CURRENT J Quarterly Newsletter of the Center for Japanese Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Mânoa Winter 2004 Vol. 7 No. 1 Contents DIRECTOR’S VISIT TO JAPAN 1 Feature Stories 2 CJS Seminar Series 3 Recent Events 4 Faculty News 5 Student News 5 Other News 6 From the Library 7 Announcements At Urasenke Gate. (L to R): Edgar Porter, Caroline Ingersoll, Bruce Hamana (Urasenke), Elizabeth Sloane, Robert Huey. J-Current reports on the achievements and activities of UHM Japanese Stud- Several UH delegations crossed paths ies faculty and students as well as Ja- in Japan in November, 2003. Director CJS SPONSERS CHANOYU pan-related events, research, scholar- Robert Huey was an invited participant OUTREACH PROJECT ships and overseas programs. Submis- at the annual conference held at the sion deadline for the next issue is April National Institute of Japanese Litera- The Center for Japanese Studies and 14, 2004. Please send to: ture (Kokubungaku Kenkyû Shiryôkan) The International Way of Tea Center on November 13th and 14th, then held its first outreach project on De- J-Current Editor joined School of Hawaiian, Asian and cember 8, 2003. The project brought 165 Center for Japanese Studies Pacific Studies (SHAPS) Dean Edgar Punahou high school students on the 1890 East-West Road, Moore 216 Porter, UH Foundation President Eliza- UHM campus for a tea demonstration University of Hawai‘i at Mânoa beth Sloane, and UHF Director of Cor- at Jaku’an Tea Hut and short lectures Honolulu, HI 96822 porate Relations Caroline Ingersoll at on complementary topics. Mr. a reception for UHM alumni in Japan, Yoshibumi Ogawa (Urasenke) gave tea E-mail:
[email protected] hosted by Dentsu, the UH Foundation, demonstrations in Jaku’an Tea Hut.