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The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities


The Guardian, November 22, 1976

Wright State University Student Body

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Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1976). The Guardian, November 22, 1976. : Wright State University.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HHngtjt ^tate (Suariitan fflipiratati. Sfouember 22,1975 Section A Bagtun. (gHjta Hoi 13 Jaaue 23 Tuition inflation resistance statewide stated Lynch, "but Ed Silver BY KATHLEEN CHARNOCK la addition to acting Dean of legislative session was discussed. "Everybody's got it rough, but (Student Caucus Chairer) who Guardian Men Editor Students O Edward Pollock, The bill's sponsor. Mike Stitu- we are a voecial interest group three student representatives al- iano. sought to establish fixed Mid we have to look out for has been receiving fee informa- tion has never m»de i! public One of the topics which were so attended. limits on amounts to be charged ourselves." Mark Halstead said knowledge. discussed at a recent meeting of All twelve universities had for enrollment. is reference to Information "At SQE, we know where we Ohio State university administra- sent delegates to the meeting, The instructional fee for most gathered from other students stand, and what we have to do. tors and student leaders was the both student leaders and admia- undergraduate, community col- oaring the meeting. Since the meeting, we now litem problem of financing higher edu- leges. una general and technical A new bill is being proposed what other student groups across cation for Ohio's state-supported 11 10-28. which was colleges was *210, with the by Stinziano, to be introduced on the state we doing, too. We will universities. down during last year's exception of Central State Uni- January 3. 1977, in essence it versity. will read much the same as its be contacting members (of SQE) A $50 general fee would also predecessor (13-28). during the Christmas break to be allowable, under the provi- The Ohio Students help." sions of this bill. tion. an interuniversity "We have arranged to bypass Stinriano's bill also included formed to protect the quality of Silver, and with other members an emergency clause, which state education, h of OSA have initiated an infor- would permit the universities solid support of the mation service. which might be in danger of bill. "That way" she continued losing their accreditation, or A statewide letter writing cam- "we can most effectively co-ord- which could prove that a lower- paign has been initiated by stu- inate our efforts statewide. ing of academic standards would dent leaders and members of "Although we don't feel that rem a fee ceiling, to OSA to encourage legislators to we're getting our money's worth the general assembly to vote in favor of the bill, accord- from Ed. we still have the means fees above the maxi- ing to Murphy. ai our disposal to wage a cam- W,WWIMd "Wright State students should paign against steadily rising tu- Karen Murphy, one of the realize that they are not alone in ition costs." of Wright State's Stu- this effort" to restrain rising The three students agreed that v Httsn i for Quality Education, Stu- tuition costs, and maintain qual- pressure should be applied to dent Ombudsvf Mark Halstead ity 'tan.urda for education, she state representatives by and Liberal Arts Students Caucus insisted. and others who arc Sep Jayne Lynch were in agree "Wc could have been inform- about the quality and the cost of NUKS - ment that the meeting was "in- ed of other student groups' Ohio's state universities. • efforts in this matter all aloi'g." * w formative" and "enlightening " $ Election today, tomorrow BY ROM WUKESON Morris sees two major prob- sidents of 'loth the Political Guardian Staff Writer lems with Caucus as it stands: Science club and Phi Alpha "personality clashes, people in Theta. A special election is being held Caucus are more worried about Among the efforts that she today and tomorrow (November that" than matters at hand, and would like to participate in, Huff 22-23) to fill the position of "paeoccupation with things that expressed an interest in lighting, graduate representative to Stu- don't seem to be related" to the tuition hikes, "hoping to find an answer as to where ail the state's dent Caucus. immediate campus. Va«es may be cast in Allyn and Huff is running for graduate money is going." The Todd Art Theatre on Brown Street in Dayton it reviewed on Millett iiall lobbies from 12 to 2 rep because she'd "like to be "Having been at Wright State page four of the Guardian s mdgaiine supplement. Page XIII, which pm and 6 to 10 pm both days. able to provide input for gradu- for three years I have often been debuts in this issue. \Paul Gardiner photoI The candidates for the gradu- ate students. (1 feel) their con- distressed by a seemingly preva- ate rep position arc Mike Morris stituency of over 2500 people lent attitude that Caucus could and Rae Ellen Huff. deserves time and considera- be more effective," added Huff. Morris, who is working in a tion." If elected. Huff said that she Raiders to telecast le the public joint program for his MS and Founder and president for two i of Caucus. BY SOB CERRO sports. Colie replied "We hope MBA degrees, said he likes "the years of the WSU history club. Huff also feels there is an dlan Staff Writer to. but the intent of this contract graduate program. I'd like to Huff sees Caucus as "the only is to establish a relationship with represent it and its people." university-wide effective channel "unnecessary atmosphere of 'we/they' pervading relations be- Wright Sxai? University has re- the University. Whereby we want Morris has invested four years for constituent communication." tween Caucus and the admini- cently signed a tontract for to get involved this is merely a at Wright State getting his bach- Presently a grad assistant ai television r> ights for Raider's beginning. The intent of the con- elor's degree in business, and historv. Huff has been vice pre- stration." basketball with WDTN-TV. tract is * beginning with basket- was a grad assistant for the ^ The contract is to last two ball and a hope to extend co- Finance years, according to Ray Colie. verage to other sports. " graduate assisting WWSU gets permit general manager of Channel 2. Colie also said that WDTN was finance BTY GAYL0GAYLONN V1CKERS cirCUcircuit broadcasting training The coverage will start with renting the camera equipment '"'I1 am^a'sraduate's'tudent.'am a graduate student. ' saul " broadcasting for Gawdlan Staff Writer purposes. WSU's December 8 game against from WSU's television station Morris; 'I am somewhat acquain- "I hope to circuit Miami University. Two other rather than renting a mobile vat. ted... with the fiscal crises the The official construction permit broadcasting eek of games will be coveted this year. WSU Athletic Director Don University is facing." that h*s been keeping WWSU December," said Mort. Other games to be telecast are Mohr said he didn't know whe- My main objective is to give from going on the air arrived In outlining his plan Mort the Raiders' Januarv 8 ther the telecasts would affect the graduate students a stronger stated. "We're actually attendance at Raider games. voice in the general University ' Friday morning. November 19. "We have to order our start training Monday ary 31 .gait "We figure it is good public i Morris. and antenna, which have to be 29, one and a half weeks before The number of games to be relations." Mohr observed. Mohr student in- we go cicsed circuit. These prac- broadcast next year has yet to be noted that negotiations are stiii tuned to our frequency." said underway to determine the num- parfc- Dick Mort. General Manager of tice runs will be along '.he same determined. schedule as the regular broad- Colie said that Omar Williams ber of games to be telecast "h WWSU. "if these Wings get 7 casts will be ran. will cover the games for Channel during the 1977 8 season. Mohr are done, I'm looking forward •'» going on the air the first day of All of the people who will be 2. He added that Channel 2 has also said that basketball would to costs in books and going on the air have their third rights to the Raiders' be the only sport covered by parking. Are they making a profit winter quarter." Mort went on to dass operators permit. "Most of He said that a fee was WDTN at present. on ft?" note. the people going on the air have I with WSU but would Mohr aiso said tha- the con- "Most of the The funds to buy the antenna prior radio experience, such as not" disclose the amount paid to tract had been signed by WSll and doa't have the and crystal were set aside from last year's budget. hieh school, armed forces, or the University. but had yet to be signed by out about these Before WWSU goes on the air When asked if Channel 2 officials at WDTN. observed "They just would cover any other WSU for the ride." tLiy are going to twain closed 1 GUARDIAN .November 22, 1976 » 1 1

Banker speaks to audience „,et iheir a.mmerical (short- four risk by somr!rl!e geogr.ph? term) debt." said bloch. "But div.rsificatkm (tr. tMernatK.nal a higher growth rate in Asia than BV BARBARA LAND to use a much more political thev have not been tested on investment)^ • t„ , A,u . "The drafting of an agreement Guardian Suff Wmer approach than they did in the in Latin America and Europe, long-term debt. The n i.st a dtffeer r ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ past." Bloch declared. and this growth is e*porl-led." Warning signals, according to B!och "What you want you do no*, Among the economic indices "wrem risk. Bkxh explain- P*)™-" get. and what you get you do not whose use Bloch recommends Bloch. include a balance of pay- ed. is incurred by lending to or ^ He remarked v.ant, but in between, there is arc balance of payments and ments made negative by imports becoming a partner of a govern- '"at nonpayments have been the question of negotiation." Dr growth of GNP (Gross National of consumer goods. Bloch also men. the risk is created by go- caused by failure to gel proper Henry Simon Bloch told a WSl) Product). If a country lifts its decried exporting exhaustible re- vernmental immunity. "I cannot auth,>nz...on for the debt s ir sources (such as oil) without audience November 19. GNP by internal spending rather speak too loudlv here." Bloch currence Investment banker Bloch dis- than by experts. Bloch considers simultaneous diversification Af- remarked, "for I live in the city Even tn countries w, h al,ege, cussed factors used to estimate that a bad sign. ter citing business failure as an of New vork .. perhaps we are a * «ne-m«n ru'c' Bloch !h« advisability of an interna- "For perhaps the first time in underused of information less dew'oped country." -""led. loans have sometimes tional loan "Corporations have history." Bloch said, "we have in overseas analysis. Bloch stated Bloch pointed ou, the differ- been invalidated Ucause thev that the ratio of dependence on ,nce between repudiation of debt clcared "",h ,he m,n'- external energy and food to total and defaulting on it; to repudiate ster of finance. use of energy and food was an Born in Germany in 5915. Dr a debt is to refuse to recognize it informative figure. Bloch came to the US in 1937 and or acccpt responsibility for it. Income-disparity analysis, ftutohaus Default, said Bloch, is declared worked with the United Nations Bloch declared, is "an economic between 194b and 19t>2. Listed in by the creditor. "Default." Bloch predictive facior for social ten- stated, "is where the subtle art Who s Who In America. Who's, BMW Who in finance and Industry. sion." of financial negotiation begins." The political inoices to a coun- "Diversification of risk, geo- and Who s Who in the World. try's financial stability. Bloch graphic and otherwise, is basic to Bloch is now executive vice presi- said, include the financial and portfolio theory." Bloch com- dent of E M Pincus and Co, Inc. judicial institutions. mented, "But sophisticated ar.a- an investment banking firm. "The judicial institutions, in Ivsis shows that you accumulate the last analysis, are the ones that make 'he judgement." he said. WILDERNESS OUTFITTERS The investment banker com- RETAILERS OE FINE mented that political risk was Sales and Service BACK PACKING • CAMPING lowest in countries having one- IS5QKAUFFMA\ AVENUE HIKING EQUIPMENT FAIRBORN 878-7322 man rule. He recommended that a nation's payment record I'e Hiking Boots used, but with care. "All the •lent* Pack* Eastern European countries have Woolena Sleeping Bag-. Stoves Leading; Hunting Clothe« ERS! rail Food MU6T F|R%T BECOME FOLLOWERS. BECOME A tEADER BV Old Town Canoes Candidate ? FOLLOWING* JESOS CHRST 11 lakes a lot to become a leader in the Marines. 46 4 PR;£»T, SISTER OR BROKER Phoenix Kuyalu CONTACT: VOCATION OftCC DAILY li-C. SAT 9-S Vou need hard training. Rigid discipline.Empha- 5**0 «OELL£R A.£ . ROOM t>?7 3962 UNuEN AV sized responsibility. A determination to win. CINCINNATI, 0*10*5^12 -0> P77? TO FIW &JT HOW. - " (in last town Shopping Center) 252-5006 Confidence in those you lead. And a sense of integrity inspired by the uniform and insignia of a Marine Officer. If you want to make it if you think you have what it takes to be one of our leading candi- university food services schedule dates call us. KOO-423-2(iOO. toll free. And put your leadership to our test. Thanksgiving 11C Cafeteria Wednesday, Nov 24 Full service Thursday, Nov 25 11-1:30 Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner Friday , Nov 26 11-1:30 pm Saturday, Nov 27 11-1:30 pm Sunday, Nov 28 11-1:30 pm & 5-6:30 pm

Wednesday, Ncv 24 - services will be closed as listed Allyn hall - 4 pm Crock Pot - 3 pm Rathskeller - 4 pm Contact Captain Marly Carpenter 277-4323 and re-cpen on Monday, Nov 29

First National Bank -j Christmas l!C Cafeteria : fAIRBORN, OH'O • Regular service ends with brunch on Saturday Dec 4th

• A Fi^l Service Baiik University closed from Mondcy, Dec 6 - Friday, Dec 31st The following food services will be open during that time S> Poiiir-Bt.iiicb. UC Cafeteria 11 om - 1:30 pm M.ii;" Otfic.' . . * Mi WO lytiM V. 'i> , • . i'vyteuitistwi... K«r " & Allyn hall 7:30 am - 4 pm Full service begins on Sunday, Jan 2 at

-878-868V 878-7241 UC Cafeteria - 5-6.30 pm Rathskeller 7-11 pm November M, 19'6 GUAIMAN 3 Wright State to host College Theater festival She attended Sinclair Comrw J® ™ * which is whv she h running the buildings during WinteWimer quarterquarter . decision or ihe complaints.' hich is why she is running the nity College previously ant! this BV BOB CGRRO When she's not running her Kelly noted that the informa- booth called "Rap with Arlene," is her first year at Wright State Guardian Staff Writer Hap with Arlene" Vooth, Kelly presently located in Millett hill. Kelly hopes te, get her masters tion she is asked the most about works in the Financial Aid office. are basic grants, scholatships, The booth was the creation of degree; in rehab'litation for se- "1 feel ii is important to be out She does r.:;«.!y secreterial work Dave Parr and Janice Bogan, with people. 1 also think it is and work study. She estimates verely disabled and work fc.r the director and assistant director of there but also discusses stu- that she talks to about 43 or 44 Bureau of Vocational Rehabilita- important to communicate with dents' complaints. "1 love to be students daily and is usually Financial Aid. They wanted to and understand people." said out in publv: and working with tion. find out the needs and com- Arlene Kelly, floating outreach able to give them the information Her hours at the booth are plaints of the students. people.' added Kelly. c selor for Financial Aia. they need. Kelly has been with Financial Monday and Wcdmsday from I! Kelly's booth was in Allyti hall Every Friday morning Arlene am to 1 ,-wn. Tuesday and Thurs- 'Is'-. job ts to answer ques- Aid since fall quarter started. for two weeks, but now is in meets with Darr and Bogan to tioi lefts might have about She is currently a iuntor with a day from 12 i-oon to '• pm and tell them the feedback from the fmaiK "d and to distribute Millett for three •» eks She Fridays from 2 to 5 pro students she has talked with major in rehabilitation. information on various grants. plans to have the booth at the during the week. "Hopefully," Kelly feels people don't like to University Center after winter added Kelly, "we can come commme to the Financial Aid office. break,, and RReett to ththe otherr added Kelly, we can come to a . - LEARN NOW ABOUT THE WSU graduate enjoys sex-therapy jot* NEXT CPA EXAM ,nc ® ...... of n,!fes. tootook in preparation for her tending trainintaining courses «wit h resumes to "all kinds of places. RS&IEW BY DAVE YETTER career. xuaiity counseling." My first job was with a social Cincinnati 513 6514487 Guardian Staff Writer She also sought help from the looking back. Garblik said the service agency, but I finally Columbus 614 224-3290 Career Planning and Placement "smallness" of WSU is what she found a job with Planned Par- "It seems funny to think about office to find employment, but "1 liked best. "There was the feel- enthood as social director." she a woman in her 30's trying to get got my first job on my own,' ing of everyone working to build slated. "It was a ne* depart- back in school. 1 had all these an- Garblik explained. "The Place a better school. I really don't ment being started here." xieties about being older." said ment office didn't help me at all have anything negative Counseling is the primary ob- Wright State graduate Pauline They sent one letter directing me about it." jective of Planned Parenthood Garblik. director of social service for & supervisory position head- ar.d is given to all ages on for Planned Parenthood associa- ing a janitorial staff at a coun- tion of Miami Valley. "There was varying topics-contraception, seling center." problem pregnancy, and family, a huge group of people back "But then you have to consider marriage, and personal prob- then, most women, who were the market for jobs at that time. lems. "For the past two years. trying to get in school." Garhlik added. Body Shop Garlick graduated from WSU I've been doing sex therapy with Receiving her masters was not Expert Repair -Foreign and domestic cars couples; 1 enjoy this the most, with a bachelor of arts degree in the last of Garblik s learning. Wo'K Guaranteed One Year 4 she said. social work in I *?!) Faced with a Her real experience came from Gar'.'lik felt WSU aided in tight job market, she decided to "working in seminars and at- 8 South Central Ave continue her education, and in getting her a job by the courses F,inborn. Ohio Phone R71 (Mr |17|. graduated with a masters degree in counseling. "After 1 got my degree," Gar- blik commented. 1 decided to t;'kc a break and let that ncwlv There IS a difference!!! discovered education sink in." > Si* months after her gradua- MCAT •LSAT DAT tion. Garblik started sending GMAT . CPAT i VA1 i GRE .OCAT .SAT Frost.. "".NATIONAL MED. & DENT. BOARDS • ECFMG .FLEX cancels Flexible Programs and Hours Over 38 years of enpenence and success Small classes. Voluminous ttonw study mateiials. Courses thai are constaitly updated Centers lecture n days and weekends all year Complete tape facilities lor itv.ew The David Frost lecture has ot class lessons mi for use of supplementary materials Wake ups tot missed lessons at our centers n ., been canceled, and rescheduled for some time in winter quarter. Columbue branch SftUfcKU-ft According to Art Shumsky, 1890 Northwest Blvd chairet of lectures for University Columbus Ohio 43212 (6141466-9646 Center Board. Frost "Kas an Guv* a <»HW engagement in Nice. France (for) Cf.ll Toll Free (outside N Y Stale) 800 - 221-9840 THE For some Uir.d of interview." The Super Hairt'ulterw Atfihated Centers in Maior U S lecture is still to be held in the HEAD All Services Wright State Gvm. All ihe monetary damages that SHED Including Shampoo were incurred in the Woodward minute North of by Appointment cancellation and rescheduling 1-70 on Rt 235 in were covered b> American Pro- Park Lavne Plaxa H49-172" gram Bureau. They will do the same for Frost lecture. AUDIOf maxell Shumsky is hoping that the Frost lecture will go well. "If we SUPIKSCOPI do well on Frost we'll probably break even on the entire lecture PET CANDLE" series. Approximately 900 tickets Florida's Answer to the Pet Rock. Matell Holiday S have been sold in advance and Free Heasy Dot* IV-* we have a seating capacity of PET CANDLE comes to you with com- with 3 Maiell IH-Ws 3S0G," said Shumskv. plete set of operating instructions to NOW SU.W Shumsky is not sure what will train your PET CANDLE to sit up, Perfert for Note# happen for the rest of the year. He stated, "there are no othet stard, light up, and . plans until we see what the AvaiiuO n Small. Medium, and Large Sizes. budget looks like." MEMOREX PET CANDLE 110 Giralda Ave Coral Gabies. Florida 33134 Buy two- Smali S1 00 plus SOe costage & handling Get one Free! HO* -Medium S2 C'.O O'us 75c poe'age & handling Large S3 CO p.'tvs 95c postage & handling 60-Minute Cassette

Adobes* !_• . • •• VM." «' •' ' 400 wg MM f.'t'jlC'jnpORft FjidM C»ty Sta;« J 5.3-3113 CU.rk.tM. S] AIr»ay 'lie . : - Audio , A.'!:. ,> 1976 P*f Car.die WSl' 5 1 (jptnton . IC ENERi F®OMMISSIO N Page XIII debuts This issue of the GUARDIAN debuts PAGE XIII, a periodic magazine supplement dealing with current issues of campus concern . Today's PAGE XIII focuses on THE SfcLLING 01- SEX IN DAYTON. Due to the highly controver- sial nature of the subject matter, those easily offended by explicit sexual material are urged to refrain from perusing this per- iodical. We'd like to give special thanks to Patti Melnikoff for typesetting above and beyond the call of duty, and to Tom Lee for assisting in the makeup of this paper. Readers are encouraged to r.ddress their comments, suggestions, and impressions on the PAGE XIII concept. Letters can be addressed to the editors at the GUARDIAN office in 04b *7HEfi£§ ANOTHER ENVIRONMENTAL FREAK HERE University Center. TO SEE yOU ABO 'T RADJAVOrt, SIR"

iVTauR, EUx** Goldbricks | -Bus rff- The heartbreak of psoriasis By Lance Goldberg

After reading the I'age XIII much more exciting and innova- novel. In the event your novel insert (! assume you did read it. tive. becomes subject to litigation, yc.i or will read it), some of »M may As for action, readers prefer a must be able to defend yourself. be astonished with the enormitv plot that involves travel, vio- Even though pornography has of the pornography business. lence, and spectacle. A couple not been exactly defined, a pom Aside from the banning of ergaged in heavy necking after novei with a grain of moral truth Letter writers unite Deep Throat, pornography has will stand better chances of being met "ith little opposition in the allowed distribution rights. At the bottom of this page is a small fair city ot Dayton. Ohio. As Bill Using the above hydrogen coupon you can clip out and send to your Carrell (a citizen who attempted bomb esample, the shrewd nov- state legislators in order to let them civil recourse on pornography in elist will create events so that the heroine, during the final mo- know that you are concerned about the Dayton) states in Lnu Wochl's ments. decides to straddle the cost of your education. Page XIII story, "There is no specific group that I know of in warhead, thus cushioning its For your convenience, we have com- Dayton that fights against porn- impact and saving the planet piled a listing of the representatives ography .'' from world war III. with their home addresses, AND their Lurid talcs of excitement and Never use sublimmaily sexual home phone numbers. We strongly urge you fortune are entwined with the discovering they've been mistak- passages. The average pern con- to make use of this information—for pornography business which may ingly stowed away on t hydrogen sumer is tantalire.i enough by the sake of all of us. entice the starving student to try bomb headed for Moscow is alcohol and cigarette commer- his her hand (body?) at the smut cials to appreciate your surrepti- OHIO SEN. 6th DIST. (rep. Oakwood. Kettering, marked for success in any porn enterprise. market. tious endeavors. Moraine. Centerville, Wash. Twp., part of Although funds for photo- Dcseriptivcness and character Unlike most literature, porn Dayton, and part of Miami Twp.) State Sen. graphic and drafting equipment development may also help a thrives on cliche. Over the years, Tony Hall (D) Tel: 614/466-6131 Address; may be scarce for the starving book that would otherwise be as porn readers have come to recog- 2924 Knoll Ridge Rd., Dayton, 0. 4S449 Tel: student, pen and paper arc dry as psoriasis (a new idea for nize terms like "rod" and "cav- 435-9569 readily available for the literary porn—a virgin who is afflicved ern". A new term may only add OHIO SEN. 5th DIST. (rep. part of Dayton, N. minded In fact, you don't have with psoriasis on the unmcsiion- to confusion. Besides, the aver- Mont. Co., and part of Miami Co. including to be that literanly endowed. ables. Readers are often thrilled age porn reader is thrilled with Troy and Tipp City) State Sen. Neal F. All you need is a sense of the with approach/ avoidance syn- the thought of being "in the Zimmers, Jr. (D) 614/466-7628 Address; 4120 exotic, innovation, and action. dromes.) Powerful literature knew" about his cult's termin A woman making love to the ology. Camargo Dr. Apt. E, Dayton, 45415 224-0722 must be able to draw the reader milkman is not exotic. However, into the experience. Porn litera- Finally, write your novel so OHIO H. REP. 36th DIST: C.J. McLin., Jr. (D) a recently discovered Amazon ture in particular appeals to that it is comprehensible to (rep. West of Dayton, Miabg., W. Car., Jeff, making love to a French dwarf those who crave vicarious enjoy- anyone possessing at least a and Miami Twp.) 614/466-8038 Address; 1130 while driving a Lotus Europa ment. third grade education. There is Germantown St., Dayton, 0. 45408 222-7821 through Zambia is definitely ex- Neyer write about your Own nothing more detestable than OHIO HOUSE 37th DIST: Paul R. Leonard (D) otic. experiences. It will either be •highbrow" porn. Highbrow (rep. E. Dayton, Oakwood) 614/466-5373 Likewise, the use of restrainers embarrassing to your accomplice pom is almost necessarily ear- Address; 2815 Lakeshore Place, Dayton, 0. and vaseline may bote the insati- or put the reader asleep. marked for university publishing 45420 293-6964 or 254-0845 able tastes of porn-lovers. Pistac- The serious pom writer must which is one of the worst markets OHIO HOUSE 34th DIST: Edw. J. Orolett (D) cio cream. Gerber's baby food be able to incorporate a t.icrsal of available to those after the big (rep. Dayton View, Trot., Madison Twp.) jars^, andand^ HusHushh^ Puppy shoeshoes^ are ^ thc_sociall^ redeeming in his/her bucks. 614/466-8034 Address; 157 Edgewood Ave. I. As a student of Wright State University, I am concerned about ris-J Dayton, 0. 45407 228-4687 tng tuition costs in relation to state budget cuts. OHIO HOUSE 35th DIST: Tom Fires (D) (rep. As a registered voter, I urge you to support any legislation Riverside, Harris9n, Mad River and Wayne Twp) yarding a tuition freeze or tuition ceiling. 614/466-7621 Address; 7608 N. Swanlake, Alt. I IE, Dayton, Ohio 45424 235-7012 Sincerely, OHIO HOUSE 67th DIST: Larry H. Christman (D) (rep. Eng. Van., German, Jackson, Perry , MR/MS Clay, Ran., But. Twps., Mont. Co., Troy Tipp City, and parts of Miami County) 614/466-8010 I a student at Wright State University, j Address; 7112 Kinsey Rd., F.nglewwd, Ohio I 45322 836-6353 Dayton, Ohio Legal history of porn; Confucius to Keating merely appealed to the sense of tt said the book which dealt with BY HARBAKA C HEINEN ing the moral* of evcryon* else tablished the first Index Libri- um Prohibitorum, under tt e in- "right conscience" in regard to '-esbtan love within the convent' Guardian Special Wrlter around him. and of making wall.s was an offense against quisition of Pope Paul IV. The books or objects which might be certain that member', of society religion. And thus wis laid the 1948 revision of the Index of dangerous to the moral life. And About four years ago, I receiv- other than himself do not see groundwork for subsequent cen- forbidden books contains four not all prohibitions have come ed a letter from a man in dirty pictures or read dirty turies of court cases involving thousand eorks which the clergy from religious leaders who wield Cincinnati asking me for a con- words. The history of civilization alleged obscenity in pictures, of Holy Mother Church know will varying degrrs of Influence and tribution of S10. $25. SSO, or as finds censors busily at work in all printed matter, and public enter- ages and in all parts of the world pervert the bodies, destroy the control, but seldom any legal much as 1 felt 1 could afford He tainment. The pornographic paperback souls, and curve the spines of authority. said a friend had written to him, The case which is generally Despite a few cases involving telling him that he felt certain books of the 1970's. sold in little any Catholic layperson who accepted as the first in English obscenity in print .5 the early stores on Ludlow Street in Day- would dare to read or possess that I would be interested in bis common law to deal with "crimi- nineteenth century, there were ton or Vine Street in Cincinnati, any one of them. Gibbon's De- problem. nal obscentiy" followed a bit of actually very tew prosecutions for and the sex shows and the sex cline and Fall of the Roman The letter described a man boisterous activity of three Eng- obscenity in America until after shops of Copenhagen which so Empire is on the list, as are all who spends about tiOO hours a lish lords i'i the mid-seventeenth the Civil War rhe situ.'jon shocked Keating, and his ambas- the works of David Hume, Vol- year, or twelve hours a week, century. After a drinking bout at began to change in the 1870's, sador of good will, in 1971. arc taire, and Zola. studying pornographic activities, a tavern called " Pie Cock." near however, with the rise of the sir. not the first targets or the last The Catholic Church has also such as bocks, magazines, ' smut Covent Garden. Sir Charles Sed of anthony Comstock. targets of the self-appointed been in the forefront of the drive shops." and sex shows, This ley of Kent. Lord Buckhurst, arid Com stock, born in Connecti- guardians of the public reorality. to protec: the twenthicth century man's name was (and still is) Sir Thomas Ogle continued their cut. was the product of a strict Very few great or popular writers layman's soul from that tuv^tm Charles Keating, and he wanted carousings through the streets, Puritan upbringing. After serv- have escaped the wrath of the monster of immorality, the mo- me to join him in his war on finally culminating their fun with ing in the Union Army in the censors during their entire life- tion picture film. Feeling that smut. an obscene show on the balcony Civil War, he went to New York time. citizens' groups and local censor- Charles Keating, Jr founded of the public house. The three where he worked as a clerk in a the Citizens for Decent Literature The A noteds of Confucius ship boards: were inadquate in taming the rampant "indecency druken lords undressed on the dry-goods store. Shocked by the Incorporated in 1956. This or- were destroyed by the Emperor books and pictures which his Chi Huang Ti in ancient China. in tiie movies, the Catholic balcony and began to shout ganization is dedicated to elimi- indecent proposals to those who fellow employees passed about nating obscene literature, and When the Roman Empire be- Church established its Legion of passed by. and which he considered immor- now has over 300 active chapters came Christian, most of the Decency in 1934. which adopted i(s own Code for motion picture The highlight of the program al. Comstock set about launching across the United States. pagan literary heritage from the morality, and adopted a pledge occurred when the performers a campaign to rid the nation of In 1969. Keating was appoint past was committed to tne such awful things. Comstock flames. The Jewish holy book, which was to be taken by all urinated inio bottlt s and threw ed by President Nixon to fill a tliem at the crowd which had formed a society which was vacancy on the Federal Commis- the Talmud, was burned in 1244 American Catholics in their par- ish churches once a year. Once a gathered. This enraged the audi called the Committee for the sion on Obscenity and Pornog- AD. as blasphemous and im- Suppression of Vice, the name moral. The Morte D Arthur was year, each Catholic pledged: ence io such an extent that they raphy which had been establish- stoned the lords until they Red later being changed to the Soci- ed by President Lyndon Johnson defamed in 1570 by Robert ety for the Suppression of Vice. I condemn indecent »nd im- the scene. The s'oning was only in 1968. Ascham as "bold bavdryc." Its slogan was "Morals, not Art To this list, !et us add just a moral motion pictures, and the first of several punishments In WO. he submitted a minor- meted out to the trio Sir Sedley or Literature." and Comstock led ity report in which he sharply few more writers whose works those which glorify crime and criminals 1 promise to do ali was fined 2000 marks, jailed Kir a the campaign for over forty disagreed with the findings of have been forbidden, defamed, that 1 can to strengthen public- week, and bound to his good years. the commission's majority. or destoryed by those who felt opinion against the production behavior for a year. The charge Comstock was a sleuth in In 1971, he sent his letter to that the reading of them would search of obscenity, and a cru- be perfectly all -ight for them- of indecent and unmoral was "shewing himself naked in a balcony, and throwing down bot- sader in pursuit of its destruc Keating takes issue with those selves. but that it would endang- films, and to unite with all who protest against !hem. I tles among the people in Covent tion. He attached such Innocent "well-meaning and intelligent er the morals of others Dante. acknowledge my oblication to Garden, contra pacem and to the paintings as "September Morn. ' people who are sincerely con- Michaelangelo. Galileo am* Wil- insisted that fig leaves be put on form a right conscience 8bout scandal of the government.'' cerned about a possible loss of liam Shakespeare head the list. It •ictures that arc dangerous to It was not until the eighteenth nude statues, and attempted to First Amendment freedoms"; continues with such literary, sci- destroy 117 pieces of French entific. and philosophic greats as my moral life. As a member of century that an obscenity case those people who feel that the was brought before the English classical art which he considered government has no right to tell Sir Francis Bacon. Descartes. the Legion of Decency. I pledge myself to remain aw ay courts which did not include any to be immoral. adults what they can or cannot Milton. John Locke. Voltaire. He succeeded in obtaining the Rousseau. Thomas Jefferson, from them. 1 promise, further, other illegal conduct. In 1708, the read. publisher Read was taken to enactment of the "Comstock He commends the legacy of and the poet. Percy Shelley. to stay away altogether from places of amusement which court for publishing a pamphlet Act," which prohibits the depos- English common law brought to The Who's Who of immortl iting of "obscenity" in the mails. show them as a matter of of poetry entitled The Fifteen our country by the founding and blasphemous writers whom He also got for himself an none of us should have ever been policy. Plagues of a Maiden Head. The fathers which has found obscene Ouecn's Bench Court refused to appointment as a special agent of material to be harmful to the permitted to read goes on with the Post Office in ordc iiut he Although every Catholic was free punish Bead, saying that the public morality, and which has Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. George to recite or not to recite the pamphlet had not violated com- might penocsHy see to it that found it necessary to prohibit 'he Bernard Shaw. Oscar Wilde, the law was enforced, and he pledge, he/she was informed mon law, and that obscenity lay dissemination of such material Rudystd Kipling. Jack London. that he/she was morally obligat- only within the domain of eccles- obtained for himself a portion of "for the greater good of the James Joyce. .0 H Lawrence. all fines imposed for violations of ed by it whether or not he/she iastical courts. community at large." Eugene O'Neill. Aldous Husley. the law. !n his first year as William Faulkner. John Stein- chose to recite it. The custom begun with such And "for the greater good of commendable restraint in Queen "Special Agent for the United beck, Ernest Hemingway, and From the Legion's inception in the community at large." Keat- vs Read was not to be followed States Post Office," Anthony ing has delivered speeches, writ- that all-time panderer and prolif- 1934 until the early 1950 s, its moral restrictions on Catholics for long, however. Not long after, Comstock seized 200.000 pictures ten letters, organized campaigns, ic penner of such plentiful piles and photographs. 100,000 books. were widely heeded, and existed Edmund Curl!, a printer and collected hundreds of thousands of pornography as to have single- as a powerful and effective force bookseller, was convicted of sel- 60.000 "rabbet articles." 5,000 of dollars, and has. for our handedly corrupted two genera- packs of playing cards, and in keeping movies which the ling obscene literature in the greater good, checked out the tions of American youth, begun 30.003 boxes of pills and powders Church declared to be "immor- case of a book entitled in sex sheets, the smut shops, the the sexual revolution, caused the purported to have aphrodisiac burnings of campuses and cities al" or "condemned" from reach- the Cloister or The Nun in Her pornographic paperback books, Smock The same court which qualities. and the displays of "artificial in the 1%0's. instigated dope- ing popularity or acceptance. Many movies were altered or had so recently ruled that the In the first test of the Com- sexual devices of every imagin- smoking. long hair styles, irrev- withdrawn from the market be- publication or sale of obscene stock Act in 1878. the power of able variety." He even has sent a erence for authority, and sex in the Congress to censor the mails the streets, Walt Disney. cause of adverse publicity from literature was not punishable in representative for us. Mr Ray- the common law courts overrrul- against any materials which mond Gauer, on a fact-finding And let us not forge! those the Legioi. of Decency. With the arrival of the 1950's, ed itself in the Curll case because (continued on page 3) mission to Copenhagen. who penned and filmed / Am a however, the Legion's Code and Gauer's job was to investigate Camera. The Moon is Blue. Last that of the Motion Picture Indus- the porno chops with their blat- Tango in Paris, and of course, ant facades and their vending that ever-popular football. Deep try itself began to Ic/se support. Movies which had received the machines, and the sex shows Throat. Ust. but most certainly PAGE xm seal of approval of neither organ- with their featured sctivity of not least, we must add to the list. ization achieved widespread every imaginable variety—oral, God. God's most famous book. J Front cover photo of the Cmema-X East Theatre by Paul Gardiner. popularity nevertheless. anal, and vaginal. The Holy Bible. wan condemned The Moon is Blue. I Am a I Keating's descriptions of the in its translation by Martin Luth- Camera, The Man with the Gold- J The GUARDIAN advises that those who are easily offended by degradation which Gauer found er in the seventeenth cer.tu:y by en Arm. along with many new • sexually explicit material refrain from reatLng this publication. in Denmark go on at much the Roman Catholic Church, foreign films, played to large and greater length, and 1 will net the Catholic Church has always appreciative audiences, which in- jj editor thomas g beyeHein recount them all to you here, but been in the forefront when it has cluded many Catholics. The hey- " managing editor lance goldberg suffice it to say that Gauer must come to banning books. Follow- days of the Catholic Church's |• news editor- J;._ kathleen charnock have been extremely busy cn his ing the invention of the printing control over what movies Ameri- | staff writer lou woehl trip to Denmark. press in the fifteenth century, it cans would view were over. | special contributing writen dermis gee .an. barbara heinen Keating is. of course, not the was in danger of losing some of Not all attempts to censor what | photographers paul gardiner, robert martum first person in history to have set its comination of thought and people read, watch, or buy have himself about the task of guard- belief, in 1557. it therefore es- i Noveaaber 22, W4 Gl'ARDiAN Legal history of pom (continued from page 2) Blessed Virgin's aitar—w.iat on might endanger public morals eatth could possibly be the object was upheld, with the exception of her dimeful of prayers? Has ,s that first-class mail was to be she truly been infected by the exempt from examination. The deadly germs of pornography? Comstock Act, with this exemp- Monsignor Howard continues tion. is still enforced today. In his argument in favor of censor- addition to the Comstock Act. ship of everything which he Anthony Comstock has left with considers to be obscene by claim- Americans a legacy of vice-soci- ing that the "Commies" are fully eties and a tradition of moral aware of the 'debilitating cffect self-righteousness which causes of verbal garbage," and arc otherwise sane individuals to softening up our country with unite and crusade in endless "salacious literature" as a pre- Let Us Help witch-hunts through ihe book lude to taking over our country. stores, the movie houses, the Judith Crist, well-known critic libraries and art galleries, the of film, drama, and television, magazine stands, newspapers, disagrees sharply with those of schorls and courtrooms of the Msgi Howard's ilk who contend United States. And even, occas- that "reading a closet-full of ionally. those of Copenhagen. nudic magazines" will lead a Today the battle still rages. man to rape, Crist says she What is obscenity and what is remain*, "convinced that no fe- now? Where do we draw the male has been raped by text or line? Is art art or is art obscen- film and that the triggering of ity? Should "they" censor what the psychotic mind cannot be "we" read? Is censorship truly predetermined or even pin-point- "for the greater good of the ed." She continues. "1 do know, community ai large." or is it a however, what censorship ac- flagrani violation of the First complishes. creating an unreal Amendment to ihe Constitution? and hypocritical mythology, for- Why can I. at age thirty-nine, not mcnting an attraction for forbid- read what I want to read and see den fruit, inhibiting the creative what 1 want to see? Do dirty minds among us and fostering an pictures inflame otherw ise norm- illicit trade Above all. it curtails al people to violent, passionate the right of ihe individual, be he crimes of rape, mutilation, mur- creator or consumer, to satisfy der, and masturbation? Or do out harm In our law-rooted society , we arc not the keeper of

Mr cr.' God forbid that Sister Su- foul pubhi'tions. through Ihe'.r perior should be infected by the distribution to children and south Hholti h\ C. W. ConraJ dcrfdK germs of pornography, or and their extensive encourage- by the lively sperms of Father nfent to read them, contribute to Pastor. And that little old lady the breakdown of the moral With Your Christmas Shopping lighting a vigil candle at the ! (continued on pate 4) All the Christmas money you need Is asallable to you. . .with a convenient low-cost Plan your Christmas loan from your Wright-Pall Credit I'nlcn.

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18 and over "Serving WSU Faculty, Staff, Graduaie Alumni, and their Families" '3 Jasper - Between Brawn A S Main Get your jollies, join the fun and frolic at Todd BY LANCE GOLDBERG "get their jollies" watching exot- Amateur night features local ing withheld—to the wide eyed, ence seemed to be hypnotized Guardian Managing Editor ic dancers. "inexperienced" talent. Design- nervous audience. As our pho- and ready to submit to the whims On t*e two nights this reporiet ed as a contest, the winner tographer took pictures, we re- of the dancers. The brightly lit, neon facade of attended, the crowd ringed, per receives a S100 cash prize. "Us- ceived worried, almost hostile ' They really do jack-off up Todd Art Burlesque burns seven show, from IS to 30 people, with ually there's between eight and looki from the men up front. front, you know," comm. .ted days a week, appearing as a a mixed composition of college ten girls thai show up to dance, " "We like a place that lets us Felicia. attracting moths who fly age to elderly—99.9 percent said Gus. "We've never been I jet into the audience." said After seeing these entirety timidly close to its soothing, male. busted of hassled by citizen Felicia Fortunato who performs nude dancers bending and destructable heat. According to general handy- groups." under the name Felicia DelRaye. stretching ir every conceivable With & vtlid ID and five man Gus. the Todd Art attracts Professional strippers appear "Dayton's okay as far as thai posture, with slight .Attention to dollars, anyone over the age of crowds of up to 450 people per on the other night; and delight- goes (audience participation). I the rhythm of th- background 21 can enter the Todd Art and show on £ nday's amatuer show. edly display their wares—noth- can't stand Buffalo (New York;." music, one may wonder exactly During one of the shows an wha! characteristics, if any. dis- exotic dancer named SHE pros- tinguish a good show from a bad trated herself nude, save a G- show. * string. while Felicia administered "If the men get excited then a lotion to SHE's body. SHE then it's a good show," stated SHE. jumped off the stage and allowed "Sure our agents give us some each member of the audience to pointers on how to give a good spread the lotion wherever they show, but we decide what we're pleaded. gonna do." Later, when SHE was entirely "One thing you gotta watch nude. Felicia surprised her on out for." said Felicia, "is not to stage by placing a stuffed toy wear yellow. That's bad luck for bunny rabbit between SHE's a dancer." legs. Felicia giggled and ran off According to Felicia, dancers stage. cam between $200 and S700 a "I have a green bunny and week. blue bunny." said Felicia. "We doii't run prostitution on "When I go up on stage I look the side." said Felicia. "For me into the mens' eyes and I know that would be terrible." what they want. My shows are Gus pointed out that, as far as designed by myself (beforehand) he knows, only one of the but I like to make it up while I'm dancers who have appeared at doing it—sort of ostensibly the Todd Art was violently ac- !sie)." costed while going to her car. Editors Kathy Chamock arte! Lance Goldberg interview exotic dancer Felicia D 'Xaye while reviewing There's a dancer for every type "I've seen a lot more trouble Todd Ar: Theatre [Robert Marcum photo1 of appeal; spacy. kinky, luxuri- than that at the factory I used to ous, and earthy. Though the sets work at." he added. La femm^ arc sparse, gimmicks are used The Todd Art personnel and ranging from excreting dildos dancers contrast strikingly with Do your snakes bite, lady ??? and live snakes to matches and their jovi ality in an otherwise identified herself as Rhea Rcma Her second husband neglected to cigarettes wi.ich are smoked by sad atmosphere. When asked BY KATHLEEN CHARNOCK what other occupation would be Guardian New* Editor offered Todd Art's patrons a tell her that he was already the performers' nether regions. freebie. While SHE was about legally married, Felicia explain- One of the dancers handed her preferred, should she be forced to quit, Felicia responded, "I'd I've got the biggest tits in the halfway into her act, Roma ran ed. used cigarette to a gentleman "I'm a religious person, sort go back to nursing. But I'm show, and my measurements are up onstage, and bumped and who graciously accepted the of. Well. I believe in God and in going to do this (exotic dancing) 40-23-30. I do have to be pref^> ground as she discarded her great trophy. dreams," she went on. "Dreams until my body falls apart." careful with my boa constrictors, black leather motorcycle jacket, Most of the men in the audi- are very important to me. I they really freak out a lot of as well us most of the rest of her dreamed that my family was guys," boasted an exotic dancer street clothes. Then, with a going to be killed two weeks Legal history of porn currently appearing at She Todd coquettish wink, Roma gathered (continued from page 3) been definitively established. He up her things, and relinquished before the wreck." Art Theater. Gus theorized that the bur- sense in children which today is continued to be a staunch de "I'm like an hourglass." the stage. lesque business is founded on causing an increase in juvenile f-'ider of freedom of speech and "Yeah." chuckled one of her stage. - of the press, "better martial Gus explained. "You might fantasy and dreams, like an adult delinquency throughout if * na- co-Tcrkers. "but you don't even tion and is often responsible for relations," and sex thoughts. have noticed that there's a lot of version of Disneyland. "This is a know the time of day." adult criminality." Hoover was Justice Douglas contended that female dominance around here. voyeuristic type of enterprize. Gus. a spokesman for the unwavering in bis belief that the courts had better stop worry- A lot of these girls are into a most of our patrons are not management who preferred not deviants. Men just like to see lewd and obscene literature and ing so much about pornographic power trip." to divulge his last name, de- beautiful women take all of their pictures motivate people to sex- literature and pictures, and start scribed his job as "not a mana- Rhea Roma declared that banning men and women, for it she's a freelancer. "I'm in it for clothes off." ual violence. ger. just sort of a handyman", In his book, The Fight of the is they, he said, who appeal most the bucks. I don't want to strip He compared burlesque to an professed belief in the childlike People, Supreme Court Justice often to pruient interest. For every night. I don't want any- extenuation of Erica Jong's Fear innocence of the strippers in his William O Douglas spoke in those who would insist on con- body telling me what to do. of Flying. charge. opposition to censorship, claim- tinuing to march on Washington, Sometimes 1 just get loaded and "It's a visual fantasy, like the "Have you ever read about ing that sex though;: were norm- ask me for money, confiscate decide to do a gig." zipless fuck, although it's a more transactional anlysis? Well, I al rr.ther than abnormal. In films, burn books, close book Professional jealousy is a big personal form of fulfillment. play the parent' role. I'm the quoting Judge Jerome Frank in stores, and spend their lives problem among most exotic dan- "There is a need for onstage one that puts the bandages on nudity, he speculated, and will Roth vs Goldman, Justice Doug- studying "obscene materials" in wounded egos, the one that gives cers. according to Gus. "Ten order to curtail my rights to read percent of them are lezzies, and always be. "This business is like las said: them a kiss on the cheek, tells any other business, we provide a and view that which 1 wish to them they're beautiful, patches about half of the rest have had a read and view* and that the First ser change," added Felicia Del service. "I think that no sane man up squabbles, and pats them on thinks socially dangerous the Amendment to the Constitution Ray, "A,id they will steal any- "I don't particularly like the the ass. They're like a bunch of arousing of normal sexual may be flagrantly violated and thing, our watches, money, and explicitness of it. Personally. 1 kids, they ail play the child.' " desires. Consequently. if made but a *h«m, I say BE- even our clothes." prefer to leave more to the The woman who headlined the reading obscene books has WARE! For you cannot prohibit Felicia's story is one of the imagination. I'd rather see some- show, the one with the incredi- merely that consequence. me from thinking my own sex most colorful, she related a tale thing like Psycho. where the ble figure the one who plays Congress, it would seem, can thougnts. you cannot forbid me quite literally brimming with violence is merely implicit, than with four pet boa constrictors as constitutionally no more sup- to draw my own little private pathos and tragedy. Taxi Driver, for inKance. though they were made of long press books than it can pre- dirty pictures, you cannot stop "I'm from Germany. I came True sexuality is communica- ropes of filly putty: SHE. pro- vent the mailing of many me from writing my own dirty here when I was six years old. I tion between two people " Gus claimed pride in her occupation. other objects, such as per- books. never knew my paren s, I was summarized, and the strippers "I'm the best, that's why I make fumes. for example, which no- And your children—watch out adopted by a minister and his agreed. so much money at it I just Privately, however, he ad toriously produce that result." for them, too! You can eliminate bough! my six year old daughter wife. They're dead now too. I've "penis" and "vagina" from your been married twice. mitted. "I'd like to return to the Justice Douglas felt that cen her very own house in Florida olci style of strippers, chesty sorship was a direct violation of vocabulary (if. in fact, they ever and a Cadillac ra her own name. Felicia continued in a subdued were there!), you cap forbid the tone "We were out driving one Morgan. Tempest Starr and the First Amendment, that the How many other twenty-sjx year Blaze Starr are the best nowa- word "obscene" was too vague mention of "sexua', intercourse" old women can say the same?" day and got hit by a freight train. in yoK and you can They were ail killed, my husband days. but they're just not on the and uncertain to serve as a Three strippers were working standard in criminal and civil crusade agains: Hustler in the and three kids. So was the baby I same level as Ofpiy Rose Lee at the Todd Art Burlesque Thea- prosecutions, and that any con- hopes that your children will be was carrying." was " tre on Brown Street the night the. nection between obscene litera- protected from knowing that such "I got married agais, and that Guardian visited the establish- ture and illegal arts had never (continued on page 5) ment. But one young lady, who marriage only lasted two hours." November 22. 1776 GUARDIAN S One girl on the floor! One girl at a time please!!! One of those times proved BY DENNIS GEEHAN to the beat of the rhythmic disco apprehend his age for them- "It's a great job." he said. "1 quite startling as a 78-year Guardian Special Writer sound. Unzipping his suit, Jera- selves. part of the mystique. like it 99 percent of the time and woman accompanied by four Clad in briefs sporting i ings on miah revealed a virtually intra- Bui candor prevailed through- 1 can't say that »bou< any other either side. Vince wcaved his venous nylon body suit that had out the remainder of the conver- job I've ever had. generations of family sneaked behind the dancer to bare ail. way through a bizarre blend of crept up the crack of his ass like sation revealing a sensitive and The dancer dipped anface is a face and a to the older women more than movie to begin filming next year, Jeramiah pulled a woman onto plex and e'usiv e person revealing body just another body in Holly- younger ones, many of whom he after which he plans to remain the dance floor, placing her himself behir J closed doors. wood. To get ahead, one must says, "are there just to say they dose to film and n« large audi- hands squarely on his buttocks The man behind the gloss is a have a gimmick. were there, sort of an ego thing. ence. dancing her back to her seat with sensitive former student of medi So Jeramiah took to the stage After a while 1 know what their Untii that time, Jeramiah's a quick "thank you" pat or. her cine who left medical school aft»r with an act formed of music, attitude is as soon as they get on quiet interior remains at least own derriere. two years to pursue a career in martial arts movements, and a the floor. partially masked by the stage Smacking his lips with relish, acting in California. Declining pair of swimming trunks. Within "Older women ! enjoy more. presence of a 6-3. 183-pouno sex he removed his sash while bump- information on his age. Jeramiah a year the act had j—lied and the They get the most benefit out of symbol. And oh yes. they're ing with a willing partner whom responded that he believes it trunks had shrunk as the act's the show and I have a better time 46-31-?. . . he lifted and bounced off his lap best for his image that women popularity mounted. with them," lie said. Legal history of porn from Confucius to Keating (continued from page 4) levels of degradation exist. But sies," and sweet young things outlets for pornographic pictures Literary Obscenity. Cleveland: W B Pearcc & S L Teeter, Jr they will learn, nevertheless. having "six orgasms in the first and words, you kids might be World Publishing Companv. Obscenity: historical and behav- Their friends will say "fuck." the minute" from that "hot 14-inc.h able to eventually make S5 00 a 1963 ioral perspectives. Intellect, 104 washroom walls will say "suck." bull stud." And when you go to day for the rental of Bailing Gerbec, Albert Sex, Pornogra- (Nov 1975), 166-170. and the desk at school will say West Virginia for a wholesome Around. With enough lucky phy. und Justice. New York: Lyle "Tammy Thomas charges a family campout. your kids might friends, they might be able to Stuart. 1965. Sunderland. Lane V Obscenity buck." find a 1969 copy of Balling buy Mom and Dad a bouquet a The Court, the Congress and the The Boy Scout Paper Dirve Around lying by the side of the roses for their anniversary. President's Commission. Wash- where they work will yield old Castle Hill Trail in the State List of Works Consulted- Han, Hatuid H ed Censorship: ington: American Enterprise In- copies of Penthouse, published Park. If they've never heard of a ft* and Against. New York: Hart stitute. 1975. before your law went into effect. vibrator, or of "Helen sucking on Boyer, Paul S Purity in Print: Publishing Co.. 1971. The floor under the bed in a Tom's balls." chances are they The ViceSociety Movement and Widmer. Kingsley and Widmer, motel in Madison. Wisconsin will will never tell you that they've Book Censorship in America. Eleanor, ed Literary Censorship: cough up a 1973 copy of Turn- found Balling Around. New York: Scribner's, 1968. MacMillian, Jim Turnaround Principles. Canes, Problems. Bel- around Wife, complete with k>!s And. if your campaign suc- Craig, Alec Suppressed Books A Wife. Thousand Oaks, California: mont, California: Wads worth. of "49 inch t-ties." "fiery pus- ceeds in wiping out ail the legal history of the Conception of Cameo. 1973. I Sex aid industry offerings firm flabby sex life BY DENNIS GEEHAN nfea to the sensuarconsunwr lightlights 'd o include artificial sweet- chist's ct jovmenjovmentt . "btoni"hior.ic pussymissv" as»b. advertiseli« d in GiunUu Special Writer If the french tickler mentioned cner- which should only be The rear guard may derive several adult mags. Most of the above didn't arouse your inter- ingested by persons who must reams of fun from the proper above devices are available to the Sex life got you clown? Tired ot est. perhaps some coconut-fla- restrict their intake of ordinary application of Anai-E« to facili- adult consumer in any of the the same old bump and gnnd? vored "Motion Lotion" will sweets. Sets of two are available tate "painless anal penetration" adult bookstores downtown. But. Instead of turning in your old strike your fancy. The product for $12.95 as are bras for those of one's favorite hip lover. Butt- by lar. 'he Exotic Cinema on lover, why not turn on instead claims to be "warm to the who keep abreast of such items. users are advised that having a Ei«t Fifth Street offered the with your very own remote con- touch" and "heats up when For $7.50. you can purchase a tube of Preparation H h»ndy may wide*' and wildest selection. trolled vibrating french tickler? bk>wn-on." tube of Joy Jelly designed to also help in the end. Still, if total anonymity is your If the idea itself is a turn on, The performance-oriented may render even the most cunning Women can now show their hag. mail-ordering from the ads don't feel alone. The se* aid be interested in good old Doc linguist tongued-tied in erotic lovers that they have balls too. of virtually any adult-oriented industry is a lucrative, booming Johnson's' Sta-erect Sheath and ecstasy. Several flavors are avail- Ben Wa balls, specifically. Pur- magazine may prove both fruitful business. Mail-order sex has Prolonging cream, guaranteed to able to suit the astes of virtually ported to be the secret of Japan- and exciting. Here's to good grown like the pot paraphernalia help straighten out ;he dullest anyone but die-H.\rd naturalists. ese sensuality, the metallic vibrations. . . industry, both fueled by a grow- sex life. If you find you've lost the old spheres allegedly provide hours ing public interest in newer and Not sure whether or not your get-up-and-go, perhaps Jungle of vaginal joy any time of day. better highs via technology. partner is willing? Why not try Love Imitation Spanish Fly will guaranteed not to rub you the Many persons purchase sexual on a pair of Answer Pants with prove a boon to current affairs. wrong way. devices by answering ads in such the appropriate signal appearing Of course, the original Spanish Of course, Ginseng, vibrators, soft-core publications as Viva. in your lover's lap? Of course, Fly is harmful to one's health, ribbed condoms, and artificial Hustler. Penthouse. Play girl, et the answer is somew hat obscured but hopefully in imitation that penises and vaginas are all avail- al. Still others save the postage >n the dark but mother nature is aspect of the alleged aphrodisiac able to the adult public. But the by visiting Dayton's adult Book- best left to her own devices at has been lost in trasition. ultimate technological achieve- stores to purchase their tell-tale that point. If kickiig the dog is no longer ment has to be the artificial BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY titillating toys. For a mere $6.95. you can eat one's idea of fun. perhpps flagel- partner, inflatible lovers that The Guardian has found that your heart out over a pair of lation of a loved one will strike answer one's pcck-and-cail at the technology has indeed manufac- Candypants with licorice-flavored your fanny, uh. . .fancy. Leather drop of a bicycle pump. Stuff Envelopes tured a variety of interesting tie strings. striking instruments arc also Sorry gents, we combed the $25.00 PER HUNDRED items available in the Dayton However, the cullinary de available for your favorite maso- stores and failed to turn up the Immediate Earnings SindSl.OO To: Envelopes Dept. 339A 310 Franklin Street The Place Boston.Mass. 02110 KNOTUJORfcfi

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$72—$100 per month Open daily Mon thru Sat Open plus 4 evenings. 10-9 Mon-Sat 12-7 Sun ppiasmaaftance Eanttown Shopping Center 16S E llelcu Si reel Town & Country Shopping Center ph-.m 224-1973 Playhouses put porn in proper perspective With such a range of tantaliz- prcciable selection of soft-core bookstores. Viewers deposit a Oiler appeals to the senses BV DENNIS GEEHAN ing material presently available mags and paperbacks. quarter into a slot corresponding have taken the form of audio-sex. Guardian Special Writer to the adult public in the area, its The magazines feature explicit to their choice of film and for A number of records and tapes small wonder that the adminis- Deep Throat was small pota- sexual activity between perrons about *2 can watch to their are available in thi bookstores. If trations handling of Deep Throat toes. Were Wright State admin- of most races, sexes, positional hearts' content. you've been wondering where to istrators to saunter downtown to persuasion, and species. Is:ter- The sometime smell of semen find Redd Foxx's blue record- has left such a saline taste in see the standards the Dayton course. anal and oral sex are in the booths and an occassional ings, the Exotic and other have people's mouths. Wright State's less than pene- community has set for itself, the presented in living color, a pic- proposition by gay prostitutes them George Carlin's tender issue would have been viewed in toral reflection of human sexual may prove annoying to some tracks are also purchasable. triting insight into the moral its proper perspective. behavior. customers: but in general, neith- For a nominal fee, one can standards of the Dayton com- The Guardian combed the t A Beginner j Guide to Mastur- er proves to he a consistent listen to the Dirtiest Sluts in munity clearly left it choking, dult bookstores and movie thea- bation. a steal for $5, is available drawback with most stores main- Plainsville on the home or auto unable to digest ihe reality of a tres in Dayton in search of that to beat the pants off most of its taining a h- tilth business. 8-track cartridge or to Xaviera more libera! standard than that "community standard"' which erotic competition. The film ivailable for private Hollander Selling long tales about of which is is aware. At least the administrators feared would be Most of the bookstores also viewing range in subject matter past erotic adventures in exotic remainder of the community has jeopardized offer a variety of papcrback from very straight male-female locales. remained free, alfciet expensive. Wha! we founv were several btxiks featuring such notable encounters to groups, interracial stores and theatres thai offered » works of literature as The Host- intercourse, sexual fantasy, gav SILVER ZYZZX myriad of books, magazines and ages of Sex and this reporter's films, the proverbial "Golden 1)4? E Dorothy lan* movies designed to elicit re favorite. The Return of the Kne- shower" of urine, and some sponse from the most conserva- ma Han Rapist. Even follow ers of participants doing i! "doggie- tive voyeur. There was ao appeal the occult can find a certain style" with a real dog Most arc to prurient interest here, just charm in A Study af Sexual easily purchased for home view- hard-core erotic license. Practices in Witchcraft and B.'ack ing at the store's counters. PICTURE STONE JEWELRY Bookstores are located basical- Magic. If the big screen :'raws most of Turquoise. Coral, Mother of Pearl ly in two area downtown. Five of Magazines range in price from your bucks, there arc several and Batik, Weaving, and Raku Pottery them, the Exotic Cinema, the $1.50 to $10.00. but expenses theatres in town to cater to your Discount Bookstore. Bennett's, rise when one purchases 8mm tastes. The Todd Art theatre on Butch's. and another apparently movies of a sexual nature. Used Brown Street offers two X-rated unnamed enterprise are located films can be purchased for $10- films with their burlesque shows on Fifth Street just east of the $12. while new films cos; about for $5. The Cinema-X and Cin- Dayton Convention ccnler. $15 for 200-feet. Clips from hard- ema-X East theatre on Ludlow Tbe second major area of core classics such as Behind the and Third Street, respectively, concentration is on Ludlow, south Green Door or Deep Throat offer adult films for $4. of Fifth Street featuring the Eros, generally cost more, as high as The Exotic cinema, which first the Gaiety, and two stores adja- S75-S100. brought Behind the Green Door cent to the Cinema-X movie If you find that hon-e movies to the Dayton area sells member- Gala New Year's Eve Celebration theatre. Other small stores may are beyond your expense budge!, ship in the National Adult Movie be found scattered throughout most of the short films can be club for $1, entitling viewers to | Come enjoy the exciting evening celebration featuring the city and even the neighbor- viewed privately in booths locat- see subsequent films there for the sound of the national recording group Hid Stop-and-Go offers an ap ed in the lear »f most of the $4 Citizens resist selling of smut Ohio Express BY LOl! WOEHL citizens involved registerea torm- V-7 Carrcil noted, "In surveys t>s for one fantastic price of $35 per couple which includes Guardian Staff Writer al complaints with the police mush as 80 percent (of the cov.r chargc for two. First drink of evening for each against the establishments. people) have s~id they don't person. Party trinkets and novelty. Buffet meal of ham, "If something isn't done, it Carrel said, "there is no spe- want it (pornography) here." turkey, and roast beef. Half price beer and liquor all (pornography) will destroy the cific group that I know of in Carrell explained that "If people evening. Champagne at for two. Continental country." stated Bill Carrell. a Dayton that fights against porn- pion't have the gumption (to fight breakfast at 2:30 am. citizen against pornography. ography. but there arc a number •pornography) there's not much Carrell's involvement in the of concerned citizens. wc can do " First come first served on advance reeervatfon for fight against pornography in "Wc come from different re- Carrell ,-oncluded by stating seating. Dayton started last year, when ligious groups." explained Car- that "The basic danger is that he and several other citizens rell. "we have written letters to pornography attacks the integrity were asked to help close down groups such as (Cleveland's) of the home." Thursday night Dayton's adult bookstores. Citizens for Decency through Carrell reasons that without Carrell said a young police Law '' These letters arc intended the firm integrity and morals Drink and Drown 7-9:30 pm officer informed the citizens of to give Daytonians ideas on how traditionally established in the the laws concerning pornogra- they can successfully eliminate home. America will be destroyed phy. The citizens worked in pairs most pornography. in a very short time. 3671 Urbana Road - 390-2760 going to th'- bookstores around Carrell explained that the 1 '/j miles north of Springfield on SR-68 the Dayton area. County commission is presently The citizens purchased mater- trying to zone where new adult ial that met Ohio's Revised Code bookstores can be located. One of (2907.01) which outlines what is the provisions in this zoning considered to be pornographic proposal is that any new book- material. Once the pornographic stores must meet the approval of materials were purchased, the three county/city boards. Til see you over

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GIVE THE GIFT OF MUSIC 1 DINGLEBERRY& iau£ hoitxte am/L CL*V>IUV&L .. , „ Sfctf* Rmik 725 oL ^ » 11 ALU. ffraoon-ftL. 433) 4,5^ 8 GUASD1AN November 22, 1976 Want a dirty book? Check JVSU's bookstore BY DENNIS GEEHAN and Club featuring eiplicit pho- medium of exchange foi ns >ncy write fanny, dirty books! Very fwitasi/er* And. what book it ore Guardian Special Writer tos of female genitalia. Playboy and product. funny, very raunchy." said the collection would be complete has slowly been forced with If pictures aren't that appeal- Detroit Free Press of the soft- without Erica Jong's modern Can't find your favorite stroke drops in sales to follow suit. But ing to one's senses, and straight core publication. near-classic Fear of Flyutgl book at the five and dime any- Playboy remains distinctive in its paperback erotica is. the WSU Jeanne and Alan Abel co-auth- But not every client of the more? Lend the Wright State cheerleader. 'Girl-neat-door" bookstore is also providing an ored the script for Is There Sex University bookstore may be into University bookstore a few mo- approach to female nudity. adequate supply of interesting After Death, a deligl.tful satire of soft-core erotica seriously. And ments of your time and chances Playboy also offers nude fe- material. Besides the obligatory current American perspectives for those readers the store has are you won't be disappointed. male calendars in two sizes for manuals or- sex education for on sexuality. The paperback ver- graciously included among its Men and women can both find desk and wall to be found on the young and old by Mcster* and sion is currently also on display collection the N»ti.ntl Lam- literature of prurient interest in WSU campus. Johnson et ai. several titles at WSU. poon's parady of pornographic the bookstore with magazine ti- Those who prefer to read about designed for sensual arousal are Those unconcerned with peo- literature. A Dirty Book. The tles including Penthouse. Vivo. sex and related problems and also readily available to the ple's liberation will find narrow satire features such alluring Oui. Hustler. Chic. Club. Play- techniques ma. find the Piaygiri campus consumer. enjoyment in The Sensuous chapters as First Blowjob ers. Playboy, piaygiri. Callery, Advisor entertaining and inform- Most of Xavier Hollander's Couple by Robe.1 Chartham, who The I- Hate- to-Fuck Book with Genesis, and others. ative. Designed with both women current titles arc sold in the continues to maintain that his contributions by such notable Viva and Play girl cater to and men in mind, the monthly bookstore including the much penis enlarger does in fact in- satirists as Richard Armour. women with the basic difference booklet features letters and ad- heralded Xavier Meets Marilyn crease one's dimensions while The University bookstore appearing, at least this month, to vice on a variety of sexually Chambers, a graphic -writ- maintaining in his Penthouse found itscif under earlier this be the absence of male aiudity in oriented issues. ten piece of material that exploits advice column that the size really year when they removed some Viva, although Piaygiri pulls few Most of the above magazines the two women's current sex cult makes no difference functionally. titles from the shelves because punches in displaying full frontal maintain a narrow view of sexu- popularity with an exchange of Along the same lines. The they were '' not fit literature to be loliiout shots. Piaygiri also spon- ality catering to a particular personal histories that make Total Women by Marabcl Mor- left out in the open." Now the sor;; the only all-male calendar on readership and some, like Hasti- group therapy look like Romper gan is a husband-serving en- magazines are covered but re- sale in the bookstore. er with its racist humor show Room. dorsement of old-time female main available thanks to the Players features erotica target- distinctively poor taste. "Rate this one X'!" cried the submissiveness that is superced- efforts of students who ap- ted at the black market ami Still, mere availability does not Chattanooga Times of The Three ed in absurdity only by David proached University services on co-produces its smaller and more extort purchases from customers of Vs. the chronological tale of Reuben's Any Woman Can. the matter. visually oriented Players Pictorial and consumers usually purchase sensuai adventures of a group of proving once again that no wo- While the mags are delivered regularly, they are prone to mag. whatever turns them on. The three comrades in erotic tandem. man searching for independent With magazines like Hustler bookstore simply provides a "This proves that women can reliable advice should look to a selling out occasionally, but fan? doctor who still maintains homo can take comfort that the same sexual.iy is a mental illness while Imblication s and others are easily his professional iMllcagues have ivbtainc i( Seven Kleven or nts "Beer Talk" in recent years dropped the Stop ar ires in the area on misnomer. from class. Kor Claiming to he "a" immodest students and lac themselves that John Collet.. in light of the Salt in beer? ami Amy i It-placed sensitiv- I'lanlM, Pollers. MatTanit!, Jfsvflrs. Mint' EARTH WORKS

il.' Ilullm in \vt in Smlthvllle Kd 2S6-2989 12 b pm Did you ever see someooasomebody purt salt in hi$ beer \tft_bring the head back .up? •' A PYRAMID ENERGY IS FOR REAL WITH P,.l INNERGY POSTER [ This latest breakthrough in Pyramid Energy is equal to o 17- | loot base pyramid. The 20 « 22 poster (ills an entire room 1 with radiant energy Useful in homes offices gyms ond studios for dance health ond self defense the charging ond energizing effect is felt by almost everyone Potter only $5 00 Mounted on heavy posterboord ready for wall hanging, in asserted colors $8.95. See them at tne following dealers IT* 7in Truth of Shonti, 22 I. Nottingham "5 7 The Mountointop, 5928 N. Dixie "JO-5177 Unity of Doyton 5176 Old Tr^y Pike Gemini World, 104 Brown if. But really... what salt does to a A pe-rlect head of foam is easy: Just Dinglcberry'r«i»ol»K».rv, «t I002W1002 W.. Centervllle *33-6525 great beet is make it salty. . start with. Bud»;eiser And pour it Xenio Natvrol fooh 72 S. Detroit smifek down the middle Antloth College Book Store, Yellow $pri»y)i

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Most Winter Quarter books Well still be open will be available to serve YOU! Avoid the January Rush!! November 21, l«76 GUARDIAN S Reader criticises budget campun haypenincm " monday. noveirer 22 To the Editor: ous heading of General Admini To the Editor inter-varisty christian fellowship--12 noon I pm. 112 flwcett. bible While persuing through a copy stration-othcr. received and in- The paper i« full of cutbacks study in epht sians. of the university's operating bud- crease of 175.6 percent. here, parings there, budget get for this year. s few startling This is the start of an effort by crunches everywhere—hi » do wsu food co-op-J 4.30 pm. 045 university center, third organiza- facts lept from its pages. In view the Students for Quality Educa- they ft' vis a vis that excrescence tional meeting all members of the university community invited to of the proposed tuition hikes, it tion to educate the student body newly sprung from the concrete attend. seems that these facts could use as to how their money is being of the quad? some justifications, or at least an spent. Who paid for that keosk (sic) tuesday: november 23 explaination. If the administra- and the possible future one veterans educational organizatioa--3:X> pm. 045 university center tion would care to comment on Roy Swindler, Students for mentioned in a newspaper article everyone welcome. the following, it would be greatly Quality Education Monday? If the administration is appreciated. responsible. wAy? By what campus bible fellowship--$:M) pm. 155b university center, bible The budget for the office of the standards of logic and reason can study and discussion group. president increased 13 percent they cry "broke." "raise fees." from SU0.78S to $125,398. Presi- To the editor etc when money is spent so Wednesday, november 24 ocnt Kegerrcis' salary increased Having had the bureaucratic frivolously? There are bulletin 9.4 percent from $47,000 to double-shuffle up to and includ- boards everywhere one looks, campus bible fellowship-12 noon-1 pm. 321 allyn bible study aiid $52,000. Supplies for the office of ing the cars. I have decided that and every WSU student is inside discussion group. the President increased 10P per- I no longer wish to offer my one or more buildings at least cent. Personal services increased services to Wright State Univer- once each day he/she is here inter varsity christian fellowship--!: 15-3:10. 240 fawectt. bible 14.8 percent, from $77,610 to sity in any capacity other than as What, other than superfluous, study on »pint-filled christian. $89,145. Communications incre- a stuaent. can an outside (in winter, yet!) ased 32.5 percent. After chasing the people jf the information "thing ' be? Who is Andrew Spiegel received a University Division around for going to stop to read something thursday, november 25 salary increase of 6 percent from five weeks, they finally decided there on a cold, probably wet, $41,500 to $44,000. The travel what I must do to become a day. when the same information intervaristy-christian feUowship-M am-12 noon. 112 fawcctt. bible budget for his office increased tutor. is no doubt plastered all over the study on spiril-filled christian. 119 percent. Maintenance and First, you must obtain a job hallways (other than the idiot repairs increased 300 percent In card from the Financial Aid whose idea it was)? addition to these, it might be office. That is a bit of work in If perchance the fonds for that friday. november 26 nice to know what professional and of itself as there seems to be pimple were donated by some environmental action club-II am-12 noon. 175 brchm lab fees are. and why they take up only one person capable of per philanthropic soul, next he conference room, discussion group of recycling program for 10.9 percent of Dr Spiegel's forming any given task within should consider using pretty campus waste paper. budget. that office. shingles and glass for a bus The budget for the office of One must appear at some un- shelter for those who help keep vice-president and vice-provost specified time at the Department the traffic down on campus by ik-irsday. december 2 for Academic Affairs increased of Financial Aid to botain time- parking elsewhere. 11.2 percent, from $79,734 io cards since the gnome in charge Sue Kuramoto eckankar7-.30-9 pm. 175 millett. introductory lecture, "the to $87.8%, John Murray received a of those items only proces es secret worlds." everyone invited. salary increase of 8.3 percent, them on alternate Thursdays To the editor: from $36,000 to $39,000. Per- between 2:10 ar.d 2:12 pm if After reading your "Letters" friday. december sonal services increased 10.6 there is a full moon. column o" November 4 and 11.1 percent from $62,648 to $69,346. The Bursars office operates would like to inform you thai M' bvsiness clubs8 pm, stonebridge apartment party house, The budget for the bursar's according to the same arcane O" jck Hippie, an active meir.oer accounting club, marketing club, sam, and honor society, office increased 14.1 percent code. Personal checks for up to of this association is not autho- christmas party. from $169,780 to $193,742. Per- $10 will be cashed at any time rized to make comments on um- sonal services increased 12.5 but a payroll check cannot be piring. or umpires that reflect the Mr Hippie has been advised approved by this office, or the percent. from $119,302 to cashed, even for a lesser amount views of this association. They that he should not make any individual concerned is expres- $134,287. Travel increased over umess also on ^n alternate are his personal views, and in no comments to the media, without sing his own personal views. 500 percent. Communication in- Thursday and coincident with a way express the vie-.vs of our my personal approval. Carl R Sterner creased 201 percent. solar el lipse. association. All media feleascs must be Umpire-in-Chief The following offices also re 1 say the whole damned thing Gem City Umpires Association ceived substantial budget in- looks like a rubber ducky and he creases: Budget office-13.6 per- is out to lunch-sorry, you'll have cent; Payroll dept-49 percent; to come back later. To HEEL Raider (Jul), WSU Boosters Purchasing and General Servi- WITH IT ccs-14.1 percent; Personnel Ad- David Strub BY RON WUKESON when -alumni be came in- planning five bus trips to away ministration-25.3 percent: Alum- Guardian Staff Writer creasingly interested iis participa- games this season." F.vents m Affairs ') 3: and the ambigu The Raider Club. Wright ting in activities the Raider Club, planned for the month of Decem- State's "first booster-type club." was formed to accomodate the ber include bus trips to WSl! ASK t'S will be sponsoring activities dur- new people. games against Cincinnati and Who docs one contact if one is hospitalized during the quarter ing the upcoming winter break, Activities planned for this sea- Marian (at Indianapolis) Decem- and can no longer attend classes? according to member Pat Moran son include selling programs and ber 1 and 11 respectively, and a The Raider Club is a "spin-off souvenirs, ticket-taking and ush winetasting party after the Nor- Depending upon the time of the quarter and what you want the of the Alumni Association Athlc ering. and coal checking. These thern Kentucky game December outcome to be there are several procedures you may follow: tic Affairs committee." said Mo- activities are open for volunteer 4. A. One may simply withdraw from classes if it is before the last ran. This committee used to participation Moran said. date to drop courses. sponsor bus trans|X>rtation and "The Raider Club is not all B. if the last drop day has passed then one must pet'tion •" be winetastings after games, but work," added Moran. "We are withdrawn from classes-petitions arc available in the Registrar's office. 145 Allvn. Friday Night Live comes to Dayton C. Or. one may make arrangements will; each of your professors to receive an incomplete in their class and to make-up ihe work at BY (JAYLON VICKtRS John Chambers bass guitar, Rick Wagner from Springfield a later date. Guardian Staff Writer harp, and lead singer. Chambers who has cu t several LP's with Fee refunds past the last date for refunds are up to the played with Vaseline Alley OH Stiver City, "Walter" a 70 year discretion of the Registrar "Dayton's dead. I want to iour from Cleveland to Virginia old electric blues guitarist from bring it some life," stated Tom Beach. Columbus, Ashbury Park, and 2. The entrance to the parking lots off Colonel Glenn highway (not Lee, Promoter for Acrocietv. "John is the most dynamic Mike DeMonico. the traffic light entrance) is hvrd to see at night, are there any One of the ways he proposes to performer I've ever seep—s real DeMoKico is a WSU student plans to mark it? bring some life to Dayton is with crowd pleaser," said Lee. He who has been playing folk and Ask Us discussed this matter with Richard Ore we, director of "Friday Night Live." to be held thinks that, Fyrecracker could his own original compositions Security, The entrance you refer to is technically s construction December 10 at Wamplers Red turn out to be the hottest thing around Dayton for several years. entrance; ther*-f;we. no plans for permanent marking exist. Grewe Barn from around here since the Ohio The MC for the night is Patti did agree to check into some reflector type markings to make the "Anyone who likes music, Players." Spitler. In one section of the entrance more visible. partys, and party people will like "Dynamic Productions, (a Co- building WTUE will ,.ovide dis- this event." said L*». He feels lumbus production agency), is co sounds throughout the night. 3. Will the student mailboxes be cleared out between quarters? that, "We're going to g£i the excited enough about the group Spitler will be giving out prizes Yes, all materials will be removed over the break. best aspects of a party. » concert, to invest a let of money and book and gifts to those who purchase and a dance." them in places like Vegas and advance tickets. The tickets are ASK US will appear once each week. Question: may be Heading the bil! for the night LA during their coming tour," on sale now in the Hollow Tree submitted to the Dear of Students Office in 111 Millett. Ail is Fyrecracker. a new group noted Lee. Box office at a cost of $1.50 to questions must be signed. Faculty and staff are welcome to submit which includes performers such Either following Fyrecracker, students, or at the door cn the questions alio. Questions are researched and answered by the as Ronnie Thompson, lead gui- or playing simultaneously in an- night of the performance for J?m» of Stadcais' staff. tarist for Crosstown Traffic, and other part of the building will be $2.00. ECKANKAR Introductory Career Planning Workshops 6 GUARDIAN November 22, 197 Idler-(ireek Council Banquet TrcUie Christmas lector® Three series of career plan- Inter Greek Council is spon- Inter!ratemity Concession An introductory talk on EC- ning workshops will be given Schedule Star Trek club will hold its soring a dii.ner banquet on KANKAR. th ancient science during the Christmas break. December 5 in honor of the Christmas party December 3 at of soul travel, will be held Series 1 will be held on Mon- 200th anniversary of the Greek Intcrfratcrnity council's con- 11:15 am in 279 Millett. Mem- Tuesday, December 7 from 7 to days from 2 to 4 pm from cession schedule for the week bers are invited to come as system in the United States, 9:30 pm in 175 Millett, The December 6 through 20. The dinner will be held in the of November 22 will be as their favorite alien or crew public is invited, free of charge. Series two will be on Tues- Regency room of the Mai1 follows: Friday. November 26 member, and are requested to days. beginning December 7 Motor Inn in Dayton with cock- and ending December 21. from (Phi Kappa Tau) from 5:30 to bring food or drink. SNO Elections Graduate Election tail hour beginning a! 7:30 pm 10 am to 12 noon. The third 10 pm and (Beta Phi Omega) Elections for Student Nurses and dinner being served at 9 series wift be on Wednesdays from 7:30 pm to 12 midnight. organization will be v»eld in There will be a special elec- pm. from 2 to 4 pm from December Both groups need three men. January of 1977. Applications tion for all graduate students to Cost of the banquet will be Saturday, November 27 (Beta for any nursing student inter- 8 through 22. elect a graduate representative $6.50 per person. All greek To register for one of the Theta Pi) from 5:30 to 11:30 am ested in running for office are to Student Caucus on Monday. organizations and Greek alumni workshop series, interested (four men needed). (Sigma Phi available in the School of Nurs- November 22 and Tuesday. are invited. persons should go to the Career Epsilon) from 10 am to 4 pm ing office. Deadline is Novem (three men needed). (Phi Kap- November 23. Polls which will Planning and Placement officc be in allyn and Millett lobbies. ber 30. in 134 Oelman hall oi call pa Tau) from 11:30 am to 6 pm Cold Turkey Day (three men needed). (Pi K»?pa will be open from 12 noon to 2 extension 25S6. pm and from 6 pm to 10 pm. NeuiB November 26 has been chose Phi) from 4 to 10:30 pm (three "Cold Turkey day" by the Educators Workshop needed) and (Sigma Nu) from 6 Miami Valley lung association. Career Planning and Place- Nones Material Needed pm to 12 midnight (Three men The association has challenged ment will sponsor a workshop needed). During the month of January, for educators on Thursday. De- the Student Nurses organiia- 8>lfort0 every smoker in the Miami val- Sunday. November 28 (Sigma ley to try to kick the habit and cember 9 from. 12 r.oon to 4 pm Phi Epsilon) from 5:30 am to 12 tion will be collecting printed in 041 and 043 University Business clubs' Parly go cold turkey for om. full day. noon (four men needed) and educational materials for a Center. The workshop is for school of nursing in India Accounting club. Marketing Smokers may participate by (Beta Phi O-.ega) from 12 noon education majors, certification whose library was severly dam- club. SAM. and Honor society calling the association at 222- to 6:30 pm (four men needed). candidates, and WSU alumni in aged by a flood. Books, maga w ill be combining for their 1976 8391 or by sending in a written pledge stating that they pledge education who seek new career ICC Meeting zincs, pamphlets, and especi- Christmas celebration. The par- directions or want to learn how Inter-club council will meet ally back issues of RN are wel- ty will be held Friday. Decem- not to smoke on November 26 as part of the Cold Turkey day to expand their career options. Wednesday. November 24 at comed. ber 3 at 8 pm at Stonebridge 3:10 pm in the University Cen- For more information, con- apartment's party house. For program. Written pledges Signups for this workshop will ter The meeting is for all clubs tact C Jane Watnsley (L459) or more information, contact Greg should be sent to MVtA, PO be in the Carerr Planning and and organizations on the Kathy I'ecqueux (P298). 11-22 at 254-4058 or mailbox 0-261. box 902. Dayton 45401. Placement office. 134 Oelman. Wright State campus. An information and pledge Ski Club Trip or can be made by calling Christmas Trip to ltal* table will also be set up that Ski club will sponsor a trip to Alternative Bookstore An opportunity to travel to day at Dayton mall, next to the extension 2556 Aspen. Colorado December 10 Nurtes Publicity Committee I he alternative bookstore, de- Italy for ihrrc or more weeks Christmas seal fountain, where through 14. Participants will St,dc=: Nurses organiza- signed '<• avi id long lines and during the Christmas break is "t Quit Smoking" buttons can leave Wright State Friday. Dec- tions publicity committee needs hi*h prm's. ill be open Jan- being offered through the Study be obtained free of charge. ember 10 and will travel on two volunteers to help with promo- ,J!N i aiKi 4. 1977 from 10 am in Rome pfograms. The regular A drawing will also be held, C.revhouiid buses. tion of SNOS activities. Any 2 p•-,! t:: MitU.lt lounge programs of opeta. ph»'cgra- giving all the cold turkey quit- Cost of the trip will be $200. nursing student at any level phv. and Roman civilization and ters a chance to win a certifi- including lift tickets, lodging, who is interested can contact Nexus culture will be combined cate for a free cold turkey, W-vuv Wright State's litcr- and transportation b\ bus to Sandv Huelsman through the Special trips to the Naples comolimeni . "f area grocers. and from Aspen. A (St'posit of Tyc Dye ExMbit Nursing office or her Allyn hall arv magazine. is now available hav area wttii visits to Pompeii. for free in:thc Siudent Caucus $50 is now being collected, an.i mailbox. the date for final payment is Herculaneum and Capii are Students should leave their office. Nexus office, and Uni- included. Optional trips .o Ftor Ron Wickerr^iam will have an November 18. names and mailbox and phone versity bookstore. ence may be arranged as well exhibit of "tye dve" fabrics and The excursion is limited to batiks on the Plaza level of the numbers. two bus capacity, and therefore ,1, H> Mialno or Venice. TurkeyTrot ICCH by ( rwllt Card tuition for three weeks is county administration building [fie Bursar's office has be- participants will be accepted on during the month of December. Any nursing student interes- j first-come, first served basis. $200 with pro-rated days be- ted in participating in the Tui gun a new service to students yond the three week period Wiekcsham is a former who wish to pay their fees by 20 seats .ire now left. Marine Corps illustrator and keyTrot planned for November Club membership is a requi- Departure date is scheduled for 24 >ii 3:15 pm should contact using a bank charge card. December 1. Air fare will be attended classes at Dayton Art site. which can be attained by- Kathy Schaffer through her Effective December 6. Mu- the lowest. 22-45 day excursion Institute and Wright Sta'c. lleins may pay fees bv Master paving dues of $4. For further information on mailbox in the Nursing office. Their next meeting will be fare, prices of which are avail- Each team needs five men and Charge or Bankanicricard at the able at any IWA office. this showing, contact Mr Rose Bursar's window in Altvn hall. Thursday. November 4 at 9:30 at 223-7581. five women. For registration form, write Information on obtaining a pm, 041 043 University Cen.er. { h'maera applications Study in Rome programs. PO Library Scholarships bank card or its use is included during which deposits for the Chiriaera. the University Box 611, Coconut Groyc. Miami Ohio Association of School on an instruction memo avail- trip can be made. l ibrarians is offering five scho- Honors Program's literary Florida 33133. able at the Bursar's magazine, is now accepting Tennis ( nurts ope:' larships for the 1977-78 aca- Scandinavian Seminar demic year Two awards of $600 submissions for this year's »SU Free Concert Dayton Court House, a new Scandinavian seminar is ac- each are available to junior, publication. November 22 Wright State s sports facility, opened Friday Papers of a scientific or cepting applications for its seniors, or graduate students Music Department will present and houses eight courts for speculative nature, reviews, study abroad program in Den- who intend to become school a two part free musical pro- racquet ball, handball, and pad - critique;, essays, papers writ- dieball. The Court House has a mark. Finland, Norway, or media specialists (librarians). gram. ten for class, creative and fully supplied pro shop offering Sweden for the academic year Applicants must have a fi- Starting at 8 pm will be the independent work, and mis- the latest equipment, attire, 1977-78. nancial need and must be University chorus under the cellaneous articles will be giv and accessories. An initial three weeks lang willing to work in Ohio for two direction of Dr Martha Wuru en equal consideration. Also the facilities houses a uage course, followed by a years. performing Brxhm's Wherefore Papers will be accepted for lounge, carpeted lockers, saun family stay will he available as Three $100 awards are open Hath the Light been Grunted publication which display un- as. a'* exercise room, and an the student attends, a to members of the OASL who and Gypsy Songs. "People's college" or another arc currently working in Ohio. usual clarity of thought, effec- The Community orchestra attended nursery. tiveness of expression, and The court house is located specialized institution. For further information, contact w ill begin as soon as the chorus originality. just off Dorothy Lane at 2750 The fee. covering tuition, the Financial Aid officc. 152 finishes. Under the direction of All rights wUi revert to the Betwynn Drive For more in room, board, one-way group t Allyn. Robert Young they will perform authors upon publication. formation contact Jim Mingey transportation from New York Dvorak's iVew World Sym- Manuscripts can be delivered at 294-0700. and all course connected tra Planned Parenthood phony. vela in Scandinavia is $3,800, sale success to Kathleen Charnock, c/0 the Both programs are free tc the Operation Share Christmas Hoaors office, 163 Millett. Operation Share Christmas is A limited number of scholar- Planned Parenthood Associ- public and will be held in the Holiday Payday a community effort to provide a ship loans are available. ation of Miami Valley would concert hall of the Creative Arts Time cards must be in for all Christmas dinner for needy For further information like to thank all those who center student employees on Novem- iam'lies in Montgomery Coun- write Scandinavian Seminar. helped «liem make their sixth ber 24 at 4 pm. Pay day will be Phi Alpha Theta ty- 100 East 85th street New annual book fair t success. All social studies education The program, which depends York. NY 10028. Over 4.500 persons pur- November 24. Between Decern majors with 18 hours of history on volunteers, is in need of chased over $18,000 worth of ber 4 a.id January 1. students and a 3 0 average are eligible to help. Volunteers arc needed Financial Aid Committee books, most of which soid 15 can still work 40 hours per joui Phi Alpha Theta. the inter- from December 6 through 17 to Applications arc being ac- cents to 35 cents. week. national history honorary frater- take information irom those cepted for a student to serve on Profits from the sale and nity. requesting a Christmas basket. the University Financial Aid other special events help pro- Ow Flew Over the Cuckoo's An initiation and Phi Alpna Interested persons should committee. vide family planning services to Nest will be offered Monday. Theta meeting will be held contact the Dayton Ombudsman All interested students may over 9,C00 residents of Mont- November 22 at 8 3C pm. also November 22. For more infor office at 223-4613 or sign up at pick up an application tn the gomery. Miami, Preble. at Memorial hall. mat ion leave a message for Wright State's Ombudsman's Student '"aucus office in the Greene. Darke, and Warren For mor.- information, con- at extension 31 iO. office in AUyn bail. University Cenier. counties. tact Mr Rose at AU-7SM. November 22, l

to watch producer. Gene Reynolds some- how kep' the quality ol pro- duction for the show eq'ial all the This season, commercial TV years previous in some casts in- has dished out the likes of bionic novating some superior moments brained Farrah Fawcett and the in both the dramatics and the terminals- saccharine The Captain comedy. and Tenille. NBC has a need for MASH's core is Allan Aide's a Big Event that will get more Hawkeye. With this season half ratings than Sonny <$ Cher and over Aula has now written and directed shows thai arc among Kojak. the best this scries has ever On top of the the whole time was ABC. with a blast from do-ie. the past. Fonzie. th * savior of the fifties, heyyy! lost his cool over Pinky, while Tony & Dawn will never see midnight again. The politics of TV is fun to watch if you have nothing else better to do. but on the enter- tainment end of the deal, the VOTE! pickin's have been slim. Of the new shows, two pro- There will be a special election for all grams leave lasting impressions. Nancy Walker and Tony Randall graduate students to elect the graduate both appear to be establishing College students are eligible for drjolng each Friday firm holds on their Thursday representative to Student Caucus. for two FREE dinner* at /.ummo's hi Centervllle. night spots. Come Join the fun. Though Randall's is the su- periorly produced show. Walk- AUyn and Millett lobbies er's has the potential of being an above average sitcom, with some 10 am - 2 pm and 6 pm -10 pm interesting established charac- Lebanon \ ters. Of the oldies, again two shows Monday, November 22 raceway jue appear leaving an impression. In and Tuesday, November 23 both cases the necessity of Route 48 North of Lebanon change is established and no matter how many times the motivation changes, both shows work: First of the two shows that have returned with more glory Late Night Study Break than was established last year, is One Day At A Time. Developed by the Infamous Mister Lear, One Day is young in comparison to the other inha- bitants of LeiJa . Its charac- ters are still developing and the University Center direction that at least one seems to be taken is very unconven-

GEM CITY SAVINGS Monday thru Thursday FAIRB0RN 240 F. D«yttMvY»)tow Spring® Rd 7 pm -1 am HOME OFFICE 6 North Whin Suw. Dsyton (outside Bookstore) 8o vvniiwuiGUARDIApN November 22, 1976 classifiedadsclassifiedadsclassifiedadsclass TO THE ACTIVE sinters of — _ DEAR WEASLE: ArrMHArchiltems TO THE ACTIVE listen of NEED TO SUBLET an apart- LADYBUG lovers of the world Phi Mu: Thank you for the Hill is lonesome It has been ment hi Bonnie-Villa for unite. A drunk Waterbug delicious meal at the officer's 11-22 so long since the gang has Christmas break. Leave name been together. The time has club. Love in w bond. Shel- and number in Box F084. ly, Ja,i«. Pat, Lauren. Josee, STEREO COMPONENTS 20 WE NEED THREE good wo- come to "go tn town." The 11-22 and Marg> 11 -22 percent to 40 percent off list men for our turkey trot team Drops Kid PS Congatulations price, all major brands avail- WOULD LIKE to rent room or If interested and really hungry "Baby Face"! No* you are STUDENT NURSES-elections able and guaranteed! f"a!l share house apartment with leave name and mailbox num Inxiked tor *>ire! 11-18 for Student Nurse Orginiza Perry at 252-5034 from 3-9 liberal minded person by dec ber in R556 by noon Friday. tk>fi will be held in January pm. 1. Preferable UD-Brown St 11-22 MAD SCIENTIST: Why do '77. Applications for those in- area. 224-0926. S5S0. 11-22 you want to go and sell Bimy? SCIENCE FICTION book col- terested in running for office Especially after she's been so are available in the School of lection for sale. Price can be I AM INTERESTED in meet ONE OPEN-MINDED person good lo you (putting Bp with Nursing office. The applica- discussed-roughly $20. About ing students of Objectivism needed to share the expenses peanut butter sandwiches) tion deadline is Nov 30. 1976. 35 books, contact me in Rfc-3 and/or Libertarians for the- of a 3 bedroom double. $55 a Fiend! Keep your chin up.,, All nursing studen's are eli- or call 878-0138 after 8 pm. purpose of forming a campus month plus utilities. Call 275- signed. An associate in saving gible to run. 11-22 11 12 1284. 11-22 organization to fostef the ex- the world. 11-18 change of ideas and la for- '68 VW 48,000 mi, runs, looks TOM: Met) me at Frank N. mulate a plan of action fo? this great. $595. Call 837-8815. TO BOBBY Thank vcu for all Stein's on a full moon. See campus. Interested persons you then. 11-?2 11-22 the happiness, good times, may contact me through mail- and sunshine you've given 1975 VW SCIROCCO, 4 speed VAL "Hail to the Chief'-you box E726. 11 22 me. 1 hope for much, much Am-FM stereo. Take over are not forgotten! Hang in HOUSECLEANING, reliable, more together! 1 love you. payments at $136 a monlh. EARLY CHRISTMAS gift: there and show them howl references upon request. $15 Notch. 11-22 Phone 773-0460. 11-22 Free Puppies-Mother AKC Your "sis". 11-22 per day. Call 879 4902. 11-22 registered miniature apricot JULIE why'd you have to sit SWEETHEART Happy Anni ALMOST NEW practically ne- poodle, Father friendly neigh- HELP WANTED: One single, on our side of the room: how- versary! The best year and a ver used 141b bowling bail and borhood beagle. Affectionate, experienced, attractive mis- about playing Red Rover and half I've ever known. Looking ease. Good rubbet"t>all. Mail- gentle disposition. 873 3131- tress (prefercbly female) sending Marty on over, sug- forward to .nany more. Loving box 0258. 11-22 Mrs. Clark. 11-22 wanted and much needed for gested by BHS THS. 11-22 you always your Babe. 11-22 good looking single young VOLUNTEERS urgently ALL KINDS OF VW parts, needed for South Dayton DUSTIN and Merv the pets- male. Must be willing to take TO MY "BOOBALEY BEAR" taiilights. doors, etc. Mailbox Schoo' A school specializing can't even carry a spare; Spanish Fly 111 Reply by without you I am very inse- 0-258 11-22 in children with learning disa- against the Big Red : Allyn Hall mailbox 0127. cure. You mean everything to bilities. No education experi- How many cow's did you get. 11-22 me..'too «•; my life!! Love. 1967 CHEVY van. insulated ence necessary but it's help- 11-22 Your "Happy Blue Sky." and carpeted $1400 mailbox 3-4 BEDROOM BRICK ranch. ful. Please call for more infor 0-258. 11-22 1 bath, gas heat. Nice size lot mat-on. Call 426-5^00. 11-18 NURSING STUDENTS- The 11-22 student m»rse organization is in family neighborhoos it: Yel- SPEECH 141. Please pwt FREE K1TTENS-3 cute, black planning on participating in ONF MATTRESS and box low Springs. Immediate occu- names and where 1 can see and white, long iiair. house- the "Turkey Tiot" to be held. springs, double bed size. pancy. $i9.500. 767-7477. you on MWF 9:00-3:00. A74. broken. male and female. Call November 14 at 3:15 pm. make offer. Mailbox 0-258 11-22 11-22 299-62'T. 11 18 Each team needs 5 Men and 5 11-22 women. If you z,e a nursing GRAD STUDENTS: Vote in FOR SALE. "Authentic Indi- 3-4 BEDROOM HOUSE in student and interested in par- the special election for grad an jewelry." (rings, bracelets, family neighborhood in Yellow ticipating contact Kathy Scha- rep to Student Caucus Mon necklaces, earrings A more) Springs. $285 per month. effer through the Nursing and Tues Nov 22 & 23 12 turq, coral. MOP-if interested 767-7477. 11-22 office. 11-22 noon-2 pm and 6 pm -10 pm leave replies in box K65. TO THE PLEDGE class of TO THE MEN of Sigma Phi Allyn and Millett 11-22 Makes great gifts for Christ- Beta Phi Omega: All's fair in Epsilon: Thanks for the great ALPHA I XI DELTA girls good mas or for yourself, (reason- "rock painting!" If you can't party Saturday night, the Ple- luck with finals and Happy able prices'. :st4]s©£°BS handle it..don't mess with it!! dges of Phi Mu. 11-22 Thanksgiving! Xi love. Al 11-22 Signed "Kappa Weins." Fuzzie! 11-22 11-18 TO THE PLEDGES of Alph« FOR SALE: 35 mm single lens LOST: TWO DOGS on Univer- Xi Delta good luck in your LAKRV Congratulations on reflex camera. Many extras, sity grounds-last seen by rid- TO ALPHA XI DELTA. Thank pledge class. Have a great winning 1st place in men's and reasonably priced. Reply ing stables Sunday. One mix- you for the party, we had a time-one of your big bros. singles in ping pong! Love mailbox K528 or call 293-7978 ed beagle, female, named great time. Your brothers Sig- 11-22 Candy. 11-22 Mon-Thurs evenings. 11-22 Dusty. One mixed terrior. fe- ma Nu. 11-18 TO , Modesty is a 1968 PONITIAC Catalina. 3 male. named Daisy, Both THANKS Mary. Toni. and HO-HO-HO: Santa is coming great virtue. 11-22 sea( wagon. Power tailgate, wearing collars with rabies Mary, for the great weekend to WSli before Thanksgiving. PS, PB. Automatic Trans. 400 tags and animal clinic number up at Baldwin-Wallace. It was on it. $25 reward. Call animal Sant Claus will be here Nov TO KEITH. Thank you for cu in engine, good cond. $700 great. Love your Phi sis. 22-24. PS Get your picture or reasonable offer. Call (Xen- clinic or 233-0069. 11-18 being such a good. Faithful taken too! Watch for more Josee !1-22 ial 372-4539 after 5 pm or friend to us. It's nice to have details-Gamma Delta Iota. leave note in box G6Qfc. 11-22 SUNASU means sun-given, someone to count on, who we GREYWOLF: We'll have ;«• vital spirit or forces of life. A 11-18 kno.» really likes us. But most stop "Fonzie" from watching balanced formula in the uni- of all, thanks for all the nice too many horror movies! She que combinations of Vitamins HI boys and girls. How would things you said about us is developing long front teeth! fbc&srilrA and Minerals and Herb. For you like to get your picture Monday. With love, your best Beware of Fonzie if you sleep FEMALE ROOMATE wanted more i".fo. contact Kurt R399 taken with that jolly old guy. friends. 11-22 with her. Pussycat 11-22 Allyn. 11-18 Santa Claus. Santa arrives to share 2 bdrm l'/i bath NURSING STUDENTS- The tow nhouse-type apt with 2 November 22-24. Brought to you by Gamma-Delta-lota MARTY: Sorry we had the publicitiy committee of the other females. Straight, over PACE TAKERS: 1 need a ride Student Nurse Organization 11-18 wrong mailbox. But! We did 21. In fairborn about 1 mi to and from the exam, live off find the real one. Wish we needs volunteers to help with from K lot. Call 878 4538 or of Hanes and Dayton Xenia, could have got to iaow you promotion of SNOS activities. mailbox E188. 11-22 and will help with gas. Call TO MINDY McNUTT: You're better, than just from glances Any interested nursing stu- Barbara a! 426-4407 or leave a the ' best est" Big Sis a little across the room. We love ya. dent #t any level who is ROOMATE WANTED-Bonni- note in box G461. 11-18 Kappa turkey could have! You make oui mornings snap, interested can contact Sandy Love. Turk. 1118 evilla apts. $48 per month. RIDE WANTED from North crackle, and pop! BHS. THS Huelsman through her mail 2314 Duncan Dr Apt 5, Fair- 'box in the Nursing office or £>;»:? and Needmore Road CINDY MARSH: Since school 11-22 born. Ohio. Call 429-3842 bet- Allyn Hall for further infor^ area Winter quarter. Will will be over '*Iien your birth- ween 8 to 12 am and anytime share expenses. Call 873-2141 mation Please leave your after 4 in the afternoon. 11-22 day comes (Dec 5). I thought 1 PHI MU big sis Nelda you're 11-18 name, phone and mailbox would wish you in early the greatest. Love, your little number Thank yeu. 11-22 happv 21st! Happy Birthday! sis Shelly. 11-22 ROOMATE (male) >.o share 2 MEDICAL SCHOOL in Mexi- Xi love. JZ. 11-18 bdrm apt in Xetiia. nice loca- co accepting American stu- QUE PASA: Glad to see your DEAR SHORT STUFF. Want- BIG SIS Laurita Anderson, "passionate, pulsating" body tion about 20 min from WSU. dents. WHO listed, HEW ed to say Happy B day little surprises are the beat. home again. PB patented new Nice atmosphere. $77.50 per approved, 4 yea? course, loans Phi Mu is cumber one. Love available, for December ap- again-and congratulations on position and you can puD (lie month plus Vi utilities. Move being 21-but the question ts- in our bond. Little sis-Tamsny. in after Jar. 1. Call 372-6736 poiptment. call 219-996-4200. blanket out from undCTtieath your21wNU? 11-18 11-22 or mailbox G389. 11-~2 11-22-1 me anytime! Ri*a. 11-27