Jewish Newborn Ceremonies 101: An overview of ceremonies to welcome baby boys and .

A baby is born or adopted into a Jewish family, and (according to prescribed custom) by a , an through that, into a covenantal community. From individual trained in the practice and its . For the ancient tradition of circumcision to many girls, the much newer simchat bat or brit contemporary, innovative ceremonies, a new banot (frequently referred to in English as a “baby Jewish boy or becomes a focal point for naming”) can take place on a variety of days. It and celebration. The choosing of a name becomes often follows a similar structure as the , an opportunity to connect with people, stories, with one of several covenantal or welcoming acts events, and associations that are significant to the (e.g., candlelighting, footwashing, or being wrapped parents. in a [prayer shawl]) as the ritual centerpiece. Some families follow the simpler and longer- History and Development standing custom of having their new daughter The practice of circumcising baby boys (brit milah, receive her Hebrew or name during a or “the covenant of circumcision”) has its roots in -reading service, rather than ’s circumcising the male members of his holding a freestanding simchat bat. household, as recorded in the biblical Book of Just as the longstanding tradition of brit milah for Genesis. It is a deep and persistent symbol of boys inspired the creation of parallel ceremonies for covenant and continuity for the Jewish people. girls, the creative approach to tradition that has A parallel ceremony for girls (often called a simchat marked simchat bat ceremonies has in many cases bat, “celebration of a daughter,” or brit banot, shaped the way that brit milah is celebrated, for “daughters’ covenant”) is a contemporary example, with fuller involvement of the mother, development with historical and cultural and an emphasis on themes equally applicable to predecessors, inspired by , and girls and boys. practiced in most liberal and some traditional In Practice communities. Families and communities have also acknowledged and celebrated the arrival of babies A ceremony and celebration for a Jewish baby is in many other ways throughout , and often planned in a hurry after the baby is born. in different Jewish traditions throughout the world, Fortunately, there are many resources available to with a variety of home and synagogue rituals of parents and families to help with the planning a brit celebration and naming. milah or a simchat bat. Those attending such an event have a special role to play as family and Liturgy, Ritual, and Custom community members. Enjoying the festive meal (or For boys, the ceremony for brit milah (also known seudah) is considered a sacred obligation. Families as a “bris”) traditionally takes place on the eighth may mark the occasion with a () day of life, and includes words of blessing, the or other social action project, or continue circumcision itself, and the giving of a name. the ancient custom of planting a tree in honor of Traditionally the responsibility of the baby’s father, each child. the act of circumcision is usually performed interesting questions about ceremonies of welcoming, naming, and covenant. What are the Jewish tradition mandates a ceremony in which connections and differences between ceremonies first-born Jewish males (those who are the first to for girls and those for boys? Is there a move toward “open the womb” of their mother) are “redeemed” standardization or diversity in ceremonies for girls? from the service of the ancient priests. It is usually a And what happens when Jewish tradition collides small, private ceremony in which someone who is with contemporary debates about the morality and believed to be a descendant from the priestly class effects of circumcision? Finally with a large (a cohen) symbolically releases the child back to his percentage of marrying non-Jews, some parents. It is mainly practiced today by traditionally couples debate what faith tradition to raise their observant Jews. child, and if both, then how are newborn Issues ceremonies reflecting those decisions?

The encounter between tradition and modernity, For more Jewish parenting help, visit our partner and between different Jewish customs, raises site See also:

The Brit Milah (Bris): What You Need to Know: Questions and answers about the circumcision ceremony for Jewish baby boys.

Bar and Bat 101: An overview of this Jewish for 12- and 13- year-olds.

Coming of age for a , which happens Bar/Bat Mitzvah History automatically at age 13 for a boy and 12 for a girl, is The history of the bar mitzvah dates back to a fifth- termed , that is, obligated to perform the Jewish mitzvot (commandments). A century rabbinic text references a blessing (still part ceremony marking the first performance of mitzvot of a traditional bar mitzvah) recited by the father thanking for freeing him from responsibility for such as being called up to the Torah the to say the blessings (known as “getting an “) began to the deeds of his child, who is now accountable for make sense only in the Middle Ages. Earlier, the age his own actions. A 14th-century text mentions a father reciting this blessing in a synagogue when his of majority had little practical meaning because minors were “permitted” (though not “obligated”) son has his first aliyah. By the 17th century, boys to perform many rituals that were later reserved celebrating this were also reading from the Torah, chanting the weekly prophetic only for boys who had reached the age of bar portion, leading services, and delivering learned mitzvah talks. Religious reformers of 19th-century Europe, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Contemporary Issues uncomfortable with the ritual focus of the bar mitzvah, developed the ceremony, Egalitarianism and feminism have pushed the which celebrated the acquisition of the principles of development of meaningful bat mitzvah ceremonies for girls in traditional communities, and some Jewish faith by older teens. The confirmation ceremony quickly included girls as well as boys and Orthodox feminists want to explore the legal spread to Reform and later Conservative texts and develop a consensus on expectations for a girl’s bat mitzvah in the public sphere. congregations in the United States. An issue that has reshaped the bar/bat mitzvah The bat mitzvah celebration made a late appearance in the United States with the bat ceremony in some liberal communities is the mitzvah of Judith Kaplan (daughter of