how to download a web browser on shield How To Install Chrome On Android TV [NVIDIA Shield] How is it that the most popular web browser in the world isn’t available on their own ? I recently did an article where I compared all of the most popular web browsers available on Android TV. But there was one browser missing from that list. That’s because Google Chrome isn’t available on the Store. It has to be sideloaded on an Android TV device. I’ll wait a moment to let that sink in. I’ve always wondered why Google’s own browser doesn’t appear on their own Android operating system. We’re going to fix that today and show you how you can install Google Chrome on Android TV. As an example, I’m going to be using my NVIDIA Shield TV. How to Install Chrome on Android TV [NVIDIA Shield] Since you can’t just download Chrome through the Google Play Store, we’re going to have to sideload it on to your Android TV device. If you haven’t heard of sideloading, or you need a refresher, I recommend checking out my tutorial where I walk you through several different ways to get the apps you want on your device. Don’t worry if you only want to install Chrome on your Android TV or NVIDIA Shield. I’m going to walk you through the process right now. Install Chrome on NVIDIA Shield from Aptoide TV. The easiest way to get Chrome on your Android TV is to install it from Aptoide TV. Aptoide TV is one of my favorite alternative app stores. It has thousands of apps, specifically designed for Android TV, that you won’t find on the Google Play Store. Open Aptoide TV and search for Google Chrome . The Chrome browser should be the first app listed. Click on it to go to it’s app page. Unfortunately, there’s only one version of Chrome available on Aptoide TV at the time I’m writing this. If you’re looking for a specific version, then I recommend skipping down to the APKMirror section of this article. Click on the Install button to start the download process. Once it finished downloading, Aptoide TV will start the installation process. Since Chrome doesn’t require any special permissions, click on the Install button to continue. Once the installation finished, an icon for Chrome appears in your Apps tab of your Android TV. Unfortunately, Chrome isn’t designed to be used with a TV remote. You’ll need a keyboard or mouse to use it. Even the NVIDIA Shield TV remote, as good as it is, doesn’t work that well with Chrome. Install Chrome on Android TV from APKMirror. If you’re looking for a specific version of Chrome, then I recommend installing it from APKMirror. Aptoide TV is easier, but it doesn’t give you as many options as APKMirror does. To start, open the Downloader App . If you haven’t yet installed Downloader on your Android TV, you should definitely check out this article. It’s one of the first apps I install on every Android box I own. I highly recommend it. Downloader’s home screen lets you type in the web address directly, if you know where you’re going. It also lets you search for web pages if you’re not. Search for APK Mirror Chrome to continue. APKMirror should be one of the first two links returned in the search. In this case, we’re looking at the second result on Click on it to continue. Now that we’ve found Chrome on APKMirror, we need to find the latest version so we can install it on our Android TV. Scroll down until you see the All Versions tab. This is a list of every version of Chrome that’s available on APKMirror. The newest version will always be at the top of the list. Unless you need a specific version, it’s a safe bet to download the latest version. Click on the Download button on the far right-hand side of the screen. This will take you to a page with more details on that specific version. Don’t worry. We’re almost done. From here, click on the Download APK button to start the installation process. If you’re using Downloader, you can install Chrome right from within the app. If you’ve been using a different web browser, you may have to download the APK file to your device and install it from your favorite file manager. Once the installation process completes, the Chrome icon will appear in your Apps drawer. Click on the icon to launch Chrome. Tim Wells got his first computer at the age of ten and hasn't stopped tinkering ever since. After discovering Android TV boxes in 2013, he created a popular Android PC Review website and guided it to over 8 million pageviews before stepping away in 2018. After a brief hiatus from the industry he's back at the helm of to bring Android TV and TV boxes to the forefront of the streaming world. When he's not writing, he spends as much time as he can with his beautiful wife and his bulldog. Recent Posts. There’s nothing more frustrating than a TV remote that suddenly stops working. One minute you’re zipping through your menu and choosing the content you want to watch. The next minute, you can’t. Hisense TVs are awesome! Hisense has some of the best smart TVs around, from Laser TVs to ULED and UHD. But, as impressive as they are, the TVs aren’t perfect, and things do go wrong. Some of. About Me. Hi! My name is Tim Wells and welcome to Android TV News! Back in 2013, I bought my first Android TV box and I've been using TV boxes and Android TV's ever since. In this site, I'm sharing all the tips and tricks I've learned over the years, so you don't want to miss it. How to Install & Configure Emby Server on NVIDIA Shield TV. Emby released a server app for the NVIDIA Shield TV back in February 2019, but the installation process wasn’t as smooth as I’d like. My experience involved a lot of trial & error, and reaching out to the Emby community before I finally got it working the way I wanted. I’ll admit, there were a few times that I wanted to give up and go back to . I figured there had to be other people that were having the same problems. So I my experiences and I created this guide to hopefully help save you some frustration. Emby Server vs. Emby Client. First, let’s make sure we understand the difference between Emby Server and Emby Client. Emby is more like Plex than . It has one app that you run on the server, and a different app that you download and run on your clients. By contrast, Kodi has one app that plays your media files, no matter where you’re hosting them. Emby’s client app is available on the Google Play Store, so it’s an easy download for NVIDIA Shield TV users. Unfortunately, Emby Server is only available as a direct download from their website . That means you’ll need to sideload it on your NVIDIA Shield TV. We’re going to walk through the process in the next section. However, if you’d like a primer on what sideloading is and how you can get access to thousands of additional apps on your Android TV, check out my How-To Guide here. How to Install Emby Server for NVIDIA Shield. The first step is to download Emby Server for Android directly from their webpage at . You can do this on your favorite web browser, but I’m going to use the Downloader App . I would prefer to use Puffin TV to browse the web on my Android TV, but Google forced them to disable the download feature in order to keep it on the Google Play Store. Open Downloader, and go to the search bar in the Home screen. There, you can either enter in the link above, or just search for “emby server android” like I do here. If you choose to search, like I did, the page on Emby’s website will be the first result. I have to give credit to Emby here. They make the download process really simple, because there’s only one version and one link to click on. The Emby Server APK is just a little over 200 MB in size, so it’s not going to take up much space on your NVIDIA Shield TV. You can go through the installation process directly from Downloader. If you’re using a different web browser for Android TV, you may have to download the Emby Server APK file and then install it from your file manager app. Once that’s finished, remember to delete the APK file to reclaim some of that file space. Then, go ahead and exit Downloader and go back to the home screen. Click on your Apps icon to pull up the list of apps you have installed on your Shield TV. As you can see in this image, I’ve got both the Emby Client app and Emby Server app installed. The Client app has a dark blue background in the icon, whereas the Emby Server app has a grey background. There’s one more thing we need to do on your NVIDIA Shield TV before we switch over to the web configuration screen. Open up the gray Emby Server app to get it running. The first time you run it, it’ll ask you for permission to access the photos, media and files on your device . Click Allow . Once you click Allow, there’s not much to the rest of the app. All configurations are handled from a web browser interface. At the bottom of the screen you’ll see the IP address for your NVIDIA Shield TV, and the port to let your other devices talk to Emby. In this case, my IP address is The ‘:8096’ tacked on to the end is the port number. Write down your server’s address, including the port number. We’ll need it for the next section. Configuring Emby Server on NVIDIA Shield TV. I recommend configuring your Emby Server on your PC or laptop instead of on your NVIDIA Shield TV. As we saw in the image above, there’s a link on the Emby Server app that will open your web browser automatically. However, I prefer using the web browser on my PC where I can sit at my desk and be comfortable. With that in mind, the rest of the screenshots I’m going to show you are from the Chrome browser on my PC. Just know up front that you don’t have to switch to a computer if you don’t want to. Remember when I told you to write down the IP address from your NVIDIA Shield TV? Open up a new web browser and type that into the URL field at the top. When you first connect to your NVIDIA Shield TV, Emby Server will realize that it hasn’t been configured yet and go straight into the configuration process. The first thing you’ll need to do is to choose your default language for the remainder of the process. Then you’ll be asked to create your first user. I recommend that you create separate users for everyone in your house that will be using your media library. Meaning if you have children, create separate profiles for each. The reason for this is that you can restrict access to content and devices based on the user account. If you want to limit your child to only watch movies on a certain TV, you can do that. If you have an Emby Connect account, you can also link it to your server app, to make setting up client apps much easier. Once that’s done, it’s time to set up your media libraries! Create Your First Emby Library. You can set up libraries for Movies, Music, TV Shows, Audiobooks, Books, Games, Music Videos, or Home Videos. We’re going to walk through setting a sample movie library. But before you do, I recommend using the right naming convention for your media files. Emby uses the same naming convention as Plex and Kodi. I recommend getting that dialed in before you go any further. The process for all of the other types is very similar to Music and Movies. Knowing how to configure these libraries will go a long way to get you started. First, click on the gray New Library button. The next screen will have a drop down menu with all of the different types of libraries you can create. Let’s start with getting your movie library up and running. Select Movies from the drop-down menu and click OK. The next screen will have several options that are specifically tailored for movie libraries. Start by selecting a display name for the library. This is how it will appear on screen in your Emby client app. On my Emby server, I have all of my movie files in one library, but you don’t have to. If you want, you can split up your library into different sub- categories. Next we’re going to point your Emby server to the directory where you’re storing your video files. Click on the Folders button to continue. You can either browse for the folder with all of your media, or you can type in the address directly. Honestly, this was one of the most frustrating parts about configuring Emby server. For whatever reason, it could only find one of my network hard drives. In this example, I’m going to connect it to the external hard drive on my NVIDIA Shield TV. If you want more information about using external storage on your Shield TV, I recommend checking out this article where I go into all of the details. I used X-plore File Manager to get the exact folder name, and it worked great the first time. Next, select the metadata language that you want to use. Here’s where it might make sense to create several smaller libraries instead of one larger one. For example, you can have English movies in one library and Spanish movies in another. The great thing about setting it up like that is the metadata will download in the correct language. We won’t get into the rest of the settings on this page. I’m going to save that for my detailed Emby user guide which will be coming out soon. For now, once you have it set up the way you like, click OK to continue . Once you’re done, you’re taken back to the Setup Media Libraries page where you can add additional libraries. We’re going to continue with the setup process however. Click Next to continue . Finish Configuring Emby Server. On the next screen you will select a default metadata language. You can still change this on individual libraries, but this will save you some time if you don’t need to change it. Next we’ll configure remote access to your Emby server. Most users will keep both options on this screen turned on. The first is Allow Remote Connections to this Emby Server . If you want to be able to connect to your Emby server from any device besides your NVIDIA Shield TV, then this needs to be checked. If this setting is turned off, it will refuse all remote connections. The second setting, Enable Automatic Port Mapping , is useful for power-users that want to get really specific on how they’re configuring their network. The final screen will ask you to accept the Emby terms of service. After that…you’re done! Shield TV Settings for Emby Server. Over the first few days that I had Emby server running on my NVIDIA Shield TV, I ran into a couple of issues. For example, the initial media and thumbnail scans literally took days to run and never actually completed. Every time I checked up on their progress, the percentage bar had barely moved. Eventually, I was able to track down the problems to some simple settings on the Shield TV itself. Once I made those changes, the whole thing ran much smoother. Use Ethernet Instead of Wi-Fi. It’s important to use an Ethernet connection for your Shield TV if at all possible. Video files are incredibly large. An uncompressed 1080p movie can easily take up 20-30 GB of space. 4K movies can be up to 100 GB in size. That can easily overwhelm your Wi-Fi network. Once that happens, Emby won’t be able to playback the video without stuttering and stopping. Also, check your Ethernet speed to make sure you’re running at 1 Gbps and not 100 Mbps. Even if you have a gigabit network, it’s a fairly common issue for the Shield TV to drop the speed down to 100 Mbps. Screen Saver: Sleep Mode. Remember earlier when I mentioned that the initial tasks took days to complete? Well, here’s why. It turns out that my Shield TV was going to sleep midway through the scan. When I turned on the system the next morning, my Emby Server dashboard barely showed any movement. You can change this in the Screen Saver tab of the Settings menu. While I’m running my initial setup tasks, I turn off the sleep mode on my Shield TV. Once they’re done, I turn it back on, but set it for a six hour delay. USB Port – Always On. If you’re using an external hard drive or SSD on your NVIDIA Shield, you’ll need to pay attention to this setting. Most external hard drives draw power from your Shield TV, unless they have an external power supply as well. The catch is that Android isn’t as smart as, say Windows, when it comes to sleep mode. Android was designed for your smartphone, which doesn’t come with a USB port, last I checked. As a result, there have been issues where owners have complained that their NVIDIA Shield TV has gone into sleep mode, but the USB hard drive is still receiving power. This isn’t explicitly an issue for running an Emby Server. However, it’s likely that you’ll be using an external hard drive, so it’s something to be aware of. Tim Wells got his first computer at the age of ten and hasn't stopped tinkering ever since. After discovering Android TV boxes in 2013, he created a popular Android PC Review website and guided it to over 8 million pageviews before stepping away in 2018. After a brief hiatus from the industry he's back at the helm of to bring Android TV and TV boxes to the forefront of the streaming world. When he's not writing, he spends as much time as he can with his beautiful wife and his bulldog. Recent Posts. There’s nothing more frustrating than a TV remote that suddenly stops working. One minute you’re zipping through your menu and choosing the content you want to watch. The next minute, you can’t. Hisense TVs are awesome! Hisense has some of the best smart TVs around, from Laser TVs to ULED and UHD. But, as impressive as they are, the TVs aren’t perfect, and things do go wrong. Some of. About Me. Hi! My name is Tim Wells and welcome to Android TV News! Back in 2013, I bought my first Android TV box and I've been using TV boxes and Android TV's ever since. In this site, I'm sharing all the tips and tricks I've learned over the years, so you don't want to miss it. Applinked – How to Install App Linked on Android, Firestick & PC. Applinked is a replacement for the filelinked app. This app is available for all Android devices. App Linked is nothing but a simple app that has all your favorite applications. You can install this app on your Android mobile phones, Firestick TV, Android TV, Nvidia Shield, and PC. Keep reading to know more details and installation guides about this. Applinked is available to all users for free. This is very fast and has a cool user interface. You can create your store and add all your favorite apps The best thing about this app is, you can share your app store with your friends and family. How to Download & Install Applinked: As we mentioned above, this app can be installed on various devices. All you need is Android firmware because the app is available for Android devices only. Applinked Download on Firestick: Launch your firestick device and wait for it to load. Enable the “Apps for unknown sources” option because applinked is not available on the Amazon app store. Go to web browsers and launch the “downloader” app. Enter the URL mentioned below to get the application Once the APK is successfully downloaded on your firestick device, proceed further to install it. Wait for the installation to complete and then launch the app. If you have bought the firestick device newly and are not really familiar with the settings and interface of the application, please go through our complete step-by-step guide given below. Install Applinked APK on Nvidia Shield: Nvidia Shield is one of the most popular Android TV devices you can use to install various third-party applications. You can also install applinked on Nvidia Shield. Here are the steps: Power on your TV and launch Nvidia Shield Launch any browser to download the APK. We recommend you to use ES File Explorer on Nvidia Shield. If you do not have the explorer, you can go to the app store and get it from there. Create a path and give the name to that. The URL to enter in the path is given below. URL Tap on download and the process will begin. Once the process is complete, install the app, and enjoy the benefits of it on your Nvidia Shield. How to Install App Linked on Android TV: The process to install the app on your Android TV is similar to the Nvidia Shield. You may find the following steps useful: Turn on your Android TV and launch ES File Explorer. Then go to download manager and click on “New” It will ask you to enter the path. Use the same link mentioned above. The next step is, give it any name you want and click on download. Now, click on install and your favorite app linked APK. How to Install AppLinked on Windows/Mac PC: Installing Applinked on Windows or Mac PC/Laptop is a bit different from the other devices. Kindly follow the steps carefully to install it without any issues. Open your PC or Laptop and launch a browser. Install an Android emulator on your PC. Choose the software based on your operating system. Once the emulator is installed, launch any browser on your Windows/Mac and download applinked .apk Open the file with the Android emulator you installed and wait for it to process. You will see app installed notification on your screen. We recommend you to use Bluestacks or Nox Android Emulator to install App Linked. How to Activate Geforce Now on a Nvidia Shield. This article was written by Nicole Levine, MFA. Nicole Levine is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. She has more than 20 years of experience creating technical documentation and leading support teams at major web hosting and software companies. Nicole also holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Portland State University and teaches composition, fiction-writing, and zine-making at various institutions. This wikiHow teaches you how to start playing games on your NVIDIA Shield TV using GeForce Now. GeForce Now is a subscription service (with a free option) that lets you to play games on your Shield TV without having to cast from your PC. Once you sign up for GeForce Now Free or Priority, you can start playing games using the NVIDIA Games app on your Shield TV. How to install Kodi on Nvidia Shield in 5 minutes (Updated for 2021) Nvidia Shield and Kodi go together like peanut butter and jelly. The Android-powered streaming and gaming console is perfect for streaming TV shows, movies, and music from the world’s most popular open-source home theater app. Nvidia Shield is compatible with pretty much every popular Kodi add-on out there, and its hardware is powerful enough to play content in high definition or even 4K without breaking a sweat. And now that Kodi is listed on Google Play as an Android TV app, it’s easier to install than ever. For most users, there’s no need to sideload or download Kodi from any third-party sources. Some Nvidia Shield owners might still want to know how to get Kodi from somewhere other than Google Play. Their reasons might be: Access to Google Play is blocked, such as for users in China Prefer to use an older version of Kodi Prefer to use a specific third-party Kodi build. In this article, we’ll show you how to get Kodi on your Nvidia Shield using two methods: Google Play and sideloading. Before we start, get a VPN. Many Kodi users use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to hide illicit streaming activities. But even those who use legitimate, legal addons can benefit from a VPN. If you haven’t already, learn how to install a VPN on Nvidia Shield in this tutorial. Here’s why you should use a VPN with Kodi on Nvidia Shield: Some ISPs throttle bandwidth based on the content you access. If it notices that you’re trying to stream a video, it might slow down your internet speed, resulting in lower quality and more frequent buffering. A VPN hides traffic from your ISP so it can’t discriminate based on the type of data being downloaded. A VPN hides your online activity from your ISP. In the US and some other countries ISPs can share data on sites you visit with third parties. VPNs help protect your connection from “Man in the Middle” attacks. These attacks occur when a hacker intercepts traffic between you and the server. They can include your usernames, passwords, or other valuable information. They can also modify the contents of data you download, potentially infecting your Nvidia Shield with malware. When connected to a VPN, your traffic is encrypted before being sent and received, so even if a third party intercepts it they cannot decipher or modify it. While VPNs do a great job of protecting your privacy, they can significantly slow down your connection. Additionally, some VPNs keep log files, completely discounting your safety. To safely stream Kodi content through a VPN, you’re going to need a fast and consistent provider. IPVanish keeps no logs of your online activities. We recommend using IPVanish as it is fast, reliable, and secure enough to safely stream from Kodi add-ons with minimal buffering and high-quality video. The app is available from the Google Play Store or as an APK file from IPVanish’s website. READER DEAL: Comparitech readers can save up to 60% on IPVanish plans. Method #1: Google Play (recommended) If you’ve ever used Google Play on an Android device before, the process should be familiar. This will install the latest ARM version of stock Kodi for Android available. If Google Play is blocked for some reason, you can usually unblock it by using a VPN. Here’s how to install Kodi on Nvidia Shield through Google Play: Turn on your Nvidia Shield and open the Google Play Store Use the search function to find Kodi . It should be the first result, and the developer is the XBMC Foundation. Select the app On the app page, click Install to download and install Kodi on your Nvidia Shield. Accept the permissions when prompted. Launch the app by clicking the Open button once the installation is finished. You can also find it on your Nvidia Shield home screen. Continue through the preliminary setup, and start using Kodi! That’s it! Make sure your VPN is enabled before installing and using any add-ons. Kodi should automatically update through the Play Store. Method #2: Sideloading Kodi on Nvidia Shield. If you prefer to use an older version of Kodi than what’s available on Google Play or you want to install a specific Kodi build, you will need to sideload the app. This isn’t hard; it just requires a few extra steps. Note that sideloaded apps will not automatically update , so you’ll need to repeat the process if you want to take advantage of updates. If Kodi is already installed but you want to try a third-party build, be sure to uninstall any existing Kodi app beforehand. Here’s how to sideload Kodi on Nvidia Shield: Locate and download the APK file for the version of Kodi you wish to install. An APK file is a package that contains everything you need to install an Android app. The only guaranteed safe place to download Kodi APKs is the official Kodi website, but older versions and third-party builds will obviously come from elsewhere. Once finished downloading onto a laptop, move the APK file onto a USB drive. APK files are usually small so just a simple thumb drive should do fine. Safely eject the drive when finished. Turn on your Nvidia Shield and open the Settings menu at the bottom. Then go to Security and Restrictions . Toggle on Unknown sources . This allows apps from outside Google Play to be installed. Press OK when the warning appears. Go back to the home screen and open the Google Play Store . Run a search for ES File Explorer File Manager and select the app of the same name. It should be the first result. Click Install to download and install ES File Explorer. Accept the terms and permissions. Once ES File Explorer is installed, plug the USB drive with the APK file on it into your Nvidia Shield’s USB slot. A pop-up should appear asking if you’d like to open the USB drive using ES File Explorer. Click OK . ES File Explorer will launch. In the left sidebar, click Local , then scroll down to select your USB drive from the drop-down list. Navigate to where you saved the Kodi APK file on your jump drive and select it. Click Install , then Install again to accept the permissions. When the installation finishes, select Open to launch Kodi. The app should now be accessible from the home page, too. Continue through the preliminary setup, and start using Kodi! Once Kodi is installed and running, you can safely remove the USB drive. You can also download the APK file directly onto your Nvidia Shield using the web browser that comes built into ES File Explorer. We found navigating web pages and typing is a pain with the default Nvidia Shield controller, but if you don’t have a USB drive or laptop handy, this works as well. How to install Kodi addons on Nvidia Shield. Most Kodi addons can be installed from a repository. The official Kodi repository comes built into the Kodi app. Others will have to be downloaded from third-party sources. The process for installing addons on Nvidia Shield is the same as any other Kodi device. Here’s how to install a Kodi repository on Nvidia Shield: From the Kodi main menu, navigate to System > File manager Click Add source Where it says “none”, type in the link of the repository you want to install. Give it an alias if you want. Click OK Go back to the home screen and select Add-ons Open Add-on Browser Choose Install from Zip file and choose the repository you just installed. You should get a notification to let you know it’s worked. Now click the Install from repository option Find the add-on you want to install and select it. Some add-ons aren’t stored in repositories and must instead be downloaded directly as a .zip file. You can either use a laptop to download the .zip file onto a USB drive and move it onto your Nvidia Shield just like we did with the official Kodi app in the previous section or use ES File Explorer to download it directly onto your Nvidia Shield from the web. A note on third-party app stores. It’s possible to find both Kodi and ES File Explorer on third-party app stores, but we recommend against it. Third-party app stores often do not have a strict or formal vetting process. That means the APKs you download could be out of date or modified to contain malware. If you absolutely cannot access Google Play or you plan to use a third-party Kodi build, please exercise extreme caution to avoid damaging your device or having your private information stolen. Tips for using Kodi on Nvidia Shield. Here are a few extra pointers and troubleshooting tips to help you get up and running with Kodi on Nvidia Shield: