ISSUE 1/2009  V O L U M E 2 6  N U M B E R 1

Journal of architectural technology published by Hoffmann Architects, Inc., specialists in the rehabilitation of building exteriors. The Greenest Building Is the One that Doesn’t Need Rebuilding

John J. Hoffmann, FAIA

With the news media and the properly, that lasts its full twenty-year- profession in a frenzy over “green plus lifespan. building” and “sustainable design,” public perception plays a greater role Embodied Energy in defining environmentally conscious Each time a building is constructed, architecture than does responsible energy is consumed. In addition to building practice. New certification the usage of raw materials, energy is programs, such as the US Green Build- expended at each step in the process: ing Council’s Leadership in Energy • Manufacture/extraction of materials and Environmental Design (LEED) • Transportation to site (both of Green Building Rating System, attempt materials and of labor) to quantify building performance in • Construction terms of environmental impact, yet the • Demolition criteria used for awarding accredita- • Reconstruction tion tend to be skewed in favor of popularly identifiable “green” strate- The energy required to construct a gies, such as verdant roofs or light-re- building can be considered “embodied sponsive louvers. energy,” stored within the structure. When a building or a portion of a While it is important to place value building is demolished, this energy is on recycling waste water or incor- lost. porating natural lighting and ventila- In a recent project, Hoffmann Embodied energy encompasses all of the tion into building spaces, neglecting Architects was asked to evaluate and materials, transportation, and labor required less sound bite-savvy basics, such as rehabilitate the concrete block walls to construct a building. Attention to detail proper waterproofing and appropri- of a prison facility. The structure had conserves this energy by promoting longevity. ate installation, can have catastrophic environmental consequences. No been built a scant five years earlier, matter how energy efficient a green and would have scored a number of might seem to be, tearing the points on the LEED rating system: the entire assembly off and dumping it walls contained an energy-efficient in the landfill in a few short years six inches of insulation, well above because the underlying waterproofing the standard. Because a prison’s membrane fails has a more detrimen- requirements differ from those of tal impact on the planet than would a other structures, the design needed traditional roof, designed and installed to be especially sturdy and resistant

John J. Hoffmann, FAIA, is president of Hoffmann Architects. A nationally recognized authority on remedial archi- tecture, he has developed award-winning building enclosure solutions that emphasize comprehensive detailing, exacting construction, and long-term sustainability. Hoffmann Architects is a member of the US Green Building Council. JOURNAL

to damage, as well as long-lasting with tion. While decidedly unglamorous minimal maintenance requirements, concrete block detailing might not fall since, with prison overcrowding, cell under the common parlance of “green blocks cannot go unused for long building,” the environmental impact of periods while upkeep repairs are neglecting such details can be signifi- performed. cant. What the design overlooked were the The Integrated Envelope details. Poor design and construction methods permitted extensive water Building exterior systems are inter- entry into the wall cavity. Due to the dependent, and cannot be treated constant presence of moisture, mold as isolated entities. In an effort to spores developed and proliferated, implement energy improvements in Inappropriate “band-aid” repairs are creating a health hazard for staff and an existing structure, building owners not only unsightly, they create additional inmates. Ultimately, the decision was sometimes fall into the trap of taking impact on the environment when they fail quick-fix measures to tighten their or, worse, damage surrounding building made to completely rebuild all of the elements, which in turn require repair. exterior walls; the mold, an environ- energy belts. At best, such solutions mental toxin, would then require will probably not lead to significant inside a façade, then the potential expert remediation. Meanwhile, energy savings; at worst, failure to con- environmental benefit of improved additional energy (and taxpayer dol- sider the interrelatedness of building airtightness is negated by the energy lars) would need to be expended on components can actually cause new and material expenditure of reha- specialized construction methods and problems, or exacerbate existing ones. bilitating—or even replacing—the added security for the duration of the Single actions, such as adding insula- moisture-damaged wall. project. tion, replacing windows, or sealing The best bet, then, is an integrated Losing the embodied energy of such cracks, can potentially lead to other approach, beginning with assessments a substantial structure after only a problems if not considered in terms of the building’s condition, design, and few years of service could have been of the building enclosure as a whole. construction. Improvements tailored avoided quite simply with proper Should indiscriminate use of sealant, to the specific needs of the structure attention to details and construc- for instance, lead to trapped water can then be implemented holistically, with expert recommendations and construction oversight to see that the program of upgrades is well suited and carried out correctly. Thoughtful plan- ning helps to insure that the financial and environmental benefit of such measures isn’t lost to remediation of ill-conceived actions in the near future.

The Greenest Building Is…the One that Gets the Most Attention? While it is true that incorporating green technologies into a structure can be an opportunity to call atten- tion to a company’s commitment to the environment, press coverage could turn negative should those modifica- tions prove ineffective or, worse, det- rimental. Ultimately, the real environ- Failure to properly detail and build this concrete block wall left it open to water entry, mental value of building improvements which led to toxic mold growth. Exterior wythes must be demolished and rebuilt, wasting materials and energy. can be assessed only by enhanced

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It’s in the Details

Three-dimensional cut-away views illustrate proper place- ment of each component, while assuring that the detailer has considered each intersection and termination. Below: Pilaster cap detail.

Correct detailing of roof penetrations and building intersections can make the difference between a roof that must be thrown out and replaced in a few years, and one that’s still going strong at twenty. building performance, not by the pub- lic response to the upgrades. Design details don’t draw the kind of attention afforded the grander ges- tures of a living building face or system for reclaiming rainwater. But they are just as critical to minimizing ecological impact. As an example, for a build- ing addition, it is not enough to draw Exploded views, as supplements to numerous sections and de- a wall section only through the most tails of components, help workers understand assembly sequences common part of the structure. How and procedures. Below: Limestone panel and coping resecurement that wall will meet existing construc- to three-wythe brick back-up. tion, turn a corner, or open to pen- etrations are details that tend to be brushed aside, but these overlooked design elements are essential to build- ing a watertight, long-lasting structure. By trusting the most complicated and difficult intersections to a contractor’s imagination, designers shirk responsi- bility. Unfortunately, precise architectural detailing rarely captures the attention of the news media. Motivation to articulate and oversee design details is therefore lower than is the drive to make bold and elegant environmental statements. Still, the embodied energy lost by demolishing and replacing poorly detailed portions of such a “green” structure would take decades Note: Waterproofing under coping stone and between limestone panels is shown on other details. to recover, even for the best-perform- ing building. (continued on page 4)


Historic Applications Preservationists have been touting the environmental benefits of rehabilitating and reusing older buildings for decades. The National Trust for Historic Preservation reminds building industry professionals that regardless of how sus- tainably designed and constructed a structure may be, any new building creates a new impact on the environment. They note that rating systems like LEED were developed originally for new construction, and that the words “reha- bilitation” or even “reuse” don’t seem to factor much in sustainable building discussions. Historic structures, remarks the National Trust, were often built to be more energy efficient than are today’s Refurbishing, rather than replacing, older buildings saves energy and structures, in that their thick walls, high ceilings, natural materials. Here, restoring steel windows preserved historic character lighting and ventilation, long-lasting roofs, and siting for while minimizing costs and ecological impact. optimal weather exposure were designed to maximize energy must be consumed in melting, re-forming, and re- available resources. Still, even a slate or metal roof with installing it. Instead, the owner may have no choice but to the potential to last over 100 years must be designed and place a 20-year rubber roof atop the 100-year copper one installed correctly to reach its full lifespan, and it must be to waterproof it. Sustainability and historic integrity had preserved over the years with appropriate upkeep and both been compromised by an inattention to details. skilled repairs. If maintenance work is performed improp- erly, the resultant damage could potentially have a greater Real Green Buildings May Not Look Green environmental (and financial) impact than if no work had Even buildings built more recently, in the 1950s to 1980s, been done at all. when energy supplies seemed endless and little effort was spent on efficiency, are best rehabilitated to meet cur- A Case in Point rent energy standards, rather than demolished and rebuilt. Hoffmann Architects was called in to evaluate a leaking Because these structures are so abundant, the embodied flat-seam copper roof on a historic landmark structure. energy wasted on abandoning them would be significant The recent roof replacement had used historic materi- enough to take centuries to recover through any improved als that should have had a century-long lifespan, but poor operating efficiency. soldering at installation had led quickly to water infiltration. But as we rehabilitate these buildings, we need to eschew Because the improper installation is not repairable, the showy “green” improvements in favor of simple, well- copper roof would have to be completely removed and designed performance upgrades, some of which may be replaced once again. Although copper can be recycled, credited only with a supporting role.

(continued from page 3) life cycle assessment data for a certi- to mean environmentally responsible, Sometimes, the least expensive, least fied project.” What this means, then, means “able to continue for a long impressive solution also has the least in terms of accreditation, is that the time.” In other words, it must possess environmental repercussions. longevity of building components— the qualities of durability and longevity. the likelihood that they will fail and Designing for Durability The life cycle of a product encompass- need rehabilitation or replacement—is es not only its extraction or manufac- In a review of sustainable building not considered of much consequence turing, transport, and distribution, but rating systems, the American Institute to green design. Of course, the term also the environmental burden of the of Architects (AIA) notes that LEED “sustainable,” that is used nearly inter- material’s use, maintenance, recycling, “does not require the generation of changeably by the press with “green” and final disposal. Alife cycle assess-

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ment, then, attempts to identify and ditures associated with maintenance. energy and materials, a facility manager quantify the impact of energy con- Materials and design strategies chosen must commit to a maintenance prac- sumed and wastes released during the for their longevity not only reduce tice centered on thorough inspections lifespan of a particular material, system, the environmental ramifications of and diligent upkeep. frequent replacements, potentially, they or process, or of a building as a whole. Awarding twice the points for can minimize maintenance and repair While the commonly used rating sys- “green cleaning” approaches as for efforts. tems do place some emphasis on the innovations in operations, of which portion of a material’s life cycle before While LEED and other rating systems maintenance programs are only one it becomes part of a built structure, do offer points for sustainable im- component, means that the chemical, by awarding points, for example, for provements that lead to documented material, and energy wastes associ- locally harvested or recycled materials, ated with remedial construction are these criteria fail to consider the life considered practically negligible in cycle of materials after construction, “The environmental the sustainable building equation, as particularly if the installation has been compared with the choice of plant- or poorly conceived or executed. Use impact of neglecting petroleum-based floor polish. Opting of locally sourced, reclaimed cedar for to use environmentally friendly clean- cladding is certainly environmentally details can be ing practices is clearly laudable, but preferable to virgin wood extracted the overall effect of such practices is thousands of miles from the site, but significant.” ultimately not as great as is the impact if construction failure necessitates of forgoing inspections and mainte- replacing the cedar with fresh stock in nance and permitting the growth of a few years, any environmental benefit reductions in building operating bud- biohazardous mold. is negated. LEED’s failure to consider gets, they do not specifically reward fa- detailing, durability, and appropriate cility management programs that plan The Sustainable Building Enclosure installation in their rating program is for routine maintenance and timely re- Good building practice, including an oversight with potentially great pairs, two key elements in maximizing appropriate materials specification, environmental repercussions. If a the longevity of building components. detailed document preparation, adher- building system or assembly has a Indeed, such “green” building standards ence to details, and skilled installation, short lifespan, then, by definition, it is can be rather short-sighted about the may not be the buzzwords of the not sustainable. functional demands of building enve- green building initiative, but failure to lope components. To prevent minor keep proper detailing at the forefront Maintenance Considerations problems from becoming pervasive, of any construction project can take Another element of sustainability in- major ones, the remediation of which a substantial toll on the environment. volves the energy and material expen- demands extensive consumption of (continued on page 8)

What’s wrong with this picture? Appropriate, timely maintenance and Design flaws permit water entry and Through-wall flashing is not turned up repairs are critical to sustaining building lead to premature breakdown of compo- inside the wall, corner laps are insufficient, materials. Investigation into a problem’s nents. After only a few years of use, this and reinforcing bars penetrate flashings. cause prevents the additional financial and plaza must be ripped up and replaced, The result: multiple points for water entry. environmental burden of duplicate repairs. wasting energy and resources.


Learning the Lingo: Green Building Practice

Life Cycle Assessment: Evaluation of a product’s or process’ environmental impact by quantifying the energy and materials consumed and wastes released during its lifespan, encompassing extraction, processing, manufacture, transportation, use, re-use, maintenance, recycling, and disposal.

Embodied Energy: Quantity of energy required to manufacture/extract, transport, and install a material or product.

Sustainable Design: Arranging the built environment to integrate with, perpetuate, and preserve the natural world. In addition to ecological vitality, the design may also incorporate measures to encourage economic, social, or physical well- being.

Green Building: Practice of increasing the efficiency of buildings and minimizing environmental and human impact through improved waste management, materials selection and usage, resource consumption, siting, design, and operation.

LEED Rating System: The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System was developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), a nonprofit building industry group advocating for sustainable building practice. LEED is a third-party certification program that establishes criteria for measuring building performance, environmental and human health impact, and sustainability.

Building Envelope: Exterior enclosure of a structure, including the façade, roof, foundation, and plazas/terraces over occupied space.

Construction Failure: Premature breakdown of building components due to substandard or improper construction, design defects, material failures, or poor workmanship.

Architectural Detail (also, Construction Detail): Large-scale drawing that provides focused attention to the design, location, composition, correlation, and intersection of components in a critical and/or standard building element, such as flashings, joints, closures, or penetrations.

Building Performance: Energy efficiency, economic viability, health quality, and environmental impact of a structure. High-Performance Buildings minimize resource consumption and waste production, while optimizing the well-being of occupants and of the surrounding community.

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Sustainable Solutions Gillette Castle East Haddam, Hoffmann Architects designs sustain- Roof Consultation and Building Envelope able answers to building envelope Investigation problems not just because it’s the catchword of the day. We’ve been cre- Campus Tower Building ating innovative, long-lasting solutions Montgomery College to building distress and correcting the Rockville, Maryland effects of construction failure for over Curtain Wall Replacement three decades. National Air & Space Museum Our approach to challenging dete- Smithsonian Institution rioration situations makes details a Washington, District of Columbia priority and considers building exterior Water Infiltration Investigation and Terrace components as a dynamic system, to Rehabilitation develop integrated programs that are both cost-effective and environmentally Stock Exchange sensitive. If a rehabilitation effort must New York, New York be reconstructed due to poor design , Façade Rehabilitation and Reroofing or construction, then the additional in New York, New York. Landmark Façade and energy and materials expended creates Roof Rehabilitation that received the National a negative ecological impact, no matter Trust for Historic Preservation Award how “green” the original design.

Improving building integrity and creating Performing Arts Center and Campus- effective, lasting solutions to exterior Center South envelope problems has been Hoffmann State University of New York (SUNY) Architects’ specialty since 1977. A few Purchase, New York examples: Roof Repair / Replacement and Plaza Rehabilitation York Correctional Institution Niantic, Connecticut Renwick Gallery Building Envelope Integrity Remediation Smithsonian Institution of 22 Buildings Washington, District of Columbia Water Infiltration Investigation and GE Building Façade Rehabilitation Rockefeller Center New York, New York Bureau of Engraving and Printing Façade and Roof Rehabilitation, and U.S. Department of the Treasury United States Capitol Building in Wash- Window Replacement Washington, District of Columbia ington, District of Columbia. Water Penetration National Trust for Historic Preservation Limestone Façade Investigation and Study and Dome Restoration that received the Award Repairs AIA New England Regional Council Design Award


JOURNAL is a publication of Hoffmann Architects, Inc., specialists in the rehabilitation of building exteriors. The firm’s work includes investigative and rehabilitative architecture and engineering services for the analysis and resolution of problems within roofs, facades, glazing, and structural systems of existing buildings, plazas, terraces and parking garages.

Please send news, technical information, address changes or requests for free subscriptions to Editor, Hoffmann Architects JOURNAL, 2321 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 06518.

For information on the services offered by Hoffmann Architects, contact our Marketing Coordinator at 800-239-6665 or: Inappropriate materials selection can mean early replacement—and wasted resources. When wind pressures proved too great for the self-adhered insulation on this roof, the material 2321 Whitney Avenue pulled apart and shifted under the membrane. Hamden, CT 06518 203-239-6660 (continued from page 5) No matter how many points a proj- and shelters occupants in comfort. 500 , Suite 830 ect nets on LEED or another such When poor design or installation New York, NY 10110 212-789-9915 rating system, construction failure compromises these essential functions, can negate any potential benefit the problems must be addressed, 2611 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 200 from green technologies in a couple creating a new impact on the environ- Arlington, VA 22202 of years—or fewer. ment with each remedial project. 703-253-9800 If the roof leaks or the walls The movement to recognize sustain- For more information on the topics crumble, it matters little that they able building strategies is timely and discussed in this article, visit us on the web at or contact were made of recycled denim or important. But in our haste to jump us at [email protected]. harbored a population of local plant on the environmental bandwagon, species. The building exterior must let’s not neglect the basics of sound Editor: Alison Hoffmann still operate as a sound enclosure, building design that have sustained our Production: Cari Tate one that protects from the elements structures for centuries.

Hoffmann Architects, Inc. 2321 Whitney Avenue Hamden, CT 06518