JOHN RUSKIN and the HILLSIDE CLUB Tim Holton It’S Not by Mere Chance That the Berkeley Hillside Club Maybeck
Issue 13 (2013) <> WHAT WOULD RUSKIN SAY? Stuart Eagles As a student of Ruskin’s worldwide reach, it is tempting State, religion and politics, would surely have chimed to see him lurking in every shadow. One must with his perpetual challenge to hypocrisy, especially in necessarily be sensible and cautious. Yet one does find its Establishment form. In this case, the head of the him in unlikely places. Among the joys of the past year, Church where the protest took place is a former KGB and of every year, has been the making of new friends. spy, appointed by his old colleague, Putin. Putin was One, Ksenia, who lives in Minsk in Belarus, told me then the ex-President and current Prime Minister that she read Ruskin’s Crown of Wild Olive at school. She seeking re-election and utilising the Orthodox Church is now a student of Arabic, and has opened to me some for his own political propaganda. One can only imagine sources of interest in Ruskin in the Arab world. There what scorn Ruskin would have poured on that. And on are a surprising number of translations of Ruskin in Putin’s successful re-election as President! Chinese, at least one in Romanian, many in Czech, and So, too, the noble words of an Archbishop of many more in dozens of other languages. Ruskin’s Canterbury, taking on the forces of Usury in the twenty- writing continues to have impact all around the world, first century. Ruskin could not fail to join in this chorus, and this issue of The Companion reflects that, with pieces nor to miss the opportunity to berate the Church itself by Russian, Italian and five different American writers, for its more than embarrassing investment in the as well as a review of a French translation.
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