Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society
I I. L /; I; COLLECTIONS OF THE j^olja Scotia ^isitoncal ^otitiv ''Out of monuments, names, wordes, proverbs, traditions, private records, and evidences, fragments of stories, passages of bookes, and the like, we do save, and recover somewhat from the deluge of time."—Lord Bacon: The Advancement of Learning. "A wise nation preserves its records, gathers up its muniments, decorates the tombs' of its illustrious dead, repairs its great structures, and fosters national pride and love of country, by perpetual re- ferences to the sacrifices and glories of the past."—Joseph Howe. VOLUME XVII. HALIFAX, N. S. Wm. Macnab & Son, 1913. FI034 Cef. 1 'TAe care which a nation devotes to the preservation of the monuments of its past may serve as a true measure of the degree of civilization to which it has attained.'' {Les Archives Principales de Moscou du Ministere des Affairs Etrangeres Moscow, 1898, p. 3.) 'To discover and rescue from the unsparing hand of time the records which yet remain of the earliest history of Canada. To preserve while in our power, such documents as may he found amid the dust of yet unexplored depositories, and which may prove important to general history, and to the particular history of this province.'" — Quebec Literary and Historical Society. NATIONAL MONUMENTS. (By Henry Van Dyke). Count not the cost of honour to the deadl The tribute that a mighty nation pays To those who loved her well in former days Means more than gratitude glory fled for ; For every noble man that she hath bred, Immortalized by art's immortal praise, Lives in the bronze and marble that we raise, To lead our sons as he our fathers led.
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