PRESENT: Parish Council: Chairman E Kilpin BEM, Vice-Chairman P Heap, Cllr G Ward, Cllr G Tobutt, Cllr J Clark, Cllr T Peterkin, Cllr L Nash, County Councillor M Clarke BEM, District Councillor B Atkinson and the Clerk (Ms A Palmberg), Mrs Mandy Lowe (EMAS) and one resident. 185/17 Opening Procedures a) Apologies for absence: Apologies were received and approved from Cllr R Hawkesford, Cllr S Harris b) Declarations of interest: None c) Approval of the minutes: Members agreed the minutes from the Ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 7th February, 2017 Cllr Heap proposed that the minutes be approved, seconded by Cllr Ward. All were in favour of the proposal. 186/17 Public Time a) To receive comments from members of the public attending the meeting. b) To receive a presentation from Ms Mandy Lowe ( Ambulance Service) East Midlands Ambulance Service – Ms Mandy Lowe – Defibrillator Ms Mandy Lowe began her presentation by explaining to the Parish Council that she originally wanted to address the importance of having a defibrillator in villages and pursued this by advertising in parish magazines. Since the start of the campaign about a year ago, it resulted in a large uptake of defibrillators around . The defibrillator is simply a device which can help to revert a person’s heart rhythm by detecting it. Cardiac arrests happen for several reasons and the main function of the defibrillator is to stop the heart. For the defib to be effective, it can only operate within a 500m radius of the incident. A four-digit code will be required to open the heated cabinet to obtain access to the defib which will be provided to the lay person contacting 999. Ms Lowe advised the meeting that the cost of a defib is approx. £999 which includes the heated cabinet. The cost of maintaining a heated cabinet would be in the region of £12-£15 per year and it would require a qualified electrician to install. 187/17 Reports a) County Councillor County Councillor Michael Clarke advised the Parish Council that the County Council is preparing for the May elections. The Budget was approved on 24th Feb and has been set at £417m including savings of £58m. The Council Tax increase of 4.9%-5% includes 1.95% of NCC and 3% towards adult social care. As the move into the new council building is two months behind schedule, fines will be incurred by the contractors. The sale of the 12 satellite units will save money however. It is predicted that the move will be completed in May. The move to the centre of town should hopefully boost the town economy. b) District Councillor Local Plan (Part 2A) Further to my last report I have had several residents contacting me to air their views on some of the sites listed in the Local Plan (Part 2a). May I respectfully suggest that these views should be aimed at South Northant's Council (SNC) direct, where they will be reviewed after the 10 week consultation period starting in June of this year, so there is a good 6 months to make your views known. I would also like to try and allay fears of any sort of development-fest. The Local Plan sites as shown are there to serve the 'Housing Needs Assessment' ONLY - not a Free-for-All Developers Charter to build at all costs! Any developments will be to suit local requirements only and any potential developer-led speculative building would not get SNC backing and would be refused. I would also please ask landowners who are shown on the Local Plan as having a site to develop, if they no longer wish to do so, to please contact SNC to request withdrawal of their said site and it will be deleted from the Plan listing - thank you. Gateway Strategic Rail Freight Terminal (SFRI). Just as you think it couldn't get any worse, the residents of this general area will also have to contend with other proposed planning applications a little further afield near to Milton Malsor and .The issues relate to the joint Ashfield and Roxhill developments which would result in the loss of 1150 acres of productive farmland - this I am informed is the equivalent to around 650 sized football pitches! Open countryside with its wildlife, ancient trees and hedgerows will be replaced by 2 rail freight interchanges with 13 million square feet of 20 metre (66 feet) high warehouses, plus additional roads and container parks. These developments would destroy three historic villages and four conservation areas and would become the largest distribution park in Europe and an epic 'Blot on the Landscape'!! The by-product of these applications would be to blight the countryside in and around all our villages for years to come. Hackleton would see more traffic passing through the village than ever seen in recent times, when and if construction starts due to traffic movements diverting around the A43 and even worse if there are hold-ups on the Motorway. I wish to point out that SNC only has consultative powers as this is a Central Government determination. If you wish to have your say and object to these developments, please write, or contact your local M.P. Andrea Leadsom by email to: [email protected] whose position within the Government Cabinet is that of Secretary of State for the

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Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. All these major developments affect everyone, so please don't leave it to your neighbour to object as he/she may be doing the same thing! Finally, a few more details regarding the up and coming increase in your Council Taxes; The SNC part of the Council Tax bill was raised by £5 this year for a 'Band D' property, this equates to less than £0.10p per week. The 'Band D' total is now £180.37 for this year and just in terms of your bin collections it costs £0.87 pence per bin, per week, to have it emptied - based on the Blue, Black, Green & Food bins. SNC are the collector's of all the Council Taxes including Parish Precept (£88.38) N.C.C. (£1166.59) & Police (£209.04) which gives a grand total (including SNC's portion) of £1644.38 for a typical 'Band D' property. The total you actually pay will of course fluctuate depending on your property banding charges. As written by Bob Atkinson - Councillor Hackleton Ward, Council 188/17 To receive an update on the Playing Field/Recreation Ground/School:  The School Working Group Cllr Ward advised the Parish Council that he had not attended the last meeting but reported that there is a possibility of funding from the Marathon and would potentially include community benefits. He also went on to say that preliminary plans have been drawn up for the proposed changing rooms. Cllr Nash said that she is due to have a meeting with Northamptonshire FA and advised that the next school meeting takes place on 22nd March.  MUGA Cllr Tobutt advised the Parish Council that there was no update from Wicksteed yet. The Chairman encouraged the Parish Councillors to visit the MUGA which is located at Wootton Community Centre. 189/17 To discuss the possibility of having a Parish Emergency Plan The Chairman informed the meeting that there is an existing emergency plan which relates to flooding. When water reaches a certain level, an alarm is set off in the village hall which activates emergency telephone calls to certain nominated numbers. Cllr Tobutt added that the Village Hall has door barriers fitted. It was generally felt that the emergency plan should be reviewed. Cllr Ward suggested updating information on the new website. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that this item was going to be added to the next Parish Council meeting agenda. 190/17 To discuss and agree on the Acquisition of a VAS sign Cllr Clarke proposed that the Parish Council acquire a Mobile VAS sign with a connected laptop function to enable data gathering. He suggested that the village handyman (possibly groundsman) could move it into different positions. Cllr Peterkin felt that the section between St John’s Chapel and Great Lanes in Hackleton is a “hot spot” for regular speeding and parking around the shop/post office is often hazardous. He added that any statistics compiled should be compared to those around the county to highlight the need for improved traffic calming measures. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed the Clerk would contact Steve Barber at Highways to obtain costings for a device which will record variable speeds, collect data and could be in various parts around the village, including Piddington Lane and Brafield Road. 191/17 To receive an update on the requested works to K31 footpath The Clerk read out an email from Mr Raymond Price at Highways confirming that revised risk assessments and method statements are yet to be completed. Once these are in place, works would commence and be completed within a 6-8-week period. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would follow up with Highways prior to the next meeting. 192/17 To receive an update on the website The Clerk advised the Parish Council that the website is now nearly fully fledged and she is due to have a final meeting with 2 Commune on Monday 13th March. 193/17 To receive an update on the possibility of having a new streetlight electricity supplier – the Clerk to present price comparisons The Clerk advised the Parish Council of E.ON and ESPO price comparisons. ESPO offer a six-month fixed price contract at a favourable fixed rate but rates become variable after 20th September 2017. Cllr Willmer confirmed that the last phase of the streetlight upgrade should be completed in the next few months. Members RESOLVED: The Parish Council agreed that once the upgrade programme has been completed, the possibility of changing electricity provider would be reviewed. 194/17 To receive an update from the executive committee regarding developments of the Local Plan (Part 2a) and discuss a Parish Council response to such queries Cllr Peterkin is planning to attend the meeting on Thursday 9th March at Wootton. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that any queries relating to the Local Plan (Part 2a) would be directed to SNC planning department and refer them to Cllr Atkinson’s last report. The Chairman stressed that no planning decisions have been taken and Parishioners will have the opportunity to comment when the consultation period starts in June 2017. 195/17 To receive an update on the adoption of the telephone box The Clerk informed the Parish Council that there was no update yet. 196/17 To discuss a letter from the Longland Meadow volunteers requesting a Parish Council contribution in maintaining the meadow pond Cllr Heap asked that the Parish Council consider a contribution towards the general maintenance of the meadow pond. The following issues have been highlighted:

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 Removal of overhanging trees  Removal of excess silt  Removal of invasive plants  Using logs from trees to be used as a shelter for hibernating amphibians  Unwanted silt could be used to create a butterfly bank to attract and provide food for butterflies and moths Members RESOLVED: Cllr Ward suggested he would carry out the dredging and other required works. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr Clark of Parish and Shires would provide dry wood chippings to distribute at the entrances to the meadow where the ground has become very wet and slippery. Cllr Clark also offered to prune the overhanging trees. 197/17 To discuss parking issues at the entrance to Hackleton from Wootton (B526) The Clerk mentioned a letter from a resident which had been sent to County Councillor Clarke regarding issues to do with parking along Main Road in New Hackleton. Cllr Willmer does not think that it is the responsibility of either SNC/highways or the Parish Council to pay for/provide parking for households. If traffic calming is proposed/undertaken for safety reasons (reducing speed) it may have the bonus of allowing safer parking on the public highway in that situation. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Helen Howard of Highways. 198/17 To receive an update on the Church bell frame grant application The Clerk advised the Parish Council that although there has been a slight delay in receiving approval for the grant application, she has received confirmation from SNC that the request will be discussed at the next grants panel meeting at SNC on 3rd April. She is confident that the application will be approved and funds should be available in April. 199/17 To discuss and agree lighting a beacon on 11th November 2018 (Remembrance Day) Cllr Peterkin enquired whether the Parish Council would consider erecting a beacon in honour of the fallen of the Great War. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr Tobutt would request a quote for a beacon. 120/17 Finance & Administration a) To receive the Receipts and Payments accounts to 28th February, 2017 b) To receive and approve the internal audit c) Payments to be authorised March Payments 2017 VAT Anna Palmberg 101048 Clerk's Salary (February) 653.61 Anna Palmberg 101049 Clerk's PAYE Tax 29.54 Mrs C Sparkes 101050 Grounds Maintenance 280.80 Mr Simon Chinnery 101051 Grounds Maintenance 25.80 E.on 101052 destroyed cheque 0.00 PC First Aid 101053 IT Support and Maintenance 209.00 Wicksteed Playgrounds 101054 Play Equipment Repairs 742.80 123.80 P W Stanley 101055 Hedge cutting 120.00 20.00 Bench (PD), Hackleton bus shelter Ken Warner 101056 repairs 261.01 BT 101057 PC Telephone 159.24 19.87 Aylesbury Mains 101058 Streetlight Repairs 309.96 51.66 Joanne Wilde 101059 Obituaries c/o Johnston Publishing 20.00 3.34 KDK Consultancy 101060 PC Accounts transfer update 30.00 5.00 E.on 101061 destroyed cheque 0.00 E.on 101062 Unmetered Electricity 1052.15 210.43 £ 3893.91 434.10

Cllr Peterkin proposed the payments be authorised. The Proposal was seconded by Cllr Heap and the payments were approved by the meeting. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 4th April, 2017 (Annual Parish Meeting) in the Annexe of Hackleton Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9:31pm

Chairman ...... Date ......

These minutes are in draft format until formally approved and signed by the Chairman.

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