
NewsletterFall 2017

Branch members attend the AAUW National Convention

Ten Jefferson County NY Branch members spent an excing four days at the AAUW Naonal Convenon in DC in June. We may have set a record for branch aendance! It was an amazing opportunity for all of us to network with 1000 women (and men) from around the naon who share the AAUW mission and are acvely working to achieve it. On LOBBY DAY we donned our LOBBY DAY TEE SHIRTS and descended on Capitol Hill. Members of our branch and other members of the New York delegaon met with staff members from the offices of Senators Gillibrand and Schumer's offices to talk about AAUW concerns. Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, 21st Congressional District, invited 6 members of the Jefferson County Branch into her office for a 30 minute discussion. We expressed our Jefferson County NY during AAUW Naonal Convenon. dismay about proposed changes to Title IX which would More pictures on page: 3 weaken the vicm protecon clauses dealing with sexual assault, rape, and discriminaon. The other Sotomayor. Her speech was powerful and touched the concern was the heavy burden of Student Loans that hearts and minds of all present. One highlight of our women carry. It is a fact that 2/3 of all student loans are Branch President, Janice Brown, was the personal greeng carried by women and because of the pay differenal and hug from Jusce Sotomayor. between men and women it takes them much longer to Other speakers included our new Naonal AAUW pay them off. Chief Execuve Officer Kimberly Churches, who was the At convenon we aended workshops on former Managing Director of the Brookings Instuon and programming, membership, legislaon, creang inclusive who received a rousing welcome from the delegates. Also spaces, Women and Student Debt, Communicaon Skills speaking was Laura Dunn, J.D. Execuve Director of and other topics. There were many disnguished speakers SurvJusce, Inc., which enforces vicms rights and holds including Judy Woodruff, Co-anchor and Managing Editor perpetrators and enablers of sexual violence accountable PBS NewsHour, and Supreme Court Associate Jusce Sonia in campus, criminal and civil systems. page 1 www.aauwjeffco.wordpress.com Fall - 2017

Branch Officers: President’s Message President: Janice Brown Are you ready for AAUW? A new AAUW year? I am along with our Board of Directors. We will be focusing on Educaon Program Vice President: Jordan throughout the year with our programs and acvies. It is excing to Walker think of making more impact in our community for women and girls. Keep Membership Vice President: tuned to the programs that Jordan Walker and the Program Commiee Tracy Gyoerkoe have lined up for this year and do take part as you can. As each of you learn Secretary: Sonja Williams more about Jefferson County opportunies for women and girls, ask Treasurer: Diane Petrowski yourselves, “What can I do?” “What can our Branch do?” Communicaons Chair: Cathy As your President, I am commied to spreading the word about AAUW Stende and all the great work we do. One goal this year will be to help establish another student organizaon at JCC. Our local college girls deserve more! Diversity Chair: Peggy Coe Our community deserves more! Public Policy Chair: Kae As great as AAUW is at working to achieve equity for women and girls, Fitzgerald we can’t do it alone. If there is an organizaon that we can work with to STEM Co-Chairs: Erika help improve the lives of the women and girls in our local community, let Montandon and Libby Wheeler me know. I would like to build more partnerships with other like- minded organizaons in the local community. I’m excited about this year and hope that you are too. Let us AAUW-NYS Officers make an impact! Let us enjoy each other as we learn President: Roli Wendorf and work! Program Vice President: Stephanie Lemnios Janice Brown Membership Vice President: AAUW Jefferson County NY President Barbara Sarvar Public policy Vice President: Cynthia Herrio Secretary/Bylaws: Kimberly Our Mission Blanchet Advancing equity for women and girls Treasurer: Diane Jablonski through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. AAUW- Naonal Officers Board Chair: Julie Brown Vision Board Vice Chair: Peggy Ryan AAUW empowers all women and girls Williams to reach their highest potential. Board Finance Chair: Janet Bunger Diversity Statement Board Secretary: Cheryl Sorokin AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of sex, gender identity, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.

page 2 www.aauwjeffco.wordpress.com Fall - 2017 Congratulations to the 2017 Athena Award Recipient: Catherine Burns Quencer

The Athena Award is presented to an individual who is recognized for professional excellence, for providing valuable service to their community and for acvely assisng women in realizing their full leadership potenal. Cathy is a principal in the law firm of Schwerzmann and Wise, P.C. Watertown. Over the years she has be an acve member of many Boards of Directors and Boards of Trustees. Her leadership skills, her creave thinking, and her knowledge of the law have made her a valuable parcipant and role model. Eleanor Burns, Cathy's mother was an early member of the Jefferson County, NY Branch of AAUW. She contributed her knowledge and many skills to the Lisa Webber of Timeless Frames made the branch and the membership was delighted when Cathy introducon and spoke about Cathy’s many joined. When Cathy's daughter, Elizabeth, joined there accomplishments. Certainly a well deserved was a three generaon history. Elizabeth was at her compliment. mother's award ceremony having flown up from Duke Not only did our branch have a corporate table but University, where she is a third year law student. many members were scaered throughout the room. page 1: AAUW Naonal Convenon Branch members who aended the AAUW Naonal Convenon: Janice Brown, Rowena Miller, Margaret Williams, Peggy Coe Ben Coe, Susan Quay, and out-of state members of our branch Doris McLallen (SC), Lynn Schwabenthal (OR), Mary Foran (NH), Betsy Summers (PA).

page 3 www.aauwjeffco.wordpress.com Fall - 2017 AAUW Public Policy Update

Public Policy Chair: Katie Fitzgerald

The NY 21st Congressional District race is an excing path in the woods, and seeking asylum. I witnessed the opportunity for AAUW-Jefferson to advance its public exodus on two occasions over the summer, in late July policy efforts and improve the North Country while and mid-August. Both of my experiences were riveng, leaving an ongoing and lasng footprint in it. moving, and thought provoking. Sll, today, I cannot Over the summer, as your Public Policy Chair, I mentally reconcile being a cizen in a land of immigrants aended several candidate events, introducing and witnessing refugees fleeing it. In my opinion, it is an candidates and constuents to AAUW, sharing AAUW’s unusual, disturbing, and shameful oxymoron. public policy concerns and posions, solicing support, As I write this, AAUW has responded to the decision encouraging voter registraon and vong, and imagining to rescind the Deferred Acon for Childhood Arrivals potenal collaboraons between and among AAUW- (DACA) program. The program has provided nearly Jefferson and the many impressive and talented people, 800,000 recipients, including women and girls, the ability groups, businesses, organizaons, and instuons to aend school, go to work, and contribute to our throughout the 21st District. economy without fear of deportaon. Recipients, also AAUW-Jefferson County (NY) and All Souls Unitarian known as Dreamers, need us to take acon. Please urge Universalist Church (Watertown) plans to co-sponsor (as members of Congress to support the Dream Act, a they co-sponsored the Sister March in Watertown last biparsan, bicameral bill that would offer protecon to January) a nonparsan candidate forum in Watertown in DACA recipients, allowing them to connue accessing the early spring or prior to June primaries 2018. higher educaon, contribung to our economy, and An extraordinary public policy related event in the parcipang in society. form of a human drama has been happening in our own Please contact me if I can assist you in any way with backyard for some me now. Its intensity increased this your public policy concerns. I welcome your input and summer and it remains ongoing. ideas. Thank you for the opportunity to work and In Champlain, NY, just north of Plasburgh, refugees advocate on behalf of AAUW-Jefferson County (NY). are fleeing the U.S., crossing into Quebec, Canada, via a

The Public Policy for Action 2017-2019 continues to support several important areas. These are:

1 )educaon is the foundaon of our society; 6) pay equity for women 2) all individuals need to have affordable housing, health 7) the protecon of social security from privazaon; care,and a clean environment; 8) the improvement of rerement benefits; 3) all individuals have the right to privacy, freedom from 9) vigorous protecon of our constuonal rights; violence, good health care; 10) strong enforcement of employment an- 4) affirmave acon is essenal to the well-being of discriminaon statutes. people throughout the world; The biennial priories will also focus on quality, 5) more internaonal policies to promote human rights affordable child care and elder care and social jusce. and jusce;

page 4 www.aauwjeffco.wordpress.com December-2013/January-2014 AAUW Welcomes JCC’s New President: Dr. Ty Stone

Watertown, September 20th, 2017 - AAUW-Jefferson County branch held their first meeng of this new program year at NNY Philanthropy Center. The guest speaker was Dr Ty Stone, President of JCC - Jefferson Community College. She spoke about the “why” she is here and her purpose. She also asked our branch to support efforts on the college and looking forward to a great working/collaboraons with the branch.

Community Super Sign Up

Fort Drum, September 2017. AAUW-Jefferson County branch supported the Volunteer Super- Sign-up day at Fort Drum held on September 7th. The event had over 75 vendors/non-profit organizaons solicing for volunteers for their programs. AAUW had about 35 aendees to stop and request informaon about the organizaon.

page 5 www.aauwjeffco.wordpress.com Fall - 2017 Membership Section Membership VP: Tracie Gyoerkoe

This year's Membership recognion program will The event will be Thursday, November 16, at 5:30 honor our AAUW members who are working or has worked in the educaon field in any capacity. These pm at Trinity. We are planning a panel discussion about members exemplifies the important iniave of iniaves and innovaons in educaon. Mark your empowering girls (and all) through learning. calendars so you will be sure not to miss the fun. More We need your help to idenfy them. Please click on informaon to follow, but please complete the survey the link below, answer the quesons (2-3 minutes), then now. click the submit buon. Thanks hps://goo.gl/forms/VU3gTXUFCmxBJqhG3 The Membership Commiee If you are unable to complete the brief survey, but have informaon to share e-mail [email protected].

We mourn with member Pam Thomas and her daughter Thanks to all that have renewed their Whitney, last year's AAUW Scholarship recipient, on the membership. The last date to renew is passing of their husband and father. October 30th to avoid being removed from the naonal membership database.

NOTE: Just a reminder, your AAUW ID # is on the address label of your Outlook Magazine.

AAUW Avid Readers

The “Avid Readers” study group is open to AAUW branch members. The study group usually meets on the first Monday of the month, at 2:30 PM, in the parlor at Ives Hill Rerement Community. One or two books are chosen for each month’s discussion, and range from classics to modern ficcon and non-ficon. The conversaon is friendly and lively. For more informaon about the group and upcoming books contact Janet George at (315) 788 8099.

page 6 www.aauwjeffco.wordpress.com Fall - 2017 Programming Section Programming VP: Jordan Walker

How the opioid crisis fuels sex trafficking: Confronting Tragedies in Our Own Backyard

Friday, October 20th - 6:00 pm The opioid members and friends and what steps to take to help @ Jefferson Community epidemic has hit individuals baling addicon. College Amphitheater crical levels in The Jefferson County District Aorney’s Office the last few years along with members of the Metro-Jefferson Drug with more opioid Task Force will provide a presentaon idenfying related deaths in the last year than ever before. different types of substance abuse and the Along with the rise in overdose deaths, the North problems that ravage our community as a result. Country has also seen an increase in other drug The presentaon will culminate in a queson/ related crimes such as homicides, robberies, answer session. burglaries, thes, white collar crime and sex trafficking. Kristyna Mills, Join us for a discussion of this important topic Jefferson County District Aorney as well as learn how to idenfy drug use by family

Red, White and Teal

We kicked off our programming season on Watertown Public Square is really an “up and coming” September 13th, with our Red, White and Teal locale for female entrepreneurs to thrive: “Along with happening at the new cra beer and tapas restaurant Spokes, there’s April’s Cake Shop, Vigilante Yoga, SPOKES, 81 Public Square, Watertown, NY. Marcy’s Spa…it’s really empowering to see women Spokes opened its doors this summer to an manage and run their own businesses. You wait and extremely successful first night during one of the see, it will be women that bring downtown Watertown Block Pares on June 30th. They have Watertown back to life.” connued to experience great success so far throughout the summer, bringing in many customers interested in trying out their “99 Boles of Beer on the Wall” - a list of 99 different locally brewed and specialty beers. Spokes is owned by Libby Wheeler, Beth A. Bodah, and Eva Pierce. Co-Owner Eva Pierce thinks that

page 7 www.aauwjeffco.wordpress.com Fall - 2017 National Women’s Hall of Fame Induction 2017

In celebraon of the 100th year anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote in NY, The Naonal Women's Hall of Fame hosted a weekend celebrang the achievements of American Women in the birthplace of the Women’s Rights movement in the U.S. The 2017 Inductees included The Honorable Malda Raffa Cuomo, Dr , , Victoria Jackson, , , , Carol A. Muer, Dr and .

Members from AAUW- Jefferson County in aendance were: Janice Brown, Jordan Walker and Peggy Coe. Representaves from AAUW Naonal included CEO, Kim Churches and Cordy Gordigan, Markeng Director.

Upcoming events

October 2017

2nd - Avid Readers, at 2:30 3rd - Program Commiee 10th - Board Meeng, at 5 20th - Opioid Addicon pm. Ives Hill Rerement Meeng, at 5 pm - pm, Historical Society Event, at 5:30 pm, Center. Historical Society Jefferson Community College.


November 2017

6th - Avid Readers, at 2:30 7th - Program Commiee 14th - Board Meeng, at 16th - Membership pm. Ives Hill Rerement Meeng, at 5 pm - 5 pm - Historical Society Appreciaon Program, at Center. Historical Society 5:30 pm, Trinity Church.


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