Polling Postal Voters In Polling Electors Polling Place District Voters Person Stations RV14-BBE3 569 80 489 St Aidan’s Parish Church Hall Single RV15-BBE2 1554 272 1282 St Aidan’s Parish Church Hall Single RV16-BBE1 1279 223 1056 Bamber Bridge Methodist Church Single

Parliamentary Constituency All three polling districts are in the St Aidan’s Parish Church Parliamentary Constituency. Hall

County Division RV14-BBE3 and RV16-BBE1 are in the East County Division. RV15-BBE2 is within the & Bamber Bridge County Division.

Parish None of the polling districts are within a parish.

Existing Polling Places Both polling places are very good venues with good access and parking.

Suitable Alternative Polling Places Bamber Bridge Leisure Centre, The Coppice Bamber Bridge Methodist Church School, Bamber Bridge St Aidan’s CE Primary School, Church School and Cumberland School.

Walton-le-Dale Young People’s Centre is within this ward but is on the boundary with & Ward. It is currently used for polling district RV17-CGGL1 and it would not be suitable to use as a double station.

Electors The number of people voting at each polling place are within the acceptable levels.

Proposed Development There is no development proposed in polling districts RV14-BBE3 and RV15-BBE2. In RV16- BBE1 there are 151 properties (257 electors) proposed to be developed by 2024.

Recommendation Polling Districts - The ward is currently split into three polling districts. Bamber Bridge Methodist Church covers the southern part of the ward and the two polling districts to the north are within different County divisions. The number of electors voting in person at each polling station is acceptable, and the proposed development would not impact on this. Therefore, it is recommended that no changes are required to the polling districts.

Polling Places - Both existing polling places are very good and none of the alternative venues would be as suitable as the existing polling places and therefore, it is recommended that St Aidan’s Parish Church Hall and Bamber Bridge Methodist Church continue to be used as the polling places for Bamber Bridge East.

© Crown copyright and database rights OS 100022485 | County Council Licence 100023320


Polling Postal Voters In Polling Electors Polling Place District Voters Person Stations RV12-BBW1 2235 336 1899 Bamber Bridge Catholic Club Double RV13-BBW2 862 130 752 Bamber Bridge Methodist Church Single

Parliamentary Constituency Both polling districts are in the Ribble Valley Bamber Bridge Catholic Club Parliamentary Constituency.

County Division Both polling districts are within the Lostock Hall & Bamber Bridge County Division.

Parish Neither of the polling districts are within a parish.

Existing Polling Places Both polling places are very good venues with good access and parking.

Suitable Alternative Polling Places Bamber Bridge Football Club and St Mary’s Bamber Bridge Methodist Church & St Benedict’s RC Primary School. The council moved away from the school in 2015 to the Catholic Club.

Electors The number of people voting at each polling place are within the acceptable levels.

Proposed Development In RV12-BBW1 there are 70 properties (119 electors) proposed to be developed by 2024. In RV13-BBW2 there are 18 properties (37 electors) proposed to be developed by 2024.

Recommendation Polling Districts - The ward is currently split into two polling districts with Bamber Bridge Catholic Club covering the north of the ward and Bamber Bridge Methodist Church covering the south. Both polling districts are within different County Divisions and the proposed development would still mean that the number of electors voting in person at each polling station is acceptable, so it is recommended that no changes are required to the polling districts.

Polling Places - Both existing polling places are very good and none of the alternative venues would be as suitable as the existing polling places and therefore, it is recommended that Bamber Bridge Catholic Club and Bamber Bridge Methodist Church continue to be used as the polling places for Bamber Bridge West.

© Crown copyright and database rights OS 100022485 | Lancashire County Council Licence 100023320


Polling Postal Voters In Polling Electors Polling Place District Voters Person Stations SR09-B1 2489 447 2042 Northbrook Primary School Double SR10-B2 1265 231 1034 St Mary’s Priory Club Single

Parliamentary Constituency Both polling districts are in the South Ribble Parliamentary Constituency. Northbrook Primary School

County Division Both polling districts are within the Leyland Central County Division.

Parish Neither of the polling districts are within a parish.

Existing Polling Places Both polling places are very good venues with good access and parking. However, the school has asked the Council to look at alternative venues.

Suitable Alternative Polling Places There are no suitable alternative venues. St Mary’s Priory Club

Electors The number of people voting at each polling place are within the acceptable levels.

Proposed Development In SR09-B1 there are five properties (9 electors) proposed to be developed by 2024. There is no development proposed in SR10-B2.

Recommendation Polling Districts - The ward is currently split into two polling districts as both polling districts were previously within different County Divisions. Since then the County Division boundaries have changed and the ward is now wholly within Leyland Central County Division. Therefore, the existing polling districts are now only used to differentiate which polling place each elector would need to attend if they would like to vote. There is very little development proposed within the next five years within the ward and therefore this would not impact much on the total electorate. It is recommended that both polling districts be combined to make one polling district.

Polling Places - Both existing polling places are very good and there are no suitable alternatives. As the school has asked us to look at possible alternatives on a number of occasions, consideration has been given as to whether the whole ward could be combined at one polling place. If the two polling districts are combined, as referred to in the paragraph above, this would only require two polling stations of approximately 1500 voters for each station. This is within the acceptable levels for a double station. St Mary’s Priory Club would be more than capable of becoming a double station as the room used and the parking available are excellent. Consideration has been given to the additional distance some of the electors to the north of the ward would have to travel with some having to travel up to 0.8 miles. However, this is only 0.3 miles further from Northbrook Primary School. It is therefore recommended that only one polling place be used for the Broadfield ward and this be a double station at St Mary’s Priory Club.

© Crown copyright and database rights OS 100022485 | Lancashire County Council Licence 100023320


Polling Postal Voters In Polling Electors Polling Place District Voters Person Stations SR20-BO1 2764 677 2087 Cop Lane CE Primary School Double SR21-BO2 797 191 606 Woodcroft Close Community Centre Single

Parliamentary Constituency Both polling districts are in the South Ribble Cop Lane CE Primary School Parliamentary Constituency.

County Division Both polling districts are within the