Richard Rich (1778-1839) and his wife, Amy Mason (1783-1862). Amy Mason was b. in Lanesboro (Mass.), the dau. of Shubael and Amy (Jones) Mason. Their children : i. CoRA E.•, b. in Whitehall, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1848; d. 14 Feb., 1905, at Staples, Minn. She m. at Fairmount, Minn., 16 Sept. 1872, George A. Warren, who d. at Freewater, Oregon, 5 Dec., 1910. They had, i. VIOLET10 WARREN, b. and d. June 1873. ii. ADA GERTRUDE, b. in Fond du Lac, 17 March 1849; d. same, 19 Aug., 1852. iii. ADELLE FATIMA, b. same, 14 March 1851; d. in Plainview, Minn., 31 Dec., 1865. 218. iv. CLINTON DEWITT, b. same, 20 April 1853. v. IDA GERTRUDE, b. same, 11 Feb., 1856; d. in Elizabeth, Minn., 19 May 1885; m. in Fairmount, Minn., 20 Nov., 1873, Samuel H. Ross. Children : i. ADA EMMA ' 0 Ross, b. in Marshall, Minn., 24 April 187 4; m. in Minneapolis, 24 May 1911, Percy Thomas Ross. ii. MYRTLE ADELLE Ross, b. same, 21 Dec., 1875; m. same, 2 Nov., 1903, Willis Charles Ross. They have: i. ADA GRAYCE10 Ross, b. in Winona, Minn., 28 Aug., 1904. ii. A son, b. 9 Nov., 1905. iii. FORD WILLIS Ross, b. 26 March 1907. iii. EDNA MAY Ross, b. same, 22 May 1877. iv. Mo NT JUNE Ross, b. same, 29 June 1879; m. same, 21 Aug., 1904, Josephine Irene Bedbury. Children: i. MARIA FERN10 Ross, b. Minneapolis, 5 March 1907. ii. MURIEL MYRTLE Ross, b. same, 18 Dec., 1909. vi. LINIE LEONA, b. in Fond Du Lac, 13 June 1860; m. in Red Wing, Minn., 19 Jan., 1881, Hiram F. Woodward, b. in Mantorville, Minn., 16 June 1858; d. in Verndale, Minn., 3 Jan., 1900. Children: i. HAROLD LYNN'0 WooDWARD, b. Cannon Falls, Minn., 3 July 1882. ii. GRACE FosTER WooDWARD, b. Pine Island, Minn., 9 March 1884; m. 9 April 1909, at Seattle, Wash., George B. Frasier. i. LIN JEANETTE" FRASIER, b. Tacoma, Wash., 8 Sept., 1910. ii. GEORGE BURTON FRASIER, b. same, 19 July 1912. 111. RODERICK JAMES FRASIER, b. same, 7 June 1914. iii. BURT F. WooDWARD, b. in Elizabeth, Minn., 25 April 1885; m. in Forsythe, Mont., Nov., 1906, Belle Anderson. i. A son, b. Aug., 1907. iv. BESSIE BAYSE WooDWARD, b. Fergus Falls, Minn., 11 Jan., 1889. v. WILLIS HAWES WooDWARD, b. same, 29 Dec., 1894. vi. RICHARD LEE WooDWARD, b. in Verndale, Minn., 17 Sept., 1896. vii. AMY UTELLA, b. in Plainville, Minn., 17 July 1865; m. in Fergus Falls, 9 May 1885, Burt F. Irish. This lady furnished me with 190 RICHARD HAWES

this account in 1917, when her address was Wapato, R.F.D., Wash. (Another address, Donald, Wash.) There was a daughter, i. NINA ELLEN'° IRISH, b. same, 20 May 1887. Like her mother who had been a teacher, she was following the same voca: tion, 1917.

160. VAsco SMITH 8 HAWES (Sewell N., Ebenezer, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Shoreham, Vt., 10 May 1823. He m. (per record) at Vergennes, Vt., 26 Feb., 1846 ( when his name is "Velasco"), Emma Jannette Tilden, b. 20 March 1827, in Cornwall, Vt. Her mother was Catherine Benton, and her father was a relative of Samuel J. Tilden, once candidate for the presidency. Mrs. Hawes d. 3 Feb., 1896. Vasco Hawes d. 9 l\fay 1906. He was a farmer. This couple moved on a farm, with his father, near Fond Du Lac, Wis., where their children were born. i. ELLEN ELIZABETH', b. 14 May 1847; d. 19 March 1854. 11. Euu EMMA, b. 9 July 1857; m. 8 Oct., 1879, Benjamin Franklin DeVoe, b. near Fond Du Lac, 21 Feb., 1854, son of Peter (1820- (1885) and Eliza Putnam (1826-living 1912), both natives of New York State. Mrs. De Voe was my valued informant on these descendants of Sewell N.' Hawes. In 1912 she was living in Ingle­ wood, Cal.; later, in Seattle, R.F.D. Her last address was Port­ land, Oregon, where she d. 27 Oct., 1927. Children: i. EMMA BLANCHE FRANCEs10 DEVOE, b. 19 Sept., 1880; m. 5 Sept., 1908, in Kenosha, Wis., Lawrence William Hansen, b. 29 Oct., 1885 of parents b. in Denmark. They live (1931) in Portland, Oregon. Children: i. CRAIG DEVOE11 HANSEN, b. 20 Dec., 1915. ii. ELMA JuNE HANSEN, b. 22 June 1916. iii. ]ESSIE CARRIE HANSEN, b. 9 March 1919. 11. JESSIE ELIZA DE VoE, b. 10 Oct., 1884; d. 3 Oct., 1908. iii. CHARLES HAWES DEVOE, b. 10 July 1888; m. 9 Sept., 1916, Winifred Lucy Teeple, b. 2 April 1896; d. Feb., 1927. Chn. i. 'iVILHELMINA JUANITA11 DEVOE, b. 15 Aug., 1917. ii. ELMA LoursA Di-:VoE, b. 22 June 1919. iii. SEWELL SMITH TILDEN, b. 6 Sept., 1865; d. 18 July 1867.

161. CoRIOLANUS8 HA WES ( Sewell N., Ebenezer, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) "Corolanius", was b. in Shore­ ham, Vt., 7 March 1830. He served in the Civil War, and was in Sherman's memorable "March to the Sea." After the war he drew an invalid's pension. He moved to Minnesota with others of his family, but after the war went to Texas, where he was living in 1906 and later. He m. ( 1) Sybil Martin. After her death he m. again. The Pension Office tabulated him: "of Co. E., 32d Wis. Vol. Inf.; certificate No. 730326; of Wolfe City, Hunt Co., Texas." My informant gave the children as follows : i. ALLIE'; m. Mr. Newton. ii. LALA; m. iii. EvA; d. soon after her marriage. iv. SEWELL. v. Lours (Lewis). ELMA EMMA' (Hawes) DEVOE See p. 190


162. ALBAN HuTCHINSON 8 HAWES (Cassim B., Ebenezer, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Shoreham, Vt., 5 Jan., 1838. He moved to the West, like the rest of the family. He was agent for the Washington Life Insurance Co. The last account located him in San Jose, Cal., where he d. 23 July 1922. He m. 10 Sept., 1861, Esther J. Tuttle, who d. 8 April 1922. Children: 9 i. SUMNER ]ACKSON , b. 8 March 1863; d. 22 Oct., 1864. ii. CASSIM TUTTLE, b. 4 Aug., 1864; d. 13 March 1865. iii. EDITH ESTELLE, b. 20 Jan., 1867; living, 1931; m. 8 July 1901, Fred­ erick A. Sadler. Children: i. RUTH EsTHER SADLER, b. 6 Feb., 1905. ii. ELSIE MAY SADLER, b. 6 July 1906. 1v. MAY HUTCHINSON, b. 13 May 1873; living, 1931. v. CASSIM BusH, b. 29 Nov., 1874; living, 1931, in Chicago, Illinois. He m. 6 March 1907, Wilhelmina Madaline Schultz. They have an adopted daughter, 10 i. MARION JANE , b. 21 Sept., 1912.

162a. CELIA ELECTA 8 HAWES (Cassim B., Ebenezer, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 26 Aug., 1841 (printed account says 21 Aug.); my informant and valued correspondent for years; living (1931) in her Milwaukee home, surrounded by her children, grandchildren, and gt. grandchildren. She was m. to Edmond James Lindsay, 25 Oct., 1861, in Randolph, Wis. He was son of David and Janet (Edmond) Lindsay, b. in Dundee, Scotland, 22 Jan., 1838; d. in Milwaukee, Wis., 1924. David Lindsay and family came to this country in 1840, and located on a farm in Trenton, Dodge Co., Wisconsin. The father d. early, Sept. 1849; the mother, 15 Nov., 1907, ae. 94. These were no ordinary immigrants. With education and culture, some means, and best of all, with energy and enterprise, the Lindsay brothers made a success of it, and have given back to the land of their adoption fully as much as they have received. Removing to Milwaukee, their business ability and integrity have placed them among the first of that prosperous city. Children (the four oldest b. in Fox Lake, Wis., the others in Milwaukee) : i. ARTHUR HAWES9 LINDSAY, b. 4 Nov., 1862. ii. GEORGE WALTER LINDSAY, b. 17 Dec., 1864; long an invalid, d. in the spring of 1930. iii. FRANK HERBERT LINDSAY, b. 14 Jan., 1868. iv. WALTER EDMOND LINDSAY, b. 18 Oct., 1869. v. RuTH HUTCHINSON LINDSAY, b. 17 Sept., 1871; d. 27 Sept., 1872. vi. ]ESSIE EMMA LINDSAY, b. 2 April 1874. vii. EDMOND ]AMES LINDSAY, b. 14 Sept., 1878. Much could be given concerning these children and their families, but the reader is referred to a printed Memorial of David Lindsay and his Descendants.

162b. CHARLES HIRAM 8 HA WES ( Hiram, Eleazer ( ? ) , Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in St. Albans, 192 RICHARD HAWES

Me., 30 Dec., 1846. He lived there and d. 28 March 1925, in his 79th year. I was indebted to him through letters relat­ ing to his branch of the family. He m. ( 1) Sarah F. Miller, who d. Nov., 1871. He m. (2) Maria S. Miller, Aug., 1873; divorced, 1894. He m. ( 3), in 1896, Mary E. Glidden; liv­ ing ( 1931) in California. Children: i. ADDIE LAURA', b. 6 Sept., 1871; m. H. B. Hilton; living at the Hawes homestead.

163. WILLIAM SETH 8 HAWES (Daniel, Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Potsdam, N. Y., 26 May 1848. He served as a soldier in the Civil War. He moved to Washington State, and d. in Steilacoom, 13 Aug., 1908. He m. 30 Aug., 1879, Miss Sophia LaRock, of Pots­ dam, N. Y., who survived him. Their two children were: i. GRACE SOPHIA', b. 2 Aug., 1881, in So. Colton ( 14 miles from Pots- dam). ii. ELSIE MAY, b. in Crookston, Minn., 29 Aug., 1894. She was my in­ formant in 1912, when she was living, unm., in Tacoma, Wash.

164. ALFRED 8 HAWES (Jeremiah R., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sherborn, 15 March 1848, and d. there, 1 April 1906, ae. 58. (Death record states that his mother was b. in Amherst, N. H.) He was a car­ penter and in early life went to So. Africa, where he met and m., 4 July 1888, at Kimberly, Edith Tidmarsh, b. King Williamstown, Cape Colony, 1868, dau. of Thomas and Ann (Clark) Tidmarsh. At that time he was of Beaconsfield. His widow ( 1931) survives him and lives with her son in Sherborn. Children : i. ALFRED ARTHUR', b. in Kimberly, So. Africa, 10 Oct., 1889; unm.

165. ASA CLARK 8 HAWES (Jeremiah R., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sherborn, 8 Dec., 1850. He was a mason and lived most of his life in the suburbs of Boston (Dorchester), where he d. 1910. He m. 23 Dec., 1875, Lydia A. Taylor, b. ab. 1856, in Dorchester, dau. of Michael and Diana Taylor. She d. his widow, 1920. Children, b. in Boston (Dorchester): i. EVELYN M.9, b. 6 June, 1877; d. 19 Aug., 1877. ii. PERCY C.; d. 5 Aug., 1879, "ae. 3 mos :15 days." iii. ALFRED F., d. in Orleans, 21 July 1883, "ae. 6 mos." iv. NANCY LYDIA, b. 18 May 1884; d. 7 Jan., 1893, "ae. 8 :7 :20". v. KATHLEEN, b. I Nov., 1886; d. 22 July 1887. vi. RICHARD C., b. Feb., 1890; d. 18 Aug., 1890. vii. HARLAND WILLARD, b. 24 Aug., 1894. viii. MARJORIE, b. 27 Nov., 1895; m. ("Marjorie E.") 1917, in Boston. CELIA ELECTA8 (Hawes) Lr:-snsAY See p. 191


166. EDWARD WHITINGs HAWES (Jeremiah R., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sherborn, 5 Aug., 1852; d. 31 Dec., 1915. He was a carpenter and lived in Natick. He m. 15 Dec., 1878, Clara Antoinette Edes, b. 1852, in Needham, dau. of Alvan and Clara (Bates) Edes. She was living, a widow, in Natick ( 1931). Children: i. LILA LORINA", a twin, b. 1 July 1879; d. 22 Oct., 1879. ii. MATTIE IRENE, a twin, b. same; d. 26 Nov., 1879. iii. EDWARD HENRY, b. 23 Feb., 1881; m. Alice M. Crane, both of Natick, 12 Sept., 1901; dau. of Henry A. and Ida L. (Mason) Crane. They are living (1931). Children: 10 i. Lors EvELYN , b. 10 May 1907. ii. LAUREN WINSLOW, b. 9 July 1913. iv. GLADYS WHITING, b. 28 June 1884; m. 6 May 1907, Albert Winslow Ricker, b. 1880, in Cochituate, son of Arthur J. and Isabella F. (Davis) Ricker. When married he was of Providence, R. I.

167. WILLARDs HAWES (Jeremiah R., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sherborn, 26 March 1854. He d. in hospital, Boston, 27 Sept., 1913, "Ae. 59 :6 :1," of bronchial pneumonia. He was a cabinet maker and lived in Boston. He m. there, 1 Jan., 1878, Ida Maria Cook, b. 1855, dau. of Robert and Charlotte Cook, of Scituate. She d. in Boston, 1923. Children: i. CLARA IDELLA', b. 18 Dec., 1878; d. 25 April 1892, "ae. 13 :4 :7". ii. VERA FRANCES, b. 13 Jan., 1887 (mother b. in So. Boston); m. 20 Sept., 1911, James Ernest Drever, b. 1885, in Philadelphia, son of Charles and Mary A. (Hercus) Drever; a machinist, on U. S. S. "Nebraska". Children: i. VERA WILLARD10 DREYER, b. 7 April 1921. ii. MIRIAM FRANCES DREYER, b. 4 Sept., 1923. iii. ALICE IDA (twin), b. 20 Aug., 1890; d. 21 Sept., 1890. iv. ELSIE WILLARD (twin), b. same; living (1930) in Dorchester, with her sister ; unm.

168. LORING BROWN 8 HAWES (Jeremiah R., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sherborn, 2 June 1857; m. "a cabinet maker," 18 July 1881, when he was of Milton and she of Bridgewater, N. S., Adella H. Baker, b. 28 March 1857, dau. of Solomon and Matilda Baker. Both were living ( 1931). Their children, the two youngest b. in Bridgewater, N. S.: i. LORING RAYMOND", b. in Natick, 19 April 1883; m. 1918, Lita V. Patricon, b. in Nova Scotia, 20 April 1890. Children: i. CAROL RAYMOND'°, b. in Quincy, 20 Dec., 1920. ii. ALFRED STANLEY, b. Dorchester, 11 Jan., 1885; d. 1 Aug., 1885. iii. CLARISA ADELLE, b. 21 Oct., 1885 {family account) but St. Ho. rec. says, Adella Martha, b. 21 Oct., 1886. She is living (1931) ; 111. 1v. FLORENCE MARGUERETTE, b. 22 Oct., 1888; m. in Dorchester, 7 Nov., 1922, Lawrence F. Berry, b. Boston, 10 March 1890. Children: i. INEZ MARGUERITTE10 BERRY, b. Boston, 8 Nov., 1923. ii. LAWRENCE RAYMOND BERRY, b. same, 22 July 1925. iii. RICHARD LORING BERRY, b. same, 8 Feb., 1927. 194 RICHARD HA WES

169. ALBERT HENRY 8 HAWES (Jeremiah R., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sherborn, 23 Feb., 1857; a grocer. Hem. (both of Sherborn), 19 Nov., 1887, Mariam E. Leland, b. 1867, the dau. of Amos and Nancy Leland. Their home is in the old Leland homestead, in East Holliston. Mrs. Hawes has been my generous in­ formant of the descendants of Jeremiah R. Hawes. Dates have been verified, for the most part, by State House records. Children, b. in Sherborn and Cambridge: i. EDNA FRANCES', b. IO April 1889. After fitting herself she became a teacher; living (1931), unm. ii. M. ALBERTA, b. 8 Sept., 1894; fitted for college in the Cambridge schools and graduated from Radcliffe; studied later at Ann Arbor, Mich., and holds the degree of Ph.D.; an astronomer, located (1931) at Vassar College. iii. SYLVIA, b. 22 Feb., 1896; also engaged in teaching. iv. DOROTHY WHITING, b. 19 July 1902; m. 15 July 1928, William Henry Poole. i. NANCY10 PooLE, b. 6 May 1929.

170. WILLIAM RocKwoon8 HAWES (Seth C., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. (Holliston VR) 10 Feb., 1837. He d. at Glendale, near Cincinnati, Ohio, 7 Nov., 1879. He m. 9 July 1862, at Milford, Amelia Claflin Eames, b. there, 17 July 1938, dau. of Charles Tui:ner and Amelia (Claflin) Eames. His widow d. in Milford, 1918. (Consult the Claflin Genealogy, p. 413.) Their children, b. in Glendale, Ohio : i. WILUAM ANDREW', b. 2 Sept., 1874. ii. FREDERICK AwNzo, b. 22 July 1878. The mother was appointed guardian of both boys, 18 Jan., 1881.

171. DANIEL CLAP 8 HAWES (Seth C., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Sherborn, 14 March 1839. He was a butcher and lived in Enfield, N. H., and perhaps in other places. He d. ( State Archives) at Lancaster, N. H., 12 July 1886 (More correct date than 6 May, as given me.) The will of his mother, 1907, names his three children. His wife was Carrie Belle Worthen, who survived him. By birth record of the children, she was a native of Haverhill, N. H. Their children: i. ELEANOR MAY', b. Enfield, N. H., 22 Jan., 1880; living, 1907, in New Haven, Conn., with the Woods; d. in Holyoke, 17 Feb., 1911, ae. 31 yrs.; unm. ii. FRANK DANIEL, b. 1 July 1882; of Enfield Center, N. H., 1911. iii. ALVIN SETH, b. at Wells River, Vt., 14 Feb., 1884. He m. in Boston, Evelyn R., dau. of John H. (b. in Rotterdam, Holland) and Josephine (Raymond) Denbroeder (b. in E. Weymouth). She d. in Braintree, 21 Feb., 1906, "Ae. 22 :6 :16", (State Rec.) . A child, 10 i. DOROTHY EvELYN , b. in Braintree, 20 Feb., 1906. EIGHTH GENERATION 195

172. FRANCIS THOMAS ("FRANK") 8 HAWES (Seth C., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Framingham, 9 Oct., 1846 (1847?). His home was in Cam­ bridge when he was named as exor. of his grandmother's will, 1907. He was a provision dealer, and d. there, 19 May 1928, aged 81. He m. 5 June 1872, Elizabeth Jane Calling­ ton, b. 24 Dec., 1847, in Salem, dau. of John and Elizabeth Callington, of Lynn. She d. in Cambridge, 24 July 1926. Their children : i. FRANK HENRY', b. 9 Aug., 1873; d. 7 Aug., 1874. ii. CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH, b. 22 Jan., 1873; m. 23 June 1902, in Cam­ bridge, William Franklin Smith, b. ab. 1875, in New York City, son of George W. and Sarah M. (French) Smith; a teacher in Passaic, N. J. He d. in Cambridge, 29 Oct., 1902. Mrs. Smith teaches in Waltham (1931), but maintains her home in Cambridge. No. issue. iii. THOMAS KENDALL, b. 9 Dec., 1876; d. 9 (18?) July 1877. 219. iv. CHARLES ARTHUR, b. 5 April 1883.

173. CHARLES 8 HAWES (Seth, Nathaniel ( ?), Samuel, Eleazer; Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Troy, Me., 1819; lived most of his life in Northport, Me. In the Census of 1850 and of 1860 he is called "mariner," but after that, a farmer. He m. ab. 1847, Sophronia, b. ab. 1825, dau. of David and Rachell (Terrill) Drinkwater, of Northport. A deed at Augusta Registry ( 170 :447), is from David Drink­ water to Sophronia Hawes, 1877. By the Census, she was not living in 1880, at which time, my last account of him, he was 61. The following list of children was kindly furnished by Miss Annie E. Hawes in 1912, when she and Albert D. were the only ones living. i. ELLEN v.•, b. 1848. ii. ANGELETTE ("Nettie J."), b. 1850; m. George Pendleton; lived in Cal. iii. CHARLES W., b. 1852; of Los Angeles, Cal. iv. GEORGE A., b. 1854; d. unm., aged 30. v. MARY s.. b. 1856. vi. ANNIE E., b. 21 Aug., 1858; unm., of Northport. vii. ALBERT D.; living in Santa Monica, Cal., in 1912.

174. ELEAZER8 HAWES (Seth, Nathaniel ( ?), Samuel, Eleazer, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Troy, Me., ab. 1821. In 1850 he was styled "mariner," after that, "farmer." His home was in Northport, Me., where he d. 10 May 1909, ae. 88. (State rec.) He m. at Belfast, Me., 24 March 1846, Sarah A., dau. of Thomas and Sarah A. (Elwell) Getchell, b. 1826; d. in Northport, Me., 29 Nov., 1908, "ae. 82:8:24" ( State Rec.) Their children, b. in Northport, Me. 196 RICHARD HA WES

i. MARY ELVINA", b. 7 July 1847. ii. WALTER CHARLES, b. 12 Oct., 1856; living, 1912, in Rockland, Me. He m. 4 Jan., 1881, Albina Cilley, b. in Rockland, dau. of Charles and Mary (Kelsey) Cilley, of Jackson, Me. She d. 25 July 1906. Children: 10 i. GEORGE CLINTON , b. 21 May 1887; of Auburn, Me.

175. LuTHER8 HAWES (Seth, Nathaniel ( ?), Samuel, Eleazer, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Troy, Me., ab. 1825 ; was living, 1850, in Northport, Me., "mariner," with wife Sarah J. In Census of 1860 he was still of Northport. Mrs. Sarah Hawes, with son Chandler, age 9, was living in the Davis family. The last account of him was that he was living in the West, "a Spiritualist doctor." Whatever his qualifications may have been, when a young man, 1849, he proved himself a consummate actor. For a most unusual court case, the reader is referred to "Ram on Facts," 4th edition, p. 463. Briefly stated, Luther passed himself off as James Rowland Hawes, of Corinna, Me., who had been absent from home some years. The family (of the Edward Hawes line), father, mother, and sister of James, were completely deceived for months, and believed that the long-lost one had returned. The case, not without mitigating circumstances for Luther, went against him, his own father, Seth of Troy, being the strongest witness for the other side. Luther Hawes m. Sarah J. Davis, of Northport, Me. By the Census she was b. ab. 1824, and m. about 1850. My informant gave two children : i. CHANDLER', b. 1851 ; living in the family of William and Martha Flanders, Northport, Me., in 1860. ii. An infant.

176. WILLIAM HENRY 8 (Seth, Nathaniel ( ?), Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard), age 19, was living, unmarried, with his father and mother in Troy, Me., 1850, and after their death occupied the homestead there until his removal to Thorndike, Me., where he d., the last of the family of Seth and Mary (Snow) Hawes, ab. 1913. Because of old age, John Hall, 1908, was made his guardian. He was a farmer. Waldo Co. Deeds (131 :63) throw light on his wife's family. We, Abby J. Fuller, Silas B. Fuller, her husband, Sarah R. Hawes and William H. Hawes (hus­ band), heirs of Josiah G. Hazeltine, deceased, to Asa B. Hazeltine of Troy, land in same; signed, 1 Nov., 1864. In Census of 1850, his wife was Sarah A., b. 1828; in that of 1880, she was Sarah R., b. 1830. Informants differ as to her name, Sarah Ann Hazeltine and Sarah Reynolds being given. Perhaps these refer to one and the same. Children : 9 1. ELLEN "Nellie", b. 1852; m. Preston Prentiss, of Troy, farmer. ii. JENNIE; m ...... Bagley, of Troy, a farmer. EIGHTH GENERATION 197

177. HIRAM 8 HAWES (Seth, Nathaniel ( ?), Samuel, Eleazer, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Troy, Me., 1835. In 1850 he was living there with his father and mother; in 1860, unmarried, he was of Northport. He d. (State Rec.) in Albion, Me., 24 Dec., 1897, ae. 62. My informant stated that he m. Sarah G. Robinson, of Belfast, and that an only child d. in infancy. But Belfast vital records give two en­ tries to confuse us: "Hiram Hawes, Troy, and Abby M. Rowe, of Morrill, were married, 10 Nov., 1863 ;" and "Hiram H. Hawes, age 37, and Abby Hodges, 43, intend marriage, 25 Dec., 1865; licensed, 30 Dec." (St. Rec.) Abbie M. Hawes, Westbrook, d. 13 May 1897, ae. 75; 2 mo., b. in Morrill, Me., dau. of Daniel and Mary (Dobbill) Robinson.

178. JAMES DARIUS8 HAWES (Luther, Nathaniel ( ?), Samuel, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Monroe, Me., ab. 1826. In 1850 he was living in Prospect, Me., age 25, ship carpenter, married. In 1880 he was of Stockton Springs, where he d. (State Rec.) 10 April 1895, ae. 69 yrs. 27 days, b. "in Jackson." His widow, Mrs. Mary A. Hawes, d. 19 June 1900, ae. 71 (State rec.) b. in Prospect, the dau. of Nelson Parm ( ?), of France, and --- Lanpher, of Prospect, Me. A number of deeds relating to this couple are recorded at Belfast ( Waldo Registry). The names of two children have been found:

9 i. CAROLINE , b. 1854. From Census of 1880, Mrs. Caroline H. Walker was living with her parents in Stockton Springs, a widow, with i. EVELYN L.1° WALKER, age 8. ii. WILLIAM R. WALKER, age 6. iii. TRACY R. WALKER, age 4. iv. CLIFTON w ALKER, age 1. ii. HENRY H., b. 1861 (Census of 1880), single, age 19. From birth record of his children, he was b. in Sherman, Me., and m. Caroline Randall, b. in Stockton; a farmer. Of six children, these are recorded, all b. Stockton Springs : 10 i. PEARL ; d. 31 March 1892, ae. 1 mo :17 days. ii. HAROLD DALE. b. 2 Aug., 1893. iii. HAZEL, b. 10 Dec., 1895.

179. ERASTUS 8 HAWES (Joseph H., Jacob, Jacob, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Monson, ab. 1813 or 1814; d. there, a farmer, 22 Aug., 1848. His wife was Abigail, who, as his widow, m. (2), before 11 Jan., 1851, Daniel McFar­ land. She was named in the will, with her children, of their gr. father Hawes, of that date. Their children:

1. MARY MALINDA'; m. in Monson, 26 March 1867, when 22, George Ferry, 21, son of George and Harriet Ferry, of Monson; she of Goshen, Ind. 198 RICHARD HA WES

ii. CHARLES E., b. Monson, 27 Sept., 1848; on death of his father had Lothrop C. Clark for guardian. In 1858, probably, he was with his mother. then married again, in Goshen, Ind.

180. JACOB 8 HAWES (Jacob, Ebenezer, Jacob, Eleazer, Obadiah, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in Middlefield, 17 Aug., 1838, his full name being Jacob Henry, or "Henry J." He was located in Bridgeport, Ct., a tailor, when hem. ( 1) 15 Feb., 1857, Laura Frances Bliss, of West Stockbridge, b. 30 Jan., 1838, dau. of Lyman and Maria Lavinia (Wilbur) Bliss (Consult the Bliss Genealogy). Mr. Hawes lived for a time in Boston, or vicinity, but later removed to San Francisco, where, a widower, he m. (2) after 20 April 1877, Mrs. Ellen E. (Parrish), widow of E. L. Cook. They had come East to live, when he d. at Bridgeport, Ct., 5 June 1902, ae. 64. The estate of Jacob H. Hawes was admin. there by his son, George E. Hawes. Besides the widow, those named in the settle­ ment were Jennie E. Ricker, Minnie F. Northrup, Ida B. Craw­ ford (daughters), and his sons. Later, the widow made her home in Hartford, Ct., where she gave me information about the family. Children:

9 i. HENRY MYRON , b. Boston, 27 Dec., 1862; d. young (mother's birth- place given as Sandwich). ii. JANE E., b. same, 12 Jan., 1865. In 1902 she was Mrs. Edward Ricker, of Bridgeport, Ct. iii. MINNIE Buss, b. same, 25 Dec., 1866. In 1902 she was Mrs. Minnie F. Northrop, of St. Albans, Vt. iv. lnA B., b. Providence, R. I., 18 April 18 ..... In 1902 she was Mrs. George Crawford, of Bridgeport, Ct. v. GEORGE E., in Stockbridge, 19 Nov., 1868; of Bridgeport, Ct., in 1902 and later; father of two sons. vi. WILLIAM E., b. West Somerville, 12 Feb., 18 .... ; living in 1902.

181. Lucrus A. 8 HAWES (Elijah, William, William, Eleazer, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Poultney, Vt., 12 Oct., 1837. The history of that town gives a brief account of him. In 1868 he opened a jewelry store there. He m. 30 April 1867, Harriet Martha Starks, of Poultney, Vt., and d. 1 Oct., 1878, within six months of the deaths of his parents. His widow long survived him, and d. 1911. The children, b. in Poultney: 1. WILLIAM STARKS', b. 11 Feb., 1868; d. at Oak Park, Illinois, 26 June 1925; burial at Poultney. He m. 29 May 1895, Christine S. McCormack, at Bayonne, N. J. In 1907 his home was in Lansing­ burg, N. Y., but he was doing business for a Boston firm. A son, 10 i. STEWART STARKS , b. 31 Dec., 1898; graduated at Williams College, class of 1920; connected with Blyth & Co., Inc., Investment Bankers, Chicago. He is unm. (1931) and lives with his mother, at Oak Park. Illinois. ii. FREDERICK EI.IJAH, b. 12 Aug-., 1870; d. 11 Feb., 1924; m. in Poult­ ney, Vt., 3 July 1894, Miss Emma Peppler. No children. His whole EIGHTH GENERATION 199

life was spent on the old homestead. Like his brother, he was educated at the Troy Conference Academy, located in Poultney. iii. HARRIET ELIZA, b. 14 March 1876. She was educated at the Troy Conference Academy and at the State Normal College, Albany, N. Y. Previous to marriage she was a teacher for sixteen years. She was m. to David Ballantine, of Andes, N. Y., 19 July 1911. He d. 25 Sept., 1922. Mrs. Ballantine, my informant, maintains her two homes, in Poultney and in Andes. She is a member of the D.A.R. through her two grandmothers, Eliza (Hoar) Hawes and Harriet (Andrews) Starks.

182. EuGENE M. 8 HAWES (James M., Eleazer, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Brookfield, Vt. (but marriage record gives Williston, Vt.), about 1845. He lived in various places in N. H., finally in Manchester, where he d.11 Feb., 1901. Nashua Co. Probate (160:65): Arthur E. and Herbert E. (S. ?) Hawes, both of Manchester, sons of the deceased, state that he d. on that late, leaving a widow, Augusta A. Hawes, a dau. Mabel F. Smith, and themselves as heirs. The widow administered. She was living, 1907. In 1870, Eugene M. Hawes was paying taxes in Weare, N. H. He m. ( 1) 4 Aug., 1866, Rittie G. Glines, dau. of Cyrus and Betsey F. Glines, of Northfield, N. H. He m. (2) 4 June 1873, Susie A. Bussell, dau. of Edward and Susan Bussell. In 1879 there was a divorce, when their home was in Somersworth, N. H. (Cause, "will­ ing absence"; libelant, "male"). Hem. (3) 28 Nov., 1879, at Great Falls,, Augusta A. Tarbox. His age 34, hers, 30, and b. in Standish, Me. ( State rec.). The children, two by the first and two by the third marrige, were : i. WALTER ELWELL', b. Manchester, N. H., 22 March (May?) 1867; not living in 1901. ii. MABEL F. From the Dover Pro., June 1879, her father, of Somers­ worth, was made her guardian, a minor, under 14, her mother being Mehitable Hawes, deceased. She was Mrs. Smith in 1901. iii. ARTHUR E., b. Somersworth, 23 Sept., 1881; living, 1901. iv. HERBERT S., b. in Portsmouth, N. H., 31 Jan., 1884; living, 1901.

183. CHARLES CALVIN 8 HAWES (Calvin C., Eleazer, William, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in St. Albans, Vt., 27 May 1855, says my informant. He d. per record, 25 Feb., 1892, "ae. 37 :10 :7, of pneumonia." He was a carpenter, and m. 19 May 1873, Ida J. Woods, of Swanton, Vt., but b. in Montpelier, Vt. The children, b. in St. Albans, were: i. CHARLE:s.W. (H?)', b. ab. 1878 (age "18 on 2 April 1897"); a machm1st; m. 7 Nov., 1898, both 20, Lulu A. Barker, dau. of James R. and Angie (Nockerson) Barker, both of Manchester, N. H., She was b. in Brunswick, Me. ii. EUGENE; "age 15, on 29 June 1897". iii. }Essrn; "age 13 on 28 June 1879". iv. GRACE; "age 6, on 15 July 1897". 200 RICHARD HA WES

184. EBENEZER OLIVER, JR.8, HAWES (Ebenezer 0., Edward, Desire Desire, James, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Boston, 10 Jan.' 1823; d. in Natick (State Rec.) 2 June 1899. In the Bosto~ Directory, 1848-9, he was a coppersmith, living at 52 Lowell St. His name appears in Boston as late as 1860. In Census of 1850, he and wife Susan (age 28) were living in East Boston, in the family of James and Catherine Trumbull. In his father's will of 1850 is the Phrase, "If my son survive his present wife." Admin. of this Ebenezer's estate was given to his son, Frank W. Hawes, of Wellesley, 20 May 1916 (sic), when he states that there was no widow and that he was sole heir. State Record: Susan B. (Trumbull) Hawes, ae. 69 :7 :0, wife of Eben. 0. Hawes, d. 15 June 1892, at 95 Warwick St., Boston, dau. of James and Catherine (Lee) Trumbull. Suffolk Probate: Ebenezer 0. Hawes and Susan Bryant Hawes petition, 19 March 1877, that the name of Frank Wright be changed to Frank Wright Hawes. i. (Adopted) FRANK WRIGHT•, b. ab. 1856, in Rockland (another ac- count says Abington), of Wellesley, 1916; d. in Newton, 1929; m. ( State rec.) in Boston, 6 Oct., 1878; a printer, age 21; Miss Mary E. Howard, dau. of William and Alice Howard; b. in Wil­ ton, Me. Children recorded: 10 i. WrLLIAM HowARD , b. Boston, 3 Feb., 1881; m. 1913. ii. A daughter, b. same, 16 Nov., 1894.

184a. ANGELINA 8 HAWES (Ebenezer 0., Edward, Desire, Desire, James, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Boston, 8 April 1827; d. Cleveland, Ohio, 29 July 1913; m. 8 April 1846, at Norwalk, Ct., Waldo Asahel4 Fisher (Albigence, Waldo, Asahel, Bar­ zillai), b. Waltham, 18 Nov., 1822; d. Cleveland, 0., 25 April 1912. A daughter's eulogy of Mrs. Fisher reads: "She was a very beautiful woman. Those who knew her when she went to Cleveland in 1852, in their old age, spoke of the deep impression made upon them by her combination of beauty and dignity. My mother stands to me as one of the noblest characters I have ever known. She was proud and a bit unapproachable to people in general, but to anyone in want, sickness, or trouble, she was a tower of strength." Children: i. !DA RosE' FISHER, b. Lowell, 30 May 1847; d. in Cleveland, 0., June 1914; m. June 1870, Lauren Bowen; no issue. ii. FREDERICK FrSHER, b. Lowell, 1849; d. young. iii. FRANCES FLORENCE FISHER, b. Waltham, 22 Sept., 1852; m. in Cleveland, 10 Aug., 1886, William Benjamin Wood, M.D., b. in N. H., 23 March 1851 ; d. in Pittsburgh, Pa., 16 March 1929; a well­ known physician of N. Y. City. Mrs. Wood, my faithful corre­ spondent of years, is living (1931) in Pittsburgh, near her son. i. ERIC FrsHER10 Woon, b. N. Y. City, 4 Jan., 1889; m. there, 30 April 1918, Baroness Vera Adele de Ropp, b. Selby, Cal., 30 June 1894, dau. of Baron Alfred de Ropp, of Russia, and on her mother's side a descendant of George Soule (May- EIGHTH GENERATION 201

flower) and John Morton ("Signer"). Their home is in Pittsburgh, and they have four children. For Mr. Wood's activities, consult "Who's Who in America". iv. CYNTHIA HA WES FISHER, b. Cleveland, 0., 29 Sept., 1855; d. April 1931; m. 6 Oct., 1881, William Thomas Miller, b. Urbana, Ohio, 11 May 1855; d. Cleveland, 1829. Children: i. WALDO BENNEVILLE10 MILLER, b. 7 Dec., 1882. ii. WILLIAM THEODORE MILLER, b. 25 July 1884; a physician of Cleveland; mar. iii. FLORENCE FISHER MILLER, b. 24 Jan., 1887; mar. iv. EACOTT BURTON MILLER, b. 9 Sept., 1889; for the last fifteen years in the Philippines; mar. v. DAVID BECKWITH MILLER, b. 3 July 1895; mar. v. HARRY WALDO FISHER, b. 1 Jan., 1860; m. June 1887, Estelle Brad­ burn Eason (2nd cousin). Children: i. ]OSEPHINE1° FISHER, b. 1888. ii. BRADBURN FISHER, b. 1889. iii. ANGELINA HAWES FISHER, b. 1892.

185. BENJAMIN 8 HAWES (Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Boston (Roxbury Dist.) 19 April 1845; d. in Braintree, 13 April 1904, "ae. 54:11 :24." He was a carpenter. Hem. 28 Nov., 1869, Mary Eleanor Vogell, b. 1849, of Castine, Me., dau. of Henry and Ann Vogell. She was living, 1913, in So. Braintree, when she furnished this record. Children : i. GEORGIANNA RussELL•, b. in So. Boston, 15 June 1871; m. 14 Nov., 1900, in Weymouth, Henry L. Thayer, of Weymouth, b. in Brain­ tree, 13 Dec., 1852. ii. BENJAMIN, "3d", b. in Braintree, 30 July 1875. To distinguish the different Benjamins in the family, this one was called, familiarly, "Benjie", his father "Ben", and the gr. father, "Benjamin". In 1912 he was manager of twelve restaurants in Boston, but retired at the end of the day for rest and recreation to his small farm So. Braintree, where he had served on the school Board there; unmarried. Did he die in Braintree 1920?

186. JOSEPH QuINNAM 8 HAWES (Benjamin, Benjamin, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Roxbury, 30 Jan., 1852. He was a physician, and d. at the City Hospital, Boston, 21 April 1904, ae. 52, of pneumonia; burial at So. Braintree. Hem. in Lanesville, 25 Dec., 1878. Jennie Frances, b. 1857, in Gloucester, the dau. of James F. and Susan F. (Thayer) Glover. Children:

0 i. JosEPH QUINNAM , b. Braintree, 4 Jan., 1881. ii. ]AMES WARREN, b. same, 6 June 1883; m. there, 21 Feb., 1910, Lucinda E., b. in Braintree, 29 Aug., 1880, dau. of William and Louise A. (Thayer), Hayden. Children : 0 i. DORIS LUCINDA , a twin, b. 27 March 1911; d. 7 June 1911. ii. DOROTHY ETTA, a twin, b. same; d. 21 April 1911.

187. WILLIAM CLARK 8 HAWES (John H., John H., Benjamin, Ste­ phen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Roxbury, 29 Nov., 1834; named in his grandfather's will (1845). He was 202 RICHARD HAWES

in the U. S. service in the Civil War, and d. in Alexandria, Va., 29 April 1864, of wounds received in action on 23 April. Hem. in Milford, 17 April 1855, Mary Ellen Perry, b. Hop­ kinton, 2 Nov., 1835, Rev. Adin Ballou officiating. She d. (State rec.) at Milford, 2 Nov., 1865, dau. of Aaron and Mary W. Perry, of Hopkinton. When a minor, above 14, then of Foxboro, he had for guardian, 5 Feb., 1853, Wm. H. Carey. Children, recorded in Medway: i. WILLIAM LEBARRON', b. 13 May 1862. Admin. of his estate (Norfolk Pro. no. 9094) was given to Orion A. Mason, of Medway, 1877. ii. MIRIAM L., b. 1855. She and her brother had Alexander LeBaron Monroe as their guardian, 9 Dec., 1865, she aged 10; he aged 4; their mother, a widow, then deceased; their gr. mother, Miriam H. Monroe.

188. EnsoN SYLVESTER8 HAWES (Sylvester, Timothy, Benjamin, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in So. Dedham (Norwood) 6 May 1847 (his record, S May). I called upon him not long before his death, which occurred in Boston, 11 Oct., 1915. From the obituary notice: "Edson S. Hawes, aged 68, died at his home, 79 Myrtle St., a resident of Boston more than fifty years. He was a member of Nepon­ set Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. and of the Dorchester Veteran Fire­ men's Association. His wife and son, Leon E. Hawes, of Sudbury, survive him." He was sexton for many years of Dr. Bartol's church, the old West church, now used as a branch public library. He m. in Neponset, 1868, Mary Isabella Matthews, of So. Braintree, a native of Newbury­ port, dau. of William and Mary Hallam (Dyer) Matthews. She d. in Sudbury, 1928. Children, b. in Neponset:

9 1. ANNETTE IsABELLA , b. 2 April 1868; d. unm. 11. LEON EDSON, b. 9 July 1870; living in Sudbury; m. 1 Jan., 1895, both of Boston, Jennie F. Duvey (Duvay?), b. in Cambridge, 1874, dau. of John N. and Rebecca (Elliott) Duvey. Children: 10 i. LEON RoY , b. in Belmont, 27 April 1901; m. 1920, in Sudbury. ii. RALPH EDMUND, b. Sudbury, 10 Nov., 1907. iii. ARTHUR RAYMOND; m. in Sudbury, 1927. Was there an­ other, Roy Edson?

189. JusTus, or JusTIN 8 HAWES (Thomas, Moses, Jonathan, Ste­ phen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) "was b. in Rome, Me.," said my informant, probably, ab. 1844. By State rec. at Augusta, his wife was Emily Bragg. There may have been other children, but I find but one, i. JusTIN 9 ("Justus G. and Jesse G.") (all found in St. Ho. records), b. in Sidney, about 1860; d. in Waterville, Me., 21 Nov., 1903, ae. 43. His wife was Edith M. Ellis, b. in Rome, Me. My informant stated that this man, or his father, was educated at the Little Wanderers Home, Boston, and became a Second Advent preacher; that Mrs. Edith Hawes, widow, was living in Augusta, 1912; that the children then living were Bertha, age 22, Clifford, age 20, EIGHTH GENERATION 203

Scott, age 18, a son, and a daughter (names not remembered). State Archives give the following : 10 i. ScoTT E. , b. Sidney, Me., 21 Nov., 1893, "of Jesse G. and Edith M. (Ellis)." ii. A child; d. 26 April 1896, at Sidney, "4th child of Justus G. and Edith M. (Ellis)." iii. FREDIE E.; d. in Sidney, 9 Dec., 1897, ae. 19 days, "son of Jesse and Edith M. (Ellis)." 1v. !DA MAY, b. 9 July 1898, at Sidney, "of Justus G. and Edith M. (Ellis)." v. FLOYD J., b. in Sidney, 1901, "of Jesse G. and Edith M. (Ellis)."

190. JAMES ALFRED 8 (Thomas, Moses, Jonathan, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard), my informant of 1912, then living in Augusta, Me., said he was b. in China, Me., 25 July 1861; m. Lois Cookson, whose parents lived in Waterville, Me. Of their four children, the boys were b. in Winslow, the girls in Waterville. i. CHARLES HATHAWAY", b. 1892; m. Etta Jones, of Fairfield, Me.; living in Franklin, N. H. ii. LEONORE, b. 1893; living in Bangor ; unm. iii. ALFRED }AMES, b. 2 Jan., 1895 (State rec.) "3d child; mother b. in Burnham, Me." In 1912, a boat builder. iv. MYRTLE, b. 1897.

191. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 8 HAWES (John Q., Benjamin, Stephen, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Salem, 1 Aug., 1851 (1852?); d. in W. Pittsburgh, Pa., a conductor on the "Pan Handle Route," May 1880, ae. 28. Hem. in Salem, 18 April 1873, Eva A. Arnold, b. Salem, 1854, dau. of Michael and Elizabeth 0. (Berry) Arnold. As his widow, she m. (2) 3 Jan., 1883, in Danvers, Arthur Pickering, b. 1850, son of James and Mary (Grover) Pickering; second marriage for each, Rev. G. J. Sanger officiating. Children, b. in Salem: 9 220. i. FRANKLIN ARNOLD , b. 3 March 1874. ii. EvA A., b. 1876; m. 19 June 1901, C. Dexter Richards, bank teller, b. 1869, son of Channey S. and Alice G. (Black) Richards, both of Danvers.

192. MATHER EDGAR 8 ("EDGAR") HAWES (William W., John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. ( Canton VR) 3 May 1842, in what is now No. Stoughton. Like his brother, he served in the Civil War, and later received a pension; one of the last survivors of the G. A. R. Post in Stoughton, where most of his life was spent. He d. in the home of his daughter in Dorchester, 1 Oct., 1930, in his 89th yr. Hem. in Stoughton, 5 March 1866, Myra L. Went­ worth, dau. of Ellis and Mary Ann Wentworth. She d. 24 Oct., 1923. Children: 204 RICHARD HA WES

i. MINA E.,' b. 9 June 1874; m. 22 Dec., 1887, William M. Bell b ab 1867, son of Gilbert and Caroline A. Bell, of Stoughton.' H·e d° 27 Jan., 1905, in Las Vegas, N. M., where he had gone in search of hea~th. An obituary notice in the local paper there ~u_rnishes the followmg account. It laments the loss of an enterpnsmg citizen who came there early in 1903. He was Superintendent of th~ Brown Shoe Co., with factories at St. Louis. Close application to business had undermined his strength. He kept about, active cheerful, and hopeful to the last. Endowed with mechanical in~ genuity, his specialty was designing shoe lasts. From a block of wood, with a knife, he would entertain admiring friends by creating in a few minutes a perfect shoe model. His sterling qualities gained him hosts of friends. To get more out of door life, Mr. Bell se­ cured an agency with the New York Life Insurance Co. In a short time he wrote policies enough to entitle him to election in the Two Hundred Thousand Dollar Class. Much sympathy is ex­ pressed for his young wife and two little girls, who had accom­ panied him there. i. MAUDE V.1° BELL, b. 11 Nov., 1890; m. William H. Hickey, Jr., 14 June 1912. They have a son and dau. ii. DoRA M. BELL, b. 11 Jan., 1893; m. Thomas F. Murphy, 26 Jan., 1915. They have a dau., Edna W. Murphy. ii. WILLIAM E., b. 8 July 1872; m. in Stoughton, 3 Oct., 1901, Mrs. Minnie (MacKune) Clapp, b. in Newbury, N. H., dau. of William H. and Matilda (Norris) MacKune. A son, 10 i. ELLIS WENTWORTH , b. 6 March 1905. 221. iii. CLARENCE EDGAR, b. 21 July 1880.

192a. Lucy ANN 8 HAWES (Elisha, John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 22 Jan., 1838; d. in Adair, Iowa, 9 April 1904; m. 20 Jan., 1858, John Thomas Farrington, b. Milton, 22 Nov., 1836, son of John T. and Mary (Hunt) Farrington; d. Portland, Oregon, 5 Feb., 1912. He was born on the old Farrington homestead, near "Houghton's Pond," on Hillside St. After spending a few years of their married life in the vicinity of Boston, they located on a farm in Adair, Iowa. Here she taught school and in various ways was interested in the growth of the new community. Their chil­ dren: i. JoHN MELVIN' FARRINGTON, b. in So. Boston, 23 April 1859; living (1931) in Vancouver, Wash.; m. 18 Dec., 1910, Ida Marie Ander­ son, of Chicago, Illiniis, b. 14 Nov., 1878, dau. of John M. and Caroline C. (Green) Anderson; a farmer. ii. Lucy ELLA BAILEY, b. in Boston, 25 Oct., 1861; living in Portland, Oregon; m. 25 Oct., 1883, Edwin Forest Hitchcock, b. 16 May 1859, in Farmington, Illinois, son of James C. and Emily L. (Hunt) Hitchcock; d. in Portland, Oregon, 15 Jan., 1930. Children: i. ZOLA EMILY10 HITCHCOCK, b. 20 Sept., 1886; m. 23 Dec., 1915, Frank Stinson Gannett, b. in Fort Fairfield, Me., 2 June 1884, son of George Otis and Ida M. (Blaisdell) Gannett. They have three children (1931). They live in Portland. ii. EVELYN Lucy HITCHCOCK, b. 24 Dec., 1892; m. 14 Jan., 1914, Wilbur Pelton Reid, b. in Cheboygan, Mich., 2 Feb., 1888, son of William and Juliette (Pelton) Reid. They have five children (1931) and live in Portland. iii. Lrssrn LEE FARRINGTON, b. in Milton, 6 July 1863; m. 25 March 1884, Warren Swart, b. in Amity, Penn., 5 Jan., 1859, son of Amos EIGHTH GENERATION 205

and Sidney (Horn) Swart. Their home (1931) is in Corvallis, Oregon. Children : i. NELLIE MARY ("Nell") 10 SWART, b. 3 Feb., 1885; m. 25 Oct., 1917, in Portland, Robert Lee Newcomb, b. 10 Nov., 1886, in Ripley, Ohio, son of James C. and Ella Lee (Mathews) Newcomb. They have two children (1931). ii. HARRY AMos SWART, b. in Adair, Iowa, 10 Feb., 1887; m. 11 Nov., 1914, in Portland, Lou Constance, b. 2 Feb., 1888, dau. of William M. and Dora (Simpson) Killingworth. They have a daughter (1931). iii. EvA ADINE ("Adine") SWART, b. 3 Sept., 1889; m. 25 Nov., 1913, Alva A., b. 28 Dec., 1888, Kankakee, Illinois, son of Charles F. and Sophronia (Knab) Albright. They have three children (1931). iv. MASSENA HAWES FARRINGTON, b. in Charlestown, 27 May 1865; d. in Adair, Iowa, 30 July 1885. v. ELISHA EDWARD FARRINGTON, b. in Edford, Illinois, 14 Dec., 1869; removed to Portland, Oregon, where he d. 6 Feb., 1918; m. there, 30 Aug., 1914, Mildred L., b. 8 Nov., 1885, in Utica, Mich., dau. of George W. and Amelia L. (Rice) Abernathy. She is living, a widow, 1931. vi. CHARLES HENRY FARRINGTON, b. in Adair, Iowa, 4 May 1878; ad­ mitted to the bar, 1899, but engaged in business, Portland, Oregon; m. at Adair, 6 June 1905, Matilda E. ("Tilla") Spangler, b. in Adair, 14 Nov., 1878, dau. of Amos and Emeline (Coutes) Spang­ ler. Their children, b. in Portland, Oregon: i. MARGARET1° FARRINGTON, b. 26 Nov., 1908; graduate of Smith College, class of 1930; m. 9 June 1931, Harold Himes Rice, of Chicago, b. 21 March 1906, son of Harold and Grace (Himes) Rice. ii. }ANET FARRINGTON, b. 18 Oct., 1911; a senior (1931) at Scripper College, Claremont, Cal. iii. ]OHN SPANGLER FARRINGTON, b. 9 June 1914; a senior (1931) in the Portland High School.

192b. ELLEN MARY 8 HAWES (Elisha, John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 27 May 1841; d. in Canton a widow, 28 Feb., 1927; m. 3 April 1862, Charles William Cook, b. in Milton, 10 July 1840; d. in Canton, 16 Sept., 1917, son of Samuel and Beulah (Hunt) Cook, and cousin of the Farrington brothers, John and Henry, who m. her sisters. He was a Civil War veteran, of Co. E., 35th Mass. Inf. This couple celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage, in their home in Milton. Soon after they moved to Berkley, where they observed their golden anni­ versary. In Berkley Mr. Cook took an active part in town affairs, serving as town clerk, treasurer, assessor, selectman, and on the school Board. Late in life they removed to Can­ ton, where their dau. Beulah made her home with them and cared for their declining years. Children : i. ARTHUR BuRTON 9 CooK, b. 5 Dec., 1862; d. 19 June 1867. ii. CHARLES AMBROSE CooK, b. 18 July 1864; m. in Milton, 10 Feb., 1886, Miss Carrie Wall. Children: i. WALTER ARTHUR1° CooK, b. 28 Nov., 1886; a scientific farmer in R. I. : married, and has two chn. ii. ELSIE MAY CooK, b. 20 July 1888. 206 RICHARD HA WES

iii. JENNIE G. CooK, b. 6 Aug., 1889. iv. CAROLINE BEULAH CooK, b. 6 March 1898. iii. MARY BEULAH CooK, b. 30 June 1868; m. 5 Oct., 1896, Arthur y Edwards, who d. 3 Aug., 1897. Since her mother's death she ha~ been matron of the Doolittle Home in Foxboro. (Informant of this family). iv. LIZZIE ALTHEA CooK, b. 19 Jan., 1872; Jiving, 1931, a widow in Milton; m. 16 July 1891, Arthur Holmes Tucker, of Milton, b'. 15 Oct., 1865; d. 4 May 1930, son of John Atherton and Clara Foster (Holmes) Tucker. Children: i. SETH DAVENPORT10 TUCKER, of Wellesley Hills, b. 2 June 1893· m. 27 Sept., 1921, Ruth, dau. of Joh nA. Avery, of Some/ ville. ii. MILTON TucKER, b. 10 June 1896; B.S. of Dartmouth College. m. 24 Oct., 1923, Ruth Lawfer, of Allentown, Pa.; living (1931) in Philadelphia. iii. MARJORIE TucKER, b. 25 Sept., 1902; A.B., 1924, Brown Uni­ versity; in Community Health Service, Boston; living at home. iv. RALPH HOUGHTON TucKER, b. 30 June 1904; m. 27 Dec., 1930 Ruth Godfrey; living (1931) in Detroit, Mich. ' v. SAMUEL HouGHTON CooK, b. 24 Jan., 1877; m. (1) 28 Dec., 1898, Eva G. Strange; divorced; m. (2) 18 April 1920, Edna Vallentine Clark. A dau., i. HELEN HouGHTON 1° CooK, b. 9 July 1899.

193. ALVAH TucKER8 HAWES (Elisha, John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in No. Stoughton, 11 July 1843; d. in Chelsea, 1916; m. 8 March 1863, in Canton, Alice, b. 1844, dau. of Jesse and Almira (Hill) Davenport. She d. in Stoughton, 10 March 1895, ae. SO :9: 10 ( State rec.). For a time their home was in Cleveland, Ohio, but they returned to Boston and vicinity. Children:

9 222. i. SILAS GIFFORD , b. Cleveland, Ohio, 6 Nov., 1867 ( ?) ii. JENNIE, b. same, 1870; m. in Stoughton, 29 June 1893, Walter L. Pierce, b. ab. 1867, Biddeford, Me., son of Alfred and Marcia (Kendrick) Pierce; a jeweler. No children.

193a. HANNAH ALTHEA 8 ("ALTHEA") HAWES (Elisha, John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) b. 1 April 1847; d. in Milton, 10 July 1897; m. 21 May 1865, Joseph Henry ("Henry") Farrington, brother of John T. Farrington, b. 1 April 1842; d. in Milton, 18 July 1908. Children:

1. FRED MAYNARD' FARRINGTON, b. 5 March 1866; d. in Milton, 30 Nov., 1930; m. 6 March 1892, Susan Simmons Bassett, b. Brewster, 14 Sept., 1870; d. in Milton, 16 Nov., 1916. Children: i. EMMA ALTHEA10 FARRINGTON, b. 26 Dec., 1892; m. Harold Harrington Claflin, of Milford. They have two sons. ii. WENDELL MAYNARD FARRINGTON, b. 29 Sept., 1894; m. 20 Dec., 1929, and resides in Milton. iii. RACHEL FARRINGTON, b. 7 July 1897; m. 8 Oct., 1919, Donald Kenneth Howe; living in Omaha, with three children (1931). iv. MARY EVELYN FARRINGTON, b. 4 Feb., 1899; m. 17 Dec., 1921, William M. Morse of Roxbury. They live in Springfield. EIGHTH GENERATION 207

ii. MARY ANNIE FARRINGTON, b. 17 May 1869; m. 6 Aug., 1890, Charles H. Thayer, of Milton. Children : 1. CHARLES CLIFFORD'" THAYER, d. in infancy. 11. HENRY FRANCIS THAYER, ("Francis"), b. 8 Feb., 1892; m. Nellie Poocke (pronounced Poke) ; living in Columbus, Ohio, with two children ( 1931). iii. RoGER TvRNER THAYER, b. 2 May 1893; m. 17 Aug., 1928, Florence Hamblen, of Roxbury. They live in Milton. 1v. THEODORE THAYER; d. young; also two others. v. MARY THAYER, b. 18 June 1900; m. 1 Sept., 1921, George Clayton Tucker, of Buffalo, N. Y. They live in Barre, Vt. They have four children (1931). vi. DEBORAH THAYER, b. 11 Oct., 1901; m. 15 June 1927, Eugene Lawrence Tebbetts, of Holliston. iii. FRANK HENRY FARRINGTON, b. 2 June 1872; living on the home place in Milton ; unm. iv. Lucy ALTHEA FARRINGTON, b. 23 Aug., 1874; living on the home place in Milton; unm. ( My faithful correspondent). v. ELLEN REBECCA FARRINGTON, b. 25 April 1877; graduate of the Normal Art School, Boston. While in the Government service, she d. in Washington, D. C., 9 April 1919. vi. EMORY HAWES FARRINGTON, b. 15 May 1880; on the Milton police force, and brutally murdered, while on duty, by a gang of auto thieves or "bootleggers", 8 June 1922; m. 14 Oct., 1915, Mrs. Helen (Godfrey) Bassett, of Taunton, b. 3 Dec., 1880. She is a teacher in Roslindale ( 1931) . i. EMORY HAwEs10 FARRINGTON, JR., b. 24 July 1916. ii. RALPH ALLEN FARRINGTON, b. 3 Jan., 1921. vii. EUNICE ELDORA FARRINGTON, b. 3 June 1883; d. 18 Oct., 1908; m. 27 Nov., 1902, Ray W. Porte (Porter?), of Springfield. viii. EVELYN MASON FARRINGTON, b. 6 Feb., 1888; m. 6 Feb., 1918, at Wollaston, Clarence H. Moulton, b. Philadelphia, 4 Dec., 1883; liv­ ing (1931) in Binghamton, N. Y. A son, i. ROBERT FARRINGTON10 MOULTON, b. 21 Feb., 1919.

194. ELISHA SETH 8 HAWES (Elisha, John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 21 Feb., 1853, in No. Stoughton, which always has been his home. Like his father, he is a carpenter and contractor. He m. ( 1) 6 May 1876, Hattie A., b. ab. 1850, dau. of Edward W. and Delphina P. Lothrop, of Brockton. After her death, 12 Dec., 1914, he m. (2) 24 April 1920, Miss Annie M. Page, a teacher in Dedham and a worker in the King's Daughters. Children: i. GEORGE MALCOLM" "Malcolm", was b. 18 Aug., 1877. He and his sisters, from the local High School, prepared as teachers at the Bridgewater State Normal. Desiring a broader education, he graduated from Harvard College, Class of 1910. He is at present (1931) connected with the teaching force of the Charlestown High School, where he has been a number of years. He has been abroad several seasons and has travelled extensively in Europe. Wedded to his profession, he has not yet considered matrimony. ii. ELISHA LOTHROP, b. 12 Sept., 1883; d. in infancy. iii. ANNIE MILDRED, b. 23 May 1881. Of the Bridgewater Normal, 1901, she has been a teacher in the Brockton schools since 1905. She m. "Mildred A.", 29 June 1908, Elisha Alton, b. 1875, in Wareham, son of Edward and Ophelia (Besse) Badger. He d. 14 Feb., 1931. A son. 208 RICHARD HA WES

1 i. HAROLD HAwEs • BADGER, b. in Brockton, 1909; educated at St. John's College, Baltimore, and at Tufts Dental; m. 1931, Myra Beatrice, b. 1912, dau. of Arthur Caldwell and Annie (Porter) Caldwell, &I Brockton. iv. BERTHA DELPHINA, b. 30 Oct., 1884, like her brother and sister, made like preparation as a teacher, and has had a successful career in the Quincy and Brockfon schools; m. 7 (8?) Oct., 1913, Hiram "Vernon" Lovering, b. 24 Aug., 1887, in Somerville, son of Wil­ liam Bradbury, b. in Freedom, N. H., 1843, and Ophia Steele (Meserve) Lovering, b. same, 1847. Their home (1931) is \,Vest Bridgewat~r. Children: i. CHARLOTTE10 LOVERING, b. Wollaston, 28 July 1914. ii. PRISCILLA LOVERING, b. Brockton, 10 Sept., 1918.

195. FOREST GREENLEAF8 HAWES (Mather E., John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Hanover ( once a part in Scituate) 27 Dec., 1845. The family moved to Somerville in 1861, where he finished his education. Soon after (1863) he entered the employ of Adams and Hunting, wholesale tobacco merchants, on Broad St., Boston, at $2.00 per week. This sum is mentioned here, that the young reader may notice the contrast between wages then and now. This early start seemed to shape his career, for he continued in the tobacco business for many years. Without interruptions he was connected with various firms, as that of H. W. Hunt; of Hunt and Sanborn, of Brackett, Sanborn and Hawes; and lastly that of Elwell, Brackett and Hawes, 16 Central Wharf, Boston, the factory for the manufacturing of plug tobacco, being in Tudor building, Charlestown City Square. Later, Mr. Hawes was a commission merchant for sugar, in con­ nection with the Spreckels Co., and later for the Standard Condensed Milk Co. After a trying illness he d. at his home, 6 Myrtle St., Jamaica Plain, 20 July 1905, in his 60th year. Hem. (1) 18 Feb., 1869, Mary Elizabeth, b. 17 March 1847; d. 20 Aug., 1880, dau. of Mark and Elizabeth (Gove) Fisk, of Winter Hill, Somerville. He m. ( 2) 23 March 1893, Mrs. Georgia (Fitts) Smith, of Lunenburg, the widow of Lieut. Jesse Smith (U. S. Army) of Strafford, Vt., and dau. of Robert and Maria (Wood) Fitts. She d. in Lunenburg, 1920. Children: i. LAURA WILLARD', b. in Somerville, 8 Nov., 1872; m. 28 Oct., 1895, Winslow Armitage Parsons, b. 1871, son of George and Mary J. (Armitage) Parsons, of Saugus. Their home is in Wellesley Hills. Children : i. ELEANOR MARY10 PA}{:,ONS, b. in Waban (Newton) 13 May 1898; a graduate of Vassar College, and on a scholarship, at Leland Stanford, Cal., for graduate work. Since then she has held positions with the Sargent School, Dana Hall and Wellesley College. She m. 8 March 1924, Robert H. Case, son of Willis B. and Henrietta (Tyler) Case, of Hart­ ford, Ct. They live at Wellesley. An adopted child, i. PETER TYLER CASE, b. 11 Nov., 1929. EIGHTH GENERATION 209

ii. ESTHER PARSONS, b. at Wellesley Hills, 23 Feb., 1902; a graduate of Wellesley College and of the Institute of Tech­ nology ; an architect, and, since graduating, connected with the latter Institution. She m. 19 Sept., 1931, Lieut. Col. Fay Warrington Brabson, of Greeneville, Tennessee. They live at Camp Meade, Md.

196. FRANK MoRTIMER8 HAWES (Mather E., John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Warren, 26 July 1850. When the family lived in Chatham, he had his father for his first school teacher. After Chatham their residence for three years was in Stoughton, home of his ancestors, who, previous to him, had all been born within sixteen miles of Boston. From the Somerville High School he passed to Tufts College, near by, where he received the degree of A.B. in 1872, and of A.M. in 1885. He followed the teacher's vocation for more than forty-six years, and retired at the end of the school year, June 1918. His first venture was while in college. With a leave of absence, during his Sophomore year, he was prin­ cipal of Gilford Academy, which later became the Laconia, N. H., High School. After graduation, he was principal of Goddard Seminary, Barre, Vt., for two years, where he graduated the classes of 1873 and 1874. Next, a profitable year was spent in Europe, but part of the time he was asso­ ciated with his uncle (by marriage), the late Sir Francis Campbell, who had established the Royal Normal College for the Blind, at Upper Norwood, a suburb of London. Re­ turning to Massachusetts, he became principal of the Holten High School, at Danvers, for four years, and in 1879 con­ nected himself with the school of his early affection, the Somerville High, as second man, under the late Dr. George L. Baxter. For thirty-nine years, as teacher of Latin and Greek, with occasional classes in English, he helped the boys and girls of each successive class on their way to college, or other fields of usefulness. The long vacations, a part of the teacher's compensation, were often spent in travel. Since 1922 his home has been in West Hartford, Ct., but for many years the summer residence has been in an island camp, Lake Mem­ phremagog, Vt. Mr. Hawes m. 26 July 1877, Harriet, b. 16 May 1854, dau. of Hon. Austin T. and Sarah Heard (Gilman) Foster, of Derby Line, Vt. Children: 9 223. i. AUSTIN FosTER , b. in Danvers, 17 March 1879. ii. RrcHARD WITHINGTON, b. in Somerville, 31 March 1886; fitted for college in the High School there, and graduated from Yale (B.A.) Class of 1908. After that he had a year at the Harvard Law School. He took various summer courses there and at Columbia. For a while he followed teaching. He travelled in Europe and his own country, but the most memorable journey was a voyage on a three-master ( the old Timandra) to Buenos Ayres, when they were 72 days out of sight of land. The return was by steamer to 210 RICHARD HA WES

Montivideo, Brazilian coast towns, and from Rio to Lisbon. He is unmarried and lives in West Hartford, Ct. iii. SALLY GILMAN, b. in Derby Line, Vt., 3 Aug., 1890. She finished the course in the Somerville High, had two years in the Framingham State Normal, and a year at Walnut Hill, Natick. Shem. 31 Dec., 1918, Edward Allen Currier, Jr., of Northampton; educated at Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, and Vermont University. Their home is in Bristol, R. I., where he has been associated with the branch of the United States Rubber Co., located there.

197. HowARD WEsLEY 8 HAWES (Ellison, Samuel, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Randolph, Jan., 1872. He m. in Holbrook, 19 April 1893, Mary J. Harris, dau. of James M. and Mary J. (Orcutt) Harris, of that town. She d. there, 30 May 1897, ae. 21 :8:7 (State Rec.). Hem. (2) Eleanor Harris of Holbrook. Children: i. ERNEST CLIFTON', b. Holbrook, 24 Dec., 1893. ii. HAZEL BERTHA, b. same, 24 July 1895. iii. WARREN RussELL, b. same, 21 Feb., 1910.

198. ARTHUR W.8 HAWES (Luther C., Elijah, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Newbury, Ohio, 23 Feb., 1854, and m. 16 Aug., 1875, Martha A. Jerome, of Harpersfield, 0., dau. of Benjamin and Ambrosia Jerome. Their home was in Geneva, 0., where he d. in Nov. (after 1926). She is living there, a widow ( 1931). Their children : i. CHARLES LUTHER', b. Aug., 1878, is an electrician and a maker of electric machines. He m. Sarah Carter and lives in Ashtabula, 0. They have three children: 10 i. MAUD MARIE ; m ...... Kane; living in Youngstown, 0. They have four daughters. ii. ALTA; m ...... Green; living in Ashtabula, 0., with two daus. iii. AR.THUR. WILLFORD.

199. FRANK HARRIS 8 HAWES (Homer B., Elijah, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Newbury, Ohio, 25 March 1859; m. Lucretia M. Wood. Their three children: i. CHAR.LES E.", who m. Ann Dorman, and lives (1931) in Geneva, 0. One dau., 10 i. DOROTHY JANE • ii. HARRY SELDEN; d. in 1900, ae. 18. iii. WALTER; d. earlier, ae. 12.

200. FREDERICK WILLIAM 8 HAWES (Homer B., Elijah, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah Richard) was b. in July 1861, in New­ bury, Ohio, and m. there, Laura Johnson. After her death he m. (2) Flora Belding, of Harpersfield, 0. He d. after 1915 in Texas. His son by first marriage and a dau. by the second were :

9 i. LAWR.ENCE ; m. and living in Texas, with several children. ii. QuEENIA; m. and with her family lives in Texas also. EIGHTH GENERATION 211

201. SYLVANUS T.8 HAWES (Simeon, Levi, Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Bedford, 5 Dec., 1848. He attended the public schools there and the E. Greenwich, R. I., Academy. When a young man he went before the mast on a whaling voyage, which lasted three years. But this life was distasteful, and he renewed work with his father and brothers in their extensive interests. In 1878 he settled on the Gilbert Miller farm of 168 acres, in No. Dartmouth, and lived there the rest of his life. In 1878, in company with his brother John, he bought out the interest of Arthur Wilbur, who had been associated with Simeon Hawes in the lumber business. In 1887 he purchased his father's rights in the old Smith mill. For a number of years he was president of the New Bedford Ice Co. He was often asked to serve in the legisla­ ture. For a term of years he was a selectman of Dartmouth, served as assessor, overseer of the poor; town agent six years. He was a Republican in politics, and a Mason. He d. 22 Feb., 1906, ae. 57. (The above was taken from a printed account of Mr. Hawes.) Hem. 1 Nov., 1871 (St. Ho. rec.) Eliza Proctor Turney, b. ab. 1853, in Fairhaven, dau. of David and Adeline (Davidson) Turney. In the birth record of the children her name is given both as Turney and Turner. Children of Sylvanus T. and Eliza P. Hawes, b. in No. Dartmouth : 9 i. SYLVANUS PROCTOR , b. 1 July 1872; m. there, 23 April 1893, Cyn- thia E. Reed, b. ab. 1871, dau. of John L. and Ruth Reed. Their children: 10 i. ETHEL E. or Ethel May , b. 20 Nov., 1893; d. 24 Sept., 1895. ii. EDNA DOANE. iii. ADELBERT LEONARD, b. 20 June 1897; m. 1921. ii. ADELINE ELZADA, b. 2 Feb., 1874; m. 20 March 1895, Lyman C. White, of No. Dartmouth, b. ab. 1863, son of Malachi H., Jr., and Orange G. White. They had, i. ELLIOT HAwEs'0 WHITE. iii. CORA GERTRUDE, b. 11 Dec., 1875 (but printed, 12 Dec., 1876). She was educated at Friends School, Providence, R. I.; a teacher; m. 23 Oct., 1902, Erford Wilson Poole, b. ab. 1876 in Dartmouth, son of Isaac B. and Mary D. (Sherman) Poole. iv. ALMIRA SIMMONS, b. 25 Feb., 1878 (St. Ho. rec.); m. 5 Dec., 1900; Levi Francis King, b. 1878, son of Andrew H. and Emma F. (Lapham) King. Children: i. ANDREW HA WES 10 KING. ii. HERBERT LEWIS KING. v. HERBERT LEWIS ("Lewis"), b. 4 July 1880; d. 30 Dec., 1896, ae. 16 :5 :26. vi. LESTER EvANS, b. 2 Nov., 1882; in the automobile business; m. 25 Oct., 1909, Fannie May Wordell, b. 1884, dau. of Allen H. and Fanny G. (Macomber) Wordell. A son, i. EvANS CRAPO'°, was b. 15 Aug., 1910. vii. ETHEL MAY, b. 10 May 1885; d. 5 Nov., 1886. viii. SIMEON BAXTER, b. 27 July 1887; m. 21 Dec., 1909, Charlotte E. Eddy, b. 1886, in Newport, R. I., dau. of James A. and Eva (Steele) Eddy. They have, 0 i. HAROLD EnnY' • ix. CYNTHIA EDNA, b. 15 June (July?) 1889; a teacher of Dartmouth; 212 RICHARD HA WES

m. 2 Nov., 1912, Arthur Brownell Lamb, b. 1888, son of William G. and Clara (Sawyer) Lamb. x. RoY TURNER, b. 24 Aug., 1891; a graduate of the New Bedford High, 1910. xi. CLAYTON PRESTON, b. 15 July 1893; a graduate of the same, 1911; m. 1917.

202. GEORGE W ALTER8 HA WES ( Simeon, Levi, Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Bedford, 1850, 1851, and m. 24 Sept., 1878, Mary A. Ricketson, b. 21 March 1851, in Berkley, dau. of Charles and Alice K. H. (Burt) Ricketson. She d. 25 Aug., 1911, ae. 60 :5 :4. Children:

9 i. HARRY CLINTON , b. 23 April 1881; m. 9 Jan., 1907, Elsie Ford Fuller, b. Rochester, dau. of George F. and Minnie J. (Ashley) Fuller. Children: 10 1. A son , b. 21 July 1907. ii. HENRY C., JR., b. 2 July 1908. ii. WALTER HERBERT, b. 7 Aug., 1883; m. 31 July 1910, Edith A., b. in East Freetown, ab. 1882, dau. of Edwin T. and Annie T. (Evans) Rounceville.

203. JoHN F.8 HAWES (Simeon, Levi, Levi, John, Richard, Oba­ diah, Richard) was b. in New Bedford, ab. 1854; a farmer. He m. 1 Jan., 1872, Catherine B. Thornton, b. in Fairhaven, dau. of Chester and Ruth Thornton. Children, b. in Dart­ mouth:

9 i. MARY E. , b. 15 Oct., 1874; m. 29 June 1903, Charles A. Chase, b. ab. 1870, in New Bedford, son of Edes A. and Betsey A. (Pittsley) Chase. ii. A daughter, b. 18 Aug., 1879. iii. EVERETT, b. 18 Aug., 1879 (twin?); m. in New Bedford, 19 March 1910, Helen Smith, b. ab. 1886, in England, dau. of Edward and Olivia V. (Lord) Smith. Children: 0 i. EVERETT S.' , b. and d. 6 July 1911. 224. iv. }ORN C., b. 15 Feb., 1876. v. A son, b. 18 Oct., 1877.

204. JOSEPH BRIGHTMAN 8 HA WES ( Simeon, Levi, Levi, John, Rich­ ard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Bedford, 5 Dec., 1861; d. in Brockton, ( St. Ho. rec.) 4 Oct., 1910, ae. 48 :9 :29. In 1896 he was in the ice business. He m. 23 July 1890, both of Brockton, Phebe T. Allen, b. ab. 1864, in New Brunswick, dau. of Robert T. and Eliza Allen. Children:

9 i. ALLEN BRIGHTMA"1 , b. 2 Oct., 1891; d. a student, 28 Dec., 1920. ii. ROBERT KENNITH GRAVES, b. in Brockton, 25 June 1894. iii. A son, b. in New Bedford, 29 Jan., 1896.

205. FREDERICK BLAKE8 HAWES (Jonathan C., Levi, Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. at the old homestead at Lunds Corner, New Bedford, 8 (9?) April 1863, and was EIGHTH GENERATION 213

educated in New Bedford schools. He entered the employ of the Brockton ice company, as bookkeeper, but after two years returned to his native city and entered the Acushnet Sawmill Co. Promoted to agent and manager, in 1908 he was made president of the Corporation, and under his admin­ istration the business was greatly enlarged. Rowland's Hist. of Acushnet, p. 174, refers to Frederick B. Hawes. He m. 28 June 1897, Caroline, dau. of Job and Hannah Gifford. He is a Republican and a member of the First Congrega­ tional church of Acushnet, having served as its clerk. Chil­ dren: i. RrcHARD G.", b. 21 Sept., 1906. ii. ALICE W., b. 10 July 1909.

206. ARTHUR CLIFFORD8 HAWES (Levi, Judah, Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in New Bedford, 13 April 1861. Clifford A. Hawes and Sarah Collins Barnes were m. 11 April 1893. She was b. ab. 1860, dau. of Isaac and Emily (Western) Barnes. She was a music teacher. Their chil­ dren, b. in New Bedford: 9 i. ALBERT IvoN , b. 18 June 1896; d. in infancy. ii. DOROTHEA C., b. 26 Oct., 1898; d. in infancy. iii. WALWIN LEVI, b. 10 May 1901; m. Esther McCarthy and has, 10 i. RICHARD W ALWIN , b. Aug., 1930. NINTH GENERATION

207. SEWALL JAcoBs 9 HAWES (Gilman, Stephen J., Nathan, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Read­ field Me., 10 Nov., 1842; named for a relative of his mother's. He lived in Readfield all his life and d. on the farm where he was born. He was made a Master Mason in Lafayette Lodge, 5 May 1864; W. M., 1879-80. He served as selectman of the town, and for twelve years was deputy sheriff for Kennebec County. He was a farmer, and d. 11 April 1901. He m. in Mt. Vernon, Me., 29 Oct., 1868, Mary Caroline ("Carrie M.") Fletcher, b. in New Sharon, Me., 29 Jan., 1849, dau. of Rufus (b. Lyndon, Vt.) and Mary Snelling (Atkins) Fletcher, of Bucksport, Me. She was edu­ cated at Wesleyan Seminary, Kents Hill. She is my in­ formant of the family, and is living (1931) in Pasadena, Cal. Children: 10 i. SADIE P ACKARD , b. 17 April 1870; living, unmarried, in Pasa- dena, Cal. ii. LLEWELLYN GILMAN, b. 18 Nov., 1871; m. 12 June 1906, Laura Blanche Eggerman, in Denver, Col., where they make their home. She was b. 17 July 1877. Their children: 11 i. HOWARD GILMAN , b. 12 Jan., 1909. ii. RICHARD LLEWELLYN, b. 22 Feb., 1916. iii. MARGARET, b. and d. 22 Feb., 1916. iii. ALICE FLETCHER, b. 22 April 1885; m. in Readfield, Me., 5 Nov., 1913, George Edwin Gartley, b. 14 July 1871. Their home is in Presque Isle, Me. i. MILTON HAwEs11 GARTLEY, b. 26 Oct., 1916; d. 15 June 1917. ii. MYRON STUART GARTLEY, b. 18 April 1918. iv. MARY lsADENE, b. 22 Oct., 1887; m. in Readfield, Me., 24 Oct., 1917, John Bird Finch Park, b. 1 Oct., 1887. Their home is in Presque Isle, Me. i. MARY CAROLINE11 PARK, b. 17 July 1924. ii. LAURENCE ALBERT PARK, b. 25 Dec., 1929. v. LAURENCE BRADFORD, b. 30 June 1889; m. in Ossining, N. Y., 27 June 1917, Gertrude Irene Tompkins, b. 4 July 1894. Mr. Hawes was educated at Kents Hill Seminary and graduated from the Springfield Y.M.C.A. College. At Torrington, Ct., he was Secre­ tary of the Litchfield Co. Y.M.C.A. from Oct. 1924 until Jan. l, 1930. He is now in an Insurance Agency at Litchfield, with Goshen, Ct., as his home address. Mrs. Hawes has helped me in my work. Their children: 11 1. HERBERT BRADFORD , b. in Exeter, N. H., 3 May 1918. ii. WILTON FrncH, b. same, 7 Sept., 1919.

208. ALBERT 0zRo9 HAWES (Benjamin S., Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 30 Dec., 1846. He was a carpenter and lived, most of his long life, in the Neponset and Dorchester Lower Mills sections of Boston. He is living (1931) in West Bridge­ water. He m. ( 1) in Boston, 3 Nov., 1872, Margaret Annie NINTH GENERATION 215

Beale, b. 1850, in England, of William and Mary Augusta Beale, both of England. Shed. ae. 26:4:15 (State rec.), 11 Nov., 1875. He m. (2) 1 Jan., 1877, Eleanor Bruce Arris, b. in Lisbon, Me., 17 Aug., 1855 ; d. 2 May 1894, the dau. of John and Eliza (Bruce) Arris. Children ( from State and family records) :

10 i. ALBERT BEALE , b. 4 Sept., 1873; d. 6 June 1874. ii. A child, b. 23 Sept., 1875 ; d. an infant. iii. EMMA ADELIA, b. 15 July 1877; d. 27 April 1895, ae. 19 :9 :12. iv. ETHEL MARIA, b. 22 Aug., 1878; d. in East Bridgewater, 14 Oct., 1926; m. 21 Oct., 1903, George Elmer Cook, b. in Boston 10 Aug., 1875; d. 27 April 1910, on a farm in Weston, Vt., their home. He was a machinist. Before marriage he served in the Navy, in the Spanish-American war, from 15 Nov., 1898 to 10 Oct., 1901. Their children : i. PETER11 CooK, b. 23 Aug., 1904; lives with his brother and sister, a farmer, in West Bridgewater. His information Ins been highly appreciated. ii. CATHERINE ELEANOR CooK, b. 30 Nov., 1905; unm. 111. ALBERT BENJAMIN CooK, b. 4 Dec., 1907; a painter. v. ALBERT BENJAMIN, b. 6 Dec., 1879; m. (1) 28 June 1903, Jessie A. Rowland, b. 2 March 1880, in Richmond Hill, L. I. No issue. He m. (2) 3 July 1923, Mary E. (Newman) Lindsay, former wife of Samuel George Lindsay, with a son, Herman LeRoy Lindsay, b. 1904. No issue. vi. ROBINSON PARLIN, b. 27 July 1881; unm. vii. HENRIETTA BRUCE, b. 22 July 1883; m. 7 Oct., 1909, Chester Wilbur Bonney. No issue. viii. EDw ARD OzRo, b. 15 Dec., 1886 ; unm. (Note) From Descendants of William Shurtliff, Vol. 2; 198. Peter Cook, b. in Germany, m. Eliza J. Keen; of East Bridgewater; parents of George Elmer Cook, b. in Boston.

209. ARTHUR WATSON 9 HAWES (Lafayette, Stephen J., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in West Boylston, 23 March 1868. At first a machinist, he later was associated with his brother in Worcester. He m. there, 27 Nov., 1892, Edith L. Harrington, b. 1873, in Sturbridge, dau. of Charles and Mary E. Harrington. Shed. in Worcester, 21 Oct., 1904. Children, b. in Worcester: i. MILDRED EDITH'°, b. 22 June 1893; m. 1920, Stanley L. Mann; living in Worcester. ii. FREDERICK ALBERT, b. 3 April 1900. iii. ARTHUR LAFAYETTE, b. 3 Aug., 1901.

210. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 9 HAWES ("Frank") (Benjamin S., Nathan R., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 16 Dec., 1844. He d. 14 March 1921, on his farm near Good Thunder, Minn. This account is from the Dows, Dowse, Genealogy and family records. For a time he lived in Rapidan, Minn. Hem. 1 Jan., 1868, in Lyra, 216 RICHARD HAWES

Minn., Lydia A., dau. of. Sherman and Ruth (Liscum) King, b. in Canada, 4 Oct., 1839. She d. a widow, 6 Jan., 1925. Children: 10 i. EvA MAY , b. 30 Sept., 1869; m. in Mankato, Minn., 11 June 1887, William Henry, son of G. and Mary Ann (Hill) McDowell, b. 6 Aug., 1864; a farmer. She lives (1931) in Creston, Wash., where the children were born. i. WILLIAM FRANKLIN 11 McDOWELL, b. 20 May 1890; living (1931) in Yuba City, Cal. ii. EFFIE MAY McDOWELL, b. 14 May 1892; m. Halsey; living (1931) in Wilbor, Wash. iii. ERNEST MARION McDOWELL, b. 26 March 1894; d. 9 Dec., 1917; enlisted in the World War. iv. BERT LEE McDOWELL, b. 15 April 1898; d. 12 Feb., 1925; mar. v. JoHN RAYMOND McDOWELL, b. 15 Feb., 1896; d. 16 Oct., 1903. vi. Roy ScoTT McDOWELL, b. 12 July 1900; living (1931) in Rocklyn, Wash. vii. MARY ANN McDOWEI..L, b. 3 May 1902; m. Foress; living at Mandora, Wash. viii. BLANCHE A. McDOWELL, b. 8 April 1904; m. Thompson; liv­ ing (1931) at Hussar, Alberta, Ca. ix. NELLIE McDOWELL, b. 26 March 1906; m. Meade; living (1931) at Sonnetta, Mont. x. WALTER HENRY McDOWELL, b. 8 March 1914; of Creston, Wash. ii. EFFIE BELLE, b. Guthrie, Iowa, 12 June 1871; m. 21 June 1893, Jona­ dab J. Jones, of Hankinson, N. D., b. Neenah, Wis., 28 Sept., 1862, son of Evan and Harriet (Williams) Jones. He was a miller, and d. 2 May 1930. Children: i. NAD H.11 JONES, b. Hankinson, N. D., 16 May 1896; unm. ii. IRENE MARGUERITE }ONES, b. same, 8 Nov., 1897; d. 8 Sept., 1907. iii. DONALD BENNET JONES, b. 3 Nov., 1905; of the U. S. Navy for seven years ; a first class seaman ; unm., and stationed, 1931, on the Cruiser "Pensacola," at Brooklyn, N. Y. iii. CLARENCE MANNING, b. same 22 April 1873 ; m. Lottie Pearson, 22 Feb., 1899; living in Redwood Falls, Minn. Children: 11 i. NELLIE LucILE , b. 22 Dec., 1899; m. 30 Aug., 1922, Harry W. DeLong. ii. MARION MANNING, a son, b. 11 July 1901. iii. FANNIE ESTELLA, b. 27 Feb., 1906; m. 16 Aug., 1924, Carl F. Balliet. iv. MYRTLE EUNICE, b. in Branford, Minn., 16 Jan., 1874; m. Rev. C. E. Walker (Congregational), 26 June 1912. She d, 10 Nov., 1927. v. LILLIAN GRACE, b. a twin, 1 Jan., 1879; m. William L. Case 25 Dec., 1896; living on a farm near Vernon Center, Minn. They have three chn. i. HAROLD" CASE ; mar. ii. CLAYTON CASE; professor of agriculture; mar. iii. MARGARET CASE; in school. vi. U. S. GRANT, a twin, b. same; d. aged 3 yrs. vii. GEORGE STANLEY, b. in Branford, Minn., 24 July 1882; living ( 1931) in White Cloud, Mich. Hem. July 1906 (?) Gertrude Jewel. They have five chn.: 11 i. CLARA • ii. ANDREW. iii. INEZ. iv. STANLEY. v. WILLARD. NINTH GENERATION 217

211. ALFRED ERNEST9 HAwEs (Benjamin S., Nathan R., Nathan Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Columbus, Wis., 31 March 1848; d. 7 March 1912. He gradu­ ated from the Law Dept., University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, 1870. The Dowse Genealogy states that he was a lawyer practising in St. Paul. An informant ( Mrs. E. L. Hawes) writes that Mr. Hawes was said to have had the keenest mind of any lawyer in the Northwest. At one time he was associated with an eminent criminal lawyer in Detroit, Mich. He also had a practice at one time in Chicago. He m. ( 1) 8 Dec., 1870, Frances Maria Stagg, at Ann Arbor, Mich., who d. 11 May 1877. He m. (2) in Detroit, 24 April 1879, Jessie Fox, who d. May 1880. He m. (3) in March 1882, Caroline French, of Detroit, and ( 4) Kathryn M. Gauer, of St. Paul, Minn., in 1891. A son by the first marriage, i. GERRY WILLIAM10 was b. in Detroit, 4 Nov., 1873; living (1931) in Minneapolis. He is General Freight Agent of the Soo Line. He m. 8 March 1898, Nicoline C. Holtermann. Children: 11 i. PERCIVAL HoLTERMANN , b. 3 Dec., 1898; m. 12 June 1924, Helen Virginia Blakeley. Children: 12 i. }ANET LouisE , b. 24 May 1925. ii. }AMES WILLIAM, b. 23 Feb., 1929. ii. GERRY WILLIAM, JR., b. 3 July 1907. iii. MARY FRANCES, b. 11 Nov., 1916.

212. CHARLES9 HAwEs (Benjamin S., Nathan R., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. 3 June 1850; d. at St. Peter, Minn., 28 Feb., 1923. He was a farmer and a teacher, and in Beauford, Minn., served as town clerk, post­ master, and Justice of the Peace. He m. 3 Nov., 1873, Mary Alzina, dau. of Henry and Elmira M. (Hamlin) Grover, b. 1853, in Wallingford, Vt.; d. in Minneapolis, 18 Aug., 1918. Children:

0 i. ALPHA CHARLEs' , b. at Good Thunder, Minn., 12 Feb., 1876; m. 18 Nov., 1908, Laura E., dau. of Charles J. and Emily L. C. (Pearson) Nelson, b. 14 Oct., 1878, at Tracy, Minn. Children: i. ELOISE CoNSTANCE11, b. 2 Feb., 1912. ii. HELEN MARGUERITE, b. 23 Oct., 1919. ii. ELMER BENJAMIN, b. 16 (15) Oct., 1877; d. 15 Nov., 1880. iii. ALFRED BERTRAM, b. at Amiret, Minn., 30 Sept., 1881; m. 19 July 1906, Charlotte M., dau. of Wallace F. and Katherine (Grover) DeLong, b. 27 Jan., 1881, in Marshall, Minn. I am indebted to him for this complete account. Children : i. LENORA KATHERINE", b. 30 Jan., 1911, in Minneapolis. ii. MURIEL CAMILLA, b. same, 2 Dec., 1913. iii. LouisE MARY, b. same, 24 May 1916. iv. EuNICE MAY, b. Redwood Falls, Minn., 1 July 1919. iv. WALTER BENJAMIN, b. 2 Oct., 1883, at Amiret; m. 5 June 1912, Hannah Doretta, dau. of Henry and Hannah (Bartles) Butter­ baugh, b. 26 Feb., 1888, in Emmetsburg, Iowa. Children: i. CHARLES MAXWELL ELLIOTT11, b. in Hudson, Wis., 20 April 1915. ii. CAROL FRANCES, b. Glenwood City, Wis., 20 Dec., 1915. 218 RICHARD HA WES

iii. DORETTA ETHEL, b. same, 16 Nov., 1917. iv. PAUL LESTER WALTER, b. same, 15 May 1923. v. ETHEL JENNIE, b. 21 Aug., 1885, at Beaufort, Minn.; m. 3 Nov 1913 Louis Allen, son of Robert and Sydney (Clugston) Starnes·• b 22 Sept., 1876, at Cherokee, Kansas. Children: ' · i. LucILLE MARY 11 STARNES, b. in Pomeroy, Wash., 23 March 1920. vi. LESTER CYRIL, b. same, 22 April 1888; m. 14 Aug., 1911, Grace Hazel dau. of William and Flora Pierson, b. 13 Aug., 1888, at Tracy' Minn. Children : ' 11 i. BELVA EuNICE , b. 31 March 1912, in Mankato, Minn. She m. 6 April 1931 Claus Erickson. ii. FLORA MARCIA, b. same, 6 Oct., 1914. vii. JosEPH WESTLEY MERRITT ("Merritt"), b. same, 9 Oct., 1890; m. z Oct., 1918, Florence Viola, dau. of Miles L. and Susan M. (Stauf­ fer) Miller, b. 14 March 1891, at Winnebago, Minn. Children: 11 i. LESLIE GRoVER , b. in Staples, Minn., 20 June 1919. ii. VERYL CLAREEN, b. same, 17 Nov., 1921. iii. VIOLET LAROE, b. same, 3 Feb., 1923. viii. MYRTLE EUNICE, b. same, 18 April 1894; d. 11 April 1905.

213. GILMAN 9 HAWES (Benjamin S., Nathan R., Nathan, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Port­ land, Wis., 3 Jan., 1853. He d. 20 Dec., 1925, at Iowa Falls, Iowa. He m. 21 Nov., 1877, Caroline Mary Slafter, b. Monticello, Minn., 27 June 1856; d. in Minneapolis hos­ pital 19 April 1902. Children: i. RALPH WILLIS STEVENS'°, b. 19 Aug., 1878; living in Mayerthorpe, Alberta, Canada, the father of 7 or 8 chn. ii. ]ESSIE FLORENCE, b. 12 July 1882; m. twice and has children and gr. children; livini. at Rockwell City, Iowa. iii. CARL BRUCE, b. 16 March 1885; livin~ in No. Dakota; 2 chn. living. iv. MILLINER LEE ("Lee"); living- at Randall, Minn.; 3 chn. v. !DA MAE, b. 30 May 1896; living at Little Falls, Minn. ; 3 chn. living. vi. BLANCHE VERA, b. 1 Dec., 1898; living in Iowa City, Iowa; m. Enoch Laurence Hegg, 26 June 1918. i. SHIRLEY MARION" HEGG, b. 19 Sept., 1920.

214. ELWIN LAMONT 9 HAWES (Benjamin S., Nathan R., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Portland, Wis., 4 Nov., 1855; living (1931) in Mankato, Minn. Consult the Dowse Genealogy. He has practised den­ tistry more than fifty-five years, and besides in Mankato, lived for a time in Columbus, Wis., and at Good Thunder, Minn. He m. ( 1) 8 Sept., 1877, Adeline C., dau. of Azry B. and Mary (Writson) Barney, b. in Carisco, Minn., and d. in Chicago, Illinois, 25 Dec., 1882. He m. (2) 25 Sept., 1883, in Anoka, Minn., Ida M. Coulter, dau. of Rezin and Caro­ line E. (Keller), b. 27 Dec., 1864; d. in Ontario, Cal., 26 Jan., 1898. Hem. (3) 28 June 1899, Sarella Mary Murray, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, b. 2 Sept., 1867, in the town of Florida, Montgomery Co., N. Y., dau. of Andrew and Mar­ garet Martin (Gordon) Murray. Children : NINTH GENERATION 219

10 i. BLANCHE SoPHIA , b. in Mankato, Minn., 24 Aug., 1878; d. in San Diego, Cal., 25 Nov., 1927. ii. ELWIN LAMONT, JR., b. 20 Aug., 1886; a mining engineer, living in Duluth, Minn. He m. Jane (June?), dau. of John ( ? ) and ...... (Coyle) Brimacomb, in Houghton, Mich., where Elwin was gradu­ ated from the Mich. School of Mines. A son, 11 i. ROBERT LAMONT ; age 7 in 1931. iii. REGIA B., b. 20 Feb., 1891, in Mankato; d. 21 Jan., 1896, at Salt Lake City. iv. A. MURRAY, a dentist in Mankato; m. Leah Taylor, b. 29 Feb., 1904, dau. of Wilbur M. and May (Brett) Taylor, and gr. dau. of George E. Brett, of Mankato, Minn. They have 11 i. WILBUR MuRRAY , b. 22 Jan., 1928. v. FREDERIC GoRDoN, b. 6 Oct., 1904; d. 17 Sept., 1905. vi. OuNALEE; lately married (1931); graduated from Monmouth, I1li­ nois, College, 1928.

214a. WrLLIAM 9 HAWES (Silas M., Nathan R., Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Wisconsin, 11 July 1857; d. 17 Sept., 1917, in Saskatchewan, Canada; m. 24 Dec., 1888, Elizabeth Everson. Children: 10 i. SARA MAY OwNIE , b. in Blue Earth Co., Minn., 27 May 1879; m. 1897, Charles Dickerson. ii. SILAS HENRY, b. Brown Co., S. D., 10 June 1881; d. 11 Oct., 1885. iii. FREDERICK WILLIAM, b. same, 29 July 1883; d. 7 Oct., 1885. iv. ALMA ELIZABETH, b. 9 Aug., 1886; m. 1906, Norman Bissell. v. ETHEL INA, b. Sherburn Co., Minn., 9 Aug., 1888; d. at Ashley, N. D., 1894. vi. CELIA HENRIETTA, b. Brown Co., S. D., 10 Dec., 1890; m. 1930, George Stevens. vii. SILAS FREDERICK, b. same, 5 Oct., 1894; m. 1925, Clara Knork. 11 i. WILLIAM HENRY , b. 29 June 1927. vm. DONNIE, b. same, 13 Aug., 1896; m. 1924, Frank Dailey, of Min­ neapolis, Minn.

215. CHARLES SYLVESTER9 HAwEs (Willard W., Joseph, Nathan, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Weld, Me., 14 Dec., 1862. He is a farmer living (1931) in Temple, Me. A serious hip trouble necessitated a hospital experience which spared his life, but left him a cripple. He m. 31 Dec., 1892, Flora Evelyn Howe, of Temple, dau. of David M. and Martha (Baker) Howe. Children, b. in Temple, Me.: 10 i. CLARENCE , b. 10 Oct., 1893 (State rec.). He is m. and lives (1931) in Gardiner, Me. ii. FLORA MAE, b. 28 June 1895; m. Frank Tyler, of Farmington, Me. Three children. iii. BERTHA J., b. 8 Feb., 1897 (State rec.); m. Frank Butterfield. They live in Temple and have five children.

215a. HERBERT NEWELL9 HAWES (Newell, William, Nathaniel, Oba­ diah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) b. in Lennox­ ville, P. Q., 10 May 1868; d. there, 13 Feb., 1930, in his 63d year. He m. Cora Bailey (living, 1931). Children: 220 RICHARD HA WES

i. ALVIRA'°, d. aged 9 mos. ii. LENOX; d. ae. 7 yrs. (killed by a train in his native village). iii. LILLIAN; m. Mr. Reade, of Gaspe, Canada. iv. G~RTRUDE EDITH, in training at Springfield, where she d. suddenly of mfluenza. v. ALBERTA; living in Lennoxville, unrn. vi. WILLIAM; aged 20 (1931). vii. RHODA ; unm. viii. NoRRis; aged 18 (1931).

216. EDMUND NATHANIEL9 HAWES (Edgar, Perkins, Nathaniel Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. i~ No. Hatley, P. Q., 30 April 1863; a farmer. He m. Jessie Edna Badger, b. 25 Feb., 1871; d. 24 May 1907. Five chn.

10 i. BEATRICE GERTRUDE , b. 20 Sept., 1890; m. 30 May 1917, Carl Bur­ ton Spencer, b. 8 Jan., 1894; no issue. ii. WILLIS EDMUND, b. 10 March, 1892; m. Annie Laura Eccles. Chil­ dren: 11 i. ALTA VENETTA • ii. LAURA ]ESSIE. iii. OLIVE GERTRUDE. iv. BARBARA EDITH. v. WILMA ]EAN. vi. RrvA ELEANOR. iii. GENEVA EMILE, b. 30 April 1895; m. 27 April 1920, Frederick George Suitor. They live in Lacomb, Alberta. Children: i. PHYLLIS11 SUITOR. ii. MURIEL SUITOR. iv. PERCY EDISON, b. 18 March 1898; d. 1899. v. HAROLD EDGAR, b. 19 June 1900; m. Feb., 1925, Lottie Benetta. Two chn. i. DuLcIE MA v", b. 2 Aug., 1927. ii. MARGARET JESSIE, b. 1 Feb., 1929.

217. CHARLES ALBERT 9 HAWES (Charles N., Perkins, Nathaniel, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in No. Hatley, P. Q., 11 Dec., 1886. He m. there in 1907, Gertrude Elizabeth Bean, b. 18 July 1889. Their three chil­ dren in 1931:

10 i. AUDREY EuzABETH , b. 8 April 1908. ii. MARION HELEN, b. 27 Feb., 1911. iii. GORDON CHARLES, b. 29 Feb., 1916.

218. CLINTON DEWITT 9 HAWES (Adolphus G., Sewell N., Ebenezer, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., 20 April 1853. He m. at Pine Island, Minn., 23 Sept., 1881, Elsie C. Van Namee, b. there, 20 March 1863. Through his sister, Mrs. B. F. Irish, I received this list of their children. This couple is living, 1931, at Omak, Wash. Children: NINTH GENERATION 221

10 i. MAUDE OLIVE , b. 28 March 1882, at Pine Island; d. 25 May 1888, at Fergus Falls, Minn. ii. Guy AooLPHus, b. same, 7 May 1883; living unm. in Washington State. iii. DEYO DEWITT, b. same, 1 Dec., 1884; m. 26 March 1914, at Aurelia, N. D., Katherine W. Weber; living at Silverton, Oregon. i. DoNALD WooDRow'1, b. at Tagus, N. D., 24 Feb., 1915. ii. A dau., b. same, Nov., 1916. iv. RICHARD LYNN, b. at Blunt, S. D., 20 Jan., 1887; m. 14 Sept., 1912, at Fargo, N. D., Marie Overbee, b. at Dwight, N. D., 14 June 1888, dau. of Christian and Thora Overbee, natives of Norway, who came to this country in 1879. Mr. Hawes for sixteen years has carried on a successful business as a baker, at Wahpeton, N. D. They have a son, i. DONALD BRANDON", b. in New Rockford, N. D., 11 Aug., 1913. v. RAYMOND T., b. Fergus Falls, Minn., 11 Sept., 1889, living, unmar­ ried (1931), at Omak, Wash. vi. LEON L., b. 19 Feb., 1891; d. 12 Feb., 1905. vii. MAX M., b. 19 July 1897, in Fergus Falls; m.; with two children; of Bend, Oregon (1931). viii. ROBERT ALLEN, b. same, 25 June 1899; m.; with two children; of Bend, Oregon. ix. ERNEST ELWIN, b. same, 25 Aug., 1901 ; m. ; with two children; of Omak, Wash. x. OLIVE MAY, b. same, 29 Sept., 1903; Mrs. Deaver; with three chn.

219. CHARLES ARTHUR9 HAWES (Francis T., Seth C., Samuel, Eleazer, Eleazer, Obadiah, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Cambridge, 5 April 1883, and d. in Fitchburg, 24 March 1931. Before moving there he had lived in Burlington, Vt., where he was connected with a motor company. In 1907 he was named in the will of his grandmother Hawes. Previous to his death he had lived in Fitchburg some fifteen years. He m. ( 1) in Cambridge, Vt., 28 Sept., 1907, Ruth Steinbauer, b. there. After the birth of three children there was a divorce. He m. (2) Jan., 1915, Mary Beckonert, of Fitchburg, who survives him. Children, the first three b. in Burlington, Vt.:

10 i. KENDALL ARTHUR , b. 4 July 1909; d. 1 Sept., 1909. ii. FRANCIS THOMAS, b. 30 Jan., 1911; living (1931) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. iii. C. ARTHUR, JR., b. 5 Feb., 1913; living in Burlington, Vt. (1931). iv. MARY ELIZABETH, b. in Lunenburg, 20 Oct., 1915. v. MARTHA, b. same, 14 Sept., 1917. vi. MELVIN ALBERT, b. in Sterling, 13 Feb., 1920. vii. MARION MELTA, b. in Fitchburg, 4 Aug., 1924.

220. FRANKLIN ARNOLD9 HAWES (Benjamin F., John Q., Benjamin, Stephen, Stephen, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Salem, 3 March 1874, and d. there, 1926. He was a railroad man, and m. ( 1) Annie May Trask, b. ab. 1878, in Lowell, dau. of Diogenes E. and Mary (Cressy) Trask. Hem. (2), 222 RICHARD HA WES

6 June 1900, Anna M. H. Daly, of Hamilton, b. ab. 1879, in Chelmsford, dau. of James E. (b. in England) and Eliza M. (Hollister) Daly. Shed. 28 Jan., 1905, ae. 26:6:18 (State rec.) in Salem hospital. This notice gives her mother's name as Catherine. Children :

10 i. FRANKLIN Go0Dwrn , b. in Swampscott, 11 Sept., 1902; d. an in­ fant. ii. ELBRIDGE W., recorded in Salem, 22 Jan., 1905, of parents living in Swampscott.

221. CLARENCE EDGAR9 HAWES (M. Edgar, William W., John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Stough­ ton, 21 July 1880. He m. 8 July 1917, Mary Alice, b. 19 Oct., 1884, dau. of John W. and Julia (Monahan) Murphy, he of Stoughton, she of North Easton. Their children, by record: i. MARY MIRA'°, b. 19 May 1918. ii. CLARENCE EDGAR, JR., b. 28 May 1920. iii. BARBARA FRANCES, b. 7 April 1922. iv. WILLIAM FRANCIS, b. 8 Sept., 1925; d. 1926.

222. SILAS GIFFORD9 HAWES (Alvah T., Elisha, John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Cleveland, Ohio, 6 Nov., 1867( ?) For many years he was in an art store on Bromfield St., Boston, and before that was connected with the well-known firm of Williams and Everett, Washington St. Hem. 22 April 1889, both of Boston, Mary L. ("Minnie") Harley, b. 1871 in Roxbury, dau. of Thomas H. and Eliza­ beth Harley, Rev. George L. Perrin officiating. Children, b. in Boston, per State record :

10 i. SILAS ALEXANDER , b. 6 Nov., 1889. ii. HARLEY EDWARD. b. 24 Dec., 1891. iii. MABEL AucE, b. 11 Oct., 1893. iv. ALICE LORETTA, b. Hyde Park, 8 Aug., 1895; d. in Stoughton, 20 Sept., 1896. v. WALES TucKER, b. 26 Jan., 1897; killed in action, in France, 23 Oct., 1918. An unusual legal case arose after his death. John C. Leggett, Judge of Probate for Middlesex Co., Mass., dismissed a petition in which the court was asked to decree as valid a war marriage, contracted by proxy while the bridegroom was in France and the bride in the United States. Annie Hawes (nee Hiscock) of Woburn, mother of a child, b. 3 April 1918, by her testimony and official papers, won the favor of the court. The Judge declared that he had done everything in his power to help her, but ruled that help could come to her only through an act of Congress. vi. DoLLY, b. 5 June 1903. vii. FLORENCE, b. 23 July 1906. AusTI~ FosTER9 HAwEs See pp. 222, 223


223. AUSTIN FosTER9 HAWES (Frank M., Mather, John, Elisha, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Danvers, 17 March 1879. In Somerville where the family resided later he graduated from the Latin High in 1897; from the neighbor­ ing Tufts College in 1901, with the degree of A. B., and from the Yale Forestry School in 1903. He m. 27 June 1908, Alice May Clapp, b. in Windsor, Ct., 9 Oct., 1886; d. in Burlington, Vt., 2 Nov., 1917, the dau. of the late Roswell C. Clapp, by his wife Ida (Pierce) and a descendant of Capt. Roger1 Clap. For his activities, we quote from "Who's Who in America" : He was in the U. S. Forestry Service, 1901-1904; State Forester of Conn., 1904-1909; State Forester of Vermont, and professor of forestry (University of Vt.), 1909-1917. After a short term of U. S. Forestry service, he became for the second time State Forester of Conn., 1921, a position which he still holds ( 1931). In 1912, with R. C. Hawley, he was author of "Forestry in New England," which is used as a text book in schools. Mr. Hawes is a member of several societies and clubs, as the Zeta Psi, Cosmos, of Washington, D. C., the Appalachian, City ( of Hartford), Society of Foresters. He has been connected with several important committees and commissions relating to forestry. Children: i. ELIZABETH", b. in Burlington, Vt., June 1909; d. an infant. ii. LAURA, b. 10 July 1913; d. in Somerville, 25 Feb., 1921.

224. JOHN C. 9 HAWES (John F., Simeon, Levi, Levi, John, Richard, Obadiah, Richard) was b. in Dartmouth, 15 Feb., 1876. He m. 12 Feb., 1901, in New Bedford, Clara B. Reed, b. there, 1884, dau. of Eli W. and Henrietta (Parker) Reed. Children (per record) : 0 i. ELLSWORTH S.' , b. 3 March 1912. ii. HELEN T.; d. 20 Aug., 1904, ae. 8 mos :20 days. iii. ESTHER, b. 2 Aug., 1905. 1v. CLARA R., b. · 3 Aug., 1906. v. Eu W., b. 18 March 1908. vi. EDITH EARLE, b. 6 Aug., 1909. vii. JENNIE NAOMI, b. 25 June 1911. viii. LOIS PARKER, b. 8 Jan., 1912.






ALIBORNE, 5 CocK, CocKE, 2, 8, 11 ALLEN, 6 COKER, 2, 6, 10, 12, 13 APTENN, 6 CoLLINGRIDG, 7, 15 AYRE, 6 COOKE, 3, 14 COWPER, 16 BADHAM, 17 CUTLER, 5, 13, 14 BAILEY, 8 BALDWIN, 9 DAWE, 3 BAMPTON, 10 DENE, 9 BASTIAN, 4 DISRAELI, 17 Bisco, 6 DOSSETT, 10 BLACK, 5 BLICKE, 2, 8, 16 EAST, 5, 8, 15 BovINGTON, 5, 15 EDKINS, 5 BOWLEY, 3, 11 ELDRIDGE, 8 BRISTOW, 5,15 BUCKINGHAM, 17 BURKE, 17 FLEETWOOD, 17 BURCHARD, BURFOLD, BURTHALL, FoORDE, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15 BURTHELL, BuRTHOLL, 6, 10, 13 FORD, 3, 13 BUSSELL, 2, 11 Fox, 9 FRANCIS, 7, 15 CAPEN, 8 CATHERNALL, 4, 12 GIFFORD, 6, 10, 13 CHILD, 6 GOLD, 10 CLARKE, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11 GOODCHILD, 7 226 INDEX

GowDE, 5, 13, 14 HENRY (Thomas) 11 12 13 GRAUNT, 10, 12 HENRY' (Richard); 11' ' GREENE, 2, 3 HENRY' (Hugh), 14 GREGORY, 8 HENRY' (John), 15 HENRY' (Henry), HAELEYE, 9 14 HENRY' (Benedict), HAINES, 10 16 HAMPDEN, 17 HENRY; (Benedict), 16 RASELY, 10 HENRY (Henry), 16 HATCH, 7, 15, 16 HUGH, 2, 5 HuGH' (Henry), HAWES 13, 14 ABIGAIL, 6 HUMPHRY, 3, 4, 10 ADIELL, 11 HUMPHRY' (Thomas), 12, 14 !SABEL, 5 AGNES, 2-10, 15 4 AGNES 4 (William), 12 IsABEL (Hugh), 14 AGNEs2 (Thomas), 12 ]AMES W., 1 AGNES 3 (Henry), 13 ]ANE, 3 JANE' (Benedict), 11 AGNES" (Humphrey), 14 3 ALICE, 2-10, 11, 12 JANE (Richard), 11 JOAN, JOANE, 2, 5, 6, 9 14 ALICE' (Thomas), 12 3 AucE' (Bennett), 11 JoAN (Henry), 13 ' 4 ]OHN, 2-10 ALICE Thomas), 12, 14 3 4 JoHN (Richard) 12 13 ALICE (Richard), 13 8 ALICE4 (Ralph), 14 J OHN (Henry), fa, i4 15 JoHN4 (Thomas), 13, i4 AMEY, 4, 6 4 AMEY• (Richard), 12 13 JoHN (John), 15 JoHN' (Robert), 12 ANN, ANNE, 4-10, 14, 15, 16 7 ANN7 (Benedict), 16 JoHN (Richard), 16 ANNE5 (Bennett), 15 ]ONAS, 9 BENEDICT (Bennett), 2-8 ]ONE, 3, 13 BENEDICT" (Bennett), 15 JOYCE, 10 BENEDICT6 (Benedict), 15 MARGARET, 5, 6, 8, 14 BENJAMIN, 10 MARGARET' (Thomas), 14 BENJAMIN' (Benedict), 16 MARGERY, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12 1 MARGERY (Bennett), 11 BENNETT , 11 BENNETT4 (Richard), 13, 15 MARIE, 10, 11 CATHERINE, 3 MARTHA, 6, 9 CATHERINE3 (Richard), 11 MARY, 2-10 CISLEY, 6, 13 MARY' (Thomas), 11 MARY' (Henry), 13 CLEMENT, 10 4 DENNIS, 9 MARY (Richard), 13 EDMUND, 10 MARY" (Benedict), 16 EDWARD, 9 MAUDLIN, 8 ELENOR, 9 MICHAEL, 4 ELIZABETH, 2-10, 11 OBADIAH, 1, 7, 8 ELIZABETH 3 (Henry), 13 PERNELL' (Bennett), 11 ELIZABETH; (Richard), 16 PRISCILLA, 6, 8 ELIZABETH (Benedict), 16 RAFF, Ralph, 2-9, 12 ELLEN, 5, 6, 9 RALPH' (Henry), 13, 14, 15 ELLEN 4 (Hugh), 14 RALPH' (John), 15 FAYTHE, 6, 10, 13, 16 RICHARD, 1-10 FRANCES, 6-10, 11 RICHARD' (Bennett) 11 FRANCES4 (Richard), 13 RICHARD' (Thomas/ 11 12 RICHARD' (Richard)' 1z' 13 FRANCES" (Robert), 12 4 FRANCES 6 (Benedict), 16 RICHARD (William/, 12 RICHARD4 (John) GEORGE, 2, 3, 5 12 RICHARD' (Richa;d), 12 GEORGE' (Bennett) , 11 RrcHARD' (Bennett), 13, 15, 16 GEORGE' (Richard), 11 RICHARD' (Richard) 16 HANA, HANNAH, 1, 7, 8, 10 (immigrant) ' HAWEISA, 1 RICHARD' (Richard), 16 HELEN' (Henry), 13 RICHARD' (Benedict), 16 HENRY, 1-10 ROBERT, 2-10 INDEX 227

RoBERT2 (Thomas), 11 MACDONALD, 17 RoBERT4 (William), 12 MEADE, 10 SAMUEL, 8 MILTON, 16 SARAH, 6, 9 MORTIMER, 9 SrnBELL, 5, 9 MouDIE, 8 SusAN, Susanna, 5-14 SusAN• (Henry), 14 PEMBERTON, 5 THOMAS, 2-10, 11 PENTRES, 5 THOMAS' (Henry), 13, 14 PETTIPACE, 4, 8, 12 THOMAS3 (Richard), 12, 13 4 PRENTIS, 15 THoMAS (Ralph), 14 PRESTON, 6 THOMAS' (Henry), 14 THOMAS" (Richard), 12 RAUNCE, 5 THURSTON, 3 RENE, 4 WILLIAM, 2-10, 14 2 REYNOLD, 4, 14 W1LLIAM (Henry), 11 2 RoosE, 3 W ILLIAM (Bennett) , 11 3 ROSE, 4, 14 WILLIAM (Richard), 11, 12 3 RowE, 5 WILLIAM, JR. (Henry), 12-15 WILLIAM, Sen." (Henry), 12-14 WILLIAM4 (John), 12 SHAKESPEARE, 16 HICKS, HICKES, 6, 10, 13 SAUNDERS, 8 HoARE, 5, 7, 14, 16 SHRIMPTON, 2, 8, 9, 11 HOGEKINS, 5, 14 SPATKIN, 3, 11 HONOR, HONNER, 7, 8, 15 STALWORTH, 2 HOOKER, 4, 12 STEVENS, 2, 8, 9, 13 HUMPHREY, 6 HUNT, 3 TIMBERLAKE, 4 TOMES, 6 IVES, 14 5, TOOMER, 3 KENT, 10 KING, 8 WACE (WARE?), 7, 15 KING JAMES, 16, 17 WADE, 2, 5 KING JOHN, 1 WALTON, 17 KYNGGAM, 5, 14 WELLS, 6 WILKINSON, 3 LACEY, 8 WILLIAM CONQUEROR, 17 LANE, 3, 11 WINCH, 9 LONGFORD, 3 WINGRAVE, 3, 4, 10, 11, 14 LOOSLEY, LOOSELY, 2, 4, 10, 12 WINTER, 2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15 LORIMER, 5 WRIGHT, 3, 8, 11


ABBIE C. (Steele), 174 ALFRED BERTRAM, 217 ABBIE M. (Robinson), 197 ALFRED ERNEST, 180, 217 ABBIE M. (Rowe), 197 ALFRED F., 192 ABBY c., 136 ALFRED JAMES, 203 ABBY (Hodges), 197 ALFRED STANLEY, 193 8 ABBY M. (Emery), 173 ALICE , 145 ABBY 0. (Macomber), 120 ALICE FLETCHER, 214 9 ABBY (Vining), 136 ALICE IDA , 193 6 10 ABIGAIL , 43 ALICE LORETTA 222 6 ABIGAIL , 58 ALICE MALINDA", 132 ABIGAIL' (Moses), 108 ALICE T.' 171 ABIGAIL' (Nathan), 77 ALICE W.J, 213 ABIGAIL' (Samuel), 86, 137 ALICE C. (Hogan), 109 ABIGAIL (Everett), 56 ALICE (Davenport), 206 ABIGAIL (Harvey), 130 ALICE M. (Crane), 193 ABIGAIL (McFarland), 141, 197 ALICE M. (Russ), 184 9 ABIGAIL MARIA , 176 ALICE MAY (Clapp), 222 ABIGAIL N.', 99 ALICE (Fowler), 169 7 8 ABIGAIL ROBBINS , 113, 158, 161, 162 ALLA ]USTINA , 160 8 ABIGAIL W. (Staples), 183 ALLA SOPHIA , 160 ABIJAH, 44 ALLEN BRIGHTMAN', 212 8 AcHSAH , 126 ALLEN ROYAL', 90, 143 AcHSAH B.', 101, 102 ALLIE', 190 10 AcHSAH (Barber), 101 ALMA ELIZABETH , 219 ADA D. (Merrick'), 155 ALMINA S.', 125, 181 9 ADA GERTRUDE , 189 ALMIRA (Allen), 184 8 ADA POLLY , 166 ALMIRA (Myra E. Brightman), 170 8 ADA ROBBINS , 171 ALMIRA SIMMONS', 211 ADALINE LOUISE", 137 ALONZO, 140 8 10 ADDIE , 145 ALPHA CHARLES , 217 9 ADDIE LAURA , 136, 192 ALPHEUS', 60 7 ADDIE L. (Park), 153 ALPHEUS , 113, 138 8 ADDISON WINSLOW', 117, 168, 169 ALPHEUS p ACKARD , 122, 124, 178 ADELLA H. (Baker), 193 ALTA10 210 11 ADELBERT LEONARD, 211 ALTA VENETTA , 220 8 ADELBERT W., 188 ALVAH MANSFIELD , 174 8 8 ADELINE , 148 ALVAH TUCKER , 160, 206 ADELINE C. (Barney), 218 ALVIN, 140 9 0 ADELINE E. , 211 ALvIN' , (Alvin), 182 ADELLA MARTHA', 193 ALVIN H., 126, 182 ADELLE FATIMA, 189 ALVIN LA WRENCE8, 163 8 ADOLPHUS GUSTAVUS, 134, 188, 189 ALVIN NELSON , 141 9 ALANSON WESTON, 132, 188 ALVIN SETH , 138, 194 10 ALBAN HUTCHINSON, 135, 191 ALVIRA , 220 7 ALBERT , 115, 167 ALVIRA 0. (Sweet), 172 10 10 ALBERT , 182 A. MuRRAY , 219 7 ALBERT BEALE, 215 AMANDA , 88 ALBERT BENJAMIN, 215 AMANDA' (Stephen), 83 ALBERT D., 195 AMANDA C., 137 ALBERT HENRY, 137, 194 AMANDA M.', 89 ALBERT IvoN, 213 AMANDA (Pierce), 137 ALBERT 0zRo, 177, 214, 215 AMARANSA, 88 ALBERTA, 220 AMELIA C. (Eames), 194 M. ALBERTA, 194 AMELIA T. (Stoddard), 173 ALBINA (Cilley), 196 AMITY', 38 ALEXANDER M., 90 AMos', 82 8 ALFRED , 137, 192 AMos8, 130 ALFRED ARTHUR, 192 AMY UTELLA9, 189

229 230 INDEX

AMY (Morgan), 50, 69, 72 BELVA EuNICE11, 217 AMY (Thayer), 69 BENJAMIN", 49, 64, 65, 68, 100 AMY• (John), 70 BENJAMIN" (Benjamin), 65 66 68 ANDREW, 148 69, 99, 100, 105, 106 ' ' ' 11 ANDREW , 216 BENJAMIN' (Stephen), 69, 108 109 ANDREW S., 170 BENJAMIN' (Benjamin), 100 101 150 ANGELETTE9 (Nettie J.), 195 BENJAMIN' (Timothy), 102,'103 '1s1 ANGELIA', 134 BENJAMIN' (Benjamin), 150 2oi ANGELINA 8, 149, 150, (bis), 200, 201 BENJAMIN° (Benjamin), 201' 8 8 ANGENETTE , 107, 155 BENJAMIN B. , 127, 128, 184 ANGIE E.', 107 BENJAMIN F.', 109 ANN' (Benjamin), 109 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN' (John Q.) 203 ANN B. (Crow), 105 157 ' ' ANN (Dorman), 210 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN' (Benj. ANN M. (Clapp), 154 Stevens), 180, 215 ANN MARIA, 109 BENJAMIN S.', 123, 176 8 ANN MARIA , 125, 179, 180 BENJAMIN STEVENS' (Nathan), 77 ANNA', 49, 68 BENJAMIN STEVENS' (Nathan R.) 125 ANNA6 (Jonathan), 66, 67 180 ' ' ANNA AUGUSTA (Taber), 167 BERT A.8 (Moses), 156 ANNA KING', 166 BERT9 (Alvin L.), 141 ANNA M. H. (Daly), 222 BERTHA D.', 208 10 ANNE, 18, 20, 22 BERTHA J. , 219 ANNE', 18, 22 BERTHA G. (Tate), 176 ANNE (Carr), 58 BERTHA M. (Weeks), 156 2 ANNETTE ISABELLA, 202 BETHIAH , 22, 28 ANNIE', 84 BETSEY' (Eliiah), 81, 82 9 ANNIE E. , 195 BETSEY' (Increase), 104 ANNIE (Hiscock), 222 BETSEY' (Stephen), 106, 107, 155, 156 8 ANNIE LAURA (Eccles), 220 BETSEY , 123 ANNIE M. (Page), 207 BETSEY (Dalton), 123 ANNIE MAY (Trask), 221 BETSEY (Morton), 104 ANNIE (Treworgie), 147 BETSEY (Moulton), 118 ANSELINE', 115, 164 BETSEY (Stearns), 122, 123 8 ARTHUR , 134 BETSEY (Wadsworth), 163 8 ARTHUR CLIFFORD , "Clifford A.", BETSEY (White), 148 173, 213 BLANCHE SoPinA, 218 9 ARTHUR E. , 199 BLANCHE VERA, 218 10 ARTHUR LAFAYETTE , 215 BRADFORD', 121 ARTHUR MILTON", 167 BURNEY Buss, 146 10 ARTHUR RAYM0ND , 202 BYRON B.•, 146 9 ARTHUR W ATSON , 177, 215 ARTHUR w.• (Luther C.), 168, 210 C. ELDORA, 159 6 ARTHUR WILLFORD, 210 CALVIN , 60 AsA', 85, 87 139 CALVIN', 94, 145, 146 AsA CLARKJ, 137, 192 CARL", 169 AsA PERNo', 128, 184 CARL BRUCE, 218 AsA w.·, 184 CAROL FRANCES, 217 1 AsENETH , 87 CAROL RAYMOND, 193 AsENETH H. (Weeks), 173 CAROLINE', 103 10 8 AUDREY ELIZABETH , 220 CAROLINE S. , 150 AUGUSTA A. (Tarbox), 199 CAROLINE', 197 AUGUSTA (Sewall), 177 CAROLINE AUGUSTA', 159 8 AUGUSTUS , 155 CAROLINE E.', 108, 109 9 8 AUSTIN FOSTER , 209, 222, 223 CAROLINE E. , 169 AzUBAH' (Levi), 120 CAROLINE HANNAH8 152 AZUBAH (Capen), 119, 120 CAROLINE (French), 217 CAROLINE (Gifford), 213 BARBARA EDITH, 220 CAROLINE ( Quinnam), 150 BARBARA FRANCIS, 222 CAROLINE (Randall) , 197 BEATRICE (Clement), 156 CAROLINE (Stewart), 153 10 BEATRICE GERTRUDE , 220 CAROLINE C. (Coffin), 182 BELINDA', 77, 128, 129 CAROLINE MARY ( Slafter), 218 INDEX 231

CARRIE AMELIA (Cavanaugh), 146 CLARA L.', 117 CARRIE B. (Worthen), 194 CLARA OLIVIA', 152 10 CARRIE M. (Fletcher), 214 CLARA R. , 223 CARROLL". 173 CLARA ANTOINETTE (Edes), 193 7 CASSANDER , 118 CLARA B. (Reed), 223 1 CASSIM BuSH , 84, 135 CLARA (Knork), 219 CASSIM BusH', 191 CLARENCE' (Moses), 107, 108 9 10 CASSIM TUTTLE , 191 CLARENCE , 219 CATHERINE', 110 CLARENCE A.', 188 CATHERINE R.', 110 CLARENCE EDGAR', 204, 222 CATHERINE (Milliken), 151 CLARENCE EDGAR, JR., 222 10 CATHERINE (Rockwood), 138 CLARENCE MANNING , 216 CATHERINE B. (Thornton), 212 CLARENCE A.' (Henry), 154, 155 CATHERINE ELIZA', 187 CLARISSA', 60, 95 CELANA8 (Jason), 133 CLARISSA', 92, 94 CELANA (Bird), 89 CLARINA A.', (Moses), 108, 154, 155 CELIA ELECTA, 135, 191 CLARISSA ADELLA' (Loring B.), 193 CELIA HENRIETTA, 219 CLARISSA L. (May), 118 CHANDLER', 196 Cr.ARISSA M.', (Enos), 118 CHARLES' (Benjamin), 109 CLARISSA (Morse), 124, 125 8 CHARLES' (Ebenezer), 89 CLARIUS , 134 CHARLES' (Samuel), 115, 166, 167 CLARK\ 83 CHARLES' (Seth), 139, 195 CLAYTON PRESTON", 212 CHARLES' (Alvin), 141, 183 CLINTON DEWITT, 189, 220 CHARLES' (Benj. S.), 180, 217 CONSTANT", 22, 33 9 CHARLES ALBERT , 188, 220 CoRA (Bailey), 219 CHARLES ALFRED", 186 CORA E.', 189 CHARLES ARTHUR', 138, 195, 221 CORA GERTRUDE', 211 10 CHARLES ARTHUR , 221 CORA RAYMOND'°, 193 CHARLES AUGUSTUS', 157 CORIOLANUS, 134, 190 CHARLES B.• ( Charles Ellis), 152 CORNELIA', 131 CHARLES CALVIN 8 146, 199 CORNELIA J. (Baker), 78, 130, 187 CHARLES E.' (Thomas), 156 CORNELIA (Palmer) Baxter, 170 8 CHARLES EDWARD , 122, 124 CORNELIA (Tibbetts), 128 8 CHARLES ELLIS , 152 CYNTHIA (Browne), 149 8 CHARLES ERNEST , 168 CYNTHIA A!, 170 8 CHARLES E.' (Frank H.), 210 CYNTHIA EDNA , 211 CHARLES E.' (Erastus), 141, 198 CYNTHIA E. (Reed), 211 CHARLES IL', 85, 86, 136, 191, 192 9 CHARLES HATHEWAY , 203 4 CHARLES LUTHER', 210 DAMARIS , 38, 45, 46 CHARLES MUNROE', 185 DAMARIS\ 45 CHARLES MAXWELL ELLIOTT, 217 DAMARIS (Bird), 38, 39 8 7 CHARLES NELSON , 131, 188 DANIEL (John), 80, 132 CHARLES S.', 170 DANIEL7 (Samuel), 86, 136, 137 9 CHARLES SYLVESTER , 183, 219 DANIEL CLAP\ 138, 194 CHARLES W.' (Charles'), 195 DANIEL DANA', 137 6 CHARLES W. (Charles C.), 199 DAVID , 55, 81, 82 CHARLES WOODWORTH', 163 DAVID C7 (Levi), 120, 172 9 CHARLES W ALLACE , 175 DAVID C. (Sewall), 134 CHARLOTTE", 70 DAVID E.', 173 CHARLOTTE' (Nathan), 130, 131 DAVID7 (Nathan), 77, 128, 129 CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH", 195 DAVID' (Stephen), 83 CHARLOTTE E. (Eddy), 211 DAVID C.' (Jason), 133 CHARLOTTE (Collins), 185 DAVID S.', 123, 124 CHARLOTTE (George), 158 DEBORAH', 53 7 CHARLOTTE (White), 110 DEBORAH , 87, 88 CHARLOTTE M. (De Long), 217 DELIVERANCE', 22, 30-33 6 CHLOE , 56 DELLA C. (Jones), 184 7 CHRISTINE S. (McCormack), 198 DENNIS , 118, 169, 170 CILENA8 (Sewall), 134 DESIRE', 26, 27 11 CLARA , 216 DESIRE', 38, 45 9 CLARA lDELLA , 193 DESIRE', 45, 60, 61 232 INDEX

10 DEYO DEWITT , 221 ELEANOR" (Elijah), 56, 84 DIANA (Sampson), 79 ELEANOR', 90 9 DILI,INGTON , 184 ELEANOR BRUCE (Arris), 214, 215 10 DoLLY , 222 ELEANOR A. (Bryant), 182 11 DONALD BRANDON , 221 ELEANOR C.', 120 DONALD WooDRow", 221 ELEANOR (Campbell), 85 10 DONNIE , 219 ELEANOR (Harris), 210 9 DORCAS (Dutton), 106 ELEANOR MAY , 194 DORETTA ETHEL, 218 ELEANOR (Pugh), 185 DORIS LUCINDA, 201 ELEAZER2 22, 24, 26-28 9 DOROTHEA C. , 213 ELEAZER', 35-37, 41-43, 44 DOROTHY ETTA, 201 ELEAZER', 44, 54, 55, 81 DOROTHY EVELYN, 194 ELEAZER6 (Samuel), 57, 85 86 DOROTHY JANE, 210 ELEAZER' (William), 60, 93, 94 0 DOROTHY WHITING , 194 ELEAZER' (Seth), 139, 195 6 DULCIE MAY, 220 ELECTA , 60, 95, 96 ELECTA (Northrup), 83, 84 8 EBENEZER , 27 Eu W., 223 EBENEZER' (Eleazer), 44, 58 ELIJAH', 44, 55, 56, 84 EBENEZER6 (Eleazer), 55.J 83, 84 ELIJAH' (Eleazer), 55, 81, 116 EBENEZER6 (Ebenezer), :,9, 90 ELIJAH' (Elijah), 56 EBENEZER6 (Jacob), 58, 89 ELIJAH 6 (Elisha), 72, 116, 117 EBENEZER6 (Samuel), 57 ELIJAH 6 (Jacob), 58, 88 EBENEZER' (Ebenezer), 90 ELIJAH' (William), 60, 94, 95 7 EBENEZER OLIVER , 99, 149 ELIJAH' (John), 113, 162, 163 EBENEZER OLIVER", 149 bis, 200 ELIJAH' (William), 92, 144 EDGAR' (Perkins), 131, 188 ELIOT, 88 M. EDGAR' (William W.), 159, 203, ELISHA' (John), 51, 71, 72 204 ELISHA' (Elisha), 72 EDITH A. (Rounceville), 212 ELISHA6 (William), 60 10 EDITH EARLE , 223 ELISHA' (John), 113, 159, 160 EDITH EsTELLA9 (Newell), 186 ELISHA' (Levi), 120 9 EDITH ESTELLE , 191 ELISHA SETH, 160, 207 9 EDITH L. (Harrington), 215 ELISHA LOTHROP , 207 EDITH M. (Ellis),! 202, 203 ELIZA' (Edward), 99 EDITH MANSFIELD, 174 ELIZA ANN (Houghton), 177 9 EDITH MARIA , 178 ELIZA ANN (Richardson), 175 EDITH (Tidmarsh), 192 ELIZA (Hoar), 144, 199 1 EDMUND , 37, 61, 122 ELIZA (Johnson), 129, 130 EDMUND CROW, 106, 153, 154 ELIZA (Knight), 140 9 EDMUND HENRY , 153 ELIZA PROCTOR (Turner), 211 EDMUND NATHANIEL, 188, 220 ELIZABETH 4 (James), 38 EDNA DOANE, 211 ELIZABETH 4 (Richard), 40, 48, 51 EDNA FRANCES, 194 ELIZABETH" (Stephen), 49, 65, 66 EDNA LOUISE, 166 ELIZABETH' (John), 51, 70, 71 EDSON SYLVESTER, 151, 152, 202 ELIZABETH (Stevens), 185 1 EDWARD , 73, 100, 111, 122, 196 ELIZABETH H.", 65 6 EDWARD , 61, 98 ELIZABETH' (Jacob), 87, 88 EDWARD (William C.), 145 ELIZABETH' (John) , 110 EDWARD', 79, 131, 132 ELIZABETH' (Stephen), 107 EDWARD AUGUSTUS, 134 ELIZABETH (--), 139 9 EDWARD EvERETT , 176 ELIZABETH (Lizzie) (Myers), 168,169 9 EDWARD HENRY , 193 ELIZABETH E., 175 EDWARD JARVIS 8 147 ELIZABETH (Everson), 219 EDWARD OzRo, 215 ELIZABETH (Hewins), 57, 58 EDWARD T., 155 ELIZABETH (Holbrook), 65 EDWARD W.', 99, 148, 149 ELIZABETH HOLBROOK 101, 102, 150, EDWARD WHITING' 137, 193 151 7 EDWIN , 118 ELIZABETH J. (Callington), 195 9 EFFIE BELI,E, 216 ELIZABETH L. , 184 EFFIE (Billings), 137 ELIZABETH (Peake), 39, 40, 48 ELBRIDGE W., 222 ELIZABETH S. (Vose), 109, 110 ELEANOR6 (Ebenezer), 56 ELIZABETH ( Sallady), 182 INDEX 233

8 ELIZABETH T. , 126 EoLA ELIZABETH BROOKS" (Newell), ELIZABETH T. (Sisson) (Ward), 172 187 ELIZABETH'\ 223 ERASTUS (Joseph H.), 141, 197 ELLA BELLE, 128 ERNEST', 156 ELLA FRANCES (Elijah), 163 ERNEST CLIFTON, 210 ELLA LomsE8, 136 ERNEST ELWIN, 221 1 ELLEN , 118, 169 ERNEST RICHARDSON" (Joseph Wheat) ELLEN". 134 182 ELLEN', 182 EsTHER6 (William), 60, 91 ELLEN E. (Cook), 198 ESTHER' (William), 130 10 ELLENE. (Parrish), 198 EsTHER , 223 ELLEN ELIZABETH', 190 EsTHER (Oliver) (Gardner) Er.LEN MARY' (Elisha), 160, 205, 206 (Newell), 99 Eu.EN MAY', 138 ESTHER (McCarthy), 213 ELLEN REBBECCA' (Henry), 165, 166 ESTHER TUTTLE, 191 ELLEN (Rich), 189 ESTHER (Smith), 59, 60 8 ELLEN v.• (Charles), 195 ESTHER PARKMAN , 149 10 Eu.EN" (William H.), 196 ETHEL 1NA , 219 10 ELLIS WENTWORTH", 204 ETHEL JENNIE , 218 10 ELLISON7, 115, 167 ETHEL MARIA , 215 Er.r.swoRTR L. (Jonathan), 171 ETHEL MAY', 211 0 10 ELLSWORTH S.' , 223 ETHEL MAY (Sylvanus), 211 9 ELMA EMMA , 190 ETHEL (Olds), 169 10 ELMER BENJAMIN , 217 ETTA (Jones), 203 8 9 ELMER lsRAEL , 165 ETTA (Willard W.), 183 ELNORA, "Nora", 156 ETTA H. (Wright), 175 ELOISE CONSTANCE, 217 EUGENE M.', 145, 199 7 ELON , 88 EUGENE', 199 ELSIE C. (VanNamee), 220 EUNICE (Brown), 127 ELSIE FoRD (Fuller), 212 EUNICE' (William), 60, 92 ELSIE M., 136 EUNICE' (John), 127 9 11 ELSIE MAY (William Seth), 192 EUNICE MAY , 217 ELSIE WILLARD', 193 EUNICE P. (Swan-Glover), 160 ELVIRA JANE (Tenney), 184 EUNICE (Withington), 112, 113 Er.WIN LAMONT, 180, 218, 219 EVA A. (Arnold), 203 ELWIN E. L., 216 EVA A.', 203 ELWIN LAMONT, JR., 219 EvA' (Coriolanus), 190 EMERANCY (Loveland), 141, 142 EvA M.' (Newell), 186 7 0 EMELINE R. , 95 EvA M.' , 216 0 EMELINE S.", 153 EvANS CRAPo' , 211 EMELINE W. (Snell-Packard), 164 EVELYN M.", 192 EMILY7 (Eleazer), 94, 144 EVELYN R. (Denbroeder), 194 EMILY E.' (Luke), 48, 106, 154 EVERETT', 212 EMILY (Bragg), 202 EVERETT c., 176 EMILY C. (Crowell), 176 EVERETT S., 212 EMILY M. (Brown), 145 11 EMILY (Parlin), 176 FANNY ESTELLE , 216 EMILY (Wentworth), 175 FANNY L., 188 10 EMMA ADELIA , 215 FANNY ABIGAIL 8, 137 8 7 EMMA BRITTANIA , 157 FANNY (Eleazer), 94, 144 EMMA E.' (Alpheus), 158 FANNY (Brown), 132 EMMA (Gilpatric), 178 FANNY' (John), 79 3 EMMA JANE , 154 FANNY MAY (Wordell), 211 EMMA JANETTE (Tilden), 190 FANNY (Smith), 134 8 EMMA LINDEN', 172 FLAVIUS JOSEPH , 134 EMMA (Lyford), 178 FLORA (Belding), 210 EMMA' (James M.), 145 FLORA EVELYN (Howe), 219 0 FLORA M." (Warren), 170 EMMA M. (Benj. S.), 177 10 FLORA MAE , 219 EMMA (Peppler), 198 11 FLORA MARCIA , 217 10 EMORY', 113, 159, 163, 164 FLORENCE , 222 9 ENos', 72, 118 FLORENCE MARGUERETTE , 193 ENos7, 114, 115, 166 FLORENCE Vror.A (Miller), 218 234 INDEX

FLOYD J., 203 GEORGEANNA' (Wm. Addison) 169 FOREST GREENLEAF' 161, 208 GEORGIA' (Alvin), 183 ' FRANCES M.' (Elijah), 117 GEORGIA (Fitts) (Smith), 208 FRANCES MARIA (Stagg), 217 GEORGIANNA" (Eben 0.), 150 FRANCES SARAH' (Luther C.), 168 GEORGIANNA M.', 159 10 FRANCES M.', 109 GERRY WILLIAM , 217 FRANCIS THOMAS9 "Frank", 138, 195 GERRY WILLIAM, JR., 217 10 10 FRANCIS THOMAS , 221 GERTRUDE EDITH , 220 FRANK' (Jonathan), 107, 155 GERTRUDE ELIZABETH (Bean) 220 FRANK DANIELS', 138, 194 GERTRUDE I. (Tompkins), 214' FRANK EMORY', 164 GERTRUDE (Jewel), 216 8 FRANK HARRIS , 168, 210 GILMAN' (Stephen J.), 122 123 175 FRANK HENRY9 (Francis T.), 195 GILMAN', (Benj. S.), 180, 218 ' 8 9 FRANK MORTIMER , 161, 209 GIRDEN JOHN , 185 . FRANK SANBORN', (David C.), 173 GLADYS WHITING', 193 9 10 FRANK WRIGHT , 200 GOLDIE DELIA , 185 10 FRANKLIN', 80 GORDON CHARLES , 220 9 FRANKLIN ARNOLD , 203, 221 GRACE' (Charles C.), 199 10 FRANKLIN GOODWIN , 221, 222 GRACE HAZEL (Pierson), 218 8 FRED E.', 155 GRACE HoYT , 138 9 FREDA MERLE, 185 GRACE SoPHIA , 192 10 FREDDIE E. , 203 GRACE WINIFRED, 171 8 FREDERIC ELMER (John J.), 157 bis. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS , 134 10 0 FREDERICK ALBERT , 215 GUY ADOLPHus' , 221 FREDERICK ALoNzo', 194 -- (Hayes) female, 156 9 FREDERICK ANTON , 177 8 FREDERICK BLAKE , 171, 212, 213 HANNAH', 38 FREDERICK ELIJAH', 198 HANNAH5 (Stephen), 49, 64, 68 10 6 FREDERICK GoRDON , 219 HANNAH (Ebenezer), 58, 59 8 6 FREDERICK H. , 166 HANNAH (Eleazer), 55, 84 FREDERICK MARION" 176 HANNAH7 (Samuel), 115 FREDERICK PRESTONJ, 174 HANNAH7 (William), 92 FREDERICK WILLIAM', 168, 210 HANNAH' (Luther), 140 10 FREDERICK WILLIAM , 219 HANNAH A. (Tucker), 159, 160 8 HANNAH ALTHEA , 160, 206 GARDNER', 59 HANNAH (Brackett), 183 10 GENEVA EMILE , 220 HANNAH C.' (William), 152 GEORGE' (Alvin L.), 141 HANNAH D. (Butterbaugh), 217 GEORGE A.' (Charles), 195 HANNAH (Ellis), 102 GEORGE (Benjamin), 56 HANNAH (Goff) 87 10 GEORGE CLINTON , 196 HANNAH ELVIRAJ (Joseph), 126 GEORGE8 (Ebenezer 0.), 150 HANNAH (Henry), 114, 115 GEORGE E." (Jacob H.), 198 HANNAH K. 1 (Nathan), 77 GEORGE H. H., 125 HANNAH (Lowell), 147 GEORGE FRANKLIN', 77, 122, 124, 178 HANNAH (Rich), 82 GEORGE HAZELTON', 143 HANNAH (Stratton), 86 GEORGE HENRY' (Luke), 106, 153 HANNAH (Wells), 79 GEORGE HENRY' (Henry), 165 HANNAH (Woodward), 50, 52 9 GEORGE' (Geor~e Henry), 153 HARLAND WILLARD , 192 10 GEORGE HENRY (Sylvester), 153 HARLEY EDw ARD , 222 10 GEORGE E.' (Robert W.), 176 HAROLD EDDY , 211 9 GEORGE EDWARD , 187 HAROLD EDGAR, 220 10 GEORGE EDMUND', 154 HAROLD DALE , 197 GEORGE W.1 (Ebenezer), 90 HARRIET' (Elijah), 88 GEORGE T.7 (Edward), 99, 148, 149 HARRIET' (Samuel), 115 9 GEORGE MALCOLM , 207 HARRIET ALBERTA", 167 8 8 GEORGE MoRTON , 153 HARRIET BoWMAN , 157 8 GEORGE (McLaughlin), 180 HARRIET CORDELIA , 132 10 GEORGE STANLEY , 216 HARRIET E.', 170 8 GEORGE W ALTER , 170, 212 HARRIET ELIZA", 199 8 GEORGE W ASHINGTON , 130, 131, 187 HARRIET (Foster), 209 GEORGE WILLIAM", 158, 159 HARRIET M. (Lake), 143 9 GEORGEANNA RUSSELL , 201 HARRIET MARIA (Henry), 166 INDEX 235

HARRIET MARTHA (Starks), 198 IDA' (Nathaniel S.), 151 HARRIET N.' (Levi), 119 !DA B. 0 (Jacob H.), 198 HARRIET (Pierce), 119 IDA FRANCES' (Elijah), 162, 163 HARRIET R. (Loomis), 179 IDA GERTRUDE' (Aolphus G.), 189 HARRIET REBECCA' (Benjamin), 101 IDA J. (Woods), 199 10 HARRIET (Taylor), 128 IDA MAE , 218 8 HARRIET URSULA , 169 IDA M. (Coulter), 218 HARRIET WILLET, 152 IDA MARIA (Cook), 193 HARRY'. (Charles'), 167 IDA MAY10 (Justus G.), 203 9 HARRY CLINTON , 212 INCREASE' (Benjamin), 65, 67, 100, 104 HARRY SELDEN', 210 INCREASE' (Increase), 104, 153 11 HATTIE A. (Lothrop), 207 INEZ , 216 HATTIE LOUISA (Calvin), 146 INEZ A. (Gates), 176 HATTIE M.' (Alanson W.), 188 IRA' (Ebenezer), 90 HATTIE (Wilder), 154 IRA MuNROE9 (Ira P.), 128, 185 9 HAZEL BERTHA , 210 IRA PooR" (David), 128, 129, 18S HAZEL' (Henry T.), 156 !SABELLA E.', 122, 124 0 9 HAZEL' (Henry H.), 197 ISADORE ALTHEA , 175 HELEN AMANDA' (Jacob), 143 ISRAEL' (Luther), 140 8 HELEN AuGUSTA , 157 0 HELEN ELIZABETH' , 176 11 JACOB, 148 HELEN MARGUERITE , 217 9 JACOB' (Eleazer), 44, 56, 57, 58 HELEN MARION , 186 6 ]ACOB (Jacob), 58, 87, 88 HELEN MAY' (Newell), 186 ]ACOB7 (Ebenezer), 89, 142, 146 HELEN (Smith), 212 0 ]ACOB' (Elijah), 89 HELEN T.' , 223 JACOB8 (Jacob Henry, "Henry ]."), HELEN VIRGINIA (Blakeley), 217 8 142, 198 HELEN WEBSTER (William), 174 JACOB HENRY" (Ebenezer), 142 HELENE A. (Giroud), 176 8 10 ] AMES , 26, 27, 37, 38, 39 HENRIETTA BRUCE , 215 JAMES' bis (James), 38, 39, 47, 48 HENRIETTA (Smith), 187 ]AMES6 (Desire), 61 (thrice) HENRY(?), 110 8 7 6 JAMES ALFRED (Thomas), 156, 203 HENRY (Benj ) 108, 109 JAMES DARrus' (Luther), 140 HENRY' (Ebenezer), 89, 141, 142 ]AMES MoNROE7 (Eleazer), 94,145,146 HENRY' (Samuel), 115, 165, 166 JAMES ROWLAND (James) , 196 HENRY A.' (John), 107, 154, 155 0 ]AMES WARREN' (Benjamin), 150 HENRY C.' , 212 ]AMES WARREN" (Joseph Q.), 201 HENRY E.' (Luther), 86, 87, 140, 141 12 ]AMES WILLIAM , 217 HENRY H. (Ebenezer), 90 8 JANE', 39 HENRY THOMAS , 156 ]ANE ( ?), 92 HENRY W., 148 J ANE7 (Ebenezer), 90 HENRY H.' (James D.), 197 9 JANE" (Joseph), 126 HENRY MYRON , 198 8 ]ANE ARABELLA , 137 . HENRY w.• (David Cobb), 172 7 ]ANE (June?) (Brimacomb), 218 HEPZIBAH , 79, 131 9 ]ANE (Jacob H.), 198 HERBERT" (Charles), 167 1 JANE (Tucker), 158 HERBERT BRADFORD 1, 214 ]ANET LOUISE", 217 HERBERT LEwis', 211 ]ASON7 (Elijah), 81, 82, 133 HERBERT NEWELL (Newell), 186, 219 ]ASON LEE' (Levi), 119, 120 HERBERT S.', 199 8 ]AY HUNTINGTON , 132 HERVEY' (William), 60, 92, 95-98 JEFFERSON C.' (Judah), 121 HERVEY K.' (Hervey), 98, 147 7 JENNIE' (Alvah T.), 206 HIRAM , 115 JENNIE EuZA" (John William), 186 HIRAM B.' (Eleazer), 85, 136 JENNIE F. (Duvey), 202 HIRAM' (Seth), 139, 197 JEN NIE FRANCES (Glover), 201 HoMER BARTLETT' (Elijah), 116, 168 JENNIE MARIA" (John M.), 179 HoRACE7 (Eleazer), 92, 94 11 JENNIE' (James Monroe), 145 HOWARD GILMAN , 214 ]ENNIE9 (William H.), 196 HOWARD WESTLEY (Ellison), 167,210 10 ]ENNIE NAOMI , 223 HuLDAH (Peabody), 94, 95 6 JENNY L. ,(Blanchard), 168 HuLDAH (William), 60, 93, 98 ] EREMIAH , 22 HULDAII' (John), 80 JEREMIAH ROBBINS' (Samuel), 86, 137 236 INDEX

]ERUSHA (Bird?), 45 JosEPH6 (Benjamin), 62, 65, 100, ]ERUSHA' (Desire), 45 102-105 ]ERUSHA6 (Levi), 73, 118, 119 JosEPH8 (Stephen), 69 6 ]ERUSHA , 107 JosEPH A.' (Joseph), 104 ]ERUSHA C. (Blake), 171 JOSEPH' (Nathan), 77, 122, 125, 126 ]ERUSHA (Wadsworth), 73 JosEPH C.' (Timothy), 103 JESSE' (Desire), 45, 47 JosEPH' (Increase), 104, 153 ]ESSIE A. (Rowland), 215 JosEPH8 (John), 128 ]ESSIE C. (MacLeod), 161 JosEPH FRANCIS' (Joseph), 153 ]ESSIE" (Charles C.), 199 JosEPH GooDWIN8 (Samuel, Jr.), 166 ]ESSIE EDNA (Badger), 220 JOSEPH HEWINS' (Jacob), 87, 88, 141 10 8 ]ESSIE FLORENCE , 218 JosEPH QUINNAM (Benjamin), 150, ]ESSIE (Fox), 217 201 9 JOANNA (Bigelow), 140 JosEPH QUINNAM , JR., 201 JOANNA (Duncan), 47, 48 JOSEPH BRIGHTMAN 8 (Simeon), 170, JoANNAH' (Stephen), 49, 68 212 JOHN, 140 JosEPH SuMNER9 (Joseph Q.), 201 JOHN, 148 JoSEPH WHEAT MORSE', 125, 181, 182 JoHN (Edward's line), 50, 69, 72 JOSEPH W.8 (William), 152 4 10 JoHN (Richard), 40, SO, 51 JOSEPH WESTLEY MERRITT , 218 JoHN5 (John), 51, 69 JOSIAH W.8 (Hiram), 115 JoHN5 (Stephen), 48, 49, 61, 65, 68 JuDAH5 (John), 51 JoHN6 (Elisha), 72, 112, 113 JuDAH 6 (Levi), 73, 121 JoHN' (Jonathan), 66, 77 JUDAH HENRY' (Judah) 121 JoHN' (Obadiah), 52, 53, 77, 78, 79 JUDITH (Woodward), 80 JoHN' (Nathan), 77, 78, 122, 127, 128, JuLIA (York), 182 129 JULIA A.', 118 JOHN, JR.' (John), 110, 157 JULIA A. (Gilman), 177 JoHN' (Stephen), 106, 107, 154, 155 JULIA A. (Hubbard), 185 JoHN8 (John Nathan), 127, 183, 184 JULIA ANN' (Benjamin), 101 JoHN8 (Elijah), 163 JULIA ANN' (John H.), 102 8 JOHN ABBOTT , 137 JULIA ANN' (Judah), 121 0 JULIA ANN' (Luke), 106 JOHN A. (Stephen), 69, 109, 110 8 JoHN c.• (John F.), 212, 223 JULIA ANN , 139 JoHN F.8 (Simeon), 170,212 JuLIA E." (Newell), 186 8 JOHN FRANKLIN , 157 JULIANA", 82, 154 JOHN J. ]R., 157 JusTUs' (David), 82, 133, 134 JoHN H. 148 ]ESSIE G., Justus, or Justin, 202 JoHN H.~ (Benj.), 101 JusTIN8 (Thomas), 156, 202 JoHN HOLBROOK' (Benjamin), 65, 100, 101, 102 KATHERINE W. (Weber), 221 JoHN HOLBROOK' (John H.), 102, 150 KATHERYN M. (Gauer), 217 JOHN HOLBROOK 8 (Benjamin), 150 KATHLEEN" (Asa C.), 192 8 10 JOHN LANGDON , 123 KENDALL ARTHUR , 221 JOHN MILTON', 122, 124, 178, 179 KEZIA (Howard), 179 JOHN Q.' (Benjamin), 108, 109, 157 8 JOHN Q., JR. , 157 LA FAYETTE' (Ebenezer), 90, 143 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS', 98, 146, 147 9 LAFAYETTE W.' (Stephen J.), 124, 177 JoHN (Nathan), 132 LA FOREST' (Moses), 156 JoHN WILLIAM (William), 130, 185 LALA• (Coriolanus), 190 9 10 ]OHN WILLIAM , JR., 186 LAURA , 223 JONATHAN', 49, 66, 68 LAURA BLANCHE (Eggerman), 214 ]ONATHAN6 (Jonathan), 66, 67 LAURA (Bond), 160 JONATHAN' (Judah), 121, 173 LAURA E. (Hayes), 155 JONATHAN' (Moses), 106, 107, 108, LAURA E. (Nelson), 217 LAURA FANNIE (Bliss), 198 155 11 LAURA JESSIE , 220 JONATHAN' (Samuel), 86 LAURA (Johnson), 210 JoNATHAN CAPEN' (Levi), 120, 170, LAURA R. (Griswold), 184 171 LAURA WILLARD", 208 10 JONATHAN C.', JR., 171 LAUREN WINSLOW , 193 JosEPH' (Stephen), 49 LAWRENCE9 (Frederick Wm.), 210 INDEX 237

10 LAWRENCE BRADFORD , 214 LucY ABBY (Wentworth), 164 LEAH (Taylor), 219 LucY A.' (Homer B.), 168 LEANDER A.', 124 LucY A. (Stephens), 158 10 8 LEN0X , 220 Lucy ANN (Elisha), 160, 204 9 LEON EDSON , 202 Lucy (Chamberlin), 153 LEON L.1°, 221 Lucy• qacob), 58 LEON Ro¥', 146 LucY J. (Elijah), 116, 117 LEON RoY10 (Leon Edson), 202 LucY KATHERINE', 138 8 LEONARD , 123 Lucy R. (Kendall), 138 11 LEONORA KATHERINE , 217 LUCY LUCELIA8, 131 LEONORE9 (James Alfred), 203 Lucy M.' (Hiram), 136 11 LESLIE GROVER , 218 LUCY MARIA (Jones), 158, 159 10 LESTER BENJAMIN , 184 Luc¥' (John), 184 10 LESTER CYRIL , 217, 218 Lucy' (Moses), 107, 108 LESTER EvANS9 (Sylvanus T.), 211 Lucy• (Obadiah), 43 8 LETA ALICE , 170 Lucy• (Obadiah), 53, 78, 80 8 LETHE ELEANOR , 143 Lucy• (Samuel), 57 LETICE (Bliss), 146 LucY (Tower), 66, 67 8 LETICE THURZA , 145, 146 LUKE" (Benjamin), 65, 100, 103, 105 LETTIE (Jones), 156 LuLU H. (Barker), 199 LEvr° (John), 51, 69, 72, 73 LuRANA (Coy), 133 LURANA MARIA, 134 LEvr' (Levi), 73, 119, 120, 121 8 LEvr' (Judah), 121, 173 LUTHER JR., 141 LEvr' (Levi) bis, 119, 120 LUTHER CRANE' (Elijah), 116, 167, 168 6 7 , LuTHER (Nathaniel), 87, 140, 141 LEVI 119, 120 8 LEVI M." (David C.), 172 LuTHER (Seth), 139, 196 LEvr' (Simeon), 170 LYDIA --, 107 8 LYDIA A. (King), 216 LIDA BELLE , 142 LILA LoRINA9 (Edw. Whiting), 193 LYDIA A. (Taylor), 192 LILLA M. (Clark), 145 LYDIA (Bean), 131 10 LYDIA (Blanchard), 87, 88 LILLIAN , 219 9 LYDIA EUNICE', 159 LILLIAN BELL , 122, 179 10 LYDIA F. (Swift), 174 LILLIAN GRACE , 216 9 LYDIA' (Jacob), 87, 88 LINIE LEONA , 189 LITA V. (Patricon), 193 LYDIA' (Joseph), 126 Lrzzrn• (Willard W.), 183 LYDIA (Lyman), 94, 95 10 LYDIA (Mosher), 107, 155 LLEWELLYN GILMAN , 214 LYDIA6 (Obadiah), 53, 81 Lors (Cookson), 203 7 Lors" (Jacob), 58 LYDIA (Nathaniel), 78 Lors EvELYN10 (Edward H.), 193 LYDIA EMILE' (Edgar), 188 10 LYMAN, 122 Lors P ARKER , 223 LORING BROWN" (Jeremiah R.), 137, LYSANDER' (Samuel), 115 193 9 LORING RAYMOND (Loring B.), 193 MABEL (Alvin), 182 10 LOTTIE (Benetta), 220 MABEL ALICE , 222 LOTTIE (Pearson), 216 MABEL F.' (Eugene M.), 199 Lours, LEwrs ?" (Coriolanus), 190 MADISON, 100 LoursA (Cobb), 102, 103 MAGGIE (Shaffer), 169 LoursA' (Enos"), 118 MALVINA (Bean), 130 LoursA (Windley), 128 MARGARET ( ? ) , 102, 103 LoursA A. (Harlow), 157 MARGARET ANNIE (Beale), 214, 215 LOUISA A. (List), 176 MARGARET (Evans), 85 11 LoursE MARY", 217 MARGARET JESSIE , 220 0 LOURENE RUTH' , 185 MARGARET STURMAN, 182 8 11 LOVINA , 140 MARGARET , 214 LovINA8 (Thomas), 156 MARIA (Du Beck-York), 165 LUCERNE (Eldridge), 108, 155, 156 MARIA F.8, 136 LucINDA E. (Hayden), 201 MARIA LucY', 135 Lucrus A.' (Elijah), 144, 198 MARIA (Masterman), 123, 124 LUCRETIA (Symonds) , 149 MARIA' (Squire), 78 LucRETIA M. (Wood), 210 MARIA S. (Miller), 192 LucY6 (Jonathan), 66, 67 MARIA S. (wife), 136 238 INDEX

MARIA8 (Jacob), 143 MARY ( Beckonert), 221 8 MARIA W ARDWELL , 157 MARY CAROLINE (Fletcher), 214 MARIAM E. (Leland), 194 MARY E. (Lindsay), 215 MARIAN (Holt), 107 MARYE. (Newman), 215 11 MARIE (Overboe), 221 MARY FRANCES , 217 10 10 MARION HELEN , 220 MARY 1SADENE , 214 MARION ]ANE10 (Cassim Bush), 191 MARY L. (Harley), 222 11 MARION MANNING , 216 MARY MALINDA" (Erastus), 141, 197 10 MARION MELTA , 221 MARY HANNAH (Sanborn), 172, 173 MARJORIE' (Asa C.), 192 MARY MARTHA' (Calvin C.), 146 MARJORIE" (Evelyn M.), 192 MARY ELEANOR (Vogel), 150, 201 MARJORIE9 (Virgil B.), 156 MARY ELLA' (Elijah), 163 MARK7 (Elijah), 89 MARY ELIZA8 (Henry), 165 MARTHA' (Enos'), 118 MARY (Belcher), 42, 44 MARTHA' (Jacob'), 87, 88 MARY (Cobb), 42, 43 MARTHA 7 (John), 113 MARY E. (Fisk), 208 MARTHA' (Eleazer), 44 MARY (Gannett), 68, 69 MARTHA A.' (Elijah), 144 MARY E. (Howard), 200 MARTHA A. (Jerome), 210 MARY E. (Snow), 107 MARTHA D.' (Stephen), 106 MARY (Humphrey), 26, 27, 111 MARTHA J., 77 MARYE.' (John F.), 212 MARTHA J. (Hildreth), 128, 129, 185 MARY E. HA WES, 115 MARTHA L. (Wilder), 167, 168 MARYE.' (Timothy), 102 10 MARTHA M. (Harris), 168 MARY MIRA , 222 MARTHA (Warren), 156 MARY PILLSBURY (Shannon), 100,101 10 MARTHA , 221 MARY (Scott), 56, 57 MARY--, 61 MARY (Sumner), 64. 65, 105 3 MARY , 27 MARY' (Sewall), 134 MARY 4 (James), 38, 46, 47 MARY (Wells), 78 MARY4 (Obadiah), 37 MARY ELLEN (Perry), 202 MARY' (Obadiah), 43 MARY ELIZABETH (Proctor), 178 MARY6 (Stephen), 49, 63, 64, 68 MARY ELVINA9 (Eleazer), 196 MARY' (Benjamin), 65, 105 MARY E. (Glidden), 192 MARY6 (Desire), 61 MARY GLOVER7 (John), 110 MARY' (Levi), 73, 120 MARY EsTHER9 (Wellington), 187 MARY' (Obadiah), 53 MARY }ANE7 (Luke), 105 MARY' (Stephen), 69 MARY S.' (Benjamin), 101 MARY7 (Benjamin), 109 MARY JANE (Spaulding), 128 MARY7 (Jacob), 87, 88 MARY }ANE (Hartshorn), 153, 154 MARY7 (Eleazer), 93, 94 MARY }ANE (Freeman) (Whitmarsh), MARY 7 (Nathan), 77 165 MARY7 (Stephen), 83 MARY AuGUSTA (McLanahan), 152 MARY8 (Thomas), 156 MARY (Donna), 156 MARY' (Luther C.), 168 MARY (Snow), 138, 139 MARY s.• (Charles), 195 MARY W. (Collins, Davis), 171 MARY' (Alvin N.), 141 MASSENA BALLou' (Elisha), 160 8 7 MARY ABIGAIL , 138 MATHER (John), 113, 159, 160, 161 MARY A.• (John), 155 MATILDA' (Elijah), 89 MARY' (Simeon), 170 MATTIE IRENE' (Edw. Whiting), 193 MARY ANN' (Luther), 141 MAUD MARIE10 (Charles L.), 210 MARY ANN' (John), 127-128 MAUD (Swett), 156 10 MARY ALICE' (Jonathan C.), 171 MAUDE OLIVE , 221 MARY A.' (David Cobb), 173 MAY HurcHINSON (Alban H.), 191 10 MARY A.' (Stephen), 106 MAX M. , 221 10 MARY A. (Parm?), 197 MARY ELIZABETH , 221 MARY A. (Ricketson), 212 MEHITABLE G. (Glines), 199 MARY ALICE (Murphy), 222 MELINDA (Wadleigh), 131, 132 10 MARY ALZINA (Grover), 217 MELVIN ALBERT , 221 MARY AMANDA9 (Gilman), 175 MELVINA L.', 124 10 MARYE. (Small), 167 "MERRITT" , 218 MARY J. (Harris), 210 1,1:rLDRED A.' (Elisha), 207 10 MARY !SABELLA (Matthews), 202 MILDRED EDITH , 215 MARY (Little), 185 MILICENT (Lord), 147 INDEX 239

10 MILLINER LEE , 218 NICOLINE C. (Holtermann), 217 MINA E.10 (M. Edgar), 204 NORRIS 1°, 220 MINNIE" (Charles), 167 NoRA AUGUSTA' (Alpheus P.), 178 MINNIE Buss' (Jacob H.), 198 NoRA (Walters), 169 MINNIE9 (Alanson W.), 188 2 MINNIE (Harley), 222 0BADIAH , 18, 23, 28 MINNIE M. (Clapp), 204 0BADIAH 3 26, 27, 35-37, 41, 42 MIRA A. (Burnham), 166 0BADIAH4, 35-37, 41-44 MIRIAM H. (Clark), 101, 150 OBADIAH', 43, 52-54, 78, 132 7 MIRIAM L.' (William C.), 202 0BADIAH , (John), 79, 80 MoLLY 6 (Eleazer), 55 0BADIAH 7 (Nathaniel), 79 6 8 MosES (Jonathan), 66, 67, 107, 108, 0BADIAH , 132 154 OLIVE ARVILLA (Cady), 145 MosEs O.' (Moses), 107 108, 156 OLivE' (Ebenezer), 84, 135 11 11 MURIEL CAMILLA , 217 OLIVE GERTRUDE , 220 10 A. MURRAY, 219 OLIVE MAY , 221 MYRA L. (Wentworth), 203 OLIVE (Turner) CLAP, 103, 104 MYRTLE' (James Alfred), 203 OLIVIA (Hyde), 92, 93, 94 10 MYRTLE EUNICE , 216, 218 OLIVIA', "Oliva", 126 MYRTLE (Green), 156 ORVILLE E.8 (James M.), 145 10 0UNALEE , 219 NANCY' (Ebenezer), 59 NANCY (Everett), 56 PATTY 6 (Jonathan), 67 NANCY (Morse), 108, 109 PATIENCE' (Obadiah), 53, 54 NANCY 8 (Jason), 133 PATIENCE' (Stephen), 49, 67, 68 8 NANCY AMANDA , 132 PATIENCE (King), 166 11 NANCY E. (Sewall), 134 PAUL LESTER W ALTER , 218 NANCY (Avery), 136 PAULINA' (Moses), 107, 108 NANCY (Lynn) (Ingraham), 131 PEARL'° (Henry H.), 197 NANCY (Mosher), 156 PEGGY (Mccurdy), 128 11 NANCY (Whiting), 137 PERCIVAL HOLTERMANN , 217 NANCY H. (Wilson), 157 PERCY C.' (Asa Clark), 192 10 NANCY LYDIA' (Asa Clark), 192 PERCY EDISON , 220 NAOMI, 67 PERCY LAMBERT (Joseph W.), 182 NAOMI (Metzger), 182 PERKINS' (Nathaniel), 78, 131 NATHAN" (Obadiah), 52, 53, 76, 77, PHEBE --, 106 122 PHEBE ANN (Turner), 188 NATHAN' (Nathaniel), 68, 130, 131 PHEBE T. (Allen), 212 NATHAN7 (Nathaniel), 140 PHEBE (Henry), 73 7 NATHAN RrcHARDSON , 77, 124, 125, PHEBE MARIA', 122, 124 128 PHEBE6 (John), 70 NATHAN W.' (John, John), 184 PHEBE6 (Levi), 73 NATHANIEL (Obadiah), 43, 52, 78 PHEBE' (Stephen), 106 6 NATHANIEL , 78 PHEBE (Stevens), 77 NATHANIEL' (Obadiah), 43, 52, 53, 78 PHILENA (Slang), 170 NATHANIEL6 (Nathaniel, John), 132 PoLLY 6 (Ebenezer), 58, 59, 89 NATHANIEL" (Samuel), 57, 85-87 PoLLY6 (Jonathan), 67 NATHANIEL' (Nathaniel), 87, 140 POLLY' (William), 60, 90, 91 NATHANIEL' (Luther), 141 PoLLY7 (Elijah), 82 NATHANIEL MANLEY (Judah), 121 NATHANIEL SuMNER6 (Benjamin), 65 QuEENIA9 (Frederick W.), 210 NATHANIEL SUMNER7 (Timothy), 102, 103, 151 RACHEL (Cushman), 89 NELLIE B. (Rice), 188 RACHEL S. (Storer), 180 NELLIE BELL (Loveland), 188 RALPH EDMUND10 (Leon E.), 202 10 NELLIE (Evans), 141 RALPH WILLIS STEVENS , 218 10 NELLIE FRANCES' (Alanson W.), 188 RAYMOND T. , 221 NELLIE L.' (John), 157 REBECCA' (Obadiah), 35, 37, 41 NELLIE L. (Curtis), 185 REBECCA' (James) , 47, 48 11 NELLIE LUCILE , 216 REBECCA' (Obadiah), 43, 53, 54 NELSON' 123 bis REBECCA' (Elisha), 48, 69, 72, 111 NEWELL,/ (William), 130, 186 REBECCA 7 (Increase)' 48, 66, 105 NEWMAN ELLIS7 (Timothy), 102 REBECCA", 151, 153 240 INDEX

REBECCA (Clark), 81, 82 SAMUEL" (Elisha), 72, 114, 115 REBECCA (Cowen), 35-37 SAMUEL' (Ebenezer), 90 REBECCA T. (Guild), 165 SAMUEL' (Samuel), 86 REBECCA (Rollins), 107, 108 SAMUEL' (Luther), 141 0 8 REGIA B.' , 219 SAMUEL (Thomas), 156 RELIEF --, 83 SAMUEL B.0 (Ebenezer), 58, 59 RELIEF" (John), 70, 110 SAMUEL' (Samuel), 115, 166 RELIEF' (Stephen), 83 SAMUEL E. (Hiram), 115 10 RHODA , 220 SAMUELE.' (David C.), 173 1 RICHARD , 18-22, 111 SAMUEL ENos• (Samuel), 166 8 8 RICHARD , 26, 27, 37, 39, 40 SANFORD (William), 130 5 0 RICHARD (Desire), 45 SARA MAY OwmE' , 219 RICHARD" (Obadiah), 43 SARAH3, 26, 27 RICHARD' (Nathaniel), 87 SARAH 4 (Obadiah), 35-37 RICHARD8 (Luther), 140 SARAH" (John), 51, 73, 74 RICHARD9 (Asa C.), 192 SARAH' (Stephen), 49, 68 RICHARD G.• (Frederick B.), 213 SARAH' (Obadiah), 43, 53 10 RICHARD LYNN , 221 SARAH" (Jacob), 58 11 8 RICHARD LLEWELLYN , 214 SARAH (Stephen), 68, 69 RICHARD W ALWIN10 (Walwin L.), 213 SARAH' (Elijah), 88 RICHARD WITHINGTON' (Frank M.), SARAH "SALLY"' 130 209 SARAH' (Hervey), 98 11 RIVA ELEANOR , 220 SARAH' (John), 80, 81 10 ROBERT ALLEN , 221 SARAH (wife), 136 ROBERT KENNITH GRAVES', 212 SARAH' (Nathaniel), 78, 130 11 ROBERT LAMONT , 218 SARAH' (Samuel), 115 8 ROBERT W ALLACE , 123, 175, 176 SARAH A. (Spaulding), 153 ROBINSON p ARLIN 1°, 215 SARAH A. (Hazeltine), 142 ROSETTA, 136, 140 SARAH A. HAWES (Henry), 115 RoxA", (Ebenezer), 59 SARAH ABBY8 (Henry), 165 10 Roy EDISON , 202 SARAH ANN (Elijah), 116 Roy TURNER', 212 SARAH A. (Getchell), 195 ROYAL VIRGIL', 156 SARAH ANN (Hazeltine), 196 RuEL8 (Thomas), 156 SARAH B.' (Hervey K.), 94, 98, 148 RUTH (Haynes), 28 SARAH (Bird), 48, 49, 68 RuTH8 (Eleazer), 28 SARAH (Bird-Clap), 62, 63 RuTH8 (Eleazer), 55 SARAH (Carter), 210 RuTH' (Elisha), 72, 114, 162 SARAH COLLINS (Barnes), 213 RUTH (Cummings), 55 SARAH ELIZABETH' (Benjamin), 101 RuTH7 (Elijah), 81, 82 SARAH ELIZABETH' (Joseph), 103, 104 RuTH1 (Jacob), 87, 88 SARAH E. (Jordan, Horton), 172 RUTH' (Stephen), 83 SARAH ELIZABETH" (William), 174 RUTH (Steinbauer), 221 SARAH F.8 (Hiram), 136 RUTH ANN (Boyse), 185 SARAH F. (Miller), 192 RUTH ERNESTINE", 182 SARAH G. (Robinson), 197 RUTH HUTCHINSON, 135 8 SARAH (Holmes), 26, 27 RUTH MORSE , 125 10 SARAH (Howe), 90 SADIE PACKARD , 214 SARAH J.' (Ebenezer), 90 SALLY, 122 SARAH J. (Davis), 196 SALLY (Clap) (Messenger), 101, 102 8 6 SARAH ]ANE (Jacob), 142 SALLY (John), 69 SARAH JANE 8 (Daniel) , 132 SALLY' (Samuel), 57, 85 SARAH CLOUGH (Vining), 136 SALLY' (Stephen), 67, 108 SARAH (Rich), 134 SALLY (Stevens), 69 SARAH ]ANE8, 134 SALLY' (Elijah), 81, 82, 132 SARAH M. (Coulton), 125, 180 SALLY (Brown), 126 SARAH (Mansfield), 121 SALLY (Dodge,, 78 SARAH (McAllister), 96, 98 SALLY GILMAN (Frank M.), 210 9 SALLY (Pattee), 140 SARAH MARIA (Gilman), 175 SALLY (Snow), 88 SARAH (Niles), 50, 51 SAMUEL --, 68 SARAH (Reynolds), 196 SAMUEL" (Samuel), 57 bis, 86 SARAH C. (Shaw), 116 SAMUEL" (Eleazer), 44, 56, 57, 100 SARAH (Trout), 61 INDEX 241

SARAH (Wentworth), 71, 72 SYBIL (Martin), 190 9 SARELLA MARY (Murray), 218 SYLVANUS PROCTOR , 211 ScoTT, E.10 (Jesse G.), 203 SYLVANUs T.• (Simeon), 170, 211 MRS. SEBA ( ), 141 SYLVIA' (Albert H.), 194 SERAPH ANN8 (Jacob), 142, 143 SYLVIA (Tucker) Leonard), 171 SETH 7 (Nathaniel), 85, 87, 138, 139, SYLVESTER7 (Timothy), 102,103,152 190 7 SETH CLAP (Samuel), 86, 87, 137, 138 TABITHA7 (Nathaniel), 78 SEWELL' (Coriolanus), 190 9 TABITHA• (Obadiah), 53, 80 SEWELL SMITH TILDEN , 190 9 TABITHA (Richardson), 52 SEWALL JACOBS , 175, 214 THANKFUL" (Ebenezer), 59 SEWALL' (David), 82, 133, 134 THANKFUL" (William), 60 SEWELL NoRTHRUP7, 84, 134 6 10 THoMAS (Jonathan), 66, 67 SILAS ALEXANDER , 222 7 10 THOMAS (Moses), 107, 108, 155, 156 SILAS FREDERICK , 219 THOMAS KENDALL9 (Francis T.), 195 SILAS GIFFORD' (Alvah T.), 206, 222 7 10 THOMAS RoACH (Levi), 120, 171, 172 SILAS HENRY , 219 8 TIMOTHY" (Benjamin), 65, 100, 102 SILAS MoRSE , 125, 127, 129, 180, 181 TIMOTHY' (Timothy), 102, 103 SILENCE" (Desire), 61 TIMOTHY" (William), 152 SILENCE (Swift), 60, 61 6 TIMOTHY WENTWORTH" (Robert W.), SILENCE (Elijah), 56 175 SIMEON" (Levi), 73 SIMEON' (Levi), 119, 170 9 SIMEON BAXTER , 211 SIMEON' (Levi), 211 SOPHIA (Boutelle), 151, 152 VAsco SMITH8 (Sewell N.), 134, 190 SOPHIA' (Eleazer), 146 VERA FRANCES' (Willard), 193 10 SOPHIA (Hyde), 92, 94 VERNA LUCILE , 182 SOPHIA' (Eleazer), 94, 146 VIRGIL BALLARD8 (Thomas), 156 11 SoPHIA (La Rock), 192 VERYL CAREEN , 218 SoPHONIA (Drinkwater), 195 VESTA A.', 136 11 SOPHRONIA (Hovey), 53, 78, 131 VIOLET LAROE , 218 .. SQUIRE7 (Nathaniel), 78 VroRA ELIZABETH (Fisher), 186 11 STANLEY , 216 STEPHEN• (Richard), 40-44, 48, 49, 50, 10 w ALES TucKER , 222 100 WALLACE R.', 156 STEPHEN" (Stephen), 48, 49 bis, 65, WALTER9 (Frank Harris), 210 67, 68, 69 10 8 WALTER BENJAMIN , 217 STEPHEN , 124, 177, 178 9 6 WALTER CHARLES (Eleazer), 196 STEPHEN (Jonathan), 66, 67, 69, 106, WALTER E.' (Robert W.), 176 107 WALTER ELWELL' (Eugene M.), 199 STEPHEN" (Stephen), 69 109 9 WALTER HERBERT , 212 STEPHEN" (Eleazer), 55, 82, 83 9 WALWIN LEVI , 213 STEPHEN' (Stephen), 107 WARREN 7 (Enos), 118, 170 STEPHEN AGUSTUs' (Benjamin), 109 7 WARREN L. (Ebenezer), 90, 143 STEPHEN JoHNSON , 77, 122, 123, 124 10 WARREN RUSSELL', 210 STEWART STARKS (William S.), 8 198 W ATSON , 156 SUBMIT• (Ebenezer), 59 WELLINGTON' (William), 130, 187 11 SusAN (Herring) (Bailey), 160 WILBUR M. , 219 SUSANNA" (Stephen), 49, 68 WILHELMINA M. (Schultz), 191 SusAN LOUISE (Harris), 167 WILLARD8 (Jeremiah R.), 137, 193 Susrn' (Dennis), 170 WILLARD W .8 (Joseph), 126, 183 11 SUSANNA REBECCA (Goodwin), 166 WILLARD , 216 SUSANNA' (William), 130 WILLIAM' (Eleazer), 44, 59, 60, 90 SusAN PARKER' (Levi), 173 WILLIAM" (Desire), 61 SusANNAH6 (Ebenezer), 59 7 WILLIAM" (Jonathan), 66 SusAN (Elijah), 88 WILLIAM" (William), 60, 91, 92 SUSAN B. (Trumbull), 200 WILLIAM" (Silas M.), 181, 219 8 SUSANNA MoRSE (Nathan R.), 181 WILLIAM A.• (Alanson W.), 188 Susrn• (Alvin), 182 WILLIAM ADDISON" (Addison W.), SusIE A. (Bussell), 199 169 9 SUMNER JAcKSON (Alban H.), 191 WILLIAM ALPHONzo", 122, 124, 179 242 INDEX

8 WILLIAM ANDREW., 194 WILLIAM HERVEY , 147 WILLIAM' (Benjamin), 109 WILLIAM How';RD10 (Frank W.), 200 WILLIAM10 (Herbert N.), 220 WILLIAM HuLL (Ira Poor), 128, 185 8 WILLIAM BoND , 161 WILLIAM K.' (Increase), 153 7 WILLIAM , 106, 107 WILLIAM LE B., 202 9 WILLIAM' (Eleazer), 94, 145 WILLIAM LEBARRON , 202 WILLIAM' (Increase), 105 WILLIAM LESLIE', 174 WILLIAM C. ( ), 101 WILLIAM8 (Nathaniel), 131 WILLIAM' (Judah), 121, 173, 174 WILLIAM' (Nathaniel), 78, 129, 130 10 7 WILLIAM FRANCis , 222 WILLIAM (Samuel), 86 WILLIAM10 (Carl), 169 WILLIAM 7 (Stephen), 106 8 WILLIAM CLARK' (John H.), 101, 150, WILLIAM ROCKWOOD , 138, 194 201 WILLIAM SETH" (Daniel), 137 192 WILLIAM E.' (Jacob H.), 198 WILLIAM' (Timothy), 102, 103 151 WILLIAM EDWARD' (John), 128, 184 152 ' ' WILLIAM E.', (M. Edgar), 204 WILLIAM STARKS' (Lucius A.), 198 WILLIAM ELEAZER' (Calvin), 146 WILLIAM W.' (John), 113, 158, 159 10 WILLIAM FISHER (Newell), 186 WILLIS EDMUND , 220 11 WILLIAM (Seth) 139 WILMA JEAN , 220 WILLIAM HENRY! (Seth), 139, 196 7 11 WILSON (Stephen), 107 WILLIAM HENRY , 219 11 8 WILTON FINCH , 214 W1LLIAM (Thomas), 156 WINIFRED' (Charles), 167 WILLIAM' (Timothy), 151, 1S2 WILLIAM9 (Ira), 128 8 8 WILLIAM HENRY , 139 ZILLA CECILIA , 134 WILLIAM HERBERT' (John), 157 ZoE (Schwatka), 186 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES

ABERNATHY, 205 BATTLES, 49, 71 ADAMS, 43, 82, 94, 124, 134, 148 BAWLEY, 85 ADLINGTON, 112 BAXTER, 27, 95, 114, 170, 209 AIKINS, 80 BEALE, 214 AKELEY, 58 BEALS, 62, 101 ALBEE, 150 BEAN, 81, 130, 131, 220 ALBRIGHT, 205 BEANE, 188 ALCOCK, 21 BECKONERT, 221 ALCORN, 133 BEDBURY, 189 ALDEN, 112 BEDELL, 165 ALDERMAN, 142 BEECHER, 83 ALDRIDGE, 63 BEIGHTON (BEATON), 37, 38, 39 ALGER, 62 BELCHER, 44, 70, 84 ALLEN, 53, 56, 70, 169, 184, 212 BEI,l)ING, 210 AMES, 50 BELL, 204 ANDERSON, 135, 160, 189, 204 BELYEA, 160 ANDREWS, 19, 45, 199 BEMIS, 124 ANNIS, 126 BENNETT, 117, 181 ARELLE, 187 BENETTA, 220 ARMITAGE, 208 BENSON, 141 ARNOLD, 98, 203 BENT, 68, 71, 105, 106, 143, 157 ARRIS, 215 BENTLEY, 69, 115 ASHLEY, 33, 34, 212 BENTON, 83, 190 ATCHESON, 186 BERRY, 193, 203 ATHERTON, 19, 20, 22 BESSE, 207 ATKINS, 214 BESSEY, 75 ATKINSON, 21 BESSING, 156 ATWATER, 31 BESWICK, 116, 117, 158, 168 ATWOOD, 129 BICKFORD, 87, 125, 177 AUSTIN, 126 BIDDLE, 37 AVERY, 136, 206 BIGELOW, 60, 140 BIGGS, 29, 30 BILLINGS, 21, 43, 44, 55, 57, 63, 137 BABCOCK, 19 BILLINGTON, 126 BADGER, 207, 208, 220 Brno, 19, 23, 24, 26, 28, 36, 37, 38, 45, BADLAM, 109 47 48, 50, 51, 57, 62, 63, 89 BAGLEY, 56, 83, 196 BISHOP, 127 BAILEY, 37, 43, 160, 219 BISSELL, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, 219 BAKER, 19, 21, 49, 50, 64, 133, 134, 187, BIXBY, 129 193, 219 BLACK, 163, 203 BALBRIGGA, 172 BLACKMAN, 23, 38 BALDWIN, 55 BLAKE, 26, 56, 64, 70, 71, 162, 171, 175 BALL, 88, 89 BLAKELEY, 217 BALLANTINE, 199 BLAISDELL, 126, 204 BALLARD, 66, 105 BLANCHARD, 87, 88, 141, 168 BALLIET, 216 BLESSING, 41 BALLOU, 92, 103, 159, 160, 202 BLETHEN, 175 BANCROFT, 32 BARBER, 101, 150 Buss, 146, 198 BARKER, 147, 170, 199 Br.OEDEL, 89 BARNES, 213 BLOOD, 144 BARNEY, 218 BOLLES, 176 BARNUM, 135 BOLTON, 87 BARTLES, 217 BOMER, 61 BARTLETT, 165 BOND, 54, 160 BARTON, 82, 130, 163 BONNEY, 215 BASS, 81, 82, 84 BASSETT, 187, 206, 207 BOSSON, 49, 68 BATCHELOR, 163 BOUGHTON, 143 BATES, 193 BOUTELLE, 151, 152

243 244 INDEX

BOWEN, 200 CARTER, 130, 210 BOWMAN, 48, 51, 63 CASE, 208, 216 BOYD, 130, 131 CASWELL, 74 BoYDEN (Borden), 57, 64, 172 CAVANAUGH, 146 BOYNTON, 128 CHAMBERLIN (LAIN), 126, 130, 153, BoYSE, 185 158 BRABSON, 209 CHANDLER, 126 BRACKETT, 40, 53 CHAPIN, 38, 97 BRADFORD, 116 CHASE, 59, 80, 212 BRADLEY, 28, 38, 39, 49 CHECKLEY, 38 BRADY, 76 CHESNEY, 128 BRADSTREET, 127 CHILD (s), 54, 128, 157 BRAGG, 27, 202 CHURCH, 89, 142 BRAMAN, 95 CHURCHILL, 59, 127 BRETT, BRJTT, 188, 219 CILLEY, 196 BREWSTER, 29, 30 CLAFLIN, 206 BRECK, 22 CLAP, CLAPP, 19-22, 27, 28, 36, 50, 60- BRIGHTMAN, 170 64, 67, 100-104, 106, 112, 119, 148, BRIMACOMB, 218 154, 162, 204, 223 BRITTON, 188 CLARK, CLARKE, 21, 64, 72, 74, 81, 82, BROAD, 74 89, 120, 121, 145, 150, 151, 154, 167, BROCKLEBANK, 27 192, 198, 206 BROCKWAY, 110 CLEMENT, 156 BROMLEY, 119 CLEVELAND, 44 BROOKS, 66, 91 CLIFF, 186 BRUCE, 215 CLUGSTON, 217 BROWN, BROWNE, 55, 82, 86, 126, 127, COBB, 41-43, 54, 102, 103, 112 132, 145, 149 COBBETT, 160 BRYANT, 182 COCHRANE, 76 BucK,, 168 COFFIN, 182 BUGBEE, 39 COLBURN, 64 BULLARD, 105 COLLINS, 171, 185 BURGOYNE, 76 COLSON, 36 BURHOE, 183 COMSETT, 74 BUNNELL, 30 COMSTOCK, 144 BURLINGAME, 151 CONANT, 87, 126, 183 BURNHAM, 145, 166 CooK, 193, 198, 205, 206, 215 BURLEY, 87, 88 COOKSON, 203 BURRILL, 166 COOPER, 103, 126 BURROWS, 58 CORBIN, 133 BURT, 108, 109, 157, 212 CORY, 93, 94, 95, 96, 145 BUSHNELL, 145 COULTER, 218 BUSSELL, 176, 199 CouLTON, 180 BUSWELL, 163 CouTEs, 205 BUTMAN, 76 COWAN, 83 BUTT, 60 COWEN (COWING), 36, 37 BUTTERBAUGH, 217 CoY, 133 BUTTERFIELD, 219 COYLE, 218 CRAIG, CRAIGE, 163, 168 CRANE, 193 CADY, 145 CRAPO, 103 CAIN, 77 CRAWFORD, 198 CALDWELL, 208 CRESSY, 221 CALL, 84, 188 CROBAUGH, 116, 117 CALLINGTON, 195 CROCKER, 104 CAMPBELL, 85, 145, 209 CROW, 105 CANTERBURY, 87, 88 CROWELL, 176 CAPEN, 23, 30, 36, 43, 50, 61, 66, 68, CROWN, 187 73, 111, 119, 120 CUMMINGS, 48, 55, 85 CAREY, 182, 202 CUNNINGHAM, 94, 146 CARPENTER, 57, 59, 95, 125 CURRAN, 162 CARR, 58 CURRIER, 210 INDEX 245

CURTIS, 21, 43, 52, 56, 57, 58, 66, 68, EDES, 193 159, 164, 185 EDMUND, 191 CURWIN, 109 KING EDWARD VII, 187 CUSHMAN, 89 EDWARDS, 206 EGGERMAN, 214 EGLESTON, 144 DAILEY, 219 ELDRIDGE, 155, 156 DAL'FON, 123 ELIOT, ELLIOTT, 60, 123, 130, 202 DALY, 221 ELLIS, 40, 65, 100, 102, 105, 130, 155, DANFORTH, 28, 46, 143 202, 203 DANIELS, 91 ELLMORE, 128 DARLING, 154 ELWELL, 195 DASHIELL, 120 ELY, 129 DAVENPORT, 23, 39, 85, 95, 206 DAVIDSON, 211 EMERSON, 134 EMERY, DAVIS, 21, 29, 110, 138, 155, 171, 179, 130, 131, 173 183, 193, 196 ENSIGN, 30 ERIKSON, 217 DAY, 63, 64, 68 DEAN, 67, 88, 103 EsTI, ESTEY, 36, 41, 42 EVANS, DEAVER, 221 85, 141, 212 EVERETT, 47, 56, 62, 63, 65, 153 DE LONG, 216, 217 EVERSON, 219 DENBROEDER, 194 EWING, 169 DENNIS, 166 DE VOE, 134, 190 DEWEY, 22, 33, 34, 60 FAIR, 116 DEXTER, 42 FAIRBANKS, 63, 64 DICKERMAN, 165 FALES, 57 DICKERSON, 219 FARNUM, 19, 21, 136 DILL, 183 FARRINGTON, 42-48, 204-207 DIMOND, 77 FAUGHT, 107 DoBBILL, 197 FAY, 151 DODGE, 78, 80 FENNER, 167 DoE, 106 FENNO, 38, 42, 93 DOLE, 158 FERREN, 80 DORMAN, 210 FERRIS, 118 DONAHEW, 82 FERRY, 197 DONNA, 156 FILLMORE, 165 DOUGLAS, 96, 166 FINCH, 116 Dow, 145 FisH, 81 DRAPER, 67 FISHER, 23, 71, 111, 186, 200 DREVER, 193 FrsK, 208 ' DREW, 166 FITCH, 32, 33 DRINKWATER, 195 FITTS, 158, 208 DROUGHT, 169 FLAGG, 84, 138 Du BECK, 165 FLANDERS, 196 Du Bors, 84 FLAWS, 52 DUDLEY, 89 FLETCHER, 214 DUNBAR, 44, 70, 74 FLINT, 22, 83, 84, 93 DUNCAN, 47, 48, 76 FOBES, 70, 84 DUNNAKEN, 74 FORD, 114 DUNSl\fOOR, 183 FORESS, 216 DURFEE, 121 FOSTER, 20, 21, 33, 209 DUTTON, 48, 106 FOWLER, 129, 142, 159, 160, 169 DuvEY, 202 FOWLES, 165 DuYSTERS, 124 Fox, 131, 217 DYRE, DYER, 21, 45, 112, 159, 202 FRASIER, 189 FRAZIER, 80 FREEMAN, 95, 96, 99, 165 EAMES, 194 FRENCH, 40, 195, 217 EASON, 201 FRENETTE, 137 EBERT, 176 FROST, 108, 152 ECCLES, 220 FULLER, 84, 152, 196, 212 EDDY, 211 FULTON, 128 246 INDEX

GAGNON, 126 HAMBURY, 98 GALLAGHER, 186 HAMILTON, 144 GALLOP, 121 HAMLIN, 217 GANNETT, 68, 69, 204 HANCHETT, 34 GARDNER, 62, 99 HANNUM, 33 GARNSEY, 21 HANSEN, 190 GARTLEY, 214 HARCY, 38 GATES, 83, 128, 176 HARDING, 139, 170 GAUER, 217 HARKNESS, 67 GAVET, 61 HARLEY, 222 GAY, 43, 70, 71, 112, 119, 121 HARLOW, 110, 157 GEAGAN, 45 HARRIMAN, 129 GEE, 37 HARRINGTON, 109, 160, 215 GEORGE, 127, 158, 181 HARRIS, 33, 48, 58, 59, 82, 89, 90 108 GETCHELL, 195 116, 167, 168, 210 ' ' GIBBON ( s), 45, 46 HARRISON, WM. HENRY, 176 GIFFORD, 213 HARTSHORN, 54, 153, 154 GILBERT, 181 HARVEY, 80, 81, 130 GILES, 55 HASKELL, 164 GILL, 19, 40, 48, 57, 59, 63, 69-72, 111, HATCH, 37, 87, 88 112, 114 HAVEN, 53 GILLETT, 88 HAWKINS, 29 GILMAN, 177, 209 HAWLEY, 135, 223 GILMORE, 164, 165 HAYDEN, 115, 201 GILPATRIC, 178 HAYES, 30, 155, 156 GmouD, 176 HAYNES, 28, 30 GLEAD, 128 HAYWOOD, 132 GLEASON, 134, 168 HAZE, 43 GLIDDEN, 185, 192 HAZELTINE, 196 GLINES, 199 HAZELTON, 142 GLOVER, 33, 34, 84, 119, 160, 167, 201 HEAD, 146 GODFREY, 42, 206, 207 HEARD, 110 GODDARD, 70 HEATH, 46, 98 GODDING, 149 HEGG, 218 GOFF, 87, 122 HENGEL, 182 GOODWIN, 48, 126, 127, 136, 166 HENRY, 70-73, 114, 115, 162 GooGrN, 155 HENSHAW, 36 GORDON, 218 HERCUS, 193 GORHAM, 104 HERRING, 160 GouLD, 62, 101, 103, 104 HESS, 133 GOULDING, 82 HEWINS, 21, 35, 36, 41, 42, 56, 57, 58, GOVE, 208 62, 67, 151 GRAHAM, 120 HrcKEY, 204 GRANGER, 131 HIDES, 40 GRANT, 30, 31, 178 HILDRETH, 185 GRAVES,'. 141 HILL, 91, 95, 127, 141, 206, 216 GRATON, 67, 71 HILLMAN, 139 GRAUNT, 170 HILTON, 192 GREEN, 97, 146, 156, 204, 210 HIMES, 205 GRIGGS, 52 HINCKLEY, 178 GRISWOLD, 32, 184 HrscocK, 222 GROVER, 203, 217 HITCHCOCK, 137, 204 GROVES, 156 HOADLEY, 118 GUILD, 165 HOAG, 66 HOAR, 144, 199 HACKETT, 133 HOBART, 165 HADLEY, 77 HODGES, 30, 118, 169, 197 HADLOCK, 80 HOGAN, 109 HALE, 93 HOLBROOK, 65, 84, 100, 101 HALI,, 24, 31, 53, 140, 196 HOLCOMB, 117 HALSEY, 216 HOLLOWAY, 21 HAMBLIN, 96, 171, 207 HOLLISTER, 180, 222 INDEX 247

HOLMES, 22, 23, 26, Zl, 39, 47, 206 KENNES0:-1", 130 HOLT, 107, 128, 129 KENNEY, 133, 135 HoLTERMANN, 217 KEYES, 88 HooK, 121 KILLINGWORTH, 205 HOPKINS, 93, 185 KIMBALL, 141 HOPPIN, 28 KING, 166, 211, 215 HoRN, 126, 205 KINGSBURY, 64, 94, 95, 97, 104 HORNER, 93 KINGSLEY, 28 HORTON, 172, 180 KINKEAD, 99 HoSIUNS, 49, 143 KIRKWOOD, 99 HOUGHTON, 62, 122, 123, 177 KNAB, 205 HOUSTON, 92 KNIGHT, 130, 140 HOVEY, 78, 87, 88, 131 KNORK, 219 HOWARD, 42, 83, 115, 121, 126, 159, KNOWER(s), 68, 108 179, 200 KoLLOCK, 54 How, HowE, 45, 90, 206, 219 HOWES, 40, 68 LACY, 116 HOYT, 80 LAKE, 22, 143 HUBBARD, 135 LAMB, 182, 212 H t'BBELL, 144 LANE, 29 HucKSON, 157 LANGLEY, 65 HUGHES, 99 LANGTON, 28 HUMPHREY, 18-24, 26-28, 37-39,. 62, LANPHER, 197 111 LANSING, 116 HUNT, 116, lZl, 128, 204, 205, 208 LAPHAM, Latham, 61, 211 HUNTING, 137 LARNED, 148 HURLBURT, 94 LA RocK, 192 HURLEY, 141 LAUGHLIN, 53, 122 HUTCHINSON, 81, 135, 149, 162 LAWFER, 2-06 ' HYATT, 99, 148 LAWRENCE, 163 HYDE, 59, 92-94 LAW'ION, 118 LAYCOCK, 45 INGALLS, 166 LEAMANS, 78 INGRAHAM, 42, 131 LEA YINS, 118 IRISH, 189, 190, 220 LEAVITT, 81 }ACKLING, 45 LE BARON, 79 }ACKSOY, "80, 91, 131, 187, 188 LEDGETT, 144 ]AMES, 54 LEE, 85, 93, 94, 200 }ARVIS, 147 LEGGITT, 222 ]AYNES, 42 LELAND, 137, 194 ]E.FTS, 48 LELY, 164 JEROME, 210 LEONARD, 171 ]EWEL, 216 LIJ\'COLN, 55, 77, 181 JEWETT, 80, 107 LINDSAY, 135, 191, 215 Jom,-soN, 41, 52, 55, 78, 112, 129-131, LINFIELD, 174 172,210 LINQUIST, 181 ]ONES, 21, 39, 100, 101, 126, 156, 158, LION, LYON, LYN, 38, 39, 42, 46, 72, 159, 203, 216 85 JORDAN, 172 LiscuM, 215 JOSEPH, 117 LIST, 176 JOSSELYN, 126 LITTLE, 131, 185 ]OY, 139, 140 LITTLEFIELD, 71 LOCKE, 58, 89, 91 KANE, 210 LOOMIS, 179 KEEN, 215 LORD, 147, 212 KEITH, 69, 70 LOSEE, 133 KELLER, 218 LO'rHROP, 207 KELLEY, 142, 183 LOVEJOY, 114 KELLOGG, 97 LOVELAND, 89, 141, 188 KELSEY, 196 LOVERING, 64, 208 KENDAI..L, 52, 138, 151 Low, 158 KENDRICK, 206 LOWELL, 55, 82, 147 KENNEDY, 46, 100, lZJ LUCAS, 19 248 INDEX

LUCE, 184 MINZEY, 74 LUNT, 114 MITCHELL, 114, 115, 165, 168 LUTHER, 117, 118 MIX, 31 LYFORD, 178 MONAHAN, 222 LYMAN, 93-95, 144 MoNK, 111, 112 LYNCH, 117 MONROE, 101, 202 LYNN, 131 MOODY, 185 MoORE, 32, 46, 76, 78, 119, 136 MAcKuNE, 204 MORGAN, 69, 72, 129 MACLEOD, 161 MoRGRAGE, 129 MACOMBER, 120, 211 MORRILL, 21, 127 MADDEN, 112 MoRsE, 41, 42, 86, 109, 124, 152, 206 MADDUX, 120 MONTGOMERY, 38 MALLORY, 187 MORTON, 70, 104, 201 MALONE, 117 MosHER, 155, 156, 174 MALLETT, 123 MOULTON, 78, 79, 118, 127, 157, 207 MAN, MANN, 37, 42, 47, 60, 64, 68, 74, MUNROE, 150 92, 215 MURDOCK, 160 MANLEY, 73 MURPHY, 204, 222 MANSFIELD, 121 MURRAY, 144, 218 MANSIR, 99, 149 MUZZEY, 114 MARCY, 112 MYERS, 168, 169 MARDEN, 74, 145 MARSHALL, 119 NASH, 44, 50 MARTIN, 43, 54, 117, 190 NELSON, 217 MASON, 21, 67, 140, 189, 193, 202 NEVINS, 166 MASTERMAN, 123, 124, 177, 179 NEWBURY, 33 MATTHEWS, 118, 202, 205 NEWCOMB, 205 McALLISTER, 96, 98 NEWELL, 39, 99 McCARTHY, 213 NEWMAN, 124, 179, 180, 215 McCLELLAN, 143 NEWMARCH, 110 McCORMACK, 198 NEWTON, 36, 97, 190 McCoNNELL, 76 NICHOLS, 123 McCURDY, 128 NILES, 49, 50, 73 McDOWELL, 216 NIMS, 163 McFARLAND, 141, 197 NIXON, 42, 44, 46, 59 McGUIRE, 120 NOBLE, 34 McKNIGHT, 1.16 NocKERSON, 199 McLANATHAN, 152 NOEL, 186 McNEIL, 52 NORRIS, 204 McLAUGHLIN, 179, 180 N ORT HR UP, 83, 198 McMULLEN, 144 NOURSE (NURSE), 41, 74 MAXFIELD, 64-66, 68 NOYES, 91 MAY, 43, 112, 118 MAYOTTE, 186 ODELL, 188 MEACHEM, 89, 133 OLDs, 169 MEADE, 216 OLIVER, 99 MEARS, 131 OLMSTED, 117 MELCHER, 172 O0THOUDT, 181 MILLENS, 49 ORCUTT, 210 MERRICK (MERRITT?), 155 ORMSBY; 187 MERRILL, 89 ORVIS, :,8 MESERVE, 208 OVERBOE, 221 MESSENGE~ 54, 102 METCALF, :,3 PACKARD, 70, 141, 164, 175 MIERS, MEERS, 39 p AGE, 61, 70, 74, 75, 107, 161, 207 METZGER, 182 PAINE, 95 MILLER, 43, 47, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 91, PALMER, 170 192, 201, 211, 218 p ARK, 153, 175, 214 MILLETT, 146 p ARKER, 98, 130, 176, 178, 179, 223 MILLIKEN, 151 p ARKMAN, 37, 39, 99 MINER, 103 PARLIN, 124, 126, 176, 179 MINOT, 19, 22 PARM(?), 197 INDEX 249

PARO, 181 REVERE, 115 p ARSON ( S), 148, 208, 209 REXFORD, 78 PARRISH, 198 REYNOLDS, 156, 196 PATRICON, 193 RrcE, 44, 188, 205 PATTEE, 140 RICH, 82, 134, 189 PATTEN, 21-23, 52, 53, 179, 180 RICHARDS, 42, 56, 67, 68, 76, 137, 203 PAYSON, 66, 67 RICHARDSON, 52-54, 175 PEABODY, 95 RICKER, 106, 193, 198 PEAKE, 39, 40 RICKETSON, 212 PEARSON, 147, 216, 217 RrGBEE, 23 PEASE, 143 ROBBINS, 64, 74, 112, 162 PELTON, 204 ROBERTS, 88 PENDLETON, 195 ROBINSON, 41, 59, 69-71, 84, 124, 197 PEPPLER, 198 RocKWELL, 22, 30-33 PERKINS, 52, 94,146 ROCKWOOD, 138 PERRIN, 29, 222 RoGERS, 91, 151 PERRY, 202 ROLLINS, 106-108 PERSICOE, 186 RoOT, 33-35, 142 PETERSON, 181 DEROPP, 200 PETTINGILL, 46 RoSENBURGH, 169 PHILLIPS, 18, 81, 124 ROSIER, 79 PICKERING, 203 Ross, 189 PIERCE, 47, 63, 72, 101, 110, 119, 126, ROUNCEVILLE, 212 132, 137, 144, 206, 223 ROWE, 110, 197 PIERSON, 185, 217 ROWELL, 52, 53, 78, 80, 81 PINDER, 139 ROWLAND, 215 PINKHAM, 145 Roy AL, 38, 45 PINNEY, 135 RUDDOCK, 61 PIPER, 80 RUDE, 19 PITCHER, 50 RUGGLES, 43, 44, 55 PITTS, 119 RusH, 19 PITTSLEY, 212 Russ, 184 PoocKE, 207 RYAN, 66, 120 POMEROY, 37, 120 POND, 19, 23, 36 SACKETT, 33 POOLE, 194, 211 SADLER, 191 PooR(E), 128, 184 SAGER, 181 POPE, 62, 72, 84, 101, 119 SALLADY, 182 PORTER, 182, 207, 208 SAMPSON, 79 POTTER, 129 SANBORN, 114, 172, 173 PouuN, 187 SANGER, 203 PRATT, 56, 104, 126, 127, 182 SARGENT, 72, 143 PRAY, 69 SATTERLY, 29 PRENTICE, 88, 89 SAWTELLE, 106, 107, 156 PRESCOTT, 98, 127 SAWYER, 212 PROCTOR, 69, 100, 101, 178 SAYERS, 137 PRENTISS, 196 SCHULTZ, 191 PUGH, 185 ScnwAKA, 186 PUTNAM, 190 ScoTT, 54, 56, 57 ScovILL, 117 SEARLE, QUARRELLS, 168 184 SESSIONS, Qur~NAM, 150 81, 132, 133 SEWELL, 28, 36, 44, 45, 177 SEWARD (SUARD), 28, 29, 30 RANDALL, 69, 75, 169, 183, 197 SHAFFER, 169 RAWSON, 20 SHANNON, 100 RAYMOND, 112, 187, 194 SHARE, 133 REA, 45 SHATTUCK, 129 READ, READE (REED), 66, 73, 146, 170, SHAW, 29, 49, 58, 116 185, 188, 211, 219, 223 SHEPARD, 44, 71, 72, 114 RECORD, 90 SHEPPY, SHEPPIE, 127, 151 REEDMAN, 46 SHERMAN, 188, 211 REID, 204 SHERWOOD, 132 250 INDEX

SIMMONS, 78 SUITOR, 220 SIMPSON, 205 SULLIVAN, 76 SISSON, 171, 172 SUMNER, 18, 19, 24, 31, 48, 65, 78, 105 SKINNER, 180 SWALLOW, 130 SLAFTER, 218 SWAN, 70, 111, 151, 160 SLATE, 91 SWART, 204, 205 SLIPER, 124 SWEET, 172 SLONG, 170 SWETT, 156 SMALL, 167 SWIFT, 21, 22, 60, 61, 174 SMART, 87, 139, 140 SYKES, 91 SMITH, 30, 38, 46, 47, 54, 59, 69, 70, SYLVESTER, 112 71, 72, 79, 95, 120, 132-134, 138, 142, SYMONDS, 149 144, 158, 175, 176, 187, 195, 199, 208, 212 TABER, 158, 167 SNELL, 70, 137, 138, 164 TAGGART, 77 SNOW, 88, 107, 115, 138, 139, 196 TALBOT, 19, 43, 46, 47, 48, 50, 70, 72, SOULE, 166, 200 73, 111, 119, 154, 158, 166 SOUTHARD, 136 TARBOX, 145, 199 SOUTHWICK, 167 TARDY, 182 SOUTHWORTH, 73, 118, 119 TATE, 176 SPANGLER, 205 TAYLOR, 128, 134, 192, 219 SPATES, 165 TEBBETS, 207 SPAULDING, 127, 128, 153 TEEPLE, 190 SPEAR, 73, 74 TENNANT, 129 SPECK, 159 TENNEY, 184 SPENCER, 120, 164, 181, 220 TERRILL, 195 SPRAGUE, 91 THACHER, 38, 47 SPRINGMEYER, 186 THAYER, 69, 111, 162, 201, 207 SPUR, 23, 59 THOMSON, 36 SQUIRES, 135 THOMPSON, 130, 134, 165, 216 STAGG, 217 THORNTON, 45, 168, 212 STANTON, 82 THORP, 29, 42 STAPLES, 183 THURSTON, 46 STARK(s), 76, 198, 199 TIBBETTS, 128 STANLEY, 83 TIDMARSH, 192 STARNES, 217 TILDEN, 46, 47, 69, 73, 112, 162, 164, STARR, 29 190 STAUFFER, 218 TILLOTSON, 95 STEARNS, 123 TILSON, 70, 162 STEELE, 53, 174, 211 TILSTON, 173 STEINBAUER, 221 TISDALE, 154 STETSON, 103, 165 TITCOMB, 49 STEVENS, 69, 77, 78, 158, 185, 219 TOBEY, 174 STEWART, 153, 180 TOLMAN, 21, 23, 24, 36, 42 STICKNEY, 76 TOMPKINS, 18, 214 STILES, 37 TOPLIFFE, 24, 40 STILLMAN, 99, 148 TORREY, 166 STIMPSON, 161 TOWER, 66, 67 STOCKWELL, 132 TOWNE, 41, 55, 58 STODDARD, 117, 173 TOOKER, 29 STONE, 49, 65, 74, 101, 102, 104, 105, TRAILL, 42 107, 150, 151 TRASK, 166, 221 ST. PIERRE, 186 TREADWELL, 92 STORER, 77, 180 TREAT, 28, 166 STOUGHTON, 18,21,22 TREWORGIE, 147 STOWERS, 77 TRIPP, 96 STRANGE, 206 TROUT, 61 STRATTON, 86 TROWBRIDGE, 55, 81, 83 STRICKLAND, 133 TRUE, 179 STROUT, 183 TRUMBULL, 200 STUDLEY, 173 TUCKER, 36, 38, 42, 50, 72, 111, 158- STURGIS, 171 161, 171, 206, 207 STURMAN, 182 TURNER (TURNEY), 42, 103, 131, 164, INDEX 251

165, 188, 211 WHIPPLE, 117 TUTTLE, 191 WHITE, 19, 23, 36, 42, 51, 69, 86, 91, TYLER, 111, 208, 219 109, 110, 116, 148, 153, 164, 211 WHITEFIELD, 32 UPHAM, 113, 114, 158, 162 WHITEHOUSE, 107 UTLEY, 169 WHITING, 101, 137 WHITMARSH, 165 VANCE, 186 WHITMAN, 21, 28 VAN HEUSEN, 89, 141, 142, 143 WHITNEY, 43, 88, 101, 102 VAN N AMEE, 220 WHITTLE, 38 VINING, 136, 140 WIGHT, 54 VIRGIN, 126 WIGHTMAN, 74 VosE, 36, 47, 52, 104, 109, 110, 157 WILBUR, 170, 198, 211 VoGELL, 201 WILDER, 148, 154, 167 WILKINS, 127 WILLARD, 183 WADLEIGH, 81, 131, 132 WILLET, 152 WADSWORTH, 27, 45, 73, 163 WILLIAMS, 19-24, 38-40, 62, 216 WALES, 21, 22, 50, 74 ,1/ILLlAMSON, 132 WALKER, 197, 216 WILLIS, 62, 67 WALL, 205 WILMARTH, 135 WALTERS, 169 WILLS (WILLIS?), 67 WARD, 31, 139, 172 WILSON, 157 WARE, 36 WINDLEY, 128 WARREN (WARRENER, WARNER), 31, WINGFIELD, 61 32, 34, 91, 156, 189 WINSHIP, 100, 102, 103 WASHBURN, 83 WINN, 45 WATKINS, 81, 82 WISWALL, 21 WAY, 22 WITHAM, 182 WEBB, 38, 120 WITHINGTON, 24, 36, 38, 47, 48, 110, WEBER, WEBBER, 182, 220 112, 158, 161, 162 WEBSTER, 80 WITHERBIE (WETHERBIE), 43 WEEKS, 21, 39, 156, 173 Woon, 111, 149, 200, 210 WELD, 42, 68 WOODBURY, 74 WELLER, 34 WOODHULL, 24 WELLINGTON, 64 WOODS, 138, 194, 199 WELLS, 53, 78, 79 WOODWARD, 42, 52, 53, 78, 80, 189 WELTEN, 117 WOOLEY, 149 WENDALL, 114 WORDELL, 171, 211 WENTWORTH, 44-47, 68, 71, 72, 111, WORLEY, 110 155, 164, 175, 203 WORTHEN, 194 WERNER, 186 WRIGHT, 136, 169, 175, 200 WESTERN, 213 WRITSON, 218 WESTGATE, 171 WYET, 24 WESTON, 183 WYMAN, 129 WETHERHEAD, 91 WHEATLEY, WHITLEY, 60, 94, 132 YORK, 165, 182 WHEELER, 90, 91, 129 YOUNG, 60

CHRONOLOGICAL (Arranged as families are presented) 1 RICHARD\ 18 36 SAMUEL• (Samuel), 57, 86 2 2 OBADIAH , 22, 23 36a NATHANIEL' (Samuel), 57, 86 2 3 ELEAZER , 22, 27 37 JACOB" (Jacob), 58, 87 3a BETHIA2 (Seward), 22, 28 38 ELIJAH' (Jacob), 58, 88 3b DELIVERANCE 2 (Rockwell, War- 39 EBENEZER• (Jacob), 58, 89 ner, Bissell), 22, 30 39a POLLY' (Harris), 58, 89 3c CoNSTANT2 (Dewey), 22, 33 40 EBENEZER6 (Ebenezer), 59, 90 3 4 OBADIAH , 27, 35 40a PoLLY' (Wheeler), 60, 90 5 }AMES", 27, 37 40b EsTHER• (Slate), 60, 91 8 6 RICHARD , 27, 39 41 WILLIAM' (Whilliam), 60, 91 6a REBECCA' (Estey), 37, 41 41a EuNICE6 (Treadwell), 60, 92 4 6 7 OBADIAH , 37, 41 41b HULDAH (Flint), 60, 93 8 ELEAZER', 37, 43 42 ELEAZER" (William), 60, 93 9 DESIRE., 38, 45 43 ELIJAH' (William), 60, 94 9a DAMARIS' (Wentworth), 38, 45 43a CLARISSA' (Carpenter), 60, 95 9b MARY' (Smith), 38, 46 43b ELECTA' (Freeman), 60, 95 10 }AMES\ 39, 47 44 HERVEY', 60, 96 11 STEPHEN', 40, 48 45 EDWARD' (Desire), 61, 98 12 }OHN', 40, 50 46 BENJAMIN' (Benjamin), 65, 99 12a ELIZABETH', 40, 51 47 }OHN HOLBROOK', 65, 91 6 13 OBADIAH°, 43, 52 48 TIMOTHY , 65, 102 13a SARAH' (Laughlin), 43, 53 49 }OSEPH", 65, 103 6 13b. REBECCA' (Richardson), 43, 53 50 lNCREASE , 65, 104 14 ELEAZER', 44, 54 50a MARY' (Stone), 65, 105 15 ELIJAH', 44, 55 51 LUKE', 65, 105 16 SAMUEL", 44, 56 52 STEPHEN' (Jonathan), 67, 106 17 }ACOB', 44, 57 53 MOSES', 67, 107 . 18 EBENEZER", 44, 58 53a SALLY" (Burt), 69, 108 19 WILLIAM', 44, 59 54 BENJAMIN" (Stephen), 69, 108 20 DESIRE', 45, 60 55 }ORN A.0 69, 109 21 JoHN' (Stephen), 49, 61 55a RELIEF' (Withington), 70, 110 21a MARY' (Day), 49, 63 55b REBECCA' (Gill), 72, 111 21b HANNAH" (Maxfield), 49, 64 56 JoHN• (Elisha), 72, 112 22 BENJAMIN', 49, 64 56a RUTH" (Upham), 72, 114 22a ELIZABETH' (Maxfield), 49, 65 57 SAMUEL' (Elisha), 72, 114 23 JONATHAN', 49, 66 58 ELIJAH' (Elisha), 72, 116 23a PATIENCE" (Richards), 49, 67 59 ENOS', 72, 118 24 STEPHEN", 49, 67 59a }ERUSHA6 (Southworth), 73, 118 25 JOHN' (John), 51, 69 60 LEvI0 (Levi), 73, 119 25a ELIZABETH" (Henry), 51, 70 60a MARY6 (Clark), 73, 120 8 26 ELISHA", 51, 71 61 }UDAH , 73, 121 27 LEVI', 51, 72 62 STEPHEN ]OHNSON', 77, 122 27a SARAH' (Spear), 51, 73 63 NATHAN RICHARDSON', 77, 124 28 NATHAN" (Obadiah), 53, 76 64 JosEPH1 (Nathan), 77, 125 29 NATHANIEL6 (Obadiah), 53, 78 65 ]OHN1 (Nathan), 77, 127 30 JoHN6 (Obadiah), 53, 79 66 DAVID7 (Nathan), 77, 128 30a TABITHA6 (Hoyt), 53, 80 66a BELINDA7 (Shattuck-Holt), 77, 30b Lucy• (Woodward), 53, 80 129 30c LYDIA 6 (Rowell), 53, 81 67 WILLIAM' (Nathaniel), 78, 129 31 ELIJAH 6 (Eleazer), 55, 81 68 NATHAN' (Nathaniel), 78, 130 6 1 32 DAVID , 55, 82 69 PERKINS , 78, 131 33 STEPHEN 6 (Eleazer), 55, 82 69a HEPZIBAH' (Bean), 79, 131 34 EBENEZER6 (Eleazer), 55, 83 70 EDWARD' (Nathaniel), 79, 131 34a HANNAH" (Flint), 55, 84 71 DANIEL' (John), 80, 132 34b ELEANOR6 (Glover), 56, 84 71a SALLY1 (Sessions), 82, 132 35 ELEAZER" (Samuel), 57, 85 72 JASON', 82, 133 35a SALLY' (Clap), 57, 85 73 SEWAL1 (David), 82, 133


74 SEWELL N: (Ebenzer), 84, 134 124 ADDISON W.', 117, 168 74a OLIVE7 (Barnum), 84, 135 124a ELLEN "Nellie" (Hodges) 118, 75 CAsSIM BusH', 84, 135 169 ' 7 76 HIRAM B.', 85, 136 125 DENNIS , 118, 169 7 7 77 DANIEL (Samuel), 86, 136 126 W ARREN , 118, 170 78 JEREMIAH ROBBINS7, 86, 137 127 SIMEON' (Levi), 119, 170 79 SETH C.', 86, 137 128 JoNATHAN C.', (Levi), 120, 170 80 SETH 7 (Nathaniel), 87, 138 129 THOMAS R.', 120, 171 7 81 AsA', 87, 139 130 DAVID COBB , 120, 172 82 NATHANIEL7 (Nathaniel), 87, 140 131 LEVI 7 (Judah), 121, 173 7 83 LUTHER , 87, 140 132 JONATHAN C. (Judah), 121, 173 7 84 JOSEPH HEWINS , 88, 141 133 WILLIAM' (Judah), 121, 173 85 HENRY7 (Ebenezer), 89, 141 134 GILMAN", 123, 175 7 8 86 JACOB (Ebenezer), 89, 142 135 ROBERT W ALLACE , 123, 175 7 86a WARREN L. , 90, 143 136 BENJAMIN S.", 123, 176 87 ELIJAH 7 (William), 92, 144 137 STEPHEN 8 (Stephen J.), 124, 177 87a EMILY 7 (Hubbell) 94, 144 138 LAFAYETTE', 124, 177 87b FANNY 7 (Comstock), 94, 144 139 GEORGE FRANKLIN', 124, 178 8 88 WILLIAM C.' (Eleazer), 94, 145 140 ALPHEUS p ARKER , 124, 178 7 8 89 ]AMES MoNROE , 94, 145 141 JoHN MILTON , 124, 178 7 8 90 CALVIN (Eleazer), 94, 145 142 WILLIAM ALPHONS0 , 124, 179 90a SoPHIA7 (Perkins), 94, 146 142a ANN MARIA8 (McLaughlin-Pat- 7 91 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS , 98, 146 ten), 125, 179 1 92 HERVEY K. , 98, 147 143 BENJAMIN STEVENS', 125, 180 93 EDWARD W.', 99, 148 144 SILAS MORSE", 125, 180 94 GEORGE T.', 99, 148 144a SUSANNA M.' (Linquist), 125, 7 95 EBENEZER OLIVER , 99. 149 181 96 BENJAMIN' (Benjamin), 101, 150 145 JosEPH W. M.', 125, 181 7 97 JOHN HOLBROOK , JR., 102, 150 146 ALVIN H.', 126, 182 7 8 97a ELIZABETH HoLBROOK (Stone), 147 WILLARD W. , 126, 183 8 102, 150 148 ]OHN , ]R., 127, 183 7 98 NATHANIEL SUMNER , 102, 151 149 AsA P.', 128, 184 99 WILLIAM7 (Timothy), 103, 151 150 WILLIAM EDWARD' (John), 128, 7 100 SYLVESTER , 103, 152 184 7 8 101 JosEPH Increase, 104, 153 151 IRA PooR , 129, 185 7 8 102 !NCREASE , ]R,, 104, 153 152 JOHN WILLIAM , P. 130, 185 7 103 EDMUND CROW , 106, 153 153 NEWELL', 130, 186 103a EMILY E.7 (Talbot), 106, 154 154 WELLINGTON", 130, 187 7 8 104 JoHN (Stephen), 106, 154 155 GEORGE W ASHINGTON , 131, 187 105 ]ONATHAN 7 (Moses), 108, 155 156 EDGAR' (Perkins), 131, 188 8 106 THOMAS' (Moses), 108, 155 157 CHARLES NELSON , 131, 188 107 MosEs O.', 108, 156 158 ALANSON WESTON8, 132, 188 108 JOHN QuINCY7 (Benjamin), 109, 159 ADOLPHUS G.', 134, 188 8 157 160 V ASCO-SMITH , 134, 190 7 8 109 JOHN , JR., 110, 157 161 CORIOLANUS , 134, 190 7 8 110 ALPHEUS , 113, 158 162 ALBAN HUTCHINSON , 135, 191 111 WILLIAM WITHINGTON', 113, 158 162a CELIA ELECTA8 (Lindsay), 135, 112 ELISHA' (John), 113, 159 191 7 113 MATHER , 113, 160 162b CHARLES H.', 136, 191 7 8 113a ABIGAIL RoBBINS (Upham), 113, 163 WILLIAM SETH , 137, 192 161 164 ALFRED' (Jeremiah R.), 137, 192 7 8 114 ELIJAH (John), 113, 162 165 ASA CLARK , 137, 192 7 8 ll5 EMORY , 113, 163 166 EDWARD WHITING , 137, 193 115a ANsELINE7 (Turner), 115, 164 167 WILLARD". 137, 193 8 116 HENRY' (Samuel), 115, 165 168 LORING BROWN , 137, 193 8 117 ENos' (Samuel), 115, 166 169 ALBERT HENRY , 137, 194 8 118 SAMUEL', JR., 115, 166 170 WILLIAM RocKwooD , 138, 194 8 119 CHARLES', 115, 166 171 DANIEL CLAP , 138, 194 120 ELLISON', 115, 167 172 FRANCIS T.' "Frank", 138, 195 121 ALBERT', 115, 167 173 CHARLES8 (Seth), 139, 195 7 8 122 LUTHER CRANE , 116, 167 174 ELEAZER (Seth), 139, 195 7 123 HOMER BARTLETT , 116, 168 175 LUTHER (Seth), 139, 196 CHRONOLOGICAL 255

176 WILLIAM HENRY', 139, 196 210 8 8 177 HIRAM , 139, 197 199 FRANK HARRIS , 168, 210 8 8 178 ]AMES DARIUS , 140, 197 200 FREDERICK WM. , 168, 210 179 ERASTUS', 141, 197 201 SYLVANUS T.', 170, 211 8 180 ]AcOB' (Jacob), 142, 198 202 GEORGE W ALTER , 170, 212 181 Lucrus A.' (Elijah), 144, 198 203 JOHN F." (Simeon), 170, 212 182 EuGENE M.' (James M.), 145, 204 JOSEPH BRIGHTMAN', 170, 212 199 205 FREDERICK BLAKE", 171, 212 183 CHARLES C.', 146, 197 206 ARTHUR CLIFFORD', 173, 213 184 EBENEZER OLIVER", 149, 200 207 SEWALL J.", 175, 214 184a ANGELINA' (Fisher), 150, ZOO 208 ALBERT AZRo", 177, 214 9 185 BENJAMIN' (Benjamin), 150, 201 209 ARTHUR W ATSON , 177, 215 8 186 JOSEPH QUINNAM , 150, 201 210 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN' "Frank," 187 WILLIAM CLARK', 150, 201 180, 215 9 188 EDSON SYLVESTER', 152, 202 211 ALFRED ERNEST , 180, 217 9 189 JUSTUS' (Thomas), 156, 202 211 CHARLES , 180, 217 9 190 ]AMES ALFRED' (Thomas), 156, 213 GrLMAN (Benj. F.), 180, 218 9 203 214 ELWIN LAMONT , 180, 218 191 BENJ. FRANKLIN" (John Q.), 214a WILLIAM9 (Silas M.), 181, 219 157, 203 215 CHARLES SYLVESTER", 183, 219 9 192 M. EDGAR', 159, 203 215a HERBERT NEWELL , 186, 219 9 192a Lucy ANN' (Farrington), 160, 216 EDMUND NATHANIEL , 188, 220 9 204 217 CHARLES ALBERT , 188, 220 192b ELLEN MARY' (Cook), 160, 205 218 CLINTON DEWITT9 189, 220 8 193 ALVAH TucKER , 160, 206 219 CHARLES ARTHUR~ (Frank T.) 193a H.ALTHEA'(Farrington),160,206 195, 221 8 9 194 ELISHA SETH , 160, 207 220 FRANKLIN ARNOLD , 201, 221 8 9 195 FOREST GREENLEAF , 161, 208 221 CLARENCE EDGAR , 204, 222 8 9 196 FRANK MoRTIMER , 161, 209 222 SILAS GIFFORD , 206, 222 9 197 HOWARD WESTLEY', 167, 210 223 AUSTIN FosTER , 209, 223 198 ARTHUR w.• (Luther C.), 168, 224 JOHN C.', 212, 223