The Disneyland for Cars
interview The Disneyland for Cars An Interview with Otto Ferdinand Wachs, Chief Executive Officer, Autostadt GmbH, Wolfsburg, Germany Prior to assuming his present post in The Autostadt is a marketing tool 1999, Wachs was responsible for Volkswa- through which we try to communicate gen’s participation at the World Exposi- Volkswagen’s values to the public. We try tion and served as project head for the to appeal to various age groups, as well as Autostadt. Before that time, he was head a broad range of other target groups, and of public relations for the VW Group, it starts with schoolchildren. In June 2003 manager of the office of former VW CEO we opened an automotive-mobility school Dr. Carl H. Hahn, and provisional head to teach young children from northern of the company’s international press, Germany the answers to traffic, safety, and prior to which he worked for 12 months environmental questions. Ultimately, we in the United States and Canada. The hope to keep in touch with this young recipient of an M.B.A. from the University group so that they remain in contact with of Hamburg, Wachs began his association the brand. Meanwhile, for adults the with Volkswagen as an intern in 1983. Autostadt provides insight into our opera- tions. Adults can visit our factory, for COMPANY BRIEF Headquartered in example, and during their visits we’re able Wolfsburg, Germany, and launched in to build a dialogue and create good rela- Otto Ferdinand Wachs June 2000, Autostadt GmbH is a theme tionships with them. Of course, as many park that comprises more than 40 acres, of them are in the process of deciding on EDITORS’ NOTE In 1995, when Otto Ferdi- employs more than 2,000 people, and a new car, we try to plant the idea in their nand Wachs talked to Dr.
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