Piano Meet Couldput Grossepointe on The
- Section rosse Pointe ews A ------------------~--------- -- --- ---- VOL.4/-NO. 50 "ubli,hed en Second Cia.. Matte, ot the Post Offl,e ot Detroit, MI<higan GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER , I, 1980 25, Pel Copy $10 Pe, Yeal ----------- --------------- --------- - --- 50 Pages-Four Sections-Plus Insert --- - ----._-------- -- --- - -- - ---- ---- -._------ --~_. ---- -------------------------------------------- ---------- Piano meet could put GrossePointe on the map Michigan's mJst tal e n t e d courage and assist the development young pianists will be invited of outstanding pianists in Illiehigall," The inspiration for the competi. mer Music Festival, John Lake, exec. to the War Memorial next sum- according to Suczek. tion came out of the festival's first mer to eompete before a panel utive director of the War Memorial presentation of a young artist. Eliza. Mrs. Thomas V. LoCicero and ~Jr,: of prominent judges for more "WE'VE RECEIVED such terrific State-wide (~()nlpetition beth Lesesne, last summer, according than $1,000 in prizes in the support from the Grosse Pointe Sym- to Suczek. Robert Hartwick, Festival patrons, Detroit pianist and conductor Julius Grosse Pointe Summer Music phony, the Detroit Symphony Or- chestra and Antal Dorati that we Chajes and Mrs. Theodore Leltvin, will be held in Mareb "Elizabeth's debut was such a suc. Festival's first state-wide piano now have a competition of major pro. director of the non.profit Great Lakes comp€'tition. cess. for her and the festival. that portiull.s, II t:VL;Jt.i oecome one of the Performing ArtL~k, A;>:)vc.:ii:tliuf1. we became acutely conscious of what most important competitions in the an exciting and rewarding thing a The event, made possible by a grant state and put Grosse Pointe on the Suczek, who is also president of Pro gan State University artist in resi- young artist debut could be.
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