Alberta Drinking Water Environmental Response Line
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Alberta Drinking Water Environmental Response Line 1-800-222-6514 Rainbow +,58 Lake Rainbow Lake High Level or High Level +,58 1-780-422-4505 +,35 PEACE RIVER Manning +,63 Manning +,88 Fort McMurray +,69 +,986 +,64 LOWER Hines Creek Peace River Grimshaw Peace River Grimshaw ATHABASCA Berwyn Fairview Fairview Nampa Spirit River Spirit River Rycroft Falher Girouxville McLennan +,49 FalhDeornnelly McLennan +,63 High Prairie 43 59 2A +, +, Sexsmith +, High Prairie Hythe Sexsmith +,2 +,2 Beaverlodge Slave Beaverlodge Grande Lake Prairie Wembley Slave Lake Wembley Grande Prairie +,43 Valleyview 2A Valleyview +, GRANDE +,55 Swan Hills Athabasca Athabasca Swan Hills PRAIRIE +,43 Cold Boyle Lake 55 +, Cold Lake Fox +,33 ,36 Creek + 32 41 +,55 Fox Creek +, +, Bonnyville 44 Bonnyville +, Glendon +,43 947 28A +, Smoky , Westlock + Barrhead Lake 18 Westlock Clyde Vilna Barrhead +, Smoky Lake 28 Whitecourt +, 40 Waskatenau 8 +, SPRUCE St. Paul St. Paul Grande Elk Cache Legal Redwater Point Redwater Elk Point Mayerthorpe Legal Grande Cache +,36 Mayerthorpe Bon 38 +,45 Andrew +,32 GROVE Accord +, Bon Bruderheim Willingdon MorinvillAeccGoirbdbonGsibbons Bruderheim Two 43 Morinville Lamont ,22 +, Fort Lamont Hills + 28A Saskatchewan +,2 +, Two Hills 37 +,28 Chipman Myrnam ,41 Produced b y Red Deer-N orth Sa ska tchewa n Region, Opera tions Division Onoway +, Fort + Ba se Ma p Da ta provided b y the Governm ent of Alb erta Alberta Beach 15 45 Dewberry under the Alb erta Open Governm ent Licence. N ovem b er, 2014 Saskatchewan +, Mundare +, Ca da stra l – Dispositions Da ta provided b y Alb erta Da ta Pa rtnerships Edson © 2020 Governm ent of Alb erta St. Albert Mundare Marwayne © 2020 CN ES, Licensed b y Bla ckBridge Geom a tic s Corp, www.b la ckb . Edson 16A 16 © 2020 Ta rin Resource Services Ltd. All Rights Reserved 16 +, +, +, 31 Wabamun Spruce Edmonton Vegreville Inform a tion a s depicted is sub ject to cha nge, therefore the Governm ent of Alb erta +, Stony 216 Vegreville a ssum es no responsib ility for discrepa ncies a t tim e of use. , Spring LaPkleainGrove + Hinton 60 14 Vermilion +, +, Tofield Innisfree Vermilion Kitscoty Hinton Devon Beaumont Tofield Mannville Lloydminster Minburn +,47 Devon Beaumont 1:1,300,000 +,19 NORTH Lloydminster Calmar Ryley Drayton Leduc Calmar Holden Valley Leduc Thorsby Hay 0 75 150 Drayton Valley Lakes Kilometers +,39 Warburg Viking SASKATCViHking EWAN 17 Millet Paradise +, Breton Valley +,40 Millet Camrose +,22 Bittern +,26 14 +,16 Wetaskiwin Lake Camrose +, 13A Wetaskiwin 13 Irma +, +, Bawlf Daysland Wainwright Wainwright 21 Daysland +, Killam Strome Edgerton KillamSedgewiScekdgewick Edberg Rosalind Lougheed Chauvin 93A +,20 +,2A Ferintosh +, Hardisty Ponoka 36 Hardisty +,41 Heisler +, Rimbey +,53 Ponoka Rimbey Bashaw Forestburg Amisk Bashaw Donalda 53 +, Hughenden PEACE RIVER SPRUCE GROVE +,2 Galahad Czar Bentley Lacombe S S 11 Clive 13 Provost ANUPAMA CHALISE HUGH MACK +, Rocky Bentley 50 Alliance +, Mountain 12 Lacombe +, Provost O O +, Phone: 1-780-624-6568 Phone: 1-780-960-8628 House Blackfalds Eckville Alix W W Blackfalds Cell: 1-780-618-8936 Cell: 1-780-690-3831 Rocky Mountain House Sylvan Stettler Eckville D D Lake Stettler Em a il: AN [email protected] Em a il: [email protected] Botha Sylvan Lake Gadsby Halkirk Red Red Deer +,11 Castor Deer Castor P JAMES MCCALLUM P MAXWELL HARRISON +,56 Delburne M Phone: 1-780-624-6357 M Phone: 1-780-960-8620 +,93 Penhold Coronation O O Cell: 1-780-625-9940 Cell: 1-780-913-6605 Coronation C C Penhold +,42 Em a il: [email protected] Em a il: MAXWELL.HARRISON @GOV.AB.CA Caroline ,54 Consort + Big Veteran ,12 Innisfail Valley + R GLENORA COLES / ANUPAMA CHALISE R YAMING HE +,11 Innisfail REElnora D DEER P Phone: 1-780-833-4955 P Phone: 1-780-960-8646 Bowden P Cell: 1-780-882-6272 P Cell: N one +,22 Bowden +,21 A A Em a il: GLEN [email protected] Em a il: YAMIN [email protected] +,2A Trochu Sundre Olds Trochu Sundre Olds +,27 Three Hills Hanna Didsbury Three Hills Morrin 9 Hanna Didsbury +,27 Delia +, Carstairs Linden GRANDE PRAIRIE LOWER ATHABASCA Munson Youngstown Carstairs Cremona S ANUPAMA CHALISE S RAJINDER JASSAR / TERRY MCGINN Acme Carbon Drumheller Cereal O O Drumheller Phone: 1-780-624-6568 Phone: 1-780-643-0790 / 1-780-427-8146 Crossfield Oyen Oyen W Cell: 1-780-618-8936 W Cell: Crossfield 10X Beiseker D D 72 +, 10 Em a il: AN [email protected] Em a il: RAJIN [email protected] / TERRY.MCGIN N @GOV.AB.CA +, Irricana +, +,1A +,22 Irricana P JAMES MCCALLUM P DEAN LITZENBERGER +,40 Airdrie 93 Rockyford M Phone: 1-780-624-6357 M Phone: 1-780-623-5326 +, 1 Airdrie +, Banff Cochrane O Cell: 1-780-625-9940 O Cell: 1-780-404-6638 1A Cochrane Banff Canmore +, 21 C C +, Em a il: [email protected] Em a il: DEAN .LITZ EN [email protected] Standard 56 d Canmore Calgary +, x 1X +,1 m +, Hussar Empress . Strathmore 41 R GLENORA COLES / ANUPAMA CHALISE R RAJINDER JASSAR / TERRY MCGINN +,68 Chestermere +, S 8 Chestermere P P +, H Phone: 1-780-833-4955 / 1-780-624-6568 Phone: 1-780-643-0790 / 1-780-427-8146 Calgary P P A Cell: 1-780-882-6272 / 1-780-618-8936 Cell: N one o A A 22X N Em a il: GLEN [email protected] / AN [email protected] Em a il: RAJIN [email protected] / TERRY.MCGIN N @GOV.AB.CA 901 +, , s + t Bassano +,36 c Bassano a CALGARY t 2A +,24 Rosemary +, Duchess n Okotoks Arrowwood o Turner Okotoks 1 C Valley +, Black 40 Turner y +, Diamond +,2 c NORTH SASKATCHEWAN CALGARY ValleyBlack High Brooks n Diamond River e Brooks Milo g S WIN TUN S AARON JANZEN High River r e O Phone: 1-780-415-9630 O Phone: 1-403-297-7891 Longview 23 m +, W W E Cell: 1-780-292-5082 Cell: 1-403-297-2749 r D Em a il: WIN .TUN @GOV.AB.CA D Em a il: AARON .JAN Z EN @GOV.AB.CA Vulcan e t Vulcan a Nanton Lomond W Nanton P P AEP Contacts LISA VANPOPTA LARRY WEST g M Phone: 1-780-427-6606 M Phone: 1-403-297-8271 n i 22 O O k CALGARY Cell: 1-780-691-1574 Cell: 1-403-899-5214 +, Champion n i C C r Em a il: LISA.VAN [email protected] Em a il: [email protected] Stavely Redcliff D Stavely Redcliff a GRAN DE PRAIRIE Carmangay Vauxhall Medicine t r Hat R FENGQIN WANG R FRANK LOTZ Vauxhall e P P b Phone: 1-780-644-4814 Phone: 1-403-297-8279 Medicine Hat l Claresholm P P A LETHBRIDGE Barons \ Cell: 1-587-991-6837 Cell: 1-587-580-7273 Claresholm +,25 A A g n Em a il: FEN GQIN .WAN [email protected] Em a il: FRAN K.LOTZ @GOV.AB.CA Picture i Butte Bow Island p LOWER ATHABASCA Granum p Nobleford Picture Butte a Granum Taber M Taber S 3A N ORTH SASKATCHEWAN 2 Fort +, Coalhurst Barnwell O +, Macleod Coalhurst +,3 Lethbridge Coaldale W RED DEER LETHBRIDGE Fort Macleod D \ l PEACE RIVER a i S JACLYN ROULSTON S CHAD MOORE 40 Lethbridge c +, n O O i Phone: 1-403-340-5568 Phone: 1-403-382-4450 LETHBRIDGE 3 v RED DEER Cowley +, 36 41 W W Pincher o Cell: 1-403-396-8714 Cell: 1-403-331-9503 +, +, r Creek Stirling ,61 Foremost D D + P \ Em a il: JACLYN .ROULSTON @GOV.AB.CA Em a il: [email protected] Pincher Creek Raymond s Magrath t SPRUCE GROVE c Magrath e P P 4 j ANGELA BROWN CARLY ALDRED +, o Glenwood M M r DRIN KIN G WATER Phone: 1-403-340-7723 Phone: 1-403-529-3149 +,5 P D W O S O O \ OPERATION S SPECIALIST 6 Warner : Cell: 1-403-588-7295 Cell: 1-403-952-1275 +, Hill Spring C C U Em a il: AN GELA.L.BROWN @GOV.AB.CA Em a il: [email protected] : Milk Cardston h COMPLIAN CE DRIN KIN G 62 River t +, C O M P Cardston a WATER IN SPECTORS Milk River R PERVEZ SUNDERANI R DOROTHY LOK P t P Phone: 1-403-340-7742 P Phone: 1-403-382-4253 n APPROVAL EN GIN EERS P P e A P P R Cell: N one Cell: N one +,5 A A m & TECHN OLOGIST Coutts u Em a il: PERVEZ .SUN DERAN [email protected] Em a il: [email protected] c o D Da te: 3/25/2020 VERSION: 202003.